
jax55has anyone experimented with the at91sam9g20ek or any of the at91sam series?14:03
ogra_cmpcjax55, current ubuntu only supports ARMv715:32
ogra_cmpcfor the atmel you are better off wiht debian i guess15:33
jax55ogra_cmpc ... thx, ah...i read that it supports v5 too15:33
ogra_cmpcjaunty (9.04) supported v515:33
ogra_cmpckarmic (9.10) supported v615:33
ogra_cmpcand since lucid only v7 is supported15:33
jax55right, thats what i read...so you think i should still go wit jaunty or go debian?15:34
ogra_cmpcwell, if you go with jaunty you are stuck at it, you wont be able to upgrade to any newer ubuntu version15:34
ogra_cmpcif that doesnt bother you its fine, else i'd recommend debian15:35
jax55yeah, that bothers me less....this whole ventrue started by the fact that the angstrom distro and kernel that comes with this board does not have the snd modules loaded properly so alsa breaks....so i decided to try ubuntu (which i preffer anyhow) .....also, do you have a good guide you could recomend? i currently have the angstrom distro on there,15:36
ogra_cmpcwell, you will have to roll your own kernel, there is none for that atmel board in ubuntu15:37
ogra_cmpcbeyond that, see the rootfs from scratch page from the channel topic15:37
jax55gotcha...yeah, i had a feeling i am in uncharted terratory with this board15:37
jax55i apreciate the pointers though, thank you very much15:38
Cosmo`well rcn-ee19:51
Cosmo`i finally succeeded19:51
Cosmo`but it involved soldering and alot of USB cable splicing ... :)19:51
rcn-eecool Cosmo` good to hear...20:03
Cosmo`thanks for your help :)20:04
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