
debfxa|wen: thanks, merging goldendict wasn't necessary though00:25
debfx0.9.1~git20100204-1 patched some qmake file so it doesn't install the app-install desktop file00:27
a|wendebfx: oh, well we still have a diff from debian as it is now ... lets see when debian gets to this transition and we can get back in sync00:32
DarkwingDuckWhat ver is Rekonq up to? Is 0.4.0 current?00:46
valorie0.4.0 is what I got the other day00:48
valorievia synaptic00:48
imbrandonapachelogger: Hanna Montana Linux ? seriously ?00:54
jjessecan't wait for hannah montana linux :)00:55
DarkwingDuckjjesse: http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/Site/Home.html01:04
valorietoo bad they didn't make it with her more recent guise01:05
DarkwingDuckI'm getting a qtmake error... what do I have to have installed?01:12
DarkwingDuckwhen using cmake.01:13
lex79JontheEchidna: are you already watching the season final? :D02:30
lex79no spoiler tomorrow please... :)02:31
verbalshadowlex79: season finale of??02:35
verbalshadowi stopped watching a couple of years ago02:37
lex79bad, very bad :P02:37
verbalshadownow if you want really good show watch breaking bad02:39
verbalshadowamazing, my wife even likes it and she hates most of the shows i like02:40
lex79oh, I never seen breaking bad02:41
verbalshadowAMC also on tonight02:43
JontheEchidnalex79: \o/03:18
lex79JontheEchidna: o/03:27
lex79are you watching?03:27
ScottKRiddell: Would you please approve https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-maverick-netbook-config03:50
ScottKAnd if it's OK, then do your magic on the Todo page....03:51
ScottKlex79: What's your plan for kdeartwork?03:57
* rgreening yawns04:17
* rgreening wonders if kdelibs will compile this time04:17
ScottKdantti and JontheEchidna: Would you please review https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuMaverickUpdates and see if it matches your recollection of the discussion (it seems the Gobby notes got lost).04:29
JontheEchidnalex79: yeah, just finished04:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: looks right to me04:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.04:33
|dantti|JontheEchidna: dude, that debconf code is really bad written04:58
JontheEchidna|dantti|: this is why I didn't just continue developing adept :P04:58
|dantti|there isn't a line of comment04:59
|dantti|and it mix std libs with qt04:59
|dantti|and the code is in .h not .cpp04:59
|dantti|I'd like to cry..04:59
ScottK|dantti|: Doe the spec look right?04:59
JontheEchidnamost of adept is in .h04:59
|dantti|but it's compiling at least now (but not linking :P)05:00
|dantti|ScottK: what do you mean?05:00
=== |dantti| is now known as dantti_home
ScottK|dantti|: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuMaverickUpdates05:00
ScottKThe Gobby notes vanished, so I want to make sure I captured the results of the session correctly.05:01
dantti_homeScottK: I think it's ok, btw I already commited the changes05:02
ScottKdantti_home: Including keeping the cache in sync with the system?05:02
dantti_homethe transactions icon still uses the old kde class, since it does not work on setting the pixmap05:02
dantti_homeScottK: well that's in the other session (just change an option in PackageKit.conf)05:03
ScottKAre you using KSNI or xembedd for the systray stuff?05:04
dantti_homethere is still a problem where if the icon is already there and you do aptitude update it won't know that there are more so instantly05:04
dantti_homeKSNI for the updates stuff 05:04
dantti_homebut the icon that pops up when something is happening still the same05:05
dantti_homeKSNI can't set an icon by it's pixmap05:05
dantti_home(at least here)05:05
ScottKI see.05:05
ScottKI think if the number of updates is out of sync for a bit, it's not a big deal.  The main thing is to have the icon pop up as soon as updates are available and go away as soon as they are installed.05:06
dantti_homeScottK: btw I have some nice ideas for the applications view.. but I want to finish debconf first.. 05:06
ScottKThe debconf stuff is important.05:06
dantti_homewell if you use the cmd line the systray icon won't be notified05:06
dantti_homewhich isn't normally the case05:07
dantti_homebut we can have an entry on the right click that refreshes it 05:08
dantti_homek, i have to sleep now... gnight05:10
ScottKGood night.05:10
ScottKRiddell: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-maverick-updates is ready for approval too, I believe.05:10
rgreeninggrrr... ftbfs again05:10
rgreeningthough.. I think it's just fixing the symbol files05:11
rgreeningJontheEchidna: is there a correct/best way to get the correct symbols for kdelibs?05:12
JontheEchidnargreening: applying the diff it gives you and removing the debian version from the entries should do it05:14
rgreeningok. hmm... I got another issue then05:14
JontheEchidnaThere's also pkgkde-symbolshelper, if you can figure it out05:14
rgreeningJontheEchidna: can you look at this and offer any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/438643/05:15
JontheEchidnargreening: maybe a new file that needs to be placed in a .install file?05:16
JontheEchidnaperhaps a new package05:16
rgreeningok, I'll run list-missing and see if there's some new files/package...05:17
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ah yes... that's exactly it05:18
JontheEchidnaHeh. Snoop Dogg inhaled the smoke monster06:05
JontheEchidnaWelp, Jimmy Kimmel's over. Time for bed06:05
glatzorRiddell, hello07:55
CIA-92[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100524084952-7mzqf48rzvat0mn3 * src/ (6 files in 3 dirs) Start kio09:49
CIA-92[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100524085420-kpvq8gft60cmmzc3 * src/kioslave/ (KIO.cpp KIO.h) Add license - branch upcoming :)09:54
Riddellglatzor: should I do a SRU with the encoding patch you made?10:01
apacheloggerI HAZ KIO!!!!!10:22
apacheloggerRiddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/u5RsBWh.html10:23
* a|wen tries not to comment on the colours10:25
apacheloggerthat is fluffy!10:25
apacheloggercheck out identica10:25
apacheloggerfregl and yours truely are working on a fork of hannah monatana linux10:25
valorievery pink and sparkleh10:26
apacheloggerawesome, isnt it? :D10:26
valorieyou know this is her new stuff, right?10:28
jussiapachelogger: awesomeness! (but PINK? wth were you thinking :P )10:28
valorienot very pink and sparkly10:28
apacheloggerwhat is wrong with pink?10:28
a|wenfluffy it is ;) i think spring has caught your minds :P10:30
Sputthat is not spring, it's madness10:31
jussipink hurts my eyes...10:31
jussiSput: you aready are mad... so whats the issue? :P10:31
SputI'm totally not mad10:31
jussiSput: sorry, just mostly mad... :P10:32
Sputfrom my point of view, I'm perfectly sane and normal, but most of the universe evolving around me is totally nuts10:32
Riddellapachelogger: ooh!10:40
jussioh btw, I wanted to congratulate every one again on an awesome 10.04. I did the upgrade on the media pc yesterday, went so perfectly that my fiancee could have done it :D10:52
* a|wen upgraded his desktop to 10.04 a few days ago ... went so smooth, what a pleasure! thanks a lot for an awesome release11:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I am afraid the concept is all wrong11:02
* apachelogger needs to implement a kversincontrolplugin really11:02
apacheloggerthe thing is11:02
apacheloggerin slaves you have no control over the painting11:02
apacheloggerand since we actually want to add status emblems to the items in u1 folders that is a bit of a problem11:02
apacheloggeralso since dolphin has its own file item delegate I can not even sensibly hack around that11:03
jussigood morning sabdfl :)11:29
sabdflhi jussi12:01
sabdflall settled down after belgium?12:01
Tm_TRiddell: hi, should I poke you about getting 100 cds of Kubuntu for a big event?12:34
RiddellTm_T: you could, is this a new poke or a reminder one?12:35
Tm_TRiddell: new one, finally doing some of my duties12:35
Tm_TRiddell: we need those cd:s for assembly, http://www.assembly.org/summer10/12:37
Tm_Tand that 100 is something we hope to be enough, considering there's some 5 000 young computer enthusiasts whole weekend12:38
Tm_TRiddell: should I just email you with details?12:38
Riddellwas going to say, assembly is > 100 people12:38
RiddellTm_T: I need name, postal address and phone number for delivery12:39
RiddellJontheEchidna: able to have a quick council meeting sometime for debfx's membership?13:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yup13:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: when are you free today?13:13
Riddellin UTC times13:13
JontheEchidnaI should be fine from 15:00 onwards13:15
JontheEchidnaexcept from 21:00 to 22:0013:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: btw, LP says my KC membership is expiring and that I should contact you for renewal13:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes that's why we need a meeting quickly :)13:19
Riddellalthough you should get renewal along with apachelogger and rgreening 13:19
Riddellnot so me, Nightrose and seele 13:19
apacheloggeroh oh13:19
apacheloggerRiddell: Nightrose and me probably only past 20 CEST I think13:19
Riddellrgreening, debfx: got time got a KC meeting today?13:20
CIA-92[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100524122440-3czn1b0b1gogevhj * debian/ (changelog control) Depend on oxygen-cursor-theme, not oxygencursors13:24
jussi:D http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbp_/4624069108/13:25
Riddell"oops my laptop broke"13:27
jussiRiddell: lol13:30
jussi"oops, I used the exxperimental repo again" :P13:30
jussis/experimental/staging/ :P13:31
* Riddell waits on kdeedu to hit the archive before sorting kdeplasma-addons13:45
Riddellbase-runtime is the last marge for SC, where is Quintasan?13:45
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Quintasan sent me his diff for review. I noted that things weren't quite merged enough, but I haven't seen him since last week.13:46
JontheEchidnaIf its really important for it to be done now, I can finish up for him13:46
JontheEchidna~seen Quintasan13:47
kubotuQuintasan was last seen 18 hours, 22 minutes and 16 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Remote host closed the connection)13:47
RiddellJontheEchidna: if you're in a mood for it you may as well do it, plenty other things for him to do when he next turns up13:47
JontheEchidnak, I'll start that after my phone conference13:52
debfxRiddell: fix for QtWebKit.pc and some other small stuff: http://debfx.fobos.de/ubu/qtwebkit_4.7~beta1-0ubuntu2.debdiff14:09
Riddellyo da man14:09
debfxRiddell: I have time until 16 UTC and past 19:3014:23
shtylmanRiddell: since we don't have a trash bin on the desktop by default, I think it might be wise to set the "delete files older than N days" to on... so that if the user doesn't touch the files in trash for a while they will get deleted14:30
Riddelldestroying data without asking is risky14:31
debfxJontheEchidna: could you please upload kdegraphics14:35
JontheEchidnadebfx: yeah14:37
rgreeningRiddell: what time? 15:05
a|wenRiddell: who do we poke to get qt4-x11 built with a larger timeout for "no activity" on armel? (looks like that is our problem there)15:07
JontheEchidnaTonio__: ping15:13
Tonio__JontheEchidna: hey :)15:22
JontheEchidnaTonio__: Hi, Debian was wondering if you plan to still look after the audex package in Debian. (They want to know if you still want to be in the Uploaders: field)15:23
Tonio__JontheEchidna: no pb with that15:25
JontheEchidnaTonio__: no pb?15:28
shtylmanis there a list somewhere of new packages hittign debian?15:29
shtylmanlike a new upload queue?15:29
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping15:31
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong, was wanting to talk with ya too15:32
Quintasankdebase-runtime? :O15:32
JontheEchidnashtylman: incoming.debian.org maybe?15:32
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yeah. looking at the diff you gave me yesterday, I noticed some things that still needed merging15:32
JontheEchidnamostly in debian/control15:33
QuintasanJontheEchidna: do you mean the replaces versions mismatch?15:33
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: among other things. The Upload field needs synced, the transitional packages need to go away15:36
JontheEchidnaThe khelpcenter, kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4, and kdebase-runtime-data-common packages need removed from debian/control15:37
JontheEchidnakhelpcenter4 is the new package in this case15:38
QuintasanJontheEchidna: What about the versions on conflicts? Should I use Debian's versions?15:40
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: If the current versions are lower than the version in lucid, go with Debian's versions15:40
Quintasan<3 copypasta15:41
JontheEchidnasince now that lucid's released we don't care about upgrades from older ubuntu releases15:41
JontheEchidnasince everybody will have to upgrade to lucid to go to lucid+x anyways15:42
QuintasanOkay, then I'll go and fix it15:43
Tonio__JontheEchidna: they can keep me in the "uploaders" list15:45
QuintasanJontheEchidna: one thing, should "kdebase-runtime-data-common" go away from Conflicts and Replaces too?15:46
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: right15:46
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/diff.tar.bz215:53
QuintasanShould be fine now.15:53
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: George Kiagiadakis got moved down a line in our package15:56
JontheEchidnathe cmake build-dep shouldn't have been dropped15:56
JontheEchidnayou can go ahead and drop the (>= 4:4.6.2) from libqt4-opengl-dev15:56
JontheEchidnathe breaks: on the old kdesudo can go away since lucid has a higher version that that15:57
JontheEchidnayou can sync the depends, conflicts and replaces for kdebase-runtime-data15:58
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I'm pretty sure that CDBS is still here :O15:58
ScottKRiddell: oxygen-icons needs a merge too.15:59
Quintasanyeah, I did not drop it15:59
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: I said cmake, not cdbs15:59
Quintasanoh god...15:59
RiddellScottK: oh aye, splitting out large icons and all, I can do that16:00
Riddellhi d34df00d 16:00
QuintasanJontheEchidna: kdelibs5-plugins?16:00
d34df00dHow do you manage to use PO-only Launchpad's translation system with Qt's ts translations format?16:00
d34df00dpo2ts/ts2po and lconvert seem to lose some strings for me.16:00
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yeah, that should be added as a build-dep16:01
JontheEchidnad34df00d: currently launchpad's translation system doesn't support .ts translations16:01
d34df00dJontheEchidna: yeah.16:02
JontheEchidnathough I think that the Quassel guys figured out how to do lossess conversion16:02
JontheEchidnaSput, EgS: ^?16:02
ScottKRiddell: Did you get my pings from last night about spec review/approval?16:02
d34df00dI've just exproted what's been on Launchpad now, converted to ts, and there are fewer translated things in resulting ts that was from the previous export.16:02
d34df00dThat's strange, to say least :)16:03
RiddellScottK: yes, that's on the todo list for today too16:03
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.16:03
ScottKJontheEchidna and d34df00d: It's al you want for Quassel translation stuff.16:03
d34df00dScottK: eh?16:04
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/diffs.tar.bz216:04
ald34df00d: me ;)16:04
JontheEchidnad34df00d: Al is the nick of the Quassel translations guy16:05
JontheEchidnaoh, hi al16:05
JontheEchidnaal: d34df00d was wanting to know how to convert from launchpad's .pos to .ts files without losing translations16:06
alwe don't use translate toolkit anymore, becuase it's kinda buggy16:06
d34df00dI thought it's misspelled 'all' at first :)16:06
alqt has its own set of tools, most importantly lconvert16:06
althere's just a slight problem when one string appears in multiple in places16:07
d34df00dal: I've converted some exported po's right now, and, first of all, it seems to loose the contexts — I should re-run lupdate on the translations after converting and manually go through the translations in linguist to accept its same-text heuristic suggestion.16:07
ald34df00d: did you use lconvert or po2ts?16:08
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: ok, for the new diff.16:08
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: You can sync the conflicts/replaces for the kdebase-runtime binary package16:08
JontheEchidnadepends, too16:08
d34df00dal: lconvert.16:08
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: same for kdebase-runtime-data16:08
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: you can drop the "| kfreebsd-gnu | hurd" from kdebase-runtime16:09
ald34df00d: well, that's exactly what we do - lconvert to .ts, run lupdate (but only to get those duplicate strings translated), then generate the .qm from there16:09
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: khelpcenter4 needs to depend on misc:Depends, and for the sake of being the same as debian the conflicts on khelpcenter should return16:09
d34df00dal: well then.16:10
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: the new ubuntu package- accidentally has kde-config-phonon-xine named kcm-config-...16:10
ald34df00d: in the long run it would make sense to drop tr() and use gettext directly, like vlc does16:10
d34df00dBut this process of syncing translations is a real pain in the neck.16:10
d34df00dSince I have about 20 different sets of translation files, each consists of several different languages.16:10
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: and, in general, the rule is that the start of package short descriptions shouldn't be captialized. (So "Advanced Phonon Xine configuration" becomes "advanced")16:11
d34df00dSo right now I'd have to work through about 80 .pos :)16:11
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: then plasma-scriptengine-javascript and kdebase-runtime-dbg can be synced, and debian/control should be all good16:11
QuintasanJontheEchidna: for khelpcenter4 - like this -> Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} ?16:13
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yeah16:13
JontheEchidnaoh lawd, more rosetta acceptance emails spamming knotify16:14
QuintasanJontheEchidna: by syncing conflics you means just copypasting them? We have added few conflicts in our packages, should I just replace them with Debian's?16:15
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: In these cases you can replace them, since lucid has higher versions than any of the ones we added16:16
JontheEchidnaand for this release we aren't supporting upgrades from anything except lucid16:16
QuintasanJontheEchidna: just to make sure, -kde4 conflicts should be removed?16:17
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | KDE merges: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/MaverickKDEMerges
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: If Debian doesn't have a -kde4, we don't care anymore and it should be removed16:18
QuintasanJontheEchidna: well, they do have a replace on -kde4 packages16:18
JontheEchidnathen we want it still, for the sake of being the same16:19
JontheEchidnaconflicting on a non-existant package doesn't really hurt anything, and it helps the readability of the diff for the next merge16:19
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/diffs.tar.bz2 == final version? @_@16:25
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: maybe. I haven't looked at the rest of the merge yet :D16:25
Quintasanthis is sooooo confusing16:26
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: kdebase-runtime-data needs to Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} 16:26
JontheEchidnaand the long description of plasma-scriptengine-javascript is missing a period at the end16:26
JontheEchidnathe khelpcenter4.links file is missing in the merge16:27
JontheEchidnadebian/patches/25_khelp_htdig.diff can be synced from debian16:28
JontheEchidnaand then I'd say that the merge looks pretty good16:29
JontheEchidnaI'll do some more anal things like syncing the order of a few of the items in the .install files with debian, but I won't make you do that ;)16:30
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: looks nice. I'll sponsor it after lunch16:37
Quintasantheeen I'm going to try doing this crappy microblogging patch16:38
Riddellhey, what's crappy about it!?16:40
QuintasanRiddell: Hmm, it doesn't work?16:41
Riddellwell yes, there is that16:41
QuintasanRiddell: even after making sure it applies kdeplasma-addons FTBFS without any good reason16:41
QuintasanOR I'm doing it wrong, but copypasting the patch and making sure it makes sense should be easy16:42
Riddellit's an annoyingly complex patch for what should be a simple change16:42
JontheEchidnaa|wen: Thanks a bunch for the SRU testing16:43
a|wenJontheEchidna: np ... when i have the time, i usually look through the SRU list and tests what i can16:44
shtylmanRiddell: the version of qt that we packaged... was that from latest git or from their packaged release?16:44
Riddellrgreening: how about 21:00UTC for meeting?16:45
Riddellshtylman: qt 4.7 beta from their release16:45
shtylmangotcha... so it didn't have agaeaus stuff16:45
rgreeningshould be fine16:45
JontheEchidnaa|wen: It's just a bit discouraging when somebody that rails on us for "never fixing bugs" completely drops the ball and doesn't do the testing when I do an SRU for his bug. :/16:45
rgreeningIm gonna see Robin Hood this afternoon :)16:45
JontheEchidnaa|wen: so yeah, thanks :)16:45
shtylmancause kde requires that stuff to build now :)16:46
rgreeningshtylman: in ninjas, we have git16:46
Riddellshtylman: it doesn't have agateau's patch no16:46
rgreeningI asked lex79 to upload for that reason16:46
JontheEchidnaa|wen: (the kio_imap4 bug, if you were wondering)16:46
Riddellshtylman: KDE requires what to build?16:46
rgreeningI officially hate kdelibs packaging for betas :)16:47
shtylmanRiddell: if you are using version 4.7 of qt, kde need the patch, otherwise QIcon doesn't have the member "name()"16:47
lex79JontheEchidna: did you start with kdepimlibs?16:47
JontheEchidnalex79: I'm waiting on kde4libs to be done16:47
a|wenJontheEchidna: true; that happens once in a while ... when it's fixed for them, no need to care anymore16:47
lex79JontheEchidna: I have already built, kdelibs and kdepimlibs16:48
lex79I did on the train :P16:48
JontheEchidnaa|wen: well, I think I can use this to shove in his face next time he says we don't fix anything :D16:49
JontheEchidnamaybe he'll just go away, that'd be better16:49
a|wenyeah, then he can't say much16:49
rgreeninglex79: you have kdelibs done for 4.4.80?16:49
lex79and pimlibs16:50
rgreeningall packaged correctly?16:50
JontheEchidnalex79: oh, btw. I think I can do the symbols stuff for soprano this afternoon16:50
lex79JontheEchidna: it's a svn version, I don't care about symbol stuff for now :)16:51
rgreeninglex79: is it complete? suitable to upload? e.g. should I bother to continue working on it?16:51
lex79it's done, all my packages are suitable to upload... :P16:51
rgreeningok, then go ahead. I'll trash my work :)16:52
rgreeningand go to move16:52
rgreeningmovie even16:52
JontheEchidnalex79: but we do want the symbol files to at least be there. I'll do it this afternoon and then upload16:52
lex79JontheEchidna: you're right, ok16:52
rgreeninglex79: wait16:53
* JontheEchidna should write a wiki for symbols files stuff16:53
rgreeningdid you move to deb src 316:53
rgreeningdam. 16:53
* rgreening haptes wasting 3 days 16:53
rgreeninglex79: ok, please upload your stuff to ninjas16:53
rgreeningmight as well move on16:54
rgreeningI was 500m form the finish line.. oh well16:54
lex79rgreening: you can merge your changes in bzr with my package, if it's necessary16:54
lex79two heads it's better than one :)16:55
rgreeninglex79: np. I'll review it later. If there's any additions, I'll update16:56
rgreeninglets get it in16:56
lex79anyway, I disabled 3 patches, we can update later16:57
lex79they are not vital16:57
lex79kubuntu_06_user_disk_mounting.diff, 23_solid_no_double_build, 19_findqt4_optional_x11_pthread16:58
lex79with the last one solid is ftbs16:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: Could http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4232 be combined with kubuntu-notification-helper?17:10
Riddell"51 days to go" opensuse start their countdown early :)17:13
lex79Riddell: can you upload oxygen-icons merge from bzr?17:24
lex79but you have to remove the last changelog before uploading17:24
Riddelllex79: I can indeed17:24
lex79the last changelog is for 4.5 beta17:25
JontheEchidnaScottK: iirc they're modifying the "open with" dialog to present that dialog17:48
JontheEchidnafor the mimetype detection thing17:48
* Riddell gets grumpy on sounder17:48
Riddella|wen: I'm afraid I don't know on the timeout issue, I wonder if there are some soyuz programmers I can poke18:18
a|wenRiddell: it is killed while building/assembling the -dbg package which is known to take a long time ... but yeah, probably the soyuz people are the best to try poking18:20
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you upload kdevelop/kdevplatform to maverick please?18:22
JontheEchidnaapt-get wants to remove it because a library package name got changed in kdebase-workspace, and the lucid-backports version is built against the old package18:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks for fixing workspace for me.18:33
JontheEchidnaScottK: No prob18:33
JontheEchidnaHmm, fun. Latest attica broke KDE 4.4.3, so the merge will have to wait for 4.5 beta18:34
JontheEchidnaLikely libattica needs an .so bump upstream, it broke api compatibility18:36
JontheEchidnaWe are switching to source format 3.0 for core KDE? Weren't we waiting for debian to switch first?18:40
JontheEchidnaOr have they said that they'll be switching for 4.5 after squeeze?18:40
JontheEchidnaah, ok. I read the logs from the 21st18:54
JontheEchidnaneat, <3 .bz218:54
jussiis anyone here in contact with the rekonq daily people? theres a small packaging error in their packaging19:18
jussiUnpacking rekonq-data (from .../rekonq-data_0.4.0+git20100524-0ubuntu1~ppa1~lucid_all.deb) ...19:18
jussidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/rekonq-data_0.4.0+git20100524-0ubuntu1~ppa1~lucid_all.deb (--unpack):19:18
jussi trying to overwrite '/usr/share/applications/kde4/rekonq.desktop', which is also in package rekonq 0:0.4.0-0ubuntu119:18
ScottKjussi: You should just contact them.19:24
CIA-92[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100524182435-yxopkzsff3htei2c * debian/ (patches/kubuntu_90_strigi_notification_polish.diff changelog) Drop kubuntu_90_strigi_notification_polish.diff for KDE 4.4.3, upstream had something else in mind19:24
jussiScottK: right, whats the correct way of doing that? do we file bugs against ppa's? or do they have an irc channel?19:25
ScottKjussi: No idea.  I'd look at who uploaded the package and either email them or use the LP contact a person facility.19:25
jussiScottK: good point, Ill do that. thanks.19:26
jussiScottK: done. thanks again :)19:30
JontheEchidnaScottK: Is it normal for there not to be a publisher run 47 minutes after a build is complete?19:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: Publisher normally runs at :03, so yes, depending on when it finished.19:55
JontheEchidnaI had thought that they run every 20 minutes, so that makes more sense19:55
ScottKThen the publisher runs normally take ~40 minutes, so you can figure on the binaries being available on a.u.c at ~ :45.19:59
JontheEchidnakdebase-workspace finished on amd64 53 minutes ago20:01
JontheEchidnathat's cutting it a bit close for the last publisher run20:01
JontheEchidnaI suppose it must have missed it, else it would have shown up by now20:01
SimeJontheEchidna: do you know much about KDE's phonon requirements and what version is required?20:16
JontheEchidnaSime: Phonon 4.4.0 is required for KDE 4.4.0 and up. Qt 4.6 ships with Phonon 4.3.1, but we patched our Qt's copy of phonon up to 4.4.120:17
JontheEchidnaKDE 4.5 should be just fine with phonon 4.4.0, too20:17
SimeJontheEchidna: ok, I see.20:18
Riddelljussi: the rekonq daily guy sits in #rekonq20:18
SimeI'm having trouble figuring out what the requirements really are for KDE 4.5.20:18
Simeit is just not clear. But your info helps a lot.20:18
JontheEchidnaGlad I could help20:19
JontheEchidna!find libQtMediaServices.so.420:19
ubottuPackage/file libQtMediaServices.so.4 does not exist in lucid20:19
JontheEchidna!find libQtMediaServices.so.4 maverick20:19
RiddellSime: does python-kde need to care about phonon?  we package python-qt's phonon bindings20:19
ubottuFile libQtMediaServices.so.4 found in libqt4-dbg, libqt4-multimedia20:19
RiddellJontheEchidna: libQtMediaServices is in libqt4-multimedia in maverick20:20
JontheEchidnalooks like QtWebKit links against QtMultimedia now20:20
Riddellalthough it's going away in 4.7 final I'm told20:20
SimeRiddell: I do bindings based on KDE's (version of) phonon.20:20
JontheEchidnaI think QtMultimedia is a bad idea :S20:20
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes, QtWebKit uses QtMultimeida (which uses gstreamer) rather than phonon20:20
SimeRiddell:  PyQt's phonon bindings are probably better though... :)20:20
Riddelleverything thinks QtMultimedia is a bad idea20:20
Riddelleveryone rather20:21
SimeRiddell: I would be happy to stop the duplication in pykde.20:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I'm getting FTBFS because "/usr/bin/ld: warning: libQtMediaServices.so.4, needed by //usr/lib64/libQtWebKit.so.4, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)"20:21
shtylmanRiddell: is it a bad idea?20:21
JontheEchidnashould libqt4-dev pull in libqt4-multimedia then?20:22
RiddellSime: but qt's phonon and kde's phonon are the same thing.  they install headers to different places and qt's version lags behind kde's version (but distros patch it), so I don't think it matter whether the python bindings are in pyqt or pykde, it just seems strange to have it in both20:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes it ought to, if it doesn't that's my omission20:22
Riddellshtylman: is what a bad idea?20:22
JontheEchidnaRiddell: the funny thing is that libqt4-multimedia is installed, but it's still failing :S20:23
SimeRiddell: I know. It's all kind of messed up and confusing.20:23
Riddellshtylman: yes, qt already has a perfectly good multimedia API, nobody wants QtMultimedia except the Brisbain office who won't give a good reason why phonon isn't good enough20:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: do you have libQtMediaServices.so.4 installed?20:24
JontheEchidnaRiddell: nope. looks like a packaging bug with the Qt packages in the ppa20:25
JontheEchidnalex79: ^20:25
RiddellJontheEchidna: which PPA?20:25
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ninjas20:25
lex79maybe I removed that file20:25
lex79it's a git snapshot20:26
Riddellpossibly upstream removed it20:27
Riddellthey did say it was going away20:27
Riddelland maybe qtwebkit hasn't caught up yet20:27
lex79I checked, yes I removed that20:27
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Is our qtwebkit a copy of what's in qt4-x11?20:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes, from 4.7 beta20:28
JontheEchidnaSo then we probably need a qtwebkit git package20:28
lex79JontheEchidna: I think so20:28
lex79can you do? I have no time...Lost in 30 minutes :P20:29
RiddellLost?  isn't that finished yet?20:29
JontheEchidnafor now I just copied the libs from my machine into the pbuilder :P20:29
lex79the final series here, tonight20:29
JontheEchidnathe finale of the final series, in fact20:30
lex79JontheEchidna: is it good as final series? no spoiler..just say good or bad :P20:30
JontheEchidnawell, I liked it20:30
lex79good :)20:30
JontheEchidnabut there were responses ranging from "I loved it" to "I hate it" to "WTF?"20:31
lex79eheh :)20:31
Sputmostly WTF from what I've heard20:32
Riddellthat was shown at 5 in the morning here to coincide with the US showing, I wonder if anyone watched it20:32
lex79Riddell: also here, at 620:33
lex79but also tonight here with subs20:33
JontheEchidnalex79: btw, the oxygen Qt widget theme is moving from -runtime to -workspace, so that'll need a Replace:20:36
* dantti is thinking about writing an anti-popup for kde420:36
Riddelldantti: what's one of them?20:39
danttiRiddell: sorry?20:40
Riddelldantti: what's an anti-popup?20:40
danttisomething that blocks this horrible notifications that look like pop ups20:40
danttias it keeps poping on my screen20:41
Riddellyou can try colibri if you want alternative visual notifications20:41
danttiRiddell: kubuntu stuff?20:41
Riddelldantti: yes, agateau special20:42
danttiRiddell: hmm I'll take a look, a made a friend here move his Debian to kubuntu (so I can test things :P)20:43
danttis/a made/I made20:43
Sputhm, there's an option to disable the popups20:43
lex79JontheEchidna: ok I will do20:45
danttiRiddell: thanks, that's 200% better :P20:50
Riddellanother convert..20:51
danttime and my co-workers :P20:52
JontheEchidnaThey finally removed that very outdated FAQ from khelpcenter20:57
rbelemhey Riddell 20:57
rbelemRiddell, i'm finishing the ksambashare lib20:58
Riddellrbelem: ooh?20:59
rbelemRiddell, and now start to hack kdenetwork filesharing20:59
Riddelllet is know if you need help or testing20:59
rbelemRiddell, what do you think about for the first patch just make it work with the new lib and in a second effort rewrite the entire filesharing?21:01
rbelemi think it needs a pluggable design21:03
rbelembut i have no idea how the gui would look like21:04
rbelemRiddell, can the design team draw a gui?21:05
Riddellrbelem: did you ever look at the gnome UI?21:12
=== emma_ is now known as emma
Riddellyou can ask seele if she has any comments but it's nothing complex as a UI21:14
Riddellthe strange thing there is it needs the Create Share button clicked rather than just clicking OK which would be more normal21:14
rbelemthat's weird21:17
shtylmanRiddell: dane cook eh?21:18
Riddellshtylman: whit?21:18
RiddellI have last.fm tuned to Comedy tag, it's getting a bit random21:18
shtylmandane cook is pretty good21:19
shtylmanI also see you aren't using the network manager plasmoid... 21:19
shtylmanyou have bluetooth21:19
shtylmanyour task panel is broken21:19
shtylmanusing lacelot for menu21:19
shtylmanand you just uploaded some oxygen icons :)21:20
RiddellI use knetworkmanager just as we supply our users21:20
shtylmansure... sure...21:20
rbelemRiddell, should we drop samba share from kdenetwork/filesharing and just add it to dolphin?21:20
RiddellI've never used bluetooth except trying to get it to connect to my phone once to see if I could, mixed results.  I still think having bluetooth's UI be in the systray is daft21:20
RiddellI added lancelot to test it at UDS, haven't removed it yet, still bemused by their choice of icon21:21
Riddellrbelem: it's a plugin so it doesn't really matter where the code is surely21:21
rbelemRiddell, nice! so i will remove all code related to ksambashare from kdenetwork/filesharing and i will create a plugging to dolphin, ok?21:23
Riddellrbelem: the code in kdenetwork/filesharing is a plugin to kpropertiesdialogue (isn't it?)21:24
rbelemnow i see21:24
Riddellyes it's KPropertiesDialogPlugin21:25
rbelemthe propsdlgplugin21:25
Riddellrbelem: filesharing/advanced/propsdlgplugin is the interesting code21:25
rbelemi will start hacking this21:26
rbelemthanks Riddell 21:26
Riddellfilesharing/simple can be removed21:26
rbelemcool :-)21:26
Riddellso can advanced/kcm_sambaconf and advanced/nfs21:26
Riddelland propsdlgplugin probably needs lots of changes and simplification but it's a template to use21:27
JontheEchidna!find kdontchangethehostname21:57
ubottuFile kdontchangethehostname found in kdelibs-dbg, kdelibs4c2a, kdelibs5, kdelibs5-dbg21:57
shtylmando we have an official kubuntu color?22:02
shtylmanor is the color of the logo the official color now?22:02
rbelemRiddell, do we need gui to configure the smb.conf? Can i remote it?22:04
* bulldog98 asks himself why in maverick kwin should be removed if he dist-upgrades22:15
* ScottK suspects it's a bug.22:23
Riddellrbelem: kill all that code22:25
Riddellbulldog98: package name change to kde-window-manager22:25
rbelemsweet \o/22:25
bulldog98ok Riddell good to know22:26
debfxRiddell: is there going to be a meeting today?22:29
bulldog98Riddell: plasma-desktop should be removed too22:29
Riddellrgreening, JontheEchidna: meeting?22:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: sure22:32
Riddellor Nightrose or apachelogger for that matter22:33
* apachelogger pokes Nightrose22:33
Riddellgroovy, let's meet now22:33
RiddellI call this meeting of the Kubuntu Council to order!22:34
Riddelldebfx: care to introduce yourself?22:34
* Nightrose waves22:34
apacheloggerfregl is coming too ^^22:34
apacheloggerKRF: o/22:34
apacheloggerkubotu: np22:34
kubotuapachelogger listened to "Sommer ist" by The Wohlstandskinder 5 days ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more22:34
apacheloggeroh that is wrong22:34
* Riddell wonders if he knows who KRF is22:35
Nightroserocking amarok dude22:35
KRFnp: Goldie - Say You Love Me [Sine Tempus, 2008]22:36
Riddellunlike the rest of the Amarok dudes are are dour uninteresting types?22:37
debfxhi, I'm Felix Geyer, studying computer science in karlsruhe (germany)22:37
Nightrosewhy havn't i met you yet?22:37
Riddelldebfx: got a wiki page?22:38
ScottKOooh.  debfx for Kubuntu Member.  Yes.  Please.22:39
debfxNightrose: your're from karlsruhe, too? :)22:39
apacheloggerthat is most weird22:39
apacheloggerlike germany is so small right22:39
Riddelldebfx: your debdiff for qtwebkit today showed an eye for the finer details of .deb packaging.  how did you learn how to make .deb packages?22:40
apacheloggerdebfx: do you know knut yrvin22:40
apacheloggerdebfx: and do you know what fluffy is?22:41
Riddellpst, Nightrose, has apachelogger been drinking?22:42
Nightrosea bit ;-)22:42
apacheloggerI am just in a good mood22:42
apacheloggerI have not been in that good a mood in a long time :D22:42
Nightrosebut we're keeping him very happy here22:43
freglRiddell: actually I'm here giving apachelogger more beer now :)22:43
* Riddell wonders if debfx has been scared away22:43
danttiJontheEchidna: debconf-qt compiles  and run now :D but it doesn't work though :P22:44
debfxRiddell: I started to learn how to package because I wanted to have new upstream version of some packages22:45
debfxand really started to get involved when I was invited to join the pkg-virtualbox team after contributing some patches22:45
debfxapachelogger: no, should I?22:45
Riddelldebfx: I mean what materials did you use to learn? debian new maintainer guide?  ubuntu packaging guide?  or just looking at other packages?22:46
apacheloggerdebfx: yes you should, fluffy is the new distro of fregl and me22:46
apacheloggerdebfx: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fluffy/12414204094877122:46
debfxRiddell: oh, mostly looking at existing packages22:46
apachelogger+1 on debfx22:46
apacheloggerI am not really sure we should ask anything more22:47
apacheloggerhe should just be member22:47
JontheEchidna+1 too22:47
freglacutally there is gitorious.org/fluffy for the developers of course22:47
debfxand I guess I read the new maint guide22:47
Riddelldebfx: should you become a kubuntu member you can then go on to become a MOTU and/or a kubuntu-dev, do you have an idea which you'd want to do?22:47
ScottKbulldog98: kwin is a transitional package only.  The real package is kde-window-manager, so kwin can go away with no problem.22:49
Riddellfregl: did you not pick up a taste for Malt Extract beer substitute when in Kano?  could you not give some of that to apachelogger?22:50
apacheloggerthat sounds kind of scary22:50
Riddelloh not at all, it's delicious, much better than real beer22:51
Riddell[note: possible sarcasm]22:51
freglRiddell: nope, that was import stuff, we just got the local banana drink - and ade just loved the rosted plantanes22:51
shtylmanScottK: do we forsee kwin going away?22:51
debfxI'd like to become a MOTU sometime soon as I also care about some non-kubuntu related packages22:51
Nightrosewhich ones?22:51
ScottKshtylman: In Maverick it's gone.22:51
shtylmanScottK: you mean the package... not the actual executable22:52
ScottKshtylman: Yes.22:52
shtylmancause... unless I missed something.. k22:52
shtylmanwhy the name change?22:52
ScottKDunno, but how about we discuss after the meeting.22:52
JontheEchidnashtylman: oh, that happened back in jaunty iirc. There was some confusion between kwin and kwin4 (kwin4 being a kde game. It got renamed though, iirc)22:53
debfxNightrose: mostly the ones I maintain in debian: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debfx-pkg@fobos.de 22:53
JontheEchidnashtylman: but yeah, we can talk more after the meeting22:53
apacheloggerNightrose: what did just happen22:53
Nightrosedebfx: looks good :)22:54
Riddelldebfx gets a +1 from me for showing a range of packaging and developing interests and being very useful at it too22:54
Nightrosejep - same here22:54
Riddelldebfx: you're in!22:54
apacheloggerdebfx: congrats22:55
Nightrosecongrats debfx22:55
apacheloggerdebfx: approved membership on lp22:55
debfxthanks everyone :)22:55
apacheloggerwelcome to the crew22:55
shtylmandebfx: I dunno what cult you just joined but congrats22:55
Riddellyou will shortly be able to commit to ~kubuntu-members bzr branches, you can add your blog to planet KDE and your <lpid>@kubuntu.org e-mail will get set up in the next few days22:55
Riddellthanks for going through the grilling debfx 22:55
neversfeldecongrats debfx22:56
ScottKRiddell: Isn't it planet Ubuntu he can add his blog to?22:56
RiddellScottK: umm yes22:56
ScottKdebfx: Congratulations.22:56
Riddellclearly I've had too much malt extract drink22:56
Riddelljust incase any council members missed it, apachelogger, JontheEchidna and rgreening got their council membership extended for another year22:57
Riddellme and Nightrose and seele will get kicked off shortly and we'll have elections for replacements22:57
shtylmanRiddell: you aren't going anywhere22:57
Riddellany other council business?22:58
JontheEchidnanone here22:58
shtylmanI have council business22:59
shtylmanI think it should be called kouncil :P22:59
JontheEchidnathe Kubuntu Kommunity Kouncil? :P22:59
shtylmanaww :(23:00
ScottKshtylman: That would result in an extremely unfortunate acronyn in any case.23:01
shtylmanScottK: ooooo ... didn't notice that one... hmm23:01
Riddellan acronym we've been unfortunate enough to use in the past alas23:01
shtylmandelete delete delete23:01
JontheEchidnaKubuntu Karmic Koala23:02
ScottKshtylman: Now that we are past Lucid, the only supported upgrade paths will be through Lucid so we can drop old conflicts/replaces and drop old transitional packages.23:02
* JontheEchidna wishes QtWebKit used cmake23:02
shtylmanJontheEchidna: maybe in some future it will :)23:03
* ScottK larts JontheEchidna for not updating bzr after the last workspace upload.23:03
JontheEchidnaI never really knew how much I liked cmake's progress indicator23:03
JontheEchidna~lart self23:03
RiddellQt developers are looking for their next build system, not certain that it'll be cmake alas23:04
shtylmanRiddell: I have hope23:04
shtylmanI think if cmake fixes the cross compilation stuff It will be a strong contender23:04
shtylmanI really can't see what other major buildsystem they would go with23:05
* JontheEchidna larts ScottK for not doing a bzr add after his merge :P23:05
shtylmancmake integrates nicely with many things now23:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  I'll take that.23:05
CIA-92[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100524220525-b7g9q4r0nyoga9k8 * debian/ (43 files in 3 dirs) Recommend polkit-kde-1, not policykit-kde-1 (non-existent)23:05
JontheEchidnaWe're even then. :)23:05
JontheEchidnaI can't figure this out, though: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49039276/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.kdeplasma-addons_4:4.4.3-1ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:06
JontheEchidnashared-mime-info is a build-dep23:06
rgreeningRiddell: hey23:06
Riddellrgreening: too late, we met without you :)23:07
rgreeningsry was late23:07
Riddellfregl: why no Dot article about Kano?23:07
debfxJontheEchidna: no it isn't ^^23:08
shtylmanRiddell: what is Kano?23:08
Riddellshtylman: it's a large city in northern Nigeria (unless you ask Google Maps in which case it's a crossroads in the desert)23:09
JontheEchidnadebfx: Oh, I'm looking at kdegraphics :D23:09
rgreeningI thought it was now and not 1hr ago. oops23:09
shtylmanRiddell: and what is special about it?23:09
rgreeningstupid UTC conversion gets me all the time23:09
Riddellshtylman: there is an open source conference held there which mainly consists of a couple of KDE people going and talking solidly for three days23:10
shtylmanI see23:10
freglRiddell: wasn't there a dot article?23:12
freglindeed, I shall kick ade's ass23:13
Riddellfregl: there was not23:14
Riddellspeaking of which23:14
Riddellfregl, Nightrose, apachelogger, Mamarok: who's tasked with doing the dot article about the Randa sprint?23:14
NightroseRiddell: annma me and apachelogger kinda23:15
Nightrosewe started a doc for it23:15
Riddellany outcome from the Sound Menu session?23:16
Nightroseyea - apachelogger can say more about it23:17
Nightrosehe attended23:17
Nightrosei took care of edu promo at that time23:17
apacheloggerRiddell: basically we all like it, BUT canonical wants to strongly cooperate with upstream because we actually think this would make sense to be implemented in KDE upstream because the basic concept is sort of awesome23:23
Riddellooh nice23:24
Riddellapachelogger: what about the behaviour changes to Amarok?23:25
apacheloggerRiddell: that should be discussed in depth, but we found the different close button behaviour a bit strange, so that is something to be discussed23:26
Riddellit is, although I find current close button behavious equally strange23:26
* apachelogger finds it a bit odd that the app would close or only go away depending on the playing state23:26
apacheloggerRiddell: agreed23:26

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