=== mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl [15:18] Keybuk: seen my mail? [15:18] Keybuk: do you have a patch for a poor little soul like mine? [15:44] yup, just replied [15:44] haven't got the patch to hand, but will send it across when I find it [15:55] damn. I always have something I need to say to Keybuk until he's around. [15:56] no, you misunderstand [15:56] I stay away from you when you have something to say to me :p [15:57] Hah [15:57] that too [15:58] Keybuk: so my ratty little C parser generator can parse a DSL implementation of itself and make a much nicer implementation of a parser generator. That can then parse that grammar again and make a nicer still implementation. The third time through I get a parser generator that doesn't work. [15:59] Keybuk: so I'm almost done debugging for the 3rd time. [15:59] Hehe [15:59] which iteration gives you skynet? :p [16:00] Keybuk: well if the 3rd one doesn't manage to output its own source code verbatim we call it a bust. [16:00] the good news is if it compiles we can ship it. Full code coverage just by building it. === mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl