
=== BUGabundo_NCISLA is now known as BUGabundo_TBBT
LLStarkshas webm been merged into 3.7 or is http://nightly.mozilla.org/webm/ only?02:42
LLStarks*is it02:42
ddecatorit sounded like they added it to the nightly build, but it hasn't reached us yet02:46
ddecatorhm, and i can't access their hg site so i can't check the changelog on there...02:53
ddecatoroh, i guess the webm builds are separate atm (http://nightly.mozilla.org/)02:57
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BUGabundo_remoteepikay hey09:12
chrisccoulsonasac - do you remember micahg saying last week that he wasn't going to be available for some days this week?10:22
chrisccoulsoni think he did tell me, but i don't remember which days he said he would be away10:23
asacchrisccoulson: hmmmmmm ... good question10:26
asaci vaguely remembered something, but wasnt really a big deal. maybe it was from now till end of week?10:26
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm hoping it was just yesterday ;)10:27
BUGabundo_remoteyou miss him already ? eheh10:27
chrisccoulsoni could do with discussing blueprints with him really so we can get the work items sorted out10:27
chrisccoulsonwe have a work item meeting later on today10:27
ftalibvpx and all its backports is in the chromium ppa, if you need it for mozilla, feel free to reuse/copy10:48
chrisccoulsonfta - awesome :)10:49
ftaslomo packaged it, i just did the backports10:50
ftabtw, ff 3.6 and 3.7 are red in the ppa, someone needs to fix them ;)10:54
ftaBUGabundo_remote, a lib alone is not that interesting, other bits are needed10:56
ftalet's see if i have everything now11:00
BUGabundo_remotelet me know when the bot builds one11:04
BUGabundo_remoteand ill upgrade11:04
BUGabundo_remoteand test it in some site with proper suporte11:04
BUGabundo_remotefta: if I commit social murder, the blood is on your hands11:17
BUGabundo_remoteyours and chromium11:17
BUGabundo_remotelast week, restarting chromium, would kill my debian X11:17
BUGabundo_remotetoday, closing a chromium Tab is killuing my remote NX to home :(11:18
ftawhere are the videos of the google i/o talks? i just see the old ones and the keynote11:19
ftaBUGabundo_remote, btw, no need to paste my stuff to the chromium channel, they already knew it since yesterday11:36
BUGabundo_remote[10246.078495] chromium-browse[18742]: segfault at 2f ip 0000000000de1d38 sp 00007fffcc8b17d0 error 4 in chromium-browser[400000+2753000]11:48
BUGabundo_remote[10254.129664] chromium-browse[18840]: segfault at 2f ip 0000000000de1d38 sp 00007fffcc8b1a00 error 4 in chromium-browser[400000+2753000]11:48
asacBUGabundo_remote: are you using the debian chromium package on debian?12:02
asacif so ... dont bother to complain here ;12:02
BUGabundo_remoteasac: there's a debian package now?12:04
BUGabundo_remoteI'm using ubuntu ones12:04
asacBUGabundo_remote: i think its in experimental and probably chrashy12:05
asacBUGabundo_remote: you use the lucid ubuntu ones or dailies?12:05
ftagrrr. that thing doesn't even build, tons of typos12:26
ftaBUGabundo_remote, just patched chromium-codecs-ffmpeg so that it uses the new libvpx12:47
ftalet's see if it builds now :P12:47
ftaBUGabundo_remote, \o/13:56
BUGabundo_remotegood work14:03
BUGabundo_remoteThe following packages will be upgraded:  chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-dbg libbonobo2-0 libbonobo2 common libffi5 libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-common libgtksourceview2.0-0   libgtksourceview2.0-common libtotem-plparser1714:14
BUGabundo_remotefta: no chromium it self? just codecs?14:14
ftaBUGabundo_remote, chromium already had enough bits at 4am, most of the work needed was in the codecs14:15
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BUGabundo_remoteits testing time14:25
BUGabundo_remotefta: should I be able to maximize/fullscreen ?15:01
ftaBUGabundo_remote, no, fullscreen is not yet supported in html5 (afaik)16:38
ftaat least not in chrom*16:39
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jervinWhat's the status of firefox 3.5+ firefox-bin getting stuck when you close it down and sitting there consuming processor until killed?19:09
ftaBUGabundo, so many redents with "!" :(20:06
BUGabundoshame !!20:08
BUGabundowho is doing it ?20:08
BUGabundowe can ask group admins to block them20:08
BUGabundoI don't see that...20:08
BUGabundowhich group is it?20:08
DASPRiDi bet it's the exlamation group20:19
ftaBUGabundo, read the answers i got this afternoon20:23
BUGabundofta: its not the redents to groups that bother you, but redents to *you* LOL20:25
BUGabundojust notices from me, you have like 1220:25
ftaBUGabundo, well, it's going to !ubuntu too, no?20:25
ftaBUGabundo, i've stopped using gwibber a while ago20:26
BUGabundobut many of those aren't even *in* ubuntu group20:26
BUGabundoso it won't be published20:26
ftatoo slow, and since the tray is gone, i totally forgot about it20:26
BUGabundoI _think_ StatusNet code does some magic20:26
BUGabundoand prevents dupes in a certain time period20:26
ftai need a visible hint that it's running20:26
BUGabundoI open it from gnome do or the notifcation indicator20:27
BUGabundolike I do for pidgin20:27
BUGabundoits like your notice and 3 redents20:28
BUGabundonot that much , I would say20:28
ftait's still 4 times the same thing, well, n-m20:29
ftaBUGabundo, http://code.google.com/p/youtube-html5-chrome/wiki/UpstreamBugs20:31
BUGabundothere's a project just for that? eheh20:34
ftaBUGabundo, well, the bugs are relevant to <video>20:56
BUGabundoI saw itr21:20
ftahm, some are fixed already21:21
ftaBUGabundo, so, is WebM working for you?22:02
BUGabundo100% okay on all vids I tested22:04
BUGabundoit eats a lot of GPU22:04
BUGabundosome scenes are not as smooth as expected22:04
BUGabundobut that could be due to encoding22:04
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=== BUGabundo_Cougar is now known as BUGabundo_MythBu
=== BUGabundo_MythBu is now known as BUGabundo_NCIS
ftahm, some snaps today, it's been a while23:37
BUGabundo_NCISgetting a bunch here too23:47
BUGabundo_NCISfor me the worse part is when it blows X23:53
BUGabundo_NCISI'm always amazed by an app criples an all OS23:53

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