
astraljavaAm I insane, or is it actually supported to update a Ubuntu vanilla system with a Ubuntu Studio DVD?11:09
* astraljava refers to a recent report for bug 114957.11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 114957 in ubuntustudio "Dist-upgrade "can't install ubuntu-desktop" on todays upgrade" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11495711:10
persiaastraljava: That should be a supported use-case, if a bit odd.16:32
persiaOh, nvm.  Reading the bug in more detail, it shouldn't work with *just* the DVD: the user would also have to have a net connection, and do part of the upgrade over the net.16:35
aboganipersia: Hi17:23
aboganipersia: you are too fast :-)17:23
* persia mostly just doesn't view IRC split into channels17:23
aboganipersia: :-?17:24
persiaWhen I'm watching IRC, I'm watching all traffic in all the channels I'm in simultaneously, so if I see something of interest, I can switch output targets quickly.  That said, right now I'm not watching IRC a lot of the time.17:25
aboganipersia: Are you around?20:05
persiaKinda.  What's up?20:07
aboganipersia:  Could I ask you a really big favour? 20:07
persiaYou can always ask (and no need to ping me first), but I won't promise to do anything until/unless I know what it is :)20:07
aboganipersia: :-)20:08
ScottLhello all :)22:39
detrateScottL: my friend will be starting the design soon22:44
detrateI'll let you know more as I know more22:44
detrateI gave him the wiki as refernce22:44
detrateand invited him here though he's not much of an IRCer (yet)22:44
ScottLhi detrate , that is fantastic news!  I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)22:44
detratefortunes-mario package is not what I thought :-P22:47
ScottLwhat did you think fortunes-mario was?23:01
detratesuper mario ^_^23:03

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