
=== BUGa_Alice_in_WL is now known as BUGa_KickAss
SteamIncAnybody know wre i can get a 10.10 Beta or alpha?00:43
arand!release | SteamInc00:48
ubottuSteamInc: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases00:48
arandSteamInc: You can't00:48
SteamIncYea i know I checked alpha is coming out July 3rd00:49
SteamInc*June 3rd*00:49
BUGa_KickAssbut you can upgrade from lucid00:51
* arand is not sure if it would be appropriate to hint sources.list in these cases, I have a feeling not... BUGa_KickAss: Left00:51
BUGa_KickAssbut if you are asking, then you are not experience enough to upgrade00:51
arandBUGa_KickAss: he/she is gone.00:52
BUGa_KickAssI saw00:52
BUGa_KickAssI'm sleepy, grogy00:52
arandHence the kickass? Ironic? asskicked?00:53
h00kIf you don't mind watching the language in here, it would be much appreciated :)00:55
DanaG1hmm, anything worthwhile in +1 yet? =þ02:55
arandDanaG1: Crashing?03:34
=== exigraff_ is now known as exigraff
* BUGabundo_remote says Hi... to the rain :[09:02
jpdsYay, rain.09:04
BUGabundo_remotejpds: it was like 27-30ºC all weekend :(09:05
jpdsBUGabundo_remote: Yes, same in London.09:06
BUGabundo_remotethe beaches were filed with ppl09:06
* jpds not a fan of hot weather.09:06
BUGabundo_remoteand now rain... took me 20 extra minutes, cause of floods in the street09:06
ior3ksince about the end of last week, I can't launch GTK emacs09:33
ior3kI get "X protocol error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter) on protocol request 152"09:33
ior3kanyone know what may be causing this?09:33
vegait's a feature, use vi :P09:33
baddog_ior3k, might be something with the ARGB stuff in gtk09:37
baddog_try export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=109:37
baddog_ first, then run emacs from the terminal09:37
baddog_that works for me, though I didn't have the exact same error09:37
ior3kbaddog_: that's exactly it09:38
ior3kbaddog_: so was there an update to gtk that caused this?09:38
baddog_So far as I know, yeah09:39
ior3k(and should I file a bug?)09:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 585196 in emacs23 (Ubuntu) "emacs fails to start: X protocol error" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:39
ior3kah, thanks09:39
baddog_I filed it earlier today ;)09:39
ior3khmm, I wonder why this is considered of low importance09:41
baddog_I don't know ._.09:42
baddog_although, it's low importance to gtk, not emacs09:42
* baddog_ shrugs09:43
baddog_It seems like it's broken quite a bit, from what I can see09:43
ior3koh, well09:43
ior3kthanks for the workaround, baddog_09:43
baddog_'salright :)09:44
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eagles0513875hey guys15:24
eagles0513875are there isos floating about for maverick or not yet15:32
eagles0513875just the upgrade method from lucid to maverick15:33
BUGabundo_remoteyes eagles051387515:36
gnomefreakiso's should hit until ~A115:37
eagles0513875im nto worried about upgrading from lucid to maverick15:37
eagles0513875now if there is a package i need to rebuild do i repackage it against maverick15:37
eagles0513875or can i build packages for maverick on lucid15:37
gnomefreakchroot of some kind i cant think of what the other one is called15:38
gnomefreakeagles0513875: best to stick with #kubuntu-offtopic for this15:38
eagles0513875gnomefreak: well im wanting to get somethign repackaged for lucid backports possible even for maverick though so i was just wondering. would offtopic still be more appropriate in regards to that15:39
gnomefreakyes this is not 10.10 support15:40
eagles0513875gnomefreak: im not asking for support just how would one package something for the next release using the current supported release or the next release to package something15:42
arandI thought this was specifically 10.10 support? ↑ topic?15:43
eagles0513875lol i think he meant 10.04 support15:45
gnomefreakeagles0513875: building packages does not == support for this channel or for #ubuntu. use either one of the packaging channels or an -ot channel please15:50
eagles0513875ok gnomefreak15:50
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=== |thade| is now known as Alexia_Death_
bilalakhtarom26er: You mean to say that there is a lot of ram usage?19:45
om26erbilalakhtar, the ram usage is fine, there seems to be a memory leak somewhere which eats all swap space eventually19:46
om26erand then in the end system becomes unusable and have to kill X19:46
bilalakhtarom26er: ok. Now try to find out which package is causing that leak19:46
bilalakhtarom26er: You have to switch to a virtual console to kill it, right?19:47
om26erbilalakhtar, maybe X19:47
om26erthat would be 'alt;19:47
bilalakhtarom26er: Is it like bug #565981 ?19:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Lucid) "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56598119:47
om26ersymptoms are exactly same19:48
bilalakhtarom26er: Maybe ubuntu devs are testing the new glx on maverick19:49
=== Yahweh is now known as poutine
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_Bones
svuchrisccoulson, ping?20:33
BUGabundo_Bonescan your browser open this? http://㐃蔁.sl.pt20:39
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo_Bones: mine can20:39
BUGabundo_Boneshumm we got a new font too :)20:39
alex_mayorgaempathy doesn't show the first character in the URL though20:40
BUGabundo_Bonesdon't you guys love the weight of that page ? no thumbs20:41
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo_Bones: sound like a fine festival20:41
BUGabundo_Bonesit is20:41
BUGabundo_Bonesbut a very poorly done page20:41
alex_mayorgayup, it is still loading here20:41
BUGabundo_Bonesbut finally chromium fixed utf820:41
alex_mayorgamy guess is they're serving the posters full size, dumb20:42
alex_mayorgaor maybe everyone in .pt has fiber to the home ;)20:42
BUGabundo_Bonesits the 1st20:44
BUGabundo_Bonescan your browser open this? http://%u3403%u8501.sl.pt20:48
chrisccoulsonhi svu20:57
svuchrisccoulson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usbutils/+bug/37796720:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 377967 in usbutils (Ubuntu) "Incorrect(?) USB Id in the database: 1941:8021 Watson W-8681" [Low,New]20:59
svuchrisccoulson, how would we find out who's the real owner?20:59
chrisccoulsonheh, it's been quite a long time since i looked at that ;)21:00
svuI know:)21:00
chrisccoulsonsvu - i probably looked here: http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids21:01
chrisccoulsonapparently it is a Dream Link USB Missile Launcher21:02
chrisccoulsonwhatever one of those is ;)21:02
svuwell, the question is what is the source of that file?21:02
svuwho's feeding it?21:02
chrisccoulsonyou already said that in your bug report. i'm not sure where that data comes from21:02
svuheh. nice situation21:02
svuJust today I got a mail from another guy21:02
svuwho has different model but the same chip21:03
chrisccoulsonthe vendor ID's are controlled by www.usb.org, but i don't know if they publish the list of vendors21:03
svuchrisccoulson, if they don't - I hate them :)21:04
svu(but would not be surprised)21:05
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo_Bones: "Firefox can't find the server at %u3403%u8501.sl.pt."21:05
chrisccoulsonsvu - http://www.usb.org/developers/tools/comp_dump21:09
chrisccoulsondream link isn't on the list though :/21:09
svuchrisccoulson, sweet:)21:10
svu1941 is not allocated21:10
chrisccoulsonsvu - it's actually 6465 on that list (decimal), but that's still not allocated anyway21:11
svuI'd challenge dream link21:11
svuoh, it is decimal21:11
svuI did not reallize21:11
svuso, what would be the procedure? Just patch the usb.ids file in ubuntu?21:12
svusend the bug upstream?21:12
=== BUGabundo_Bones is now known as BUGabundo_Chuck
chrisccoulsonsvu - i'm not too sure really21:20
svuchrisccoulson, at least, do you have authority to patch files for ubuntu? even if you do not know what to do with upstream. Or do you still have doubts that would be the right thing to fix?21:22
chrisccoulsonsvu - i generally don't touch anything in that part of the stack, and i'm not too sure where the change would need to go (probably in the kernel)21:27
svuchrisccoulson, yes, the kernel looks like the proper place. Perhaps it is worth asking at lkml? if not about particular id, at least about the procedure21:27
chrisccoulsonyou could ask on #ubuntu-kernel too21:28
svujoin #ubuntu-kernel21:47
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dupondjeWhat are the serious bugs known atm ?22:35
dupondjeI heard nouveau broken & firefox ?22:35
sebsebsebBUGabundo_Chuck: Chromium fan boys :(22:46
sebsebsebFirefox :)22:46
BUGabundo_ChuckFLOSS FTW22:46
sebsebsebFree Linux Open Source Software ?22:46
kuadrosxsebsebseb:  free/libre/open source software22:57
sebsebsebkuadrosx: ah yes Libre22:58
sebsebsebI knew that, just forgot  or something.  and I tend to call it22:58
sebsebsebopensource/freesoftware and then also explain to people what is meant by free software so as in Freedoom,  source code available to general public so proggrammers from all over  the world can contribute,  that kind of stuff yeah22:59
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing22:59
=== BUGabundo_Chuck is now known as BUGabundo_DrWho

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