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ddecatorhey yaxomoxay01:47
yaxomoxayhi ddecator ... how r u ?01:48
ddecatoryaxomoxay: good, and yourself?01:48
yaxomoxayddecator not bad at all... at home, on a sofa, w/ a laptop :)01:48
yaxomoxayso, what is the first step in getting involved in ubuntu's sw testing? I am already in the ml01:49
ddecatorthis channel is meant more for bug triage. if you want to help with testing, #ubuntu-testing will be better :)01:50
yaxomoxaywhat is the relationship between ubuntu testing and bug triage, if any01:51
ddecatorwell we're both QA related. ubuntu-testing concentrates more on testing out development software and reporting bugs, ubuntu-bugs is more about triaging those bugs01:52
yaxomoxayare they both under ubuntu's Bug squad?01:52
ddecatori believe the testing team is considered separate01:53
yaxomoxayok, I'll check the website. Thanks for the info.01:53
ddecatorno problem :)01:53
yaxomoxayhow do you install 10.10 packages? I noticed some bugs for 10.10 are already on launchpad03:41
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smokenbiskitsi have a bug, but i don't know how to report it other than subjectively04:28
ddecatorsmokenbiskits: what program is the bug in?04:29
smokenbiskitsits w/ the kernel04:30
smokenbiskitsand bios04:30
smokenbiskitsspecifically acpi04:30
ddecatoryou can check launchpad to see if the bug has been reported against 'linux', otherwise you can use 'ubuntu-bug linux' to report the bug04:30
ddecatorno problem :)04:33
smokenbiskitsone more question...anyone using toshiba satellite l505d and/or insyde h2o bios?04:34
smokenbiskitsk tx ddecator04:35
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akgranerHi all  - the bug day announcement has been added to the Fridge and syndicated to the Planet :-) http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2039  Have Fun hugging bugs  - you all rock! :-D05:38
DrKenobiHi! I'm a new BugSquad member. I think this bug should be set to wishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36751206:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 367512 in ubuntu "unnecessary screensaver interruption (heat: 2)" [Undecided,New]06:09
* ddecator looks06:10
ddecatoryes, i agree that it's wishlist, but i'm not sure what package it should be assigned to...06:12
ddecatormaybe...anyone here work on screensaver bugs before?06:14
DrKenobimaybe notify-osd!06:20
DrKenobimaybe both06:21
ddecatorhm, i think it depends on which course the feature would take. to have no notifications while the screensaver is active, notify-osd would probably need to do the work, but to have notifications over the screensaver would probably be more work for gnome-screensaver06:24
DrKenobiso maybe it should be gnome-screensaver...06:26
ddecatorthat's my best guess atm06:28
DrKenobiddecator, what's next? should i send it to upstream or wait?06:31
ddecatorif it's indeed something gnome should work on, then you can look upstream to see if there has already been a request for it. i'm hesitant to tell you to report upstream without knowing if they would be the ones to work on the bug, haha06:35
DrKenobii have already checked at bugzilla.gnome.com and i didn't find any duplicate in gnome-screensaver i will look if it's already reported with notify-osd06:37
DrKenobiddecator, I found this, but my english is not perfect, do you think is the bug we have? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60702906:46
ubot2Gnome bug 607029 in general "Make volume, brightness, and other system feedback available on the locked screen and in the overview" [Normal,Unconfirmed]06:46
ddecatorDrKenobi: i don't think so, they aren't talking about how it should affect the screensaver, they seem to just be talking about how to improve their notifications06:51
DrKenobiok, so I didnt find anything06:51
ddecatorit's kind of an odd feature request imo, so i don't know if you'll find any other reports for it06:53
DrKenobiok, but if we are not sure which package to assign this bug, I will come back tomorrow and ask again. ok?06:55
ddecatorsounds good. there are a lot of triagers familiar with gnome, this is just a slow time :)06:56
DrKenobiOk, thank you ddecator!06:56
ddecatorno problem :)06:57
atrusso, the screensaver is visible when your machine is locked... you also would want to be careful that notifications wouldn't pop up while the machine is locked, that might give away something about something private you're doing07:03
ddecatorvery true07:03
DrKenobibut if the machine is not locked, and the screensaver is running, there is no reason for th screensaver to stop working if I press the volume keys07:07
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kermiacseb128: ping re indicator-applet apport hook. I filed bug 583174 to track the info needed as we discussed yesterday with tedg09:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 583174 in indicator-applet "Apport hook for indicator-applet (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58317409:11
BUGabundo_remoteepikay hey09:12
seb128kermiac, hi, thanks09:12
kermiachi seb128, no probs. Once it's decided exactly what info is needed I'll start working on the hook09:13
seb128you can already start by collecting the logs09:13
seb128and give a list of indicators09:13
seb128ie a question asking if the issue is with the applet itself or with one of the icons09:14
seb128then list the icons, sounds, etc09:14
seb128the idea is to try to open the bug directly on the right indicator09:14
kermiacgood idea, thanks. I'll start working on it :)09:14
xelisterthe UI after upgrade to Lucid is bad. How to report that?13:10
xelisterin example, pidgin windows jump into my face13:10
xelisterand opening a terminal from alt+f2 does not focuses the new terminal AND its hard to alt+tab to it13:11
mistryniteshbug 543599 looks like a wishlist13:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 543599 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade kernel selection could be better (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54359913:30
mvomistrynitesh: thanks, indeed. I will ask for some more information13:32
mistryniteshmvo: my pleasure13:33
BUGabundo_remotehi mvo. long time no see13:35
mvohey BUGabundo_remote13:35
xelistermistrynitesh: keyboard not working in ubuntu lucid. On many computers. Can you mark this as critical or something?13:36
xelistermistrynitesh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55516913:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 555169 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard (Ubuntu) "[lucid] Keyboard and mouse freeze after grub, usb and PS/2 keyboard not working in X (affects: 27) (heat: 126)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:37
mistryniteshxelister: i do not have necessary permissions, someone who has will definitely help you :)13:41
xelistergod this Lucid's UI is horribly unusable13:42
xelisternew windows jump into my face (pidgin IM; alt+f2 new program etc) and they are  1) IN MY FACE (bad!)  2) they are even not focused (so cant close them easly)  3) they are at end of ALT+TAB list.  It's the opposite of usability13:43
mistryniteshI'm sure you will be kind enough to report relevant bugs, and usability is a very subjective term anyways13:46
xelisterI hope you will agree, a suddenly popping up window  that  1) blocks entire screen   2) can't be closed with alt+f4 (not focused)  3) can't be easly alt-tabb'd to   is realy no nice13:47
mistryniteshlaunchpad acting wierd... shows the bug report, but when I try to change the status, it gives 'Timeout error' :(14:31
Odd-rationalesame here.14:32
charlie-tcasame here, and the status does not update14:32
PiciLooks like some people are reporting similar problems in #launchpad14:32
mistryniteshmay be we in the bugsquad overloaded lp ;)14:32
mistryniteshtime to report bug against package 'launchpad' :D14:33
PiciIf you're getting an OOPS error, it might be a good idea to share it in #launchpad14:34
mistryniteshjust need to give the 'oops-some number' ?14:35
xelisterwhat is the formal name for the eyekendy (Apparance > Visuall Effects) ?14:46
mrandxelister:  compiz?14:52
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xelistermrand: I think so.  Imho you should give this technical information.  not just for-noobs "Visuall Effects" but also for more power users.. or if someone wants to google more info15:00
mrandxelister: I agree.  Figuring out application names, and then package names, are one of the MANY barriers not just to bug triaging, but to reporting as well.15:03
xelistermrand: so who we contact so this gets changed?15:07
xelisterit's quite trivial change.. just append the name of binary, the technical name. Doesn't even need any translation works on strings15:07
mrandxelister: the question is where do you put this information that is most easy to find?15:09
mrandWithout cluttering up system menus, I mean.15:09
DrKenobiHi! I'm new here. Yesterday I asked for bug to be set to wishlist, but the other guy was not sure if this was a problem with gnome-screensaver or notify-osd https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36751215:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 367512 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "unnecessary screensaver interruption (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:11
yofelxelister, mrand: hm... we do have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage for that now, I'm not sure if putting app names everywhere is a good idea, as the common user doesn't care about that15:12
xelistermrand: in the menu in (...)15:16
xelisteralso, for each window title append binary na,e15:17
xelisterthat could be feauture of DM15:17
aburchxelisterHaving the binary name in every window title will probably look not so nice.15:21
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xelisterbtw, kmail is now unusable pile of .... - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/58334015:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 583340 in ubuntu "uses mysqld instead of mysqld-akonadi (affects: 2) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:29
xelistercrashes always15:29
xelistermy mistake, the above bug report is something else I think15:37
xelisterwell, then 10.04 seems to be a disaster... is there any speciall work going on right now to fix all this?15:48
AquinaOuch! It's not a desasster although I hope Canonical will more focus on stability and security in the future. What's your problem, xelister? Don't you want to join #ubuntu?15:50
xelisterAquina: I'm reporting bugs.  Well every thing we (users here) touch, falls appart. Most programs fail.15:53
xelisterkmail is unusalbe.  desktop (compiz) is horrible, even worse then in 9.10.  Firefox had trouble working.  etc15:55
xelisteron some computers even keyboard does not work15:55
xelisterI dont know why Ubuntu felt its needed to add cheap glossy gimmicks and pretend to be mac os x, instead just improving the tools we need to use daily15:56
ddecatormost users have found lucid to be very stable. things like keyboards not working are related to the kernel and not something we have much control over15:57
DrKenobilucid for me is 10/10, only 1 little problem but that not affects me!15:58
xelisterddecator: over 20 reports on lanuchpad for the keybaord thing. Linus would never release such kernel, its not problem in vanilla. Possible workarounds include some options to X afair. So it must be config/init scripts etc15:59
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Aquinaxelister, I partially agree with you. That's why I work on my own fork of it with stability and security enhancements.16:10
AquinaOn the other hand 10.04 brings manny improvements with it.16:11
xelisterfork of what?16:14
AquinaWhen it's remasterd it will be available (in July).16:20
aburchI sometimes wonder why everybody seems to need their own distribution recently...16:20
Aquinayes thats a problem also mentioned on slashdot.16:20
AquinaBut my distro was in the works for pver 2 years and is not a standard one with a new wallpaper. :-)16:21
AquinaI started it at the university...16:21
aburchIt might be a better idea to fix security and stability issues upstream instead...16:21
AquinaI also took this into account.16:22
AquinaThe problem is however that we had demands whe wanted to satisfy. Most portions are not upstream compatible.16:23
aburchBut you have the ressources for maintaining all the patches and updating them for the next release, do quality assurance, ...?16:24
AquinaFor e.g. we altered the authentification modules (pam) wnd fixed some things which will never go into Ubuntu.16:24
xelisterlike "quality"16:24
xelisterbtw, Aquina can you perhaps make the copy-paste work in your distro?16:24
xelisterbecause it makes some users jellous of windows 3.1116:25
Aquinaaburch I have some help and right now we do this for *us* only. Publication has not yet been voted on. I'm pushing abit towards this though.16:25
xelisteractually there are so many high profile bugs in ubuntu.. they dont get fixed for months.. years... why this stagnation16:26
AquinaI had lectures about "quality" during the last terms and the more I know about this the more I realize there do to manny different assumptions exist about that quality is. Bruce Schneier says something different than my Prof. and he something eles than I do,16:26
Aquina28 critical +3 since last week, yes I saw them.16:26
macoxelister: we could always use more volunteers to help fix them16:27
AquinaI prmised in the past to triage and bugfix but not this month or the next one. I'll do it however. I wanna contribute more.16:27
macohmm copy & paste doesnt work?16:27
macoum since when?16:27
AquinaSee my Launchpad profile I recently started (2 yrs ago). What are 2 years? :-))16:28
xelistermaco: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1133416:28
macoin most cases it seems fine to me, though i know that if you copy, then quit the app you copied from, then try to paste the buffer is lost. if you do that much, try using a clipboard manager16:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 11334 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "MASTER Copy-Paste doesn't work if the source is closed before the paste (affects: 144) (dups: 23) (heat: 922)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:28
hggdhheh. bug 511269 is now in progress!16:28
AquinaOh yes, maco. Now I see what you mean.16:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 511269 in malone "only bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs to other people (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51126916:28
aburchAquina: Out of curiosity: Where do you use you custom distribution? And what did you change in PAM? Just the configuration?16:29
xelisterbtw, I would love it if kamil would not crash ALL THE TIME since upgrade to 9.1016:29
xelister10.04* to16:29
macopop, imap, or dimap?16:30
macoif imap, thats not since 9.10...thats since at least 9.0416:30
macoif dimap...no problem here16:30
macothatd likely be a kde upstream bug though, not a kubuntu-specific one16:30
macodo you submit the crash reports bugs.kde.org?16:31
xelisterno account, it just dies because of stupid aconadi something16:31
* xelister tries a fix from forum16:31
Aquinaaburch, we (20 ppl.) created it during our study courses. In the meanwile I use it as my desktop distro besides Ubuntu 8.04 on the servers and monowall on the firewalls/routers. Well... I use it for work as I'm a dev. I'm going to work for the German gov in Aug/2010.16:31
macoxelister: you can install glipper in ubuntu if you want a clipboard manager. i believe kubuntu includes klipper by default16:31
AquinaRegarding PAM we fixed the problem with "user not known to the underlying authenticatiion module blah, blah.." and yes we changed the configuration files for more security. This is however just 0.x percent of what our fork is all about.16:33
xelisterwhat is it's name?16:33
xelisteris it going to be more secure?16:34
Aquinayes It's called "Xubuntu SE" and not yet available.16:34
nigelbwhat the heck! bug 35721816:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 357218 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu wallpaper called warty-final-ubuntu.png is made with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh (affects: 4)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35721816:36
nigelbJFo: truely, I support your option.  Only a specific few people should change Fix Released bugs :/16:37
nigelbits soo going to be a shouting match.  I have half a mind to close it as won't fix16:38
JFodo that then16:38
JFosince it is fixed anyway16:38
JFothis would be a great place for my other idea of completely locking a bug16:38
JFowhere there are no possibilities of comments16:39
hggdhJFo: which idea?16:39
JFoor status change16:39
JFohggdh, the one I put forward to LP team16:39
nigelbNo changes except by bug supervisor16:39
JFoor bugcontrol16:39
nigelbhggdh: any suggestions on what to do for what bug?16:39
JFodoesn't have to be too elitist16:39
hggdhthe photoshop one? Let me look at it16:39
nigelbJFo: bug supervisor for ubuntu = bug control16:40
nigelball lp projects would love this idea sooner or later16:40
hggdhnigelb: I would close it. This is not really a problem16:41
aburchnigelb: Which idea? Disabling commenting on bugs?16:41
nigelbaburch: disabling anything on bugs, essentially just making it read only to everyone except bug supervisor16:42
nigelbwe have bugs which have turned into blogs16:42
nigelband I get a new post by email every day :/16:42
nigelbhggdh: closee as Fix Released or Won't Fix?16:42
aburchI don't hink that would be a good idea.  Users would probably just file new bugs anyway...16:43
aburchnigelb: What about "invalid"? I don't think it is even a bug.16:43
nigelbaburch: yes, thats better than having a big bug with 500 coments thats dont help16:43
ogranigelb, wontfix it ...16:44
ddecatorhggdh: btw, i talked to mitch last night and he is fighting the ubuflu so he hasn't been staying on as late, so he was wondering if we could talk next week once he's feeling better16:44
ogra(and decline the jaunty task :) )16:44
aburchnigelb: Well, there is still the "unsubscribe from this bug" whishlist-item for LP :)16:44
nigelbIf I touch that bug, I'll be famous becuase that bug is surely going to be slashdotted :D16:45
hggdhddecator: certainly, no prob16:46
hggdhnigelb: I will do it16:46
ddecatorhggdh: good deal, i'll let him know tonight :)16:46
nigelbhggdh: thanks :)16:46
* nigelb about to add comment16:46
ogranigelb, well, lucid is out if people want to point out the fact that the wallpaper is made with PS they can blog about it, a bug is surely the wrong approach16:46
nigelbogra: +116:47
aburchI hope nobody used a proprietary Canon camera to take photos that ended up somehow in Ubuntu ;)16:47
nigelbogra: apparently the fedora guys campaign telling that we make everything for fedora with fedora16:48
nigelbaburch: good one16:48
xelisteror run Ubuntu on closed hardware like the cpu16:48
hggdhogra: yes. Photoshop was used, but the results are free, which is what is important16:48
hggdhalso, most of the pictures we see are taken with proprietary cameras (running proprietary software). So what?16:48
ograhggdh, iirc mark made some statements in his opening talk at UDS about the fact that we dont restrict people to use what they like to contribute to ubuntu16:49
DrKenobiHi! I'm new at the BugSquad. I've just reported upstream this bug, I think it should be set to Triaged: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-screensaver/+bug/36751216:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 367512 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "unnecessary screensaver interruption (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:49
nigelbDrKenobi: done! Thanks for sending upstream :)16:50
DrKenobinigelb, thank you, it was my first upstream!! :-D16:52
ddecatorah, so it was a gnome-screensaver bug. keep up the good work DrKenobi :)16:54
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DrKenobiddecator, I asked again a few hours ago!16:55
hggdhnigelb: done. Now we wait for the fallout ;-)16:58
* ddecator is tempted to subscribe just to see what happens16:58
hggdhoh yes, I should subscribe -- after all, not only I closed it (again), but also declined the nomination ;-)16:58
nigelbhggdh: oh, you get to decline nominations too! oh yeah, qa team16:59
hggdhnigelb: this is actually a responsability I would gladly be without...17:02
nigelbhggdh: lol, I thought you liked your new job17:02
hggdhnigelb: I *do*, very much. It is nice to work (and earn) on something you like and support for a change17:03
marjohggdh: i thought so too17:03
hggdhyes. /me is quite happy :-)17:04
xelisterthis is ridiculous17:13
xelisterkmail still not working in lucid17:14
pedro_and now the internet isn't working for him either!17:15
* pedro_ runs17:15
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nigelbpedro_: lol17:16
hggdhcool. thunderstorms17:41
* hggdh waits for a power surge17:42
kamusinEeebotu is dead.17:43
kamusinunder bugs-announce...17:43
hggdhkamusin: looking at it17:43
kamusinplease send a ping of resurrection17:43
DrKenobiHi! If i find a duplicate bug, do I have to set the duplicate to invalid? Or what status?17:48
yofelmark it as a dup and leave the status as it is17:49
DrKenobiyofel, ok17:49
yofelduplicate bugs don't have a status of their own17:50
hggdhkamusin: eeeBotu is back, thank you for the heads up17:51
kamusinno problem hggdh ;)17:52
bdmurrayleaving the duplicate bugs status creates less work if it needs to become undupped18:03
hggdhyeeee! teh photoshop bug has just been reopened. Although I do not quite follow the explanation...18:27
nigelbhggdh: awesome18:28
nigelbhggdh: so he wants photoship shiped?18:28
aburchHaving Photoshop as FOSS in Ubuntu would certainly be awesome :-D18:30
nigelbhggdh: thats a bug you should perhaps mark won't fix18:32
nigelbthats the only way they wont play with it anymore18:32
hggdhno, he does not want photoshop, and he confuses ethical and technical issues (of which this bug is none)18:35
nigelbI vote for the bug to be marked Won't Fix or Invalid18:36
hggdhit will not help, he will just change it again18:39
aburchAnd closed again (by Vish).18:44
hggdhthis will no nowhere, we will close and he will reopen. I vote to just let it stay there18:45
hggdhand, until the LP bug to keep a closed bug closed is worked on, nothing we can do18:47
vishhggdh: i'm gonna wont fix it if re-opened again ;)18:48
vishhggdh: the lp folks mentioned at the UDS the Wontfix cant be re-opened now..18:48
hggdhvish: oh, OK. go for it18:49
charlie-tcaI think you can ask launchpad to lock the comments, too, can't you?18:53
macothats possible?18:54
charlie-tcaOf course, doesn't mean they will18:54
charlie-tcaNot sure18:54
macovish: can the bug manager still reopen it?18:54
vishmaco: thats what they mentioned.. if set as wont fix , it can only be re-opened by the bug managers18:55
hggdhoh boy, jusst found that I run an AMD64, which has proprietary firmware. I should be running an Ubuntu-FLOSS firmware instead.19:00
hggdhI propose we all power off19:00
vishhmm , is gmail open source?19:03
yofelerr... architecture 'any' means 'build  for all architectures' right?19:22
hggdhnever remember which is which... any means it is arch-independent, all means "all archs". Or the other way around19:54
ElbrusCan somebody with a platform OTHER than i386 confirm that tuxcmd in Lucid does not run due to an access violation? See bug 577728. I can confirm for i386, but not for other platforms.19:58
hggdhElbrus: if just running it counts, then it did not get a signal here (amd64)20:01
Elbrushggdh: could you start it from command line (and see it fail)?20:02
hggdhElbrus: this is what I did20:02
Elbrussorry, so your tuxcmd runs?20:03
greg-ghggdh: tuxcmd runs here on amd64 as well20:03
Elbrusok, thanks for the notes.20:03
greg-germ, sorry, wrong person, but you got it :)20:04
yofelhggdh: this any != all was actually what I wanted to clear up (see #ubuntu+1)20:06
yofelbut nvm now20:06
hggdhyofel: yeah. I think -- I am sure -- this is documented in the developer's guide20:11
yofelI looked it up in the policy, all: arch-indep, any: any arch20:11
hggdhoh, OK. Then all builds for any, but names the .deb as i38620:16
yofeler.. any names the .deb i38620:17
yofelall names it all.deb20:17
hggdhor that ;-)20:17
hggdhbeen long I don't package20:18
hggdhthen any is for all, and all is indep. Really bad choice of words, here20:18
Elbrusanybody here that reads chinese? what does " 子进程 已安装的 post-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 139" mean (see bug 493022)20:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 493022 in lesstif2 (Ubuntu) "package lesstif2 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: 子进程 已安装的 post-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 139 (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49302220:31
greg-gElbrus: tried google translate? I haven't done much with that language and google, but it somtimes gives a good clue20:32
David-TElbrus: google claims: Child process has installed post-removal script returned error number 13920:32
ElbrusDavid-T and greg-g: thanks.. I will try the rest as well.20:33
yofel139 was segfault I think...20:34
yofelguess some command that was called by the script segfaulted20:35
Elbrusthat would fix the description as well20:35
Elbrusthe current lesstif2 only calls ldconfig...20:35
ElbrusI will have to figure out what the script was in Karmic's first version...20:36
Elbruslesstif2.postrm only calls ldconfig... should I reassign the bug ?20:51
nenonI have an issue with ddclient running as daemon in 10.0420:57
DrKenobiHi! I think this bug importance should be set to wishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/52299120:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 522991 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Gwibber does not display recipient of "wall to wall" posts [Facebook] (affects: 16) (dups: 1) (heat: 79)" [Low,Triaged]20:58
Elbrusnenon: please read the message of this channel. it is not for support. Please use #ubuntu for that20:59
nenon@Elbrus sorry :)21:01
DrKenobiHi! I found this, and I think is not a but, could someone confirm it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36873421:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 368734 in ubuntu "want to restore computer to factory settings (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:21
charlie-tcaDrKenobi: does not look like a bug here.21:40
DrKenobicharlie-tca, ok, I'm new here, I just wanted to be sure. I also don't think it's a bug. Thanks!21:41
charlie-tcaYou are doing great! Thanks for helping21:42
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DrKenobiHi! I'm not sure, but maybe this could be a wishlist, keep in mind I'm new here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/37423123:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 374231 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "can't change default file browser (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:45

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