
c7pgodbyk: Typically a screeshot is on the top of the page and then the text follows. Is there any problem if I move some text before screenshot (actually put the screenshot after a paragraph that is slit by it)00:41
c7pgodbyk: When you find some time, send me an e-mail about what can we do about the "movement" of screenshots. Some screenshots have to be placed after some paragraphs or even on different pages... (I have sent you 1-2 mails on your gmail so I guess you have my e-mail address :D)01:03
c7plong day .... night all01:03
flanFinally home.02:54
* flan hax test code.02:55
flanBleh. I forgot to push my Quickshot commits from work.03:02
flanWebsite leaf naming convention: nouns or verbs?04:19
flan(index/list_projects, screenshot/upload)04:20
flanAnyone with substantial development experience have a preference?04:20
flanOr is it generally fine to just use whatever makes sense?04:21
* flan went with nouns.04:57
flanNext design thing: construct archives in-memory or on-disk?04:59
flanActually, I can't do it in-memory, so that's a non-issue.05:00
flanOoh. I can combine the tempfile module and the tarfile module. Yay for Python.05:03
humphreybcI'm enjoying just watching you talk to yourself05:05
flanI think better when I've convinced people care about my musings.05:06
flanURL mapping rules defined. Now for sleep.05:35
flan(I can actually start playing with templating and data tomorrow! Yay!)05:35
* humphreybc is super tired08:19
czajkowskihumphreybc: ping08:29
humphreybcczajkowski: ello08:32
flanubuntujenkins, after a bit of reflecting, I kinda think it might make more sense to go with reStructuredText for documentation, after all. We're not building a library, so the main benefits of epytext would be lost, and Pylons, which I'm using for the server, auto-generates reST stubs everywhere, in addition to using it as the project-encompasing document template standard.15:02
ubuntujenkinsflan: that fine by me can you mail the list and update this page please15:04
quickshotdevsThe Quickshot code base tries to follow some conventions  a list of them is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/quickshot/style .15:04
flanI will. I was kinda hoping you'd link to that so I wouldn't have to go looking. :)15:04
ubuntujenkinsno probelm the bot currently has these commands15:05
quickshotdevsUseage: +<factoid> Examples: +website , +blueprint , +qssource , +involved , +question , +style , +use , +ppa , +quickshot , +code , +launchpad , +bug15:05
ubuntujenkinsexcept its not a + any more i need to change that its now ? people +1 ing was confusing it15:06
flanLaunchpad is an OpenID provider? Weird...15:06
thorwilflan: so Pylons is to your liking? found any stumbling blocks?15:11
flanI accidentally sent my first response directly to you, Luke. Please ignore my momentary stupid.15:20
flanI'm liking it more as I read through its reference documentation, but I've yet to actually start gluing its pieces together, thorwil.15:20
flanI'll be able to answer you this weekend.15:20
flanOr maybe today.15:20
flanSince I plan to make the first connection between controller, template, and data-model soon.15:21
flanIt's looking pretty awesome, though.15:21
flanAs far as providing a flexible framework with enough standards to allow for collaboarative development goes, anyway.15:21
thorwili wonder if https://fedorahosted.org/moksha/, which adds to turbogears (which adds to pylons) will be useful. it seems it's too early, no adoption yet at all15:24
flanThis is a pretty simple system, really. Pylons, by itself, seems more than capable of handling it.15:25
flan(I also want to keep dependencies light)15:25
flan(Since this needs to run on one of our webhosts)15:25
flan(While mine is super-Python-friendly, godby-k's is a little more conservative)15:26
flan(I can easily handle the traffic for 10.10, though, if it comes to that)15:26
thorwilit's quite sad how virtually every hoster supports php, but python? i found some who just list it as checkmark item somewhere, with no version and no word aboust wsgi. if at all15:29
godbyk-saganthorwil: I agree.15:30
godbyk-saganmy host doesn't have good wsgi support, it seems.15:30
godbyk-sagan(at least from what I've gathered)15:30
flanIt has wsgi support as a side-effect of a Rails module.15:32
flanWhich is good enough.15:32
flanBut it's not very happy-making.15:32
flanMine used to have the name "python-hosting.com", though.15:32
flanWhich is the main reason I looked at them.15:32
rickspencer3Hi all15:33
* flan makes decisions based on poor information.15:33
flanHi, you.15:33
ubuntujenkinshello rickspencer315:33
godbyk-saganflan: true, but I don't know how good it actually is.15:34
rickspencer3I'm working on the application developer manual blueprint15:35
flanI read into it a bit before deciding to actually use Pylons, after thorwil's initial recommendation.15:35
flanIt looks like it works reliably and reasonably efficiently.15:35
flanNobody was complaining and there were a number of guides on setting it up.15:35
flanI'm going to try to be as aggressive as possible with memory-management, though.15:36
flan(Whether that means using disk for caching stuff or tuning the GC in some way)15:36
flanBut, again, worst-case, I can host this thing easily. And the public site will be written in PHP, since it'll be all-static, with the exception of its bulletin-board thing.15:37
flanSo that can easily live on your host.15:38
rickspencer3can you guys help me out with the bluerprint?15:39
rickspencer3I'm trying to figure out what tasks I'll need to do as editor of the manual15:39
flanA critical sense of judgment about what constitutes a best-practice approach and what tools are best-suited to accomplising tasks would be valuable.15:51
flani.e., not recommending Perl for cases where readability and maintainability are important (things that would likely be better-served by Python) and not recommending building an application framework from scratch when well-established frameworks exist that already do all of the common work.15:52
flanProbably just knowing enough about available tools and technologies to correct the writers when they provide outdated information or repeat myths.15:54
flanIs that the sort of thing you're wondering about?15:55
flanrickspencer3, Dive Into Python has fallen out of favour (though I'd still recommend it to some people).16:28
ubuntujenkinsflan http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/daily-digest-windicator-mock-ups.html the e-mail is out :)16:28
flanI can't remember what's currently popular, but you can find it in the topic of #python.16:29
flan(I'm not in there because I get distracted far too easily)16:29
flanOoh. Windicator looks like a good use of the new whitepsace.16:30
flanLawl, me making typos.16:30
flanTold you I'd miss something.16:30
rickspencer3flan, yeah, I'm working on the work items now16:39
ChrisWoollardHey all. How are you.17:10
ubuntujenkinshello, I am good you?17:11
ChrisWoollardI feel I have not really been on irc much recently17:12
ChrisWoollardI haven't really paid much attention to what hasbeen going on.17:13
flanI've seen your namy many times, without actually knowing who you are.17:14
flan(I recently nickchanged from Red_HamsterX; I'm some Quickshot guy)17:14
ChrisWoollardI guess I am some Translation / whatever I can do kind of guy.17:18
ChrisWoollardWhy the change from Red_Hamster17:19
flanIt was awkward and silly.17:19
flan(This handle was taken, though)17:19
ChrisWoollardI guess it isn't now17:20
flanJust telling you who I am, in case you've been lurking.17:20
ChrisWoollardLurking....   That sounds scary17:21
flanIt just means someone who watches a discussion without participating.17:23
ChrisWoollardI do like to participate. I have just been busy recently17:26
flanOh, I'm not trying to imply anything.17:27
flanI'm just trying to minimize confusion.17:27
flanAnd failing.17:27
* flan fails a lot.17:27
ChrisWoollardNever mind. I often find confusion occurs a lot while writing.17:28
flanSummary: I used to be someone else. You did not know who I was. Therefore, no knowledge needs to be ported from one identity to another.17:38
ChrisWoollardSummary: I was aware of you, so knowing about the name change was useful.17:39
ChrisWoollardJust out of interest. What happened to the UK translation of the manual again. It appears that the  translations have changed again to "NNeeds Review"..... again....17:42
ubuntujenkinsiirc there was a reason it happend but i can't remeber what it was17:43
flanUnfortunately, I don't know anything about how translations states work. :(17:43
quickshotdevsflan: Error: "s" is not a valid command.17:43
* ubuntujenkins gggrrr silly bot17:44
ChrisWoollardI remember that godbyk fixed it last time.17:45
ChrisWoollardI do also vaguely remember that there is a bug that Humphrybc has going to talk to the launchpad devs about at uds17:46
flanI think that bug was addressed.17:46
flanWhatever it was.17:46
flanSomeone announced that some Launchpad issue was fixed following a UDS discussion and then people cheered.17:47
ubuntujenkinsI thought the tempoary fix to that bug was to disable po editing and not allow manual imports17:47
ChrisWoollardThat sounds about right17:47
flanOr my memory's broken.17:48
* flan shouldn't comment on things that don't directly affect him.17:48
ChrisWoollardIt could also be my memory that is broken.17:48
ubuntujenkinsor mine :)17:48
ChrisWoollardBottom line though. Something has made it happen again17:49
ChrisWoollardI guess I will mention it to Godbyk when he turns up17:50
flanHi, dutchie.18:34
dutchiethorwil: re he-mark, err, what?19:04
thorwildutchie: it's an exercise in restraint and seriousness19:16
dutchiethorwil: what's with the darth vader-alike in the background?19:17
thorwildutchie: like i wrote on the blog, a koala-skeletor didn't work19:18
flanBut Skeletor always wins!19:25
thorwili hate sony music, but it was not very wise of Ben to use some of "their" music for his UDS video20:12
flan"their" referring to which label?20:14
* flan hasn't watched it.20:14
thorwilgodbyk-sagan: http://www.advogato.org/person/raph/diary.html?start=42020:39
flanOoh. More fonts.20:43
* ubuntujenkins likes it now the channel has a few more people in again21:37
ubuntujenkinsflan: as a wish list item for this release if we have time I would quite like to add apport support.  This does tie us into 'buntu distros, may be we can add it as a option in the build. I am looking into how hard it is etc. It would make bug reports easier. What is your opinion on this?21:42
dutchieyou can always patch it in to the ubuntu client21:43
dutchielots of already-existing packages do that iirc21:43
ubuntujenkinsit looks like it is easy to do, only a handful of lines of code. I think it would make life easier.21:44
ubuntujenkinsWhen people submit bugs there is a list of things that would help us with it but people don't always read it.21:45
flanWe're going to be maintaining Ubuntu/UMP-specific patches. Making it part of the .deb build process should be pretty easy.22:03
flan(I've added patches against .debs on the Debian side before)22:04
ubuntujenkinscool, we also have to do a make file i guess22:04
flan(It was generally just a matter of making sure the patches were in the right directories and indexed in the serial application file)22:04
flanWe'll worry about that when we get to it. :)22:05
flanI'm sure there are other packages we can leech from.22:05
flan(I've never actually done a Python makefile before, but they aren't so bad for C)22:05
ubuntujenkinsgood, I have never done any patching stuff. I think this will be another steap learning curve :)22:05
flanPatching's easy. =P22:05
dutchiegenerally you use distutils for python22:05
flanbzr branch, hack stuff, bzr diff > patch22:05
dutchierather than make22:05
flanBut ubuntujenkins is the only one of us who's built a .deb from scratch.22:06
flanAs far as I know.22:06
flanI've just altered existing ones.22:06
dutchiei think i have. once. a long time ago22:06
ubuntujenkinsI tend to cheet and use quicklys help there is abit of hacking needed on it.22:07
ubuntujenkinsDo we want to packages the server?22:07
ubuntujenkinsI have learnt allot about packaging what with the latex ppa22:07
flanI'm not sure how well packaging the server would work.22:08
flanI've seen a few PHP-based systems packaged and it's always been awkward to configure them.22:09
flanOr, actually, no, that's just been the ones packaged by third parties.22:09
flanWe could probably use the Wikimedia packages or something as a reference.22:09
flanI'll restructure the directories a bit once I have something working, to try to make that a viable idea.22:10
ubuntujenkinsI don't know it was just an out loud thought. It does rely on people having a "standard" setup22:10
flanAs for apport itself, I think that'd be a really good idea.22:10
flanI hate the thought of bugs going unreported due to users being overwhelmed or too busy.22:10
flanAnd Ubuntu's our main focus, so we might as well make use of its features to make out stuff better.22:11
ubuntujenkinsyea and it doesn't look like much work aprox 10 - 20 lines if i understand it right22:11
flanI'm guessing it's just a top-level exception-grabber.22:11
ubuntujenkinsbasically we have to get it to grab log files so, quickhsot must make a log file in /var/logs22:14
ubuntujenkinsthats my understanding of it atm22:14
flanGot a link?22:14
ubuntujenkinsI spend 5 mins looking. emm handon ...22:14
flanI think you misunderstood that part (which is good for us, 'cause it means we don't have to mess with /var/logs unless we have to)22:17
ubuntujenkinsok i didn't read it properly i did skim it :)22:17
flanThe example is just adding the contents of a logfile to the report that'll be submitted.22:17
flanBut it's cool that it can do things like that, since it means we can add whatever we want to the report.22:18
flanWhich means we can probably implement some sort of step-tracer in the design.22:18
flanLike an in-memory log.22:18
flanEvery time the user advances through a dialogue box or clicks something, we could log that event, like what we were doing with the --debug flag in
ubuntujenkinsthats what i was going to ask about22:19
flanIf it dies, we could just attach that thing as a big string.22:19
flanAnd then trace every single step.22:20
ubuntujenkinsI think this would be good in so many ways22:20
flanExcellent idea.22:20
* ubuntujenkins adds it to the todo list22:20
ubuntujenkinsadded it to my list22:21
ubuntujenkinsI am liking tracks for my organising22:22
flanI'm still working off of http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/f0VIdaLXWZ22:22
ubuntujenkinsI think ther si a page on the wiki ....22:23
quickshotdevsFactoid 'plan' not found22:23
flanOh, but it looks like the hook doesn't share memory with the client...22:25
flan(i.e., it's launched externally)22:26
flan(Which is kinda good, in that it means we won't need to change our core code to make use of it)22:26
flanWe'll probably have to write a per-session activity log to .quickshot/debug/log or something, then.22:27
ubuntujenkinsthats a good place to put it22:27
ubuntujenkinsthis happended to be in my inbox https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek1001/DetailingBugs22:32
dakerhello @all22:35
ubuntujenkinshey daker22:35
flanI've been interested in Apport for a while, but I do most of my development projects with ultra-conservative Debian as a target platform, so...22:37
ubuntujenkinsthis will be a fun to add22:37
flanIt'll be well worth however long it takes.22:38
flan(And, as you said, it looks easy)22:38
ubuntujenkinsI agree22:39
flanWait, what? SunK's in Calgary, too?22:41
SunKhey flan22:47
SunKyeah I'm22:47
* flan was formerly known as Red_HamsterX.22:47
flan(I finally got this name freed up)22:47
ubuntujenkinswow two people on the quickshot  team in the same place22:47
flanYeah. Kinda strange.22:47
flanBut Calgary's a big place.22:48
* flan answers the looming question first.22:48
SunKi'm new to Calgary22:51
SunKuse to live in Vancouver22:51
flanThat doesn't tell me what part of the city you live in. :(22:52
flanHow am I supposed to mock you now?22:52
SunKhaha Panorama Hills22:53
flan...Well, I can't really mock that.22:53
dutchieubuntujenkins: in fairness, we're not *that* far apart22:53
ubuntujenkinstrue dutchie, I wich i could have gone to ogg camp22:54
dutchieubuntujenkins: next one may be down south22:54
ubuntujenkinsI am on placemnet next year so i have a car. So fingers crossed I may make it22:54

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