
elkyIdleOne, typing adds cognitive delay00:50
Picimaco: Actually flash has a beta for Windows users too now.00:51
IdleOneelky: ?00:51
elky<IdleOne> why is it that I can control my swearing on irc, which btw I swear every second word in real life00:51
IdleOneyes, agreed00:51
IdleOneI guess some don't have cognitive abilities00:51
elkyno, they do, they choose when they type to use that word. some forget the rules, some just don't believe the rules apply to them00:52
elkyand it's still all primarily subconscious. their subconscious just isn't trained for that as much as ours is00:53
IdleOnebtw I want to apologize for my rant this morning in here and in -ot. I was trying to make a point but using bad language wasn't helpful00:53
=== maco is now known as maco2
nocturnusi'm still being redirect here, can i please go to #ubuntu, please?04:00
=== maco2 is now known as maco
IdleOnenocturnus: do you know why you got banned??04:10
nocturnusbecause i was swearing, probably04:10
IdleOneactually because you were trolling04:12
nocturnusi do not troll04:12
IdleOnebeing rude to other users04:12
IdleOnebeing off topic04:12
nocturnussometimes i am rude when i'm angry04:12
IdleOneand continued to be offtopic after being asked several times to stop04:12
nocturnusi guess you can re-brand 'swearing' as fifty billion difference offenses04:13
IdleOneI didn't see any swearing in the log04:13
IdleOneSo no I am not rebranding04:13
nocturnusrudeness then04:13
nocturnusdid you see rudeness?04:13
IdleOnebasically your poor attitude towards other users in the channel04:14
nocturnusi guess people only swear when they are NOT being rude, is this correct?04:14
IdleOnewell the rule is no swearing at all04:14
IdleOnebut like I said i didn't see any swearing04:14
nocturnusit says so in the rules listing04:14
nocturnusi agree, there probably wasn't swearing04:14
IdleOnePlease read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:15
nocturnusi've read that last time i was in here04:15
IdleOneand  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:15
IdleOnewell I think you need to read them both again04:15
IdleOneobviously you didn't understand04:15
nocturnusi already know there's no swearing allowed04:15
nocturnusi understand04:15
IdleOneand no rudeness or being offtopic when asked to stop 4 times04:16
nocturnusthat's correct04:16
nocturnusi'm not debating my innocence04:16
IdleOneI don't see any reason to think you aren't going to be any different04:16
nocturnuswhy didn't you say that as your first line in our conversation?04:16
IdleOnebecause in the first line of our conversation I didn't get attitude from you04:17
nocturnusplease specify which is the attitude line04:17
nocturnusits not that i'm being rude now, its that i'm not using smilees or exclamation points04:17
nocturnusi'm being professional04:17
IdleOnenocturnus: I am not going to be able to lift the ban at this time. you will need to come back and speak with Tm_T when he is online04:19
nocturnusi was told that last time04:19
nocturnusi feel there is no chance for redemption04:19
nocturnuswhy don't you tell me that upfront?04:19
Flannelnocturnus: Its coming across as curt.04:19
nocturnuswhat is curt?04:19
IdleOnethat is the word I was looking for04:20
nocturnuswho's curt04:20
IdleOneyou are coming off curt04:20
nocturnusplease give me an exact answer as to what i should do04:20
Flannelnocturnus: You do have a chance upfront, the problem is your manner of carrying yourself comes across as nonchalant and as if you have disdain for the guidelines.04:20
nocturnuscan you please address my last statement?04:20
Flannelnocturnus: Once I have a chance to read it, yes, I intend to.04:21
nocturnusthat was not exact at all04:21
nocturnushow am i supposed to know when you have a chance? i assume you've had a chance by now but i guess i was wrong, or maybe you don't intend to read it04:21
nocturnusi don04:21
IdleOnenocturnus: give flannel a chance to read the log04:22
nocturnusoh that log04:22
IdleOneand drop the attitude04:22
maconocturnus: curt is like blunt... dismissive04:22
nocturnusit would be too short for me to say i am not so i have added these extra words as re-assurance04:23
Flannelnocturnus: I'm going to assume you're being genuine here, and give you the benefit of the doubt.04:23
nocturnusi don't get it04:23
nocturnusis that sarcasm? it usually is, on irc ...04:23
macoFlannel is not often sarcastic04:24
IdleOneUbuntu ops have no sense of humor04:24
Flannelnocturnus: (hint: there's probably more to a statement if it doesn't sound complete, instead of responding immediately, wait to see if there's a significant pause before answering)04:24
nocturnusplease make a concrete decision, i don't want this to come back and haunt me later04:24
macoIdleOne: speak for yourself, i'm plenty punny!04:24
nocturnusdon't flip a coin is what i'm saying04:24
Flannelnocturnus: Again, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you're already trying my patience.04:24
nocturnusi thought you were making a logical decision here, not one based on the current mood04:25
IdleOnenocturnus: do you want the ban lifted or not?04:25
Flannelnocturnus: Have a nice evening nocturnus.  We have nothing else to discuss here.  Next time, try being more polite.04:25
IdleOnethen hush04:25
nocturnusi don't get it ...04:25
nocturnuswhy do i have to bend over and take it in the ass every time an admin decision is made04:26
IdleOnenocturnus: come back in 24 hours. Think about tonights discussion and how to improve your approach04:26
nocturnusif you don't want me unbanned just tell me to get lost, why do you have to lead me on and give me temptations04:26
nocturnusi've agreed to follow the rules, i've read the guidelines, i've reported back since last time04:26
Flannelnocturnus: Try again next time.  In the meantime, take the guidelines and code of conduct to heart.  Another hint is to *not* ask for a specific response to everything you say, and don't feel oblidged to respond to everything said to you.04:26
IdleOnenocturnus: go now before Flannel bans you from here.04:27
nocturnusno, this is exactly what i don't intend to do; that's why i'm asking you to make a concrete decision -- because i don't intend to come back every 24 hours and roll the dice04:27
Flannelnocturnus: There's nothing but your actions when you're in here that keeps you from being unbanned.04:27
nocturnusi dont understand i've been polite, i've followed the rules04:27
nocturnusi've asked for a clarification and now the tables have turned04:28
Flannelnocturnus: You're not being very amicable in your interactions in here.04:28
Flannelnocturnus: That sole fact is essentially keeping you from being unbanned.04:28
nocturnusi'm afraid to be amical04:28
nocturnusits like an interview for me04:28
Flannelnocturnus: And I unfortunately tried to explain this to you twice now, but you've demanded I answer quicker and accused me of going off on tangents and being biased.04:28
nocturnusfor me, acting amical now would seem like this is a laughing matter04:29
nocturnusi don't want to give off that impression04:29
nocturnusi didn't demand you answer quikcer04:29
nocturnusi demanded you answer in a want that there is not doubt or guessing04:29
nocturnusand i requested it04:29
nocturnusi didn't pound my fist04:29
Flannelnocturnus: We have a responsibility to our users to keep the Ubuntu channels usable and polite, which means we need to have confidence that people who happen to get banned won't just get banned again when we let them back into the channel04:30
nocturnusyes, so why are you giving me doubt04:30
nocturnusyou should be able to say "i am confident this person is polite etc .."04:30
IdleOnebut you haven't been polite04:30
Flannelnocturnus: Because you're behaving in a way that forces me to question the genuineness of your desire to participate in #ubuntu constructively04:31
nocturnusi'm being professional and concise04:31
nocturnusi'm trying to make my points clear and non-ambiguous04:31
nocturnuswould it help my case if i used puns, smilees, and exclamation points?04:32
nocturnusi also try not to use too many "please", to avoid seeming un-authentic04:32
nocturnusbut my opening statement i've said please twice04:33
Flannelnocturnus: It'd help if you would have a conversation with us that wasn't accusatory, nor pretentious04:33
nocturnusi didn't accuse you04:33
nocturnusand i didn't pretend i wasn't guilty04:33
nocturnusand between us, as friends (although you may want to debate this), i'm feeling like this is made purposely hard as possible04:34
Flannelnocturnus: You did.  You've accused us of wasting your time by deciding arbitrarily that you won't be unbanned.04:34
nocturnussome admins like to do that04:34
nocturnusardya in #linxu on efnet does that all the time04:34
Flannelnocturnus: So you assumed that I'm an asshole?04:34
nocturnusits not being an asshole04:35
nocturnusits just what people do for fun04:35
Flannelnocturnus: That's malice, not entertainment.04:35
nocturnusi don't know, its his channel ...04:35
nocturnuspeople in #linux on freenode do it04:35
nocturnus#fedora always rides ass about man pages04:35
nocturnusit seems the norm around freenode04:35
nocturnusits what i deal with everyday, i'm used to it04:35
Flannelnocturnus: This is #ubuntu, not #linux.  I can't speak for other communities.04:35
nocturnusi just assume everyone is like that and deal with it in a non-hostile way04:36
* maco would class malice-for-fun as "asshole" behaviour04:36
nocturnusthat's why i behave the way i do which probably resulted in ban04:36
Flannelnocturnus: Alright.  Come back in a day or two, and when you do, leave the notion that we're out to get you at the door.  Take some of the things I've said here to heart, and we'll see how things go.04:36
nocturnusi'm not rolling the twice a third time; one bad luck, twice shame on you, but three i'd have to be an idiot04:37
nocturnusplease reconsider?04:37
Flannelnocturnus: Your initial hostility has left a bad taste in a number of the operators mouths, so I don't think you'll be able to convince someone you're being genuine right now.  But bad tastes fade quickly, so you shouldn't need to worry about predispositions next time around.04:38
nocturnusi've been here for at least 5 hours debating04:38
nocturnusnot today, but in total04:38
nocturnusyou say i'm trolling, this would be a bad signal-to-noise ratio04:38
nocturnus5 hours to get unbanned from one out of like an infinite number of channels04:38
nocturnusit doesn't add up04:39
Flannelnocturnus: Right, but now we've had this heart to heart, so you know what to (and what not to) expect the next time around.  I hope you'll change your attitude so we can get you back into #ubuntu04:39
nocturnusi've agreed to that04:39
Flannelnocturnus: Good.  I look forward to unbanning you in a day or two.04:40
nocturnusi've been accused of not having read the guidelines every time i've been here, yet i've been here enough that you remember our conversation -- but at the same time you tell me that i'm being curt04:40
nocturnusyou promise?04:40
Flannelnocturnus: Assuming your attitude has changed, yeah.04:41
nocturnusthis implies this discussion all over agian04:41
nocturnusi can't change my behavior because i don't know what's wrong with it04:41
nocturnusi've been concise and up-to-the-point04:41
Flannelnocturnus: No, because we've already had this dicsussion, so next time you'll be able to avoid the issues.04:41
nocturnuswhat are the issues i don't get it04:41
nocturnusthere is no exact response04:41
nocturnusyou will not provide one04:42
Flannelnocturnus: I already gave you an "exact response"04:42
nocturnuscome back in two days is not exact, its roll the dice and go fuck yourself because we feel that we don't need you04:42
Flannelnocturnus: No, it was before that.  Are you listening to what I said?  And the language isn't appreciated.04:42
nocturnusthen i have to contact some op i don't even know who's in the completely opposite time-zone04:42
nocturnusi don't even know what i did wrong, except for swearing but i think you can feel where i'm comming from with that rage04:43
nocturnusof course the chances were lost before the swearing04:43
Flannelnocturnus: You were rude to people in #ubuntu, even after you were asked to stop.04:43
nocturnusyes, i know04:44
nocturnusthis is my fault04:44
nocturnusi am guilty04:44
nocturnusi have re-evalutate myself, and the guidelines04:44
Flannelnocturnus: Right.  But we haven't seen anything from you to make us think you will change.04:44
nocturnusi have familirised myself with the guidelines, we are parallel04:44
nocturnusi have not been rude here04:44
Flannelnocturnus: We do give you the benefit of the doubt, but then you throw that away with your antics in here.04:44
Flannelnocturnus: Yes, you have.04:44
nocturnusyou say i am rude because i am concise04:45
nocturnusi've added extra-words to prove that i am not curt04:45
nocturnusat least 100000 words have been spoken by me here, this is not curt04:45
nocturnusits in my nature to be consise and precise04:45
Flannelno, I say you're rude because you've got a sense of entitlement and you're accusing us of being biased against you.04:45
nocturnusthis is not the situation at all04:45
Flannelnocturnus: Good evening nocturnus.  I'll see you in a few days.04:45
nocturnusi've told you04:46
nocturnusi don't intend to come back04:46
FlannelThat's a pity.04:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)04:52
=== ossurayynot is now known as tonyyarusso
Flannelmaco: it got chopped off by auto_bleh05:26
macocan we add a !buggy factoid? "!buggy is <reply> Why is the stable release so buggy? Because the development team can always use more volunteers! Visit http://www.ubuntu.com/community to learn how to help!"05:28
macosomething like that?05:28
* maco is in favour of guilting people into helping out05:28
mneptoki don't think that factoid will help or silence the types that would ask the original question05:29
macomore forceful? "If you think the release is buggy, help fix it."05:29
mneptok"why is this so buggy?" usually translates to "i can't be bothered to read some basic documentation" or "i don't care about filing and tracking bug reports, i just want to complain" or "the folks in #archlinux-offtopic are gonna *love* this ..."05:30
macoi hate that last one05:31
mneptokamen, sistah05:31
macothe list of arch users i know that arent jerkwads is umm...it very very very easily fits on one hand. and maybe one finger.05:31
macoer... i mean05:32
macoor maybe just one finger05:32
elkynhandler, get a handle on your connection :P07:03
dholbachgood morning07:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu, zifnab said: !google is there a googlebot here08:13
jpdsAnyone else think noisecontrol is !ot in #u?08:24
ubottuIn ubottu, dragon-fighter said: it is hehehehe08:50
Tm_TIdleOne: did you know the past with nocturnus?10:02
Tm_TIdleOne: actually, its irrelevant, ignore me (:10:06
IdleOneTm_T: Did not really need to know the whole back story with him.13:53
Tm_TIdleOne: ye, figured while reading backlog13:54
IdleOneGood morning btw :)14:18
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !o4o =~ s/Freenode/freenode/19:26
ubottuLzrdKing called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:29
PicifunkyHat: Can you please not kick people for fun.  As you can see kyubutsu hasn't come back yet.19:57
funkyHatHe did kind of set himself up for it, but ok.19:58
funkyHatOr were you telling me off for fun as well ⢁(20:03
PiciNo, I don't (usually) have fun having to do that.20:04
IdleOneit is never fun to tell you off20:04
IdleOnebut watching others do it is entertaining :P20:04
Tm_Tfunkicks is big nono20:05
PiciTimes have changed.20:05
IdleOnehow bout funslaps?20:05
funkyHatfunkicks were only supplied because kyubutsu made a joke about funkicks20:05
Tm_Tno, it's not ok even then20:06
Tm_Tit's never ok20:06
* funkyHat takes note20:06
Tm_Tit was ok in the past, but we are way past that, atleast that is my big wish20:07
IdleOneI klined myself off my own ircd one time20:07
IdleOnethat was fun20:07
ikonia!info jesred20:42
ubottujesred (source: jesred): A redirector for the Squid proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2pl1-16 (lucid), package size 34 kB, installed size 228 kB20:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:54
PiciIdleOne: thanks20:56
PiciIdleOne: just helping with that user in #u20:58
IdleOneheh no problem, that is why we are here right20:58
PiciRight :)20:58
IdleOnehelp each other out20:58
IdleOneok but he doesn't seem to get it20:59
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)23:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)23:08
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (ryder)23:33

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