
=== maco is now known as maco2
=== maco2 is now known as maco
dholbachgood morning07:10
nigelbdholbach: so, me and persia made a call on whether to keep team subscribed or not.  We've decided to keep the team subscribed always so as to keep patch review as an activity13:25
nigelbAlso, a few other reasons, but most compelling was that.13:26
nigelbNow, how do I announce the thing? send a mail to the mailing list or just update documentation (well, its already updated)13:26
dholbachupdate documentation and update the blueprint that it's sorted out13:52
dholbachas part of the generall outreach we'll let people know13:52
* dholbach takes the dog for a walk13:53
bdmurrayI don't understand why the team should continue to be subscribed one the required work is done.15:31
nigelbbdmurray: define work is done15:32
bdmurraythe patch was reviewed15:32
nigelbactually originally, I wanted the team unsub'd because I didn't know LP was smart enough to do negation on tags15:33
nigelbbut the complication is patch reviewed would mean a lot of things15:33
bdmurraybut what other active work is required of the team for these bugs15:34
nigelbthe team being subscribed helps with numbers15:34
nigelbHold on, I had 2 reasons which I gave persia, let me dig that up15:35
nigelb(a) gives an option for folks to opt out per bug15:36
nigelb(b) someones we have 2 tasks on linux bug and we get sub'd which I manually remove, if we have no unsub option, it would be very difficult to remove those bugs off the work queue15:36
nigelbbdmurray: ^15:37
bdmurrayWhile it is possible to search for bugs w/o a tag that is not a default search in Launchpad at all15:42
bdmurrayso if you go to the reviewers team page you'd have to craft a special query to figure out the ones you are really interested15:42
bdmurrayand if more tags to exclude are created your query will be wrong15:42
nigelbwell, the query is already in the workflow15:42
nigelband we can update the query if needbe15:43
bdmurraythe query is in the workflow in the wiki?15:47
bdmurrayhaving specially crafted queries or cases makes it that much harder for people to participate15:47
bdmurrayI really strongly believe that participation should be as easy as possible15:48
nigelbThis isn't that tough, this is easier in fact15:48
nigelblol, the best part.... a few months back we both had the same discussion15:48
nigelbonly this time its reversed.  I wanted to unsub then and you wanted to keep the team subscribed15:49
bdmurrayI don't think a starting point of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers/+subscribedbugs is easier than16:05
nigelbso you're saying we should use the long query?16:06
* nigelb is confused16:06
hyperairtinyurl ftw16:07
bdmurrayno, we should not use the long query and the team should be unsubscribed after any "reviewed" tags are added to the bug report16:09
bdmurraythat way somebody could go to bug.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers and click on subscribed bugs and have what they need16:09
bdmurraynot have to go to the wiki page every time to make sure their bug query is right16:10
nigelbI have only 2 words, deja vu16:14
nigelbNow, the itch I have with unsubscription is this16:14
nigelbI'd like reviewing patches be promoted as an activity.  A daily target of 15 bugs to be reviwed gets us a long way generally16:15
nigelbso, I'd like to be able to ask 5 random folks to help with 3 bugs and show them the workflow16:15
nigelbnow we have the unsubcription thing, we'd have a little bit of issue because someone in the team has to unsubscribe16:16
nigelbnot doing that at all and using lp queries help us ease that requirement to participate in the activity16:16
bdmurrayjust as there is a script to subscribe the team there could be one that unsubscribes the team16:19
nigelbok, in that case I dont mind16:19
nigelbbtw, looking at bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers would show all tasks, easier way is to do the uery16:20
nigelbbdmurray: is there a way to give me *all* the action on bugs which we are subscribed?16:21
nigelbi mean mails for all the action16:22
bdmurrayI don't think so but would need to look into it.16:22
nigelbit would be nice to know who's doing what16:23
bdmurraythe only easy way to do that would be to allow all e-mail from launchpad to the mailing list which might fill some inboxes16:24
nigelbis there a chance of being able to create a collect maling list into which we can collect this and then evaluate the data later like with bugsquad?16:25
bdmurrayThat'd require some more research16:26
nigelbin that case, just ignore me.  I was being too hopeful.16:27
bdmurraythere are only 13 subscribers so maybe they'd be cool with it or able to filter it easily16:27
nigelbno, the thing is either send all the mails or no mails from bugs.  right now a lot of people dont subscribe to the list16:28
nigelband I'd really like to have a place to send communication16:29
nigelbbdmurray: Monday is the opening for cleansweep16:54
nigelbI was thinking if you can subscribe the reviewers to all the bugs without the date criteria but not add patch tag16:54
nigelbthen we can just keep dropping it into buckets16:55
nigelband then unsubscribe the team16:55
bdmurraywouldn't that fill up bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers ?16:56
nigelboh grr, I thought of that when were planning to work with the queries16:57
nigelbin that case, nothing would show up in the query16:57
nigelband we'd be working on the subscribed bugs one by one16:57
nigelbnow things are getting complicated16:58
nigelbbdmurray: now I'm totaly confused on the subscribe team vs unsubscribe team :/16:59
nigelbcan you give me a day to think and write you a mail about my conclusions?17:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
effie_jayxis there a way to find out why a patch won't apply..? I am getting an error like18:40
effie_jayxmake: *** [debian/stamp-patched] Error 118:40
effie_jayxIs there a way to see a verbose output18:40
persiaeffie_jayx: I often just try applying the patch myself manually.  The other option is to start a local build (debuild -b) and then see if the output is lying around as a result.21:38
effie_jayxpersia: thanks I found the issue by trying to apply it manually21:44
effie_jayxfixed, not the change is trivial21:44
effie_jayxpersia: the patch is cdbs and it is not needed, so I deactivated the patch. but I wonder if the source was patched already21:46
effie_jayxor if that is never the case21:46
effie_jayxsorry If I don't make much sense21:46
persiaI'd need more context to be certain, but I believe the best practice is to try to look at the relevant code where you applied the patch, and compare agaisnt the version where the patch author applied the patch.21:47
effie_jayxthe patch was not needed since upstream code had the changes21:48
effie_jayxtherefore when I tried to apply I couldn't. upstream had taken the changes21:48
effie_jayxpackage is ontv, the patch is a small fix for python hashtags that are hardcoded to python 2.521:49
effie_jayxpacakge FTBFS and I think I found a way to make it work21:50
effie_jayxnow I think I could send the patch to debian and wait for a sync don't you think?21:50
effie_jayxit is a tiny bit21:51
persiaIf the patch is already upstream, no need to send the patch to Debian: if you want to be helpful to Debian, just file a bug on the Debian package with a note that it's fixed upstreeam and a pointer to the upstream commit.21:53
effie_jayxpersia: and with ubuntu what do I do? request for a merge or wait till debian fixes and sync?21:55
persiaDepends on how much you want to do: that the bug is fixed is a good thing :)  If you want it definitely fixed in Ubuntu, you might wait, or you might pull the upstream patch and apply.  Given that it's before DIF, it makes more sense to wait to me.21:57
persiaAfter DIF, applying patches is more useful.21:58
effie_jayxpersia: thanks :)22:00
effie_jayxpersia: I checked debians source package and it seems fine there, they do need the patch, by checking http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/ontv/ontv_3.0.0-4.dsc22:30
effie_jayxnow Iam confused22:30
persiaWhich part is confusing?22:30
effie_jayxI pullt the source via grab-merge, to see if the merge was still needed.22:30
effie_jayxI no issues in the report22:31
effie_jayxI double checked with changelogs and chekcing the source22:31
effie_jayxand it seems fine22:31
effie_jayxI tried building the dsc and got FTBFS22:31
effie_jayxthe only patch there fails to apply during build because it is not needed in the source code (Which I did not touch)22:32
effie_jayxI deactivate the patch and all builds in ubuntu, but checking the source package from debian. they do need the patch to fix the reference to python 2.522:33
effie_jayxand this is confusing becasue I thought the source code dir stayed untouched22:35
effie_jayxpersia: does that make sense?22:37
persiaThere may be some irregularities in how the patching is done.22:37
persiaYou might want to run lsdiff against the diff.gz22:37
persiaBeyond that, I'd have to pull the package and dig, and I don't have a good environment for that right now (but ought have one in a couple hours)22:38
effie_jayxpersia: lsdiff shows nothing22:39
effie_jayxlsdiff ontv_3.0.0-3ubuntu2.diff.gz22:39
effie_jayxwell I guess I will check back on this later22:39
effie_jayxthe way it is it FTBFS and I have commented on mom22:40
effie_jayxbut you cleared me from my confusion22:40
effie_jayxsource stays untouched22:41
persialsdiff -z is needed for .gz files.23:25

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