[05:10] hi [05:12] hey Zamboli [05:13] query: i updated to 10.04 through the update manager, is this the same as if I did a clean Ubuntu Studio 10.04 install? [05:13] hmmm [05:14] probably not exactly the same i suppose [05:14] you should end up with the same thing though [05:14] * holstein did an upgrade too [05:14] so far so good [05:15] should be very similar, maybe a few config files hanging around [05:15] or some unused packages [05:15] yeah [05:15] oh, also, how do I change the background of the login screen [05:17] i'll google that ;) [05:17] check out http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html [05:18] i havent messed with it since hardy i bet ;) [05:18] since it started looking good [05:19] the strange thing with the round wall? [05:19] is that the ubuntu studio one? [05:19] i added the studio stuff to a vanilla karmic install [05:20] when i upgraded to 10.04 yeah [05:20] and upgraded [05:20] yeah [05:20] i dont get the themes [05:20] for ubuntustudio [05:20] i think that might be a good route [05:20] ALTHOUGH, they usually look great when i see screenshots [05:20] yeah, i don't have any defaults [06:28] i cant get adobe flash plugin to install with my firefox 3.5 in jaunty [06:28] and suggestions? [06:32] hmmm [06:33] usuario_: did you do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:33] usuario_: OH [06:33] are the jaunty repos still active? [06:33] holstein i dont know [06:34] whats the problem? [06:34] i cant play youtube videos [06:34] specifically [06:34] what are you trying to install [06:34] and how is it failing [06:34] i need a flash player [06:35] adobe flash plugin [06:35] OK [06:35] says i cant [06:35] dl it [06:35] what does? [06:35] synaptic? [06:35] terminal [06:36] what command are you using? [06:36] im running the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:36] OK [06:36] whats the error? [06:37] sudo apt-get adobe-flashplugin [06:37] invailid operation [06:37] usuario_: i would suggest [06:37] ok im done with the restrcted extras [06:38] usuario_: ?? [06:38] yes [06:38] done installing? [06:38] ¿ [06:38] ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:38] OK [06:38] are you done installing that package? [06:38] the meta-package [06:38] ubuntu-restricted-extras [06:38] yes [06:39] OK [06:39] do you have flash? [06:39] you need to restart the browser [06:39] i dont know [06:41] http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html [06:44] you might want to try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners [06:44] this channel is mostly intended for ubuntu studio support [06:45] ok [06:45] also [06:45] have a look at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ [06:45] i get a lot of help from my loco team :) [21:31] hello? [21:31] I've got a problem with 10.04 32 bit [21:36] say it [21:36] well [21:36] on boot [21:36] the screen flickers from left to right [21:36] extremely fast [21:37] does it stay good after login? [21:38] no [21:38] ok [21:38] when does it start to happen? [21:38] the second graphics appear [21:38] after selecting the kernel? [21:39] yea [21:39] ok [21:39] was it like that always? [21:39] is it a fresh install? [21:40] it's a fresh install [21:40] dual boot [21:40] ok [21:40] graphic card? [21:41] onboard ati mobility radeon [21:41] weird [21:41] what happens if you after [21:41] does it shows some login image? [21:42] it shows normal graphics [21:42] but it flickers left to righ [21:42] t [21:42] makes text almost illegible [21:42] and stays like that after login... well maybe you will need to try install a diferent driver [21:43] maybe you can get some help on #ubuntu [21:43] i am not very good in this stuffs [21:43] i think i'm going to install ubuntu [21:43] and migrate the studio packages over [21:43] i believe that helps [21:43] this doesnt seems to be a ubuntustudio issue [21:44] maybe [21:44] because debian works ok [21:44] if it works with ubuntu it would be good to track it and see if it is ubuntustudio specific