
chrisccoulsondesrt, it's funny you should mention a memory leak in some dbusmenu related code - i've seen some users saying today that g-p-m is leaking a lot too (in the appindicator / dbusmenu code)00:02
desrti think the problem is in glib-dbus00:06
desrtit's DBusMessages that are leaking00:06
desrtand dbusmenu never handles those directly00:07
desrtso unless there's some weird indirect effects going on here...00:07
chrisccoulsondesrt - it's strange that people have only started reporting these issues in the last couple of days00:18
chrisccoulsoni just had a look to see if there are any likely culprits in the recent uploads, but i can't find any00:18
desrtslow leaks are not noticed00:18
desrtthe only reason i noticed this is because the sound indicator is going mental00:19
desrtand spamming my dbus with dozens of messages per second00:19
chrisccoulsoni suppose that's true. i don't know how quick these leaks are happening ;)00:19
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qensegood afternoon16:10
vishqense: hey 16:11
qensehey vish!16:12
vishjcastro: qense: looks like nautilus upstream is also moving forward with using a slider for zoom :D /me noticed cosimoc interested in the patch here https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=429490 16:15
ubot5Gnome bug 429490 in Views: All "Can we have a zoom slider for all icon/list views?" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]16:15
vishooh , hadness too now16:15
vishDanRabbit: ^^ probably we should co-ordinate , rather than duplicate efforts16:16
DanRabbitvish: heh :D16:25
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diekiIs this the correct place to ask about using AppIndicators in applications? Or is this only for design of such things?23:07
diekiIf so... is it possible to put a gtk.Entry widget inside an AppIndicator? Like in the MeMenu?23:08
diekiI know I can do that for a normal menu.23:09
diekiBut it doesn't seem to work inside an AppIndicator.23:10
diekiAm I doing something wrong, or is that just not possible?23:11
tedgdieki, I'm unfortunately on my way out -- but there currently isn't a way -- we want to make it possible for Maverick.23:35
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