
sluckxzis there a way to install apps in cygwin from the cygwin shell?00:48
stlsaintnot sure00:49
stlsainthavent tried it....00:49
sluckxzgot opennssh installed on my win7 box logged in and there isnt a bleedin editor00:51
stlsainthehe, that sucks00:52
sluckxzi once found a really friendly beginner coding channel and couldnt find it again.  maybe its that ubuntu  dev beginner channel.00:53
sluckxzi ll check it out some time. cheers stlsaint00:54
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moonrockI am running 10.04 and have truecrypt installed. Beginning today, when I try to start truecrypt, it says it's already running. It is not in the process list from system>admin>system monitor. Is there another place to check if it is really running?05:20
ddecatoryou can run 'top' in a terminal05:21
moonrockHmmm. Not there. Not sure whether to be happy about that. Maybe I need to see if there is a truecrypt channel.05:25
ddecatori'm not sure how much cpu it would use, so it might just not be showing up05:26
moonrockI tried killall and it said no process found. I assume the process would be named truecrypt (that's the file name from properties anyway)05:30
ddecatoris there a listing for it in System > Preferences > Startup Applications?05:33
moonrockNo. I figured it out. It had a lock file, but not with the encrypted file/volume (where I was looking). Just needed rm ~/.TrueCrypt-lock-<username> Thanks for the help.05:34
ddecatorno problem05:35
moonrockI probably didn't unmount it when shutting down before. I would have thought that would happen with a normal shutdown, though.05:35
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duanedesignmorning all11:43
=== Guest69328 is now known as compiledkernel
mohi2911wb hobgoblin =]14:48
hobgoblinhi mohi291114:48
mohi2911sup hobgoblin?14:48
hobgoblinmohi2911: I'm fine ty - and you?14:48
mohi2911well i drunk KEROSINE by mistake :'(14:49
mohi2911vomitted four times and still its making me to have a vomitting sensation14:49
hobgoblineeeugh - I got  a mouthful once when siphoning - not nice14:49
hobgoblinif you are still shooting the cat then I would be inclined towards talking to someone with a white coat14:50
mohi2911heh and Chesamo you laughed for it :(14:51
hobgoblinwell I would laugh too - but not if you;re still being sick14:51
Chesamodee-colon is a "oh no" face14:52
ChesamoYou're thinking of colon-dee14:52
mohi2911i think i ll laugh tomorrow14:52
hobgoblinwell we'll laugh when you leave to get ahead of the game14:53
hobgoblinmohi2911: it could be a lot worse - "A 17-year-old boy died after being tied to a tree, made to drink petrol and then set on fire, detectives have said. "14:58
mohi2911:( dont scare me hobgoblin :'(14:59
compiledkerneleveryone got their towel?14:59
hobgoblinI also have peanuts and beer15:00
* mohi2911 steals the beer from hobgoblin15:01
starcraftmancompiledkernel: I haz..... virtual towel? That counts too right?15:01
starcraftmanAlso hiya compiledkernel :)15:01
* hobgoblin reminds mohi2911 that would be a very bad idea 15:01
hobgoblinhey starcraftman15:01
mohi2911hobgoblin: dont PING starcraftman15:02
* starcraftman smacs mohi2911 with a fish.15:02
* hobgoblin supplies more fish for starcraftman 15:02
starcraftmanhobgoblin: thanks.15:02
* mohi2911 is not pinging starcraftman15:02
* starcraftman buries mohi2911 in fish.15:03
mohi2911its a decoy :P15:03
starcraftmanChesamo: too much mercury in the system huh?15:04
* Chesamo feels really out of place since she hasn't finished reading the Hitchhiker's Guide15:04
* hobgoblin thought tuna was ok now 15:04
hobgoblinChesamo - for shame ...15:04
starcraftmanChesamo: what? What??? How much have you read?15:05
* Chesamo hides in the Corner of Shame, without even a towel to her name15:05
Chesamostarcraftman: The first few chapters... I picked a bad time to start reading a book and never really got around to finishing it15:05
hobgoblinnow is a good time to finish it then - you have a few hours to do so15:06
starcraftmanChesamo: noooooo. That's it, I'm making a new motion at next meeting that all members MUST have read the guide. At least first few books.15:06
Chesamohobgoblin: Unfortunately I'm at work15:06
mohi2911hobgoblin, starcraftman what you think about http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10134655.stm ??15:06
starcraftmanRestaurant at end of universe was classic.15:06
hobgoblinChesamo: hide in the loo then :)15:06
hobgoblinstarcraftman: +115:07
starcraftmanmohi2911: great, I'll get a computer one day that makes a mistake on 2 + 2 but does it really fast.15:08
mohi2911starcraftman =]15:08
starcraftmanChesamo: seriously though, do get a read of at least first two books. They are great science fiction/comedy. At the very least then you can come out of the corner.15:09
Chesamostarcraftman: Yess'm massah15:09
hobgoblinsmall and easy to hide in a towel they are15:09
mohi2911wow we are smoking in main channel O_O15:09
starcraftmanmohi2911: aye, probably should talk in team before someone stomps us.15:10
hobgoblinI shall speak to you all another day then  - bye15:10
starcraftmanlater hobgoblin, guess I'll browse reddit.15:11
starcraftmanEverything goes better to Dream Theater.15:12
hobgoblin:) I'll just hang about not talking to anyone15:12
starcraftmanhobgoblin: oh bah, nvm, it's not like anyone's popped in here asking for support yet. Tis a quiet tuesday morn.15:12
* mohi2911 makes hobgoblin to open his mouth and say "QUACK!!!!!"15:13
hobgoblinstarcraftman: indeed it is :)15:32
Raidsongwell i leave for college in the morning anybody have some fond words of advice?16:46
ddecator...aaaaand that's pretty much it16:46
Raidsongwhat about tea is that a substitute for coffee?16:47
ddecatorif it has caffeine ;)16:47
Raidsongdark earl grey16:47
* ddecator doesn't know if that does or not16:48
Raidsongit does16:48
Raidsongalso ill be consuming large amounts of coffee16:48
ddecatorthen you're all set16:48
Raidsongstraight black16:48
Raidsongif the first sip doesnt cause you to make a face its not strong enough16:49
ddecatorbest way16:49
hobgoblinRaidsong: coffee between midnight and 5Am - tea the rest of the time16:52
hobgoblinvery red and strong stewed for a whole day tea will work16:52
Raidsonghobgoblin, whats your tea of choice?16:52
hobgoblinjust bog standard tea tea - not into any of those fancy types :)16:53
Raidsongbah one much understand the tea before you can brew the perfect cup16:53
hobgoblinyou have a good time and make the most of the experience is about all the real advice I could give :)16:58
mohi2911Raidsong: have a nice day in school =]16:59
tdnHow do I remove the menu bar for gnome terminal? So that it is hidden by default?17:00
Raidsongoh man i had never noticed there was a menu bar17:01
Raidsongthat would have coem in handy yesterday17:01
mohi2911tdn: http://www.techmetica.com/howto/improve-the-gnome-terminal-look-and-feel-in-ubuntu/ the last point might help you =]17:04
ddecatorView > Show Menubar (although not sure if that will change the default)17:04
hobgoblintdn: run it as gnome-terminal --hide menubar17:05
mohi2911ddecator: will that work??^^17:05
hobgoblintdn: run it as gnome-terminal --hide-menubar  I mean17:05
tdnhobgoblin, cool! Thanks.17:05
ddecatormohi2911: no idea, i just saw the option in the view menu haha17:05
hobgoblinor as ddecator said - same thing17:05
hobgoblinyou could also use tilda instead - do all sorts with that17:06
mohi2911I forgot someone named hobgoblin is here :D17:06
hobgoblinnever forget myths17:06
Raidsongyoure not a myth17:07
Raidsongyoure here right now17:07
mohi2911hobgoblin: create a wiki for all operations with terminal commands plz :D17:07
mohi2911Raidsong: goto School :P17:07
hobgoblinRaidsong: you think I am ...17:07
Raidsongmohi2911, you go to school17:07
Chesamomohi2911: it's called the man pages :P17:08
Raidsonghobgoblin, yes, yes i do. im talking to you right now17:08
mohi2911Raidsong: college life over for me :P17:08
* ddecator actually does have to go to school17:08
Raidsongmohi2911, go again17:08
Raidsongddecator, school is fun17:08
mohi2911Raidsong: NO17:08
Raidsongmohi2911, it would be fun17:08
hobgoblinRaidsong: no - actually you're not - you're assuming that it's not a dream infested with a myth and a binch of other people you think talk to you :D17:08
Raidsongmohi2911, you can go fro anthropology like me17:09
mohi2911Chesamo: well i know about manual. but do want to know all terminal codes dumped in a link =]17:09
hobgoblintdn: is that working for you?17:09
Raidsonghobgoblin, that could be so but this is the first time ive talked to ddecator17:09
Raidsongi think17:09
Chesamomohi2911: That page would be three miles long17:09
mohi2911ah lol17:09
hobgoblinddecator is not here Raidsong17:09
ddecatori'm imaginary17:09
Raidsonghobgoblin, if they are not here why can i tab to them17:09
* mohi2911 imagines ddecator17:09
mohi2911ddecator: you might be the junior of pablorubianes (Humpty dumpty 2) :P17:10
Raidsonghobgoblin = hobgoblin x i17:10
Raidsongi made you real17:10
Raidsongor made you imaginary its been a while17:11
Chesamoisn't it xi/i = x?17:11
mohi2911Raidsong: x(- i)17:11
Raidsongthat too17:11
mohi2911i x i = -117:11
Raidsongso hobgoblin = -1?17:11
mohi2911dont make hobgoblin a negative person by your EVIL math :/17:11
mohi2911Raidsong: i said >Raidsong: x(- i)17:12
Raidsongthe maths prove hobgoblin is both real and evil17:12
mohi2911so i made hobgoblin positive Raidsong :P17:12
Raidsongmohi2911, i work for fox news ill make up the facts here17:12
* Silver_Fox_ is EVIL , which is > evil17:12
hobgoblinRaidsong: how evil would you like me to be17:12
mohi2911Raidsong: fox news or Silver_Fox_ news?? :P17:13
Raidsonghobgoblin, evil enough to have a sufficient evil laugh17:13
Raidsongjust fox news i would never insult Silver_Fox_ like that17:14
mohi2911OMG i think the nick will change to Elfy17:14
hobgoblinshall stay as hobgoblin then I think Raidsong17:14
hobgoblinelfy piskie and forestpiskie are too laid back for hobgoblin17:14
tdnhobgoblin, seems so.17:14
Raidsongdont need too much evil in here17:15
mohi2911Raidsong: preach us something17:15
Raidsongmost mad scientists are just mad engineers17:15
hobgoblintdn: excellent - though I often use tilda - especially if I have had to drop out of xchat17:15
Raidsongbuilding a death ray doesnt make you a mad scientist unless you taker over the world and leave a control group or something17:16
=== Silver_Fox_ is now known as Evil_Silver_Fox_
Raidsongoh no17:16
Raidsong~ <-- tilde17:16
hobgoblintdn: it is a terminal type thingy17:16
Evil_Silver_Fox_! <- tilde17:16
* Evil_Silver_Fox_ is helping17:16
hobgoblinnot really17:17
Evil_Silver_Fox_Thats the nicest thing you have ever said to me17:17
hobgoblinha ha ha ha17:17
mohi2911tdn: for more info Tilda was forwarded for the following post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70075117:17
mohi2911hobgoblin: have a look on it ^^17:17
=== Raidsong is now known as Gyro_Gearloose
* mohi2911 tightens the loosened Gyro_Gearloose17:18
Gyro_Gearlooseoh sorry i dont drink17:18
Gyro_Gearloosei feel im too young to use tight in that context17:18
mohi2911o/ DiegoTc17:19
hobgoblinmohi2911: I know what it is :) I also have it set to the same geometry as xchat so if I need to use it - it sits in the same space on the same desktop without covering anything else - of course using devilspie means it opens where I want it to as well17:19
hobgoblinhell DiegoTc - long time no speak17:19
hobgoblinhello I mean :)17:19
DiegoTchi hobgoblin17:19
Gyro_Gearloosehobgoblin, would it not be easier to just move it when it opens?17:19
mohi2911hobgoblin: well i asked whether i am showing him the exact thread  to be or not =]17:19
hobgoblinGyro_Gearloose: I have devilspie working anyway17:20
Gyro_Gearloosehobgoblin, i have my wireless working17:20
hobgoblinI don't use compiz - or I would use place windows17:20
hobgoblinoh good - was it not then? was that you the other day with one ?17:20
Gyro_Gearlooseit was17:21
* mohi2911 is on ubuntu server right now as his old 8.10 distro crashed :'(17:21
* hobgoblin ages as his son reached 21 17:21
* Gyro_Gearloose talks in the 3rd person17:21
hobgoblinGyro_Gearloose: memory is not what it was on sunday ...17:21
* mohi2911 turns hobgoblin into sweet 1617:21
* hobgoblin just talks nonsense Gyro_Gearloose 17:21
tdnhobgoblin, tilda segfaults on my system.17:22
Gyro_Gearloosehobgoblin, i didnt even know sunday was the day i had the problem17:22
hobgoblinmohi2911: you'd have not been born for years when I was 1617:22
hobgoblintdn: really?17:22
mohi2911true :)17:22
tdnhobgoblin, really.17:22
Gyro_Gearloosehobgoblin, youre what 22?17:22
mohi2911Gyro_Gearloose: square each numbers separately :P17:23
hobgoblintdn: mmm - well I've never had that - try reinstalling it17:23
tdnhobgoblin, will try that later.17:24
hobgoblintdn also try removing the config in your home17:24
hobgoblintdn they are in .tilda17:25
hobgoblintdn: there was a bug n jaunty apparently17:26
Gyro_Gearlooselets all go to hawaii17:28
mohi2911Gyro_Gearloose: first GOTO SCHOOL17:28
Gyro_Gearloosemohi2911, you go to school first17:29
mohi2911Gyro_Gearloose: its 22:00 here and if i go to school now, they all will scream that a GHOST came :/17:29
Gyro_Gearloosemohi2911, video it and put it on youtube17:30
mohi2911lol NO17:30
Gyro_Gearlooseoh come on17:31
Gyro_Gearlooseit would be funny17:31
hobgoblinnow now children - settle down - it will soon be home time17:33
Gyro_Gearloosehobgoblin, youre the same age as the rest of us17:34
hobgoblinGyro_Gearloose is lucky I am no longer voiced :D17:34
Gyro_Gearloosei wouldnt have said it if you were17:35
Gyro_Gearlooseyou have to take these shots when they come up17:35
mohi2911Gyro_Gearloose: want me to create a chance for hobgoblin to kick you?? :P17:36
Gyro_Gearloosemohi2911, not really17:36
mohi2911heh. anyways, Gyro_Gearloose at what time school starts??17:36
Gyro_Gearloosethat seems like it would be inopportune for me17:36
hobgoblinGyro_Gearloose: lol17:37
Gyro_Gearloosei check into my dorm at 9 am tomarrow17:37
Gyro_Gearlooseoh no fluffy is gone17:37
Gyro_Gearloosethe day after my check in is orientation and on the 1st i begin classes17:39
hobgoblinI expect it will be interesting - anthropology sounds different :)17:42
hobgoblinnot what I would expect someone to say they were doing :)17:42
Gyro_Gearlooseanthropology is related to archeology17:42
Gyro_Gearloosei wanted to play in the dirt for a living17:42
hobgoblinmy little brother is almos t finished with his masters archaeology17:44
hobgoblinand I did some when I did my hippy degree17:45
Gyro_Gearloosearcheology isnt exclusively offered at my school but i take archeology classes17:45
Gyro_Gearloosesince anthropology is basically applied archeology17:46
hobgoblinit was where he went - they do a lot of environmental stuff there as well17:46
* hobgoblin went to same place 17:46
Gyro_Gearloosethey teach archeology theory and how to dig and what not17:46
hobgoblinI did a dig in the depths of dorset - found a skeleton I did - the archae lot missed it :)17:48
Gyro_Gearloosei want to find some skeletons17:48
* mohi2911 gives Gyro_Gearloose the skeleton of Chesamo17:49
* Chesamo flops on the ground, lacking a skeleton17:49
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tdnhobgoblin, I did not change any config.18:04
Red^PhoenixGood evening, i've got a problem with the installation of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS from CD-ROM, the boot goes ok, i see the ubuntu symbol with the dot that tell me the loading, but after loaded, the monitor comes black... :( i think is a resolution problem, can anyone help me?18:05
mohi2911Red^Phoenix: i dont think its a resolution issue. and you downloaded Lucid from our official website??18:07
Red^Phoenixyes, dowloaded from official website (no bittorrrent or similar)18:07
Red^Phoenixis an a bit old pc, but it have 380 mb of RAM (so i think to not use the alternate installation)18:09
Red^Phoenixnow i'm trying the alternate installation, that working on textual, so i hope to succeed to installa :)18:10
Red^Phoenixhowever if the resolution still don't work, there's a method to change it?18:12
mohi2911Red^Phoenix: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1467809 that might help a bit i think18:13
Red^Phoenixthanks mohi :) i've searched something in italian ubuntu forums, but i haven't found anything... THANKS A LOT!18:16
mohi2911Red^Phoenix: ok =]18:18
Tatsu011anyone here ever got Touhou Danmakufu working on linux?19:21
ChesamoThe game?19:22
ChesamoGoogle says no.19:26
ChesamoI don't know if this'll help you: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=447319:28
Tatsu011doesnt help much as I already have that game working19:31
* Chesamo shrugs19:31
Chesamothe AppDB doesn't have an entry for Danmakufu19:31
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CtrlAlthi guys, i've been partitioning from the live cd and now grub just doesn't load20:27
CtrlAlt the thing is, dev/sda6, the boot partition, is now dev/sda1(and i deleted two partitions more), and update-grub isn't working20:27
CtrlAlti just get: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).20:27
ChesamoCtrlAlt: silly question, but did you mount /dev?20:28
CtrlAlti mounted dev/sda120:29
CtrlAltwhere should i mount /dev?20:29
ChesamoCtrlAlt: Different error20:31
ChesamoCtrlAlt: That's a very unusual error to get. Why did you mount /dev/sda1?20:31
CtrlAltbecause it's the boot partition...20:31
ChesamoCtrlAlt: What are you running update-grub off of?20:32
CtrlAltor should be :)20:32
CtrlAlti'm running 'sudo update-grub /mnt' , wich is where i mounted /dev/sda120:33
Chesamoyou mounted it onto /mnt?20:34
ChesamoThat's.... unusual20:34
CtrlAltmmh... why?20:35
ChesamoWell, the convention is to mount devices into folders inside /mnt, not /mnt itself20:36
hobgoblinI often just mount in /mnt when I'm doing a quick job in a livecd :)20:39
CtrlAltyeah, but i don't need to mount any other device... anyway, i don't think that's the problem :)20:39
CtrlAltthst's it, hobgoblin :)20:40
hobgoblinI guess this is grub220:41
CtrlAltyes, it is20:41
ChesamoAh. Grub2 is weird20:41
CtrlAltyes, it is :P20:41
* hobgoblin loves that one ... 20:41
hobgoblinI usually follow the wiki for reinstalling grub2 - it's worked everytime for me20:42
hobgoblinCtrlAlt: have you seen that?20:42
CtrlAltno, i've been searching for the error20:43
hobgoblinhang on20:44
CtrlAlti mean, grub is installed and it was woring20:44
CtrlAlt*working perfectly20:44
hobgoblinyea - if you've moved partitions about it might have got lost now that it's uber complicated :)20:44
CtrlAlti thought i could get it working  "quickly" by running udate-grub, but...20:46
phillwCtrlAlt: if you've *really* confused grub, then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484363 may be of help to you.20:49
CtrlAltthe kernels are there, but they were in /dev/sda6, which now doesn't exist. and since /boot/grub/grub.cfg is still the old one and it can't be updated....20:53
Chesamodelete the old one.20:54
ChesamoOr rename it to grub.cfg.old20:54
ChesamoWait, GRUB2 uses special modular files... have you looked into that? I think the old location of the kernels is still in the GRUB configuration20:55
CtrlAlti'll try reinstalling it following the wiki, reboot and tell you how it went ok? :)20:58
CtrlAltoh wait21:00
CtrlAlti already did that21:00
CtrlAltwell i'll try again, wish me luck :P21:01
CtrlAltyes, it worked! :D21:07
CtrlAltnow, i'm just wondering that i maybe forgot to flag /dev/sda1 as bootable and the other error was just completely unrelated; as i rebooted (and grub2 loaded :) ), all the old partition were still showed on the menu... or were they supposed to be there after reinstalling?21:11
hobgoblinthey shouldn't be there I think - if you are in the installed OS now try running update-grub again see if they go now21:12
CtrlAlti already did it :)21:12
CtrlAltnow everything is (or should be) ok21:13
hobgoblinand they still show?21:13
hobgoblinoic :)21:13
CtrlAltno, only the two kernels of this partition and memtest21:13
hobgoblinyea - I was catching up and typing as I read lol21:15
ZachK_sup team21:15
CtrlAlthehe ok hobgoblin... ah, again on my desktop... :)21:17
hobgoblinI hate grub errors - never sure whether it'll work till you reboot :)21:18
hobgoblinand I'm not usre if supergrub works with grub2 yet either - though I do like the option to add an iso to the grub menu now - I have partedmagic in my list :)21:19
hobgoblinI shall have to see if it does and I'll add that one as well :)21:19
CtrlAltuntil now, i've installed ubuntu on three machines.... i've had a different grub error on each one of them -.-21:21
hobgoblinheh - you should be an old hand then :)21:22
hobgoblinand hi ZachK_21:22
ZachK_hey hobgoblin21:22
hobgoblinlogs look better now ZachK_ ;)21:23
ZachK_hobgoblin: thanks21:28
ZachK_hobgoblin: bluefish came in handy for that thing21:28
ZachK_so how ya been?21:29
hobgoblinI couldn't remember what it was off the top of my head - !# something or other21:30
hobgoblinI'm good - just chilling out - about ot shut down for the day :) been a long one - summer is here - I wake with the sun :(21:30
ZachK_yeah me too....21:30
hobgoblinspring and autumn are ok - I'd be waking up that that time anyway - more or less :)21:31
hobgoblinin the winter I am like a bear with a sore head for a couple of hours21:31
=== Mann-mit-dem-Gli is now known as Mann-mit-Glied
CtrlAltwhat does the & mean in "&I'd love to be translated" ?23:15
=== severity1 is now known as zz_severity1
geirhaIn qt apps, the & signifies the mnemonic23:24
geirhaFor instance, If a menu option is "E&xit", then hitting Alt+x on the keyboard will trigger it.23:26
CtrlAltok thanks :)23:35
dragondongreetings all.  Anyone good with Banshee?  Ned to understand why there are duplicate imports from audio cds that are 2 seconds shorter?23:52

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