
AngelSpyhello adiroiban are you there?16:19
AngelSpyI m Dilara if you remember16:19
AngelSpyyou add a comment to appointing team question16:20
AngelSpyremember or i should remind?16:20
adiroibanyes. I have commented regarding my concerns16:20
adiroibanfor the current lp-l10n-tr team16:21
AngelSpyso i have a bit troubles with team members16:21
AngelSpyeither i have to make it open team to be with them16:21
AngelSpyor i got to make it moderated n got to wait people to jpin some how16:21
adiroibanmaking it open is just like having no transalation team16:22
AngelSpygot so many discussion about it, i tried to explain why it should be moderated, at the end i made it open so they joins16:22
adiroibanyou make it moderated to protect the team agains people like me16:22
adiroibanwho don't know turkish16:22
adiroibanbut by joining the team16:22
adiroibanthei will be able to add bad turkish translations16:23
AngelSpyi know, they know. but they say, let me give some quotes16:23
AngelSpy- Why should moderated by few people (which mentioned any body can be a moderator from team by decision of team),16:23
adiroibanif the team is open16:23
AngelSpy- It will give negative impression to independent translators, (which explained how bad translations are already around so we need filtering, they need to be choosen by their translations),16:23
adiroibanis like having no team16:23
adiroibanso there is no need for lp-l10n-tr16:23
AngelSpyyes. so i need an advise/16:24
AngelSpyi want it to open moderated but probably there will be no team member for a while because they will be pissed off :)16:24
adiroibanwhy are the pissed off?16:24
adiroibanthey don't care about quality?16:24
AngelSpyas i wrote up, its not fair to other translators etc16:25
adiroibanwhy is not fair?16:25
AngelSpynope. because they do changes somehow anyway16:25
adiroibanif the other translators are good16:25
adiroibanyou will add them to the team16:25
adiroibanthis is the way other teams work16:25
AngelSpyi did that by mistake , i though i m going to invite them but i add16:25
adiroibanand there are about 250 Ubuntu teams doing the same16:25
AngelSpyand came up with -without permission add- discussion :(16:26
AngelSpyi know. so if i open this team ubuntu translators will not support me.16:26
adiroibanin the past we had open Ubuntu translation teams16:26
adiroibanand this only create a lot of problems16:26
adiroibanand a bad fame for the Ubuntu and Launchpad translations16:27
adiroibanusers and developers were no longer trusting the translations done in Launchpad16:27
adiroibandue to those open teams16:27
adiroibanwhere everyone could add good or bad translations16:27
adiroibanif you don't want to make the team moderated16:28
adiroibanand make sure that all team members are good translators16:28
AngelSpyyea i gave them many examples and believing how stupid translation can be done :)16:28
adiroibanwe will have to consider if we are going to approve the lp-l10n-tr team16:28
adiroibanI am not the only one to decide regarding this exception16:29
adiroibanand I will prefer that lp-l10n-tr team will be just like all other teams16:29
adiroibanand that it will implement a translation quality assurance process16:29
AngelSpybut as i sad, they are not going to join if it not open. so i have to do it myself for sometime, which i have no problem with that16:29
adiroibanFrom the point of view of Launchpad developers/coordinators16:30
adiroibanyou, as an owner for the team16:30
adiroibanare resposible for all the good and bad things that happen to the Turkish translations16:30
adiroibanit is you decision how you want to run the team16:31
AngelSpywhen its open i cant take that responsibility of course16:31
adiroibanand what process to use for making sure the Turkish translatios are right16:31
AngelSpybtw can you tell me if i open this team, i can get every turkish translatable projects open to team or not?16:31
adiroibanther are more than 150 projects in Launchpad, who have trusted their translations to Launchpad Translation group16:31
AngelSpyasking this because if i ll translate only normal things which open to ubuntu or so, than no need for a team16:32
adiroibanand as coordinator for the group, we are responsible for the bad and good things that happen for all the languages16:32
adiroibaneach project chose to use a translation group16:33
adiroibanyou can check the status here https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups16:33
adiroibanthere are 155 project for Launchpad Translators16:33
adiroibanand 193 for Ubuntu Translators16:33
AngelSpybecause there are various teams, open or not. got some translations. and close teams sometimes dont give permissions and they can be having really bad translations thou. this is the only reason i want to open team16:34
AngelSpyso i want to have a good translation team to translate everything on launchpad16:35
adiroibancan you please explain the previous statement16:35
adiroibanwith examples16:35
AngelSpylike there is a team acik kaynak or something16:35
adiroibanyou can not have a translations team for translationg „everthing” in Launchpad16:35
AngelSpyor limewire16:35
adiroibanLimewire are managing their translations16:36
AngelSpyi know not everything meant translatables :)16:36
adiroibanand are not using Ubuntu or Launchpad translators16:36
AngelSpylike edb. really having horrible tranlations16:36
adiroibanwe have discussed with Limewire and was their choise to have bad translations16:36
adiroibanedb ?16:36
AngelSpyhmm then nothing to do for a while16:37
AngelSpylet me try to find16:37
adiroibanso for Limewire we have talk with the developers of Limewire16:37
adiroibanand informed them about these problems16:37
adiroibanbut they chose to manage their own translations16:37
adiroibanwithout relying on Launchpad or Ubuntu translators16:37
AngelSpycan we give some break for a while/ sorry about it but i got to go somewhere :(16:38
AngelSpythanks , nice to chat with you.. gonna give some headache later again :)16:38

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