
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== joerg is now known as Guest70592
vmlintujoerg: hi10:12
rmorganlively in here huh12:52
=== Guest70592 is now known as joerg
LedHedIf I want to install a package on LTSP clients, do I install the software in the chroot then update the image,  or do I just install it directly on the server?16:47
alkisg  the server usually, except for any "localapps"16:51
LedHedok, and do I have to update the image each time I install new software?16:54
LedHedsorry, I'm a total n00b with LTSP16:54
alkisgNo, whenever you install software on the server you don't have to update the image17:15
alkisgOnly if you install something on the chroot17:15
AlanBellhi all17:24
AlanBellI am using the edubuntu DVD and trying to get the live LTSP thing going, is there a wiki page or something on the requirements? not sure if I need a separate DHCP server or not17:24
alkisgAlanBell: I don't think that you need a separate dhcp server17:31
alkisgIt configures dnsmasq in the nic you tell it to, to function as a dhcp server in 192.168.0.x17:32
AlanBellah, got it17:34
AlanBellthe crossover cable I was using actually wasn't a crossover17:34
AlanBellis there a wiki page or something about the live LTSP and networking?17:38
alkisgI don't think so, what problem are you facing?17:39
AlanBellI don't have any problem at the moment17:39
AlanBellI was going to update it/write it17:39
alkisghighvoltage: ^^^ ?17:39
AlanBellI am trying a few different things like running the DVD in a VM17:39
AlanBellat the moment I have the DVD on hardware and I am booting VMs off it17:40
AlanBellbut it would have been good to have a description of what exactly the start LTSP live thing does17:41
alkisgI think it could use a faster user account creation mechanism, and more choices about the network (e.g. function as a proxydhcp server with an external dhcp server around), but other than that it seems fine17:41
alkisggedit /usr/sbin/ltsp-livecd ;)17:41
AlanBellalkisg: actually yes! that does explain it all :-)17:42
alkisgA wiki page would be nice to have though, for people that don't have code-reading skills17:43
AlanBellyup, tell me where to put it and I will make a start on one17:44
alkisgHmmm highvoltage should be the one to ask about that, I think17:45
AlanBellthings like setting up bridged networking in virtualbox guests would be good to put somewhere17:54
AlanBellany idea how many guests you can get on an Atom based server before it explodes?17:55
alkisgRAM-wise, you need about 512 + 192*guests17:58
alkisg(for a full experience, not just an xterm)17:58
alkisgCPU-wise, it very much depends on if you have LDM_DIRECTX=True (which is true on the livecd),17:59
alkisgand on the apps you use - e.g. flash really hogs the cpu17:59
LedHedwhats the benefit of "localapps" ?18:43
alkisgPowerful clients run the apps with their own CPU, relieving the server and the network18:46
vmlintujoerg: hi.. do you have any installation instructions for the portal?20:13
joergvmlintu, not yet :) sorry20:14
joergvmlintu, you can try it on our demo server first if you like ;)20:14
vmlintujoerg: how do I do that?20:15
vmlintujoerg: we have now also the user management tool here: http://github.com/opinsys/puavo-users20:15
joergvmlintu, that looks good. gonna check it out later....20:17
joergvmlintu, could be interesting for us as well - the django framework has it's own user management, but some schools will definitely need to use ldap - for printing and proxy auth at least20:17
vmlintujoerg: it works with and without kerberos now and you can administer as many schools as you want in separate ldap databases in single installation20:19
joergvmlintu, well, that's nice but we won't need it :)20:21
joergvmlintu, because the schools manage their users themselves...20:21
joergwe have got enough other stuff to do :)20:21
joergbut it is useful for support and backup...20:21
vmlintujoerg: we don't manage the users either, but provide the tools that are centrally managed20:21
joergwe don't have the bandwidth to manage anything centrally20:22
vmlintujoerg: where does the "My files" part store the files?20:22
joergdsl is unreliable, the upload is quite slow and some schools in the villages only have ISDN dialup20:22
joergvmlintu, django has the concept of a "storage"20:23
joergin the demo installation it is simply a folder in the filesystem20:23
joergbut it could be a BLOB field in the DB as well20:23
joergor you could use the Amazon S3 storage plugin20:24
vmlintuso the files are only accessible through the web interface?20:24
joergvmlintu, and webdav20:24
vmlintuis webdav working?20:24
joergat least I hope so :)20:24
joergvmlintu, http://demo.myserv-project.org/fs/dav20:25
vmlintuValueError at /fs/dav/20:25
joergvmlintu, don't open it in the browser, as it returns an ugly traceback20:25
joergvmlintu, yeah, because you are doing a GET on a webdav collection.20:25
joergvmlintu, should return a 403 Forbidden or so...20:26
joergdidn't catch that exception yet.20:26
joergvmlintu, in nautilus you can simply go to: dav://demo.myserv-project.org/fs/dav20:26
vmlintuseems to work20:28
vmlintudo you know if it could use cifs as backend?20:29
joergvmlintu, hmm, depends what you mean with "backend"20:32
joergyou can store it on an auto mounted cifs storage, sure...20:33
joergvmlintu, in case that you want your users to access their "My Files" via cifs, it could be a bit tricky...20:34
vmlintuwe have used before a web interface that reads everything through cifs with user permissions20:35
joergvmlintu, the problem is the permissions: in myserv you can add shares to your profile or to the profile of the group that you just founded.20:35
vmlintualternative would be to figure out how windows users get the files working without cifs20:35
joergvmlintu, hmm? just mount it!20:36
joergvmlintu, I have tried it under Windows XP - just add one of these so called "web folders"20:36
joergwhich is just a webdav client20:37
vmlintuhmm.. I guess I have to try that once I find a windows box..20:38
joerghehe....that's sometimes difficult, I know.20:40
joergbut there was an issue I think20:40
joergwith webdav stuff not sitting at the webservers root20:41
joergthat caused problems on windoze20:41
joergthat's why I should add a vhost webdav.demo.myserv-project.org if anybody wants to test it on windows20:41
joergvmlintu, another idea would be to automount that stuff using davfs20:42
joergvmlintu, and export that through samba20:42
vmlintuI wonder how fast that would be..20:44
vmlintuI'll do some testing with the portal later this week and check the sources20:51
joergvmlintu, I wouldn't use that as home dir...20:52
joergit is a place in the web to share stuff with others...20:52
joergnot a place for heaps of dot files and app data :P20:52
vmlintuare you planning on acls for the shares?20:55
joergvmlintu, well there are acls :P21:28
joergvmlintu, you can edit/view them in a very uncomfortable way right now by right click on a file and "Edit ACL..."21:29
joergvmlintu, they are automatically generated if you add a share to a profile21:30
joergbut from our experience, manually setting acls is overkill for students and especially teachers21:31
joergthey love you if you make things easy.21:31
joergthat's why the share concept exists:21:31
joergif I want to share a folder I add it to my profile and select read/write for my friends and/or everybody21:31
joergif I want to share a folder in a group, I add it to the group profile and select read/write for the group members21:32
vmlintuyes, it really should be kept simple for the users21:35
joergvmlintu, got a demo server of your project as well?22:07
vmlintujoerg: not a public one at the moment22:09
joergvmlintu, hmm, ok....is it easy to install? then I'd just check it out right now ;)22:12
joerggot a meeting concerning these things tomorrow.....22:12
vmlintuthere's a setup tool here: http://github.com/opinsys/puavo-tools22:13
vmlintuit has been tested on clean lucid server installs only, though22:14
vmlintuthe installation instructions for the whole thing are here: http://wiki.github.com/opinsys/puavo-users/22:15
vmlintuI'm working on an actual website and demo server now.. just need to get some new servers installed22:17
joergvmlintu, ah okay....well, I am too tired to follow all that instructions right now....22:53
joergdoesn't look like if I could make that in 20 minutes...22:54
joergI don't have more if I want to have 7 hours of sleep :)22:54
vmlintu20 minutes is probably not enough if you haven't done it before22:59
joergvmlintu, well, slapd and ldap auth is running here :)23:19
vmlintudid you use the script?23:20
joergvmlintu, yes, your script....ages ago23:21
joergyou certainly remember23:22
joergwhen I found an error which was not an error :)23:22
vmlintuI mean the scripts here: http://github.com/opinsys/puavo-tools23:22
joergah, no.....I was brushing my teeth :)23:23
vmlintuthat does all the steps I wrote in the blog23:23
joergvmlintu, just a hint to make it easier: apt-add-repository ppa:opinsys does the sources list thing and the key import :)23:37
joergdo I need that kerberos stuff?23:41
joergI dont want it :P23:41
joergand I don't want samba23:42
vmlintukerberos is not required, but the setup script configures it now always23:42

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