
K-19Mark____ : Its always the hardware compatibility...00:00
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: :( are there any other better OS?00:00
FriedrichManActionParsnip: what's the curse of action I should take now?00:00
wildbat_laptopi am back ^^~00:00
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: some wireless issues will effect all distros,  others are distro specific00:00
FriedrichMangreezmunkey: .cfg ... sorry00:00
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ActionParsnipgbmarc: well you need the IP of the printer and confiure a netowrk printer using that IP00:00
kn100Anyone know of a way to split an audio file into 5 minute sections?00:00
michelle__is it possible the new install stuck the boot loader on the wrong partition?00:00
ActionParsnip!grub2 | FriedrichMan00:01
ubottuFriedrichMan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:01
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: whats distros?00:01
Dark_WolfDoes anyone know how to fix a botched grub with wubi on 10.04? I've only got a grub> prompt00:01
sebsebseb!distros | SlayerQuad9300:01
ubottuSlayerQuad93: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)00:01
ActionParsnipkn100: mp3split00:01
ubottu'SlayerQuad93' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable00:01
K-19FriedrichMan : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com00:01
kn100ActionParsnip, will try it00:01
kn100!info mp3split00:01
ubottuPackage mp3split does not exist in lucid00:01
Cynthiakn100: open the file in Audacity, select from 0 to 5:00 min with the Edit or Select menu (?), File/Export Selection, then delete that part00:01
gbmarcActionParsnip: allright i'll try that thanks00:01
Cynthiakn100: (+) repeat until the end of the file00:01
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: pluss loads of other ones, Mandriva is nice though, and what sometimes happens is,  a wireless didn't just work in Ubuntu, but does just work in that one00:02
ActionParsnip!info mp3splt00:02
ubottump3splt (source: mp3splt): command line interface to split MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files without reencoding. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.5-1 (lucid), package size 34 kB, installed size 100 kB00:02
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: if you have tried native  wireless driver, and ndiswrapper00:02
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: and make sure you done it properly and still got issues well00:02
kn100Cynthia, the file is almost 14 hours long00:02
Cynthiathen ActionParsnip (ubottu)'s suggestion is better00:02
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: i never used ndiswrapper before and i dont know how00:02
ValkyrieI heard that Ubu 10.04 has support for the iPod touch?00:03
ActionParsniptheres also: mp3splt-gtk  which is a gui00:03
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: Ndiswrapper allows you to use the .inf file from the WIndows driver and  get that working, but that won't always work as far as I know00:04
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: also using a Windows driver in a Linux distro, should be a last resort really,  when native won't work at all00:05
ActionParsnipValkyrie: try gtkpod00:05
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: ok, whats the best distro i can use with wireless?00:05
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: there may not be one00:05
ValkyrieActionParsnip: I have it, and the fuse modules. as well as gnupod.00:05
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: depends on what wireless you have00:05
ValkyrieAm I supposed to see something, other than 'Music Library' and 'Podcasts'00:05
ActionParsnipValkyrie: thats all i know, i think ipod sucks00:05
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: i have dell wireless 1935 on a dell inspiron 152500:06
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: I suggested something else earlier, go a head get a Live CD for that if you want,  but it might not just work on that either.  However if that's the case then at least you know your issue isn't distro specific.00:06
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: or find out about Ndiswrapper00:07
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: and try that00:07
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: or  try this channel later on or the forums, and someone may be able to help you to get it working natively in Ubuntu00:07
lynx454i started to tweak my ubuntu in order to save energy00:07
sebsebseb!forums | SlayerQuad9300:07
ubottuSlayerQuad93: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.00:07
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: thanks for your time and help00:07
ActionParsniplynx454: lxde will do that :)00:08
lynx454will it also save energy when i use the onboard graphics instead of a pci express graphics card(passiv cooled) ?00:08
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: Don't just go back to Windows though, if you can't get it working in Ubuntu,  try another distro first and I already recommended one.00:08
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: ok no problem, good luck00:08
ActionParsniplynx454: you'll  have to look at which chip uses less juice00:08
lynx454ActionParsnip: yeah lxde is qreally nice00:08
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: mandriva was the one you recommended?00:09
ActionParsniplynx454: i think so too :)00:09
lynx454so you can'00:09
greezmunkeyFriedrichMan: you still there?00:09
sebsebsebSlayerQuad93: yes, if you can't get it working in Ubuntu,  however if it doesn't just work there,  there will be the same or very similar issue to Ubuntu00:09
banishedHi, is there some ppa with the latest cdrtools?00:09
lynx454so you can't generally say onboard uses less energy?00:10
SlayerQuad93sebsebseb: ok, thanks00:10
dan_hello ppl00:10
bobbytek2I basically want something like xmonad, without all the setup hastle00:10
jribbobbytek2: umm, bluetile?00:11
bobbytek2jrib: I will take a look00:11
bobbytek2thanks :)00:11
jribbobbytek2: http://www.bluetile.org/ (it's exactly what you said :))00:11
dan_does sudo in command line give root access00:12
z3r0-c001if my linux ever got a virus LOL how would one go about destroying it00:12
sebsebseb!virus | z3r0-c00100:12
ubottuz3r0-c001: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:12
mickster04z3r0-c001: it wont00:12
sebsebseb!sudo | dan_00:12
ubottudan_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:12
sebsebsebdan_: yes, but only for the task you are doing00:12
z3r0-c001lol hypotheticly00:12
mickster04!root | dan_:00:12
ubottudan_:: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:12
greezmunkeyz3r0-c001: about the closest you could get is to get one within a virtualbox windows install. That *is* possible.00:13
DoMyNiKesalve a tutti00:14
g0tchahi.. in 10.04, how can i change the root passwd but not the main user?00:16
g0tchacuz while installing, it uses the same passwd for both00:17
a3isthey guys I am using imwheel to set up hotkeys for the extra functions on my mouse, but when I lock the screen and come back later, the process always loses its tty.  Is there a way to reclaim it?  Or hook a script to the event of unlocking the screen where i could kill/restart it?00:17
mawstIS there like a sun java ppa or something00:18
K-19g0tcha : main user (Administrator) ???00:18
jriba3ist: don't know, but I can tell you xbindkeys works fine.  imwheel lets you have application-specific binds, but if you aren't doing that then xbindkeys should be fine00:18
jribmawst: it's in canonical's partner repository00:18
g0tchaK-19, yes00:18
a3istjrib:  Thanks, I'll check it out00:18
Glacerwhere do I go at to see all my connected hardware00:19
GlacerI put tv tuner card in00:19
jribGlacer: lshw  ?00:19
a3istor lspci00:19
onetinsoldierGlacer: try lshw or lshw-gtk... you need to run them as root(sudo)00:19
mawstThanks jrib00:19
a3istGlacer, jrib, onetinsoldier isn't lspci the right one for PCI devices like an addon card?00:20
K-19g0tcha : Administrator is the root, sir00:20
jriba3ist: lshw will just give you more info, either is fine for what you ask00:20
onetinsoldiera3ist: sure. lshw will work too00:20
a3istah gotcha00:20
IdleOnea3ist: you can also install hardinfo if you prefer a GUI00:21
g0tchaK-19, hmm when you install 10.04, you create the "first user" .. the root password is set the same as the "first user" password00:21
onetinsoldieror.. lshw-gtk00:21
g0tchagot what i mean?00:21
a3istI'm fine without gui, was just asking for the sake of knowing00:21
a3istI'm installing arch on my laptop right now :)00:21
K-19g0tcha : You want to change the "first user" Password..that's it?00:22
ActionParsnipa3ist: you can use the -C swich in lshw to get the data you need00:22
dattagwibber does not seem to open up in ubuntu 10.0400:22
g0tchaK-19, no, the root password00:22
dattahas anyone else been facing that problem?00:22
IdleOne!root | g0tcha00:22
ubottug0tcha: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:22
a3istActionParsnip, it was someone else that was asking; I was just clarifying since I thought lspci would do it fine for him (he was tryin to find his video tuner card I think)00:23
g0tchaIdleOne, so cant have a different password for sudo and for the "first user" ?00:23
benjahablan español?00:23
ActionParsnipa3ist: try: sudo lshw -C display00:23
jribg0tcha: why do you want to?00:24
a3ist!es | benja00:24
ubottubenja: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:24
IdleOneg0tcha: I am not sure what you mean by first user but if you mean the user you setup when you installed that is the user that has sudo privs00:24
g0tchajrib, why not?00:24
jribg0tcha: because there's no reason to.00:24
* jrib rests his case00:25
dattatwo of the most important stuff in my system does not open, they are gwibber and ubuntu one00:25
g0tchaprevious versions of ubuntu was like that00:25
sontekIf my icons got all screwed up (the system tray ones like clock, empathy, wifi, etc), is there a way to set their order back to default?00:25
jribg0tcha: no, they were never like that...00:25
g0tchathe user i setup on install has a passwod and when i sudo it has a different password00:25
onetinsoldier!panel | sontek00:25
onetinsoldier!panels | sontek00:25
ubottusontek: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:25
jribg0tcha: that's never been default behavior00:25
jribg0tcha: I'm asking why you want to do this, because it seems like you want to make things harder for some reason and I don't understand why00:26
sontekonetinsoldier: perfect00:26
onetinsoldiersontek: cheers :-)00:26
g0tchajrib, being cautious.. i dont know..00:26
ActionParsnipg0tcha: then boot to root recovery console and run: passwd foo     assuming foo is your usual username00:26
onetinsoldiersontek: you're welcome. good luck00:27
jribg0tcha: cautious of what?00:27
K-19g0tcha : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:28
g0tchajrib, just to have 2 different passwords if one of them is known heheh i dont see whats the problem in that00:28
g0tchaor why youre making it sound like im doing something weird00:28
playboiWoah hey00:28
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playboididn't think this actually worked00:28
IdleOneg0tcha: having more then one password that has sudo privs is imho not cautious00:29
Glaceris free TV streaming from movielush.com good place? I seen it come up in top results of search engine and was free00:29
Glacerfor streaming00:29
g0tchaIdleOne, what makes you say that? just curious00:29
IdleOneg0tcha: less people who can make changes to the system the better00:29
jribg0tcha: there's no problem really, just no point00:29
neon__can the latest ati drivers 10.4 be install without messing my installation of lucid?00:30
IdleOneg0tcha: as for having a root password. it is not supported and when you break your system ( and you probably will ) we can't help you00:30
playboiHey is there a working Gizmo5 client for Ubuntu 10.04 out there? LOL00:30
a3istjrib:  With xbindkeys, where do you find the right identifiers for inputs?  I don't see keysym.h or keysymdef.h anywhere00:30
g0tchaIdleOne, im not planning to give away access to other ppl.. im just saying if the installed user password got discovered, by any means, it wont be the same password to sudo with00:30
g0tchathats all00:30
jriba3ist: xbindkeys -k is the easy way00:31
IdleOneg0tcha: ok, I guess I am not understanding what you want to do. someone else is probably better suited to help you00:31
Daekdroomg0tcha, that doesn't make much sense, honestly.00:32
dattawhy is ubuntuone not opening in the system?00:32
petesteri'm trying to install ubuntu desktop on a pretty old machine, and the installation app has frozen at 5%00:32
Daekdroomg0tcha, it looks like you want one user account, and then this other one that'll do nothing but use sudo.00:32
petesterhow can i terminate the process and start again?00:32
a3istjrib, doesn't seem to pick up my extra mouse functionality :-/00:32
ActionParsnipg0tcha: just add the user you want to have sudo access to the admin group00:32
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dattaubuntuone's not even showing in the internet menu00:32
g0tchai want when i sudo and asks for the password, it doesnt use the same password of the installed user account00:32
jriba3ist: does xev see them?00:33
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ActionParsnipg0tcha: what password does it use?00:33
neon__can the latest ati drivers 10.4 be install without messing my installation of lucid?00:33
alexsDoes HDMI audio work on Ubuntu?00:34
ActionParsnipdatta: theres an indicator applet which plugs into ubuntuone00:34
thedude42ok, VirtualBox problem solved00:34
g0tchaActionParsnip, the first install user password00:34
alexsI'm using an ION system.00:34
IdleOneg0tcha: so the same user has 1 password to login and a different pass for sudo actions?00:34
thedude42it looks like some people may need a bios update00:34
ActionParsnipalexs: it can but ive seen it to be a pain00:34
alexsaplay -L shows my devices00:34
dattaActionParsnip: well there is none for me00:34
a3istjrib, hard to tell but I don't think so.  Not all that familiar with xev00:34
g0tchaActionParsnip, when i first installed ubuntu, i chose the username g0tcha for example and gave it the password test12300:34
ActionParsnipg0tcha: and are you loggin on as the first created user?00:34
a3istjrib:  nm, got it via xev00:34
g0tchawhen i want to sudo from that user, the sudo password is test12300:34
alexsActionParsnip: analog works, all my devices show up in alsa :-/00:34
dattaActionParsnip: I have reinstalled ubuntuone and still it's not showing up00:34
alexsbut no sound00:34
g0tchathe same password.. and i just want it to be different00:34
neon__hdmi audio worked fine for me under 9.10 not on lucid00:34
alexsi also cant see any way to select the output format00:34
jribg0tcha: that's not what sudo does.  Sudo asks for the password of the user invoking it.  So if you create a second user and add him to the admin group, when he sudos, he needs to enter his password00:34
K-19datta : System-Preference.00:34
ActionParsnipdatta: use ubuntuone-client-gnome00:35
alexsHDMI audio on IONs was workin in ALSA .18 :-/00:35
jriba3ist: fwiw, I just use for example "b:4" for my mouse buttons even though xbindkeys -k shows me something more complicated looking00:35
dattaK-19: I have clicked it for several times and still it does not open00:35
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ActionParsnipdatta: i believe nautilus has some ubuntuone functionality on the right click menu00:35
IdleOnejrib: if I get what he is trying to do is have a pass for login and a pass for sudo privs on the same user00:35
thedude42jrib, g0tcha correction: by default sudo asks for a password00:35
michelle__question for all... I am looking for FREE on-line resources that teach linux basics and admin00:36
jribmichelle__: help.ubuntu.com and:00:36
jrib!manual | michelle__00:36
ubottumichelle__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:36
a3istjrib:  so "b:4" would correspond to "Button 4" in xev?00:36
jriba3ist: I believe so00:36
sebsebsebmichelle__: Ubuntu Pocket Guide is also good00:36
neon__so no ones know if the ati drivers 10.4 can be install on lucid?00:37
IdleOnemichelle__: you might also want to ask in #ubuntu-learning00:37
a3istjrib:  I'll give it a shot and let you know how it works00:37
bobbytek2(✿◠‿◠) ° (◕‿◕✿)00:37
ActionParsnipneon__: try it00:37
michelle__lol i am a 15 year IT veteran of other OS's... i need to learn the system internals, and command line basics of linux, and about system administration00:37
neon__i don't want to mess my set up00:37
neon__is not as easy to revert00:38
bastid_raZor!cli | michelle__00:38
ubottumichelle__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro00:38
Typos_Kinga 15year old veteran? how a 15year can be veteran at anything?00:38
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thedude42michelle__, there's a ton of stuff online for that00:38
sebsebsebmichelle__: well in that case really you need to learn more than one distro as well I guess00:38
IdleOnemichelle__: #ubuntu-learning has what you are looking for I believe00:38
sebsebsebmichelle__: http://www.ditrowatch.com00:38
K-19datta : Are you using a proxy connection.00:39
sebsebsebmichelle__: typo  http://www.distrowatch.com00:39
IdleOneTypos_King: 15 year veteran not a 15 year old veteran00:39
dattaK-19: no proxy, the program does not even open00:39
Typos_Kinghehe, I see00:39
macomichelle__: by the way, you may find #ubuntu-women a friendly place00:40
a3istjrib:  one last question...is there a way to bind a key to act as a different key, or can they only launch commands00:40
dattaI think it is the same problem that causes gwibber not to open00:40
neon__ne1 able to play blu-ray under ubuntu?00:40
jriba3ist: both :).  Here's an example of what I mean: "/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Control_L]\[Page_Up]" &"00:40
jriba3ist: note xvkbd is not installed by default00:40
K-19datta : Try Re-installing it.00:40
Typos_Kingmichelle__:   http://citrin.ru/docs/Unix/    there are a few good books there :), there's one for bash shell as well00:41
dattaK-19: have just done that00:41
i3luefirei am having difficulty getting a game to work. it is urban terror & im using lucid00:41
BlAck6j73michelle_       if you want to learn linux  you will learn more using linux IMHO00:42
BlAck6j73michelle_       if you want to learn linux  you will learn more using debian* linux IMHO00:42
neurohack222is there a good channel to talk about possibly quieting a noisy pc?  seems the hardware channel is invite only00:42
jrib!register | neurohack22200:42
ubottuneurohack222: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:42
jribneurohack222: ##hardware is the place00:42
michelle__I'll bite... why Debian?00:43
Typos_Kingquieting a noisy pc?  hehe00:43
thedude42BlAck6j73, in that same vein, probably would learn more with LFS00:43
Typos_Kingneurohack222:    depends I guess, you can give a shot here maybe :), just a quick shot00:43
BlAck6j73LFS is too much for a beginner!00:43
i3luefireslackware. lol00:43
thedude42michelle__, because Debian doesn't provide as many out-of-the-box features as something like Ubuntu or Fedora00:43
K-19datta : https://login.ubuntu.com/Q1KSfHB6tVJ3fxd5/+decide00:43
sebsebsebmichelle__: if you want to learn Linux you would learn more using Gentoo or Slackware or ArchLinux or something like that :D  however those are not easy to learn.  Ubuntu is based on Debian,  Debian is one of the first Linux distros goes back to 1993.  Oh and Slackware goes back to then as well, and is the oldest distro that is still being updated after all the time.00:44
BlAck6j73michelle_       Ubuntu is heavly customised by canocial for users00:44
WXZwhat does installing a binary do, does it create like a second instance of the application?00:44
sebsebseb!debian | michelle__00:44
ubottumichelle__: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!00:44
neon__ne1 able to play blu-ray under ubuntu?00:45
Typos_KingWXZ:   what?00:45
WXZI'm trying to run two instances of the same application Typos_King00:45
thedude42michelle__, ubuntu server is a good place to start because you get an actively supported environment, but you don't run in to all the X environment issues people can sometimes run in to that has more to do with Ubuntu's stuff than the base debian stuff00:45
Typos_Kingneon__:   not having a blu-ray dvd myself, can't say00:45
neurohack222well, it's pretty loud, running a pc w/ maybe a 650w corsair PSU, a q6600 w/ a zalman heatsink/fan w/ fanmate at lowest setting... a gtx 260 (really don't game anymore so maybe should go low profile?)  it's a gaming case w/ a bunch of fans but i don't think they're making too much noise00:45
WXZsomeone suggested installing a binary00:45
Typos_KingWXZ:     it may,or may not allow you to, which app?00:46
andre_francysinstall ldap with file slapd.conf when ???? not this online configurations00:46
neurohack222honestly i don't want to spend a bunch of money getting allegedly "quiet" stuff and still have it drive me nuts lol00:46
akgerberso: i put xubuntu on an eee 901 via usb stick but cannot get it to connect to a wpa network. internet suggests to use a different driver:00:46
neon__Typos_King: :)00:46
WXZTypos_King: tomboy00:46
akgerberhowever, the eee cannot get wireless. is there any way to get the build-essential and linux-headers packages off the usb installation?00:47
WXZTypos_King: and pidgin if that one works out00:47
neurohack222just want some advice, should i buy something like quiet and energy efficient like a mac mini or attempt to put money into quieting this thing up00:47
Typos_KingWXZ:     .... can't say, I'd think since it's a so-called TSR, or memory-resident note-taking app, usually loaded in the tray, it may not allow you to00:47
ARandomNubHi =). Is there a specific port that needs to be open on my router for Remote Desktop?00:47
WXZ:O... :(00:47
Typos_KingWXZ:     need to run it twice? what's wrong with once?00:48
sebsebsebmichelle__: Ubuntu isn't really a geeks distro,   that's what BlAck6j73  meant.  Ubuntu never really was for geeks though, and its becoming even less so now, because they want to target the mainstreame Windows and Mac OS X users.  However computer geeks use it as well.00:48
WXZtoo many notes, need to seperate them by category00:48
WXZand not just by putting them in notebooks00:48
francARandomNub: http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop00:48
ARandomNubThank you, Franc. :)00:48
Typos_KingWXZ:     sounds to me you don't have a runtime issue, just a categorizing issue :P00:48
WXZTypos_King: still an issue though00:48
purpleyHey is there a flash player for 64 bit users?00:49
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IdleOneif Ubuntu isn't for geeks who is doing all the coding for it?00:49
sebsebsebIdleOne: I said geeks use it as well :)00:49
SmartVikingHi, i just installed ubuntu 10 on my e5400 and i can use my keyboard, but i can not click with my mouse, at once i open a program, i cant click the mouse anymore00:49
sebsebsebIdleOne: and I meant users,  not developers00:49
linxehSound on my box appears to be using the HDMI output rather than the analogue jacks - is there a way to change this (its a core2/Gigabyte 9400M board) ?00:49
wildbatquestion : how do i get out of ssh if the connection got interrupted, the ssh just hang there ....00:49
IdleOneWindows isn't for geeks either but takes a lot of them to make it00:49
sebsebsebIdleOne: altough sure the developers will also use it00:49
brah-the average user is what makes ubuntu what it is, without them itd just be another unknown distro00:49
brah-among the 200+ existing 1's00:50
Typos_KingWXZ:     well, yeah, doesn't mean a 2nd runtime will fix though, apps provide the tools to work with, they won't make you organized unless you apply yourself :|00:50
IdleOnemy point is that the statement that Ubuntu isn't for geeks is wrong00:50
brah-unknown outside the nix community00:50
macopurpley: yes, only on linux :)00:50
SmartVikingHi, i just installed ubuntu 10 on my e5400 and i can use my keyboard, but i can not click with my mouse, at once i open a program, i cant click the mouse anymore00:50
WXZTypos_King: not enough tools, tomboy allows notebooks.. not really what I'm looking for, and they stopped developing it I think00:50
purpleymaco, Im talking about adobe flash player and if so where?00:51
Typos_KingWXZ:     maybe you need... a different note-taking app, who knows, hell, I use knotes and I don't have as many00:51
BlAck6j73purley:    find instructions here for 64bit     http://www.blogsdna.com/00:51
macopurpley: i think you still need to go to adobe's website and download it00:51
sebsebsebIdleOne: Gentoo,  Slackware, ArchLinux, those kind of distros are the true geeks distros,  since they aren't that easy to use.  Where as Ubuntu,  Mandriva, PC Linux OS, OpenSuse, and so on, are for anyone that wants to use it, including mainstream computer users, who don't know that much about computers.00:51
WXZyeah, there's one called g-note, I guess I'll have two00:51
jribBlAck6j73: please don't do that00:51
webroastershey guys, quick SKYPE question: Why does it keep dropping the sound a lot when I'm talking over Skype to someone else? It works fine in Windows00:51
macomichelle__: you can definitely learn to use linux on ubuntu. at some point you'll want to try some others because they all do things slightly differently, but not-knowing ubuntu's way is no better than not-knowing fedora's00:51
Valenzaanyone here do a fresh install of ubuntu studio 10.04..... I'm having major internet issues with it00:52
purpleymaco: I looked there and only saw 32bit thats why im asking here00:52
jribBlAck6j73: link to official documentation, using the bot if you want a quick way (!flash).  Not some random blogsearch page with no mention of flash when you visit it please :)00:52
ARandomNubIt's a shame there's no Linux version of Spotify! =( Such a beast program.00:52
neurohack222thx for info on registering nickname btw00:53
sebsebsebARandomNub: indeed, but a lot of people run it well in Wine00:53
webroastershey guys, quick SKYPE question: Why does it keep dropping the sound a lot when I'm talking over Skype to someone else? It works fine in Windows00:53
ARandomNubsebsebseb: Apparently so, I'm just running the guide now..00:53
Typos_KingWXZ:     what about something like basKet -> http://ubuntu.ly/images/tutorials/2009/basket-note-pads.png00:53
BlAck6j73if it didnt link to it I wouldnt have pasted it :P00:53
ARandomNub*running through00:53
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kitypawnI know this is not ubuntu-specific, but what is a good dektop ql manager00:53
michelle__cool.. thx... so, from an enterprise server environment standpoint, which distro would u recommend i get familliar with first?00:53
SmartVikingI have a latitude e5400 and i installed ubuntu on it, but my mouse acts weird. Is that maybe because i have no admin rights in BIOS? i just plugged out the bios battery and i could somehow install it00:54
kitypawni dislike php my admin, i want something dsktop ased00:54
michelle__Audio:     Card Intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller driver Intel ICH at ports 1c00 18c000:54
michelle__           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version 1.0.2000:54
kitypawn**dsktop based00:54
CT1Hi.  I have a .dmg file.  How can I burn that to a bootable dvd? Please point me to some "how-to"00:54
macoARandomNub: and apparently it was written to work well with wine too O_O (actually, google released a version of picasa specially made to work with wine and called that a linux port so...)00:54
PeterDropwhere i can find (repository) sun-java4-jdk pakage?00:54
WXZTypos_King: 'tis possible, but I like customizing things so :p00:54
PeterDropwhere i can find (repository) sun-java5-jdk pakage?00:54
Pici!partner | PeterDrop00:54
ubottuPeterDrop: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ RELEASE partner" » where RELEASE is lucid/karmic/etc00:54
ARandomNubThe file 'Spotify Installer.exe' is not marked as executable. FML00:54
Typos_KingWXZ:     basKet allows customizing :P~00:54
macomichelle__: enterprise? probably red hat enterprise, which you can learn from using centos (free instead of paying for rhel)00:54
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thedude42SmartViking, no such animal as permissions to bios... if you need permision to do something in linux it generally tells you00:55
macomichelle__: debian is also very popular on servers and ubuntu is getting there (all of wikipedia runs on ubuntu servers)00:55
PiciPeterDrop: sun java is now in the partner repositories as of Lucid.00:55
WXZTypos_King: I'll check it out00:55
PeterDroptxs Pici00:55
Valenzaif anyone here knows what to do when nm-system-settings.conf cannot be found? I did a fresh install and have looked everywhere....00:55
ARandomNubCan anyone tell me the update wine command, please? =D00:55
macomichelle__: ubuntu and debian are very similar, so really if you just know red hat's way of doing things and debian's you're in a good spot00:55
macomichelle__: and by the way, this might help: http://www.slideshare.net/macoafi/sysadmins-rosetta-stone00:56
michelle__cool.. thx maco00:56
thedude42Valenza, try /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf00:56
ValenzaI did... says files cannot be found00:56
Typos_KingValenza:   when do you get that?00:56
ValenzaNetworkManager file isn't there either00:56
ValenzaI just did a fresh install yesterday of ubuntu studio 10.04.... couldn't connect and spent the last 3 hrs searching online00:57
thedude42Valenza, see what dpkg -l network-manager gets you00:57
macomichelle__: ubuntu varies from the others in using Upstart instead of standard SysV init scripts. fedora also does this and i think debian is adopting it soonish, but stable debian and centos releases dont have it yet00:57
BlAck6j73purley:    http://www.blogsdna.com/4211/download-install-flash-player-10-alpha-for-linux-64-bit.htm00:57
sebsebsebmichelle__:  Novell Suse Enterprise Linux is also pretty popular at the moment,  and OpenSuse on the desktop.  However Novell aren't liked much at all these days, by quite a lot of people in the Linux community,  however thats also quite off topic for this channel.00:58
Valenzano packages found00:59
ARandomNubWhy can I not open Spotify Installer through wine? :(00:59
thedude42Valenza, so now you need to do 'sudo apt-get install network-manager'00:59
Valenzawhy would a fresh install not install the packages...?00:59
michelle__I worked for Novell for 10 years00:59
sebsebsebmichelle__: Ubuntu will do as a first distro to learn,  then you will want to learn  stuff like  Debian, CentOS, and Fedora I expect, and then more complex distros such as Gentoo, Slackware, and ArchLinux maybe even.00:59
oodavidAnyone know how to mount multiple folders to FTP?00:59
sebsebsebmichelle__: oh01:00
Valenzalol.. will it work without internet connection?01:00
sebsebsebmichelle__: I meant since the patents deal with Microsoft and Mono.  not sure if you know what I mean01:00
Typos_Kingmichelle__:    that's what you get for asking a general distro question, best is relative, if you just want to get hands on linux dealing, pretty much any distribution will do really, many will point to ubuntu due to simpleness automated setups, or more or less for newbies01:00
thedude42Valenza, you don't need network manager to connect to a network, but if you don't have a network interface that's probably why it didn't get installed01:00
CT1I need one of 2 things, either 1: To resolve getting a black screen when login to ubuntu, or 2:  to burn a dmg file to a bootable dvd.  It's a macbook 2.1.  Hard disk ruined and need either (preferably) ubuntu working, or a way to burn the dmg file to boot and install os x.  Please help01:00
michelle__yea... I have messed with SUSE some... but last I saw they were doing more to turn it into bloatware01:01
sebsebsebmichelle__: enteprise one or OpenSuse or both?01:01
Typos_KingCT1:  if the HD is hosed, how do you plan to install either? :)01:01
a3istmichelle__, I haven't been paying that much attention to the conversation, but if you're really lookin to build from the ground up and aren't averse to the command line, I'm experimenting with arch linux to interesting effect.01:02
darkfroghey guys, I shut down my machine for a week and turned it back on and now I'm getting terrible network performance....I plugged in a 10/100 USB network card and that gets great performance but my gigabit on-board NIC is getting transfer rates of like 15.6 on iperf01:02
darkfroganyone have any suggestions to fix this?01:02
michelle__mostly desktop... open one....  but they seem to be dropping market share fast01:02
CT1Typos_King: Replaced it with a new one (with os x absent ofc, and destroyed apple optical media) :)01:02
michelle__and ubuntu seems to be gaining it fast01:02
sebsebsebmichelle__: indeed, however01:03
sebsebsebmichelle__: according to history so far,  distro's only get like five years or so as number one on the desktop01:03
thedude42michelle__, most enterprise customers go with RedHat, so consider that as well01:03
sebsebsebmichelle__: however I think Ubuntu will have quite a few more years as number one on the desktop01:03
Valenzasorry but a bit confused here... I normally connect via wireless... Had ubuntu 9 and worked fine but decided to do a fresh install this time around.01:03
Valenzaran lshw -C Network01:03
Valenzaboth lan and wlan come up as disabled01:04
Typos_KingCT1:  not sure on 10.04, but with the 9.1 live-cd, you can make a 'startup usb', with which you can do a live-usb boot, which should allow  you to burn the .dmg image to the dvd disc in the dvd burner :)01:04
thedude42Valenza, they show up, but show as disabled?01:04
devinsbacan anyone tell me where the ubuntuone add machine button is?01:04
ARandomNubQuestion: Will uTorrent on Wine work BETTER than say.. Transmission Bittorrent Client?01:04
sebsebsebmichelle__: Redhat Enterprise Linux is for businesses and as maco mentioned earlier theres CentOS if your wanting to learn Redhat01:05
aciculaBETTER in what sense?01:05
thedude42Valenza, look through dmesg01:05
ARandomNubWill it... work? xD01:05
ARandomNubI try to stick with what I'm familiar with;01:05
ARandomNuband I've been using uTorrent for what seems like forever =p01:05
CT1I have another machine, how do I burn a dmg file from ubuntu? Ideally I'd like ubuntu on the macbook single boot, but no luck so far.  at the very least I'd like os x on it.01:05
Typos_KingARandomNub:    hardly doubt it, I've used it in win32, it's just an IE-UI based app, not really that great01:06
sebsebsebARandomNub: uTorrent works well in Wine, but better to use a native Linux torrents program :)01:06
Valenzaanything in particular I should be looking for?01:06
Valenzaa lot fo info here01:06
aciculaValenza, disabled there does not mean the device doesnt work, its just not on, ie an ethenet card without a cable will say disabled01:06
thedude42ARandomNub, transmission is really good01:06
ARandomNubsebsebseb: I see, well that's fine because I can't even use any .exe's through wine, they all fail -_-01:06
aciculaARandomNub, have a look at winehq01:07
ARandomNubThe file 'utorrent.exe' is not marked as executable.01:07
Typos_KingCT1:  I'd think the burning app in the live-boot will do the .dmg, isn't it just an image?01:07
thedude42Valenza, in dmesg you'll see all thehardware gettinhg detected, so there may be something in there.... what does ifconfig show you?01:07
onetinsoldierARandomNub: chmod +x <file.exe>01:07
a3istjrib, I keep getting errors with different permutations of using xvkbd; they all result in "xvkbd: Mode_switch not available as a modifier; xvkbd: although ISO_Level3_Shift is used instead, AltGr may not work correctly"01:08
kbarpm me01:08
CT1Typos_King: some "mental" mac format.  I've converted it to an img with dmg2img.  Can I burn that (bootable)?01:08
Typos_KingCT1:   sure01:09
ARandomNubonetinsoldier: Can I Pm you a second please? =D01:09
onetinsoldierARandomNub: ok, sure01:09
Valenzaifconfig lo link encap: local loopback01:09
Valenzaa few other things then.... RX packets:184 errors:001:10
greezmunkeyI just plugged in a logitech usb headset, sound and mic works, but very quiet. Is there a way to increase the volume? (I installed the pulseaudio tools, but have the sliders maxed) Am I out of luck?01:10
Valenzathedude42: sorry but I'm using a different comp so I can't paste it01:10
samdhi, i installed a package via "apt-get" and it ends the process with a segmentation fault (http://paste.ubuntu.com/436491/), is this a normal behavior?01:11
CT1Typos_King: Does Brasero "see" img files?01:11
mant1s"You must have OpenLDAP client commands installed before running these scripts" <--- anyone setup ldap and run into this message?01:12
mant1subuntu 10.0401:12
Typos_KingCT1:   I think so, I use k3b, but I don't think that should be an issue, worse case scenario, you can always use 'dd'01:12
greezmunkeysamd: maybe that's why they call it the "bad" repository01:12
Typos_KingCT1:   'dd' uses whatever01:12
samdgreezmunkey: what you mean bad repo?01:13
greezmunkeysamd: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse01:13
samdgreezmunkey: oh i see, but it has happened to me with other packages too01:14
Typos_Kingsamd:     I think I've seen a couple of those, it may just be a .deb script deal, doesn't mean the installation didn't go through well01:15
greezmunkeysamd: what happens with: sudo apt-get update -?01:15
CT1Typos_King: Far too complex for me.  I just wanted a working laptop. and before the hdd went all "free style percussion" on me I had both os x and ubuntu(mainly) working fine.  Now nothing : (01:15
Typos_KingCT1:   so, use Brassero to burn it then :)01:15
Typos_King!es | bollullera01:16
ubottubollullera: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:16
ScuniziMy machine has a functional sound card and audio is fine.  I've added an external usb audio adapter that is recognized and I can record from that input but I can't monitor that input through the speakers.. how do I make that happen? It's not muted.01:16
krabadorhow can i remove something installed later a source compilation?01:16
samdgreezmunkey: it appears to go well, although it says something about duplicate sources.list entry, let me check on that01:16
CT1Typos_King: I'll try it.  Thanks for your support.01:16
bollulleraubottu, thanks ^.^01:16
samdTypos_King: alright, should i just ignore it? or file a bug?01:16
greezmunkeysamd: yeah, maybe a bit of routine maintenance is needed...01:16
sebsebseb!thanks | bollullera01:16
ubottubollullera: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:16
samdgreezmunkey: ight, its not throwing those duplicate messages anymore, thanks01:18
Typos_Kingsamd:  not a file bug, bear in mind that, apt-get is just a front-end to fetch the files .deb and then pass it over to dpkg for installation, now, the fetching went well, then dpkg went ahead and installed it, based on the 'script' inside the .deb file as instructed, now, ,the error may just be some minor issue at the end of the script, but the installation seem to have gone fine01:18
Valenzathedude42: Found my wireless detection from dmesg. doesn't look like there are any errors. Does show me show right before displaying the info - /user/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action... which I find strange since I can't find that folder in the filesystem though I have it set to show hidden files01:19
samdTypos_King: alright, ill just leave it alone, thanks01:19
freezwayhow do i resize a lengend of a chart in oo.o impress01:20
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:20
=== Zed` is now known as Zed
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freezwayhow do i resize a lengend of a chart in oo.o impress < not sure if anyone heard01:21
steven__i know this has nothing with linux01:21
espenkHi all! I recompile the mpd packages to enable mpe encoding. Is there a way to make update-manager ignore this recompile as long as version numbering is identical?01:21
steven__dose someone know a site to find a missing person01:21
ActionParsnip!ot | steven__01:22
ubottusteven__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:22
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* Scunizi isn't aware of any site that can find missing people01:22
IdleOneScunizi: that is because they don't exist.01:22
freezwayhow do i resize a lengend of a chart in oo.o impress < not sure if anyone heard01:22
ScuniziIdleOne: the missing people or the sites ... :)01:23
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freezwaywth is with the massive joining and leaving??!?!?!01:23
IdleOneScunizi: the site of course.01:23
IdleOne!netsplit | freezway01:23
ubottufreezway: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:23
Daekdroomfreezway, netsplit. sitback and relax.01:23
CT1Typos_King: Are you back?01:24
bastid_raZorsteven__: whitepages.com01:24
bp0how can i take a screenshot of the login screen?01:25
Typos_KingCT1:  yes01:26
Typos_Kingarg... some connection :S01:26
WALoeIIIcan anyone provide me with a 64-bit /usr/share/file/magic.mgc from jaunty, I don't have tools to get it out of a .deb at the moment01:26
ActionParsnipbp0: digital camera if all else fails01:26
freezwayhow do i resize a lengend of a chart in oo.o impress01:26
ActionParsnipWALoeIII: i have the file but in lucid, sorry01:27
ActionParsnipWALoeIII: unless you wanna try it01:28
Arthur___is it possable to change the login window 10.0401:28
WALoeIIIActionParsnip: it won't work thats for file 5.0 I need it for 4.2601:28
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ActionParsnipArthur___: epidermis can do it01:28
ubottuuse @login01:28
CT1Typos_King: Great.  So far so good.  Brasero didn't complain when I selected an img file (although to see it I had to select "all files" as "image files" didn't show it.  also, the "free space" changed after I selected it.  We'll see in 16min.  Thanks for the help :)01:28
lagenarthe envelope for chat and email disapeared from the notification area, how do I get it back?01:28
calibreCan I sit in this channel to learn?01:29
Typos_KingArthur___:    not sure on ubuntu, but in kde login, you can set up a different theme/skin from kde-look.org01:29
ValenzaQuestion.. what's 'super-user' mean in terminal?01:29
Cynthiacalibre: sure01:29
calibreCynthia, thanks01:29
Valenzahad something pop up saying "you should run this program as 'super-user'01:29
Cynthialet's see if ubottu has one for tis:01:29
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:29
Typos_KingCT1:   hehe, it'll work, burning an image is just a simple 'raw writing'01:29
bastid_raZorValenza: prepend the command with sudo or for graphical applications use gksudo01:30
ActionParsnipArthur___: http://www.zimbio.com/Ubuntu+Linux/articles/3QDP9PPt1Ai/how+change+login+screen+background+Lucid+lynxy01:30
Arthur___i dont want to change the picture i want to use a diffrent login screen.. loke back in the old days!01:30
Typos_KingCT1:  which is what 'dd' is great at, raw writing/reading, bypassing any filesystem or OS01:30
Valenzagot it to work.. figured that since I already entered in my sudo password... didn't need to type sudo anymore01:31
Typos_KingArthur___:    that's right, that's what a theme/skin does :)01:31
Valenzanow if anyone can help me figure out why my lan and wlan are both disabled... please pm me :)01:31
ActionParsnipValenza: run: sudo lshw -C network    websearch for the product line for guides01:32
Fudgehi is it simple to synch iphones ipods on ubuntu? any special programs need to be installed? thankyou for any advice01:32
Valenzalol thats what I just did01:32
CT1Typos_King: "simple" is relative.  I'll be sure to read up on dd some day, when I cross the line of being an end-user (that occasionally helps a family friend with their computer) to being a serious technician.  Again though, thankyou :)01:33
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:33
ActionParsnipor just ditch the iphone and get a better phone01:34
Valenzawhich is why it said superuser.. both are disabled. and I can't find my nm-system-settings.conf file (search doesn't find it and terminal says /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf 'no such file')01:34
fluvvellIF my hardy 8.04.4 computer wont show the lts upgrade available in sources, is the only way to go to manually edit the sources.list file and upgrade that way?01:34
Mrpeepers310hey for some reason my nvidia driver will not enable for graphics01:35
ActionParsnipValenza: i have files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections01:35
Cynthiafluvvell: sources.list would be the most straightforward alternative imo01:35
Mrpeepers310it tells me this when i start the nvidia x server settings manager "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."01:35
ActionParsnipValenza: they store the connections in plain text01:35
Mrpeepers310i did nvidia-xconfig and nothing happend01:35
krabadori installed totem-xine, but i can only run totem gstreamer, i don't find totem-xine anywhere01:36
krabadorwhere is it?01:36
fluvvellCynthia, so just add in all the lucid sources and cope with all the dpkg issues as they arise ?01:36
ActionParsnip!upgrade | fluvvell01:36
ubottufluvvell: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:36
ActionParsnipfluvvell: uprading any other way is not advised or supported01:36
Valenzadoes ect/networkmanager folder show up in your filesystem window?01:36
fluvvellActionParsnip, thanks for that but all the automatic upgrade options fail FAIL/01:36
Mrpeepers310hey for some reason my nvidia driver will not enable for graphics. it tells me this when i start the nvidia x server settings manager "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." i did nvidia-xconfig and restarted x and nothing happend01:36
ValenzaI have mine set to show hidden files as well... and there is no folder01:36
fluvvellthats why I'm asking.01:37
ActionParsnipfluvvell: there are commands to kickoff the upgrade, or you can use the alternate iso01:37
edbianValenza, Only files starting with "." are hidden in linux01:37
Valenzawell then there is no folder :(01:37
fluvvellActionParsnip, the alternative iso might be my answer, good point I haven't tried that yet.01:37
Valenzafyi.. this is off of a fresh install too....01:37
ActionParsnipValenza: try: cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections01:37
calibreDoes anyone know how to log the status box on xcha, i am using ubuntu.01:37
Valenzano such file or directory01:38
ActionParsnipValenza: then try: cd /etc/NetworkManager/01:39
Valenzasame thing01:39
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alanis313Hoe can I get my wireless connection to work. For some reason it comes on and off01:39
Valenzaim in /etc/01:39
Cynthiacalibre: logging should be enabled for the status window when you enable general logging - it's going to be FreeNode-status.log or NETWORK-status.log01:39
ActionParsnipValenza: try lower case, thats how it is in my lucid install01:40
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
krabadorhow can i run totem xine?01:40
Valenzasame thing im afraid01:40
CkhiKuzadis it possible to convert my GNOME's language from english to japanese (hiragana if possible) for pure aesthetic reasons?01:41
alanis313this is the output for dmesg http://www.pastebin.org/25596001:41
telliottAnyone having problems installing inside Windows 7 via Wubi?  I'm trying to install the newest version01:41
ScuniziMy machine has a functional sound card and audio is fine.  I've added an external usb audio adapter that is recognized and I can record from that input but I can't monitor that input through the speakers.. how do I make that happen? It's not muted.01:41
calibreCynthia: I don't see the NETWORK-status.log.01:42
alanis313Again my issue is with my wireless connection not working correctly01:42
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edbiantelliott, Many people here don't respect wubi very much.  Most of the trouble-shooting help you're going to receive is "install the real way!"  Having said that, I have no experience with your issue.01:42
digiforWhy do some gnome icons show up in E17 on Ubuntu 10.04 and others are missing?01:43
Valenzajust pulled iwconfig..... and says lo - no wireless extentions.... etho no wiresless extention (which I figured) and wlan0 IEEE  802.11abg ESSID: off/any01:43
digiforI installed as per this guy: http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/05/howto-install-e17-from-svnsource-on.html01:43
CT1Typos_King: 3min for that img.  I'll keep you posted.  Hope it's not a ruined dvd+r dl.01:43
Valenzaand access point: Not-Associated01:44
Cynthiacalibre: try asking your question in #xchat :)01:44
alanis313wow this looks like is something bad #Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat#01:44
Typos_Kingalanis313:  when do you get that?01:45
rolsworthdoes ubuntu have a problem with 5.1 sound? when i change the output to 5.1 it sounds really bad01:45
alanis313Typos_King: don't klnow that was in my dmesg output http://www.pastebin.org/25596001:45
calibreCynthia: ok.01:46
CkhiKuzadOk, let me rephrase it: Is it possible to completely convert GNOME from english to japanese? so that Applications says "アプリケーション"01:46
Typos_Kingalanis313:  well... sounds ...like you have the RT[ralink technology wireless chipset] 2860 module/driver installed and is looking for that directory, usually you'd create that and dump that .dat file over :), I used to use it myself for a MIMO card :)01:47
CT1Typos_King: "Finalising"... moment of truth.01:47
CynthiaCkhiKuzad: I don't think you have control over which characters are used in the Japanese locale; you're going to have katakana, hiragana and kanji01:47
X4me1eoHhow to change this file /etc/security/limits.conf?01:47
alanis313Typos_King: well that driver was the default driver installed by the system, I have not touch any config files01:48
CynthiaCkhiKuzad: (+) Applications (a-pu-ri-kei-shyon) might be written in katakana as such, but it's not guaranteed that everything else will be01:48
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Typos_Kingalanis313:  if your wireless adapter is not a Ralink based chipset one, check maybe in lspci, then you can just drop the driver/module01:48
trismCkhiKuzad: System/Administration/Language Support, install the japanese language packs, log out, select 日本語 as the language when you log in01:48
CkhiKuzadCynthia, i use english. i just want to have my UI appear to  be in complete japanese01:48
piper69i need help setting  up lirc , and i am having hard time get it to work01:49
CkhiKuzadand trism, how would i install those language packs?01:49
Armada64http://webbax.se/pics/hotgirl.jpg !!!!!01:49
Cynthia"(trism) CkhiKuzad: System/Administration/Language Support"01:49
trismCkhiKuzad: in System/Administration/Language Support, it walks you through it01:49
CkhiKuzadah, woot, thanks Cynthia and Trism01:49
gbear14275I'm trying to learn how to setup a ubuntu based web server... has anyone come across any particularly great howto's?  (ubuntu based or other?)01:50
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Flannelgbear14275: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:50
la-malahow to install skype on ubuntu 10.0401:50
Typos_KingCT1:    <banging drums>01:50
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JackStoneranyone knows how to edit the xfce4 menu??01:50
gbear14275thanks Flannel01:50
JackStonerla-mala, go to skype.com and download it from there01:50
efichow do I remove the USA default keyboard layout from 10.04?01:50
alanis313Typos_King:  Network controller: RaLink RT2800 802.11n PCI01:50
JackStonerla-mala, get the .deb file01:51
Typos_Kingalanis313:  ahh, then you need it :), I do have the .dat and stuff files with me btw01:51
voedis there a specific channel, to talk about wubi-related errors ?01:51
Valenzaooo... i  think i made a stepping stone. I typed in nm-tool. says nm-tool is currently not installed you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install network-manager... only thing is 1. where can I get this if i don't have internet through ubuntu... 2. why isn't my fresh install installing something that should be standard?01:51
Typos_Kingalanis313:  I don't think is that necessary, but as I said, I do have the .dat file for that matter01:51
edbianValenza, Is the only reason you don't have internet because of the network manager isn't working?01:52
Typos_Kingvoed:    I don't think there's a wubi channel, you can try here :|01:52
CT1Typos_King: 'Tworks mate. 'tworks a treat!  THANYOU :)  Now, hopefully I can get ubuntu working again.  Thanks for your time and help!01:52
alanis313Typos_King; ok I'm doing a system update now so lets see if that will fix the issue if not then I guess I will have to try something else01:53
ValenzaI don't know why my internet isn't working off a fresh install.. but it seems every solution that I find on the internet.. tells me that I don't have the files/folders01:53
CkhiKuzadOk, new question. is there a Google Toolbar out there that will work on Ubuntu?01:53
edbianValenza, what shows up in sudo ifconfig -a  ?01:53
voedNo matter, how much I try, the Wubi installation program always gives me this error >> OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso' , how to recrify this, and move ahead ?01:53
alanis313Typos_King:  ok I'm doing a system update now so lets see if that will fix the issue if not then I guess I will have to try something else01:53
krabadorwhere are synaptic packages?01:53
JackStonerkrabador, what do u mean??01:54
edbianValenza, Do you see your eth0 or something?  Are you using wired or wireless internet?01:54
greezmunkeyScunizi: You still here?01:54
edbiankrabador, On servers/mirrors on the internet?01:54
krabadorJackStoner, in what folder synaptic download packages before installation01:54
ValenzaIm trying to connect via wireles.. ethernet is a few rooms away01:54
Valenzaim seeing details for wlan01:55
piper69i need help setting  up lirc , and i am having hard time get it to work01:55
JackStoneryou mean the .deb files??01:55
Cynthiakrabador: /var/cache/apt/archives01:55
edbianValenza, Do you have wlan0 in the output of sudo ifconfig -a  ?01:55
krabadorCynthia, thanx01:55
CT1Typos_King: Goodnight (or day?) to you.  I'm off to bring this macbuntu back from the dead.01:55
Valenzayes... I have wlan0 - and a bunch of details01:55
edbianValenza, Use "ip addr"  does wlan0 have an ip address?  It should say "inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"  do you see that?01:56
JackStonerhow do i change the WM from thunar to nautilus????01:56
freezwayhow do you resize a legend for a chart in oo.o impress01:56
Valenzanope.. no ip01:57
edbianValenza, It is good that you have a wlan0 that means ubuntu recognized your wifi and found a driver for it.  Now it's just a matter of getting it connected to a wireless network.01:57
CkhiKuzadgod i have tons of things i want to do, that i just thought of. is it possible to make a launcher for in the panel that will apt-get whatever is in your copy/paste? like have it run in the terminal when you press it and its 'sudo apt-get install [whatever is used here to signal clipboard]01:57
eficsorry to ask this question again but how do I remove the USA default keyboard layout from 10.04?01:57
edbianValenza, Can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces  file?01:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:57
Valenzaeeek... not really.... since im using a diffrent comp01:57
ValenzaI'll see what I can do though....01:58
smealioAnyone have an ATI 10.04 solution?01:58
edbianValenza, No worries.  Can you see the file?  What entires are there?  You can PM me if it's a lot.01:58
edbiansmealio, What card are you using?01:58
linuxmonstersmealio,  what is the issue your having with your Ati card.01:58
smealiolinuxmonster, super lag02:00
edbianValenza, Here is what mine looks like: http://pastebin.com/hduHpx4N02:00
smealioedbian, XL80002:01
linuxmonstersmealio,  did you install the ati catylst centre through synaptic. as I have no issues with my 4890 in it02:01
edbiansmealio, Search it in synaptic02:01
smealioright on02:01
smealioi'll look her up02:01
CkhiKuzadis it possible to make a launcher for in the panel that will apt-get whatever is in your copy/paste? like have it run in the terminal when you press it and its 'sudo apt-get install [whatever is used here to signal clipboard]02:02
linuxmonsterI belive that you can also if you swallow the agreement use the official drivers from ATi themselves02:02
JackStonerefic, i think you can go to menu> settings > keyboard02:02
linuxmonstersmealio,  http://ati.amd.com if you can agree to their licence of course some refuse to of course02:03
CkhiKuzadok, rephrasing time. what would i use to signal that the contents of the clipboard should be used in the current place?02:03
linuxmonstersmealio,  But myself I just used the one packaged by ubuntu its in synaptic package manager02:03
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Squarismhow do i write a /bin/sh function that takes a file and does a sed replace on it?02:04
onetinsoldierSquarism: hi. you know what the bash 'shebang' is?02:06
Squarismonetinsoldier: #!/bin/sh ?02:06
Squarismor #!/bin/bash02:07
greezmunkeyHmm, I've looked all over. What do I do to determine which of two video drivers are in use?02:07
onetinsoldierSquarism: either one will work02:07
Squarismonetinsoldier: But how do i write that function?02:08
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onetinsoldierhang on a moment02:08
ARandomNubGotta love gfire =D <302:08
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yaaanghelp, anyone know why 'apt-get install maven2' tries to pull in dozens of gcj packages when i already have openjdk?02:08
smealiolinuxmonster, synaptic showing already installed02:08
BlAck6j73greezmunkey:  how about your Xorg.log file?02:08
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onetinsoldierSquarism: now you just put in the sed command02:09
matakshelp please newbie here.. where can i find the add/remove program in ubuntu. if ever i like to remove program that are installed like in windows02:09
smealiomataks, synaptic02:09
JackStoner!synaptic package manager02:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
onetinsoldierSquarism: you know what you want for your sed command?02:09
Squarismin my script i want a function02:09
smealiosystem, admin, synaptic package manager02:09
matakssmealio,  ok thanks02:10
linuxmonstersmealio,  then in applications>other you should see it listed and can change settings for your card there02:10
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:10
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onetinsoldierSquarism: we shold join #bash02:10
onetinsoldierSquarism: we should* join #bash02:10
JackStoner!synaptic | mataks02:10
ubottumataks: please see above02:10
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purpleyHey guys can someone help me out with this, im lagging while watching a 720p video when my cpu ang gpu could support 1080p, I have a quad core cpu 2.66ghz and a nvidia 9600 GTX+ I dont get it02:12
purpleyIs that not enough to support HD?02:13
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ARandomNubpurpley: I had the same problem until I updated my GPU drivers.02:13
linuxmonsterpurpley,  its enough but have you installed the nvidia drivers02:13
ARandomNubSystem > Administration > Hardware Drivers02:13
purpleyActually that makes sense, I never activated the drivers02:13
purpleySorry was being stupid again :)02:14
greezmunkeyBlAck6j73: THat's just it, there wasn't one, so I generated one. I have an embedded ati XL rage 128. The autogenerated xorg.conf claims that the mach64 driver is in use, but I can't definitivly proove that. I've looked through dmesg, and what not, but nothing specific regarding what driver is in use.02:14
ARandomNubGood luck, purpley. =D02:14
IMTheNachoManhi. i am installing ubuntu in a VM on OS X to set up a web server with apache, php, PostgreSQL and django. i dont need X stuff, and I'm using VM so I can have multiple snapshots. should I use normal or server edition of ubuntu?02:15
Cynthiagreezmunkey: you should be looking in /var/log/Xorg* too for that02:15
linuxmonsterserver edition02:15
Cynthia+1 server edition02:15
greezmunkeyCynthia: there's a good idea, didn't think of that, thanks!02:15
acerimmer+2 server02:15
purpleyWait before I reboot, does my monitor have to have that stupid full 1080p sticker on it for it to display true 1080p or is that just a marketing scheme?02:15
BlAck6j73greezmunkey: I was talking about the log file not the conf file!02:15
Cynthiapurpley: stickers do naught02:15
habananyhello guys, I trying to recover grub using ubuntu live in a dual boot windows7 and lucid , but I'm stoked in this step  << Now you need to edit the /etc/default/grub file to fit your system >> without knowing what to do .   !!help please!!02:16
linuxmonsterIMTheNachoMan,  the server edition in 9.10 atleast does have an option called LAMP server which is apache 2.2, MySQl, PHP and ubuntu of course02:16
greezmunkeyBlAck6j73: so you were, my bad :) checking now thank you too!02:16
purpleyCynthia, But what im thinking is, would 1080p work in 1600x1200 resolution?02:16
ARandomNubpurpley: yes02:16
smealiolinuxmonster, no luck, but i turned off visual effects and it's a little better? it's not completely lag free but it'll work.02:16
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Cynthiapurpley: yeah, it'll just be a biiiiit blurry02:16
wooboyHi! can someone tell me how to connect my pc on another guy's connection cable connection to have internet?02:16
smealioit was only set at normal02:16
wooboydo i have to use a hub?02:16
Izinucslinuxmonster: IMTheNachoMan have you tried "sudo tasksel"  LAMP should be in there as an option02:16
Cynthiasoftware resizing and/or non-native LCD resolution02:16
purpleyCynthia, Why exactly?02:16
BlAck6j73greezmunkey: the log file should tell you what module xorg had loaded02:16
Cynthiapurpley: (+) It won't matter for most purposes02:17
ARandomNubHere's  question;02:17
purpleyAlright, ill be watching from 10 or so feet away so I shouldnt see it02:17
ARandomNubI'm running 1920x1200 atm, but some reason, I think it's a tiny bit blurry...02:17
ARandomNubCould be my eyes though.02:17
CynthiaI mean, I can watch 720p on this 1440x900 monitor just fine, and 480p (SD) as well, they just appear a tiny bit blurry and quite blurry, respectively.02:17
habananywhat should I do after this ? nano /etc/default/grub02:18
CynthiaARandomNub: Auto-adjustment on the monitor.02:18
CynthiaYour pixels might be shifted by half or a quarter.02:18
ARandomNubCynthia: I'm not sure this monitor has Auto-Adjustment.02:19
habananyarand can u help me ?02:19
habananyneed help with grub02:19
iflemahabanany crtl + o to save ya changes and ctrl + x to close02:19
greezmunkeyBlAck6j73: Cynthia check this out! MACH64(0): Direct rendering disabled - been looking for the source of choppy flash video, me thinks this is it.02:19
purpleyI love the ubuntu channel when its late :) it isnt so fast paced02:19
linuxmonsterwhat is it your trying to do habanany ?02:19
habananythanks iflema02:19
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Cynthiahabanany: You'll need to edit the file according to the rules of grub's configuration file. There are some #Comments in the file to assist you with that. In another Terminal running alongside the one you're editing /etc/default/grub in, run 'man grub' and scroll down to the CONFIGURATION section02:20
habananylinuxmonster, I'm tryingto recover grub02:20
CynthiaAll of those will be good information.02:20
IMTheNachoManIzinucs: ???02:20
acerimmerashamed to ask but must know: what is the difference btw the ubuntu desktop cdrom and the ubuntu desktop dvd other than the size?02:20
Cynthiagreezmunkey: Indeed that would be it02:20
habananyI installed windows after ubuntu and I messed up grub02:20
Cynthiaacerimmer: More language packs and software packages.02:20
greezmunkeyCynthia: back in a bit restarting X02:20
ARandomNubSup acerimmer :)02:21
ubottualbethiko: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:21
albethikoalguno que hable español02:21
_2what's a good way to find out where grub is looking for it's files ?   i mean... i have too many disks to keep up with and i don't even know what os installed grub to /dev/hdb02:21
acerimmerCynthia: thank u02:21
acerimmerARandomNub: yo!02:21
IMTheNachoManIzinucs: but i want postgresql02:21
albethikohow many speaking english02:21
CynthiaEn #ubuntu-es se habla español, albethiko - vea el mensaje de ubottu02:21
acerimmerARandomNub: private?02:21
ARandomNubCynthia: Do you think my Acer monitor software (Which is used to change colours, brightness, sharpness, contrast etc) will work under WIne?02:21
Cynthia(In that channel Spanish is spoken, see ubottu's message)02:21
albethikoalguien habla< español02:22
CynthiaARandomNub: I doubt it. That application needs driver support, and non-Windows drivers are installed. :(02:22
IzinucsIMTheNachoMan: ah.. sorry.. I came in late.. then you'll have to install each component individually02:22
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IMTheNachoManIzinucs: thats fine, but should i install ubuntu normal or server?02:22
linuxmonsterhabanany, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:22
_2i'll repete one time incase someone actually knows.02:22
_2what's a good way to find out where grub is looking for it's files ?   i mean... i have too many disks to keep up with and i don't even know what os installed grub to /dev/hdb02:22
edbianIMTheNachoMan, ubuntu server has no gui at all.  It's entirely cli02:23
ARandomNubCynthia: Well, see, that sucks simple because I can't get the same sharpness using the monitor's controls than I can with the software; but I'll live.02:23
IMTheNachoManedbian: which should be good for me since i dont need x, right?02:23
onetinsoldier!info displaycalibrator.app02:23
ubottudisplaycalibrator.app (source: displaycalibrator.app): Gamma calibration for GNUstep. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-5build2 (lucid), package size 55 kB, installed size 344 kB02:23
IMTheNachoMan_2: isn't it /etc/grub.conf ??02:23
IzinucsIMTheNachoMan: If this is for yourself and you're going to have a desktop installed as well.. then ubuntu normal and add the bits you want.. if this is a business production machine server without a gui02:23
linuxmonsterIMTheNachoMan,  its not only CLI only its damn fast and very efficent with memory and resources to boot02:23
_2IMTheNachoMan sure but which disk/os ?02:23
Loshki_2: grub1 had the find command. In grub2, dunno....02:24
IMTheNachoMan_2: whatever disk you have /etc mounted on02:24
BlAck6j73_2    :     not sure if ts is what you mean     but all grubs files are in  /boot/grub/02:24
Cynthia_2: I think it'll be /boot/grub/grub.cfg. You'll need to know which partition /boot is on.02:24
_2IMTheNachoMan heh  right  :)02:24
IMTheNachoManlinuxmonster: well its just for learning sql, so i'll use server edition02:24
kr3wis there a better file manager than the one included in xubuntu by default? something like the one in regular GNOME was nice.02:24
linuxmonsterLAMP server is the ticket for you IMTheNachoMan02:24
Cynthia_2 (+) If you have a / partition, it'll be in PARTITION/boot/grub, otherwise it'll be in PARTITION/grub. Important distinction.02:24
IMTheNachoManlinuxmonster: i dont want mysql, i want postgresql02:25
IzinucsBlAck6j73: not true.. that was true with grub 1 but grub2 has files that are auto generated in /boot/grub and the rest of the editable files are in /etc/grub I think02:25
alanis313Can anyone help me fix my wireless connection issue?02:25
_2Cynthia and which disk too02:25
masterslakkkr3w, you talking abotu nautilus02:25
masterslakkyah it was nice, kr3w02:25
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Cynthia_2: I can't help you much with that, seeing as I don't have your disks :)02:25
kr3wwill it work with xubuntu?02:25
BlAck6j73Izinucs: ok02:26
Cynthiahowever, plug them in and see which partition has a grub/grub.cfg or whatever02:26
_2Loshki how would one use the find command in the grub shell...   there are several os's with several grubs installed   ;/02:26
kr3wthe file manager in regular xubuntu, i can't see my other mounted HD's02:26
IMTheNachoManthanks guys...02:26
kr3wit's very irritating to always goto media and access them02:26
Cynthia_2: use  root hd(number,number)  first, I think02:26
kr3wunless there is a way to add in sidebar?02:26
_2Loshki wont find see "even" the wrong config file02:26
onetinsoldierkr3w: nautilus will work in xubuntu. but it will install a pretty good number of gnome packages i bet02:27
kr3wbah :|02:27
mzawieskaI have question I have external drive but its not recognizable when I plug in it02:27
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_2Cynthia your answer sparked an idea.   i'll edit each config with different lines and the one that shows up is the one it's using         thanks.02:27
kr3wi might just move back to regular GNOME02:27
purpleyIm back02:27
linuxmonsterBoot with a live cd that has grub. Issue this:as root02:28
Loshki_2: in grub1, you could type find /boot/grub/stage1 and it would search all disks it knew about for bootable stage1 files. In grub2, no idea...02:28
linuxmonstergrub (enter)02:28
linuxmonsterroot (hd0,?) (? being where your controlling distro is)02:28
linuxmonstersetup (hd0)02:28
CynthiaAh that could be good _202:28
FloodBot1linuxmonster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
thedude42mzawieska, technically that's not a question02:28
RudyValenciaIs it possible to move a program not launched in screen into a screen session?02:28
onetinsoldierkr3w: lol. there are other file managers you can install! but, they might not be as nice as nautilus02:28
alanis313How can I fix my wireless connection issue?02:28
test34RudyValencia, I hope it is ;)02:28
kr3wwell it's the file manager, the window manager and the REALLY ugly window buttons that are bothering me right now02:28
thedude42RudyValencia, since screen is a collection of terminals, you would have to be able to change the controlling terminal of the program on the fly02:28
_2Loshki and it will find 6,  or stop at the first one...  and it will probably be the wrong one.02:28
purpleyOk the 720p video is playing a bit better but its not smooth theres tiny skips02:29
kr3wand icons, like geez. my cell phone has better icons02:29
BlAck6j73mzawieska:  have a look under the    "places"   menu02:29
Loshki_2: it will list them all. Then you get to choose one :-)02:29
kr3wonce i can get those issues sorted, i will be a happy camper02:29
onetinsoldierkr3w: roger that. good luck :)02:29
kr3wgood luck indeed. i've only used linux for like a month02:29
thedude42RudyValencia, i'm in no way an expert on the matter, but my understanding is that both the program and the shell executing in screen would need to support that capability02:30
_2Loshki i'll give it a wherl.   i'll edit the config files first and put uuids in them.02:30
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purpleyOk the 720p video is playing a bit better but its not smooth theres tiny skips02:30
_2then i'll know which it is actually using.02:30
linuxmonsterpurpley,  what other things are you doing while watching the video?02:30
mzawieskathis is the error I am gettin02:31
mzawieskasee the partition02:31
mzawieskait says empty02:31
IzinucsRudyValencia: probably not.. however if you're ssh'd into a machine and started a program, you could ssh in again and start screen or access a different tty while ssh'd in and then initiate screen02:31
LUCIDementiaI need to reformat my computer but I burned the iso onto my last CD improperly (it shows as an ISO on the disc) Is there a way to still use this or reinstall ubuntu without a disc?02:32
IMTheNachoManwish me luck, of to install ubuntu 10.04 lts server 64 bit02:32
LoshkiRudyValencia: there's no way to move an already started session to a new tty that I know of...02:32
onetinsoldier<IMTheNachoMan: good luck!02:32
BlAck6j73mzawieska:  it seems that the drive is not partitioned       is this correct?02:32
mzawieskado u guys have any ideas how can i fix it02:32
linuxmonsterIMTheNachoMan,  there a reason you need 64 bit?02:32
mzawieskayess black6j02:33
IMTheNachoManbut im on an imac 64 bit02:33
voedWhenever i try to install Wubi, it always gives me OSError 13 Permission Denied error, even when, i've Unblocked that file, and Run it as administrator, and does always asks for downloading the iso even if it's already downloaded, If i mount the downloaded ISO image, and try to run wubi.exe, it says "Can't unpack wubi.exe - Internal Error" , how to rectify these errors, and complete the wubi setup successfully ?02:33
kr3wi do have another question, is there a gnomeDO type program for xubuntu?02:33
mzawieskai can not seee what is in the drive02:33
linuxmonsterIMTheNachoMan,  my personal server runs on a quad-core phenom but I still use 32bit os I have no need for a 64bit os02:33
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: I have narrowed down my problem but well lucid blows, opps i mean it never saves any changes you make in the system :/ it is with the compizconfig-settings-manager02:33
LoshkiLUCIDementia: nope, no way to use that disk as it won't be bootable. You might be able to do a cd-less install (see http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/, the 'frugal install' option)02:33
IMTheNachoManlinuxmonster: crap. now i gotta dl 32 bit one..k. thanks02:34
IMTheNachoMani'll use 32 bit02:34
BlAck6j73mzawieska: is it a brand new drive?02:34
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: what do you mean it doesn't save you changes? what changes?02:34
linuxmonsterwell no you can use 64bit just I dont see the point unless you have like 8 gigs of ram02:34
LUCIDementiaLoshki: Thanks. I'll give that a try02:34
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: you mean in the compizconfig-settings-manager none of your changes get saved?02:34
ubottuthedude42, please see my private message02:35
purpleylinuxmonster, downloading a file but this shouldnt happen the whole purpose of a quad core is for multitasking like this02:35
purpleyAlthough I think its just youtube, A 1080i video on my computer just played02:35
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: when it is set to no effects is when i lose all my gnome-panel and window controls... under normal is when it resumes the controls etc... but if i set it to normal it does not keep the settings on reboot02:35
kr3wnice i can use gigolo instead of nautilus, does the same thing!02:35
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: Yes they dont save nor does the UFW enable and hmmm there is more that does not02:35
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: weird. have you looked here? --> System --> Preferences --> Appearance --> Visual Effect tab02:36
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: if you go there.. what's it set to?02:36
linuxmonsterya know onetinsoldier  I wonder if that actually even works. i have to reset my desktop visual effects month or so when i reboot lol02:37
purpleyA video is asking for Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source what can play this? Firefox cant find anything02:37
Doctehtry vlc?02:37
CkhiKuzadThanks, people who helped me to get the japanese language pack installed on my computer. they worked Epicly02:37
dominicdinadawell that is strange lol it was set to none but the direct compizsettings applet i had the screen set to normal.. i changed it to normal ( can i remove that other crappy applet then ? )02:38
onetinsoldierlinuxmonster: roger.. is this dominicdinada?02:38
dominicdinadano we are not the same person onetinsoldier02:38
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: roger02:38
snowniakcan somebody say my name just so I can test the highlight?02:38
CkhiKuzadD: i cant get this to stop going in hiragana mode, though. but i can deal with it.02:38
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: it is just a buggy lucid in their rush to push it out the door on time02:39
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Sedatedsnowniak, no.02:39
snowniak: p02:39
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: roger, hehe. i have to go... at least for a bit. i'll be back before long, i hope02:39
linuxmonsteroh crap I hope our ubunto loco meeting is not tonight I just saw the time lol02:39
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: What is the cpufan package again apparently something i removed killed it :(02:40
Dr_Willispurpley:  a video file is asking? or what excactly? Vlc and mplayer can play most things.02:40
* linuxmonster loves Mplayer02:40
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: fancontrol02:40
linuxmonsteronetinsoldier,  if only fancontrol worked for videocards when I game boy does my GPU's fan get loud lol02:41
dominicdinadadoes it actually allow playing of universal formats linuxmonster02:41
dominicdinadalinuxmonster: totem used to rock now it is a worthless POS02:42
Dr_Willisive neer had much luck with totem. I normally always install vnc and mplayer first thing.02:42
ARandomNubI guess that's why I prefer Liquid Cooling over Fans, linuxmonster.  :P02:42
onetinsoldierlinuxmonster: i hear you. i wish i had fan control for mine :)02:42
onetinsoldierlinuxmonster: i do in ms windows02:42
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: I am not happy with VLC*02:42
linuxmonsterdominicdinada,  I play most content in Mplayer without issue. I used to use Xine getting around the DRM on DVD's is always an issue though02:43
onetinsoldiergotta go for a bit. bbl02:43
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  ive rarely had issues with vlc. I use it 99% of the time these days02:43
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ARandomNubdominicdinada: I use VLC in both Ubuntu and Windows; I have no problems on either o/s =)02:43
linuxmonsterNext box I build I am going to try a XMBC build see how it fairs with content02:43
moesLucid 10.04..grub2 1.98 what file do I use to comment or uncomment kernels from the display screen02:43
a94060vlc is pretty good imo too02:43
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Dr_WillisXBMC is nice - but overkill for my needs most of the time.02:44
Dr_Willisi forget what player xbmc is using in the background. mplayer proberlly02:44
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: linuxmonster I dont prefer VLC but totem even following restricted formats howto still does not play anything EVERY time i load a video in it it always wants a plugin02:44
linuxmonsterMythBuntu is also nice if you use a TV tuner card02:44
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ef-I run Karmic in English and want to keep it that way in all possible ways, still I need the locale files for different language in order for setlocale () in PHP to work02:44
ef-How can I install this in Ubuntu?02:45
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  totam has always had that 'trying to be smart but failing'  with codecs and stuff..  Ive not had it nag me lately.. but i rarely use it.02:45
ef-It's the not-affect-rest-of-system part I'm concerned of02:45
dominicdinadaand when i say anything i have avi,mp4,flv,wmv, you name it i must have tried a video in every format its worthless02:45
nickaugusthelp!  :)  hey guys i just pulled my hardrive out of my macbook pro and put in a blank cosair SSD then ran the live CD to try to install unbuntu... unfortunatly both gparted and the installer do not detect any hard drives.. any ideas?02:45
musturdI just wrote an awesome shell script that optimizes searching for latin words in an awesome dictionary that recognizes endings of words. Anyone interested?02:45
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: I beg to differ in Karmic i had to add the codecs and then it played everything with out a problem for me02:46
dominicdinadamusturd: have a cookie buddy02:46
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  even then i would have it ask a few times.. of course I normally  had allready installed the other players. so i dont pay much attention to totem any more02:46
ARandomNubMust go, all. Thanks @ everyone who helped. =)02:46
coz_hey guys... ok  you know this has been happening for the past 3 years...during beta  web cams work really well...after release nothing!!02:46
ARandomNubHave fun!02:46
linuxmonsterwhat are those plugins something-blah-bad adds a bunch of ones that allow most encrypted dvd's to play02:46
musturddominicdinada: heh it's useful for latin students, I want to share with the world02:46
LUCIDementiaI'm trying to do a frugal install (boot ubuntu without a disc) but having some troubles. Anyone here familiar with this process?02:46
Izinucslinuxmonster: they are accessable in the medibuntu repo's02:47
Dr_WillisNow a days i got a 'first time run script' that installs most all the codec and other packages by hand. So i proberly woulodent see totem even ask  these days. since i got the stuff installed allready.02:47
Dr_WillisLUCIDementia:  trying to boot what exactly? the iso file? a flash drive?02:47
purpleyWhats the highest definition DVI can play?02:47
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: See i have so much  video audio etc i got from school/alum or what not that i got over a TB of various videos and well never had an issue before :(02:47
purpleyThats watchable and smooth02:47
linuxmonsterpurpley as big as your screen and card support02:48
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LUCIDementia UNetbootin,  Universal Netboot Installer . Supposedly can make a bootable installer on the harddrive, but when I try to open the file it asks what application I want to use to open it02:48
purpleylinuxmonster, Then whats the difference between HDMI and DVI besides HDMI carrying audio?02:48
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  one reason i stick with vlc - i never have issues.. i got tons of videos also. some are a bit obscure. I have had totem not like a lot of them. (not tried them all in 10.04's totem however) Then again Theres other features I like in vlc that are not in totem.02:48
LUCIDementiawhich baffles me since I thought it's supposed to be installing something02:48
linuxmonsterpurpley,  DVI and HDMI are the exact same just HDMI also can carry audio DVi cant02:48
valbacaLUCID it needs dependicies02:48
purpleyOh wow02:48
valbacatry apt-get install unetbootin02:49
Dr_WillisLUCIDementia:   that makes a specialized 'live cd' type install to the hard drive. it will not be the same as a normal install. You wont be able to save changes.02:49
linuxmonsterpurpley,  both are digital signal just HDMI also carrys Surround audio aswell is all02:49
dominicdinadaDr_Willis: sigh i know... and Lucid for me has not correctly ever saved associations of files...02:49
dominicdinadaI might check into going back to karmic....02:49
LUCIDementiano one can seem to get my wireless to work so I was told to reformat my harddrive. I'm trying to do that but I don't have any more CDs, so I was sent this link. Is that not what it does?02:49
Dr_WillisLUCIDementia:  I always make bootable flash drive media to install from. I never burn cd's any more02:50
valbacaunetbootin needs pzip-full02:50
linuxmonsterI hate to say it but only my Laptop runs Lucid at present I rolled all the others back to Karmic as I also run Folding@home and the smp client wont run in Lucid due to library linking02:50
dominicdinadaLUCIDementia: how would formatting your hard drive help your wireless problem if you didnt install or configure the drivers to begin with02:50
IzinucsLUCIDementia: reformat your harddrive to get wireless working... don't think so.  that's not going to fix the problem.02:50
Hawaiian_Eskimocan someone explain what ubuntu enterprise cloud is/is used for?02:51
dominicdinadalinuxmonster: how can i roll it back without losing all my settings/data?02:51
moesLucid 10.04..grub2 1.98 what file do I use to comment or uncomment kernels from the display screen02:51
ef-well this is great heh ;-)02:51
LUCIDementiadominicdinada: I tried everything I could find that sounded close to my problem. When nothing worked and #ubuntu couldn't help they said it could be because I screwed something up along the way. I don't know enough to undo this damage so I'm trying to start over02:51
valbacahawaiian: what do you already know about clouds?02:51
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linuxmonsterdominicdinada,  I never deleted 9.10 so I just removed Lucid and removed the entrys in grub that pointed to lucid02:52
Hawaiian_Eskimobasically keeping your data and applications on the web02:52
ef-if anyone has problems with locales, look at /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local, add / remove02:52
ef-and run dpkg-reconfigure locales02:52
ef-happiness and wellness02:52
FloodBot1ef-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
Hawaiian_Eskimonothing technical really :| should probably learn more someday02:52
Dr_Willismoes:  i t6end to uninstall the kernels i dont need. i alwyas leave like 2 installed however for backups.02:52
dominicdinadaif you have a usb thumb drive or external drive u could make a live(usb) provided your bios supports usb boot02:52
valbacait's basically a way for sysadmins to setup a cloud02:52
purpleyHey vlc doesnt support MMS02:52
dominicdinadalinuxmonster: ahhh i guess i will have to prep this to be wiped :)02:53
Dr_Willispurpley:  give a url to a MMS stream and lets see.. I belive ive used it to play mms:// type urls befor02:53
Hawaiian_Eskimoi'll play around with it in a vm sometime02:53
linuxmonsterCan also checkou Ubuntuone its a personal cloud thats free for 2 gigs of space I belive it's 2gigs02:53
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valbacasounds like a fun project :)02:53
purpleyDr_Willis, mms://a1558.l1856921557.c18569.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1558/18569/v0001/reflector:21557 | Its a NASA stream02:54
dominicdinadalinuxmonster: i have a fileserver with way more than enuff space...02:54
afterdarkvalbaca, or anyone, what exactly is a cloud? is it like a load balancing cluster?02:54
LUCIDementiaI don't have a external drive other than a 320GB external harddrive. So there isn't a way to boot from the harddrive?02:54
Dr_Willispurpley:  I know ive waatched Nasa stuff in totem, and mplayer (I think) and vlc. :) im always watching the shuttle launches.02:54
afterdarkis it like what openMOSIX was trying to become?02:54
linuxmonsterI watch Baseball in Mozilla lol02:54
purpleyDr_Willis, I think it might be that im running 64 bit you think thats the problem?02:55
valbacawikipedia can say more that i ever can :)02:55
purpleyAlso glad someone else loves nasa02:55
Dr_Willispurpley:  on 64bit here.02:55
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purpleyDr_Willis, What are you using to run it?02:56
* bollullera tiene sueño02:56
Dr_Willispurpley:  I know ive used totem at the nasa web sites befor.02:56
bollulleraZzZ g-night!02:56
Dr_Willispurpley:  that stream seems to be having some isues however. 'connection refused' in the terminal02:56
valbacaI always think of it as a way for companies to stop having in-house server farms and moving everything away from "applications/programs" to things like "google docs"02:56
linuxmonsterI used to have a NASA theme for firefoxbut seem to have lost it when I updated firefox02:56
purpleyThats what im using02:56
dominicdinadanom nom dam dumping a GIG off this laptop :O02:57
douglasmy onboard wireless sometimes does not work02:57
linuxmonster^ if you like NASA02:58
Dr_Willispurpley:  the nasatv works -> http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html?param=public02:58
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Dr_Willispurpley:  and i can open it fullscreen in vlc. and its a mms: stream02:58
douglasand the way i get it working is by plugging in a usb intena then after a few minuts of plugging it in and out , the onboard modem works02:58
douglasit so wierd can someone help  me02:58
purpleyDr_Willis, I cant pick vlc because i have to search for it, where is it located on the machine?02:59
Dr_Willisuse the command 'which vlc'02:59
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valbacadouglas: any info on your card?02:59
Dr_Willispurpley:  i got vlc setup as my default player in firefox - there muse be some vlc plugin pakcage i used02:59
PlasmaSheep_I have committed a great folly: I upgraded to 10.04. Now my bt keyboard+mouse, which are paired with a dongle, do not work. They work until the purple splash screen that says "ubuntu" on it. Then they lose connection to the dongle.02:59
purpleyDr_Willis, Oh I fixed it, had to install a dev libary03:00
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KentrelI'm on a UK keyboard and when I want a double quote I get a " - but for writing php code I need a ” - how do i switch this?03:00
Dr_Willispurpley:  or try the command ->  vlc mms://s1swmod021.bcst.cdn.s1s.yimg.com/nqsenc003_d?StreamID=107044091&pl_auth=17b46b7a6a836f46715ee0b82a5758f2&ht=120&pl_b=00CEBE2D6A47E540D978CCA3E94BF4971B&CG_ID=1369080&Segment=14977303:00
douglaslet me see....03:00
Guest48736hi, how do I tell bash not to show the entire path in the command line?03:01
PlasmaSheep_this is not a usb port problem, a port which definitely provides energy does not allow the dongle to be paired.03:01
valbacaguest: pwd03:01
Dr_WillisGuest48736:  check out the 'bash prompt howto' for prompt tweaking OF the pompt.03:01
valbacaor do you mean to the left of "$"03:01
ChakanI have a installation problem with Ubuntu.  Can someone help me please?03:02
purpleyDr_Willis, Now when I try to change the plugin from manage content plug-ins in firefox i change it to vlc but then I click away and it goes back to the default?03:02
PlasmaSheep_I have committed a great folly: I upgraded to 10.04. Now my bt keyboard+mouse, which are paired with a dongle, do not work. They work until the purple splash screen that says "ubuntu" on it. Then they lose connection to the dongle.03:02
edbianChakan, What's the problem?03:02
douglasbroadcomb43 wireless03:02
Dr_Willispurpley:  no idea. Ive never needed to change it. vlc was in my list to begin with and its the default media player embedede also.03:02
Dr_Willisbye all work time03:02
LUCIDementiawhen my computer comes back from Suspend, it sounds like everything starts running just fine but the screen stays black03:02
valbacaplasma: re-syncing does nothing?03:02
douglasbroadcomb 43 wireless03:02
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, they cannot establish a connection03:03
douglasbroadcomb 43 wireless03:03
linuxmonsterdouglas,  did you install the B43 driver03:03
ChakanI burn it to a DVD and when I go to reboot it won't boot.  My computer also sees the DVD as blank when it is not.  I put it in my other computer and it sees it just fine.  My computer boots from windows recovery disk fine, but won't boot from my DVD.  All CDs and DVDs work but Ubuntu CDs it will see an empty disk...03:03
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:03
PlasmaSheep_I am currently typing using a ps/2 keyboard valbaca03:03
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douglasbut it dosent work like 1/6 th of the times03:03
douglasit works most of the time03:03
douglasim using it now but sometimes, it does not03:04
douglasand   i needed it today and i couldnt get it to work03:04
linuxmonsterweired I have that on one of my laptops using a very old Linksys wireless B pcmcia card and it never shuts off03:04
Posiedon_99problem with pidgin03:04
valbacaplasma: lemme search...03:04
LUCIDementiaI want to make a make a bootable USB drive to reformat my computer. Do I have to delete everything else on it?03:04
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, ubuntu just showed me a dialog asking if I want to allow a bt device, I clicked "always grant", and am attempting to resync03:05
ChakanWhy does my computer always see a burned Ubuntu CD as "empty" when it is not?  It sees data on all other CDs but not my burnt Ubuntu CD.  This is very frustrating.03:05
acerimmerLuciddementia  that usb is going to get formatted during the create process03:05
valbacathat "always grant" is kind of useless when connecting bt devices03:05
valbacause the bluetooth "setup new device..."03:05
LUCIDementia....you tell me. As far as I know all I'm doing is putting a file on it that somehow reformats my computer.03:06
valbacayou may also want to try apt-get install blueman03:06
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, the strange thing is that they should not be bt devices, they should "talk" to the dongle03:06
valbacaoh usb dongle...hm03:06
valbacawhat model?03:07
LUCIDementiaacerimmer: is there a way to use the USB to reformat my computer without having to delete everything else? I'm just borrowing it from someone03:07
NightDragonhey, could someone possibly help me with a server issue i'm having?03:07
linuxmonsterLUCIDementia,  you mean just blank your HD period or reinstall Ubuntu to it after?03:07
CynthiaNightDragon: describe the issue first03:07
mzplnon mais merde je peut avoir quelqu'un en francais03:08
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, logitech mx 5500, but I am attempting to set up a bt connection without dongle03:08
Cynthiamzpl: désolé mais #ubuntu-fr serait mieux03:08
Cynthia[sorry but #ubuntu-fr would be better]03:08
acerimmerlucidedementia: if u boot the usb as a live cd, then all teh normal functions, i.e. gparted are available.03:08
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, ubuntu has found both devices, but does not let me go forward03:08
NightDragonCynthia: its a postfix issue, specifically03:08
IMTheNachoManis there any point to encrypting my home directory?03:08
LUCIDementialinuxmonster: I want to reinstall Ubuntu but don't have any CDs.03:08
valbacaPlasmaSheep: uh oh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/55396403:08
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NightDragoni'm having trouble getting a SMTP server to work03:08
CynthiaNightDragon: I haven't dealt with postfix; ask to the channel and someone who has can answer you03:08
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, mouse successfully set up03:09
PlasmaSheep_moving on to keyboad03:09
LUCIDementia(accidentally left the room. If anyone responded please send it again)03:09
CynthiaLUCIDementia: No messages to you while you were parted03:09
flan_suseAnyone here tried Lucid + Banshee + iPod Nano?03:09
valbacafrom the bug report:03:10
valbacaI had to pair mouse and keyboard by hand, giving the PIN on keyboard to work. After restart only mouse is working, keyboard is seem to be connected, but not working. I tried couple of times. In Karmic Koala and earlier the dongle bluetooth was connecting after I push the button on dongle and device (now its not working that way).03:10
PlasmaSheep_valbaca, both seem to be working now, will reboot and see what happens03:11
flan_suseWhen using Banshee to manage an iPod Nano 4th Gen, the cover art shows fine on Banshee, but in the iPod, all the cover art is missing from every single album.03:11
flan_suseIs there a workaround for this?03:11
PlasmaSheep_I swear to god, nothing good has ever happened to me for upgrading ubuntu03:11
LUCIDementiaokay, apparently this question was deceptively difficult. Can someone tell me about "frugal installs" instead?03:11
valbacaPlasmaSheep: good luck03:11
douglassorry my internet died03:12
douglassee waht i mean03:12
douglashow can i fix this perminantly?03:12
jken418!netinst | LUCIDementia03:12
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greezmunkeyCynthia: Heh, that was it - not much of an improvement on glxgears, but enough to clear up most of the "choppyness"03:13
jken418!netinstall | LUCIDementia03:13
ubottuLUCIDementia: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:13
LUCIDementiajken418: I see my name but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me03:13
Cynthiagreezmunkey: were you the one with the nVidia card?03:13
NightDragonwooo ubuntu03:13
douglasubuntu ftw03:13
jken418LUCIDementia: soyyy, I thought the bot would be more helpful03:13
NightDragonsorry my internet died03:13
FloodBot1NightDragon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
PlasmaSheepvalberg, just rebooted03:13
ramirohi, how do I access the internet through an assn tunnel to another computer?03:13
greezmunkeyCynthia: embedded ati rage XL (read ancient)03:13
PlasmaSheepvalberg, both keyboard and mouse work03:13
ramiroI mean ssh tunnel03:13
Cynthiagreezmunkey: ah, ok :)03:14
NightDragonmmm ya sorry... stupid colloquy03:14
PlasmaSheepthanks for your help, valberg03:14
NightDragonramiro: what your looking for is what is known as a HTTP Proxy03:14
LUCIDementiajken418: so that response was generated by a bot...?03:14
jken418LUCIDementia: A net install is where you download a small CD image, install a very basic system from that and then install only the packages you need in addition. So you have total custimisation and no bloat.03:14
NightDragonif you just want to access websites pretending that you are a different machine03:14
jken418LUCIDementia: Yeah, ubottu is the helper bot here.03:14
NightDragonotherwise, what you are looking for is what is known as a VPN03:14
douglasmy wireless internet modem is always dieing03:14
LUCIDementiajken418: I was told to reformat my harddrive because no one can seem to get my wireless working and that might help somehow. Would a frugal install do that for me?03:15
jken418Probably not.03:15
NightDragonLUCIDementia: what are you running?03:15
douglasit doesent like me03:15
jken418!wireless | LUCIDementia03:16
ubottuLUCIDementia: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:16
jken418LUCIDementia: ^ That's where I'd start03:16
flan_suseLUCIDementia, what wireless card is this?03:16
NightDragonlucid: when you use wireless on your ubuntu machine, and it cuts out... does it cut out for others as well? or only you?03:16
LUCIDementiayea I've tried every help document and forum post that seemed remotely related. The only suggestions I ended up with is that maybe somewhere along the way I changed something that I shouldn't have, hence the reformat03:16
greezmunkeyjken418: he has a tricky wrapper situation if I remember right.03:17
LUCIDementiaand I don't know exactly. If you can tell me how to check I'll let you know03:17
flan_suseLUCIDementia, but did it work earlier?03:17
NightDragonLUCIDementia:  does it cut out for everyone or just you?03:17
flan_suseLUCIDementia, pastebin the output of this: sudo lspci -v03:17
LUCIDementiano, I just installed Ubuntu about a week ago and the wireless has never worked. Although once I installed the b43 driver I can see the networks, but still can't connect03:18
LUCIDementiahere's the results of sudo lspci -v     http://paste.ubuntu.com/436530/03:19
realubotI tried to create an new account. Then I try to switch user. I logged in to the newly created account but then I get error messages about some ICE.authority file and something about missing directories in home. Why isn't it working as expected?03:19
BlAck6j73greezmunkey:  did you get your graphics sorted?03:19
NightDragonin that case lucid its probably a driver problem as opposed to a router problem.  What kind of ... oh you did lspci cool03:19
flan_suseLUCIDementia, so right now, you are able to see wireless networks?03:20
RudyValenciaHow do I get Linux to mount a UFS2 disk that was formerly in a FreeBSD system?03:21
greezmunkeyBlAck6j73: I got as much out of it as I'll be able to, but at least I can see video clips now. Thanks for asking :)03:21
flan_suseLUCIDementia, what exactly happens when you try to connect to your wireless router?03:21
LUCIDementiait spins for about 30 seconds then says "Wireless Network  Disconnected" or something generic like that03:22
LUCIDementiaworth noting: it shows full bars and worked just fine when I was using Windows03:23
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: in a terminal, you can type "tail -f /var/log/syslog" (sans quotes) to see the process in a bit more detail.03:24
NightDragonyour driver is likely working fine03:25
NightDragonyou have misconfigured something within your settings03:25
NightDragonsuch as the wireless password, etc etc03:25
starnostarwhat does "backend" do, i just installed the 64 bit flash (32 wasnt working right) and forgot to uninstall the 32 bit, maxed out one of my processors and didnt show in system monitor, had to kill via pid in top03:26
NightDragonthis can be confirmed by going to a public wifi and seeing if you can connect03:26
LUCIDementiathere is no wireless password on the network, but if there's something going on behind the scenes hopefully you can spot it here :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/436535/03:26
NightDragonstarnostar: http://tinyurl.com/27u67so03:26
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: remove the space in your SSID !!!03:27
LUCIDementiaI don't know what that means03:27
starnostari did search for it, there are appearently many different backend's, and none of these posts relate to my problem, spent 30 minutes on google03:27
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: make Oak Timber == OakTimbar03:27
greezmunkeymisspelled it, but you get the idea03:28
flan_suseLUCIDementia, change your "Wireless Network Name" in the wireless router so that it doesn't contain spaces.03:28
starnostarand i wouldnt ask about it here if i could find it on google03:28
Maceranybody having problems booting a kubuntu 10.04 install cd?03:28
NightDragonok well then the best way03:28
NightDragonwould be to do a "man backend"03:28
acerimmerMacer: what probs u have?03:28
ubottumacer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:28
LUCIDementiathe SSID listed is "linksys"  That's just the name of the connection along with Auto hpsetup  and  Auto default03:28
LUCIDementiabut I'll try it03:28
starnostarthanks, didnt show up in synaptic, figured it was some deep rooted system process03:29
NightDragonLUCIDementia: is your network secure?03:29
NightDragonlol no problem man03:29
LUCIDementiait's not password protected if that's what you mean03:29
Macerubottu: uhm. the "problem booting the kubuntu install cd" wasn't good enough?03:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
sebsebsebLUCIDementia: you should use some protection03:29
sebsebsebLUCIDementia: not WEP,  but WPA2 or whatever it is03:29
IMTheNachoManare there any cli firewall configuration programs?03:29
Maceracerimmer: boots ... picks language.. then error .. can't find boot cd03:29
Macerwhen choosing "install kubuntu"03:30
unitypunkanyone want to help me figure out how to get my sound to work coming in from my tv card?03:30
acerimmerMacer: did u run a checksumm on the download?03:30
unitypunktisnt muted.03:30
Macerthe possibility of a bad download is like... 1923123120329132138784324923798132:1 :)03:30
unitypunkseems to be a major problem with a bunch of people.03:30
LUCIDementiaI'm sure protection is normally a good thing but I don't own this modem or router. I just live here for the summer03:30
acerimmerMacer: ok  - but DID you check the iso via checksum and check the burned CD?03:30
Maceracerimmer: no. but i'll try that03:31
NightDragonMacer: what probably happened here is you burned the CD too fast03:31
NightDragonwhen you burn the CD at max speed03:31
NightDragonthere tends to be a few minor errors on the CD03:31
MacerNightDragon: thought about that.. burned it at 4x  just in case03:31
SmartVikingMy ysb wont mount!03:31
starnostarnever burn a cd at max speed03:31
Macermaybe it is some oddball cdrw bug03:31
roygbivhi i'm trying build my own version of tk but i need the X11 header files in lucid. anyone know which package contains those?03:31
LUCIDementiaso.....any more ideas? It seems like things should be working, so why aren't they?03:31
hacimi made a CD of lucid, and when I boot from it, I get the boot menu and if I press enter on 'try ubuntu without installing' nothing happens03:31
hacimsame with install03:31
NightDragonmacer the easy way is to verify the disk03:31
RudyValenciaHow do I get Linux to mount a UFS2 disk that was formerly in a FreeBSD system?03:31
Maceri burned it on an opensolaris box using cdrw03:31
rshakinhappy bday to me :0)03:32
Macerhacim: heh. well. sounds similar to mmy problem03:32
acerimmerhacim: with desktop iso or alternate?03:32
LUCIDementiarshakin: happy birthday (:03:32
douglashappy birthday03:32
hacimthe CDRW drive flashes, but nothing03:32
hacimi burned with wodim03:32
SmartVikingHow do i mount my usb?03:32
douglasrshakin: happy birthday (:03:32
gbear14275I'm getting a "failed to configure package manager" when I'm trying to setup a jeos VM...  not sure whats going wrong...03:32
ubottuhacim: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:32
RudyValenciaSmartViking: What file system?03:32
sebsebsebrshakin: I did a tiny bit of Ubuntu support in here on my last birthday,  and I kept it secret from everyone as well, that  it was my birthday :D03:32
Macercan i download kubuntu 9.04 from somewhere?03:32
SmartVikingRudyValencia: Prettu sure its ext403:33
flan_suseLUCIDementia, so the name of your network is linksys?03:33
sebsebsebMacer: yes03:33
geirhaLUCIDementia: Have you talked with the owner of the router? It could be it's set up to only allow connections based on hwaddr03:33
acerimmerhacim: if u haven't done so, plz check the downloaded iso with checksum.  also check the burned cd.03:33
LUCIDementiawhen I go to properties that's the listed SSID03:33
sebsebsebMacer: releases.kubuntu.org/9.04 or something like that I guess03:33
roygbivwhich package contains the X11 header files?03:33
sebsebsebMacer: I guess you can ask #kubuntu for the proper answer03:33
LUCIDementiaas far as they know computers run on magic03:33
Brando753guys how can i connect to wifi on ubuntu server03:33
sebsebsebMacer: oh by the way 9.04 runs out of support at the end of October no more security updates03:33
Macersebsebseb: oh. thought they  merged here03:33
douglasi <3 the space slidshow backround03:33
IzinucsMacer: what's the question?03:33
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: Here's a tip, edit your wireless profile. If the SSID - natwork name - is Oak Timber, change it to "Oak Timber" and try again.03:33
Macersebsebseb: yeah but i can install 9.04 and dist-update03:33
Maceror 9.10 ;)03:34
Maceras long as it can install03:34
sebsebsebMacer: probably best to clean install  when 10.10 comes out03:34
acerimmerMacer: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/jaunty/03:34
sebsebsebMacer: 9.04 untill the end of October is fine03:34
sebsebsebMacer: and it really is better than 9.10 and 10.04 in certain ways03:34
SmartVikingRudyValencia: It was some files that i wanted to delete on it, but i could not mount them because it was busy with "ls" so i killed the "ls" process, after then i could not mount03:34
RudyValenciahm not sure03:34
sebsebsebMacer: this channel is also for Kubuntu suport, but they also have #kubuntu03:35
RudyValenciaumount it first?03:35
alanis313How can I enable CUPS03:35
flan_suseLUCIDementia, properties of what?03:35
geirhaLUCIDementia: Have you tried connecting to it with a wired connection, just to see if that works correctly?03:35
LUCIDementiathe dropdown box shows the name "linksys". I can create a....well, whatever it's called when you make a name like "My Internet Connection" but I've tried changing that a lot03:35
ferfactori want to know which is the best instant messenger?03:35
IzinucsMacer: I run kubuntu on one machine.. what's the question?03:35
alanis313for some reason I can't install printers03:35
flan_suseLUCIDementia, pastebin this: iwlist scan03:35
SmartVikinghow do i mount my usb?03:36
MacerIzinucs: the x86 install cd image i downloaded from wisc.edu seems to not boot when choosing "install kubuntu"03:36
M25I'm looking for a way to simulate X11 keyboard input on a computer I can ssh into, assuming I can ssh into the same account that's logged into X on screen.  I essentailly want to use my laptop as a keyboard for my htpc03:36
Macerit says "can not find boot cd" when trying with some error msg03:36
IzinucsMacer: but you get to the main live desktop screen?03:36
Macerno.. i was trying to install straight on boot03:36
linxehM25: how about synergy2 ?03:36
Maceri do get the lang selection03:36
Macerand the menu asking to boot the live stuff or install03:37
IzinucsMacer: is this a desktop or laptop?  home built or store purchase?03:37
he||phyregreezmunkey: got a second?03:37
M25linxeh: the particular device that's dialing in doesn't have X, I think synergy requires it03:37
|droid|#!/bin/bash What is that03:37
LUCIDementiaInterface doesn't support scanning03:37
Macerolder compaq03:37
Macerit's actually not mine. i'm installing it for someone03:37
linxehM25: what does it have? just terminal linux ?03:37
greezmunkeyhe||phyre: sure, what's up?03:37
Max-PHi, does anyone know how Ubuntu Lucid accesses iPod touch filesystem because I need to access it from command-line03:37
IzinucsMacer: is it home built?03:37
K-19ferfactor : Try Pidgin..03:37
BlAck6j73M25:  I think you can tunnel X over ssh03:38
M25linxeh: yeah, its a zipit z2, feel free to google03:38
MacerIzinucs: not unless you know of many home built compaqs03:38
he||phyregreezmunkey: hey whats up... im having powersaving issues on this laptop. the screen dims on suspend or inactivity but when it wakes up it doesnt brighten up again03:38
IzinucsMacer: ah.. compaq03:38
flan_suseLUCIDementia, just that one line?03:38
he||phyregreezmunkey: any idea?03:38
linxehBlAck6j73: thats not what he's trying to do03:38
alanis313How can I connect to my local CUPS server03:38
M25BlAck6j73: yeah, that's for doing it the other way around, having x display and control on the remote device03:38
Macerit's like an older p4 compaq03:38
|droid|What does this do? #!/bin/bash03:38
acerimmerMacer: u could maybe try alternate install and/or verify the right 32/64 bit iso03:38
BlAck6j73M25:  ah ok03:38
ferfactorK-19 i know pidgin, but i want to know another msn program03:39
greezmunkeyhe||phyre: yikes, no. Sorry. I've seen a bit of there here from time to time though, post the Q to the group, we'll see what shakes out.03:39
Maceracerimmer: did already03:39
Macerit's x8603:39
Maceri will try another cd and see what i get. thanks03:39
M25BlAck6j73: I do that on a regular basis though, it's pretty sweet, beats the living bejeezus out of vnc03:39
gonzaloafhello, my FN + brightness up and down are not working, I have modified the files /etc/acpi/video_brightnessup.sh and /etc/acpi/video_brightnessdown.sh, when I execute them like #sh video_brigtnessdown.sh they work, but when I press FN+F7 or FN+F8 they don't work, so I suspect that the key combination its not being recognized by the system, how can I check or assign that?03:39
LUCIDementiathree. One for "lo", one for "eth0" and "wlan0" says No scan results03:39
yaxomoxayhow do you install 10.10 packages? I noticed some bugs for 10.10 are already on launchpad03:39
he||phyrepeoples... im having powersaving issues on this laptop. the screen dims on suspend or inactivity but when it wakes up it doesnt brighten up again. any help would be swell.03:39
K-19ferfactor : Then try looking in Ubuntu Software Centre...(Many are waiting)03:40
he||phyrerunning lucid'03:40
IzinucsMacer: missed that before.. outside chance this might work.. it really depends on the motherboard that's being used by compaq.. on boot you should have the ability to hit F6 and modify the kernel boot line.. just before "quiet splash" add pci=nomsi and then maybe acpi might be an issue.. so also add noacpi (I think) someone will have to correct that last one.03:40
ferfactorK-19 ok im searching another msn client, thank for your atention!!!03:40
M25linxeh: yeah, synergy requires X to run03:40
BlAck6j73M25:  is there a lot  more overhead?03:40
roygbivhe||phyre you could disable screen dimming as a workaround03:40
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: is that normal?03:41
M25BlAck6j73: than vnc?  significantly less overhead, you don't send raw pictures most of the time, it's just X11 commands, which are much lighter03:41
he||phyreroygbiv: though about it but as a last resort only03:41
ferfactorwell i have another problem, i want to change my screen resolution, to 1024-768 but when i change it, the image on the screen go out and i don't see anything03:41
flan_suseLUCIDementia, no scan results? But the Network Manager DOES show results?03:41
ferfactorin other words i can change the screen resolution03:41
BlAck6j73M25:  right03:41
M25BlAck6j73: if you use a non-pixmap based theme, and no icons, you don't really send images at all03:41
matcoutoIs there an app which hides my email client but shows me a notification when a receive a new email?03:41
linxehM25: there might be something that injects into uinput or something03:42
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: did you run "iwlist wlan0 scanning" yet?03:42
gonzaloafhello, my FN+F7 and FN+F8 brightness keys are not working, I have modified the files /etc/acpi/video_brightnessup.sh and /etc/acpi/video_brightnessdown.sh, when I execute them like #sh video_brigtnessdown.sh they work, but when I press FN+F7 or FN+F8 they don't work, so I suspect that the key combination its not being recognized by the system, how can I check or assign that?03:42
LUCIDementiaI think so but I'll try it again03:42
M25linxeh: that's a good idea03:42
=== |droid| is now known as calibre
calibreWhat does this do? #!/bin/bash03:42
harunHi. A a basic linux question. What am I doing wrong? : http://pastebin.com/LwP2RBsf03:42
LUCIDementiawlan0     No scan results03:42
RudyValenciaWhich is better for a server's hostname: only the servername or a FQDN like servername.localdomain.local ?03:42
M25gonzaloaf: there's a keyboard shortcuts application as well as a keyboard preferences application in your system preferences menu03:42
IzinucsRudyValencia: call it bilbo03:42
flan_suseLUCIDementia, but what about the tray icon?03:42
Hawaiian_Eskimo"W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com ..." error whenever i try to install anything03:43
CynthiaIzinucs: lol. RudyValencia either works well, depending on the needs of your organisation if applicable03:43
M25Hawaiian_Eskimo: check your firewall settings?03:43
RudyValenciaprobably should use the FQDN, like I've done before.03:44
roygbivRudyValencia a fully qualified domain is really only important when you are putting a server on the internet, or in a private network with multiple domains. if everything you have is in the same domain then it doesn't matter03:44
Hawaiian_Eskimothought ubuntu didn't come with firewall by default03:44
kofianpor que ubuntu-es no funciona?03:44
NightDragonHarun: just use the numbers when you do chmod03:44
K-19harun : Use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com looks like nothing is in there...03:44
gonzaloafM25, how can that app can help me?03:44
harunK-19: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/D7ZnwxKD03:45
harunNightDragon: trying now03:45
M25gonzaloaf: your keyboard may not be sending the events that ubuntu expects (keyboard preferences app, try different keyboard models) or the keyboard shortcuts may be changed to something else, or unset (keyboard shortcuts)03:45
confuciohola che03:46
=== avi__ is now known as a94060
confucioque tal?03:46
acerimmerHawaiian_Eskimo: firewall isn't enabled by default, but is prsent03:46
ubottuconfucio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:46
LUCIDementiathe tray icon will display wireless networks. I just can't connect to them03:46
linxehM25: not what you want, but similar - http://www.tenjin.org/RemotePad/03:46
Hawaiian_Eskimoit's a fresh install, and i never enabled it. so firewall can't be the problem03:46
zhengBugReport: When I install vmware-7.0.1 on Ubuntu-10.04, it works; but after I reboot the Ubuntu-10.04, the vmware program menu disappeared, I must start it from console.03:47
NightDragonharun: if you are trying to give yourself write access03:47
K-19harun :  Try Later...03:47
gonzaloafM25, but the shortcuts for that purpose are not listed03:47
M25linxeh: hehehehe, I bought the z2 instead of an ipod touch :p03:47
FlannelK-19, harun: use paste.ubuntu.com03:47
greezmunkeyK-19: harun there are other pastebins ;)03:47
BitEncryptwhere do i change my desktop theme....i think i click on "software sources" and it change my desktop theme to KDE?????03:47
NightDragonthen its chmod -R 777 /path/to/file (this enables *global write*)03:47
zhengBugReport: When I install vmware-7.0.1 on Ubuntu-10.04, it works; but after I reboot the Ubuntu-10.04, the vmware program menu disappeared, I must start it from console.03:47
NightDragonbut the command you are probably looking for03:47
NightDragonis chown03:47
M25gonzaloaf: have you tried setting up your keyboard as a different model?03:47
NightDragonchown -R harun:harun /path/to/file03:47
BitEncrypteverything is diff03:47
gonzaloafM25, when I try to set an event with any FN+F7 or F8 doesnt work=, but with FN+any they work03:48
IzinucsBitEncrypt: on the initial login screen change "sessions" to the one you want03:48
harunK-19: http://paste.ubuntu.com/436541/03:48
BitEncryptso restart03:48
M25gonzaloaf: what model of computer are you on?03:48
harunNightDragon: I'm trying to give write access to a group which I'm in.03:48
zhengBugReport: When I install vmware-7.0.1 on Ubuntu-10.04, it works; but after I reboot the Ubuntu-10.04, the vmware program menu disappeared, I must start it from console.03:48
IzinucsBitEncrypt: or logout03:48
acerimmerBitEncrypt: first u have to install the desktop u wnat.  then select it at boot03:48
acerimmeri mean login03:48
gonzaloafM25, for a laptop which one is the correct? I have now Generic 105-key (Intl) PC03:48
gonzaloafM25, My computer is a laptop hp dv2842se03:49
Izinucszheng: latest vmware typically is managed via firefox and the localhost:port number address assigned to it.. virtualbox is much easier and very robust03:49
maddhatanyone know how to control fan speed on an x345 running ubuntu server?03:49
K-19harun :  What are You trying to do..03:49
flan_suseLUCIDementia, okay, and when you go to Menu > System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, does it list anything?03:49
M25gonzaloaf: that's the generic one, see if any of the models under hewlett-packard brand work03:49
linuxmonstermaddhat, fanspeed03:49
zhengvirutualbox is much slower than vmware, right?03:50
Izinucszheng: yes03:50
Izinucszheng: sorry.. slower? no03:50
NightDragonharun... then what you want is 770 for your CHMOD mask03:50
LUCIDementiaYes. Broadcom B43 wireless driver is enabled.  Broadcom STA wireless driver is installed but disabled03:50
NightDragonusing the octal system for chmod is so much easier if you ask me03:50
andre_francyshow to install zimbra in the ubuntu 10.04    ?03:51
harunK-19: I'm trying to set the group of a directory and let a group of users r/w/x for that dir.03:51
gonzaloafM25, nop, none work03:51
quiescensthe comparative performance of the various virtualization options will depend on the applicable circumstances and is beyond the scope of this document03:51
Izinucsandre_francys: zimbra site has docs on that.. but it's a resource hog03:51
harunNightDragon: Is it possible to manage it groups? I really don't want to chown it.03:51
M25gonzaloaf: huh... if you use compiz you can do a workaround with the Commands plugin03:51
jesus_541anyone has a link to fix hot keys03:51
gonzaloafM25, how come?03:51
K-19harun :  apt-get install policykit-gnome03:52
Poseidon_99problem with pidgin03:52
gonzaloafM25, I just installed ubuntu 10.04 it is a fresh install03:52
andre_francysok tanks03:52
linuxmonsterPoseidon_99,  a bit more info would help03:52
maddhatlinuxmonster: i cant seem to find the "fanspeed" package.. could you point me in the right direction?03:53
harunK-19: Thanks. I'm ReadingTFM for the last 2 hours and trying everything to make it work with groups.03:53
M25gonzaloaf: have you tried googling your laptop model along with "brightness keys"?03:53
CoolAcidQuick question to start - who/which chan would be best suited to kernel patches?03:53
linxehmaddhat: I think it is called fancontrol03:53
K-19harun :  sudo polkit-gnome-authorization03:53
harunK-19: Is it possible to manage read/write access to without extra things just off the box?03:54
linuxmonsterhm I cant find it either but someone mentioned earlier03:54
jesus_541what is the name of the new ubuntu book03:54
sebsebseb!manual | jesus_54103:54
ubottujesus_541: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:54
unitypunki wish tvtime would interlace righttt03:55
maco_Ubuntu overheats my laptop! =?03:55
jesus_541thanks should have known03:55
acerimmerCoolAcid: wouldn't that be a linux chan?03:55
Mokee269i was devloping on win7 for win703:55
Mokee269and fricking turned out to be as bad as windows ALWAYS is03:55
Mokee269came back to ubuntu now03:55
Mokee269some weeks ago03:55
Mokee269and loving it03:55
CoolAcidacerimmer: yeah maybe, but I was hoping to get a fix in a ubuntu kernel first.. ;)03:55
FloodBot1Mokee269: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
Mokee269downside about linux.. configurations, and all the little tic tacs03:56
gonzaloafM25, yeah but I found nothing, I found how to create the video_brightness files and how to modified them, but not how to make work my keys03:56
Mokee269far more efficient, stable, better and just YES03:56
Izinucs!enter | Mokee26903:56
ubottuMokee269: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:56
acerimmerCoolAcid: i was just reading an article stating dev's go through a kernel selection process for each release.  suggest you check out dev chan's03:56
Mokee269sorrry... LOL :D I tend to be a chatmonster, and enter is like blinking to me ;)03:56
ScipioAny one know how to reset audio settings to what they were before installing the latest build?03:56
CoolAcidacerimmer: which is that?03:56
flan_suseLUCIDementia, try this.03:57
flan_suseLUCIDementia, sorry, busy with other things.03:57
flan_suseLUCIDementia, remove the B43 and enable the STA driver instead.03:57
flan_suseLUCIDementia, then reboot and see if it helps.03:57
acerimmerCoolAcid: wait 1 i have a directory somewhere03:57
mkquistok this is kinda silly, I downloaded some wallpaper but cant find it, but its being used as my wallpaper... any way to locate it?03:57
ferfactorif i had a mac and i install ubuntu 10.04 in paralell, why my batery life is consumed faster03:57
LUCIDementiawell...I guess it's worth a shot, but that's something that I have definitely tried before. Which is why it's there03:58
LUCIDementiaI don't know any commands, but I was hoping there is one that would tell us why it isn't letting me connect03:58
CoolAcidacerimmer: basicly, I have a DVB card thats partly supported - I originally emailed the driver dev but got no where quick.. so trying to figure out the best way to get the support in the kernel - ironicly, its just a PCI device tag in a driver ;)03:58
linux_is_my_heroonce im done reading an entry in the manual, how do i close it (ubuntu server)?03:58
gonzaloafCan somebody help me to register the key combinations FN+F7 and FN+F8 in order to make my brightness control work?03:58
vithoshow do i change the console screen resolution in 10.04?03:58
kaellHaving a strange ping problem... http://pastebin.com/wWDcmSdH03:59
acerimmerCoolAcid: a dev i am not.  Sorry.  Anyway, hope one of the chan's on this directory might work for u.03:59
greezmunkeylinux_is_my_hero: hit the letter q03:59
Izinucslinux_is_my_hero: you mean a man page? hit "q03:59
CoolAcidacerimmer: thanks03:59
AazorisI tried this earlier and requested some assistance via pm but was told to address it here but it's all confusing seeing 15 different problems arousing. Would anyone mind helping set up my server for "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Desktop?" I tried the: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' command and it said it wasn't recognized?03:59
kaellpings take a long time to _start_.  They ping times are fine, but the time to perform the ping takes forever... http://pastebin.com/wWDcmSdH03:59
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maddhatanyone know how to control fan speed on an x345 running ubuntu server?03:59
maddhatlm-sensors doesnt see any sensors03:59
acerimmerAazoris: think you have to specify "aptitude" not "apt"03:59
muskask8I just updated to ubuntu 10.04 from ubuntu 9.10 and now my sound doesn't work. It did at first but now it doesn't at all03:59
flan_suseLUCIDementia, on my laptop, the Broadcom STA driver works with wireless perfectly.04:00
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linux_is_my_heroanother question about ubuntu server: how do i get my wifi up and running?04:00
AazorisOk i will try that right now04:00
LUCIDementiado you use ndiswrapper?04:00
AazorisPlease standby.04:00
IzinucsAazoris: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:00
acerimmerLUCIDementia: +1 with flan.  downloaded broadcom package and installed.  o issues.04:00
K-19kaell : Empty pastebin!!! try http://ubuntu.pastebin.com04:00
ferfactorhow can i change screen? the screen resolution of my04:01
linuxmonstermaddhat in Lucid?04:01
ferfactorhow can i change the screen resolution of my laptop04:01
flan_suseLUCIDementia, nope, didn't use ndiswrapper.04:01
Aazoris<Izinucs> I've tried that04:01
maddhatlinuxmonster: correct04:01
muskask8I just updated to ubuntu 10.04 from ubuntu 9.10 and now my sound doesn't work. It did at first but now it doesn't at all04:01
LUCIDementiaI feel like I've tried everything mentioned, but is it possible that having more than one of these options installed is interfering with one another?04:01
greezmunkeykaell: do the same thing to the numeric address, the time may have more to do with a slow dns lookup than anything else.04:01
BlAck6j73ferfactor: for your desktop?04:01
LUCIDementiamore importantly, is there a way to check which one is?04:01
AazorisI am going to try acerimmer way real quick, please standby04:01
IzinucsAazoris: if that doesn't work then aptitude won't either.. same basic thing.. you sure you're connected to the net with the server?04:01
linuxmonstermaddhat only thing I found is apt-get install fancontrol but that assumes your lmsensors work properly I belive04:01
mkquistmuskask8: did you try something as simple as clicking on the icon and making sure the correct hardware is being used?04:02
acerimmerAazoris: reoger04:02
K-19ferfactor : System..Preference..Monitor04:02
AazorisI am sure04:02
muskask8yes I did, and nothing it muted04:02
linuxmonsterthinkfan is a daemon only it says04:02
maddhatlinuxmonster: right - fancontrol relies on lm-sensors.  lm-sensors wont work for the IBM x34504:02
mkquistmuskask8: do you have more than one soundcard?04:02
flan_suseLUCIDementia, what do you mean?04:02
muskask8no I do not04:02
kaellgreezmunkey, hmm, yes it went fast with an IP directly... but nslookup goes fast in resolving the name to the IP04:02
noilhi, I have install xubuntu 10.04 yesterday. some problems appeared after update, something with video driver, after reboot my PC loaded in low mode, I have reinstall videodriver (nvidia) system is ok now, but boot screen still loaded in low mod, what I have 2 do?04:02
mkquistmuskask8: have you tried just turning the volume up and down?04:03
LUCIDementialike if I installed ndiswrapper incorrectly and it's blocking my access to my wireless card04:03
mkquistmuskask8: i know these sound simple, but I had these things help04:03
LUCIDementianot sure if that's at all possible, but thoughts like that is why I wanted to reformat04:03
muskask8yes and nothing happens, I don't even get sound when I turn the computer on and log in04:03
flan_suseLUCIDementia, you already tried ndiswrapper?04:03
linuxmonstermaddhat,  only othe roption I see is sudo apt-get install thinkfan but as I mentioned it shows only as a daemon for the fans04:03
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LUCIDementiawell the step after installing ndiswrapper was to find what windows driver I needed, download and install it04:04
kaell10ms for nslookup of google.com... 30ms for ping of google.com's IP address... but 15 seconds to ping google.com... this makes no sense to me04:04
kaell10+30 = 1500004:04
leagrismuskask8, I suggest you load an alsa mixer like gamix and check all levels and muter. The gnome-volume-control with pulseaudio backend tend to ignore some devices04:04
mkquist!sound | muskask804:04
ubottumuskask8: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:04
LUCIDementiaall 3 of those steps baffled me, but ubuntu forums walked me through it I think...I just can't be sure that I did it right04:04
greezmunkeykaell: look at using the strace command to see everything that ping does...04:04
maddhatlinuxmonster: thinkfan relies on acpi functions. ive checked for all acpi functions.  that is for ibm thinkpads, not servers04:04
ferfactorBlAck6j73, yes for my desktop, actually i had desktop resolution 800x600 and i want to change it to 1024x706 but when i change it the screen get balck and i can see anything04:04
muskask8I already have alsa mixer installed and nothing is muted in there04:05
noilanybody know how to fix a bootscreen ?04:05
greezmunkeykaell: strace ping google.com - the results are impressive.04:05
kaelli see that04:05
BlAck6j73ferfactor:  1024x706?04:05
kaellnot particularly helpful for me here, but interesting ;)04:05
greezmunkeykaell: can we call that one answered?04:06
ferfactorBlAck6j73, yes!!!04:06
ferfactorBlAck6j73, 1024x76804:06
BlAck6j73ferfactor: not 1024x768?04:06
kaellwell... i'm sure this is abnormal operation, there is something causing this abnormal operation, and i have not yet identified what that is or fixed it04:06
ferfactorBlAck6j73, yes that distribution04:06
kaelli understand ping does a lot... but it has never taken 15 seconds per ping on any other ubuntu box i've used04:06
greezmunkeykaell: go through the strace - maybe you'll see what's going on.04:07
ferfactorBlAck6j73, but when i change it, i cant see anything04:07
ferfactorthe screen get black totally04:07
LUCIDementiawhen I enable STA instead of b43 I can't even see available wireless networks04:07
inayetI just installed drupal on ubuntu. I typed in http://localhost/drupal6/ and I get this message, "Site off-line04:07
inayetThe site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding." Please help.04:07
kaellunfortunately, strace does not tell me how much time each part is taking04:07
RudyValenciaI got it mounted on the final Linux installation (it wouldn't mount on the live CD)04:07
BlAck6j73ferfactor: how are you changing the resolution?04:07
greezmunkeykaell: use the -c option ;)04:08
flan_suseLUCIDementia, ndiswrapper might be conflicting with your setup.04:08
ferfactorBlAck6j73, well im changing in this route: system-preferences-monitorr04:08
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: Is there a way to check that? And (hopefully) to fix it?04:09
jrennerhey anyone who's good with c++ and wants to help a noob (aka me) please get on ubuntu-programming04:09
kaellgreezmunkey, syscall write is taking 100% of the time, for a total of 0.000039 seconds04:09
BlAck6j73ferfactor: whats the lowest that works?04:09
kaellthe 15 seconds are not accounted for in any of those syscalls04:10
vithoshow do i change the screen resolution for a system not running X (10.04)?04:10
ferfactorBlAck6j73, is 640x48004:10
flan_suseLUCIDementia, pastebin this: lsmod | grep ndiswrapper04:10
greezmunkeykaell: Heh, had to man that, try strace -r ping google.com04:10
ferfactorBlAck6j73, i have to say it, my laptop lcd broke down a few weeks ago, so i had to conect my laptop to a pc monitor04:11
greezmunkeykaell: you should see 0.0000nn numbers04:11
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: can you double check that command? Nothing happens when I press enter04:11
linuxmonstervithos,  system>prefferences>display04:11
xplicit313[ICAN]I just upgraded my Ubuntu to lucid, I upgraded because my external drives won't show at all. They still wont mount, any ideas on why this might be?04:11
vithoslinuxmonster: i'm not running X04:11
kaellok, it keeps pausing at poll and read operations04:11
kaelle.g. 0.000135 poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 4975 <<<puases here for a few seconds then completes rest of line>>> ) = 0 (Timeout)04:12
AazorisAazoris here again, Does "PuTty" work great on Win7 x64?04:12
BlAck6j73ferfactor: try with the    "refresh rate"  set to 60hz04:12
flan_suseLUCIDementia, that means ndiswrapper module is not loaded.04:12
flan_suseLUCIDementia, did you reboot after enabling STA driver?04:12
kaelland 0.000090 read(4, "-15 Timeout reached\n"..., 4096) = 2004:12
greezmunkeykaell: who knows, have you disabled ipv6?04:13
LUCIDementiano, but I'll try that now. Back in a flash04:13
kaellnope, pretty stock install04:13
xorwhyIs there a way to get a CLI box within the gnome panel?04:13
ferfactorBlAck6j73, ok04:13
AazorisAazoris here again, Does "PuTty" work great on Win7 x64?04:13
linuxmonstervithos,  not sure ubuntu has it but as root try xf66config or xorgconfig04:13
ferfactorBlAck6j73, only the refresh rate?04:13
kaellwill try that and then see04:13
NilosAnyone who has experience with belkin usb wireless network adapters please pm me.04:13
CynthiaAazoris, !repeat, !windows :)04:13
greezmunkeykaell: Heh, you may want to do that ;)04:14
xplicit313[ICAN]western digital external drive, both not mounting at all. Can anyone help with this?04:14
linux_is_my_heroubuntu server @ tty: when I go two sub dir's deep how do i get back up one level without going all the way back out then back down one (using "cd")?04:14
BlAck6j73ferfactor: try with 1024x768  and    "refresh rate"  set to 60hz04:14
vithoslinuxmonster: no, i mean the console resolution04:14
holmserquick command line question.  say I have a whole tree of folders that contain .r01, .r02 , etc.. files.  would rm -r *.r* remove just those rar files?04:14
Izinucslinux_is_my_hero: cd ..04:14
K-19xorwhy : simply drag it from the menu list.04:14
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.04:14
CynthiaAazoris: In my experience, Putty works well on XP 32-bit. Extrapolate that as you will. And there are compatibility options in Windows 7 to run it "as if in Win XP" if it doesn't work so wel04:14
ferfactorBlAck6j73, ok!!!04:14
Cynthiame: [...] so well*04:14
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xorwhyK-19: Not a launcher to terminal. I mean a literal input box for typing commands.04:15
Aazorisbut i am x64 so I take it, it doesn't.04:15
robin0800xorwhy: yes right click it and choose add to panel04:15
sam_2007does anyone know why PDF documents in traditional chinese keep coming up wrong? i mean the characters are all messed up...?04:15
linux_is_my_herolzinucs: why did they design it with two periods?04:15
Izinucsxorwhy: applications > accessories > terminal or ctrl+alt+F204:15
acerimmersam_2007: missing language pack??04:16
jrennerhey anyone help me with some basic c++ stuff i'm basically just starting and I'm having a couple issues. if you want to help come to ubuntu-programming channel please!04:16
Izinucslinux_is_my_hero: been that way forever on unix, linux and windows04:16
dejavou42I'm having a problem where nautilus crashes on boot, and the gnome desktop doesn't show up at all but after I kill nautilus, it comes back. What should I look at?04:16
ferfactorBlAck6j73, the problem continue at that refresh rate and screen resolution04:16
xorwhyrobin0800: This used to be an included applet, it disappeared in a new gnome version some time ago.04:16
Cynthiaxorwhy: to get back to the Desktop after using Ctrl+Alt+F2, press Ctrl+Alt+F704:16
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holmseror would this possibly be better: rm -r *.r??04:16
holmserI don't want to lose all my files, just the rars04:16
Cynthiaholmser: *.r will not match rar files04:17
linux_is_my_herolzinucs: awesome. :-)  so at the command prompt it starts out with being in the ~ directory, which seems to be a subdirectory of $ and home.  why is that?04:17
BlAck6j73ferfactor:  when you installed ubuntu did you have the monitor attached then?04:17
dejavou42anyone know why nautilus would crash on boot?04:17
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: I can't seem to get STA working now. Something about install archive fail04:17
robin0800holmser: *.rar would be better04:17
xnoxlong time ago I was annoyed at tracker and I've completly disabled it (can't remember how) I have it installed now but it doesn't look like it has any indexing running. How do i reanble indexing in tracker?04:17
flan_suseLUCIDementia, this is getting weird.04:18
Cynthiaholmser: and even the obvious stuff like *.r?? can accidentally erase files with other extensions. try 'find . -name "*.r[0-9][0-9]" -or -name "*.rar" -print'04:18
Izinucslinux_is_my_hero: that's the natural place to be when you first enter terminal or a tty.. $ means you are a user.. if you see a command someplace prefaced with a # that means you need to use sudo04:18
xnoxtracker-status tells me all minors are not running or disabled.04:18
flan_suseLUCIDementia, pastebin this: lsmod04:18
Cynthiaholmser: and if THAT command prints out the correct file names, NOT deleting any other file, go ahead and replace -print with -delete04:18
xorwhyI don't know how to make this more clear.04:18
acerimmerxorwhy: step by step plz?04:18
avg_guyhe would like the input line of the terminal on the panel at all times04:19
holmseri was using  *.r?? using ? as wildcard04:19
xorwhyAn input box on the graphical gnome panel. Just like the URL input box in a web browser where you type URL's. Only this would be a command input box in the gnome panel.04:19
dejavou42I'm having a problem where nautilus crashes on boot, and the gnome desktop doesn't show up at all but after I kill nautilus, it comes back. What should I do to trouble shoot this?04:20
xorwhyavg_guy: Yes, and this feature used to exist.04:20
holmserbut the -r option won't delete the directories for sure, will it?04:20
xorwhyrm -rf04:20
avg_guyclosest thing i can think of is quark of running a screenlet for a terminal04:20
Cynthiaholmser: I actually don't know04:20
flan_suseLUCIDementia: modprobe -l b4304:20
avg_guyor not of04:20
LUCIDementiaflah_suse: is that a command I should try?04:20
EgyParadoxisnt rm -f not recommended?04:20
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: will only affect wireless04:21
smokenbiskitsanyone w/ toshiba l505d and/or insyde h20 bios?04:21
xorwhyrm -rf was made to give geeks with no sense of humor a reason to laugh04:21
dejavou42EgyParadox, no, I use rm -rf alot, just don't put the * wildcard in there04:21
CynthiaRead mail really fast? Yeah, that joke got old :(04:21
BlAck6j73xorwhy:    are you talking aboyt the   "run application" panel?04:21
LUCIDementiagreezmunkey: I'm not sure what that's in reference to. Are you saying that modprobe -l b43 will only affect wireless?04:21
Izinucsbeen running ubuntu on my laptop since 8.04.... 10.04 makes it hotter.. what should I check to see what's causing it?04:21
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: yes04:21
Ian__Is anyone familiar with Ubuntu server 10.04 and mail ?04:22
LUCIDementiahopefully in a good way. I'll go put it into a terminal and see what happens04:22
CynthiaIzinucs: CPU usage in either GNOME System Monitor or the 'top' command04:22
GneaIan__: #ubuntu-server likely does04:22
xorwhyBlAck6j73: It is very similar to that, only the part where you type is literally in the gnome-panel at all times.04:22
flan_suseLUCIDementia, just to make sure the module is installed.04:22
LUCIDementiakernel/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.ko    hopefully that means something to someone04:22
smokenbiskitsanyone using toshiba satellite l505d and/or insyde h2o bios?04:22
linuxmonsterI need a beer04:23
xplicit313[ICAN]So it's been at least 8 months or more running Ubuntu, if there was more support for issues I would think had easy or semi-easy solutions I would stick with it. Regretably I am making the switch back to windows =/04:23
xorwhyI need a command line input box in my gnome panel, but I'd settle for a beer.04:23
IzinucsCynthia: got that loaded.. it's barely registering anthing.. top reports most processes are sleeping or very inactive except "top"04:23
linux_is_my_herolinuxmonster: go get one! :-)04:23
BlAck6j73xorwhy:    sort of like in XFCE?04:23
smokenbiskitsacpi_osi=off removes dual core, but acpi=ht doesn't allow cores to downclock...any suggestions?04:23
linuxmonsterDone lol04:24
xorwhyBlAck6j73: Not sure, I know KDE still lets people do it. Gnome used to.04:24
CynthiaIzinucs: that probably means not much is running, as much as in 8.0404:24
linuxmonsterNow I just pray my webhoast supports Zikula lol04:24
greezmunkeyxplicit313[ICAN]: You have obviously reached you "pain threshold"04:24
linux_is_my_herolinuxmonster: how do i get information on my hardware if i dont have "hwinfo" installed?04:24
dejavou42xplicit313[ICAN]: and the point of mentioning that here is?04:24
IzinucsCynthia: but why the heat difference.. ?04:24
linux_is_my_herocan i get that off the latest server livecd?04:24
xorwhyBlAck6j73: It's a simple function, but for whatever reason it was launched into the trash on a gnome update, frustrating millions, ahem hundreds of users.04:24
ironfoot495Hi everyone can someone tell me how to get xubuntu 9.10  server to see HP 6511-SU keyboard?04:25
CynthiaIzinucs: I don't know, really ; it seems that a few recent netbook benchmarks are putting Windows 7 ahead of Ubuntu 10.04 recently04:25
greezmunkeyxorwhy: so add an xterm launcher...easy.04:25
estresHi guys, how can I change the name of my computer? in the  terminat it shows "pavel@pavel-vaio:~$" and I wish "pavel@sony-vaio:~$"04:25
rabiddachshundI'm having problems understanding Apache's file permissions. I know that the user running the service (www-data) needs to be able to read the files but what I don't get is how to do that without having to manually chmod and chgrp every file I upload (recursively or not). Do I need to add myself to www-data's group or vice versa?04:25
BlAck6j73xorwhy:    I think ubuntu just turned it into the    run application panel    Im sure its still in debian gnome04:26
xplicit313[ICAN]that while you guys are good with linux, i've yet to have anyone give any real help with the issues i've had. I was hoping maybe it would spark someone to say "Don't do it what do you need help on" but after 8 months of the same issues idk if I even want to stick it out anymore04:26
quietonecheese gives "no device found". used to work fine in 9.10 and just trying it now in lucid. what do I do?04:26
IzinucsCynthia: not sure how that applies.. I've read that too.. but this is no netbook.. dual core lappy running 32 bit04:26
GeekSquidestres: /etc/hostname04:26
Cynthiaestres: 'hostname NAME', /etc/hostname to make the change permanent04:26
GeekSquid!hostname | estres04:26
greezmunkeyxorwhy: the command is gnome-terminal04:26
ubottuestres: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.04:26
estresGeekSquid: thank you04:26
xorwhygreezmunkey: It's just not the same. I already did that.04:26
greezmunkeyxplicit313[ICAN]: what issues?04:26
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greezmunkeyxorwhy: what do you mean then?04:27
linux_is_my_heroxplicit313: sometime u may be having issues no one else is having04:27
ferfactorBlAck6j73, yes of course04:27
flan_suseLUCIDementia, okay.04:27
ferfactorBlAck6j73, in fact in windows i dont have these problem04:27
flan_suseLUCIDementia, what happens when you do this: sudo modprobe -v b4304:27
linux_is_my_heroxplicit313: having issues with your microphone not working or jacksense only working when it feels like it?04:27
__tacowicd can't indicate what type encryption type after finished scan?04:27
xorwhygreezmunkey: An input box in the panel. To type the command in the panel itself04:28
__tacowicd can't indicate what kind encryption type after finished scan?04:28
linuxmonsterlinux_is_my_hero,  lsdev ?04:28
xorwhyBlAck6j73: That's interesting, I'll check that out04:28
xplicit313[ICAN]I've got multiple issues... 1.) After a while running certain apps (e.g. - firefox, hulu, etc) The sound for those apps quit working, and I end up having to killall to the process. 2.) My western digital externals sometimes will mount, but will unmount no sooner then I open them, that's if they mount at all, 3.) this is totally irrelivant because I know theres no fix, but not having itunes or a program that is open source th04:28
xplicit313[ICAN]at does the same thing kind of sucks =/04:28
flan_suseLUCIDementia, now this: sudo ifconfig -a04:28
greezmunkeyxorwhy: hmm. ok. Why not press alt+F204:28
AazorisSo I take it you all (or most) know about vps' and how to set them up04:29
BlAck6j73ferfactor:  all I can suggest is that you try with a Ubuntu live cd and see if the problem is still there04:29
linuxmonsterlinux_is_my_hero,  its part of the procinfo package04:29
ferfactorBlAck6j73, well i'll try.. or i have to wait when some one fixed my lap04:30
linux_is_my_herolinuxmonster: how do i install something from the livecd instead of the normal run-to-the-repos method04:30
xorwhygreezmunkey: that's pretty close, as far as functionality there's little difference, and result wise it is equivalent. Maybe I have OCD or something but I want that box in my panel lol04:30
linux_is_my_herolinuxmonster: i dont have network yet04:30
LUCIDementiaa massive amount of text ending in "syntax error"   http://paste.ubuntu.com/436557/04:30
xplicit313[ICAN]and I just upgraded to lucid last night04:30
greezmunkeyxorwhy: yeah, yeah, yeah. Heh.04:30
linuxmonsterlinux_is_my_hero,  procinfo is on your cd04:30
linuxmonsterand if ya dont have network then how are you online lol04:31
ferfactorBlAck6j73, another question, a friend has a mac and he installed ubuntu in parallel, so he said to me that his life battery finish very quickly04:31
linux_is_my_heroi have two computers04:31
flan_suseLUCIDementia, something is seriously wrong.04:31
sebsebsebxplicit313[ICAN]: sometimes upgrades go wrong, also sometimes something that just worked in a previous version doesn't, in a later version04:31
flan_suseLUCIDementia, I think ndiswrapper might have created a conflict.04:31
harunNightDragon: K-19: I've found the solution. you need to logout to make the group to be applied to the session. now it is working thanks!04:32
xplicit313[ICAN]sebsebseb: I've noticed that XD04:32
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sebsebsebxplicit313[ICAN]: as for Itunes, well for buying music,  theres the Ubuntu One Music store in 10.0404:32
linux_is_my_heroilnuxmonster: i have two computers04:32
=== Aazoris|Anth is now known as Aazoris
IzinucsWhat can I use to monitor the temp of the cpu?04:32
flan_suseLUCIDementia, try using the Live CD, without installing, and plug the laptop into a wired ethernet connection. Then enable the Broadcom STA driver under Hardware Drivers, and see if the wireless works during the Live CD session.04:32
greezmunkeysebsebseb: Yeah, like grub2 incrementing (or decrementing) partition numbers!04:32
linux_is_my_herolinuxmonster: i have two computers :-)04:32
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: uhmm?  and yes the old Grub is better really for most of us04:32
greezmunkeysebsebseb: yup.04:33
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: I don't actually have an Ubuntu CD. I used my last one to install it the first time and threw it away after. I just have one with an ISO saved on it04:33
xplicit313[ICAN]sebsebseb: Pay for music o.O i've never heard of such a thing =p but what if any would sync music/media to an ipod?04:33
ferfactoranybody here knows latex04:33
BlAck6j73ferfactor:  sorry I havent got a clue   im seriously macaphobic!04:33
sebsebsebxplicit313[ICAN]: 10.04 has some  sort of support for iphones and ipods at the moment I think, but other distros as well, however Apple could brake that04:33
acerimmerxplicit313[ICAN]: plenty of freebies in jamendo04:34
ferfactorBlAck6j73, jajaja ok thanks for ypur help04:34
flan_suseLUCIDementia, well, at this point, it's tricky to undo the damage.04:34
quietonewhat would my laptop camera be called in /dev ?04:34
LUCIDementiaI hear a "frugal install" can boot Ubuntu without using a CD. Any tips on this?04:34
flan_susequiescens, maybe /dev/video04:34
ferfactoranybody here knows Latex program?04:34
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: that can be mounted04:34
sebsebsebxplicit313[ICAN]: also Ipods and Iphones and Ipads,  no thanks!  i'll rather buy from companies who are actsaully Linux friendly.  so if I was to buy a portable music player that wasn't just a CD player,  I would buy from Cowon04:34
flan_suseLUCIDementia, me? No, not sure.04:35
LUCIDementiahow about you greezmunkey?04:35
rabiddachshundI'm having problems understanding Apache's file permissions. I know that the user running the service (www-data) needs to be able to read the files but what I don't get is how to do that without having to manually chmod and chgrp every file I upload (recursively or not). Do I need to add myself to www-data's group or vice versa?04:35
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xplicit313[ICAN]sebsebseb: I agree 100% however I got a great deal on a 64gig touch, so I went for it. First ipod ever, I am semi-regretting it. However it's got a lot of nice features to04:35
Aazorisallow me to rephrase my last question. Does anyone own and manage a vps04:36
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: I am still learning differant boot methods, I'm not a good resource for that, sorry.04:36
* quiescens points flan_suse at quietone 04:36
Cynthiarabiddachshund: You might be able to have all files uploaded to /var/www (or wherever) changed to owner www-data automatically, with the sticky/tacky permission bit04:36
quietonequiescens, if that is for me I don't understand04:37
LUCIDementiaI will reformat to undo the damage. But when I first installed Ubuntu wireless didn't work. What should my first step be?04:37
Hawaiian_Eskimowhenever i try to install software i get an error similar to "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  Cannot initiate the connection to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 80]"04:38
quiescensquietone: flan_suse was answering your question but typed my name because our names start with the same letters04:38
Aazorisanyone know where I can get live help for vps help04:38
rabiddachshundCynthia, sticky bit? This is a new concept to me04:38
sebsebsebLUCIDementia: come back here and ask flan_suse for help I guess :D04:38
Aazorisvps - virtual private server for those who don't know04:38
CynthiaAazoris: your VPS hoster's documentation04:38
quietonequiescens, thx04:38
Cynthiaand/or live chat page04:38
Aazorisnot good enough04:38
Aazoris+ i said live help04:38
LUCIDementiaor just check out Mandriva. Ubuntu's claim on being ready to run after installing was a huge letdown04:38
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: what broke?04:39
mikelissAny ideas from the crowd why I don't have buttons for suspend or hibernate after upgrading to Lucid?04:39
dtamborellihi ppl, my ADSL network is a little bit slow... and when some program is downloading something everything stops... this don't occur in windows or mac... only in linux (ubuntu)... how can I manage that so many programs access the internet smoothly? please04:39
adamramadhanaaaaaaaa i hate permision denai204:39
LUCIDementiathanks #ubuntu! You guys rock my world04:39
adamramadhangod damit04:39
CynthiaRabbitbunny: the sticky bit makes new files in a directory acquire the permissions of the directory04:39
LUCIDementianothing broke. It just didn't work to begin with04:39
AazorisThanks anyway04:39
flan_susequiescens, huh?04:39
adamramadhanhow can i copy my theme files if they said YOU CANT COPY THIS FILE04:39
LUCIDementiaand apparently all my attempts at making it work now block the right steps from making things work04:39
adamramadhanPEMISION DENAI04:39
quietoneflan_suse, hmmm I have no /dev/video.  I've been reading the forums and am still at a loss.04:39
CynthiaRabbitbunny: Wrong nick, sorry. me @ ... rabiddachshund *04:39
sebsebseb!language | adamramadhan04:39
ubottuadamramadhan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:39
ubottuadamramadhan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:39
Sakuyahey, all04:40
flan_susequietone, is the web cam detected? What does sudo lspci -v show?04:40
adamramadhanfor 2 hours ive spend just to trying to learn how can i copy my theme files04:40
adamramadhanand with no hope04:40
adamramadhancan anyone have a easy solution?04:40
greezmunkeyLUCIDementia: you can probably unload the wrappers, and drivers to start clean.04:40
Cynthiaadamramadhan: Press Ctrl+H in Nautilus. The themes are in the hidden folder '.themes'04:41
CynthiaCtrl+H shows these hidden dot-folders04:41
adamramadhani want to copy my theme advant on /usr/share/avant-window-navigator04:41
adamramadhani cant copy paste it04:41
robin0800anyone know where applets are stored?04:41
Hopeless8009how do you run update manager in terminal04:41
adamramadhanit says permision denai for 100x04:41
rabiddachshundCynthia, according to the wiki, the kernel ignores the sticky bit on files and makes it so that only root can modify them. That's not really what I want, is it?04:41
greezmunkeyrobin0800: what applets?04:41
Cynthiaadamramadhan: /usr/share can only be written to by root; you'll need to use 'gksudo nautilus'04:41
rabiddachshundCynthia, nvm, I read it wrong.04:42
Smehoook. Any suggestions for a new box that won't even boot the 9.10 / 10.04 installer from the CD?04:42
quietoneflan_suse,  Ricoh Co Ltd xD-Picture Card Controller (rev ff) (prog-if ff) !!! Unknown header type 7f04:42
adamramadhansksudo nautilus ? how should i work with that sksudo neutilius04:42
acerimmerSmeh: alternate installer iso??04:42
robin0800greezmunkey: panel applets04:42
Smeh03sc00i00' unexpected exit with status 0x000904:42
Cynthiaadamramadhan: You enter the words 'gksudo nautilus' (without ') in a Terminal04:42
greezmunkeySmeh: is the cdrom on the bios boot list?04:42
mikelissAny ideas from the crowd why I don't have buttons for suspend or hibernate after upgrading to Lucid?04:42
Cynthia!terminal | adamramadhan04:42
ubottuadamramadhan: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:42
flan_suseLUCIDementia, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22218404:42
Smehyes, it's booting, it's just failing while loading the installer.. i guess due to a graphics incompatability or.. something04:43
flan_susequietone, that's not the web cam.04:43
Cynthiaadamramadhan: (+)And then you can copy-paste from within the new Nautilus (file browser) that appears04:43
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greezmunkeySmeh: waht hardware?04:43
acerimmerhow-are-you: hi04:43
quietoneflan_suse, oh i'll see if I can paste the whole thing then. What is it?04:43
Hopeless8009how do you run update manager in terminal04:43
acerimmerhow-are-you: !ask04:43
Smehit's some intel chipset mobo with an e5400 in it04:43
Smehon board graphics04:43
CynthiaHopeless8009: update-manager04:43
AazorisOk ok what about public keys, do any of you know how to generate a public/private key from an Ubuntu Server?... or the command prompt to do so?04:43
SakuyaI just upgraded to 10.4, however I upgraded in kubuntu using update manager, so now it boots as Ubuntu running kde.  I get a splash, but no logo, just text04:44
flan_susequietone, sudo lspci -v04:44
Hopeless8009thank you cynthia04:44
acerimmerHopeless8009: as root sudo apt-get install updates04:44
how-are-youi am having some problem with 3d modeling "blender"tool04:44
dagonWhat is Ubuntu "Lucid"04:44
gluonmanI inserted an audio CD into my Ubuntu 9.10 box and it failed to mount. It also fails to eject. How can I eject the CD?04:44
acerimmerdagon: latest release i.e. 10.0404:44
Cynthiahow-are-you: as that is a specialised application, #ubuntu has little chance of helping you with Blender04:44
Cynthia(+) Please see #blender if there's such a channel04:45
GeekSquidhow-are-you: please /join #blender for specific application support04:45
acerimmerhow-are-you: there's probably a discussion forum for blender04:45
dagonAh acerimmer thank you. Just because it's recent, it's called Lucid? or is there some major deal behind it04:45
how-are-youi do not see menu of blender tool. why?04:45
acerimmerdagon: every release has a code name.  lucid lynx is the 10.0404:45
Cynthiadagon: It's just a release codename. Each version has initials one later in the alphabet than the previous. E.g. Hardy Heron, Intrepid Ibex, etc.04:45
LUCIDementiaflan_suse: thanks, but I keep getting the error listed on the forum, like the last poster04:46
greezmunkeySmeh: Heh, check this out: http://www.vtc.com/products/UbuntuLinux/BootingLiveCD/5989604:46
dagonOh ok thank you very much acerimmer and Cynthia04:46
ARandomNubHey, all =D!04:46
DuckbutterHow do I link (shortcut) my hard drives (filesystem and all NTFS drives) onto my desktop04:46
acerimmerdagon: no prob.  enjoy ubuntu04:47
greezmunkeySmeh: do you have sound on the box you are on now?04:47
AazorisHey Cynthia do I need the " ' " preceding and exceding the " sudo apt-get install updates "04:47
Hopeless8009whats a good dvd riper for Ubuntu04:47
CynthiaAazoris: No04:47
AazorisOk thanks04:47
acerimmerhow-are-you: http://www.blender.org/04:47
GeekSquidHopeless8009: dvdrip is the application I use04:47
adamramadhanstill cant work, btw how can theme.awn can be installed ?04:47
adamramadhanawn cant even read it04:47
ARandomNubacerimmer: private?:)04:47
adamramadhanoh men04:48
CynthiaDuckbutter: Right-click desktop, Create Launcher, enter the command 'nautilus /' (filesystem) and a name. For the others, 'nautilus /path'04:48
Hopeless8009would that be sudo apt-get install dvdrip04:48
GeekSquidHopeless8009: yes04:48
how-are-youoh ok04:48
AazorisOk now im on the server and shows the last time that I've accessed the server was: "Thu May 20 05:30:54 2010 from." So im crossing my fingers that this works.04:48
Hopeless8009are there any depindencys04:49
adamramadhanthis is why i hate linux . just one day. and i think im going to the hospitle today. awn event cant read .awn files.04:49
GeekSquidHopeless8009: automatically fuffilled by the script04:49
flan_suseLUCIDementia, no chance to reinstall from scratch?04:49
zubin71Hello, is there anyway I could ssh into my ubuntu One account?04:49
Hopeless8009im about ready to rip Avatar04:49
quietoneflan_suse, pastebin is not available.04:49
gogetaHopeless8009: pirate!!04:50
gogetaHopeless8009: lol04:50
linuxmonsterwhat are .awn files?04:50
how-are-youCan i hide my ip addressees from irc so that none can see?04:50
gogetahow-are-you: turn on annon mode04:50
GeekSquidzubin71: nope, ubuntu-one has a propriatary access protocall04:50
how-are-youmy fucking ask(lol)04:50
flan_susequietone, pastebin.org? ubuntu.pastebin.com ?04:50
Hopeless8009i paid for it04:50
Hopeless8009to rent it04:50
GeekSquid!ohmy | how-are-you04:50
ubottuhow-are-you: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:50
adamramadhandunno . it should be installed from the manager04:50
adamramadhanbut it seems awn cant read .awn file04:51
adamramadhanim downloading a theme that contain .awm file for awm04:51
GeekSquidhow-are-you: register your nick and request a cloak in #freenode04:51
adamramadhanbut really fail04:51
zubin71GeekSquid, aah thats sad :( thankx anyway04:51
AazorisOk its said this:    [root@Anthony ~]# sudo apt-get install updates04:51
Aazorissudo: apt-get: command not found.    What am I missing04:51
Hopeless8009will that flat out copy too04:51
ss_Hi using Ubuntu 10.04 on Intel 32 bit core 2 dual, wanting to install gdesklets but it gives error "could not import tiling module", searched around and found that python 2.4 should be installed for this, but where is python 2.4 for Lucid 10.04? Its not there in packages04:52
gogetaAazoris: no :04:52
GeekSquidHopeless8009: nope, it will encode it to VOB, and you can use devede to recreate the disk04:52
quietoneflan_suse,  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ is in read only mode. My output is here  http://pastebin.org/25641504:53
flan_susequietone, is this a USB web cam04:53
SamuelPetersonCan someone tell me how to mount an SFTP directory? When I go to Places -> Connect to Server... I do not have the option of mounting SFTP.04:53
GeekSquidSamuelPeterson: it is called SSH04:54
quietoneflan_suse, built into Dell laptop04:54
ekkimargniAnyone know if Spring Roo or STS is in the repositories?04:54
adamramadhanawn eveent cant read his own theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Simple+Glass?content=6764204:55
gluonmanI'm trying to eject my audio CD from my computer (running Ubuntu 9.10).  The CD won't mount, but after doing sudo lshw -C disk, it reports that the tray is open, even though it's not.  How can I get my CD ejected?04:55
Cynthiaquietone: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ != http://paste.ubuntu.com/ :)04:55
SamuelPetersonGeekSquid, I understand that it is SSH, but I need to mount the file system so I can just use gedit on the files I'm modifying.04:55
adamramadhani think i should go back to windows04:55
puzzletype eject04:55
Cynthiagluonman: 'eject'04:55
gluonmanCynthia, I've tried the eject command. Doesn't work.04:55
gogetaadamramadhan: windows whyyy04:55
Aazoris gogeta no, are u saying that im doing it wrong, or no there's nothing missing04:55
flan_susequietone, I don't see it listed as a device...04:55
gogetaAazoris: sudo apt-get install appname04:56
gluonmanCynthia, that may have to do with the fact that the tray's status is set to open already.04:56
Cynthiagluonman: Weird, it has worked in Karmic when Right-click/Eject and the eject button didn't work04:56
quiescensa lot of the built in stuff in laptops these days is usb anyway04:56
greezmun1eywas I kicked?04:56
flan_susequiescens, try this: lsusb04:56
flan_susequiescens, do it now.04:56
adamramadhangogeta, look 2 hours for learning copying files ? after i copy the files this failinggodsoftware is no good reading his own theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/AWN+Theme+Cloud?content=6676904:56
flan_susequiescens, well?04:56
Aazorisok but isnt the update a file already on my system for it to auto update or do i have to install it manually04:56
GeekSquidSamuelPeterson: yes, use the SSH function in Connect to Server, and it will allow you to mount the user's filesystem that you are logging in as04:56
flan_suseOkay, fine, quietone, you try lsusb instead.04:57
quietoneflan_suse, Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV2640 Webcam04:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:57
=== greezmun1ey is now known as ScoobySnack
SamuelPetersonGeekSquid: oh... thank you... err... I feel oblivious, I didn't see that on the list.04:57
=== ScoobySnack is now known as greezmunkey
sean-laptophey all.. how are you tonite?04:58
adamramadhani dont know why should my company use this os. really time spending04:58
gogetaadamramadhan: if i rember to apply themes are are tgz you just slect the file from the theme settings and it does all the work04:58
red2kicsean-laptop: I'm great. Why are you talking for Sean? Is he asleep or something?04:58
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adamramadhangogeta, no it dont work. try installing from the awn dock.04:59
greezmunkey*Alternate* pastebins: http://snipt.org , http://pastebin.com04:59
tommyss4lI'm having some issues with adding an external monitor with my netbook, anyone able to give advice?04:59
red2kictommyss4l: Explain issues.04:59
adamramadhanthis is and incopitible file04:59
Aazorisok how do I copy the ubunut server desktop app to the server....? Question was probably already asked. Soz04:59
flan_susequietone, what about: lsmod04:59
adamramadhanwhat the hell?04:59
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sean-laptopred2kick i am sean.. its my laptops username lol05:00
sean-laptopi have a question if someone can help me05:00
red2kicsean-laptop: I know. :) Ask away.05:00
gogetaadamramadhan: on't unzip the .tar.gz files unless the theme is called a "pack" on the  download page. GTK, Metacity, and icon themes go to System >  Preferences > Themes. Just drag and drop the .tar.gz into the Theme  Manager window.05:00
=== KN| is now known as RainbowEyes
gogetaadamramadhan: how hard is that05:00
Zelozelosi installed a program with wine but it didnt make the launchers for it, how do i get wine to make the launcher/how do i make a launcher myself for it?05:00
sean-laptopwell i just install lucid on an HP Pavillion dv6000 series and the screen is all weird on the login screen05:00
adamramadhanits an awm file gotgeta: for avant dock or something like that05:01
sean-laptopinstalled i mean05:01
AazorisCythia you still here earlier you was helping with that.05:01
tommyss4lI am trying to add a monitor, my compiz stuff is not working now, I can't go above 600x400 on mirror, and I don't have my digital 4th of july with split monitors05:01
adamramadhannot a gtk05:01
red2kicZolomon_: Right-click and "Create Launcher"05:01
gogetaadamramadhan: GDM themes go to System > Administration > Login Window05:01
ekkimargniSamuelPeterson: Did you find sshfs?05:01
sean-laptopits like parts of it are too large and its overlapping on itself05:01
CynthiaZelozelos rather, red2kic?05:01
SamuelPetersonekkimargni: Yeah, I installed it and SSH was added to the "Connect to Server" gui05:01
bilalakhtarHi people, I installed exim on my Karmic computer about 2 months ago, wen lucid arrived, i did a network upgrade, and from now on, exim starts very very slowly. How do I prevent exim4 from starting on boot? I want it to start when I invoke the init.d file manually.05:02
AazorisYou said I needed to do the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. How do I get ubuntu-desktop on my server?05:02
sean-laptopthe screen res is off i think05:02
quietoneflan_suse, http://pastebin.org/25642705:02
sean-laptopany default res command?05:02
red2kicCynthia: Meh. You're right. I should use Z*: from now on. :P05:02
gogetaadamramadhan: oh a dock theme i dont knoe those05:02
ekkimargniSamuelPeterson: Although, if you're using a GUI, nautilus will talk sftp to the server, and gedit can edit through that05:02
Cynthiared2kic: :)05:02
ekkimargniAazoris: you probably shouldn't, if it is a server05:02
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adamramadhanbtw how can i stop this irc from that chat from scrolling down05:02
gogetaadamramadhan: getting mad at something 3rd party lol05:02
adamramadhani cant see the text05:02
adamramadhanso fast05:03
Zelozelosred2kic i dont have that option when i right click on the filename, do i need to restart my sys or smthin?05:03
Aazorisekkimargni why not i hat this dos view05:03
bilalakhtarshould I ask that question in #ubuntu-server?05:03
adamramadhanscroll up then it scrool down again.05:03
ekkimargniAazoris: Then you probably don't want a server >_>05:03
adamramadhanbecouse everyone is talking05:03
renegaidwhen i change audio to 5,1 it sounds terrible. i have to leave it on stereo05:03
TonrenI'm trying to run the IRfanView installer with wine, but it exits with no output.  I asked in #winehq but figured it couldn't hurt to ask here too.05:03
adamramadhanhow can i see my text ?05:03
flan_susequietone, how did you test the web cam?05:03
red2kicZelozelos: Right-click on the desktop.05:03
Aazorislol my windows server had a gui, im like used to a gui05:03
adamramadhangod speed05:03
SamuelPetersonekkimargni: yeah, that's what I started doing. I enjoy mounting remote file systems for programming work.05:03
greezmunkeyadamramadhan: what chat client are you using?05:03
gogetaadamramadhan: hears how to do it with awn05:04
adamramadhanor what ever on the about thingi05:04
pat5staromg, why is their no sgu tonight?05:04
ekkimargniAazoris: And you think that Windows server having a GUI is ... a /feature/? o_O05:04
renegaidAazoris: that's one thign i don't get? so many apps have no gui05:04
ekkimargniAazoris: just install ubuntu-desktop if you want a desktop system05:04
Zelozelosred2kic, ahh that was too easy, thanks for the help05:04
red2kicZelozelos: No problem.05:04
adamramadhangogeta: thats a long time ago , i know google well so i search it before i post it.05:05
quietoneI noticed the lack of video with ekiga today. then I downloaded cheese as I know I used it successfully in 9.10. Cheese gives "no device found"05:05
red2kicsean-laptop: Specific model, plz?05:05
carlitos__whay is  happening something funny, usb like files in /media/05:05
gogetaadamramadhan: i dont how it changed mutch05:05
adamramadhanbtw HOW do i stop this from scrooling to the bottom?, i cant see the upper text, im useing empathy05:05
AazorisI already got it, my main point in all this is seeking help for my VPS which has Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on it.05:05
Cynthiacarlitos__: /media/ hosts all of your devices, therefore it IS going to have CD and Usb icons05:05
sean-laptop-red2kic its an HP Pavillion DV6916NR05:05
Zelozelosred2kic, any idea why wine didnt make the launchers?05:05
NilosMy usb woreless network adapter is attempting to retrive an IP addrress but no luck.Please pm me to help05:05
AazorisAll I wanted was a gui to help me get around05:05
ekkimargnired2kic: What do you mean, you don't get it?05:05
red2kicadamramadhan: Use a decent client IMO. xchat.05:05
adamramadhanscrool up05:05
adamramadhanscroll bottom05:05
carlitos__Cynthia: before was not, why happen this ?05:06
adamramadhanoh yeah good thinking.05:06
GeekSquidpat5star: friday night05:06
adamramadhanchange the client,05:06
Cynthiacarlitos__: It happened before Ubuntu Lucid, too05:06
red2kicZelozelos: I don't use wine myself. You can ask in #wine -- Afaik they should make launchers if you install programs, not standalone exes.05:06
liynhow would i allow complte access to a folder and its contents05:06
gogetaadamramadhan: its drage it to the theme window now liek the rest oof ubuntu05:06
Zelozelosred2kic, kk ty again ;)05:06
Cynthiacarlitos__: (+) I have Karmic myself, and it has 6 USB icons in /media/. (Built-in card reader counts for 4)05:06
liyncomplete access for any account05:07
pat5starGeekSquid: didn't mean to post that here, but now that you responded, no according to my guide, not tonight!05:07
carlitos__Cynthia: yes  is the  same  this05:07
adamramadhanoh what the hell i cant see your text05:07
gogetaadamramadhan: Themes can be downloaded from the Themes page  of the wiki. Once you have downloaded a theme, drag the downloaded file  into the Themes area of awn-manager. Select (click on) the desired  theme and click the "Apply" button.05:07
adamramadhangogeta im doing that05:07
red2kicsean-laptop: Just for gdm or the whole screen?05:07
Cynthiacarlitos__: Sorry then, I don't understand the point you're trying to make05:07
adamramadhanthats why im posting it here05:07
linuxmonstertoo cool I found a how-to on using firefox,wine and steam all under ubuntu05:08
gogetaadamramadhan: maybe the theme is to old05:08
red2kicsean-laptop: You can type "red" then press tab to highlight me.05:08
quietoneflan_suse, I have found 3 people in the forum with same problem but no solution.05:08
greezmunkey_empathy bytes for irc :)05:08
carlitos__Cynthia:  sorry before wasn't05:08
linhbest dock awn ,cairo or .....?05:08
liynhow would i allow complete access to a folder and its contents05:08
flan_susequietone, and there's no hotkeys to toggle the web cam?05:08
liynthrough chmod05:08
adamramadhangogeta, it should be removed then, or maybe shows it verison or something, becouse it official. if its not official then its ok05:09
linuxmonsterchmod 775 dir_name I think is the syntax05:09
gogetaadamramadhan: gnome look isnt a offical site its all uder submetted05:09
quietoneflan_suse, good question. The only switch is for the wireless&bluetooth05:09
adamramadhanbtw i wasted 4 hours spending my time from now on just to copy paste, and working on how to applaying theme.05:09
sean-laptopred2kic, ok.. so hp pavillion DV6915NC05:09
gogetaadamramadhan: hese themes are for 0.3.x only. For 0.4.x, go to the Awn forum (see the  "Awn rewrite (0.3.9/0.4) themes" thread at the top, MediaWiki  won't render the link properly).05:10
adamramadhanand trying to scroll up using empathy irc. it should be xchat05:10
sean-laptopred2kic, any ideas?05:10
greezmunkeyadamramadhan: get xchat, you'll do better :)05:10
red2kicsean-laptop: Yes. I'm asking if the funkylook screen occurs on only gdm or all times?05:10
gogetaadamramadhan: they did change the theme system05:10
oodavidcan smbmount link a local folder to an FTP server online??05:10
linuxmonsterany channel with 1540 users will be hard to stop the scrolling no matter what you use lol05:10
sean-laptopred2kic, whats gdm?05:10
adamramadhangogeta the link please ? sory i cant read it fast, downloading xchat now05:10
red2kicsean-laptop: The Gnome login.05:10
Cynthiaadamramadhan: XChat is much better. I'd put the much in underlined bold CAPS, but I'm afraid I'll get kicked :)05:10
red2kicCynthia: Try it.05:11
flan_susequietone, it's a laptop or netbook?05:11
greezmunkeyCynthia: *much*05:11
Cynthiared2kic: *MUCH*05:11
quietoneflan_suse, laptop Dell Inspiron 152505:11
sebsebsebKonversation :)  Xchat ok, but :(05:11
greezmunkeyyou had to do it...05:11
ferfactorCynthia, hi, how are you?05:11
oodavidcan smbmount link a local folder to an FTP server online??05:11
linuxmonsterI love xchat and use it only other when in console of course. but even Xchat it gets hard sometimes to follow along when there is so many guests and questions05:11
sean-laptopred2kic, i am using xubuntu, so XFCE login05:11
CynthiaYeah, sorry :)05:11
linhXCHAT-GNOME ROCKS!!!!!05:11
Cynthiaoodavid: I believe smbmount only deals with SMB (Samba... Windows sharing) shares05:12
oodavidCynthia: Hmm, OK05:12
linuxmonsteryou would be correct Cynthia05:12
red2kicsean-laptop: Have you tried #xubuntu?  Personally, I have mine set up for autologin since I'm the owner and the only primary user of the machine.05:12
gogetaadante: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cloudor+-+AWN+Theme?content=123962 thers a cloud theme for the newer version05:12
sean-laptopred2kic, oh ok05:12
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins05:12
sean-laptopi will try thank you05:12
Cynthiaoodavid: (+) You'd have to do something like Places / Connect ot Server, and specify FTP05:12
Loshki`what do y'all use to monitor console messages? Is there a dedicated app?05:12
Cynthiame: ot -> to05:13
=== Loshki` is now known as Loshki
gogetaadamramadhan: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cloudor+-+AWN+Theme?content=123962 sorry wrong guy05:13
oodavidCynthia: I've tried that but it opens a new folder showing the FTP contents, I want to specify a local folder to use instead...05:13
gogetaadamramadhan: just find stuff made recently you should be fine05:13
oodavidThing is, I'm sure I've done it before so I'm kinda baffled05:14
Cynthiaoodavid: Ah. Hm, I'll look for something.05:14
oodavidCynthia: You are a legend!!!05:14
flan_susequietone, that particular web cam has issues with Ubuntu.05:14
Cynthiaoodavid: ? at this link: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/05/how-to-use-ftp-filesystem-on-ubuntu-using-curlftpfs.html05:14
adamramadhanyou know what, the olny not failing thing on linux is the community05:15
oodavidCynthia: How swift are you?! Amazing, thanks :D05:15
sebsebsebadamramadhan: yes most of the distros have a nice communinty,  not only Ubuntu05:15
oodavid(might be back for more...)05:15
quietonequietone, lucky me!05:15
Cynthiaoodavid: High Google-fu :)05:15
gogetaadamramadhan: yea i looked up the theme you whanted it was made in 200705:15
linuxmonstertail -f should allow monitoring of console messages and or logs05:15
gogetaadamramadhan: old05:15
oodavidCynthia: heehee, brilliant!05:15
BlAck6j73hey guys      will grub2 loopback feature work if the iso in on a ntfs or vfat partition?05:16
Loshkilinuxmonster: so is that what you use? tail -f in a terminal? There's nothing else?05:16
flan_susequietone, one second.05:16
Cynthiabtw oodavid if you don't like CurlFtpFS, here's my search query: http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+mount+a+ftp+folder+in+the+filesystem05:16
quietoneflan_suse, ok05:16
adamramadhanok if there is any ubuntu core developer in this room, maybe he will see my text, make copy paste file easy.05:16
sebsebseb!brainstorm | adamramadhan05:16
ubottuadamramadhan: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!05:16
flan_susequietone: sudo rmmod uvcvideo gspca_ov519 gspca_main vloopback videodev v4l1_compat05:17
linuxmonsteradamramadhan,  i think the devs have their own room on here05:17
CynthiaBlAck6j73: I don't think it will work on NTFS, only VFAT05:17
adamramadhanpermision thingy is takeing newbies time about 2 hours to work on it.05:17
linh10.04=epic fail05:17
sebsebseblinh: uhmm?05:17
* red2kic do-release-upgrade -d his HTPC machine and pray it does not break05:17
BlAck6j73Cynthia: Ta05:18
Loshkired2kic: make a backup before you start, and then even if it fails, you won't be stuck...05:18
Hawaiian_Eskimowhat is a decent vpn server software that you can get from the repos?05:18
linuxmonsterI would not go that far linh only reason i dont use it is because Stanford has not updated its F@H client yet for the new libs that both Ubuntu and fedora use05:18
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN05:18
red2kicLoshki: A lesson worthy of passing along. :)05:18
quietoneflan_suse, done05:18
Loshkired2kic: been there...05:19
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:19
linhrelease dates to fast not fix bugs first05:19
flan_susequietone, okay, now in this order: http://pastebin.org/25647605:19
red2kicBlAck6j73: Ask the question in #grub05:19
RoastedSo at one point I had my laptop dual screening with a 2nd monitor on 10.04. I haven't had the 2nd monitor on my laptop in the last week and have rebooted it several times. However, sometimes it boots up and the login screen isnt there. Where is it? On the "other monitor" thats not connected. Why is Ubuntu thinking a 2nd monitor is still there????05:19
dantehello i am knew to ubuntu 10.04 and i have recently installed it using parallels mac os x, however i have been unable to install parallels tools, can anybody help me05:19
Loshkilinh: I don't disagree, but the proper place for that discussion is #ubuntu-offtopic05:19
flan_susequietone, now try the web cam with Cheese.05:19
BlAck6j73red2kic   ok will try that05:20
NightDragoncreating a email server05:20
linhhow facist is that this is on topic05:20
NightDragonis a *pain in the ass*05:20
red2kicRoasted: My wild card guess is that it's reading the information from /etc/X11/xorg* ?05:20
macolinh: support questions are on topic here. generic complaints/whining are not05:21
macoNightDragon: watch language05:21
Loshkilinh: Oh, stop moaning. I'm just asking you to move a discussion to a more appropriate venue...05:21
Roastedred2kic, no idea. Its an intel card. Its no longer udal screened and under sys - pref - monitors I reset it back to be single screen with the proper resolution. But if I reboot over and over and over, about 3/10 times it fails to show up properly with a fresh boot.05:22
linhno support only sheep05:22
GeekSquidNightDragon: can I reccommend vpostmaster ... works really well on Hardy 8.04 ... google vpostmaster05:23
gogetaLoshki: lol im rating for you to rain hell on him05:23
BlAck6j73Roasted:  I have 2 mons   and it only picks up both if both are attached05:23
quietoneflan_suse, It is working! Even though both vloopback and v11_compat failed - module not found05:23
Flannellinh: Being appropriate is about respect05:23
kozin့hello i have problem to install gnochm. when i type sudo apt-get install gnochm it reply gnochm: Depends: python-gtkhtml2 but it is not going to be installed. what should i need to do?05:23
red2kiclinh: People learn by making mistakes. Sit tight in your room and moan and moan and moan will accomplish nothing for you. Use #ubuntu-offtopic to release your frustrations.05:23
gogetaoh you done it now05:23
greezmunkeyHawaiian_Eskimo: It'll take some tinkering, but you can use Openswan for that.05:23
Loshkigogeta: I'm all about killing them with kindness :-)05:23
brah-red2kic lot of nerd rage you got there05:23
RoastedBlAck6j73, I never see 2 monitors in the preferences menu. But my screen will act as if I DO have 2 monitors. Very stupid. I'm tempted to install 9.10... grr.05:23
gogetaLoshki: and the ban hammer05:23
linhevery 6 months new mistake05:24
Hawaiian_Eskimoall the stuff on the google seems to be about connecting to a vpn... not creating a vpn server >:(05:24
macolinh: if you have specific bugs, the best thing to do is report them in launchpad with very specific details for reproduction and if possible a pointer to the upstream patch that fixes the bug05:24
red2kicRoasted: Can't you run TTY and try xrandr? Seems like a temporary fix?05:24
red2kicRoasted: (When that occurs). Or do you simply reboot?05:24
linuxmonsterlinh,  perhaps but atleast linux disto's dont ask you to pay $125.00 + to get the misstakes lol05:25
Roastedred2kic, I just reboot.05:25
BlAck6j73Roasted:  you should have   "Mirror Screens"05:25
Loshkigogeta: yes, kindness....and the ban hammer :-)05:25
greezmunkeyHawaiian_Eskimo: It'll take some tinkering, but you can use Openswan for that. Google ubuntu openswan.05:25
linhin human terms please i thought it was "linux for human beings"?05:25
flan_susequietone, did you spell it right?05:25
RoastedBlAck6j73, Nope. Sometimes the "extended screen" *IS* my laptop screen, with the login screen on the other side. I know this because if I just hit enter and hit my PW, I can still log in. I just have to get the key sequence dead on without error.05:25
FlannelOh bother.05:25
flan_susequietone, it's v4l1_compat05:25
gogetaFlannel: oh i whanted Loshki to do it lol05:25
quietoneflan_suse, I am double checking all that now05:25
macoFlannel:  missed the channel name? :P05:26
macogogeta: erm i dont think Loshki is an op...05:26
Loshkigogeta: I'm not an op, I've never banned anyone in my life...05:26
linuxmonsterthe floodbots could ban if its needed05:26
BlAck6j73Roasted:  Ah I dont have mine extended    each mon is in a diff room05:26
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FlannelGuys, lets get back to support.  We can discuss these things in #ubuntu-offtopic :)05:27
red2kicFlannel: I support you. :)05:27
Flannelred2kic: Much obliged05:27
RoastedBlAck6j73, whats retarded is the monitor IS AT WORK. Im here at home and theres times I reboot and ubuntu acts stupid in regard to the resolution and screen orientation, thinking a 2nd monitor is still there.05:27
oodavidOut of curiosity, are you guys canonical employees?05:28
gogetaRoasted: you try xrandr05:28
gogetaRoasted: to change your rez05:28
sebsebseboodavid: no the ops are volunters from the community, as well as most/all people who help out in this channel05:28
Cynthiaoodavid: only a handful in here are05:28
Loshkioodavid: as far as I know, *everyone* here is a volunteer...05:29
Roastedgogeta, I do. I go back to monitor preferences, set my resolution, hit apply, close, etc. I can reboot 10 more times and on average 3 of those times would be screwed up.05:29
oodavidWow, massive kudos to everyone!! off-topic(ish)05:29
flan_susequietone, works in Cheese and other applications?05:29
gogetaRoasted: sounds like it is confusing your monoters try sutiing down monoter 2 when not using it05:29
quietoneflan_suse, yes it was a typo. All fixed and in a script for later. works in cheese. I will try ekiga now05:29
Roastedgogeta, yep. I may reinstall tho, cause I have a specific partitioning structure set up for work and I forgot soemthing when I set it up originally05:30
Roastedgogeta, but I just question if I should even bother with 10.04 on here.05:30
LoshkiRoasted: the fact that it happens intermittently, and on reboot, suggests it's some weird state left over in the hardware. Those are really hard to diagnose...05:30
Roastedgogeta, much love to 10.04, I swear by it on my desktop, but this laptop thing is irritating.05:30
flan_susequietone, wait.05:31
oodavidCynthia: curlftpfs mounted my folder to FTP - thaaanks!!05:31
gogetaRoasted: disabling monoter wile not in use should stop it05:31
linuxmonsterRoasted,  ya know I am the opposite I only have it on my laptop lol]05:31
RoastedLoshki, I have no idea man. The only thing I could try is to pull the battery out and hit hte power button to drain the capacitors. Ive had that fix some very unexplainable things in the past.05:31
BlAck6j73Roasted:  I can leave both mons on with no problems :P05:31
Cynthiaoodavid: Heh, awesome :) You're welcome05:31
quietoneflan_suse, ekiga now finds the camera.05:31
gogetaRoasted: just unplugging it from the laptop should due05:31
LoshkiRoasted: that's worth a try you know...05:31
kzmanwhat more stuff is in the ubuntu dvd than ubuntu cd?05:32
RoastedIn fact I had my gaming desktop in vista hibernate once when I forgot to disable hibernation. My PC wouldnt boot. At. All. It wouldnt power on whatsoever. Its like it was unplugged. I unplugged it, pressed power button 4-5 times, bam - fired up.05:32
linuxmonsterkzman,  a ton of proggies you would never use probably in a million years05:32
linhkzman- more bugs on dvd05:32
quietoneflan_suse, thank you!05:32
flan_susequiescens, save this into a file called enableovcam : http://pastebin.org/25651405:32
flan_susequietone, *05:32
subsumeHow can I debug a really slow mail-server?05:33
BlAck6j73Roasted:  thereis a pkg called switchconf which will allow you to select a diiff config on every boot05:33
Flannelkzman: DVD has Desktop CD + Alternate CD (textmode installer) + additional packages.05:33
gogetaRoasted: vista probly ssaw it had a bad hibernate and whent back to normel boot05:33
renegaidcan someone hlp me out? everything I do results in terrible 5.1 sound. I have to leave it at stereo05:33
linuxmonsterkzman,  but if your a programmer or a developer then their would be a ton of usefull tools05:33
flan_susequietone, then copy it into /usr/bin/ like this: sudo cp -v enableovcam /usr/bin/05:33
kzmandocumentation for that?05:34
Loshkisubsume: look in /var/log/mail.* and see if you can see what it's doing. You should be able to tell all sorts of stuff from the logs...05:34
Roastedgogeta, thats exactly what happened. It didnt resume when things got running. But its just funny that two operating systems can reside on 1 system, and that ONE (not both) of the OS's can do something to lock up the hardware.05:34
flan_susequietone, and make it executable: sudo chmod 644 /usr/bin/enableovcam05:34
BlAck6j73Roasted: I use it for diff networks Im on   but itcan do other stuff as well05:34
Flannelkzman: What sort of documentation?05:34
gogetaRoasted: genrely vutting all power will reset the hibernate05:34
flan_susequietone, and now you can make a menu entry or a panel button, and give it the command: gksu /usr/bin/enableovcam05:34
LoshkiRoasted: oh, I don't think it's hard to lock up hardware. Quite the reverse, actually...05:34
gogetaRoasted: if you get a lockup05:34
flan_susequietone, give it any icon you want, etc.05:34
Roastedgogeta, Im backing my data up on it now. 2 minutes to go and Ill drain the caps and see what happens.05:35
gogetaRoasted: effectly resetting the hardware05:35
Roastedgogeta, then Ill just go reboot-crazy for a few minutes and see what happens05:35
flan_susequietone, what this will do is run the script with sudo privileges from the click of a menu or button.05:35
subsumeLoshki - I don't really know what those logs are saying.05:35
flan_susequietone, use it to "re-enable" the web cam.05:35
subsumeLoshki - in mail.log there's this really repetitive entry that's going every few seconds.05:35
gogetaRoasted: as long as ther no second monoter to detect at boot i see no reasion for it to confuse anything05:36
Loshkisubsume: better start at the beginning then. What mail software are you using, and what is the problem you're seeing?05:36
Roastedgogeta, thats where I was confused. But perhaps something is just stuck like you and several others suggested. I hope that fixes it. Its very frsutrating.05:36
marloshousei just upgraded to ubuntu 10 and kde has lost all menus and mouse clicking.  mouse movement still works, but everything else is gone.  is there a file/folder i can delete to get everything to reset?05:36
subsumeLoshki problem is mails are taking like 30min to an hour to arrive. I'm using sendmail I guess.05:36
Loshkigogeta: Roasted: unless of course, there's a bug somewhere...05:36
marloshousei even created a new user and still no kde except for the background wallpaper05:36
gogetaLoshki: yea that why i said disconnect it pretty easy to tell thats a bug05:37
RoastedLoshki, at which point, 9.10 would be in order.05:37
Roastedgogeta, disconnect... what?05:37
=== fedora is now known as Guest63189
Roastedthe monitor?05:37
gogetaRoasted: monoter 205:37
gogetaRoasted: yea05:37
Roastedgogeta, lol, monitor 2 is about 15 miles away at work.05:37
quietoneflan_suse, ok, just not sure why I just can't leave the modules in the current configuration for the next boot.05:37
gogetaRoasted: so its doing it wile not connected05:38
Roastedgogeta, theres no monitor 2. not now. not at home here at this moment. yet rebooting several times still yields those results.05:38
Roastedgogeta, oh yes.05:38
gogetaRoasted: i saw if you get the wrong rez just fix it with xrandr05:38
Loshkisubsume: hmm. Take a look at the headers of one of the mails that arrived late. You need to look at the Received headers. Each one is timestamped, so that will tell you who handled the mail and how long it took each step, so you can see where the delay was...05:38
subsumeloshki its postfix i think.05:39
Roastedgogeta, sometimes I get the wrong rez, but sometimes my login window ends up on the "2nd monitor." I say that because I just have the purple background, no login. But if I hit enter to select my username and type my PW, Ic an log in, proving the login screen should have been on the 2nd display that wasnt existent.05:39
flan_susequietone, try it.05:39
flan_susequietone, reboot and see if the web cam works.05:39
gogetaRoasted: so your running with 2 displays now or not05:40
Loshkisubsume: a minute ago you said it was sendmail. It can't be both. Either way, that's not what I asked...05:40
Hawaiian_Eskimowhat's the package i have to install to compile software?05:40
flan_susequietone, add those modules to this file: /etc/modules05:40
=== tecky_ is now known as tecky
Roastedgogeta, I do not have 2 displays.05:40
CynthiaHawaiian_Eskimo: build-essential should suffice05:40
flan_susequietone, that will force them to load upon boot up.05:40
gogetaRoasted: i say as long as you only have 1 display that bug whont reapper05:40
Roastedgogeta, but sometimes ubuntu boots up and thinks it does, with my login screen not here.05:40
Hawaiian_EskimoCynthia: thanks, can never remember that package name...05:40
Roastedgogeta, plus I can move my mouse to the right, and itll keep going. it wont hit a "wall" like it does on the other edges05:40
gogetaRoasted: oh then disable display to totaly05:40
Roastedgogeta, I did.05:41
gogetaRoasted: that should fix it05:41
Roastedgogeta, theres no display 2. theres only my laptop screen.05:41
Roastedtheres NOTHING else.05:41
Roastedyet it persisted.05:41
Roastedsee my frustration now? :(05:41
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel
gogetaRoasted: yep but in your display prefs tell it to display knothing on monoter 2 so even if it thinks you have 2 it whont try to use it05:41
Roastedgogeta, I understand that. But in display prefs, theres no monitor 2. Nothing. Just my laptop screen. No dual screen configured, etc.05:42
subsumeloshki well I don't have examples...its just my users are always sending me email telling me the mail isn't arriving. its seemingly random. I get them instantly. I suppose I wonder what all these logs are constantly chattering about05:42
Roastedgogeta, I dont know how to disable something when it doesnt exist in the prefences05:42
tsyj2007I have install samada05:42
tsyj2007but it don't work05:43
gogetaRoasted: i saw when it bugs again drop it bash sudo service gdm stop login then startx05:43
gogetaRoasted: that way if it is seiing 2 you can disable it from there05:43
MoocmanAre noobs allowed to ask questions here?05:43
Roastedgogeta, I did the battery thing, pulled it and hit the power button a bunch of times. Rebooted 3 times, no issues.05:43
RoastedMoocman, absolutely05:43
Roastedgogeta, gonna keep rebooting to see if that fixes it05:43
subsumeloshki for example, this goes on every few seconds in mail.info - http://dpaste.com/196896/05:43
MoocmanI'm trying to install something using the Live CD05:43
shift_wrecka buddy of mine has given me access to his server to set up irssi and general irc stuff. problem is hes Finnish. is there any way to set up my user specific language settings? perhaps in .profile?05:43
MoocmanAnd I'm not totally sure how05:43
RoastedMoocman, install... what? Ubuntu?05:44
gogetaRoasted: if it does bug you dont need to keep rebotting you can drop to bash and reset shut down gdm and startx x or even restart gdm05:44
RoastedMoocman, what is "something"05:44
RoastedMoocman, well you're on a LiveCD environment. I'm not entirely sure you can install stuff on a LiveCD.05:44
tsyj2007Moocman, no need05:44
Cynthiashift_wreck: it might be possible to do that; try adding the lines LC_ALL=en_US.utf8; export LC_ALL to your .bashrc or .profile05:44
tsyj2007linux is enough safe05:44
MoocmanNo, I had a virus crash Windows 705:44
gogetaRoasted: then in the bugged state you can get a better idea of whats going wrong05:45
shift_wreckCynthia: :305:45
MoocmanSo I'm using Ubuntu to scan Windows for the virus05:45
Roastedtsyj2007, agreed - however my linux box is a file server. You can still dig up windows viruses even though youre on LInux.05:45
shift_wreckthanks ill try that05:45
quietoneflan_suse, ok. I will sort that out later. Thanks for everything.05:45
gogetayou can install stuff temparly on a live cd05:45
renegaidhow do people get virus05:45
Roastedtsyj2007, not to mention what Moocman just said. Scanning a windows partition from Ubuntu is a GREAT way to get infections off your system.05:45
renegaidall my years never had one05:45
Roastedgogeta, really? I dont understand why I was unable to install Clam TK on a livecd then. :(05:45
Loshkisubsume: well, like I said, the first step is get hold of an email that arrived late and examine the headers. Next time you get a complaint, ask them to forward the email to you, and then you can ask here for someone to look at it with you.05:45
flan_susequietone, no problem.05:45
tsyj2007Roasted, what05:46
Roastedgogeta, NOOOOOOOO! It did it.05:46
MoocmanI've got a USB with the download on it, but I'm unsure how to run/ install it05:46
gogetaRoasted: it makes a ramdisk and you can install05:46
RoastedIm reinstalling. This is ridiculous.05:46
gogetaRoasted: did you do what i said05:46
marloshousei even created a new user and still no kde except for the background wallpaper05:46
marloshousei just upgraded to ubuntu 10 and kde has lost all menus and mouse clicking.  mouse movement still works, but everything else is gone.  is there a file/folder i can delete to get everything to reset?05:46
gogetaRoasted: drop to bash ctrl alt f105:46
renegaiddo people prefer thunderbird over evolution?05:46
Roastedone second05:46
michelle__ok... so... i have ubuntu detecting my NVIDIA array... but when it tries to create/format ant ext4 partition, it fails... any ideas?05:46
gogetaRoasted: login and do sudo service gdm restart05:46
Roastedrenegaid, I do05:46
s9393Anyone have any luck installing Sound Blaster Audigy in Lucid??05:47
tsyj2007Roasted, ok,,,05:47
Loshkisubsume: Hmm, I'm not a postfix expert, so I'm not sure about the logs myself. The addresses me@domain.net and root@domain.net look odd. You might need to ask on #postfix05:47
renegaidanyone had any luck getting 5.1 sound with xfi sound card05:47
gogetaRoasted: you donnt need to reboot like crazy to restart x05:47
marloshousewhat would be the apt-get command to insure all the packages are properly installed and updated?05:47
lakeofteahow do i find a file in a directory using the cli?  i wanna find a file that has "Primer.Plus" some where in it.  would it be find /media/sdb1 *Primer.Plus* ?05:48
Roastedgogeta, are you saying run sudo service gdm restart to restart X, or is that something you suggest as a fix to my problem?05:48
linuxmonstermarloshouse,  apt-get dist update or upgrade I think is the command05:48
gogetaRoasted: well lets see if restarting x unbugs it05:48
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marloshouselinuxmonster: thanks05:49
Roastedgogeta, I restarted X. However Im going to keep rebooting to see what happens. So far 1 reboot was good.05:49
MoocmanRoasted: How would I install it to the USB stick?05:49
gogetaRoasted: so restartind gdm unbugged it05:49
Roastedgogeta, well I want to keep rebooting to see. 1 reboot doesnt mean its fixed.05:49
Roastedgogeta, I rebooted 5 times before and thought it was fine. on the 6th try it was bugged.05:50
linuxmonsterwhy do you reboot so often Roasted may i ask my folding at home machine and file server I cant even recall the last time I rebooted it05:50
ironfoot495hello  how do I get a 6511-SU keyboard to work on my xubuntu 9.10?05:50
Roastedlinuxmonster, Im trouble shooting a display problem @ login screen.05:50
gogetaRoasted: well if you just have to do that simple command to pull out at least you dont need to reboot05:50
LoshkiSo, what do y'all use to monitor console messages? Is there a dedicated app?05:50
Roastedgogeta, I know, but I know by rebooting IVe seen the problem surface - so I want to continue the EXACT same thing I was doing before to truly determine if the service gdm restart command helped.05:50
starnostarso im just gonna go ahead and assume using the backtrack repo in lucid (amd64) breaks everything05:51
linuxmonsterYeah I saw that Roasted  but I am trying to figure out why you reboot so often is all05:51
gogetaRoasted: if it helped when you just bugged it did05:51
ironfoot495is there any info that can help me with this???05:51
CynthiaLoshki: I just use tail -f05:51
gogetaRoasted: it whont kill the bug but work around it05:51
BlAck6j73Loshki:  do you mean a certain log file?05:51
linuxmonsterLoshki,  I mentioned tail -f like 1 hr ago for you lol05:51
Roastedlinuxmonster, the problem Im experiencing is very random. I rebooted earlier 10 times, and the problem showed up twice. I just want to keep rebooting for a few more minutes to see if the problem comes up then.05:51
michelle__ok... so... i have ubuntu detecting my NVIDIA array... but when it tries to create/format an ext4 partition, it fails... any ideas?05:52
Roastedgogeta, I didnt have this problem before I ever tried dual screening.05:52
lakeofteacould someone please help me write a command?  i need find a file that has "Primer.Plus" somewhere in the title.  would it be " find /media/sdb1 *Primer.Plus* "?05:52
Loshkilinuxmonster: so you did, please don't be offended, I simply wanted a second opinion?05:52
marloshouselinuxmonster: any thought about why my kde would be disfunctional after the kubuntu 10 upgrade?05:52
Roastedgogeta, there it is. problem is back.05:52
gogetaRoasted: probly a bug in your video driver05:52
Roasted*shrug* intel card.05:52
gogetaRoasted: well do a gdm restart and see if it goess away05:52
gogetaRoasted: at least you have a workaround now05:53
linuxmonsterLoshki,  no offence taken05:53
gogetaRoasted: then file it as a bug05:53
Loshkilinuxmonster: Cynthia: years ago when I used Solaris, we used something like xterm -C but it doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu...05:53
Roastedgogeta, yeah - I should. Where would I do that at.05:53
gogetaRoasted: welll did restarting gdm make it go away again05:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:53
linuxmonstermarloshouse,  cant say i do but I have always been a Gnome user and I had no issues upgrading one of my laptops to Lucid05:54
Roastedgogeta, You know at the login screen, that bottom panel with the login options?05:54
Roastedgogeta, I have the login screen on my laptop, but the bottom panel is gone. I assume its on the "other" non existent screen.05:54
gogetaRoasted: after doing a gdm restart?05:54
gogetaRoasted: try sudo service gdm stop05:55
gogetaRoasted: then startx05:55
Loshkilakeoftea: easiest is to do something like: find . | egrep -i Primer.Plus05:55
gogetaRoasted: bypass gdm05:55
greezmunkeylakeoftea: you can try this in a terminal. It will print the location if it finds it: 'find . -name "*Primer.Plus*" -or -name "*Primer*" -print'05:57
gogetaRoasted: see if the bugs corg relted or gdm realted05:57
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Roastedgogeta, I doubt its xorg. You need to be root to write/alter xorg. I never logged in as root for the 2nd mo nitor. That was just in the preference menu05:57
gogetaRoasted: did startx get you logged in05:58
michelle__um... with a xp linux dual boot, where do i put the boot loader?05:58
gogetaRoasted: after stoping gdm05:58
Roastedgogeta, didnt try yet -in the process of filing the bug.05:58
sebsebsebmichelle__: on the MBR05:58
wildbatis there a easy way to convert fstab to use uuid?05:58
sebsebsebmichelle__: Master Boot Record05:58
gogetaRoasted: all gdm is a gui login anyways you dont relly need it05:58
michelle__kk so i select the raid drive and not a particular partition?05:59
sebsebsebmichelle__: oh raid hrm05:59
sebsebseb!raid | michelle__05:59
ubottumichelle__: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:59
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BlAck6j73wildbat: how do you mean convert?06:00
Roastedgogeta, wondering if I should just put 9.10 back in. I have a weird wireless issue in this laptop too.06:00
gogetaRoasted: well lets see if skipping gdm works06:01
sebsebsebmichelle__: normally Grub goes on the MBR06:01
AidenGarrettAfter installing ubuntu today windows 7 will no longer boot =\ Anyone know of anyway to fix this? And if I update to 10.04 ubuntu boots to a blank screen =\06:01
michelle__yea it's not really clear what to put the boot loader on in the fakeraid hoe to06:01
gogetaRoasted: and its just realted to that and not corg06:01
sebsebsebmichelle__: I think thats also the case with RAID06:01
sebsebseb!grub2 | michelle__06:01
ubottumichelle__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:01
gogetaRoasted: best to track the bug as close as possable so they knoe where to look06:02
michelle__yea it is... i just dont know if the MBR is on the device, or on the pimary active partition, which would be the ntfs partition with wondows xp in it06:02
gogetaRoasted: relly such a miner bug wouldent deture me06:02
wildbatBlAck6j73, change /dev/sdx to UUID06:02
Roastedgogeta, well the wireless is a hueg issue, but nobody seems to have an idea in that department.06:03
gogetaRoasted: i knoe a bit abought wirless06:03
Roastedgogeta, besides, besides default themes, 9.10 and 10.04 arent different enough to restrict me from doing any work on 9.10.06:03
Roastedgogeta, well, want to hear my interesting problem?06:03
gogetaRoasted: so did killing gdm and starting x yourself get around it06:03
BlAck6j73red2kic: when you install Ubuntu is does it for you06:03
Roastedgogeta, just filed the bug. going to try it now.06:04
sebsebsebRoasted: the two new themes in 10.04 aren't that good really, plus I think theres a ppa for 9.10 for those themes06:04
red2kicBlAck6j73: Not when you're committing to major upgrades. In my case, I have two hard drives so it prompted me about which hard drives + partitions.06:04
Roastedsebsebseb, I agree - I liked ambiance but didnt like the coloring, so I edited the config files to edit the color choices. I take that same package and put it on my 9.10 desktop here at home and it works fine.06:04
gogetasebsebseb: yea butif his bug goes in filed it would linger06:04
red2kicBlAck6j73: All goes well. It's just matter of deciding on package maintainer's version against mine.06:05
BlAck6j73red2kic:  ok got you now06:06
gogetaRoasted: another way i guess would be bypassing the auto detect genreting a corg config and telling it you have only 1 display06:06
sebsebsebRoasted: 10.04  desktop edition is quite the disapoitment really compared to previous versions,  for various reasons, at the moment06:07
BlAck6j73wildbat: are you doing an upgrade?06:07
Roastedsebsebseb, 10.04 was flawless on my main desktop. I fricken love it. Im just kind of blah right now with the wireless issue Im having. However, that issue is EXTREMELY weird...06:07
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sebsebsebRoasted: I think there was someone earlier with a similar issue06:08
Roastedsebsebseb, probably me. I remember seeing you in here when I was asking for help.06:08
wildbatBlAck6j73, nope ~just got dozen of partitions i want to put in fstab ;p06:08
gogetaRoasted: ubuntu auto detect your stuff now but if you make a corg.conf it will use that insteed so you could force it to 1 display06:08
gogetai always miss that key for some reasion06:09
shift_wreckhey thanks again Cynthia. your solution works wonderfully :)06:09
Roastedsebsebseb, my laptop works on WPA + WPA2 networks just fine. At work we have 8 buildings, each with its own network. One building in particular secured with WPA wont let me on the wireless. Mac filtering? No. ERrors in authentication? No. Just regular WPA. WICD and NM both didnt work. Shrug.06:09
Cynthiashift_wreck: er, you're welcome. but I already don't remember what it was about. Curse my short-term memory06:09
BlAck6j73wildbat: well I think you can just paste them  in to fstab06:09
Cynthiashift_wreck: Oh yeah the Finnish shell, yeah you're welcome :)06:10
red2kicRoasted: Sure it isn't the bugs with building's wireless system?06:10
gogetaRoasted: i say that would fix your bug for good06:10
greezmunkeyRoasted: That could be the AP's fault as well...06:10
shift_wrecki thought that might be the case. haha yeah, the finnish shell yup06:10
Roastedred2kic, I put the wireless system in. Im not sure what else I can cehck.06:10
shift_wreckright, thanks again :)06:10
Roastedgreezmunkey, I tried ~15 access points. All failed.06:10
gogetaRoasted: using the old school xorg.conf rather then letting ubuntu auto detect everytime06:10
Roastedgreezmunkey, with each test, I had an XP laptop of the same exact model with me. XP worked each time.06:10
linuxmonsterso it is a usb adapter06:11
greezmunkeyRoasted: Yet the ubox works in 7 of 8 bldgs?06:11
Roastedgreezmunkey, sure does.06:11
gogetaRoasted: probly has to do with the keyif its super long some network car drivers dont like that06:11
greezmunkeyRoasted: dude, that is wierd.06:11
red2kicRoasted: Try and install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic?06:11
Roastedgogeta, the key at home here is longer than it is at work.06:12
gogetaRoasted: iv herd if this before and i relly never figured that out06:12
Roastedgogeta, of the wireless thing?06:12
gogetaRoasted: some aps just dont like linux06:12
gogetaRoasted: yea06:12
Roastedgogeta, wanna know the funny thing?06:12
Roastedgogeta, it worked 2 weeks ago.06:12
gogetaRoasted: sounds like they may have fiklterd you06:13
phaniHi.. I have hardy 8.04 and i have configured dual monitor setup.. one monitor is DVI cable connected and other is VGA connected... I see both the displays as same ... so, how can i change it to a separate ...means two different displays... any suggestions please....06:13
Roastedgogeta, who? the tech staff? Why would I filter myself?06:13
gogetaRoasted: i would check the roughter06:13
greezmunkeyRoasted: http://www.chanalyzer.com/06:13
BlAck6j73wildbat: man fstab5 tell you how to create the uuid06:13
Roastedgogeta, we dont use routers. we use layer 3 switches. nothing has changed.06:14
gogetaRoasted: maybe it simply handed out the max amount of ips06:14
Roastedgogeta, theres no reason for my ubuntu laptop to just say, hey, not connecting.06:14
Roastedgogeta, nope.06:14
DuckbutterAre there any extra notification plugins for Empathy other than Chat, Broadcast and XChat?06:14
Roastedgogeta, I work in the IT staff. I know we have IPs to spare.06:14
gogetaRoasted: if it worked and qquit its ap realted06:14
Roastedgogeta, not to mention I did this test whene veryone was gone for the day.06:14
thinkpadjust wondering if anyone is using ubuntu netbook edition06:14
michelle__i figured out my problem.... the installer partitioner doesn't understand dmraid partitions correctly, so i have to create/format them with Gparted bfore i run the instaler06:14
Roastedgogeta, I doubt every AP magically decided to hate ubuntu. I tried every angle of the abuilding, each area failed no matter what AP I was on06:15
gogetaRoasted: and diffrent ap work i say reboot the ap something got stuck06:15
gogetaRoasted: or the key you saved is wrong06:15
thinkpadI'm not able to see a usb drive in netbook edition06:16
WFFCdamn, i need some help i try to crack my own wpa2 key for security test but when i do airodump-ng then my interface sometimes its work sometimes not and i dont see any networking there i running backtrack 4 final into virtualbox someone know how to fix that please thanx for reply...06:16
Roastedgogeta, the key is fine. and I did reboot several access points. I even rebooted the controller.06:17
gogetaRoasted: try it threw command line06:17
gogetaRoasted: ifconfig wlan0 eesid name key 43506:17
greezmunkeyRoasted: what brand, meru, aruba, cisco?06:18
RoastedIll try it tomorrow. Cant try it from home :P06:18
Roastedgreezmunkey, enterasys06:18
greezmunkeyRoasted: there's your problem06:18
Roastedgreezmunkey, worked a few weeks ago.06:18
gogetaRoasted: if it accepts that then you knoe its not with the key06:18
gogetaRoasted: then run dchpclient qlan006:18
Roastedgreezmunkey, not a fan of enterasys?06:19
greezmunkeyRoasted: not in the least06:19
Roastedgreezmunkey, me neither.06:19
greezmunkeyRoasted: Meru rocks, buit that's ot.06:19
Roastedgreezmunkey, I just dont get how it worked before...06:19
Roastedbut not now...06:19
Roastedits frustrating.06:20
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AidenGarrettOkay I put 9.04 on my alienware m17x today because I have it on my xps and I love it.. but after installing it Windows 7 boots to a black screen with a cursor and does nothing but beep if you push button. I downloaded and burned a Windows 7 repair disk and it still will not boot further I was wondering if maybe anyone could offer any suggestion as to why ubuntu broke windows and how I can fix it?06:20
gogetaRoasted: well dion it manuly might give you more info on whats going on06:20
brentquick question using ubuntu to repair a hard drive im running check filesystem from the disk utility but its taking forever (2tb) anyway i can get the output from fsck.ext3?06:20
gogetaRoasted: maybe its failing to hand out a ip for some reasion etc06:20
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100406:20
user1_when was lucid released - date???06:20
linuxmonsterApril 25th06:21
Roastedgreezmunkey, have you had issues with linux and enterasys in the past?06:21
Cynthiabrent: Didn't you start fsck.ext3 from a console?06:21
AidenGarrettLucid breaks my computer even further =[06:21
mcl0vinUnable to load LIRC kernel modules. Verify your * selected kernel modules in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf <---this is what i keep getting when i 'sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart06:21
mcl0vincan someone please help me06:21
Cynthiauser1_ April 29 or 30, 2010; they had a delay due to an X memory leak06:21
greezmunkeyRoasted: are all of the bldgs controllers networked?06:21
greezmunkeyRoasted: (to each other)06:21
brentCynthia: was going to but was afaid to kill this one didnt think it would take so long06:22
Roastedgreezmunkey, all buildings are with aruba. enterasys is in a stand-alone building with its own controller in the building06:22
user1_Cynthia - thanks. i just am running it. it removed all broken packs of my karmic :)06:22
brentCynthia: Its still running now06:22
gogeta1Roasted: iv acully seen wireless work with command line and not the gui06:22
wildbatis there a gnome text editor that support regex replacement?06:22
gogeta1Roasted: strange stuff06:22
AidenGarrettI am going to assume lack of reply means no.06:23
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gogeta1Roasted: and cards refule the command line and work in the gui06:23
user1_it even upgraded online without any issues06:23
greezmunkeyRoasted: now you tell us. I am highly suspicious of the ent* gear then, latest firmware?06:23
brentCynthia: was hoping there was some tricky way of piping it or something06:23
Cynthiabrent: ehhhhh - well, if you had started it under 'screen' you could have detached and then reattached your screen06:23
Roastedgreezmunkey, offhand I'm not sure. But at the same token, it worked flawlessly before on 9.10. Even on 10.04 for a week or so I was fine. *shrug*06:23
user1_but apport is still buggy06:24
greezmunkeyRoasted: That's why it's only WPA then, huh?06:24
brentCynthia: sucks there is no progress bar or anything in the disk utility06:24
Roastedgreezmunkey, its WPA2 personal I believe.06:24
gogeta1greezmunkey: well after he trys it command line he should get a good idea of whats up06:24
Roastedoh wait.06:25
AidenGarrettalrighty then....06:25
RoastedI ran a tail command earlier when trying to connect to it.06:25
Roasted1 second06:25
BlAck6j73wildbat: gedit supports plugins06:25
linuxmonsterkregexpeditor does that and can be run in Gnome but think it also would require installing a ton of QT libs06:25
Cynthiabrent: oi, Disk Utility... Palimpsest? Its benchmark UI is awesome, but I didn't know its filesystem check interface had shortcomings06:25
greezmunkeygogeta1: Roasted yeah, I agree, also tail -f /var/log/syslog to get a clue as to where it's falling down.06:25
Roastedgreezmunkey, I have that. one second.06:26
linuxmonsterwildbat: kregexpeditor does that and can be run in Gnome but think it also would require installing a ton of QT libs06:26
wildbatBlAck6j73, thans~06:26
gogeta1greezmunkey: i bet it ran out of leases06:26
ManDayAfter a few Hibernation/Wakeup cycles ubuntu becomes very slow06:26
torshidohi all, how can I create an installation repo for my local network, using the DVD I just downloaded?06:26
Roastedgogeta1, greezmunkey, http://pastebin.org/25662006:26
gogeta1greezmunkey: only way i see it work then stop06:26
greezmunkeygogeta1: could be, especially if they have a lot of transients, and long lease times06:27
gogeta1association took too long06:27
gogeta1right thre06:27
jackieOall, what is the best itunes replacement for ubnuntu? looking for something for my netbook that i can manage my iPhone with06:27
BlAck6j73torshido:  is it just one  dvd?06:27
brentif you cancel an fsck will it start from where it left off06:27
torshidoBlAck6j73: yeah, the one from the ubuntu.com06:27
linuxmonsterjackieO,  if you find one let me know as I have found nothing that will let me get into Itunes06:28
Loshkibrent: no, it will start from scratch next time you run it...06:28
jackieOlinuxmonster: blehhhh06:28
gogeta1Roasted: you ap is rejecting you its not the card06:28
jackieOlinuxmonster: i was worried as such06:28
Roastedgogeta1, what more can you tell me about it?06:28
brentLoshki: how bad would it be to kill the fsck.ext3 process06:28
gogeta1Roasted: its probly out of ips to give out there called leases and by defult it only gives out 10006:28
gogeta1Roasted: those stay for a set amount of time like a week06:29
Roastedgogeta1, that doesnt explain why 100 other laptops work no matter where I throw them, but magically my laptop fails everywhere I go.06:29
Loshkibrent: It's supposed to be harmless to interrup an fsck, but I don't like to do it...06:29
gogeta1Roasted: they still have there leases06:29
greezmunkeyRoasted: what's in /etc/network/interfaces ?06:29
BlAck6j73torshido:  use apt-cdrom06:30
torshidoBlAck6j73: I just want to install a lab, I dont care about updates, I'll install a proxy later06:30
gogeta1Roasted: once some free up it will rpobly take off working again or you can go reset them06:30
torshidoBlAck6j73: thanks06:30
Roastedgreezmunkey, I have a unique setup with my laptop. My wired interface is static in etc/network/interfaces along with the default auto loopback. I let network manager handle the wireless dhcp.06:30
gogeta1Roasted: you can also increse them06:30
Roastedgreezmunkey, I do this because my laptop acts as an imaging server when I redo systems in the summer. So I set static up in the interface file accordingly06:30
jackieOlinuxmonster: tried this: http://www.taranfx.com/sync-iphone-linux ??06:31
gogeta1Roasted: i say thats the issue being its a heavly used ap by lots of systems06:32
kzmando intel release graphics drivers, like nvidia?06:32
gogeta1Roasted: its leases filled up06:32
torshidoBlAck6j73: I don't think apt-cdrom is helpful in my case, I need to host a local repo for a lot of machines06:32
Roastedgogeta1, I just find that so hard to believe. We lost power on tuesday and I rebooted everything in that building. I had wireless problems on teusday, wednesday, a week ago, etc.06:32
gogeta1Roasted: they saved06:33
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BlAck6j73torshido:  you could use FTP06:33
gogeta1Roasted: and if one of you admins set to a low amount it will fill quickly06:33
Roastedgreezmunkey, what do you think?06:33
linuxmonsterjackieO,  No i have not but I bookmarked it as its getting late here and had a cpl. Will check it out in the morning06:33
Roastedgogeta1, we should have quite a few to spare.06:33
BlAck6j73torshido:  or even apt-mirror06:34
jackieOlinuxmonster: cool. good luck. looks promising. also noted is that it says it works without jailbeaking :)06:34
torshidoBlAck6j73: just copy the DVD content to an http pr ftp server, thats all? I am an Red Hat Certified Engineer, so I know how to do this in RHEL or Fedora06:34
gogeta1Roasted: irs easy to look check roughter look at amount of leases and amount of pcs06:34
gogeta1Roasted: who knoe how many wardrivers leeched off you that all gets saved06:34
MoocmanOk. I'm sorry, but I need help installing Ubuntu06:34
torshidoBlAck6j73: Can I populate apt-mirror from the DVD?06:34
gogeta1Roasted: its easy enough to reset the leases06:35
Roastedgogeta1, that's a highly improbabal thing. Where I work is surrounded by a few miles of corn fields.06:35
Roastedgogeta1, you cant even SEE any houses in the area, and the road is about 300 yards from the building06:35
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gogeta1Roasted: well if you got 50 pcs and 50 leases06:35
theadminMoocman: What exactly with?06:35
MoocmanIts the partition section06:35
gogeta1Roasted: guess what happons to pc 5106:35
MoocmanI'm rather confused what a loader is06:36
theadminMoocman: Ah that, yeah can get quite confusing. Can you read out the error/question/whatever completely to me?06:36
Roastedgogeta1, I know. I just find it hard to believe with 350 computers being in the building, for days/weeks its ALWAYS mine that doenst connect yet everybody else can connect fine.06:36
Roastedthats just hard to believe.06:36
MoocmanIll take a screenshot06:36
gogeta1Roasted: 350 pcs oh yea its leases are full06:36
linuxmonsterjackieO, not sure its a issue but python-iphone is missing from karmic06:36
Roastedgogeta1, no, I'll bet any money theyre not. we have things vlan'd off, etc.06:36
linuxmonsteror some a user says06:37
gogeta1Roasted: lease = amount of ip its willing to give out06:37
gogeta1Roasted: has knothing to do with other settings06:37
BlAck6j73torshido:  how about this     http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2595774&postcount=206:37
greezmunkeyRoasted: I would have to see the ent* config, but it is likely a supplicant issue, perhaps timing - hard to say. I doubt it's purely a networking issue (IP, leases, etc) Something subtle between wpasupplicant and the setup or firmware on the ent* gear.06:38
godricbrutusis there a GUI app for cpu temp, other than setting up conky for GNOME?06:38
gogeta1Roasted: from you log you are being rejected by the ap06:38
Moocmantheadmin: I'm not sure what it means but it looks like to me that my Windows 7 parition is only 15GB, which it isn06:38
linuxmonstergodricbrutus, lmsensors and GKrellm can do that06:38
torshidoBlAck6j73: that would work for one machine06:38
Roastedgreezmunkey, would the firmware on the gear have this effect on my laptop regardless of whether Id be running windows or linux?06:38
red2kicRoasted: I mentioned.  Try linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic06:39
linuxmonsteror there is also gnome-sensors package in lucid aswell, It does not like my mb though06:39
theadminMoocman: bleh, tinypic. Works slowly from over here. Just a sec06:39
Roastedred2kic, I got that - but I cant test them from home :P06:39
Moocmantheadmin: Should I just continue, or should I manually specify the partition?06:39
torshidoBlAck6j73: I loop mounted the DVD iso file to my httpd server, and I'm booting the mini.iso image right now... It looks like it is working06:39
godricbrutuslinuxmonster, thanks06:39
torshidoBlAck6j73: very easy06:39
red2kicRoasted: I helped you with that avahi-daemon.local if you don't recall. :P06:39
TooR4uHi, i just upgraded my system to 10.04. I am facing problem with the backspace and control keys. The problem is, the backspace key is deleting only one letter a time. To delete another letter, i have to press the backspace again. how to fix this error?06:39
torshidoBlAck6j73: I just had to choose a manual mirror configuration and point it to my httpd server06:40
gogeta1red2kicc 360 pcs a stock set rughter its pretty easy to see why hes getting rejected06:40
theadminMoocman: I always manually specify them %)06:40
* Moocman cringes06:40
linuxmonstergodricbrutus,  if you use gnome you can add gnome-sensors its a panel applet06:40
TooR4uThe same problem is for control keys. (Keybord left, right, up, dows)06:40
gogeta1Roasted: go in the roughter increses the leases to like 400 it should accept you after06:41
BlAck6j73torshido:  yeah   thats good    I thought you might not have a web server setup  hence   FTP!06:41
theadminWhat is that with all teh floodbots being op'ed?06:41
MoocmanTheadmin: Does the live CD automatically create a 41mb FAT16 partiition?06:41
gogeta1Roasted: also increse the ip range to refelect that06:41
greezmunkeyRoasted: no, the sofware is differant. Remember, most windows software, and wifi clients for that matter, are poorly written (usually for reasons of compatibility) *nix devolopers tend to stick to the rfc's, and sometimes don't play well with their windows counterparts.06:41
theadminMoocman: Whaaaaaa? No.06:41
torshidoBlAck6j73: what's the difference between mini.iso and the alternate cd?06:41
Moocmanoh k.....06:41
linuxmonsterthey where lonely theadmin  so they got op'ed to spend some quality time together lol06:41
Roastedgogeta1, I KNOW we have leases avaiable. Iknow we di because we plan to expand another lab by adding 30 systems this summer and we have plenty of room for that.06:42
gogeta1Roasted: does your ip range reflect the change its easy to forget06:42
Roastedgogeta1, I just remember looking at the number and being like, oh wow, we have a lot of headroom.06:42
gogeta1Roasted: if your ip range is still only in the 100 range you will still run out06:42
adantegogeta1: thanks06:42
TooR4uhow to fix the backspace problem ?06:43
gogeta1adante: thank ?06:43
BlAck6j73torshido:  dont know!    I think mini is for net install and alternate has diff software on it06:43
adantegogeta1: not sure, you linked me to a cloud theme about 90 minutes ago :]06:43
Roastedgogeta1, I appreciate your help, but it's not an IP lease issue. I'm sure of that based on the extra padding we had to play with.06:43
torshidoBlAck6j73: thanks for your help. I'm a Fedora guy myself but I have a lot of respect for Ubuntu06:43
gogeta1adante: oh your theme was to old will that was easy06:43
BlAck6j73torshido:  np06:44
RoastedI gotta get to bed. thanks for the help guys!06:44
gogeta1greezmunkey: can lead a horse to waer i suppose lol06:45
user1_In lucid the closing box is on the left06:45
user1_for every window06:45
user1_this will take sometime to adjust06:45
TooR4uhow to enable repeated delete function when i press the backspace button?06:46
ChepecarlosKnow of a program to retrieve data or partitions06:47
red2kicTooR4u: Lift your finger up. Lift your finger down. Repeat.06:47
CynthiaTooR4u: Under what, console? GNOME? KDE?06:47
user1_Chepecarlos : gparted06:47
gogeta1Chepecarlos: not linux ones no linux zeros files at delete they hard to recover if not inpossable06:47
BlAck6j73red2kic hehe06:48
TooR4ured2kic, funny.  R u pressing the backspace button 100 times to delete 100 chars ?06:48
BlAck6j73red2kic how does one lift a finger down :P06:48
gogeta1torshido: umm hold it06:48
TooR4uCynthia, in Gnome06:48
torshidowhat is the best apt proxy server?06:48
CynthiaTooR4u: I'll assume GNOME.06:48
ChepecarlosI am parted magic06:48
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:48
CynthiaSystem / Preferences / Keyboard, tab = General, option = Key presses repeat when key is held down06:49
red2kicTooR4u: Hold SHIFT + HOME/END. That'll highlight to the beginning or the end. New trick.06:49
TooR4ured2kic, wow.. great .. lol ..06:49
opticalHello all, quick question if there are any SSH experts.  I have my home machine that I need someone to SSH into but don't want to give him my public IP address.  I also have an external monthly VPS that I have root on.  Can I make some kind of port forward on my VPS to point to my home IP, but let the person connect through VPS address instead?  Sounds confusing but basically like a bounce ?06:49
Cynthia(Or Ctrl+A. But what if you don't want to delete a whole line?)06:49
Tuna-Fish2In nautilus you have the choice to save the password when connecting to something with sftp. Where does it save it?06:50
gogeta1optical: you could also make a dns06:50
opticallike at dyndns.org ?  but then they just ping that address and get my public IP that way06:50
gogeta1optical: you could make a vpn to your frend06:51
Tuna-Fish2optical: unless you set their login shell to /dev/null, (or git-shell or something) they will know your ip address once connected06:51
Cynthiaoptical: Make a host at DynDNS that will resolve only for a limited time. Delete it afterwards.06:51
red2kicoptical: Why do you not want him to know your public IP? Make a new account (for him to ssh into). Different password.  Even if he get in, he could run lynx (and whatismyip.com) such.06:51
opticalyeah i guess you're right06:51
CynthiaBut ys, there's no way to not give them your IP in the end06:51
opticalthanks for confirming :)  i am a novice user who needs someone to SSH in for help06:52
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gogeta1optical: yea once connected they will knoe it anyways unless you proxy it06:52
Moocmantheadmin: If sda3 is my Windows Partition, what should I be doing next? http://tinypic.com/r/5cg6mx/606:52
dirtyarabhey guys :)06:52
red2kic"wget www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - -q echo"06:52
dirtyarabcan anyone assist with a tech video issue with my ubuntu 10.04 install06:52
TooR4uCynthia, Thank you very much. problem solved .. :)06:52
dirtyarabinput not supported with an nvidia 7600 gs06:53
theadminMoocman: I dunno what's that weird fat16 partition... resize one of partitions and install Ubuntu on it06:53
Niloswicd hangs up at obtaining an IP address on an en crypted wireless network.Is there a workaround i can use?06:53
Cynthiayou're welcome TooR4u06:53
tux_best torrent for linux06:53
MoocmanHow do I resize a partition?06:53
gogeta1optical: then even what my ip would wwork for the,06:53
Tuna-Fish2Moocman: do you have any idea why sd3 doesn't know it's used space?06:53
CynthiaMoocman: Use GParted, right-click the partition and choose Resize, then Edit/Apply06:53
red2kicMoocman: Use Gparted. (Gnome Partition Editor).06:53
Hopeless8009im trying to watch AVATAR but when i run it i git an error could not read form resoursce can some one help06:53
CynthiaBack up data first06:53
MoocmanDoes Gparted come with Ubuntu06:54
sebsebsebMoocman: yes06:54
MoocmanOr does it have to be downloaded and put on a CD?06:54
CynthiaHopeless8009: Did you rip it to a codec that you can't read back, perchance?06:54
sebsebsebMoocman: it's on the Live CD, but not in the install of Ubuntu06:54
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MoocmanSo how do I use Gparted?06:54
MoocmanWhere do I find it?06:54
Hopeless8009no i cant rip it eather06:54
gogeta1optical: dont knoe why you even worry abought them having you ip06:55
sebsebsebMoocman: system > administration > partition editor06:55
gogeta1optical: a linux 2 firewalled06:55
gogeta1optical: they could do more damage with sudi then your ip06:55
Hopeless8009Cynthia: when i tried to rip it it wouldn't work eather06:55
linuxmonsterHopeless8009,  thats because it's a encrypted dvds06:56
gogeta1Hopeless8009: yea avatar has some crazy new encrytpion06:56
CynthiaMoocman: within Ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get install gparted' - however you won't be able to resize a partition if Ubuntu is currently using it. That's why a LiveCD is usually better: no hard drives are tied up at all, so you can do everything06:56
gogeta1Hopeless8009: it got hacked aroundy but you will have to look that up on your own06:56
MeXTuXI'm trying to share my internet connection with my Palm device. I'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PalmBluetoothHowto With Hardy I had no problems but with Lucid Lynx I can't create the file "palm" inside /etc/ppp/peers I can't even execute cd /etc/ppp/peers : (06:56
mtx_initMoocman: It is either on the Live CD or needs to be had from the repo06:56
ra100hi all06:57
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ra100i like very much this wallpapers with red flower from  - http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/new-windicator-window-indicator-mockups.html06:58
Cynthiara100: Ok06:58
mosh_join #ubuntu-es06:58
MoocmanWait, I'm confused06:58
ra100do you know anybody, where can i download it?06:58
dirtyarabhey all ill come back tommorrow for help on that input thing i gotta sleep :)06:58
MoocmanI am trying to resize the partition size in Gparted06:58
dirtyarabgnite everyone!06:58
_Snorkis it a bad idea to have a swap partition on a raid 1 mirrored LVM volume?06:58
MoocmanBut It won't let me06:58
mtx_initMoocman: so you first need to install gparted. is that done?06:58
MoocmanIt automatically reverts to the default size06:59
MoocmanInstall Gparted?06:59
MoocmanWell, I'm using it?06:59
Niloswicd hangs up at obtaining an IP address on an en crypted wireless network.Is there a workaround i can use?06:59
MoocmanIs that installing?06:59
CynthiaMoocman: within Ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get install gparted' - however you won't be able to resize a partition if Ubuntu is currently using it. That's why a LiveCD is usually better: no hard drives are tied up at all, so you can do everything06:59
mtx_initgparted is a gnome application06:59
MoocmanYes, I am aware of that06:59
theadminCynthia: He/she is on a LiveCD06:59
mtx_initThere is also a Live CD called gparted.06:59
ra100i mean http://lh6.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/S_OzWUjlPfI/AAAAAAAABC0/x_i1Pq2Gnvw/windicators-ubuntu-software-center.jpg06:59
CynthiaAh, awesome!06:59
CynthiaMoocman: Check out System / Administration / GParted07:00
MoocmanI'm using the Ubuntu LiveCD07:00
MoocmanI'm on it right now07:00
_Snorkis it a bad idea to have a swap partition on a raid 1 mirrored LVM volume? Anyone? I have this secret suspicion maybe it is, because i guess in theory it'd required mirrored writes constantly to the swap...07:00
CynthiaMoocman: Check out System / Administration / GParted [on the LiveCD!]07:00
MoocmanBut I can't resize the partition07:00
CynthiaMoocman: What filesystem does it use?07:00
MoocmanON GPARTED07:00
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CynthiaSorry! I was just making sure :(07:00
Moocmanthats ok07:00
MoocmanI unmounted it07:01
iantloppis there a beginner's support room?07:01
MoocmanOr whatever prefixI should use07:01
MrPancakeiantlopp: You're in it.07:01
red2kiciantlopp: #ubuntu-beginners, I think.07:01
iantloppouch... now I feel really dumb :)07:01
CynthiaMoocman: NTFS might be why... check the View / File System Support. NTFS should have a check mark at NTFS::Resize. Does it?07:01
MoocmanYes it does07:02
MoocmanIt says it requires Ntfsprogs07:02
trippsif I'm booting from a livecd, how do I access my protected home directory on my computer?07:02
apothecaryHello, first time on IRC sorry if my ettiquete is poor lol have a questioin about getting xserver to recognise my Nvidia GT220 Video card on 10.04 it was working find on 9.10 now i can't figure out how to get it working...07:02
MoocmanWill I need to install that?07:02
apothecaryit's saying my drivers are active but wont actually let me use my video card >.<07:02
CynthiaMoocman: Just to clarify, what does the NTFS :: Resize cell look like? A Check mark or a red X circle?07:03
red2kictripps: Do you write down the passphrase?07:03
MoocmanCheck mark07:03
CynthiaMoocman: Then you have ntfsprogs installed already. It should already be working.07:03
CynthiaI'm at a loss.07:03
trippsred2kic, it's not a protected volume, it's my home directory on an ext3 partition. directories like.ssh I cannot access even after mounting as root07:04
MoocmanNext to the partition name, it has an ! mark07:04
CynthiaPoint to the !07:04
CynthiaDoes a tooltip appear saying why you can't do anything?07:04
red2kictripps: What do you mean by protected in first sentence?07:05
MoocmanIts right next to /dev/sda307:05
CynthiaStill at a loss then :(07:05
trippsred2kic, I mean if I try to access the directory, I get "access denied"07:05
apothecaryhave you maybe encrypted that partition?07:05
BlAck6j73tripps:    are you browsing it as root?07:05
trippsred2kic, mode is 700 on those07:05
ra100so, nobody knows, where can i download this wallpaper from http://lh6.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/S_OzWUjlPfI/AAAAAAAABC0/x_i1Pq2Gnvw/windicators-ubuntu-software-center.jpg ?07:06
trippsBlAck6j73, yes. I've booted from livecd07:06
red2kictripps: Well, you're on a LiveCD -- Different user.07:06
trippsred2kic, EXACTLY. hence my question07:06
Cynthiara100: At least I don't know07:06
mib_mibdoes anyone here use gedit?07:06
ra100what a pity :-(07:06
red2kictripps: Try "sudo -i" and access the folder. I guess.07:06
red2kicmib_mib: Lot of people do. Now what?07:06
apothecaryi do mib07:06
Cynthiamib_mib: what problem do you have with gedit?07:06
mib_mibi'm wondering how i can make gedit to a similar thing to textmate command + T, i.e. go to file, or search in all files07:07
mib_mibis there a plugin that allows that functionality?07:07
Cynthiamib_mib: Textmate is a Mac editor?07:07
mib_mibor is there some way i can open my project much like i would do 'mate .'07:07
mib_mibCynthia: yah07:08
CynthiaUh. Not familiar enough with Textmate to even know what you want.07:08
FinnishI'm changing my conky, and whenever I change the hard disc sections, I lose everything thats below them, what's wrong? Here's my conky: http://pastebin.com/ehXAt7NY07:08
red2kicmib_mib: "gedit <name-of-file>" does not work?07:08
apothecarysame.. bout the only thing i can think of is save it somewhere where it's easily accessed and use the right click script command to open as root with gedit...07:09
apothecarydunno if that helps at all07:09
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BlAck6j73ra100:  that wallpaper is included with ubuntu07:09
mib_mibred2kic: well, i want to have my entire project (all directories), not just open one file -- have the file browser show just my project -- then i can do like a 'command + T' to go to file with name <enter name here>', or if i was searching for some code within all my files, a global text search but limited to my project.07:10
apothecaryso anyone think they maybe able to help me melt down... erm fix my nvidia problem? i've tried all the forum stuffs.. and it's quazy working.. just really want to use my Compiz stuff... :(07:10
apothecarywhen i boot up it still wants to goto low res mode though07:11
CynthiaWell mib_mib you can bring up a sidebar with a file browser with Gedit / Edit / Preferences / Plugins / [X] File Browser Pane07:11
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: did you install the properity nvida driver?07:12
apothecaryif i hit use different settings it boots up in high res... but have to do that every log in07:12
the-dudewhat would be best? add a package to revu or report a sync bug? the package is already in debian unstable07:12
apothecaryyes RoD07:12
CynthiaIt will bring up a list of files and folders neighboring your current editor file (i.e.files in same folder)07:12
RoDiMuS-Xdid you install the start up manager07:12
mib_mibCynthia: yeah i got that already, i want to search though for files07:12
apothecarygah... noobed myself07:12
unitypunkhey all.07:12
unitypunkhaving some trouble with my tv card..07:12
apothecarywhat's the start up manager labled as?07:13
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: check this out http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/ubuntu-tips-and-tricks.htm07:13
Cynthiamib_mib: The file browser pane will have two icons at the bottom, a sheet of paper and a folder. Select the folder. And then click Match Filename07:13
red2kicmib_mib: Try Geany. I don't know. :o07:13
unitypunkmy video is jittery.07:13
unitypunkor maybe not interlacing correctly.07:13
ra100BlAck6j73: really? i didn´t noticed. so i´m must be blind :-) thanks.07:13
Cynthiaapothecary: /etc/init, /etc/init.d, Upstart or in GNOME, System / Preferences / Startup Applications07:13
Ganymedeis there a way to mount only a subdirectory of a filesystem? e.g. i only want to mount /dev/sdb1:/home on /home ... can i do that without first mounting the whole thing? (i can always mount the whole thing and then do a bind mount...)07:13
norensudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable07:14
norensorry, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable;; what more i have to install to get it working07:14
mib_mibGedit has the 'match filename' little search tool but it doesn't seem to work well07:14
apothecarythank you let me look a little bit i'm not the best with ubuntu yet, but i love the little things it can do and really appreciate the patience :)07:14
soreauGanymede: If you want to access any file on that partition, you have to mount it07:15
truetomUbuntu 10.04: When I try to add a new language, it tries to install KDE! Can someone confirm this?07:15
yaaangwhat's the name of that command-line app for column-aligning text?07:15
Cynthiatruetom: By what method?07:15
Ganymedesoreau, so basically, there is no way around mounting the whole thing and then only bind mounting /home...?07:15
Cynthiatruetom: Also, which language, or which repo package for a language pack?07:15
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: in the ubuntu software center search for Startup-manager07:15
soreauGanymede: The system has no way to even see what is on the partition until its mounted with the file system driver07:16
trippsred2kic, okeydoke thanks that worked. Coulda sworn I tried that alread :)07:16
Ganymedesoreau, okay, thanks07:16
red2kictripps: Great. :307:16
BlAck6j73Ganymede:    they have to be on seperate partitions  like sda1/home  sda2/usr    etc etc07:16
apothecaryyes i do have that07:17
fluvvellWhats the point of having a local proxy to the packages, when if you're upgrading a distro (on say several machines) it completely ignores the proxy!!!07:17
apothecaryis the version07:17
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: did you use that to configure you boot07:17
AzeotropeCan I use the alternate iso to upgrade to 10.04 a computer with no internet? I also want to use the .iso from a usb stick. Is it possible?07:18
apothecaryah hah... no i haven't but, i will i guess it's at 640x480 >.<07:18
yaaangwhat's the name of that command-line app for column-aligning text? given stdin "a aaa\naaa a" it should output "a   aaa\naaa a"07:18
mib_mibso i guess 'Alt + M' is turn on matched filters or not in the sidebar pain -- is there anyway i can 'go to' this text input area? could i build a macro for that easily?07:18
CynthiaAzeotrope: I believe it's yes to the first question and no to the second07:18
fluvvellAzeotrope, thats what the alternative iso download page suggests07:18
CynthiaAzeotrope: (+) But you CAN invoke the USB Startup Disk Creator to convert the .iso to a USB stick07:19
apothecarykk i will reboot and see if a mushroom cloud appears :) ty for the help07:19
fluvvellCynthia, any thoughts on apt-cacher as appropriate in a multiple machine upgrade ?07:19
RoDiMuS-Xsure if it doesn't work we can try something else07:20
Cynthiafluvvell: No thoughts, I never used that07:20
truetomCynthia: System -> Administration -> Language Support, German with german repos07:20
Azeotropefluvvell: yea, but don't I have to boot the alternate?07:20
michelle__omg... i wanna scream.... so i created the partitions for my installation, and formated them so the installer  doesnt have to... and it now blows up trying to erase the formated partitions prior to install07:20
Cynthiatruetom, will test in a Lucid VM07:20
fluvvellAzeatrope, I've just inserted the alternative and it's popped up with an upgrade option. No need to boot it.07:20
fluvvellAzeotrope, I've just inserted the alternative and it's popped up with an upgrade option. No need to boot it.07:20
fluvvellsorry spelling.07:21
STFhas someone of you expieriences with dc++ hubs?07:21
Azeotropefluvvell: thank you07:21
mefistofelhi all07:21
Cynthiatruetom, language-pack-gnome-de-base (11.4 MB) is downloading; file 3 of 29. is this what you had?07:23
michelle__the level of difficulty getting this to install on a fake raid is insane07:23
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* RoDiMuS-X drinks soda07:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:24
BlAck6j73michelle__:  whats a fake raid?07:24
sunboxmelonHi all. I have seen Ubuntu Software Center. I want to know about it. I am sad to see that it uses apt directly. Why did this happen?07:24
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: take it that did not work07:24
BlAck6j73michelle__:  software raid?07:24
apothecarydidn't work but i did get the error message07:25
sunboxmelonbecause I want it on Arch Linux07:25
michelle__nvidia on board raid07:25
apothecarycrud... it didn't copy07:25
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, whats the error message07:25
michelle__is basically a sw raid07:25
Cynthiatruetom, I can't confirm your German-language-installing-KDE bug07:25
michelle__uses dmraid07:25
BlAck6j73michelle__:  ok07:25
apothecaryi'll reboot and write it down.. that way we arent guessing07:25
michelle__and i am trying to walk though various instructions in the fake raid how to07:26
fluvvellsunboxmelon, why sad ?07:26
mib_mibfound a file search plugin for gedit nice!07:26
michelle__the installer partitioner cant handle dmraid partitions, so u have to pre-create tem with something that does07:27
truetomCynthia: bummer... i try to poke around a bit and find out why07:27
michelle__which i did07:27
BlAck6j73michelle__:  the installer from  ubuntu?07:27
Cynthiatruetom: please isolate the bug, and file it on Launchpad07:27
sunboxmelonfluvvell: Because I want it on Arch which uses its own package manager, and if it used PackageKit completely, it would work better07:27
sunboxmelonwas a direct integration with apt intentional to make non-deb distros sad?07:28
ddvddhi guys,how can I install ubuntu from a  iso cd image file on slax live system?07:28
michelle__but now when it starts the install it fails trying to erase the volumes... andyea... the ubuntu installer07:28
ddvddhi guys,how can I install ubuntu from a  iso cd image file on slax live system?07:29
michelle__even gparted doesnt see em right... so i used the disk utility to format them07:29
ranjanis there anyone in the world who has succeeded in building latest gtk+ in rhel like distros07:29
BlAck6j73michelle__:  I ues the debian installer just for that part07:29
Cynthia!repeat | ddvdd07:29
ubottuddvdd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:29
fluvvellsunboxmelon, Arch the Distro ??07:29
Cynthiathough, ddvdd, just to clarify, slax is Slackware right?07:29
michelle__is the debian installer on the live cd?07:30
ddvddslax is built from slackware ...but it's a live system in usb disk07:30
BlAck6j73michelle__:  actually it was for LVM07:30
fluvvellsunboxmelon, so your upset with Arch, because the nice Ubuntu software centre is written for Ubuntu ? Did you know Debian/Ubuntu use dpkg ?07:30
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fluvvellsunboxmelon, not PackageKit07:31
BlAck6j73michelle__:  no  I used a debian install disc07:31
sunboxmelonfluvvell: No, I am upset with Ubuntu because they wrote Software Center to interact with apt directly instead of a common backend like pkgkit07:31
Cynthiaddvdd: mount the image somewhere, like 'mount -o loop YOURISO /mnt/ubuntulive', and then try 'chroot /mnt/ubuntulive /usr/bin/env ubiquity'07:32
Cynthiaddvdd: (+) I don't guarantee that it'll work though07:32
ddvddok ,let me have a try07:32
michelle__i am trying 1 more thing... if this doesn't work i am gonna try mint07:32
xorwhyPubuntu. Seriously... I mean, Linux distro's have always had odd names, but seriously come on. That was ten steps back from zero. Who came up with that?07:32
robyciao italia07:33
xorwhyI'm not kidding, there is a pubuntu. Portable Ubuntu.07:33
apothecaryokay here are the fallowing errors- Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode (EE)NVIDIA Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module (EE) NVIDIA: Systems kernel log for additional error messages (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error,0) (EE) No drivers available.07:33
robytorinooooooooooooooooooooo c'e nessunoooooooooooo07:33
BlAck6j73michelle__:  how many disks in your setup?07:33
apothecarybut, the drivers are installed... frustrating...07:33
Cynthia!it | roby07:34
ubotturoby: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:34
fluvvellsunboxmelon, Ubuntu doesn't use pkgkit, it uses dpkg. pkgkit cannot yet interact with dpkg afaik,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/PackageKit07:34
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, so you ran Hardware drivers07:34
adamramadhanbtw why im installing playOnLinux it stops on 85% ?07:34
adamramadhanapplaying change ?07:34
adamramadhananyone ?07:34
sunboxmelonfluvvell: o rly? I thought dpkg had a pkgkit backend.07:34
RoDiMuS-Xdo you have Nvida X Server Settings07:34
apothecarythat also does not want to work but, it is installed07:34
mib_mibCynthia: thanks for the help07:35
fluvvellsunboxmelon, according to the wiki, PackageKit is a new cross-distro framework that abstracts from the actual underlying package system. Backends are available for systems like yum, apt, conary (and more).07:35
mib_mibred2kic: thanks as well07:35
apothecaryand under hardware it says the drivers are working properly >.<07:35
fluvvellsunboxmelon, so perhaps my mistake07:35
sunboxmelonfluvvell: Yes, I see that, so it should work fine with ubuntu's package management07:35
michelle__WOOT....IT'S INSTALLING07:35
=== SandGorgon_ is now known as SandGorgon
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, what Nvida chipset do you have?07:35
fluvvellsunboxmelon, but it appears ubuntu are looking into it.07:35
sunboxmelonfluvvell: I see, thanks for talking. Gotta go now. Bye07:36
apothecaryi'm running nvidia current which installed 18507:36
adamramadhanplayon linux still on 85%07:36
adamramadhanwhat the hell07:36
apothecaryit should have 190 installed and apparently off the forums the pkg for 185 contains the 190.xx stuff07:36
adamramadhanits 1 hour now .07:37
RoDiMuS-Xi have GEForce7150M/nForce 630M07:37
michelle__so get this... first u have to run the installl to create the partitions.... then u have to quit te install when it fails and format the partitions u created.... then u have to reboot and restart the install07:37
apothecaryohhh GeForce 220gt07:37
michelle__for NVIDIA fake RAID07:37
BlAck6j73michelle__:  you  have to reboot once you create your raid  then restart the install07:38
michelle__yes... thats what i just said07:39
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, so you installed the one from http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_190.53.html07:39
BlAck6j73michelle__: ok!07:39
unitypunkso after a few hours of reading, im pretty sure my tv card dosent deinterlace my tv signal.07:39
unitypunkits reallly ollld07:40
BlAck6j73michelle__: are you going to do lvm now?07:40
apothecaryno i installed the x64 version let me pull it up real quick07:40
michelle__yea.. aparrently once u touch them from the demo interface they r hooked even tho they r not mounted07:40
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_190.53.html  this one07:41
drogbahello iam new user of ubuntu 10.4 i have a problem with resolusion of vga .how i can do this  now its800/600 how i can decrease it to 144007:41
michelle__Nah... just wanna get this set up on my raid... i created my LV manually and specified the mount points07:41
apothecary1 sec07:41
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary: yeah install this one http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_190.53.html07:41
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, the link you pasted is not for your graphics card lol07:42
michelle__so hopefully the dual boot works well... it doesnt do a good job of asking where to put the boot loader tho.... if u dont go into advanced and tell it it could potentially hose the software raid07:42
kromsHello :)07:43
apothecaryumm whoops >.<07:43
BlAck6j73michelle__:  yeah   thats a bit of  a gotcha07:43
dragon-fighterkroms, hi07:43
RoDiMuS-Xapothcary: so give that driver a whirl see if it works07:43
kromsdragon-fighter, How are you?07:43
michelle__damn... it failed to instal the bootloader07:43
michelle__it's asking me where else i want to install it07:44
dragon-fighterkroms, fine . you?07:44
apothecaryRoDiMuS-X: lmao!!!! this is hilerious... the site is glitchy and relinks to the gt480 >.< at least for me anyways07:44
Titushello room07:44
kromsdragon-fighter, pretty well thanks.  New to ubuntu, just messing around, thought I'd stop by and see if I can learn a thing or two. ;)07:44
BlAck6j73michelle__:  is windows all ready installed?07:44
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, really?07:44
apothecaryso i need to do the purge deally then umm... how do i run the install command again07:44
apothecaryi'm uber noob07:45
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, want me to download it and send it to you07:45
dragon-fighterkroms, sure07:45
apothecaryi got it downloading off your link07:45
BlAck6j73michelle__:  so grub will pick up windows   wont it?07:45
Titushas anyone tried the new back track 407:45
apothecaryjust when i was selecting my graphics card it'd redirect to the 48007:45
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, ok you should just beable to install it07:45
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, HA classic07:45
michelle__yesit's supposed to... but it said it faild to install on the raid device07:46
kromsdragon-fighter, Any applications, reads, forums, websites that you recommend for a Ubuntu neophyte?  I've found a few 'top apps' sites, but most seem to be a bit outdated.07:46
BlAck6j73michelle__:  so put it in the mbr07:46
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins07:46
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, i am fairly new to ubuntu, just jumped off the fedora core boat07:46
michelle__is asking for a diff device.... should it go on the active primary partition? where windows is?07:46
blackratdogis ubottu's source available somewhere?07:47
apothecaryRoDiMuS-X: so i hate to ask it's just sudo apt-get NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2.run? or is it install instead?07:47
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, its sudo  NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2.run07:48
apothecarythanks again >.<07:48
RoDiMuS-Xno need for the apt-get you already have it07:48
michelle__cause i told it to install to /dev/mapper/nvidia_xxxxx which is the 750GB raid virtual disk07:48
BlAck6j73michelle__:  Im not 100% sure    as  I created my raid first then made a partition for windoz and the used the rest for linux07:49
michelle__the bootable partition is /dev/mapper/nvidia_xxxxx107:49
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, you may have to do: sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2.run07:49
ddvddhow can I backup my mbr?07:50
kromsCan you even backup the MBR?  You can make an image of the HD right?07:50
michelle__all i know for sure is if i put it on the / partition i will need a different boot manager07:51
kromswhen I installed, Ubuntu took over as the MBR07:51
RoDiMuS-Xis their a Ubuntu developers channel?07:51
WarCthulhuHey guys, mind if I ask a question?07:51
BlAck6j73michelle__:  put it in the mbr07:51
nomad77ddvdd: try this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-how-to-backup-hard-disk-partition-table-mbr.html07:52
michelle__lol there isnt a choice for MBR... just the raid device and the various partition07:52
ddvddPage Not Found (Error 404).....sigh07:53
michelle__is the MBR on the Active partition?07:53
RoDiMuS-Xddvdd worked for me07:53
BlAck6j73michelle__:  the mbr is on the raid device  ie   sda      as opposed to sda107:53
michelle__yea... that's what failed07:53
apothecaryRoDiMuS-X: ****@****-desktop:~$ sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2.run:command not found07:54
RoDiMuS-Xdo you see it in the dir?07:54
nomad77ddvdd: this explains it in more detail http://www.backuphowto.info/backup-mbr-linux07:54
red2kicapothecary: It does not said ****@**** -- You changed something!07:55
RoDiMuS-Xdo a chmod 755 NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.53-pkg2.run07:55
RoDiMuS-Xthen do the sudo07:55
apothecaryi changed the **** :P07:55
michelle__i'm wondering if i can put it on the linux / partition and use the windows boot menu to select the linux boot instead07:56
RoDiMuS-Xmichelle: i did that with windows 200007:56
apothecarythat did the trick07:56
apothecarykk wont let me do the chatty thing and type stuff... wish me a brain annurism.. i mean luck :) lol ty so much for the help07:57
BlAck6j73michelle__:  I didnt think windoz could handle that07:57
RoDiMuS-Xapothecary, sure no problem send me a message let me know if it works out for you gotta head to bed its 3am07:58
apothecarywill do :)07:58
apothecaryhave a good night07:58
michelle__well from what i can see it is trying to instal the boot loader to /dev/sda even though i told it to install to /dev/mapper/nvidia_xxxxx07:58
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Cynthiamichelle__: did you select /dev/mapper/nvidia_* in step 7's Advanced bootloader options?07:59
Cynthiaor rather, was it even available?07:59
michelle__i can install withut a boot loader and then do the install manually... and yes i did07:59
Cynthiareport it as a bug, it looks like one with all you've done to try to fix things08:00
michelle__each time it fails it gives me another chance to select a device08:00
michelle__yea it's a bug.. no matter what i choose it trys to install to /dev/sda08:02
michelle__so i am gonna have to follow the manual install instructions in the fake raid how to to complete the install08:02
ddvddwhat if and of stand for in command  dd??08:03
linuxmonsterokay its midnight here, have a good night/morning everyone08:03
the-dudeddvdd: imputfile outputfile08:04
mgolischddvdd: if is the file it reads from and of is the file it writes to08:04
jpdsddvdd: input file, outputfile.08:04
mgolischddvdd: but iam quite sure the manpage would have told you that too08:04
ddvddok,thank u guys!08:04
adamramadhanim off with linux08:04
ddvddok,thank you guys08:04
adamramadhando you know what ?08:04
adamramadhanmy dvd rw is not readable anymore08:04
noisecontrolthanks for the OS ubuntu - Love wubi - great installer side by side with 708:05
adamramadhanbecouse i erase disk so i can format08:05
ManDayI use a stoneold Kubuntu 8.04 right here with no privileges - is there a way to get the Xterm to use different colors?08:05
adamramadhanbut now my dvd rw cant boot08:05
adamramadhananyone ?08:05
ddvddwubi is rubbish a !I got many errors while using it08:05
adamramadhani wanto go back to 708:05
adamramadhanplease anyone .08:05
FloodBot1adamramadhan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
zifnabManDay: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:05
ddvddI would go back to win 7 ,too08:05
noisecontrolwow 1536 people in here - cool...08:06
adamramadhandvdrw is goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee someone help me08:06
ManDayzifnab: if you had read on after the first few words you would know that this is not possible08:06
noisecontrolits been a while08:06
zifnabwith no privledges08:07
zifnabi somehow missed that part08:07
ManDayanyway, i dont think it depends on a newer version to do what i want to do08:07
adamramadhanhow can i make my dvd rw disk readable and writitable again"?08:07
ManDayI remember there are some x-ressources that can be set on xterm but i really have no clue about how to use them08:07
ddvddubuntu is nothing better compare to win 7...I hope I can visit youtube on ubuntu but can't like on windows...08:07
noisecontrol..................looks forward to ubuntu's answer to Goddard........08:07
ManDayddvdd: why can you not visit utube?08:08
adamramadhanhelo ?08:08
ManDayhelo !08:08
ddvddI heard our gov blocked it...I'm in china08:08
adamramadhanomg. please help me.08:08
ManDayddvdd: and you want ubuntu to solve that?08:08
ddvddehmm,hope so08:09
adamramadhanhow can i make my dvd rw writitable again ? i klick on clearing disk orsomething08:09
zifnabadamramadhan: stop whineing about it, someone might have an answer for you eventually if you'd stop08:09
noisecontrolall the answers are in Google08:09
noisecontrolbelieve it08:09
adamramadhanroisecontrol: ive search it already08:09
adamramadhanthey redirect me to irc :|08:09
noisecontrolOh yeah08:09
=== Sor|nello is now known as sburjan
noisecontrolIs that the Unicode IRC or the UTF-8 irc?08:09
adamramadhanyes ?08:10
zifnabhow to use a cd-rw on ubuntu08:10
zifnabsecond link is08:10
FloodBot1zifnab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:10
zifnabi apologize, FloodBot108:10
noisecontrolHow to use Cloud Space on Acid...08:10
WarCthulhuHey can someone help me with something, please? Sorry if its a bit much, there seems to be alot of chatter going on.08:11
GTroyWarCthulhu, what'cha got?08:11
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: one tab or two :)08:11
zifnabWarCthulhu, ask, i'm bored08:11
WarCthulhuOh gosh, I dont know how to private message...08:11
GTroyI got dibs zifnab08:11
adamramadhanzifnab: i have typein ubuntu give me my dvdrw back becouse i klick on erase disk and now i cant format it and it return nothing08:11
zifnabGTroy, all yours08:12
GTroy WarCthulhu use /msg "nick"08:12
noisecontrolBlAck6j73, - I just live in the afterglow of the flashbacks...08:12
adamramadhangoogle fail.08:12
GTroyzifnab, you get the next one08:12
zifnabGTroy, i'm leaving adamramadhan for a troll :D08:12
zifnabhopefully it will eat him08:12
noisecontroldude - the ubuntu servers don't work in the US in the distro of Xchat I've got08:13
noisecontrolI literally had to use a specific US login this time08:13
=== dragon-fighter is now known as exploit100
Mudo rly?08:13
ceegeehello there08:13
zifnab!google is there a googlebot here08:13
dylan`anyone try install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop on Vmware Workstation 7.0.108:13
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:14
noisecontrolCalifornia freenode servers are ok08:14
adamramadhan!google "ubuntu give my dvdrw back i cant read it after i erase it"08:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:14
jetienneq. is mythbuntu an official support of ubuntu ?08:14
noisecontrol!google ubuntu 1008:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:15
jpdsadamramadhan: Erm, there's no google plugin?08:15
adamramadhanjpds dunno.08:15
KrishnanduHi friends, I'm not being able to log into ubuntu....I'm getting "Low Graphics Mode" error since last update yesterday. Please help :(08:15
noisecontrolits an AI08:15
jpdsadamramadhan: Wasn't really a question.08:15
disappearedngHow do I install flash in firefox in lucid?08:15
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)08:15
jpdsnoisecontrol: No.08:15
adamramadhan!google search "ubuntu give me my dvd back i cant read it after i erase it, okokokok ?"08:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:15
ceegeeI have to look for a graphic card that works with ubuntu 10.04, two displays and the new displayport, in best case out of the box08:16
jpdsnoisecontrol: Which "ubuntu servers don't work" ?08:16
noisecontrol!how to xen08:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:16
adamramadhan!help dvdrw gone08:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:16
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen08:16
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.08:16
ceegeewe dont want to compile a new graphic card driver on every kernel update08:16
ceegeeany suggestions?08:16
KrishnanduHi friends, I'm not being able to log into ubuntu....I'm getting "Low Graphics Mode" error since last update yesterday. Please help :(08:16
noisecontrolwow like attitudes abound -08:17
AzeotropeCan I upgrade from 8.10 to 10.04?08:17
zifnabceegee, i think nvidia is just a kernel module, so no recompilation every upgrade08:17
jpdsAzeotrope: Check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to lts and do: do-release-upgrade -p08:17
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: now now  no flames please :P08:18
adamramadhanomgggggggggggggggggg please helo me, i cant burn my windows7 inti my dvdrw08:18
zifnabmatrix: google ubuntu how to burn an ISO08:18
noisecontrolnone needed man - I'll just Xen my way to wherever if it gets too cold08:18
zifnabmaybe :(08:18
zifnaboh he can't talk here :( sad day08:19
ceegeezifnab: what about ati?08:19
noisecontrolbesides - citrix isn't really the deal anyway is it...its all about ubuntuone08:19
zifnabceegee, i would assume it was the same08:19
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: aer you a Xen geek?08:19
dylan`anyone try install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop on Vmware Workstation 7.0.108:20
zifnabon my laptop, its just a restricted-driver08:20
ceegeezifnab: is there an _actual_ hardware support list anywhere?08:20
noisecontrolBlAck6j73, had some fun with Open Solaris in 2008 and Windows 7 Beta08:20
icerootdylan`: and how can we help you?08:20
phanidylan: yes i had... let me know so that i can see if i can help you08:20
Azeotropejpds: i will use alternate cd08:20
noisecontrolback in the day when I was kickin it with an i708:20
adamramadhandvd+rw-format -force /dev/dvd  OMGGG08:20
adamramadhanIT WORKSSS08:20
zifnabceegee, let me see if i can find one08:20
__tacotry to connect wireless network using wicd..:(08:20
adamramadhanbye2 ubuntu08:21
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: I tried solaris     it drove me mad...08:21
noisecontrolhow long ago?08:21
__tacoevent i set the router with no password :(08:21
zifnabceegee, i think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video is as close as you will get08:21
noisecontrolIts been better since 200808:21
KrishnanduHi friends, I'm not being able to log into ubuntu....I'm getting "Low Graphics Mode" error since last update yesterday. Please help :(08:21
__tacotry to connect wireless network using wicd..:(08:21
__tacoevent i set the router with no password :(08:21
__tacoany help?08:22
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: maybe a year ago   its to resrtictive08:22
KrishnanduPlease Help08:22
__tacowired connection works well08:22
opticalKrishnandu: i have some problem every time i update.  are you using nvidia card?08:22
noisecontroltoo many contracts and things - company in a state of flux - I know08:22
Krishnanduoptical: Yes08:22
opticalits easy to fix08:22
noisecontrolthey have some really good SQL workbench tools08:22
Krishnanduoptical: 9500GT08:22
Krishnanduoptical: How??08:23
opticalno problem its easy to fix let me  get you link08:23
opticalone sec08:23
Krishnanduoptical: okies08:23
noisecontrolwhich btw - I'm willing to speak in greater detail on for a price.08:23
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: it reminded me of windoz08:23
opticalok Krishnandu  do this, go here and download this file http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-195.36.24.html08:24
opticalKrishnandu: chmod +x the file08:24
shantanuok trying with wcid08:24
opticalonce its done downloading08:24
Krishnanduoptical: okies08:24
noisecontrolthey have that patented file system -08:25
opticalKrishnandu: then you gotta reboot your computer, when its in low graphics mode it will prompt you with 4 choices when it starts up.  Choose the bottom option, quit to console, and Xwindows will close08:25
noisecontrolwhich does something unique08:25
opticalthen you run that downloaded NVIDIA driver as root08:25
opticaland pick yes08:25
opticalit will recompile the drivers for you08:25
BlAck6j73noisecontrol: zfs  has some really neat features08:25
Krishnanduoptical: you are somewhat closer of what i'm getting08:25
noisecontrolsomehow I was able to run Apache1 and Apache2 simultaneously and it unlocked my ports on DSL08:25
Krishnanduoptical: lemme show u sumthing08:26
opticalyou have to run that downloaded file with X not running08:26
noisecontrolsome kind of special trick that was worth knowing -08:26
opticalthen it will recompile and update your Xconfig file08:26
Krishnanduoptical: I'm not getting x08:26
opticalthen you just reboot once more and all is good08:26
wildbatanyone can help with this http://i48.tinypic.com/2qbapuh.jpg, i added the entry in fstab it show up on double in gnome :<08:26
Krishnanduoptical: please look into this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148791508:26
opticalyes you're getting the Low Graphics Mode didnt you say?08:26
noisecontrolbut who really cares now08:26
noisecontrol5 servers off site later08:26
opticalKrishnandu: exactly, you press OK on this box:  http://img208.imageshack.us/i/image0009s.jpg/08:27
Krishnanduoptical: yes.....I'm getting the error screen.....08:27
freedomofspeepeace to u all08:27
opticalKrishnandu:  then it will give you 4 choices08:27
noisecontrolI have so much space it actually causes problems08:27
jpdsfreedomofspee: No spam please.08:27
opticalKrishnandu: pick the bottom choice to close X and go back to console08:27
opticaland then run that downloaded NVIDIA file i showed you08:27
Krishnanduoptical: ya its giving08:27
opticalit will fix it right up08:27
BlAck6j73noisecontrol:  ?08:27
Krishnanduoptical: buttom one is restart x08:27
opticaltry 3rd one08:27
opticalone should say quit to console08:27
Krishnanduoptical: ya close x and return to console08:28
noisecontrolBlAck6j73, yeah - some basic stuff - 5 offsite servers and 2 cloud accounts08:28
opticalKrishnandu:  yep, pick that one, it will close X.  Then run the NVIDIA file you downloaded08:28
Krishnanduoptical: how??08:28
Krishnanduoptical: I'm a noob......don't have any idea08:28
=== exploit100 is now known as dragon-fighter
BlAck6j73noisecontrol:  out of my league im afraid08:28
noisecontrolBlAck6j73, you are welcome to send me a /query if you want to chat08:29
noisecontrolI'm just bored tonight08:29
SensivaGuys anyone here used Lucid and moved back to Karmic?08:29
Krishnanduoptical: I tried the solution posted by bashphoenux and have posted the result for each command. You can take a look08:29
jpdsSensiva: Not me.08:29
Krishnanduoptical: BTW how to run the NVIDIA file??08:29
shantanuok i installed wicd08:29
shantanuhow do i remove default network manager08:30
shantanuand have wicg in systray08:30
zifnabSensiva, nope, downgrades tend to be a pain08:30
opticaltype sudo ./NVIDIA(tab)08:30
Krishnanduoptical: yup??08:30
=== shiny_ is now known as sh1ny
opticalit should autocomplete the filename08:30
Krishnanduoptical: okies....08:30
opticaland run it08:30
SeverianWhat are the odds that a upgrade from hardy to lucid will work on a system with Intel 815 video?  I read the upgrade notes and that is the part I am concerned about.08:30
Krishnanduoptical: that will be ok??08:30
SensivaI am not saying a downgrade, am saying just a fresh install to Karmic08:30
opticalwell if it works it should bring you into an installer program08:31
zifnabSeverian, was hardy 8.04?08:31
zifnabit should be supported, let me check first though08:31
Krishnanduoptical: one more query....I'm in windows now. So if I download the file how would i get this windows drive there in ubuntu??08:31
red2kicSeverian: This? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes08:31
Krishnanduoptical: I don't know the mount command08:31
Krishnanduoptical: I used to mount them from GUI08:32
opticalKrishnandu:  well its easiest just to download it in ubuntu.  when low grapahics mode boots up, choose "stay in low graphics mode" then boot into X08:32
opticalthen go to the nvidia URL i gave you08:32
opticaland download the file08:32
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SeverianSensiva, except for one client who had a problem with java, Lucid has been a very smooth and good upgrade for about 20 machines so far.08:32
opticalthen reboot, and next time choose Close X and go to console08:32
opticaland the file shoudl be where you downloaded it to08:32
Krishnanduoptical: There the problem comes......no screen....I'm if I choose to stay in low graphics mode nothing comes at all08:32
Krishnanduoptical: I waited from 5-10mins since yesterday many times08:32
SensivaSeveas I really appreciate your amazing answer, Would you tell me please what are those machines used for?08:33
bullgardWhy does AlsaMixer provide in IBM Thinkpad T42 (as well as in most other Thinkpads) a volume bar »Master« and a volume bar »PCM«?08:33
Doctehack lights are flickering08:33
khafizhi, anyone can guide me to install ubuntu08:33
shantanui have installed wicd, how do i uninstall network manager08:33
Severianred2kic, Yes, that is the video problem I am hesitating over.  This system has no bootable media other than the hard disk, so if it goes badly, it will be a fair amount of work.08:33
opticalKrishnandu: hmm, strange08:33
opticalmine will go into low graphcis desktop08:33
opticalvery low resolution and large fonts08:33
SeverianSensiva, They are general desktops and python development machines.08:34
khafizneed help on installing ubuntu after windows08:34
Krishnanduoptical: wekk should I try it again?? Or anything else I should do now??08:34
opticalyou could just download it with wget instead08:34
khafizanyone can help me?08:34
opticaland not boot into X at all08:34
SensivaSeverian thank you08:34
zifnabkhafiz, from inside windows?08:34
dragon-fighterkhafiz,  ask08:34
khafizzifnab: which is the easiest way08:34
zifnabby far08:35
khafizdragon-fighter: wanna install fresh ubuntu on laptop. but currently installed vista08:35
zifnabif you want to keep windows08:35
opticalKrishnandu:  OK do this instead.  Reboot into ubuntu, pick exit to console, and then when in the console and logged in, type " wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/195.36.24/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run "08:35
zifnabi would say go with08:35
opticalthat will download the file for you08:35
red2kicSeverian: Your call.08:35
opticalthen once the file is downloaded, type chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run08:35
opticalthen sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run08:35
Krishnandu<khafiz> http://techie-buzz.com/foss/ubuntu-10-04-lts-installation-guide.html08:35
dragon-fighterkhafiz,  no problem08:35
khafizzifnab: right. want to keep windows08:35
dragon-fighterkhafiz,  dual boot?08:35
khafizdragon-fighter: yes, dualboot08:36
Krishnanduoptical: Yup I did that. And then It downloaded a file08:36
GalerienHi all! Anything new on Lucid + ATI  ?08:36
opticalthen type sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run08:36
opticaland it will run the installer08:36
Krishnanduoptical: after that i typed sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-pkg1.run08:36
cahippyHow can i get a usb flash drive to work in virtual ose08:36
opticalwell the filename isnt called that08:36
Severianred2kic, I was hoping someone here would be using Intel 815 video besides me.  It is pretty old, though.  Thanks.08:36
opticalits called NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run08:36
opticalif you downloaded the right one.08:36
dragon-fighterkhafiz, then partition hard disk manually by ubuntu disk08:36
Krishnanduoptical: please look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148791508:36
linduxedi upgraded to lucid yesterday from karmic and most things went fine08:37
Krishnanduoptical: I've tried the similar stops08:37
khafizdragon-fighter: isit possible to install thru usb?08:37
linduxedi noticed that all my saved wifi passwords are gone08:37
linduxedit doesnt save the wifi passwords anymore08:37
cahippyHow can i get a usb flash drive to work in virtual ose08:37
opticalKrishnandu:  yes I saw there, those commands arent how i do it and havent tried that way.  Just type literally "wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/195.36.24/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run"  then "sudo ./http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/195.36.24/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run"08:37
GTroycahippy, do you mean install an os on the flash drive?08:37
opticalliterally those 2 commands please08:37
opticalthats as simple as i can possibly explain it08:37
dragon-fighterkhafiz, thru?08:37
khafizdragon-fighter: do you think wubi will help me?08:37
linduxedi guess whatever is handling the wifi passwords has stopped working08:38
GTroycahippy your flash drives should work automatically08:38
dragon-fighterkhafiz, sorry08:38
Krishnanduoptical: okies08:38
red2kiccahippy: virtualbox-ose lack support for USB -- Use PUEL.08:38
cahippyhi gtroy, no i want the virtual ose to pick up a usb device08:38
Krishnanduoptical: thank you......i'll brb after trying these commands08:38
khafizdragon-fighter: i once installed ubuntu but got ntldr probs08:38
Krishnanduoptical: And let you know the results08:38
opticalerrr "sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run"08:38
linduxedi dont know if it's seahorse or something else08:38
GTroyred2kic, you're right08:38
opticalis the second line08:38
cahippyim using win xp on the ose08:38
opticalKrishnandu: "sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.24-pkg1.run" is the second line sorry, not the http part08:38
linduxedbut something broke08:38
Krishnanduoptical: okies08:38
cahippywhats puel08:38
dragon-fighternew channel of security man #hackergroup08:38
michelle__ok.. .so i am trying to follow the instructions for manually installing grub... and when i get to the place where i copy files it says the files r read only08:38
GTroycahippy, I think you need to use puel08:39
michelle__owned by root so i cant change them08:39
linduxedi'd prefer restoring the passphrases, instead of getting them all once more08:39
linduxedthat would be quite tedious in my case08:39
red2kiccahippy: non-free version.08:39
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
wildbatanyone can help with this http://i48.tinypic.com/2qbapuh.jpg, i added the entry in fstab it show up on double in gnome :<08:39
Severianmichelle__, You need to use sudo to copy those files.  Or, do it from a root shell.08:40
michelle__so how do i become root so these command will run08:40
khafizguys, im new with ubuntu. does wubi help me to install ubuntu along the windows?08:40
linduxeddoes anyone know where to find save passphrases?08:40
michelle__i was using sudo08:40
michelle__and it failed08:40
Severianmichelle__, type in the command you were using, please.08:40
red2kickhafiz: No. Wubi installs Ubuntu inside Windows. If you want to try out Ubuntu, use LiveCD.08:41
cahippyi already have ose and my emails are sitting in outlook08:41
X_ohow I can configure my monitor on ubuntu 10.0408:41
adamramadhanheloooooooooo i still cant read my dvd rw08:41
adamramadhanafter i erase it08:41
dragon-fighterred2kic, right08:41
adamramadhanwith basero08:41
GTroylinduxed, I think this may help you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/44213008:41
michelle__ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf08:41
red2kicX_o: System --> Preferences --> Monitors?08:41
cahippyhow do i move my mails sitting in outlook to ubuntu08:41
X_ono work08:41
linduxedGTroy: will check08:42
GTroylinduxed, the one my martin lindhe looks like a fix08:42
shantanui installed wicd but network manager is still there08:42
GTroylinduxed, by not my08:42
red2kicX_o: "xrandr"08:42
bullgardWhy does AlsaMixer provide in IBM Thinkpad T42 (as well as in most other Thinkpads) a volume bar »Master« and a volume bar »PCM«?08:42
dragon-fightershantanu, what about?08:42
red2kic!xrandr | X_o08:42
ubottuX_o: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:42
adamramadhani promise il never use ubuntu again08:42
adamramadhandamn hell08:42
Severianmichelle__, And, you type your admin user password and then exactly what error do you see?08:43
shantanudragon-fighter, i installed wicd, but now network manager is still there and i have disconnections from wifi networks08:43
michelle__it never asks for a password08:43
red2kicadamramadhan: What are you trying to do?08:43
linduxedGTroy: what has that bug got to  do with my issue??08:43
khafizred2kic: does it means dualboot?08:43
Severianmichelle__, That could be ok.  If you recently did a sudo command, it lets you do another without prompting.  What is the error?08:44
tarzeau_how can i make an ubuntu package in my ppa built for lucid and karmic?08:44
red2kickhafiz: No. Dual-screen. Supports multiple monitors..08:44
GTroylinduxed, you had the double entry for a partition?08:44
tarzeau_do i need to upload it several times ?08:44
khafizred2kic: then how if i want to make dualboot windows and ubuntu?08:45
michelle__cp: cannot create regular file 'filename' : read-only file system08:45
GTroylinduxed, wrong person, sorry08:45
shantanudragon-fighter, what??08:45
red2kic!dualboot | khafiz08:45
ubottukhafiz: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:45
Severianmichelle__, OK, the whole filesystem is read only.  My guess would be that you are doing this on a cdrom.08:45
dragon-fightershantanu, i use ^c08:46
red2kicadante: Disc are cheap. I burned 12MB on a DVD another day and later toss it away.08:46
red2kicadamramadhan: See above. :(08:46
michelle__sudo never asked for my password.. but i am in the post install instance, and did a whole bunch of sudo commands to get to that point08:46
adamramadhanred2kic : dc08:46
adamramadhanany information on that bug ?08:46
michelle__$ sudo mount --bind /dev /target/dev/08:47
michelle__$ sudo mount -t proc proc /target/proc/08:47
FloodBot1michelle__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
michelle__$ sudo mount -t sysfs sys /target/sys/08:47
Tuna-Fish2michelle__: it kind of sounds like you just haven't gotten out of the livecd system. It never prompts for sudo, and the filesystem is readonly08:47
red2kicadamramadhan: Try using CLI "wodim --help"08:47
red2kicadamramadhan: Meh. Try GnomeBaker first (It is !gui).08:47
dragon-fighterwhat is postal code/zip code of US?08:48
michelle__yea i know... i cant reboot... i need to install grub... and these r the instruction to do it prior to the reboot08:48
Tuna-Fish2you need to mount the correct filesystem first, and do the copies to it08:48
Tuna-Fish2you are trying to copy something within the cd08:48
adamramadhanok installing08:48
red2kic!ot | dragon-fighter08:49
ubottudragon-fighter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:49
michelle__look at he comands above... that's what it had me do08:49
dragon-fighterubottu, lol08:49
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:49
Severianmichelle__, Where are you finding these instructions?08:50
dragon-fighterubottu, hahahahahahah08:50
michelle__FakeRaid HowTo08:50
michelle__the /dev/mapper/nvidia_xxxxx2/ is mounted at /target/08:51
Lunar_Lampdragon-fighter: ubottu is a bot.08:52
Shubuntuhey is there a bash channel, i need some help with a bash file08:53
red2kicShubuntu: #bash08:53
bullgardWhy does AlsaMixer provide in IBM Thinkpad T42 (as well as in most other Thinkpads) a volume bar »Master« and a volume bar »PCM«?08:54
michelle__do i need to unmount the filesystem and remount it in a way that it will be read/write?08:54
red2kicbullgard: Do you even know what PCM is? I just looked it up... Pulse-code modulation. Looks complicated. :(08:55
shantanui again got disconncted...... rebooted... but still wicd and network manager are present08:55
wildbatanyone can help with this http://i48.tinypic.com/2qbapuh.jpg, i added the entry in fstab it show up on double in gnome :<08:55
michelle__cause it was already mounted after the install finished and dumped out to the live cd instance08:55
Severianmichelle__, what output do you get from df?  I want to see what filesystems you have mounted.08:56
gxblaryhi, I'd like to know if there's a way to search the web directly from gnome toolbar08:57
bullgardredk1te: Please answer the question which I put.08:57
michelle__tell me what to type... cause i am a noob08:57
Severianmichelle__, you should use a pastebin or a pm for the answer.08:57
bullgardred2kic Please answer the question which I put.08:57
Severianmichelle__, the command is     df08:57
SnurrDasshey. could someone help me make Ubuntu headless? no screen. no keyboard, when disconnecting screen, ubuntu will not boot all the way. just stops before auto-loggin08:57
red2kicbullgard: #pulseaudio might be the best place for that question.08:57
michelle__yea.. problem is I am on a diff system for chat.. hang on08:58
bullgardred2kic: Oh dear.08:58
quataritHi all. I really didn't expect to find a so serious bug, i'm a bit disappointed... I cannot cancel the disk check on startup by pressing nither "C" nor "esc". And the check also freezes at 90% without any output of a somewhat reason... It forced me to stop alimentation...09:00
red2kicgxblary: Perhaps, deskbar-applet (but you left)09:00
SnurrDasshey. could someone help me make Ubuntu headless? no screen. no keyboard, when disconnecting screen, ubuntu will not boot all the way. just stops before auto-loggin09:00
Hatlhi! i have set up ldap authentication. is it possible to force the same local user account for every ldap user?09:01
shantanudragon-fighter, ^c... what does that mean control+c ???09:02
=== Cyber-life is now known as Nilan
red2kicshantanu: Yes. Control-C -- The command for abort.09:03
michelle__i thought there was a way i could become root in a terminal session09:03
Severianmichelle,   sudo su -09:04
Severianmichelle__,    sudo su -09:05
shantanuok control-c but where??09:05
red2kicshantanu: What are you trying to do?09:06
shantanuwell i installed wicd09:07
shantanubut network manager is still running09:07
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remoteCTRLhow do i turn off the check of password strength for adding users?09:07
Guest43293Hey guys anyone have a wii?09:08
=== Phoxus is now known as Phoxus|AFK
SeverianGuest43293, I have a wiimote.  Is that close enough?09:09
Guest43293lol...cool...I'm hacking my wii...wanted to know if anyone has done so.09:10
atroy1994can u get me there, anirban?09:11
SeverianGuest43293, I have a project in mind for the wiimote as a presentation tool.  I have interfaces a wii nunchuk to an arduino and it works pretty well.09:11
banermatthi all09:12
alkethi banermatt09:12
wildbatanyone can help with this http://i48.tinypic.com/2qbapuh.jpg, i added the entry in fstab it show up on double in gnome :<09:13
teckyhrm, anyone have a recomendation for a way to limit the upload bandwidth of a open & running application (that I cannot close), its sucking my pipe dry of upstream bits09:13
SwedeMiketecky: man tc09:14
shantanuand causing freq disconnection09:14
Galerientecky: depend on your connection, ram and processor...09:14
shantanugot disconnected again09:14
shantanui just uninstalled wicd09:14
Severiantecky, I'd go into the firewall setting for your network and limit that ip address.  How to do that varies, depending on your firewall.09:14
teckyya, i'm behind a PoS Netgear router, i've got to do it temp on the software level (sigh)09:15
alketDoes anyone knows , how much time does Dell Mini 10 can run on battery ?09:16
alketWhy my screen sometimes flickr ???09:17
red2kicalket: Depends on how many battery cells you buy, I guess.09:18
Severiantecky, then tc is your only option.  I don't use it, because I have a really good firewall.  Good luck.  You should get there.09:18
=== ezra is now known as ezra-s
ezra-swhich is the task package to install gnome desktop?09:20
panakahi, I have a little question about ubuntu 10.04 and lvm. How do i backup and restore a server with lvm in case of a disk crash or similar?09:20
X_oxrandr doesn't work09:20
X_oI have problem with my resolution09:20
red2kicpanaka: Ask in #lvm -- They're quite familiar with that area.09:20
panakaok, I will do that, thanks09:21
red2kicezra-s: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should take care of everything for you.09:21
ezra-sfound it gnome-desktop-environment09:21
ezra-sred2kic, thx09:21
SeverianX_o, xrandr works for me.  It may not have every resolution you want, though.  I have used it to rotate displays and it works.09:21
red2kicX_o: If xrandr does not work for you, consider writing your own Xorg.09:22
=== cen__ is now known as lazycat
X_oi right xrandr -s 1024x76809:22
red2kic!xorg | X_o09:22
ubottuX_o: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:22
Severianred2kic, and see if you can knock out that new x.org by the weekend.09:22
red2kicX_o: You might have to create a xorg file first if /etc/X11/xorg* does not exist.09:22
stimpieI have suddenly lost the new gnome notifications, how can I enable them?09:22
X_oyes I have09:23
lazycatcould it use in the tty ?09:23
Severianstimpie, I had that happen on one machine after an upgrade.  Rebooting brought it back.09:23
Severianstimpie, I had a customer turn it off somehow.  Go to System/Preferences/Startup Applications and turn it back on.09:24
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:25
remoteCTRLerm... how do i shift the windows lose, minimize/maximize buttons back to the right side?09:25
cviniciusmHello, I just upgraded to Lucid Lynx from Karmic Koala, them my dovecot is not working anymore. It's installed dovecot-common, dovecot-imapd and dovecot-pop3d. The error is "Unknown setting: sieve". Any ideas, please?09:26
P0Wn3RHello, I need help! I start Ubuntu and log in, but desktop not loads, a grey taskbar appears and theres nothing I can do without moving my cursor. Whats going up there?09:26
man8RandR extension is not present, I feel the same, how randr is enabled in the xorg.conf? Section "ServerLayout" Option "RandR" "True" or Section "Extensions"?09:26
red2kic!controls | remoteCTRL09:26
ubotturemoteCTRL: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d609:26
disappearednghow do you guys do pages in django09:27
stimpieSeverian, I had to add the notification applet to the panel (no idea why it was gone) thanks for your help09:27
xbraexwrightxhi, does anyone know why i have no options in the codec menus?09:29
xbraexwrightxim on lucid09:29
=== cdoublejj|afk_ is now known as cdoublejj|afk
P0Wn3RHello, I need help! I start Ubuntu and log in, but desktop not loads, a grey taskbar appears and theres nothing I can do without moving my cursor. Whats going up there?09:29
red2kic!codecs | xbraexwrightx:09:30
ubottuxbraexwrightx:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:30
remoteCTRLred2kic thanks dude:)09:30
jendaWhat's the default theme in Ubuntu? (The gnome theme in Preferences > Appearance)09:33
jendaI upgraded and my custom theme remained set. I'd like to see what vanilla Lynx looks like.09:33
Severianjenda, It is cleverly called Default.09:33
MouzzAnyone know a nice network packet capturer? I need to capture packets to a certain tcp port and later see when these packets were sent. Is tcpdump good for this or is there a better or easier tool?09:33
red2kicjenda: Ambiance or Radiance.09:33
SwedeMikeMouzz: tcpdump -w the packets, then open the .pcap-file in wireshark09:34
xbraexwrightxinstalled ubuntu restricted extras, still got the same problem.09:34
xbraexwrightxif i run mencoder -ovc help09:34
xbraexwrightxi get:09:34
xbraexwrightxMEncoder SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team09:34
xbraexwrightxOption of: Unknown suboption lavc09:34
FloodBot1xbraexwrightx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:34
xbraexwrightxWarning unknown option of at line 909:34
MouzzSwedeMike, Thanks!09:34
jendared2kic: thanks09:34
red2kicxbraexwrightx: Try VLC. It can play various of medias.09:35
lazycatanybody Chinese?09:35
MouzzI'd like some, thanks09:36
xbraexwrightxi'm trying to use acidrip to rip some dvds, and got no codec options, ubuntu restricted-restricted-extras install too09:36
red2kic!libdvdcss | xbraexwrightx09:37
ubottuxbraexwrightx: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:37
Mouzzxbraexwrightx, Have you tried handbrake or ogmrip? Both very easy to use.09:37
red2kicxbraexwrightx: You want something with libdvdcss09:37
Mouzzcahippy, VirtualBOX OSE does not support usb passthrough.09:37
red2kiccahippy: Use Virtual Box PUEL09:37
ravenhow to restore an overwritten partition table (with sysresccd?)09:38
jothI upgraded to 10.04 and now Gnome won't start automatically; can anyone help please?09:38
cahippyi already have ose installed and have mail sitting in outlook, which is too big too email09:38
slimjimflimjoth: can you start it with startx or x-windows or xwindows ?09:40
red2kiccahippy: I don't understand your meaning. virtualbox-ose is not same as virtualbox-3.0 (which does not exist in the repos until you added virtualbox-puel-ppa). I suppose you could set up folder sharing between two machines and whatnot. That would work too.09:40
jothI've been using "sudo gdm" but yes, that starts it with no problems. It's just that it's not doing that automatically which is annoying.09:41
slimjimflimi have a Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01) and the sound only comes out the onboard speaker (not just a beep).  how can i activate the headphone jack?09:41
cahippyi tried the sharing but it isnt picking up the shared folder09:42
xbraexwrightxi get "No configuration file found, nevermind." when i try to start mplayer, dont get any codec menus in acidrip, ogmrip says mencoder was not compiled with x264 support, i got it from the repos.09:44
banermattDoes anyone know the command line to restart x ?09:44
Mouzzslimjimflim, The onboard speaker can be deactivated in the BIOS I think. If the intel soundcard works, the headphone jack sould work. So possibly the Intel soundcard doesn't work or the volume set to zero or is muted09:44
xbraexwrightxshould i just compile it from source?09:44
BalSakhi guys. I need to completely nuke & rewrite a CF disk. any ideas how? I've tried fdisk, cfdisk & sfdisk, but I'm still unable to write an MSDOS label09:44
red2kicxbraexwrightx: HandBrake-GTK09:44
red2kicxbraexwrightx: Look into that.09:44
xbraexwrightxcontrol alt delete or backspace, i cant remember which should restart x i think09:45
azbr00banermatt: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:45
xbraexwrightxk ill try that, thanks09:45
* man8 ,, me voy al mercado rural ,, que pasen buena mañana todos, good morning all09:45
slimjimflimMouzz: ook, yea i messed with the volume thanks09:46
neil_dI started empathy... now I can't get rid of the icon out of the systray.. even after a reset.. how do I get rid if of it?09:46
wildbatanyone can help with this http://i48.tinypic.com/2qbapuh.jpg, i added the entry in fstab it show up on double in gnome :<09:46
red2kicwildbat: Take it out of fstab? :(09:47
red2kicwildbat: At least, do "killall gnome-panel" and see if it's still there.09:47
wildbatred2kic, then can't mount on boot :<09:47
wildbatred2kic, nope~ not working09:48
hsetiMwhen i start my laptop a error has came like i8042.c selftest failed what is that09:48
banermattazbr00: thank09:49
yohannbzhHi. My computer crashed and i have lost a file that i was working on (i saved it before but it disapeared from its folder), do you know if i can restore it from somewhere?09:49
JoshuaLyohannbzh, isnt it listed in the recent documents? or maybe openoffice can fix it (just open openoffice)09:50
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:50
JoshuaLyohannbzh, most of the times it will ask you to recover the document09:50
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: What kind of file and with what were you working on it?09:50
yohannbzhJoshuaL: I used gedit09:50
JoshuaLunless you where working on another file of course09:50
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: It was a tex file with gedit09:50
JunikszHello. Does anyone know why doesn't start the kubuntu 10.04 with the 2.6.32-22-generic version? The system loads, the graphical interface aren't displayed, only the tty2 console surface. I can use the system only with the 2.6.32-22-generic version.09:50
neil_dJoshuaL: from the terminal check if there is a file ending in '~'09:51
red2kicwildbat: Pastebinit fstab?09:51
Junikszi mean only with the
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:51
JoshuaLneil_d, you mean yohannbzh09:51
neil_dJoshuaL: yes sorry09:51
neil_dyohannbzh:  from the terminal check if there is a file ending in '~'09:51
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:52
yohannbzhneil_d: No, it is not here too09:52
akshaysulakhehp deskjet series 260009:52
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: Do you have gedit configured to autosave? I don't recall the default, but if you do and it doesn't offer to recover the file, look for a ~filename09:52
yohannbzhI can't do anything with lost+found?09:52
JunikszHello. Does anyone know why doesn't start the kubuntu 10.04 with the 2.6.32-22-generic version? The system loads, the graphical interface aren't displayed, only the tty2 console surface. I can use the system only with the 2.6.32-21-generic version.09:52
AJ_Z0I mean filename~09:52
Sam_FisherHowdy Ya'll!09:53
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: I haven't got this file09:53
neil_dyohannbzh:  are you very sure you are looking in the correct place.. very strange the one file disappear let alone two.09:53
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:53
yohannbzhYes, i'm in the correct place09:53
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: lost+found is for inodes which get lost in a filesystem check. Do you have any files in there (which is unlikely)?09:53
yohannbzhmy computer crashed and it did a check at startup, maybe they were bad09:53
xbraexwrightxhandbrake is too big for my netbook screen09:53
red2kicxbraexwrightx: handbrake-cli then.09:54
neil_dI started empathy... now I can't get rid of the icon out of the systray.. even after a reset.. how do I get rid if of it?09:54
Sam_Fisherxbraexwrightx: righ click on it and resize?09:54
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: Yes, i have one from today09:54
akshaysulakhesudo apt-get purge empathy09:54
Sam_Fisherneil_d: new computer?09:54
akshaysulakheuse that command09:54
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:54
akshaysulakhehp deksjet 260009:54
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: There is a file with a numeric name in lost_found?09:54
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: at the approximately time that i lost my file09:55
neil_dSam_Fisher: yes... just installed 10.4 a few days ago.09:55
akshaysulakheafter that empathy command09:55
akshaysulakhelog out and log in09:55
Sam_Fisherakshaysulakhe: do you mean you can't choos black?09:55
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: Yes something like #123456709:55
xbraexwrightxi'm not really keen for cli for handbrake, can get it done faster with a gui09:55
akshaysulakhethere are 2 options09:55
akshaysulakheone is grayscale and other is color09:55
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: In that case you may be very lucky and that is your file. Examine the file and move it to the correct filename if it is yours09:55
akshaysulakhewhen i use color,it does not print black wherver it is there09:55
telmaccan i have some help09:55
akshaysulakheit uses blue or green instead09:56
telmacsort of09:56
Sam_Fishertelmac: hey you09:56
xbraexwrightxreally like acidrip, cant use avi container in hb09:56
Sam_Fishertelmac: ask09:56
telmacso i used to use ubuntu opn an ancient laptyop09:56
telmacbut that got broken09:56
telmacand im making a font09:56
yohannbzhI think i'm very lucky :D:D:D09:56
yohannbzhAJ_Z0: Tks!09:56
telmacand for whatever reason there is no free font creator for pc09:56
=== mquin- is now known as mquin
AJ_Z0yohannbzh: Welcome09:57
akshaysulakhe@sam_fisher ant suggestions09:57
telmacso im running ubuntu in a virtual machine09:57
telmac(sun virtualbox)09:57
telmacand fontforge is being weird09:57
telmacI cant remember if it was always like this09:57
akshaysulakhewtf is going on..nobody does reply on forum also...09:57
akshaysulakhewhats wrong,i cant understand09:57
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do09:58
telmacbut is there any way that the lag could do this?09:58
Sam_Fisherakshaysulakhe: from which program are you trying to print? perhaps that app is not allowing b/w printing?09:58
telmacis being really weird09:58
akshaysulakheit does...but only when i select grayscale09:58
Sam_Fishertelmac: PLEASE ask your question in one post09:58
orflon<orflon> hello, I run a kernel exploit on  a testing server (ubuntu 6.06). Where should these logs exist? I can't find anything in /var/log/kern.log , neither at /var/log/syslog. thanks09:58
akshaysulakhewhen in color mode..it should use both..but it does not do that09:58
telmacgimme a second09:58
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akshaysulakheand i installed hplip also...then too,it does not work...09:59
DaDa|UrkaWhich directories do I have to move to the DRBD-device if I am using tomcat and HA?09:59
Sam_Fishertelmac: very busy tonight so it scrolls by fast09:59
akshaysulakhetried on live cd also..no luck09:59
waliloHi, i have some problems with GRUB. I installed windows 7 after ubuntu 10.04. so grub is overwritten, i used SuperGrub to fix it ,but it's running just when booting from cd . How can i fix it09:59
macsimhi, is it possible to use tune2fs -m0 on ext4 ?10:00
Sam_Fisherwalilo: congrats!10:00
ravenhow to restore a partition table?10:00
waliloSam_Fisher, sorry i don't understand you10:00
Sam_Fisherakshaysulakhe: jeesh what a mess. Has this printer EVER printed B/W?10:01
Tigrysshuston we have a problem :DDD http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TPn7fyvq10:01
Severianraven, you can restore from your backup copy with dd.10:01
ravenhow to restore a partition table?10:01
Sam_Fisherwalilo: sorry just a joke. I also dual boot W7 and 10.04 and had major Grub2 issues.10:02
Sam_Fisherraven: testdisk10:02
FPtjeHow to remove a panel from my desktop without right click > remove? They all froze!10:02
akshaysulakheand a few days back it printed just fine...dunno what the prob is10:02
waliloSam_Fisher, :)10:02
Sam_Fisherraven: it's in synaptic10:02
telmacso i used to run ubuntu on this ancient laptop, but that got dropped down some steps so now im back to windows. Im making a font, and apparenlt there arent any free font creators for pc, so im running fontforge in a virtual machine. I cant really really remember if it always did this one thing (namely that beziers will continue even when i try to make a straight line, but thats not important for the questions) But I was wondering if it cou10:02
Sam_Fisherwalilo: OK here is what I did10:02
ravenSam_Fisher, no backup of this table - needs to scan the hdd10:02
Sam_Fisherboot into live OR supergrub to 10.0410:02
Tigrysshuston we have a problem :DDD http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TPn7fyvq10:03
sijitelmac, seems interesting10:03
telmaccould that be the problem?10:03
Sam_Fisherwalilo: boot into 10.04 and then open terminal and enter sudo update grub and hit enter10:03
waliloSam_Fisher, i did it and now i'm on ubuntu :)10:03
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FPtjeHow do I remove panels from gnome?10:04
Sam_Fisherwalilo: it will scan for OS and add them to your Grub210:04
Shubuntuhey can anyone teach me how to use debconf-set-selections10:04
akshaysulakheright click-->delete panel10:04
PseudocratFPtje, right click -> delete panel.10:04
sijitelmac, am not clear about your issue10:04
Tigryssthe dist-upgrade has destroyed my x pls help http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TPn7fyvq10:04
SeverianFPtje, right click and choose remove.10:04
FPtjeakshaysulakhe: right click > remove doesn't work because all the panels froze10:04
FPtjeI can't severian, they all froze, restarting my computer doesn't work10:05
FPtjethe panels do not respond when I right click them10:05
akshaysulakheare u using ubuntu tweak10:05
FPtjeakshaysulakhe: I don't even know what ubuntu tweak is10:05
amageehey how can i find out if ubuntu can see my optical drive10:05
waliloSam_Fisher, the problem is when i boot it log on windows7 and i don't see the grub menu10:05
akshaysulakhefroze means exactly what10:05
=== junior_ is now known as tykaju
akshaysulakhehas ur system hanged up10:05
Sam_Fishertelmac: is a troll10:05
FPtjeakshaysulakhe: I can see one (of the five added panels) the others are invisible. When I click it or right click it nothing happens10:05
waliloSam_Fisher, i used startupmanager and all options are ok10:06
fodder70do you have grub installed to a partition10:06
FPtjeakshaysulakhe: oh and my cpu load is very high10:06
telmacIm a troll?10:06
akshaysulakhereset ur system first...10:06
FPtjeakshaysulakhe: Like I said I have tried restarting my computer completely10:06
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akshaysulakheok..delete the .nautilus folder10:06
fodder70i had to make my grub partition active in order to stop win7 from booting, if thats relevant10:06
akshaysulakhein home10:06
SpaoIs now a good time for me to seek help fixing an Ubuntu problem? If it's too busy here, then it doesn't matter too much.10:07
jothOK, the problem is gdm isn't set at any run level at the moment - which run level should it be set at? (using sysv-rc-conf)10:07
akshaysulakhedo that from terminal using sudo10:07
Sam_Fisherakshaysulakhe: so what I said did not work or you didn't try it?10:07
akshaysulakheuse the command sudo rm -f .nautilus10:07
akshaysulakhelog out and log back10:07
waliloSam_Fisher, i did what do you said. i'll rebbot . I hope it will work ... thank you10:07
DaDa|UrkaWhich directories do I have to move to the DRBD-device if I am using tomcat and HA?10:08
akshaysulakhewhat did u said10:08
FPtjeakshaysulakhe it's a dir, shoud I use rmdir?10:08
SeverianSpao, It is pretty much always busy here.  Go ahead and ask.10:08
Sam_Fisherakshaysulakhe: sorry wrong person10:08
akshaysulakhedo one thing10:08
Sam_Fisherwalilo: did it show the win7 and Ubuntu and Memtest?10:08
TheMusicGuyI just installed Lynx 32-bit with Wubi and I keep having strange issues when multiple users login at the same time.10:08
akshaysulakhe@ftpje use command sudo nautilus10:08
akshaysulakhetype ur password10:08
TheMusicGuyLike, the screen freezes and stuff10:09
mosen6hello, I had 9.10 on my machine and it looks like when I let it upgrade someone restarted it or something and now it won't boot. the console shell tells me I'm on 10.04 and DPKG returnes error code (1)10:09
akshaysulakheand migrate to /home/ur username/home10:09
akshaysulakheand then delete the .nautilus directory10:09
akshaysulakhegot it10:09
mosen6I can't install anything from the terminal10:09
FPtjeI removed the folder10:09
akshaysulakheand log out and log in10:09
SpaoI'm having trouble unmounting drives. I could always used to right click on it and unmount it. But now it says it's not in the fstab and I am not root. Ubuntu seems to be booting slower too recently, and some other minor problems. They all came at once a few days ago10:09
slimjimflimwhat's the 'right' way to disable a daemon?10:09
FPtjeok be right back10:09
danutzhello guys,I want to find out a person ip adress (a person I talk using pidgin)..in windows I know how to do that but I don`t know in linux...some help?10:09
akshaysulakhegood...log out and log in10:09
Sam_Fishermosen6: PLEASE ask in one post!10:09
FPtjelol I can't log out ><10:09
yoritomoHello does someone use giFT here ? i experience problems with giFT on lucid , Gnutella plugin still keeping checking website adress10:09
FPtjeoh wait I can lol10:10
slimjimflim...so it doesn't start at boot10:10
ravenhow to restore a partition table?10:10
mosen6Sam_Fisher: sorry, any idea on how to solve this?10:10
akshaysulakhewhat happened??10:10
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do10:10
Sam_FisherFPtje: Ctrl+ALt+Backspace10:10
ravenhow to restore a partition table?10:10
Sam_Fisherraven: already answered TestDisk in the synaptic10:10
SeverianSam_Fisher, that only works, if the user enables it now.10:11
Sam_Fisherraven: do you understand synaptic?10:11
TheMusicGuyCtrl+Alt+Backspace seems disabled in Lynx. How to enable it?10:11
akshaysulakhegoogle it10:11
akshaysulakhethe musicguy10:11
akshaysulakheits easy10:11
histo!google | akshaysulakhe10:11
ubottuakshaysulakhe: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:11
spionspionspionif i want to move a wubi install to a real partition is lvpm still the way to go ?10:11
histoTheMusicGuy: its disabled because it would normally restart X10:12
TheMusicGuyhisto: yes, that's what I WANT it to do10:12
SeverianTheMusicGuy, System/Preferences/Keyboard  Go to Layout and then options.10:12
TheMusicGuySeverian: I've tried that before. The option isn't listed.10:12
Sam_FisherSeverian: thanks I was drawing a blank on the exact menu10:13
histo!dontzap | TheMusicGuy10:13
ubottuTheMusicGuy: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap10:13
akshaysulakhehello,my hp deskjet does not accept black color in color mode...does that only in grayscale mode..what shud i do10:13
amageeok i'm having a weird problem with my dvd drive (this problem seems new since my 10.04 upgrade, it was fine in 9.10).. if i put a (audio) cd in, nothing happens, nautilus etc. can't see the cd.  if i put in a dvd, then nautilus still can't see it, but totem can see it.10:13
SeverianTheMusicGuy, It is called Key sequence to kill the X server.10:13
histoakshaysulakhe: try different drivers10:13
akshaysulakhe@histo..which ones10:13
akshaysulakhei have tried hplips10:13
SeverianYou can also install a package called something like dontzap.10:13
akshaysulakhewhere to find other drivers10:13
histoakshaysulakhe: I would try a more generic or specific one in cups10:14
mosen6I had 9.10 on my machine and it looks like when I let it upgrade someone restarted it or something and now it won't boot. the console shell tells me I'm on 10.04 and when I try upgrading or installing any packages it gives me a very long list of packages and says: "Processing was halted because there were too many errors. /n E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)". Any idea on how to fix this?10:14
Sam_Fisheramagee: what about on the desktop or navigating to it?10:14
megamanx1978How do I add the root user to ubuntu 10.04?10:14
waliloSam_Fisher, sorry but it doesn't work10:14
JoshuaL!root > megamanx197810:14
ubottumegamanx1978, please see my private message10:14
Spaoyou're busy, so I'll leave. Bye! ^_^10:15
SeverianTheMusicGuy, you have to restart X after you make the change.  reboot is the easiest way.10:15
jribmosen6: you need to give more information (pastebin what you run and the full output)10:15
akshaysulakheok histo..how to do that10:15
amageeSam_Fisher: nothing comes on desktop.. how would i navigate to it?10:15
mosen6jrib: I can't. I'm in the console and I don't have a CD-Rom10:16
chaos8hi, i have a problem: compiz + nvidia + antialiasing disabled = vsync works, but compiz + nvidia + antialiasing enabled = vsync doesn't work :(10:16
jribmosen6: do you have internet access on the machine?10:16
shomonhow do you get skype working on ubuntu 8-06?10:16
Sam_Fishermosen6: when you boot again hit the shift key to bring up a menu10:16
mosen6jrib: yes10:17
histo!skype | shomon10:17
ubottushomon: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:17
TheMusicGuySeverian: well..that's pretty strange. because I looked all up and down that menu TWICE before and could not find any option relating to killing/restarting the x server, and now here it is.10:17
shomonI had it working fine until about a month ago. Now I can hear calls but no-one hears me...10:17
TheMusicGuywell...whatever. Thanks!10:17
VigoIs there a timeout call for sudo? Like sudo 'this package' ,,,,,,timeout,,,re-enter sudo password to continue?10:17
megamanx1978I type !root>megamanx1978?10:17
mosen6Sam_Fisher: which menu? GRUB?10:17
SeverianTheMusicGuy, I think it is wierd that it is under Keyboard, but it works for me.10:17
Sam_Fishermosen6: yes10:18
mosen6Sam_Fisher: and then?10:18
Sam_Fishermosen6: then you can try repair boot instead of regualr boot10:18
phoe6on 64 bit version ubuntu, what is a good Power Point Viewer other than ooimpress ?10:18
Sam_Fishermosen6: do you recall seeing the repair choice when booting before?10:18
histophoe6: have you tried searching synaptic?10:19
yoritomono one can help me about giFT ?10:19
histophoe6: I should say searching in synaptic?  or applciations > software center10:19
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:19
mosen6Sam_Fisher: no, there are recovery modes for each kernel version only10:19
wernbrenk1Hi all. I'm on 10.04. Up until yesterday from power button press to able to work took 30seconds. Last night I did some updates through the update manager and now startup is 1minute. Any ideas?10:19
Vigomosen6: Did you try Esc during Ubuntu Boot?10:20
megamanx1978What I am trying to do is add a root user that I can login to my system with when I need to10:20
phlak_userwernbrenk1: i found that my ubuntu 10.04 would stop at some disk it couldnt mount10:20
histo!root | megamanx197810:20
ubottumegamanx1978: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:20
Sam_Fisherwalilo: how did it go?10:20
mosen6Vigo: no, I'll give it a try .. no idea how that'd help though10:20
jribmosen6: if you can, use pastebinit.  Otherwise, I'll setup something you can netcat to10:21
phlak_userwernbrenk1: could that be your issue too?10:21
waliloSam_Fisher, it doesn't work10:21
Vigomosen6: I am not certain it will, depends on the release, there are a few 'hot-key' methods to enter the Recovery Console.10:22
mosen6jrib: sadly, i can't .. can I uuse a live usb?10:22
jribmosen6: if you want to10:22
Sam_Fisherwalilo: shiiii t10:22
shomonhisto, thanks, I went to the page it tells me to go to, but it then says "wrong architecture" and it's all for 8.10 rather than 8.04.10:22
wernbrenk1possibly, I have a 2nd hard drive in my laptop with I have to mount manually after startup. could be that it's trying to mount it, but doesn't succeed. What i picked-up is that the issue is after I entered my password. GNome takes longer to start I think.10:22
waliloSam_Fisher, i boot from SuperGrub cd to ubuntu10:22
megamanx1978I want to do su instead of sudo10:22
shomonwhen I went to the "right" one it said "dependency not satisfiable"...10:23
DaDa|UrkaWhich directories do I have to move to the DRBD-device if I am using tomcat and HA?10:23
waliloSam_Fisher, but for windows it's boot on it at startup10:23
shomonI guess a more generic question is - how do you get the microphone working in ubuntu?10:23
nico_I'm having problems installing torrentflux...  * Restarting web server apache210:23
nico_apache2: Syntax error on line 233 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/torrentflux.conf: No such file or directory10:23
nico_   ...fail!10:23
FloodBot1nico_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
nico_invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "restart" failed.10:23
nico_dpkg: error processing torrentflux (--configure):10:23
Severianmegamanx1978, su is the right command sometimes.10:24
Vigomosen6: here are some links:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3447310:25
histoshomon: are you on 64bit or 32bit?10:25
shomonhow do I tell?10:25
phlak_userwernbrenk1: you can look at the startup Applications and remove some that you dont need10:25
shomonI think it's 32 though because the 64 bit deb said "wrong architecture"10:25
Severianshomon,   uname -a10:25
histoshomon: opena  terminal and type in uname -a10:26
phlak_user!hi tgywa10:26
nico_I am having problems reinstalling torrentflux - http://paste.ubuntu.com/436683/10:26
jribmosen6: you can do something like this to pastebin if you want:   command_with_some_output | nc ssh.jrib.net 123410:26
nico_used to work just fine, but then I removed it and now it won't isntall10:26
megamanx1978The problem with using just that is that I cannot change pemissions on files and folders owned by root10:26
tgywahow can I filter lines containing date and a key word from a file using awk10:26
shomon2.6.24-27-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 24 10:04:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:26
phlak_usertgywa: man awk10:26
histoshomon: you need the x86 version not the 64bit version10:26
wernbrenk1phlak_user : do you know if I could generate some sort of a log with times during startup?10:26
jribtgywa: a specific date?10:26
shomon:) I tried installing it, but it said "wrong architecture"... but the question is not to install skype, but to get it working.10:27
shomonit's already installed, and used to work.10:27
tgywajrib, like 10/05/2020 and key word 'GET'10:27
phlak_userwernbrenk1: there used to be a script called bootlog that would graphically plot the processes with time at boot10:27
jribtgywa: why don't you just use grep?10:27
mosen6jrib: Thank you10:27
shomonI think it's some setting in the audio preferences maybe?10:27
falafelli had to install a patched kernel, will ubuntu auto-update when a new official kernel gets released mainstream?10:27
jpdsfalafell: No.10:27
jpdsfalafell: It's a New package, so it has to be installed via a dist-upgrade command.10:28
Snomianyone here use rhythmbox?10:28
phlak_userwernbrenk1:  sudo apt-get install bootchart10:28
wernbrenk1phlak_user : i'll check it out, thx10:28
falafelljpds, what command would that be?10:28
Severianwernbrenk1,   run    date >>boot.log   in a shell script that runs on boot.10:28
shomonyes, Snomi10:28
phlak_userwernbrenk1: it will create the bootgraphs in /var/log/bootchart10:28
wernbrenk1Snomi : I do10:28
jpdsfalafell: apt-get dist-upgrade instead of apt-get upgrade.10:28
mosen6jrib: Done .. I didn't get any output10:28
falafelljpds thanks :)10:28
Severianwernbrenk1, that boot_chart is probably better10:28
jpdsfalafell: Of course, you won't recieve security updates for your kernel. :)10:28
easylancerhow do i change a shell_column?10:28
Snomishomon: wernbrenk1: when i change an album name it just swaps back without changing10:29
nico_how do I make sure EVERYTHING (every trace, like config-files and databases) are removed when I use "sudo aptitide remove"?10:29
jribmosen6: you should have gotten http://paste.ubuntu.com/436685/ but ok.  There are no errors there however10:29
JenniferBAnyone here using Evolution Email ? What is the "On this computer" account for ?10:29
Severianeasylancer, what is a shell_column?10:29
histo!anyone > Snomi10:29
ubottuSnomi, please see my private message10:29
mosen6jrib: oh sorry that was "update"10:29
=== varun_ is now known as varuntaliyan
shomoneither some permissions issue or you have a naming database overriding your names...10:29
Mouzznico_, apritude purge removes both the program and config files10:29
histoJenniferB: local mail possibly?10:29
easylancerSeverian: where would i find this users.shell_column?10:30
nico_Mouzz: thanks10:30
jribmosen6: prefix your commands with LANG=C LC_ALL=C before them please10:30
Severianeasylancer, Where are you seeing it?  I don't understand the context.10:30
mosen6jrib: OK10:31
Snomihisto: i wasnt sure if anyone here was using rhythmbox ;)10:31
mosen6jrib: but what if there's a prompt like [y/n]?10:31
Severianeasylancer, it might be under System/Administration/Users and groups.10:31
jribmosen6: well wait for us to advise you if you aren't sure10:31
easylancerSeverian: http://yasdb.blogspot.com/2009/10/configuring-redmine-to-be-your-alll-in.html10:31
mosen6jrib: no, I mean it would upload the output to that point only, right?10:32
easylancerSeverian: I am using shell not gui10:32
JenniferBhisto: but what is it used for? what is local mail ? I have a separate gmail account setup.. i don't need that annoying tab in there10:32
jribmosen6: yeah, until you press y/n I guess10:32
Severianeasylancer, are you adding a new user or modifying one?10:33
jribmosen6: I'm going to go make breakfast while you pastebin10:33
easylancerSeverian: modifying one10:33
histoJenniferB: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=900818  I stand corrected this forum post explains more.10:34
Severianeasylancer, use the usermod command.  the -s option lets you set the shell.10:34
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tgywajrib, have tried grep ... but seems not workin10:34
Mouzzeasylancer, This is probably something you need to change in a redmine config file, isn't it?10:34
jribtgywa: pastebin10:34
easylancerMouzz: I am not sure because the tutorial doesnt make it clear enough10:35
SeverianMouzz, I think he wants to set the bash shell, instead of dash as his shell.10:35
xbraexwrightxstill trying to get mencoder to work10:35
SWFu64Is there anyway to sync multiple ubuntu installations ?10:35
tgywajrib, grep "xyz|02/May/2010" * |  less10:35
xbraexwrightxbrae@ubuntu-netbook:~/Desktop/mplayer-export-2010-05-19$ mencoder10:35
mosen6jrib: TYT10:35
easylancerSeverian: no10:35
xbraexwrightxMEncoder SVN-r31179-snapshot-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team10:35
alktorsI'm using ubuntu 10.04 and firefox crashed...how can I open about:crashes? or how could I see why had it crashed?10:35
jribMouzz: isn't bash the default login shell anyway?10:35
xbraexwrightxOption of: Unknown suboption lavc10:35
xbraexwrightxWarning unknown option of at line 910:35
xbraexwrightxOption format: unknown format name: 'mp4'10:35
FloodBot1xbraexwrightx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:35
xbraexwrightxError parsing option lavcopts=format=mp4 at line 1010:35
jribtgywa: you want | to be like "or"?10:35
tgywano both10:35
Severianeasylancer, I was only guessing at the root cause, but you do set the user shell with usermod.10:36
tgywajrib, no to mean and or both the patterns10:36
tgywajrib, I want both patters10:36
jribtgywa: grep first_pattern * | grep second_pattern | less10:36
DaDa|UrkaWhich directories do I have to move to the DRBD-device if I am using tomcat and HA?10:36
VigoIs IceApe and IceCat the same browser?10:38
tgywajrib, thanks but gives not both bur lines with one of those patterns10:39
tgywajrib, how can use 'and'10:39
SeverianVigo, basically yes.10:39
maccam94am i supposed to get notify-osd popups from the broadcast messages system for facebook notifications?10:39
shomonhow can I tell which application is using the sound device?10:39
valiumhi all - when i login to server 10.4 lts - i put my username and login in but then it hangs for 60 seconds before stating -- Login TImed Out after 60 Seconds.  ANy ideas?10:40
Strangerhow to set the default schemas for the gconf for every current user and for the newly-created users ?10:40
TheMusicGuyok, compiz ran at 60+ Hz before upgrading to Lynx. Now it runs at roughly 10 Hz. What gives?10:40
tgywajrib, want to get lines with both patterns not one of those patterns then I think I should use 'and'10:40
Severianshomon, instal pavucontrol and then run it.10:40
tgywajrib, want to get lines with both patterns not one of those patterns then I think I should use 'and'10:40
VigoSeverian: Thank you, I will try and 'fetch' IceCat ...methinks.10:40
bilalakhtarmaccam94: For that, you need to turn on the option in gwibber preferences10:40
KoiyukiWhy must linux be such a headache...10:41
SeverianVigo, I like IceWeasel even better.  Just the name I mean.  They are all plays on the same joke.10:41
maccam94bilalakhtar: i have that option turned on. do I need to have the actual gwibber application open?10:41
jribtgywa: what I just told you, does that.  Did you try it?10:41
VigoSeverian: Yes, is still funny.10:42
shomonok thanks Severian - it says connection failed though10:42
SeverianKoiyuki, Nietzsche answered that long ago.10:42
tgywajrib, thanks and tried but didn't work the way I wanted10:42
bilalakhtarmaccam94: no.10:42
jribtgywa: why not?  What didn't it do that you wanted it to do?10:42
Severianshomon, what says connection failed?10:42
maccam94bilalakhtar: hmph, i've never gotten any :-(10:42
shomonpavucontrol, even10:42
bilalakhtarmaccam94: You can make sure if you will get nitifications, open up the "envelope" icon, and check if there is an arrow next to "Broadcast"10:42
shomon"connection failed: connection refused"10:43
amageehey so can anyone help me with 10.04 failing to mount cds?10:43
maccam94bilalakhtar: yup, there is10:43
shomonah, maybe I should be running pulseaudio when running it...10:43
Severianshomon, I don't know.  I have not seen it do that.  And I use it a good bit.10:43
shomonI'd stopped it so as to try configuring with alsa and oss...10:43
bilalakhtarmaccam94: then check in your gwibber accounts preferences, if they are turned on10:43
KoiyukiI am trying to install ubuntu to help a friend out. He wants me to try to get facebooks hiphop-php compiled and working. I installed ubunto 10 32bit on a flash card and booted it on my netbook, only to find out hiphop-php wont compile on a 32bit OS10:43
maccam94bilalakhtar: they are turned on.10:43
jendaI have a thin (1 pixel) white border around the dark gnome panel in Lucid. Anyone know why and what I could do with it? (it's on both the top and bottom panels)10:44
jribmosen6: are you not getting the http://paste.ubuntu.com/436692/ links after you run the command?10:44
Koiyukii then downloaded ubunto 9 64bit and put it on a flash card, and tried to boot it with my PC, and got some error saying that it couldnt uncompress a file.10:44
bilalakhtarmaccam94: bum, then I don't know10:44
mosen6jrib: I did .. I just thought you were out10:44
shomonah Severian - now that I ran pulseaudio, it works10:44
jribmosen6: what command did you run to get this output?10:44
mosen6jrib: sudo apt-get -f install10:45
madjoehi, is there ann app, or a script I could use to backup all of my files and settings on Karmic before I replace it with Lucid?10:45
Koiyukiso, i tried to use wubi to install ubuntu 9 to my windows partition. the first time, it installed, i rebooted, loaded ubuntu. it went through all the installation, then rebooted again. when i chose ubuntu, it wouldnt load, it would just go to a grub loader with a bash:grub prompt10:45
jribmosen6: did you try what it suggests in lines 8-12?10:45
bilalakhtarmaccam94: Got it. its a bug in gwibber10:45
bilalakhtarmaccam94: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/30626310:45
Severianshomon, yes, pavucontrol is for pulse audio.  I hope it helps.  Pulse Audio is getting better with each release, but still crashes every once in a while.10:45
mosen6jrib: no .. sec10:45
Severianmadjoe, dd10:46
Koiyukiso, i uninstalled that, and i am trying again. it just went through all the installation, and now its SUPPOSED to be shutting down, but it keeps having. i keep error messages about commands timing out after 120 secs10:46
maccam94bilalakhtar: ah k, thanks10:46
madjoeSeverian: dd?10:46
Koiyukiso i have no idea if i should hard reset the machine, and try to boot it or what10:46
shomonhow do I use pavucontrol?10:46
Severianmadjoe, dd will backup one hard drive to an identical drive.  That is the best backup, but there are lots of options short of that.10:47
mosen6jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/436701/10:47
mosen6jrib: there were errors after that10:48
jribmosen6: I need to see them10:48
Severianshomon, what specifically do you need?  You run the program and it gives you sliders for lots of options.10:48
Koiyukiok, this the actual grub menu came up, so lets see if i end up getting any problems10:48
madjoeSeverian: the only catch is, I'm using wubi on Karmic and would like to delete all and install Lucid on a dedicated partition with options from Karmic and my files as well... will dd help me in that case?10:48
shomonI'm trying to get skype to record from the microphone... and audacity... basically trying to get the mic to work10:48
Severianmadjoe, not really10:48
GalerienHI every one, I did a Lucid upgrade when the rc was released and now I don't even have the direct rendering (it tells me "no", not segfault"), i've tried many things, and if anyone has a magical solution (except for clean install), I'm all yours! (on this chan:D)10:48
VigoKoiyuki: Is that a dedicated Windows Box, or can you have it dual boot?10:49
alktorsI'm using ubuntu 10.04 and firefox crashed...how can I open about:crashes? or how could I see why had it crashed?10:49
Koiyukiits a dedicated windows box. as i said, i am just trying to get a piece of software to compile for a friend10:49
mosen6jrib: private10:50
Severianmadjoe, you could tar and gzip your home directory on the wubi install.  Install Karmic on the partition with the same user name and restore the tar and gzipped home directory.  Then upgrade it to Lucid.10:50
Koiyukiright now, ubuntu is trying to boot, and it keeps giving error messages about unable to set freq 44100 to ep 0x110:50
Koiyukii assume that has to do with the audio10:50
visofis there a way to improve my laptop touchpad , it's slow ?10:50
Koiyukibut it seems to be hanging there10:50
mosen6jrib: did you get the link?10:51
jribmosen6: replace the "|" with "2>&1 |" in your commands from now on.  Also, please share the links like http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/4540/20100520124926.jpg in the channel so others can help :)10:51
VigoKoiyuki: I am still trying to figure out the Persistent USB dongle, but that may be an option if all of the Official Documentation fails you.10:51
defsdoorhi - I'm having problems using nvidia proprietary driver in lucid  - dkms keeps failing to build it10:51
Koiyukiyup, a bunch more 120 second time outs10:52
mosen6jrib: OK10:52
defsdoorthe make.log just mentions about ensuring the kernel source is available10:52
madjoeSeverian: I have a friend who said he's not so keen to upgrade his system, he prefers a clean installation... well, I don't know what to think now... do you think it's ok to upgrade to Lucid? is there any difference with a clean installation at all?10:52
amageemadjoe: clean install is much easier.. upgrades quite often have problems that you'll end up reinstalling to fix anyway10:53
Koiyukithe tutorials i found for setting up hiphop-php all were for ubuntu 9. i dont know if ubuntu 10 will have the dependencies needed. when i tried to get some of those dependies in 32bit, some couldnt be found10:53
Koiyukiwould they not be found cause it was ubuntu 10? or because it was 32bit instead of 64bit?10:54
madjoeamagee: oh well... *sigh*10:54
Severianmadjoe, There are differences, but not huge ones.  I normally do fresh installs, but I upgraded a karmic machine to Lucid two days ago.  It got an error or two during the upgrade, but everything works.  Ubuntu is one of the best Linux distros about handling upgrades.10:54
Vigomadjoe: No real difference, Upgrade settings and bookmarks and .config settings are preserved, so make a backup.10:54
amageei can't speak about other distros but i have had several bad experiences with ubuntu upgrades10:55
mosen6jrib: still doesn't work. see http://paste.ubuntu.com/436705/10:55
madjoewhat about a backup like this:10:55
* jpds rarely has issues updating.10:55
madjoesudo tar --one-file-system -cvf /media/external/myinstall.tar /10:55
madjoesudo tar xpf myinstall.tar -C /mnt10:55
SeverianVigo, a fress install gets you grub2, which I like noticably better than grub1.  My upgraded machines had grub1, and the upgrade leaves them that way.10:56
ronnysup, i just updated to lucid, and now i cant enable wireless in network-manager (worked before, its a standard intel 3945abg)10:56
jribmosen6: is there a reason you don't just do a clean install?  I foresee this taking more than 20 minutes to troubleshoot10:57
Severianmadjoe, you probably only need your home directory and maybe a little more.10:57
VigoSeverian: Right, I like a good backup then a fresh install, personal preference I guess.10:57
mosen6jrib: I don't want to lose my data10:57
madjoeSeverian: yeah, I have lots of stuff in /var/www/ the apache2 and stuff... I changed some system fonts, and some less important things10:57
jribmosen6: you don't have /home on a separate partition?  You can get at your data with a live cd10:57
ndlovuI need to make changes to inetd.conf, but can't find it in /etc ... is there something I need to install first?10:58
mosen6jrib: no, eveything is on the same partition .. and I don't have a working CD-Rom10:58
jribmosen6: no drive you can connect by usb?10:58
elyobHi, I'm trying to run a script that will alert me whenever someone logs into my server via ssh .. I understand rc.local is only for local login & not remote ssh?10:58
elyobJust to clarify, someone logs in via ssh .. I get an alert ...10:59
jribelyob: is it?  I thought /etc/rc.local was just something that got run at boot10:59
Severianmadjoe, some of that stuff changes between releases and you are better off just reapplying the changes.  I depends on what it is.  I think the /var/www should be ok.  Apache did not change much between these releases, I think.10:59
madjoeSeverian: oh, another question... since I have a dual boot now, 1) Win XP on C: and 2) Ubuntu Karmic on D:, can I format C: and install Ubuntu Lucid instead of Win XP? Will my Karmic still work with wubi? I guess not...10:59
mosen6jrib: afraid not .. can't I just use a USB Flash memory as a Live Disk?10:59
Koiyukitime to try to see if ubuntu 10 x64, since ubuntu 9 has utterly failed10:59
elyobso if I ssh user@ it runs a script ..10:59
Severianmadjoe, So, Windows would be gone from the machine now.  Wubi is a windows program that boots a windows file as a linux filesystem.  It needs Windows.11:00
remoteCTRLwhere have ther deices in /media gone and how do i mount them??11:00
jribmosen6: oh the issue was just that you didn't actually have a live cd?  Well you don't even need the live cd, it would just be nicer with the gui.  You can use the prompt you are at now to backup your data to usb flash memory.  You should do this anyway if you don't already have backups and want to continue trying to troubleshoot instead of doing a clean install11:00
madjoeSeverian: that's what I thought... thanks11:00
gypsymauroI want to install both, kde and gnome on lynx but I recall that on older version this means a mess on the program menu.. there is an evolution for lynx?11:01
Koiyukiis there any way i could be having issues with ubuntu 9 cause of hardware?11:01
alexsanyone using an 802.11n USB adapter in ubuntu?11:01
EmryAnyone know if there is an irc channel for Autokeys? :)11:01
alexstrying to find a model that ctually works11:01
Severianmadjoe, Your current problem is why I almost always try to talk people out of using wubi.11:01
jribKoiyuki: I'm sure there's a way... Do you have a more specific concern?11:01
Koiyukias ive said, ive been trying to use wubi to install ubuntu 9 twice, and both attempts have failed.11:02
mosen6jrib: I know but then how would I install ubuntu without a drive?11:02
elyobjrib: yes, I think that's correct .. at the moment it looks like I need to alter each bash profile ...11:02
elyobBut I want to do "all users"11:02
madjoeSeverian: that was my first use of Linux, and I needed a test drive11:02
VigoEmry: Keyboard Layouts?11:02
EmryDoes anyone know of a macro program that supports delays? :)11:02
EmryVigo, Macros.11:02
jribmosen6: you can use another usb flash memory if you have it, but you'll have to create it.  Or visit a friend with a cd burner11:02
Emryautokey not autokeys. ^^ I mistyped it. :)11:03
jribelyob: well you can just edit the system-wide one....  There's probably some better way to achieve what you want, but I don't know it11:03
mosen6jrib: you don't understand .. the machine with the problem doesn't have a working CD drive .. I can't use a LiveCD for that reason.11:03
alexsanyone using an 802.11n USB adapter in ubuntu? having trouble finding a model that actually works11:04
VigoEmry: I use Main Menu, gconf or Keyboard Layout , depending on what I am doing. Oh,,,ok11:04
erUSULalexs: www.linuxwireless.org11:04
jribmosen6: ah ok.  You can install using usb flash memory, yes.  But you need to create it on some other working system11:04
uLinux_why ctrl + p doesnt work in terminal? whats the shortcut to paste etc?11:04
mosen6jrib: OK  thank you for your help11:04
Koiyukiall these issues just make me wanna throw my damn computer.11:04
EmryVigo, I want to be able to hit ctrl+d and tell my Dwarf Fortress game to designate a whole for digging down about ten levels. :)11:05
elyobjrib: looks like I may have to edit a skeleton ... just checked, and yes the bashrc file does what I want ..11:05
madjoeSeverian: after 5 months of use, now it became my primary OS, so I would like to stick with it... I don't mind doing the setup all again with the fresh install of Lucid, as long as my old data are saved... I played with Karmic and probably made a lot of crap and unnecessary installations, but with Lucid I'll know exactly what to do and how to do it.. I think. :)11:05
SeverianuLinux_, I use Shift+Insert11:05
maddog_what is the package to upgrade a server from 9.10 to 10.4 ?11:05
remoteCTRLhow do i mount a cdrom drive in lucid?11:05
dfcnvt(Shift + Insert) paste11:05
uLinux_Severian ye man it works :)11:05
uLinux_and to copy?11:05
SeverianuLinux_, Ctrl+Insert11:05
Severianmaddog_, good luck.  It sounds like you are learning, as are we all.11:06
dfcnvt(Ctrl + Insert) Copy11:06
jribelyob: I don't see the point in editing everyone's ~/.bashrc instead of using /etc/bash.bashrc or whatever.  bashrc isn't even the right file to be using for ssh logins in any case.  Do you want it to be an optional thing for user's because users can just edit their ~/.bashrc but not the one in /etc11:06
VigoEmry: Sweet! Looking now, I made  a macro in 6 and 8 that was for Scorched Earth, let me see if I can find those log files.11:06
uLinux_now just want to know how to select :P11:07
MouzzuLinux_, SHIFT-CTRL-X/C/V is alos an option11:07
uLinux_in winblows was shift+arow11:07
michelle__Severian: looks like i got the install finishd... what a PITA it is with these fake raid controlers11:07
dfcnvtHold shift then left arrow to select...11:07
mataksnewbie here. just wanna ask.. when i install  a program using apt-get .. where can i find the installed program?11:07
dfcnvtOr just use your mouse to select it11:07
Severianmichelle__, Glad to hear it.  I am glad about the first part, not the second.11:07
uLinux_dfcnvt that doesnt work.. mouse works but :x11:07
chrisw1I thought 10.04 LTS included python2.6?11:08
dfcnvtapt-cache search filename11:08
jribuLinux_: honestly, I find it superior to use your mouse to select and middle click to paste (you can use shift-insert if you want to paste using the keyboard)11:08
jribchrisw1: it does11:08
uLinux_ye jrib11:08
Koiyuki<sarcasm> hooray! every time i boot ubuntu 10 from wubi so it can finish installation, it crashes! w00t! go ubuntu go!</sarcasm>11:08
SeverianuLinux_, I use Ctrl_Insert and Shift+Insert on Windows and the Mac.  It used to be the universal choice, but a few programs don't like it.11:08
VigoEmry: Maybe here:> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-299524.html11:09
uLinux_shift+insert  ctrl+insert and select with mouse because i cant do it with keyboard :p11:09
uLinux_shift+insert  ctrl+insert and select with mouse because i cant do it with keyboard :p11:09
jribSeverian: you don't even need to press anything to copy, just selecting it is sufficient11:09
chrisw1jrib: hmm, I think my poor dev machine is very confused, it thinks its LTS 10.04 but has a *load* of kept-back packages...11:09
Severianchrisw1, It does.11:09
justme`mataks: under applications on your menu11:09
chrisw1(including python)11:09
jribchrisw1: how did you upgrade?11:09
chrisw1aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade11:09
EmryVigo, Thanks.  :) I found that one, but it seems to be almost the opposite of what I am looking for. :)11:10
jribchrisw1: that doesn't actually upgrade releases.  I assume you also edited sources.list.  However, this is no longer the recommended way to upgrade between releases in ubuntu11:10
mataksjustme`,  where? just like now i installed MAME.. an arcade emulator for games.. but i can't see where it is11:10
Koiyukiso, ubuntu 10 wont install. lovely.11:10
chrisw1I didn't want to upgrade :-/11:10
VigoEmry: xnee?11:10
GalerienHI every one, I did a Lucid upgrade when the rc was released and now I don't even have the direct rendering (it tells me "no", not segfault"), i've tried many things, and if anyone has a magical solution (except for clean install), I'm all yours! (on this chan:D)11:10
chrisw1any way I can do back?11:11
jribchrisw1: did you edit sources.list?11:11
EmryVigo, Autokey seems to do what I want, but seems buggy and prone to skip keys... or it is feeding it too quickly to the program and the program is missing it.11:11
LoshkiKoiyuki: sorry, but wubi is a weak spot in the Ubuntu armory....11:11
chrisw1(to 8.04)11:11
Galerienfeel free to /query me11:11
elyobjrib: perfect .. /etc one was the one I wanted .. I just want to know when people are logging onto my servers ... and a nice prowl command is it ... :)11:11
EmryVigo, I will look up xnee  :P11:11
justme`mataks: look under Games or "Emulation" if it exists11:11
remoteCTRLcan somebody PLEASE tell me how to mount a freakin cdrom in lucid?11:11
jribelyob: I have a feeling there is a better way.  For example, people can still change their default shell11:11
chrisw1jrib: hmm, I can't actualyl remember, I think I thought about upgrading, bailed on aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade, ran the recommended upgrade script but then bailed with nerves half way throough11:11
jribremoteCTRL: put it in your drive, done11:11
justme`remoteCTRL: try mount /dev/hda11:11
chrisw1recommendations how to get back to 8.04?11:11
mataksjustme`, nope.. no Emulation and it's not on games11:12
jribchrisw1: yeah, that will give you a broken system... no supported way to downgrade.  You should probably just finish the upgrade11:12
remoteCTRLjrib: if it was that easy i wouldnt have to ask... justme` that would be mounting the first hadd if it is a ide drive then...11:12
Severianchrisw1  You probably just need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and then run the upgrade again.11:12
Koiyukitime to try installing 9.10 x64 via wubi one last time. if this doesnt work, im saying screw it, and going with another distro11:12
jribremoteCTRL: it is that easy.  Something is not working correctly if it is not.11:12
chrisw1what should I put in place of lucid to get 8.04LTS?11:13
icerootKoiyuki: dont use wubi, use a real installation11:13
jribchrisw1: reinstall if you want to downgrade11:13
iceroot!dualboot | Koiyuki11:13
ubottuKoiyuki: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:13
Severianchrisw1, reinstall from the cd.  I think that is it, unless you have a good backup.11:13
remoteCTRLjrib: that i can see dude, which is why i want to mount it manually as this is actually not so rare that this occurs it would be interesting to know HOW TO11:13
* chrisw1 probably does11:13
VigoEmry: Sorry, looks like xnee is still Multimedia, I am sure it can be hacked.11:13
ix_i can't compile ieee80211, it gives me errors, i installed build-essential11:14
Koiyukii dont need that. im installing via wubi. its not using 2 partitions. and ive had lots of damn issues11:14
justme`mataks: been a while since i used GNOME but try ALT+F1 to bring up run and enter mame (or use a shell and enter mame<tab> to bring up the possibilities) quick and dirty but works, you may need to add the entry depending on the package installed11:14
=== Galerien is now known as galunch
jribremoteCTRL: do you have an fstab entry related to your cdrom?11:14
Koiyukithe first time i installed ubuntu 9, it installed fine, but when i rebooted and went to load ubuntu, grub was screwed, and wouldnt boot ubuntu11:14
Koiyukiso i retried it, and the second time i tried to install it, ubuntu would hang, a lot11:15
Emrybbl :) Thanks for the input.11:15
Koiyukii would get tons and tons of messages with 120 sec timeouts11:15
mataksjustme`, ok i can open mame now by typing "mame" in terminal.. but i don't know where to load the rom file.. can't see the directory . ..11:15
ronnyanyone? networkmanager on lucid refuses to enable wireless, even tho i just got a standard intel wifi that worked before the update to lucid11:15
VigoEmry: Xmacro maybe could: http://xmacro.sourceforge.net11:15
remoteCTRLjrib:  sec opls i am just in the middle of rebooting but as i recall nope, i dont and as stated before there is no /media/cdrom /media/cdrom0 as there used to be but lucid nomally mounts cds directly to /media (discussable if thatr is clever but ok...)11:16
justme`mataks: read the docs related, last time i used mame i think i used "mame rom" - theres also front ends to mame, check sudo aptitude search mame11:16
Severianronny, you may need the hardware drivers.  What does  System/Administration/Hardware Drivers tel you?11:17
justme`man mame should pull up what you need relating to the loading of files11:17
mataksjustme`,  where can i find the docs?11:17
Severianmataks,   the man page.  like he said, do   man mame11:18
justme`mataks: man mame can pull up some info, quick google on mame, mame tips mame guides etc should pull the rest you need11:18
jendaMy volume control disappeared after upgrading to Lucid - anyone know why?11:19
jribjenda: it's part of the indicator applet which you probably don't have in your panel?11:19
arunkumar413hi,i want to know the verison of gcc installed on my system11:19
justme`mataks: if you hate non-GUI computing try searching the packages for a mame frontend using "mame" as keyword11:19
erUSUL!version | arunkumar41311:19
ubottuarunkumar413: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »11:19
jribarunkumar413: gcc --version11:19
erUSULarunkumar413: easiest way. « gcc --version »11:19
Koiyukiok, i installed ubuntu 9 x64 through windows with wubi. i rebooted, and right now ubuntu is finishing up installation. then we will see if it will start hanging again after installation.11:20
jendajrib: nope, it's gone from the indicator applet (networking, OO quicklauch and azureus still appear in it)11:20
SeverianThere is no such thing as Ubuntu 9.11:20
jendajrib: also, sound doesn't work :)11:20
ronnySeverian: nothing at all, its a standard intel wifi that worked fine before i upgraded - the laptop doesnt need any prop drivers11:20
arunkumar413erUSUL:the version is 4.3.3 but the documentaion for this version is not avaible at http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/11:21
jribjenda: well that's probably /why/! Umm, are you logging in through gdm?11:21
Koiyukisure there is.11:21
Koiyukicause i said so.11:21
mataksjustme`, ok thank i just downloaded the graphical mame.. thnx.11:21
baba_b00iei'm looking for a book that could introduce me to the inner workings of linux/ubuntu. CLI stuff, networking etc... can someone point me in right direction please11:21
Koiyukiim frustrated and pissed off. im not gonna start putting revision #s in every little message i post11:21
erUSULarunkumar413: 4.3.4 manuals shoud apply11:21
jendajrib: yes, I am11:22
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ravenneed help with grub restore please11:22
jendajrib: or, I think so - I'm logging in with the default, graphical setup.11:22
Severianronny, Some intel chip do need drivers, but that program should have found them, if so.  So, you are probably right.  Sorry, I don't do hardly any wireless.11:22
hmw!grub2 | raven11:22
ubotturaven: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:22
arunkumar413erUSUL:for 4.3.4 also there are 7 or 8 documentatin,which one to download.11:23
jribjenda: don't know then.  I came across an issue where if I didn't use gdm, then policykit/devicekit/whateverotherelsekit wasn't giving me access to the sound devices.  I worked around it by just adding myself to the audio group, but you probably want to figure out if it's some sort of PolicyKit issue (which I know nothing about)11:23
Severianbaba_b00ie, NerdBooks11:23
jendajrib: ok, thank11:23
jendaI'll try rebooting first :)11:23
ronnySeverian: its a rather unexpected breakage, the card just worked fine with whatever kernel i did use, no need for extra drivers11:24
richthegeekhuh, empathy nearly crashes when joining this room. GREAT CHOICE of default software guys...11:24
justme`richthegeek: use ERC then11:25
Severianrichthegeek, thanks11:25
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erUSULarunkumar413: the one for the language you want to program in ?11:25
Galerienrichthegeek: pidgin is good11:25
richthegeekanyway, I have a dual monitor setup and I'd like to have a window span both monitors (OO spreadsheet) but it's limiting itself to the one window when I try drag resize.. anyway to force it?11:25
Koiyukiinstalling ubuntu 9 x64 via wubi. installation just finished, and it is rebooting. lets see if it hangs. looks like it rebooted ok. lets see if ubuntu loads correctly without hanging11:25
SeverianI think it is hard to beat xchat.11:25
richthegeekGalerian: used to, since 7.04, trying to use the notify stuff though before I start complaining about the useless new stuff in 10.04/10.10 too much11:26
justme`Severian: i prefer ERC to xchat myself11:26
richthegeekSeverian, justme: I really don't go on IRC enough to bother with distinct program... #ubuntu is basically the only one I visit11:27
Koiyukiubuntu 9 x64 is loading. getting messages "cannot set freq 4100 to ep 0x1". now to see if it hangs like it did before.11:27
Koiyukiso far it looks like its going to boot.11:27
justme`richthegeek: if you use Emacs daily ERC is handy as it runs inside it, M-x erc and your here, saves screen space really11:27
Mouzzrichthegeek, Configuring multi-monitor you have the choice "Separate X-screen" which makes all monitors separate (no draging). When Xinerama is enabled, you can drag  windows around over multiple screen. Also there's a vendor solution like Twinview if you have an nvidia videocard.11:28
richthegeekjustme: I don't, I prefer gedit (please don't start a text editor war!) so its not gonna help11:28
Severianahh, I see.  irc inside of emacs.  Some people never want to leave emacs.  I could not wait to get out.11:29
richthegeekMouzz: I am using Twinview - I can drag between windows and have windows spanning both without issue, just that the window resize code seems to limit to screen rather than display size11:29
Koiyukiomg, it worked. 4th times a charm.11:29
Koiyukithough i dont know why the OS seems to be running so damn slow.11:29
justme`richthegeek, Severian: i prefer Emacs to most, but i wont start an editor war, i like the fact that theres a choice11:29
richthegeekMouzz: which is an understandable choice as the "maximise" code would fail if it didn't - just that it'd be nice to have some sort of override for when you *want* a massive window11:29
Severianjustme`, choice is good.  We'll agree on that.11:30
richthegeekjustme: I like gedit, its simple and very easy to pick up, and has the plugins I need... and Severian WE HAVE AGREED ON NOTHING *evil laugh*11:30
Mouzzrichthegeek, Ah, ok. Never looked for anything like that.11:30
dakfor update  my ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 ?11:31
aboSamoor_can anyone help me to use diff to get the contents of the third box in the following http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff#Algorithm I mean the common content between two files ?11:31
justme`Severian, richthegeek: i use Xemacs when Emacs needs GTK, Emacs if i compile myself (no GTK) and vim for shells11:31
elyobjrib: problem I am now having is that the script it runs is owned by root .. getting a permission error ...11:32
Shiba_hi all11:32
jribelyob: what script?11:32
richthegeekjustme: I'm a pretty high-level dev - PHP, Javascript, HTML/CSS, with Java being about as complex as I get... so gedit is *perfect*11:32
elyobI have a script that I am trying to run ... it's a bespoke one11:32
Shiba_anybody knows if bug sa21450 has been fixed in ubuntu?11:32
Shiba_here it is http://secunia.com/advisories/21450/11:32
jribelyob: you have to provide more details :)11:33
justme`richthegeek: if its perfect for your work then its a good application and well worth its use11:33
sgdWhere can i download a full version of kbuntu?11:33
jribsgd: kubuntu.com11:33
richthegeekjust for anyone interested - I "fixed" it by using Compiz's "Window Rules" to auto-size it to 3840x99011:33
elyobjrib: I have a script that I have placed in /root/scripts/folder/file.sh owned by root:root11:33
Koiyukithis is ubuntu installation is running slow as dirt11:34
jribelyob: ok?11:34
richthegeekjustme: exactly... bloody vi evangelists are so militant usually11:34
realubotWhy is Temrinal giving med bad argument -j when executing this: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -m owner \! --uid-owner proxywebbtv \  -j REDIRECT11:34
jribelyob: may I ask why you chose to place it in /root?11:34
elyobjrib: /root/scripts/folder/script.sh $HOSTNAME 'SSH' $USER' logged in' '5' is placed nito /etc/bash.bashrc11:34
realubotOr this: sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -m owner \! --uid-owner proxywebbtv \ -j REDIRECT11:34
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Guest20882any body help me to solve sound card problem11:35
sgd....I want a kubuntu without update language pake11:35
elyobjrib: no idea ... it's just a system called script11:35
jribelyob: the issue is /root isn't word-readable by default.  You should probably put the script somewhere else11:35
sgdI want a kubuntu without update language park11:35
elyobjrib: suggestions? How about just /scripts/11:36
realubotAh, I think the last \ shouldn't be there?11:36
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sgdI want a kubuntu without update language park11:36
jribelyob: if you want.  /usr/local/bin/ is the usual place probably11:36
Guest20882hello everybody11:36
Guest20882anyone help me11:36
Guest20882i hv ubuntu 10.0411:37
Guest20882my system is Dell vostro 22011:37
erUSUL!ask | Guest2088211:37
ubottuGuest20882: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:37
Guest20882my sound card is not working.11:37
Severiansgd, I don't think anyone understands what you want.11:37
Guest20882Serverian r u talking to me?11:38
erUSUL!intelhda   | Guest2088211:38
ubottuGuest20882: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:38
Koiyuki22 different files had to be downloaded just to intall adobe flash player plugin for firefox. thats insane11:39
sgduse a kubuntu without update language11:39
richthegeekKolyuki: I'm assuming there were a bunch of libraries and codecs outside of flash in that list?11:39
ix_Koiyuki, for me it needed only one11:39
glubbdrubbKoiyuki, are you using apt?11:39
richthegeekKolyuki: theoretically, greater library fragmentation (and thus shared dependancies) is a good thing11:40
Koiyukino. i loaded firefox, went to youtube, and clicked install missing plugin. the plugin finder popped up, i picked adobe, and clicked install11:40
SeverianGuest20882, no, I did not have much idea what your problem was.  A use sgd, whose first language was probably not English was asking for help, and I was hoping he would try to rephrase it.11:41
=== Guest60257 is now known as ezra-s
ezra-sIs there a way to "undelete" a file that has just been deleted in ext4?11:41
Slart!recover | ezra-s11:42
ubottuezra-s: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:42
richthegeekezra-s: depends if you "moved to trash" or actually deleted11:42
Severiansgd, what do you mean without an update language.  Do you want to do a fresh install and not an update?11:42
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justme`does Ubuntu use Debians apt pinning?11:42
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erUSULjustme`: yes11:42
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:42
ezra-srichthegeek, it was removed with rm11:42
Koiyukii have no idea why this installation of ubuntu is running so damn slow.11:43
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richthegeekezra-s, then see previous message from ubottu11:43
alexspinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to break your system11:43
richthegeekKoiyuki: try looking at your .xsession-errors11:43
justme`erUSUL: thanks11:43
richthegeekKoiyuki: also, CPU and RAM usage11:43
ezra-son it..11:43
sgd"sgd, what do you mean without an update language.  Do you want to do a fresh install and not an update?¡°  Yes11:43
justme`alexs: only breaks if you dont know what your doing, can be useful if you do know what your doing though11:43
alexsjustme`: that's a fairly large if in the context of the entire ubuntu depdendency tree ;)11:44
sgd"sgd, what do you mean without an update language.  Do you want to do a fresh install and not an update?¡°  Yes11:44
Koiyukioh, i dont think its an issue of cpu and ram. i got plent of that to go around11:44
sgd"sgd, what do you mean without an update language.  Do you want to do a fresh install and not an update?¡°  Yes11:44
Severiansgd, then download the install cd for kubuntu and boot it on the computer.11:44
sgd"sgd, what do you mean without an update language.  Do you want to do a fresh install and not an update?¡°  Yes11:44
richthegeekKoiyuki: yes, so do I - but sometimes broken daemons or similar can eat it all up11:44
FuriousRagehi, today duing boot, the boot up sequence failed on a bunch of stuff (remembering udev-something and dm-# and my raid hdd cant be accessed ect), a reboot and i saw a few of those errors again but this time it booted normally, is there a way to check and fix these boot errors (been looking thru the logs trying to find the errors)11:44
hmwKoiyuki: What hardware (CPU, RAM, GPU), slow compared to what11:44
hmwKoiyuki: what exactly is slow - internet speed, graphics, boot time?11:45
tgywahello again11:45
Koiyukiits just taking forever to set up these 22 items. it might have crashed or hung11:45
Koiyukicompared to my windows 7 for example11:45
KrimZoni've lost all text-mode things like the tty terminals or whatever they're called - how do i get them back?11:45
richthegeekKoiyuki: just let me know what the resting CPU and RAM usage is (ie, 30 seconds after boot)11:45
tgywahow can I protect my PC from port-8080-malware11:45
hmwKoiyuki: my boxes are about the same speed on the surface as w711:45
Koiyukiits  been stuck on processing triggers for man-db... after libgcc1 for several minutes now11:45
tgywahow can I protect my PC from port-8080-malware?11:45
glubbdrubbsurely, close that port11:46
Severiansgd, go to http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu and choose an appropriate method to get the CD.  Personally, I prefer the alternate installer.11:46
justme`alexs: haha well i dont know much about ubuntu at this point, practically forgot it all11:46
richthegeekKoiyuki: that's usually a slow/failing harddrive ... how many packages do you have installed?11:46
realubotI'm getting a black screen instead of the login window and sometimes justa fter entering log in info when trying to switch user in Ubuntu 10.04. Why do I get this? Anyone having the same problem?11:47
richthegeekglubbdrubb: that might be an issue - 8080 is HTTP11:47
Koiyukiionno. it just downloaded 22 packages. my hard drive isnt slow, or old or anything. it has zero issues in win711:47
Koiyukiits a relatively new 500gb sataII western digital11:47
glubbdrubbclose inbound traffic, not outbound11:47
richthegeekKoiyuki: hmm, odd - I had a 500GB WD and it ran like efluent off a shovel11:48
glubbdrubbunless ofcourse you are running http on your box11:48
Koiyukii think it hung or crashed while installing these packages11:48
richthegeekKoiyuki: if it is still borked in about 5 minutes then it's probably a random hang and just reboot11:48
Koiyukiits still sitting at processing triggers for man-db11:48
Koiyukiits been there for like 5 mins11:48
Koiyukisame package, libgcc111:48
richthegeekKoiyuki: and in that case, see if it does it again for a random package11:48
hmwKoiyuki: thats not slow, thats crashed ;-)11:48
halstrangely over the last couple of days I have been receiving errors from update manager that the signing keys are not valid11:49
haldoes anyone know why this happens, please?11:49
halthey were working before11:49
glubbdrubbthey might have expired, hal11:49
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Koiyukii got plenty of hardware to go around though. core i7 860, 8gb DDR3 180011:49
glubbdrubbyup, that enough fo rme11:50
Severianhal, I saw that one time.  I think they were updating the repository just as I checked.  I waited 5 minutes and all was well.11:50
s4njiumm hello11:50
Koiyukiok, i told ubuntu to reboot, and now i am getting more 120 sec timeouts11:50
richthegeekKoiyuki: yes, but if there is a zombie/daemon that is hogging it all, it doesn't matter how you got cos 100% is still too much11:50
xperiahello to all i have a nasyt problem. have a external usbdisk with a ext2 mounted. for some strange reason i get this error here "Stale NFS file handle" how can i fix it ? any solutions ?11:50
hmwKoiyuki: so the rest of ubuntu still works fine? Why are you thinking, _Ubuntu_ is slow?11:50
Koiyukiive been getting them all damn night, when trying to get ubuntu actually installed11:50
s4njiI want to ask something.... My Ubuntu 10.04 failed to install 2 times...11:50
FlynsarmyWhat's the package to install allt he multimedia codecs again?11:50
richthegeekKoiyuki: probably gonna have to hard reboot11:51
hmwFlynsarmy: ubuntu-restricted-extras11:51
Koiyukii just dont understand why i am getting so many damn timeouts11:51
glubbdrubbyes, that is the one I use11:51
halSeverian: but i have had the error for a couple of days now11:51
hmwKoiyuki: are you using wlan?11:51
* s4nji slaps Severian around a bit with a large trout11:51
Flynsarmyhmw, yea i've got that installed atm but still get 'failed to create stream: not supported' when running mp3s in totem11:51
halglubbdrubb: thank you.  how can I determine when they expire?11:51
Koiyukii tried installing ubuntu 9 x64 4 times. it took that many times for it to actually install and boot11:52
hmwKoiyuki: are you using wlan?11:52
Severianxperia, remount the nfs and that usually fixes it.11:52
Koiyukino wlan. eternet11:52
glubbdrubbhal, you will need to open them in a text editor or a gui app11:52
glubbdrubblook for a date11:52
xperiaSeverian: normally my partition is mounted automatic as ext211:52
hmwFlynsarmy: make sure, it isnt a broken mp3 file. Try the same file on another PC or try another mp3, you verified, is ok11:52
Koiyukiok, i hard reset, and i am logging back into ubuntu11:52
halglubbdrubb: do you know where they are stored, please?11:53
xperiai am wondering why it is mounted now as ntfs partition11:53
Flynsarmyhmw, works in VLC11:53
richthegeekKoiyuki: try installing a single package and see how it handles it11:53
Koiyukionce i am in, what would you suggest i do to try to find any problems, and fix them11:53
xperiabut okay will do that11:53
hmwFlynsarmy: i see. uhm...11:53
richthegeekKoiyuki: also check the *size* of your ~/.xsession-errors file11:53
Koiyukii am a total linux noob. if you want me to do this stuff, you gotta tell me how11:53
richthegeekKoiyuki: okay, firstly open a terminal11:54
Koiyukik, one moment11:54
Severianhal, it could be several things.  Someone could be doing a man in the middle attack on you.  Your key files are more likely corrupted.  I saw that on a failing drive once.11:54
Flynsarmyhmw, woudl it be that i'm forwarding my pulseaudio to a diff pc and THAT is what totem doesn't support?11:54
dfcnvtno rm joke for newbie.. alright guys?11:54
richthegeekKoiyuki: type "ls -al .xsession-errors", and tell me what the number between your username and the date is11:54
hmwFlynsarmy: That's over my head, but I wouldnt expect it to be a problem normally...11:54
hmwFlynsarmy: verify with a local copy of that file11:55
jribdfcnvt: don't worry, rm jokes get banned here11:55
coz_just a reminder.... if you want to talk with someone specifically... remember to type the first 2 or 3 letters of their name...hit the Tab key to complete the name then type your message....this will alert them you are talking with them :)11:55
Koiyuki1 koiyuki koiyuki 2945 2010-05-20 06:53 .xsession-errors11:55
richthegeekKoiyuki: ok, that's not an issue then...11:55
Severianhal, do you have another ubuntu system that works?  If so, oen up synaptic and look at the key signatures to see if they match.11:55
Koiyukii cant copy and paste cause im on ubuntu on my pc, on irc in windows on my netbook. so i have to type it all out by hand lol11:55
richthegeekKoiyuki: try installing a simple package (sudo apt-get vim) and see if it hangs again11:56
Koiyukidont i have to sudo apt-get install vim?11:56
coz_Koiyuki,  to copy and paste to or from irc to terminal   ...highlight somethings here then simply middle click where you want to paste it11:56
richthegeekcoz_ I think he menas he is talking on a different machine as he is executing the commands on11:57
Koiyukii know that coz. but i cant do that. as i said, ubuntu is running on my pc. i am on irc in windows on my netbook11:57
Koiyukitwo different computers11:57
richthegeekKoiyuki: yes, install "vim" and see if it works11:57
dfcnvtOr right click then copy.. n paste when moving here..11:57
coz_richthegeek,  ah that is different :)11:57
EmryHow do I find out my local IP address? :)11:57
Koiyukiits downloading vim11:57
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richthegeekEmry: you mean your internal network IP or the global IP of your router11:57
coz_Emry,    http://www.whatismyip.com/11:58
richthegeekKoiyuki: let me know if it works properly11:58
Koiyukiok, its installed11:58
glubbdrubbhe wants his private ip address11:58
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richthegeekKoiyuki: no issues with man-db or anything?11:58
Koiyukinope, went though it just fine11:58
SeverianEmry,  ifconfig11:58
justme`can anyone recommend an Ubuntu system that can rnu happily on 256megs of RAM?11:59
Emryrichthegeek, internal Network IP.  I want to be able to ssh from one comp to the other. ^_^11:59
Koiyukioh, how do i bring up the lil dialog to install restricted drivers?11:59
jribjustme`: maybe xubuntu?11:59
EmrySeverian, Thanks11:59
coz_Emry,   go to system/preferences/remote desktop11:59
Koiyukii clicked on it while i was trying that updated (that crashed) and now its disappeared.11:59
realubotbobo123: human-icon-theme11:59
jribKoiyuki: system → admin » hardware drivers11:59
Severianjustme`, I do regular Ubuntu on 256 meg ram, but I prefer Lubuntu.11:59
realubotbrontosaurusrexw: Där tror jag du har ikonerna. sudo aptitude install human-icon-theme11:59
glubbdrubbjustme: lubuntu11:59
realubotbrontosaurusrexw: Sorry, fel.11:59
justme`jrib: tried that although its still slightly heavy on it12:00
richthegeekbrontosaurusrexw: stick to the Norwegian? channels, perhaps?12:00
jribjustme`: use lighter apps, or just buy some ram (it isn't that expensive nowadays)12:00
DurfHey, I accidently closed ubuntu software update manager, how do i bring it up again?12:00
Koiyukiok, lets see if it will successfully download, and install the drivers for my ati cards12:00
justme`jrib: im completely skint :)12:00
richthegeekDurf: System->Admin->Update Manager12:00
glubbdrubbThe old RAM can be quite expensive12:00
Severianjrib, some of my computers can't take more than 256 meg of ram.12:01
Koiyukibe back in a moment12:01
jribjustme`: use fluxbox and lighter apps, should be okay12:01
Durfrichthegeek thank you :D12:01
jribSeverian: that's certainly true12:01
Severianglubbdrubb, pc133 memory is pretty cheap.  Do you need older ram than that?12:01
justme`i saw lubuntu on distrowatch, not sure what to make of it tbh12:01
richthegeekSeverian: I got asked in a store the other day when buying an old copy of "Freelancer" if I was sure my computer could run it - I laughed in the guys face at the time, but now it seems there actually *are* computers that rubbish that still run...12:01
glubbdrubbor even puppy linux12:02
justme`does lubuntu use GTK?12:02
glubbdrubbno, it uses lightbox12:02
Emrycoz_, Severian,  Thanks!12:02
justme`no GTK, this sounds promising :D12:03
richthegeekjustme, glubbdrubb, and others: do you know of any ultra-light Gnome-based distros then?12:03
Koiyukiok, back. its still downloading, since i am on slow dsl12:03
richthegeekjustme, glubbdrubb: as light as Gnome can be, ofcourse12:03
Severianjustme`, try it.  I first tried lxde on knoppix and it is a nice desktop.  I have not installed the official lubuntu cd yet, but I have installed ubuntu server and added the lubuntu-desktop.  It works fine for me, but you need to try it for yourself.12:03
bloopletechI'm having problems installing gnome-terminal on lucid: http://pastie.org/96917212:03
dosordie_Hi, can someone help me, I can't install any new programs. I get this msg: The installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software.12:03
richthegeekKoiyuki: it should have cached the packages, but anyway - let me know if it hangs again12:03
Severianjustme`, yes, lxde is based on gtk.  Is that good or bad?12:03
jendaSound problem apparently resolved. Now on to Flash.12:04
richthegeekbloopletech: wait, isn't gnome-terminal installed and available by default??12:04
Koiyukiyou want me to do what i did before? exactly how i did it? go to firefox, go to youtube, click installing missing plugin, and see if it requires the 22 packages?12:04
jribjenda: what was the issue?12:04
jendaCan anyone play this video? (It's Czech news, nothing interesting) http://video.idnes.cz/webtv.asp?c=A100512_202135_domaci_kop&idvideo=V100512_170220_tv-zpravy_sha&r=webtv&strana=112:04
justme`Severian: i "dislike" GTK and QT, i prefer Motif to them12:04
Koiyukione moment, gonna restart the computer so the new drivers are active12:04
richthegeekKoiyuki: no, try just installing the "flashplugin-installer" package12:04
bloopletechrichthegeek, yeah, I uninstalled it when I was on karmic in favour of xfce4-terminal because of broken ctrl+c behaviour in latest gnome terminal12:04
glubbdrubblight wait gname: light slabs of lead12:04
jendajrib: I have no idea, but it was a common bug fixed (mostly) by muting and unmuting in pulseaudio volume manager12:04
Koiyukivia apt-get?12:05
jribjenda: video wfm12:05
bloopletechHoping the version in lucid fixes that + I need infinite scrollback12:05
EmryIs there a program to view remote desktops without logging out and relogging? :)12:05
richthegeekjenda: yes I can - creepy guy talking at me and writing on a pad for no apparent reason!12:05
richthegeekEmry: rdesktop?12:05
Severianjustme`, I think you should try enlightenment.12:05
jendarichthegeek: yeah, meet our likely next president :)12:05
Emryrichthegeek, Thanks. ^_^  I will look into that.12:06
justme`Severian: too fancy for me :)12:06
richthegeekjenda: wow, crazy - I'm British so I already know the joys of new leaders...12:06
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bloopletech"E: Package gnome-terminal has no installation candidate" is a very odd error to have, no?12:06
Koiyukiwtf, ubuntu is starting up, and int he lower right hand corner, i see the ati logo, and it says "unsupported hardware"12:06
richthegeekEmry: it's a terminal based RDP viewer, but works great for me12:06
jendaThe video doesn't play for me, and I think I have all the flash plugins installed.12:06
SeverianEmry,  vncviewer and the built in vnc server which just has to be enabled are pretty good.12:06
jribjenda: you only need adobe's12:06
bloopletechKoiyuki, do you have a really recent ati card?12:06
DavidJHeinrichcan someone here please help me -- OpenOffice.org database isn't opening12:06
jenda(in other words, I installed just about every flash package out there)12:06
Koiyukiyes. 2x ati 577012:06
jendajrib: I have that one too.12:06
richthegeekjenda: probably a bad plan, they tend to conflict12:07
jribjenda: right, but if you install more, something else is probably getting used instead of adobe's12:07
bloopletechKoiyuki, try the latest catalyst drivers off of the ati site12:07
richthegeekjenda: are you on 32 or 64?12:07
bloopletechShould be catalyst 10.412:07
Severianjustme`, I still think it is funny when I see enlightenment described as a lightweight desktop.  I remember when it was the big one with all the bells and whistles.12:07
jendarichthegeek: 3212:07
Koiyukiwhat was the package name rich? flashplugin-installer?12:07
bloopletechIf after a reboot it still occurs, there's a binary patch you need to run to remove the unsupported hardware watermark12:07
richthegeekjenda: right, then remove every flash package you installed and install flashplugin-installer12:07
jendarichthegeek: ok, Ill remove them, except adobe's12:07
richthegeekKoiyuki: yes12:08
richthegeekjenda: do a complete remove and then reinstall flashplugin-installer just to make sure12:08
justme`Severian: if i had my choice id run CDE :)12:08
justme`well im off to eat, thanks for the help :)12:08
drdozerhi - how do I install java web start on lucid? I can't see it pacakged12:08
Koiyukiok, installed successfully12:08
Severianjustme`, that sends shivers up my spine.  CDE, ughh.12:08
jendarichthegeek: should I remove restricted-extras, too?12:08
richthegeekjustme: no problem... but in future, keeps a bag of cookies/crisps near your desk!12:08
richthegeekKoiyuki: try run a video on youtube or iPlayer12:09
richthegeekjenda: no12:09
Koiyukidoing that right now12:09
Koiyukiworking fine. sound too12:09
richthegeekKoiyuki: fracking A, any other issues?12:09
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Koiyukidunno yet. we will see. gonna download the driver from ati12:10
richthegeekKoiyuki: what card are you running?12:10
Koiyuki2x ati 577012:10
Severiany'all have fun.  good night.12:10
richthegeekKoiyuki: might be issues there, not 100% sure - a mate is running a 4870 fine but there might be specific card issues12:10
drdozerwebstart worked fine on karmic :(12:11
Koiyukii see catalyst 10.3 for 64bit linux12:11
drdozerit seems to be completely absent for me on lucid12:11
bloopletechKoiyuki, see also this thread for the watermark issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142276212:11
Koiyukino, it might be 10.412:11
bloopletechKoiyuki, they hide the link I'll try to find a direct one12:11
jendarichthegeek: no change :(12:11
Koiyukiit says "ati catalyst 10.3 proprietary linux x86 driver" but under revision number it says 10.412:11
jendarichthegeek: the video I linked to shows blank and gives a link to install adobe flashplugin12:11
richthegeekjenda: check Firefox's plugins list12:11
jpdsjenda: Install adobe-flashplugin from canonical partner?12:12
bloopletechKoiyuki, if the filename has 10-4 in it it's probably the right one12:12
Koiyukiok, since i am downloading this new ati driver, i assume i will have to uninstall the current ati driver?12:12
bloopletechNot sure if they updated the supported hardware list in 10.4, but probably better to upgrade anyway12:12
bloopletechhmm I think so12:12
Koiyukihow would i do that?12:13
bloopletechI think12:13
bloopletechHow did you install 10.3?12:13
richthegeekbloopletech: yes, they definitely did - my mates 4870 caused major breakage in 9.10!12:13
drdozeris web start not supported at all on lucid?12:13
bloopletechFrom apt-get or the ati.com site?12:13
zetheroo is it possible to upload something to my Ubuntu One cloud and send someone a link to that file to share it with them?12:13
Koiyukii dont know what driver it is right now. i went to system -> admin -> hardware drivers. it listed an ati driver. i clicked activate. it downloaded it and installed, and then i rebooted12:14
bloopletechah that's through apt-get ; one sec12:14
richthegeekKoiyuki: assuming you chose the "current" or highest-numbered one, it should be as good as it gets12:14
jendarichthegeek: adobe doesn't show in there. Do I haveto run the installer somehow?12:14
GrimdinQuestion: can you upgrade desktop ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 lts same as server version, eg. ssh and sudo do-release-upgrade?12:14
richthegeekjenda: no - try doing a removal of flashplugin-installer, and then install it12:15
richthegeekjenda: kill firefox whilst doing this12:15
jendarichthegeek: it wasn't installed before, and I just installed it.12:15
Koiyukii went to system-admin-hardware drivers, and it says ati/amd proprietary fglrx graphics driver, and there is a Remove button at the bottom. remove it?12:15
richthegeekjenda: right - it should be working then... I assume oyu have rebooted firefox?12:15
Sir_Fredhi :) is there any method to sort shortcuts on panels by my own? (now ubuntu sorts it automaticly)12:15
jribGrimdin: yes, but I'd probably start the upgrade in screen in case my ssh connection gets dropped12:15
bloopletechKoiyuki, ah yeah that would prbly fix it :)12:15
jendarichthegeek: yep12:16
TurekPolskiHi everybody. Does anybody know if there's a way to change the default scrobbling server adress for RB LastFM plugin? I can't scrobble a thing since I returned to 8.04 and the "Check server status" button brings the #404 error12:16
bloopletechKoiyuki, reboot after that, and Ubuntu should crap its pants - select 'run in low graphics mode just for this session', then install the 10.4 drivers and reboot12:16
jendarichthegeek :rying again, in a bit....12:16
bloopletechI did this a couple of weeks ago for my mobility radeon hd12:16
Koiyukiok, the driver package is still downloading12:16
Koiyukionce its downloaded,w here should i move the driver package to?12:17
richthegeekKoiyuki: you need to install it using the instructions in the readme - should be a case of just "./configure && make && make install"12:17
bloopletechKoiyuki, after you've rebooted, open a terminal, then cd into the directory and just run the binary directly12:18
richthegeekKoiyuki: unless of course ATI are nice and you are downloading a .deb12:18
jendarichthegeek: I have shockwave flash 9 in the plugin list, but that's not the right one, is it?12:18
bloopletechit's not distributed as source code, it's an executable file12:18
richthegeekjenda: no it is not12:18
MrokiiHello. Is there a way to make Ubuntu recognize the connected keyboard once there is a keyboard-model set?12:18
richthegeekjenda: are you sure flashplugin-installer is installed?12:18
Koiyukiit looks to be a .run file12:18
bloopleteche.g. cd ~/Downloads; ./ati*.run12:18
rocket16I don't know what is the matter with Pidgin and Nautilus, but sometimes they take up more than 140 MB Memory. Most of the time they don't, but when they do, what is the way to reduce their memory consumption?12:19
jendarichthegeek: yes, it is.12:19
richthegeekKoiyuki: as bloopletech says - might need to mark as exectuable in the permissions12:19
bloopletechrichthegeek, ++12:19
richthegeekjenda: ok just checking! Flash is such a PITA to install :(12:19
Koiyukiremember guys, i know nothing about linux ;)12:19
jendarichthegeek: indeed :(12:19
Koiyukifirst it needs to download first though12:19
richthegeekKoiyuki: ok, type "chmod +x ati*run"12:19
jendarichthegeek: how about installing adobe-flashplugin instead?12:20
* jpds points at the adobe-flashplugin package.12:20
Koiyukibout 1 minute remaining according to firefox12:20
richthegeekKoiyuki: in the right folder, of course12:20
richthegeekjenda: give it a go12:20
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:20
richthegeekwild_bat: awesome12:21
Koiyukiok, it is downloaded. lemme try that12:21
jendarichthegeek: still not in there. Perhaps I have two different copies of Firefox installed?12:21
Koiyukiok, i did that. the file is now green when i ls-la12:21
wild_batrichthegeek, ?12:21
jendarichthegeek: this is a rather old install and there might be things hidden in it I have no clue about ;)12:21
Koiyukiok, gimme a moment to restart the system12:21
bloopletechKoiyuki, wat12:21
bloopletechYOu've removed the existing driver right?12:22
Koiyukihence the reboot12:22
bloopletechRemember that ubuntu might chuck a spazz on reboot - selec use low graphics mode12:22
EmryIs there a program for ubuntu similar to xrebind? ^-^12:22
bloopletechon the list of options it prsesents12:22
bloopletechif it works fine, ignore that bit of advice12:22
Koiyukiso far, so good.12:22
Koiyukino spazzing yet12:23
bloopletechIn the meantime, I still can't install gnome-terminal12:23
bloopletechI've run sudo apt-get update and it still won't install12:23
Koiyukiok, i have a terminal up, i am in my Downloads directory with the file id ownloaded. now what?12:23
richthegeekbloopletech: any chance you could just reinstall the system?12:23
richthegeekKoiyuki: type "./ati" then press tab12:24
richthegeekKoiyuki: the right filename should pop in, so hit enter12:24
Koiyukihad to do it with sudo12:24
bloopletechrichthegeek, what you mean my whole OS install????12:24
bloopletechah yeah12:24
bloopletechyou do need to do that12:24
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richthegeekbloopletech: just an idea...probably just cos of the way I have mine all setup that its not a big deal for me12:25
bloopletechrichthegeek, nah I'll work it out some other way12:25
Koiyukiok, it says it installed. reboot again?12:25
bloopletechKoiyuki, yeah12:25
SensivaHello I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid, and neither Ambiance nor Dust themes are usable, and selecting themes in gnome-appearance makes X to look up. Any ideas how to fix that?12:25
jendarichthegeek: no, nevermind, I do not have two firefoxes installed.12:26
jenda(I used 'whereis firefox', and there's only one)12:26
Koiyukiok, no ati logo with "unsupoorted hardware" so far12:26
Koiyukiok, so far, ubuntu seems to be much more snappy12:27
Koiyukibooting up a lot faster12:27
richthegeeksorry guys I gotta do some work, might be back later but i gotta concentrate for a ltitle while12:27
jendarichthegeek: ok, thanks :)12:27
bloopletechKoiyuki, try opening a terminal and running 'fglrxinfo'12:28
Koiyukibefore you go rich, what is the name of the package that has all the extra codecs and stuff for multimedia that doesnt come with stock ubuntu?12:28
ronnyagain: network-manager in lucid refuses to let me enable the wireless (its greyed out) - why?!12:28
bloopletechSee if it says a bunch of stuff about ATI12:28
bloopletechKoiyuki, ubuntu-restricted-extras12:28
Koiyukiopengl vendor ati tech12:28
Koiyukiopengl render string ati radeon hd 5700 series12:29
Koiyukiopen gl version string 3.2.9756 compatibility profile context12:29
bloopletechKoiyuki, looks like it's working12:29
sgo11hi, yahoo has Yahoo BOSS API. does google have similar API framework?12:29
hp7500hi guys....12:30
hp7500The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match12:30
hp7500your running kernel (version 2.6.32-22-generic).  Even if the module were to12:30
hp7500compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.12:30
hp7500What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:30
hp7500kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]12:30
FloodBot2hp7500: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
hp7500im getting this error12:30
hp7500can some tell me how what should i do ?12:31
Koiyukii should prolly also get xchat on my ubuntu machine, that way i can talk on there instead of my netbook12:31
Koiyukione step at a time though12:31
Koiyukihey bloop, you  know if compiz fusion runs well with ati cards?12:31
Lefantomedurezohello: /quat and /quit are on a ship: /quat fall in the see: who is staying?12:31
bloopletechKoiyuki, you can easily use the Ubuntu Software Centre to install software in the GUI12:31
bloopletechKoiyuki, I'm using it right now12:31
DJonesLefantomedurezo: Please don't do that12:31
hp7500some can help me for installing vmware?12:32
Koiyukii tried it out in the past, using nvidia cards. didnt know if it would work well with ati cards12:32
bloopletechthe only issue I've had is with some tearing on fast moving videos12:32
bloopletechbut that's the same on windows12:32
Koiyukidoes compiz already come with ubuntu 9?12:32
bloopletechKoiyuki, what version of ubuntu do you have?12:32
Koiyuki9.04 x64?12:32
matakshelp.. how to install a program in linux manually?12:33
hp7500The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.32-22-generic).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]12:33
bloopletechKoiyuki, ah, for future reference you have 9.04 jaunty jackalope12:33
hp7500please help me12:33
justme`mataks: ./configure make and make install are what you use, but you need development tools installed in ubuntu to do it12:33
jendaAnyone know how to uninstall shockwave flash plugin from firefox?12:33
bloopletechYeah I reckon it supports compiz, just go to GNOME Appearances app and select full acceleration in the 'Visual Effects' menu12:34
mataksjustme`,  what you mean developement tools? sorry newbie here. can i download it using apt-get?12:34
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Koiyukiwhere is that located?12:35
justme`mataks: yes you can, sudo aptitude install build-essential12:35
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bloopletechKoiyuki, System > Settings menu I think12:35
mataksjustme`,  ok im downloading it now. after this i'll just use the command u gave me then it will install?12:36
Koiyukiclosest thing i see in settings is Display12:36
Marine__has anyone come across any GUI tools for iscsi12:36
justme`mataks: usually yes, however you are advised to read the README and INSTALL files first if they exist12:36
bloopletechKoiyuki, ok, it might be something different in jaunty - there's no 'Appearance' menu item?12:36
Koiyukii think i found it12:36
hp7500JUSTME can u hel me please?12:37
Koiyukisystem - settings - appearance12:37
justme`hp7500: i dont use vmware, sorry, ive only used virtualbox12:37
Koiyukithen the visual effects tab has none, normal, and extra12:37
bloopletechhp7500, Please exercise patience with your issues12:37
ActionParsnipMarine__: do you mean connect to or setup?12:37
rocket16Friends, I use Exaile and Pidgin, and wish, the status of mine would automatically present the name of the of the song. It works nicely with Rhythmbox and Pidgin, but I prefer Exaile. There is a plugin for that, namely Current Song. But it does not work, :( What to do?12:37
bloopletechKoiyuki, normal or extra is what you want12:37
Koiyukii selected extra, but nothing changed12:37
Marine__sorry. i am looking for client side GUI12:37
ActionParsniprocket16: submit it on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:38
bloopletechKoiyuki, did you click apply or ok or whatever?12:38
justme`hp7500: if you cannot find anyone to help may i suggest reading the vmware documentation and searching google to help?12:38
hp7500bloopletech: im really doing it but im very new12:38
rocket16Koiyuki: Try dragging the Window with mouse, and see. It will wooble around, isn't it?12:38
bloopletechKoiyuki, hmm might take a few seconds, but ... not sure12:38
hp7500thats what im trying12:38
Sir_Fredfolks, is there any method to sort shortcuts on panels by my own? (now ubuntu sorts it automaticly)12:38
hp7500i just got stuck one place12:38
Koiyukioh, yeah, it does12:38
hp7500i don't know what to do :(12:38
justme`hp7500: what place are you stuck in?12:38
ActionParsnipMarine__: i found this which ivs a good example file: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-setup-debian-ubuntu-linux-iscsi-initiator/   it's not gui though. TBH all the gui will be is a way to enter the text into a box to populate the file so editting the file isn't so bad as far as I can see12:39
rocket16ActionParsnip: Lol, but won't that take a long time? I already did some ideas, and although most voted for me, but it is slow, :D Still thanks.12:39
Koiyukiwont i need to download a compiz fusion config utility as well?12:39
hp7500The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.32-22-generic).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]12:39
hp7500it was the question12:39
bloopletechhp7500, that may be, but we all have issues, and shouting for help will probably not actually get it any faster; just a note for the future12:39
rocket16Koiyuki: Then the Extras has been activated, :)12:39
Marine__thanks i may be able to make it useful12:40
Koiyukiyes, but dont i need to download a compiz config program, to set up compiz to my liking?12:40
justme`hp7500: ok just give me one second and i should have something to help you with that12:40
K|nGHi, I had delteted all files in /etc/network can some one tell me how to recreate it or rebuild it ?12:40
bloopletechKoiyuki, go to System > Settings > CompizConfig12:40
rocket16Koiyuki: Yes, you can use Compiz fusion for that, namely ccsm. Those will provide additional effects, like transparency and water-shed.12:40
hp7500i have this "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic/include "12:40
hp7500when im giving this im getting this error12:41
bloopletechIf it's there, if not, google for compiz config and see what you can install12:41
Koiyukii dont see a compizconfig12:41
justme`hp7500: bring up a shell/terminal and enter sudo aptitude install linux-source-`uname -r` this should install the files you need for vmware12:41
halthanks for your help earlier glubbdrubb12:41
rocket16Koiyuki: First, install Advanced Compiz using the command "sudo apt-get install ccsm" (without quotes) in terminal.12:41
K|nGHi, I had delteted all files in /etc/network can some one tell me how to recreate it or rebuild it ? I use Ubuntu 10.0412:41
Koiyukicouldnt find package ccsm12:41
hp7500The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.32-22-generic).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel12:42
bloopletechKoiyuki, try installing package compizconfig-settings-manager12:42
justme`hp7500: did you try my suggestion?12:42
blue_annaanyone know how to find the constant rate of change that best approximates some data points? -- I know its kinda off topic :)12:42
Koiyukiok, downloading12:42
hp7500going to do now12:42
bloopletechthen see if there is a compiz config item in the settings menu12:42
Koiyukiaight, there it is now12:42
jribblue_anna: #math maybe...12:42
mataksjustme`,  i have error while doing ./configure.. i get error can't find zlib... what am i missing?12:43
bloopletechKoiyuki, it has plenty of options for you to configure12:43
schlaftierblue_anna: I think that's called "Linear regression"12:43
Koiyukiyeah, i played around with it long ago12:43
rocket16bloopletech: Thanks friend, for the correct command there, :) I too, noted it down. I tried to use Synaptic, but it is already downloading some extras12:43
blue_annaschlaftier: thank you12:43
bloopletechrocket16, no problem12:44
hp7500Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-source-2.6.32-22-generic"12:44
hp7500Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-source-2.6.32-22-generic"12:44
schlaftierblue_anna: it's a common task in statistics and easy to do in statistics packages like R, and probably also spreadsheets12:44
hp7500justme u there ?12:45
piasdomg'mornin all12:45
Koiyukiaight, installing xchat for ubuntu12:45
K|nGHi, I had delteted all files in /etc/network can some one tell me how to recreate it or rebuild it ? I use Ubuntu 10.0412:45
justme`hp7500: try sudo aptitude install linux-source12:45
rocket16plasdom: Good  morning, :) (Although he is afternoon)12:45
piasdomhow do i enable a wireless mouse thru a KVM switch ?12:46
Koiyukiok, brb on ubuntu12:46
rocket16plasdom: Oops, sorry. I meant "here is afternoon" (Sorry for being offtopic)12:46
piasdomrocket16; g'day to you :)12:46
K|nGHi, I had delteted all files in /etc/network can some one tell me how to recreate it or rebuild it ? I use Ubuntu 10.04, Anyone can respond to me12:46
rocket16plasdom: Sure, thanks. Same to you, :D12:46
hp7500how can i install sudo ?12:46
piasdomK|ng; they did12:47
rocket16hp7500: What? sudo is a command in Linux, how can you install it?12:47
justme`mataks: which application are you trying to install from source?12:47
bloopletechK|nG, please don't repeat you're question so quickly12:47
Koiyukiaight, back, on ubuntu12:47
jribhp7500: sudo is installed by default.  What are you trying to accomplish?12:47
K|nGbloopletech: Okok but i mean your not see it12:47
justme`hp7500: sudo is preinstalled and used by default on Ubuntu, its used to gain root presmissions so you can install files, applications and edit items12:47
K|nGpiasdom:  no one respond to me :A do you have any idea about that i answer12:47
mataksjustme`,  im trying to install old version of mame..12:47
justme`its sudo aptitude install linux-source12:48
hp7500its installing12:48
Koiyukiok, asking an opinionated question. in windows, i typically use winamp for music, and vlc, or media player classic for video. whats the best for linux?12:48
justme`mataks: ok let me have a butchers at the docs and i'll get back to you in a sec12:48
rocket16hp7500: It might be that, your accound does not have the rights to administer to System. Also, to install anything with sudo, type "sudo apt-get install packagename"12:48
blue_annaK|nG: it's got your interface definitions - you'll have to rebuild those if you had anything in there .. and your if-up/down scripts. not sure what packages provide those... still looking12:48
glubbdrubbin the terminal, what is the command to find the size of a directory?12:48
arand!best | Koiyuki12:48
ubottuKoiyuki: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:48
fhfthis chanel isss ...bbig12:48
DosseHi, I have a .diff.gz file and a orig.tar.gz source file, how can i merge them to one source?12:49
Koiyukithats why i said it was an opinionated question12:49
jendaCan anyone view this video on Ubuntu? http://www.theonion.com/video/new-google-phone-service-whispers-targeted-ads-dir,17470/12:49
bloopletechKoiyuki, totem is ok, but I usually use GNOME Mplayer12:49
K|nGblue_anna: I had done rm -rf * at /etc/network12:49
jenda(It's satyre, not news, BTW :))12:49
ravenasus eeepc 1005ha no eth0 - need help please12:49
blue_annaK|nG: that's not good :)12:49
Koiyukivlc has a linux branch, right?12:49
K-19Koiyuki : As you are familiar with VLC ? try that.12:49
K|nGblue_anna:  and now exist just the interfaces non of many files  and i need to rebuild it :S i know it is to bad :SSSSSSS12:49
bloopletechKoiyuki, possibly, vlc and mplayer share a lot of code12:50
justme`mataks: which version?12:50
DrunkYRandom: how do I check if my graphic card is working fine? I'm watching big flash video and the framerate is too low.. Is there a way to see if everything is installed properly?12:50
glubbdrubbin the terminal, what is the command to find the size of a directory?12:50
Koiyukidownloading vlc. be back in a moment12:50
histoglubbdrubb: du12:50
hp7500justme: sudo aptitude install linux-source  after this ist downloading some thing what is that ?12:51
justme`hp7500: its the source code to the linux kernel12:51
justme`you should find it under /usr/src/linux12:51
mataksjustme`,  gxmame0.34b12:52
glubbdrubbhisto: do you know which options I should use?12:52
ActionParsnipbloopletech: mplayer is the daddy. I recently found deadbeef to be a decent player too :)12:52
histohp7500: you just need to install the headers for your kernel. You don't need the hole source12:52
histoglubbdrubb: what do you want to do?12:52
bloopletechActionParsnip, cool12:52
hp7500so shell i stop ?12:52
glubbdrubbfind the size of one directory12:52
hp7500or what should i do ?12:53
glubbdrubball of it contents added up12:53
histoglubbdrubb: du -h  will print it in a readable format.12:53
histoglubbdrubb: I should say a human readable format12:53
ravenasus eeepc 1005ha no eth0 - need help please12:53
bloopletechglubbdrubb, cd into the directory, then run du -ch12:53
ActionParsnipglubbdrubb: du -h /path/to/folder | tail -n 112:53
historaven: what chipset is the card?12:53
justme`mataks: they have a gxmame deb file you can try to install, if you still want to compile from source you may need to install zlib1g-dev12:53
hp7500justme: its done downloading what should i do ?12:53
blue_annaK|n -- damn he's gone12:53
blue_annaI found his package.. it's ifupdown12:53
justme`hp7500: rerun your vmware commands12:53
Koiyukiyay, playing without a hitch.12:54
ravenhisto, i do not know, its physical not activated so lspci no answer12:54
hp7500ok let me do that12:54
historaven: does it have a switch or a bios setting to turn it on?12:54
Koiyukii like vlc, cause its very good with subtitles.12:54
piasdomhow do i enable a wireless mouse thru a KVM switch(hardy) ?(repeat)12:54
ravenhisto, it is turned on in bios12:54
ActionParsnipis VLC still compiled in the ubuntu repos for single core usage only? It used to be12:54
ravenhisto something like that: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=1566512:54
premHi.. I am new to ubuntu and I have vmplayer bin file installed and i want to know can we remove it12:54
historaven: does it have a switch or function key to turn it on?12:54
rocket16Any way to integrate Exaile's current song with Pidgin status?12:54
premany suggestions please...12:55
andromQ: is there an app that could help me manage/connect to SSH sites similar to what filezilla does for FTP sites?12:55
ravenhisto, but powerless-reset does not work too12:55
glubbdrubbthe file has a lot of subdirectories, so it takes a long time12:55
histoandrom: what do you mean sftp?12:55
Dr_Willisandrom:  theres several ssh front end tools in the repos.12:55
Koiyukiok bloop, problem12:55
ActionParsnipprem: rm is the command to delete files, if it is not owned by your user you will need sudo, be sure you don't need the file12:55
glubbdrubband by file I mean folder12:55
andromwell,  i want a terminal12:55
andromi dont think i mean ssh12:55
andromsftp *12:55
histoandrom: places > connect to server12:55
trijntjeHi all, I want to assing mousebutton 13 and 15 to rotate cube in compiz but ccsm just resets the field to 'no binding'. Can someone help?12:55
K-19hp7500 : VMware which version ?12:56
Dr_Willisandrom:  the gnome file manager can bookmark  those once you connect via the places -> connect feature12:56
histoandrom: you'll have to search for an sftp app. but you can use sftp at a terminal.12:56
Koiyukiim in ati catalyst control center. it shows my main card. ati radeon hd 5700 series hooked to my sceptre naga 24" lcd12:56
andromoooh ok, coool12:56
andromi'll just use g nomes12:56
andromthanks for the help12:56
FloodBot2androm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
ActionParsnipandrom: http://embraceubuntu.com/2007/08/17/ssh-menu-save-and-open-ssh-connections-from-the-panel/12:56
Koiyukibut my second card says [Unknown Display] Unknown adaptre12:56
ravenhisto, ?12:57
historaven: did you try the power cycle thign?12:57
Koiyukithe second card is another ati 5770, and i have it connected to my 40" rca 1080p lcd hdtv12:57
premActionParsnip: thank you .. if i am trying to install it again and i am getting an error "the system is upto date" nothing to modified12:57
ActionParsnipandrom: http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/12:57
ravenhisto, what do you mean?12:57
historaven: removing the battery like the people in the post said worked for them?12:57
ActionParsnipandrom: I dont use these myself, i just websearched these just like you could have.....12:58
ravenhisto, not for me12:58
piasdomthanks anyway,g'day all12:58
historaven: some of those cards have software firmware and get in hung states when loading linux.12:58
mataksjustme`,  can you give me the links of the .deb file.. :)12:58
premActionParsnip: so, how can i do a clean uninstall and reinstall it back12:58
historaven: I would try searching hte ubuntu forums also.12:58
ravenhisto, but how to solve that kind of problem?Ü12:59
ActionParsnipprem: install what back? I thought you just wanted rid of a single file12:59
K-19hp7500 : What are You trying to install in it ?12:59
bloopletechlater all12:59
premyeah i want to comepletely uninstall and reinstall it back as i have some error in opening12:59
hp7500i want to install windows on it12:59
ActionParsnipprem: ok what are you wanting to reinstall?12:59
Koiyukii have ubuntu installed via wubi, is it possible to see my windows partition on the hard drive? all my music is on the windows partition13:00
premvmplayer and i have the package downloaded and i want to reinstall it13:00
ActionParsnipprem: please use my nick at the start of text addressed to me, you can tab complete my nick13:00
historaven: I don't know I don't have the same hardware to troubleshoot. Thats why I was suggesting searching ot he forums perhaps someone has a solution. mayb e afirmware / bios update13:00
ActionParsnip!vmware | prem13:00
ubottuprem: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:00
tempI noticed that non free software was not detected as needed for my nvidia card on my 10.04 install... What has changed?13:00
st__Koiyuki, it's in /host13:00
ravenhisto, bios update was done13:00
K-19hp7500 : Why don't you try Sun Virtual Box (Ubuntu 10.4 )13:00
ActionParsnipprem: you can also ask in #vmware13:00
hp7500can u give me hint13:01
hp7500so i can start?13:01
hp7500im really new in linux world13:01
hp7500i wanna shit on linux ... please help me guys13:01
K-19hp7500 : This is not the proper way!13:02
Koiyukislow loading compared to winamp. then again, winamp doesnt check the info of every file when you add a folder to the playlist. this is.13:02
hp7500ok tell me what should i do ?13:02
ActionParsniphp7500: you setup a virtualbox and give your CD as the install media, you can then install to the virtual HDD you configure13:02
tempHp7500, I'm assuming u just Sufo apt-get virtualboc13:02
st__hp7500, less flooding please13:02
ActionParsniphp7500: there are THOUSANDS of guides and youtube videos on how to do this, why not use one of those13:02
historavic: ubuntuforums.org may be a good plac eto search13:02
histohp7500: what are you trying to do?13:02
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
petersonhello, my name is Peterson. I've installed Kubuntu (but it's not a KDE thing, so that's ok to ask here)  in dual-boot and now I'm not able to boot into windows XP anymore. I've used linux exclusevely for years, the thing is that the problem is not in my computer, rather in my school's one. I'm installing ubuntu so we can use it on digital boards, but because of other educational software we gotta have windows as well.13:05
VirusTBmac usrs in here? ineed help with macports and pidgin13:05
petersonit says disk read error.13:05
K-19hp7500 : As you are familiar with VMware | RND with Sun Virtual Box (one and the same)!13:05
histopeterson: so dual boot13:05
VirusTBK-19: hp7500  virtual Box is better :P and free13:05
histo!grub | peterson13:06
ubottupeterson: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:06
histo!dualboot > peterson13:06
ubottupeterson, please see my private message13:06
rocket16I think there might be a solution. Is there one such plugin for Pidgin?13:06
histo!grub2 > peterson13:06
Koiyukianyone know if rhythmbox takes plugins?13:06
VirusTBKoiyuki:  yes it does13:06
st__peterson, what had happened before winxp loader broke?13:06
VirusTBKoiyuki:  what plugin do u want?13:06
Koiyukiwould you happen to know if they have a plugin for logitech g15 keyboards?13:07
petersonst__, nothing13:07
ActionParsniphp7500: install virtualbox from the repos and setup the box under the menus13:07
petersonit worked, and then13:07
petersonI installed Kubuntu using the default option, which is side by side13:07
petersonand then it doesn't load anymore since.13:07
peterson(checking out the links)13:08
st__peterson, installing Linux isn't 'nothing'13:08
khafizguys, isit possible to install UNR on my laptop. amd64?13:09
ActionParsnip!shortcuts | Koiyuki13:09
ubottuKoiyuki: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:09
petersonst__, sorry13:09
Koiyukii searched in synaptic for g15. nothing for rythmbox, but i saw a g15 plugin for audacious, so i am downloading that13:09
st__ActionParsnip, I believe (s)he wants the display to show current song & stuff13:09
petersonst__ I meant that.. well, everything worked13:10
ActionParsnipst__: i see13:10
khafizguys, isit possible to install UNR on normal laptop?13:10
histokhafiz: yes13:10
st__peterson, what is your partition configuration?13:10
histokhafiz: you can install it on your current install if you want13:10
khafizhisto: how about installing itunes on ubuntu?13:10
histokhafiz: don't think it works. but you'dhave to use wine13:11
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:11
histokhafiz: is there a reason you would want itunes?13:11
=== bleomycin is now known as diabolic
schlaftierVirusTB: on Mac OS X? If so, that's kind of off-topic here. Also, on OS X, you want Adium, not Pidgin13:11
petersonst__ just a sec..13:11
khafizhisto: how am i going to sync my songs over my ipod?13:12
petersonst__ there's kind of 1 MiB unallocated at the beginning of the disk13:12
petersondon't know exactly why, though..13:12
phlak_userkhafiz: gtkpod13:12
histokhafiz: rhythmbox does that13:12
petersonst__ then comes /dev/sda1, with windows13:12
ActionParsnipkhafiz: sure, i use UNR on my laptop here, works fine13:12
histophlak_user: rhythmbox has native support now in 10.0413:12
petersonst__ which takes 93 GiB13:12
petersonst__ then /ð€?v13:12
histoActionParsnip: whats the meta package so I know for future references13:12
phlak_userhisto: tx; dont use ipods anyway13:12
petersonst__ sorry - then /dev/sda5 with ubuntu, /dev/sda6 with swap13:13
histokhafiz: plug in you ipod and it will start working.  Open rhythmbox13:13
VirusTBschlaftier: i got adium, but i got issues with it :S13:13
khafizActionParsnip: how am i going to dualboot unr with my vista pre installed?13:13
khafizhisto: thx13:13
petersonst__ inside an extended partition which takes up 139 GiB13:13
VirusTBschlaftier: with my MSN..13:13
ActionParsniphisto: ubuntu-netbook-remix13:13
=== diabolic is now known as 18VAAWR32
ActionParsnip!dualboot | khafiz13:14
ubottukhafiz: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:14
histoActionParsnip: lol easy enough13:14
Koiyukiwelcome back everyone!13:14
=== homer is now known as Guest62158
khafizwhich is better perfomances, UNR or Ubuntu13:15
VirusTBKoiyuki: where did we all go13:15
histokhafiz: if you really need itunes i've heard of people running windows virtual machine to get it.13:15
ActionParsnipkhafiz: ubuntu desktop has a lower minimum system requirement, but UNR is optomised to give maximum screen realestate13:16
ActionParsnipkhafiz: some versions of itunes run with some versions of wine13:16
khafizActionParsnip: thx for the info13:16
iceroot!ipod | khafiz13:16
ubottukhafiz: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:16
histokhafiz: if you want light weight you'd have to look at xubuntu or something like that.13:16
histoThose bot triggers need to be updated now.13:17
lasseanyone got some time to help a newbie?13:17
=== jerryluc_ is now known as jerryluc
ActionParsnipkhafiz: unfortunately you have a media player form one of the most shortsighted closed minded companys13:17
histo10.04 just works with my 3g ipod touch13:17
Picihisto: feel free to make factoid suggestions.13:17
histoPici: no the wiki entries sry13:17
Koiyukieither it takes forever for audacious to add 8k mp3s, or its crashed or hung13:17
khafizhisto: thats great13:17
Swiananyone had issues with the Nvidia drivers crapping out in Lucid?13:17
khafizActionParsnip: im quite new in ubuntu. can u guide me on installing ubuntu once i dowloaded .13:18
st__peterson, so what exactly happens when you're choosing 'Vista loader' in Grub menu?13:18
petersonst__ it says read disk error, ctrl+alt+del to restart13:18
histoSwian: not me13:18
petersonst__ and then it reboots13:18
histopeterson: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:19
ActionParsnipkhafiz: MD5 test the ISO, burn to CD as SLOWLY as possible and boot to the cd13:19
K-19Swian : Depends what are you trying to do..?13:19
ActionParsnip!install | khafiz13:19
ubottukhafiz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:19
lasseCan someone help me out here, I'm trying to access a directory in terminal by writing cd /home/username/downloads, but i get an error message saying "no such file or directory", although I'm 100% sure it is13:20
Koiyukihow do i check and see if audacious is just taking a long time to add 8k mp3s, or if its crashed13:20
petersonhisto Kubuntu 10.04 installed through a pen drive13:20
ActionParsnipKoiyuki: run: top13:20
histopeterson: can you pastebin yoru /etc/default/grub.cfg file ?13:20
SwianK-19 had the driver fail and bring the whole system down last time I installed it13:20
Swianwant to avoid it again13:20
petersonhisto yes, just a sec..13:20
Koiyukicpu% 10013:21
SwianK-19 so I haven't installed it again yet, want to find out if its a known issue13:21
Koiyukiso i assume its still working, just taking forever to add that many files13:21
ActionParsnipKoiyuki: i used to have that sort of data too, then I got spotify :)13:21
K-19Swian : Please specify you Hardware!13:21
ronny_can anyone help me to figure why lucid refuses to enable wlan, wired in the previous ltsts?13:21
petersonhisto pastebin.com/MJV4PpG413:21
ActionParsnipronny_: run: sudo lshw -C network   websearch for the product line13:22
phlak_userlasse: you might have the case wrong. just press tab after you type cd /home/username/  you should get a list of file/dir names13:22
Koiyukiif it had crashed, its cpu% would be 0, right?13:22
ronny_ActionParsnip: its a intel iwl 3924 abg, and it worked fine till i did the distupgrade13:22
ActionParsnipKoiyuki: or stupendously high13:22
ronny_eh eh 394513:22
SwianK-19 intel core 2 2.2ghz, 2gb ram, Onboard video Nvidia on board chip13:22
Koiyukias i said, its says cpu% 10013:22
SwianK-19 think its a geforce 7 series13:22
Koiyukiso theres no telling if its crashed, or just taking forever to add 8k mp3s13:22
ActionParsnipKoiyuki: i'd give it 30 mins or so, if its still bad it's most likely fallen over13:23
jrib!who | Koiyuki13:23
ubottuKoiyuki: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:23
ronny_ActionParsnip: and its listed as disabled in lshw, nothing tells me why tho13:23
K-19Swian : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport13:23
SwianK-19 I'll check it out13:24
ronny_ActionParsnip: dmesg is inconclusive as well13:24
[crt]Koiyuki: you should start your program from the shell prompt to get debugging information, or pass a debugging parameter to the program .. issue a kill -1 <pid> to reinitiate the process13:24
histopeterson: looks okay to me. as long as windows is on the first partition on your primary master13:24
phlak_userronny_: you could enable wireless by right-clicking on networkmanager applet13:24
KoiyukiActionParsnip, its possible its crashed. cpu% is rock solid at 100, and mem% isnt moving either. its constant 0.4%13:24
ronny_phlak_user: greyed out for no apparent reason ...13:24
lassephlak_user,  you're correct. Thank you!13:24
phlak_userlasse: yw13:24
ActionParsnipKoiyuki: your call dude, i'd kill it after 20 mins13:24
ronny_enable network is working, enable wireless is disabled13:24
phlak_userronny_: is the module loaded?13:25
KoiyukiActionParsnip, ill do that. its sitting at almost 13 mins already. ill just wait it out13:25
ronny_phlak_user: sure13:25
ActionParsnipronny_: then you need to reinstall or rmmod / modprobe the driver13:25
petersonhisto yes, it is..13:25
ronny_ActionParsnip: i did that13:25
phlak_userronny_: does lsmod show you that?13:25
histopeterson: let me check something13:25
ronny_phlak_user: yes13:25
petersonhisto ok13:25
phlak_userronny_: you could do a modprobe -vr module_name and then a modprobe -v module_name and monitor dmesg at the same time13:25
phlak_userronny_: you might see why it is disabled13:26
SwianK-19 do you know a tool to get the hardware info?13:26
SwianI know there is an app13:26
K-19Swian : dmesg13:27
histopeterson: did you resize the vista drive?13:27
phlak_userSwian: System->Administration->System Testing13:27
ActionParsnipSwian: hwinfo13:27
ronny_phlak_user: nop, nothing13:27
phlak_userronny_: you mean it didnt load?13:28
ActionParsnipSwian: or for more info: sudo lshw | less13:28
[crt]Swian: dmidecode can list useful information about your hardware too13:28
petersonhisto I did, but it's not Vista, it's XP13:28
Swianthanks all13:28
ronny_phlak_user: nothing telling how/why it is disabled, loading woks fine13:28
K-19Swian : Out-Put http://ubuntu.pastebin.com13:28
histopeterson: ahh13:28
SwianK-19, s'all right, I'll work through it13:28
phlak_userronny_: whats the name of the module?13:28
histopeterson: i'm still reading some stuff13:28
petersonhisto ok, thanks =)13:29
ronny_phlak_user: iwl394513:29
arindahey all. i have  several latex editor. so, how can i make one program that it's not default latex editor as default latex editor?13:29
phlak_userronny_: you could try this --> http://wiki.debian.org/iwlwifi13:29
|Dreams|can i attach a screen shot to paste bin13:30
petersonhisto I'm trying something here, the apt-get install --reinstall libdebian-installer4 or something13:30
iceroot!screenshot | |Dreams|13:30
ubottu|Dreams|: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.13:30
phlak_userronny_: i know this is a dumb q but is your wifi killswitch in "on" position?13:30
histopeterson: I thought the issue was with booting xp?13:30
histopeterson: does it say something like ntdlr is missing?13:30
schlaftierarinda: with "default", you mean the one that opens when you open a file from the file manager?13:31
h00ked_are there anyone, who have canon printer? Are with this any problem?13:31
icerooth00ked_: working fine13:31
petersonhisto no, it doesn't13:31
Tigrysshi pls help http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TPn7fyvq13:31
icerooth00ked_: but you know there is more then 1 caon printer?13:31
lasseh00ked_, I actually work at canon, and I'm at work right now13:31
ronny_phlak_user: even more retarded, if i switch it off, wlan goes on, something in that driver is confused13:32
petersonhisto it is with XP, but at this point I'm kind of trying everything13:32
Mrokiihello. Is there another app (apart from "xev) that can show keycodes? My problem is that I have one key on my keyboard that does not provide *any* keycode with xev.13:32
Koiyukican anyone point me to where in compizconfig i find where to set how many sides my cube has? right now my cube only has 2 sides, but i cant find out where to add more13:32
h00ked_iceberg_: rly? I mean  this http://www.alza.cz/canon-mp-550-d135512.htm?kampan=zbozi.cz13:32
phlak_userTigryss: you should put "sudo" in front of your command13:32
petersonhisto I'm looking at the mistake right now. Awn hell.13:32
ronny_phlak_user: the tricky bit is, of i set the switch to off, wlan is on, if i set the switch to on, bluetooth is on13:32
petersonhisto A disk read error occured. next line, Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart13:32
histopeterson: k13:33
Tigryssphlak_user:  i am already as root13:33
phlak_userronny_: wow13:33
phlak_userronny_: what does ip a tell you? it should show up a wlan0 and a wmaster013:33
arindaschlaftier, yup like on windows.13:33
Koiyukinvm, i found it13:33
ronny_phlak_user: only wlan013:34
phlak_userTigryss: am not able to figure out the messages as they are not in english- sorry13:34
phlak_userronny_: does iwconfig show something?13:34
schlaftierarinda: try right-clicking a .tex file and choose "Open with" from the menu, then select the editor you want to make default, and be sure to check the checkbox13:34
jribTigryss: prefix your command with "LANG=C LC_ALL=C"13:35
schlaftierarinda: "Open with other application", I mean13:35
ronny_phlak_user: well, stoff just works, nm just connected13:35
K-19Swian : Out-Put  ???13:35
ronny_phlak_user: the weird bit is - killsiwtch reversed for wlan13:35
ronny_phlak_user: i really cant make sense off it13:35
phlak_userronny_: lol; you need to look into the /etc/acpi/ to see if your wireless btn is configured differently13:36
histopeterson: did you change any hardware like add a hard drive prior to installing ubuntu?  Also you may want to tak ea look at a your boot.ini on the iwndows drive uner ubuntu.13:36
icerooth00ked_: http://support-au.canon.com.au/P/search?model=PIXMA%20MP550&filter=0&menu=Download13:37
Koiyuki25 mins, audacious is still running at 100% cpu, 0.4% mem13:37
Koiyukiso, prolly crashed?13:37
SwianK-19 I'm working from home today, so can't get into that now, running the hardware testing to see what it comes up with13:37
arindaschlaftier, i can't find any checkbox?13:37
ronny_phlak_user: its not a btn, its a actual switch13:37
phlak_userTigryss: you probably installed one version of fglrx manually13:38
ronny_phlak_user: and it just worked correct before the last dist-upgrade13:38
phlak_userronny_: oh ok13:38
Tigryssyes ati driver13:38
ronny_phlak_user: im completely puzzled now13:38
h00ked_Swian: thx, i haven't this printer yet, but I'm going to buy it probably :)13:38
histopeterson: I found someone that fixed it by booting the windows cd and going to the recovery console. They then ran a chkdsk /r on their C: drive fixing the bad sectors.13:38
histopeterson: I should say moving hte data off the bad sectors.13:38
schlaftierarinda: then try right-clicking, choose "Properties", and select the editor in the tab "Open with". It depends on your file manager13:38
phlak_userronny_: can you tail /var/log/messages and see what comes up when you work the kill switch?13:38
WhackaHey there, I'm wondering how I can compile a program written for GCC 4.2 in lucid. Can anyone help?13:39
Tigryssphlak_user: ati-driver-installer-10-4-x86.x86_64.run13:39
arindaschlaftier, yeah. but i still can't find any checkbox just list of applications and use custom command13:39
phlak_userWhacka: how is a program written for GCC 4.2?13:39
phlak_userTigryss: you cant remove using apt anything that wasnt installed from a deb13:40
schlaftierarinda: there doesn't have to be a checkbox... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56045713:40
phlak_userTigryss: typically there might be an uninstall script13:40
ronny_phlak_user: really weird stuff, if i switch it "on" it powers off the wlan, powers on the bluetooth, and if i switch it "off" it goes the other way around13:40
schlaftierAs I said, it depends on the file manager (Nautilus, Thunar etc.)13:40
Whacka@phlak_user When running $make it throws up "g++: error trying to exec 'i486-linux-gnu-gcc-4.2': execvp: No such file or directory"13:40
arindaschlaftier, yeah i found it. thanks13:40
schlaftierarinda: you're welcome13:40
phlak_userWhacka: your Makefile needs to be tweaked13:41
_raven_how to install/boot kernel 2.6.31?13:41
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:41
histo_raven_: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:41
acicula raven ubuntu comes with .32 why would you even want .31?13:42
historavic: is there something wrong with 2.6.32?13:42
Whacka@phlak_user What do I do a search & replace for with gedit?13:42
phlak_user_raven_: I am actually on 2.6.32-22-generic13:42
gwzhey, i had a issue with caps, whenever i turn it on and type fast (normal) the second word also seems to get capped always13:42
the_sniffcan anyone see the mind--ck in this http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2008/7/16/633518458025971853-When-you-see-it.jpg ?13:42
phlak_userWhacka: wouldnt advise you to modify the Makefile directly. Did the program come with a configure script?13:42
_raven_acicula, histo obviously this kernel is not able to work with the network card (asus eee 1005ha)13:42
phlak_usergwz: second letter or word?13:43
K-19gwz : Try changing the fonts.13:43
acicula_raven_, obviously, how is reverting to an older kernel going to fix that?13:43
Whacka@phlak_user No, it came as a *.gcc13:43
acicula_raven_, are you trying to get the ethernet or wirless card to work?13:43
Koiyukivery odd. i can move all of my windows from my "main" desktop around my compiz cube, except for audacious13:43
phlak_user_raven_: i am on a eee10005ha13:43
_raven_acicula, because it does not work any more since a new kernel was installed13:43
_raven_acicula, wired13:43
gwzsecond letter13:44
ActionParsnipthe_sniff: what has that got to do with ubuntu support please?13:44
gwzand how would font help? this helps with anything i do13:44
_raven_phlak_user, no eth0 physically activated here13:44
mariushello can anyone help me with this soap php error?13:44
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phlak_user_raven_: does lspci show you the card?13:44
the_sniffActionParsnip i was looking for a big chan cause im trying to get it for a few hours :>13:45
the_sniffthats help :P13:45
_raven_phlak_user, no13:45
phlak_user_raven_: is it enabled in the BIOS?13:45
ActionParsnipthe_sniff: this is Ubuntu support only. #ubuntu-offtopic is for all other things13:45
_raven_phlak_user, yes13:45
K-19gwz : That about the third word..and so on.13:45
callaghanHi, everyone. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS yesterday. In Ubuntu 9.10, when I grabbed a window and moved it to the side of the screen the view automatically switched to the next workspace. This is no longer the case here. How do I turn this feature on?13:46
gwzLIke this13:46
ActionParsnipcallaghan: using compiz?13:46
gwznow the caps was off before i hit the I key13:46
Dr_Williscallaghan:  enable ccsm and activate the plugin that does that.13:46
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.513:46
callaghanActionParsnip: yes13:46
Administrator_how to fix it ?13:46
phlak_usergwz: does this occur if you press shift+first letter and then release shift?13:46
ActionParsnipcallaghan: its a plugin in compiz as Dr_Willis says13:46
K-19gwz : what can i say...keyboard!!!13:47
Dr_Williscallaghan:  you do have the proper 3d drivers for your card?13:47
ActionParsnipcallaghan: run ccsm, if it doesn't run then install compizconfig-settings-manager13:47
gwzi know its not the keyboard, its something with ubuntu13:47
_raven_how to change the kernel to an older one?13:47
nibbierhi. when trying to instal sun-java6-jre i get http://nopaste.info/3fd31da0b3.html (no candidate version found) - multiverse is activeated, update is run...13:47
nibbierany hing?13:47
gwzsince i have used win7 for ages and it has never happened to me there13:47
callaghanActionParsnip, Dr_Willis : ok, thank you, I'll take a look13:47
gwzand no, its fine with shift key13:47
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.513:47
acicula_raven_, best check that its enabled in the bios, fwiw, the kernel updates only pertain to small revisions, so the previous kernel you used is not .31 which isnt even used by ubuntu13:47
Administrator_how to fix it?13:47
_raven_acicula, it is how to change the kernel13:47
phlak_user_raven_: can you pastebin your bootlog please?13:47
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5 , I can't connect ADSL again13:48
histo!downgrade | _raven_13:48
ubottu_raven_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.13:48
ActionParsnipnibbier: you may wat to run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    as you are due some upgrades13:48
callaghanDr_Willis: all other desktop effects work fine, I think the driver is ok.13:48
_raven_acicula, i used the 31.10 rt before and there it worked13:48
Guest61507is there any php channel...without inv.?13:48
acicula_raven_, if it doesnot show in lspci changing the kernel wont fix your problem, to change a kernel install the appropriate kernel version package or build one yourself13:48
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5 mys system is ubuntu-10.0413:48
histo_raven_: you can installt the old kernel if you can find it soemwhere.13:48
SwianK-19 looks like its a geforce 7100 chip, which is not listed as supported on the site you sent me to, thanks13:48
SwianI'll just live without it13:48
_raven_histo, it is in my /boot folder13:48
Administrator_any one can help me?13:48
_raven_phlak_user, how to show the bootlog13:49
ActionParsnipnibbier: if you want the browser plugin install sun-java6-plugin13:49
histo_raven_: then select it from the grub menu and boot it.13:49
histo_raven_: hold down shift when your machine boots to get the grub menu13:49
nibbierActionParsnip, doing this, its pulling some more recent mysql stuff it seems...13:49
K-19Swian : Don't jump to conclusion so soon ! try getting more help.13:49
nibbierActionParsnip, i get same for browser plugin, but mainly i need the jre13:49
ActionParsnipnibbler: if you use 64bit then you can use the 64bit bin file from java.com13:49
Administrator_any one cross the same problem, I try to google it , but get nothing13:50
SwianK-19 last time I installed it, worked for several days13:50
ActionParsnip!java | nibbier13:50
ubottunibbier: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)13:50
nibbierActionParsnip, ok, i'll try that, dont like doing things like this but i need java....13:50
Cynthia> ';' expected: { | nibbier }13:50
Cynthia> illegal start of expression: { | nibbier }13:50
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.513:50
prowerhello :> would anyone be able to point out a guide on installing the nvidia drivers in 10.04?13:50
SwianK-19 then completely killed the system13:50
Beyecixramdprower: yes, go to system, and "hardware drivers" :)13:50
phlak_user_raven_: dmesg > boot.txt ; paste the contents of that file in pastebin13:50
Administrator_rp-pppoe plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5 when I try to connect ADSL by pppoeconfg13:50
b0n1i have a question about procmail, i think i did everything right, set up a Mail directory and all that, but if i do fetchmail, my directora ~/Mail is still empty and in the .procmaillog are error messages : "error while writing to ~/Mail/spam"    for example13:51
prowerBeyecixramd: Sorry, I'm using kubuntu so I don't think I have that :> I asked in the kubuntu channel but got no reply, i figured someone here might know13:51
phlak_user!repeat ? Administrator_13:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:51
ActionParsnipprower: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18513:51
b0n1maybe there is something wrong with the rights?13:51
callaghanActionParsnip, Dr_Willis: thank you, that did the trick13:51
phlak_user!repeat > Administrator_13:51
ubottuAdministrator_, please see my private message13:51
Administrator_any one can help me?13:51
K-19Swian : It is not working since the recent update!! ?13:51
ActionParsnipprower: works on my 6150 onboard13:51
SwianK-19 haven't tried to load it again, I reinstalled the whole os since I hadn't really done much yet13:51
MissIndependentI just installed 10.04 and I have no sound. The volume controls appear and it shows that I have output hardware.13:52
histo!patience > Administrator_13:52
ubottuAdministrator_, please see my private message13:52
histoMissIndependent: try restarting?13:53
MissIndependentNo luck13:53
histoMissIndependent: I've noticed sometimes my sound isn't picked up on boot. I haven't been able to narrow it down yet.13:53
phlak_userMissIndependent: is it a laptop or desktop?13:53
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phlak_userMissIndependent: can you handle commandline?13:53
ActionParsnipMissIndependent: run: sudo lshw -C sound    websearch for the product line13:54
MissIndependenti can enter one13:54
phlak_userMissIndependent: type alsamixer in a terminal window and move all the sliders to max13:54
phlak_userMissIndependent: that generally works for me13:54
ravenhisto, phlak_user , acicula i am now running 2.6.31-10-rt and eth0 works13:55
phlak_userraven: thats great13:55
ravenbut why13:56
ravenwhat is not working in 32?13:56
naveen519what ?13:56
Beyecixramdwhat what?!13:56
phlak_userraven: maybe the network driver is blacklisted/not loaded/13:56
naveen519that might be the cause13:56
historaven: okay perhaps you may want to make that the default kernel then if 2.6.32 is causing problems13:57
magnetsis the ubuntu netbook launcher app editable? I want to widen the scrollbar13:57
RenjiHello guys. Is there a way to change type language like in windows (by pressing Alt+Shift) ?13:57
naveen519is it 32 or 63 bit system ?13:57
ravenhisto, yes how to change the default?13:57
naveen51964 *13:57
blue_annawhere are keyboard definitions kept in ubuntu lucid? now that they are no longer in /etc/X11/xkb ?13:57
aeon-ltdRenji: no and shouldn;t you be asking in ##windows?13:57
ZolomonWhat's the default font used in emacs?13:57
jlmjvmim having a problem with 8.0413:57
jlmjvmE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:58
aeon-ltdRenji: but you can use the language toolbar13:58
MrokiiHello. Is there a way to find a keycode of a certain key that doesn't show up with "showkey" or "xev"?13:58
RenjiI should be asking in that channel because im asking about Ubuntu13:58
jribjlmjvm: did you do what it said?13:58
acicularaven, you can check the driver in use and see if it can be loaded under .32, this kernel should just improve upon drivers, what branch is rt again?13:58
IdleOnejlmjvm: sudo dpkg --configure -a13:58
phlak_userraven: also what does lspci say now for the card?13:58
ravenacicula, 2.6.31-10-rt13:58
acicularaven, it not showing up in lspci in .32 is puzzling though, afaik lspci showing it is not dependent on the driver13:58
acicularaven, yeh what does the RT branch stand for again13:59
ravenphlak_user, 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)13:59
ActionParsnipjlmjvm: the system is telling you how to fix it, did you not read the output?13:59
phlak_userraven: you need to load the atl1c module13:59
Renjiaeon-ltd, well sorry.. it's my first day in Ubuntu.. wheres that lang toolbar ?oO lol13:59
ravenphlak_user, how?13:59
Whackaphlak_user: I got it to compile by changing the line in the makefile; "CC+= -V 4.2" to "CC += -V 4.4" thanks for your help.13:59
phlak_userraven: boot into the .32 kernel and do a sudo modprobe -v atl1c13:59
jlmjvmseems to be doing something now,didnt a sec ago13:59
phlak_userWhacka: good for you :)14:00
ravenphlak_user, ok i'll test it14:00
aeon-ltdRenji: its an applet i think on the gnome panel14:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:00
histoIn w3m when you hit U  to Goto url should the goto url line be blank? and hitting Esc-u is goto relative url where it would populate the field withthe current pages url????14:01
IdleOnehisto: sounds good14:02
mootsoohi guys14:02
histoIdleOne: but it doesnt' behave that way14:02
IdleOne!hi | mootsoo14:02
ubottumootsoo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:02
randomDustyHey all! Quick question; Is it normal for drive /sd* names to change after reboots? And if so, how can I define a hdparm to spindown specific drives with a startup script with this changing all the time?14:02
Koiyukiaight, heres to hoping i can get hiphop-php compiled and installed.14:03
mootsoois anyone know that, on virtual box XP, i want to share folder14:03
Renjiaeon-ltd, looks like there isnt something like that, lang toolbar (Theres only "keyboard accessability"14:03
histoIdleOne: its supposed to be that way according to the built in hlep file but it doesn't react that way.14:03
mootsoobut i have shared the folder14:03
_raven_phlak_user, modprobe no success14:03
ActionParsniprandomDusty: use UUIDs instead if hdparm can use it14:03
mootsoobut where is my shared folder?14:03
histomootsoo: how did you share it?14:03
K-19Renji : Greek!!!14:03
randomDustyI don't think it can, ActionParnsnip :(14:03
IdleOnehisto: I honestly don't know. sorry.14:03
petersonhisto thanks! sorry for the delay, I just went out and bought some recordable cds14:04
petersonhisto I reckon we do have the original windows cd, it came with the PCs. But I can't find them and I need this fixed asap14:04
RenjiK-19, yea:p14:04
histopeterson: yeah i would boot the windows cd in recovery mode and run chkdsk /r on the C drive.14:04
petersonhisto thanks a lot, man!14:04
petersonhisto no, I didn't change any hardware14:04
histopeterson: you might be able to find the utility on line that you can burn to a cd.14:04
petersonhisto and also, boot.ini seems normal =/ the only options there are noexecute=optin and fastdetect, removing them didn't make a difference14:05
jlmjvmthanks guys,that fixed it14:05
mootsoofirst i installed guest additions14:05
randomDustyAlso, ActionParsnip, isn't the UUID partition specific? I don't think it would define the device :(14:05
nukianyone know a way to monitor network usage on the whole network?14:06
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jpdsnuki: Monitor the router?14:06
blue_annawhere are keyboard definitions kept in ubuntu lucid? now that they are no longer in /etc/X11/xkb ?14:06
histonuki: there are apps synaptic to do this.14:06
ndlovuanyone know if it's possible for a win 7 machine to scan from a printer connected to an ubuntu server? already got scanning working from other ubuntu machines.14:06
phlak_usernuki: ntop14:06
histonuki: and installing tomato on the router would do that.14:06
ActionParsniprandomDusty: yeah, damn14:06
jlmjvmanyone had any luck with adobe flash on 8.04?14:06
nukiokay thank you all14:06
ActionParsnipjlmjvm: absolutely14:07
phlak_userndlovu: as long as its shared on samba it should show up as a shared printer in windoze14:07
IdleOne!flash | jlmjvm14:07
ubottujlmjvm: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:07
randomDustyYeah :( But I'm assuming the SD* names change regularly, and it's not just my setup :P14:07
RenjiK-19, any ideas?14:07
Koiyukianyone here have ati cards running dual display systems?14:07
phlak_user_raven_: does modprobe throw an error? like module not found etc14:07
IdleOnejlmjvm: look for the section relevant to the version you are running and follow the steps :)14:07
ndlovusorry phlak_user should have said scanner, not printer. can you specify scanners in samba as well?14:07
_raven_phlak_user, no error but it still does not appear in lspci14:08
mootsoois anyone know that how to share folder between host ubuntu virtualbox XP14:08
phlak_user_raven_: dmesg or /var/log/messages will have the info14:08
histomootsoo: you may get more help in #virtualbox14:08
jlmjvmthanks guys,will give it a shot14:08
histomootsoo: oh sry #vbox14:08
Dr_Willismootsoo:  virtualbox has its own special share feature. Or you can use whatever other services you want. as if it was a real pc. See the  Virtualbox manual for info.14:09
K-19Renji : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29615814:09
phlak_usermootsoo: easiest way is to use samba between the two machines14:09
ActionParsniprandomDusty: usually they remain the same14:09
Dr_Willismootsoo:  the special share feature reqwuires the vbox guest addations installed on teh guest Os14:09
_raven_phlak_user, [   24.348171] eeepc_laptop: Get control methods supported: 0xe10171114:09
_raven_[   24.457058] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 1914:09
_raven_[   24.457436] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 6414:09
_raven_[   24.625120] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A disabled14:09
histophlak_user: no its not14:09
FloodBot3_raven_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
histophlak_user: you can share folders with virtualbox from guest to host14:09
Dr_Willismootsoo:  you could use ssh and winscp for a few quick tranfers if you wanted.14:09
th3Xfagtrhave questions about kopete -- can you help?14:10
phlak_userhisto: i know but you could treat them as separate machines on the network14:10
mootsootnx for the answers, ryt now i'm using BT IRC, and my BT4 is running on my ubuntu. Folder sharing is ok14:10
phlak_user_raven_: pl pastebinit14:10
mootsooi want to share folder like that, on my vb XP14:10
histomootsoo: folder sharing should work frmo windows to ubuntu no problem14:10
phlak_user!pastebinit | _raven_14:10
ubottu_raven_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:10
RenjiK-19, thanks alot :)14:10
histomootsoo: the people in #vbox will be able to suport you. this is Ubuntu support14:10
_raven_phlak_user, you read it?14:10
ActionParsnipmootsoo: you can share a folder with samba, bridge the virtual network interface so the system appears on your LAN and access the share is one method, virtualbox can mount local folders if you configure the virtualbbox to access them. the guys in #vbox will help14:10
_raven_[   24.457058] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 1914:11
_raven_[   24.457436] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 6414:11
_raven_[   24.625120] atheros_eth 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A disabled14:11
K-19Renji : No problem!!14:11
mootsoook, thank you guys14:11
ActionParsnip_raven_: use pastebin in future pleas14:11
WhackaAlright, problem #2; when I run the sound config (gnome-volume-control) I get the message "Waiting for sound system to respond.", in the terminal "** (gnome-volume-control:16454): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...". I want to disable all the startup sounds etc. Can someone help please?14:11
IdleOne_raven_: Please use paste.ubuntu.com to post multiple lines of text like that and give the person helping you the URL after you have pasted the info.14:11
mickster04Whacka: why not just go to system>pref>sound14:12
SonderbladeHow do you check which packages depend on a specified package?14:12
th3Xfagtrlooking for help with kopete and webcam on MSN -- ?????14:12
ActionParsnipSonderblade: you can use packages.ubuntu.com14:12
Whackamickster04: That is the System>Preferences>Sound14:12
SonderbladeActionParsnip: should be doable using the command line too14:13
Koiyukianyone here have dual ati cards running dual display systems?14:13
ActionParsnipSonderblade: sure but you have a backup now :)14:13
=== queljin_ is now known as queljin
IdleOneSonderblade: I think there is a command, something like rdepends but I can't remember it right now14:13
PiciSonderblade: Either look at apt-cache show or apt-cache depends14:13
PiciSonderblade: apt-cache rdepends will show you what packages depend on that package.14:13
ActionParsnipSonderblade: e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/chromium-browser14:14
phlak_user!hi | deeeed14:14
ubottudeeeed: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:14
IdleOneahh apt-cache depends works nicely14:14
mickster04Whacka: yeah you don't connect ot the sound system to change that setting, or do u ont get to see it?14:14
SonderbladeActionParsnip: says package is not available: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/glassfishv214:15
Whackamickster04: I don't get to see it, I think it's becase I'm using ALSA rather than PulseAudio14:15
deeeedI am trying to install ubuntu 10.4 on an old pc but it freezes at the boot. stuck on a purple screen with 2 icons at the bottom: (a keyboard icon ) = (a man icon)14:15
mickster04Whacka: oic, well it sounds like if you changed something, you haven't configured/installed it right? but i dont know much about sound sorry:/14:15
ActionParsnipSonderblade: probably because the package doesnt exist: http://pastebin.com/z4WDjZGv14:15
K-19deeeed  : Please specify your hardware??14:16
SonderbladeActionParsnip: apt-cache showpkg glassfishv2 lists it14:16
ActionParsnipSonderblade: its not on the official ubuntu repo14:16
ActionParsnip!find glassfish14:17
ubottuFound: glassfish-activation, glassfish-appserv, glassfish-javaee, glassfish-jmac-api, glassfish-mail (and 1 others)14:17
mickster04!ask | th3Xfagtr14:17
ubottuth3Xfagtr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:17
Whackamickster04: I installed ubuntu-desktop over an Xfce system. Xfce uses ALSA but GNOME uses PulseAudio... I think.14:17
ActionParsnipSonderblade: hence it not showing on the official packages site14:17
deeeedK-19, amd64, the computer already had an ubuntu version installed before (8.04)14:17
SonderbladeActionParsnip: well my apt-cache find sit14:17
wild_batis there a fix or workaround for gdesklets yet?14:17
mickster04Whacka: yeah, i think you're right, but i dunno how to fix it, other than installing pulseaudio14:17
deeeedI cant access the installer logs to know where it stop14:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:18
K-19deeeed  : Ubuntu 10.4 can be the real issue???14:18
th3Xfagtr! how do i configure kopete to use webcam on msn?14:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
ActionParsnipSonderblade: then you have a PPA for it. apt-cache rdepends glassfishv2    will show what it depends on14:18
deeeedK-19, well I am starting to thing it might be hardware14:18
Whackamickster04: I tried reinstalling PulseAudio, it installed fine but I can't get any output. ALSA works though.14:18
mickster04Whacka: type /msg ubottu sound14:18
SonderbladeActionParsnip: the list is empty14:19
mickster04Whacka: yeah i can't fix that sorry14:19
K-19deeeed  : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport.14:19
mickster04away elsewhere sorry14:19
jlmjvmcant seem to find the multiverse repository14:19
ActionParsnipSonderblade: or try replacing rdepends with depends14:19
ActionParsnipjlmjvm: look in software sources unde system -> administration14:19
deeeedK-19, I am running a memory test and it looks like the ram is dying. only erros...14:20
jlmjvmthats where i am14:20
K-19deeeed  : DDR, DDR214:20
deeeedK-19, ddr14:21
K-19deeeed  : Oh! Man..14:21
RemowylliamsHello everyone, I upgraded my ubuntu 9.10 and on rebooting I get add_mountroot_fail_hook: not found yes root is on a raid lvm14:21
jimmyz80Hi, my mouse themes do not seem to function at all, just installed 10.4 and new mouse themes I install only seem to work when grabbing the edge of a window to resize14:22
deeeedK-19, ok so I am testing each ram individually. works better now no error14:23
ActionParsnipdeeeed: if you have multiple sticks, power off the system, remove a stick then retest14:23
deeeedActionParsnip, yes it seems to work now.14:24
randomDusty... DDR? Isn't that the stuff they use in toasters these days?14:24
=== ioi2010 is now known as abal9002
deeeedold computer...14:24
BeyecixramdrandomDusty: Dance Dance Revolution?14:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:25
deeeedit used to be my router/web server 4years ago14:25
ActionParsnipdeeeed: ddr isn't too hard to come by and is cheap14:25
DaDa|UrkaDDR=Deutsche Demokratische Republik14:26
deeeedit's go I just want to use this machine as a server of backup14:26
DaDa|Urkaand nothing else14:26
Creteilhi all14:26
abal9002i have a live cd i built with remastersys. the base is ubuntu 9.10, but i added a bunch of compilers and IDEs. right now the .iso is coming out too big ~ 1gb. i'd like to bring that down as much as possible. what are some of the *non essential* apps ubuntu has by default that consume a lot of space?14:26
K-19Double Data Rate.14:27
Creteilfrom where compiz started when lucid just installed ?14:27
jlmjvmActionParsnip:im in software sources now14:27
jlmjvmbut dont see multiverse14:27
clone4ubuntumy system lucid lynx went blank twice14:28
ActionParsnipjlmjvm: read the screen dude, its all there14:28
jimmyz80Anyone else have mouse pointer theme issues running 10.4?14:28
Beyecixramd!ask | jimmyz8014:29
ubottujimmyz80: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:29
IdleOneCreteil: in System > Preferences > Appearances14:29
Picijimmyz80: Yes.  It is a known bug.  Let me get you a link.14:30
jimmyz80Cool, thank you.14:30
Picijimmyz80: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/45964714:30
Remowylliamsdoes anyone know how to get initramfs to boot my machine?14:30
jimmyz80Checking it out, ty again14:31
gnusarhow can i determine the install path of an application? (i seek the directory of zsnes installed via resository)14:31
ActionParsnipgnusar: there isn't an install path, the files which make up the app are scattered throughout the OS14:32
Whackamickster04: Got it working, PulseAudio was being blocked from running because the ".pulse-cookie" file was set to root ownership... I have no idea why. Thanks for your help :)14:32
ActionParsnipgnusar: the binary can be determined using: which zsnes14:32
clone4ubuntuany idea how we can search all drives in ubuntu at once using search engine14:32
ActionParsnipgnusar: but there will be libs and images all over the file system14:32
Dr_Willisgnusar:   the package manager can show you other files the zsnes package installed.14:32
_raven_how to change the default boot kernel?14:32
Dr_Willisclone4ubuntu:  the google desktop thing has a feature like that. oruse the locate command. or the find command.14:33
ActionParsnip_raven_: set it in /etc/default/grub14:33
gnusarActionParsnip: thank you.. Dr_Willis that might be a good clue, i am seeking some cfg files of the app, thanks14:33
clone4ubuntubroken dependencies removal made my pulse audio gone from repo14:33
ActionParsnip_raven_: you will need to run: sudo update-grub      after editting14:33
Dr_Willisgnusar:  check the man pages for the app.14:33
clone4ubuntuhow do i restore pulse audio14:33
clone4ubuntufrom install cd of lucid lynx14:34
gnusarDr_Willis: perfect, found what i needed in the man page, thank you14:34
LjLgnusar: dpkg -L <package> will also list all files installed by a package.14:35
clone4ubuntualso it removed package ubuntu-desktop14:35
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: re-install it14:35
clone4ubuntureinstall what14:35
chrisologyHi, how do i create a for example *.txt file with text in it from terminal?14:36
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:36
LjLchrisology: nano filename.txt14:36
Dr_Willischrisology:  touch 'foo.txt' -> makes an empty file.14:36
prowerhello :> having another small issue with 10.04, this time with vlc...though it'll play the video of any file i have fine there's no audio for any of them, even though they will play properly in other players?14:36
clone4ubuntuand what about pulse audio14:37
guyvdb_hi, how do i determine the make and model of my network card? It has been detected by ubuntu. I just want to know what it is.14:37
chrisologyDr_Willis, thankyou but in the same commandline i have to insert text into that file: something like touch foo.txt "blabla" so that when i open the file it says blabla14:37
LjLguyvdb_: sudo lshw -C network14:37
=== WeblogVisitor is now known as Dave
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: as for the CD go to Sotware Sources and add the CD under the Other Software tab14:37
guyvdb_LjL thx14:37
Dr_Willischrisology:  bash basics 'redirection' is what you need to check out14:37
Dr_Willischrisology:  echo 'foo' > foo.txt14:37
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: it should already be listed, just need to check the little box14:38
chrisologyDr_Willis, thankyou14:38
=== Dave is now known as Guest60932
MahjonggI get occasional flickering on my laptop screen, how can I see what is wrong? "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"14:38
Mahjonggin the lower portion14:38
Mahjonggof the screen14:38
martinstI cannot boot a live-Ubuntu from an USB stick with 10.04 Desktop. Only the option "Install Ubuntu" is shown. Is anyone able to boot from USB to live-Ubuntu?14:39
KrishnanduHey guys....Low Graphics Mode error aftr I updated ubuntu yesterday. Tried all the possible solutiuons posted by forum members but no result. Now I'm geting this screen. Please help http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/671/image0015j.jpg14:39
phlak_userMahjongg: compiz tends to produce flickering; does it happen if you change the System-Preferences-Appearance-Visual Effects to None?14:39
Mahjonggphlak_user, never tried, will try14:40
Mahjonggphlak_user, what can I do if that is the casE?14:40
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  just exiting to the console and doing a 'sudo service gdm restart' dosent help eh?14:40
Krishnandu<Dr_Willis> I didn't tried this command14:40
blue_annawhere are keyboard definitions kept in ubuntu lucid, so that they can be found in system->preferences->keyboards?14:40
Krishnandu<Dr_Willis> Should I try this now??14:40
zetherooI have an AMD Desktop running Ubuntu and I am wondering if there is any way to increase the speed of the CPU fan?14:41
RemowylliamsCan anyone help me get my machine to boot again? I've got ubuntu 9.10 server . it's an HP with a CISS raid controller. it worked fine till I did the upgrade and rebooted.14:41
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  what do you have to lose? that will restart the X server. and works for my 2 machines when they have the same issue...14:41
fhfi think you can doi it with your bios zeth14:41
K-19Krishnandu : sudo displayconfig-gtk14:42
Krishnandu<Dr_Willis> Okies....I'm running the command now. And will be back after this14:42
chrisologyDr_Willis, can the terminal list the creation date of a file and if so, how?14:42
Krishnandu<K-19> Okies....I'm trying both the command by you and Dr_Willis14:42
phlak_usermartinst: yes14:42
Dr_Willischrisology:  bash basics; (well ls basics) ls -l14:42
Dr_Willischrisology:  you may want to check out a few bash tutorials.14:42
seanjhi, any idea why gnash will not play any videos at all14:42
martinstphlak_user: how did you generate the usb-stick?14:43
Dr_Willisseanj:  gnash is a rather poor port of flash is proberly one reason.14:43
chrisologyDr_Willis, okay any good url?14:43
Dr_Willis!terminal | chrisology14:43
ubottuchrisology: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:43
ironfoot495can someone show me how to install a 6511-su keyboard on a ubuntu 9.10???14:43
phlak_usermartinst: System-Administration-Startup Disk Creator14:43
seanjdarn. i'm scared of the original flash because of all the security reports, and hoped gnash would at least play something14:43
clone4ubuntuhow can i restore all default packages from lucid cd14:43
aciculazetheroo, depends, you can set fan speed and automatic fan speed controls in the bios, and/or use the fanspeed program to adjust the fan speed. Id recommend the bios route though, fancontrol isnt very user friendly14:43
ironfoot495if you have time!14:43
Dr_Willisseanj:    download/convert/play the videos perhaps..14:44
seanjI'll try that Dr_Willis, thanks14:44
randomDustySo does anyone have any idea's to use the HDPARM spindown functions on disks, but not use the /dev/sd* name (As my list of drives change randomly upon reboot)14:44
phlak_usermartinst: you could also use usb-imagewriter14:44
zetherooacicula: I don't think the BIOS fan options are doing the trick :(14:44
phlak_usermartinst: if you downloaded the image14:44
Dr_Willisseanj:  biggest danger i see to a ubuntu system on a daily basis. is the users doing somthing silly. :) not flash14:44
aciculaseanj, flash on ubuntu fortunatly is less of a risk then on windows, or even mac for that matter14:45
martinstphlak_user: I was doing the same but with no luck. Did you activate the save settings to extra space? maybe it wont work because of that?14:45
JayBondhow to fix my firefox browser? bcoz the problem is when i click the icon the interface just blinking and close back im already remove the package and reinstalled back but the prob still same.14:45
phlak_usermartinst: no that option is just to make it persistent across reboots14:45
Dr_WillisJayBond:  remove/reinstalling a program to 'fix' things is windows thinking.14:45
Dr_WillisJayBond:  try making a new user, (or new firefox profile) and see if it works then.14:45
clone4ubuntuthe minimize and maximize close buttons should be on right14:45
JayBondDr_Willis :: ic tq14:46
seanjok guys, thanks. that's good to know14:46
clone4ubuntubut ubuntu likes it on right why14:46
phlak_userJayBond: launch firefox from a terminal... you should see the errors14:46
Dr_Willisclone4ubuntu:  then move them to the other side if you want.14:46
JayBondphlak_user :: how to run from terminal??14:46
Dr_Willis!controls | clone4ubuntu14:46
ubottuclone4ubuntu: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d614:46
ironfoot495I would like to use the new 6511-su hp keyboard but I can't seem to get it to work!14:46
SingAlongI'm not able to access my net from ubuntu 10.04. been happening since i upgraded from 9.04. It was a bit spotty before and then went to to become worse.14:46
c0insis it  better installing the netbook version vs the normal version on asus 512 ram ati mobility radeon 128meg etc.14:46
phlak_userJayBond: launch a terminal (Applications-Accessories-Terminal) and type firefox14:46
redalertcan ubuntu email be set up with exchange 2003?14:46
aciculavia imap yeah14:47
Dr_Willisc0ins:  i doubt if it will matter much.   netvook can make do with lower end machines. but whats the other specs on your box?14:47
JayBondphlak_user :: ok tq. i try it14:47
JayBondphlak_user :: Attempting to load libmoonloaderxpi14:47
JayBondSegmentation fault14:47
JayBond 14:47
fhfzetheroo it depend what you want to do exactly of you are talking about geting the fan work in a overclocking enviroment then maybeis better considering of replacing the fan with a biger or a difrent cooling system14:48
phlak_userredalert: actually evolution has an exchange plugin too14:48
Remowylliamsanyone else having trouble boot their machine after upgrading the kernel?14:48
redalertdo i need to install the plugin?14:48
recon69_lapdid upgrade to 10.09 , noticed that flash blocker stop working!! anyone know how to get to back?14:48
phlak_userJayBond: its the moonlight plugin thats causing the problem14:49
martinstphlak_user: thanks, i will try with usb-imagewriter14:49
stonk_hi. how can i update the netbook edition of 10.04 to a standard desktop? apt-get install gnome-desktop?14:49
KrishnanduGuys "sudo service gdm restart" says "restart: unknown instance" and sudo "displayconfig-gtk" says "command not found"14:49
zetheroo fhf: first I would like to be able to monitor the fan speed ... which I can't atm14:49
JayBondphlak_user :: how to solve it???14:49
stonk_hi. how can i update the netbook edition of 10.04 to a standard desktop? apt-get install gnome-desktop?14:49
recon69_lapnever mind, think i just need to reinstall it14:49
aciculaJayBond, purge the libmoon and install the plugin via the website solved that for me14:49
aeon-ltdstonk_: yeah i suppose14:50
KrishnanduDr_Willis: Guys "sudo service gdm restart" says "restart: unknown instance" and sudo "displayconfig-gtk" says "command not found"14:50
aeon-ltdstonk_: you would have to do more than just install gnomethough14:50
phlak_useracicula: i was going to ask him to remove it from the extension dir ;)14:50
randomDustyI thought the netbook version had a gnome-desktop, just like baseline however? >.<14:50
JayBondacicula :: ok thanks14:50
Krishnandu<K-19> Guys "sudo service gdm restart" says "restart: unknown instance" and sudo "displayconfig-gtk" says "command not found"14:50
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  perhaps 'sudo service gdm start'14:50
zetheroo fhf: no overclocking here14:50
g8torHello all. I am trying to setup a headless server w/o VNC. I  installed 10.4 server setup ssh key authentication , rebooted and removed the monitor. when I try to ssh into the headless machine I'm being asked for my password. Any ideas why?14:50
jlmjvmActionParsnip:got it,works now,thanks14:50
phlak_userrandomDusty: yes, you can select Gnome at the GDM screen14:50
KrishnanduDr-Willis: Okies. Lemme try it again then14:50
Dr_WillisrandomDusty:  netbook has a trimmed down gnome.14:51
Dr_WillisrandomDusty:  using the netbook launcher.14:51
zetheroo fhf: when my CPU is about 70 degrees cel I cannot hear the fan speeding up ... that is what worries me14:51
aciculaphlak_user, i had the same issue, its the packaged issue that segfaults, if you install the plugin when firefox asks you to it works just fine(for me)14:51
c0insdr willis: it is 1.7 pentium m processer 512 ram 60 gig hdd14:51
phlak_userg8tor: depends on how you setup the keys14:51
fhfzetheroo i haven"t done a reserh in the problem you are clamig to have bat i think if you serch it should at least one open souece aplication that monitor the fan speed14:51
phlak_userg8tor: did you copy over your id_rsa.pub and put it inside .ssh/authorized_keys?14:51
g8torphlak_user: that is exactly what i did14:52
Dr_Willisc0ins:  that is rather low end. thats a Pent I class? or pent III class? IVe ran ubuntu on a Pent3 1.6 ghz laptop. it ran ok.14:52
g8torphlak_user: is that wrong?14:52
phlak_userg8tor: nope thats perfectly right14:52
aeon-ltdzetheroo: the cpu temp isn't representative of the overall temp internally, your heatsink could just be doing a really good job14:52
c0insdr willis: it is old, that is why im thinking the net book is the best14:52
RailsTewhere do I locate the vhost file ?14:53
phlak_userg8tor: just run ssh -vv user@host; it will give you some more info14:53
aciculac0ins, the difference with an atom is not that big , heh. anyway the processor is fast enough but memory will slow you down14:53
Dr_Willisc0ins:  i doubt if it will matter much.14:53
phlak_user!hi | lwbannister14:53
ubottulwbannister: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:53
zetheroo aeon-ltd: cpu temp is the temp of the cpu and not the heatsink ... or so I thought14:53
Dr_Willisc0ins:  on that low end a box. you Might want to try xubuntu, or lubuntu14:53
g8torphlak_user: will do14:53
=== rizzuh_ is now known as rizzuh
RailsTeanybody know where to locate the vhost file ?14:54
chrisologyDr_Willis, i cant find a command to list the creation date of a file =X14:54
* lwbannister 14:54
c0insdr willis : thankyou14:54
aeon-ltdzetheroo: i know, but what i'm saying is that your heatsink might just be dispersing heat very well so the fans won't need to be on14:54
blue_annawhat does this mean? [09:54] [CTCP] Se ha recibido una petición CTCP-ACTION  desconocida de lwbannister al canal #ubuntu.14:54
Dr_Willischrisology:  its in 'ls -l' output14:55
blue_annasorry, I can translate that14:55
lwbannisterlwbannister is me14:55
phlak_user!es | blue_anna14:55
ubottublue_anna: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:55
KrishnanduDr_Willis: "sudo service gdm start" says "gdm start/running process 1168"14:55
mrsunhmm is there any way to get a window selector like windows 7 has today ? :)14:55
chrisologyDr_Willis, thankyou14:55
zetherooaeon-ltd: hmmm ... 70 degrees is too hot for me ... and too hot for the CPU as well I think ... especially over longer periods of time ...14:55
mrsunwhen you hold over the apps at the bottom of the screen it shows all windows that is in it ... even tabs in firefox14:55
blue_annalwbannister: you're a person? :) hi . you asked me to disconnect?14:55
aeon-ltdmrsun: what do you mean, like a taskbar?14:55
lwbannisterI've been trying to change my alias14:56
KrishnanduDr_Willis: "sudo service gdm start" says "gdm start/running process 1168"14:56
aeon-ltdzetheroo: does ubuntu suffer dramatically after long use?14:56
lwbannister(first time on IRC)14:56
lwbannisterI appologise14:56
blue_annalwbannister: oo nevermind, I misread it :)14:56
seanjlwbannister you can change it with /nick followed by the new name you want14:56
mrsunaeon-ltd, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykFn0ZT64iw tose things =)14:56
blue_annait's just a who is sort of thing14:56
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  so did X startup?  check alt-ctrl-f7 perhaps.14:56
lwbannisterahhhhh .... I was tring /alias14:56
blue_annaI have a question -- where are keyboard definitions kept in ubuntu lucid, so that they can be found in system->preferences->keyboards?14:56
martinstphlak_user: usb-imagewriter can only write .img-files, no .iso Any idea? Normally the option should only not be shown with a computer with less than 256MiB RAM.14:56
zetherooaeon-ltd: no ... but what would that indicate if it did?14:56
KrishnanduDr-Willis: No14:57
KrishnanduDr_Willis: No14:57
aeon-ltdzetheroo: huge lag, especially during rendering (e.g web pages, high res images, flash use)14:57
lwbannisterbut how did I disconnect you14:57
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  you could also just try a 'startx' command and look for errors.14:57
KrishnanduDr_Willis: See the screenshot of the problem I posted14:57
phlak_usermartinst: ISO's worked well for me using the USB startup disk creator14:57
aeon-ltdmrsun: no jumplists are win7 only, as for thumbnails i'm not sure most panels support that14:57
KrishnanduDr_Willis: I used startx yesterday and it started initializing kde, and then nothing came, blank screen14:58
g8torphlak_user: for some reason the second to last line says "we did not send a packet, disable method" then it says "Next authentication method: password"14:58
fLithmhey everyone... thunderbird segfaults when I run it... web is no help... anyone here have any ideas?14:58
aeon-ltdKrishnandu: whats in your xinitrc?14:58
lwbannisterphew @ Blue_Anna14:58
KrishnanduDr_Willis: Also I dont have any idea how did it started initializing KDE?? I don't have KDE installed14:58
zetheroo aeon-ltd: no ... nothing like that ... yet ... but that is why I want to keep the temp down ... its usually between 30-40 degrees ... but when rendering video it shoots up to 70 degrees and I don't notice the fan spinning up faster ..14:58
Krishnandu<aeon-ltd> What??? Could you please explain?? I'm noob14:58
lwbannisterI was scared the irc police were gonna throw me in the hole14:58
phlak_userg8tor: that means that key based authentication is not enabled in the ssh server14:59
blue_annalwbannister: no problema :)14:59
aeon-ltdKrishnandu: in your home directory there is a hidden file called xinitrc that is read everytime you execute startx14:59
lwbannisterhi seminario14:59
phlak_userg8tor: you should check the sshd.conf file14:59
aeon-ltdzetheroo: do the fans work?, e.g history of fans turning on after prolonged use14:59
Krishnandu<aeon-ltd> Okies but how would I know what's inside it??14:59
seminariodo you spek spanish???14:59
g8torphlak_user: will do14:59
aeon-ltdlwbannister: its forward slash quit15:00
phlak_user!irc| lwbannister15:00
ubottulwbannister: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:00
zetheroo aeon-ltd: well they run ... never have turned off ... if that's what you mean ...15:00
=== jtrucks_ is now known as jtrucks
KrishnanduGuys please see this.....I'm facing this problem http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/671/image0015j.jpg15:00
Remowylliamsanyone having problems booting after upgrade ?15:00
aeon-ltdzetheroo: never have turned off, so once they start running even if you quit several applications they don't cool down?15:00
g8torphlak_user: but I'm not sure about that as the key works fine when the monitor is plugged in15:00
phlak_userKrishnandu: your configurations does not have the Screens defined as per the monitor. Did you change your monitor?15:01
phlak_userg8tor: thats totally illogical !!!15:01
Krishnandu<phlak_user> Nothing I just updated it yesterday15:01
aeon-ltdKrishnandu: do you have the correct drivers?15:01
g8torphlak_user: checking now15:01
zetheroo aeon-ltd: the fans never change speed ... basically ... and the only way I can see their speed is in the BIOS which reads them as spinning around 2500RPM15:01
Krishnandu<aeon-ltd> I dont know....It was running file till I updated it yesterday15:02
phlak_user!hi | familia15:02
ubottufamilia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:02
zetheroo aeon-ltd: should I disable BIOS fan control?15:02
KrishnanduAfter the update I rebooted and get this http://img208.imageshack.us/i/image0009s.jpg/15:02
KrishnanduThen I tried all these http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148791515:02
KrishnanduStill no result15:03
aeon-ltdzetheroo: you don't need to worry about controlling fan speeds if nothing overheats, performance degrades or any problems arise. it will run fine15:03
KrishnanduAnd now I'm getting http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/671/image0015j.jpg15:03
Krishnanduthis screen15:03
=== Jared is now known as JaredH
zetherooaeon-ltd: found this   http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3046745&postcount=1715:03
KrishnanduWhat to do now guys??15:04
clone4ubuntulhi krishnandu15:04
Krishnandu<clone4ubuntu> Hi15:04
g8torphlak_user: sshd_config has PubkeyAuthentication yes15:04
KrishnanduWhat to do now guys15:04
phlak_userg8tor: what is the permissions on authorized_keys?15:04
clone4ubuntui think u need 2 goto first option removing broken dependencies using dpckg15:04
KrishnanduGUYS PLEASE HELP15:05
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  try moving your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BACKUP and reboot and se eif it helps.15:05
clone4ubuntuin restore15:05
g8torphlak_user: -rw-r--r--15:05
Krishnandu<Dr_Willis> LOL....I tried doing that doo......but it says it doesn't find /etc/x11/xorg.conf15:05
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  check to se eif its there.. and CASE IS IMPRONTANT15:05
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  its X11 not x1115:05
Remowylliamsis there a way to change root from initramfs please?15:05
clone4ubuntuwhich os version Krishnandu15:06
morris1apache usually takes /var/www for its htdocs. i want to have /home/morris/www as htdocs but, naturally, apache does not own the files in there nor has it permission to read or create any files. apache is run was user www-data in group www-data. how would i make my ~/www dir available to apache?15:06
KrishnanduDr_Willis: Ohh15:06
KrishnanduDr_Willis: Thanks15:06
phlak_userg8tor: aha; it should not be readable by anyone excepts owner. it should be 400 (chmod 400 authorized_keys)15:06
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  yep.. linux Basics...15:06
Krishnandu<clone4ubuntu> Lucid Lynx15:06
g8torphlak_user:  thanks will try that15:06
Sir_KonradThis is Paris baby! My town!15:06
Remowylliamsit seems the lvm is not workings right and creating a mapping for my drive15:06
KrishnanduPlease look into this.....I've already tried all these commands http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148791515:06
morris1i could run apache as myself, but that is bad because it would own all my files.15:07
g8torphlak_user: AWESOME! thanks for your help and patience15:07
KrisWillisKrishnandu / Dr_Willis : Keep quiet, you're making my highlighter go mental :P (Joking!)15:07
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  theproblem with just trying commands  is that that can sometimes break things worse.15:07
bartekHi there. I have a user "admin" and another user "ville" - Currently, I have a bunch of files with group ownership under "admin" .. but I want to allow "ville" to be able to modify these files as well. How can I give both users permissions on these files?15:08
phlak_userg8tor: yw let us know if it works15:08
KrishnanduDr_Willis: The suggestion posted by forum members after I posted the solution15:08
KrishnanduDr-Willis: Gradually I'm loosing my patience now....As it's broken from yesterday15:08
g8torphlak_user: worked like a charm rebooting to dbl check15:08
clone4ubuntukrishnandu i think lucid have more bugs than karmic15:09
samsonenzoCNchmod 666 filename15:09
gnugrKrishnandu: type this on terminal you may see something: tail /var/log/messages15:09
Krishnandu<clone4ubuntu> LOL......Tats not a solution :(15:09
samsonenzoCNuse this , every one can read the file15:09
clone4ubuntubut it has got much more on internet support15:09
Krishnandu<gnugr> Okies15:09
clone4ubuntuapps etc15:09
samsonenzoCNbartek: sudo chmod 666 filename15:11
RemowylliamsI need to find out how to change the root from initramfs so I can boot my machine please15:11
seanjwhy are there no options for blocking cookies in ubuntu's firefox15:11
barteksamsonenzoCN: That doesn't seem right, do I really need to chmod all the files in that directory?15:12
phlak_userRemowylliams: what exactly is the requirement? do you need to reconfigure grub?15:12
Tux414I need help with getting my microphone to work15:12
zetherooaeon-ltd: I fixed it ... now I have a heaps of sensors ... including the fans :)15:12
Tux414on an acer aspire one netbook15:12
samsonenzoCNbartek : you can just chmod only one file15:13
hsquaredhi all, I run my ATI Radeon 9500 Pro with two 1920 x 1200 displays on a kubuntu 10.0415:13
K-19Seanj : Add-ons Cookie Safe.15:13
barteksamsonenzoCN: I know, but I want the user to be able to modify any files.15:13
bartekWithin that folder space15:13
hsquaredproblem: I can't tell it to display a 3840 pixel wide desktop15:13
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:13
phlak_userbartek: change the permissions on the folder15:14
martinstphlak_user: i did the same as two times before, now it works! The only difference i made is that now i did not mount the usb-stick directly after creating the live-usb. but that shouldnt do anything.15:14
phlak_usermartinst: weird!15:14
seanjthanks K-1915:14
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samsonenzoCNbartek : you should give the rights to 'ville'15:14
K-19Seanj : :)15:14
Tux414The specs are:15:14
AidenGarrettHello... I installed ubuntu on my alienware m17x and now Windows 7 will not boot.. from grub if you select 7 and try to boot it shows a black screen with "_" and never does anything.. I was wondering if anyone had any idea why or how to fix it?15:14
SidViciousHello everyone, I can't successfuly lock my touchpad on Ubuntu 10.4, I tried gsynaptics, touchfreeze but it works just for a while, after some seconds it starts working again. Anyone got the same problem?15:15
samsonenzoCNbartek : and that is what i don't know how to deal with15:15
barteksamsonenzoCN: But then will admin be able to edit it?15:15
KurtKrautIs it possible to hear a feedback/loopback through speakers of a microphone plugged to a Ubuntu 10.04 desktop? I'm trying to do this and it seems impossible.15:15
mariuswhere can I get some php-wsdl help?15:16
phlak_userSidVicious: i am not able to lock my touchpad or even use any of my Fn keys other than brightness!15:16
samsonenzoCNbartek, : sure15:16
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livingdaylightOMG! skype is still version 2 from 08.10 ?15:16
barteksamsonenzoCN: How, when the permissions are now for ville?15:16
SidViciousAidenGarrett, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:16
livingdaylightskype = sux ?15:17
AidenGarrettThank you Sid.. that sounds backwards of what I need but I will read it.15:17
notmorewindowshi i need to know like install with the console this file :/home/notmorewindows/Descargas/clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz15:17
SidViciousAidenGarrett, yeah hehe, take a look at this too http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony15:18
AidenGarrettOkay brb I am going to try that. Thank you.15:19
gnugrAidenGarrett: before you restart your PC to get into windows try a : sudo update-grub15:19
AidenGarrettAnd I CAN NOT use 10.04 or ubuntu dies too.. its sad... =[15:19
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phlak_usernotmorewindows: if you are looking to install clamav, its available in the repositories; just type sudo apt-get install clamav15:20
notmorewindows i need to know like install with the console this file :/home/notmorewindows/Descargas/clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz15:20
GABBARhi, i have a strange problem15:20
lasseI need some help, characters are overlapping eachother in the terminal window. What can be causing this?15:20
Tux414Multimedia: description: audio device, Product: N10/ICH 7 family high definition audio controller, vendor: Intel Corp physical ID.lb, bus info: PCI@0000:00:lb:0, verison:02, width: 64 bits, Clock: 33 MHZ, capabilities: bus master cap_list, Configuration: Driver=HDA Intel Latening=0, and Resources: irg:16memory;5834000-58343fff15:20
LjLnotmorewindows: why would you install clamav from a .tar.gz? it's in the Ubuntu repositories.15:20
LjL!info clamav15:20
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg-2ubuntu1.2 (lucid), package size 308 kB, installed size 568 kB15:20
KrishnanduNo Result as usual....!! :(15:20
samsonenzoCNnotmorewindows : go to the direction /home/notmorewindows/Descargas/15:20
GABBARwhen my box boots teh splash screen kinda goes insanse and shows up like 80's atari game type graphics, when i boot into recovery mode and start gdm manually it works fine, any ideas ?15:21
kamiI have a problem with iscsitarget on lucid. Where is the best place to ask for help?15:21
g8torphlak_user: I spoke to soon as soon as rebooted the same issue showed it's ugly face15:22
samsonenzoCNnotmorewindows, and use 'tar zxvf clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz'15:22
SidViciousHello everyone, I can't successfuly lock my touchpad on Ubuntu 10.4, I tried gsynaptics, touchfreeze but it works just for a while, after some seconds touchpad is unlocked again. Anyone got the same problem?15:22
dlp211@GABBAR I have the same problem on my virtualmachines...file a bug and I wouldn't worry bout it...sounds like an X problem15:22
phlak_userg8tor: what does a reboot have to do with it? are the permissions still the same on authorized_keys?15:22
notmorewindowsphlak is there a new update from clamtk and  arent in the repositories , i have unloaded the last file clamv 0.96.115:23
GABBARdlp211, im not worried about it, its just annoying i have to do it everytime :)15:23
samsonenzoCNfind out if there is some README15:23
samsonenzoCNjust do as it says15:23
dlp211i hear you....hahaha15:23
GABBARdlp211,  i believe there was an gnome update a while back, how can i check and undo it ?15:24
giver89Alguien sabe como deshabilitar la conectividad con la interficie local con iptables? gracias.15:24
g8torphlak_user: I don't think it has anything to do with a reboot (just habbit for me). the permissions on authorized_keys are -r--------15:24
LjL!es | giver8915:24
ubottugiver89: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:24
SensivaHello I have upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and the new themes aren't working properly, and when I try to customize them from gnome-preferences X crashes. Any ideas how to fix that?15:24
autoclesisis there a home or garden design app for ubuntu15:25
dlp211ive never roled back an update before...i would prolly advise against it15:25
dlp211let me see if i can get the answer15:25
ZolomonWhat's the default monospace font that's used in ubuntu for the terminal?15:26
nordomwhat pdf reader can i use to change the background and font color?15:27
nordomevince doesn't seem to have those options15:27
phlak_userg8tor: just explain to me how you are connecting to the ssh server15:27
tarzeau_nordom: you're not seriously asking this, are you?15:28
Sir_Konradwhat is the Ubuntu app I use to create an IRC bot?15:28
phlak_usernordom: why would you need to change it?15:28
nordomi am i have ubuntu for a day so i am learning15:28
tarzeau_nordom: you could use a gamma correction program that allows to control r,g,b individually15:28
LjLSir_Konrad: your favorite programming language's interpreter/compiler...?15:28
Klickim looking for rdp client that would allow dual screen support15:29
Sir_KonradLjL: I thought there was an easy way to do it.15:29
albethikohola alguien que hable español15:29
tarzeau_Klick: rdesktop is the only great rdp software i know of15:29
notmorewindowssansonenzocn , i need the exact parameters in the console to instal  clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz15:29
LjL!es | albethiko15:29
albethikonecesito ayuda con mi targeta de sonido15:29
g8torphlak_user: I'm simply typing ssh hostname since I have my public key on the remote server15:29
ubottualbethiko: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:29
Klickany ideas?15:29
tarzeau_Klick: you mean like http://quadhead.istheshit.net ?15:29
LjLSir_Konrad: sure, you can use an already created bot. there's a lot of them, type "apt-cache search irc bot"15:29
mgolischSir_Konrad: i like supibot15:29
phlak_userg8tor: you are logged in as the same user that you created on the server?15:29
Sir_Konradok LjL and mgolisch. Thanks!15:30
tweepcatis it possible to boot ubuntu from a dvd, because i dont have a cd large enough?15:30
phlak_usertweepcat: yes15:30
tweepcatawesome, do i just burn it on?15:30
mgolischtweepcat: yeah should work, just burn the image to a dvd15:30
dlp211no luck GABBAR15:30
JuJuBeeIf I do : scp -r /path/to/local/wiki webuser@web.server:/var/www/wiki will that suffice for copying new install of mediawiki to server? of course backup first15:31
g8torphlak_user: I have the same user name on two machines. I'm typing the ssh command from my desktop to connect to a remote server15:31
GABBARdlp211, yeah i know i tried lookin around too15:31
GABBARbut thanks anyway for trying15:31
dlp211the update most likely had security patches so like i said i wouldn't worry bout it15:31
dlp211just dont let peeps see you booting up15:31
phlak_userg8tor: theres no reason it shouldnt work! can you tail the server side logs to see what happens when you try logging in?15:31
petersonhisto so you know: it didn't work. I'm installing win under virtualbox15:31
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petersonhisto but thanks a lot anyway! =D15:31
c13 want to use a transparent squid over pppoe. The problem is that pppoe can not be regonized as gateway. How can i configure iptables and squid to get all traffics throw pppoe?15:32
g8torphlak_user: let me see15:32
GABBARdlp211, haha yeah15:32
MouzzJuJuBee, You might want to check file permissions and owner. I don't know if a simple "copy over existing install" is a good way to upgrade mediawiki.15:33
Hoppiheya, is anyone free to give me a hand getting a 3g device working through USB?15:35
HoppiI think I'm quite close, I just can't work out some little niggles15:35
Wavesonicsanyone here a Makefile expert?15:35
phlak_userHoppi: most devices normally work out of the box these days in Ubuntu15:35
Hoppiphlak_user, I can't get it to come up in network manager though15:36
abuayyoubpraise the lord! i finally got in :) Please, someone help me. I had lucid installed with wubi on windows 7 I found I had no use for windows any longer so I had planed to remove it completely. I followed the steps provided by wubi about partitioning etc. Anyhow, I booted into windows partitioned the disk and when i restarted windows/wubi would no longer load. Windows stalls at loading files. Anyhow, im on the live disk. I have a backup of the15:36
abuayyoub wubi files but dont know if i would be able to install them... LVPM says I have to boot into wubi before I can use it so im lost15:36
phlak_userc13: there are a lot of iptables how-tos which have this15:36
uLinuxIf I change Real Name it won't change User right?15:36
Cptnodegardhmm isnt ubuntu netbook remix supposed to support the poulsbo chipset? i get the wrong resolution and no option to set it correctly when running 10.04 UNE from a  USB drive on an EEE 1101HA15:36
phlak_userHoppi: you need to figure out if it is a supported device15:37
donpdonpapt-get keeps warning me of not-authenticated packages, but they're coming from ubuntu.com. how do i add the right key?15:37
Hoppiphlak_user, well many people have had success, I'm reading a thread about it now, it's just their fixes aren't currently working for me15:37
LjL!gpgerr > donpdonp    (donpdonp, see the private message from ubottu)15:37
v0lksmananyone know how to fix this:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/g5yLuJik  I'm using the Hardware Drivers GUI to manage the driver.15:37
notmorewindowsthe new clamav is  0.96.1 and isnt in the repositories ubuntu i need  to install the file clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz, but i need the parameters console15:37
uLinuxIn Ubuntu if I change Real Name does it change User Name?15:38
KurlonGot an odd question, multihomed box running amanda, can reach most systems in one network, most are 8.04 LTS but the one 10.4 LTS install refuses to connect cleanly?15:38
LjLnotmorewindows: the one in the repositories is 0.96+patches, do you *really* need that minor version bump?15:38
uLinuxAquina ok so User Name can't be changed?15:38
uLinuxonly real name15:38
AquinaIn some way... yes.15:38
abuayyoubshort version... is it possible to install to it's own partition a backup of a Wubi install??15:38
uLinuxtks for the info15:39
phillyjI'm trying to run an example file for LAMMPS program and as said in Ubuntu forums I used ./lmp_ubuntu < in.crack but I get an error15:39
nico_How are all the peaple?15:39
uLinuxAquina if I change Real Name it doesnt affect anything else? Is it safe?15:39
uLinuxjust dont want problems15:39
AquinaYes it's safe. Honestly you can also change the username (unix account name) but with side effects!15:39
nico_i begin whit ubuntu15:40
__tacoI had removed ppp and I don't know how to install it agian15:40
Mrokiihello. Is it possible to remap a keyboard-key that doesn't send a scancode to the computer?15:40
AquinaThus I recommend you to keep the name or create a new account and copy everything from the home directory to the new one.15:40
macouLinux: you just have to make sure the change is made in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow15:40
AquinaWhat's your question, nico_?15:40
__tacouse what software to connect ADSL?15:41
nico_nothing i just want to discover all the ubuntu's world15:41
g8torphlak_user: the auth.log says " Error attempting to add filename encryption key to user session keyring; rc = [1] " then it accepts my password15:41
uLinuxmaco I'm using System > Administration > Users and Groups15:41
Aquinamaco there are sideeffects however. Think about vyrious configuration files in ~/ or installed software and filesystem permissions (e.g. /usr/local/)15:41
macoAquina: no, file permissions go by UID not by username15:41
__tacoI couldn't connect my ADSL any more15:41
AquinauLinux I recommend you to create a new user with your desired name and *not* change the existing one.15:41
__tacoany help?15:42
donpdonpLjL: thanks, i followed those directions, but still get a signing error. output is here: http://pastie.org/96946215:42
Aquinamaco a new username (Unix user) gets new IDS 1000+x15:42
nico_i think i will come back when i ll have a better english15:42
Aquinaso the ids WILL differ15:42
notmorewindowsLjl,  i want the last version for clamav because the clamtk say me that my  motor antivirus isnt update15:42
Aquinaokidokia, nico_15:42
macoAquina: which is why what you're saying results in more file permission problems15:42
nico_bye everybody :)15:43
nico_see you ;)15:43
Dr4gHow to make a VPN connection from ubuntu? specific tool ?15:43
macoAquina: if you keep your UID and just change the name attached to it, you dont have to go around and chown everything15:43
AquinaI wrote that, maco (16:41 CEST)15:43
nagendrais ubuntu karmic more stable than lucid??15:43
augustRushHey there15:43
GalerienDr4g: network manager i guess15:43
Aquinahy augustRush! nice name!15:43
LjLdonpdonp: uhm... are you sure those come from archive.ubuntu.com? maybe you have medibuntu or something enabled...?15:43
augustRushHi Aquina15:43
macoAquina: so they why are you saying that making a new username will make *fewer* complications?15:43
v0lksmanam I better off managing my nVidia drivers by myself?15:43
pmashchakhello evorybody15:43
__tacohow to fix this bug ?? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-bugs/2009-May/074453.html15:44
Aquinanagendra, why are you askin that?15:44
LjLdonpdonp: wait, there's an apt get update in there, i guess that can't be from medibuntu-like repos. nevermind.15:44
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__tacoor any solution ?15:44
uLinuxok tks Aquina and maco. better not to change the name15:44
nagendrashould i update to lucid from karmic???15:44
GalerienDr4g: System => network connection ==> vpn15:44
donpdonpLjL: yeah, im doing the upgrade anyways and they packages are coming from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/15:44
maconagendra: if you like the new features added, then sure15:44
Aquinamaco I say that because the user has to migrate manually and then can make appropriate changes in configuration and permissions. Maybe I expected to much though. :-)15:44
oliveraarangoHi room15:44
augustRushHey Buddy.. I am thinking of making Ubuntu Server...What are the steps to follow15:45
macoAquina: yeah see the extra manual changes sounds like "more work"15:45
oliveraarangojust novice with this new ubuntu server15:45
nagendraplz get me the link of new features in lucid15:45
donpdonpLjL: mayebe the apt upgrade will fix the problem :)15:45
oliveraarangoneed help from expert here15:45
LjLdonpdonp: maybe. anyway i dunno, only thing i can come up with is, try a sudo apt-get update if you haven't already15:45
Aquinanagendra, In my opinion (bu I'm more developing on Xubuntu) it's sfe to do that. In case your 9.10 runs stable I'd wait until 10.04.1 though which arrives soon.15:46
augustRushI gotta do this15:46
donpdonpLjL: ok th15:46
oliveraarangoanyone can tell me how to make my usb works15:46
abuayyoubHi, can someone please help. I need to figure out how to install a backup of a wubi install15:46
nagendraok thanx15:46
oliveraarangohi peeps //15:46
Aquinamaco, indeed it is more work but you break less than by *just* changing the user and *then* breaking parts of the system (causing lock-outs, etc.)15:46
oliveraarangoanyone can help me ... appreciate any reply15:47
phillyjcan someone tell me what is meant by the .../.../ in the command "../../lmp_ubuntu < in.crack"?15:47
nagendraplz help me to install usb modem cm 200 in ubuntu15:47
macoAquina: as long as those 3 files are in agreement, nothing should break15:47
Aquinaoliveraraarango, havy you checked ubuntuusers?15:47
oliveraarangohmmm... everyone is busy15:47
JuJuBeeMouzz: according to #mediawiki that is the way to do it...15:47
Mouzzoliveraarango, Just ask your question15:47
abuayyoubI installed lucid with wubi and when I tried to migrate it broke windows now I cant boot into ubuntu or windows to use lvpm15:47
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oliveraarangohi aquina ... is it a chatroom?15:47
maco!cn | qinfeng15:47
ubottuqinfeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:47
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Soyo!ask | oilveraarango15:48
ubottuoilveraarango: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:48
=== darkham is now known as krabador
notmorewindows i need the exact parameters in the console to instal  clamav-0.96.1.tar.gz15:48
Aquinamaco, that's only right for fs permissions in case the UID stays 1000 *and* when configurations paths in ~/* are updated or use $HOME (which some don't).15:48
JuJuBeeMouzz: I was asking more for syntax and trailing / were correct15:48
=== Guest18975 is now known as JaredH
Aquinaoliveraraarango, no google it.15:48
supercalyour usb should work by default. if you type the modinfo command in terminal, that might give you some inight on why your usb is not working15:48
MouzzJuJuBee, I would recommend scp-ing the files to the server first, then copy the to their destination locally.15:48
oliveraarangohow to activate usb port15:48
Aquinaoliveraraarango, or use ixquick or fastbot! :-)))15:48
tertl3I am finally starting to understand qjackcyl15:48
JuJuBeeMouzz: why is that?15:48
oliveraarango@supercal... thanks ... will try then15:48
phillyjcan someone tell me what is meant by the .../.../ in a command?15:49
macoAquina: configuration paths in ~/ ?? they should all be using $HOME and besides that, the directory in /home/ does not need to match the username15:49
tertl3philllyj, its a directory15:49
oliveraarango@aquina ... will try that too...15:49
Aquinaphillyj, do you mean ../../ with two dots in between?15:49
macophillyj: . = current dir, .. = one dir up15:49
phillyjAquina: yes15:49
macophillyj: so ../../ = 2 dirs up15:50
blue_annais there a modern rewrite of xkeycaps? that thing looks like it was writetn shortly after the invention of the mouse15:50
phillyjmaco: so i just type ../../?15:50
MouzzJuJuBee, It might not matter but you might have a better overview of the permisions and owner set. It would only matter if it's a live site. Otherwise you could correct perms and owner if something doesn't work15:50
JuJuBeeMouzz: if I leave off the trailing / in source, it means copy that dir?15:50
macophillyj: well that refers to 2 dirs up. what do you want to *do* with it though?15:50
macophillyj: if you want to change directory to it, type "cd ../../"15:50
abuayyoubHi can anyone help me? > I installed lucid with wubi and when I tried to migrate it broke windows now I cant boot into ubuntu or windows to use lvpm15:51
macophillyj: if you want to open all jpg images two dirs up, "eog ../../*.jpg"15:51
MouzzJuJuBee, yes15:51
phillyjmaco:  i need to run a file such that "../../lmp_ubuntu < in.crack" where lmp_ubuntu runs the program and in.crack is the file15:51
oliveraarangoguys ... which terminals is good to chk for usb port status?15:52
=== ioi2010 is now known as abal9002
macophillyj: and lmp_ubuntu is in your current dir and lmp_ubuntu is 2 back? yep thatll work fine15:52
abal9002how to change the desktop background in a live cd generated by remastersys?15:52
Mouzzoliveraarango, type lsusb15:52
Aquinaphillyj, do you mean it means to tracerse UPWARDS in the directory structure two directories in direction of / (root)15:52
JuJuBeeMouzz: thanks.  scp'd to server, now to move to live tree should I just mv the folder?  file perms are set correctly15:52
linuxmonstergood morning everyone15:52
Remowylliamshi linuxmonster15:52
Remowylliamsnot a teriribly good day15:53
oliveraarango@mouzz ... type where?15:53
Soyogood morning15:53
nicofshi there... i have a little problem installing ubuntu on my PC: the installation programm can't find the partition i want it to be installed on...15:53
Aquinaphillyj, from the local position I'd rather use ./../../ which is (more) exact. ./ mens "current directory"15:53
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  Well I just woke up, so its good so far, but I am sure something will happen to change that lol15:54
Aquinaabuayyoub, multiboot is bad. :-)15:54
linuxmonsternicofs,  external drive or is it a funky RAID setup someone last night was having a issue because of those reasons15:54
nicofsno raid, no external hdd. internal 3,5" SATA15:55
Aquinaoliveraarango, "xfce4-terminal" is a good terminal. When using ubuntu I'd stick with the gnome-terminal however. xterm is a more generic one.15:55
abuayyoubAquina, hi lol I should have known I would not want to use windows 7 any longer but ya know. Anyhow. now I have a root.disk file and a swap.disk file is there a way to restore these?15:55
phillyjAquina: still can get it to work; i'm in the src folder where the lmp_ubuntu is located but the in.crack is in another folder 1up src folder15:55
Mouzzoliveraarango, in a terminal. If you are in gnome (with windows etc) try Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal15:55
nicofsmy guess is, that it's related to the primary/logic partition issue... but sadly, im no expert...15:56
Aquinaabal9002, when remastering chose the create fs-option, then put the image where appropriate (somewhere in /usr/share/) and later start remastersys again to choose the create iso option.15:56
Aquinaabuayyoub, I think you'd rater check /boot/ in your linux installation and the file menu.lst15:57
Aquinanicofs, what's your exact problem?15:58
madjoeis there any good stand-alone (optional: internet) Texas Hold'em poker for Karmic?15:58
abuayyoubAquina, i dont have a linux install. All I have is a broken windows 7 install and a root.disk and swap.disk file made by wubi.15:58
Gusti need help to install HP Scanjet 5100c in xubuntu 10.04.15:58
Aquinamadjoe never heard about that one.15:58
mguymadjoe: PokerTH15:58
Aquinacl516518, please change your charset to UTF-815:59
madjoemguy: can I play in an offline mode?15:59
mguyyes you can play against computer opponents. It's very fun15:59
SoyoIf the windows 7 install is broken you may as well just format the whole drive and just run linux unless you have some important files on there15:59
madjoemguy: thanks man!15:59
nicofsaquina: the installation menu (expert mode) does not list my partitions... i can't install to the partition i prepared in windows (7), because it's not there...15:59
Aquinaabuayyoub, reinstallation of Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 is what I reccomend you. It's easier to recreate GRUB.16:00
AquinaSoyo's statement is also a good one! :-)16:00
linuxmonsternicofs,  on my dual boot machine i never prepared a partion a head of time. I just went through the install and let the installer resize the drive for what it figured it would need. I adjusted it to say it could use 250gbs16:00
linuxmonsternicofs,  only thing with windows and linux together is to make sure you ont shrink the win 7 partition too much as that would cripple its page/swap file space and hamper your windows performance16:01
Aquinanicofs, in case you wanna get rid of GNU/Linux inerst your Windoze CD and boot to the recovery console. Log in then and finally execute fixbmr and fixboot.16:01
Damascenehi, how do I convert ogv to something works on youtube16:02
antivirtelhello all, I have now an Acer TravelMate 240 laptop, with wifi(IEEE 802.11b more info at: http://tinyurl.com/37cqxyn ), and I now booted a lucid live CD, I want to try if wifi works, how  can I scan for hotspotss???16:02
nicofslinuxmonster: i always set aside a partition (or an unpartitioned area) for linux when installing windows. but this time, the ubuntu installer could find neither...16:02
AquinaSoyo, I think however nicofs is a bit exhausted when it comes to Ubuntu installations. ;-)16:02
mcl0vini have an 80GB HHD that i would like to point some of my currect dir to it...how can i do that16:02
Gusti need help to install HP Scanjet 5100c in xubuntu 10.04.16:02
vboxxerHi, how do I change the default user to login to?16:03
AquinaDamascene, I think "mp4" and the proprietary flv wrks on YouTube/YouPorn.16:03
=== awesome is now known as Guest9560
nicofsand i don't trust the installer to rezise correctly, if the partitions are not represented correctly in the first place...16:03
vboxxerI have two users, one which I set up while installing, and one afterwards. I want to use the second to auto-login, but it always logs me in as the first user16:03
IdleOne!ohmy | Aquina16:03
ubottuAquina: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:03
antivirtelvboxxer System>...>Login screen16:03
DamasceneAquina, that was nice of you mentioning youburn16:03
Aquinamcl0vin, you have to mount the drive first and then create an entry in /etc/fstab16:04
maruenHello all16:04
SoyoAquina, but once its on there it is SO much better. I am eagerly waiting my flash drive to come in the mail so I can wipe Win7 off my brand new FerrariOne netbook. I have seen light I no longer have the patience for MS16:04
AquinaIdleOne, girls are sometimes bad too...! :-)16:04
IdleOneAquina: that is fine. keep it out of here please16:04
antivirtelI have now an Acer TravelMate 240 laptop, with wifi(IEEE 802.11b more info at: http://tinyurl.com/37cqxyn ), and I now booted a lucid live CD, I want to try if wifi works, how  can I scan for hotspots???16:04
maruencan anyone help me do identify why crontab isn't executing the jobs that I configure?16:04
antivirtelvboxxer np16:04
jribmaruen: provide relevant details16:05
AquinaPffff.... these websites share the same base and use similar technology.16:05
linuxmonsterAntiSpamMeta,  you should see a little icon uptop looks like a radar scope. you should be able to click that and it will show any networks its shows in your area16:05
=== Wanderer is now known as Nomad_
espenkGreetings! I am wondering if some kind sould got the time to assist me in this little problem of mine: All of a sudden alsa seem to be unable to access the audio hardware. The "hardware" tab in audio options are empty...16:05
espenkIt worked a few minutes ago, mind you16:05
linuxmonsterassuming your wireless chip is supported out of the box16:05
maruenjrib, lajes@XXXCNN2935:~/backup$ crontab -l16:06
maruen06 12 * * *  /home/lajes/bin/mysql_backup.sh16:06
maruen06 12 * * *  echo "TESTE CRONTAB"16:06
maruenthat is the configuration of my crontab16:06
wng-Can someone reccomend me a good PCI sound card that works out of the box with 10.04?16:06
IdleOne!hardware | wng-16:06
ubottuwng-: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:06
jribmaruen: try to provide all the details at once in a single line together with your question (use paste.ubuntu.com when you need to)16:07
donpdonpLjL: just to follow up, once i added a repository key for the virtualbox.org repo, the updates installed without complaint even though no updates were from virtualbox16:07
madjoemguy: awesome! :)16:07
maruenjrib, ok16:07
LjLdonpdonp: how weird16:07
KurlonOk, so it looks like I'm seeing a much more sinister issue at the kernel/IP Stack layer now that I'm digging deeper.  If a packet comes in with a src of lan A, dst of lan A, no problems, the machine will accept it and reply/etc.  If a packet comes in with a src of lan A, dst of lan B, and it arrives on the lan B int (aka we're following all the rules) the packet is ignored, not good.16:07
maruenjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/436802/16:08
UbuntuLilyIs there a way to block WINE from creating associations?  I needed to install Windows Media Player but everytime I run it, it changes all my file associations in Ubuntu16:08
dlp211what do u need WMP for?16:08
handjobHi all. What is the command to that summons the gui tool that can change sound server f.e. from pulshe to alsa?16:08
UbuntuLilyIt was a prereq for another app I use16:08
maruenjrib, any idea?16:08
IdleOneUbuntuLily: that is Windows nedia player doing that now wine16:09
wng-IdleOne: thanks for that completely useless page, it lists no soundcards that have been tested since ubuntu 8.16:09
uLinuxWhat is the function of Terminal bell?16:09
wng-handjob: gsteamer-properties possibly16:09
IdleOnewng-: you are welcome. I could go off and do homework for you but I am not inclined to and WE are not your personal wikipedia16:09
acuI have xfce intreprid and try to install mjpg_streamer where can I find it ?16:09
acuhow can I installe it16:09
handjobwng-: excacly. Thank You.16:10
wng-IdleOne: I asked for someone to reccomend me a soundcard and you sent me a 3 year old link. try being helpful16:10
LjLwng-: well, i guess that means once you've found a soundcard that works well, you'll help update the list!16:10
LjLwng-: try retuning your attitude16:10
Soyowng- maybe you should write your own driver16:10
UbuntuLilyYes but WINE handles the translation of Windows Runtime Code --> Linux Runtime Code.  Logically there would be a way to block this routine.  Clearly its a "Feature" of Wine because otherwise it would just be written to the Wine/Windows Registry and not make changes to Gnome16:10
IdleOnewng-: like I said we are not your wikipedia/google now if you had an issue with a specific sound card we could try to help16:10
uLinuxWhat is the function of Terminal Bell option?16:10
jribmaruen: what isn't working exactly and how do you know...?16:10
maruenjrib, I'm executing a script that generates a file16:11
wng-IdleOne: well ok then, I have a Creative SB X-fi Xtreme Audio and a SB Audigy SE 2 and neither of them are getting any audio in Ubuntu. They are both detected and all mixer levels are unmuted16:11
maruenjrib,  and when I configure crontab I can see any file outputed16:11
maruenjrib, if the job is executingg16:11
jribmaruen: what script? mysql_backup.sh?16:11
maruenjrib, yes16:11
wng-IdleOne: I've already tried to upgrade alsa, as well as remove pulseaudio, neither worked. I've since restored the machine to default state16:11
unknown_hadwhat is root password for ubuntu live cd?16:12
jribmaruen: how did you test?16:12
jrib!root | unknown_had16:12
ubottuunknown_had: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:12
maruenjrib, when I execute it manually it generates the dump correctly16:12
erUSULunknown_had: none; just like everyother ubuntu16:12
jribmaruen: how did you execute it manually exactly?16:12
nicofsi just started the installation again to have a closer look. My hdd has 6 partitions (2 small ones that come with windows 7, Drive C (win), D (programmes), E (data) - all NTFS - and another 25GB-partition (FAT32) set aside for Linux). What the installation programme displays: the 2 small win-partitions (sda1/sda2), Drive C (sda3) and then all the rest in one piece (sda4), all NTFS. what should i do?16:12
erUSULunknown_had: you can use sudo with emptu password in the livecd16:12
wng-IdleOne: Sound worked perfectly OK with both cards in 9.1016:12
wng-Soyo: that driver is so horribly broken...16:12
maruenlajes@XXXCNN2935:~/bin$ ./mysql_backup.sh16:13
maruen“Backup do Banco lajesdb completo”16:13
maruenjrib, that messages says backup is complete16:13
maruenjrib, and the dump is generated16:13
jribmaruen: pastebin your script.  Did you just wait for 12:06pm to see if it worked or not?16:13
LjLmaruen: but you're executing it from ./, while the script is executing it as an absolute path. might that not be the problem?16:13
Vigowng-: Laptop/Desktop or Server and what version?16:14
maruenLjL, in the crontab configuration I put the complete path16:14
wng-Vigo: Desktop 10.0416:14
maruenLjL, to the script16:14
oliveraarangonot easy in this ubuntu envt16:14
wng-Vigo: it worked in Desktop 9.1016:14
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Vigowng=: I am searching the Hardware Databases now.16:15
ravenhow to access the encrypted home by shell?16:15
LjLmaruen: yes, that's what i said - but in the example you just gave, you didn't.16:15
williamchan_any quick way to rename sequence of files? ie .. IMG_200.JPG - IMG_300.JPG to IMG_001.JPG - IMG_101.JPG16:15
Vigowng-: I am searching the Hardware Database now16:16
wng-Vigo: thanks16:16
maruenjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/436804/16:16
maruenLjL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/436804/16:16
maruenLjL, lajes@XXXCNN2935:~/bin$ /home/lajes/bin/mysql_backup.sh16:17
maruen“Backup do Banco lajesdb completo”16:17
ravenhow to access the encrypted home by shell?16:17
Vigowng-: Sound Output?16:18
wng-Vigo: as well as Input, I need my mic to work for my job16:18
PeanutHi - I've got two karmic amd64 servers. One of them has libg2c0 installed - on the other, "apt-get install libg2c0" fails with 'Couldn't find package". sources.list on both machines is the same. Any suggestions what's up with that?16:18
ravenhow to access the encrypted home by shell?16:18
Ek|mu5hello all16:18
Vigowng-: This is the start:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound <: and IdleOne is a great asset to the community.16:19
maruenHi all, anyone can help me identify why my crontab jobs isn't executing?16:20
VigoPici is okee dokee also, anyone that helps and offers help is a great assistance in my opinion.16:21
DonScottGoogle I/O   Day 2 Keynote starts in  10 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/googledevelopers16:21
jribmaruen: use the absolute path to mysqldump.  And please remember if you do need to repeat the question, include your details.16:21
wng-Vigo: so you spent all that time again getting me nothing relevant to my question, thanks!16:21
jribmaruen: and gzip too for kicks16:22
UbuntuLilyFYI incase anyone is curious to do the same thing.  http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#head-c847a3ded88bac0e61aae0037fa7dbd4c7ae042a  I got help in the Wine channel ;)  Thank you tho16:22
maruenjrib, ok16:22
Vigowng-: See the link posted, please.16:22
maruenjrib, but if you see16:22
maruenjrib, the echo is also not workiing16:22
pinkihi... is there anyone who knows how to use python-qt4 in python 2.6 and python 3.1 ?16:23
blue_annawhenever I try to play an artist tag in last.fm now, it says "this item not available for streaming"16:23
jribmaruen: of course, it has no where to echo to16:23
xomphello, I'm receiving "Out of Memory!" errors when trying to SFTP into my ubuntu 8 box. I've never been able to SFTP into it before but I can use SSH just fine. Any suggestions on getting this to work?16:23
wng-Vigo: I did, does it mention any5 sound cards that work with 10.04, i dont see any16:23
Gusti need help to install HP Scanjet 5100c in xubuntu 10.04.16:23
Koiyukidoes anyone here have 2 ati video cards running 2 displays?16:23
linuxmonsterPeanut,  the fortran runtime library?16:23
Peanutlinuxmonster: yup16:24
AidenGarrettOkay so I tried the sudo grub update and grub2 update and did the recovering ubuntu after installing windows dual boot and windows 7 still wont work =\ anyone have any further possible help to make me able to boot windows 7?16:24
Vigowng-: Scroll down a bit,16:24
linuxmonsterPeanut,  it shows as being available for all releases except Lucid16:24
ravenhow to access the encrypted home by shell?16:24
linuxmonsteroh wild and karmic does not have it listed16:24
nicofsI need help installing ubuntu. i can't install it to the desired partition... my hdd has 6 partitions (2 small ones that come with windows 7, Drive C (win), D (programmes), E (data) - all NTFS - and another 25GB-partition (FAT32) set aside for Linux). What the installation programme displays: the 2 small win-partitions (sda1/sda2), Drive C (sda3) and then all the rest in one piece (sda4), all NTFS. what should i do?16:25
nicofsweirdly enough, all partitions except that 25GB-linux-partition can be mounted...16:25
Vigowng-: and here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Audio/ApplicationIntroductions?action=show&redirect=AudioApplicationIntroductions16:25
Peanutlinuxmonster: both machines run karmic, although one runs it trough apt-cacher-ng16:25
maruenjrib, how I fix it to echo?16:25
ravenhow to access the encrypted home by shell?16:25
ravenENCRYPTED home - how to open it by shell?16:25
linuxmonsterPeanut,  well here is a link to previous releases version perhaps you can still use it in karmic http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=libg216:25
wng-Vigo: I swear you have to be screwing with me16:25
jpdsraven: How was it encrypted?16:25
ravenjpds, by setup16:26
wng-Vigo: I am looking for a PCI Sound Card that works with 10.0416:26
Peanutlinuxmonster: thanks - but I'd really like to have it available trough apt, as I have to afflict this on a 16 node cluster.16:26
linuxmonsterIneed coffee brb16:26
Soyothat's approved16:26
Vigowng-: No I am not, I am giving you official Canonical Links for supported Hardware and workarounds that may have been implemented to date.16:27
wng-Vigo: so the Canonical links that list no sound cards...16:27
Koiyukidoes anyone here have 2 ati video cards running 2 displays?16:27
Dr_WillisI always check what various 'linux' vendors offer on their preinstalled linux systems.16:28
wng-Vigo: none of them are listed as supported in 10.04, and after watching 2 sound cards have regressions that result in no sound output im a little weary to trust a page of "old sound cards"16:28
maruenjrib, defenitely, the jobs aren't being executed16:28
Vigowng-: Have you looked at the Launchpad site?16:28
AidenGarrettbleh ill just assume im fucked =[16:29
AidenGarrettthank you for trying to help all16:29
ravenENCRYPTED home - how to open it by shell?16:29
wng-Vigo: yes i did, show me where it mentions any hardware sound cards please...16:29
Dr_Willishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory  <-- Perhaps info here raven16:29
linuxmonsterPeanut, Sorry cant help there it shows as being required by GCC but I am sure you already have that installed so not sure why it did not also install it16:30
RemowylliamsI'm trying to reboot my ubuntu server 9.10 after upgrading from aptitude. it can't find the root partition can someone help point me to a webpage that will help?16:30
ravenDr_Willis, no i tried this already16:30
PeanutThanks so far, linuxmonster16:30
Vigowng-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards <: That may help.16:30
Dr_Willisraven:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome16:31
beegeei'm trying to play an MKV movie with Mplayer (-vo vdpau) but I get "[vdpau] Could not open dynamic library libvdpau.so.1".. nVidia drivers (195.36.15) are installed and I can see there's a lib too for VDPAU (/usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1).. is there smth I'm missing?16:31
maruenjrib, ?16:31
Dr_Willisraven:  i never use the feature. so im just googling for hits16:31
wng-Vigo: please just stop16:31
ravenok tnx16:31
wng-Vigo: you're making me laugh16:31
Dr_Willisraven:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/16:31
archwildbeegee, have you tried VLC media player?16:31
phillyjis there a difference between x11 and x11r6?16:32
Dr_Willisraven:  $ ecryptfs-mount-private    may be the command16:32
erUSULphillyj: it shoudn't16:32
ravenDr_Willis, not with sysresccd...16:32
Dr_Willisphillyj:  not really - its the old classic name,16:32
xomphello, I'm receiving "Out of Memory!" errors when trying to SFTP into my ubuntu 8 box. I've never been able to SFTP into it before but I can use SSH just fine. Any suggestions on getting this to work?16:32
linuxmonsterPeanut,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/i386/libg2c0/download now not sure it will help but seems you could add the package with apt by adding a repository16:33
Dr_Willisraven:  perhaps you need a ubuntu live cd then. Im out of ideas16:33
beegeearchwild: I have VLC installed but dunno how to enable vdpau in it16:33
archwildbeegee, so you get the same error?16:33
ActionParsnipxomp: are you using scp to transfer files?16:33
phillyjerUSUL: so if a make file said x11r6, should i just point to the x11 folder instead?16:33
xompActionParsnip, yes, I've tried Filezilla, WinSCP and psftp all with the same results16:33
erUSULphillyj: i do not understand; what are you tryin to do ?16:33
nicofsI need help installing ubuntu. i can't install it to the desired partition... my hdd has 6 partitions (2 small ones that come with windows 7, Drive C (win), D (programmes), E (data) - all NTFS - and another 25GB-partition (FAT32) set aside for Linux). What the installation programme displays: the 2 small win-partitions (sda1/sda2), Drive C (sda3) and then all the rest in one piece (sda4), all NTFS. what should i do? weirdly enough, all pa16:34
Dr_Willisphillyj:  Case is imporntant also . X11 vs x1116:34
ActionParsnipxomp: yowser, i'd log a bug16:34
xompActionParsnip, it only happens to this one box, the other box I have I can SFTP into just fine16:34
ActionParsnipnicofs: delete the partition you set aside for ubuntu and tell the installer to use it16:34
ActionParsnipxomp: are they the same release?16:35
xompActionParsnip, yeah, 8.04 LTS on both boxes16:35
Soyonicofs which partition are you trying to install on and what is the error?16:35
nicofsi only created the partition AFTER the installer couldn't find the unpartitioned area...16:35
linuxmonsterActionParsnip,  I already suggested that they don't want to do that letting the installer decide the place and size16:35
|friTTe|hi guys, trying to get streaming stuff working in Ubuntu, but youtube and stuff like that wont work16:35
ActionParsnipxomp: same version of openssh-server..... you may want to review /etc/ssh on both to compare settings16:36
Dr_Willis|friTTe|:  you did install the flash player?16:36
nicofsAND i don't have the resize option16:36
ActionParsniplinuxmonster: then you can use custom partitioning but you need unpartitioned space to install to16:36
Soyonicofs, what is the error specifically?16:36
Dr_Willis|friTTe|:  install --> flashplugin-installer - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer16:36
maruenHi all, Anyone could help me identify why crontab does not execute any jobs on my system?16:37
maruenI'm running ubuntu16:37
Dr_Willis|friTTe|:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:37
nicofsthe partitions do not appear in the installation programme16:37
phillyjerUSUL: so if the makefile said "/usr/X11R6/lib" i can rather use ...X11/lib instead?16:37
xompActionParsnip, /etc/ssh is a blank file on both boxes16:37
|friTTe|Dr_Willis:  thanks will try that16:37
linuxmonsterActionParsnip,  your preaching to the converted I always let the install suggestion place and size, then I just tell it nope your going to use this much space16:37
Soyomaruen do you have mta setup?16:37
ActionParsnipnicofs: if your intention was a dualboot and the system is a new install, why didnt you leave unpartitioned space rather then setting 100% for the first OS install?16:37
maruenand I configure that in crontab: lajes@XXXCNN2935:~/bin$ /home/lajes/bin/mysql_backup.sh16:37
maruen“Backup do Banco lajesdb completo”16:37
Dr_Willis!manual | fraggle_laptop16:37
ubottufraggle_laptop: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:37
Dr_Willisopps wrong nick :)16:37
ActionParsnipxomp: it may be /etc/sshd16:37
maruenSoyo, what is mta setup?16:37
Dr_Willis!manual > |friTTe|16:37
ubottu|friTTe|, please see my private message16:37
maruenI configured 28 12 * * *  /home/lajes/bin/mysql_backup.sh16:38
maruenin my crontab16:38
SoyoMail Transfer Agent, crontab will mail you errors if that is on your system16:38
xompActionParsnip, nope lol16:38
beegeearchwild: i don't get that error since in VLC that file plays fine but I don't think it uses vdpau by defaul (the cpu is used intensely)16:38
nicofs@ActionParsnip: BUT i did! i left 25Gig unpartitioned. and the programm could not find them. SO i though that maybe it could find them i i partitioned them...16:38
maruenSoyo, my var/mail directory is empty16:39
maruenSoyo, any idea?16:39
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SoyoProbably not then16:39
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james0anybody use ubuntu with three monitors with nvidia drivers?16:39
ActionParsnipxomp: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config  and review16:39
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linuxmonsterI need a suggestion, my old site used Postnuke which i loved however thats now depricated. And my host allows others like PhpBB, Drupal, Joomla. I wanted to use Zikula but could not any suggestions on what is similar in look and ease to Postnuke was?16:39
Soyomaruen, maybe the syslogs?16:40
KrishnanduHye guys....please help about low graphics mode16:40
maruenSoyo, How do I see the syslog?16:40
ActionParsnipnicofs: thats good, did you partition them as you want to install ubuntu to them? I suggest a 6gb /, RAM amount for swap and the rest for /home16:40
Dr_Willis|friTTe|:  you may want to check out  this also --> http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx16:41
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ActionParsnipnicofs: hopefully the live CD will see them then and you can format them as you wish in the custom partitioning part of the installer and set the mount points16:41
Vigolinuxmonster: There are many, have you looked at Dans?16:41
linuxmonstermauren tail -f /var/log/name-of-log  should allow you to see16:41
maruenSoyo, ?16:41
|friTTe|Dr_Willis:  thanks, i will16:41
DannyButtermanIs it possible to know compilation options used for a given binary ?16:42
nicofsi can only partition using windows. the ubuntu installer (step 4 of 7) in expert mode (manually manage partitions) DOES NOT FIND/DISPLAY the partition i want to use.16:42
mac_linuxcould someone refer me to the ubuntu powerpc channel?16:42
ChakanI have an installation problem with Ubuntu16:42
linuxmonsterVigo,  looked at a few others but the host lets certain apps and not others. I really wanted Zikula but no interface for it or I did something wrong (It was late afterall) lol16:42
Soyotry opening /var/log/syslog in a text editor and search cron16:42
nicofsit just "merges" my last 3 partitions into one big partition.16:42
archwildbeegee: have you tried to manually add /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var?16:43
[[webrat]]whew... just love it... 10.04 makes me smile16:43
nicofsor in other words: the reality is not properly represented by the programme...16:43
Vigolinuxmonster: Are you blocking content or is that the intent?16:43
ChakanI burned Ubuntu to my CD, but the CD still shows as a blank CD and yet all other CDs work.  Why is that?16:43
archwildbeegee: google linux shared libraries for more information16:43
Dr_WillisChakan:  how did you burn it?16:44
linuxmonsterVigo,  I am not blocking anything to be honest, its a BSD based webhost and they install nothing as its pay as you go.16:44
beegeethx archwild.. i'll try that16:44
piper69do i partition my 2nd HDD as primary or extended if i would like to use it as a storage drive16:44
Soyomaruen, try opening /var/log/syslog in a text editor and search cron (there maybe multiple syslogs for certain date ranges though)16:44
xompActionParsnip, they are identical between the two16:44
Vigolinuxmonster: I see now, was just looking at the site, Blogging?16:44
linuxmonsterVigo,  I like the host as its no frills, you pay only for what bandwidth/storage you use not a flat fee permonth type thing. Just a bugger to setup lol16:45
Dr_Willispiper69:  a 2nd actual hard drive,, can be either. It depends on your needs. I always use primaries when possible16:45
ActionParsnipxomp: strange, thats the config of the service..16:45
ActionParsnipxomp: same hardware too?16:45
Dr_Willispiper69:  4 primaries  allowed. One of which can be a extended that holds 1 or more logical parittions.16:45
ActionParsnipxomp: and same kernel?16:45
piper69Dr_Willis: ext2 or 316:45
Vigolinuxmonster: Do you have alien marked in the Package Manager?16:45
Dr_Willispiper69:  if you just want a single partition. may as well make it primary16:45
Dr_Willispiper69:  why not ext4?16:45
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linuxmonsterVigo,  give you a better idea here is a link to my old site in the internet time machine http://web.archive.org/web/20030217033734/http://linuxmonster.org/ takes a minute or so to load16:46
xompActionParsnip, different hardware, ones a Linode ubuntu VPS and the other is a DME Hosting ubuntu VPS both running identical versions of ubuntu with same kernel.16:46
Dr_Willispiper69:  it depends on your needs. I dont see much reason to use ext216:46
piper69Dr_Willis: i will be using it for my mythtv to record on it16:46
Dr_Willispiper69:  the #mythbuntu channel may tell you whats best for that task.16:46
maruenSoyo, I found out this:16:46
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: ext2 is good on USB / flash based devices16:46
Dr_Willispiper69:  i imagine ext3/4 would work fine.16:46
linuxmonsterOkay maybe it takes 4 mins to load lol16:46
maruenSoyo, :16:47
maruen22926 May 19 10:45:13 XXXCNN2935 cron[14008]: (CRON) DEATH (can't open or create /var/run/crond.pid: Permission denied)16:47
maruen22927 May 19 10:46:16 XXXCNN2935 cron[14034]: (CRON) DEATH (can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 13441: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:47
ActionParsnipxomp: maybe its a driver thing, run top on the system while the copy runs to see what is chewing the ram16:47
Soyomaruen which user did you choose in crontab?16:47
maruenSoyo, I'm using the user lajes16:48
maruenSoyo, I'm not using root16:48
SoyoThat could be why16:49
xompActionParsnip, memory is below it's maximum, the error I get seems to be releated to a welcome message or something for ssh/sftp? this is the error I get in WinSCP http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/323/sftp.jpg and the error I get in putty and filezilla are simply "Out of Memory". Not sure why I get such varying errors between those applications.16:49
maruenSoyo, but I also tried to use root, and it didn't worked16:49
maruenSoyo, also16:49
sin_taxIs it possible to run Ubuntu as a VM under Windows 7?16:49
mickster04sin_tax: i believe so....16:49
ActionParsnipxomp: tiny shot but readable, not sure dude. i'd check top while you transfer the data, as well as read the dmesg | tail   when it craps out16:50
ActionParsnipsin_tax: absolutely16:50
sin_taxActionParsnip, so I'd just need the ISO and a VM client?  Sorry, new to VM16:51
nicofsis there any good programme for partitioning, like PartitionMagic, that's open-source?16:51
ActionParsnipsin_tax: sure, i'd advise you use virtualbox if you are new to VM, it holds your and a lot16:51
Dr_Willissin_tax:  get virtualbox.. read its docs.. run ubuntu in virtualbox.. works great16:51
ActionParsnipsin_tax: make sure you MD5 test the ISO before using it too, make sure the data is good :)16:51
sin_taxThanks ActionParsnip + Dr_Willis16:52
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xiongWhenever I make or break a wireless connection, a big fat black box pops up, which cannot be dismissed but fades away after (too long). Can this be disabled?16:52
ActionParsnip!md5 | sin_tax16:52
ubottusin_tax: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:52
Mrokiinicofs:  GParted maybe?16:52
ActionParsnipxiong: sounds like libnotify16:52
xiongActionParsnip, ?16:52
ActionParsnipxiong: tell your network app to not display notifications16:53
nicofsmrokii: i'll try that...16:53
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xiongActionParsnip, I'm using the Network Manager Applet. All its preferences seem to deal with connections themselves; the applet doesn't seem to have options.16:54
maruenSoyo, where are you?16:54
blue_annais there a subtitle helper app for ubuntu - like for to create subtitles?16:54
Vigolinuxmonster: Something like Bluefish or am missing the track here?16:55
ActionParsnipxiong: not sure dude, i use wicd which has an option. I'd assume network manager can be told to be quiet16:55
linuxmonsterVigo,  you saw the archive of the site?16:55
Dr_Willisblue_anna:  heres a tool/url that can find/download subtitles for you . ive never made my own --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/automatically-rename-your-tv-and-anime.html16:55
xiongActionParsnip, A different network manager might be a big win anyway. I don't think highly of 'Network Manager'.16:56
IdleOneblue_anna: subtitleeditor is in Synaptic package manager. don't know how good it is. I have never used it16:56
edbianxiong, I just got rid of it and I use the config file.16:56
ActionParsnipxiong: me either, wicd is great but doesn't support 3G which I dont personally use16:56
blue_annaDr_Willis: thanks, but yeah, I mean a helper tool to create srt's -- it's really not taht bad to just do it in a text editor but the video playback has to support very accurate timestamps16:56
Vigolinuxmonster: Rechecking now...16:57
blue_annaIdleOne: thanks, I'll give that a try16:57
linuxmonsterVigo,  takes like 4 mins to load as its a archive of the website 7 years ago lol16:57
Dr_Willisblue_anna:  the mencoder docs/forums/guides may offer suggestions.16:58
sin_taxI think I might just clean a HDD and do a dual boot... I gather Win cannot read extfs and linux cannot read NTFS, so would it be smart to create a FAT partition on a drive in case I need to swap data between OSes?16:58
ActionParsnipxiong: make sure you remove network manager too, gets in the way16:58
Vigolinuxmonster: That is what had me puzzled...16:58
gharzguys, i've installed lucid thru wubi on xp... problem is if choose ubuntu during the boot, i ended up with sh:grub>... i was able to get inside my ubuntu and run upgrade-grub... problem still exists... anyone?16:58
edbiansin_tax, actually linux can read ntfs and windows can read extX16:58
ActionParsnipsin_tax: fat isn't very robust at all, ntfs is a better choice16:58
edbiansin_tax, You need to download drivers for windows but I think it's out of the box for linux16:58
webereincThinking about upgrading to 10.04..... anyone run into any snags/major problems?16:59
ActionParsnipsin_tax: edbian: the ext2fs project doesn't run on win7 yet16:59
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sin_taxAh, cool.  I couldn't seem to find the NTFS partition on my wife's computer when I installed ubuntu on it, but it was probably just user error.16:59
ActionParsnipwebereinc: none, but some say its been hellish16:59
linuxmonsterI think I will just try Zikula again even though they dont support it. If the host allows Drupal and Joomla then I cant see why Zikula would not work. I must have just been tired and missed something lastnight playing around16:59
xiongActionParsnip, Synaptic wants to rm NM anyway. This gives me pause. If I rm it and for some reason, wicd fails or I need to browse help to get it working, how can I get back online?16:59
edbiansin_tax, In any event linux can read NTFS it just can't run nativly on it yet.  Unless you count wubi16:59
ActionParsnipxiong: use the install CD or a wired connection and reinstall it, wicd will be fine though17:00
gharzplease help... coz everytime i want to run ubuntu i always end up typing from grub> set root=(loop0) blah blah17:00
Vigolinuxmonster: We are getting rather off topic now, /msg me17:00
fnmueller_remotewell, windows can read extX17:00
ActionParsnipgharz: review your grub config17:00
edbiangharz, People here an generally not thrilled to work on wubi problems.  They're complicated and often the case is that just installing linux normally seems like the solution17:00
seanjgrub2 is greek to me, i miss grub117:00
fnmueller_remoteyou just need to load the apropiate driver, just like with ntfs in linux17:00
Dr_WillisDid there finally  get a tool out for windows to read ext4 ?17:01
Cork[home]in ubuntu 10.04 Xorg consumes silly amount of cpu if i have the powercabel connected, anyone have any idea what i can do about it?17:01
askhaderIf my /var/lib/dpkg/available is corrupt how can I replace it?17:01
xiongActionParsnip, Don't have a wired connection. I guess I can use the install CD. But I do fear this. We'll see.17:01
Dr_Willisive had some bad issues in the past with windows tools read/writeing to ext2/317:01
edbianHow can I make the text input box bigger / a different color in xchat?17:01
ActionParsnipfnmueller_remote: the fs-driver.org app doesn't run on win7 yet17:01
gharzedbian: looks like that's what i'm gonna do.... ActionParsnip: i've checked my grub.cnf file and it looks good to me...17:01
fnmueller_remotewell isn,t ext4 downward compatible?17:01
ActionParsnipxiong: i think you'll be pleasantly suprised :)17:01
seanjedbian, settings-preferences-text box17:02
gharzgrub doesn't show when i choose ubuntu... it goes directly to grub>17:02
ActionParsnipgharz: when you are booted, reinstall grub to the disk again (may need live cd)17:02
edbianseanj, Found it.  Thanks.  I made it the same colors but making it taller doesn't seem to be possible17:02
nicofsis there anny partition manager other than GParrted, that i could try to manage my ntfs partitions?17:02
edbiannicofs, I think KDE has one.17:02
gharzActionParsnip: i'm actually inside my ubuntu now... did update-grub17:02
gharzActionParsnip: i wonder what to do next17:02
tarzeau_how can i get sound software to use my card 1: iSub [harman/kardon USB iSub], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]17:02
ActionParsnipgharz: yes but that doesn't install the bootloader to the disk, only updates the grub.cfg file17:03
An_Ony_MooseI'm trying to use krita in the GNOME environment and it crashes on startup every time. When I try to report a bug, it asks me to install the debugging symbols. While KPackageKit is doing so, it, too, crashes. Any idea?17:03
gharzActionParsnip: bootloader? sad to say i don't know where to find the bootloader17:03
blue_annathank yous17:03
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ActionParsnipgharz: boot to live cd and reinstall grub there17:03
ActionParsnip!grub2 | gharz17:03
ubottugharz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:04
gharzActionParsnip: thanks... i'll check that one out17:04
edbiangharz, The bootloader is a mysterious little piece of software that resides in the first few blocks on your hdd.  You don't ever seen it unless it's running ;)17:04
seanjwell thanks for making Ubuntu, cheers17:04
gharzActionParsnip: i can't reinstall grub inside my ubuntu? i need to install it thru a live cd?17:04
ActionParsnipgharz: i'd do it from livecd so the disk is not in use17:04
gharzActionParsnip: ok17:04
gharzthanks, ActionParsnip17:04
ActionParsnipgharz: np dude17:05
xiongDunno, ActionParsnip. I guess I trust your advice. Will I be looking at a restart?17:06
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Cork[home]in ubuntu 10.04 Xorg consumes silly amount of cpu (65-78% if i have the powercabel connected, anyone have any idea what i can do about it?17:07
Dr_WillisCork[home]:  err,, what powercable ?17:07
Cork[home]Dr_Willis: the powercable for the laptop17:07
Cork[home]on batery it goes down to 1-2%17:07
Dr_Willisthat is interesting.17:08
edbianCork[home], It sounds liks it throttling to save battery life?17:08
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xiongWell, ActionParsnip, I seem to be back online. But I'm not thrilled with wicd. It takes up quite a bit of room and apparently doesn't go straight into the panel.17:08
Cork[home]edbian: so it only hides the original problem?17:08
Dr_WillisCork[home]:  you may want to check the forums.   Such power setting issues are often very hard to track down.17:08
An_Ony_Mooseedbian, he said that XOrg uses more CPU when the power cable is plugged in17:08
ActionParsnipxiong: does it, the default is to load a panel item17:08
Koiyukii wish i could get dual monitor working.17:08
ActionParsnipxiong: try a reboot if its convenient17:09
Dr_WillisKoiyuki:  then you will want 3 monitors.. then 417:09
Dr_WillisKoiyuki:  i got 2 here.. 3 was too much hassle17:09
An_Ony_MooseKoiyuki, what manufacturer is your graphics card from?17:09
edbianDr_Willis, Koiyuki I have 1 monitor and I already want 417:09
IdleOneKoiyuki: just get a 42" tv and you should be good17:09
Koiyukiclose idle17:09
abuayyoubHello, I was hoping someone could help me restore my old lucid configurations. I had Lucid installed via Wubi but windows got destroied while partitioning.  I installed lucid again on it's own partition I made  backup of root.disk and swap.disk from the origional wubi install now I just need to know how to take that root.disk file and restore my old settings.17:09
JeruvyIdleOne: na, then you'd want 2...17:09
Koiyuki24" 1920x1200 lcd, second display is a 40" rca 1080p hdtv17:10
ActionParsnipxiong: there is a new startup added to run: wicd-gtk   at logon17:10
xiongA reboot is definitely not convenient just now; I'm in the middle of stuff. I'm more concerned that it shows available networks ordered by strength of signal. This is useless, since most of them are secured.17:10
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  i belive you can mount the root.disk file via the mount and -o loop options. but ive never done so17:10
Koiyukiyou were off by 2"17:10
Remowylliamshas anyone had trouble booting the 2.6.31-21 kernel?17:10
KoiyukiAn_Ony_Moose, 2x xfx ati hd 577017:11
mbeierlis it possible to use Ekiga to call someone's VOIP service if they use something like Vonage as a provider?17:11
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:11
ActionParsnipxiong: i'm not sure how you'd change that, usually the strongest signalled are closer in proximity so will be more likely to be your AP17:11
An_Ony_MooseKoiyuki, ah, ati... no wonder you can't xP17:12
Rob123Hi all can someone please help me put my dns servers back to automatic. (I manually set them a while ago and can't remember how i did it)17:12
KoiyukiA lil bit ago, I had the second display going, but it wasnt working right. One second, you could see it as a second display, the next it was just a garbled bunch of pixels17:12
ActionParsnipRob123: what network management app do you use?17:12
xiongActionParsnip, I have dozens of secured routers in my neighborhood; not interested in any of them.17:12
edbianRob123, you need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf17:13
Rob123I don't :) at least I can't remember (I'm a bit of a noob)17:13
KoiyukiAnd one thing I didnt like, it was set up so the second display was "to the right" of my maind display17:13
xiongAnother issue, which may be the deal-killer, is that I have two wifi interfaces in my laptop, internal and external. Sometimes I get better pickup on one, sometimes the other.17:13
Rob123ok I'll check that edbian17:13
edbianRob123, you need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  specifically the prepend domain-name-servers line17:13
xiongBut wicd seems to want to set the interface one time.17:13
KoiyukiI want the second display to be "above" my main display. cause my main display (24" lcd) is on my desk, my second display (40" hdtv) is above it, mounted on the wall17:13
abuayyoubDr_Willis, any idea how to do that?17:14
Rob123is there a network manager gui that I can use before I dive into the files?17:14
edbianRob123, /etc/resolv.conf is the actual file that lists your DNS servers but it gets re-written by other software all the time so it's not best to manually edit it.17:14
linuxmonsterIRC on a 40" now that would be a trip lol17:14
thomcHey - quick question: what does the little black arrow above a folder icon mean?17:14
Koiyukiive played WoW on it a few times, but not for long17:14
edbianRob123, nm-applet   It shows up in notification area on the gnome-panel.  I suggest the files though ;)17:14
Rob123edbian, yeh I had a go at removing resolv.conf but it didn't help17:14
ActionParsnipRob123: you will have nm-applet in the notification area, you may have used that17:14
Koiyukihurts my neck having to look up for any extended period of time17:14
edbianRob123, You probably don't want to remove the entire file :P17:14
ActionParsnipxiong: well you can always switch back. give it a go, there is more than network-manager17:15
xiongYes, ActionParsnip, it looks like a better tool but just not for me, in my circumstances. But thank you for pointing it out.17:15
Rob123edbian, ActionParsnip thanks I'll try nm-applet17:15
ActionParsnipxiong: theres also wifi-radar17:15
edbianRob123, no problem17:15
* xiong looks17:15
Rob123edbian, I tried purging it too and that still didn't help17:15
Koiyukibrb, testing xbmc17:15
linuxmonsterI never had any luck with wifi-radar it hated my USB adapter17:15
Rob123...trying nm-applet17:15
ActionParsnipxiong: if the system is a desktop and never moves you can use /etc/network/interfaces to define the network there and use no network manaer at all17:16
linuxmonsterWicd and Network-applet worked like a charm though was so strange17:16
edbianRob123, purging what?17:16
RemowylliamsI can boot -2.6.31-14 just fine17:16
edbianxiong, That's what I do.  I didn't like the network manager17:16
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  I have both installed and can boot both without issue, but I tend to just use -1417:16
Rob123edbian, resolv.conf... but then I put it back :)17:16
ActionParsniplinuxmonster: afaik, wicd also ignores that stupid key stuff which pops up asking to be unlocked17:16
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: are you using an lvm ?17:17
edbianRob123, Oh ha.  You need that file :)  When you say purge I think of removing packages using apt17:17
xiongActionParsnip, edbian, my box is a laptop. I need to be able to take flexible advantage of my environment.17:17
edbianxiong, You can do that with the file although I never have.17:17
Stokenjoin #ubuntu-de-offtopic17:17
Anarhistyou know the example content that is distributed with Ubuntu, i have some poems in audio and some other stuff that are in public domain that i'd like to offer where do i do that?17:17
ActionParsnipxiong: you can e with interfaces file, its just not a pretty gui ;)17:17
edbianxiong, "sudo iwlist scan"17:17
xiongThat's why I bought an external antenna.17:17
IdleOneStoken: /join #ubuntu-de-offtopic17:17
ActionParsnipxiong: your call dude.17:17
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: I'm going to try to boot 2.6.31-17 and see if that works.17:18
linuxmonsterActionParsnip,  LOL ya know I forgot all about that little annoyance. yeah it does and it never unlocked 1/2 time I just sticked with Wicd and Network-pannel applet when in Xfce and they worked for me with my usb adapter no issues17:18
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:18
Stokenjo thx17:18
Stokenmy mistake17:18
IdleOneStoken: no problem :)17:18
Remowylliamserr 2017:18
Koiyukibut i would like to be able to run my 40" hdtv as a second display, so i can run XBMC/VLC on it17:18
KurtKrautIs it possible to hear a feedback/loopback through speakers of a microphone plugged to a Ubuntu 10.04 desktop? My mic works properly, I can record its audio. I'm trying hear the feedback but it seems impossible, even messing up with mixers.17:19
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  Y aknow I am in a firm beliver it aint broke dont try fix it. -14 works perfect for me so I rarely ever boot into -21 I should really remove it to be honest as I rarely use it17:19
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: 2.6.31-20 works fine17:19
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: make my day better if you can please and tell me how to remove the -2117:20
abuayyoubDr_Willis, After I manage to mount the root.disk file do i just copy and replace the files inside?17:20
Remowylliamsit was installed with aptitude upgrade17:20
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  easy just delete it therough Synaptic it will then also remove it from your Grub aswell17:21
Koiyukidoes linux have an issue with HDMI? could that be the issue my second display looked all wacked?17:21
abuayyoubDr_Willis, After I manage to mount the root.disk file do I simply copy the files over and rewrite the new ones?17:21
linuxmonsterbe sure to also remove the -dev and others assc with it then you will have just the one installed and listed as a option to boot in Grub17:21
Anarhistnobody wants to help me to help ubuntu?17:21
nicofsI need help installing ubuntu. i can't install it to the desired partition... my hdd has 6 partitions but the installation programme displays only 4 (the last 3 partitions being merged into one) what should i do? weirdly enough, all 6 partitions except the last one can be mounted... and the last one is where my ubuntu should go...17:22
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  though I will also add that most suggest you keep 2 kernels installed at all times incase on gets borked you can always boot the other17:22
hiexpoi have a folder in /usr/src/drivers i needto remove what is th rm command17:23
linuxmonsterhiexpo,  rm -R /name/of/directory17:23
Anarhistnicofs, it may be displaying the 'extended' partition17:23
Anarhistnicofs, i can't really know for sure however17:24
nicofscould be... but how do i fix that?!?17:24
linuxmonstertry without the -R first though as thats a recursive delete and would delte all sub-folders aswell17:24
thomcHey - quick question: what does the little black arrow above a folder icon mean?17:24
piper69i have created a single partition /dev/sdb1 ...i currenty have /var/lib/mythtv/recordingd and  /var/lib/mythtv/livetv that i want to move it to the new storage drive /dev/sdb1 how can i do that please17:25
hiexpolinuxmonster, so it would be rm -r /usr/src\drivers17:25
nicofsanarhist: if you need further information... just ask...17:25
Anarhistnicofs, i'm trying to think17:25
linuxmonsterhiexpo,  make sure though there is no sub-directorys that you may need in /usr/src/drivers17:25
nicofsanarhist: sry... woulndn't want to disturb you doing that...17:26
Konamwhat does the ubuntu dvd include that the cd doesn't?17:26
hiexpolinuxmonster,  i just want to delete the drivers folder17:26
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VirusTBwhat torrent program for Ubuntu handles RSS torrent feeds?17:26
VirusTBwhat torrent program for Ubuntu handles RSS torrent feeds?17:26
VirusTBsorry for double...17:26
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: giving it a shot now.17:27
AnarhistVirusTB, miro17:27
Rob123edbian, nm-applet doesn't seem like what I need, I have opened up dhclient.conf and found the line prepend domain.name-servers, what must I do there?17:27
KonamVirusTB: deluge does I guess17:27
hmwhow can I restart networking? /etc/init.d/networking stop   does nothing, and  service restart networking   gives: restart: Unknown Instance:   (ends with a colon)17:27
VirusTBAnarch, Miro does torrents???17:27
anonymouse_Konam, I don't think deluge handles RSS17:28
KurtKrautIs it possible to hear a feedback/loopback through speakers of a microphone plugged to a Ubuntu 10.04 desktop? My mic works properly, I can record its audio. I'm trying hear the feedback but it seems impossible, even messing up with mixers.17:28
VirusTBAnarhist, , Miro does torrents???17:28
VirusTBAnarhist, Konam  know any nother torrent aplications on ubntu17:28
Anarhistnicofs, no, that's not what i meant... q; -)=   i meant "give me a second"... do you see your partition table right now?17:29
KonamVirusTB deluge is the best bittorrent client on linux IMO, it's like our own utorrent (they are going in that direction). I don't know if it handles bt because i always disable the sidebar.17:29
edbianRob123, That line adds those DNS servers to your resolv.conf when you make a DHCP connection to a network.  IT addes them before the DNS servers provided by the DHCP server.  Does that answer your question?17:29
AnarhistVirusTB, i believe miro does torrents too17:29
anonymouse_VirusTB, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-bittorrent-clients-available-in-ubuntu.html17:29
nicofsanarhist: i can start gparted... otherwise im in front of a blank screen of ubuntu 10.04 live-cd...17:29
g8torwhat is the best way to setup ssh tunnels at login and close them at logout?17:30
Konamcan somebody tell me the difference between the ubuntu cd and the dvd?17:30
hmwhow can I restart networking in Karmic? /etc/init.d/networking stop   seems to do nothing, and  service restart networking   gives: restart: Unknown Instance:   (ends with a colon)17:30
VirusTBanonymouse_,  thanks :P just googled and got the same link17:30
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: Thank you very much. that has everything working as it should. *salute*17:30
edbianKonam, Number of packages on the disc17:30
Anarhistnicofs, yeah, start gparted, let's see if we can sort that out17:30
anonymouse_Konam, it comes with more application packages17:30
linuxmonsterRemowylliams,  you most welcome glad I could help17:30
VirusTBKonam,  ohh i like uTorrent :D17:30
VirusTBKonam,  i will truy Delufge17:31
Remowylliamslinuxmonster: I'm very glad too. :))17:31
hiexpolinuxmonster, so it would be rm -r /usr/src/drivers so will this command only delete the drivers folder and not the others?17:31
anonymouse_VirusTB, try uTorrent + wine17:31
nicofsanarhist: gparted running as sudo... displays 4 partitions where there should be 6...17:31
Rob123edbian, at the moment that is commented out with a # but it does have listed there.17:31
Anarhistok, what is the type of the last one?17:31
nicofsaparently NTFS17:31
DexterFfresh install, get no grub prompt. why?17:32
linuxmonsterhiexpo,  that will delete all files and any sub-dirs in /usr/src/drivers you can also use the -I tag thats for interactive so it prompts you before deleting a file17:32
Rob123I'll uncomment it and hope that the (localhost) with put it back to default auto DNS?17:32
xiongedbian, http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1554608.html17:32
edbianRob123, If it is commented than it isn't affecting anything.  Can you explain what you're trying to do?  I don't think I understand17:32
nicofsbut judging by the size, it's the last 3 partitions of my hdd...17:32
zacktumy /home in lucid is encrypted; i get error messages when trying to make a tar copy of /home; what to do?17:32
nicofs(which are NTFS, NTFS, FAT32)17:32
Anarhistnicofs, what did you see under the windows17:32
nicofs6 partitions17:32
linuxmonsterhiexpo,  rm -I -r /usr/src/drivers should work thats a capital eye not a small L17:33
nicofs3x NTFS (the same under gparted), 2xNTFS, FAT32 (all in one under Gparted)17:33
pollerOmg, way to many people to get a good conversation going, but I'm trying anyway. I'm having trouble with 10.04 amd64 loosing the network connection regularly. It's a ESX 4 guest. Doing /etc/init.d/networking restart solves the problem temporarily17:33
Rob123About 2 years ago I added Manually DNS servers to Ubuntu, My ISP recently removed those DNS servers and I want to go back to auto detecting them. I can't for the life of me remember how I made the changes so I can't therefore think how to undo them...17:33
IdleOne!hi | loris17:34
ubottuloris: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:34
Dr_WillisRob123: edited your /etc/resolov.conf perhaps?17:34
IdleOne!it > loris17:34
ubottuloris, please see my private message17:34
edbianRob123, What does /etc/resolv.conf look like?17:34
* Dr_Willis never can spell the name of that file right17:34
edbianRob123, Are you using a router / gateway?17:35
hiexpolinuxmonster, ok but i do not want to delete any other folder other the the drivers folder so what is the commandto just delete it i need to keep the other folders leading to it17:35
Anarhistnicofs, let's try a different (more bruteforce) utility, in terminal do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" where sda is your drive17:35
Rob1231 sec getting the contents of resolv.conf17:35
nicofsbefore i start... what does that do?17:35
fission6whats the simplest way to take an old netbook ASUS with ubuntu and upgrade it?17:35
Anarhistnicofs, it will list the table of drives and exit without making any changes17:36
edbianRob123, Be sure to say my name when you're talking to me or I will miss you17:36
anaohello@all how many users do current use lucid lynx?? is the a webcounter??17:36
phlak_userdownload the img, write it to an SD card, boot off it17:36
Anarhistnicofs, sorry, i should have said that myself17:36
linuxmonsterhiexpo,  rm -I -r /usr/src/drivers should work thats a capital eye not a small L thats interactive mode. I have to hit the store but "man rm" will also help you its a very short manpage17:36
kanzieIm trying to get my apache directory password-protected and have it all working for one dir, but cant get it to work for the other. Anyone that knows AuthConfig here?17:36
Anarhistnicofs, man fdisk   if you want to check17:36
Rob123edbian, sorry, here we go, search lan (return) nameserver (return) nameserver
Konamanonymouse_ if that's the case then I don't need it17:37
Rob123those nameservers are now decommisioned17:37
hmwanao: it is generally _very_ difficult to find out, how many people are using free software, since it is not sold and therefore not registered.17:37
edbianRob123, Take them out of the file!  Are you using a router / gateway?17:37
anonymouse_fission6, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:37
abuayyoubhi, can someone  help me please. I have a backup file ( root.disk) from a wubi install. I just did a clean install of lucid on it's own partition now I am wondering how to restore my files from the root.disk file.17:37
fission6ok so just use package manager17:38
Rob123edbian, that was the first thing I did (take them out) but it didn't seem to work. Yes I am using a router17:38
jimmyz80Can anyone tell me where I change the timeout before the screen locks requiring my password to use the comp? Using 10.417:38
nicofsanarhist: i did fdisk -l ... does not look good...17:38
fission6err update manager17:38
Anarhistnicofs, same thing?17:38
Rob123edbian, So you are suggesting that the whole resolv.conf should just consist of 'search lan'?17:38
edbianRob123, Log into the router and make sure it's not passing those address out as well.17:38
phlak_userjimmyz80: System-Preferences-ScreenSaver17:38
nicofsit tells me, that "this doesn't look like a partition table"...17:38
Anarhistnicofs, ouch17:38
nicofshang on... that was only sda417:39
Anarhistno, not a number17:39
Anarhistjust sda17:39
edbianRob123, If the file is blank that is what it will do but that's generally not going to work. Most lans don't have a DNS server.  That file should get a couple good DNS servers from your router.17:39
nicofsif i do the whole thing with just sda... it shows 4 partitions17:39
edbianRob123, When you connect via DHCP that's what happens.  The system gets a couple DNS servers from the DHCP server, in this case that's your router17:40
Rob123edbian, how do you mean 'passing those address out'? that I may have updated the router?... you know... that may be ringing a little bell... checking...17:40
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Anarhistnicofs, you don't have something weird installed, some whole drive encryption or something else like that? because i'm sort of out of ideas how this can be17:40
edbianRob123, I think you updated the router.  Yes17:40
nicofsi *had* installed an encrypted partition using truecrypt... but i reformated it to blank...17:41
edbianRob123, Back.  Sorry about that.  Did I miss anything?17:42
nicofsedbian: no17:42
cellofellowhow do I disable plymouth?17:43
Anarhistnicofs, that wouldn't break anything... i'd recommend rebooting into windows again, and rechecking the disk table... maybe even delete the partition you want to install ubuntu to, so that it will be empty space, you can create the new partition during the installation of ubuntu17:43
phlak_usercellofellow: whats plymouth?17:43
cellofellowphlak_user: haha, it's the bootsplash screen in Ubuntu (and Fedora for that matter).17:43
nicofsanarhist: that's what i've tried already a few times... delete, create...17:44
Anarhistnicofs, don't create17:44
Anarhistnicofs, let it be empty and see what happens17:44
Rob123edbian, nope still looking into the router pages, can't see how to change nameservers atm17:44
edbianRob123, What kind of router?17:44
phlak_usercellofellow: does it come with grub2?17:44
VirusTBanonymouse_,  i had uTorrent with wine last time on ubuntu, it doesnt seem to handle the Magnet links to download17:44
nicofsthe same... i did that... an after that didnt work, i just created a fat32 partition..17:44
Rob123think it's a thomson17:45
xomphow to uninstall a program including all of it's configuration files?17:45
phlak_userxomp: sudo apt-get remove program-name17:45
xompI've tried apt-get autoremove package, apt-get remove --purge package17:45
cellofellowphlak_user: has nothing to do with grub2. Jaunty and Karmic had grub2 but still used usplash, Lucid now uses plymouth.17:45
Anarhistnicofs, and when you did that the last partition was still showing up as being as large as from start to the end of the drive?17:45
xompphlak_user, that doesn't remove the packages configs17:45
Fabiennehi plz give me  french chan ubuntu17:45
Anarhistnicofs, did you ever resize that partition?17:45
phlak_user!fr | Fabienne17:45
ubottuFabienne: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:45
xomp!fr | Fabienne17:45
nicofsanarhist: yes. it's always merged into one partition. no matter what i do17:45
Rob123edbian, o2 thomson router17:46
armenceHello all, I just got a USB Wacom Bamboo tablet and I'm trying to make it work (I'm on Lucid). Can anyone help?17:46
llutzxomp: purge will, but not the user-configs from $HOME17:46
Fabiennethank you17:46
phlak_usercellofellow: uh ive got a splash screen and its certainly not plymouth17:46
xompllutz, ah ok, explains why I still have this config hah17:46
celeborn999xomp: look at comment 5, here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-completely-uninstall-a-package-237772/17:46
edbianRob123, Never heard of it.  Can't help.  I'm almost certain that's where the addresses are coming from though17:46
abuayyoubhi, I have a some backup root / partition from a previous install, how can I copy them and rewrite the current system files??17:46
PuppetZCan anyone tell me whats the (hd0,3) numbering in GRUB?17:46
Rob123edbian, need to spend some more time looking for these settings, let's say that's where the addresses are coming from so they would be written into resolv.conf automatically?17:47
cellofellowphlak_user: um, if it's purple with dots that change color it certainly is.17:47
Koiyukiim no linux expert, but im pretty sure hd0,3 would be 1st hard drive, 4th partition17:47
Anarhistnicofs, have you ever (in the past) resized the partition that now shows up to include other partitions beyond it17:47
phlak_usercellofellow: oh that; sorry I was thinking about the background image with grub17:47
AnarhistKoiyuki, you are correct17:48
edbianRob123, Yes.  When you get an IP address from a DHCP server you also get DNS servers.17:48
xompllutz, you wouldn't happen to know how I can setup an ftp server on my box do you? I only have SSH access to it and I tried following an outdated proftpd guide here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 but could never connect as I think the proftpd.conf is a lot different than that guys heh17:48
abuayyoubi have a fresh install of lucid, which i want to replace all the new system files with my backup ones. how can I do this?17:48
cellofellowphlak_user: like I said, has nothing to do with grub. :)17:48
PuppetZbut why not use /dev/sda0, sdb1, etc... instead of hd(0,3)?17:48
phlak_usercellofellow: sorry dude17:48
PuppetZsorry, (hd0,3)17:48
AnarhistPuppetZ, because there can be sda and hda17:48
llutzxomp: there are lots of vsftpd-tuts on the net17:48
nicofsanarhist: i can't really tell what exactly that large partition is... but i have done some resizing between the 3 partition it comprises of...17:48
Rob123edbian, ok, I am getting internet connection on my 2 xp machines though, is that irrelevant?17:48
AnarhistPuppetZ, and because /dev isn't mounted yet17:48
PuppetZso hdx means any hard disk17:49
xompllutz, vsftpd?17:49
PuppetZyep, certain :)17:49
edbianRob123, Are they DHCP??  And they don't have this same problem?17:49
AnarhistPuppetZ, no, hd is IDE17:49
Rob123edbian, correct17:49
cellofellowmy real problem actually isn't plymouth but X. My video card is really crappy and X sort of fizzles out when GDM starts it during the boot process. Since GDM switched to upstart instead of sysv bootup scripts I don17:49
llutzxomp: the only ftpd i ever used17:49
cellofellow...I don't know how to disable it.17:49
VirusTBHow do i secure shred my Trashbin??17:49
xompok, I'll google17:49
vilhelmI'm trying to start bind9 but all I get is Fail - anyone know where I can look for a more specific error msg?17:49
vilhelmI do /etc/init.d/bind9 start17:49
VirusTBHow do i secure shred my Trashbin??    ( wann go a 35 gunman pass), is there a plugin for the trash bin??17:49
Anarhistnicofs, i'm sorry, i have a feeling that somehow the disk table got corrupted somehow... i don't have enough knowledge to really help you, q; -(=17:50
crfhello, I just updated Ubuntu to the newest version and I don't have a sound volume control applet. How do I get one to start?17:50
AnarhistVirusTB, the command you look for is 'wipe'17:50
ToadaySo I built a RAID 5 array with devices, not partitions, and now I'm having problems with it17:50
cellofellowVirusTB: can't really be done unless your trash is a separate partition. Shredding files on a journaled filesystem doesn't work.17:50
nicofsanarhist: i think that's all due to the crappy partitioning programme included in windows...17:50
PuppetZso if i want to add a new entry in GRUB pointing to a windows partition in a SATA disk i will have to put 'set root=(sd0,x)'17:50
phlak_usercellofellow: you should remove quiet splash from the kernel boot line17:50
Cynthiacrf: See if right-clicking the Panel and selecting Add Panel, then Volume Control works17:50
ToadayI can't grow the filesystem17:50
cellofellowVirusTB: if your underlying filesystem is encrypted then there's no need to shred.17:50
AnarhistVirusTB, if it's journaled filesystem then it will be useless though17:50
VirusTBcellofellow,  :S ext3 i cant shred??17:50
edbianRob123, Have you restarted them recently?  They should also be getting their DNS servers from the DHCP server (the router).  This proves what I think maybe be wrong.17:51
cellofellowphlak_user: yeah, I realized that now.17:51
crfThanks Cynthia, I tried that, but there is no volume control option there.17:51
cellofellowVirusTB: nope, only chance is to shred the whole partition.17:51
VirusTBAnarhist,  wow... so what are my options to keep my info secure?17:51
Cynthiacrf: Update from what to Lucid? Karmic or Hardy?17:51
Rob123edbian, yes restart them all the time17:51
crfkarmic to lucid17:51
edbianRob123, Then I'm not sure what the hell is going on! :(17:51
crfcynthia, karmic to lucid17:51
phlak_userhas anyone got their microphone to work with skype?17:51
AnarhistVirusTB, if it's *really* important... back up all the contents and then wipe entire drive and then restore17:51
Cynthiacrf: saw that, thanks for adding my name though :)17:52
VirusTBcellofellow, Anarhist  what about if i encrypt my disc?? with truecrypt17:52
AnarhistVirusTB, and destroy the backup17:52
phlak_userim only getting pulseaudio as the input device; not alsa etc17:52
VirusTBAnarhist,  i wanna keep my data safe, just ijncase my desktop is stolen17:52
Cynthiacrf: (+) I'll see if Lucid itself has Volume Control as an option, and if it does, you should report a bug on the karmic-lucid upgrade17:52
AnarhistVirusTB, it depends, do you want to hide the data, or even the fact that you have that data17:52
Rob123edbian, haha, join the club :) I'm going to give my ISP a call and see if they know what is going on17:52
abuayyoubCynthia,  hello. You helped me yesterday with a problem I was hoping you might be able to help me today. I backed up all my files from a previous install of lucid ( the entire / folder ) what I want to know now is how can I replace my new / folder with the backup ?17:52
Rob123edbian, thanks for trying anyways :)17:52
crfCynthia, ok17:52
orflonhow can i find when a user logged in the last time into the system?17:52
cellofellowVirusTB: I'd use the built-in ecryptfs. Create a new user, and in the user-create dialog check the box to encrypt data. Copy all your stuff to that new user and it's all encrypted.17:53
phlak_userorflon: lastlog17:53
llutzorflon: "last"17:53
orflonapart from that?17:53
VirusTBAnarhist,  well, i want to make sure the Feds cant see whats on my HDD :P17:53
cellofellowVirusTB: might want to do that after a reinstall and a shred of the disk.17:53
VirusTBcellofellow,  hmm sounds easy :: but im on a dual boot system17:53
Cynthiaabuayyoub: Use 'cp -ar /backuppath /rootpath' after mounting your partition containing the backup as /backuppath and the new hard drive which is to contain the backup as /rootpath17:53
Rob123edbian, one last thing, do you know what the line 'search lan' is doing there in resolv.conf?17:53
IdleOneCynthia: crf add to panel Indicator Applet17:53
AnarhistVirusTB, it's *very* difficult actually, people who say otherwise didn't do PhD level research into anonymity17:54
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cellofellowVirusTB: even better. Copy all the stuff you want to keep into a TrueCrypt volume, and put that in the Windows system. Overwrite the Ubuntu partitions with zeros, then reinstall Ubuntu. You can set up the ecryptfs stuff in the installation.17:54
coafrabanyone knows where ubuntu/x stores if I have to manual allow vnc remote connections to my desktop? (i need the config file)17:54
markattoi'm surprised that nobody has mentioned LUKS17:54
JRDNwhat's the easiest way to install ODBC?17:54
edbianRob123, I would guess it is searching the lan for DNS servers (the ones you have are outside your lan)17:54
cellofellowcoafrab: using vino? that's in gconf17:54
xompllutz, trying to follow this horrible guide here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/ but he mentions not how you configure the username/password for the connection :( got a good one I can use?17:55
crfCynthia, thanks, that worked !!17:55
VirusTBcellofellow,  man! lol that means i will lose all my settings / configurations and ssytem preferences on ubuntu?17:55
Cynthiacrf: I didn't provide advice for that, IdleOne did17:55
cellofellowVirusTB: no, you can put all that in the truecrypt file.17:55
VirusTBcellofellow, even my eyecandy :(17:55
AnarhistVirusTB, if you are dealing with "Feds" or worse, then the problem is that they can always put keylogers somewhere, or just beat the living ... out of you to get the pass17:55
Rob123edbian, ok thanks17:55
llutzxomp: http://www.debiantutorials.net/installing-vsftpd-using-text-file-for-virtual-users/17:55
coafrabcellofellow: so far I see it via netstat it's vino :)17:55
crfoh, t-y IdleOne17:55
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IdleOnecrf: Cynthia :)17:55
cellofellowcoafrab: yeah, use gconf-editor it should be under /apps/vino17:56
daddyTi need good c99shell scanning server "RFI"17:56
VirusTBAnarch,  ok well how can i get windows to see a Ext3 partition?17:56
coafrabcellofellow: I can only use the console :)17:56
incorrecti wonder if i can get remix working on my joggler17:56
xompllutz, cheers \o17:56
phlak_userVirusTB: explore2fs17:56
AnarhistVirusTB, there's a programme to do that17:56
Cynthiacrf / IdleOne : and indeed, right-clicking Lucid itself's volume control icon, then clicking About, I see Indicator Applet17:56
Pici!es | curious_17:56
ubottucurious_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:56
incorrectis the a netbook specific channel?17:56
cellofellowcoafrab: ok, use gconftool, read the man page to get details.17:56
AnarhistVirusTB, yep, what phlak_user said17:56
coafrabcellofellow: oki, thanks!17:56
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ToadayI created a RAID5 (/dev/md0) Array of 3 2TB drives (/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd) a couple of days ago. After I copied all the data off of my other 2 2TB drives, I added them to the array as spares. I am now attempting to add an additional 2TB partition to the array, but according to Gparted, the filesystem is already 5.64 TB (The real size of the array) Is it because I used /dev/sdb (The entire device) instead of partitioning the drives and using partitions fo17:56
Toadayr the raid array (IE: /dev/sdb1) Can anyone help me?17:56
phlak_userincorrect: #eeepc17:56
=== Fabienne is now known as Fabienne`away
cellofellowcoafrab: are you logged in with ssh? You can use ssh -X to run graphical programs through ssh.17:57
VirusTBphlak_user,  ohh... so i install explore2fs in windows right?17:57
phlak_userVirusTB: yes17:57
=== Fabienne`away is now known as Fabienne
coafrabcellofellow: never did that before  :) will google that too, thanks17:57
AnarhistVirusTB, there's another one, i don't remember the name now, it doesn't need to be installed at all17:57
Anarhistbut i have to leave now17:57
cellofellowVirusTB: for the record, LUKS or TrueCrypt are full-disk encryption while ecryptfs just encrypts what you want.17:58
cba123I'm trying to get mplayer installed/compiled with vdpau, but it seems mplayer won't compile with --enable-vdpau, has anyone gotten it working on lucid?17:58
VirusTBphlak_user, Anarhist .. ok so if my Windows can see the ext2 partition.. can i shred the files from windows???17:58
cellofellowVirusTB: just shred the entire partition from a LiveCD.17:58
phlak_userVirusTB: is there a file shredding utility in Windoze?17:58
carlosgaldinoHi, does anyone know a good place or channel to get more informations about open-source licenses?17:58
VirusTBcellofellow, will encrypting the whole disc make it slower??17:58
cellofellowVirusTB: something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdaN will do it.17:58
cellofellowVirusTB: maybe17:58
ToadayI created a RAID5 (/dev/md0) Array of 3 2TB drives (/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd) a couple of days ago. After I copied all the data off of my other 2 2TB drives, I added them to the array as spares. I am now attempting to add an additional 2TB partition to the array, but according to Gparted, the filesystem is already 5.64 TB (The real size of the array) Is it because I used /dev/sdb (The entire device) instead of partitioning the drives and using partitions fo17:58
Toadayr the raid array (IE: /dev/sdb1) Can anyone help me?17:58
JRDNAnyone have info on installing ODBC on a lampstack?  We're having trouble finding the right version.. PHP version 5.1.317:59
llutzcarlosgaldino: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html17:59
VirusTBphlak_user,  lol yea :P  not built in, but u can get some free shreaders  Eraser // Spybot S&D has a shreder.... and17:59
Picicarlosgaldino: #fsf might be a good place to start.17:59
cellofellowVirusTB: there's also the shred command or just good old dd.17:59
Cynthiacba123: I don't think many people in here would have compiled MPlayer with VDPAU themselves; if that's the case, you should be getting the source tarball at www.mplayerhq.hu and build that, then if that also fails to compile, report a bug on MPlayer's bug tracker17:59
* cellofellow recommends dd.17:59
phlak_userVirusTB: so you pull the files using exlpore2fs and shred it17:59
=== dk is now known as deepak_
chalet16It seem qt inteface in ubuntu lucid display thai upper/lower vovel incorrectly which package should i report?18:00
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VirusTBphlak_user, yea thats what i was tinking... pull them in windows and shread them18:00
matakshow to view webcam in ubuntu?18:01
carlosgaldinollutz: Pici btw, do you know which license is the right for me? I want a license which the user just have to refer my job when using it. Whoever uses it can do whatever he wants but has to refer that I am the creator of the tool.18:01
VirusTBcellofellow,  i think me and phlak_user  are onto something here.. using explore2fs .. pull the files from ext3 partion (ubuntu) and shread them :D18:01
VirusTBcellofellow,  under windows ** shread them18:01
phlak_usermataks: use cheese18:01
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phlak_userhow do i get rid of pulseaudio?18:02
phlak_userskype on lucid is not able to use my mic18:03
mataksphlak_user, i mean what im trying to do is i want to view a webcam from a friend using a messenger..18:03
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llutzcarlosgaldino: wouldn't gpl2 do that?18:03
cba123Cynthia, I am in #mplayer, but they aren't answering.  I thought since my googleing seems to say it is a Lucid issue, I could see if anyone here has compiled for vdpau.18:03
phlak_usertry ekigo18:03
phlak_user!info ekiga18:03
ubottuekiga (source: ekiga): H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.6-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1828 kB, installed size 16240 kB18:03
xompllutz, followed that guide verbatim yet get this error when connecting: Response:500 OOPS: vsftpd: cannot locate user specified in 'guest_username':vsftpd18:03
phlak_usermataks: ekiga has the ability to do video calls18:04
VirusTBphlak_user,   "Explore2fs18:04
VirusTBGraphical Win32 explorer for Linux ex2fs partitions."    my partiton is in ext3  ??18:04
perlsyntaxWhere can i find the pip deb file for ubuntu?18:04
llutzxomp: step 518:04
Cynthiacba123: Ah, so it would be Ubuntu-specific code. Then you should report a bug in Launchpad :) Did you try building MPlayer HQ's tarball to eliminate them as the cause?18:04
thomcWhat does the black arrow above the thunderbird folder mean? http://imagebin.org/9769418:04
phlak_userVirusTB: yes it can read ext318:04
Cynthiathomc: It means symbolic link18:05
carlosgaldinollutz: I'll take a look. It's the first time I need to use a license so I kinda lost =)18:05
mataksphlak_user, he's in windows.. does he have to use ekiga too?18:05
j2daoshhey all18:05
xompllutz, horray! thanks!18:05
thomcCynthia: link to what?18:05
j2daoshis there a way to get a 3 char day of the month using 'date'?18:05
cba123Cynthia, Yeah, I tried their svn as well as their snapshot.18:05
j2daoshi looked at the man page, but didn't see the option18:05
Cynthiathomc: Right-click .mozilla-thunderbird and select Properties. You should then see "Link to theDirectoryInQuestion"18:06
phlak_usermataks: he can use any compatible sip client like xlite or sjphone18:06
llutzcarlosgaldino: licenses are for nitpickers and lawyers :(18:06
cba123Cynthia, And it seems to be working now, with the standard install.  I think I just had to install the vdpau lib18:06
thomcCynthia: Got it. Many thanks.18:07
Cynthiathomc: (+) I assume that .mozilla-thunderbird just refers to the thunderbird directory in .mozilla (.mozilla/thunderbird)18:07
phlak_userthomc: thats a symbolic link. it links to .thunderbird18:07
wildc4rdevenin' all18:07
Cynthiacba123: Ah, that helps indeed :)18:07
phlak_user!hi| wildc4rd18:07
ubottuwildc4rd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:07
=== ioi2010 is now known as abal9002
j2daoshis there a way to get a 3 char day of the month using 'date'? (EX - thu for thursday18:07
JRDNSo no one knows how to access a .MDB database through ODBC?18:07
thomcCynthia: Yeh, it's cos the directory name has changed for the new version of thunderbird.18:07
llutzj2daosh: %a18:07
j2daoshthank you very much18:08
llutzj2daosh: month or day?18:08
llutzj2daosh: month %b18:08
upphello, can i have vba exel on ubuntu?18:08
VirusTBphlak_user,  ok18:08
andrommy sql client (SQLYog) is use "2616m" of virtual memory when i use the 'top' command... why so much ?18:08
ToadayI created a RAID5 (/dev/md0) Array of 3 2TB drives (/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd) a couple of days ago. After I copied all the data off of my other 2 2TB drives, I added them to the array as spares. I am now attempting to add an additional 2TB partition to the array, but according to Gparted, the filesystem is already 5.64 TB (The real size of the array) Is it because I used /dev/sdb (The entire device) instead of partitioning the drives and using partitions fo18:08
andromwhen i restart it, it does the same thing18:08
Toadayr the raid array (IE: /dev/sdb1) Can anyone help me?18:08
j2daoshnope, just needed the day :D that +%a worked exactly as i needed it to18:08
abal9002Hi, I built a live CD for my distribution with Remastersys. How can I preserve the links in my desktop in the live CD?18:08
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:08
phlak_userj2daosh: date --help shows all the options18:08
llutzj2daosh: man date18:08
VirusTBcellofellow,  thanks for your help guys! phlak_user  will install explor2fs n locate my ubuntu trashbin inwindows and shread files from, there18:09
xompllutz, any reason why I'm unable to upload? Getting error in Filezilla saying: Response:553 Could not create file.18:09
xompError:Critical file transfer error18:09
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llutzxomp: check permissions of the target directory18:09
xompah yes thanks18:09
OpenSourcedNickhelp me guys, for some reason the menu on the top of my windows is gone (close,maximize and minimize buttons), what should I do?18:09
llutzxomp: group has to have write-access18:10
DaekdroomOpenSourcedNick, alt+F2, type in metacity --replace and there you go18:10
cba123Cynthia, It could be called a bug that it isn't installed by default I guess.18:10
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick: use ubuntu-tweaks to get them back18:10
VirusTBOpenSourcedNick,  ahve u tried presseing the ALT key?18:10
OpenSourcedNickwait which one? phlak_user or Daekdroom18:10
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:10
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick: depends if youve lost the window manager do what Daekdroom says18:11
OpenSourcedNickmm interesting alt+f2 doesn't work :I18:11
OpenSourcedNicksweet! wrote it on the terminal and worked, for some reason it's back on the left though I changed it to the right, what gives?18:11
perlsyntaxwhat is pkg_resources?18:11
hsetiMhow to enable my lenovo keyboard its not working in ubuntu but works fine in win18:11
perlsyntaxi have hard time find what that package means.18:12
VirusTBperlsyntax,  package = a file with all needed components18:12
ubottuperlsyntax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:12
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perlsyntaxlol ubottu your funny.18:13
uRockI have noticed an influx of people who have upgraded to 10.04 and are having theme problems. Is there any settings files in the /home that need to be tossed after upgrading?18:13
VirusTBperlsyntax,  pk_resouces i guess is the place where the packages are located ( on the internet)  (im not to sure im a newb also )18:13
Daekdroomperlsyntax, he's just a bot18:13
perlsyntaxi hate boots18:13
VirusTBDaekdroom,  :D i remember talking to ubottu  :P when i first came here (A)18:14
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:14
ubottuDaekdroom: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)18:14
SoyoI love ubottu even if it has no such feelings for me18:14
VirusTBAn_Ony_Moose,  :O he bot is female :D18:14
hsetiMhello can anybody know what is i8042.reset18:14
An_Ony_MooseSoyo, she :P18:14
perlsyntaxdaekdroom i just try to find it.18:14
An_Ony_Mooseoops, sorry, offtopic18:14
phlak_useruRock: i followed this as soon as i installed lucid --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004.html18:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:14
uRockthanks phlak_user18:15
perlsyntaxLooklike thi rom ful of newbies.18:16
nicofsok... new problem. i can't connect to the internet anymore using my netbook's umts-modem...18:16
pierohow do i install openvas scanner using terminal18:16
abuayyoubHello, can someone help me. I have a backup of all my files from a previous install ( the entire / folder ) I want to over-write the current / files with the backup.. how can I do this??18:16
mgolischabuayyoub: man tar?18:16
pierohow do i install openvas scanner using terminal18:17
pierohow do i install openvas scanner using terminal18:17
CaptainTrekpiero: sudo apt-get install openvas, perhaps?18:18
hsetiMpiero, sudo apt-get install packagename18:18
hsetiMpiero, sudo apt-get install openvs18:18
razasshi guys, I am trying to access a windows 7 hard drive through the network via the terminal, can someone point me in the right direction? I dont know where to start thx18:18
An_Ony_Moosehow can I start ubiquity in an installation of ubuntu? It shows me no options to force it.18:18
abuayyoubmoglisch, it's not a .tar file. It is actually a root.disk file that I mounted to get access the the files inside.18:18
Soyosmbmount to a folder first, makes life easy18:18
[Dead][Pixel]I have an ubuntu desktop with onboard graphics, and a video card with dual output. I know how to set up dual monitors on the card, but was wondering, if I could possibly add a third monitor to the onboard video, to expand my desktop further, is this possible or do I need another video card?18:19
abuayyoubmgolisch,  it's not a .tar file. It is actually a root.disk file that I mounted to get access the the files inside.18:19
ubotturazass: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:19
sudayahi all18:19
mgolischabuayyoub: whatever a .disk file is18:19
Soyosudo smbmount //192.168.1.x/shared /network/win7pc --username=razass18:19
razassphlak_user: thanks ill look into those18:19
anonymouse_!hi|  sudaya18:19
ubottusudaya: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:19
phlak_user[Dead][Pixel]: how would you physically connect the third monitor to the onboard card?18:20
mgolischabuayyoub: is this a raw partition image?18:20
abuayyoubmgolisch,  it's a wubi backup file18:20
[Dead][Pixel]phlak_user: vga18:20
tyrosine[Dead][Pixel]: hey man, I've had 5 monitors on a single pc using 5 old pci video cards.  You can combine agp/pci cards18:20
[Dead][Pixel]tyrosine: right but i'm asking if i can combine onboard with pcie18:20
tyrosine[Dead][Pixel]: it was on FreeBSD, but it usd X like ubuntu, so Ill bet it's not too hard18:20
Soyorazass do you have samba installed already?18:20
phlak_user[Dead][Pixel]: do you have 3 vga connectors on the motherboard?18:20
VigoThe USB is not mounting or does not show up in the Places?18:20
mgolischabuayyoub: so you want to replace everything in your new wubi install with the stuff of that old image?18:20
OpenSourcedNick_ok I feel like an idiot, I just had to run like 1000 of commands to reset my display, why do I have to do metacity --replace every time I log in now?18:20
razassSoyo, no idea probably not18:20
[Dead][Pixel]phlak_user: no, i have 1 vga on the motherboard, and two dvi on the video card18:20
armenceHey all, I'm trying to install my Wacom tablet on Lucid Lynx and I am not having any success. Can anyone help me out?18:21
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:21
[Dead][Pixel]phlak_user: right now i have dual monitors using both dvi slots on the card18:21
abuayyoubmgolisch,  wubi stores the whole system in a root.disk file. I mounted it now I have access to all the files. I am assuming I just have to copy and overwrite.18:21
CaptainTrekrazass: i betcha you dont have it installed18:21
abuayyoubmgolisch,  I did a clean install on it's own partition18:21
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: just add metacity --replace to startup applications in System-Preferences18:21
razassCaptainTrek: thats entirely possible18:21
phlak_user[Dead][Pixel]: oh ok then it should be a trivial task to do that18:22
Soyo!samba | razass18:22
ubotturazass: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:22
CaptainTrekrazass: in terminal: sudo apt-get install samba18:22
abuayyoubmgolisch,  I just want to overwrite all the freshly installed files with the backup ones.18:22
[Dead][Pixel]phlak_user: i was just wondering if it would expand the desktop, because i had to switch in the bios to use the card, not the onboard right... so i dont even know if onboard is functional?18:22
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, I wonder why did it get disfunctinoal in the first place?18:22
razassCaptainTrek: installing18:23
phlak_user[Dead][Pixel]: best way to check is to connect :)18:23
[Dead][Pixel]phlak_user: lol ok thx18:23
abuayyoubi just need a command that says ... copy everything in backup_folder and overwrite everything in / folder18:23
mgolischabuayyoub: why not just replace the whole .disk thing? this is what uses for the filesystem isnt it?18:23
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: dunno you mightve installed a new window-manager/run compiz etc etc18:23
nicofsi need help to connect to the internet via GSM/EDGE/UMTS using my integrated modem. first it all worked out-of-the box, but the it just stopped working...18:24
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, ok, what should I do? how do I choose a window manager?18:24
phlak_userabuayyoub: cp -r /path/to/backup /18:24
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abuayyoubphlak_user, thank you will that copy all files and folders in the /path/to/backup?18:25
phlak_userabuayyoub: yes18:25
abuayyoubphlak_user, awesome thank you18:25
freetime41hi , can anybody help me to run ffmpeg to stream from webcam , i want tu run  ffmpeg -r 15 -s 352x288 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm  and i get this error http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/B1MbCXQU18:25
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: you obviously already have metacity installed so it should work out of the box18:26
linuxmonsterOpenSourcedNick_,  WM's are really a personal choice. I use Gnome on one box, This one I use XFCE. another laptop with l;ow memory uses fluxbox18:26
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: what have you selected in System-Preferences-Appearance-Visual Effects tab?18:27
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: metacity is a window decorator ; emerald is prolly another18:27
PaulDanyone know how to close an open proxy?18:27
anodesniemerald is older than your grandpa18:27
linuxmonsteremerald is a theme I belive18:27
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, ok let's say I choose metacity, I want it to be my one and only window decorator, no compiz or nothing else, I want it to be the default, how do I do that?18:28
nicofsi need help to connect to the internet via GSM/EDGE/UMTS using my integrated modem. first it all worked out-of-the box, but the it just stopped working...18:28
bredtechWhich is better to give to users inside a VirtualBox..... Windows XP or 7 (600MB or 5.4GB)18:28
guntbertPaulD: what proxy software are you using?18:28
Koiyukiimho win 7 > xp, by a long shot18:28
phlak_userbredtech: really depends on the license you bought18:28
freetime41PaulD:  /etc/init.d/squid stop18:28
soreauOpenSourcedNick_: sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects>none = metacity18:28
mikeshultzOn an older version of ubuntu, it would automatically create shortcuts to samba shares on the desktop and in places.  Now with 10.04, it does not.  What did that, and can I get that behavior to happen again?18:28
PaulDguntbert the proxy is on my phone actually18:29
phoceananyone having some trouble with wifi ?18:29
icerootphocean: no18:29
bredtechI own all licenses, but 5.4GB versus 600MB - both able to run Windows crap - which is better?18:29
PaulDubuntu is forwarding through the system and onto the web18:29
phoceanit is disconnecting / reconnecting all the time since I switched to Lucid18:29
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: you could install ubuntu-tweak which lets you do all this18:29
phoceanI have no idea what to do18:29
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user,  from synaptic or the regular software installer?18:29
guntbertPaulD: ah, thats a different beast - you got redirect here because you said "on ubuntu"18:29
CaptainTrekguntbert: PaulD has his phone tethered to his system, it runs through a proxy18:29
phoceanit used to work very well so far (my laptop is quite old, a thinkpad t61 with intel chipset)18:30
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: anyplace; synaptics is just a GUI for apt18:30
CaptainTrekguntbert: he asked if he could close the proxy, i said "check here"18:30
CaptainTrekguntbert: he was in #freenode asking why his proxy was banned18:30
domedagenDoes anyone in this channel speak Spanish?18:30
guntbertCaptainTrek: yes, I followed, but now it seems the proxy runs on the phone18:30
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: i normally would type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak18:30
CaptainTrekguntbert: my guess is its opened a port somewhere18:30
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, couldn't find ubutnu-tweak or ubuntu-tweaks18:30
PaulDguntbert yeah, it does but connects to comp on usb18:31
CaptainTrekguntbert: which proxyscan reads as an open proxy18:31
anonymouse_!es| domedagen18:31
anodesni!spanish | domedagen18:31
ubottudomedagen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:31
phlak_user!info ubuntu-tweak18:31
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in lucid18:31
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OpenSourcedNick_oh no! :(18:31
phlak_userhmm let me see which repo i have18:31
PaulDi dont think it should be noticing it on portscan18:31
CaptainTrekPaulD: idk, hence why i'm collaborating with guntbert as well18:32
nicofsi need help to connect to the internet via GSM/EDGE/UMTS using my integrated modem. first it all worked out-of-the box, but then it just stopped working...18:32
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: its actually on this ppa --> https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/ppa18:32
domedagenanodesni y anonymouse: Thank you but they're not very friendly in there. I'll contiue my search else where18:32
PaulDlol cap18:32
guntbertPaulD: I'm not certain, but it looks as if the phone connects to the internet through a proxy managed by your ISP...18:32
linuxmonsterIdid'nt know that IRCD allowed an open proxy to be running.18:32
phlak_user!repeat | nicofs18:32
ubottunicofs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:32
nicofsi need help to connect to the internet via GSM/EDGE/UMTS using my integrated modem. first it all worked out-of-the box, but then it just stopped working...18:33
phlak_usernicofs: have you checked if you still have sufficient balance on your 3G account?18:33
anodesnispanish people rude???18:33
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, how do I get that file?18:33
nicofsit's a flatrate18:33
CaptainTrekPaulD: in which case, if guntbert is correct, the ISP would need to fix it iAFAIK18:34
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: click on the "Read about installing" link on that page18:34
system404hey guys need a little help just installed ubuntu total linux noob here sorry everything has gone well so far got my nvidea card up and running got all the apps i need everything grreat then i move on to move my media that i backed up from windows before i wiped my hard drive its all on dvd but when i insert the dvd it says it cant mount the vloume18:34
PaulDthe isp is sprint and would be pissed if i told them i was tethering18:34
phlak_usernicofs: does it show up in NetworkManager?18:34
CaptainTrekPaulD: so... your phone is run by Sprint...18:35
phlak_usernicofs: what error do you get when you try to connect18:35
CaptainTrekPaulD: does the phone access the internet through ubuntu, or the other way around?18:35
PaulDthe other way around18:35
edbianWhen steam comes out for linux does that mean I can play all of those awesome games like on windows?18:35
nicofsphlak_user: if i click "connect" for a split second it tries to connect and then says "not connected"... apparently it doesn't even try18:35
CaptainTrekso ubuntu accesses the internet through your phone?18:35
CaptainTrekPaulD: so ubuntu accesses the internet through your phone?18:35
PaulDno ban yet18:36
linuxmonsteredbian,  not totally as some games will forever be win/mac only but they will port quite a few of them18:36
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, weird, I added the repo and still won't find ubuntu-tweak18:36
phlak_usernicofs: open a terminal; type tail -f /var/log/messages and then click. you should see some messages regarding pppd etc18:36
linuxmonsterebian do you want a link to be able to run steam on ubuntu through WIne and firefgox?18:36
edbianlinuxmonster, That will do a lot for linux gaming huh18:36
sin__taxwhat's a good base memory size for Ubuntu in VirtualBox?  I have 8gb total...18:36
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: did you do a sudo apt-get update?18:36
edbianlinuxmonster, No thanks.  I don't game.  I'm just a linux enthusiast18:36
edbiansin__tax, 2 or 3 is plenty!18:37
mguysin__tax: What do you plan on running? I use 512 in vmware18:37
edbiansin__tax, I run my system with 1gb of ram comfortably18:37
sin__taxmguy, just testing it out, playing around.18:37
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, yeah but I think I got it wrong when I wrote ppa:gwibber-daily thingy.. should I write something else?18:37
sin__taxthanks edbian18:37
PaulDsee if open port on phone18:37
linuxmonsteredbian,  well it will help linux when they do come out with a native client. And once they do I am sure a lot fo developers will port games to Linux using just OpenGL instead of always relying on DirectX.18:37
OpenSourcedNick_oh ok lol found the command, trying..18:38
edbiansin__tax, You can change it after the machine is made I believe.  Just not while it's running18:38
sin__taxah, good to know, thanks18:38
edbianlinuxmonster, That is gonna be awesome! :)18:38
pedro_alexQual é o chat do português do ubuntu ?18:38
=== sin__tax is now known as sin_tax
edbianlinuxmonster, Gaming will never be the same18:38
system404ubuntu says invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume UDF volume any help appreciated guys18:38
pedro_alexAlguém me sabe dizer ?18:38
IdleOne!br | pedro_alex18:38
ubottupedro_alex: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:38
Mr_Gogothe new ubuntu (10.04) won't instlal where 9.04 did... on intel sata raid (stripe)18:38
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: of course that was just an example... you need to add this ppa:tualatrix/ppa18:38
linuxmonsterthats what holds linux back in gaming is that developers keep using DirectX only for the graphics API when there is no reason to since windows does OpenGL just fine18:38
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, yeah, installing ubuntu-tweak as we speak.. say, how do I delete a line in terminal?18:39
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: backspace?18:39
ruben-Anyone has bitlbee 1.2.7 on hardy ?18:39
linuxmonsterdelete a line or clear the screen?18:39
PaulDok problem is ubuntu18:39
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user, yeah that's a single character, is there a way to delete a line?18:39
linuxmonsterto clear the screen type clear18:39
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: are you trying to delete a line inside a file or on the command prompt?18:40
PaulDopen proxy on phone no ban18:40
sin_taxcan you also increase the size of virtual disks later?18:40
OpenSourcedNick_phlak_user,  command prompt18:40
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: just press ctrl-c18:40
PaulDso proxy hitting ubuntu and ubuntu sending it to web18:40
OpenSourcedNick_oh ok that works. thanks for everything :]18:40
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick_: np18:40
system404ubuntu says invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume UDF volume any help???18:41
metric1983 hey I`ve just installed ubuntu, my first linux distro and got a tiny problem just wondered if someone would mind helping, when i type apt-get install vlc i get a couple of lines of message ending am I root?  I`m guessing this means i have to shove my password in, so erm yeah, what do i need to put in and in what order would be nice to know please.18:41
armenceIs there anyone here who can help me setup a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet on Lucid Lynx? The tablet currently is only noticed by lsusb...18:41
CaptainTrekPaulD: if ubuntu uses your phone as the access point to the internet, its sending through only the phone, which is the open proxy.  as such, your issue is there.18:41
linuxmonstermetric1983,  use sudo18:41
phlak_usermetric1983: sudo apt-get install vlc18:41
XDS2010thoughts on HGH ?18:41
metric1983many thanks :)18:41
dominicdinadahow can i get the Sorenson Video Decoder installed in totem properly ? i have downloaded it prob 5 times but it doesnt install correctly18:42
stuartaso has anyone ever seen the X display flipped both horizontally and vertically for only 1 user?18:42
XDS2010srsly thoughts on HGH ?18:42
system404ubuntu says invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume UDF volume any help appreciated guys18:42
||arifaXstuarta: with the right keyboard shortcut no problem  :)18:42
Mr_Gogosystem404, try man mount18:42
system404Mr_Gogo: tried that same error18:43
* phlak_user man mount sounds raunchy18:43
Mr_Gogowell... seems like undocumented feature18:43
nicofsi need help to connect to the internet via GSM/EDGE/UMTS using my integrated modem. first it all worked out-of-the box, but then it just stopped working... is there anyway to stop and/or restart the service/device?18:43
stuarta||arifaX: what's the default keybinding to do the flips then?18:43
dominicdinadahow can i get the Sorenson Video Decoder installed in totem properly ? i have downloaded it prob 5 times but it doesnt install correctly18:43
system404Mr_Gogo: its just a dvd of data i backed up from windows before i wiped it and installed ubuntu18:43
Mr_Gogosystem404, what option are you trying to supply?18:44
barrysay, i've installed unr 10.04 in a kvm guest, however i cannot get the netbook desktop, only a dumbed down version of the standard desktop.  would anybody know why that is and how to fix it?18:44
=== kaos_ is now known as alexove
system404erm i dunno open the damn thing and let me put my data back on18:44
tamale1can someone here help me re-build my raid array?18:44
Mr_Gogodon't try anymore then, system404. seems it's not working :)18:44
phlak_userbarry: on the gdm screen there is an option to select session type; select netbook18:44
system404Mr_Gogo: i know its not working i wanna know how to fix it18:45
dominicdinadahow can i get the Sorenson Video Decoder installed in totem properly ? i have downloaded it prob 5 times but it doesnt install correctly18:45
Mr_Gogosystem404, just install a windows trial, copy your data on a flash stick and retry.18:45
barryphlak_user: thanks.  however i've tried both Ubuntu Netbook Edition and Ubuntu Netbook Edition 2D and neither give me the right desktop18:46
apctrhi all how to start ant service in 9.10 server edition18:46
system404thats a long way around just to get data off a dvd im sure theres something im missing just not sure of what18:46
bushbabyWhen installing b43-fwcutter on my 10.04 box the terminal output keeps reporting timeouts when trying to automatically download the source from openwrt servers but when manually connecting via http the server is up and fine. the install wont finish so i can't install manually either! what can i do?18:46
linuxmonsterI wonder if smbmount would help you system404  assuming samba is installed18:47
tamale1this just doesn't look right to me.. look at the last line.. /dev/md/d4 ? Seems like a typo, but I double-checked.. I created it correctly as /dev/md418:47
tamale1ARRAY /dev/md2 level=raid5 num-devices=10 metadata=00.90 spares=1 UUID=76b5f9ef:9fd89a8e:260148ef:d754496018:47
tamale1ARRAY /dev/md3 level=raid5 num-devices=10 metadata=00.90 spares=1 UUID=e132ca0f:c4e34407:260148ef:d754496018:47
tamale1ARRAY /dev/md/d4 level=raid5 num-devices=4 metadata=01.00 spares=1 name=bigred:4 UUID=6fd53e4d:5e8df003:acd25fb8:b297c81418:47
Mr_Gogosystem404, me neither. i just screwed up my partition table while trying to install 10.04 ;)18:47
FloodBot3tamale1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
fluggoanyone else here ever have the issue of /usr/lib/libGL.so points to an invalid place?18:47
PaulDok done feeding babies18:47
system404linuxmonster: ill try it out18:47
Ubuntu_FanHellow Room18:47
Ubuntu_FanUpgraded to Ubuntu 10.4 some of my older systesm (p4 1gb ) hang with display gpoing crazy, Otherwise all is fine any Help would be welcome18:47
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
PaulDso what was that command to disable proxy?18:47
Mr_Gogosystem404, infact.. 9.04 installs smoothly and 10.04 says it can not deal with the sata stripe.18:47
PaulDsquid right?18:47
Mr_GogoPaulD, what kind of proxy?18:48
PaulDthe proxy is on my phone18:48
linuxmonstersystem404,  not sayign ti will work but just an idea since the backup was created in windows perhaps it can mount the disk as a windows share18:48
PaulDconnected to ubuntu with usb18:48
PaulDopen proxy on phone is fine when connecting to freenode18:48
PaulDbut when using it on ubuntu it bans for open proxy18:49
PaulDso ubuntu is forwarding the proxy on the phone to the web18:49
sugoruyohi all, can anyone help me with some preseeding stuff?18:49
Mr_Gogo;) because port 3128/8080 is open18:49
||arifaXstuarta: no plan of that18:49
recon69_laphi, trying to put some music on a micro SD card, but it keeps showing up as a read only file system, any ideas?18:49
PaulDhow can i reject connections not of localhost?18:49
Mr_Gogoor was it something else..18:49
Mr_Gogoon the phone?18:49
stuarta||arifaX: i'd be happy just to know what the keybindings are to revert to a correctly oriented display18:50
PaulDport 8080 on the phone18:50
PaulDbut proxy only works with usb18:50
Mr_Gogotell it to listen to localhost only18:50
PaulDno settings for that on phone18:50
Mr_Gogowell.. it's not a computer after all ;)18:50
||arifaXstuarta: do you use proprietary gfx drivers, if so it must be documented there18:51
PaulDclose to one18:51
PaulDis android lol18:51
humbolthas partimage been removed from ubuntu?18:51
humbolthow can I clone partitions in ubuntu?18:51
||arifaXstuarta: googled a little, seems not so easy as I thought18:51
Mr_Gogohumbolt, use clonezilla18:51
LjL!info partimage | humbolt, doesn't seem like18:51
ubottuhumbolt,: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB18:51
pierohow to i update reproprietary using terminal18:51
DrGrovHow was it? I can install KDE without problems to work together with GNOME?18:51
pierohow to i update reproprietary using terminal18:51
bushbabyWhen installing b43-fwcutter on my 10.04 box the terminal output keeps reporting timeouts when trying to automatically download the source from openwrt servers but when manually connecting via http the server is up and fine. the install wont finish so I can't install manually either! what can I do?18:51
IdleOnepiero: apt-get update18:52
DrGrovAny good idea on how to get workspaces working like 4 different instead of just one?18:52
IdleOnepiero: reproprietary? what is that18:52
mgolischbushbaby: sure you access the same server?18:52
IdleOnepiero: you mean repositories ?18:52
=== kaos_ is now known as alexove
DrGrovI have 4 workspaces but can only select one. The first one is active and nothing happens when I click 2,3 or 4.18:53
IdleOnepiero: ok then the command i gave you18:53
apctrhow to set JAVA_HOME variable?18:53
GeekSquidbushbaby: openwrt isn't where you want to get b4318:53
bushbabymgolisch, Yes. the terminal lists http://www.openwrt.org18:53
IdleOnepiero: apt-get safe-upgrade to install the updated packages18:53
ChogyDanDrGrov: I use the multiple desktop feature atm18:53
bushbabyGeekSquid, But that's where fwcutter gets the wl-alpasta.o file from..?18:53
mgolischbushbaby: you could just comment out the lines that do the download from the postinstall file and place the manualy downloaded file in the location the postinstall script expects it to be18:53
humboltLjL: E: Package partimage has no installation candidate18:54
linuxmonsterb43 should be in restricted drivers of Ubuntu atleast it always was for my laptops18:54
DrGrovChogyDan, my problem is I can't seem to do anything at all. I see the 4 workspaces but can't choose any. It is stuck always at the first one.18:54
bushbabymgolisch, ok thanks i'll try that18:54
DrGrovChogyDan, any ideas on where to check?18:54
Roasted_Is anybody else having trouble installing anything? I just installed 9.10 due to problems with 10.04 and ite rrors out when I try to install things.18:54
ChogyDanDrGrov: so if you open a window, it shows up in all 4 spaces?18:54
humboltthere is no 64bit version?18:55
GeekSquidbushbaby: no, it is in the restricted repo18:55
linuxmonsterapllications>settings>hardware drivers should list b43 as being available but not active18:55
DrGrovChogyDan, no. The problem is I can't access workspace 2,3 nor 4. I am stuck at workspace 118:55
sugoruyohey folks, does anyone know about preseeding?18:55
ChogyDanDrGrov: how can you tell?  what actually happens?18:55
SoyoRoasted_, can you be more specific on the error18:55
Roasted_Soyo, second, let me try to install clamtk again and Ill pastebin the error18:55
linuxmonsterDrGrov,  do you have workspace applet in your panel18:55
mbeierlcan anyone help with Ekiga and calling SIP providers?18:56
DrGrovChogyDan, well I try to click on the workspaces but it doesn't change to 2,3 or 4. Could it be that Compiz settings are messing it up ?18:56
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Roasted_Soyo, wait... I have clamtk installed. Despite it erroring out, it installed for me... what the...18:56
DrGrovlinuxmonster, yes. I am not that noob LOL18:56
_jesse_hey everyone, my ubuntu 10.04 install keeps telling me that I need to do a partial upgrade18:56
DrGrovlinuxmonster, just new to Ubuntu so that is why I ask :)18:56
linuxmonstersorry DrGrov  was just asking some users dont is all18:56
ChogyDanDrGrov: I asked because I don't get any indication that there has been a switch, just different windows18:56
stuarta\o/ removed compiz and all is well with the world18:56
DrGrovlinuxmonster, no problem.18:56
sin_taxOK, I have Ubuntu running on a VM with VirtualBox - When I go to file system, I assume this is sandboxed and cannot see any of my other (physical) HDDs?18:57
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct18:57
linuxmonsterstuarta,  I remove dit also was more of a pain then it was worth18:57
w0ls0nanyone here live near Harrisburg, VA ?18:57
DrGrovChogyDan, I have Pidgin, Firefox and XChat open atm but they are stuck on workspace 1.18:57
bushbabymgolisch, That seems to have worked thanks!18:57
ActionParsnipsin_tax: it can if you configure it18:57
_jesse_so I did the partial upgrade and it broke everything, so I reinstalled from scratch, but it still wants me to do a partial upgrade for some reason18:57
ActionParsnipsin_tax: otherwise yes its sandboxed nicely18:57
sin_taxActionParsnip, that's on the VirtualBox side of things, right?18:57
ChogyDanDrGrov: I would try disabling the compiz18:57
_jesse_and now I don't know how to update the packages that need to be updated without updating the 640 packages it says I need to upgrade :(18:58
DrGrovChogyDan, ah perhaps but I lose my nice eyecandy which makes me nervous :)18:58
mgolischbushbaby: np18:58
avdiIs there any way to tell Ubuntu to stop messing with my touchpad settings?18:58
ActionParsnipsin_tax: yes its seperate, you can configure folders which are accessible in vbox, if you use a bridged LAN the box will appear as a system on your network and will be able to access samba shares etc etc18:58
pierohow do i install plugin for openvas using terminal18:59
phlak_userah just solved my skype mic issues with the help of this thread --> http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1451900&page=218:59
DrGrovChogyDan, now I tried to switch XChat to workspace 2 but it went missing and I see it on workspace 2 but can't open/move/close it.18:59
avdiI have a custom script that configures the touchpad on my laptop because the Ubuntu mouse/touchpad config doesn't work18:59
Roasted_soyo E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 118:59
sin_taxvery cool, thanks18:59
avdiBut I have to re-run the script every time the laptop wakes up18:59
DrGrovChogyDan, it was working out good a few days ago even though I had Compiz enabled.18:59
_jesse_so, in short, does anyone know how I can update my package manager so it reconciles everything and doesn't think I need to do a partial upgrade?18:59
VCoolioif anyone knows a commmand/script to upload a file to google docs, let me know plz18:59
evgeniy256Help, please!19:00
evgeniy256I need find russian ubuntu-channel.19:00
avdipresumably, Ubuntu is writing new touchpad config values when it wakes up. How do I tell it to stop that?19:00
mgolischavdi: you could add it to pm-suspend`s hooks19:00
VCoolio!ru | evgeniy25619:00
ubottuevgeniy256: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:00
avdimgolisch: that sounds promising19:00
mgolischavdi: so it wuld automaticaly be executed on wakeup19:00
Cynthiaevgeniy256: /join #ubuntu-ru19:00
ani_How we set JAVA_HOME variable?..19:00
linuxmonsterevgeniy256,  is there not a ubuntu-ru channel?19:00
ActionParsnipavdi: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=927237719:00
ActionParsnip!ru | evgeniy25619:00
ido-Hi. I've made a cert from startssl.com, but It doesn't seem to be valid. how can I fix this ?19:00
SoyoRoasted_ try sudo apt-get -f install19:00
DrGrovChogyDan, so... Any ideas at all?19:00
bushbabymgolisch, It's installed fine according to the terminal/dpkg/aptitude etc.. but the Hardware drivers app isn't recognising it as a driver?19:00
linuxmonsterevgeniy256,  type /join #ubuntu-ru should do it19:01
ani_How we set JAVA_HOME variable?..19:01
ChogyDanDrGrov: no, ssorry19:01
sugoruyodoes nobody know about initrd preseeding?19:01
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ActionParsnipani_: export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/folder19:01
DrGrovChogyDan, no problem. I will fix it somehow during the weekend.19:01
ActionParsnipani_: you can also set it in ~/.bashrc  to make it permanent on boot ;)19:01
ani_i am trying to build a grid portal but the basic path of java is not set required by globus toolkit?.. How to fix it?..19:02
mgolischbushbaby: you mean it doenst show it? it probably thinks you do not have a card that works with that driver19:02
mbeierlanyone? help with ekiga.  even something basic like does it work when pulseaudio is loaded?19:02
bushbabymgolisch, I'm sure i do. the Broadcom BCM4311 is listed on the wireless.kernel.org b43 driver section and i've had it working on this computer before..19:02
ChogyDanmbeierl: why not use pidgin or empathy?19:03
mbeierlpidgin doesn't do sip?19:03
Roasted_Soyo, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8j45m7ER19:03
VirusTBwhats athe d-bus plugin in Pidign for??19:03
ani_How i am set JAVA_HOME path19:03
mbeierlChogyDan: does empathy do sip?19:03
mgolischbushbaby: tried modprobing the kernelmodule manualy?19:03
Soul_Samplenot really an ubuntu issue, but since rhythmbox is the designated player, I was wondering if there was a way to make it play nicely and scrobble a track that's playing on repeat EVERY time to last.fm instead of just once19:04
GeekSquidbushbaby: have you tried using the restricted drivers manager?19:04
rocket16How is Visualization made in Exaile?19:04
bushbabymgolisch, No? GeekSquid The one under System->Admin->Hardware Drivers..19:05
ChogyDanmbeierl: I don't know, but I thought pidgin and empathy took over the VOIP workload from ekiga, in terms of what is supported19:05
GeekSquidbushbaby: yep19:05
SoyoRoasted_ try sudo apt-get -f install19:05
ubuntu91humanHello, anybody there?19:05
bushbabyGeekSquid, yes. that's the one that's not listing it.. even though aptitude confims its installed?19:05
ChogyDanmbeierl: I don't really know what SIP is, but it looks like pidgin supports at least one version of it, SIMPLE19:06
GeekSquidbushbaby: installed from what source?19:06
Roasted_Soyo, I did. that was the error I got at the end of running that.19:06
rocket16ubuntu91human: Ll, there are 1752 people here, including you & me,19:06
ubuntu91humanCan I have the same old Ubuntu Theme in 10.04? and the Scream saver is worse than 9.119:06
mbeierlChogyDan: SIP is voice over IP stuff, used for IP phones19:06
AazorisHey Cynthia, are here and if so would mind helping me some more please?19:06
mgolischbushbaby: yeah but if hardware-drivers doesnt list it it probably thinks you do not have hardware that requires this driver19:07
Soyooh you sent an amendment, i c19:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:07
ubuntu91humanrocket16..... I want my 9.1 theme back, how am I gonna do that?19:07
urthmover!gnome vs kde19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
rocket16ubuntu91human: Well, you can definitely customize new themes, And, you can have bisigi themes as well.19:07
pepie34Hi, where should i ask to port python-kinterbasdb from 3.2 (lucid amd64) to 3.3 (lucid 386) on amd64, ? the compilation on amd64 is straightforward from 386 source19:07
bushbabyGeekSquid, I tried with apt-get and that was timing out so I installed from the 10.04 liveCD and that has apparently worked.. though not according to Hardware Drivers app19:07
ubuntu91humanWHAT is bisigi themes?19:08
bushbabymgolisch, Is there a way to trick it into assuming the hardware does support it? (even though i know it does..)19:08
ubuntu91humanand where is the USB startup disk creator in 10.04????19:08
AazorisOk take it she's not here, Is there anyone else knows about the Ubuntu Server? Mine is on a VPS and I believe its called unmanaged, cause its " in a data centre "19:08
w0ls0nanyone here live near Harrisburg, VA ?19:09
mgolischbushbaby: if you installed the driver package manaualy using apt you can just use modprobe to load the kernel module19:09
mgolischbushbaby: like sudo modprobe b43 or whatever the name of the kernel module is19:09
Soyoandale32.exe? that's odd why a .exe?19:09
bushbabymgolisch, how would i go about doing that?19:09
bushbabymgolisch, ok thanks19:09
GeekSquidbushbaby: seems you have a line in your sources.list or sources.list.d that is trying to pull the wrong driver19:09
DrGrovCan I use KDE and GNOME running side by side in Ubuntu 10.04 without any issues ?19:09
rocket16ubuntu91human: You can definitely download it in Synaptic or Software center19:09
tdnHow can I adjust the color temperature on my monitor?19:09
rocket16ubuntu91human: Bisigi is a collection of some great themes for Ubuntu.19:10
ubuntu91humanI have two Ubuntu, I installed 32bit on first one, this one is still Ubuntu 9.1 becasue I don't know whether I should install 32bit or 64bit on second one? any idea?19:10
coz_tdn,   the monitor should have a  menu for that  unless this is a laptop  and even then19:10
bushbabyGeekSquid, so i could just edit the sources.list file? if so where is it located?19:11
AidenGarrettHello I just put ubuntu on my new computer and I have no sound I have an alienware m17x with nvidia hda19:11
GeekSquidDrGrov: yes, both can run however, you'll only see one at a time19:11
ubuntu91humanrocket16 : Will I find the old "human" themes on 10.04?19:11
tdncoz_, it is a laptop. I would like to do it from software. Maybe with an ICC profile?19:11
rocket16DrGrov: Sure, but the performance of KDE applications in Gnome and Gnome applications in KDE will be less.19:11
GeekSquidbushbaby: /etc/apt/19:11
DrGrovGeekSquid, yes i know. i can only run gnome and kde one at a time.19:11
DrGrovGeekSquid, i am not that noob lol :)19:11
coz_tdn,  mm   not sure exactly in that case    there could be a gnome or kde utility for that19:11
DrGrovrocket16, i know. gtk and qt apps are different in gnome or kde depending on which one running.19:11
bushbabyGeekSquid, thanks19:11
tdncoz_, I use Kubuntu 10.04.19:12
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:12
tdncoz_, I have not been able to find anything.19:12
coz_tdn,   ok let me see if I can find something..this is gnome?19:12
GeekSquidDrGrov: you can if you setup multiple k/v/m on 1 computer .. but that gets complicated19:13
drobiazgowyWhat is a name of process of ubuntu live cd installer?19:13
tdncoz_, nope. KDE.19:13
coz_tdn, ok hold on19:13
ubuntu91humanand the log-in window is better in 9.1, it looks ugly in 10.04. ( i know it's not important, well..)19:13
tdncoz_, but I would like to be able to do it in gnome also. But preferably in KDE.19:13
drobiazgowyHow start live cd ubuntu installer from terminal?19:13
rocket161ubuntu91human: Sorry, I got disconnected. To get Ubuntu 9.10 theme in 10.04, in a terminal type "sudo apt-get install human-theme" (without quotes)19:13
bpgoldsbI'm using home directory encryption (and have been for 6+ months).  I just upgraded a box from 9.10 -> 10.04.  Now, when I log in as User A, everything is fine.  When I log in as User B (through GDM), nothing starts up, including gnome panels.  I've traced around, and I notice that while /home/userb/.Private is mounted, trying to 'ls /home/userb' just hangs.  Anyone have any ideas what to do?19:14
ubuntu91humanrocket161 : thank you!!19:14
drobiazgowyGreat :)19:14
bushbabymgolisch, modprobe didn't work..19:14
rocket161ubuntu91human: AM pleasure, my friend, :)19:14
drobiazgowyAnyone can help?19:14
maruenSomebody knows how do I delete files through FTP that are older then for example 20 days?19:14
donavan01need to make backup copies of my DVDs tried k9copy but every time it starts to run it crashes ... anyone know of another good burning program that doesnt care about copy protection and what not19:14
drobiazgowyThats simple issue :D19:15
ubuntu91humanrocket116 : Are you the one .....??19:15
coz_tdn, maybe this link will start you off in the right direction   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_color_management19:15
drobiazgowyI want to start ubuntu live cd installer from terminal19:15
ubuntu91humanrocket161 : Do you still remember me?19:15
rocket161ubuntu91human: Yes, since I got a problem with server, I had to rename myself as rocket161, :)19:15
jervinWhat's the status of firefox 3.5+ firefox-bin getting stuck when you close it down and sitting there consuming processor until killed?19:15
bushbabyGeekSquid, the sources.list doesn't seem to show anything out of the ordinary?19:15
drobiazgowyWhat is the name of damn process? :D19:15
geekphreakhey guys19:15
rocket161ubuntu91human: Yes, why not?19:15
geekphreakis paltalk servers having issue?19:15
rocket161Hello geekphreak, :D19:15
ubuntu91humanrocket161 : Wow~ How did you know it's me????19:16
bushbabyGeekSquid, http://pastebin.com/rGmpmYhg19:16
ubuntu91humanCan I have a private chat with you?19:16
geekphreakeverytime i try to install it tell me , timeout error19:16
rocket161ubuntu91human: Friend, it might be that you are confusing me to be somebody else, :( If you have any querry, you can definitely Private Message me19:16
rocket161ubuntu91human: Sure19:17
mgolischbushbaby: what does modprobe say?19:17
GeekSquidbushbaby: is there anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:17
robotshey yall!19:17
bushbabymgolisch, nothing, it completes but Hardware DRivers doesn't show anything new.. could try rebooting?19:17
robotsmabye try a biggger shoe size19:17
bushbabyGeekSquid, yes, one file but the entire thing is commented out.19:18
mgolischbushbaby: hardware-drivers doesnt show it because it thinks your do not need that driver19:18
system404still cant mount UDF disks guys any help appreciated getting invalid option error19:18
drobiazgowyName of the process of live cd installer.....19:18
robotsso haha19:18
bushbabymgolisch, but surely it should still show it as an option?19:18
mgolischbushbaby: does ifconfig -a show a new networkinterface? also read the output of dmesg command it might tell you why the driver fails to load if it does19:18
geekphreakhuess no one knows19:18
geekphreakcya folks19:19
eug0hey all, quick question.  i am trying to link in -licuuc into my g++ app, but since my /usr/lib has /usr/lib/libicuuc.so.XXX, ld doesn't see it.  is there a nice way to fix this?19:19
bushbabymgolisch, ok i'll pastebin results..19:19
advocatei have dual boot xp and 9.04 . when i try to install 10.04 at partition stage says this computer has no operating system19:19
raphaHelp! I'm sitting in a library trying to unlearn 10 years of tab-key usage because Ubuntu 10.04 can just not be arsed into STOPPING to use the PC speaker!19:19
Sonsee<advocate> do it manually19:20
dirtydevilMy network manager is not working. i removed it by mistake.. anybody help please19:20
bushbabymgolisch, yes ifconfig now shows the extra eth1_renamed interface in addition to the initial (connected) eth0 one19:20
Sonsee<advocate> partitions19:20
system404still cant mount UDF disks guys any help appreciated getting invalid option error19:20
=== Lefantomedurezo is now known as lefantomedurezo
GeekSquideug0: question #gcc for programming help19:20
mgolischbushbaby: does the iwconfig command show that this is a wireless interface?19:20
linuxmonstersystem404,  so samba did'nt work huh?19:21
bushbabymgolisch, also dmesg spams me with "Unknown keycode pressed" but that is apparently a known issue with my dell i've yet to fix..19:21
advocatesonsee i did manually but shows one single whole disk no partition19:21
eug0geeksquid: asking in there now..19:21
system404linuxmonster: nope19:21
eug0geeksquid: was hoping ubuntu would have an "auto symlink" feature of somesort19:21
Soyodirtydevil, did you try the synaptic package manager?19:21
CrazyTux[w]Hey guys -- I'm having a problem using my DUAL DVI RADEON graphics card ---http://pastie.org/969853 is my xorg (right now my monitors are cloned) any help is appreciated, thanks!19:21
hmwwould someone be so kind and check, if the video player works?
bushbabymgolisch, no, the interface has no wireless extensions apparently..19:21
Sonsee<advocate> if you are in 9.04 does it work fine?19:21
mgolischhm, maybe the driver didnt load properly19:21
dirtydevilSoyo: I removed it from panel mistakenly and from startup applications list too19:22
mgolischor its not managed by wireless extensions, never had a broadcom wlan19:22
eug0geeksquid: looks like the channel is +m19:22
bushbabymgolisch, I'll try rebooting. back in a moment.19:22
Soyodirtydevil, so its not uninstalled, just no link to it then?19:22
IdleOnehmw: yes19:22
advocatesonsee 9.04 and xp are fine but when trying to install any other ubuntu version same error19:22
hmwIdleOne: thanks!19:22
dirtydevilSoyo: i guess yes19:22
IdleOnehmw: but please don't post links to copywritten material like movies in here :)19:23
GeekSquideug0: you could ls /your/working/lib/dir/ /usr/lib/19:23
=== rocket161 is now known as rocket16
Sonsee<advocate> do upgrade19:23
VirusTBPysdm is a program to automatically setup partitions every time Ubuntu starts. This is verified to work in 9.04. << Does it work on 10.04 ????19:23
advocatesonsee not upgrading from 9.04 to 10.0419:23
hmwIdleOne: that link wont be up for long, i promise19:23
pgpkeysanyone know of an algebra tutorial app for linux? kde/qt4 based preferably otherwise..19:24
pgpkeyscan't find anything in the ubuntuone software frontend or searching manually by hand through apat-cache19:24
pgpkeyserr apt-cache even19:24
BeyecixramdFree CAD for Linux?19:24
rab13sATTN: To the owner of the white ford pick-up, Your are parked in fire zone and will need to be moved, or we will tow your vehicle19:25
GeekSquidBeyecixramd: gcad or qcad19:25
bushbaby_mgolisch, Rebooting made no difference..19:25
GeekSquid!ot | rab13s19:25
ubotturab13s: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:25
tdncoz_, hmm... Ok.19:25
TheMusicGuyUsing ntfs-3g, the acl package and UserMapping files, I theorize that I can install Ubuntu into an existing Windows NTFS filesystem, thus sharing partition space between Windows and Ubuntu. Any thoughts on this?19:25
rab13sso far every cad i have tried for linux just doesnt compair to Autodesk19:26
mgolischbushbaby_:  i suspekt the driver does not support your hardware or the firmware was not properly extracted19:26
system404wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0 help help help19:26
maruenAnyone knows how can I delete files oder then a certain number of days through FTP?19:26
Beyecixramdrab13s: yeah, GIMP can't compare to Photoshop, that's what we must fight :)19:26
mgolischsystem404: audio cd?19:26
tdncoz_, this app: http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/ mentions a linuxapp called xflux that should do it via glibc.19:26
Jordan_Usystem404: When do you get this error?19:26
system404data dvd19:26
Beyecixramdrab13s: .....and i'm totally NOT buying Autodesk or using Wine19:26
bushbaby_mgolisch, That will probably be improper extraction then as there is definately support as it's worked before..19:26
apctrhi ..how to set java_home variable in ubuntu19:26
mbeierlunetbootin is not working for me for lucid.  Used same usb stick, but it's always coming back with no bootable os found19:26
system404i get error when trying to mount the disc19:26
Beyecixramdthanks GeekSquid19:26
mgolischbushbaby_: id try modprobing the module and then nopaste the output of the dmesg command19:27
coz_tdn,   that doesnt seem to be for linux19:27
pgpkeyssystem404 ~ mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /cdrom or -t udf19:27
mgolischbushbaby_: maybe it tells us why it wont work19:27
Sonsee<advocate> can you edit partitions in ubuntu 9.04?19:27
GeekSquidTheMusicGuy: really really unsupported, ntfs doesn't support user:group file permissions19:27
VirusTBPysdm is a program to automatically setup partitions every time Ubuntu starts. This is verified to work in 9.04. << Does it work on 10.04 ????19:27
pgpkeysumless you're using a DL DVD in a SL dvd drive in which case forget it :)19:27
mgolischsystem404: maybe its udf format?19:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:27
VCooliotdn: you may like redshift, find it on launchpad I think19:27
system404it is UDF19:27
system404its a data DVD19:27
system404burned in windows 719:27
pgpkeysmount -t udf  /dev/sr0 /cdrom19:27
rab13sBeyecixramd: autodesk doesnt work well with wine, or at all,  and im not trying to justify buying autodesk in anyway, what do you find to be a useable cad program?  id really like to stop running this virtual box just for cad19:28
pgpkeysdoesn't matter, that doesn't make it a UDF unless you specifically chose that format. most win software uses iso9660 with rockwell extensions19:28
Beyecixramdrab13s: QCad, it's a bit buggy, but works for that matter..19:28
UnderSampledIs it possible to forward X applications over ssh without X actually being installed?19:28
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: Really? I think it does, actually.19:28
VCooliotdn: https://launchpad.net/redshift19:28
Beyecixramdrab13s: ill try GCad, which i never heard of19:28
pgpkeysand that that uses udf under windows usually chooses udf 1.0 rather than the newer udf2 as well19:28
sin_taxWhat does swapping from workspace 1-4 do?19:28
Soyodirtydevil, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/user-guide/C/gospanel-8.html its for an old version but I don't think it has changed since then19:28
rab13sBeyecixramd: thanks Ill look into thoes 219:29
pgpkeyssin_tax ~ moves you between the virtual desktops19:29
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ratcheersin_tax: It just gives you ways to organize your work.19:29
system404pgpkeys: mount -t udf  /dev/sr0 /cdrom is what gives me the wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, error19:29
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: Windows doesn't show it usually, but NTFS actually does associate owners and groups with files _in addition_ to the ACLs.19:29
GeekSquidTheMusicGuy: nope, it won't let you install onto ntfs19:29
sin_taxWell, I created a folder on the desktop and it stays on all 4... Is that expected?19:29
bushbaby_mgolisch, this is the output to dmesg command as far as my current line scrollback will allow.. [ http://pastebin.com/XKQPt6Dp ]19:29
pgpkeyssystem404 ~ try udf219:29
dirtydevilSoyo: ping19:30
pgpkeyssystem404 ~ and, it could be a multisession which means it's not closed which could be giving you grief too19:30
Soyodirtydevil, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/user-guide/C/gospanel-8.html its for an old version but I don't think it has changed since then19:30
ratcheersin_tax: I'm not sure. I don't use folders on my desktop.19:30
ward_hello I have a problem installing sun-java6-jre19:30
ward_I get Couldn't find package19:30
ward_and the multiverse repos are enabled and did an update19:30
tdncoz_, look below, it says "try xflux for linux"19:30
Aazoris_1anyone know where I can find a legible list of ubuntu server commands19:31
tdnVCoolio, will look into it.19:31
system404pgpkeys: udf2 returns unknown filesystem type 'udf2'19:31
GeekSquidward_: partner repo19:31
ward_where can I find the info GeekSquid ?19:31
coz_tdn,   hold on19:31
Soyodirtydevil, otherwise you could try, settings manager -> panel19:31
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UnderSampledWhat do I have to do before I can forward X clients from Ubuntu-Server?19:31
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pgpkeysok then they have udf2 support built into the udf generic module rather than as a seperate support. to ME, it sounds like its an unclosed multisession (whatever app you used might have forgotten to close the session on the DVDR)19:31
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: Making full use of ntfs-3g's UserMapping feature it is entirely possible to get per-file unix-style permissions. I know so because I'm using them right now.19:32
ward_GeekSquid: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu karmic partner is enabled19:32
rkgSoyo: I tried it too19:32
pgpkeysbut that requires you going back and using that app and telling it to close the session ONLY19:32
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
tdnVCoolio, how do I install that redshift in Ubuntu?19:32
mgolischbushbaby_: seems to load the driver successfully,atleast it doenst say otherwise, can you nopaste the output of the lspci command? maybe we can find out why hardware-drivers didnt suggest you to install this driver19:32
GeekSquidward_: sudo apt sun-<tab><tab>19:33
system404pgpkeys: its not a multisession disk i just burned it today before wiping windows off my machine its just a media backup burned using nero19:33
bart_where do i create a bug report on the installer?19:33
ward_GeekSquid: it being autocompleted19:33
pgpkeyshehe nero is notorious for forgetting to close sessions. that doesn't mean a thing19:33
mgolischbart_: in launchpad i guess? as for all ubuntu bugs19:33
bushbaby_mgolisch, http://pastebin.com/SiVkHk9P19:33
Picibart_: The text installer or the live-cd installer?19:33
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: Ubuntu doesn't enable Posix ACLs or UserMapping by default, and I would guess that's probably one of the reasons that the Ubuntu installer won't let you install to an NTFS filesystem. However, I would imagine that with a proper UserMapping it would be possible to transfer a Ubuntu installation onto an NTFS partition once its been created.19:33
tdncoz_, ok.19:33
pgpkeyssystem404 ~ it could also be just a bad burn19:34
ratcheerbart_: On Launchpad19:34
ward_GeekSquid: E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate19:34
ido-how do i update my ca root certificates ?19:34
system404pgpkeys: it works fine in windows19:34
drobizagowyAnyone knows how start ubiquty installer from hdd?19:34
Beyecixramddrobizagowy: what?? use Wubi...19:34
UnderSampledDoes anyone have an answer to my question?19:34
bart_lol.. i'm such a noob... yea... the live cd installer and where the heck is launchpad?19:34
VCooliotdn: there are packages for karmic; if you have lucid, download the .tar.bz, extract, go into folder, then ./configure then make then sudo make install (or use checkinstall if you want a deb and be able to remove later with apt-get or synaptic)19:34
pgpkeyssystem404 ~ then i am afraid i have no more clues to offer19:34
GeekSquidward_: strange, it should19:34
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:34
drobizagowyBeyecixramd I have remastered system on cd and I want to install it on hdd19:35
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: what was your question?19:35
dirtydevil_Soyo i tried it but still not working19:35
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: What do I have to do before I can forward X clients from Ubuntu-Server?19:35
ward_GeekSquid: Yes indeed .. did it before but with clean install of karmic it doesn't work19:35
Beyecixramddrobizagowy: hmmmm im not sure what you mean19:35
tdnVCoolio, ok. THanks. Will try that.19:35
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: The only issue I can see with that is that Windows might complain about some of the filenames that Ubuntu might create, even though NTFS technically supports them.19:35
VCooliotdn: no wait, there is a ppa: https://launchpad.net/~jonls/+archive/redshift-ppa19:35
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: open ports and such?19:35
drobizagowyBeyecixramd ubiquity dont start when I launch it from terminal19:35
b0n1hi if i connect to a server via ssh and i know a program is installed there but the command for it doesnt work in the terminal, how can i use the program ?19:35
Soyodirtydevil, if you go to system -> add/remove and search network manager does it show it as installed?19:35
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: what do I have to install?19:35
mneptokb0n1: what app?19:35
Beyecixramddrobizagowy: are you sure you installed it?19:35
drobizagowyBeyecixramd I have it in synaptic19:36
mneptokb0n1: ssh -X user@host19:36
b0n1i did19:36
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: nothing in theory... the X are both client and server...19:36
b0n1not working19:36
b0n1it says command not found19:36
mneptokb0n1: "which bluefish"19:36
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: huh?19:36
b0n1but the program is installed19:36
b0n1bluefish editor19:36
Beyecixramddrobizagowy: im afraid i have no idea then... try in a terminal or something19:36
GeekSquidTheMusicGuy: good luck, like I said it isn't supported19:36
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: hmm let me try something19:36
mneptokb0n1: type that command19:36
ratcheerBeyecixramd: Wouldn't you have to set DISPLAY ?19:36
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: what i mean is that you already have the X client and server with the xorg package19:36
abuayyoubHi, can someone please help me. I want to replace the contents of my / folder with a backup / folder. How can I do this?19:37
dirtydevil_Soyo: Network Manager and Metwok tools are installed19:37
b0n1the command is usually "bluefish <file> "19:37
Beyecixramdratcheer: maybe... no idea19:37
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: Needless to say I'm trying this on a virtual machine first :)19:37
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: does Xorg come with ubuntu-server?19:37
CommunistYoshiquestion: if I has Ubuntu Intrepid installed through wubi, can I install Xubuntu Lucid with wubi without uninstalling it first?19:37
mneptokb0n1: "which bluefish"  <---- type THAT command (no quotes)19:37
b0n1oh ok xD19:37
mgolischbushbaby_: the wiki actualy says to install: bcmwl-kernel-source19:37
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: the only servers in earth with graphical display are Mac OS X server and Windws * Server19:37
mgolischbushbaby_: try to install this, then sudo modprobe -r b43 and then try hardware-drivers again19:37
GeekSquidTheMusicGuy: why not use a virtual disk partition?19:37
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: for the rest, you'll have to install them separately19:38
b0n1it says no bluefish in19:38
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: yes19:38
ward_GeekSquid: look like a bug in karmic19:38
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: which is why I asked what I need to do to be able to forward X19:38
ratcheerUnderSampled: I think you need to "export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0: where hostname is the name of the host you want to throw the windows to.19:38
mneptokb0n1: so then the app is not in your $PATH, which is why you can't just type the command name19:38
abuayyoub Hi, can someone please help me. I want to replace the contents of my / folder with a backup / folder. How can I do this?19:38
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: I can't install windows to a virtual disk without a virtual machine19:38
b0n1but i can use my bluefish right?19:38
bushbaby_mgolisch, haha so it does! well spotted thanks19:38
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: wait... the ubuntu server box will be the X client or the X server?19:38
b0n1on my pc19:38
UnderSampledratcheer: and that doesn't require a copy of X19:38
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: the host19:39
CommunistYoshimy question?19:39
b0n1how does that work ?19:39
ratcheerUnderSampled: TYPO ""export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0"19:39
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: I am forwarding the program to a windows box with cygwin-X19:39
* arianit is away: I'm busy19:39
TheMusicGuyGeekSquid: the point is not just to get Ubuntu onto an NTFS parition but to get Ubuntu and Windows to Share a partition.19:39
mgolischTheMusicGuy: actualy you can install to a vhd in vista and win719:39
ward_GeekSquid: looks like it was a karmic repos19:39
GeekSquidward_: ill be happy to triage, I'm getting coffee and irc'ing from my droid, give me 15 min19:39
b0n1mneptok,  you know what i mean?19:39
ratcheerBeyecixramd: His server will be the X-client19:39
tertl3can you run games in wine?19:39
ward_GeekSquid: running lucid ;)19:39
CommunistYoshiif I has Ubuntu Intrepid installed through wubi, can I install Xubuntu Lucid with wubi without uninstalling it first?19:39
TheMusicGuymgolisch: that19:40
shubbarhow can i drag a window to another desktop? it used to work with 9.1019:40
TheMusicGuymgolisch: that's news to me19:40
Aazoris_1Ok when I start up my ssh to get to my vps is that the area to where I input " sudo apt-get update "19:40
mgolischtertl3: yes, to some degree, see appdb.winehq.com for supported applications and how well they work in wine19:40
Beyecixramdtertl3: most of them.... check the wine hq database19:40
CommunistYoshiis anyone answering my question?19:40
UnderSampledratcheer: Beyecixramd: I thought an X client was the program you run19:40
abuayyoub Hi, can someone please help me. I want to replace the contents of my / folder with a backup / folder. How can I do this?19:41
VirusTBash-2plus1<<  huh19:41
GeekSquidward_: lucid comes with openjava, as it's java, not sure why they did that19:41
sin_taxOK, installing flash - Are the swfdec or gnash players any better than adobe?19:41
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: Xorg is both the server and the client. For example, in this nettop im running both server and client (connected to
Beyecixramdsin_tax: better as in free speech... yes, better as in performance improvement... no way19:41
sin_taxBeyecixramd, thanks19:42
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: ok, but the client is the program you run, the server is the screen. right?19:42
rocket16!hi | CommunistYoshi19:42
ubottuCommunistYoshi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:42
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: so you can forward a client (running on one computer) to the server of annother19:42
mgolischabuayyoub: whats that for? if its wuby why not just replace the whole image file?19:42
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: right?19:42
b0n1how can i open a file on a server with an app that is only installed on my pc ?19:42
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: hmm... i run the server, and that renders my stuff. and the client interprets it all and displays it19:42
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: no, that's backwards...19:43
b0n1to be concrete i want to open a text file with bluefish19:43
UnderSampledwhich is backwards?19:43
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: in the TCP/IP protocol, the server is the one which produces the information19:43
CommunistYoshiif I has Ubuntu Intrepid installed through wubi, can I install Xubuntu Lucid with wubi without uninstalling it first?19:43
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: the client interprets and displays it19:43
b0n1but i cant just use the command bluefish host@...19:43
UnderSampledbut xorg doesn't follow those nymonics19:43
mgolischb0n1: you will need to use somekind of networkfilesystem like smb/nfs or access it via ftp19:44
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: yes it does... why wouldn't it?19:44
abuayyoubmgolisch,  i just need a simple command that says move everything in this directory to the root directory overwriting all files and folders.19:44
bushbaby_mgolisch, http://pastebin.com/9tkceQTa19:44
monkHi all19:44
hiexpois there a way for me to go back i goffed and uninstalled an app and wanna put my system back to the way it was before19:44
GeekSquidCommunistYoshi: intrepid is EOL, so you may have difficulty19:44
b0n1mgolisch,  do you mean for example using nautilus and  use fish ... ?19:44
monkI am using Ubuntu with Xfce19:44
VirusTBb0n1<< whats nautilus19:45
apctrapt-get giving error process halted bcoz there were too many errors19:45
Aazoris_1Ok when I start up my ssh to get to my vps is that the area to where I input " sudo apt-get update "19:45
CommunistYoshijust want to know if new wubi will nuke the old19:45
BeyecixramdVirusTB: the file browser of GNOME19:45
CommunistYoshiI've wanted to clean install Xubuntu for a looooong time19:45
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: http://linuxfinances.info/info/x.html19:45
GeekSquidAazoris_1: yes19:45
mgolischbushbaby_: any proxys set or something?19:46
Aazoris_1Thank u19:46
apctrhi all apt-get giving error process halted bcoz there were too many errors19:46
monkCan anyone please guide me how to turn off the annoying feature which pops up a list of windows on my desktop for all mounted partitions whenever it automatically mounts my portable hard disk drive?19:46
Beyecixramdwhat, UnderSampled...19:46
mgolischbushbaby_: does echo $http_proxy return anything on a terminal?19:46
CommunistYoshiapt-get install helpful-people19:46
GeekSquidCommunistYoshi: wubi is anything but clean19:46
abuayyoubmgolisch, what I have tried so far is cd into the backup dir and sudo mv -f * / but i keep getting mv: cannot move 'bin to /bin' folder is not empty and the same on down for boot, dev, etc,home, ...19:46
bushbaby_mgolisch, yes i have a uni proxy but thats set under the preferences settings and applied systemwide19:46
Beyecixramdmonk in the file browser, play with the settings19:46
b0n1ups i mean konqueror not nautilus19:47
Beyecixramdmonk: it's in the settings window of Nautilus19:47
CommunistYoshiI'd prefer to use the CD I burnt, but really don't feel like it. At all.19:47
UnderSampledBeyecixramd: section 1. introduction to X goes over the fact that server and client are backwords19:47
CommunistYoshijust want to know if the new version of wubi will nuke the old19:47
bushbaby_mgolisch, and the command returns the correct proxy settings19:47
Beyecixramdb0n1: are you sure you didn't mean Dolphin? (The KDE 4.x file browser)19:47
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monkHey Beyecixramd, thanks19:47
mgolischbushbaby_: can you download anything using wget?19:48
ratcheerUnderSampled: They are not backwards, that is the design of X19:48
BeyecixramdUnderSampled: hmmm... then everything backwards, answering to your question, yes19:48
Beyecixramdmonk: done it?19:48
monkLet me try this, but thanks a lot for the helpful pointer19:48
b0n1hm the fish command doesnt work on konqueror ... protocol not supported19:48
Beyecixramdmonk: okay, ill sit here19:48
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b0n1oh dear that cant be so difficult19:48
UnderSampledratcheer: I understand why they name it that way. it just confuses some people19:48
GeekSquidabuayyoub: you want to move, that won't work if things are mounted, you can cp... with -r recursively19:48
CommunistYoshijust want to know if the new version of wubi will nuke the old19:48
UnderSampledratcheer: and it makes it hard to talk about X when people are thinking oppositely19:48
BeyecixramdCommunistYoshi: yes19:49
monkHey Beyecixramd, I have one doubt though, I am using Xfce, so I use Thunar, not Nautilus, will the settings still be the same?19:49
ratcheerUnderSampled: yes, it confused me for a long time, too. I learned to accept it.19:49
bushbaby_mgolisch, no i can't they timeout too...19:49
CommunistYoshiOh good, will install xubuntu later19:49
mgolischb0n1: you can just use sshfs19:49
bushbaby_mgolisch, i'll try reapplying proxy settings19:49
Beyecixramdmonk: in Xfce it should be even easier... go to the control panel, and file borwser settings, or something like that19:49
Aazoris_1Anyone, could someone tell me what this mean please|  sudo: apt-get: command not found   | I cant seem to stop ubuntu from producing this, I cant install anything19:49
mgolischbushbaby_: soething must be wrong with the value of $http_proxy19:49
llutzb0n1: try "sftp://user@host" in konqueror19:49
GeekSquidAazoris_1: remove the :19:50
monkokay Beyecixramd19:50
monkI am trying that19:50
bushbaby_mgolisch, It's the correct value as given by the university.. and firefox and xchat work fine with it?19:50
linuxmonsterI love XFCE reminds me of Enlightenment without the overhead19:50
b0n1nice :) it works thank oyu llutz19:50
discopatrick10.04 desktop, System > Preferences > Network Connections - where are the settings saved to? and will they take precedence over /etc/network/interfaces ?19:50
Beyecixramdlinuxmonster: i would use E17 if it was more... finished19:50
VirusTBok col thanks19:51
b0n1and there is no way to  do that what i want in console ?19:51
b0n1or i mean at least not an easy way19:51
mgolischb0n1: sshfs19:51
llutzb0n1: using sshfs or "mc"19:51
Aazoris_1Hold on this how I input it exact, im copying it from the ssh window; [root@Anthony ~]# sudo apt-get  This is what i did and got the sudo: apt-get not found19:51
b0n1i connect with sshfs on my server19:51
b0n1and then the command bluefish works ?19:51
BeyecixramdAazoris_1: that seems so f****ed up...19:51
b0n1or how do you mean it19:51
mgolischAazoris_1: why do you use the sudo command if your root?19:52
llutzAazoris_1: dont use sudo if you are root already19:52
Aazoris_1cause they told me to do that19:52
GeekSquidAazoris_1: you don't need sudo if you are root19:52
MrPancakeaskhl_: su -19:52
MrPancakeer, Aazoris_1 rather.19:52
Aazoris_1So all i need to do is apt-get19:52
MrPancakesu -, and then try it.  /sbin and /usr/sbin likely aren't in your path.19:52
SoyoAazoris_1 but don't tell "them" you are root, lol19:53
b0n1llutz,  did you mean it that way?19:53
monkHey Beyecixramd, thank you so much for the help, it worked19:53
mgolischbushbaby_: what does the value look like? does it start with http:// ?19:53
Beyecixramdmonk: ;)19:53
llutzb0n1: yes19:53
notmorewindowshi, i cant update to the new motor anvivirus clamav 0.96.1, and isnt in the repositories ubuntu 10.04 lts19:53
Aazoris_1<Soyo> Aazoris_1 but don't tell "them" you are root, lol ---------- What you mean by that dont tell who19:53
b0n1sshfs is a program i can connect to different servers and use there my own programs?19:54
bushbaby_mgolisch, http://wwwcache.etcetcetcetc...19:54
b0n1llutz,  ?19:54
BeyecixramdAazoris_1: root is the owner of the system. If someone manages to get root access to your pc, you're lost...19:54
notmorewindowshow ca i update it?19:54
bushbaby_on port 312819:54
coz_tdn,  ok back19:54
coz_tdn,   let me download that and take a look19:54
SoyoWhoever told you you must use sudo19:54
BeyecixramdAazoris_1: root is more powerful than Administrator in Windows19:54
llutzb0n1: sshfs allows you to mount remote-hosts to local dirs and work with it19:54
notmorewindowshow i can update it?19:54
Aazoris_1oh ok19:54
b0n1thats great19:54
Aazoris_1um so how would i use the update would it be like su - update19:55
llutzAazoris_1: why are you root on a server when you don't have a single clue what you're doing?19:55
folgociao a tutti19:55
b0n1cant imagine that this is allowed on secure servers19:55
scott_inodoes anyone know if they fixed gnome power manager to display the amount of time left for a battery for certain laptops19:55
BeyecixramdAazoris_1: good there are some mods watching over your shoulder and warning you if someone issues a harmful command19:55
GeekSquid!it | folgo19:55
ubottufolgo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:55
Aazoris_1Cause I bought it and every1 need to learn from somewhere19:55
Beyecixramdnotmorewindows: have you got rid of windows completely already?19:55
c-ruzhi for all19:55
llutzb0n1: "mkdir ~/host && sshfs user@host:~/ ~/host" needs sshfs installed and you have to be member of group fuse19:56
folgo•ubottu• grazie .. è la 1 volta che arrivo qui e cercavo di capire .. grazie per la gentilezza..^^19:56
rocket16!hi | c-ruz19:56
ubottuc-ruz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:56
Beyecixramdfolgo: ubottu is a bot. And don't speak anything else but english here19:56
llutzAazoris_1: better use a vbox/vmware server to do, nothing public19:56
rocket16!it | folgo19:56
ubottufolgo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:56
coz_tdn,   if you extract that it looks like you have to run that in text console19:57
coz_tdn,  I may be wrong though19:57
rocket16!hi | Zarlord19:57
ubottuZarlord: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:57
mgolischbushbaby_: you could try getting root using sudo -i, then export http_proxy=http://foo (whatever the correct value is), then apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source without sudo19:57
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notmorewindowsbeycyx i want a antivirus in linux, because i like to have a antivirus open source like clamav19:57
pgpkeysclamav is packaged for ubuntu19:58
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:58
mgolischbushbaby_: or its a problem with the proxy, maybe it filters by user agent and block requests from wget19:58
rocket16notmorewindows: ClamAV is nice, and ClamTK will act as the GU.19:58
bushbaby_mgolisch, i'll try that19:58
lxghi all. yesterday, i freshly installed 10.4 on a new machine and did a system update. after rebooting, i was stuck in the grub shell. is this a known problem? if so, can anybody point me to a more info?19:58
pgpkeyssoyo ~ that may be, but many people store windows files under linux as well. great time to scan them\19:58
||arifaXnotmorewindows: avast works good but is proprietary clam is good, too. currently I do not know of a on-access scanner19:58
c-ruzif i run xine at boot i have toolbar up and down. Whay?19:58
Soyopgpkeys, good point19:59
notmorewindowsarifax avast for linux now has problems with their bases virus and dont work in linux19:59
Beyecixramdjust wondering, is there a way to fool an user to run *something* not very suspicious to trash his computer instantly in Windows? (just like issuing sudo rm -rf /*)19:59
linuxmonsteri dont agree wit the bot on that one. I still think having a AV program in Linux is a good thing19:59
rocket16notmorewindows: Also, after using ClamAV and ClamTK, be sure to install Nautilus-clamscan extension. That will add "Scan For Viruses" in your right-click menu, making scan easier.19:59
bushbaby_mgolisch, the commands give the exact same output as before20:00
LjLBeyecixramd: just wondering, what the heck does that have to do with Ubuntu?20:00
Beyecixramdnotmorewindows: why would you need an on-access virus scanner ON LINUX?!20:00
llutz!ot >Beyecixramd:20:00
rocket16linuxmonster: I agree with you.20:00
diffrantthinking of getting a ASUS nvidia GF 210 card, how do i check compatibilty [dont have hardware yet]?20:00
xanguaBeyecixramd: you are the suspicious, stop that20:00
BeyecixramdLjL: okay...20:00
Aazoris_1Soyo, So if I wanted to do something like " sudo apt-get update "  would be like su - root update  or how would I go about putting desktop on there. Or is it impossible.20:00
Roasted_Can anybody tell me why I'm getting these errors at the end of this pastebin? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/D11Ur7yq20:00
dagonlxg, a simple fix I did was go into your bios and switch the 1st and 2nd hard disc around and that should fix it if you have multipal disks in your box. Weird but it works20:00
notmorewindowsrocket yesss, but i need  to update the motor antivirus the clamav because clamtk say it20:01
lxgdagon: sounds weird, but i'll have a look at the options the bios offers me :) thx so far20:01
rocket16notmorewindows: Sure, but Fresh Clam automtically does that20:01
linuxmonsterBeyecixramd,  because a lot of users import files from unkown or trust3ed sources. i have seen users use sudo like it was a piece of candy and will install just about anything no ?'s askes20:01
symerhythmbox used to mount my ipod touch just fine, but now it doesn't... I can't think of any changes I've made that would affect that, so does anyone have any ideas about what to do?20:01
mgolischRoasted_: because your proxy server blocks the url?20:02
Aazoris_1You still here Soyo20:02
c-ruzif i run xine at boot i have toolbar up and down. Whay?20:02
Roasted_mgolisch, shouldn't be.20:02
dagonlxg,  no problem I hope the switch around works. I did that because of the same issue because I have two drives in my box and for some reason the GRUB did not like the original order of the disks20:02
notmorewindowsbeyecix because is cool to have an antivirus open source like clamtk, or clamav ok20:02
rocket16Also, certain Windows viruses remain in Linux, and remain inactive, but as soon as we exchange files with Windows, they are infected, causing Windows users to blame us to be evil users.20:02
mgolischRoasted_: Location: http://ls-server01.solanco.k12.pa.us/contentfiltering/blocked.aspx?id=2092823670999175061 [following]20:02
rocket16So, an AV for linux is nice.20:02
Roasted_mgolisch, let me over-ride and run it again20:02
linuxmonsterHeck I install ClamAV even on friens Windows machines, its just that good20:02
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ hehe only place i install no questions asked from are GPG keyed repositories for ubuntu :) or mediubuntu. seen way too many users do exactly what you described and their systems get trashed20:03
rocket16Better to use su command than sudo20:03
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ for a free one sure. for an excellent scanner to pay for.. NOD32 ftw20:03
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pgpkeyswindows, freensd, mac, and linux. solid scanner, better than mcaffee, symantec, and a slew of others20:03
mgolischclamav doenst have on-access scanning does it?20:04
dagonrocket16: You can have an AV on Linux but majority of the AV software for Linux checks for Windows viruses that you may have just stored on your Linux box to minamize the chance of infecting another machine. Linux by itself is really solid and safe20:04
notmorewindowsi use the addons firefox fireclam with clam and i nedd the new motor antivirus clamav 0.96.1 help me please...20:04
mgolischso its kinda useless to "protect" a windows system20:04
plummya virus scanner for linux, hey that's cool20:04
linuxmonsterpgpkeys,  ya know whats scarier I see users all the time not even bother to check the MD5 checksum on files they have no idea who created them or what they do. They just like to install stuff for no real need at all20:04
shazzam6999in 2 years ive never had a virus on linux... and i end up on some scary sights20:04
pgpkeysmgolisch ~ you have to install the daemon for that20:04
tdncoz_, but should I just run a binary like that?20:04
mgolischi allways use avira20:04
rocket16dagon: Sure, I agree woth you. Linux's architechture is nearly impenetrable to viruses. Also, Linus's law helps us.20:04
coz_tdn,   well i see no other way to run that20:04
Aazoris_1So I take it im alone on this one20:04
linuxmonsterI call it the windows complex. just point click and "lets see what this does" lol20:04
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ hehe well i do that from the main repositories only, but that's cause i like to try out different software even though I truly have no use for most of it20:04
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
diffrantseems like my question got lost. how do i check if a nvidia card will be compatible with ubuntu or not?20:05
UnderSampledhow do I make sure that GLX is used when I X forward with SSH?20:05
linuxmonsterpgpkeys,  for a payware Antivirus for windows ESET for the win20:05
shazzam6999diffarant: what card do you have?20:06
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ that's NOD32 :)20:06
notmorewindowsi m a fan tools antivirus and i want to have the new motor antivirus open source clamav is a desire for me20:06
linuxmonsterah ijust call it ESET lol20:06
mgolischUnderSampled: aehm, why?20:06
pgpkeyswww.eset.com is responsible for NOD3220:06
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ ahhh i got ya20:06
pgpkeyssame thing, different term20:06
diffrantshazzam6999: i am going for a new corei7 based system, and will get a basic ASUS nvidia GF210 512 MB one20:06
UnderSampledmgolisch: I am trying to forward a program that uses opengl over ssh20:06
SubbyHi, how to grep just words with a hyphen?20:07
UnderSampledmgolisch: and it is incredibly slow20:07
plummyopengl over ssh? isn't that too much overhead?20:07
mgolischUnderSampled: that doenst work20:07
b0n1llutz,  how can i install sshfs ?20:07
b0n1what package is it ?20:07
b0n1apt-get install sshfs ?20:07
baldarishey , i just tried to update ubuntu to latest version , Now i am getting a error :the symbol grub_puts not found , grub rescue...can someone tell me what to do?20:07
mgolischUnderSampled: its fast localy because the grafics card does the opengl that cant wok over x11 forwarding20:07
llutzb0n1: yes20:07
diffrantshazzam6999: if i can verify against a list which series of nvidia cards work i can then buy one of those instead20:07
pgpkeysman, i swear this xfs filesystem is slow as hell. I had much greater speed with none of this IO slowdown crap under ext4, but man let my laptop crash.. the fs would gak. switched to xfs and haven't had a problem since.. except for this constant disk lag grr20:07
UnderSampledmgolisch: could you say that again please?20:07
notmorewindowswhy the motor clamav is so dificult to update in ubuntu linux20:08
shazzam6999diffrant: its easy to google... but unless you're getting like a fermi 480 it should be fine anyways20:08
pgpkeysbut the fs handles system crashes and battery deaths a hell of a lot better :)20:08
diffrantlets see20:08
pgpkeysnotmorewindows ~ you need to install clam-freshclam and/or the daemon whicdh will do it automatically for you20:08
bushbaby_mgolisch, thanks for your help i'll try again another time!20:08
Aazoris_1<llutz> Aazoris_1: why are you root on a server when you don't have a single clue what you're doing? | also its a first time for everyone, everyone has been in the n00b seat, plus I may not know to much about Linux/Ubuntu Server management but I am quite fond of Windows...20:08
linuxmonsterpgpkeys,  I forget what FS i used on my server I think its RiserFS20:08
mgolischUnderSampled: hardware accelerated opengl is impossible using x11 forwarding20:08
b0n1my account is not in the sudoers file ?20:09
b0n1wtf is that?20:09
pgpkeyslinuxmonster ~ this is on my laptop.20:09
llutzb0n1: ask your admin to add you20:09
b0n1i should be my admin shouldnt it ?20:09
Beyecixramdb0n1: means you don't have administrator privileges..20:09
b0n1its my computer xD20:09
mgolischb0n1: did you remove yourself from the admin group?20:09
Picib0n1: Please mind your language.  By default the first user is in the admin group and the admin group is in sudoers.20:09
UnderSampledmgolisch: the wikipedia page on GLX ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLX ) says that the client and server may be run on different computers20:09
Beyecixramdb0n1: okay, then you have to modify your /etc/sudoers file20:09
pgpkeysb0n1 ~ means you added a user and didn't put them in the sudoers file. use visudo to add that new user.20:09
pgpkeysman visudo for more info20:10
LjLeeew the bad advice20:10
notmorewindowspgpkeys i have installed freshclam but i havent installed  the daemon20:10
LjLb0n1: don't add stuff to sudoers unless you're sure you need to. first, ensure your user is a member of the 'admin' group. type "groups" to see.20:10
baldarisanyone...little help here..20:11
krishno<baldaris> What's the problem??20:11
llutzb0n1: if you can use visudo /change sudoers, you should be able to install software. both needs root20:11
b0n1arbeitsaccount adm cdrom tape plugdev fuse sambashare20:11
pgpkeysljl Uhh if he wants that user to be able to do stuff, it's NOT bad advise. the ubuntu installer automatically adds the first user you created in the intsallation process to the sudo file for you. it doesn't do that for subsequent users20:11
mgolischUnderSampled: did you actualy read the whole article? it states clearly that direct access to the graphics hardware is only possible if client and server on the same machinbe20:11
baldariskrishno:  i just tried to update ubuntu to latest version , Now i am getting a error :the symbol grub_puts not found , grub rescue...can someone tell me what to do?20:11
pgpkeysubuntu disables root by default and requires that your user be in the sudo file20:11
Picipgpkeys: No it does not.  It adds the admin group to the sudoers file.20:11
LjLpgpkeys: no it doesn't. it add that user to the "admin" grop, and *that group* is in sudoers.20:12
killownis there anyway to not allow somebody to obtain access to my / root filesystem through the chroot? i mean someone with ubuntu live boot trying do that..20:12
b0n1usage: visudo [-c] [-q] [-s] [-V] [-f sudoers]20:12
UnderSampledmgolisch: direct access. of course. that means that it doesn't go through X at all20:12
Aazoris_1How do I go up a directory via ssh ubuntu command like in windows its cd ...20:12
Youresorockfull disk encryptino would prevent that. :)20:12
* pgpkeys arches an eyebrow and shuffles off to check his config20:12
UnderSampledmgolisch: (or glx)20:12
llutzb0n1: you modified your groups and kicked yourself out of admin...20:12
LjLb0n1: DON'T touch sudoers unless you know you need to. check what i told you to check first please.20:12
llutzAazoris_1: cd ..20:12
Aazoris_1its the same as windows20:13
b0n1i did LjL20:13
b0n1that was the output20:13
b0n1arbeitsaccount adm cdrom tape plugdev fuse sambashare20:13
LjLb0n1: so the user is not a member of the admin group, and for that matter it looks like it's also not a member of a lot of groups that it probably should be. is this the first user created on the system?20:13
b0n1i have 2 accounts and on the one account i have sudo rights  that is sure20:14
llutzb0n1: use that account then20:14
* pgpkeys looks abashed as he stands corrected after looking at the sudoers file20:14
baldariskrishno:any idea..20:14
b0n1ok but i need to use sudo often now in that account20:14
pgpkeysljl ~ forgive. I did in fact give bad advise20:14
mgolischUnderSampled: yeah thats why its that slow because direct rendering cant be used if client and server are on different machines20:15
Hoppiheya, could anyone give me a hand with trying to get usb 3G device working?20:15
Aazoris_1man Dos is so much easier than this...20:15
b0n1but i think i got the problem20:15
HoppiI feel like I'm close20:15
Hoppibut it's tricky20:15
llutzb0n1: use that account then to add your 2nd user to group "admin" if you really need...  "sudo adduser <user> admin"20:15
pgpkeysaazoris_1 ~ and dos doesn't have ANYWHERE near the power :)20:15
YouresorockI've used an ATT 3g usb in ubuntu20:15
PiciAazoris_1: You may want to take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal if you need help navigating with the terminal.20:15
CaptainTrekAazoris_1:  pgpkeys is right, DOS isnt powerful.  Linux CLI is powerful20:15
Youresorockworked great20:15
LjLb0n1: then go into the first account, and "sudo adduser account2 admin"20:15
lxghm, i am still stuck in the grub shell when booting after an update. does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?20:15
LjLb0n1: but keep in mind you should probably create users using the GUI, as that will make the user a member of important groups for you automatically - while now it probably isn't20:16
Aazoris_1Thanks been looking for something like that20:16
pgpkeyscaptaintrek ~ well to be more specific, the shell is more powerful than the dos command.com :) (zsh, bash, et al)20:16
CaptainTrekpgpkeys: same difference20:16
Hoppiif anyone is able to help me with my phone/3g modem problem that would be cool :) it's a skypephone S220:16
linuxmonsterssh -X is your friend :)20:17
maruenHi all, I installed mysql in ubuntu and I notice that when I reboot the service automatically runs. How Can I disable the service to run everytime I reboot?20:18
guntbert!who | linuxmonster20:18
ubottulinuxmonster: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:18
blue_annayou know those wonderful howtos on ubuntu.com -- how would I write one of those -- I mean whether or not it gets hosted I guess is a different story but, is there a style guide or something?20:18
diffrantokay so i see many nvidia cards have linux drivers [not ubuntu specific though] so is it safe to assume any model that has a linux driver 'should' work under ubuntu?20:18
Hoppianyone good with 3g modems and stuff via usb ._.20:18
Youresorockdiffrant: nvidia works great in ubuntu20:19
blue_annaI just figured out how to do custom keyboard layouts the proper way in ubuntu20:19
lxgdagon: i only have one drive, but i agree that sometimes it's bios madness that makes the bootloader behave strange20:19
linuxmonsterYouresorock,  ATI works also just fine also20:19
lxgdagon: but in this case, everything seems to be fine20:19
diffrantYouresorock: that is good news. i am getting a new system & plan to use ubuntu fulltime so :)20:19
lxgdagon: the strange thing is, i could reboot without problems after the install20:20
diffrantto be true ubuntu took me away from mac osx [way costly stuff]20:20
lxgdagon: it seems that it was the update that borked the bootloader20:20
GeekSquidblue_anna: you are welcome to create an account @ wiki.ubuntu.com , where we have community created documentation, it is a wiki, and has an easy way to format your howtos,20:20
Youresorockdiffrant: just be sure to use the built-in ubuntu hardware-drivers install thing20:20
blue_annaGeekSquid: yeah, I can do wikis :)20:20
linuxmonsterI just wish though that ATI would release driver updates faster, but thats probably true with Nvidia aswell. I mean the latest I saw last I checked for ATI was CCC 9.10 for Linux20:20
diffrantYouresorock: will remember :)20:20
guntbertblue_anna: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Wiki20:21
GeekSquidblue_anna: good one, kb layouts... you might also create a ubottu trigger to put your page up here when the question is asked about keyboard layouts20:21
mikelHey, I've got two nfs4 shares listed in my /etc/fstab, both with the options "tcp,intr,_netdev" ... They never mount at boot, but as soon as I 'mount -a' they appear just fine. My first guess is that it's trying to get the filesystems up before networking is ready. Am I missing a required mount option?20:21
Hoppioh and a question, what is the best way to install a Karmic kernel in Lucid?20:21
Hoppiadding the whole repo, or?20:21
funkyHatSubby: grep '-'20:22
MACscr_lappyahy is it that ubuntu can easily use my 3rd monitor for console/splash screens, but then has a problem using it for just a regular third monitor?20:22
SubbyfunkyHat: it was \w+-\w+  :)20:22
X_ohi world20:22
Agu10_MACscr_lappy: how did you connect 3 monitors?20:23
X_owhy is too difficult to fix my monitor resolution on ubuntu 10.0420:23
notmorewindowsi cant update to the new motor antivirus clamav 0.96.1 in ubuntu lts20:23
funkyHatSubby: oh, you meant a hyphen surrounded by 2 words ⢁)20:23
Agu10_X_o: because noone cares about your screen20:23
SubbyfunkyHat: exact ;)20:24
X_othat true20:24
c13I am connected via ppp0. I want to share the connection. How can i configure an ICS on eth0 with ip I want to do it with network connections menue.20:24
alexanderkwanna encode mp3, oog and wav files to raw data20:24
MACscr_lappyAgu10_: im not sure how to answer you question. What are you asking?20:24
X_oa least tell me how I can get a general monitor on ubuntu 10.0420:24
alexanderkon windows20:24
llutz!ics > c1320:24
ubottuc13, please see my private message20:24
hou5tondouble checking ... to use the terminal instead of Synaptic to check for updates on software, what are the commands.  In Synaptic there is "Reload" ..then "Mark all upgrades" ... and then "Apply"20:25
guntbertalexanderk: this is the support channel for ubuntu20:25
Agu10_MACscr_lappy: what GPU do you have?20:25
Agu10_a matrox?20:25
alexanderkdanke guntbert20:25
LjLhou5ton: "sudo apt-get update" will load the list of packages, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" will do the upgrading20:25
llutzhou5ton: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade20:25
MACscr_lappyAgu10_: no, its two cards20:25
X_oI reright couple times xorg but it doesn't work20:25
alexanderkwanna encode mp3, oog and wav files to raw data20:25
funkyHatmaruen: sudo update-rc.d mysql remove20:25
MACscr_lappyATI radeon 3200 and 485020:26
audifahrerI just installed 10.04 on my notebook. Looks great so far. Bad thing was that it didn't find my WLAN with the alternate installer, but anyway... Now after installing I just connected with the wlan applet to my WLAN/WPA2 net and I got a connection and correct IP. But I couldn't ping or reach any local or internet IPs. Any ideas?20:26
maruenfunkyHat, thanks20:26
funkyHatmaruen: np ⢁)20:26
maruenfunkyHat, I have another doubt here20:26
alexanderkwanna encode mp3, oog and wav files to raw data20:26
funkyHatmaruen: ask away20:26
X_oI have a nvidia card but my resolution is killing me20:27
sin_taxis there a hotkey to swap between workspaces?20:27
funkyHatalexanderk: what do you mean? wav basically is "raw data" ...20:27
maruenfunkyHat, I need for example when the server starts and execute the mysql start, I need to execute the script to run jboss20:27
Jordan_Ualexanderk: Audacity will allow you to do that.20:27
maruenfunkyHat, and it needs to be in that order20:27
baldarisi am still stuck with this grub rescue...what to do..20:27
baldarissudo command is not getting recognized...for me to proceed..20:28
maruenfunkyHat, how can I make sure that my jboss script executes right after mysql starts?20:28
alexanderkno audacity, from c++20:28
alexanderkat windows20:28
Jordan_Ubaldaris: Do you get an error when you run "insmod linux"?20:28
oCean_sin_tax: ctrl-alt-leftorrightarrowkey20:28
Agu10_sin_tax: ctrl+alt+rightArrow20:28
Agu10_or leftArrow20:28
green-this may sound ridiculous, but is edgy supported any longer? i have any old box i need some edgy packages for20:28
sin_taxthanks oCean_  and Agu10_20:28
X_owhat file from nvidia do I have to re-right make it works?20:29
baldarisJordan_U: yeah , same error message20:29
oCean_!edgy | green-20:29
ubottugreen-: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.20:29
Scunizigreen-: nope..20:29
alexanderkwanna encode mp3, oog and wav files to raw data in c++20:29
OldrieHi, Is there anyone here who can help me with something real quick?20:29
funkyHatmaruen: you could write a script which starts those for you. perhaps joining #ubuntu-server would be a good idea20:29
Scunizi!ask | Oldrie20:29
ubottuOldrie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:29
oCean_Oldrie: just ask the question in the channel and find out20:29
dominicdinadaOk here is a problem that has been pissing me off that Lucid never sets and keeps the right file associations. Secondly it does not save any system settings ie. UFW enable says that it will start with system it never does another thing is the visual changes never save... wth is the problem here20:29
Jordan_Ugreen-: No, and it has known *serious* security vulnerabilities. Upgrade.20:29
Aazoris_1how would i edit the aquota.user to add users20:29
baldarisJordan_U:  error :the symbol grub_puts not found20:29
guntbertalexanderk: don't repeat please: this is not a programmers channel, nor a support channel for windows apps20:30
green-Jordan_U: i only need it briefly, not too worried, its behind a firewall20:30
dominicdinadaX_o: dont private msg me uninvited20:30
=== Aazoris_1 is now known as Aazoris
OldrieI have my laptop connected to wifi but I want to share that connection to my router by wired to broadcast wifi stronger in my house. how can I do that?20:30
notmorewindowshow i can update to the new motor clamav 0.96.1?20:30
Scunizi!ics | Oldrie20:31
ubottuOldrie: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:31
AazorisOr should I not touch that file20:31
onetinsoldierhi all20:31
notmorewindowsbecause is very dificult20:31
bastienhi all20:31
ubotturesolution: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:31
Jordan_Ubaldaris: Do you have a LiveCD?20:31
alexanderkwanna encode mp3, oog and wav files to raw data20:31
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: you came just to hear me rank :P20:31
sin_taxis there a way to keep the audio on a guest OS from being muted when it does not have focus?20:31
funkyHatmaruen: I've not used jboss but I can probably help with a script which runs mysql and then does whatever you need to start jboss... but someone in #ubuntu-server might have a better idea20:31
onetinsoldieri couldn't log into my Ubuntu today. have to reinstall :-(20:31
dominicdinadaer Rant*20:31
guntbert!repeat | alexanderk20:31
ubottualexanderk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:31
LuisEi need help with a dell wireless mini 1395 card, it doesn't show up in iwconfig20:31
hou5tonLjL:  llutz: so ... apt-get update takes the place of the Synaptic "Reload" and "Mark all upgrades"  ??20:32
baldarisyeah ..., got a nice tutrial..http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/fix-symbol-grubputs-not-found-when.html , i am trying that..20:32
IdleOneX_o: just ask your question20:32
baldarisbut there is some problem with live cd..20:32
X_oHow i can get my resolution works ?20:32
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: hello. i'm a little torqued off my self ;-)20:32
LuisEi need help with a dell wireless mini 1395 card, it doesn't show up in iwconfig20:32
llutzhou5ton: i never used synaptic but those two aptitude commands will upgrade all pending packages20:32
tdncoz_, did you run it?20:32
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: couldn't log into my Ubuntu today, and have to reinstall from scratch20:33
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: i see that what happened to you.... my problem is as follows20:33
dominicdinadaOk here is a problem that has been pissing me off that Lucid never sets and keeps the right file associations. Secondly it does not save any system settings ie. UFW enable says that it will start with system it never does another thing is the visual changes never save... wth is the problem here20:33
nenondoes any have a problem with ddclient under 10.04 and restart after reboot ?20:33
[AWE]Hi there20:33
[AWE]This is probably an uber noob question but hey I'm an uber noob20:33
[AWE]I just created a /var/web directory20:33
dominicdinada!ask | awe20:33
ubottuawe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
guntbert!enter | [AWE]20:33
bastienhey guys I have a problem on ubuntu 10.04. From today, when I go on youtube the speed of the video is too much. I tried to dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree without success. So I tried apt-get remove --purge then install again without success. Do you have an idea ? Thanks !20:33
ubottu[AWE]: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:33
LjLhou5ton: i'm not familiar with synaptic, but i think so20:33
dominicdinadaopps mistyped his name20:34
AazorisIn which directory would I find the update package/file?20:34
[AWE]how do I give write permissions to my user 'administrator'?20:34
icerootcan you recommend a good application for managing sound-devices? (mute mic and so on) the one which comes with karmic and lucid is not very usefull. the one from jaunty was usefull. so maybe you got a good idea?20:34
knxvilleHello friends... What is the program called to quick launch programs? Like pressing alt + space and then you type in the first letters20:34
[AWE]ubuntu server by the way so no gui20:34
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: i don't know what your problem with UFW is, it worked fine for me. it started with the system. but i hear you. i wouldn't be happy if it told me it was going to start with the system, and then it doesn't20:34
IdleOneknxville: gnome-do20:34
hou5tonllutz: What is the "aptitude" part?20:35
guntbert[AWE]: there is #ubuntu-server too20:35
claptrapSo I'm having some freaky mouse issues.20:35
[AWE]oh I wasn't aware20:35
claptrapLike not being able to right-click at all.20:35
green-yay for old-releases.ubuntu.com20:35
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: and its not like it is not set to in ufw.conf it is enable there by me manually because the system didnt change that either ..... but i have to enable it every time i boot along with my display20:35
AazorisHey Soyo are u afk atm20:36
notmorewindowswell i will use the addons link scanner dr.web for mozilla  because i cant to update the motor clamav 0.96 at 0.96.1,20:36
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: roger. don't know what's wrong there. i am in kubuntu right now. i could maybe look around in here. but, i would prefer to be in ubuntu to try and look20:37
Roasted_Thunderbird won't open, no matter how many times I uninstall/reinstall it. Any ideas??????20:37
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: what happened is your password file corrupted or what is happening20:37
funkyHaticeroot: pavucontrol perhaps20:38
AazorisOh my! Whichfile do I use to update Ubuntu - "tzdata-update or update alternatives"?20:38
dominicdinada!thunderbird | Roasted_20:38
ubottuRoasted_: Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042720:38
AazorisOh please shed some lite please lol20:38
rocket16Where can I add new information to ubutto's database? I have some more useful facts, that might help ubutto20:38
icerootfunkyHat: i will have a look, thx20:38
Picirocket16: See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for how to add factoids20:38
Roasted_dominicdinada, thank you. I know thunderbird is a free email client. The thing is, I have a problem here where it won't open.20:38
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: oh? how do you know? it was strange and that might be it. gdm was messed up. i could enter a few letters of my password, and then that was it. the password entry dialog would dissapear and i would be left looking at my username on gdm, but clicking on it would do... nothing20:39
rocket16Pici: Thanks, :D20:39
claptrapI can't seem to right click in GNOME at all. If I log into KDE, right click works fine there. This mouse works fine on a Windows laptop, and other mice have the same problem on this PC.20:39
ne7workHow can I see which program I used the speed of net?20:39
ne7workplease someone tell me20:39
IdleOnene7work: speedtest.net20:40
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: are you able to boot into grub2 recovery maybe ?20:40
ne7workIdleOne, no..20:40
guntbertrocket16: open a private window with her (/query ubottu) and then you submitt your proposal according to http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Editing_factoids  (the proposal is then forwareded to the ops)20:40
onetinsoldierne7work: you can right-click on the panel and 'add to panel' there should be something like a network monitor applet you can add20:40
ne7workhow i see with console which program used my download speed20:40
onetinsoldierne7work: look in there for like a netspeed applet20:40
rocket16guntbert: Thanks, :)20:40
dominicdinadane7work: i know that server also allows for throttling i am not sure about desktop tho20:41
Aazoris_1oh gosh who know how to update Ubuntu via CLI20:41
ne7worki'm with ubuntu server edition20:41
claptrapI can't seem to right click in GNOME at all. If I log into KDE, right click works fine there. This mouse works fine on a Windows laptop, and other mice have the same problem on this PC. It also seems that if I open one program, I can't LEFT click anything else.20:41
IdleOneAazoris: sudo apt-get update20:41
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: i'm reinstalling from scratch. it's screwed dominicdinada, it's hosed.20:41
jpdsAazoris_1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:41
IdleOneAazoris: sudo apt-get safe-upgrade20:41
maruenfunkyHat, give me a help20:41
guntbertAazoris_1: what do you mean by "update"?20:41
Aazoris_1im not in sudo20:41
Aazoris_1im root20:41
jpdsAazoris_1: Remove the sudo bits?20:42
Aazoris_1and no im not giving away my ip20:42
plummywhat is the difference between "upgrade" and "safe-upgrade"?20:42
maruenfunkyHat, I know how to put a script to be executed when the server restarts, but my doubt its about the order20:42
IdleOneAazoris: nobody asked for it20:42
Aazoris_1it was a joke20:42
maruenfunkyHat, I need to make sure that this script only be executed after mysql is up20:42
maruenfunkyHat, any idea?20:42
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: ehhh i claimed last week i always reinstall every month but to be honest after lucid on this machine if i wipe it im going back to backtrack... Lucid was thrown out very buggy :(20:42
IdleOneAazoris: btw
IdleOnenot hard to find20:42
Aazoris_1not the ip20:42
dominicdinada!bandwidth | ne7work20:42
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: i could do more than boot into grub2 recovery. i could boot the OS.... np. it's just i can log in other than virtual console. in other words, no x-windows. can't log into it20:42
hou5tonAny suggestions on a Clipboard management application?20:43
Aazoris_1im behind 3 different proxies  and another federal proxy20:43
Roasted_Thunderbird won't open, no matter how many times I uninstall/reinstall it. Any ideas??????20:43
diskinhou5ton, parcellite20:43
guntbertAazoris_1: don't make bad jokes if you want help20:43
dagonIs there a special reason that I can't listen to rythom box and play OpenArena (Linux game) at the same time? If I attempt it I drop sound completly and have to reset the hardware option in prefrences /sound menu20:43
IdleOnene7work: if the bot didn't answer you the first time it won't the 5th either20:43
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: if you can log into x why not just repair gnome lol20:43
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: perhaps. i don't know. seemed stable enough for me. all i can say is... at least for a while, i am not... using 'getdeb' repo, not installing any .package type of program, ect. essentially, i'm not installing anything foreign20:44
Aazoris_1and ppl say Linux is easy20:44
claptrapdagon: Probably need to do some Googling for PulseAudio configuring,.20:44
hou5tondiskin:  yes ... I see that .... lightweight .... and then also see one .. Glipper20:44
dagonclaptrap: how do I access the pulseaudio in the Terminal. Jsut type in PulseAudio?20:44
diskinhou5ton, I like parcellite better20:45
diffrantAazoris_1: easy for experts/geeks so yea ;)20:45
dagonclaptrap : Like pulseconfig or something. I forget20:45
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: ya :( if a fix doesnt come out soon i am switching off of ubuntu myself20:45
claptrapdagon: I don't really remember exactly what needs to be done; I had to do quite a bit of Googling a while back to get my sound issues sorted out.20:45
diffrantits only easy for those who say its easy :D20:45
IdleOneAazoris_1: you managed to be behing 4 proxies but linux is hard?20:45
rocket16Aazoris_1: Linux is not easy, but it is not hard too. It is a bit uncommon, unlike Windows. But learning it helps a lot.20:45
guntbertAazoris_1: please stop that  chatter - instead answer our questions  -- if you still want help, that is20:45
rocket16I agree with guntbert20:46
CaptainTreki do too20:46
claptrapdagon: But PulseAudio is such a PITA that a little bit of Googling will net you TONS of search results.20:46
IdleOneguntbert: +120:46
IdleOneback to support20:46
rocket16!ask | Aazoris_120:46
ubottuAazoris_1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:46
claptrapI can't seem to right click in GNOME at all. If I log into KDE, right click works fine there. This mouse works fine on a Windows laptop, and other mice have the same problem on this PC.20:47
dagonclaptrap: Thank you very much for the input20:47
Aazoris_1Ok sorry guys I was just feeling a little happy that I accomplished 1 feat, no need to jump down my back, it was just a mere joke in accomplishment sorry20:47
linuxmonsterdagon,  not sure this will help but try this forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957820:47
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: you could always wait until July. at that time, they expect to have it update to service pack 1 or something like that20:47
* diffrant hides in shame for popping in the middle of QnA20:47
guntbertRoasted_: did you try to start TB from command line? there you should get error messages20:47
dagonlinuxmonster: Thank you very much20:47
claptrapI'm really trying to avoid scrapping my GNOME configuration AGAIN.20:47
linuxmonsterdont thank me yet lol20:47
Aazoris_1My server is not my home ip address so im not worried mentioning that im root, I run a vps with ubuntu 10.0420:48
linuxmonsterdagon,  it may not even apply to what you need but I came across it and deals with a lot of pulseaudio daemon issues and such20:48
Roasted_guntbert, is all I have to do type "thunderbird" and thats it?20:48
guntbert!noroot | Aazoris_120:48
ubottuAazoris_1: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:48
Aazoris_1and I had a little trouble getting my first steps off, thanks to you guys I got there, Thanks; but im still having issues20:48
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: ya but having to constantly change my desktop modes and enable firewalls and keep searching to specified programs i have associated 100s of times already well is not worth the effort :)20:48
turdAazoris_1, i think i can help you20:48
guntbertRoasted_: should suffice20:49
turdtry this:20:49
Roasted_guntbert, does nothing. No error, just returns back to the prompt20:49
Shorukenare there any programs to show me where all my disk space is going? kind of like tree size for windows20:49
Aazoris_1so your sayingthat I cant get help cause im root20:49
LjLturd: not funny20:49
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: roger. sounds like something's wrong there. all i can say is, id din't have those problems. i will see how it goes with fresh install and no foriegn apps/software installed. only stock lucid packages20:49
claptrapShoruken: There's one installed by default, IIRC. It should be under Accessories, as somehthing like Disk Size... something. v.v20:50
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: good luck. i'm off to install20:50
Shorukenclaptrap, found it thanks20:50
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: yes let me know... because none of these problems are hardware/computer specific this is all in the ubuntu 32bit core20:50
linuxmonsterShoruken,  you mean df -h?20:50
linuxmonsteror you want a gui?20:51
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: good luck at least you will have a nice fresh install20:51
Shorukenlinuxmonster, wanted a gui and got one ;)20:51
claptrapAlright, well, since it seems I'm not going to figure out my issue20:51
claptrapCan anyone tell me the easiest way to scrap the GNOME config and start it fresh?20:51
guntbertRoasted_: try with thunderbird --help please, should give several options20:51
alexanderkwanna decode song files(mp3,oog,wav) into .raw data using c++20:51
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: well, who knows when i might run into any problem! i had my installation running for 3 weeks before it bombed out on me20:51
joaopintoalexanderk, search for a c++ development channel20:52
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: ok, thanks. you too. take care20:52
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: one more thing did you leave the system in the middle of something ?20:52
alexanderkwanna decode song files(mp3,oog,wav) into .raw data using c++20:52
rocket16Is there a faster Photo application than Fspot? Because of #mono, it is slow.20:52
guntbertalexanderk: is this an ubuntu support question? if yes please give more details20:52
Roasted_guntbert, nothing is working. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh20:52
=== maciek__ is now known as jasny
Aazoris_1guntbert, i still cant get it to update, This is what I done and the outcome of it... - " [root@Anthony sbin]# apt-get update20:52
Aazoris_1-bash: apt-get: command not found "20:52
claptrapCan anyone tell me the easiest way to scrap the GNOME config and start it fresh?20:52
alexanderkwanna decode song files(mp3,oog,wav) into .raw data using c++20:52
linuxmonsteralexanderk,  c++ is a windows thing I belive so wont get support here for that20:52
Picilinuxmonster: what? No.20:52
dominicdinadaonetinsoldier: i had a problem when i did leave the system in the middle of having packages removed even though i Ctrl C'd it20:52
alexanderkc++ is no windows thing20:53
guntbert!pastebin | Aazoris_120:53
ubottuAazoris_1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:53
rocket16Aazoris_1: Use sudo apt-get update in any normal user mode.20:53
Picialexanderk: This is not a programming support channel. Please ask in ##C++ , you will need to register to talk there.20:53
Pici!register > alexanderk20:53
ubottualexanderk, please see my private message20:53
linuxmonstersee thats what happens when your not a coder lol20:53
rocket16!hi | ubulucid20:53
ubottuubulucid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:53
guntbertRoasted_: *nothing* ?20:53
=== neldridg1 is now known as neldridge
Aazoris_11 problem I dont know how to create another user via server, im accessing my server via ssh220:54
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: roger. that could have caused something perhaps. don't know really though20:54
dippobuhi. I just upgraded from karmic to lucid and now xorg is dying with DRM errors in the intel driver -- anyone seen this or have any suggestions?20:54
onetinsoldierdominicdinada: take care20:54
leehim going to demolish you20:54
dippobui saw a recommendation to disable memory protection in BIOS, which I did, but it didn't help20:54
leeh?DCC SEND "8yovikkyrapehard.mpg" 0 0 020:54
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.20:54
dippobuI also tried moving to xorg edgers packages, but no dice20:54
Peter12can anyone please explain this error for me: "err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c00000fd flags 0 addr 0x7b89e03a " i get it when i start foobar using wine, and trying to connect to it with pocketbar. (pda remote control for foobar) it works in windows and i would like to make it work in ubuntu aswell20:54
paul__Are there any good ways to block porn sites from being accessed?20:54
alexanderkwanna decode song files(mp3,oog,wav) into .raw data using c++20:54
ubulucidHi!i am using ubuntu Lucid, i got one theme Ubuntu Dust from :http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/top-18-linux-gtk-themes.php But i am not able to install/use it...please help20:55
jonoall I am saying20:55
Shorukenmy ubuntu installation is on a hard drive reporting SMART failure. what can I do to clone the files onto another hard drive?20:55
dominicdinadathey got banned for a server split lmfao20:55
LjLdominicdinada: no.20:55
alexanderkwhere is a c++ support room?20:55
guntbertAazoris: aptitude update only updates the database, you need aptitude safe-upgrade for the actual process20:55
LjLalexanderk: #c++20:55
Picialexanderk: I just told you. ##C++20:55
dominicdinadaalexanderk:  #C++20:55
sin_taxI'm on Ubuntu! \o/20:55
Aazorisguntbert> So how doi got about doing that20:56
Apothecarygood choise sin :)20:56
Aazorisis in the same format20:56
alexanderk#C++ i cant write20:56
Pici!register > alexanderk20:56
ubottualexanderk, please see my private message20:56
Aazorisi.e. : apt-get upgrade20:56
ubulucidHi!i am using ubuntu Lucid, i got one theme Ubuntu Dust from :http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/top-18-linux-gtk-themes.php But i am not able to install/use it...please help20:56
alexanderkwhy register20:56
Picialexanderk: You need to register to talk there. Like I said before,.20:56
guntbertAazoris: as I said, type aptitude safe-upgrade20:56
IdleOnealexanderk: if you are going to ask for help you need to also read the response sent to you20:56
dominicdinadaalexanderk: register20:56
=== Technovi1ing is now known as Technoviking
ubulucidHi!i am using ubuntu Lucid, i got one theme Ubuntu Dust from :http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/top-18-linux-gtk-themes.php But i am not able to install/use it...please help20:56
ubulucidHi!i am using ubuntu Lucid, i got one theme Ubuntu Dust from :http://www.webhostingsearch.com/articles/top-18-linux-gtk-themes.php But i am not able to install/use it...please help20:56
FloodBot1ubulucid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
FloodBot2ubulucid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
FloodBot4ubulucid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
Roasted_guntbert, nothing works man.20:57
AazorisI didnt understand sorry20:57
Roasted_guntbert, nothing. I tried every switch here.20:57
paul__Are there any good ways to block porn sites from being accessed?20:57
davihello i need a help20:57
Aazorisall i see most of the is flashing words20:57
Roasted_guntbert, fricken #$(#*$. I go to 10.04 and have wireless issues. I go back t 9.10 and I dont even have fricken email20:57
dominicdinadaalexanderk: dont ask why register it is their channel policy... so if you want support from C++ on freenode u got to register your nick20:57
alexanderkwhy register20:57
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:57
Cynthiahm, no info about that20:57
davihow can i install java in lubuntu20:57
karthikubottu: hi20:58
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:58
whileimhereHi I was wondering about adding a new soundcard to my existing desktop. Right now it has internal audio which works fine. If I add a soundcard will Ubuntu auto find it or will it require me to do advanced configuration?20:58
antivirtelhello all20:58
helomy system told me it was going to fsck my disks, so wanting to see what it was doing, i pressed Escape... and i see a prompt saying something threatening like: "PARTITION IS MOUNTED! IF YOU CONTINUE YOU !!! WILL !!! LOSE DATA!!!! Continue? (y,n) ", but i couldn't give any input20:58
Roasted_guntbert, got it.20:58
Roasted_guntbert, just added the PPA for thunderbird 3. now it opens.20:58
dominicdinadaalexanderk:  if you have any other question on that issue see #help and ask the freenode help channel what you need to20:58
Aazorisguntbert> I tried it, but it gave me the same outcome saying aptitude command not found20:59
alexanderkwanna decode soundfiles into .raw data with c++20:59
guntbert!yay | Roasted_20:59
ubottuRoasted_: Glad you made it! :-)20:59
davihow can i install java on lubuntu20:59
Roasted_guntbert, kinda weird, but - whatever :P20:59
guntbertRoasted_: :)20:59
davicomo instalar java no lubuntu20:59
linuxmonsterdavi, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts does nto work?20:59
alexanderkwanna decode soundfiles into .raw data with c++20:59
dominicdinada!ot | alexanderk21:00
ubottualexanderk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:00
IdleOnealexanderk: type /join #freenode and ask them how to register your nickname21:00
ApothecaryI don't know if you can download Ultamatix, but it has some dealies to make life easier but, have to add ultimate edition repository...21:00
Agu10can anybody recommend me a linux distro?21:00
guntbertAazoris: in my opinion you did something to break some things in your system when you enabled the root account - my crystal ball doesn't tell what those are - so its hard to help you, sorry21:00
xanguaAgu10: ubuntu21:01
obliviscor@search Rachel Gibson21:01
jester7hi guys, I cannot for the life of me remember the single command for installing LAMP on a server AFTER the initial install.  anyone?21:01
dominicdinadaIdleOne: have you had any problems with lucid keeping file associations, system settings such as visual settings and ufw enabled settings ?21:01
Agu10xangua: but I've had many errors when using ubuntu21:01
LjLjester7: tasksel21:01
dominicdinadaJester2: sudo tasksel21:02
rocket16Aazoris: Better to reinstall Ubuntu, since it takes only a while. Backup your data, and do the installation, then everything will be perfect. Unfortunately we don't have repair option in Ubuntu.21:02
jester7nice!  thanks guys21:02
IdleOnedominicdinada: not that I have noticed21:02
ApothecaryAgu10 sure, Ubuntu is great, i use an offshoot Ultimate Edition 2.6 but also use Lucid for my wife it's pretty easy :)21:02
Agu10Apothecary, Ultimate Edition? is it good?21:02
Agu10isn't it old?21:02
Apothecary2.6 is new21:02
Agu10I'll give it a look21:03
linuxmonsterApothecary,  ultimate is good if you dont mind accepting and using a ton of restricted apps and modules and plugins21:03
Apothecaryjust came out in last couple weeks21:03
Agu10linuxmonster, well, I don't mind, ;)21:03
rocket16Agu10: It is nice, but you unofficial. Another good distro is UberStudent, 2.3 GB.21:03
rocket16Agu10: Sorry, I meant "is unofficial"21:04
Agu10rocket16, why?21:04
Apothecaryooh havent checked out UberStudent21:04
hou5tonI have Qcad installed, but it doesn't show up under "Applications."   It will open if I type in Qcad, but I would like it listed in Applications too.21:04
Agu10the problem with ubuntu is it sometimes doesn't start the X server for example21:04
rocket16Agu10: Sorry friend, I mistyped. I meant "it is nice, but is unofficial"21:04
Apothecaryyeah there's a glitch with the -22 kernel so if you do everything under the -21 kernel in the 64 bit system it seems to work well21:04
nenonddclient and upstart, anybody ?21:04
Agu10I'm running it from the pendrive21:04
linuxmonsterdavi just ask in channel please i dont accept DCC or private messages unless invited21:04
ApothecaryAgu10, try the -21 kernel with lucid if you use x64 version21:05
CityscapeHow can I install Ubuntu on a laptop with no cd drive and no boot from USB support?21:05
Agu10Cityscape, how did you install it?21:05
rocket16Cityscape: 1. Using wubi (not recommended) 2. USing Ehernet21:05
LuisEi need help with a dell wireless mini 1395 card, it doesn't show up in iwconfig21:05
rocket16Cityscape: I meant, using Network install, on Ethernet21:06
Cityscaperocket16: it is easy? how would I go about doing it?21:06
IdleOne!wifi | LuisE21:06
ubottuLuisE: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:06
LjLCityscape: http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html or i think you could also use a floppy bootloader like 'Super GRUB Disk' to boot from USB21:06
m4tichow do i get yahoo chatrooms in kapote?21:07
linuxmonsteroh well been fun got a dr's appt have a great afternoon or whatever it is in your part of the world21:07
davisomeone knows other way to install java on lubuntu instead sun java21:07
rocket16Cityscape: Use PXE, and check this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet21:08
Apothecaryi think there is a generic java appt let me check a little bit21:08
IdleOne!java | davi21:08
ubottudavi: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)21:08
Cynthia> ';' expected: { | davi }21:08
Cynthia> illegal start of expression: { | davi }21:08
IdleOneCynthia: ??21:09
CynthiaI'll disable that again21:09
DaSkreech Hi Cynthia21:09
Cynthiadone :)21:09
Cityscaperocket16: it looks quite difficult21:09
rocket16Cityscape: Yes, :( Right21:10
DaSkreechDoes anyone know how I can figure out if a card reader works ?21:10
paul__Are there any good ways to block porn sites from being accessed?21:10
bastid_raZor /w 1021:10
charles____hello. i'm using windows vista (yes, don't laugh too much) and i'm trying to install ubuntu 9.10 via Wubi. i do not wish to use any other installation method, e.g. via .iso. i've tried many wubi EXEs and none seem to work for me21:10
charles____any suggestions?21:10
sebsebsebpuchat3k: just joined.  Parentol controls that kind of thing?21:10
ikoniapaul__: use a proxy server such as squid and sign up to bad URL lists21:11
bastid_raZor!info dansguardian | paul__21:11
Cityscaperocket16: is LjL's way hard too? or is it easier?21:11
ubottupaul__: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 472 kB, installed size 2356 kB21:11
paul__sebsebseb, I mean like so you can't access porn sites on the workstation.21:11
BliepoHey everyone, I am using a laptop, but I can't adjust the screen brightness for some reason21:11
lsrlineAnyone know what the status is of porting Android applications to Ubuntu... canonical started this last year i think21:11
ravingHello everybody, I'm using Karmic, and am having trouble linking an application against libGL. ld complains that it "cannot find -lGL", however, /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 exists as a symlink to the Nvidia libGL. Is there a good way to work around this?21:11
Roasted_Is there a 64 bit lightning extension compatible with Thunderbird 3 PPA known as Shredder?21:12
DaSkreechpaul__: Don't go to them?21:12
sebsebsebcharles____: Windows must be on the C drive for Wubi,  also a partitioned install is much better in the long run, from the Live CD21:12
rocket16Cityscape: I think his way is easier. But I haven't tried that, :(21:12
erUSULraving: do you have the dev files ( headers ) mesa, glut etc...21:12
Cityscaperocket16: okay, thanks for your help21:13
rocket16Cityscape: My pleasure, :)21:13
Cynthia!java > Cynthia21:13
ubottuCynthia, please see my private message21:13
captrquighas anyone experienced a slow running system after installing nvidia drivers21:13
guntbertDaSkreech: stay helpful please21:13
DaSkreechguntbert: :-)21:13
NorthByNorthWestHi all! Desperately need help with installation of virtualbox-3.2 on ubuntu server edition, i keep getting: http://pastebin.com/cYptChRf21:13
NorthByNorthWest("Beroende av:" means "Depends of:" and "kommer att installeras" means "will be installed".... the swedish channel is lifeless...21:13
DaSkreechDoes anyone know how I can figure out if a card reader works ?21:13
fabio_boa tarde gente21:13
charles____sebsebseb: my wubi910.exe (i've tried various revisions) complains: "Can not download the metalink and therefore the ISO"21:14
ravingerUSUL, yes, I have libgl1-mesa-dev installed21:14
edbiancharles____, Have you tried with the wubi1004.exe  ?21:14
sebsebsebNorthByNorthWest: uhmm the server editin isn't meant to run a graphical user interface21:14
sebsebseb!server | NorthByNorthWest21:14
ubottuNorthByNorthWest: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server21:14
charles____edbian: possibly. where can i get it. i can't seem to find it here21:14
charles____i would prefer the 1004 installation lol21:14
Apothecarytry the Java 2 SDK 1.4.2 may have some luck with that21:14
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: argh! yeah of course! QT packages are GUI stuff!21:15
ravingerUSUL, I don't have libglut-dev installed, but I haven't been linking against glut21:15
CynthiaNorthByNorthWest: especially libqt4-opengl21:15
edbiancharles____, All I did was google it21:15
sebsebseb!kvm | NorthByNorthWest21:15
ubottuNorthByNorthWest: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM21:15
edbiancharles____, http://wubi-installer.org/21:15
charles____ok ty21:15
erUSULraving: if you have the dev files installed then i dunno what may be happening21:15
sebsebsebNorthByNorthWest: not sure about KVM, but I think you can use that on the server edition21:15
=== tobias is now known as Guest23187
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: but I have VMs that needs virtualbox...21:16
DaSkreechIT seems to work in Windows but that of course means very little21:16
sebsebsebNorthByNorthWest: right well then you also need a GUI21:16
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: i think ill have a look at the virtualbox homepage!21:16
sebsebsebNorthByNorthWest: why on the server edition if needing a GUI?21:16
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: I dont! :)21:16
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: I want to run it headless!21:16
ravingerUSUL, I will try doing a symlink from libGL.so.1 to libGL.so, perhaps that will work21:17
BliepoNorthByNorthWest, you could install the gnome desktop21:17
NorthByNorthWestsebsebseb: and i did, and all was good but then i screwed things up... :P21:17
charles____ok, i just tried wubu1004 and i still get the same error message "Cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO"21:17
guntbertNorthByNorthWest: ask in #vbox21:17
mikelNorthByNorthWest: If you want to run virtual servers in a headless configuration, kvm with libvirt is a much better plan than vbox. It can load virtualbox images afaik.21:17
sebsebsebNorthByNorthWest: maybe you can get help in #vbox21:17
edbiancharles____, Are you online on this machine?21:17
charles____edbian: yes, i'm sure.21:17
NorthByNorthWestMikel: why is kvm better?21:17
edbiancharles____, Out of curiosity why do you need wubi?  Why not the live CD ?21:17
charles____edbian, i'm not able to burn CDs at this time21:18
edbianNorthByNorthWest, More robust, more stable, no need for a GUI21:18
ravingerUSUL, doing the symlink worked; do you think that I should file a bug report?21:18
NorthByNorthWestedbian: is it easy to configure it to run an old vbox VM?21:18
edbiancharles____, I don't want to press the issue but there are other ways of installing ubuntu.  Do you want to hear about them?21:18
erUSULraving: if you did not used any third party software in your machineM; yes.21:19
edbianNorthByNorthWest, Dunno, never done it.21:19
NorthByNorthWestedbian: I have som vbox experience but no kvm,,,21:19
nwillemsHey guys, I just started loving ubuntu a little more. Thanks for updating the LXDE packages with 10.0421:19
charles____edbian: ok21:19
Apothecaryhey charles fair warning with Wubi, grub updates tend to kill access to the distro, least that's been my experience21:19
abstrakti'm trying to follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation to get pulse-jack to install21:19
abstraktbut i keep getting package not found21:19
abstrakti've installed the lucid ppa21:19
ravingerUSUL, well I suppose NVidia-glx would count as third party software since its restricted, right?21:19
abstraktand apt-get update sees the new repo, but i still can't find pulse-jack21:19
edbiancharles____, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation21:20
charles____ok ty21:20
erUSULraving: if it is the packaged version i wont count it as third party.21:20
ravingerUSUL, ahh, OK. Then yes, this was all retrieved from apt21:20
erUSULraving: it woud be different if you used envyng or the *.run from nvidia's site21:20
edbianDaSkreech, hello21:21
bunker85Hello, I am new to Linux. I am running Ultimate Linux 2.5 64bit. I would like some help updating adobe-plugin. Please help21:21
sebsebseb!ultimate | bunker8521:21
ubottubunker85: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition21:21
edbianbunker85, Wrong channel!  This is support for ubuntu21:21
Apothecaryhey bunker ummm you got an email addy?21:21
iMonjeI'm looking for the file where you saved the list of thumbnail nautilus, "someone knows?21:21
mikelNorthByNorthwest: http://combatwombat.7doves.com/2008/09/05/virtualbox-to-kvm-migration is a pretty complete procedure21:22
edbianbunker85, no worries21:22
NorthByNorthWestmikel: many thnx! ill have a look!21:22
CynthiaiMonje: /home/YOURUSER/.thumbnails/normal21:22
sebsebsebedbian: ah they already left, we should recommend Ubuntu to people like that really, I guess21:22
Spunkym3nkeyis this normal, I got a AMD X2 64 5000+ Dual Core and always one of my cores will run like 90-100% and the other core will be at only like 10% load max, here is a screen shot --> http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4303/21:23
edbiansebsebseb, Yeah.  In the future21:23
Spunkym3nkeyI am using ubuntu 10.0421:23
edbiansebsebseb, I love linux! :)21:23
iMonjeCynthia, Yes, there are the images, but where is the list or xml?21:23
natrixnatrix89Bluetooth doesnt work for me anymore. Why is that?21:23
sebsebsebedbian: the unoffical versionse of Ubuntu, or Ubuntu based distros, tend to be quite pointless really, when being compared to Ubuntu21:23
mcl0vinanyone was able to fix pastebinit script21:23
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:24
CynthiaiMonje: There is no list. The filenames are one-way hashed, and when Nautilus wants to find a thumbnail, it hashes the file name and looks in there.21:24
edbiansebsebseb, I would imagine so.  They do what? just switch out the packages that are installed by default?21:24
CynthiaiMonje: (+) I believe that's by design, for privacy purposes or such21:24
sebsebsebedbian: being clear I don't mean,  Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu.  I mean stuff like Ultimate edition21:24
sebsebsebedbian: and Mint21:24
UT8FHey everybody21:24
edbiansebsebseb, Mint adds something that others don't21:24
Cynthiasebsebseb: Lubuntu is supported?21:24
goodcooprwhat would be the easiest way to install ubuntu directly only a hard disk? i have an old laptop that won't properly boot from USB, yet doesn't have an optical21:24
Zeek_A simple thing...is there a trick to get the border to appear in a screenshot when you select to snapshot a window?  It would be under 9.10 I believe21:25
goodcoopri can pull the hard disk out and easily plug it into another windows computer21:25
sebsebsebCynthia: I read that Lubuntu will be offically recognized and supported and that starting with 10.1021:25
edbiansebsebseb, But generally I agree that plain Ubuntu (Or K- or X- or whatever) is far superior.  Of course if you wanna talk about derivatives Ubuntu is a deriv of Debian ;)21:25
CynthiaOh, awesome :D21:25
bastid_raZoredbian: were you saying yesterday that free -m shows much more RAM usage than should be?21:25
nastasi just upgrade my laptop to 10.04. i had radio scrennlet but stoped playing. any idea?21:25
sebsebsebCynthia: i'll get you a link hold on21:25
edbianbastid_raZor, Hi!  I recall talking about that vaguely.  Why?21:25
Spunkym3nkeyis this normal, I got a AMD X2 64 5000+ Dual Core and always one of my cores will run like 90-100% load on CPU and the other core will be at only like 10% load max, here is a screen shot --> http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4303/21:25
sebsebsebedbian: well yes,  and Debian can be better than Ubuntu, depends on user and hardware etc.  However I don't like Mint, so I won't recommend it :)21:26
red2kicSpunkym3nkey: Bad url?21:26
mikelI'm still having trouble with my fstab under Lucid. During bootup, it spits out "mount.nfs4: no such device" and my shares don't appear in the filesystem. When i 'mount -a' they appear just fine. I assume that init is just trying to do things in the wrong order, but the documentation for 'mountall' just doesn't give much on how to tweak this order.21:26
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: Invalid URL, infinite HTTP redirection loop.21:26
dotnettedhey all - If I change /var/log/mail.log into a symlink pointing to /data/logs/mail.log what would happen when the logger archives the logs? Is there a better way to change all the mail.* log locations?21:26
iMonjeCynthia, thanks21:26
mcl0vinanyone was able to fix pastebinit script21:26
Spunkym3nkeyI will upload again21:26
linuxWhen I click on my network manager I get this error: The interface does not exist, Check that it is correctly typed and that it is correctly supported by your system21:27
DaSkreechedbian: Wow just got the last 10 minutes of network traffic in one rush21:27
bastid_raZoredbian: i don't know if this will have an effect on your end and i know it sounds a bit off the wall.. i disable splash and quiet and i have noticed about 80MB less usuage directly after boot and honestly i appear to have less RAM usage overall.. 342MB now after 2 days uptime. before it would be around 500MB. it may be unrelated but that is all i changed21:27
[AWE]Hi does anyone know if there's an apache2 specific channel? or can I ask here? I'm trying to set up apache2 and so far all I'm getting is 403 Forbidden21:27
linuxI'm using Ubuntu 8.0421:27
Spunkym3nkeyis this normal, I got a AMD X2 64 5000+ Dual Core and always one of my cores will run like 90-100% load on CPU and the other core will be at only like 10% load max, here is a screen shot --> http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/7618/screenshotss.png21:27
dotnetted[AWE]: httpd21:27
Spunkym3nkeythere we go fixed link21:27
red2kic[AWE]: There are #apache21:27
Apothecaryinteresting considering Ultimate Edition is nsebsebseb... depends on ones prefrences is all i just know i get less compatibility issues with UE... anywho.... i guess all that programing TheeMan does himself is just package switching, on top of his own proggies he gives with it21:27
dD0THi guys. I'm trying to update an ubuntu 8.04 vhost to 10.04. I followed the official instructions but the system ends up being stuck on bootup. In the control panel of the host system you can see that there are only two processes running. init and plymouthd. I cannot get any output of the boot process (I don't control the host) so I'd be grateful for any pointer you can give me. Thanks.21:28
frxstremI have a USB FM radio, and the manual for it says that: "Because Windows has built-in drivers for USB audio and HID class devices, the USB FM Radio does not require an OEM supplied driver disk for operation. The player executable is the only required user software. A similar approach is possible for other operating systems, if they have built-in support for these two USB device classes." Does this apply to Ubuntu too?21:28
linuxecho "hello chat room"21:28
sebsebsebCynthia: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/lubuntu-not-joining-ubuntu-family-until.html21:28
edbianbastid_raZor, I assume that splash is what did most of it.  Can't imagine why though!  Maybe one or both of those has a memory leak?  Can you absolutely nail it down to that?  Can you show it's only one of them and not the other or is it only both together?21:28
bastid_raZoredbian: just as a test you could try and see if any thing is changes on your end... possibly not having to load the splash images and what not.21:28
edbianDaSkreech, ha ha21:28
linuxso anyone able to tell me what's wrong?21:28
Cynthiasebsebseb: that article seems to say that it won't become one :)21:29
UT8Fis there any bardcode reader for ubuntu, where I could enter barcode number and it would display where my product was made ant ect?21:29
sebsebsebCynthia: 10.10 is when it will21:29
DaSkreechDoes anyone know how I can figure out if a card reader works ?21:29
Spunkym3nkeyCynthia here is the link sorry about that http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/7618/screenshotss.png21:29
linuxmaybe I'm not here?21:29
red2kicSpunkym3nkey: Look at Processes -- See which linux process taking up the whole thing.21:29
YouresorockUT8F:  Any barcode reader will work fine.  They just send keyboard codes21:29
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: please provide a screenshot of the Processes tab, or the 'top' command in a terminal21:30
linuxred2kic ok21:30
Spunkym3nkeyI did nothing shows red2kid21:30
bastid_raZoredbian: i have not tested each individually but i have booted 4 times both ways. RAM is down with quiet splash off21:30
edbianbastid_raZor, Unfortunately I'm running debian stable 5.  I don't actually have an ubuntu system up and running! L(21:30
linuxgnome-system-monitor is taking up the most cpy21:30
sebsebsebCynthia: the url at the end has until21:30
bastid_raZoredbian: i assume debian has splash and quiet as kernel parameters.21:30
edbianbastid_raZor, That's very interesting!21:30
Anubihi all21:30
=== yeah-yeah is now known as barack_obama
=== barack_obama is now known as barack_osama
edbianbastid_raZor, I don't have a splash but I can try with the quit param.  Give me a sec21:30
uLinuxobama is a joke21:31
sebsebseb!ot | uLinux21:31
ubottuuLinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:31
uLinuxsorry i had to say it21:31
linuxI  think my gnome-system-monitor is misbehaving.21:31
Spunkym3nkeywhat's the command in terminal to list all besides ps x redkic or Cynthia21:31
UT8FYouresorock: I dont need any barcode reader via usb or web cam, I need barcode reader software, where I could type in barcode number and it whould show where that product was made21:31
dominicdinadahow to remove totem21:31
csgeek_I have to setup a private ubuntu repo to deploy a few internal packages.. what's the best way of doing that?  Can I setup a PPA that's not public?21:31
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: top21:31
dominicdinadait is linked into gnome-desktop21:31
sebsebsebdominicdinada: sudo apt-get purge totem.  if you use purge instead of remove, it will remove some config files as well21:31
Anubiwhen i install lynx, i receive error of i/o on /dev/sr0. do someone know how can i resolve this problem?21:31
dlp211sudo apt-get remove totem21:31
dotnettedIn Karmic is /etc/syslog.conf the config file to use to modify the mail.log location?21:32
dominicdinadaok i will give it a shot21:32
YouresorockUT8F: Oh sorry, I misunderstood.  I don't know of any software like that.21:32
E_MANis that better?21:32
edbianbastid_raZor, Be right back!21:32
Spunkym3nkeyredkic or Cynthia here is the screen shot --> http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/7456/screenshot1yod.png and shows backend using all resources, what is that?21:34
linuxwell you guys never attempted to answer my question so I'll go21:34
[AWE]it would seem that my apache2 sites-available/default VHost needs AllowOverride to be None21:35
[AWE]My PHP book says to put it to All but this seems to cause the 403 Forbiddens21:35
[AWE]any idea why this may be?21:35
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146720821:36
frxstremis it possible to find out what item in /dev that represents a specific USB device?21:36
drobiazgowyWhat packages ubuntu installer download before translation packages?21:37
Spunkym3nkeyCynthia, thank you21:37
bastid_raZorfrxstrem: it is listed in dmesg  ..21:37
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: did you run system testing, then? if so, just sudo kill 1279121:37
frxstrembastid_raZor: and how do I use it to find the device?21:38
dotnettedWould replacing /var/log/mail.* with symlinks to /logs/mail/mail.* screw up the log rotater?21:38
drobiazgowyWhich packages ubuntu installer download during instalation?21:38
ikoniadotnetted: logrotate can follow symlinks21:38
bastid_raZorfrxstrem: wait.. device.. you mean like a usb dongle or a usb harddrive or pendrive?21:38
[AWE]where's php.ini usually installed?21:38
ikoniadotnetted: the installer, do you mean wubi ?21:38
Spunkym3nkeyCynthia, yeah last night after some updates. I probably check for updates and do a reboot, thanks for the help though.21:38
ikonia[AWE]: /etc21:38
CynthiaSpunkym3nkey: you're welcome21:39
drobiazgowyAny one knows?21:39
frxstrembastid_raZor: just a generic USB device - in this case, an FM radio21:39
Cynthia[AWE]: /etc/php5/{apache2,cli}21:39
[AWE]Cynthia: Got it thanks21:39
bastid_raZorfrxstrem: when you plug it in wait about 10 seconds then in a terminal type dmesg | tail21:40
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:40
dotnettedikonia: gotcha - thanks for the info - when logrotate creates a new archived logfile it will be in /var/log/ right? (instead of the directory the symlinks point to)21:40
ikoniadotnetted: yes, it will follow the symlink21:40
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
drobiazgowyI need simple answer :)21:41
ikoniadotnetted: the installer doesn't download anything, so unless you can explain what you mean by installer (wubi ?) I can't give you one21:41
red2kicGive us a simple question then.21:41
edbianbastid_raZor, I just tried with and without "quiet" I see no difference in ram.  I don't have splash (or a splash screen) so I can't test that part of it.21:41
drobiazgowyikonia  ubiquity21:41
dotnettedikonia: just to make sure : if I make /var/log/mail.log a symlink to /logs/mail.log then would logrotate create the archived logfile in /var/log or /logs?21:42
ikoniadrobiazgowy: that's a mozilla product isn't it ?21:42
bastid_raZoredbian: my best guess is the splash images are taking the RAM up. thanks for testing21:42
drobiazgowyikonia that is the ubuntu live cd installer21:42
ikoniadrobiazgowy: /logs21:42
IdleOneis there a way I could disable keyboard input with a key combo and also re-enable it with same key combo?21:42
ikoniadotnetted: /logs21:42
drobiazgowyikonia installer download some packges, I skipped it , And I want to install them now21:43
ikoniadrobiazgowy: then it downloads nothing21:43
drobiazgowyikonia 20 packages21:43
ikoniadrobiazgowy: the ubuntu installer doesn't download anything before the install is completed21:43
edbianbastid_raZor, That's gotta be it. Or the software changed.  My kernel is about 2 years older than ubuntu 10.04 but with patches21:43
drobiazgowyikonia bEfore langauge packages21:43
bastid_raZordrobiazgowy: i think language packages is all it downloads21:43
bastid_raZoredbian: i guess you're not a good one to test it on then. :P21:44
red2kicdrobiazgowy: ubuquity is not ubiquity :(21:44
vividhas anyone had issues with 3 button mouse emulation in lucid? it keeps getting turned on so my right+left click acts as middle mouse.......anyone know where i can stop this from randomly happening?21:44
drobiazgowybastid_raZor No way :) I know what I saw, there was time count and numner of packages21:44
edbianbastid_raZor, Yeah :P21:44
ryaxnbuntuSo it21:45
bastid_raZordrobiazgowy: then running apt-get upgrade will get whatever packages are needed.21:45
ryaxnbuntuso it is  almost the end of Ibex Useful life.21:45
drobiazgowybastid_raZor I don't update system21:45
sebsebseb!ibex | ryaxnbuntu21:45
ubotturyaxnbuntu: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:45
linuxmonsterI swaer I am going to get postnuke installed today if it kills me lol21:46
drobiazgowybastid_raZor Anyway thanks :)21:46
livingdaylightI have a uestion about smplayer. Having installed and launched it for the first time, I received this error dialog telling me that Mplayer was old/out of date and to update it. As far as I know mplayer in repos is the latest21:46
sebsebsebryaxnbuntu: 8.10 nice release, but already been end of life, for quite a while now21:47
aj00200GRUB doesn't load and gives the error code 21. Any advice?21:47
ikonia!grub > aj0020021:48
ubottuaj00200, please see my private message21:48
dlp211anyone know how to add additional resolutions for 10.0421:48
aj00200ikonia: thanks, I'll check those out and be back if they don't work21:48
knxvilleWhat torrent program would you guys recommend?21:49
spydonHow do I open the onscreen keyboard in 10.04?21:49
mac_linux_Hello all.  I'm working on getting the correct nvida drivers for my ubuntu instal.  Documentation shows I need either nvidia-173 or nvidia-96.  How do I determine which is the right one?  (I did try google)  My card is NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200.  (I have a powerbook g4)21:49
GeekSquidknxville: transmission is installed by default and does it's job21:49
spydonGeekSquid, well it doesn't do it too well :P21:49
fxguys, I have a dilemma. I have a raid 5, /dev/md0 device, I would like to set up one giant Luks protected partition. Should i first partition the md0 and then apply luks to that or luks to the md0 device and then just mkfs on it, without partitioning?21:50
bastid_raZormac_linux_: i had that card a year or so ago.. i 'think' the 96 version is the correct one.21:50
zongo_Hi, anyone with squid to give some pointers on how to use squid with authentication ?21:50
aguitelmac_linux_, nvidia-17321:50
LjLIdleOne: found this https://sourceforge.net/projects/lk4b/files/lk4b/20080706/lock-keyboard-for-baby-20080706.pl/download21:50
LjLIdleOne: hacky, but.21:50
ikoniafx: that's a personal choice you havev to make21:50
livingdaylight I have a uestion about smplayer. Having installed and launched it for the first time, I received this error dialog telling me that Mplayer was old/out of date and to update it. As far as I know mplayer in repos is the latest21:51
GeekSquidspydon: does everything I need, and for most users it is fine... although if you want to do alot of things with torrents, and are doing it all the time, there are other programs that have additional features21:51
mac_linux_two of you are giving me different answers! :-)21:51
ikonialivingdaylight: on what version21:51
spydonknxville, I would recommend deluge or azureus if you want torrent applications that are more effective then transmission21:51
livingdaylightikonia, lucid21:51
fxikonia, i chose to do the latter, but mkfs told me this: /dev/mapper/archive alignment is offset by 61440 bytes.21:51
fxThis may result in very poor performance, (re)-partitioning suggested.21:51
aguitelmac_linux_,open the nvidia site21:52
spydonGeekSquid, it's not just the features, it doesn't connect to peers as effective as many other torrent applications21:52
ikoniafx: a.) how big is the partition b.) what file system did you use21:52
ikonialivingdaylight: looks like it's outdated already21:52
olivrHELP HELP!!21:52
livingdaylightikonia, mplayer?21:52
olivrhow i install rubygem ?21:52
olivrubuntu is **** with the ruby21:53
sebsebseb!ask | olivr21:53
ubottuolivr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:53
GotSanityI am running lucid on a laptop with an atheros AR928X PCI-Express wlan card built in and it will disconnect shortly after connecting. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?21:53
fxikonia, the raid array is made up of 2x 2TB drives, (running raid5 degraded), so the full md0 is 4TB, I would like to use ext4 for its extents feature21:53
ikonialivingdaylight: smplayer21:53
ikoniaolivr: control your laguage21:53
olivri like stars heh21:53
livingdaylightikonia, there is a newer version?21:53
ikoniaolivr: I'm not laughin21:53
ikonialivingdaylight: I've not looked, but that warning sugggests so21:53
ikoniafx: ah, have you put a non-dos partition table on it ?21:53
livingdaylightikonia, why does smplayer complain bout a lack of the newest version of Mplyer rather than let me know that a newer version of smplayer is available. That smplayer is outdated rather than Mplayer?21:54
ikoniafx: partitions bigger than (2TB - or it maybe 1) benifit from non-dos partition tables21:54
fxikonia, i have not partitioned md0, because i though LUKS grabs it first and creates /dev/mapper/archive21:54
ikonialivingdaylight: I don't know, ask the smplayer developers21:54
livingdaylightikonia, that warning suggests that Mplayer is outdated21:54
ikoniafx: I'm not sure of luks limitations to be honest but with that size partitions, I'd put a partition table on it first, even if it's just one big partition21:55
fredfallHow do you install the latest version of python?21:55
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fxah, i will try, thanks, ikonia21:55
fxikonia, do you know if cfdisk can do guid partition tables (I assume thats what your refering to when you say non-dos partition tables)21:57
=== Ali_G is now known as Bill_
livingdaylightikonia, where/how do i ask the smplayer developers?21:58
ikoniafx: guid would be fine, and I think it can, yes21:58
JunikszHelo! Which Tv application can time-shifted the broadcast?21:58
ikonialivingdaylight: look on the webpage for contact details21:58
JunikszHelo! Which Tv application can time-shifted the broadcast?21:59
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
shane2peruit is taking like 5 - 7 minutes so far to open a Spreadsheet document, granted it is 4mb in size, but I have opened it many times in the past, and only takes a minute or two, what is going on???22:00
CowManhow do i remove ubuntu, and grub?22:01
CowMani dont want it anymore, i want only windows..22:01
Guest64501the drive22:01
=== Guest64501 is now known as james[home]
CowManyea, but i want windows.. not to be formatted.22:01
CowManoh, i could format those partitions, right?22:02
[fade]CowMan got windows cd ?22:02
shane2peruCowMan, you could try to format the partitions, we are better at Linux type stuff, not windows22:02
laurusWhen I run sudo powertop, I see: 34.3% (  inf)     <kernel core> : hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer) as the top line. How do I fix this problem? I am on kernel
CrazyTux[w]Hey guys i'm having a tough problem figuring out what is wrong with my xorg.conf file (I am using radeonhd driver) and trying to get dual head monitor setup to work (right now it works but both screens are cloned): http://pastie.org/969853 is my xorg configuration22:04
CrazyTux[w]Any help / thoughts is appreciated22:04
CowMan[fade]: i dont have the cd22:04
ubuntucan i ask questions?22:04
sebsebsebubuntu: yes22:04
sebsebseb!ask | ubuntu22:04
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
danutzthat`s a question22:04
LuisEhow do i copy a file from my computer to my vmware boot?22:04
DaSkreechHow can I find out if the driver for my card reader has been loaded?22:04
miazgator#kubuntu is like dead, can someone tell me how do I get side mouse buttons to work as back/forward in Konqueror and Dolphin in KDE?22:04
hjelmCrazyTux xrandr helped me22:05
mjateznikHello, could someone help me configue empathy?22:05
veryhappyhi guys22:05
miazgatorI seriously can't live without it22:05
LuisEhow do i copy a file from my computer to my vmware backtrack image?22:05
ubuntuis there a review site for ubuntu apps22:05
bastid_raZorDaSkreech: you can look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see22:05
frxstremis it possible to send all audio from an input audio device to the speakers?22:05
mjateznikI want to use ctrl+tab to change tab just like in firefox or any other normal appl.22:05
shane2peruis ubuntu getting worse at handling ram? I mean used to be I could leave my desktop on for a while and didn't affect anything, now, it is  feeling like XP  Home edition as time drags on, it loads up and slows down.22:05
DaSkreechbastid_raZor: Why would X care about the Card reader driver?22:06
opticalWhat is the HDMEDIA version of 10.04 ?22:06
[fade]mjateznik try alt+tab22:06
veryhappyi just wanna make an installation with ubuntu 10.04 but i cant disable the format option or choose other format options like reiserfs with a block size of 409622:06
CrazyTux[w]hjelm: xrandr dynamically set it?  I've tried but it seems to not recognize my DVI outputs22:06
bastid_raZorDaSkreech: look in there and see. much more information in there than you think.22:06
mjateznikfade: that changes window not tab22:06
shane2peruoptical, never heard of it, but seems like High Definition (HD) Media Ubuntu type distro, I didn't know such a thing existed.22:07
Cynthia[fade], mjateznik : Change tabs with Ctrl+Tab22:07
DaSkreechbastid_raZor: not in there just looked through all the X log files22:07
[fade]mjateznik i thought thats what you wanted, you want to change tabs in what?22:07
nikkkhello my name is Nicola from Kenya, I need help in compiz ubuntu22:07
recon69_lapdoing a fresh install of 10.9 but cant find the swap partition when setting up the partitions?22:07
opticalits some kind of official ubuntu release22:07
opticalbuilt into UNetBootIN22:07
mjateznikcynthia, fade: I want to change tabs in empathy.22:07
jtmx29Anyone have any experience with Fog cloning software on Ubuntu?22:07
Juxorevohi everyone :)22:08
mjateznikcynthia, fade: ctrl+tab dosent work for somereason they have choosen ctrl+page up/down22:08
DaSkreechbastid_raZor: Thanks though I'l try that in future22:08
recon69_lapnever mind, it's not a mount point ,22:08
toader_Hi, is there any plug-in that can make gedit browser remote server through ftp, or sftp? thanks22:08
Cynthiamjateznik: ah, I just came in and didn't see that you wanted changing tabs in Empathy22:08
bastid_raZorDaSkreech: you can also look in dmesg22:08
JuxorevoI have problem when i click right with my mouse on a file, there no appear Encryption ... help ?22:08
veryhappyis there any solution that i can choose a block size of 4096 before he installs ubuntu 10.04? im working with the live cd22:08
mjateznikWell does someone know how I can change the fastkey for chanaging tabs in empathy?22:09
towski /msg NickServ identify towski22:09
[fade]try empathy support chan, if any22:09
Juxorevohelp help :'( ?22:09
[fade]and it was there before Juxorevo ?22:09
nikkkcompiz is not starting automatically any more, the windows appear without frame, but if I select the advanced effect it restart... any suggestion?22:10
DaSkreechbastid_raZor: Ricoh MMC Controller disabling driver22:10
DaSkreechLooks like it. Now how can I figure out why it was disabled?22:10
DaSkreechHmm ok22:10
Juxorevo[fade]:  yes but i don't know if that encryption in english because i'm french and in my ubuntu there write "chiffrement" i don't know what in english for this french word !22:10
Cynthiaveryhappy: you'll probably have to run fsck.ext3 -b 1024 or so22:10
Cynthiaveryhappy: (+) and disable the "format" option in the installer22:11
veryhappythat is the problem22:11
nikkkcompiz is not starting automatically any more, the windows appear without frame, but if I select the advanced effect it restart... any suggestion?22:11
veryhappyi cant disable the format option22:11
[fade]nikkk not many ppl here use that fancy efects, i advise compiz support chan, if any22:11
Cynthiaveryhappy: You will be able to, when your custom filesystem is made.22:11
xanguanikkk: what does: compiz --replace22:12
veryhappydo i have to restart then the installer?22:12
linuxmonsterY aknow installing CMS software to a site should not be this difficult lol22:12
veryhappyhello uLinux22:12
Cynthiaveryhappy: 'sudo mkfs -t ext3 -b 1024 /dev/DEVICEHERE' will make the filesystem. Replace DEVICEHERE with hd<letter><number> or sd<letter><number> as appropriate.22:12
Aazorisgunbert are you still here or afk22:13
LoshkiJuxorevo: http://www.wordreference.com/fren/chiffrement22:13
Aazorisoh he's gone22:13
Cynthiaveryhappy: (+) My command line will make 1KB-sized blocks22:13
veryhappyCynthia: the problem is not that i dont know how to format the hdd22:13
Hawaiian_Eskimois there a vpn solution i can use that would allow me to connect to it from a windows box (using pptp) with just a username and password? all the tutorials i've seen involve these fancy setups that won't work in a limited user environment :|22:13
JuxorevoLoshki:  so when you click right on file in ubuntu you've encryption right ?22:13
veryhappyCynthia: i cant disable the format option in the live cd installer of ubuntu 10.0422:14
opticalHawaiian_Eskimo: I've tried to figure out something like that for ages22:14
Cynthiaveryhappy: The problem is that, even if you make a custom filesystem, the installer forces you to format things?22:14
opticalhow to run a small VPN on my VPS box22:14
opticalthat i can connect to in windows22:14
opticaldidnt ever figure it out22:14
veryhappyCynthia: yes22:14
Hawaiian_Eskimoi had server '03, which worked22:14
Quacksalberdon't  panic, testing myself22:14
Cynthiaveryhappy: I'll investigate that in a VM with the Lucid LiveCD.22:14
Hawaiian_Eskimobut then that went boom and i haven't been able to replicate it with linux :|22:14
Juxorevomy problem : i haven't this line on my list when i click right in my ubuntu ...22:14
LoshkiJuxorevo: sorry, I don't know much about encryption. I just know where the dictionaries are...22:15
veryhappyi will see what it brings22:15
veryhappyi`ll test it so22:15
JuxorevoLoshki:  lol ! thank u !22:15
recon69_lapmust say that ubuntu is getting even more slick, really good the way it's improving. but did not like the new gnome layout, was easy to change though :)22:15
veryhappythanks to you all22:15
Juxorevoany one there for me please, because my problem is very crazy !22:15
nikkkXangua: compiz --replace22:16
nikkkWARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!22:16
nikkkWARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!22:16
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
Hawaiian_Eskimois there a vpn solution i can use that would allow me to connect to it from a windows box (using pptp) with just a username and password? all the tutorials i've seen involve these fancy setups that won't work in a limited user environment :|22:17
soreaunikkk: That is a harmless mesa warning22:17
nikkkthat means what?22:17
CaptainTrek!pastebin | nikkk: in future use this22:17
ubottunikkk: in future use this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:17
Loshki!fr | Juxorevo: Also, try here...22:17
ubottuJuxorevo: Also, try here...: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:17
AazorisOMG! I still don't know whats making get this:  [root@Anthony ~]# aptitude safe-upgrade -bash: aptitude: command not found22:18
JuxorevoI write English so badly?22:18
bastid_raZor!noroot | Aazoris22:18
JuxorevoThere is no one on chat in French: (22:18
ubottuAazoris: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.22:18
AazorisIm not asking for a password22:18
nikkksoreau: what is a harmless mesa warning?22:18
xangua!fr | Juxorevo22:18
ubottuJuxorevo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:18
AazorisI am trying to update my server22:18
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:18
LoshkiJuxorevo: no, your English is fine, better than my french. But sometimes it helps clarify matters to discuss an issue in your native language...22:19
dlp211sudo apt-get update22:19
Aazorisi cant do sudo cause i am root22:19
JuxorevoI just want to know how to reappear in my right click menu, encryption to encrypt my files. because before that it was now it has disappeared: '(22:19
Aazoristhey told me that earlier22:19
darioscaricare film22:19
dlp211then apt-get update22:19
CaptainTrekAazoris: you dont need sudo then if you're root22:19
Aazorissudo wont work, and ive tried that also dlp22:19
dlp211what server are u running?22:19
AazorisVPS - Ubunut 10.04 LTS22:20
recon69_lapAazoris: if it's a server aptitude probably not installed22:20
LoshkiJuxorevo: it may take a while before someone who knows about encrpytion comes to this group. You can repeat your question every 15 minutes or so until someone responds (or you get tired of asking)...22:20
dlp211apt-get would def be installed22:20
AazorisHow would I install it22:20
JuxorevoLoshki:  ok sorry22:20
AazorisIts saying that it cant find the command22:21
Hawaiian_Eskimois there a vpn solution i can use that would allow me to connect to it from a windows box (using pptp) with just a username and password? all the tutorials i've seen involve these fancy setups that won't work in a limited user environment :|22:21
Aazorisis it corrupted22:21
dlp211what is the traceback when you use the command?22:21
Cynthiaveryhappy... left. oh well22:22
AazorisI just sent a reboot command22:22
recon69_lapAazoris: look up the help for apt-get , you can do somthing like apt-get -upgrade22:22
Aazorisis it -upgrade or upgrade22:22
dlp211try both22:22
CynthiaAazoris: upgrade22:22
AazorisOk my system is still rebooting22:22
dlp211why are you operating as root?22:22
AazorisIdK they sold me the service like that22:23
Hawaiian_Eskimowhich company?22:23
recon69_lapAazoris: you updating a remote server and you dont know how to use help/man pages O.o22:23
AazorisI have direct access and control of my vps22:23
GeekSquidAazoris: yeah, um, they did something that was not considered best practices, I would cancel and get a real vps22:24
dlp211its an india based company22:25
dancekAazoris, you could also apt-get install aptitude, after which you have aptitude (which is preferable to apt-get)22:25
BluShiftI recently removed a PCI network adapter (wireless N) from my desktop, and installed a G adapter using ndiswrapper. Now, when I reconnect my N adapter, and run, "ifconfig" I have no wireless devices present, only loopback and my ethernet port.22:25
GeekSquidat $9/mo, cheap22:25
BluShiftHow can I fix this?22:25
AazorisNo mine is custom22:26
Aazorisi didnt do the cheap 122:26
dlp211did you pay for support?22:26
BluShiftAs well, running lspci doesn't seem to list my device, either.22:26
ikoniaguys, this is an ubuntu support channel, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic is better for chatting about your VPS limitations22:26
BluShiftHowever, the N adapter was automatically detected and worked flawlessly upon initial install.22:26
dancekGeekSquid, imho it's a matter of opinion whether sudoing or real root account is better22:27
Aazorissupport is free22:27
btrHello, could someone who use nvidia GT9XXX, inform me the frame late in glxgears?22:27
Aazorisand I was having Ubuntu problems not vps problems22:27
recon69_lapBluShift: you got both network cards installed? probably a IRQ or port address conflict, my first guess anyway22:27
ikoniabtr: other peoples framerate doesn't matter, what's your problem ?22:27
BluShiftbtr: You should be getting 1000+22:27
LjLAazoris: yes, sure, he was just asking to keep it about the ubuntu problems rather than the vps-specific discussion.22:28
ikoniaAazoris: ok - then talk about the ubuntu issues22:28
Aazorisohhhh ok22:28
AazorisI  was it was about apt22:28
BluShiftrecon69_lap: No, i removed the driver for the G adapter, and uninstalled ndiswrapper after I found i couldn't find the right driver. Damn 64-bit systems :(22:28
GeekSquiddancek: with no root account, you can't "hack" root, you can hack the user, but then you'd need to know the username, making it more difficult to hack said server22:28
Aazorisand why i was getting apt-get command not found22:28
olivrhow can i stop ubuntu cahing my usb device?22:28
btrno problem really ... just curious if the driver is installed properly .. :)22:29
LjLGeekSquid: if you have a strong password, that problem is moot in the first place22:29
ikoniaAazoris: check your $PATH22:29
recon69_lapBluShift, Did you remove the card as well?22:29
dlp211they must have removed aptitude/apt?22:29
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Yes, it's no longer connected.22:29
dancekAazoris, try ls /usr/bin/apt*22:29
dancekAazoris, to see if they exist22:29
Aazorisgive me a sec22:29
TendencyIs it worth replacing Ubuntu normal with Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my Asus eee?22:29
recon69_lapBluShift: well, then it's not IRQ, try reseat the old modem, maybe its not in right22:30
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btrthanks ikonia, BluShift ~22:30
BluShiftTendency: I would recommend eeebuntu. It has lots of kernel modifications to work with the Eee's hardware.22:30
LjLTendency: uhm, i think the current netbook remix is in the process of being replaced by something a little different in the next version, so perhaps if you're comfortable with the vanilla version you might want to wait22:30
dancekGeekSquid, i didn't understand, need to know username?22:30
TendencyCheers for the help guys :)22:30
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Modem? What?22:31
Aazorisi dont have it, what was the command to install it22:31
GeekSquidLjL: sorry if I disagree, people expose passwords all the time, either by typing them in in a public place, using public unsecured networks, or by just not following best practices22:31
Aazorissays the apt dir was not found22:31
ikoniaAazoris: it's not a directory22:31
Anubishi is this the support channel?22:31
LjLAazoris: there's no command to install APT, since APT is the thing to install things.22:31
BluShiftrecon69_lap: I've removed and reinstalled the card a few times already. It's not showing up.22:31
recon69_lapBluShift: sorry, NIC not modem , showing my age :)22:31
LjLAnubis: yes22:31
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Heh heh22:31
ikoniaAazoris: ls -la /usr/bin/apt-get22:31
dancekAazoris, if you have neither apt-get nor aptitude then your system is really messed up22:31
BluShiftdancek: Or he's not using Ubuntu ;)22:32
Aazorishold on im connecting via cuteftp22:32
dlp211dancek: or gimpped on purpose22:32
BluShiftrecon69_lap: I think I'm going to try booting from a live cd, to see if it configures it properly that way.22:33
LjLGeekSquid: and if you're doing that on your server you have a problem that's not going to be solved by merely disabling root. anyway, i just don't really see the point of telling someone they're using a "fake" VPS merely because they set up one thing differently. i know and appreciate that keeping root disabled is recommended in this channel, but that doesn't amount to dissing anything that does otherwise22:33
b0n1hey does someone here know mutt ?22:33
GeekSquiddancek: if there is no root, and the sudo user's username is not root then you cannot guess the sudo username, unless it is dick, jack, jane. mark or something like that, most of my usernames are not in a dictionary anywhere, although I am a little paranoid when it comes to user/password security22:33
LjLGeekSquid: we don't diss Debian, for one thing.22:33
b0n1the console based email client22:33
recon69_lapBluShift: well, I'm thinking its hardware esp since it worked before. it should show up in /dev somewhere at least. but not that much a geek to give exact answers22:33
ikoniaAazoris: cuteftp will not allow you to see the whole file system, connect over ssh22:33
Pr0jectRec0npeople, I have a question here : I've installed ubuntu from "Windows 7 Professional" using WUBI. Now, (after a long long time since I've installed Ubuntu) I'm facing issues in Windows 7 and want to reinstall win 7 - Would this screw up my Ubuntu installation or not?22:33
BluShiftrecon69_lap: I'm just not sure what it would be called, unfortunately. I'm not seeing it in lspci22:33
RoastedIs there any way I can let my laptop on and check it 6 hours from now and tell if it has lost connection at any point, or perhaps how long the current connection ahs been active?22:33
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: yes, it will22:34
dancekGeekSquid, you get the same kind of security by preventing root logins via ssh etc, which is quite a common practice22:34
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, drat :(22:34
b0n1i use procmail for filtering, but the problem is, that i dont get the mails that belong to any filter, i know that procmail leads them to the directory default, but somehow it doesnt22:34
BluShiftPr0jectRec0n: Yes, absolutely.22:34
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Pr0jectRec0nikonia, BluShift - What's the solution then ?22:34
symeis there any reason why rhythmbox would suddenly stop mounting my ipod touch?22:34
BluShiftPr0jectRec0n: Back everything up, first. Then install it properly ;)22:34
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: don't use wubi - yes a proper installation that doesn't depend on your windows file system22:34
b0n1i typed in the .procmailrc   the line DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/inbox but nothing happens22:34
b0n1is that a known error or what am i doing wrong here?22:35
GeekSquidLjL: I am not dissing anything, except a VPS company not keeping to best practices, is Aazoris useing a Debian server? or ubuntu?22:35
BluShiftrecon69_lap: It works fine on my brothers machine, so i imagine it's some silly driver issue.22:35
Hawaiian_Eskimooptical: i figured out the vpn :D22:35
b0n1im sitting here since 4 hours with no succes and just want to receive my mails that dont belong to any filter, getting crazy soon ^^22:35
recon69_lapRoasted: you could just do a ping command and leave it for 6 hours, who ever you ping might not be to happy about it22:35
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Is there a way to fully reconfigure networking devices, like it's done at first install?22:35
Aazorisls: /usr/bin/apt-get: No such file or directory22:35
ikoniaAazoris: is that in an ftp shell22:35
AazorisHow do I do the multi line22:35
Loshkib0n1: I don't use it myself, but doesn't procmail keep a log somewhere? You should be able to see what it did with any particular email via the log...?22:35
Aazorisno ssh22:35
Roastedrecon69_lap, yeah I thought about that lol. That's why I was hoping to find some sort of timer that allows me to see if I ever lost connection.22:36
ikoniaAazoris: please show me the output of "uname -a"22:36
AazorisI want to show you what i got when i did ls22:36
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, BluShift - well long story short, I did not want to mess up my hdd by partitioning it myslef - and so I opted for the WUBI route, and now I'm in this dilemma22:36
ikoniaAazoris: please show me the output of "uname -a"22:36
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: game oer22:36
GeekSquid!pastebin | Aazoris22:36
ubottuAazoris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:36
BluShiftPr0jectRec0n: Then back everything up, and reinstall. There's no easy way around the problem, unfortunately.22:36
b0n1yeah Loshki  i found the log file22:36
b0n1it says22:36
b0n1procmail: Lock failure on "/var/mail/arbeitsaccount.lock"22:36
ikoniaAazoris: I don't need to see the output of "ls" I need to see the output of "uname -a"22:36
b0n1but i dont undertand why /var/mail/...22:37
Pr0jectRec0nBluShift, ikonia - shit I had that coming. Thanks for the responses anyway22:37
b0n1my mail directory is ~/Mail22:37
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: please contro your language22:37
b0n1i wrote that in the procmailirc22:37
recon69_lapBluShift: did the nic work in the current machine before, very likely it not compatible, cause as far as i know lspci is before any driver issues22:37
dagonWould anyone happen to know the command for the terminal to view my devices? I'm curious if Ubuntu installed the right Nvidia drivers for my 240 graphics card. I'm curious if it installed a universal driver22:37
AazorisLinux ******************************* #1 SMP Mon Mar 15 19:26:36 MSK 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linu22:37
ikoniadagon: lspci22:37
BluShiftHow would I go about reconfiguring all my network devices, similiar to the way it's done n first install22:37
ikoniaAazoris: please show me the full line22:37
LjLdagon: sudo lshw -C display22:37
BluShiftrecon69_lap: It did, right out of the box.22:37
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, Sorry for that - I thought the word I uttered wasn't considered an 'expletive'22:37
dagonikonia and LjL thank you22:38
BluShiftPr0jectRec0n: Then what is?22:38
AazorisIt contians an address that leads to my server22:38
ikoniaAazoris: no it doesn't it shows a hostname22:38
symeis there any reason why rhythmbox would suddenly stop mounting my ipod touch?22:38
Pr0jectRec0nBluShift, :) let's leave it at that22:38
Loshkib0n1: I think /var/mail might be used for temporary storage while procmail processes emails. It's is set-group-id mail on my machine...22:38
Tesla__hello i have a question as to what is the preferred email daemon?22:38
LjLikonia: well yes it does22:38
BluShiftPr0jectRec0n: ;)22:38
Gear0Is there a way that I can display my laptop battery life inside the terminal??22:38
ikoniaAazoris: I can see your home ip address of c-98-213-185-253.hsd1.in.comcast.net so it's not a big deal22:38
recon69_lapBluShift: try  sudo lshw -C display , maybe no a pci device :)22:38
AazorisLinux Marcus.com 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.028stab068.5 #1 SMP Mon Mar 15 19:26:36 MSK 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linu22:38
ikoniaAazoris: just show the line22:38
ikoniaAazoris: that's redhat - not ubuntu22:38
dagonExcellent it sees it as it is. Thank you again22:39
Aazorisr u serious22:39
BluShiftrecon69_lap: It's connected to a PCI port. I can't imagine it being anything different.22:39
Tesla__anyone have experience using email daemons?22:39
ikoniaAazoris: yes22:39
ikoniaTesla__: ask your question22:39
Aazoristhanks ikonia22:39
LjLGear0: i don't remember what the filename is exactly, but something like cat /proc/acpi/battery/bat0/state22:39
BluShiftikonia: rofl rofl rofl22:39
Tesla__I did: "what is the most commonly used email daemon"22:39
ikoniaTesla__: there are many - it's personal choice22:39
b0n1Loshki,  it seems he procmail puts all the default mails in there22:39
Hawaiian_Eskimowhat port does SSH use?22:39
b0n1its a 15 mb text file22:39
GeekSquidAazoris: actually it is CentOS22:40
Tesla__ikonia: in a professional setting?22:40
b0n1pretty much22:40
BluShiftHawaiian_Eskimo: 2222:40
CynthiaHawaiian_Eskimo: 22 by default22:40
ikoniaTesla__: there are many, it's personal choice22:40
BluShiftHawaiian_Eskimo: Although, a simple Google would have told you that ;)22:40
* Hawaiian_Eskimo punches 22 into port forwarding22:40
celeborn999Hawaiian_Eskimo: cat /etc/services | grep ssh22:40
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AnxiousNutQuickSenergy isnt working anymore!!! it used to before restarting my PC without any problem!!! :(22:40
ikoniaTesla__: don't forget there are many different types of mail configs, from perimeter relays, to subdomain mailhosts, it's a big topic22:40
b0n1but i absolutely have no idea why, procmail does this what i tell it to do, and that is what is written in the procmailrc right?22:40
* BluShift asks Hawaiian_Eskimo for his servers IP address22:40
Hawaiian_EskimoBluShift: meh, irc was open :P22:40
LuisMi_somebody use sqlite?22:41
RoastedHow often do new variants of LTS releases come out? 10.04 came out late April. When would 10.04.1 come out?22:41
rskRoasted it'22:41
Loshkib0n1: sounds like your config isn't quite right. I assume there's some way of telling it where to put default emails. If you fixed the permissions on /var/mail, have another look at the log file...22:41
rsks in the scheduele22:41
ikoniaRoasted: when it's needed22:41
BluShiftHow can I reconfigure the networking devices as done so by a fresh install?22:41
LjLRoasted: i don't think there's a fixed schedule, it might not even come out at all22:41
recon69_lapBluShift: assumption will screw you every time with computers :)22:42
Talon_I just installed ubuntu on my laptop. I have 9.10 on my PC, 10.04 on my laptop. Both pc and laptop have wireless, how do I share files between the two?22:42
ikoniaLjL: there was a placeholder, but I think it's as and when needed as you suggest22:42
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Touche'22:42
anthonyEverytime I try to select a PGP key to use in Psi, it crashes.  If I run it from a terminal, I get the error "segmentation fault".  Does anyone know how to resolve this?22:42
dancekLuisMi_, well, i use software that uses sqlite22:42
celeborn999Talon_: flash drive22:42
ShapeshifterHello there, I'm having stuttering issues with this radeon 9600 on a freshly installed 10.04. Seems like turning off KMS would do the trick, but I see there's no /boot/grub/menu.lst. Where do I set this "radeon.modeset=0" ??22:42
BluShiftanthony: Try running as root? Otherwise it's a software bug.22:42
Gear0LjL: I think I found it  /proc/acpi/battery  then either C1BB or C1BC  for me C1BC seems to be what I need.22:42
dancekLuisMi_, you have a question about it?22:42
RoastedLjL, ikonia, ah. I didn't know that. Is there a way to at least gett 10.04 with ALL of the lates updates and kernels installed in case I have a problem even installing 10.04 with the default kernel to begin with?22:43
zambahow can i time how fast i can read/write to a nfs share?22:43
* Talon_ un-installs ubuntu then22:43
LuisMi_dancek, i want to do a program with C++ and sqlite22:43
ikoniaRoasted: you won't have a problem22:43
anthonyBluShift:  Then it's a software bug.  Thanks :D22:43
LjLRoasted: yes - use the Minimal CD, that'll get everything from the internet instead of from the CD22:43
LjL!minimal > Roasted    (Roasted, see the private message from ubottu)22:43
ikoniaRoasted: there have not been many updates either22:43
anthonyBluShift: You wouldn't happen to know an alternative for PGP IM, would you?22:43
Aazorisikonia, what should Ubuntu info look like....?22:43
Roastedikonia, I know. It's just a general question.22:43
dancekLuisMi_, and? (i've written python + sqlite myself)22:43
ikoniaAazoris: depends on a lot of things22:43
ikoniaRoasted: you'd have to do a respin22:43
BluShiftanthony: What's it used for? I'm not feeling up to a good Google22:44
LuisMi_how conect C++ and sqlite?22:44
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* LjL vaguely suspects ikonia is not going to answer that one ;)22:44
ikoniaRoasted: of follow ljl's advice for a net install22:44
celeborn999Talon_: I don't use it but I think Ubuntu One is designed for that sort of thing, too22:44
Roastedikonia, is there no where where pople upload their own respins?22:44
LjLLuisMi_: probably best to ask in #sqlite22:44
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ikoniaRoasted: no-where official, tons of unofficial ones that i wouldn't trust22:44
anthonyBluShift: Just so I have something for PGP-encrypted conversations since Pidgin doesn't support PGP.22:44
ShapeshifterWhere's the menu.lst in this ubuntu?22:44
Shapeshifterit's not where it's supposed to be :O22:44
LjLShapeshifter: it's not there with GRUB222:44
BluShiftLuisMi_: You can either use embedded SQL, which will be ignored by your compiler, or you can use libraries. Either way will work fine/.22:44
ikoniaShapeshifter: ubuntu now uses grub2 so menu.lst is dead22:44
LjL!grub2 > Shapeshifter    (Shapeshifter, see the private message from ubottu)22:44
LuisMi_dancek, what file i need  for program C++ and sqlite?22:44
b0n1Loshki,  i will paste 4 lines here ok ?22:45
ShapeshifterLjL, ikonia: ah thanks22:45
AazorisHow'd you figure that it was Redhat/CentOS... i.e. by the version numbers or etc.? Im writing a request for refund and need proof...?22:45
BluShiftanthony: I have no alternatives :(22:45
ikoniaAazoris: cat /etc/redhat-release - just send them that22:45
b0n1MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail                # Dieses Verzeichnis muss existieren22:45
b0n1LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmaillog        # Name der Protokolldatei22:45
anthonyBluShift:  That's fine.  Thanks.22:45
FloodBot4b0n1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:45
Loshkib0n1: absolutely *not*. Pastes go to  http://paste.ubuntu.com22:45
LuisMi_BluShift, I want use libraries. with C++ and sqlite22:45
BluShiftLuisMi_: You need a driver for your SQL server, first of all.22:45
b0n1thats the head of my .procmailrc the rest is just filter settings22:45
GeekSquidAazoris: give them the output of uname -a ... you wanted an ubuntu server you got CentOS, they should fix it for you at least22:46
BluShiftHow do i re-detect and reconfigure all my network devices, like a fresh install?22:46
ShapeshifterLjL: so I put it in grub.cfg instead?22:46
Loshkib0n1: try setting VERBOSE to 'on' and reading the logs again?22:46
VirusTB100 MPH :O22:46
dancekLuisMi_, install libsqlite3-dev and refer to http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/intro.html22:46
VirusTB my Chevvy goes faster thn that22:46
LjLShapeshifter: i'm not entirely sure in all honesty, i still use Hardy myself, i just know menu.lst isn't there22:46
VirusTBopps.. lol wrong IRC22:46
BluShiftIs LILO used for anything anymore?22:46
GeekSquid!grub2 | Shapeshifter22:47
ubottuShapeshifter: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:47
LjLBluShift: in my debian server ;)22:47
ShapeshifterGeekSquid: yeah, yeah :)22:47
ikoniaBluShift: some people like it, can be good for things like raid devices22:47
BluShiftHow do i re-detect and reconfigure all my network devices, like a fresh install would?22:47
LuisMi_thanks dancek22:47
BluShiftikonia: Fair enough.22:47
Loshkib0n1: there is also #procmail which should give you better help than I can...22:47
bastid_raZorShapeshifter: no, you'll edit /etc/default/grub and do a sudo update-grub22:47
ShapeshifterGeekSquid: question is, where do I put radeon.modeset=0?22:47
b0n1Loshki,  procmaillog is empty22:47
b0n1yeah i will have a try there22:48
Loshkib0n1: best of luck...22:48
BluShiftHow do i re-detect and reconfigure all my network devices, like a fresh install would?22:48
heloi have a nice setup installed on this machine, and would like to make copies for my coworkers... after making each copy, i need to regenerate the ssh host keys... anything else?22:48
BluShifthelo: Hostnames?22:49
Hawaiian_Eskimosudo echo "user pptpd password *" >> /etc/ppp/chap-secrets returns permission denied, even though i used sudo22:49
GeekSquidShapeshifter: /etc/default/grub .... then sudo update-grub22:49
ikoniahelo: hostname/ip address, uuid's22:49
Hawaiian_Eskimobut if i do it as root then it works fine :|22:49
bastid_raZorHawaiian_Eskimo: echo "stuff" | sudo tee -a /path/to/file22:49
jribHawaiian_Eskimo: the redirection happens as your user22:49
BluShiftHow do i re-detect and reconfigure all my network devices, like a fresh install would?22:49
ShapeshifterGeekSquid: in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT options array?22:50
Hawaiian_Eskimomeh. thought it would apply to the whole thing. guess not.22:50
ikoniaBluShift: you don't, you just configure them either in the desktop or the config file22:50
BitWraithI just installed xubuntu. every time I increase the backlight brightness, something turns it back down. How do I fix that?22:50
GeekSquidShapeshifter:  good place as any22:50
BitWraithI am going directly to the sysfs to set the brightness, btw22:50
ShapeshifterGeekSquid: okay thanks22:50
BluShiftikonia: So, how would I go about re-detecting an NIC that used to work, but is no longer being detected by the system? I installed ndiswrapper, tried some drivers for another NIC, (taking the name wlan0 in the process) and now that I've uninstalled ndiswrapper (and the driver with it) and put the previous card in (which worked out of the box) it no longer is being detected.22:51
ikoniaBluShift: you need to figure out why the card no longer works, the reason it can't see it is technical, so a redect would just miss it again22:52
StrangeCharmhow do i view the system log?22:53
BluShiftikonia: Hmm. Ok.22:54
recon69_lapBluShift: did you blacklist any drivers when you setup ndistwrapper?22:54
BluShiftrecon69_lap: Not that I'm aware os.22:54
ikoniaBluShift: can you remember anything that changed between it working a not (kernel update is most common)22:55
xompanyone know why I can't SFTP into my ubuntu 8.04 VPS? I get "Out of Memory" errors in Filezilla/psftp but get this error in WinSCP http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/323/sftp.jpg22:55
ikoniaBluShift: does lspci show the card ?22:55
ikoniaBluShift: does the syslog show it being found but ignored at boot time22:55
BluShiftikonia: Not in a form i recognize. It lists a "Texas Instruments" device, but that's all.22:56
ikoniaBluShift: all things to investigate22:56
BluShiftikonia: I will do so.22:56
ikoniaBluShift: then it looks like there maybe a hadware problem with that card, as lspci doesn't care if it's usable or not, it just (should) see it as a dumb deice22:56
ikoniaBluShift: is this a laptop ?22:56
moegreenhey guys is there an app that allows me to download flash video from a website?22:56
BluShiftIt doesn't appear to work in Windows, either -- is it possible the PCI port is damaged? I tried it in both ports though, and it works in neither.22:56
storrgiemy ubuntu server is not getting an address from the DHCP, and when i do a 'services network status' it says network: unrecognized service... does anyone have any idea where I can poke around to check out my settings?22:56
BluShiftikonia: No, it's a desktop.22:56
jribmoegreen: keepvid.com ?22:57
ikoniaBluShift: sounds like the card is dead22:57
BluShiftikonia: It works fine in my brothers machine, though :/22:57
ikoniaBluShift: sounds like the socket/bus is dead22:57
BluShiftBoth of them, though?22:57
moegreenjrib...thx ill check that out22:57
ikoniaBluShift: or got damaged in transit22:57
BluShiftikonia: Huh.22:57
GeekSquidxomp: your vps is passing a 2gig packet, for some wierd reason22:58
adiescould anyone tell me how to get firefox to use gpodder to open podcasts22:58
xompGeekSquid, lol really?22:58
BluShiftGeekSquid: Do 2 GB packets even exist?22:58
Aazorisnot byte22:58
GeekSquidBluShift: look at the JPG, xomp posted, looks like 2 gigs to me22:58
BluShiftGeekSquid: What protocol supports a 2 GB packet?22:59
xompGeekSquid, I've been trying to get SFTP working on that box for a week now with no progress heh22:59
GeekSquidBluShift: none that I know of22:59
moegreenthats is not working...BTW its a site that i login into to view videos22:59
BluShiftmoegreen: "Videos" eh? heh heh22:59
GeekSquidxomp: total strangeness, where is your vps hosted?22:59
lancesrageI need help installing windows xp duel boot from a usb device because im out of disks can anyone help me im do this in ubuntu22:59
btrbut the weired thing was that the screen when I was installing the driver in init 1, claims many lines of HDD error .. mm (btr goes to fsck in paranoia) +_+; best luck everyone ..23:00
Loshkixomp: can you login using regular ssh?23:00
xompLoshki, yeah, SSH login works a trea23:00
BluShiftlancesrage: Install XP first,  ubuntu second.23:00
xompGeekSquid, www.dmehosting.com23:00
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone for some reason whenever I startup my computer I get a message saying something about cryptswap1 not being mounted and then I can push S to skip loading it. Does anyone know how I can disable this?23:00
ikoniaxomp: have you enabled the sftp subsystem in the sshd_config ?23:00
xompikonia, can you explain how I would check that? I think I checked it in the past and it was enable, just can't remember how.23:01
lancesrageBluShift im gona have to wipe ubuntu but i still need a program to put an iso on a usb device so i can use that instead of a disk23:01
anthonyIs there a way to turn off the "____ has signed in" messages in Pidgin?23:01
Aazorisi cant beleive i got cheated out of my money23:01
ikoniaxomp: look in your sshd_config for Subsystem sftp23:01
BluShiftlancesrage: Unetbootin is great. I'm not sure if it works with Windows images, though.23:01
GeekSquidanthony: buddy list window/ options>plugins ... Hide join/parts/quits23:02
lancesragei just need something for an iso ill try that23:02
ikoniaAazoris: this is no longer an ubuntu issue23:02
BluShiftlancesrage: For putting an iso on a disc, I'd recommend imgburn or infrarecorder.23:03
xompikonia, I have this in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server23:03
ikoniaxomp: looks fine then23:03
BluShiftlancesrage: For an iso on a flash stick, I'd stick with UNetbootin23:03
xompikonia, I can even sftp FROM the VPS to the VPS23:03
xompikonia, but trying to sftp from my home computer to the VPS is where it doesn't work23:04
lancesrageBluShift that might work i have no disk burner so it has to be usb23:04
BluShiftI see.23:04
ikoniaxomp: maybe it's the client, some clients behave differently23:05
lancesragebecause i have an ubuntu 9.04 disk i just need a usb for the xp iso23:05
xompikonia, I've tried Filezilla, psftp and WinSCP all of which fail :(23:05
recon69_laplancesrage: there is a special tool for that usb-creator-gkt23:05
ShapeshifterWell this sucks big time -.-'' When I add nomodeset or radeon.modeset=0, then it boots fine (without KMS), but as soon as compiz starts there's full lock and I can't do anything except hard resetting.23:05
charless40quien es eliezer23:05
xomp!es | charless4023:05
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ubottucharless40: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:05
Shapeshifterand with KMS I have bad performance on very specific occasions23:06
lancesragerecon69_lap if your refering to the ubuntu defalt usb start up disk creator it dosent work23:06
Shapeshifterand those hickups I get are very grave. even sound hicks23:06
blue_annawhat does it mean when I click the help button in a gnome preferences app and it just disappears, no erros in the .xsession-errors log?23:06
Shapeshifterfull locks for half a second when I maximize a window for example. at the same time, effects are very smooth, or 3d works fine23:07
=== towski_ is now known as tows
=== Aciid_ is now known as Aciid
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
macman_can you enable copy and paste with the mouse at a terminal screen ? im not in X atm23:08
Shapeshifterchanserv flooding floodbots is kinda ironic23:08
xompikonia, I managed to find this about the error http://winscp.net/eng/docs/message_large_packet23:09
xompikonia, but not sure how to look into what it's saying lol23:09
Loshkixomp: I see lots of google hits for "received too large sftp packet". Start working through them :-(23:10
xompLoshki, that's what I've been doing but I don't know how to check what they want me to check because it's so vague23:10
dattaI have installed cinelerra but it's showing up in multiple windows23:11
dattahow do I I combine it to make it come in one window?23:11
=== _HardDisk is now known as HardDisk
dirtyarabhey ;)23:12
HardDiskis that you randall?23:13
lancesragethanks for your help guys i will try the windows version of usb using vmware23:13
dirtyarabcan anyone assist me with my input not supported only during 3d games?23:13
HardDiskdirtyarab...what's the prob23:13
macman_how do you hightlight it23:13
dirtyarabi am running 10.04 with nvidia 195.36.1523:14
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
dirtyarabit installed great finally ditched windows;) but not when i try to play Urban terror or open arena it has the monitor box scrolling saying input not supported23:14
HardDiskdirtyarab, did you check nvidia-settings that everything is good?23:15
HardDiskand input not supported, that's your refresh rate23:15
dirtyarabwell i am running same resolutions as in windows 1280/1024 at 75 hz23:16
dattacan anyone tell me how to combine windows in cinerella23:16
HardDiskdirtyarab, make sure you run sudo nvidia-xconfig in terminal23:16
HardDiskrestart x23:16
HardDiskthat will configure your nvidia23:16
MACscr_lappymy xorg.conf file doesnt appear to be used. Can i disable xrandr?23:16
HardDiskthen run urban terror, but check your refresh rate23:16
MACscr_lappyxrandr doesnt support multiple cards, so i might as well disable it23:17
purpleyWhy is lucid so laggy? Karmic was 3x faster, everything is freezing up, Im running 64 bit with a quad core clocked at 2.66 ghz 8 gigs of memory 2 gigs of swap space 64bit and its a fresh install23:17
Jordan_Upurpley: What graphics card?23:18
purpleynvidia 9800 GTX+23:18
HardDiskpurpley, define laggy, im 64bit on a core2duo 4gigs ram and its much faster than karmic.23:18
HardDiskdo you mean laggy videos?23:19
HardDisklaggy compiz?23:19
soreaulaggy nvidia driver23:19
BenefitXhello, one of my folders has a cloud, but it's not synced on ubuntu one.23:20
BenefitXwhat could it be for23:20
BenefitXit also has a red cirle with an x23:21
purpleyLike firefox, rythymbox, terminal, file manager and vlc media player keep locking up and going gray23:21
purpleyI doubt im being ddosed because my router is NAT and i have no open ports23:21
HardDiskgrey...do you have compiz enabled?23:21
HardDisktry it without the effects23:22
sebsebsebpurpley: I think some other people have had similar issues, well it's ok to go back to 9.10, or go to another distro.23:22
HardDiskif everything works fine without it, then we know where the problem lies23:22
BenefitXubuntu need it's own search engine23:22
dirtyarabHard disk ;)23:23
HardDiskyea I know what's going on23:23
=== ScarabDrowner is now known as AbuMaia
HardDiskdon't think I'm not aware :)23:23
sebsebsebBenefitX: try #ubuntuone23:23
dirtyarabso i came up with sometihng i went into nvidia display changed it to 1280x1024 instead of auto... went into UT changed the settings to the same and no error.. but as soon as i change the setting within UT to 8x6 or 1024 x768 same error comes up again23:24
dirtyarabnothing i can do about that i take it?23:24
zaxonspoxhello, can somebody tell me hov it is posible to lost efects of work on file on EXT3 fs making File Save before system crash?23:24
=== tobias is now known as Guest99930
AbuMaiaI have used system>administration>usb startup disk creator to copy the 10.04 iso to my usb drive.  Is there a way to edit it to include other programs like antivirus?  I had to use the usb drive to recover my mother's windows computer from a virus, but there was no antivirus included in the livecd.23:25
acerimmerAbuMaia: boot the usb, then add packages.23:25
AbuMaiaacerimmer: it's not a persistent usb23:26
acerimmerAbuMaia: not sure i understand.  I added wifi drivers to my live usb and it retained them...23:27
purpleySorry im back23:27
AnxiousNutplease help! Quick synergy stopped working!!23:27
thenoviceoofAbuMaia: I'm actually working on the same problem, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:27
AbuMaiawell, I'll give it a shot... thanks acerimmer23:27
sebsebsebpurpley: Did you get my message?23:27
purpleysebsebseb, No I disconnected23:28
thenoviceoofAbuMaia: also check out http://uck.sourceforge.net/23:28
sebsebsebpurpley: I think some other people have had similar issues, well it's ok to go back to 9.10, or go to another distro.23:28
nopoliticahello! i've erased configuration for asterisk package and when i'm trying to install it again i see /etc/asterisk is empty (23:28
nopoliticadpkg-reconfigure asterisk does nothing (23:29
AbuMaiathanks thenoviceoof23:29
purpleysebsebseb, Is it a valid bug that im expiencing? Is the ubuntu team working on it? I just came from 9.10 because I was having problems and needed to upgrade23:30
sebsebsebpurpley: By the sounds of it, loads  of your apps are slow?23:30
purpleysebsebseb, Exactly, and I think it would be foolish to overclock my cpu or memory considering they should be enough23:31
sebsebsebpurpley: I remember with uhmm 9.04 I beliege it was, someone had a similar issue on a lap top.23:31
sebsebsebpurpley: So in 9.10 things were slow as well?23:32
sebsebsebpurpley: on your hardware things are obviously not meant to be slow23:32
purpleysebsebseb, No lightning fast at a fresh install, but before I upgraded like a snail but that was because I had so many libaries and it was just junked up23:32
zuHi, with wubi I have a "linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-16-generic root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro" line in grub.cfg. I don't find the "loop=" parameter definition in http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt, what does it do exactly ? and where can I find information ?23:32
sebsebsebpurpley: Clean install of 10.04 or upgrade from 9.10?23:32
purpleysebsebseb, Clean install of 10.04, its filesystem is ext423:33
ryderwho wants23:33
sebsebsebpurpley: ok and after the clean install of 10.04 slowness?23:33
ryderto suck my DICK23:33
sebsebseb!ops | ryder23:33
ubotturyder: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:33
purpleysebsebseb, Yes23:33
* jrib was trying to come up with clever kick message23:33
LjLlies, you're just slow ;(23:34
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=== Guest80552 is now known as baddog
ladynahi (:23:34
arand!hi | ladyna23:35
ubottuladyna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:35
mrwizeguy1983the update to 10.04 messed up my touchpad, anyone know how to fix that?23:35
Sonseewhat went wrong?23:36
mrwizeguy1983well, it won't load the driver23:36
purpleysebsebseb, Yes23:36
hookworm24Just upgraded from Karmic to 10.4 on my dell latitude d400. it is now hanging on startup and i cannot boot the operating system. i see the ubuntu screen for a second and the it goes black and becomes unresponsive. any idea as to what i can do about this?23:36
Sonseewhat driver?23:36
mrwizeguy1983i can use it to move the mouse, but that's all23:36
mrwizeguy1983the synaptics driver won't load23:36
sebsebsebpurpley: have you got graphics card driver installed?23:36
purpleysebsebseb, Yes the proprietary23:37
mrwizeguy1983i tried tpconfig to see if i could set some settings Sonsee but it said it couldn't open Ps/2 port [/dev/psaux]23:37
sebsebsebpurpley: ok I remember now yeah someone before with a previous version had a similar issue as I was saying, then they installed the graphics card driver and things speed up a bit23:37
Sonsee<hookworm24> try previeus kernel if you have and it will work, I hope )) somehow, on my dell the 10.04 does not work with the latest kernel either.23:38
sebsebsebpurpley: Maybe you installed from a bad ISO of 10.04, but I don't think thats the problem23:39
sebsebsebpurpley: xorg is differnet in each Ubuntu release23:39
bsmith093umm just wondering but why isnt linux mint or ultimate linux supported by the ubuntu team?23:39
bsmith093also what is the diff between them?23:39
sebsebseb!ultimate | bsmith09323:39
ubottubsmith093: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition23:39
hookworm24Sonsee, I wanted to try that but i'm not sure what to press/ what commands to use...i'm a bit of a linux noob.23:39
sebsebsebbsmith093: They are Ubuntu based23:39
bsmith093yes and...?23:40
mrwizeguy1983so any ideas on the mous Sonsee ?23:40
sebsebsebbsmith093: Ultimate is like a unoffical version of Ubuntu, same thing for the Christian Edition for example23:40
sebsebsebbsmith093: where as Mint is a distro that is based on Ubuntu23:40
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> only google23:40
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> no, sorry)23:40
bsmith093join #linuxmce23:40
mrwizeguy1983been there done that Sonsee, nothing good to find yet i suppose23:40
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> I went to 9.1023:41
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> ;)23:41
sebsebsebbsmith093: May as well use real Ubuntu :)  not anything that is based on it23:41
sebsebsebbsmith093: plus if you do that, you can get support in this big channel23:41
mrwizeguy1983i had 9.10 before, but i always do upgrades, i like to see the future.  starting to regret this last one Sonsee23:41
bsmith093i do use regular ubuntu23:41
purpleysebsebseb, Is there a way to check the intergrity of the kernel? I used the 64bit ubuntu desktop torrent23:42
sebsebsebpurpley: oh lost you again?23:42
sebsebsebpurpley: not sure if you got this23:42
sebsebsebpurpley: Maybe you installed from a bad ISO of 10.04, but I don't think thats the problem23:42
Sonsee<hookworm24> when you load your laptop just do up-down right after the first logo of bios23:42
purpleysebsebseb, Sadly :( I dont like comcast very much there unreliable in my opinion23:42
purpleyYeah I got it23:42
sebsebsebpurpley: xorg is differnet in each Ubuntu release23:42
purpleysebsebseb, Should I do a file system check using fsck?23:42
sebsebsebpurpley: if you want23:43
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> gui you mean?23:43
purpleyOr is there a way to check the kernel? Im not to keen on kernels23:43
nopoliticahey! how to recover configuration files of certain package? )23:43
Sonsee<mrwizeguy1983> you can install on 9.10 too23:43
sebsebsebpurpley: I think  maybe you should upt 9.10 back on,  or  try another distro on there, to see if that works better :)23:43
wyatthi guys23:43
wyattcan someone help me with lucid?23:43
mrwizeguy1983Sonsee, i don't like backing up, i'll probably just use it until the fix comes out23:43
sebsebseb!ask | wyatt23:43
ubottuwyatt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:43
purpleysebsebseb, Ill deal with it :( patience is a virtue hopefully soon the developers will release a fix, although I havent updated yet, Like used the update-manager and downloaded the 86 updates yet23:44
sebsebsebpurpley: a fix for your issue,23:44
sebsebsebpurpley: uhmm  don't put your hopes in to that to much23:44
wyatti have a problem with my wireless adapter23:45
sebsebsebpurpley: espesailly since not that many other people on 64bit will have a similar issue23:45
purpleyDang :(23:45
mickster04!details | wyatt23:45
ubottuwyatt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:45
sebsebsebpurpley: also once an Ubuntu release comes out, well it's security updates, and that's it useually. or only.  however since 10.04 is LTS there will be some backports from a later version later on for some things I guess, but not for your issue23:45
hookworm24Sonsee, It appears my error on startup is "ERROR: Frimware file "b43legacy/ucode4.fw" not found or load failed"  any idea what this means? seems to be a driver of sorts...?23:45
Sonsee<wyatt> should work out of the box.23:45
sebsebsebpurpley: some issues such as yours,  are distro specific,  wel I have a feeling yours is distro specific, and so an Ubuntu issue, but   that things will probably work well on another distro,  so its worth trying something else really,   unless you want to just go back to 9.10 of course23:46
Sonsee<hookworm24> tell me what you did with laptop in ubuntu in a few words.23:46
Lasivianany suggestions on a cheap older tablt that runs Linux well?23:47
wyatti have a problem with d-link dwl g132 Lucid doesn't find my device. I use ndiswrapper and i install windows driver but nothing changed and now when i type ndiswrapper -l i have this message23:47
Sonsee<hookworm24> what system did you have, etc23:47
mickster04Sonsee: you dont need the < >'s23:47
LasivianI was thinking about getting one of these: http://cgi.ebay.com/HP-TC1100-Tablet-w-Keyboard-Stylus-Docking-Station-/33043152841923:47
wild_bat!hi C0il23:47
purpleysebsebseb, OK, thanks a lot for your help anyway really appreciate it23:47
purpleyYou help me with a lot of my problems I dont know if you remeber me but im in here quite often23:47
Sonsee<mickster04> ))23:48
bjhaidhi everyone, I am trying to share internet connectionn between my windows XP and m ubuntu machine, cannot get to do this can anyone please help?23:48
Sonsee<mickster04> why does it bother you?)23:48
C0ilhello wild_bat23:48
sebsebsebpurpley: Ubuntu isn't always the best distro, depends on the user, but also their hardware23:49
mickster04Sonsee: yes, cos it sticks out23:49
wyattsorry guys i'm back23:49
sebsebsebpurpley: and with your hardware, things should be working well really, lap top or desktop?23:49
Sonseemickster04 is that better?23:49
wyattWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.23:49
wyattneta5agu : driver installed23:49
wyatt    device (2001:3A03) present23:49
mickster04Sonsee: much :P23:49
sebsebsebpurpley: maybe your hardware is faiilng actsually, but thats probably not it.23:49
hookworm24Sonsee, I was running xubuntu 9.04 and i used the update manager to upgrade to 10.04. the upgrade seemed to go on without any problems. i restarted after the upgrade and now it hangs on startup just as the xubuntu screen appears. that error message appears just before.23:50
wyattany solutions?23:50
Sonseehookworm24 then you MUST have the previeus kernel. Try to load that.23:50
bjhaid hi everyone, I am trying to share internet connection between my windows XP and m ubuntu machine, cannot get to do this can anyone please help23:50
mickster04wyatt: one line and try again23:51
bsmith093does anyone know how i could pipe totally random output to a file23:51
wild_batis there a fix or workaround for gdesklets for 10.04 yet?23:51
purpleysebsebseb, Ahh I cant go to another distro, Ive used many distros about 14 and my first was ubuntu and last will be ubuntu its community is just the best help :)23:51
wyattone line ?23:51
hookworm24Sonsee, sorry, it was 9.10 that I upgraded from.23:51
=== AGNTBAB is now known as Agent_Babb
Sonseehookworm24 this one too.23:51
mickster04!deTAILS | wyatt23:51
ubottuwyatt: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:51
Sonseehookworm24 I had that problem23:51
wyatti'm a toatlly newbie on ubuntu23:51
unopbsmith093,  dd if=/dev/urandom | tee yourfile   # add -a to tee if you want to append23:51
hookworm24Sonsee, not sure how to access previous kernels, i am at the recovery menu, can i do it from shell prompt?23:52
sebsebsebpurpley: uhmm  most distros have a good community on IRC and that as well,  just not as big as this channel by a long way.23:52
Sonseehookworm24 I don`t know why the ubuntu`s kernel does not load on dell ))23:52
pdistHi, I am trying to build latest SVN on Ubuntu Lucid, I get this error:   http://pastebin.com/a7SxyV2i23:52
mickster04wyatt: do that whole problem in one line, use pastebin for output23:52
pdistIf anyone can help, please do.23:52
_blackwater_wild_bat yeah just a temp fix no permanent one - looking for the link hold on23:52
hookworm24Sonsee, i think i will be reinstalling karmic until this is sorted23:52
Sonseehookworm24 can you access the grub loader?23:52
unopbsmith093, actually, don't do that ...23:52
bsmith093why not23:52
unopbsmith093,  dd if=/dev/urandom of=yourfile23:52
LasivianAny suggestions on a used tablet I might get for under $400 that runs Ubuntu well?23:52
purpleysebsebseb, Well true it all depends on the users taste23:52
wild_bat_blackwater_, \(^.^)/ thanks23:53
sebsebsebpurpley: however I don't even see, most people that come here, chat in here23:53
unopbsmith093, well, tee is redundant there - and it will also put the random output to the terminal -- and possibly mess it up23:53
_blackwater_wild_bat https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/0.36.1-3ubuntu1/+build/140565423:53
bsmith093holy crap that was fast 35 meg in 11 sec23:53
bjhaid hi everyone, I am trying to share internet connection between my windows XP and m ubuntu machine, cannot get to do this can anyone please help23:53
mickster04bjhaid: which way?23:53
_blackwater_wild_bat keep in mind that's a patched deb package with the fixes for python 5 support23:53
eddvrs!repeat| bjhaid23:54
ubottubjhaid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:54
Sonseebjhaid try samba23:54
Sonseebjhaid google it ;)23:54
An_Ony_Moosehow can I start ubiquity in an installation of ubuntu? It shows me no options to force it.23:54
unopbsmith093, you can control how much to read, etc with dd's parameters - see the dd manpage23:54
btrbjhaid: samba!23:54
bjhaidsonsee i know samba, but i cannot get to install samba without sharing internet connection23:54
hookworm24Sonsee, I will try. for some reason it does not pop automatically like it does on this ubuntu machine. not sure why23:54
Sonseebjhaid sorry, didn`t get it ))23:54
wild_bat_blackwater_, i patched the system automacilly right?23:55
bsmith093you were right the tee command produces this to the terminal�:6|i�kR�3I|��D��'I_��P�?�Ȉ�i�kp�ˤ;;P��i.Yo�F����X23:55
hookworm24Sonsee, ok. loading previous kernel23:55
Um_cara_qualquerwhat's the best Java compiler for ubuntu?23:55
wyatt!detail | i have a problem with d-link dwl g192 i am running lucid i have tried to use ndiswrapper but nothing changed. Drivers are installed but no device on iwconfig23:55
hookworm24Sonsee, looks good so far23:56
bjhaidsonsee: my modem would not run on ubuntu, because its not linux compatible, so the only way to get internet on linux would be to share it23:56
stabuanyone know why i cant get the right resolution on a 720p tv via hdmi with ubuntu 10.423:56
Sonseehookworm24 try sudo update-grub in case you`ve deleted the lines from grub.cfg23:56
_blackwater_wild_bat that deb package on the site 'is' patched so just running it (after uninstalling anything present) will work.  It worked great for me.23:56
wild_bat_blackwater_, cool ^^23:56
hookworm24Sonsee, nah, it's all there, i just did not know how to access it23:56
wyatt!details | iwhen i type ndiswrapper -l this is the output WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.neta5agu : driver installed     device (2001:3A03) present23:56
ubottuiwhen i type ndiswrapper -l this is the output WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.neta5agu : driver installed     device (2001:3A03) present: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:56
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-afk
drakemanGood evening guys, anyone knows if there is any way to use a usb internet modem23:56
drakeman zte DC87-0 in ubuntu? ubuntu can works with this type of internet connectinon? thanks23:56
Sonseebjhaid )) it will not be simple23:56
hookworm24Sonsee, old kernel is working fine now. hmm..23:56
wild_bat_blackwater_, hope 64bits one did the same ~ ;p23:56
wyatt!details | i have a problem with d-link dwl g192 i am running lucid i have tried to use ndiswrapper but nothing changed. Drivers are installed but no device on iwconfig23:57
ubottui have a problem with d-link dwl g192 i am running lucid i have tried to use ndiswrapper but nothing changed. Drivers are installed but no device on iwconfig: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:57
btrbjhaid: you can designate shared folder in smb.conf23:57
mickster04wyatt: stop playing with the bot?23:57
_blackwater_wild_bat oh yah23:57
wyattoh sorry mick23:57
Sonseehookworm24 go to /boot/grub/grub.cfg file and delete the lines of the latest kernel so it will boot automatically23:57
_blackwater_wild_bat they may have diff patched file for your arch also.23:57
mickster04wyatt: the bot uses !<command> to help out, its not a user23:58
Sonseehookworm24 then google that problem, I didn`t23:58
bjhaidsonsee i can get to run a server and client, but i cannot share internet connection, i use a static IP4 address and the server client relationship exist but i cannot share internet connection, dont know what to do23:58
Sonseehookworm24 if you find some answers, tell me23:58
wyattyes i understand it now :P23:58
hookworm24Sonsee, alright...i'll see what i can find. thanks for the help23:58
DocSnyd3rhi there23:58
drakemanGood evening guys, anyone knows if there is any way to use a usb internet modem23:59
drakeman zte DC87-0 in ubuntu? ubuntu can works with this type of internet connectinon? thanks23:59
wyattwhat i have to do for my problem?23:59
DocSnyd3rseems i need a little help ;)23:59
bastid_raZorhookworm24: uninstall the newer kernel. don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:59
sebsebseb!ask | DocSnyd3r23:59
ubottuDocSnyd3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
wild_bat_blackwater_, yay~ it load ! how do i block the apt from autoupdate the gdesklets now?23:59

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