
kfogelnigelb: ping, if you have a few minutes to chat about Launchpad +patches view and its use in the Patch Day (http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2010/05/05/flash-news/).04:14
kfogelnigelb: ayt?04:47
aragood morning!07:03
dpmmorning all08:26
qensegood morning08:31
qensehi dpm08:31
popeymorning community!09:18
ddecatormorning popey09:20
czajkowskivery quiet in here11:37
popey ____   ___   ___  _11:38
popey| __ ) / _ \ / _ \| |11:38
popey|  _ \| | | | | | | |11:38
popey| |_) | |_| | |_| |_|11:38
popey|____/ \___/ \___/(_)11:38
popey                     11:38
czajkowskithat'll do :)11:38
czajkowskithough I associate you and ascii with MOO cow :)11:38
qenseDon't let jussi hear you've been using ASCII art!11:38
czajkowskidont tell him!11:39
jussi/aq popey no ascii art11:39
qensetoo late!11:39
* popey glares at qense for hilighting jussi 11:39
czajkowskiqense: next time dont highlight his nick :p11:39
qensepopey: pretend you're not here so jussi can't ban you11:39
* popey hides behind czajkowski 11:39
czajkowskilovely, it's not as if jussi is scared of me11:40
* jussi stares at the channel tiredly11:41
jussiI hate mondays11:41
czajkowskijussi: see ascii is fun11:41
czajkowskiyou really are no fun what so ever11:41
qenseIt's probably not as fun in #ubuntu as it is here. :)11:41
popeywell, that woke everyone up :)11:41
popeymy work here is done11:42
jussiqense: very true11:42
czajkowskipopey: cheers!11:42
jussioh dmmit... I forgot11:42
qenseafk, pizza time!11:42
jussiI was going to get a photo at uds of me hugging gord...11:42
jussiwith gord having a crazed get me away from this look on his face...11:43
popeydoes gord do any other faces than crazed?11:44
czajkowskipopey: hello pot this is the kettle calling!11:44
czajkowskihmm I really should get breakie but thats a bit late and too early for lunch11:46
jussiczajkowski: and its never too late/early for a bacon sandwich :P11:47
qensejussi: Have you seen http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbp_/4624069108/ ?12:14
jussiqense: I hadnt seen that, thanks! :D13:20
Tm_Tjussi: "oops"13:21
jussiTm_T: ?13:22
Tm_Tjussi: the pic13:22
jussiTm_T: heh... more like... what now?13:25
Tm_Thmm, am I only one or is the first url in topic broken?13:26
qense Tm_T: That's correct indeed, there are now subdirectories for the different releases.13:28
qenseit should be <http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-community.html>.13:28
Tm_Tjussi: ^13:29
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Welcome to the Community Team || ROCK THIS: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-community.html - DONE Makes Bacon a Happy Boy || This Channel is logged ||
Tm_Tthank you13:30
Tm_T7part my work is done13:30
* Tm_T hides13:30
doctormoHow did I manage to get out of UDS without any tasks asigned to me. huh.13:33
qensedoctormo: None? Wow.13:37
doctormoqense: Perhaps the DML tasks aren't tracked, ground control is on desktop track so they aint there.13:38
doctormoDML = Docs, Manuals and Learning (the projects)13:38
qensedoctormo: There is an all.html file, if you want to be sure. :)13:38
doctormoqense: nope, wow everything I do is off radar.13:39
qensedoctormo: Register some blueprints! Now we all assume you'll be doing nothing at all during the next cycle!13:40
doctormoqense: I registered blueprints already, it's not important though because I don't have to report to anyone.13:41
nigelbabuheya qense13:41
qensehi nigelbabu!13:42
nigelbabusome good news! I started a new job :)13:42
doctormoCongratulations nigelbabu13:42
nigelbabuAnd, they want to switch developer work stations to Ubuntu! Yay!13:42
qenseyay! Congrulations indeed.13:42
qensemore yay13:42
qensenigelbabu: What's your new job?13:42
nigelbabuqense: web developer + project coordinator13:43
AlanBellyay nigelbabu!13:43
nigelbabuAlanBell: yep, I've been yaay-ing for some time about the switch to Ubuntu.  Its downloading on one of the systems, but almost end of day now13:43
nigelbabuI'll work on it tomorrow and create a custom remastersys image13:44
nigelbabuAny thoughts? Is that the best way to go?13:44
jturekcongrats nigelbabu13:44
doctormonigelbabu: Get yourself a nice wallpaper13:44
nigelbabuLike, I want to remove some apps and add some stuff13:44
nigelbabudoctormo: hm, I'll ask the design guy to make one for the entire company13:44
nigelbabuthanks jturek :)13:45
jussidoctormo: Ive got a whole lot of tasks for you if you want something to do :D13:45
doctormojussi: That's impossible.13:45
nigelbabubtw, does all the community blueprints end up on the burndown chart?13:45
doctormojussi: As was said, it's not that I have no tasks, but that none of them are tracked. funny.13:46
nigelbabudoctormo: same here.  will it be tracked at some point?13:46
=== JFo-swap is now known as JFo
=== pretto_ is now known as Pretto
Technovikingjcastro: saw that Skype is now in the Canonical partnet repos.15:47
Technovikingyup apt-get upgrade just upgraded my version installed from Skype15:48
qenseThat's a good thing, I suppose.15:49
akgranerTechnoviking, I never got that one to work right for me :-/16:12
Technovikingakgraner: what problem do you have?16:30
JanChttp://www.thevarguy.com/2010/05/24/google-io-my-favorite-conference-to-skip/ --> somehow that makes me think about "UDS remote participation" ;)17:51
nigelbJanC: UDS remote participation was *awesome* for the record17:51
JanChehe, maybe that's why google is "copying" it?  ;)17:52
nigelbperhaps, copying and taking it a step ahead17:53
nigelbwith video streaming etc, but then they have more money17:53
JanCthey didn't have live streams though, except for the keynotes & such17:53
nigelbsigh, not a perfect copy then17:55
nigelbits the smaller ones that you really want to listen17:55
nigelband participate17:55
nigelbthe only problem with remote participation for me was my local power issues17:55
JanChm, are there any "new style" Ubuntu presentation templates for OOo?18:37
bencrisfordJanC: I was looking for one for my OW session slides but I couldnt find one18:38
nigelbneither did I18:44
czajkowskiJanC: ask someone who gave one at uds18:45
czajkowskithey all had the new fonts and themes18:45
JanCyeah, well, but we don't have the new font yet...  ;)18:46
czajkowskiwe do for Ubuntu18:46
czajkowskiand most have that for the design theme in the templates18:46
pleia2cjohnston used one in his classbot presentation18:47
pleia2one == OOo template18:48
=== jgoguen_ is now known as jgoguen
akgranerjcastro, just sent you a spreadsheet to take a look at when you get a chance.. re open week21:33
akgranerI have heard everything now - I had some describe me as a social butterfly with teeth.. hehe22:40
akgranerI was cracking up22:41
JFoakgraner, how... apt22:47
PendulumJFo: you mean you weren't the person who said it?22:51
JFoPendulum, I wish :-P22:55
JFoI was thinking more "Social butterfly with whip and spurs"22:55
JFobut that is just me :-)22:55
akgranerJFo, :-P23:08

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