[00:08] likemindead, no, Just xubuntu. I went back down to the previous kernel and it is able to boot now. [00:08] Good! [00:08] I'd give it a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" for good measure. [00:10] likemindead, i have removed the new kernel for the time being so i can use my machine. Another dude in #ubuntu had the same problem with his dell laptop. [00:10] Bummer. [00:10] did anyone file a bug for it? [00:10] not sure what that is/how to do it [00:10] Glad you've got it sorted. You should file a bug and post your experience to the forum. [00:11] file a bug - ubuntu-bug linux [00:16] random question: I installed ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 on my machine when it came out. then decided i wanted to use xfce, so i installed that over top of whatever was there before. would i benefit from removing everything and installing from a pure xubuntu iso? or would it be the same? [00:16] don't know. Never looked at netbook remix [00:17] oh [00:18] when i was doing the dist. upgrade, i noticed a whole bunch of gnome packages being downloaded and installed....and i'm pretty sure i'm not using any of them [00:18] what's up with that? [00:18] xubuntu does use some of the gnome packages [00:19] oh [00:19] good to know [00:19] We use whatever is easiest for us to maintain, if it works the best for Xubuntu [00:19] That makes sense.... [00:20] the name 'gnome' does not mean the software is not the best or lightweight. It simply means the developer of the application used gnome in the name. [00:22] Has someone of you experience with Intel? [00:22] Not me, I threw the intel motherboard away [00:22] I mean from an working point of view not regarding the products. [00:23] * charlie-tca has no working experience with intel, either. [00:23] ok, thx :-) [00:23] Maybe hang around, see if someone has any [00:24] sure I will. :-) [00:25] charlie-tca, when is the next IOS rebuild and what was the birthdayparty like (the one you went to two weeks ago)? [00:25] (iso) [00:26] The iso's should be ready to test around the 31st of May, with Alpha1 due out June 3 [00:26] the birthday I can't actually remember. I tend to block what I don't need anymore [00:27] huh? Wasn't it your grandson (I mean the son of your son)? :-/ [00:28] But it is not necessary to remember it after it is over. I have enough to try to remember with a bad memory. [00:28] Now that you mention it, I think it was my grandson's party [00:29] Your memory has become bad over time? Really? [00:30] yeah, I used to be able to recall almost anything, now I do good to remember things from day to day [00:30] Isn't that why they make calendar programs? [00:30] :-/ [00:31] Will your memory at least stay that way? [00:31] We can hope [00:32] but I keep a calendar, both written and on the computer. That works for me [00:34] <_Techie_> Aquina, you were looking for someone with experience with Intel? [00:41] yes [00:41] <_Techie_> what exactly was it you were wanting to know, ill have an ask around [00:42] They made men an offer. I heard 'things' about Intel though and so I'd like to hear an insider opinion. [00:42] (me an offer) [00:42] <_Techie_> i figured [00:43] :-) [00:44] <_Techie_> so what should i be asking [00:44] I see, charlie. [00:45] It's not so much a specific question (except the usual like payment and how much they care) but rather a ggeneral statement and experiences I'd like to hear (e.g. ones pros and cons/whatever comes into that persons mind first). [00:46] Also things to watch out for, what's important for the Intel administration, etc. [00:47] <_Techie_> so was this offer to do with employment with them, or distribution or something else [00:49] employment [00:49] <_Techie_> i see [00:53] <_Techie_> anyway, im gonna head into town [00:54] <_Techie_> ill have a good think and see if theres anyone i can ask for ya Aquina [00:54] <_Techie_> anyway, catcha later [00:59] :-) === anom01y is now known as Anom01y === Anom01y is now known as anom01y === anom01y is now known as Anom01y [04:41] my 10.04 goes in to some sort of panic mode switching between ttys...can't get out of it [04:42] it's happened about 4 times since i did dist upgrade [04:43] one screen is black i think, the other is black w/ like 4 white lines...back and forth, back and forth...all i can do is reboot w/ ctrl+alt+del [04:43] any ideas? [04:51] cripes it just happened again [05:27] hello, is there a bug or something not allowing 10.04 to do shift plus symbols. ever since i upgraded to 10.04 tonight i can't shift anything mind you i am remote controlling but all worked before [05:27] i can paste a shifted character in from another window though [05:39] What's your keyboard layout, Hoochster? [05:39] us defaults [05:40] was running karmic before the upgrade and all was fine [05:40] but after upgrade and reboot noticed i could no longer press the pound key etc heh, but i can cut/paste into it from another window [05:40] i am using x11vnc to control it [05:40] i will note this is on a vmware server but again no issues before [05:40] if you have any ideas i am open heh i have googled for awhile now [05:45] Sounds strange, for sure. [05:45] trying to connect to my vmware server to try via console to see if it is just a vnc thing [05:59] hello anyone here? [05:59] Yes. [06:01] likemindead, seems to be a bug with x11vnc, I finally found a workaround to get me by till they fix it. [06:02] Neat. I've yet to use/have a need for VNC or VMWare. [06:03] well I just have 1 main server, and I run linux-vserver for most stuff but due to display sharing I run vmware-server for stuff like this which is my irc/im server that I leave connected all the time and just remote it from wherever I am heh [06:04] http://www.bramschoenmakers.nl/en/node/714 [06:04] is the workaround if anyone else runs into the issue [06:04] You should post it to ubuntuforums.org for others. [06:04] k === Sysi_ is now known as Sysi [12:40] hi [12:40] any one there [12:41] wanna make opera as defolt browser [12:41] menu → settings → default applications [12:42] did not gt [12:43] m using xubantu [12:43] there it's configured in my xubuntu [12:45] you have opera installed? [12:46] no i installed manually [12:46] from fire fox [12:46] that can change things (i'm nor sure) [12:46] !opera [12:46] Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [12:47] i alrady installed [12:48] i haven't ever installed anything outside the repositories, i don't know how they work [12:48] i installed vlc also now i wanna play files from my usb [12:50] !info xubuntu-restricted-extras [12:50] xubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Xubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 39 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB [12:50] for flash, codecs etc. [12:51] mp3,mp4 [12:51] yeah, install that [12:51] i am new to xubuntu [12:51] i alrady installed [12:51] still don't work? [12:51] now i wanna make it default [12:52] ya it works [12:52] you're talkin about opera now? [12:52] bt i wanna make one click file play [12:52] no vlc [12:53] exile opens when i click mp4 files [12:53] any one plz help [12:53] right click → properties [12:53] !patience [12:53] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [12:54] there is option for default program [12:54] where it is found i search it all [12:55] right click over file [12:55] ya [12:55] menu that opens → properties [12:55] ok [12:58] ya i done it [12:58] thnx [13:07] how to chat on yahoo [13:08] empathy is not getting connected [13:31] hello what is nis server :P [13:32] jungli http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Information_Service [13:33] Pres-Gas: ;-* [13:33] It would be similar to Active Directory in Windows Servers [13:35] any one there [13:35] No, vikas. [13:37] i have microsoft multimedia keyboard bt not working [13:37] help [13:38] help [13:38] !ask [13:38] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [13:39] i have microsoft multimedia keyboard bt not working [13:39] help [13:39] have you tried google? [13:39] no [13:40] vikas, bluetooth? [13:40] and one thing i made opera as my default browser [13:41] no [13:41] wired [13:41] vikas, what is wired? the MS keyboard? you want all the function keys to work, such as in Windows? [13:42] ya [13:42] i have music key, homepage key,sound key, etc [13:43] right, I understand [13:43] is that possible will all key function like in windows [13:44] vikas, exactly like in Windows? doubtful [13:44] it have linux support [13:45] in cases such as these, I put the exact name of the keyboard model, and the word Ubuntu, and it leads to an ubuntuforums post [13:45] sry dont know the model [13:45] there will usually be a walkthrough (if one exists for said kb) [13:46] that makes it hard to help then [13:46] its microsoft [13:46] ill see in microsoft web [13:46] let see ill get some solution there [13:47] sure. MS has tons of models though [13:47] its USB? [13:47] ya [13:47] both [13:47] try typing lsusb in terminal and check if that tells you the model [13:48] ok [13:48] paste.ubuntu.com the output so we can read it (dont paste in here) === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [13:50] vikas@vikas-desktop:~$ lsusb [13:50] Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) [13:50] Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub [13:50] Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub [13:50] Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub [13:50] Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub [13:50] Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0421:04bd Nokia Mobile Phones [13:50] Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub [13:50] vikas, Not here [13:50] what is Cambridge Silicon Radio [13:50] vikas I said to paste.ubuntu.com with it [13:50] !pastebin | vikas [13:50] vikas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [13:51] sry me new to linux [13:51] how to do [13:51] vikas, the kb is clearly not connected via usb, but via bluetooth [13:51] i have bluetooth dongle [13:51] vikas, open a browser, type in paste.ubuntu.com [13:51] vikas, open firefox or your default browser, browse to paste.ubuntu.com, paste to the textbox, click paste and copy us the paste link [13:52] k [13:52] vikas, then put the usb attachment of the kb not the the bt dongle [13:52] and repeat the command lsusb [13:52] vikas, eg. http://paste.ubuntu.com/437303/ [13:52] no kb is ps2 [13:52] ok [13:52] well then [13:53] you said earlier it was NOT bluetooth [13:53] ya it is not bluetooth [13:53] i connected kb at back of my motherboard [13:53] the bt dongle attaches to what then [13:54] or interacts, rather [13:54] to my phone [13:55] vikas, have you looked on the underside of the kb to see if the model is there [13:55] ya its there [13:55] thnx [13:56] np [13:56] rt2300 [13:56] rt2300 ubuntu MS keyboard <--search terms [13:57] how [13:57] sry where [13:57] in google [13:58] there, or ubuntuforums search bar [13:58] k [13:59] iirc they have a peripherals group of threads [13:59] k i gt it [13:59] found it? [13:59] i found the form [14:04] not getting it [14:04] let me try [14:05] i go to microsoft there is no linux os [14:05] http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/download/download.aspx?category=MK [14:05] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=269348 this mentions Keytouch editor [14:06] !info keytouch-editor [14:06] keytouch-editor (source: keytouch-editor): create keyboard files for keytouch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0~beta-1 (lucid), package size 88 kB, installed size 388 kB [14:08] where is component universe [14:08] try apt-cache search keytouch in terminal [14:09] hay bt i am connected to ps2 connector [14:10] did you try the command above [14:10] ya [14:10] now [14:10] and does it show keytouch-editor [14:11] no [14:11] vikas@vikas-desktop:~$ apt-cache [14:11] apt for i386 compiled on Oct 15 2009 19:23:17 [14:11] Usage: apt-cache [options] command [14:11] apt-cache [options] add file1 [file2 ...] [14:11] apt-cache [options] showpkg pkg1 [pkg2 ...] [14:11] apt-cache [options] showsrc pkg1 [pkg2 ...] [14:11] apt-cache is a low-level tool used to manipulate APT's binary [14:11] cache files, and query information from them [14:11] Commands: [14:11] add - Add a package file to the source cache [14:11] gencaches - Build both the package and source cache [14:11] showpkg - Show some general information for a single package [14:12] showsrc - Show source records [14:12] stats - Show some basic statistics [14:12] vikas, please dont paste here [14:12] -c=? Read this configuration file [14:12] -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp [14:12] See the apt-cache(8) and apt.conf(5) manual pages for more information. [14:12] k [14:12] sry [14:12] vikas, dont do it again [14:13] ya [14:13] what happened [14:13] ? [14:14] ok forget that [14:14] i set opera as my default browser [14:15] you didn't put in the proper command. its ----> apt-cache search keytouch <----- Don't paste output here vikas [14:15] but whenever i try to open new web site new opera popup [14:15] i wanna open it in new tab [14:16] vikas, you have to change opera's settings [14:16] vikas, we did not finish the KB issue [14:16] k [14:16] ok [14:16] vikas, you don't want to do that? [14:16] ya wanna do [14:17] then type the proper command as I suggest above, and don't paste the output here vikas [14:17] ya i did [14:17] and it shows keytouch-editor ? [14:17] !pastebin [14:17] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:17] ya [14:18] then install it [14:18] sudo apt-get install keytouch-editor [14:18] wt i wanna show the screen shoot [14:19] how to do that [14:19] vikas, please type complete words, cannot understand you [14:20] i wanna show u the output how i can show u [14:20] vikas, go to paste.ubuntu.com. ok? [14:21] ya then i open that site [14:21] then copy the output text [14:21] and paste the text in the textbox you see in the site. ok? [14:21] vikas, where it says "Content:" [14:22] there is paster and content [14:22] vikas, yes, paste the output to content first [14:22] vikas, ok? [14:22] what is syntax [14:22] what to set [14:22] vikas, just leave it as plain text [14:23] ok [14:23] vikas, then, also add "vikas" to poster. ok? [14:23] ya i did [14:23] okay, then click "Paste!" and DON'T close the browser [14:24] i did that too [14:24] okay [14:24] then [14:24] then you have a new url in the address bar, eg. http://paste.ubuntu.com/437332/ [14:24] paste that url to this channel [14:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/437328/ [14:25] great! now, whenever you need to paste anything over 1 line, use the same steps, and remember to paste the url :) [14:26] bazhang, you're welcome [14:26] then how u can past the command here [14:26] thnx 4 the steps to explain [14:26] vikas, sorry, i didn't understand you, can you try to rephrase? [14:27] bazhang, (i know nothing of keytouch :)) [14:27] k [14:27] knome, sorry what? [14:27] bazhang, you might want to tackle vikas' kb issue, right? :) [14:27] ther how bazhang pasted the commend of terminal here [14:28] knome, he simply needs to install keytouch-editor [14:28] but i dont know [14:28] never used it myself [14:28] vikas, do you have a terminal window open? [14:28] bazhang, okay.. :) [14:28] thnx to u people helping me [14:29] vikas, is the kb issue solved, or do you want me to go through it with you? [14:29] ya i have terminal open [14:29] no it is not solved [14:29] vikas, okay, type 'sudo apt-get install keytouch-editor' in the terminal without the 's [14:29] vikas, and if you need to paste the output, please use pastebin :) [14:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/437339/ [14:31] vikas, do you have synaptic or other package manager open? [14:32] i am updating [14:32] vikas, okay, then wait until the updating ends and type that command again [14:32] vikas, you can only run one update/installation/etc at a time [14:33] ya update is over and it says system restart is required [14:34] vikas, you can reboot if you want, or leave that to later [14:34] leave that to later [14:34] let get back to kb [14:34] okay, then run the command at terminal again after you've closed all the update-related windows [14:35] ok its getting download [14:36] now [14:37] http://paste.ubuntu.com/437341/ [14:38] knome u there [14:43] any one there [14:44] i opened keytouch-editor === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi [14:45] vikas, i don't know how to use keytouch-editor, sorry [14:45] i know [14:45] bt one problem [14:46] every key function properly but the calci key shows the help [14:47] how can i change it on calci [14:50] calci? [14:51] calculator [14:54] k bye every one thanks for help [15:35] How do you get the top/bottom menubars back? They keep getting killed in my virtualbox guest [15:36] !panels [15:36] Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/ [15:36] cool txs [15:37] I had thought the OOM killer killed them, perhaps not [18:51] User "vikas" in #ubuntu has installed ubuntu-desktop and then xubuntu-desktop, when trying to do-release-upgrade, yields http://paste.ubuntu.com/437435/ "could not calculate upgrade". [18:52] The upgrade fails if two desktop metapackages are installed. [18:53] The user should report a bug as it says. [19:05] charlie-tca: Common issue? [19:05] for those with both desktops installed, yes [19:06] Ah, bother, user is gone now. [19:08] he'll be back... [19:09] Ah, already seems to be well underway in Bug #571743 [19:09] vikas? [19:09] bazhang: Yep [19:11] :) [19:12] That's a really nice bug ;-) [19:21] im trying to create script to save first result with find as source_filename, but find wont stop on first hit. It will save all of the zip files to source_filename, How to stop find after first hit? My script [19:21] for source_filename in $( [19:21] find '/home/user/packs' -type f -iname '*zip' [19:21] ) [19:34] mika__: for source_filename in $(find '/home/user/packs' -type f -iname '*zip' | head -n1) (probably better ways to do it, but...) [19:37] arand: he asked in #ubuntu and #kubuntu - I told him to use ls and grep - grep -m 1 will return the first line [20:51] hello [20:51] charlie-tca, how are you [20:52] Hello, subspider [20:52] Doing fine, yourself? [20:53] yes fine [20:53] android programming :) [23:25] I've got a weird problem. I don't know how to set the console keyboard mapping. I've checked in /etc/default/console-setup, but there's nothing reflecting dvorak in the whole of /etc. My wife can't type dvorak, so how do I get console back to qwerty for her on bootup? [23:31] Viking667: Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout [23:31] uh, she's not in X. [23:31] And I want to set it differently for my user than for hers. [23:32] I can type in both qwerty anddvorak, she only pokes. [23:32] try running dpkg console-setup reconfigure [23:32] ahh. Right. Thank you. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:35] I think that was wrong, should be dpkg-reconfigure console-setup [23:35] Yup. Figured that's what you meant [23:36] Thank you. That was probably the thing I needed. [23:36] Now, off to my other machine, hi ho, hi ho... [23:39] awww, shyte. [23:40] Now flash isnt working, and I can't even download it from adobe. [23:44] in what way is it not working? and are you i386 or x64?