
rickspencer3RAOF, robert_ancell, tremolux, TheMuso, shall we go ahead?00:00
rickspencer3RAOF, we'll start with you, since you are first on the list00:00
rickspencer3RAOF did you get any kind of projection for WI through put?00:01
RAOF_I only had 4 WI in Lucid, and they took ~1.5 weeks.  That's not really enough data to project from, I think.00:01
rickspencer3so, like 3 per week00:02
rickspencer3RAOF_ didrocks came up with 5 for himself, so shall we estimate 4 for you to start, maybe?00:02
RAOF_That seems reasonable.00:02
rickspencer3so that's 24 total for A200:03
rickspencer3RAOF are those all of your blueprints for maverick?00:04
robert_ancellrickspencer3, how are you getting that list?00:04
rickspencer3they seem to have work items, and to be less than 2400:04
rickspencer3robert_ancell, go here:00:04
rickspencer3and sort by assignee00:04
robert_ancelland manually count work items?00:04
rickspencer3pretty much, yeah00:04
RAOF_Yep, those are all of them.00:05
rickspencer3RAOF, do you see any reason not to target them all for A2?00:05
RAOF_Oh, no, missed one.00:05
rickspencer3basically get them all done by June 24th?00:05
rickspencer3can you paste me a link to the one I missed?00:05
RAOF_Yeah, grabbing it.00:06
rickspencer3oops, there are only 5 weeks now00:06
rickspencer3so 20 work items total00:06
rickspencer3so the first 4 brings you to 1700:06
RAOF_This bumps it to 2300:07
rickspencer3RAOF lots of work items there, so maybe target rootless x to A3?00:07
rickspencer3or do you feel that it *must* be done for maverick?00:07
RAOF_No.  It's a nice-to-have.00:08
rickspencer3I'm targeting the first 4 to A2, the rootless x one to A300:08
rickspencer3sound ok?00:08
RAOF_The other work items are mostly about getting good bugs and being able to deal with them - that's more imporltant.00:08
RAOF_I'm fine with that.00:08
rickspencer3next is tremolux00:09
rickspencer3tremolux, were you able to calculate a WI throughput?00:09
tremoluxit's going to be a little complicated for my case00:10
tremoluxbecause we have community folks who are likely to grab some things00:10
rickspencer3how does 4 per week sound as an estimate?00:10
tremoluxyes, that seems fine, 4-5 or so00:10
rickspencer3yeah, that can increase productivity00:10
tremoluxso I have 17 here for alpha-200:11
rickspencer3tremolux, I think you'll have a tad less maintainer work than other folks, at least to start00:11
rickspencer3so maybe 5 is a good number00:11
rickspencer3so 17 is just right00:11
rickspencer3I only see one blueprint currently targeted for you:00:11
tremoluxyep, but I will likely have some work items on other blueprints00:11
rickspencer3does this have all the buy something and cool apps work items?00:12
tremoluxthese bad boys00:12
tremoluxno, this doesn't00:12
rickspencer3so across those 5 blueprints, you have a total of 17 work items right now?00:12
tremoluxI think about 20, not counting the ones that I have past a-200:13
rickspencer3we need to pick for A200:14
tremoluxoh, do we have the buy apps blueprint? not yet, right?00:14
rickspencer3tremolux, correct, not yet, you are blocking on me to work out how to track LP work items00:14
rickspencer3so those need to be, for sure, in A200:14
tremoluxright, definitely00:14
rickspencer3how many did you have from that one?00:14
rickspencer3I see the work items, but I don't see which are for you00:15
tremoluxyes, I think I have "any UI work"00:15
rickspencer3ok, so I see there is a lot of work here, and the work items have been identified00:16
rickspencer3but the 20 that you will sign up for in A2 haven't been called out yet00:16
rickspencer3we'll have to take care of that tomorrow00:16
rickspencer3tremolux, can you look through all of these specs, and see which ones you think you need to pick off for A2, including the "ghost spec" for buy something?00:17
tremoluxyes, it's a little tricky because mvo and I dynamically divide up work historically00:17
tremoluxwe grab from a bucket  :)00:17
tremoluxbut we don't have to do that00:17
rickspencer3I see00:17
rickspencer3well ... we shouldn't bust a functional work flow00:17
tremoluxit's fine to sign up, much better for tracking00:17
rickspencer3let's do both00:17
rickspencer3sign up for say 1500:17
tremoluxthat sounds good00:18
rickspencer3maybe not 15, but the number that 1. should be done in A2 and 2. are very UIish, so most likely you will do00:18
rickspencer3however, I do need to know between you, what you are committed to delivering in A200:18
rickspencer3even if many of the work items are unassigned00:19
rickspencer3tremolux, do you think you have enough information to identify the A2 work items tomorrow?00:19
tremoluxyes, I already made a cut for my spec00:19
rickspencer3I'm concerned I'm not being clear00:20
rickspencer3ok, it sounds good, then00:20
rickspencer3the blueprint certainly have a lot of analysis in them00:20
tremoluxand tomorrow I'll work with mvo to 1. pare my list if necessary and 2. add items for me in the other specs00:20
rickspencer3sounds great00:20
rickspencer3any other concerns, etc...?00:20
tremoluxnope!  sorry everyone for the diversion from the noob00:21
rickspencer3software center is a bfd for Maverick!00:21
rickspencer3welcome to the team :)00:21
rickspencer3tremolux, tbh, we're all noobs at this ;)00:21
tremoluxhaha, thanks!  \o/00:21
rickspencer3next on the list is TheMuso00:21
rickspencer3TheMuso, have you calculated a WI throughput?00:22
TheMusorickspencer3: No, I haven't. You know me and graphs, and given the fact I didn't really have much in the way or work items last cycle, and that I don't have many this cycle, its not exactly that easy to do so.00:22
rickspencer3TheMuso, that's fine00:23
rickspencer3we all have different jobs00:23
TheMusorickspencer3: That spec has turned out to be more informational00:23
rickspencer3that's why the system is flexible00:23
rickspencer3TheMuso, I see some things there that could be turned in WIs00:23
* TheMuso looks again...00:24
rickspencer3TheMuso, let's talk more next week00:24
TheMuso...and doesn't see things that could be WIs.00:24
rickspencer3let me think00:24
rickspencer3I'd like to see some commitments to technical progress in both accessibility and sound00:25
rickspencer3but I think we need to discuss more00:25
rickspencer3sound ok?00:25
TheMusoWell other than getting the bits from upstream, there is not much else that could be a work item.00:25
TheMusoand since we are starting to be more conservative with things...00:26
rickspencer3that sounds like you are planning just to integrate upstream bits this cycle00:26
TheMusobut ok sounds reasonable00:26
rickspencer3which is good and important00:26
rickspencer3but I'd like to see us go beyond that00:26
rickspencer3robert_ancell, were you able to calculate a WI throughput estimate?00:27
robert_ancellI don't think I have enough data from the last cycle, I'm thinking the 20-25 team estimate sounds about right00:28
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I only see this one blueprint for you:00:29
rickspencer3are there others that haven't been accepted yet?00:29
robert_ancellI'll be doing a large chunk of work on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-gnome00:29
rickspencer3I seem to recall some change mail from your blueprints00:29
rickspencer3of course00:29
robert_ancellall the new things I planned seb removed from the maverick schedule00:30
rickspencer3looks like lots of tough ones00:30
rickspencer3robert_ancell, right ... that didn't mean you were banned from doing those00:30
robert_ancellI was also signed up to getting PyGI working (foundations blueprint) but it doesn't seem to be on the Maverick schedule00:30
rickspencer3just, not to commit to them00:30
robert_ancellAlso https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-shotwell00:30
rickspencer3PyGI is not on the schedule!!00:30
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I think shotwell maybe end up more maintainer work than expected00:31
rickspencer3how many work items do you have in A2 total?00:31
robert_ancellI don't have a lot of work items for these, as not sure how to divide, e.g. for GNOME should I make "Package 2.31.1", "Package 2.31.2" to break it up?00:31
rickspencer3I'm wondering if you are feeling like you could do more?00:31
robert_ancellbased on comitted work, yes00:32
rickspencer3robert_ancell, do you feel like the current plan has you under-utilized?00:32
rickspencer3if so, we should consider bringing back one of your other blueprints00:32
robert_ancellsure, we should discuss priorities00:33
rickspencer3for this stuff:  for GNOME should I make "Package 2.31.100:33
rickspencer3I think I wouldn't make work items, per se00:33
rickspencer3that sounds more like regular maintainer work00:33
robert_ancellthey do represent chunks of work, so not sure if that's worth tracking or not00:34
rickspencer3well ... if it's recurring and rote, it's probably worth accounting for, as in it will take up time, but not work tracking00:34
rickspencer3if that makes sense00:34
robert_ancellacounting != work tracking?00:35
rickspencer3like I could assume you are going to do 20 hours per week of maintainer work on gnome, for example (made up number)00:35
rickspencer3so I would account for that by knowing that you only have 20 more hours a week to work00:36
rickspencer3but I would track the flow of maintainer work00:36
rickspencer3it will just get done00:36
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I hate to think of  you not having awesome projects that you are motivated to work on00:37
robert_ancelljust to run back, "PyGI is not on the schedule", was that a statement of suprise or "it's not supposed to be on the schedule"00:37
rickspencer3well, it was a statement of surprise00:37
rickspencer3I would have thought it was a bit tricky to land and make it work00:38
rickspencer3but maybe not00:38
rickspencer3I know this is totally vague, btw00:38
robert_ancellok, shall we discuss after the meeting which project to put on schedule00:38
rickspencer3well first, what do you think?00:38
rickspencer3does it need to be tracked, etc...?00:39
robert_ancellColor management is the interesting one I'd like to try00:39
robert_ancellwhich I know you want to talk about anyway :)00:39
rickspencer3robert_ancell, are doing the PyGI work specifically yourself, or are there other people involved?00:40
rickspencer3I ask, because I care about this a lot for certain developer experience stuff we are workign on00:40
rickspencer3like the easy and fun telepathy API00:40
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I'm doing the packaging (I've done some work this week, but it's not working)00:40
robert_ancellso it should be working by default in Maverick asap00:41
robert_ancell(but expected to still have all the usual bugs)00:41
rickspencer3who is responsible for getting it working?00:41
rickspencer3are you the maintainer?00:41
robert_ancellnot sure, I think that's upstream.  The meeting was more about making it available so people are prepared for when the old bindings start to stop being maintiained00:42
rickspencer3I would like someone in Ubuntu to be on point for making sure this goes smoothly00:42
tremoluxrobert_ancell: do you know, is Barry working on this?00:42
robert_ancelltremolux, I don't know, I'm looking for blueprint now00:43
rickspencer3I am so happy to have robert_ancell back on the team!00:43
tremoluxrobert_ancell rocked OEM!00:43
robert_ancellI think it is, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-m-python-versions but it doesn't seem to have the items yet.  Maybe no-one copied them from the gobby doc00:43
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I suggest that you work on color management (or what you prefer) but don't target it to the release00:44
robert_ancellrickspencer3, ok, can do00:44
rickspencer3so we don't appear committed to delivering it00:44
rickspencer3then you can pull a Simple Scan00:44
robert_ancellhehe :)00:44
desrtrobert_ancell: hey00:44
rickspencer3deliver such awesome software that everyone wants to ship it!00:44
robert_ancelldesrt, hey00:44
desrtrobert_ancell: seb was wondering if you had some free time to make some packages00:44
robert_ancelldesrt, ok, talk after meeting00:45
RAOF_robert_ancell: Feel free to pour some colour-management work this way if you need to :)00:45
desrtah.  didn't realise.  sorry. :)00:45
rickspencer3desrt is always welcome to our meetings! :)00:46
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I think we are done, actually00:46
robert_ancellok, I feel like I'm hogging the meeting, anything I should do to track things?00:46
robert_ancelloh ok00:46
rickspencer3well ... just get your work items cleaned up on your blueprints00:46
rickspencer3I'll look at the burndown chart on Monday and make sure nothing seems amiss00:47
robert_ancellrickspencer3, ok, I just don't have any really, let me know if there's a good way to break up the items00:47
rickspencer3hmmm, you ended up with no spec work?00:48
rickspencer3just maintenance?00:48
robert_ancellrickspencer3, just no items, so I have two I put on Shotwell "Package 0.6" and "Package 0.7" but I just put them to have some items on this00:48
rickspencer3basically, you are the new seb128 ;)00:48
robert_ancellGNOME I have two that seb retro added (update GLIB, GTK+)00:49
rickspencer3yeah, like you ended up with a large maintenance surface area00:49
robert_ancellPyGI should have one00:49
rickspencer3which makes sense00:49
rickspencer3but I don't want you to be bored00:49
robert_ancellI always have side projects :)00:49
rickspencer3so I guess having a blueprint on the side makes sense00:49
rickspencer3looking at your areas, you have a lot of responsibility for maverick!00:50
rickspencer3alright, so let's finish up here00:50
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso, tremolux, robert_ancell - thanks for your time and effort planning out maverick!00:50
rickspencer3please note that we have HR review stuff due by Tuesday!00:50
tremoluxfun times  :)00:51
rickspencer3don't forget to invite peer reviews and such00:51
rickspencer3any questions, comments, etc...?00:52
TheMusorickspencer3: no questinos, but if you have a minute, I'd like to talk about your thoughts re technical progress for sound/a11y that you mentioned earlier.00:52
tremoluxnot me00:52
rickspencer3TheMuso, sure00:52
tremoluxok, thanks all, I enjoyed my first desktop meeting, Eastern Edition (tm)00:53
* tremolux goes to make sure the kids didn't eat all the dinner00:53
robert_ancelldesrt, ok, so anything special to note about glib/dconf?00:53
desrtya.  you should add a small vendor patch to dconf00:55
desrtalso: you'll need a post-install hook00:55
desrtthe patch you should add is the one at the head of the 'master' upstream00:56
rickspencer3tremolux, they are not usually this organized ;)00:56
desrttotally silly mistake on my part00:56
desrtthe post-install hook is the one that runs gio-querymodules00:56
robert_ancelldesrt, any dconf/gconf interactions to worry about? (guessing no)00:57
robert_ancelldid seb128 give any hints on packaging naming?  I'm guessing gnome-dconf from the last discussion00:57
desrtthat's a dreadful name00:58
desrtlike, really really bad00:58
robert_ancelland you would recommend...00:58
desrtwell, i like 'dconf'00:59
robert_ancellbecause libdconf doesn't sound right.00:59
robert_ancellSorry, dconf is taken00:59
desrtit's difficult00:59
robert_ancellbut it's also not really gnome specific00:59
desrtreally, the various binary packages will all have different names anyway00:59
desrtunlikely to have one called 'dconf'00:59
desrtthe source package name is the trouble00:59
desrtyes.  indeed.01:00
desrtwould it be very strange to call the source package 'dconf-source'?01:00
robert_ancellTheMuso, ^ ?01:00
desrtwith binary package names like 'dconf-gsettings' 'dconf-tools' etc01:00
robert_ancelldconf-config? or something like that, i.e. "name"-"class"01:01
desrtyou're going to have to repackage 'dconf' in universe i guess01:01
desrtbecause it tries to install /usr/bin/dconf.  i'll be using that.01:02
robert_ancellwhy couldn't you have done a debian package name check before choosing the name!! :)01:02
TheMusoorca is gnome-orca after all.01:02
desrtit's not gnome-specific01:03
TheMusoah ok01:03
robert_ancellwe can't change the binary name01:03
robert_ancell(of the existing dconf)01:03
desrtepiphany got renamed to epiphany-game01:03
desrtlet the record show what happens when i run 'dconf'01:04
desrt/usr/bin/dconf:3: DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.01:04
desrt  import os, sys, glob, re, shutil, getopt, popen2, time, fnmatch01:04
desrt/usr/bin/dconf:5: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead01:04
desrt  import difflib, smtplib, gzip, md5, sha01:04
desrt/usr/bin/dconf:5: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead01:05
desrt  import difflib, smtplib, gzip, md5, sha01:05
desrtTraceback (most recent call last):01:05
desrt  File "/usr/bin/dconf", line 481, in <module>01:05
desrt    main()01:05
robert_ancellwho would I talk to about renaming it?01:05
desrtpopcon says 150 people are using it01:05
desrti'm not sure?01:06
desrti don't know what happened for epiphany01:06
TheMusoI guess in Debian is the best place to do this properly right, or is this a package that is only in Ubuntu?01:06
desrtit's from debian01:06
desrtabout 400 times as many people are using gconf01:07
robert_ancellso I don't know what the process here is, what are the chances of filing a bug in debian and anything being done?  Guess I need to ask the Debian GNOME guys what their dconf plans are01:08
desrtah.  only 7 people are marked as having dconf installed/used recently01:08
desrthow much do you want to bet that they all thought that they were getting my software? :p01:08
desrthuh.  according to popcon, 99.79% of all debian users are using popcon01:10
* desrt suspicious01:10
Amaranthepiphany didn't get their name01:10
AmaranthThey got epiphany-browser instead01:10
AmaranthHeck, did git get their name yet?01:10
desrtyes.  git is git.01:10
desrtAmaranth: we're talking about /usr/bin/ binary names, not packagers01:11
desrtthe epiphany-browser package installs /usr/bin/epiphany01:11
chrisccoulsonthe existing dconf in the archive really should just be removed, it hasn't been updated for over 2 years now01:12
desrtchrisccoulson: that's what i was getting at with my 'spews about deprecations then crashes'01:12
chrisccoulsondesrt - i agree, and i hate cruft anyway ;)01:12
desrtrobert_ancell: maybe you should wait01:12
chrisccoulsonok, i will check to make sure nothing is build-depending on it and ask an archive admin to remove and blacklist it01:13
desrtare you a DD?01:13
chrisccoulsoni'm not either01:13
robert_ancellI'll get the packaging working and get seb to check this out, he's more on the pulse of Debian01:13
desrtyou should fairly familiar with the ways of debian :p01:13
desrtit's too hot in here.  my brain is melting.01:14
rickspencer3good night all!01:35
rickspencer3I'll be back on Monday (will check in tomorrow prolly)01:36
nigelbIsn't assinging to desktop team out?04:40
nigelbI believe we dont do that anymore04:40
lifelessRAOF_: ping05:01
RAOF_lifeless: Pong.05:01
lifelessRAOF_: whats a good pci express video card to buy [good == linux love] these days05:02
lifelesspoolie is stranded at a computer shop05:02
lifelessand has a fried card05:02
RAOF_What's he need it for?05:02
lifelessbzr dev05:02
lifelessexplicitly not games05:02
RAOF_Buy the cheapest ATI card money can buy.05:02
RAOF_That should be ~$5005:02
lifelessand the free driver will likely run it ?05:03
lifelessor the binary blob is tolerable ?05:03
RAOF_Free driver works fine on the box next to me; that has a video card chosen by this algorithm.  The blob also works.05:03
lifelessRAOF_: hd4350 ring any bells ?05:04
RAOF_That's possibly what I've got in the box next to me.05:04
RAOF_I'll check.05:04
lifelessnow thats service; poolie says 'thanks very much'05:05
lifelessRAOF_: so what did lspci say ?05:07
RAOF_Yup.  Radeon DH 4350 is what I've got.05:07
lifelesspoolie reckons its a typo :)05:07
RAOF_It is :)05:08
lifelesspoolie is very grateful05:11
RAOF_No problem!05:12
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFYay sbuild-on-tmpfs-overlay!06:20
fagangood morning desktoppers06:48
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
pittiGood morning07:46
didrocksgood morning pitti, fagan08:03
faganmorning didrocks08:04
pittihey didrocks, fagan08:05
faganhey pitti08:05
seb128hey there09:00
didrockssalut seb128, bien dormi?09:01
seb128lut didrocks09:01
seb128nickel, et toi?09:01
pittibonjour seb12809:03
seb128hey pitti09:03
seb128how are you?09:03
pittic'est bien, merci! et toi?09:03
didrocksseb128: très bien, merci ;)09:04
seb128pitti, gut danke09:06
nigelbso many languages :)09:07
dpmheya pitti, good morning, I'm moving all helper scripts related to Ubuntu Translations to a central location. We've got one to retrieve the URLs from translation imports. ArneGoetje told me it was you who wrote it, so I've added a license header and added you as the original author before publishing it. Before I push it, does that look ok to you (well, the license header, copyright assignment and such)? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/437184/09:29
pittidpm: no, I don't think I wrote this :) just leave you as the author then, it doesn't matter much; The copyright should be (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd., if you wrote it during paid hours09:39
pittidpm: btw, if you are looking for a home for it, langpack-o-matic might not be the worst one09:40
didrocksjames_w: hey, who should we ping when an debian branch is out of date? (are they still target testing?)09:53
didrocksjames_w: the sid branch is uptodate, just lp:debian/package points to testing09:57
james_wdidrocks: that's launchpad's decision, I'm not entirely sure what the consequences of changing it would be10:00
didrocksjames_w: no pb, since we can branch from sid. I was just surprized at first :)10:02
james_wI would prefer it was the other way, but as I said, I'm not sure what would rely on it pointing to testing10:02
didrocksok, thanks james_w :)10:04
james_wdidrocks: perhaps you could file a bug against launchpad?10:05
james_wwe can discuss it there10:05
james_wotherwise we will just never know10:05
didrocksjames_w: "launchpad" itself is the right target task?10:05
james_wlaunchpad-registry I think10:06
james_wbut launchpad is always fine10:06
didrocksok, filling it and subscribing you, ok?10:06
dpmpitti, ah, ok, I'll credit ArneGoetje as the author then. I'm going to put it in the ubuntu-translations project, where we've got a home for such tools10:11
seb128what is the standard way to run autotools at build time?10:18
pittiseb128: I'd call autoreconf -vi10:26
seb128pitti, in which changelog target?10:26
pittioh, and then rm -rf autom4te.cache/ please10:26
seb128robert-ancell did that10:27
seb128common-configure-arch common-configure-indep::10:27
seb128autoreconf -f -i -s10:27
pittihmm; I think "build" should depend on configure10:27
pittior configure, yes10:27
pittiand configure should depend on configure.ac10:27
pittithat won't yet catch Makefile.am modifications, though10:27
seb128I'm wondering if we should try to use the cdbs autotools-vars.mk10:27
pittiseb128: cdbs has builtin support foor that10:28
seb128I know we had discussion in the past about the cdbs way to do it though10:28
seb128they don't use autoreconf10:28
seb128but run autoconf, automake, etc10:28
seb128which is less smart than autoreconf10:28
asaci had a patch for AUTORECONF at some point ... guess that was list in battle though10:30
seb128asac, if you find it somewhere let me know ;-)10:36
didrocksseb128: I just had a look at the evolution-exchange and the only real diff we have is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/437209/ you described as "don't use a Debian specific directory". Do we keep that? I'm not sure to understand the reason?10:40
didrocks(well, the diff is ubuntu - debian, should be the contrary no -xxx for us)10:40
seb128didrocks, it's about matching the directory used by evolution I think10:40
seb128you would need to drop the evolution change too10:41
didrocksseb128: I remember to do the same in evolution (we also remove -xxx), but I have no clue why :)10:41
seb128and make sure you rebuild everything using this dir10:41
DASPRiDdidrocks, no pr0ns for us? :/10:41
seb128because I don't see the reason to have a distro change there10:41
didrocksseb128: ok, I was thinking you made the change in first place, but didn't have the time to have a look at it. I can try to sync and rebuild evolution without it10:42
seb128it's another case of debian maintainer doing changes for the sake of doing changes and not being compatible with upstream10:42
seb128didrocks, no, I mean what debian is doing is wrong10:42
seb128why that directory needs to be changed?10:42
didrocksseb128: oh ok, understood now10:42
didrocksseb128: so, let's keep that10:42
seb128but feel free to open a bug on the bts, maybe the new debian maintainers for it can sort that10:43
didrocksmade sense to not change upstream, especially for side effects because of hard-coded path :)10:43
seb128either it has a sense and should be taken upstream or has none and should be dropped from debian10:43
didrockssure, I'll do that in the same round10:43
didrocksthanks for the explanation :)10:43
seb128yw ;-)10:43
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:43
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson10:43
pittihey chrisccoulson10:44
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 didrocks pitti10:44
chrisccoulsonhow are you all?10:44
pittigood, thanks!10:45
seb128good, thanks, what about you?10:45
DASPRiDvery good, thanks10:45
zygahello, anyone seen mvo today?10:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good too thanks. a little bit tired though10:46
seb128zyga, not yet10:47
seb128he might be on swap day or something10:48
seb128chrisccoulson, working too much?10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've had a couple of late nights this week ;)10:48
seb128don't overwork yourself too much ;-)10:49
BactaSo which of you knuckle heads violated my laptops UI?11:30
pitti!coc | Bacta11:30
ubot2Bacta: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .11:30
BactaNo I don't care about that, I'm just curious about why my window controls were moved to the left11:31
BactaIt took an hour to fix11:31
dpmhi seb128, I've got two WI on the desktop-translations roundtable we had (https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-desktop-translations-roundtable). I'm not sure that's the best place to put them and make them appear in the burn-down chart. Do you have any existing blueprint for Desktop where I could move them to?12:00
seb128dpm, they should show up on our list if they are assigned to people in our team12:00
dpmseb128, even if it's a community-m-desktop-* blueprint?12:01
seb128dpm, I've set the maverick serie goal for it12:02
seb128let's see how next WIs refresh goes12:02
dpmseb128, ok, thanks, I'll keep an eye on it, then12:02
pittiseb128: btw, let me know when I should flush the desktop ones, so that we have a clean start12:35
seb128pitti, we shouldn't be far from it now, is it easy to do for you?12:45
seb128pitti, ie if you can do it now that would be nice, I might ask you again on tuesday after the meeting though12:46
geserpitti (or any other core-dev): https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~geser/ubuntu/maverick/gir-repository/dont_build_gtk_gir/+merge/25762 is ready for sponsoring. It re-adds a drop Ubuntu delta to gir-repository (don't build gtk gir) which is needed as else the build fails to upload.12:49
seb128geser, hi12:49
seb128geser, the build didn't fail due to that though12:49
seb128I've it on my list of things to look at12:50
geserseb128: Hi, the give-back a few minutes ago did12:50
seb128do you know why the previous one failed earlier?12:50
geserseb128: the first one failed because it didn't detect libsoup (the log didn't tell why) and as a building it in my pbuilder (to check why) succeed I asked in #ubuntu-devel for a give-back (which pitti did)12:51
seb128ok, weird12:52
seb128I would like to know why the detection failed where the packages got installed12:52
seb128geser, I will sponsor your change for now, I had something similar but wanted to debug the other issue before upload, but since this one seems to have went away now...12:53
geserseb128: the problem might have been due to zlib1g-dev as the old one didn't have a .pc file and I've seen some builds checking for gnutls failing due to this (and libsoup2.4-dev depends on libgnutls-dev)12:58
seb128geser, hum, that makes sense, thanks12:58
seb128geser, I'm uploaded your change12:59
seb128not sure if I should push the diff or let the autoimport deal with it though12:59
seb128thank you for fixing the issue12:59
seb128james_w, I've bad experience with that13:06
seb128I managed to make autoimport stop for some sources13:06
seb128which means you get outdated imports if the next person just upload13:06
james_wah, well that's a bug13:07
james_wwe should fix it, not work around it13:07
seb128and I've no clue how to fix those13:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i should probably be disabling csd in firefox at some point shouldn't i? (i think it had issues last cycle)13:07
seb128ie to make autoimport work again13:07
james_wseb128: report a bug and I will look at it13:07
seb128chrisccoulson, right, I will upload csd to maverick today13:08
didrocksoh Friday cracky day so? :)13:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, i will get that disabled in firefox too13:08
seb128didrocks, it's maverick, whoever is crazy enough to run it deserve the crack breakage ;-)13:09
didrocksseb128: heh :-)13:09
seb128I'm doing my merges on lucid without installing13:10
seb128it should tell you a bit about maverick state ;-)13:10
chrisccoulsoni see tracker no longer builds on maverick13:10
seb128james_w, bug against what?13:11
seb128james_w, I'm not even sure if that's not my who acted dump there13:11
seb128i.e is the autoimport supposed to update things when the bzr and archive are different?13:11
james_wseb128: bug against 'udd', or anything I'm subscribed to really :-)13:12
james_wseb128: I don't understand your other statements13:12
seb128james_w, I've commited things manually to the bzr13:13
seb128then did uploads without commiting13:13
seb128is the autoimport supposed to work on those cases?13:13
seb128or the fact to manually commit put you in manual mode?13:13
seb128james_w, lp:ubuntu/libgnome-desktop13:13
pittiseb128: yes, I can do it now (sorry, was off for lunch)13:13
james_wwhen you commit and push as well as upload it will check that what you uploaded is the same as what is committed13:13
james_whowever, that's the most fragile part of the code13:14
seb128james_w, I mean lp:ubuntu/libgnome-keyring13:14
james_wbut I need to know when it happens so that I can make it more robust13:14
seb128is the one I screwed13:14
pittiseb128: thanks for sponsoring gir13:14
seb128pitti, you're welcome, thank you for dealing with the workitems tracker ;-)13:14
james_wseb128: that's odd, I'll have a look thanks13:14
seb128james_w, do you want a bug? against udd? thanks for looking to it!13:15
seb128james_w, I'm sure I did something stupid but I don't know what and how to fix it13:15
james_wseb128: no, I think you just triggered a bug, so thanks!13:17
seb128james_w, thank you ;-)13:18
pittiseb128: flushed, copied back, reports regenerating now13:20
seb128pitti, you rock, thanks13:20
james_wseb128: ah, do you happen to remember how you did http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/libgnome-keyring/maverick/revision/5 ?13:21
james_wdo you just drop the new .orig.tar.gz in to the parent dir, and then dch -v whatever?13:21
seb128james_w, bug #58377013:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 583770 in udd "lp:ubuntu/libgnome-keyring ubuntu auto-import is broken (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58377013:23
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
seb128james_w, I'm not sure what I did exactly there, I think I mixed workflow for debian dir only in the vcs against source import13:24
seb128ie I worked once in the directory as it was a debian dir only13:24
james_wdo you know about "bzr merge-upstream"?13:24
seb128I managed to revert upstream changes in the diff.gz13:24
seb128yes, I use it for dx update13:24
seb128I just think I got confused between this one and screwed an update13:25
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team.html13:25
james_wit's a shame it doesn't currently work for debian-only, then you could use it for everything and avoid that13:25
seb128ie I did checkout the import and worked on it later as it was another desktop debian only dir13:25
seb128then I realized I reverted changes in the diff.gz13:25
seb128and did another upload13:25
james_wah, ok13:25
seb128but the auto-import didn't cope with it13:25
james_wI need to think for a minute to see if we can handle this, but I may have to cause it to re-import those uploads so that they contain the pristine-tar data13:26
seb128feel free to overwrite the whole thing with auto imports13:26
seb128the few commits I did were broken anyway13:26
seb128I will do better with the next upload :-)13:27
james_wseb128: thanks, I'll think over lunch anyway13:27
james_wthanks for helping to improve the system :-)13:27
seb128pitti, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=karmic13:30
seb128should that one be cleaned?13:30
seb128what about the gdm one on https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa13:30
pittiseb128: atasmart is in proposed now, so it can go13:30
pittiseb128: gdm> same13:30
seb128pitti, ok, cleaning those13:31
desrtgood morning everyone13:36
seb128hello desrt13:36
desrtpitti: i see you just can't bring yourself to leave this place :)13:36
pittidesrt: I just love this place too much :)13:36
desrtseb128: i was talking yesterday with robert and chris.  chris, particularly, thinks that dconf should drop from universe/debian13:37
seb128pitti, the trendline seems to need an update for the new schedule13:37
seb128ie 10.10.1013:37
seb128ups no13:37
pittiseb128: that requires fixing the milestones in LP13:37
didrocksgood morning desrt13:37
desrtseb128: based on the fact that it hasn't been packaged in 2 years, has approximately 7 active users on popcon and when you start it up it spews a tonne of deprecation warnings then crashes13:37
desrtdidrocks: hey13:37
seb128pitti, seems I mistead the legend13:37
desrtseb128: they wanted to defer to you to talk to the debian guys, though13:37
seb128desrt, chrisccoulson?13:38
desrtseb128: yes13:38
seb128I'm not interested by talking to the debian guys13:38
seb128I think we should not hijack an existing namepsace13:38
desrt00:12 < chrisccoulson> the existing dconf in the archive really should just be  removed, it hasn't been updated for over 2 years now13:38
desrt00:13 < chrisccoulson> ok, i will check to make sure nothing is build-depending  on it and ask an archive admin to remove and blacklist it13:38
desrt00:13 < robert_ancell> I'll get the packaging working and get seb to check this  out, he's more on the pulse of Debian13:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, i haven't done that yet. seb128 - what do you think?13:39
seb128you can try13:39
seb128I'm not interested to try13:39
seb128I think it's wrong13:39
seb128it will lead to issues13:39
james_wyou can remove dconf, but for Debian at least, you have to wait a release cycle until you can take the name13:39
pittiwill the binary packages really conflict?13:39
desrtif you think it's wrong then probably we should just not do it, then13:39
seb128having 2 differents things using the same namespace leads to issues13:39
pittiisn't it all just libraries?13:40
desrtpitti: the binary packages will not13:40
desrtpitti: it's more about the source package name13:40
desrti suggested we just call the new source package 'dconf-source' or something13:40
seb128I would be fine renaming both13:40
seb128to avoid apt-get source dconf giving the wrong one13:40
desrtpitti: sure :p13:40
chrisccoulsonis the name an issue? i thought the main issue is that the current dconf ships conflicting binaries13:40
desrtseb128: ya.  that's the other issue.13:40
seb128I'm a bit reluctant to reuse a name for something different13:40
desrtseb128: i have a sneaking suspicion that the 7 people on popcon who installed dconf recently thought that they were getting my dconf :p13:41
desrtchrisccoulson: oh right.  that too.13:41
desrtseb128: dconf will have /usr/bin/dconf13:41
seb128it does?13:41
desrtsame story as epiphany here, i guess?13:42
chrisccoulsonso, we could work around the name (wasn't "d-conf" suggested yesterday?), but the conflicting binaries is more difficult13:42
pittidesrt: oh, is that a gconftool-like thing?13:42
desrtpitti: ya13:42
desrtpitti: with interface like the current 'gsettings' and 'gdbus' tools (ie: git-inspired)13:42
desrtdconf get ...13:42
desrtdconf set ...13:42
desrtrumour has it that 'gdbus' will be installed as '/usr/bin/dbus' soon13:44
desrtlooks like there's no problem there, fortunately13:44
pitti/usr/bin/gdbus I hope?13:45
desrtnah.  just 'dbus'13:45
desrtby request of dbus maintainers13:45
seb128we should maybe drop current dconf and use the namespace for the new one13:45
chrisccoulsonthat's what i thought. the current dconf hasn't been touched since august 200713:45
desrtseb128: is it possible that we drop the current package and use a different name for the packages at least for now?13:45
desrtlike 'desrtconf' or whatever13:46
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure anybody would miss it ;)13:46
desrtthen in a year or two, we rename the source package?13:46
desrtjust to avoid the trouble you were concerned about...13:46
seb128I think it's not so much of an issue for sources13:46
pittiI'm all for dropping dconf, the only downside that I see that this would prevent us from being able to keep the new dconf in sync with debian13:46
seb128would be an issue for binaries13:46
seb128i.e like epiphany13:47
Laneysounds like something to coordinate with debian13:47
seb128you use the game13:47
seb128and then get the browser and no game after updaging13:47
seb128Laney, right, cf backlog13:47
desrtthis presupposes that you use the game13:47
desrtnobody does that :p13:47
chrisccoulsonthat's why firefox has all the transitional packages, to handle upgrades where binary package names change ;)13:47
desrt(except people who were trying to install the browser...)13:47
pittiwould it be so bad to call it d-conf in both D and U for now?13:47
seb128chrisccoulson, well it stays firefox for those13:47
desrtpitti: aww.  i liked the desrtconf name :)13:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it does now13:48
seb128chrisccoulson, I mean all the variants are still the firefox browser13:48
seb128you didn't hijack a game names firefox13:48
chrisccoulsonah, yeah, true13:48
pittidesrt: you could also call it d#conf or d♭conf :)13:48
chrisccoulsonor ɟuoɔp13:50
desrtchrisccoulson: WIN13:50
mclasendesrt: talking about names...is ca.desrt.dconf the final busname ?13:53
desrtmclasen: this is difficult.13:53
desrtobvious alternatives being org.gnome org.freedesktop and org.gtk13:53
desrtall of them having politics attached13:53
desrttotally doesn't matter as far as i'm concerned13:54
desrtand it's very easy to change in the future13:54
desrtthe dbus API is private13:54
seb128chrisccoulson, could you open a debian bug on dconf?13:55
seb128asking for a rename or get it cleaned13:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, will do13:55
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks13:56
desrtthanks, guys13:59
desrtprobably much less confusing this way, in the long run13:59
didrocksseb128: do you know if this is still valid (http://paste.ubuntu.com/437340/)? Debian doesn't have it14:35
seb128didrocks, do we still build out of the srcdit?14:36
seb128didrocks, or said differently, do we have a po/*.pot after build14:36
seb128didrocks, debian doesn't need it, it's for rosetta import14:37
didrocksseb128: I see nothing in that regard in debian/rules, I guess there is no other file when you can change srcdir?14:37
didrocksseb128: I'll have a testbuild without it and see14:37
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks14:37
seb128didrocks, I think it used to build 2 variants14:37
seb128one hildon one and a normal one14:38
seb128or something14:38
seb128so it was building out of the srcdir14:38
seb128it might not apply now14:38
didrocksseb128: you're welcome, I'll have a look at debian/rules for the version you added that to see how it was described in debian/rules14:38
seb128try without it and see if the pot is there14:38
didrocksok, I see how it was on debian/rules, with two binary packages and two builds. No we don't have that. I'll confirm by a build14:40
momelodGreetings channel14:53
momelodIm trying to setup a wireless internet stick I got from my cellular provider.14:53
momelodI have defined a connections in NetworkManager->edit connections->mobile broadband14:54
momelodbut how do i launch it? when i click on network manager I dont see it listed as an available connection..14:54
didrocksmomelod: this is a developer channel, for support, please see on #ubuntu15:02
Amaranthseb128: So I was thinking of taking advantage of the multiple tarball support of 3.0 source packages and putting compiz, compiz-plugins-main, and compiz-plugins-extra in one source package15:28
Amaranthseb128: Then we can more easily make sure they are updated at the same time and partition groups of plugins however we want (used vs unused, for example)15:29
ccheneygrr, BOA called claiming i hadn't paid my mortgage, they screwed up their records and can see it themselves when i called in :-(15:53
* kenvandine imports 22728 photos into shotwell15:55
kenvandinelets see how long this takes15:55
ccheneyheh my iphone is giving itself gsm interference noise15:56
LaserJockdidrocks (whenever you get a chance): was there any work done on porting netbook-launcher to liblauncher 0.3?15:57
LaserJockkenvandine: are you using Lucid's shotwell?15:57
kenvandinelooks like it will take a while, it appears to preview every photo on import15:59
kenvandineusing a ton of CPU, but it is remarkable how low the memory usage is15:59
kenvandine34m RSS and 236% cpu usage16:00
dobeykenvandine: 236% cpu?16:10
kenvandinehehe... yeah16:10
dobeykenvandine: have you like, perfected quantum computing?16:10
kenvandineimpressive huh?16:10
dobeyyour cpu is actually in 3 different dimensions, and it's using 100% in 2 of them, and 36% in the third? :)16:11
kenvandinethis is going to take a while...16:12
didrocksLaserJock: not from what I know. I'll upload it next week to maverick, maybe the right time to port that?16:13
seb128Amaranth, hum, not sure, the plan was to get in sync with debian16:20
seb128didrocks, hum, alacarte, why did you drop the properties change?16:20
didrocksseb128: ooppss, miss it so, will reupload16:20
seb128didrocks, thanks16:21
didrocksseb128: I tried the review with bzr merge-package maybe I miss something in the workflow16:21
didrockssorry about that16:21
seb128no worry16:21
Amaranthseb128: The guy I'm pretty sure handles compiz in Debian had the same idea but wanted to wait to figure out git submodules first16:21
AmaranthWhich I assuming means rolling his own orig.tar.gz16:21
Amaranthseb128: Debian still ships compiz-gtk, I don't think getting in sync is a good idea unless it involves them making changes to get more in line with our packaging of compiz16:27
LaserJockdidrocks: you're doing a new netbook-launcher or liblauncher upload next week?16:28
seb128Amaranth, well if it works for them it should work for us?16:28
LaserJockdidrocks: the porting might take me a while to do, at least it wasn't trivial when I looked during lucid16:28
seb128Amaranth, really is that we have nobody maintaining compiz and we do a poor job at it16:28
didrocksLaserJock: not sure about next week, I have already tons of things on my plate right now. If you want to do it, I'll happily sponsors you16:28
seb128Amaranth, we would win to share work with debian16:28
AmaranthThe packaging side is almost no work16:28
AmaranthThe bug triage is the work and unless we drop all of our patches that isn't going to change16:29
seb128dealing with bugs is the work16:29
LaserJockdidrocks: well, do you have anything already planned for non-unity maverick uploads? I don't know what the current status is16:29
seb128they seem to do a better job that us to it recently16:29
LaserJockdidrocks: I'm happy to start hacking away on porting it16:30
didrocksLaserJock: not right now, uploading unity to maverick will take me a long time already16:30
LaserJockdidrocks: ok, I just didn't want to duplicate or miss work you're planning on16:30
Amaranthseb128: So you want to drop our patches and just sync from Debian?16:33
didrocksLaserJock: no pb, just keep me in touch :)16:33
LaserJockdidrocks: k, will do16:33
seb128Amaranth, I want to investigate whether it would be doable and a good idea16:33
seb128Amaranth, or at least be back in sync for all the side packages, ccsm, -gconf, etc16:33
Amaranthseb128: I'm fine with getting back in sync with Debian for the side packages, we don't patch them or anything16:42
Amaranthseb128: But we modify compiz quite a bit16:43
seb128thanks for the feedback16:43
AmaranthAlthough since development seems to be moving to mutter I suppose we don't need to modify it to start faster, it's already 10x faster than mutter for that16:43
seb128Amaranth, not my experience there16:45
seb128chrisccoulson, I uploaded gtk csd in maverick17:16
seb128chrisccoulson, you might want to upload firefox to get decoration back for it17:17
* kenvandine heads out to lunch, bbiab17:19
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, i will disable that in firefox later then17:56
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!18:02
didrocksenjoy your weekend pitti!18:02
didrockskenvandine: do you know of any documentation about the batch_update() method in desktopcouch?18:45
kenvandinei don't18:46
didrocksok, worth a try :)18:47
kenvandinedidrocks, my ultimate source is #ubuntuone :)18:52
didrockskenvandine: sure, I'll delegate that for next week though :)18:53
cjohnstonkenvandine: any further thoughts on bug 580067?19:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 580067 in gwibber "twitter fails to download messages, sometimes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58006719:00
kenvandinecjohnston, ryan was going to look at it... he was very interested in it19:01
kenvandinehe is at google I/O though...19:01
kenvandinehe has some suspicions, and has been looking for someone that could repro it19:02
kenvandineso glad you found it :)19:02
cjohnstonI am able to reproduce it daily.. heh   without any effort on my part19:03
cjohnstonI'm glad I don't live by twitter19:03
kenvandinecjohnston, ryan thinks it might be something related to the way we compute the last message we downloaded19:18
kenvandineso it fails to fetch more messages because it is trying to get messages that doesn't exist19:18
kenvandinewhich he had suspected was a bug before you found this, but could never prove it19:19
cjohnstonwell.. then i guess we should hope that is what it is19:19
kenvandineyeah :)19:19
kenvandinei'll bug him about it19:19
cjohnstonyou know where to find me19:20
jcastrokenvandine: http://sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2010/05/telepathy_and_vp8/19:53
kenvandinejcastro, woot!20:04
ccheneyRiddell, ping20:55
ccheneyRiddell, i just saw that kubuntu-desktop doesn't pull in ttf-liberation, which is not so good20:56
ccheneyRiddell, openoffice.org defaults to 'Times New Roman' which is not metric compatible with that, but due to not having any metric compatible fonts on the disk it ends up using it anyway20:56
ccheneyer sorry20:57
ccheneyRiddell, i meant the above to say since ttf-liberation is not installed which is metric compatible with 'Times New Roman' then it falls back to 'Times' which then falls back to 'Nimbus Roman No9 L' which is the font not metric compatible with 'Times New Roman'20:58
ccheneyRiddell, it appears ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu all pull ttf-liberation in directly probably due to the metric issue20:58
ccheneyRiddell, it might be a good idea to pull it in for 10.04.1 as well due to problems working with documents on kubuntu due to that (if allowable)21:00
ccheneyRiddell, i haven't gotten any bugs reports about this issue afaik but saw it when testing another bug under kubuntu21:01
ccheneyRiddell, if you would like i can file a bug about kubuntu-meta21:02
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
ccheneyhmm example-content is also missing from kubuntu22:51

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