
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
arand_Are #xubuntu invite-only/banning tor access/nonexistant/banning me for no apparent reason?17:56
wdhit appears that everything with @gateway/tor* is banned, so yes, that will keep you out19:02
Piciarand_: Let me take a look at that.19:04
Piciarand_: Removed.19:07
arand_Pici: Cheers19:07
arand_(Just noticed it before and thought it a bit odd)19:11
Piciarand_: It doesn't make sense to keep it now that freenode requires users to use sasl to connect with tor.19:11
tritiumWho owns the lubotu* bots?21:42
tritiumI just removed lubotu1 from #ubuntu-us-nm.  We have ubot3, and never requested lubotu1.21:43
DJonestritium: the loco channel bots have been replaced, different geographic loco's get different lubotu*'s21:46
DJoneshave a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots lubotu1 is the ubot* replacement for the America's loco's21:46
DJonesLooks like ubottu & ubot* are kept for the core/non-loco channels21:48
tritiumDJones: I was not aware of this.21:49
DJonesI'm only aware becuase the same question came up in -uk a day or so back21:50
tritiumWell, now I have to figure out how to get lubotu1 back in #ubuntu-us-nm.  ;)  I'll ask nalioth to remove ubot3.21:51
DJonestritium: I think you probably need to ping jus.si or ts.impson21:51
tritiumOK, thanks.21:51
tritiumAccording to that URL above, we're supposed to have lubotu4 in our channel.21:52
tritiumNo, my mistake.21:52
tritiumjussi, tsimpson: can either of you please re-add lubotu1 to #ubuntu-us-nm?  I kicked him out.  Sorry!21:53
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember22:36

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