
ne7workhello all01:15
ne7worki need help please01:15
corpseHey, I am trying to install ubuntu server via USB using UNetbootin. When i get the the Unetbooting boot screen it does nothing when i click on install. I can only do default and then that freeze up when i get to the language selection screen. any ideas?01:19
hankhillupon placing a new upstart job in /etc/init/, it vanished upon reboot. how can I prevent this? (or properly add an upstart job, if I'm doing it wrong)01:23
killowni am trying create a ubuntu-server cd customized and i would like know where i found the script dialog ubuntu-installer 'Ubuntu Installer Main Menu'  i need know that to change somethings.. do anyone know?01:27
ScottKcorpse: Try using usb-creator to make the image (or usb-creator-kde on 10.04).  Those seem to work better.02:15
chrismsnzRoyK: found my problem with the innodb plugin02:38
chrismsnzhad to add apparmor rules in to allow mysqld to mmap/dlopen the .so files02:38
* chrismsnz ffuuu02:39
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elnurWhich FTP server would you recommend?07:20
lifeless'one that works' ? :P07:23
bcelnur: vsftpd07:25
bcelnur: with chroot enabled07:26
elnurlifeless, yea :)07:27
elnurjpds, bc, thanks07:27
* SpamapS has always been a proftpd man07:28
SpamapSbut vs has a bit better record w/ security07:29
SpamapSand probably these days just as many great features. :)07:29
elnuri've tried pureftpd once and have no xp with vsftpd. anyone ever used pureftpd to be able to compare it to vsftpd?07:30
bcSpamapS: On a high traffic server, with typical users, I haven't seen anything vsftpd didn't solve.07:31
bcI'm about to fall out of the chair. Talk with you tomorrow,07:32
elnurOkay. Then goes vsftpd. Thank you, guys.07:33
elnurWhat is the difference with ftp and sftp? Why I get chrooted to my home dir with ftp but don't with sftp?07:45
jpdselnur: sftp happens over SSH.07:47
elnurjpds, huh. so ftp and sftp are handled with different services?07:48
jpdselnur: You might want: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59007:48
SpamapSthere's also that magical FTPS that happens via SSL.. but thats always produced odd reactions when I suggest people use it.07:49
SpamapSmostly because client support is pretty hard to find07:49
elnurjpds, yea, i want that. thanks07:51
RoyKbc: vsftpd is probably the most used on larger sites - take a look around :)08:20
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uvirtbotNew bug: #584862 in libvirt (main) "libvirt launches dnsmasq for non-dhcp networks." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58486210:22
FireCrotchI have a Ubuntu 9.10 server. It's a VPS running under OpenVZ. I'm trying to set up quota during the install process of ISPConfig 3, but I have a problem...  / is not in fstab, and I'm supposed to add ",usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0" to the entry10:41
simplexioFireCrotch: define your problem again? you should be able just edit fstab and add mentioned line to options11:07
FireCrotchsimplexio: my fstab doesn't have an entry for the root filesystem though11:07
simplexioFireCrotch: ah.. mount should tell you needed ifrmation which to add into fsab11:08
simplexioFireCrotch: but 'mount' command tell you that you have / mounted11:08
FireCrotchyes, mount says that / is mounted... /dev/simfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)11:09
FireCrotchNote that that's before I've done anything related to quota (so anything relating  to quota is a result of my webhost's config)11:10
simplexiocould it be that you need define root partition options in openvz virtualmachine settings or something11:10
FireCrotchYeah... I don't think I'll be able to use quota with this setup that they have. No big deal. But thanks for the help, simplexio11:13
simplexioand if you can toy wth installation, so you sont loose anything if it isnt working anymore, you could just try add / to fsab11:13
simplexioor try use mount -o remount,moreoptions /11:16
RoyKwtf is simfs?11:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #584907 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58490711:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #584910 in libvirt (main) "libvirt can't add host definitions to DHCP without network restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58491011:56
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ploum_can anybody point me to a doc to allow name+mailbox@domain handling of mail on a dovecot/postfix ubuntu server ?12:59
ploum_where  name+mailbox@domain send your mail to name@domain and put it directly in the mailbox folder13:00
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Davieyploum_: i would use procmail or sieve for that13:08
ploum_Daviey, I know that it is done in the dovecot-postfix package, that's why I'm asking (because installing this package breaks my config)13:09
Davieyploum_: pass then, sorry.13:09
ploum_how would you do that with sieve ? Afaik, the mail will be refused by Postfix (name+mailbox is not a valid user) before being received by sieve13:10
lunaphyte_why do you think that?13:10
RoyKploum_: doesn't postfix have some rewrite magick like old sendmail?13:25
lunaphyte_he's yet to say why he thinks postfix will refuse such mail.13:27
Italian_Plumbergood morning.  I've been getting an error when using apt-cacher-ng... "Signatures were invalid"13:33
Italian_Plumberany help would be greatly apprecaited.13:34
bogeyd6Italian_Plumber, invalid signing key13:36
bogeyd6clear the file and put the right one in its place13:37
bogeyd6which i assume you just download the file from either the ubuntu archive or a similiar mirror13:37
Italian_Plumberwhere is the file?13:38
bogeyd6Italian_Plumber, where did you setup apt-cacher-ng to put the debs?13:40
Italian_PlumberI don't know.  wherever the default is.  I just typed "apt-get install apt-cacher-ng"13:40
Italian_PlumberI think it's /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng13:41
Italian_PlumberThere's  a file there "_impkeycache"13:42
Italian_Plumberis that it?13:42
bogeyd6ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates it would seem13:42
Italian_PlumberHere's what in the directory:13:43
bogeyd6sudo mv _impkeycache _impkeycache.old13:43
bogeyd6then i would somehow resync or whatever with like an apt-get update and then check to see if it worked13:44
Italian_PlumberI'll try that13:44
Italian_PlumberI'm waiting right now for the client VM that I'm testing this with to finish resuming13:44
Italian_Plumberwell it might be a while because my speeds between here and that machine suddenly took a crap. :(13:46
Italian_PlumberUnfortunately I still see the error.13:47
jpdsItalian_Plumber: sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=true13:50
Italian_Plumberjpds: thanks... should I do that on the client or server?13:51
Italian_PlumberUnfortunately I still see the error13:52
Italian_PlumberHere is the entire command: http://pastebin.com/46QPMciU13:53
achilleshello, is there a way to let users use my network printer without the need to install a driver for each client machine ? I tried cups, but it looks to me like just defining printers and let others use it via samba, am I correct ?14:18
ploum_RoyK that's what I'm trying to find14:23
ploum_but I don't even know the name of this feature ;-)14:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #584949 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58494914:31
* ccheney will be headed to doctor in about an hour15:05
hggdhkirkland: are you OK with your assignment on bug 584497? In other words, can I mark it in-progress?15:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 584497 in landscape "The EC2 endpoint should be HTTPS by default" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58449715:16
kirklandhggdh: leave triaged15:18
kirklandhggdh: assigned to me is fine15:18
hggdhkirkland: thanks15:22
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linxeh_is the ubuntu server guide still available as a pdf? I can't seem to find it for 10.04, only older releases15:59
StrangeCharmOn a shiny new server, I used tasksel to install the LAMP server software. While trying to set up Wordpress, going to locations like 'blah/install.php' my browser downloads the file, rather than displaying a dynamically generated page. This makes me think that PHP isn't installed correctly, but I assume that it should be. What's going wrong here?16:06
sommerlinxeh_: working on getting it uploaded16:06
sommerlinxeh_: bug 575771 has details if you're interested16:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 575771 in ubuntu-docs "No PDF version available for 8.04 and 10.04 Server Guide" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57577116:07
sommerStrangeCharm: might double check that the php5 module is loaded... also try restarting apache16:09
StrangeCharmsommer, how do i check that?16:10
sommerls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ ... should see php5.conf and php5.load symlinks16:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #364898 in vm-builder (universe) "python-vm-builder depends on kvm" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36489816:12
cemchow can I disable framebuffer at boot?16:16
cemcit doesn't work because I have crappy vidcard, but it still tries and loads a bunch of modules16:16
StrangeCharmsommer, yep, seem to be there16:17
sommerStrangeCharm: I'd try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart then... tasksel may have not restarted apache16:17
StrangeCharmsommer, nope, still getting the install.php file16:20
StrangeCharmsommer, any other ideas?16:23
sommerStrangeCharm: not sure... is there any errors in your /var/log/apache2/error.log?16:24
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StrangeCharmsommer, nothing interesting. it does say "[notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.3.2-1ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations" after a restart though, which bodes well for the presence of php16:28
sommerStrangeCharm: yep, might be something with the configuration then... might check the settings in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini16:32
StrangeCharmsommer, i have no idea what i'm looking for16:34
simplexioStrangeCharm: check that you have php5 files in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ and write file index.php containing phpinfo(); in www-root16:34
simplexiothat is easiest way to test php install16:34
sommerStrangeCharm: I agree with simplexio :-) was about to recommend that16:34
simplexiofor soereason php has been allways kinda hit and miss instal, attleast for me. it works or you just cant figure what you missed16:36
StrangeCharmsommer, simplexio it just renders that string16:37
simplexioso basicly your config dosent recognioze that .php endin files are phph16:37
simplexioStrangeCharm: so you have two php files in mods-enabled ?16:37
sommerStrangeCharm: you might also look at the Server Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html16:37
simplexioStrangeCharm: and i assume that you have restarted apache after you installed php16:38
StrangeCharmsimplexio, i have restarted apache16:38
SpamapSStrangeCharm: are your files possibly stored in a directory other than /var/www, but referenced by symlink?16:39
simplexioand php5.conf and php5.load in mods-enabled16:39
StrangeCharmSpamapS, my files are certainly in /var/www16:39
SpamapSStrangeCharm: try putting a file in /var/www/test.php , have it just one line:    <?php phpinfo();16:39
SpamapSStrangeCharm: if you point your browser at that, does it show?16:40
simplexioStrangeCharm: and est string foe index.php is <php>phpinfo();</php>16:40
SpamapSStrangeCharm: or rather, does it show a giant page of PHP information, or just the line as-is.16:40
SuperLagSpamapS: hey man. How goes it?16:40
SpamapSSuperLag: :) it goes well thanks.16:40
StrangeCharmSpamapS, that renders a whole load oh php info16:40
crbI'm looking for a simple recipe for central auth on Ubuntu 10.04.  I have found some pages talking about there being a blueprint for this targeted at Lucid; anyone know if this was implemented?16:40
simplexio:) is little while when i wrote php16:40
simplexioStrangeCharm: so its working16:41
crbSeems to relate to mathiaz and Puppet.16:41
StrangeCharmsimplexio, yes, that would be my broad conclusion16:41
StrangeCharmso, why am i downloading files from /var/www/wordpress/wp-admin ?16:43
simplexiosome times i feel that there should be somekind standart test to take, so you could allways point first at your score when asking questions16:43
StrangeCharmsimplexio, why not write a wiki page for that?16:44
simplexioStrangeCharm: i assume that they are .php, cant rememeber but does apache need .php files to be executable16:44
StrangeCharmsimplexio, it is a .php file: it's called install.php16:44
MTecknologyI need entropy on my server for gpg --gen-key. I can't use user input for it either... So.. I found ekeyd-egd-linux which seems like it might be useful but it seems under documented. Any ideas how I can either use this or do something else to get the entropy I need?16:44
SpamapSStrangeCharm: are you sure /var/www/wordpress is not a symlink?16:45
simplexioStrangeCharm: try give it execue rights16:45
StrangeCharmSpamapS, i'm sure. i just downloaded a compressed file into /var/www, then decompressed it16:46
StrangeCharmsimplexio, what's the command for that?16:46
simplexioand im using shell over gprs so  typo more than normal16:46
SpamapSStrangeCharm: hmm16:46
simplexiochmod uag+x file16:46
simplexioits little overkill, and you should drop rights that are too broad. if it works16:47
SpamapSuag ?16:48
SpamapSyou mean a+x ?16:48
SpamapSIs that a Suhosin thing, php scripts have to be +x ?16:49
simplexiodunno. its just my nesxt best quess16:50
StrangeCharmthat did not help16:50
SpamapShmm no16:50
SpamapSStrangeCharm: who owns the wordpress dir / files?16:50
StrangeCharmSpamapS, who should?16:51
SpamapSStrangeCharm: depends on your strategy for security, but probably root16:51
simplexiowell apache can read it, so t should not be problem..16:51
SpamapSStrangeCharm: or "not www-data"16:51
SpamapSStrangeCharm: I missed the beginning of this.. is this the default Lucid setup?16:52
smoserkirkland, ping16:52
StrangeCharmSpamapS, i hope so. the os came reinstalled from my web-host16:52
* ccheney back16:53
SpamapSStrangeCharm: any .htaccess files in there maybe screwing you up?16:54
StrangeCharmSpamapS, in where?16:54
SpamapSStrangeCharm: wordpress16:54
Italian_Plumberwow... does every package need to set a locale?16:55
StrangeCharmSpamapS, don't think so16:55
SpamapSStrangeCharm: can you move that test.php into the wordpress dir and see if it works there?16:56
kirklandsmoser: yo16:57
AlienPenguinhi ppl, i have a HP Proliant ml350 G& server with two sata 500gb drives in raid 1+0 (hp hardware p410i controller)16:57
AlienPenguinthere have been a spike and now my ubuntu 9.10 server does not boot anymore16:57
AlienPenguin(kernel panic vfs not syncing)16:57
AlienPenguini can mount the partition, i did e2fsck, fixed a few inodes etc.16:58
smoserkirkland, did you open a blvueprint for lxc work ?16:58
StrangeCharmSpamapS, test.php works when its in the same directory as the file i'm trying to open16:58
AlienPenguini even tested grub,16:58
smoseri thought you had done that, memory ill.16:58
smoserbut i didn't see one when i lookd16:58
AlienPenguinbut it keeps giving me that error, any hints?16:58
kirklandsmoser: hmm, i think it was bob blair (smoothstone) that did16:58
smoserdifferent lxc16:59
smoserthies was per ensemble.16:59
smoseri thought you had told niemeyer that you would ompen one17:00
StrangeCharmSpamapS, which suggests that there's something deeper broken17:00
smoser(same lxc different context)17:00
SpamapSStrangeCharm: indeed17:00
SpamapSStrangeCharm: are there any errors in /var/log/syslog?17:00
kirklandsmoser: i filed one for the last uds on lxc, though17:01
smoserno problem.17:02
kirklandsmoser: oh, hmm17:02
kirklandsmoser: give me a sec17:02
smoseri was just not wanting to duplicate work if you'd done seomthing.17:02
StrangeCharmSpamapS, nothing in the last 20 mins, though i certainly tested later than that17:02
kirklandsmoser: yeah, i filed an ensemble one for Gustavoe17:02
kirklandsmoser: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-ensemble17:03
SpamapSStrangeCharm: permissions maybe? What are the perms of the file that works, and the files that don't work?17:03
StrangeCharmSpamapS, how do i check permissions?17:03
SpamapSkirkland: heh.. btw, I'm full time byobu now on my personal servers.. and I keep typing 'clear' every time I ssh in.. force of habit..17:04
smoserkirkland, ok. thanks.17:04
kirklandSpamapS: heh, thanks ;-)  file bugs as you see them17:04
StrangeCharmSpamapS, i don't know how to see the permissions on a file17:07
cloakablels -l <filename>17:08
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StrangeCharmSpamapS, install.php has -rwxr-xr-x 1 flamsmark www-data 6547, while test.php has -rw-r--r-- 1 flamsmark flamsmark 1717:10
StrangeCharmnot sure what that means, though17:10
SpamapSStrangeCharm: try doing 'chmod a-x install.php'17:12
SpamapSStrangeCharm: any different?17:12
SpamapSthough I think realistically thats there because you did uag+x earlier17:12
StrangeCharmSpamapS, no change17:12
SpamapSso if that doesn't work.. I'm really confused17:12
StrangeCharmtwo files, in the same directory, with the same owner, and the same extension. php executes one, but not the other17:13
SpamapSStrangeCharm: yeah I think PHP is being told not to execute install.php somehow..17:13
StrangeCharmhow would it know?17:13
SpamapSthats why I suggested looking for .htaccess17:13
StrangeCharmSpamapS, can you think of any other methods by which that could be occurring?17:14
qman__try chgrp www-data test.php17:15
SpamapSyeah thats worth a shot didn't think of that..17:16
SpamapSbut it would be.. confusing17:16
qman__yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense why it would work like that, but it could, and testing/eliminating that is important17:16
StrangeCharmafter running that command, test.php still renders17:18
SpamapSStrangeCharm: and still nothing in /var/log/apache2/error.log ?17:18
StrangeCharmSpamapS, no, looks not17:20
SpamapSStrangeCharm: there's a logical explanation of this, but the usual reasons don't seem to be causing it...17:22
StrangeCharmSpamapS, there is an explanation, because computers don't act of their own accord17:22
linxeh_sommer: ah ok thanks17:22
sommernp :)17:23
StrangeCharmSpamapS, is there any way that something knows that i created test.php, but downloaded the wordpress files?17:23
SpamapSStrangeCharm: no17:23
SpamapSStrangeCharm: You *could* try the ubuntu wordpress packages17:24
SpamapSjust to see if they work instead of the downloaded version17:24
SpamapSmv wordpress wordpress-downloaded before that though17:24
StrangeCharmSpamapS, is there an ubuntu wordpress package?17:25
cloakableYes, but it'll put wordpress in /wordpress rather than in the main site17:25
cloakableIf I recall :)17:25
StrangeCharmoh, so there is17:26
StrangeCharmcloakable, well, i can always move it back17:26
StrangeCharmSpamapS, the ubuntu package gives me http://pastebin.com/Hj1fgnYX17:28
SpamapSStrangeCharm: doh17:28
SpamapSthere goes those recommends installs17:28
StrangeCharmSpamapS, sorry, i don't understand17:29
SpamapSStrangeCharm: recommended, but not 100% *required* packags are installed by default17:29
SpamapSyou probably don't need dovecot17:29
SpamapSStrangeCharm: add --no-install-recommends to your apt-get line17:29
linxeh_apologies if this is touching on religious ground - but is there any group calendar server software available in lucid, that can be accessed over a network (ideally ssl) to clients such as MS outlook ? :o17:30
SpamapSactually probably already installed and just dovecots are broken. :(17:30
SpamapSlinxeh_: its actually a point of much interest for the current release cycle17:30
linxeh_I've been looking at egroupware and zimbra, but they seem a bit heavy handed (using dovecot atm for the mail)17:30
linxeh_and with the apple caldav server being opensource etc, though not found any really supportable packages for that yet17:31
StrangeCharmSpamapS, it still tries and fails to install dovecot17:31
SpamapSlinxeh_: I saw Kolab suggested but I think its kind of big too17:31
SpamapSStrangeCharm: apt-get remove dovecot-common17:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #585026 in clamav (main) "freshclam won't execute /etc/clamav/onupdateexecute.d scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58502617:31
StrangeCharmSpamapS, then try again?17:32
linxeh_this kind of thing https://wiki.edubuntu.org/CalendarServer17:32
linxeh_SpamapS: yes, I looked at kolab but it seemed like the wrong solution for me17:32
StrangeCharmSpamapS, now wordpress doesn't complain during the install17:33
StrangeCharmhowever, going to /wordpress downloads a file for me, rather than rendering a page17:33
SpamapSStrangeCharm: after install, did you restart apache2 ?17:34
StrangeCharmSpamapS, no, i'll do that now17:34
StrangeCharmSpamapS, i'm still downloading a file17:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #585027 in multipath-tools (main) "Race condition with dmsetup causes 'map already present' messages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58502717:36
SpamapSStrangeCharm: is the file the contents of index.php ?17:39
StrangeCharmSpamapS, roughly. it's a file called download.php, and it claims to be the wordpress master file that loads whatever other file is needed for the page17:40
hggdhsmoser ping17:40
smoserhggdh, yo17:41
hggdhsmoser: ok, I confess. I cannot get the bloody vmbuilder to build for ec217:41
hggdhsmoser: so... how do they do it? I installed python-vm-builder and -ec217:42
smoseri'm consused as to what you're after. you want to build a ec2 vm ?17:42
* SpamapS wonders if the FilesMatch isn't working the way it should17:43
hggdhsmoser: yes, this was my intention...17:45
SpamapSStrangeCharm: try creating a file, /etc/apache2/conf.d/something.conf   with this line:17:45
SpamapSAddType application/x-httpd-php .php17:45
smoserhggdh, i have not actually done this with vmbuilder 0.12 . the nightly builds use 0.11. the code that invokes it is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/automated-ec2-builds17:46
LinuxAdminhi all17:46
* SpamapS is a bit confused at the use of FilesMatch which seems.. more confusing17:46
smoserhggdh, that said, why do you want to do that i wonder ?17:46
LinuxAdminI'm configuring ocfs2 file system17:46
hggdhsmoser: verifying a bug that states cannot build ec2 images ;-)17:47
smoseris there something insufficient with the existing images ? i find it generally easier (and faster) to start with that base image and modify it.17:47
LinuxAdminalthough I get no error I'm missing something17:47
smoserhggdh, ah. well, then.17:47
hggdhwhich, I guess, I *am* confirming17:47
LinuxAdminisn't supposed that any file change be replicated through all the servers?17:48
StrangeCharmSpamapS, do i need to activate it in nay way, or can i just restart apache?17:48
LinuxAdminI mean, if i create a new file in on machine of the cluster, it should be visible on the other node of the cluster, because we're talking about a shared storage. wright=17:49
StrangeCharmSpamapS, just restarting apache doesn't solve the problem17:49
LinuxAdminwhen I create a file on one of the nodes, I can't see it on the other node17:50
LinuxAdminI've got the same config on both17:50
LinuxAdmincan someone help me?17:50
LinuxAdminis there any other channel where I should post?17:51
tyskahi guys17:51
tyskaim having troubles with node registration in UEC. I cant register my node, when i run euca-describe-availability-zones verbose i get 0/017:52
tyskasomeone can help me?17:52
tyskaadditionally my nc doesn't have the nc.log, despite the eucalyptus-nc service is running17:53
SpamapSStrangeCharm: I'm at a loss. This really makes no sense at all.17:54
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smosertyska, you're on 10.04 ?17:57
smosercould you please open a bug ? ubuntu-bug eucalyptus-common17:57
smoserplease answer yes to 'attach logs'17:57
StrangeCharmSpamapS, this is most frustrating. the problem persists after reinstalls17:57
tyskai had the UEC working with 9.10, then i decided update my UEC17:57
smoserthis is something we've seen, but dont have a bug for. we need to address it.17:58
StrangeCharmSpamapS, that is, os reinstalls17:58
tyskawhere i open a bug?17:58
binBASHtyska: I had the same17:59
binBASHderegister and register the cluster controller again fixed it for me17:59
tyskathe cluster?18:00
tyskai do it with the node18:00
tyskaderegister and register the node18:00
tyskai will try with cluster18:00
SpamapSStrangeCharm: may be time to open a bug if a brand new install can't run from the packaged wordpress18:03
tyskabinBASH: your UEC is working with ubuntu 10.04?18:03
smosertyska, run it on the CC18:03
StrangeCharmSpamapS, where should the bug go? wordpress? lamp? tasksel? php?18:03
smoser(the ubuntu-bug)18:03
SpamapSStrangeCharm: not sure18:04
tyskasmoser: oh ok18:04
smoserand i will second that you might have success with deregister and register of node18:04
smoserbut please open bug (first)18:04
tyskasmoser: i've tried deregister and register the cluster, now im rebooting18:04
SpamapSStrangeCharm: take a look in /usr/share/doc/wordpress before you do anything else18:06
SpamapSStrangeCharm: start with README.Debian18:06
binBASHtyska: Yup, it was18:06
binBASHI switched to simple kvm virtualization though18:06
binBASHdon't need a cloud really18:06
tyskasmoser: deregister and register cluster does not worked! =(18:09
tyskasmoser: now i already did the ubuntu-bug that you said18:10
tyskasmoser: it's very weird, because i run euca_conf --register-nodes NODE_IP, receive a success message18:11
tyskasmoser: but when i run euca_conf --list-nodes i receive nothing18:11
bkingxHow do I set the landing directory on a chroot'ed sftp server?18:26
smosertyska, i'm really sorry. i don't really have more suggestions atm18:28
tyskasmoser: =(18:28
tyskasmoser: ok, thanks anyway18:28
smoserthank you for opening the bug.18:29
binBASHtyska: Here I deregistered all nodes via euca_conf then deregistered the cluster controller, registered the cluster controller again and also readd the nodes.18:30
tyskasmoser: you're welcome. i hope with it, the problem can be found.18:30
binBASHbut I didn't use webiface18:30
tyskabinBASH: im trying everything18:30
binBASHjust euca_conf18:30
tyskabinBASH: the sad is that i have all working with 9.1018:30
binBASHlike mine ;)18:30
binBASHYou describe exactly what I have encountered18:31
tyskabinBASH: but now i cant use UEC with ubuntu 10.04 =(18:31
binBASHtyska: I was able to use it with what I described ;)18:32
tyska_binBASH: i run euca_conf --deregister-cluster
tyska_binBASH: receveid this message: SUCCESS: cluster '' successfully deregistered.18:34
tyska_binBASH: and the run euca_conf --list-clusters18:34
bogeyd6what is the name of the proggy that allows you to send ssh commands to multiple servers at once18:35
smosertyska_, that shows none ?18:35
tyska_binBASH: and received:  registered clusters:    c3cluster2
smoserah. ok.18:35
smoserand then you register node and nothing18:35
smoserright ?18:35
tyska_smoser: yeah18:35
tyska_if i register a node, i have success message but no nodes are showed with --list-nodes18:35
smoserdo you have important data here ?18:36
smoseror images/instances ?18:36
binBASHbogeyd6: ClusterSSH18:36
tyska_smoser: no18:36
bogeyd6binBASH, thanks18:36
binBASH19:30 < binBASH> tyska: Here I deregistered all nodes via euca_conf then deregistered the cluster controller, registered the cluster controller again and also readd the nodes.18:36
smoseri'd recommend trying: sudo eucalyptus stop CLEAN=1 && sudo eucalyptus start CLEAN=118:37
tyska_binBASH: but i cant deregister the cluster18:37
binBASHfor me it did work then18:37
smosersudo stop eucalyptus CLEAN=1 && sudo start eucalyptus  CLEAN=118:37
tyska_binBASH: i run the command and the cluster is still there18:37
smoserand same with the eucalyptus-nc18:37
tyska_smoser: i will try it18:37
tyska_smoser: progress, --list-clusters showed nothing18:38
tyska_smoser: now i will run the same command in the nc18:38
smoseryeah:  sudo stop eucalyptus-nc CLEAN=1 && sudo start eucalyptus-nc CLEAN=118:39
tyskasmoser: there is one thing very weird18:43
tyskasmoser:  my cc.log there is nothing writed since may 2018:44
tyskasmoser: is that normal?18:44
smoserprobably no.18:44
smoserthat is the symptom we're seeing18:44
smoserin a fresh install cc.log will not even exist.18:45
smosermaybe i've seen this with nc.log18:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #585067 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58506718:46
bkingxHow do I set the landing directory on a chroot'ed sftp server?18:46
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tyskasmoser: i think cc.log always exist, including it is update all the time18:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #452219 in samba "SMB Browser Printer Queues Not In Alphabetical Order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45221918:58
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* ccheney bbl, headed to austin19:18
SpamapSso.. I'm working on this https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-uds-web20-workloads spec19:20
SpamapSat the UDS session we presented conflicting package lists and concepts..19:20
SpamapSat the session we all agreed that we should push for libmemcached based solutions..19:21
SpamapSbut none of the listed language bindings are libmemcached based..19:21
SpamapSworse, none of the libmemcached based language bindings except php5 are even in debian/ubuntu...19:21
SpamapSWondering if I should rethink having all of the language bindings in main.. given that they will be new packages.. :-P19:23
savidI have a pool of web servers for which I need to keep media files (images, etc) in sync.   Is there a way to automatically monitor a directory for changes, and then sync those changes with the server pool?19:23
binBASHsavid: use drbd19:23
SpamapSthats pretty low level19:23
binBASHor something like shared storage example glusterfs19:24
SpamapSand not active/active last I checked19:24
SpamapSsavid: gluster is an excellent choice19:24
SpamapSits in universe in lucid, and works great19:24
binBASHI'm using glusterfs myself ;)19:24
SpamapSbinBASH: how long have you been using it?19:24
SpamapShttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-cloud-gluster  .. I'm drafting that btw.. ;)19:25
SpamapSactually I think its about ready for review19:25
binBASHNot long. Just from 3.x19:25
SpamapSHopefully w/ Maverick we'll be able to build nodes in the cloud that automatically mount/export gluster volumes19:25
binBASHSpamapS: Here I run a geoip based setup with gluster19:25
SpamapSbinBASH: *nice*19:25
SpamapSbinBASH: so your storage volumes are spread out over multiple data centers?19:26
binBASHsome varnish servers which loadbalance some webservers. Clients are sent to the varnish hosts via geoip dns19:26
binBASHSpamapS: No19:26
SpamapSthat would be pretty cool though. ;)19:27
binBASHI have here only 100 Mbit gluster though :p19:27
SpamapSsavid: the simplest way btw, if you just have 2 or 3 servers, is choose one as the write-master, and just rsync to the others periodically.19:27
SpamapSsavid: but if you have millions and millions of files, that won't work too well19:27
SpamapSbinBASH: are you using the packages from lucid or your own?19:28
binBASHso the varnish cache the small files in local storage19:28
binBASHSpamapS: gluster from lucid19:28
savidSpamapS,  the main requirement is to have it sync whenever there are changes19:28
SpamapSbinBASH: its good to know its already getting usage. :)19:28
binBASHthe varnish I packaged myself, because the ones from lucid are a bit broken19:28
SpamapSsavid: yeah, you probably want gluster19:28
SpamapSbinBASH: do tell?19:29
binBASHSpamapS: Well the ones at lucid (2.1.0) have some issues with esi.19:29
savidWhat's the difference between glusterfs and gluster-platform?19:29
binBASHthe varnish developers recommended me to use 2.1.219:29
SpamapSsavid: gluster-platform is a management node to help you setup gluster19:30
jeiworth_hi guys, i am trying to set up pure-ftp on a server behind an internet router using an alternative port but i am having problems connecting fromthe internet since it appears that pure-ftp sends the local ip back to the client which obviously doesn't work :-/ another problem is that if i use the standard port, for some strange reason pure-ftp doesn't chroot the users although correctly configured, using the alternative port it works!?19:32
SpamapSbinBASH: is that a known bug or just something you ran into?19:33
binBASHSpamapS: Like, I said the developer told me that is a known bug.19:34
binBASHit's not a special under ubuntu bug :p19:34
binBASHthe varnish release has that bug19:34
savidhmm..  I'm not sure exactly where my starting point is..  gluster-platform seems pretty low-level, I mean it's talking about making disks bootable, etc...     I'm running my sites on  virtual servers,  so not sure if that's applicable or not19:35
binBASHsavid: Just install glusterfs-server19:35
binBASHit's very easy to setup19:35
binBASHsavid: http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Storage_Server_Installation_and_Configuration19:36
binBASHI setup mine, on 6 nodes within 10 minutes.19:37
savidbinBASH, So do I do one server,  and a client for each node?19:37
binBASHsavid: If you want to use only the storage of one server.19:37
binBASHif not you can run server on each node, and have the storage in raid 1019:38
binBASHthen you have failover + redundancy19:38
binBASHalso more server nodes give more speed19:39
savidah, ok19:39
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tyskasmoser: can you see my logs and conf files and see if you find something wrong? You can found all here: http://forum.eucalyptus.com/forum/no-nclog#comment-1135119:58
smosertyska, did you open a bug ?19:58
tyskasmoser: the command ubuntu-bug?19:59
tyskayeah i've opened.19:59
smosernumber ?19:59
tyskai dont know20:00
tyskawait a minute, i will send you the link20:01
tyskathe link is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+filebug/egx0regnhFORcAJyCYITaE8R4Vg?20:01
tyskai cannot access because i dont have an account20:02
smoseroh. well, that doesn't open a bug then.20:06
smoseryou have to then fill out the bug report.20:06
smoserubuntu-bug just collects information and directs you on where to go20:06
smoseri'd really appreciate it if you could create an account and file the bug.20:13
tyskasmoser: hmm, then i will do this20:14
smoserand please link to this trehad in the bug report20:15
tyskasmoser: i dont know why, but now i get it work20:15
smoseryeah :-(20:15
tyskasmoser: finally get the node registered20:15
smoserplease do open the bug and link to that thread. thats the only way we're actually going to get it fixed in lucid.20:15
tyskasmoser: that's right, i will do this now20:16
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zulSpamapS: maybe get it into universe first and go from there20:29
binBASHsavid: Did you setup glusterfs now?20:30
savidbinBASH,  nope, I went to lunch :-)20:31
binBASHahh :p20:31
SpamapSzul: yeah thats what I'm thinking too.. its far more important that we get the right things in than we get the wrong things into main.. so I'm wondering if we should just let the other ones stay in universe20:31
savidbinBASH, now I'm reading the docs to try and get a handle on how it works20:31
SpamapSlunch.. what a good idea20:31
zulSpamapS: probably...i wonder how many people use it though20:31
* binBASH had lunch some hours ago ;)20:32
savidlunch -- it's the new breakfast20:32
SpamapSzul: memcached or libmemcached?20:32
zulSpamapS: either or20:32
SpamapSzul: memcached is in every single web shop I've talked to for the last 3 years20:32
SpamapSzul: it has become ubiquitous20:32
binBASHSpamapS: What a surprise :P20:32
zulSpamapS: meh ;)20:33
SpamapSin fact, "use something like memcached" has become one of those LAMP best practices that you get tired of hearing about at LAMP meetups/conferences20:33
binBASHtoo bad ubuntu has not s3fs yet20:33
tyskasmoser: its done20:34
tyskasmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/58510820:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 585108 in eucalyptus "Problems with node registration" [Undecided,New]20:34
smoserthank you20:34
SpamapSgoogle for "memcached appliance" ... at least 5 companies have created them. Once people are quitting their day jobs to create things around a technology.. it has achieved ubiquity. :)20:34
tyskasmoser: you're welcome20:34
SpamapSlike spam filtering in the early '00s20:34
tyskasmoser: i have another doubt, now on the manage of the cloud20:35
tyskasmoser: ive used a centos 5.4 image to create a instance20:35
tyskasmoser: how can i know what is the user of this image?20:35
smoseryou mean what user launched the image ?20:35
tyskasmoser: no, what user i need to use to login into the instance via ssh20:36
smosertheres no magic20:36
tyskasmoser: in the uec ubuntu images, i use ssh -i mykey.priv ubuntu@IP20:36
smoserif you didn't configure a user, then there is no user20:36
tyskasmoser: but how i configure a user?? I've downloaded the image from the tab extras on web interface of the cloud20:37
tyskasmoser: then i try to login with ssh -i mykey.priv IP, without user, then it ask for password20:38
smoseri'm sorry.20:38
smoserits probably root then.20:38
smoserif it came from eucalyputs20:38
smoseri've not used that much.20:38
smoseri'm generally unfamiliar with web UI.20:39
smoseri thought you were saying you created the centos image yourself.20:39
tyskasmoser: ok, will try with root20:41
tyskasmoser: are you there?21:00
smoseri'm here.21:00
tyskasmoser: worked with root! =D21:00
tyskasmoser: thanks21:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #585121 in bind9 (main) "rndc.key permission denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58512121:06
tyskasmoser: now im having problem with EBS volume, i attached it, create a partition with cfdisk, but i cant mount it21:12
tyskasmoser: it saids i need to specify a filesystem. What is the default filesystem type for Linux?21:12
ChmEarltyska, mount  -o offset=3225621:17
ChmEarlif that fails, try offset=1638421:18
tyskaChmEarl: mount: you must specify the filesystem type21:19
ChmEarltyska, use what you had before but add the option21:19
ChmEarlstill fails with the option? then check fdisk on the volume, and get the cylinders and size21:20
tyskaChmEarl: i've used just adding the option21:24
tyskaChmEarl: the number of cylinders is 1024021:24
xperiahello to all. i have big problems to install the new ubuntu-server LTS edition on a Proliant ML530 G2 Server. it say me allways it can not find the Network Interface. Need to return to Network Recognisation Step to load some Kernel Modules but this dont help21:28
xperiasound like a hardware recognisation failure. have aborted the install process now and landed in the terminal modus.21:29
ChmEarltyska,  use fdisk -l -u dev  (and get the sector size and start)21:29
xperiacan anybody help me with this Problem21:29
SpamapSxperia: do you know what chipset it uses?21:30
smosertyska, in the instance, when you get an ebs volume, you get an empty disk21:30
tyskaalready solved21:30
smoserso you have to partition it (cfdisk / fdisk / sfdisk ... )21:30
smoseryeah, mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext421:30
tyskamkfs.ext3 solved my problem21:30
tyskatks anyway21:30
smoseror if you want to see if you can lose your data mkfs.btrfs21:30
tyskasmoser: how can i install LAMP in my EBS? i found a page teaching how to install but using debian21:31
smoser i can't really help you with how to install centos lamp stack, sorry, its just not my expertise ;)21:32
xperiaSpamaps: have saved the install debug log but to see what exact the problem is but the information are shown too fast. tryed cat with | less but less dont exist on the cdrom21:32
smoserbut if you wanted a generally functiona lampstack, i would suggest getting the uec image from uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid21:32
smoserthen 'apt-get update'21:32
smoserand tasksel21:32
smoserselect "LAMP Server"21:33
xperiaand i dont know how to find out the type of the network card. maybe dmesg ?21:33
JanCdmesg or lspci should both work21:34
JanCwith lspci it's less scrolling  ;)21:34
xperiaokay will try that but what can i doo to see the output only page by page. normally i use less for that21:34
JanCyou can try more21:35
xperiaokay lspci has outputed some information21:35
xperiaHost Bridge: Broadcom CMIC-HE ( Rev 22)21:36
tyskasmoser: not centos, i wanna install LAMP on ubuntu21:37
xperiaISA Bridge: Broadcom CSB5 Southbridge (rev 93)21:37
smoserwell, follow above.21:37
tyskasmoser: but dont know how to do this on a EBS volume21:37
smoseri dont know what that means "on an EBS volume"21:37
savidbinBASH, I'm still confused about how I should be setting up glusterfs.   Am I supposed to set up NFS on all my servers?21:37
tyskasmoser: look this http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/install-service-ebs-volume21:38
binBASHsavid: No ;)21:39
tyskasmoser: instances are transient, if i install LAMP on a instance of ubuntu image, when the instance terminate, or when the cloud machines are turned off, i lost all my files and configuration21:39
cloakablexperia: You'll want one with Ethernet in the line21:39
binBASHsavid: You just run the client to mount the share21:39
xperiacloakable: strange thing is it dont exist such a line in the output but i am able to ping the server21:39
cloakablexperia: hmmmm21:39
cloakablewhat does ifconfig say?21:40
savidbinBASH,  oh I see -- so the server sets up the share and the client mounts the share21:40
xperiaand the ethernet lamps do light up when i plugin the ethernet cable. one moment i will see what ifconfig output21:40
binBASHsavid: Yup21:40
xperiacloakable: ifconfig does not exist :-(21:41
xperiaany other suggestion21:41
smosertyska, the general process shown there will probably work.21:41
tyskasmoser: yeah, but i will install debian squeeze. do you know some way to install lucid instead?21:42
xperiaokay with dmesg | more i have found now some lines that are related to the network21:42
xperiaTCP Cubic registered21:44
xperiaNet registered protocol  family 1021:45
xperialo: disabled Privicy extensions21:46
xperiaNet registered protocol family 1721:46
xperiaUsing IPI no shortcut mode21:46
xperiathat is more or less all21:47
SpamapSxperia: there's no ethernet adapter listed in lspci, that would explain why the system can't find the driver... are there any "unknown", or similar, lines ?21:48
SpamapSoh my21:48
xperiawill look again but i did not find any line that would have words like "eth" or net21:49
SpamapSxperia: is that a very old server?21:49
xperiait has a 3ghz xeon Processor 6 GB Ram21:49
xperiaand a lot of Harddisk space21:49
xperiabuyed it over ebay for 60 USD :-)21:49
xperiait works great. had windows on it21:49
SpamapSxperia: I'm asking because HP's site has no drivers past RHEL421:50
xperiai have read on the ubuntu forums that other people have succesfull installed ubuntu21:51
SpamapSxperia: but, according to specs, it should have an e1000 or tg3 .. which are pretty typical adapters for the time21:51
SpamapSMaybe its disabled in the BIOS?21:51
xperiaon the "Proliant ML530 G2" server21:51
xperiahmmm okay will check out the Bios then21:51
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xperiaSpamapS: Bingo ! you was Right ! Compaq NC3163 Fast Ethernet  NIC deactivated21:55
SpamapSxperia: ^521:56
savidbinBASH,  so, do I even really need a glusterfs client?  If all I'm doing is keeping files in sync accross the pool,  shouldn't that work as long as I have the just the glusterfs server installed on all servers?21:58
SpamapSsavid: no22:01
SpamapSsavid: you need the client to mount the exported filesystem22:01
savidI'm still confused then.22:02
SpamapSsavid: it doesn't "keep the files in sync"22:02
savidThe directories that contain the files already exist22:02
SpamapSsavid: it is a clustered filesystem, the data is spread out over all servers22:03
savidSpamapS,  ok,  then maybe glusterfs is not what I need22:03
savidI see.22:03
SpamapSsavid: so there is a single filesystem that appears the same on all servers22:03
killownldapsearch: not compiled with TLS support .. ldap from ubuntu lucid... do i need compile ldap to get TLS support? i don't understand why ldap from ubuntu-server 10.04 has no support for22:05
savidSpamapS,  Ok,  so I would have a client and server on every server?22:05
SpamapSsavid: if you so choose.. you can, of course, have more clients than storage servers.22:06
SpamapSsavid: or more storage servers than clients22:06
savidSo,  I guess I need to make sure the "volume" that I set up on each server is set up using the same parameters?22:06
savidie, when I do glusterfs-volgen22:06
SpamapSsavid: you need to read the manual. :)22:06
SpamapSsavid: like, the whole thing. :)22:06
SpamapSat least chapters 1 and 222:07
savidYeah,  I did read through that....22:08
savidoooh I think I see now22:08
SpamapSsavid: and then this one too: http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Client_Installation_and_Configuration22:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #585053 in ntp (main) "no user interface to configure whether time synchronisation is always made on establishing the network connection." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58505322:08
savidI run the daemon on each server,   and then run volgen once and that sets up the volume that's distributed across all servers?22:08
SpamapSsavid: right22:08
* savid 's light bulb finally goes off22:09
SpamapSsavid: you can put the "client volume file" on all the servers, and then when you point clients at it (mount -t glusterfs server_ip /mnt/clustered_data) it will "just work"22:09
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SpamapSone thing I don't know is how to handle adding/subtracting servers22:11
xperiaquestion. does anybody know where to download the the cd rom image "SmartStart V5.5"22:14
xperiahave set the Bios Password and full forget it now22:14
xperiafor the server :-(22:14
SpamapSxperia: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=3285467&prodTypeId=15351&prodSeriesId=316545&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=202522:17
* SpamapS should definitely have bit.ly'd that doh22:17
lenioshp website is not SEO22:19
tyskasmoser: do you know how can i use VNC to connect in the instances?22:19
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:22
SpamapSlenios: Search Engine Optimized? HP's website is better, it is SGWSO (Super Genius Web Surfer Optimized!)22:22
xperiaSpamapS: woow you are great man. need to learn how to search better in google. just downloading it at the moment. very slow however22:24
xperiabookmarked the site just in the browser. looks like need to flash the bios tooo22:24
SpamapSxperia: that bookmark probably won't work after a while22:25
SpamapSHP's website is weird that way22:25
leniosoh, you bookmarked it, you could have just remembered the url22:25
SpamapSgoogle "Proliant ML350 G2" was enough22:25
SpamapSlenios: I dare you to remember the *hostname* of that url tomorrow. ;-)22:25
xperiahmm i have searched for SmartStart V5.522:25
SpamapSxperia: with HP, its all centered around your model number22:26
leniosmaybe it's easier to remember the ip22:27
xperiahope to remember the password again for the server. i wanted it to write it down but thinked ehh this thing i can remeber in some hours later without any problems and now exactly i cant remeber that thing22:28
smosertyska, you cannot without hacking22:33
smoseror enabling vnc server in the guest22:33
smoser(ie, installing vnc server and running one)22:33
savidhmm,  I don't see the command glusterfs-volgen in ubuntu22:38
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bondiblueos9is there output to the serial port during boot?22:58
SpamapSbondiblueos9: you'd need to setup a serial console in grub to do that.23:00
SpamapSbondiblueos9: you can add it to the commandline for the kernel.. console=ttyS0,115200n8 .. make sense?23:02
bondiblueos9what sort of interface would it give me? I mean, would it be a full terminal? would I be able to see all the services starting up (or failing to start up)? if it boots but ssh or the network is down, will I have a full terminal?23:02
SpamapSbondiblueos9: if you set the console to the serial port, then instead of the keybaord/monitor, you get all the boot messages on the serial port.23:02
bondiblueos9ok; do I set that in grub.conf? can I have both ther serial port and the monitor?23:03
MTecknologySo... An Ubuntu client can connect to an Ubuntu Samba server - A Windows 7 client can connect to it and see shares - but can't connect to any of the shares. Any ideas what I'm missing here?23:07
tyskasmoser: if i install vnc server on the instance and run it, should i get connect directly or i have to do something else?23:09
savidSpamapS,  is the glusterfs-volgen command supposed to be included with gluster-server ?23:15
bondiblueos9of course, now that I went and got the montior, cleared off space to set it down, and hooked it up; ssh is working fine23:17
SpamapSsavid: dpkg -S `which glusterfs-volgen`23:19
SpamapSglusterfs-client: /usr/bin/glusterfs-volgen23:19
SpamapSsavid: technically you don't need -volgen to run a server.. so it makes sense it would be in the client package23:20
savidSpamapS,  I have glusterfs-client installed... odd.23:26
savidno /usr/bin/glusterfs-volgen23:27
SpamapSsavid: on lucid?23:31
SpamapSsavid: dpkg -L glusterfs-client ..23:31
SpamapS.. not included ;)23:31
StrangeCharmapache is telling me that it can't reliably determine my server's fqdn, even though i have a servername set in my vhost file. what's going wrong?23:35
savidSpamapS,  I'm on 9.1023:35
SpamapSStrangeCharm: run 'hostname -f' .. if there are no .'s in there.. you don't have a real server fqdn.23:36
SpamapSsavid: *ahh*23:36
leniosStrangeCharm, maybe /etc/hosts is wrong23:36
StrangeCharmSpamapS, that command returns "hostname: Name or service not known"23:36
SpamapSsavid: consider going to 10.04 .. seeing as it will be supported longer, and includes glusterfs 3.0, which is what you really want at this point.23:37
StrangeCharmlenios, i'm not sure what to do with /etc/hosts23:37
savidSpamapS,  hmm..  is it difficult to do a dist upgrade?  will anything get messed up?23:37
leniosyou should have your hostname is there associated to your ip23:38
SpamapSsavid: it *should* work fine, but it might break stuff.. so if the boxes are already production.. I'd be cautious.23:38
StrangeCharmlenios, if there are multiple subdomains, should they be listed independently?23:39
SpamapSsavid: the usual "do a full backup first" disclaimer should be enough to keep you safe. ;)23:39
SpamapSsavid: also backporting wouldn't be all that hard.23:40
leniosonly the domain, i guess23:41
StrangeCharmlenios, what if multiple subdomains map to other hosts?23:41
leniosi didn't go that far, use a search engine on how to configure /etc/hosts23:42
StrangeCharmfair enough23:42

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