
* quadrispro NM in progress10:01
persiaGood luck!10:04
astraljavaNM as in New Maintainer?10:16
falktxi think it is Network Manager10:19
persiaIt's both, but in this case, very likely to be the Debian New Maintainer process10:21
astraljavaYeah, due to following #debian-multimedia and #debian-ubuntu on oftc, I figured as much. :D10:50
quadrispropersia, thank you11:21
quadrisproalmost finished :P https://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=quadrispro@ubuntu.com11:22
falktxhi there14:10
falktxwill we have jack2 on 10.10?14:11
falktxhas this been discussed already?14:14
falktx(I read somewhere about this, can't remember where)14:15
scott-workhi falktx14:17
scott-workjack2 is in debian and hopefully will be in 10.1014:17
scott-workcrimsun, The.Muso and others are working on getting it and Pule Audio to play nicely together within the Ubuntu framework14:18
scott-worki would like to talk with you about getting your work into Ubuntu (via Debian) though14:19
scott-workyou have already witnessed and commented on how slow REVU takes to get new packages into Ubuntu, however another vector exists14:19
scott-workthis is through Debian, and for audio specific packages we have worked with the Debian Multimedia team14:20
falktxi'll stay on lucid for now (for KXStudio), but i'll be happy to help14:20
falktxhave you check the "pulse-jack" package14:21
falktxI think there are many ppl interested on that14:21
scott-workis the "pulse-jack" package part of KXStudio?14:21
falktxit's in my "lucid" ppa14:22
falktxit's not kxstudio related script14:22
falktxbut, of course, it's used on it14:22
scott-workwhile I have already downloaded KXStudio, accessing your PPA to inspect a package will be easier :)14:22
falktxi need to say this14:24
scott-workDebian has a much more robust program for accepting new packages, which is why getting them into Debian sometimes (or possibly manytimes) is a quicker path to get them into Ubuntu14:24
falktxi'm pretty glad launchpad exists!14:24
scott-workhah!  yes, it is pretty sweet :D14:24
scott-workthe more I explore it, the more it amazes me14:25
scott-workI want to speak with quadrispro and/or fabrice_sp (and possibly astraljava) about getting your packaging into Debian and then into Ubuntu14:26
scott-workyou are a dynamic and robust packager and I want to harness that to Ubuntu (and Ubuntu Studio's specific) benefit14:26
falktxmy hard works is "compensating"14:27
falktxtell me what i need to do to help14:29
scott-worksorry, i'm at work, therefore i'll be away from time to time14:32
scott-workre: help - Ubuntu Studio is part of Ubuntu (which is derived from Debian), therefore to reap the rewards afforded by Ubuntu's infrastructure we must constrain ourselves within it's paradigms14:33
scott-workwhich basically means, we have to play by their rules, especially when it comes to packaging14:33
scott-worki haven't looked at any of your packages in a while, have you been trying to follow the Ubuntu or Debian packaing policy (i.e. /debian directory, et al)?14:34
scott-work(this would greatly facilitate getting packages into Debian/Ubuntu)14:35
scott-workbut I must add, you packaging all the audio applications is already quite a lot of help!14:37
falktxi have a set of templates for packaging14:42
falktxi just copy, modify a few lines14:42
falktxand it's done14:42
falktxthe debian/copyright only says "packaged by falkTX"14:43
falktxthe debian/rules use cdbs14:43
falktxwith only build::14:44
falktxand common-install::14:44
falktxthat's the fatest way of packaging for me (for PPA purposes)14:44
falktxI still don't know how to use quilt14:45
falktxand i'm guessing this will be the biggest problem, as I sometimes add patches/modify the source14:45
falktx(better ladish integration, compilation fixes, etc)14:46
scott-worki'm a packaging hack myself, so i'll have to ask quadrispro or persia how that might impact14:54
persiaLots of ways work.  I personally prefer using /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny14:54
falktxi believe that my debian/rules are fine14:55
persiaBut in general, except for new stuff, we follow debian-multimedia practice, and if we're putting new stuff in Debian we'd do best to start that way.14:55
scott-workhi persia, i meant more about quilt and modifying source14:55
persiafalktx: They are absolutely fine :)  I'm just sharing my personal preference.14:55
falktxgood, that makes me happy14:55
falktxbut please note that some packages are copied from somewhere else14:56
falktxdebian testing, other ppas, etc14:56
falktxbut most of them are mine14:56
falktxphilip5 also has good packages14:57
persiaFor quilt, it's mostly just using `quilt push`, `quilt pop`, `quilt new`, and `quilt edit`14:57
falktxi'll have to learn about that sometime later14:58
scott-workfalktx, did you ever sort out the IRC color issue you mentioned before?15:18
falktxnot really15:18
scott-workin xchat, my text is red when someone uses my name15:18
falktxme too , using konversation15:19
falktxi'm just not used to irc15:19
falktxhow do you do like15:19
falktxfalktx thinks bla bla15:19
falktx(here appears in blue)15:19
scott-worki never used IRC before i started working with the ubuntu studio developers15:20
scott-worklol, there were lots of things i never did before i started working with the ubuntu studio developers15:20
scott-workbut i like the red (or blue) text, it helps to locate where someone is addressing you directly15:20
falktxso how do i get the blue, "my-thoughts" like thing?15:21
scott-workOne of the most useful options, nick/line highlighting, is turned off by default. To enable it, go to Settings » Configure Konversation… » Highlight. Check the options for Always highlight own current nick and Always highlight own lines, and choose colors for them. One good choice is red for current nick, and green for own lines15:22
scott-worki didn't just type that myself, i copied from a website tutorial15:22
falktxkonversation is good per default15:24
falktxi only enable the systray15:24
falktxwhat i'm trying to do is something like this15:24
falktx(copied from another channel):15:24
falktx* nedko notices evil use of printf15:24
falktxhow do I do that?15:25
* scott-work is wondering if falktx means this?15:25
scott-workyou type "/me action"15:26
scott-workwithout quotes15:26
* scott-work action15:26
falktxlet me try15:26
* falktx is happy15:26
* falktx is going to play soccer today, and he's very excited about it15:27
falktxmany thanks!!!!!15:27
scott-workyour welcome :)15:28
falktxmy life has meaning now, LOL15:29
falktxdoesn't upload too many stuff to launchpad makes it slow?15:30
falktxsometimes I get the idea that the more uploads i do, the more I'll have to wait15:31
scott-worki've never felt that launchpad was optimized for browser speed, but neither have i felt that is has slowed down either15:35
falktxi mean15:37
falktxi've made lots of uploads today15:37
falktx(around 50)15:37
falktxnow i have to wait 5 hours15:38
scott-workoh, you mean for the builds15:39
scott-workyes, the build farm hosts a discreet number of virtual builders and the total number of builds queued (plus their priority) will affect build times15:42
scott-workpersia:  there might have been a misconception (my fault) when we spoke last about gnome-network-admin17:07
persiaHow do you mean?17:08
scott-workpersia:  my description was incomplete when i said i saw the options, i did see the options but they were greyed out and i was unable to change them17:08
scott-workso this affects not only wireless but also wired connections17:08
persiaRight.  That matches my memory of when I had facilities to replicate.17:09
scott-worki realized afterwards how misleading this might be, especially coupled with your comment "maybe, this only affects wireless, weird" ( or something to that effect)17:09
scott-workand i did not want to mislead you :)17:10
persiaYeah, I was a bit confused.  I'm glad to have my prior understandign restored.17:10
scott-workoh, i sent an email to Luis last night, i am unsure if he will be responsive though17:11
=== scott-work is now known as McHawking
=== McHawking is now known as scott-work

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