
JontaI have a suggestion for Ubiquity10:13
JontaThough I am quite impressed by the one found in UNE 10.04, I can see a small, and probably simple chance for improving it10:13
JontaWhen choosing keyboard-layout, there are three options.10:14
JontaI was quite intrigued by the "Guess"-option10:14
JontaIt asks to press any of a handful of characters10:14
JontaWhen pressing, say "+", I am asked if the character "æ" is on my keyboard10:15
JontaHere, Ubiquity expects the user to say yes or no10:15
JontaMy suggestion is to let the user just press this key10:16
JontaBecause as it is now, one first has to say "yes", and then answer "no" to the question "Is this key (ä) on your keyboard?", and then press "æ"10:17
cjwatsonJonta: sounds like a useful suggestion to me - could you file a bug about that?  perhaps on the cdebconf-keystep package in Ubuntu, although ev might pop up and say it should be somewhere else11:19
Jontacjwatson: Hm, directions on that? Never done this before..11:20
evcdebconf-keystep is a good place to start.  It will have to be rewritten for ubiquity as the two components only share the decision tree used by both.11:21
evJonta: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdebconf-keystep/+filebug11:21
JontaWhat short description to give though..11:22
cjwatsonup to you11:23
cjwatsonI'm sure we'll work it out11:23
JontaFound one. Reporting...11:25
evwow, screw kvm-autotest.  Sikuli is made of some serious awesome.11:43
evnot being tied to KVM, it means we can do graphical testing across both KVM and real hardware without any changes.11:44
sorenNot really.11:44
sorenUnless something changed, of course.11:45
sorenHow would you hook up Sikuli to the installer?11:45
evI'd do lots of black magic in an early_command11:45
sorenYeah, but Sikuli doesn't know how to look at a virtual framebuffer, as I understand it.11:46
sorenIt takes screenshots from an X server.11:46
evthis would be running it from within the kvm instance11:46
sorenAh, so you'd use Sikuli to interact with the SDL window from kvm?11:47
evahh, I think I see your point.  We can't use it for server tests.  kvm-autotest is still the best option for that.11:49
sorenMaybe. I hadn't thought of using Sikuli to talk to kvm's SDL window. It'd be an interesting experiment.11:51
soren..but for testing gui stuff, Sikuli is very likely the best bet.11:51
evDon't get me wrong, I still see lots of value in kvm-autotest :)11:52
sorenYeah, it's quite nice if you have time to hold its hand. Some sort of computer vision magic like Sikuli would certainly make it less painful to maintain.11:53
* soren adds that experiment to his TODO list11:54
CIA-9base-installer: cjwatson * r401 ubuntu/ (42 files in 8 dirs): merge from Debian 1.10712:02
CIA-9base-installer: cjwatson * r402 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.107ubuntu112:39
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pmatulisfor network installs, how do i get to point to installation media available by HTTP?  i'm looking at the pxelinux.cfg/default file17:25
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