
=== BUGa_Alice_in_WL is now known as BUGa_KickAss
ddecatorwhat the...03:12
ddecatormicahg: i feel like this is something obvious, but it looks like the build fail is due to 'pushd components > /dev/null' producing a 'pushd: not found' not sure why...03:17
ddecatoroh, that's at the point where i switched 'sh' to 'bash'...03:20
ddecatori wonder if i switch it back to bash it will work (for w/e reason)03:21
ddecatorthat would explain why i did it before, haha, we'll see if it works03:22
ddecatormicahg: yup, that's why i changed it04:25
ddecatorhm, i think the patch i have may in fact be the best way to handle it...04:47
ddecatormicahg: i added the patches to the branch and pushed it. i'm trying to check loggerhead to make sure the patches are in there, but it's not working atm. the patch i'm not sure about is the taglib directory fix. without it, the scripts look in /deps/checkout/ instead of just /deps/ for some reason05:02
micahgddecator: k05:02
ddecatorthe patch works, just not sure if it's the best way to fix the issue...05:02
micahgddecator: I'll review the patches later this week05:02
micahgneed to go to sleep soon05:02
ddecatormicahg: sounds good, let me know if i need to change anything05:03
micahgddecator: k, thanks05:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
* BUGabundo_remote says Hi... to the rain :[09:02
ftaBUGabundo_remote, no rain here, but it's coming10:52
fta26°C, a bit less than yesterday10:52
BUGabundo_remote18ºC here10:54
BUGabundo_remotewas 27º on Sunday10:54
ftai'm further north than you are, should be the opposite ;)10:55
ftaBUGabundo_remote, http://svnsearch.org/svnsearch/repos/CHROMIUM/search?revision=4810710:56
ftamdeslaur, wow.. not sure i can do that myself. some look possible, but imho, upstream should do that. btw, how are we supposed to fill up that page?13:44
mdeslaurfta: I'm actually working on it now, so no worries13:45
mdeslaurfta: mozilla gives clear indication what CVEs they fix13:45
mdeslaurfta: google, unfortunately, don't seem to care13:45
ftamdeslaur, i know, i've already requested that from google, they added my request as "+1" to obtain internal resources13:46
mdeslaurfta: oh, that's good news13:46
mdeslaurfta: I'll update the bug once I've finished researching the CVEs13:47
ftamdeslaur, based on the svn rev id you have in the bugs and/or cves, that shouldn't be too hard to fill up the blanks13:47
mdeslaurfta: yeah, it's going pretty good so far13:48
mdeslaurI'm not supposed to be doing this since chromium-browser is in universe, but I'll do it this time so we catch up13:48
ftamdeslaur, iirc, the plan is to have it in main for UNE, so it will be the exact same work for lucid/universe13:50
ftai mean, no additional work13:50
ftarickspencer3, ^^ is that right? or did i misunderstood something?13:51
mdeslaurfta: yeah, that's part of the reason why I'm doing it now.13:51
ftamdeslaur, what do you mean by "needed"? and what's the color code for?13:55
fta(a legend would be nice to have in the page)13:56
mdeslaurfta: color is here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/priority.html13:57
mdeslaurfta: "needed" means the package is vulnerable and needs an update13:57
mdeslaurfta: but, let me work through it first, as it may be wrong13:57
ftamdeslaur, ok, i'll have a closer look at the results then. let me know when you're done.13:58
fta30°C+ here, i need a break13:59
ftamicahg, sorry to spam you with those user requests ;)14:37
micahgfta: I'm sorry you still get them ;)14:45
ftamdeslaur, do you care about cve *before* 556?15:18
mdeslaurfta: I don't think so...we didn't have chromium in our repo before then15:21
gnomefreakwell here goes nothing :/15:54
gnomefreakwell at least chomium still works right15:57
gnomefreakcant do this today. see everyone later maybe tomorrow if not later today15:58
micahgchrisccoulson: asac: DMB meeting now16:00
chrisccoulsonmicahg - which channel is it?16:01
micahgchrisccoulson: yep16:01
fta"Google Chrome 5.0.375.55 has been released to the Stable channel for Linux, Mac and Windows."16:34
ftamdeslaur, asac, jcastro: ^^16:35
mdeslaurfta: that's good news16:36
jcastromdeslaur: ok throw away all your work today and put that in instead.16:38
* jcastro runs16:38
mdeslaurjcastro: once fta gets it in maverick, we can upload a package to lucid -proposed, etc.16:39
ftamdeslaur, it's already cooking in the beta ppa (since 22nd), i will release it to maverick shortly16:40
ftabut you can publish what you have for lucid, no need to wait if the work has already been done16:41
mdeslaurfta: it's already been pushed to -proposed. Once that happens, someone need to comment in the bug that it's been tested successfully, and then the ubuntu-sru team will push it to -updates.16:43
ftamdeslaur, good. will the cve web page auto-update?16:47
mdeslaurfta: yes...It gets updated every 3 hours, so it will soon16:52
mdeslaurfta: how did you determine that CVE-2010-1665 was r40445? the commit doesn't look like it has anything to do with the CVE description...16:53
ubot4mdeslaur: Google Chrome before does not properly handle fonts, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) and possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-1665)16:53
ftamdeslaur, i checked when the commit landed, and where16:55
ftausing the chromium bug16:56
mdeslaurfta: you have access to bug #42294?16:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 42294 in kpowersave (Ubuntu) "kpowersave eats huge amounts of RAM over time." [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4229416:56
ftamdeslaur, yes, i'm in their security team16:57
mdeslaurfta: but r40445 was applied to trunk, not to 342...16:59
mdeslaurfta: this, right? http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=4044516:59
ftahm, weird. let me re-check17:04
ftaso 375r4559417:06
ftatarget is 5.0.375.38~r46659 so it's fine17:06
ftawill update the bug17:08
ftait's also in 249r45544 which is not important for us17:12
ftacrimsun, hi, do you have a fix for my p-a crash? or a hint about which part of the last update i could drop (locally)?17:59
chrisccoulsonfta - awesome - so, we get properly controlled security updates now?18:36
ftachrisccoulson, we did already, but now, it should be easier to track18:41
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, it will be easier. i spoke to evmar at UDS about security updates, and it looks do-able, although we won't get the nice long beta test period we currently enjoy with mozilla18:42
ftabut we will sure get less updates18:42
chrisccoulsonfta - do you know if there will be another major stable update before maverick release? if not, then we should consider tracking the stable channel in the archive now18:43
chrisccoulsonelse we will end up in the same situation again once maverick is released18:43
ftachrisccoulson, imho, parallel channels are better than point releases18:43
ftachrisccoulson, most probably yes.18:44
ftafor now, i'm waiting for http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/ to move before i close the maverick release18:45
chrisccoulsonfta - awesome18:45
ftabbs, going for a short ride before it rains18:46
chrisccoulsoni see you did a lucid update a little while ago. when we get the first security update from the stable branch, we can put that in lucid too18:46
chrisccoulsonfta - ok, enjoy :)18:46
ftachrisccoulson, btw, i advise you to subscribe to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels if you want to receive notifications18:48
ftachrisccoulson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/439467/ (windows got a few stable updates recently)18:49
mdeslaurfta: btw, the html CVE table got updated19:09
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
dupondjeseems to be like https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55911019:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 562802 in firefox (Ubuntu) "xorg use cpu 100% sometime with firefox (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:39
ubot4dupondje: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Mozilla: timed out (http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/xml.cgi?id=559110)19:39
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_Bones
BUGabundo_Bonesfta: can your browser open this? http://㐃蔁.sl.pt20:37
BUGabundo_Boneschromium FINALLY fix utf820:38
BUGabundo_Bonescan your browser open this? http://%u3403%u8501.sl.pt20:48
kbrosnandamn one image on that page is 3.5 MB20:49
BUGabundo_Bonesdumb ppl20:56
BUGabundo_Bonesthe entire site is 25MBs20:56
DASPRiDserver not found21:18
DASPRiDah, first link works21:18
DASPRiDpretty huge pake, took 4 seconds to load!21:18
DASPRiDi really need more than 100mbit :)21:19
=== BUGabundo_Bones is now known as BUGabundo_Chuck
DASPRiDbtw i'm wondering, when are the css 3 specifications going to make it final? i'd like to get rid of all those -vendor-prefixes21:19
ftamdeslaur, the $1 question, should i document some CVE as fixed between 5.0.375.38~r46659 and 5.0.375.55~r47796?21:23
mdeslaurfta: I don't think any security issues were fixed between r46659 and r47796...21:27
ftamdeslaur, ok, good, so it will be mostly "minor crash and stability fixes"21:28
ftaquoting upstream21:28
mdeslaurfta: sure...and this time, it will go directly to -proposed with an SRU process, instead of going through security21:28
ftamdeslaur, what's the difference for me?21:29
ftabtw, the security team is supposed to keep that up to date: http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/chromium-security-bugs21:30
mdeslaurfta: looks like they haven't updated that since February :(21:31
ftamdeslaur, that's why i said "supposed to"21:31
mdeslaurfta: :)21:31
micahgchrisccoulson: so at least the package set will get created now :)21:43
ftamdeslaur, not sure, should i use lucid-proposed or lucid-updates for the new version?21:44
mdeslaurfta: lucid-proposed21:44
mdeslaurfta: this is the process that needs to be done since that update doesn't have security fixes in it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=show&redirect=MOTU%2FSRU21:45
ftamdeslaur, chromium-browser (5.0.375.55~r47796-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) lucid-proposed; urgency=low ?21:45
mdeslaurfta: looks good21:46
ftamdeslaur, and should i include the src tarball (which i already uploaded to maverick).. not sure if it's build isolated or not21:49
ftadamn, SRU bug number, i forgot21:50
ftalast time, we said it was no longer needed for chromium21:50
ftaor was is for +1 only? i don't remember21:51
ftaasac, ^^ ?21:51
mdeslaurfta: since the package for bug #584016 is already in -proposed, you need to wait until someone verifies it and it gets moved to -updates before you upload another one to -proposed21:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 584016 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "security update available for chromium (affects: 1) (heat: 262)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58401621:52
ftamdeslaur, yeah, i'll wait then21:53
mdeslaurfta: I'll test it right now, and add the appropriate comment for ubuntu-sru so they can push it out21:54
mdeslaurso...this is probably a dumb question...but how do I add a bookmark in chromium?21:59
mdeslauroh, the star21:59
mdeslaurwow, that's non-obvious21:59
BUGabundo_Chuckfta: "Chamamos, por isso, especial atenção para os cidadãos que possuam o sistema operativo Mozzila Firefox"22:13
BUGabundo_Chuckseems Firefox is now an OS too22:13
ftacan't read that22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckuse google tranlate :)22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckor learn another language :)22:14
ftai know 5 already22:14
BUGabundo_Chucksource http://www.portaldocidadao.pt/PORTAL/pt/Dossiers/DOS_alteracao+de+morada+no+cartao+de+cidadao.htm?passo=122:14
BUGabundo_Chuckoh you do? make it 6 :))22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckhow many of those aren't computer languages :P22:15
ftanone, i know more than 2 dozens of computer languages, most of them being obsolete :P22:16
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
BUGabundo_Chuckand then ppl redent to groups too mich22:46
BUGabundo_Chuckfta: u spammer :)22:46
ftadid i redent? i don't think so22:46
ftawho's doing the app indicator thingy now?22:58
ftain relation to gwibber22:58
ftachrisccoulson, ^^ ?22:58
chrisccoulsonfta - kenvandine ;)22:59
ftai still see "Set Up Broadcast account" even when gwibber is open22:59
ftawas the doing that in lucid too23:00
=== BUGabundo_Chuck is now known as BUGabundo_DrWho
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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