=== IdleOne is now known as IdleUno === IdleUno is now known as IdleOne === nigelbabu is now known as nigelb [04:29] pleia2 / akgraner, could one of you see if there's a chance we could get some analytics done on the past 12 months of apache logs for the ubuntu women site/wiki? I think it would be nice to know how much more visible we are. [04:34] elky, *nods* I'll look into to it :-) [13:28] elky: not for the past year, no [13:28] I'll have a look now to see how far the apache logs go back [13:30] aha! I was wrong! we have access logs going back to feb 2009 :) [13:30] I'll download and run webalizer against them [13:36] pleia2: huh,no sleep? [13:37] don't remind me :) [13:50] elky: for the site: http://princessleia.com/uw/webalizer/ [13:51] <3 pleia2 [13:51] lol, looks like everyone's awake [13:52] grabbing planet logs now [13:54] wow... IWD brought in a lot of attention [13:59] I just love how .css files are listed as referrers, hehe [14:00] lol how does that happen? [14:00] snackr.swf seems to be a flash-based rss thingie [14:00] nigelb, i dunno. but the uw planet stylesheet is our 8th biggest referrer [14:00] It's multi-talented [14:00] hehe [14:01] all hail scott haha [14:02] planet traffic is pretty boring http://princessleia.com/uw/planet/webalizer/ [14:02] casino ubuntu <-- o.O [14:02] search terms ftw [14:03] some of the geekfeminism.org ones are... ugh. these ones are actually almost all the same and hence quite boring. [14:03] though 3 searches have found us by googling for "women". yay. [14:03] click2try amber? [14:04] the wiki is on another server, I can ask around to see if we can get logs for that [14:05] pleia2, that'd be nice, yeah. i think that's where most of our noise will be visible, since that's where the comp pages have been [14:05] yeah [14:05] unsurprisingly our top 15 browsers are mozilla [14:06] about 1/3 of those, though, on windows :D [14:07] oh so thats how you find the referrers [14:07] click the month [14:07] im sitting here going "where are you getting this? i didnt see any of that on the webalizer page..." [14:08] k, submitted rt ticket [14:08] maco, yeah, i hit up march [14:08] im looking at april [14:09] "an all female planet" is one of the search terms [14:09] theres another one i wont paste here... but they misspelled "woman" in it :P [14:09] 2 or 3 each month seem to be finding us by searching for "women" [14:10] this was a longer string than that [14:11] maco: which one? [14:12] look in april 2010 stats for planet [14:12] planet stats seem to have pretty much stayed consistent [14:12] maco: towards the end? [14:13] #11 [14:13] o.O [14:21] * elky twitches at -women [14:21] * nigelb was just twiching [14:22] well, one wrong move and the whole firepower is awake :D [14:22] I wish he dared [14:23] i wish freenode would stop letting him stay just because his goofs entertain a select few of them in #defocus [14:23] and that is /literally/ the only reason he's still allowed anywhere near freenode [14:25] akgraner: elky: hi.. finally caught troy today , he mentioned he will look into updating the logo :) [14:25] and pleia2 ^ [14:25] thanks vish :) [14:25] np.. :) [14:26] reminds me, the ubuntu-website team had their first meeting a few days ago and newz2000 posted a summary online: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2010-May/000921.html [14:27] the new ubuntu.com is in the works and they'll be working with the community to get community-based themes pushed [14:27] once that gets rolling we'll be able to start on ours too [14:28] I still can't believe they're switching to WP [14:29] is all of ubuntu.com switching? all I knew about was fridge [14:29] I don't know. But any wordpress still perplexes me. [14:29] fridge is essentially a blog, so it makes some sense [14:29] I mean, did they drug elmo to get him to agree to letting wordpress in the DC? [14:30] plus it's easier to use, has easily defined roles [14:30] who knows :) [14:30] pleia2, and is craploads less secure. [14:30] I love WP, don't get me wrong. [14:30] But... yeah. [14:31] I mean, we literally have to put modules through audit for drupal. WP will let you add anything in the WP extensions stuff with like 2 clicks. [14:32] it's pretty easy to lock it down so that's not actually possible [14:33] Yeah, I suppose. [15:19] woo hoo goat festival today! yay [15:19] * pleia2 requires lots of photos :) [15:21] I will.. :-) this should be fun - but I got no idea what to expect [15:22] but Becca is singing and I'll have an Ubuntu Booth there.. [15:22] and there is a parade who doesn't luv parade? [15:28] dentists? [15:28] oh no wait they probably do because they get more business after all the munchkins chow down on the candy [15:28] and I have access to free wifi there :-) life is good.. [15:29] catch you all laters - I'll try to stream some of it - I'll let you know if I get that worked out [15:29] :-) bbiab [15:35] akgraner: yay for Ubuntu at non-software events! [15:37] * AlanBell ponders goats [15:41] * AlanBell decides goats need far too much land [17:26] nigelb: .css files as referrers is probably because they point to images and such [17:27] JanC: ah, ok [17:28] well, I can't find a better explanation at least... [17:28] lol