
=== joerg is now known as Guest92691
jussihighvoltage: ping07:35
EsLoHi, seems to be something overriding my .profile when using LTSP in Lucid.. I've created 2 users norsk and nynorsk and set export LANG="nb_NO.UTF-8" for norsk and export LANG="nn_NO.UTF-8"  for the nynorsk user.14:41
EsLoWhen logging in as norsk via ltsp the locale confirms nb_NO14:42
EsLoBut nynorsk defaults to en_US in ltsp14:42
EsLoWhen I log in directly on LTSP server, the locale is nn_NO14:43
EsLoWhere do the locale setting get overridden?14:44
mhall119anyone hwere know anything about the initrd.lz file in the LiveCD?15:23
joergsbalneav, hey.....15:28
joergvmlintu, hi...have you got a clean ubuntu server somewhere?15:49
vmlintujoerg: hi.. I can get a new virtual machine running..15:51
joergvmlintu, I am currently trying to write a quick installation guide for the early moves...15:52
joergthat's why I ask15:52
vmlintuneed help testing the guide?15:54
joergvmlintu, yes, that would be great...16:01
joergvmlintu, http://myserv-project.org/install16:01
joergvmlintu, that should take care of everything....except the configuration16:02
joergbut if that just works on a fresh ubuntu box without any errors, they'd only have to edit settings.py and will be done...16:03
vmlintuok, I'll try that a bit later, I'm just finishing off other things16:04
highvoltagehey there vmlintu16:05
vmlintuhighvoltage: hi16:06
highvoltagevmlintu: I was wondering, did you manage to bring any of the ldap stuff up with the server team during the UDS?16:08
vmlintuhighvoltage: no.. there was some discussion about it on ubuntu-server mailing list, but it died off quickly and I couldn't find anything about it later..16:09
highvoltagevmlintu: ok16:09
vmlintuhighvoltage: the sources for the user management side are now on github: http://github.com/opinsys/puavo-users16:10
highvoltageoh cool16:11
vmlintuyou can manage multiple ldap databases + kerberos realms with a single server installation16:12
vmlintuIt uses subdomains to know which one you want to connect to16:12
highvoltageit would be great if that could make it into ubuntu even though it's not used for anything by default yet16:13
vmlintupackaging it would mean first packaging <10 gems that are not in ubuntu or need updates16:14
vmlintufor the ultimate experience you can try setting up openldap+mit kerberos with 30 ldap databases and kerberos realms with a single command: http://github.com/opinsys/puavo-tools16:15
joergvmlintu, isn't there something like virtualenv in python?16:15
vmlintuwhat is virtualenv?16:15
joerga way to install packages in a virtual environment16:15
joerge.g. myserv has heaps of dependencies as well...16:15
joergbut I will simply include them in the package16:16
joergthe whole thing will be an isolated python environment....16:16
vmlintuif I understand debian policy correctly, libraries should not be included..16:16
joergso I wonder why you can't simply put all your ruby dependencies in your package16:16
joerghmm, I don't know what kind of libraries you use....16:17
vmlintuyou can put the dependencies easily in the package, but I doubt it would make it in the repos..16:17
joerg...but for my project there is a lot of reusable code snippsets16:17
joergsometimes only available via git or so16:17
vmlintusounds the same as the gems in ruby..16:18
joergwell, I have nobody to package ten or so small python snippets...16:18
joergdjango_friends, django_oembed, django_openid, django_notification and so on16:19
joergand then you sometimes need a certain revision/version....16:20
joergI simply cannot take care of that.16:20
joergthere will be a batteries included version which simply depends on python and the needed C lib and that's it...16:20
joergand those python libs that are available in ubuntu as packages....16:20
joerge.g. django16:21
joergbut not these 200 lines code snippets16:21
joergapart from that: moodle for example use the yale CAS php libs16:21
joergso if it is really that strict....16:22
joergsomebody should repackage moodle16:22
joergremove CAS.php and put that in a php5-cas package :)16:22
highvoltagevmlintu: yep, you're right16:23
vmlintuwe'll probably have time for packaging sometime during the summer when schools are out16:24
joergvmlintu, do you think it is too early to post on the mailing list and provide people with access to the demo server?16:52
joergI am not that experienced in building communities around projects16:53
joergbut I really need an active community and contributors to run and maintain it in the long run16:54
vmlintujoerg: I'm probably not the right person to give advice on that16:58
joergbut you have seen it16:59
vmlintuI haven't gone through the code yet, but better documentation would probably help getting people interested.. I have now hard time understanding what could be done with the project and how could I benefit from it17:05
joergread the specs :P17:08
joergwhat kind of docs do you expect?17:08
joerghow you can add a comment on a profile? how you can upload and share files?17:08
joerghow you can lock and unlock PCs?17:08
joergwhat a RSS feed is?17:09
joergit is quite self explanatory17:10
vmlintuhard to say.. now the specs tell a vision, but the current status is something else17:12
joergvmlintu, not really17:13
vmlintubut I don't know django, so I don't understand all the things in there..17:14
joergnone of the teachers here ever heard about django17:14
nubaedjango is just a python framework17:14
nubaethiink of it as being python17:15
joergyou don't even need to know what python is17:15
nubaeits a webalized framework17:15
vmlintuare you focusing teachers with www.myserv-project.org?17:16
joergyou just need to know: there is a new portal server for schools through which you can publish news, message each other, share files and folders with friends/classes/groups, pay for stuff like printing, as a teacher book a room, allow or deny internet access on certain machines, black and white list internet sites in the proxy....17:17
joergvmlintu, who else should I focus?17:18
joergbus drivers? :o)17:18
joerga portal server for schools usually has teachers and students in focus, yes :P17:18
joergand those who are interested in technical stuff can read the technical specs.17:18
nubaetalking about schooltool?17:18
joergthe teachers probably gonna simply have a look at the demo.17:19
joergbecause they are not really interested what technologies/languages are used....17:19
joergthey just want to get work done...17:19
joergnubae, no.17:19
joergmy upcoming project :)17:19
nubaeaha, never heard of it17:19
nubaeshall take a look17:19
joergit won't hurt :)17:20
nubaehehe, i hope not17:20
nubaeor i'll come find u17:20
vmlintuif I wanted to contribute to it, what could/should I do?17:21
joergnubae, the web site is very technical as vmlintu correctly noticed :P but as teachers don't want to read anything either I am just showing them the demo17:21
joergvmlintu, report bugs ;) test it.... criticize it...17:22
joergimplement a feature....17:22
joergfinding out how it cooperates with your puavo-users stuff17:22
nubaewelll I?m a dev so good thing for me I guess17:23
vmlintuI don't know django, but it says I can write modules in any language - how do I write a module using brainfuck?17:23
joergvmlintu, probably brainfuck + cgi? :P17:23
joergapart from that you should really have a look at django. you will love it :P17:23
vmlintuhow do I get the module working with myserv?17:23
vmlintuI had a look at it and chose ruby on rails17:24
joergvmlintu, follow the opensocial specs at opensocial.org :)17:24
joergthat would be one way, but the gadgets/opensocial is not yet completely implemented....17:25
joergyour module could then be added as a small gadget on the user's welcome page or a group administrator could for example add it as a tab in the group profile.....17:25
nubaejoerg....I've loooked into many many school apps17:26
vmlintuyou have all the answers, but maybe you could make a tutorial-like example how to get started developing on it?17:26
nubaecan u tell me why this is say better than schooltool/moodle/mahara17:26
nubaeor is this somethign that can work alongside those apps17:27
nubae(would be better for me)17:27
joergnobody wants to replace moodle17:27
joergif you want moodle, use it. myserv will be happy to integrate it into it's navigation and provide a single sign on system17:27
nubaewell, that would be like an impossile/stupid  feat17:27
joergso you'd only have to log in to myserv and could use your moodle17:28
joergwithout authenticating again.17:28
nubaeok good17:28
joergand if you want to use roundcube, install it.17:28
joergI am not trying to replace existing good things.17:28
joergI am just trying to build a portal around them.17:28
vmlintuif it integrates moodle, how do I do it?17:30
nubaeso is it more like CLaSS student system?17:30
joergI don't know what CLaSS is17:30
joergnubae, did you get my private msg? then log in and see how it looks like....17:30
joergvmlintu, you install moodle, configure it to authenticate against ldap + cas and that's it.17:31
nubaewell its what some schools have been using (particularly british ones) for student/classrooom management17:31
nubaeyes I did17:31
nubaeI'm lookking17:31
nubaebut difficult to get an overview so quickly17:31
joergvmlintu, you could add a link in the menu as well, and maybe load moodle in an iframe....or a new window.17:31
vmlintujoerg: how do I know what to do if I stumble on the page?17:32
joergnubae, well, imagine myserv like an internal "facebook" for a school17:32
nubaethats why I'm wondering what its MOST like? class= http://laex.org/class/17:32
nubaedo u know it?17:33
nubaeits touted as being the social networking tool to fit in with moodle17:33
joergI am just looking at it...17:34
nubaeMahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Māori, is user centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities.17:35
nubaeI'd imagine its something like that?17:35
joergyou don't have to copy the website for me17:35
joergbut thx :D17:35
nubaewas just the description of what it was17:35
nubaedidn't want to hassle u with having to wade through the whole thing :-)17:35
joergwell, does mahara act as a single sign on system?17:35
nubaesorry was just trying to be helpful17:35
nubaeoh yes17:36
joergwhat sso system?17:36
nubaeand more, it shares all data with moodle17:36
nubaewhichever u set it up with could be openid17:37
joergas provider?17:37
joergnubae, what if I am logged into mahara and want to access my webmail?17:38
joergyou have to login again, right?17:39
joergbecause mahara is only openid consumer17:39
joergand the mail client / imap server is not openid capable17:39
nubaeu could... it uses rmlpc(SP?) for sharing data17:39
nubaeshit... forgot the proper name17:39
joerganyway.....can a teacher book a room using mahara?17:40
nubaethat tells moe about moodle and single sign on and mahara system17:41
nubaethat sounds more like a school tool kind of thing17:41
nubaebut I couldnt honestly tell u17:42
joergthat sounds like mahara is only working with moodle17:42
joergand not with squirrelmail17:42
nubaeits more like a social networking tool (e-portfolio) than anything else17:42
joergor roundcube, or xyz17:42
joergor foobar integrated library system/opac17:42
vmlintujoerg: these are the things you should write on your website - why it rocks17:42
nubaeit is VERY integrated wtih moodle yes17:42
nubaealmost like a plugin17:43
joergvmlintu, I will :)17:43
joergnubae, yeah, but what I'm trying is to provide an open interface to everything.17:43
joergjust look for CAS or even openid....17:43
nubaeIf u dont mind, I wil do a write up about your app on my site (nubae.com)17:43
vmlintuwhen I hear portal I think of yahoo17:43
nubaethere is a write up there about mahara and moodle17:44
nubaeworth taking a look17:44
joergI just read it17:44
joergit tells me that it is only focused on that particular product17:44
nubaeoh... the write up on nubae.com?17:44
joerg99 of 100 schools here don't need moodle17:44
joerghaha, and we have 150 schools here which we are supporting17:45
nubaehmm... that is a VERY srtong comment17:45
joergnobody ever asked for a moodle setup :)17:45
nubaeabout 40% or Britiish schools use it17:45
joergwell teachers here dont want it17:46
joergbecause it is more work17:46
nubaewhere would that be?17:46
joergand has no benefit...17:46
nubaeI would strongly argue against that17:46
joergthey dont want to login there, assign tasks and things like that17:46
joergthey tell them in class what the homework is17:46
joergthey won't turn on a computer for it17:46
nubaebut I've been involved with moodle for 5 years and know it like the back of my hand so am somewhat biased17:47
joergI can only tell you how it is here17:47
joergat these 140 german schools17:47
joergthey say: "nice, but we don't need it, it won't improve the quality of the lessons"17:47
nubaefunny... because the largest moodle setup I know of is in Austria17:47
nubaeI lived there for many years17:47
nubaeIch wurde wirchlich nicht saggen dass man Moodle nich braucht...17:48
joergI only tell you how it is here17:48
joergin northern germany17:48
joergwhich is 800km from the austrian border17:48
joergaustria is a technology playground17:49
joergthey have mobile broadband everywhere, they are rich and small17:49
joergand have almost no social problems.....like we have in the suburbs of berlin etc.17:49
nubaeok... I believe u... but as u are seemingly against moodle... does that mean that your product was not built with it in mind?17:49
nubaesorry for the harsh questions, but I must ask them17:50
nubaeif I am to write an unbiased report17:50
ColonelPaniknubae, Do you know of any OpenSource language programs that would do what Rosetta Stone does?17:51
nubaean open interface to everything doesnt tell me much... its like saying, I'm building a website that will do everything... I would prefer a description of what your site actually does, who its for, why it was created (what joolted it on - there is always something/someone) that forces that)17:52
nubaeColonelPanik, in what sense?17:53
nubaejoerg... I do love the interface though... its simple17:54
nubaeand teachers would feel at home right away17:54
nubaebut I'm still struggling with what it actually does17:54
nubaefor me... a facebook for moodle is totaly mahjara, and i think u would agree, so u need another description17:55
ColonelPanikGeneral computer aided language acquisition.  Something to learn English, Spanish, etc.17:55
nubaebut like apps for the desktop?17:56
nubaeor for development work?17:56
ColonelPanikSchools, students go to the language lab, use computer to learn a language?17:57
nubaeColonelPanik, I am quite involved with Sugar....17:57
nubaeI know it has some great language tools...17:58
nubaethen there is gcompris17:58
nubaeitalso has some great tools inside17:58
nubaeI've heard of roseta stone and probaby used t, but need to refresh my memory17:59
nubaelet me take a look17:59
ColonelPanikThanks nubae, my wife teaches ESL at the university level and Rosetta Stone is very expensive18:00
nubaeyeah that I know :-) I see it on all the torrent sites because of that18:00
nubaegoogle should have some tools for that purpose18:01
nubaechrome has the amazing ability to translate really well any website into another  language18:02
nubaeto the degree it almost reads like it was written in that language18:02
nubaeyou should check to see if google hasnt developed someting great18:02
nubaeColonelPanik, u know rosettta stone works with wine right?18:05
nubaebut she wants to be legal?18:05
nubaehttp://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-10409371-264.html - google edges to rosetta stone status18:06
nubaehave a read of that18:06
nubaeits what I thought might be the case18:07
nubaejoerg, did I upset u with any of my comments? that was truly not my intention18:10
ColonelPanikFor sure we will be legal.  And OPEN SOURCE18:11
nubaeI would like to write a piece on your software, it might boost your user based considerably18:11
ColonelPaniknubae,  Do not translation need a program to learn a language.18:12
nubaeColonelPanik, http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5460518:12
nubaethat link should be a good starting point18:13
nubaeyes, but I think google is working on something like that... it would need some digging.... but it mst be out there.... they've invested a hell of a lot into translation and language tools18:14
ColonelPaniknubae, Thank you.  Thats what I am talking about.18:14
nubaeI'd be surprised if there wasn't a tool they created to learn languages18:14
nubaeno probs...18:15
joergnubae, sorry dinner :P18:27
joergnothing against you18:27
nubaeoh... bon apetit then18:28
nubaewe can talk later18:28
joergI am back :P18:29
joergI wasn't upset18:29
joergI was having dinner18:29
joerganyway: I can just tell you what I already said: 140 of 140 clients did not ask us for moodle18:29
joergand if there are people in austria who LOVE it18:30
joergand cannot live without it18:30
joergI don't care.18:30
mhall119woot!  RC for Qimo 2 is out: http://www.quinncoincorporated.org/qimo-2.0-desktop-rc1.iso.torrent18:30
joergI am not paid for making solutions for austrians :)18:30
highvoltagemhall119: did you compress that initramfs?18:30
mhall119I found out I needed to extract the gzipped version made by update-initramfs, and compress it with lzma instead18:31
mhall119also, I left the gzipped version in /boot, which it seems I didn't need to do18:31
joergnubae, the strength of myserv is or will be, that it integrates everything - as far as I know schooltool like solutions, they follow the "the teacher is god" concept18:31
joergnubae, or the admin is god.18:32
mhall119between that, and removing some stuff from /var/cache/man/cat, I was able to get it down to 699.4 MB18:32
nubaejoerg, ok, well, I will analyse all the options and do a write about it explaining that it is menat to be a school product that ties into existing school products already in use in those schools18:37
nubaedioes that sound about right?18:37
nubaehas it been translated into many languages?18:38
joergthe project was born on 26th of january :P18:38
joergwhat do you expect?18:38
nubaejust questions18:38
joergwhat you can see is a small demo of revision 159 of the code18:38
nubaeI willmention that too18:38
joergthere's nothing ready for production18:38
nubaeah ok, when will it be production ready?18:39
joergnubae, anyway.....as far as I can see, mahara is only a social network18:39
nubaeie...when do u expect a release?18:39
joergit only focuses on one product18:39
joergand does not provide open interfaces and technologies18:39
nubaeits extremely good at what it does18:39
joergso it is quite different18:39
joergthat might be18:39
nubaebeing an e-portfolio18:40
nubaea personalised area for students and teachers using moodle18:40
joergyes, but I am just telling you why it is absolutely not suitable for us.18:40
nubaeoh I didnt think it was, I was just trying to get a feel for a similar product18:40
joergand I am not against moodle18:41
nubaeand thought from your first description it migjt be mahara18:41
joergI just say: MY clients dont ask me for moodle18:41
nubaebut I guess its not18:41
joergso I am not focused on it18:41
nubaehave u looked at class?18:41
joergeven though myserv can integrate it18:41
nubaethat might be more like what myserv is like18:42
joergabsolutely not18:42
joergas far as I can see, you can manage marks and stuff with it.18:42
nubaeok, I'll treat it as a new product that has no known competitors18:43
joergiserv is one :P18:43
nubaeok.... that helps18:43
joergbut that won't help you unless you are quite fluent in german18:44
nubaeif i can show how myserv is superior, it will make a better story18:44
nubaeI am18:44
joergnubae, the thing is: e.g. mahara is a quite isolated environment18:44
nubaehab in österreich eine ganze weile gelebt18:44
joergis there a way to integrate it into ldap?18:44
joergfor the users/groups?18:44
joergoh, ok, then I didn't really find it qhile quickly scanning the docs.18:45
alkisgjoerg, is there a beta available for your myserv? What can it do already?18:45
joerganyway....I don't know all that stuff in detail18:45
nubaethats its strength it shares absolutely all its data with moodle via rml-rpc18:45
joergyes, but please understand that I do not concern it as a strength18:46
joergfor us18:46
nubaeI am not going to compare it to mahara if u say the 2 products are differet18:46
joergif none of your customers wants to use microsoft windows, it doesn't help you if you have the best windows integrating software ever18:47
nubaeI would prefer to compare to a real competito like ierv18:47
joergwell...it is inspired by iserv.18:47
joergbecause these guys have a monopoly here18:47
nubaeok I shalll mention that too18:47
joergyou shouldn't write anything anywhere before there is a more or less working beta :P18:48
nubaeis the idea for myserv to be international?18:48
nubaeok, fine18:48
joergthe idea for myserv is at first sight: solve OUR problems18:48
nubaeI'l give u my email private18:48
joergwe are just so nice that we don't sell it but share it with others as OSS18:48
nubaeu write me when u think its ready for a review18:48
joergwell it already is :918:49
joergbut you have to use the demo18:49
joergand click through it18:49
joergas there is no documentation available at the moment saying: it rocks, because you can do A, B and C18:49
joergI just can tell you in brief what it does:18:49
joergit supports several auth backends (including ldap), it acts aus SSO provider for others like webmail and moodle, it provides social networking stuff (have friends, have a profile, found a group, make a group profile).18:50
joergit provides file sharing capabilities, that's quite important for us.18:50
joergthe users have a web based (ajax) file manager to upload and manage their home directory18:51
joergand they can add a so called share to their own profile and share it with their friends (r, rw) or everyboddy (r, rw)18:51
joergand you can add a share to a group profile18:51
joergif you are the group manager/founder.18:51
nubaeso its like a moodle+mahara but inspired by iserv and for your particular userbase18:52
joerge.g. a read only folder in your home that you as a teacher share with your students - which provides a homework task as pdfs etc.18:52
nubaenorthern germany18:52
nubaeto me that sounds exactly like moodle+mahara18:53
joergit is more like facebook + "share a folder with this group/my friends"18:53
nubaeyep... thats mahara18:53
joerghmm, maybe should get a demo account there then :)18:53
nubaebut f u dont want me to, i wont even mention moodle or mahara18:54
joergwell, and apart from that: personalized start page with RSS feeds, notifications, gadgets (opensocial)18:54
nubaeyeah u shoould18:54
joerghmm, ok18:54
joergand well, the files stuff is accessible through webdav18:54
nubaeeven drag and drop interface18:54
nubaeto move stuff around18:55
joergdrag and drop is nothing magical :P18:55
nubaeit would probablyhelp with some ideas18:55
nubaei know18:55
nubaebut teachers and studnets love it18:55
joerghmm, ok....18:55
joergok, and apart from that the intranet stuff18:56
nubaeread through my write up and follow the instructions18:56
joergblock host foobar from internet access18:56
joergallow internet access in room 12318:56
nubaeu'llthen get an idea of what it is and how it compare18:56
joergblock www.youtube.com for 30 minutes in room 31218:57
nubaeand maybe gives u some ideasm u can integrate18:57
nubaeok, thats original18:57
nubaedont think moodle ormahara do that18:57
nubaebut another product does18:58
nubaebut of course i forgot the name19:00
nubaeits used extensively with ltsp19:01
nubaeas the user manager19:01
nubaedamn whats it called again...19:01
nubaeits used to control terminals and other computers19:02
joergbut not windoze computers I guess19:02
nubaeu can even share a single desktop with all the others19:02
joergwe just need to block proxy access / ip masquerading19:02
nubaeyah windows too19:02
joerghmm, the mahara thing looks good19:03
joergfirst thing: how do I access my files or group files locally?19:04
joergis there a way to mount it under linux?19:04
joergand connect it as a drive in windows?19:04
nubaelike I said, run through the doc I wrote19:05
nubaeit'll give u an idea of everything possible19:05
nubaeand yes, its done by a group of coders related to the moodle project19:06
joergso it is not possible at present?19:06
nubaeso its real high quality19:06
nubaeI do not know19:07
joergyou wrote docs about it but you don't know? :)19:07
nubaeI write a LOT of docs19:07
nubaeI cant be expectd to remmeber every detail about every doc19:07
nubaefor instance I wrote a large part of the ltsp manual19:08
nubaeit doesnt mean I know everything about LTSP19:08
nubaefar from it...19:08
nubaebut it does integrate with webdav19:09
nubaemahara and moole19:09
nubaeso in a way yes mounting windows is possible19:09
joergI cannot find anything about how I can mount my "my files" as webdav.19:09
nubaewelll, I'd help u look, but I'm sure google will help u faster19:10
nubaesearch webdav moodle19:10
joergI am not looking at moodle19:10
joergI am talking about mahara19:10
nubaeif nothing comes up I'll give u 100 dollars19:10
joergthe my files part of mahara19:10
joerga personal home directory19:11
nubaemahara ties into moodle 100 percent19:11
nubaeso whatever is possible with moodle is possible with mahara19:11
joergI dont see any moodle19:12
nubaelook.... if u really want to see what it does and how it integrates, do what I said, follow the instructions on installing the 2 and integrating19:12
nubaeit'll take u half an hour at most19:12
nubaeu dont see any moodle what?19:12
nubaeok,found the other progrma Italc19:14
joergI have a demo account at mahara.org19:14
nubaeif u havent seen that, take a look19:14
nubaethat is REALLY impressive19:14
nubaeand does the lockdown stuff u were talking about with you tube19:14
joergI know it19:15
joergand it has absolutely nothing to do with proxy filters19:15
nubaeI never mentioned and u never mentioned proxy filters19:15
joergI said allowing and denying internet access19:15
nubaeu said blocking youtube on a remte machine19:16
joergwhich has to do with proxies and firewalls19:16
joergand not with teachers playing big brother19:16
nubaeheh... thats not what I would call I talc,but never mind19:16
joergyes, that is proxy filtering / blacklisting of certain sites19:16
joergbecause they contain P0RN or whatever :P19:16
joergor the solution of the current task :)19:17
nubaefor what u are mentioning dansguardian is the defalto standard19:17
nubaealong with squid19:17
joergok and where's the web frontend?19:17
nubaewhy anyone else would use something different is beyong me19:17
joergwhere the teacher can add a url?19:17
nubaetherer are lots19:17
nubaeI use webmin19:17
joergor domain? to be blocked for the next 34 minutes?19:17
joergand webmin does time based proxy filtering?19:18
nubaeand dansguardian has a great little gui19:18
nubaedansguardian does19:18
nubaealso there is ufw19:18
nubaewhich has a great gui19:19
nubaelook im not attacking your product19:19
nubae think itlooks wonderfuk19:19
joerggive me a link :P19:19
nubaebut almost everything we can think of has already been done some place19:20
joergfor a web based gui19:20
joergwhere a teacher can login with his ldap account19:20
nubaefor what dansguardian?19:20
joergand select: room 211 -> computer 1 -> block youtube for 23 minutes19:20
nubaei'll give u one better19:20
nubaehang on19:20
joergwe have dansguardian19:20
nubaecause we used this at guadalinex-edu19:20
nubaei used to work there19:21
joergif it allows teachers to block things forever, forget it :)19:21
joergwe are not talking about cool web based firewall tools.19:21
joergwe are talking about a gui for very stupid people19:21
alkisgHow does the blocking work? The teacher has root access to all the client PCs and inserts some iptable rules?19:22
joergwho will block internet access on all machines19:22
alkisgOr with squid and inetd?19:22
joergand go away having forgotten about it19:22
joergnext person comes, nothing works.19:22
nubaeeat your heart out19:22
joergin our setup?19:22
joergteachers logs in to myserv19:22
joergselectes a room19:22
joergselects some hosts19:22
joergor all hosts.19:22
joergtells the number of minutes19:23
nubaejoerg check out that link19:23
nubaeand install19:23
joergand says "block" or "unblock"19:23
alkisgNot the GUI, the backend, how does it work technically?19:23
nubaethere is nothing better out there i guarantee it19:23
joergalkisg, that depends....it only executes a command.19:24
alkisgWith root privileges?19:24
alkisgI.e. does each teacher have root privileges to all PCs?19:24
joergalkisg, what we are doing at the moment: add it to a text file with ips that are blocked by squidguard19:24
joergand add an ip tables rule to block forwarding for that host19:24
nubaealkisg. http://demo.myserv-project.org19:24
joergalkisg, the teacher logs into a web gui, the gateway/proxy.19:24
alkisgIs there anything that prevents the clients from not using that proxy?19:25
joergalkisg, and that web app has sudo rights on a script that blocks/allows19:25
joergif you only use the proxy to block it...19:25
joerg...you don't need sudo/root19:25
joergalkisg, yes19:25
joergyou either use it or you don't have internet access19:26
nubaejoerg did u check out  webcontentcontrol?19:26
joergunless you bring your own 3G device or so :)19:26
alkisgjoerg: so it won't work on all schools - only specially configured schools, right?19:26
joergno, I cannot explain things to him and check out sth at the same time :P19:26
joergalkisg, hmm?19:26
joergif you want internet19:27
alkisgI.e. I can't use my router as the gateway, I need to use a special server for a gateway19:27
joergyou need to have a gateway/proxy19:27
joergwhich usually runs on linux19:27
alkisgSo in order to use your program in my school, I'd need a specially configured server, right?19:27
joergyes sure....19:27
joergyou need users/groups etc.19:27
joergor find a way how the server can tell your router what to do :P19:28
alkisgCan you block access by user?19:28
alkisgOr only by PC?19:28
alkisgE.g. will it work in ltsp environments, where all users are essentically on the server?19:28
joergnubae, forget it :P19:29
joergsorry to say it19:29
joergbut the interface is overkill19:29
joergtinyproxy on? dansguardian on?19:29
joergteachers will already give up here because they dont know what that is.19:29
nubaejoerg, perhaps, but it does what u said, and way more19:30
joergapart from that, it cannot manage multiple hosts/rooms/ips/mac adresses19:30
joergseems to be for parents blocking certain stuff on a single machine19:30
nubaeI'm just syaing... there is nothing out there that hasnt already been done19:30
alkisgThe only way I found to block internet access by user, was to use squid with inetd.19:30
joergnubae, this is NOT doing what I said19:30
nubaeif yours looks nicer and works simpler kudos19:30
joergit is NOT web based19:30
joergit does not authenticate me and check if I am a teacher19:31
joergit does not show me rooms/hosts I have at my school19:31
nubaethen search dansguardian and gui19:31
nubaeu'll find lots19:31
nubaeubuntu christian editinon has it installed by default19:31
joergalkisg, inetd?19:32
alkisgjoerg: yes, it is used to tell squid which user is requesting the page19:32
joergyou mean identd?19:32
alkisgOtherwise user-based filtering doesn't work19:32
alkisgYes, sorry19:32
nubaejoerg, actually... guadalinex-edu just developed something like that, based on avahi...19:33
joergif you trust your machines19:33
nubaewrks great19:33
joergI'd use squid + ldap19:33
joergand proxy auth19:33
nubaelets u control every room in a school and every app19:33
nubaedoes single sign on19:33
alkisgjoerg: so the students would have to authenticate to the proxy to access the internet?19:33
alkisgCan that be automated for younger students?19:34
nubaebut dont think thye released it yet.... or maybe they did... it had a funny name19:34
joergnubae, are you a teacher?19:34
joerghave you really dealt with everyday problems at a school for years?19:34
nubaejoerg, anyway, would u like me to doa write up of your product or not19:34
nubaeactually I am a teacher19:35
nubaethough a dev too19:35
joergyou are serving me a new name of some "cool app" every 2 minutes here19:35
joergand there's instead of mahara nothing that you could ever use in a school19:35
nubaejoerg yes I have19:35
joergbecause all of it is for ADMINs19:35
joergand cannot be used by ppl without technical skills19:35
nubaeI disagree, but hye19:36
joergdid you ever confront a teacher for latin and religion with webmin?19:36
nubae40% off British schools use moodle19:36
nubaeand many use mahara as a plugin19:36
nubaeits the most widely used (by TEACHERS) app in the world19:36
joergand how many percent of british teachers are able to configure dansguardian through one of your proposed guis?19:37
joergand how many of them are able to use webmin?19:37
joergsorry, but they call us and ask if we know where the enter key is :)19:37
nubaewell, the ones I've trained have had no problems... but usually itis NOT a teacher that run webmin or dansguardian19:38
joergor why they can't upload a 200mb file through their dialup19:38
nubaewhy would they?19:38
joergbecause they are writing an exam in the room19:38
joergand don't want that the students can access the web in the next 45 minutes19:38
nubaejoerg, to be honest.. I'm much more interested in teaching with real simple tools to young kids (4-9)19:39
nubaeI use sugar for that19:39
joergyeah, I know it.19:39
joergfor the primary schools we don't need all that stuff19:39
joergbut for a 17 yo highschool teenie, things are different19:39
nubaewell, thats what I'm currently really using.... and focusign on19:39
joergor e.g. in my high school youtube.com is blocked19:40
joergbecause they have a very slow dsl line19:40
nubaebut I have a blog, and I do write ups on interesting school products19:40
joergand if it is not blocked, the traffic is so much that other's cant really work anymore.19:40
nubaewould u like me to write up something on myserv, yes or no?19:40
joergbut for certain projects, e.g. a video project, teachers want youtube.19:41
nubaeI dont really want to waste any more time on this19:41
joergso they should have a way to whitelist youtube for the particular room for e.g. 45 minutes19:41
joergbecuase if it is not timed, they will forget to lock it19:41
joergand it will stay whitelisted forever19:41
joergnubae, no19:42
nubaeokm :-)19:42
joergnubae, I don't think anybody who says that he doesn't want to "waste time" on my project could write anything objective about it.19:42
joergyou are just giving me names of software that you probably never really used.19:42
joergto give me the feeling that I am so stupid and develop things that are already there.19:43
joergwhat do you want to write if you don't even want to understand what it is about?19:43
nubaeI didnt say that19:43
joergand why all your webmin and technical admin stuff is not the solution for an arts teachers that wants to allow youtube for his video project19:44
nubaeI said I dont want to waste any more time arguing about what we'vee been arguiing about19:44
nubaebut thre are many projects out there19:44
joergyes, and that means you don't want to waste time on understanding why I believe that this solution is new and unique.19:45
nubaeso if u dont want attention on yours, and from what u've read, u'll see I'm always impartial, thats your perogative19:45
joergI just don't want anybody to write about a project that he doesn't know in detail19:45
joergwrite about sugar or whatever stuff you have experience with.19:46
nubaeI told u I would study it and then do the write up19:46
nubaebut u are far far too defensive...19:46
nubaeso lets just leave it at that19:46
nubaeyour loss, not mine19:47
nubaeIt would be MY time I would be usin19:47
nubaeu'd have nothing to loose19:47
joergI don't need negative publicity19:48
nubaeu obviously thnink you've created gods masterpiece... I wish u all the best...19:48
joergI am trying to explain you some points19:48
joergand you simply send me links and names and so on19:48
nubaeit wouldnt have been negative at all19:48
joergtelling me: why myserv? look at xyz19:48
nubaeI stated several times I thouhgt it looked excellent19:48
joergand I look at xyz and think: what the HELL has it to do with the things you just said? :)19:49
joergthe thing is: I am trying to explain you by example why we are not using solutions that are already there.19:49
joergI am talking about differences and advantages.19:49
joergand you say: but xyz can do this too....and that's mostly not the case.19:50
joerghow do you want to write an in-depth article about myserv?19:50
joerge.g. if it comes to webdav access19:50
joergmounting local drives19:50
nubaeno actually, I dont anymore19:50
joergyou tell me how cool mahara is19:50
nubaeplease just stop talking now19:51
joergbut if I ask you: is it possible to mount it as drive....you don't know it.19:51
joergyes, sorry....19:51
joergbut either you give me a FAIR chance or you leave it.19:51
joergbut I am tired of looking at x, y and z and trying to explain you why it does not do what we need.19:52
nubaegosh I'm just gonna leave the channel for a while, this is getting ridiculous19:52
joergmaybe I should stop developing open source software19:56
joergif the only feedback I get is that my work is senseless :(19:56
joergalkisg, sorry20:02
alkisgnp, you guys really shouldn't be fighting for open source software. Anyway I gotta do some work, bbl.20:03
joergbut do you know how that feeling is?20:03
joergyou have a project, you believe in the ideas20:03
joergand somebody is asking you what the advantages and concepts are20:04
joergyou explain an advantage, the other person says: abcd can do it as well.20:04
joergyou have a quick look at abcd's web page and it cannot do it.20:04
joergI can better go and make proprietary stuff and make money with it20:05
joerginstead of doing idealistic stuff for people who don't they thank you or anything positive.20:05
joergand no, I am NOT gonna announce it on the mailinglist anymore.20:09
LedHedWhen using LTSP, I want a client to execute a script that requires a name be set.  I wanted to use the devices hostname,  but when I use `hostname` in my script I get the servers hostname.  How can I get the hostname from the client via script?22:50
LedHedalkisg, thank you!22:52
LedHedalkisg, can I set the client hostname via DHCP?23:03
alkisgLedHed: In karmic+, yes23:05
alkisgYou can also set it from lts.conf23:05
LedHedalkisg, I'm using Lucid,23:05
LedHedHow do I config ltsp clients to grab the hostname via DHCP? is it an option in lts.conf?23:06
alkisgNo, if you want to set it by dhcp, that's done from /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf23:07
alkisgYou can also set it from lts.conf, but that isn't dhcp anymore. It has the same effect, though23:08
alkisgFor dhcpd.conf you'd need to google it, it's easy but I don't use dhcpd.conf so I can't have an example handy23:08
LedHedalkisg, ok.  I'm already setting the hostname via DHCP Reservation.23:08
LedHedthe clients just dont seem to be getting it.23:09
LedHedIts a Windows DHCP server23:09
alkisgHmmm ok then do some debugging:23:09
LedHedI will.  Thanks for the help23:09
alkisgreplace "quiet splash" with "break=init" in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default23:09
alkisgThen boot a client23:09
alkisgYou'll get a busybox shell23:10
alkisgIn that shell, type: cat /etc/net-eth0.conf23:10
alkisgAnd see if it got the hostname.23:10
LedHedok,  thanks.  I would never have thought of doing that23:10

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