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mhall119can you make blueprint dependencies across projects?02:36
thumpermhall119: not really03:37
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napsterI would like to change my password for my bzr branch. How can I do this?07:18
noodles775Hi napster. I'm not sure what you mean? Do you want to change the password for the SSH key that you use to access bzr branches in Launchpad? (ie. https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys)07:21
napsternoodles775, Yes07:21
spivnapster: If you're using OpenSSH, then "ssh-keygen -p" should let you do that I think07:24
napsterspiv, Hmm how can I make sure I'm using openSSH?07:25
noodles775apt-cache policy openssh-client07:27
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noodles775napster: ^^^ it will tell you whether openssh-client is installed (and what version)07:28
spivnoodles775: assuming they are on ubuntu or debian...07:28
napsterspiv, noodles775, Thank you07:28
noodles775spiv: ah, yes - my assumption :/07:28
spivnapster: easiest answer is probably "try it and see".  OpenSSH is almost certainly what you're using if you're using anything other than Windows, though.07:29
napsterspiv, okey07:29
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rowinggolfer_mrevell, is launchpod officially finished?14:44
rowinggolfer_or just a massive hiatus.14:45
rowinggolfer_I REALLY hope it's the latter.14:45
mrevellrowinggolfer_, For now, yes. jml have touched on ideas for a replacement. We're meeting up soon, so will discuss it then. Any ideas appreicated :)14:45
rowinggolfer_mrevell - that's great news.14:46
rowinggolfer_from my perspective, just more of the same would be great.14:46
rowinggolfer_I know for you guys you are talking about work... but for end-users it really makes us feel connected.14:47
jcastroabentley: you're working on daily builds right?15:17
abentleyjcastro, right.15:18
jcastroabentley: ok so I'm working on a list of upstreams who we'd love to have or have shown interest15:18
jcastroabentley: can you fill me in on the roadmap for launching this or point me to a spec or something? I need to spin up on what you guys are doing15:19
abentleyjcastro, I've forwarded you an email with our current status.  We are in the middle of deploying sourcepackagerecipe builds, and I am working on implementing daily builds.15:22
abentleyWe don't have a formal roadmap, but we have running code :-)15:23
abentleyBut if there's any information I can give you, I'm happy to.15:26
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for https://xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.net/bazaar/: Unable to handle http code 502: Bad Gateway15:27
BlackZhas launchpad problems? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/437361/15:27
kirkland(working now)15:27
abentleykirkland, that's usually a temporary failure.15:27
l0nwlfhow to get a branch behind proxy ? I get the following errror : 19:30:16 l0nwlf-MBP:Movies $ bzr branch lp:~rdmurray/python-email6/policy-and-header-refactor15:28
l0nwlfssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Operation timed out15:28
l0nwlfbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.15:28
l0nwlfHg/git works fine though :(15:28
BlackZit's working now!15:28
kirklandabentley: thanks!15:29
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napsterIs lightworks hosted on lp?15:41
tsimpsonnapster: you can search at https://launchpad.net/projects15:46
napstertsimpson, No results15:46
napsterI thought any new names might be there15:46
tsimpsonit's only there if it's registered in launchpad15:47
napstertsimpson, Hmm.. Thank you...15:48
bilalakhtarPeople, how to register a distro in lp?15:53
bilalakhtarThe project "sabily" is a disto15:54
tsimpsonyou need to talk to the LP admins about it, either here or file a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad15:54
nigelbwho reviews code import?16:13
bilalakhtarnigelb: you mean imports from types of VCS?16:19
nigelbbilalakhtar: yep16:19
bilalakhtarnigelb: For this, contact the https://launchpad.net/~vcs-imports team16:20
nigelbthanks :)16:20
idnarargh, I can't disable email for a team I'm a member of anymore?16:20
bilalakhtaridnar: I didn't understand you16:24
idnarI created a user for some of our automated stuff to use, and added it to a team, so that it has access to the relevant private branches; but I don't actually want to get all of the Launchpad email for that team16:26
idnarI thought I had that disabled somehow, but apparently I was just filtering some of it out16:26
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davidstraussI just got creepy email from someone who's spamming (if that's the right word) Launchpad users.17:28
sinzuidavidstrauss, from Yiqing Yu?17:35
davidstrausssinzui: yes17:35
davidstrausssinzui: i assume pretty much everyone has gotten one17:36
sinzuiI am contemplating a suspension. I think I should contact him about etiquette and see if he apologises.17:36
davidstrausssinzui: I would appreciate that. I would also appreciate him not sending me emails that consist of a giant image with text.17:37
davidstrausssinzui: Plus, his research is being done in a totally unscientific way.17:37
sinzuiI spent most of my time reading that insanity looks for devious spam17:37
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nigelbsinzui: who exactly can I poke about a code import that needs review?18:01
nigelbespecially to escalate or whatever18:02
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sinzuinigelb, abentley and rockstar18:02
nigelbaha, thank you :)18:02
sinzuinigelb, thumper too, but I think this is his Saturday morning18:02
rockstarsinzui, well, anyone on the code team can approve a code import.18:03
rockstarnigelb, how can I help?18:03
nigelbrockstar: can approve https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-burning/cdrdao/trunk ?18:03
nigelbbtw, new folks on lp team or just old folks I didn't know about ;)18:04
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rockstarsinzui, er, I meant any on the lp team.18:07
rockstarnigelb, I need to remember how to use CVS real quick, but I suspect there might be an issue with the "login" part of the end of that.18:08
nigelbrockstar: oh! but thats the same command the source forge cvs thing says18:09
nigelband it works for me18:09
nigelbi.e. locally18:09
rockstarnigelb, yeah, but we don't want to have to login.  We need an anonymous access.18:10
nigelbrockstar: the access is anonymous acess, the password is just empty when I do it locally18:11
rockstarnigelb, huh.  I know we import from sourceforge, but it wants a password.18:15
nigelbrockstar: does your interface let you give a blank password?18:15
rockstarnigelb, no.  We're using cscvs to do the import18:16
nigelbrockstar: so I need to find a way to access it anonymously without a password?18:16
rockstarnigelb, that would be helpful.18:16
nigelbrockstar: hm, I'll try to mail the devs.  Nothing more possible I suppose.18:17
rockstarnigelb, I can't imagine we haven't hit this before, but I haven't personally, and abentley isn't around to consult...18:17
nigelbrockstar: ok, I'll talk to you folks on Monday and probbly think of how this works?18:18
nigelbrockstar: can you try pserver:anonymous@cdrdao.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/cdrdao checkout?18:20
rockstarnigelb, that's what I tried first.18:23
nigelboh, sigh18:24
nigelbrockstar: I suspect its some kind of move to stop us from doing code import :(18:32
nigelbevery source forge project seems to have the 'Just press Enter at the password prompt'18:33
nigelbrockstar: we're both missing something. Is it posible to see what other projects import from cvs?18:45
nigelbhm, https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/xsb/trunk seems to work18:53
nigelbabentley, rockstar: take a look at this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/cdrdao/vcs-import19:23
abentleynigelb, rockstar: looking19:25
abentleynigelb: cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to anoncvs.gnome.org( failed: Connection timed out19:28
nigelbabentley: huh? I thought it was sourceforge19:29
abentleynigelb, sorry, cut and paste error.19:30
nigelbabentley: it still failed?19:31
abentleynigelb, no, it looks good so far.19:31
nigelbabentley: awesome, thanks :)19:31
nigelbrockstar: it was my mistake earlier. should have skipped the login command :D19:31
abentleynigelb, the output looks pretty strange: https://pastebin.canonical.com/32611/19:33
abentleynigelb, never mind19:33
nigelbabentley: no access to that bin :/19:33
abentleynigelb, approved.19:33
nigelbabentley: yay, thank you!19:34
abentleynigelb, I like that bin because it remembers my name.19:34
nigelbwell, nice bin, but its only for you folks I guess.  It can't be used outside canonical is my guess19:34
abentleynigelb, this is true.19:35
abentleynigelb, but I said nevermind, so...19:36
nigelbhehe ;)19:36
nigelbno problem.19:36
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tcoleanyone here involved in wsgi-oops?20:56
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sorenWhat's the trick to create a private team? Ask nicely?21:21
lifelessIIRC you need a commercial entitlement21:22
lifelessbac: is the dude to speak with21:22
sorenlifeless: Oh, I see.21:23
sorenlifeless: Cool, thanks.21:23
lifelessthey are pretty cheap21:23
lifelessbut thats the quid pro quo : all open, and we contribute the resources because its ecosystem, or as much private as you want, but you pay for the resources21:23
lifelessroughly. details subject to me being totally wrong. etc.21:24
sorenlifeless: Cool, thanks.21:28
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ChrisWoollardI have a problem with launchpad..... Specifically I have some translations in launchpad that have changed their status from translated to needs review.22:45
ChrisWoollard940 of them to be precise22:45
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