[06:58] vish: Hello. === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant [08:24] re [08:24] troy_s: hi.. [08:24] vish: How are things? [08:24] vish: Any news? [08:24] troy_s: as i mentioned the womem's team is looking to update the logo for the new branding.. [08:25] troy_s: fine , nothing new , was at the UDS , was fun meeting a lot of *real* people than their nick ;p [08:26] troy_s: been busy ? havent seen you around. ;) [08:26] vish: Very much so. [08:35] troy_s: so yeah , i took up the task to track you down for the updating logo ;p .. would be nice if you can find time to do it ;) [08:36] vish: I'll look into it. You have a thread? [08:36] troy_s: afaik , no mailing list threads.. chat was only on irc [08:37] troy_s: they have a new channel #ubuntu-women-project [08:37] I see. [08:40] vish: Ok must bed. I'll assume that this is going to be the ubuntu with Venus symbol tucked into the orange blob maybe. [08:40] vish: Of course, I don't believe many of the bits are available yet are they? [08:40] yeah [08:40] troy_s: the new branding is available [08:40] troy_s: the svg are here > http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity [14:27] hey guys..anyone know of an application that will let me enable or disable certain fonts on a system for spefic purposes... I mean enable only fonts I want to use in a graphics app at a certain time [14:30] ie fontmanager :) [14:31] nevermind found a few to test === zniavre is now known as maya === maya is now known as Guest15107 === Guest15107 is now known as zniavre [14:41] coz_: fontmatrix is da shit, but be careful with enabling/disabling fonts. was neither comfortable nor reliable when i tried that [14:42] thorwil, oo ok I just installed that that along with fonty python and fontmanager [14:42] thorwil, the one thing I would like it to do is the disabling of fonts but i will be careful thanks :) [17:18] thorwil: argh! you are right , the Fredrick mails can just be avoided! :/ [17:18] funny how he assumes qense doesnt know who developed apport! [17:21] vish: :) i hope things are improving now, with some activity channeled to the wiki [17:23] thorwil: i had ~500 mails [most of which were redundant] , deleted most of them and reduced it to ~50 took nearly more than 2hrs .. then i received this latest mail and got totally pissed :/ he is on the -shell ML too and kinda almost added to add him to the spam filter.. a few of the mails are +1 or awesome :( [17:24] vish: +1 or awesome? [17:25] thorwil: his replies just contain "+1" or "awesome" or "interesting" ? [17:25] s/?/ / [17:26] thorwil: must really praise sabdfl for alteast trying to read those mails! he has replied to a lot of the mails [17:26] vish: ah, that. i mentioned my frustration to djsiegel, pointed out that i think i can't mail those guys they should slow down or even shut up (wouldn't work) and if he has an idea [17:28] vish: no answer, just like there was no followup on my reply where he asked me if i would co-author something about how to talk about UX :/ [17:28] :s [18:58] is there a style guide somewhere for the new monochrome notification icons in Lucid? === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre [19:37] http://beyecixramd.deviantart.com/art/Orangine-164896103 [20:10] Beyecixramd: i would have preferred to see a larger preview of the wallpaper instead or maybe in addition to that presentation [20:12] Beyecixramd: i guess you are aware of the Ubuntu-Artists group? there's a plan underway to collect wallpaper submission similar to how it happens of flickr [20:12] thorwil: there's no way to have the larger preview in deviantART [20:12] just download it, and see for yourself, resolutions are listed there [20:14] troy_s: i have to wonder if you can take your face off, too [20:15] thorwil: I am in the middle of it now. The fun time of uber-busydom. [20:16] thorwil: How are things with you? [20:17] troy_s: enjoying summer getting serious in germany. had lots of fun creating http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2010/05/18/he-mark/ recently [20:18] troy_s: really busy people don't IRC ;) [20:18] Jesus H. mother of god wtf is that?!? [20:18] see, lots of fun! [20:19] You must have been on mushrooms. [20:20] troy_s: LSD [20:20] Beyecixramd: True. Difficult to get a proper dosage out of mushrooms these days. [20:20] troy_s: yeah, and you get LSD everywhere [20:21] thorwil: Anything been a happenin' around these parts? [20:23] troy_s: ubuntu-artwork is a zombie, my eyes or on the manual and ayatana [20:23] thorwil: Menuville. [20:23] thorwil: Brilliant immersive design going on there. [20:23] troy_s: seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity ? [20:24] thorwil: Yes vish pointed me there last night. [20:38] * thorwil strikes drawing under the influence of shrooms or lsd from his list, as apparently he doesn't need that trip, already having reached the destination [20:44] thorwil: LOL. [21:01] thorwil: hmmmmm.... lead me there [21:03] Beyecixramd: just follow the rabbit that looks a bit like Jono Bacon [21:03] thorwil: hmmm... bacon... i like bacon... [21:03] thorwil: do you like bacon? [21:03] thorwil: i also like cheese [21:03] hmmm... bacon ¡with cheese... [21:03] or cheese with bacon, what do you prefer? [21:03] bacon with bacon [21:04] knome: WTF THAT SUX [21:04] no. [21:05] knome: and your name is a mess. decide, KDE or GNOME [21:05] knome: DECIDE NAO [21:05] Beyecixramd, xfce. [21:05] knome: bah, E17 [21:20] i still don't know what to think of the new CoF geometry [21:27] good night! [21:27] night