
MPXHey, in Quassel, how do I remove the Line marker?00:00
MPXThat long red line...couldnt find it anywhere in the options...It irritates me00:00
Snarksteranyone in here know anyhting about sata drives?00:07
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MPX_Is there nobody here that knows?00:08
progre55hi guys. I've got a core 2 duo, and my second CPU has been showing "0% usage" for a while now.. I'm kinda concerned.. any suggestions, please?00:23
bukayooprogre55: maybe u don't ned the 2nd cpu00:30
progre55bukayoo: but it used to at least have some load before.. and now even if I run CPU-hungry tasks, it doesnt load.. 0%00:32
bukayooprogre55: how did u know it's not? with htop?00:32
Neil_HaskinsI'm trying to properly set the physical size of my monitor using the xrandr command.00:34
Neil_HaskinsI think I'm supposed to type either "xrandr --fbmm 320x240" or "xrandr --fbmm 320mmx240mm", but I've tried both (and everything else I can think of) and when I enter xrandr after it still show the incorrect size (250mm x 184mm) way off. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?00:34
progre55bukayoo: no, with a widget, "system monitor - CPU" :) let me try htop though00:35
bukayooprogre55: try compiling a kernel. set this var  export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=300:37
bukayooand watch in htop00:37
progre55bukayoo: actually, htop shows that's both cpu's are loaded :) mb smth wrong with the widget..00:38
bukayooprogre55: don't trust those midget00:40
progre55bukayoo: =)00:40
progre55bukayoo: yeah, it was the widget.. removed it and activated a new one, and now it shows some load =)00:41
Neil_Haskinsoompah-loompah doopadee doo, I've got the wrong information for you00:41
bukayooprogre55: there's a lot of them ..added the cpu and doesn't even show me one..:(00:42
MPX_Does anybody know how to remove the line marker on Quassel IRC client? Searched the options and views...found nothing, That red line sure irritates me :S00:59
Nythainare there any know functional work arounds for "save image as" and "save page as" in Firefox currently?01:04
bukayooMPX_: did u try in the custom color?01:04
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bukayooMPX_: at least give it the same color as your background and can't see it anymore..as good as removed01:07
heavybreakerHey everyone I wanted to know when the default kde automount program askes for a password on startup when its mounting my windows drive?01:08
Nythainso i take it thats a no on the Firefox problem... can anyone say wether or not removing kmozillahelper will obliterate my install in any way?01:08
heavybreakerNythain if you want to know just try it, but make sure the backup your .mozilla folder in your home folder01:12
heavybreakerSo if it does break you will have a backup of all the things in your firefox folder01:13
Nythainheavybreaker: well, im concerned more about obliterating firefox's overall functionality and more specifically, the other packages that depend or recommend on kmozillahelper01:13
heavybreakerOh okay01:14
heavybreakerSorry if that was of no halp01:14
Nythainat least it was a response :)01:15
Nythainso im giving it a try anyways01:15
heavybreakerAlright, good luck with it =] hope it works out for you01:15
Nythainand it works01:16
Nythainsooooo... if anyone else happens to come in here all like "i can't save images or pages in firefox" just be like "remove kmozillahelper"01:16
heavybreakerHey everyone I wanted to know when the default kde automount program askes for a password on startup when its mounting my windows drive?01:18
MPX_AMD Catalyst control center won't start up as admin. on Kubuntu 10.4 but had no problem with ubuntu 10.401:27
MPX_if I type in amdxdg-su -c amdcccle in the terminal, a password window pops up, I type in the password, the window dissapears and I'm returned to the terminal with no errors and messages01:28
mase_wkMPX_: try kdesu amdcccle01:32
MPX_That worked mase_wk...I'm just surprised the option is there in the Settings menu01:33
MPX_when the command clearly does not work (for kde atleast)01:33
MPX_But then again...afterall...it IS the ATI driver we're talking about01:33
mizaanhi guys im new here... can u tell me if my friend who use other distribution can use this cannel to talk with me pls?01:34
mase_wkMPX_: dunno sorry. i don't use the catalyst drivers, was just guessing :)01:34
mase_wkmizaan: if its kubuntu related sure, otherwise you can chat directly with each other01:35
mase_wkor find a channel appropriate to the conversation your having.01:35
mizaanwell im new to linuxes and im installing now new system... suse on the other computer... i need his advices and on this kubuntu (on my laptop) we cannot instal skype or other communicator01:37
mizaanso im looking for a good way to comunicate with him...01:37
mizaanhe uses PLD and fedora... so will he be able to talk here with me?01:38
bukayoomizaan: privately yes01:38
bukayoomizaan: or any irc for that matter as long as you chat directly in private01:39
mizaanok thank you guys and srry for disturbing with really important topics ^_^01:39
Walzmynin Dolphin I'm using the "remember folder settings" option. How can I change the default for new folders (such as an SD card)?01:40
bendersteedHey guys how are you?01:47
bendersteedCan someone tell me why quasel is in kubuntu and not konversation?01:47
bendersteedquasel sucks!01:47
hagabakakonversation is in kubuntu too01:48
bendersteedonly in the repos not pre-installed01:48
hagabakaI think when KDE4 was first released, konversation wasn't ported to KDE4 yet01:49
bendersteedI see.01:49
bendersteedAt least now we can have dcc01:49
hagabakaI prefer quassel, so you see they can't please everyone either way01:49
bendersteedI would prefer quassel too if ti had dcc support.01:50
mizaanguys which linux in your opinion is good for beginner user? i know how to use console and ive read 3 linux tutorials but still im quite new... ive worked on mandrake and knoppix some time ago...01:53
mizaannow i have kubuntu ( since 2 days) and im thinking about suse...01:53
mizaan\do u think suse is good for beginners?01:53
bendersteedWell yast makes its way lately.01:54
bendersteedDo you prefer gnome or kde?01:54
bendersteedI personally use kubuntu nut they say Mandriva has some nice features.01:55
mizaani havent see mandriva lately... i MUST work on stupid windows all the timne in work lol i used old mandrake some time ago01:56
heavybreakerI had to go with kubuntu because I find the .deb system easy to use for people switching over from windows01:56
bendersteedI think that it is the easiest, apt rocks.01:57
mizaandebian... ive never seen it but ive heard its not that good from more advanced users than me01:57
bendersteedWell ubuntu is debian based.01:57
bendersteeduses the same deb packages01:58
vonRankeWhen a sound plays, for example a start up noice for IRC, VLC (or browser-based sound as well) doesn't work01:58
bendersteedCould you be more spesific for your problem?01:59
vonRankewell, the sound doesn't work01:59
bendersteedDid it work and suddenly stopped?01:59
bendersteedusing kubuntu?01:59
mizaani said ubuntu? lol im using kubuntu with kde not gnome02:00
mizaanbut what do u think about suse? i heard its quite easy and nice distribution02:00
bendersteedYes but I think it is worth to wait for version 1202:01
bendersteedcheck in Kmix if pcm bar is down02:01
vonRankenope, it's up02:02
vonRankenothing's muted, lowered, etc02:02
bendersteedwhat did you make before the problem occured?02:02
vonRankewhat do you mean make?02:03
vonRankeI just installed kubuntu a couple days ago, and all I've really down is just transfer over my music02:04
vonRankeI have messed with anything else sound related02:04
bendersteedI meant do sorry.02:05
bendersteedWell try to install pulseaudio02:05
bukayoomizaan: you can't even upgrade from RCx to RCy in suse02:06
bendersteedWait first tell me the options in system settings multimedia02:07
vonRankebendersteed: pulseaudio finished installing.02:08
vonRankeand any options in particular?02:08
bendersteednope just go in multimedia and select it as default output.02:09
bendersteedthen restart and see02:10
bendersteeddo you have 5.1 sound card?02:10
bendersteed5.1 channels you know dolby surround etc02:11
vonRankeSorry, I couldn't tell you by looking at the names. Want me to rattle off the titles?02:11
bendersteedcan you run alsamixer in a terminal?02:12
bendersteedwhat does it say?02:12
vonRankeabout what? it says a lot of things02:13
bendersteedit has sound options etc?02:14
vonRankenot that I see02:14
bendersteedlike coloured bars?02:14
vonRankeoh, yeah02:14
bendersteedthen sound should work......02:14
bendersteedtry restart your pc02:15
vonRankewell, sound works. when I try the sound test within multimedia settings, that works. But VLC won't make any sounds when I try audio files, and my browser won't make a sound when I stream music or play a video02:15
vonRankeand I know restarting solves this problem; I've done it twice before02:16
vonRankebut, say I'm running VLC, the sound will cut off if kubuntu makes a sound on some program02:16
bendersteedgo to multimedia settings and choose pulseaudio as output.02:18
bendersteedthen restart and try02:18
vonRankehow do I change the output?02:19
bendersteedyou make pulseaudio the first in list02:19
vonRankeHeh. How do I add pulseaudio to the list?02:20
vonRankeI'm not seeing an option to add devices02:21
bendersteedwhat's on the list?02:21
vonRankeHDA ATI SB, HDA ATI HDMI, then Jack Audio Connection kit02:22
bendersteedgive this sudo asoundconf set-pulseaudio02:23
bendersteedin a terminaal02:23
bendersteednow it shall be on the list02:24
vonRankeasoundconf isn't a valid command02:25
bendersteedcheck some info in this forum02:31
bendersteedi don't know how to help you more02:32
bendersteedbut always consider to upgrade to 10.04, most people dont have such problems in the new version02:33
vonRankeI'm not getting sound from anything but kubuntu's default sounds02:52
vonRankenon-kde programs aren't making any noise02:56
tim__I have an ATI Radeon HD 4650 graphics card;  How do I update it/Install it on kubuntu?03:00
vonRankecan someone help me out?03:11
vonRankeI can't see any reason for this problem. Everything seems to be in order.03:11
ScuniziAnyone around that can help with Akonadi server?  after 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade then reinstall with origional /home Kontact shows no contacts and doesn't sync with google.  Doing self test on Akonadi it reports errors.. see link for output of self test.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/439154/03:43
InvaderZimany good soul can help? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-savage/+bug/58467403:48
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ZachK_hello peacemaker05:44
peacemakerhay this room is full05:46
ZachK_peacemaker: well it's not full but it's not empty05:46
peacemakeri have never been here befor, I have just installed KDE05:47
peacemakeri stumbled  onto this site messing with it05:47
ZachK_peacemaker: oh new to Ubuntu or just the KDE environment05:48
peacemakerihad been using gnome mostly05:48
ZachK_peacemaker: how long have you been using Linux?05:48
peacemakera few years ago I used Linux05:49
peacemakerRed Hat05:49
peacemakerThe M05:49
peacemakercant rember05:49
peacemakerbut Ubuntu is a little new to me05:50
peacemakerI had to install it in windows05:50
peacemakerbecase I kind of need to keep it05:50
ZachK_well i'd check out #ubuntu-beginners05:50
ZachK_we're a team who helps the newer users to Ubuntu and most linux distro's05:51
ZachK_you'll find me there as well :D05:51
peacemakerwhat is this room for?05:51
peacemakerchanel i mean05:51
peacemakerone moment please05:51
DarthFrogDo you know what Kubuntu is?05:55
ZachK_DarthFrog: hey again and i think he left05:56
DarthFrogAh.  I have parts/joins turned off. :-)05:56
ZachK_DarthFrog: yeah...05:57
ZachK_DarthFrog: back in a bit05:58
owwnhi all05:59
Gamarok___hey guys06:22
ZachK__Ah good to be back06:44
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LynoureIt seems my Amarok is not able to use the same sound device as the Dragon player. I would like to avoid replugging my headphones around. Ideas? (They both have an external usb sound device as the top device, and internal sound card as second, and Amarok just uses that second one...)08:36
bendersteedHello dear Kubuntu friends..08:59
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eagles0513875!hi | bendersteed09:05
ubottubendersteed: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:05
eagles0513875hey guys has anyone used virtualbox that is in the repositories? im having some super annoying issues with it :( i have created the guest but for some reason the guest crashes when trying to boot it09:05
bendersteedHas anyone managed to use pulseaudio or any other sound server that manages sound for each program seperately? (Im using Kubuntu 10.04, KDE 4.4.3)09:06
bendersteedI think it is better to use virtualbox from virtualbox repo, it has more capabilities, as you may already now.09:07
bendersteedI am using it without problems.09:07
eagles0513875ok another buggy piece of software in the repos09:08
eagles0513875its version 3.1.6 and they have version 3.209:08
bendersteedits not that in the repos there is the OSE version which is ully opensource09:09
eagles0513875bendersteed: whats the different09:09
eagles0513875isnt the one on the site open source as well09:09
bendersteedNo it is distirbuted under PUEL lisence.09:10
bendersteedAnd has some more capabilities than the OSE(open source edition)09:11
eagles0513875whats the difference09:11
eagles0513875between the gpl and puel09:12
bendersteedhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License Read here for GPL.09:13
bendersteedIt is the main licence under which opensource software is distirbuted.09:13
eagles0513875that i know bendersteed09:14
eagles0513875thing is why then cant we have the version of vbox licensed under puel instead09:14
eagles0513875there is something that is preventing that version of virtual box from being accepted into the repositories09:15
eagles0513875anyway i need to reboot09:15
eagles0513875brb asap09:15
LynoureNo ideas for my sound problem?09:18
eagles0513875didnt see the sound problem Lynoure09:22
Lynoureeagles0513875: asked about an hour ago... but repeating then:09:23
LynoureIt seems my Amarok is not able to use the same sound device as the Dragon player. I would like to avoid replugging my headphones around. Ideas? (They both have an external usb sound device as the top device, and internal sound card as second, and Amarok just uses that second one...)09:23
eagles0513875Lynoure: im not sure  Mamarok knows amarok better then i do09:24
eagles0513875ill brb need a super quick reboot :( damn compiler wont compile this source code or install this deb package either09:24
LynoureCan the simple existance of pulseaudio on that list (much more down) mess things up?09:24
LynoureAnd if it can, if I remove stuff from Phonon's device list, how to get it back if I change my mind?09:25
eagles0513875Lynoure: on kde its save to remove pulse audio09:25
eagles0513875if you were on gnome you would need to keep it09:25
Lynoureeagles0513875: even if I have non-kde apps like Chrome?09:25
eagles0513875now that im not sure but i know for the gnome desktop environment its required09:25
eagles0513875Lynoure: im back09:29
LynoureOh, the list does not let me remove devices after all, the Remove button does not activate09:29
eagles0513875Lynoure: not sure if you can remove pulseaudio via commandline09:30
eagles0513875thing is im not sure about chrome if you will have problems then if you remove it09:30
Lynoureeagles0513875: I did that just now... will see about the results at some point.09:32
eagles0513875ok Lynoure :)09:32
eagles0513875well thats great09:32
eagles0513875cant get virtualbox installed from the virtual box site09:32
LynoureI think I'll reboot now, to check.09:33
eagles0513875ok Lynoure09:35
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eagles0513875Lynoure: did remove pulse audio work09:46
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as Oxymoron
eagles0513875hey OxDeadC0de10:00
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Hi10:00
eagles0513875hey guys im having some issues with virtualbox 3.2 from the virtualbox website10:00
eagles0513875i look in /bin its not there i look on the k menu its not there10:00
eagles0513875it is installed as gdeb is showing it as installed10:00
ubulucidHi! kde-base or kde-desktop or kde-standard?  I dont want kubuntu blue screen to come, it should remain to ubuntu boot screen only, so which one i should install? I am learning to work on KDE.......10:02
ubulucidAny one ther?10:03
Gamarok___hey guys  :)10:05
ubulucidHi! kde-base or kde-desktop or kde-standard?  I dont want kubuntu blue screen to come, it should remain to ubuntu boot screen only, so which one i should install? I am learning to work on KDE.......10:06
puntohi.. I upgraded to kubuntu 10.4 and now my hard drivers are constantly spinning all day long, is there any way to find out which process is doing it so I can kill it?10:22
bongoit is probably your power outlet10:22
Atritaspunto: Take a look at the "sysstat" package. "pidstat" and "iostat" will be of particular interest to you. My bet is on "strigi", though...10:29
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Lynoureeagles0513875: For Dragon player and Amarok, yes, Flash in Chrome still wants to play though internal sound card, but there is at least still sound from it10:36
eagles0513875ok Lynoure its a start not sure what else one coudl do to fix it10:37
nicioUnable to enter file:///media/data. You do not have access rights to this location.10:41
puntoI don't have anything running called "strigi" (I still removed it just because it's one of those weird desktop things)10:41
niciohow do i get accese to my external hdd?10:42
Lynoureeagles0513875: well, this is better than before, clearly :)10:42
eagles0513875Lynoure: glad i coudl help10:42
amichairpunto: it might also be the nepomuk stuff busy indexing... should relax after a while. You can also use iotop to see who's thrashing.10:42
amichairpunto: nepomuk/vituoso/soprano10:44
niciocan someone help me out i cant get acese to my external hard drive it keep telling me i dont have write acces10:45
puntoI upgraded like 20 hours ago, so it's had enough time10:46
nicioi cant upgrade adept told me to see if my internet active,what do i do?10:46
amichairpunto: I don't remember how long it took on my system, but it was definitely at least in the hours. Ended up with a 1.3G nepomuk folder, I have no idea what's in there :-/10:47
OxymoronHow do I fix this: ""10:50
Oxymoron[ 5873.211362] EXT4-fs (sdc2): ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group 0 failed (36850!=49318)10:50
Oxymoron[ 5873.211369] EXT4-fs (sdc2): group descriptors corrupted!10:50
puntoallright, I killed something called virtuoso-t and now there's silence :)10:51
puntoamichair: where is that folder?10:51
amichairpunto: ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/10:52
nicio:'( can anyon?ddh lanretxe ym eseca ot em pleh e10:54
punto1.3gb.. awesome10:54
amichairpunto: u got it too?10:54
puntoamichair: not anymore :p10:54
amichairI can't imagine what could be taking up so much, or why it's active by default10:55
nicioi do cd /media/data and it told me permision denied :(10:55
nicioi NEED HELP PLEASE!!10:56
eagles0513875!patience | nicio10:56
ubottunicio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.10:56
eagles0513875also nicio is the cd mounted ?10:56
OxymoronWhy do I have to use "sudo fsck.ext4 -v /dev/xxx" because "sudo fsck -v /dev/xxx" doesnt work? :S10:56
OxymoronDoesnt work for ext4 anyway, it says its only work for ext2? :S10:57
eagles0513875hey guys im having issues installing virtualbox 3.2 from the virtualbox website i get these issues http://pastebin.com/zWRfWUP8 it says it successfully installs but it looks like it hasnt10:57
nicioi dont know im new to linux but im seing the external HDD in media10:57
eagles0513875nicio: is it an ntfs drive10:57
puntoit was like 5 levels of directories and 1 binary 1.2gb file at the end.. at least have the decency of making it plaintext so I can see wtf it is..10:57
amichaireagles0513875: I just use the ose version from the repos, never had trouble with it10:57
eagles0513875amichair: that it seems the guest crashes when i try to run it10:57
niciowhen i clic on it it says i dont have acces rights10:57
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Always remove previous versions of Vbox when installing new ones ;)10:58
niciowhy does it says acces denied?10:59
eagles0513875nicio: boot into windows machine and run check disk on it10:59
eagles0513875if the disk has errors you wont be able to mount it in linux10:59
nicioit works on windows already11:00
nicioi cant get into it on linux11:00
eagles0513875nicio: trust me i have experienced the same problem11:01
eagles0513875run a check disk on it11:01
Oxymoroneagles0513875: I think vbox website says that as well, if youre not installing from apt sources of course, then it removes old one first by itself I think.11:01
eagles0513875in windows11:01
eagles0513875Oxymoron: i did11:01
eagles0513875Oxymoron: give me a min11:01
eagles0513875nicio: then make sure you safly remove the device and then plug it into ur linux machine and that should fix it11:02
* Oxymoron wonders how long it will take to fix broken ext4 system on 290 GB :P11:02
eagles0513875Oxymoron: not long compared to 2tb11:03
eagles0513875and 2ndly i get the same error messages as in the paste11:03
niciothats what i always do.but no matter what hdd i plug in on linux i get acces denied11:03
nicioi dont have permission rights11:03
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Hehe ...11:06
nicioeaglese i plug it to my laptop and safely remove the put it on my pc still got:You do not have enough permissions to read file:///media/data11:06
eagles0513875nicio: is data the name of your drive11:06
Oxymoroneagles0513875: I will never move ext* with Windows apps and never move NTFS with Linux :D THe solution is to remove NTFS and Windows once and for all xD11:07
eagles0513875lol nicio ignore him he pulled a stupidity yesterday lol and hes paying for it11:07
niciostop talking crap and try help me 0xy i need this to work for my boss11:07
eagles0513875!language | nicio11:08
ubottunicio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:08
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Well not me actually, but I shouldnt touch anything because libparted isnt trustable.11:08
niciooh sorry didnt know was offended11:08
eagles0513875nicio: nobody was but its just a rule in here and any ubuntu channel11:08
eagles0513875nicio: i dunno man im out of ideas usually that should owrk11:09
Oxymoroneagles0513875: Everything "worked" before except that one partition was out of bounds in cylinders on hdd and Windows not bootable ...11:09
niciook what do i do to gain acces to my hdd?11:09
eagles0513875well run check disk on it11:09
eagles0513875in windows11:09
Atritasnicio: has accessing NTFS volumes worked in the past on your current pc (same os version, etc.) ?11:09
OxymoronOh no LiveCD starts going slow ... already, too much temp files and apps installed :D11:09
nicioyes the HDD is working but ever since i install linux it gives me this problem i had fine the solution but then it's being years since i touch linux now im back on it and cant remember what to do11:11
eagles0513875nicio: do what i suggest it could have been that its developed errors and it wont hurt to run checkdisk on it11:11
nicioand adept not working for me to install ntfs-3g or what ever it is11:11
eagles0513875then reboot into linux11:11
eagles0513875is this an external hard drive or dual boot11:11
Atritasnicio: try unplugging the drive, issuing a "sudo dmesg -c" command, then plug the drive in again, tray accessing and paste the output of "dmesg" somewhere, the NTFS module normally has quite good log messages.11:13
eagles0513875nicio: try what i suggest11:13
eagles0513875if what Atritas said doesnt work for ya11:13
niciowhy isnt my adept working? it keep telling me new kubuntu version find but cant update check see if internet is active :s11:13
Oxymoronnicio: Install ntfs-config11:14
nicioi cant it's not working nothing can install11:15
Oxymoronnicio: It will autodetect your drives and make them writable and attach to fstab11:15
Oxymoronnicio: Your internet connection probably, wireless or wired?11:15
Oxymoronhttp://pastebin.com/mCtJYnb6 - Hmm help me anyone?11:16
Oxymoronnicio: Are you on LiveCD?11:16
Oxymoronnicio: Test open Konsole by press "alt+f2" and type "Konsole", press Enter. THen type "ping" and see if something happens11:17
nicionothing happen11:18
niciocommand not found in the konsole11:18
Oxymoronnicio: Did you type exactly "ping"11:19
Oxymoronwith space bwetween ping and ip?11:19
Oxymoronnicio: Without quotes of course11:19
niciono ping just numbers lol11:19
niciook im getting a lot of lines one after the other11:20
Oxymoronnicio: Do you get something like this? http://pastebin.com/hhg6AcWc11:20
Oxymoronnicio: If you do, press ctrl+c11:20
Oxymoronnicio: Alright then Internet connection seems alright.11:21
niciothats copy i do that where?11:21
Oxymoronnicio: Try this command in Konsole "sudo apt-get install ntfs-config"11:21
nicioso why adept telling me to check see if my conection is active?11:21
Oxymoronnicio: ctrl+c in Konsole is abort mode11:21
Walzmynin Dolphin I'm using the "remember folder settings" option. How can I change the default for new folders (such as an SD card)?11:22
Oxymoronnicio: In Dolphin for isntance ctrl+c is copy files/folders yes11:22
nicioReading package lists... Done11:23
nicioBuilding dependency tree11:23
nicioReading state information... Done11:23
nicioE: Couldn't find package ntfs-config11:23
FloodBotK1nicio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
nicio:O sorry11:23
niciothat what i get when i sudo apt-get install ntfs-config11:23
Oxymoronnicio: Try "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g"11:24
niciosame error11:24
Oxymoronnicio: Alright test "sudo apt-get update" first then11:24
Walzmynnicio: you can use "tab compelete" when using apt-get to get packages spelled correctly.11:25
OxymoronWalzmyn: Sweet, I didnt know you can tab complete in apt, that would have save me a lot of time ... or else I use apt-cache search packagename :P11:25
WalzmynOxymoron: I *THINK* it's a KDE thing and only works in konsole11:26
Walzmynbut it's handy as all get out11:26
OxymoronWalzmyn: Cool :) I use KDE and Konsole so ...11:26
* Walzmyn nods11:26
OxymoronWalzmyn: Btw, do you know how to fix this  http://pastebin.com/mCtJYnb611:27
AtritasWalzmyn: The completion of package names comes from the package "bash-completion". So you can use that on any dpkg-based system if you install those scripts, wheter its console-only, KDE, Ubuntu or whatever :)11:28
WalzmynAtritas: ah, ok. I knew it didn't work in vanilla xubuntu11:28
Oxymoronnicio: Uhm lol Feisty packages ... well you need to upgrade your sources ...11:29
LjLnicio: Feisty is not supported anymore. upgrade.11:29
WalzmynOxymoron: what disk is this your working on, the one your systems on or an external or what?11:29
nicioit wont upgrade it says see if your internet is active11:30
niciohow to show that im speaking to that person?11:30
Walzmynnicio: is this the same computer you're talking to us on?11:30
OxymoronWalzmyn: Right now I am on LiveCD ...11:31
Walzmynnicio: well, your internet is working11:31
WalzmynOxymoron: i'm not sure, have you gone though all the error correction via fsck?11:31
nicioadept said a new version has being detected upgrade then it just crash and say check see if your internet is active11:31
Oxymoronnicio: Download http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download11:32
Oxymoronnicio: Hmm, wonder if you have upgrade packages installed.11:32
Oxymoronnicio: What happens if you do this: "sudo do-release-upgrade"11:32
niciocomand not found11:33
OxymoronWalzmyn: Can nicio change sources to lucid ones and upgrade from them in Feisty 7.0411:34
WalzmynOxymoron: no, i don't think you can do a straight upgrade11:34
Oxymoronnicio: Btw, how on earth are you managed to use 7.04 until now btw? Its 10.04, which means three years later.11:34
OxymoronWalzmyn: Clean isntall I presume he must do?11:35
Walzmynfrom that far back, i'd recomend just downloading a new CD and overwriting the install - BACKUP FILES11:35
Walzmynwell, he can go step by step, but it'll mean upgrading at least twice11:35
OxymoronWalzmyn: Do you have any tip regarding my fsck problem btw?11:35
OxymoronWalzmyn: THats not worth it, a lot of conflicts will come. Btter to do clean install.11:35
niciommm i havent been keeping up with update it's being a year since i was on linux i use my cd to install then update but never download to put on a cd11:36
Oxymoronnicio: Backup ALL YOUR FILES needed, download latest Kubuntu and then do clean isntall by booting into LIveCD11:36
WalzmynOxymoron: I agree11:36
apparlehi guys11:36
Oxymoronapparle: Hi, you maybe have any tip to solve this http://pastebin.com/mCtJYnb611:36
Walzmynnicio: your new version is going to be using kde4 - get ready for some very significant changes11:37
WalzmynOxymoron: are you mounting the disk in the live cd?11:37
OxymoronHahaha yeah, huge cganges :D11:37
OxymoronWalzmyn: No I havent mounted it.11:37
OxymoronWalzmyn: I though run that fsck command before doing it again.11:37
WalzmynOxymoron: hmm, I don't know why it'd think it was mounted then.11:38
nicioi know  i already was on 8.04 once they change a lot in that version imaging the 10 ouf to many upgrades to fast but thats good still11:38
apparleOxymoron: it looks as if mounted11:38
OxymoronNope its not mounted I checked now.11:39
Oxymoronubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo umount /dev/sdc211:39
Oxymoronumount: /dev/sdc2: not mounted11:39
apparleOxymoron: anyone else using sdc2...11:40
Oxymoronapparle: Not what I know of ...11:40
Oxymoronapparle: How do I check if something uses sdc2?11:41
apparleOxymoron: I don't know :P11:41
apparleOxymoron: google how to view resources used by processes :)11:41
Walzmynin Dolphin I'm using the "remember folder settings" option. How can I change the default for new folders (such as an SD card)?11:41
AtritasOxymoron: lsof | grep sdc2 should render no output?!11:42
Oxymoronapparle: I thought IRC was google? :D11:42
apparleOxymoron: google is google :)11:43
Oxymoronlsof: WARNING: can't stat() tmpfs file system /cow11:43
Oxymoron      Output information may be incomplete.11:43
nicioim downloading the kubuntu 10.4 can i run it from my desktop?11:43
Oxymoronnicio: Uhm, burn it on a CD or DVD, then boot from it and then try it out11:43
AtritasOxymoron: If that's all then at least from the kernel's PoV the device is really not in use.11:44
apparlenicio: or you could use USB11:44
nicionah i'll do from cd11:44
OxymoronAtritas: Fun that fsck thinks different. I used it for just some minutes ago and then it worked flawless11:44
apparleOxymoron: did you try a reboot11:45
OxymoronGah I dont want to install clean copy of Kubuntu again ... just because Acronis cannot move the partition correctly.11:45
Oxymoronapparle: No, I will do if nothing helps, but I hate to wait on LiveCD, take so long time too boot11:45
AtritasOxymoron: You could try to boot into single-user mode and try the fsck before anything is mounted (or from a live-cd). At least this way you can rule out any kernel interference.11:46
OxymoronAtritas: I am on the LiveCD now ...11:46
OxymoronAtritas: The system I try to fix is a Linux/Kubuntu system11:46
OxymoronCorrupt blocks and inodes as usual when moving ext partitions in a Windows program ...11:47
AtritasOxymoron: Ok, then i'm out of ideas. Seems you have to chat with Ted :)11:47
OxymoronAtritas: Whos Ted? :P11:47
apparleOxymoron: I don't understand one thing why are you moving partitions..... just extract the data and start fresh11:47
AtritasTed T'so - creator of ext411:48
Oxymoronapparle: Well I need to because I have to backup data into small amount of space and need to move around.11:48
OxymoronAtritas: Lol :D11:48
apparleOxymoron: if you were backing up data.... you should have used ext2 or 3...11:49
Oxymoronapparle: Right now I am moving one NTFS to a ext4, then reformat the NTFS into ext4 and move back xD Then delete and do same thing again xD11:49
Oxymoronapparle: Why so?11:49
Atritasapparle: Data backup is done automatically via BitTorrent :-P11:49
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
apparleOxymoron: how much data is it.. how many gigs11:50
niciowhy is it 10.04 LTS, what is the lts??11:50
Oxymoronapparle: This ones now around 200 GB, now I am deleting those, just finished copying and then moving another 200 GB xD11:50
Atritasnicio: Long Term Support11:50
Oxymoronapparle: Do you know if its possible to restore NTFS partition into a ext4 btw?11:50
Oxymoronnicio: Just ignore the LTS thing ...11:51
apparleOxymoron: you mean... the data in ntfs should become data in the new ext4 ?11:51
=== root is now known as Guest91771
Oxymoronapparle: Yeah, actually I would like to just convert from NTFS too ext4 ...11:51
niciocool so witch mean if im 3years late again and i reinstall 10.04 i dont have to worry about "we dont suport that version anymore"right?lol :p11:52
WalzmynOxymoron: you've got linux installed on a ntfs partition?11:52
OxymoronWalzmyn: Haha no of course not11:52
WalzmynOxymoron: ok, just checking11:52
Atritasicio: Basically LTS was made specifically for you :)11:52
Walzmynnicio: something like that11:52
WalzmynI may change my mind in 6 months, but i'm seriously thinking about staying on the LTS myself11:53
OxymoronHopefully Acronis, EASEUS, Partiion Magic or something like that can restore my NTFS partition, but its huge ... 500 GB xD11:53
apparleOxymoron: can't you find a portable hardidsk...11:53
apparleOxymoron: it will save a lot of trouble for you....11:54
Oxymoronapparle: Yeah in the store ... but not at home. I dont think my parents would be glad using their computer, thens their laptops is only 5400 RPM and NAS Server is NONONONO, it will take ages. I have backed up MOST important data like several years of music and programming, photos and documents11:54
Oxymoronapparle: My dads external drive crashed before. But I am considering go buying a 1 TB LAcie desktop external drive ...11:55
apparleOxymoron: :) Hardluck.... what is LAcie11:55
Oxymoronapparle: www.lacie.com11:56
Oxymoronapparle: WD MyBook or Lacie is best I think11:56
nicioim downloading 10.04 desktop-i386.iso will that work on my pc?11:57
Oxymoronapparle: But I am thinking of just trash all data on the 500 GB one and buy Macgyver and Prison Break boxes instead. But 297.180923 $ is a lot of money just for some DVD series :D11:57
* Oxymoron loves google money converter :P11:59
Oxymoroncurrency converter*11:59
apparleOxymoron: it should have been a money converter :P12:00
Oxymoronapparle: lol :D12:01
Oxymoronapparle: Btw, which one is best of ext2-4 partitions?12:01
apparleOxymoron: i prefer 3... it is pretty stable (everyone says so) and ext4 never worked great for me.12:02
Oxymoronapparle: What do you mean by never worked?12:03
Oxymoron*worked great12:03
Oxymoronapparle: ext4 was instable before, but I think its a lot more stable now and faster than ext312:03
ibrahimGuys are you having any problems with the new luicd ?12:04
apparleOxymoron: I don't know about stability. And for storing videos and series, you don't need a lot of speed12:04
Oxymoronibrahim: Depends?12:05
Oxymoronapparle: Well are going to store a lot of other stuff and then if you copy files bwetween two disks it will go faster than having ext3 I think.12:05
AtritasOxymoron: fsck works faster, too :-P12:06
apparleOxymoron: I still suggest ext312:07
Oxymoronapparle: For restroing files ext4 is a lot better because of delayed allocation of files I can see now on google :D12:09
OxymoronAtritas: Yeah I saw that before, fast as hell :D12:09
OxymoronLOL: "It is, except for badly written applications that don’t use fsync() or fdatasync(). Application writers had gotten lazy, because ext3 by default has a commit interval of 5 seconds, and and uses a journalling mode called data=ordered."12:11
OxymoronTeds blog ...12:12
AmpersandSomeone told me i could come here and troll!12:15
OxymoronAmpersand: lol12:15
Ampersandtrollin trollin12:17
Ampersandkepp that irc user trollin12:17
AmpersandI want kde to have a steam engine12:25
apparleAmpersand: :D12:28
AmpersandI want it to have a waterfall too12:29
AmpersandI want it to stop the voices in my head12:29
OxymoronI want KDE support DV cam in IM-clients :P12:29
Ampersandi want kde pornmaker12:29
Ampersandso i can become a amateur porn directory12:29
ubuntu_omg im so lost in 10.0412:30
ubuntu_nicio here12:30
Oxymoronubuntu_: Haha, hi again :P What do you think of KDE4?12:31
ubuntu_im on live cd i look weird12:31
Ampersandkde4 has sniping capabilities12:31
shadeslayerubuntu_: um what? *you* look weird ?12:31
ikoniaAmpersand: do you need some support with kubuntu12:32
ubuntu_lol wow cool i pop up in a lile box o ell ;e wha he person said12:32
Ampersandi think i got the sniper rifle figured out12:32
Ampersandi had a problem with dcop on the rifle12:33
ikoniaAmpersand: please stop12:33
ikoniaAmpersand: this channel is for support of kubuntu only12:33
ikoniaplease keep to that topic only12:33
quastestтест кодировки или типа того...12:35
quastestприём :)12:36
shadeslayer!ru | quastest12:37
ubottuquastest: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:37
Ampersandi have no idea what that says12:37
maple1what's the best cure for morning wood?12:37
maple1a natural physiological response is unacceptable?12:38
quastestok, thanx :)12:38
ikoniamaple1: the topic of this channel is kubuntu support only12:38
OxymoronWhy does Linux need to count files and dirs before copying them into the new place? :S12:40
OxymoronTHinking in DOlphin.12:40
shadeslayerOxymoron: so that your not stuck with " Copying " with no idea of whats remaining12:41
OxymoronIf its like 5 million files it take forever start copy, when I just want to copy and not count the freaking files.12:41
Oxymoronshadeslayer: Why is it so slow then? Does it fetch data from every single file?12:41
Oxymoronshadeslayer: It doesnt show whats remaining anyway and time remaing and all that info never is correct.12:42
shadeslayerOxymoron: i would think so... it has to count every dir and every file recursively12:42
AtritasOxymoron: For this kind of operation the terminal is your friend.12:42
Oxymoronshadeslayer: When I count my files and directories in my web framework on computer it took me like one second for 50 000 files, and this copy thing take much longer time for just like 500 maybe12:43
OxymoronAtritas: Yeah, I did before, but I can only copy a certain folders and it would take long time todo it in terminal12:43
shadeslayerOxymoron: depends on HD to HD...12:44
AtritasOxymoron: Why is it you can only copy certain folders?12:44
OxymoronAtritas: Like this: sudo cp -rv /media/Utopia/* /media/linux but then it copies all folders in /media/Utopia12:44
AtritasOxymoron: And you only want a subset?12:45
OxymoronAtritas: BEcause I dont want all Windows trash folders, some downloads and then I dont have enough space saving it all.12:45
OxymoronAtritas: Yes, correct12:45
OxymoronIts still counting and only 500 000 in 5 minutes or so, I want it to jus copy, I will continue moving GB whole day anyway, I dont want to wait more than neccessary12:46
quastestwhere i can set codepage in quassel?12:46
AtritasOxymoron: I see. Well... 2 possible approaches. Live with the delay or do a "find" on all directories you want to copy and copy those via "cp".12:46
OxymoronAtritas: Or chat and whining about it in there as third possibility? :D12:47
AtritasOxymoron: Certainly. My fault... :)12:47
OxymoronAtritas: Haha, no problems ;) Hmm I shall move like 1 TB today I think totally. THen I shall scan a 500 GB drive to restore a partition, I pray to god it works12:48
AtritasOxymoron: If i were you, i'd pick some more gods and pray to them as well :)12:49
OxymoronAtritas: DO you know if its possible btw to restore a partition on a drive with a partiion on it which is empty?12:49
eagles0513875quastest: what language are you looking for12:49
OxymoronAtritas: Haha, yeah all religious things, hindues, buddha, Koran, Christ and what more? :D12:49
eagles0513875quastest: was reading your previous post nm12:49
AtritasOxymoron: Druids and Mayans. :)12:50
OxymoronAtritas: Yeah that too, and all sects as well :D12:50
AtritasOxymoron: But lemme get this straight... You want to restore the whole partition into another partition?12:50
OxymoronAtritas: Then maybe all of them can provide me with some power of luck and energy to fix my freaking HDDs :D12:50
OxymoronAtritas: I want to restore a partition on a drive into a existing partition with same filesystem, but ext4 would be better :P12:51
eagles0513875!ot | Atritas12:51
ubottuAtritas: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:51
Oxymoron!ot | Oxymoron12:51
ubottuOxymoron, please see my private message12:51
quastesteagles0513875, i just looking 4 setting codepage.12:52
eagles0513875quastest: for your irc client12:52
AtritasOxymoron: Well you can convert ext3 to ext4 on the fly (read: live), so that's no problem.12:52
OxymoronAtritas: I was hoping there were some converting engine out there from NTFS to ext4 but its not ...12:52
OxymoronAtritas: I want NTFS => EXT412:53
amichairwhy was konversation replaced with quassel? how is it better?12:53
AtritasOxymoron: As for restoring/copying. If the partition is the same size, you can use "dd".12:53
Oxymoronamichair: I wonder that too :S12:53
AtritasOxymoron: That's a no-go. NTFS and EXTx are fundamentally different.12:53
quastest4 quassel... but, maybe i need install konversation12:53
OxymoronAtritas: I think it is same size, yeah dd seems good, how? I want to restore the whole struture12:53
AtritasOxymoron: "dd" just for the same filesystem!12:54
OxymoronAtritas: Copy from a deleted NTFS into a ext4 then?12:54
AtritasBasically a block-by-block copy (1:1 clone)12:54
OxymoronAtritas: But I have NTFS now so it will work, BUT in the end I want ext4 :D12:54
AtritasOxymoron: I still don't get it i'm afraid.12:55
AtritasNTFS -> NTFS -> ext4 ?12:55
OxymoronGot *********** 1 million files counting, I do that freaking manually thing with cp ...12:55
OxymoronAtritas: Yeah but: Restore "deleted" NTFS => NTFS => ext412:55
apparleOxymoron: personally I am waiting for ISO to standardize an open file system like odf12:55
OxymoronAtritas: Would like to do restore deleted NTFS => ext4 directly though because its 500 GB12:56
AtritasOxymoron: Well in this case it should be possible to use "dd" for the first step (partitions must be same size).12:56
* Ampersand writes a filesystem real fast12:56
Oxymoronapparle: Oh yeah, why so? :)12:56
OxymoronAtritas: Can the new one be larger?12:56
quastestamichair, konversation is better... good question12:56
apparleOxymoron: pissed out by NTFS but, my computer is not used by me alone and so it has windows12:57
OxymoronAtritas: Or nvm, its the same size12:57
AtritasOxymoron: Technically yes.12:57
Oxymoronapparle: Yeah I cant stand ISO, NTFS and Windows anymore now myself so I delete everything thats M$ on my PC. IF I need Windows I buy a freaking laptop or borrow my families computers.12:57
OxymoronAtritas: So how to clone/restore with dd?12:58
AtritasOxymoron: But with dd you're copying the partition table as well, so you have to fdisk/resize later manually, which *MAY* be ...let's say ... courageous if you don't know exactly what you're doing :)12:58
OxymoronAtritas: And is that more "safe" than recovering with Windows partition managers?12:58
apparleOxymoron: why can't you stand ISO...12:59
OxymoronAtritas: Clone the deleted? :S12:59
AtritasOxymoron: Basically if you want to restore NTFS to NTFS i'd suggest you stick to Windows tools and do it from Windows itself if possible.12:59
Oxymoronapparle: Incompetent standard that doesnt work anywhere and destroys document names, incompatibility on websites and so on.12:59
apparleOxymoron: what.13:00
AtritasOxymoron: There is no "safe" in conjunction with "restore" :)13:00
OxymoronAtritas: Yeah that was what I think as well, I have learned that Linux partitions on Linux ONLY and vice verse on Windows/NTFS13:00
OxymoronAtritas: *Safer*13:00
quastestAtritas, from windows? nooo. from bootCD with trueimage or ghost13:00
Oxymoronquastest: Yeah I have a Hirens Boot CD ;)13:01
Oxymoronfdisk, testdisk, paragon, partition wizard and all that tools13:01
AtritasOxymoron: Whatever suits you best. Just keep in mind that NTFS is from an entirely different OS, which probably can handle its own filesystem better than Linux will ever be capable of.13:02
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AtritasAtritas: The same is true vice versa ofc.13:03
quastestwhy NTFS? use fat32. it faster and no mount problems13:03
OxymoronAtritas: Yes, thats what I learned from the weekend and today ....13:04
Ampersandahh if s/ were merely that simple13:04
OxymoronAtritas: Btw, is it possible to reset sda* numbers if I have like sda1 sda 5 and sda 9 on one drive, to make them like sda1-3 instead?13:05
apparleOxymoron: why did you say ISO has problems13:05
Ampersandthe numbers are partition numbers13:05
shadeslayer^^ yeah id like that too :P13:05
Oxymoronapparle: Because it has?13:05
quastestsda1-4 is primary, other - logical13:05
Ampersandand quite frankly it could be done, but it could be quite nasty13:06
apparleOxymoron: could you link me to articles describing it better13:06
OxymoronAmpersand: Why isnt them reset if you remove lets say sda2 in sda1-3 and create a new one, then you have, sda 1, 3 and 4 and not sda 1-313:06
AmpersandOxymoron: yes13:07
TorchOxymoron: 1-4 are primary, 4-n are logicals13:07
Oxymoronapparle: ISO problems? Im not sure someone write articales how bad it is ...13:07
TorchOxymoron: sorry, 5-n13:07
OxymoronTorch: Yes I know, but if you remove and create new ones it doesnt get renumbered in new order?13:07
TorchOxymoron: logicals are always in sequence (there can be no gaps, they will be renamed if you delete one)13:07
TorchOxymoron: primaries are not in sequence, there are exactly four. if you have #1 and #3, they retain that number "forever"13:08
OxymoronTorch: SO if I add one and have sda1-4 and then delete sda3, will I have 1, 2 and 4 or 1-3?13:08
TorchOxymoron: 1, 2 and 413:08
OxymoronTorch: Possible to force them too 1-3 insteead?13:09
apparleOxymoron: by ISO are you refering to ISO file or the ISO orgranization13:09
Oxymoronapparle: Whats the difference?13:09
TorchOxymoron: i think there are tools to do that. kde partition manager does not (it does not really matter, so why have that feature)13:09
Ampersandit might be standard, but technically you can have any partition type at any  partition number13:09
TorchOxymoron: it's best to refer to partitions by UUID everywhere13:09
OxymoronTorch: For me it does matter ...13:10
apparleGUys I am trying to run kubuntu off a 4GB USB disks and the disk is getting full. Any tips to keep it empty13:10
Ampersandand in certain circumstances it has to be the case13:10
TorchOxymoron: why?13:10
OxymoronTorch: Cant stand a integer gap everytime I open one partition manager :D13:10
apparleOxymoron: google ISO13:10
Oxymoronapparle: I guess it doesnt matter, iso standard is made by that iso company so both are incompetent.13:11
OxymoronTorch: WHy isnt it possible to change the order?13:12
apparleOxymoron: its not a company.... and I don't think its incompetent13:12
TorchOxymoron: it is possible. it's just not a feature kde partition manager has (like i said)13:12
Oxymoronapparle: Organisation, whatever13:12
OxymoronTorch: Any other partiion manager then or tools?13:12
TorchOxymoron: probably, but i can'13:12
apparleOxymoron: whether you like it or not. don't you think it would be better to have a fs running fine both on linux and windows13:13
TorchOxymoron: i can't tell you one off the top of my head. gparted doesn't do it either.13:13
OxymoronTorch: blkid?13:13
TorchOxymoron: nope.13:13
Oxymoronapparle: How do you mean?13:13
Atritasapparle: deborphan is a package that tries to show you unused/unneccessary packages. Apart from that: Purge junk you don't need.13:13
TorchOxymoron: in theory you could do it yourself with a hex editor ;-)13:13
OxymoronTorch: Where is that info stored?13:13
OxymoronTorch: And then I thought it was renumbered on bootup.13:14
AtritasOxymoron: You don't want to do this by hand, really you just don't :)13:14
TorchOxymoron: wikipedia has an entry on master boot record13:14
seraphim1hello, i have a problem with java plugins... i search for 2 hour, i did a lot of howtos an i can't get it working :-(13:14
TorchOxymoron: and Atritas is of course right, you should not try that.13:14
Ampersandapparle bzip everything, bzip /var/logs13:14
OxymoronTorch: SO change the MBR would do the trick? :D Why on earth is that info stored there?13:14
OxymoronAtritas: Probably not ..13:15
Ampersandapparle:  dont install a bunch of crap you dont need13:15
TorchOxymoron: ask MS ;-)13:15
quastestOxymoron, just read about partitioning and HDD phisics13:15
Ampersandapparle: you install for a desktopos is around 1.5 to 2GB13:15
OxymoronTorch: MS doesnt decide the order of it, or does it?13:15
Ampersandfor most functionality13:15
Ampersandapparle: dont use kubuntu, use gentoo13:15
TorchOxymoron: the master boot record design is from MS, AFAIK.13:15
Oxymoronquastest: I have read a lot of partitioning and HDD psysics isnt neccessary.13:16
Ampersandapparle: use reiserfs13:16
apparleAmpersand: can't change now... it has to be kubuntu13:16
apparleAmpersand: also its a fat32 drive created with USB creator in ubuntu13:16
OxymoronTorch: Hehe, that explains why MBR and partition tables are ***************************************************************************************************************13:16
TorchOxymoron: well, it was fine for 1982 (or whenever it was done)13:16
TorchOxymoron: and these days you can use GPT13:16
OxymoronTorch: Whats GPT?13:17
TorchOxymoron:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table13:17
OxymoronTorch: I doubt it worked good 1982 if it not now. Norton Partition MAgic was released long time ago, not sure when though.13:17
Ampersandapparle: ahh.13:17
TorchOxymoron: that was around 1990. it was called partition magic then. it was from powerquest, not norton.13:18
TorchOxymoron: and it doesn't deal with MBR vs. GPT. it just resizes partitions and file systems.13:18
Ampersandapparle: well...  like i said just dont install much, remove stuff you dont need and use only the stuff you do13:18
OxymoronTorch: Yeah PowerQuest right, adn then SYmantec bought it I think.13:18
Ampersandapparle:  if you need only certain f unctionality compile it from source13:18
Ampersandso you dont have all these g*ddamn dependencies that eat up a lot of space13:18
OxymoronTorch: I guess Linux uses GPT?13:19
TorchOxymoron: you can use GPT fine on linux13:20
Ampersandapparle:  use a card reader.. theres a lot of paper in the world13:20
Ampersandfor cheap13:20
OxymoronTorch: Does Kubuntu use it by default?13:20
TorchOxymoron: also on vista and windows7 if you have the 64 bit versions.13:20
TorchOxymoron: NOT on 32 bit windows.13:20
TorchOxymoron: no.13:20
OxymoronTorch: I only use x64 nowadays so ;) I am migrating everything now to linux, I trash Windows completly.13:21
OxymoronTorch: Why not?13:21
TorchOxymoron: because windows 32 bit doesn't support it. imagine all the people trying to dual boot to windows.13:21
* Oxymoron wonders how long 1.5 million files will take to move with "cp" command :P13:21
OxymoronTorch: lol :D Well why not force people not using Windows? :D13:22
OxymoronTorch: And how do I fix this GPT and has it more advantages than the "default" one?13:23
OxymoronI saw grub2 has support for GPT :)13:23
TorchOxymoron: there probably is no practical reason to use GPT. you will not gain much.13:23
TorchOxymoron: you will lose a little here and there, though. fdisk won't work with it, for example.13:24
Torch(iirc, might be mistaken here)13:24
OxymoronTorch: I will get infinite partitions I think and not limit to four like in regular MBR :P And what you mean loose a little here and there?13:25
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TorchOxymoron: you have infinite partitions with MBR too, via extended and logical ones. and like i said, some tools don't support it.13:25
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OxymoronTorch: I hate extended partitions and it can only store 4 inside them anyway I think :P What kind of tools wont support it?13:27
TorchOxymoron: no. extended partitions support up to 63 logicals in linux.13:29
TorchOxymoron: like i said, i'm not sure, but i think fdisk does not. you'd have to google for details. kde partition manager supports it in the next feature release.13:29
OxymoronTorch: I am googleing while weyre talking but I dont find much valuable info, or well not yet anyway.13:30
OxymoronTorch: Whens next feature release of kde partition manager? :)13:31
TorchOxymoron: my suggestion would be to stick with MBR. GPT is technically superior in theory, but it's just not worth it yet.13:31
* Ampersand spins Oxymoron around13:31
TorchOxymoron: it's mostly finished, but needs some more testing. so, no definitve schedule yet.13:31
* Oxymoron spins himself around the other way around :D13:31
OxymoronTorch: Alright, I guess I stick to MBR right now then and then maybe later on its possible convert from MBR to GPT :)13:32
OxymoronBut I thought MBR just was some kind of boot info, didnt think that it contained partition table structure as well :P13:32
TorchOxymoron: partitions are part of the boot info -- what should the BIOS do without partitions?13:33
OxymoronTorch: Good question ... btw is it possible to program an OS to go around BIOS, I mean not let BIOS works at all on bootup?13:34
TorchOxymoron: i don't have much experiene with that, but my guess would be "no". _something_ has to init the machine and the hardware.13:34
OxymoronTorch: DO you know more features of KDE partition manager in the new release or any site I can look on?13:34
AmpersandOxymoron:  in theory yes13:35
TorchOxymoron: i know them all since i'm the dev.13:35
AtritasTorch: You sure the BIOS has knowledge of partitions? I always thought it just jumps to the MBR and executes whatever is there?13:35
TorchOxymoron: no website yet, sorry.13:35
AmpersandOxymoron:  but it would be very interesting code13:35
OxymoronTorch: I am not sure, but I THINK motherboard itself can scan the HDDs13:35
TorchAtritas: i think you're right, but the boot code in the MBR needs the partitions.13:35
OxymoronAtritas: MBR stores partition info, BIOS just point into first available boot partition in MBR.13:36
Ampersanda portion of the OS basically would become a bios13:36
Ampersandand thats how it would work13:36
AmpersandOxymoron: look at the linuxbios project13:36
Oxymoronapparle: Yes very interesting :) WOuld be cool built everything into one system and remove inneccsary checks BIOS and al lthat does today.13:37
AmpersandOxymoron: the bios doesnt really check much of anything13:37
OxymoronTorch: Cool :) Well could you be kind tell me main new features in KDE PM? :)13:37
Ampersandit does some post13:37
TorchOxymoron: i have a halfway finished changelog i can show you, just a sec.13:38
apparleOxymoron: I am a little out of touch .... what exactly is going on.... please update13:38
Ampersandbut after that it doesnt do really any checking13:38
OxymoronAmpersand: Yeah unneccessary posts that take to many seconds ...13:38
OxymoronTorch: Yeah sure, that would be sweet <313:38
AmpersandOxymoron:  most of the posts are there for good reason13:38
TorchOxymoron: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/sysadmin/partitionmanager/CHANGES?revision=1127755&view=markup13:38
TorchOxymoron: the latest features are missing, though.13:38
Oxymoronapparle: Uhm, discuss BIOS, MBR, partitions and that kind of things13:38
apparleOxymoron: the usual stuff he he.... :D13:39
OxymoronTorch: Thanks :)13:39
apparleOxymoron:  so you found out something cool huh?13:39
OxymoronTorch: Thumbs up for this one: "  * Show a progress dialog when scanning for devices." (Y)13:40
OxymoronTorch: Hopefully a progress dialog when opening app as well? :)13:40
TorchOxymoron: yes13:40
Oxymoronapparle: What you mean?13:40
apparleOxymoron: no.. you highlighted. me so I thought you found out somethign cool13:41
OxymoronTorch: Sweet, I have been wondering when that will come :) Hopefully a clean, elegant and modern look on the progress dialog :)13:41
TorchOxymoron: it's a kde standard progress dialog, nothing fancy.13:41
TorchOxymoron: kde has that stuff built in13:41
apparlethis was your message "apparle: Yes very interesting :) WOuld be cool built everything into one system and remove inneccsary checks BIOS and al lthat does today."13:41
OxymoronTorch: WOuld be cool with a round one like in Windows but clean and larger, and transparent :P13:42
TorchOxymoron: the design is up to the KDE them you use.13:42
Oxymoronapparle: Oops, wrong person :P13:42
apparleapparle: ohh13:42
OxymoronTorch: Do you if you can change progress dialogs in KDE theming?13:42
Oxymoronknow if *13:43
TorchOxymoron: it's just a standard qt dialog. i don't think you can change progress dialogs in a theme without affecting all dialogs. but i don't really know much about the themeing stuff.13:43
OxymoronTorch: Alright, well just wondered :) Seems progress with KDE PM goes forward anyway :) I was glad when it released first time so I could throw away Gparted and QTParted.13:44
OxymoronTorch: In the future it maybe can restore lost partitions and data? :P13:44
apparleguys what is wrong with this command "svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/sysadmin/shaman/"13:44
TorchOxymoron: maybe. let's wait and see ;-)13:45
OxymoronTorch: Its possible to restore lost data on ext4, irhgt?13:46
TorchOxymoron: not with partition manager. and i doubt it in general. i haven't heard about it.13:47
Oxymorondd and/or grep?13:47
OxymoronIn theory it has to be possible like in ext2-3 and so on?13:48
TorchOxymoron: define "restore lost data"13:49
OxymoronTorch: Accidently deleted partitions, files, dirs and so on?13:50
TorchOxymoron: restoring accidentally deleted partitions that the user has not yet overwritten is no problem (and independent from the file system)13:51
TorchOxymoron: restoring files and dirs is something else entirely.13:51
OxymoronTorch: Whats the difference and when is a partition overwritten?13:56
TorchOxymoron: if you delete a partition and don't create a new one in its place, the space on the drive remains unused. it never gets overwritten. so restoring the deleted partition is not a problem.13:56
TorchOxymoron: if you delete a file, the filesystem will soone or later reclaim the space that got freed by this.13:56
TorchOxymoron: and reuse it. so the data is definitely lost.13:57
OxymoronTorch: When does the filesystem overwrite it, how long time does it take?13:57
TorchOxymoron: that's up to the filesystem. very soon, in practice.13:58
* Oxymoron thinks its funny deleting and copying from the same directory at the same itme ...13:58
OxymoronTorch: In ext4 for isntance?13:58
OxymoronHasnt that delayed allocating?13:58
TorchOxymoron: all file system try to combine and delay writes to some extent.14:00
TorchOxymoron: but that's on a scale of seconds, most of the time.14:00
OxymoronTorch: Hmm alright, well hopefully I dont need to restore lost files later on when only using ext partitions14:01
TorchOxymoron: just backup your important stuff.14:02
OxymoronTorch: If you only using ext and ONE swap partitions, isnt that extremely compatible and fast then?14:02
OxymoronTorch: Yeah I have backuped up my most important stuff now.14:02
TorchOxymoron: more than one swap partition certainly does not make much sense.14:02
OxymoronTorch: Using a NAS Server in RAID.14:02
TorchOxymoron: and only having one partition for I is alittle inflexible.14:02
TorchOxymoron: for Root,14:03
OxymoronTorch: I am using one partition for /home, one for the rest of / and then some data partitions.14:03
TorchOxymoron: sounds reasonable14:04
OxymoronTorch: Not sure, how would you structure 120, 320 and 2 x 500 GB drives? 120 GB is SATA one so no OS on that one.14:04
TorchOxymoron: throw out the smaller ones, they just generate noise and heat.14:05
OxymoronFor instance I have one with only music, one with only /home, one with only documents and so on.14:05
OxymoronTorch: Yeah I am considering throwing out that 120 GB one ...14:05
OxymoronAny advantages using RAID?14:06
TorchOxymoron: hardware raid, sure.14:06
OxymoronI am thinking about buying SSD for OS and 2 x 1 TB but not sure.14:06
TorchOxymoron: i'm not a fan of software raid, though.14:06
eXeonicalwell you could stripe the all together and create one over 1Gt size partition14:06
OxymoroneXeonical: FOr what reason? :)14:07
eXeonicalwell you just could :)14:07
eXeonicalwith raid14:07
OxymoronTorch: RAID is only for NAS and different SERVERS IMO, it doesnt backup or anything, just run two drives parallell so if one breaks the other ones is left.14:08
TorchOxymoron: that's just ONE type of raid.14:08
OxymoronTorch: Is it some kind of backup RAID? :)14:08
TorchOxymoron: it's a mirrored raid.14:09
TorchOxymoron: protecting you from hard disk failures.14:09
OxymoronJust not sure if needed?14:09
TorchOxymoron: generally, no.14:09
TorchOxymoron: backup your important stuff. that proctects you from hard disk failures AND user errors (the latter being a lot more dangerous and common)14:10
eXeonicalperhapse what you need is lvm, then you could put something on those small drives, and later if you need, migrate stuff out of those drives on the fly if you want14:10
OxymoronTorch: Yeah :)Seems waste of money using RAID IMO when you could use ALL drives to store and backup data instead.14:11
OxymoronTorch: Btw, BEST backup app for KDE?14:11
OxymoroneXeonical: How do you mean?14:12
eXeonicalwell lvm allows you to move partitions from disk to disk while your system is running14:13
TorchOxymoron: i know of none. i use rsync from the shell (i think most people do)14:13
eXeonicalbut it is a bit more compilcated setup, so i dont know if you really need it14:14
OxymoroneXeonical: SOunds cool :)14:14
eXeonicalyeah :)14:14
OxymoronTorch: I have been using guided for rsync, diffbackup, cron and all that but I dont understand how to make a backup script automaticly backup my computer inncrementally in 30 days intervall and then begin again and rewrite over last one.14:15
OxymoronThen one weird backup GUI, when I removed one file on original destianation, the backup destination was putting ut back :D14:16
henkka-hi can someone tell me how I Could enable java for FireFox?14:17
henkka-Java runtime works and java works with konqueror14:18
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Lord_Rahlanyone if they are still working on ubuntuone-kde client14:23
claydohLord_Rahl: yes, apache logger is working on it as as google summer of code project14:25
amichairI think apachelogger was doing that14:25
OxymoronIs it possible install .ttf font files in Linux?14:31
amichairOxymoron: I think that's what msttcorefonts does, for example (dunno the details)14:32
Oxymoronamichair: Yes, its MS fonts just wonder if its possible to import them or if I shall throw away my 50 000 font library :D14:33
amichairOxymoron: if that package can do it, I'm sure you can to :-)14:34
Oxymoronamichair: Alright, could be nice to save them then I guess, doesnt take much space anyway14:35
amichairhmmm did they rename it to ttf-mscorefonts-installer or is that something else?14:35
TorchOxymoron: truetype are more or less standard.14:36
OxymoronTorch: Even in Linux? Is it possible to import a directory with .ttf one recursively? :P14:36
Lord_RahlOxymoron: just create a folder in your home dir .font then run 'fc-cache -rv'14:36
TorchOxymoron: either follow Lord_Rahl's advice or use the kde font installer in system settings14:37
OxymoronLord_Rahl: What does 'fc-cache -rv' do?14:37
Lord_RahlOxymoron: rebuilds the font cache manually14:38
OxymoronLord_Rahl: All of them are stored hierachcly, in letter directories?14:39
OxymoronLord_Rahl: WOuld that work then?14:39
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jcgswhat key do i have to press to get kate to paste in the code completion it's suggesting? tab just inserts a tab, and i'm out of any other suggestions14:41
Lord_RahlOxymoron: i do not see why not. have look at /usr/share/fonts it to is hierarchically some what14:41
Lord_RahlOxymoron: al it really does is search recursive  find file format it supports and add them to it dbase14:43
OxymoronLord_Rahl: All right, sweet, that will do it then :)14:43
Lord_RahlOxymoron: np14:44
OxymoronAh Shrinked one partition from 140 GB too 70 GB :D14:46
bendersteedHello again people.14:47
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Hamraanyone here, ever used encrypted swap on ubuntu/kubuntu?15:02
TorchHamra: i did.15:03
Hamradid it use a UUID to set it up in crypttab? or a /dev/sdxy ?15:04
TorchHamra: the device path, i think. i don't use it anymore, slowed down the machine too much.15:12
Torch(meaning, you're already in trouble when linux starts using swap heavily. if it has to crypt the data, it gets even worse)15:12
Hamrai used it with a devastating result....15:14
Hamrait used the device path... but the devices change after each boot15:14
Hamraon next boot, it used my backup partition as swap, which happened to be using the device name in crypttab15:15
xwiddunno why when i unplugg and plug again my  mouse it doesnt work, kinda weird15:17
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ni1sdoes anyone know what package provied the kdevelop app?15:27
Picini1s: kdevelop15:27
Pici!info kdevelop15:28
ubottuPackage kdevelop does not exist in lucid15:28
ni1soh -backports15:28
PiciHrm, it only seems to be in backports.15:28
edakiriIs there a backport for Lucid Lynx of Akonadi which works without error?15:35
edakiriOr is there something in the pipeline?15:35
edakiriOr is there a better place to find an answer to the question?15:36
BluesKajedakiri, the personal info prfiler is broken here too altho the server seems to be available15:45
edakiriBluesKaj: I don't know what prfiler is.  Akonadi spews a slew of error messages and apps show it is not running.15:46
edakirieven if it runs, I don't want to use it as long as it gives error messages.15:47
BluesKajedakiri, are you running mysql ?15:47
edakirionly indirectly for akonadi15:47
BluesKajedakiri, dunno why it's so broken , few ppl have asked about it here , maybe it has it's own chat room/support15:48
BluesKajedakiri, it does , maybe you could ask in #akonadi15:49
grifo74hello how can i make a adhoc(wireless) to share internet to other pc15:51
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zoomВсем привет16:06
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mrt12how can I run a .exe in ubuntu16:08
mrt12I tried ./16:09
jj_you need wine16:09
mrt12what is wine for16:09
jj_for running windows programs16:09
mrt12I will try16:10
shadeslayer!wine | mrt1216:10
ubottumrt12: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:10
mrt12jj_:I am downloading as "sudo apt-get install wine" is it ok16:12
edakirimrt12: If wine does not work easily, you may wish to look at http://www.codeweavers.com/16:12
mrt12ok thanks again16:13
markitor maybe he does not REALLY need to run that .exe of proprietary sofware16:13
amichairit might be FLOSS... but maybe there's a native linux alternative :-)16:14
jj_mrt12: what .exe are you trying to run?:)16:16
jj_I use wine to run age of mythology16:16
jj_works great, but not everything works fine with it16:17
jj_also, you might need a crack...16:17
mrt12I created I program with OpenGL16:17
mrt12in XP op. system16:17
mrt12now I want to run it in ubuntu16:18
mrt12is wine will solve the problem?:D16:18
jj_It might run using wine, but you could also try to create a native linux version16:18
jj_it might16:18
mrt12I see16:18
mrt12jj_:error occured16:20
jj_what error?16:20
mrt12jj_:I think the ubuntu needs GLUT library16:21
jj_you can install GLUT, but normally if wine needed GLUT it should already have installed it16:22
mrt12it says "glut32.dll not found"16:22
edakirimrt12: GNU/Linux (& Ubuntu) uses OpenGL more than MS Windows!16:22
edakirimrt12: I recommend building natively on GNU16:23
mrt12edakiri:but their library is different16:23
edakirioh? i would not have thought it16:23
mrt12edakiri:I dont have codes now16:23
jj_you can try using glut32.dll from windows16:23
edakiriI would think it _should_ be the same, but I guess I should not be suprised.16:24
mrt12edakiri:I just want to run it:D16:24
Empty_fooanybody know how to turn off the Update to 10.04 nag? it's annoying16:24
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mrt12thanks to all of you16:24
mrt12I must go now16:24
jj_Empty_fo: by updating?:p16:24
mrt12I will solve it16:24
amichairgood luck :-)16:25
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Empty_foojj_: i hope you see a doctor soon for your condition.16:28
jj_Empty_foo: LOL, btw, in kde in the popup it should have a button: "disable this notification"16:28
Empty_fooif it did, i wouldn't be asking.16:29
jj_I remember seeing this button16:29
jj_you can also try to disable the service which notifies about the updates16:29
Empty_fooyou might want to see a doctor about that condition as well.16:30
Empty_foosure, i'll disable updates.16:30
jj_if there are doctors who help you beeing friendly I suggest you go see that one:p16:31
jj_I actually disabled KPackageKit Service:)16:32
Idhanin konversation settings, how I identify my nick and password?16:32
Empty_fooif i wanted new friends, i wouldn't be in here looking ..16:32
jj_funny guy16:32
jj_you can disable this and manually run updates everyday16:32
Empty_foosee, from unfriendly to funny in one easy step.16:32
jj_just aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade16:32
jj_sudo aptitude ... ofcourse16:33
ArGGu^^Empty_foo if you disable the check for updates from KPackageKit->Settings->Updates It should not popup updates because it does not check updates.16:33
amichairIdhan: in server list -> pick server -> edit -> identity edit16:33
jj_now he will subscribe you a doctor:)16:33
BluesKajIdhan, in the server textbox /msg nickserv identify password16:34
Empty_fooArGGu^^: but then it wont check for other updates will it.16:34
amichairEmpty_foo: did the update notification not have a 'ignore' or 'stop bugging me' equivalent button?16:35
Empty_fooamichair: no16:35
amichairEmpty_foo: oh, I guess that's only in the new notification system, but then - you haven't upgraded to it yet :-)16:36
jj_It should have16:36
jj_you could disable KPackageKit and run dayly updates from cron16:37
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jj_or hourly or ...16:37
BluesKajEmpty_foo, just sudo aptitude update every morning , rather than receive notifications ...most linux users don't need to be notified anyway..I think kpackage kit etc notifiers are unnecessary16:37
jj_but I won't try to help you further because you're rude and I'm hungry:)16:37
francescolinuxi have some problem to solve.. with compiler 32/64bit16:38
ArGGu^^set Prompt=never16:38
francescolinuxi made a project with kdevelop in kubuntu 64biy.. and i want now compile it for 32bit linux16:39
francescolinuxin 64 bit work good.. but when i port in machine with 32bit.. not start (obvius)16:39
francescolinuxhow can i set compiler in develop and kubuntu for make 32bit  BIN?16:39
judgenWhy does my kde4 apps not get their style applied to them? i'm stuck with oxygen.16:51
hagabakaare you using System Settings to apply the style?16:52
Torchfrancescolinux: what you want to do is effectively a cross compile. it's possible, but rather complicated. for starters, you need all the libs you link to in 32 bit variants. i'm not even sure kubuntu will let you install those from packages (most probably not)16:53
Torchfrancescolinux: if you really need to build 32 bit versions, setting up a virtual machine in virtualbox is probably way easier and quicker to do.16:53
judgenhagabaka: yes, but i have also tried qtconfig16:56
hagabakasame with any other style?16:56
judgenhagabaka: Let me check.. i have only tried applying polyester16:57
judgenthe preview and the systemsettings application uses the style though16:58
eagles0513875Torch: if you need to run a 32bit app on 64bit linux install the ia32-libs16:58
judgenjust not the other apps. Like kopete amarok and so on.16:58
Torcheagles0513875: i'm not the one who asked the question. also, this is about _building_ stuff. also, ia32 libs won't give you all libs in 32 bit variants, only a couple of them.16:59
_jamI'm confused, I have ~/.kde/Autostart set as my path to have things autostart. And I had a files there. But now they are gone. BUT in system settings, they are listed in Advanced > Autostart and their effects are visible16:59
_jamproblem is, I want to edit one of the files, but i can't find it16:59
claydoh_jam: ~/.config/autostart17:00
_jamclaydoh: also empty17:01
judgenhagabaka: the problem seems to persist no matter what i do.17:02
_jamI'm really confused. I've got something starting at startup that I don't want, i think in one of the files listed, but I can't find the file17:02
hagabakahmm, you could create a new user and try there to see if it's something in your configuration17:02
Torch_jam: you sure it's not being started by the session manager?17:03
_jamI have the session manager set to not save sessions/start a clean session17:03
_jamwell, I'm sure there's a configuration thing somewhere. the question is where. I'm not going to nuke my configuration that was sane before lucid17:04
fynbeen googling around this akonadi stuff a while, tried autostarting various bits of it and pointing at some agents dir with the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable but no matter what this thing won't make itself happy enough to start and let me at my address book17:04
_jamfyn: you getting the akonadi error on startup when you hit the addressbook/kontact?17:05
fyn_jam: yup.17:05
Torchfyn: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting17:05
_jamas stupid as this sounds, try closing the application and restarting it17:05
fyn_jam: did that too, and the waiting a bit.17:06
fynTorch: looked through that, tried lots of it.17:06
_jamwell, the restarting/waiting wfm, so, i'm out of ideas17:06
jhamboin 9.10 there was a little systray icon that let me connect/disconnect to various wired and wireless networks.  With 10.04 there is no such icon and I can't figure out how to get it back.  Is there any way to control what network I'm connected to??17:07
fynis it weird that at this point i think it's probably easier to set up an ldap server and migrate my address book to that rather than try and do more with akonadi?17:08
jhamboakonadi has been nothing but trouble for me17:08
* BluesKaj avoids akonadi17:09
fyni remember on karmic i could disable it and fall back to something or another, but i forget where that option is?  or is it in 4.4 at all?17:09
_jamseems like the underlying apps now DEPEND on akonadi now, so no17:09
_jamyea, i found nepomuk indexing directories that I told it not to the other day. remote directories. file cache blew up, cpu was unhappy, and my wireless connection was REAL unhappy17:10
fynopen source is so tragic.  where is the non-evil version of apple that i can send a few hundred to for software that just works?17:10
eagles0513875does anyone have any idea as to why these packages arent getting configured17:10
Torchfyn: kaddressbook in kde sc 4.4 depends on akonadi17:11
jhamboin 10.04 is my only option for controling which network I connect to the command line?? in 9.10 it was so easy with that little systray app. but this doesn't seem to exist in 10.04.  Am I wrong?17:11
eagles0513875jhambo: its still there17:11
_jamjhambo: icon is there for me17:11
* Ampersand lights Torch17:11
jhamboI can't for the life of me get it to appear.  How do you get it to appear if it goes away?17:12
eagles0513875jhambo: in the k menu type knetworkmanager17:12
eagles0513875and start it that way17:12
claydohjhambo: you can add it to the systray if not there - right-click on the arrow there17:12
claydohor some empty are and configure systray -- plasma widgets --enable the icon there17:13
_jambtw, all of my desktop configurations are different now17:13
_jamis there a setting to synchronize them?17:14
_jame.g. same background/widgets on each desktop?17:14
markus_Hy everybody17:16
jhamboahhh somehow when I upgraded network-manager-kde was removed...17:16
markus_How do I install Splash images (for grub2) in lucid?17:16
cindyBonjour !17:28
coz_ hey guys... couple things... first   kde desktop wallpaper does not stretch across dual monitors it just mirrors... same thing in gnome now :(..second... desktop widgets cannot be moved to the secondary monitor   ..anyway around both or either of these issues?17:36
gotttohttp://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 gives a good how to coz_17:37
coz_gottto,  thanks looking now17:37
coz_gottto,  interesting...but should kubuntu /kde be responsible for fixing the wallpaper and widget issues on dual monitors ?17:40
gotttocoz_: it is not something I've ever tried to do - but it would depend on how X is set up afaik - there might be something gui for it but I haven't found it17:41
idespinnerhey all, any opinions on the newest kubuntu 10.4?17:45
idespinneris it still a forgotten child of ubuntu?17:46
shadeslayeridespinner: well apart from the network manager being crappy,everything else works17:46
idespinneris it still fairly slow compared to other kde4x distros(I.E. suse)17:47
markus_<idespinner> Yes it is. The CD you can download does not work at all on my 3 machines. When you upgrade to the latest ppa packages it works.17:58
InvaderZimCan any good sould help? Problems with a clean fresh install: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-savage/+bug/58467417:59
BluesKajhi xs2ubuntu18:07
xs2ubuntuBluesKaj :: im using kopete IM client18:07
xs2ubuntuBluesKaj :: but the problem is im cannot invite frenz to show my cam18:07
xs2ubuntuBluesKaj :: my frenz also cant request to view18:08
xs2ubuntuBluesKaj :: how come??18:08
InvaderZimAlso, my fresh Kubuntu install is localized to a different language. Is it possible that because of it, my Krunner doesn't have the unit conversion capability?18:08
BluesKajxs2ubuntu, sorry i'm not familiar with kopete18:13
BluesKajInvaderZim, change your locale in system settings / country region/language , then click on change18:15
InvaderZimBluesKaj: it's in the correct language18:15
InvaderZimBluesKaj: I mean, krunner doesnt have the converter runner. I'm assuming is because kde is in a different locale18:15
BluesKajInvaderZim, sorry , I'm not familiar with that option in krunner...maybe someone else can help18:19
markus_my network icon in the tray does not change when I am connected?18:19
InvaderZimk thanks18:19
OxymoronHow do you install Truecrypt on hdds in Kubuntu?18:19
darkstatego there and download it18:21
darkstateextract and run the installer18:21
BluesKajBBL ...lunchtime ...can't seem to help much anyway , all these difficult questions that i have never encountered before;(18:21
Oxymorondarkstate: Yes but then what?18:21
darkstategoto the programs and use it18:22
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Oxymorondarkstate: Is it GUI based?18:22
darkstatenice as well18:22
darkstatesame as windows really18:23
Oxymorondarkstate: Aha I see, well nvm that I asked then xD I thought it was quite difficult. How secure is it btw, it has "Encryption algorithms: AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish. Mode of operation: XTS.", but how safe is  that? :D18:23
darkstatei've used the csascading encryption for over 5 years18:24
Oxymorondarkstate: Its almost impossible for anyone else than me knowing password to break it?18:24
darkstatecascading=3 different alo's18:24
darkstatecascading=3 different algo's18:24
darkstateits impossible to crack18:24
darkstatetheres no back door18:25
Oxymorondarkstate: I have nothing to hide, but I am curious how TrueCrypt works and want to test.18:25
Oxymorondarkstate: What if someone gets my password?18:25
darkstateu can even encrypt your running os18:25
darkstateif someone gets ur password,well u can answer that simple question :P18:25
darkstatewhat if someone got your house keys?18:26
Oxymorondarkstate: Just wonder if there was any extra protection :D18:27
InvaderZimOxymoron: there are keyfiles18:27
Oxymorondarkstate: Like double passwords :D18:27
darkstateif ur using kubuntu u can encrypt ur home folder when u first install it if want some security on ur drive for the os18:27
Oxymorondarkstate: Can all this be done now in running state?18:28
darkstateu can have a double password called and hidden sector18:28
darkstateyes to running now18:28
Oxymorondarkstate: And how does it work when you should encrypt it in runtime to mount it?18:28
darkstatelook at the system tab18:28
Oxymorondarkstate: And is it easy remove Truecrypt if you dont want it anymore?18:29
darkstatewhen u first boot u put a password in,ten it boot the os18:29
InvaderZimif you find easy to remove programs, its the same18:29
darkstateyes to remove18:29
Oxymoronalright, so no problems there. What kind of file system is truecrypt make it?18:29
InvaderZimOxymoron: all your questions are answered in truecrypt.org18:30
darkstate true18:30
darkstatetheres a nice faq on there site18:30
InvaderZimread the faq and the user guide18:30
OxymoronWell I want to hear from people using it.18:30
darkstatelike i say,i've been using it for over 5 yrs and its great18:31
darkstateuse common sense and u will be fine18:31
OxymoronGood :) Then I install it after I have converted all my NTFS to ext418:31
darkstateit uses very lttle cpu as well,less that 1%18:31
OxymoronHehe my computer will be like fort knox soon :D18:32
darkstatetry the cascading encryption thats the highest18:32
OxymoronOnly linux, will remove Windows and that kind of things.18:32
InvaderZimOxymoron: truecrypt whole disk encryption only works for windows18:32
OxymoronInvaderZim: Define whole encryption?18:32
darkstateand for f@cks sake make sure u keep the iso safe after u install it as thats ur lifesaver if anything goes wrong in the future18:33
InvaderZimall disk is encrypted. to boot you need to type the truecrypt password, so it decrypts it while it boots18:33
InvaderZimOxymoron: don't be alarmed, if you want to do that linux has its own methods18:34
Oxymorondarkstate: iso of TrueCrypt?18:35
OxymoronInvaderZim: Own methods?18:35
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
InvaderZimOxymoron: if you want whole disk encryption (including the OS), truecrypt doesnt (yet) work for linux, just windows18:36
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
darkstatewhen u install truecrypt and it sets up a key for u,it then makes an iso for u to burn so u can keep it for the future if the drive become s corrutped18:36
OxymoronThen I wonder, is it possible to remotely navigate Truecrypt? Like wipe out data on hdds from my cell phone for instance? :D18:36
darkstatemmm no18:37
Oxymorondarkstate: ISO of what?18:37
darkstateits not a wiper18:37
darkstateiso of the key18:37
Oxymoron"TrueCrypt can be used to securely erase a partition/device too, by creating an empty encrypted partition/device-hosted volume within it)"18:38
Oxymorondarkstate: Aha I see. yeah thats a good idea xD18:38
InvaderZimOxymoron: it will just write a large random file that you occupy the free space18:39
asobiany reason why sound is suddenly very soft in everything including amarok, kmplayer, firefox EXCEPT kaffeine?18:41
KenBW2System Monitor is telling me I'm using 100% CPU, but the Processes tab says otherwise - ideas?18:41
gauravwhen i start kubuntu, i am not able to start network management.18:42
OxymoronInvaderZim: Alright :) And can it be isntalled without data loss if I already have data on my drives?18:42
gauravi get "network management disabled"18:43
InvaderZimOxymoron: of course18:43
asobigaurav, if using jaunty, upgrade18:43
InvaderZimOxymoron: just don't overwrite the partition18:43
x7_Hi I have a 360-gigabyte partition, but can not write anything on18:43
gauravasobi, i am using 10.418:43
asobican't help you then :/18:43
gauravdidnt have this problem in 9.1018:43
gaurav10.4 seems to be a lot more quirky then 9.10 :p18:44
* asobi is using 9.1018:44
KenBW2and 9.10 was quirky start with!18:44
asobi9.10 is great18:44
x7_help plzz18:44
OxymoronInvaderZim: Alright, will try it out later. Now I am going to reboot and try to restore some data.18:44
asobix7, is it ntfs?18:44
asobinot familiar -_-18:45
asobiare you sure linux supports xfs?18:45
x7_why no?18:45
asobii thought linux was more ext3/418:46
* asobi is a newb though so not really much help ~_~18:46
x7_[sudo] password for x7:18:46
x7_sudo: nautilus: command not found18:46
x7_in ubuntu is work nautilus18:46
asobioh. i use kubuntu18:47
x7_and my18:47
asobioh. did you mount the partition?18:48
x7_But you may not know comda rights to write the partition18:48
asobicomda rights?18:48
x7_I can write anything on the partition18:50
asobiyou mean cannot18:50
asobix7: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/xfs-partition-cant-write-files-into-it-804600/18:50
x7_tnx is very hard18:53
sheldonwhen will be available kde 4.5 beta1 for lucid on ppa beta backports??!?!18:58
x7_and still can't write :(18:58
shadeslayersheldon: were working on it :)19:00
sheldonthanks shadeslayer ;)19:00
shadeslayersheldon: keep checking here : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging19:01
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:06
uberamdis KTorrent incredibly CPU hungry for anyone else?19:06
uberamdI was downloading the Fedora 13 torrents and my CPU usage was pegged at 100% and it was killing my system19:06
asobiisn't bt cpu/ram intensive to begin with?19:07
uberamdTransmission isn't that bad at all19:07
asobithen use that?19:08
uberamdI can easily pull down at 15MB/sec with transmission and have hardly any CPU use (but lots of disk IO), KT was getting 8MB/sec and dying19:08
uberamdI was just curious if it was just my system or if others have noticed the same thing19:08
* asobi doesn't use torrents19:08
uberamdah, got it19:08
=== max is now known as Guest3756
sheldonuberamd, to improve ktorrent download speed use DHT19:11
sheldonconfigure -> BitTorrent -> Use DHT to have additional knots19:11
Snarksteri need to create a file printer to convert 1800 html docs into pdf.. any suggestions19:11
uberamdsheldon: thanks, will do19:12
judgenHow do i get kopete to work with the systray?19:12
Snarksterthere is no option to create a file printer in add new printer function19:12
x7_I have a 360-gigabyte partition XFS on Kubuntu and I do not know his command may have writable19:12
x7_i am noob19:12
Snarkstercan you say that again19:13
Snarkstercause that made no sense19:13
x7_I have a partition19:15
x7_360-gigabyte and can not do anything19:15
x7_Contribuiţi cu o traducere mai bună19:15
jj_it could be mounted read only19:16
jj_or you just have no permissions to write on it19:16
x7_I do not know command19:16
x7_nr 219:16
x7_can't  permissions to write19:17
jj_yes, run the mount program19:17
jj_and paste the output here19:18
jj_just type mount in a terminal19:18
x7_but what program?19:18
x7_man iam very noob19:19
jj_in the menu in system->Terminal19:19
x7_ ia am terminal19:19
Snarksterx7_ then type sudo mount -a19:19
Snarksterit shoukd have auto mounted19:20
Snarksterah crap I have a headache.. ttyl19:20
x7_do nothing19:21
x7_in ubuntu is sudo nautilus to write xfs19:22
jj_so you have ubuntu and not kubuntu?19:22
x7_nu have Kubuntu19:22
jj_you see the disk in dolphin?19:23
x7_i see can write19:23
x7_is so hard kubuntu19:25
jj_so you see the disk in dolphin?19:26
jj_your english is bad...19:26
x7_I see the disk19:26
jj_but you cannot write?19:27
x7_but can't write19:27
jj_and you see the files on the disk?19:28
x7_cant make files on the disk19:28
jj_are there already files on the disk?19:28
x7_bye-bye going back to windows19:30
jj_ok, c u19:30
uberamdIs it possible to tag applications in the kickoff search?19:32
uberamdtyping in Chrom doesn't even make chromium come up19:32
shadeslayeruberamd: tried chromi ?19:34
shadeslayerthat always brings it up krunner19:34
uberamdchromi doesn't list it either19:34
uberamdI have just had a horrible experience with searching for stuff, chromium doesn't list chromium, neither does web browser19:35
InvaderZimuberamd: perhaps it hasnt been indexed yet?19:40
uberamdInvaderZim: maybe. Lancelot found it immediately, I may switch over to using it exclusively19:40
InvaderZimuberamd: here typing chr shows it19:43
InvaderZimWhy krunner has fewer plugins when kde is in a different language?19:46
markus_uberamd: The handling of transmission is really strange. Like I click on the tray and then I hive to click on "Hide" to hide it.19:52
uberamdmarkus_: go to preferences and under Desktop select "Show Transmission icon in the notification area"19:53
uberamdBut sadly (in my case anyway) you need to right click on the icon and do Show Transmission to bring it back up19:54
markus_uberamd: I really like ktorrent. DOwnloading with it all the time and works great for me19:55
uberamdmarkus_: I think its pretty good, it was just eating my CPU cycles though. Maybe because I download at 15+MB/sec easily.19:55
uberamdI had 2 fedora ISO downloads going and it was causing about a 5 second delay in my system19:56
markus_uberamd: Okay thats a lot faster than me. I live in colombia. But at least a am downloading at 200k/s. Thats fast enough for me :)19:57
uberamdah, that may have something to do with it. Transmission chokes in OS X for me when I am downloading really fast as well, it creates a lot of disk I/O and the program starts to stall19:58
Carutsu__hello, I just set up an encrypted Kubuntu machine, however it seems I somehow misstyped either my user name or my password, so I was wondering, how can I get root access… I've heard that if you have GRUB promp you can drop into ROOT easily… but it seems I can't get GRUB to show its promp20:05
Carutsu__even after I press esc20:05
Carutsu__i repeat: I *have* my encryption password, is the user which seems to be wrong somehow20:06
gotttoCarutsu__: use the right shift key at boot to get the grub menu and select the recovery option20:08
Carutsu__gottto: trying…20:08
Carutsu__gottto: you're my hero!20:09
Carutsu__gottto: thank you very much20:09
gotttonp Carutsu__ :]20:09
Carutsu__that's what I tried to do with the ESC key, but was unsuccesful20:09
Carutsu__isn't ndiswrapper installed with kubuntu by default?20:17
Freddy2which is the auto updates checker app for 10.04?20:18
Freddy2i mean, i can check for updates manually, but there must be a way to have some program running in background20:20
tdnI am trying to use the Device Actions under System Settings > Advanced to automatically copy image files from my CF-card from my camera. I home someone has a few minutes to help me. I am not sure how do identify my device.20:21
tdnI have watched udevadm monitor, while I insert the card into the card reader. One of the lines that appear is this: UDEV  [1274814950.587968] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 (block)20:21
Torchtdn: "solid-hardware list" and "solid-hardware details" from a shell will help you20:22
tdnTorch, the last one gives an error: solid-hardware: Syntax Error: Not enough arguments20:23
tdnsolid-hardware: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.20:23
Torchtdn: yes.thinking is required.20:23
gottto!info ndiswrapper | Carutsu__20:23
ubottuCarutsu__: Package ndiswrapper does not exist in lucid20:23
Torchtdn: the first shows a list, the second details about one entry in that list20:23
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Carutsu__gottto: I fetched it from the instaler :)20:24
Carutsu__!info ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils20:24
ubottu'ndiswrapper-utils' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable20:24
Carutsu__!info ndiswrapper-common20:24
ubottundiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.54-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB20:24
tdnTorch, I am not sure how to find my device on the list from solid-hardware list20:26
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=== codolio is now known as dolio
tdnTorch, I did this: solid-hardware list > hwlist --- then removed the cf-card --- then solid-hardware list > hwlist2 ; diff hwlist*  --- this gave me the output: < udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_DE39_501C'      ---- So does this mean, that /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_DE39_501C is something I should use in Device Actions?20:29
Torchtdn: good work so far20:29
tdnIf so, how? I am still not sure how the entries in Device Actions work.20:29
Torchtdn: no, use it in solid-hardware details20:29
Torchtdn: that will give you all properties solid knows about it20:29
Torchtdn: you can use them to identify the device in system settings20:30
tdnTorch, it gives: parent, vender and product. All empty strings: ''20:30
tdnOh. My bad. Forgot to reinsert the cf-card.20:31
Torchtdn: heh ;-)20:31
tdn^ output from details while card is inserted.20:32
Torchtdn: now use the uuid in system settings to identify it. that will, of course, only work for THIS memory card. is that what you want?20:33
tdnTorch, yes.20:33
tdnTorch, but I would also like to have a rule for an external harddrive that I sometimes connect. The action should be to: 1: Decrypt the device with cryptsetup luksOpen <device> then mount the device to /external.20:34
bodomHi there. I have a problem using bluetooth. I got a link_key_request error on my log20:34
Torchtdn: the command can be any script. just write a script that does what you want and call it from the device actions thingy.20:35
tdnTorch, ok. But I will probably need to pass on parameters to this script. Like device path, etc.20:36
Torchtdn: yes. hover the mouse over the command text edit line in the dialog. the tooltip shows some placeholders you can use20:36
tdnTorch, ahh! Thanks.20:36
ScuniziSo I tried the "upgrade" path that I've avoided since 5.10.  Upgrade botched to a non bootable system.  Having a separate /home I reinstalled to fix things.. I thought. On opening Kontact I discover that the system didn't pick up my old address book *or* syncing with gmail calendar/contacts.  I got my old address book back but syncing with google seems to have opened a can of worms with Akonadi etal.. mysql error, nepomuk not registering w/20:40
Scunizi d-bus, previous Akonadi server error log found, Current and previous Akonadi control error log found. etc..  anyone know how to fix this?20:40
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
tdnTorch, will these device actions be run as root?20:43
Torchtdn: no20:43
tdnTorch, to decrypt a device with cryptsetup, I need to be root. How to get around this?20:43
tdnTorch, my script must be run as root.20:43
Torchtdn: either try it with kdesudo in your script. or, warning: insecure, add the script to commands your user can run as root without a password to /etc/sudoers20:44
tdnTorch, ahh. Ok.20:45
TorchScunizi: try these troubleshooting tips: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting20:45
ScuniziTorch: thanks for the link. I'll take a look.. my google fu has been failing lately.20:46
tdnTorch, systems settings keep crashing on me.20:46
Torchtdn: install debug symbols, show me a backtrace20:50
tdnTorch, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23882620:50
Torchtdn: is that reproducable?20:51
Torchtdn: ah, it says so20:52
tdnTorch, yes.20:52
tdnTorch, I just made that bug report.20:52
Torchtdn: good report, thank you.20:52
Torchtdn: can't really help you right now about it, though.20:53
tdnTorch, I would report in on launchpad, but it is a real pain to submit bugs there. :/20:53
Torchtdn: no point. it's an upstream problem and has to be fixed by kde20:53
tdnTorch, is that the case for all KDE problems?20:53
Torchtdn: definitely20:53
tdnTorch, because then I will not waste more time reporting them to launchpad.20:54
Torchtdn: if you report on launchpad, someone will have to move it to kde bug tracking. in theory. in practice, they will get lost there.20:54
tdnTorch, what about bugs in the nouveau driver?20:55
tdnTorch, I am experiencing one right now. I have to reboot because of it :(20:55
Torchtdn: look up their bug reporting address on their website.20:56
tdnKeep getting these errors in the logs: 2010-05-25T21:55:28.617146+02:00 malbec.vineyard.sikkerhed.org kernel: [14926.349233] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: no space while hiding cursor20:56
tdnIt makes my computer dog slow.20:56
tdnEven moving the mouse is slow.20:56
Torchtdn: btw, i cannot reproduce the crash on 4.4.220:56
Torchtdn: so, you cannot create the action in  system settings. would you like a quick hint on how to do it on the shell?20:57
tdnTorch, yes please.20:57
Torchtdn: this file would have been created in the system settings module20:58
tdnOk. Where to place it?20:58
Torchtdn: it goes to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/solid/$ACTIONNAME.desktop20:58
Torchtdn: each time you modify it, you need to update the configuration cache by running kbuildsycoca4 from a shell20:59
Torchtdn: or the changes won't take effect20:59
tdnTorch, ok.20:59
tdnTorch, thanks.20:59
Torchtdn: yw20:59
tdnI will try this right after I reboot.21:00
tdnTorch, in your examlpe in the paste, how do I specify that it should be my parituclar disk or cf-card?21:02
OxymoronTorch: Hi, remember me? :$ I wonder, do you know how to fix a ext4 thats somehow broken?21:04
tdnOxymoron, how is it broken?21:07
tdnOxymoron, step 1: Take a backup image. Step 2: run fsck?21:07
Oxymorontdn: Uhm, when running fsck it says its someway broken and is in use.21:08
tdnOxymoron, well... Is it in use?21:08
OxymoronDont remember details right now, I am not on Kubuntu LiveCD at the momemt21:08
OxymoronNo it wasnt in use when doing that21:08
tdnOxymoron, ok.21:08
oem_hi, when i am about to start the live CD when a graphical display is about to come i get a distorted image.. only showing two colors, 2 black bars in the middle and a gray cloud on the bottom :S, even if i select compatibility mode i cannot get to see nothing, any tip?21:08
tdnOxymoron, did you take a backup image?21:08
Oxymorontdn: Why should I take a backup image?21:09
tdnOxymoron, because changing a broken fs could potentially damage your data even more.21:09
Oxymorontdn: Its only my OS anyway, nothing really important on there.21:09
tdnOxymoron, so, if you have anything of value on the fs, please take a backup before proceding.21:09
tdnOxymoron, ok. Then why bother? Why not just reinstall?21:10
OxymoronBut I am kind of tried installing clean copies of everything ...21:10
OxymoronThen I cant backup anything ont it, cannot even mount it.21:10
tdnOxymoron, ok. Well... For starters, I would run fsck and see what it says. It is kinda hard to help you, if you do not have access to the fs right now.21:11
tdnOxymoron, you should not mount it to take backup. Copy an image.21:11
Oxymorontdn: It worked one time and then it said broken group descriptors and then when running it fixed indexes, inodes and so on.21:11
Oxymorontdn: After that I should run it again to see if fixed and then I couldnt.21:11
tdnOxymoron, dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/file, if your broken fs is on /dev/sda1.21:12
tdnOxymoron, how did it break?21:12
tdnOxymoron, have you checked your RAM? Please run memtest86+.21:12
Oxymorontdn: After moving other partitions I think, not that one though.21:12
Oxymorontdn: Cannot run memtest because the system isnt bootable, not Linux anyway21:13
tdnOxymoron, run memtest from a bootable cd/diskette.21:13
tdnIt is a very small program, meant to be used from boot.21:13
ScuniziTorch.. thanks . that did the trick.. I had to manually create an address book for vcard via akonadi for Kaddressbook.. and it picked up all my previous contacts.. Although I don't like the layout and can't seem to change it.  I was also able to add google calendar sync and gmail contact sync21:13
Oxymorontdn: What does memtest does, never used it?21:13
tdnOxymoron, detects if your RAM are broken. This is frequently a cause for corrupt filesystems.21:14
Oxymorontdn: Swap partition could be broken, but not RAM.21:14
tdnOxymoron, how do you know?21:15
Oxymorontdn: Quite sure, but I will test memtest soon though when booting from livecd21:15
ZachK_hello KDE users21:15
Oxymorontdn: If error there on cant run fsck, then I do clean install again ...21:16
Oxymorontdn: Do you know if I can install Truecrypt btw on it by default?21:16
tdnOxymoron, if you have bad RAM, you should get new RAM before installing or anything.21:16
Oxymorontdn: My RAM sticks is kind of new21:17
ScuniziTorch: the new Kontact also uses "Time Tracker" which replaced something else that never worked for me.. On 9.10 I had installed Time Tracker separately because I found it useful and like the fact that it's integrated with Kontact.. however it didn't pick up my old data file that I already had going.. got a link to fix that one?21:19
tdnOxymoron, I have seen bad RAM come right out of the box from the store.21:20
ScuniziTorch: I actually found the old file and got it to load but all the accumulated time for different tasks has been reset to zero :(21:22
Freddy2hmm no way to put kpackagekit or any other app in background to automatically check updates? strange..21:22
Sonseehi all, have eventually installed kubuntu 10.04 from CD. Everything works fine except one - in rekonq (wich I like much) flash does not work. Why is this? just empty spaces instead of flash`es. Adver. too :))21:24
Sonsee*other brow. work.21:24
BluesKajSonsee, install flashplugin-nonfree and for other media apps such as java etc, install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:30
new_bemberhttp://elkbuntu.net/ubuntuwomen/ - Hey guys! Don`t forget to vote for childrens that like *buntu!21:31
=== kai_kracker is now known as kai_62656
amichairI think flashplugin-nonfree is now called flashplugin-installer21:34
Sonseenow !21:34
SonseeI have all advertisment on21:34
Sonseevideo does not play21:35
Sonseedoes not appear *21:35
Sonseeand I saw that at first try rekonq did try to load but end up with crash, and now just no video again21:35
Sonseeany suggestions?21:36
Sonsee*did restricted formats and nonefree plugin21:36
Freddy2using another browser21:37
Sonseeif I did not yet say, only youtube works! but it was before I came here21:37
SonseeFreddy2, thanks :)))21:37
SonseeFreddy2, obvious21:37
Freddy2firefox works fine here xD21:38
SonseeI know that, konqueror works fine also21:38
Sonseebut I want that light rekonq21:38
Freddy2both kde and firefox do eat a loooot of ram but.. nevermind21:38
SonseeFreddy2, it`s not because of the performance, but I just do like light browsers like chrome. So rekonq is a "kde-integrated-chrome" I`d use rather it, than chrome.21:40
SonseeFreddy2, I have quad core and 4 gigs of ram so it`s not a problem :)21:41
Freddy2i can't live without certain firefox extensions :)21:41
Hamrai just cant imagine life without FF and its lovely extensions21:43
Hamrabe it heavy, be it a memory hog, be it whatever, the browser is just feature full, and i am kinda picky at how complicated websites are rendered21:44
=== fire`lalala is now known as fire`lala
Hamrai like FF's way a lot better than chrome's21:44
Freddy2there was internet before tab sidebar and adblock? nope, that was.. something different XD21:44
SonseeHamra, I don`t like how its desinged21:45
Hamrayou mean the UI?21:46
SonseeI mean upper panels21:46
Sonseeand I don`t use any extentions21:46
Freddy2so.. you're basically losing the main firefox strength, indeed21:47
Hamraas much as chrome gives me a much bigger space for display, i still DO prefer th old-style toolbars/buttons covering all the top area of a browser... guess it's a "taste" thing21:47
Carutsu__can anyone help to install the Linksys wireless wmp300n card… I followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=328437321:48
Carutsu__but didn't help, any thoughts?\21:48
SonseeI guess I need to wait for 10.10 where rekonq is default.. flash is very important. No idea where to look for solution?21:48
ZachK_Sonsee: what is your problem?21:51
SonseeZachK_, well, in rekonq I flash does not work except youtube. Youtube works fine.21:51
Sonseeother browsers work21:52
SonseeI installed all flash from adobe and restricted codecs21:52
Hamrawhy does rekonq remind me so much of arora.....21:58
Carutsu__I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I'm using x86_6422:15
drunkncrewI have a fresh install of Kubuntu Lucid and have a WUSB54GC linksys wireless usb adapter plugged into my comp. My computer recognizes the usb drive and says it's installed correctly when i type "lusb" and read the outpu and "iwconfig" as well. However I cannot see any available wireless networks, does anyone know what I need to do to see available wireless networks?22:24
drunkncrewps. I know my network is working fine, eg router, because I'm using it right now on my netbook with Ubuntu Lucid installed22:25
e_t_type ifconfig and tell me if you see a wlan entry22:25
drunkncrewok, one sec22:26
Sonseedrunkncrew, use iwlist device to list all the networks22:26
drunkncrewe_t_ : I can't just copy and paste since i'm on a different comp, but it says  " wlan0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:9c:7a:13:b0  UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1"22:29
Sonseedrunkncrew, iwlist wlan022:29
drunkncrewSonsee: when I type in just iwlist I get a bunch of lines but when I type out "iwlist wlan0" it returns "iwlist: unknown command 'wlan0'"22:31
e_t_OK. That means that it identifies it as a wireless interface. If it's not seeing any wireless networks, it might be an antenna problem, or a sensitivity problem.22:31
Sonseeou yea22:31
Sonseedrunkncrew, iwlist wlan0 scanning22:32
Sonseetry this22:32
drunkncrewok, it returned "no scan results"22:32
drunkncrewSonsee, does that mean that it just can't read any wireless signals for some reason?22:33
Sonseedrunkncrew, I think it means that the device just does not work22:33
e_t_drunkncrew: do you know if this device works in Windows?22:34
drunkncrewSonsee, well something wierd, was when I first installed Kubuntu a few hours ago I was able to see my home network along with the networks coming from the other apartments22:34
new_bemberifconfig wlan0 up22:34
drunkncrewe_t_: yes this device works in windows22:34
Sonseedrunkncrew, what you did then so it does not work now?22:35
drunkncrewe_t_: i am currently dual booting and it works without a hitch in windows and momentarily worked in kubuntu22:35
e_t_What's your kernel version?22:36
drunkncrewSonsee: that's the wierd thing, all I did was install the recommended security updates and restarted22:36
Sonseedrunkncrew, try reboot and use your network manager. It must work if the system recognize it.22:36
drunkncrewhow do I check my kernel version?22:36
Sonseeuname -a22:36
drunkncrewSonsee: I have the option to "enable/disable" wireless and have tried that. I'm new to KDE though, have been a longtime gnome usre22:37
drunkncrewe_t_ : I am using kernel 2.6.32-22-generic-pae22:37
Oxymorontdn: Memory test fails ..22:39
Oxymorontdn: Some errors22:39
e_t_drunkncrew: this might be of interest to you - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146425522:39
drunkncrewe_t_: thanks for the link22:40
drunkncrewi'll look through it22:40
drunkncrewe_t_ and Sonsee : Thanks for all your help22:40
Sonseedrunkncrew, does it work?22:41
drunkncrewSonsee: no, not the in sense that I can see my available wireless networks. However, I know the comp recognizes it and it's working properly I just have to finger out the next step22:42
drunkncrewSonsee: Do you think that even though it is being recognized that it still needs a driver installed?22:42
Sonseedrunkncrew, howfar is your router?22:43
drunkncrewit's about 15ft away22:43
drunkncrewSonsee: I'm going to try and blacklist this thing in modprobe real quick that e_t_ linked me to and restart and see if that works, one sec22:44
drunkncrewSonsee: what's the KDE equivalent to gedit? eg " sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"22:45
drunkncrewe_t_  thanks22:45
e_t_you could also use nano, which is a command-line editor22:46
drunkncrewe_t_ i've got kate open now, thanks22:46
Sonseedrunkncrew, use mc :)22:46
BluesKajdrunkncrew, kate22:47
e_t_I think drunkncrew has been buried in text editors.22:48
drunkncrewlol, thanks everyone22:48
Sonseedrunkncrew, I don`t really understand the problem. I have not had any problems with my usb-wifi adapter on any ubuntu/kubuntu systems I did try, so I can`t really help you.22:48
BluesKaje_t_, well the kde default is kate22:48
drunkncrewi'm extremely happy i decided to jump on this chan, everyone has been great. I'm highly appreciative22:48
drunkncrewSonsee: Even though we didn't fix the problem, I still greatly appreciate the attempt22:49
drunkncrewe_t_: that link you gave me for that ubuntu forum post WORKED22:50
e_t_Glad to hear it.22:50
drunkncrewI am now connected to my wireless network22:50
Sonseedrunkncrew, what was it?22:50
Sonseedrunkncrew, I see. Ok.22:50
drunkncrewSonsee: I just typed this into konsole "sudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" and added this line to the text file " blacklist rt2800usb"22:51
drunkncrewthen restarted my comp and I'm now connected to my wireless network22:51
drunkncrewagain, thank you to everyone for being so helpful22:52
drunkncrewand a special thank you to e_t_ and Sonsee22:52
drunkncrewhere's another quick question. You know how Ubuntu has the Ubuntu Software Center? Does Kubuntu have an equivalent?22:55
BluesKajdrunkncrew, kmenu software sources22:57
drunkncrewBluesKaj: thanks22:58
Hamrawhat exactly is the software center different from synaptic by?22:58
BluesKajdrunkncrew, actually synaptic gives the access , to those sources22:59
BluesKajanyway ...BBl, dinnertime23:00
claydohHamra: basically an additional, simplified interface, more focus on applications23:01
Hamrai see....23:03
InvaderZimWhy krunner has fewer plugins when kde is in a different language?23:04
KenBW2System Monitor is telling me I'm using 100% CPU, but the processes tab says otherwise - ideas?23:26
=== cyber_ is now known as Darkan
KenBW2i mean that the System Load tab is showing 100% CPU, but switching to Processes, I see at the top ~5 processes using at most 8% and at least 1% CPU - i i refuse to accept the remaining processes make up the remaining ~90%23:33
Hamradisk IO23:37
Hamrafor some reason, system monitor shows heavy disk IO as high processor usage in the graphs23:38
KenBW2yea my HDD is doing a lot of clicking23:38
KenBW2so how would I go about figuring out what's accessing the disk?23:39
Hamrayou can check it using iotop in command line, if package is installed, and verify23:39
Hamrajust run "iotop" in konsole, if it's not installed, it'll tell you what to do23:39
KenBW2yea im apt-getting it now23:40
KenBW2sendmail: MTA: running queue: /var/spool/mqueue is reading at 350 - 450 KBps23:41
KenBW2what the hell is it?23:41
Hamrasendmail?? you dont have a mail server on your computer, do you?23:43
KenBW2ah yea, i installed it the other day23:43
Hamralol, there you go :P23:44
KenBW2sudo apt-get remove sendmail, kill the sendmail process23:45
KenBW2and my HDD has suddenly stopped clicking23:45
Hamrabut still, back to first point, system monitor's reporting is not very accurate23:45
Hamrai dont know why it mixes IO with CPU :S23:45
KenBW2that's not very helpful23:46
KenBW2why would sendmail need so much IO anyway? i'd restarted twice23:47
Hamranot really sure, i'm no expert with mail servers23:48
KenBW2ho hum, thanks for leading me to the culprit anyway23:49
mooperdHello, I want to replace my current wireless driver for madwifi. How do I disable the existing driver?23:55
mooperdhi. How do I unload a module for a wireless network adapter?23:57
mooperd modprobe -r ath23:57
mooperdFATAL: Module ath is in use.23:57

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