
mkarnickiI have a problem. I removed my machine from the web gui, and now even u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c doesn't help. When I go to meMenu -> Ubuntu One, when it show's up the data (when it connects), the window disappears01:30
duanedesignhello mkarnicki01:39
duanedesignmkarnicki: you removed your machine from one.ubuntu.com/account/machines ?01:40
mkarnickiperhaps I should have used the 'disconnect' button from the memenu -> u101:41
mkarnickilet me check how are things, I had to reboot01:41
mkarnickiyep.. the ubuntu-preferences (I think it's called like that) disappears01:42
mkarnickiduanedesign: I was experimenting, not that this is a very imporant issue. but it might be a bug.01:43
duanedesignmkarnicki: ok i think....01:44
duanedesignmkarnicki: c could you run this command and see if it works01:46
duanedesigngnome-keyring-daemon; ubuntuone-preferences01:46
duanedesignmkarnicki: there has been a keyring bug that has prevented the Prerences from opening01:47
mkarnickiwill do01:47
mkarnickiduanedesign: oops.. 3 config-like lines, and.. Segmentation fault01:48
mkarnickiand my android U1 app stopped to work, lol xD01:48
duanedesignIs the Ubuntu One token still in  Applications > Accessories > Password and Encryption Keys01:48
mkarnickiwill check01:48
duanedesignoh no :/01:48
mkarnickiyes, it's there01:49
mkarnickiI've got also a python script to extract it, so it's there.01:49
mkarnickiwhat else can I check to leave some trace for this seg fault01:50
* mkarnicki wonders how could his android app stop to work just like that..01:50
mkarnickiand now it works (the android app) o_O I wonder if it had anything to do with the servers..01:53
duanedesignmkarnicki: mkarnicki there should be some better way to handle having the machiine removed and the keyring still there. Or remove the Token when the machine is removed01:55
mkarnickiduanedesign: right.. it should have removed the token by itself, if I removed it from the web UI. shouldn't it?01:56
mkarnickido you think that removing the token will solve the issue?01:56
mkarnickiI can try01:57
duanedesignmkarnicki: it should. But it doesnt.01:57
duanedesignmkarnicki: yes it should01:57
duanedesignremoving the token should then prompt you to add your computer01:57
duanedesignwhen you open U1 from Me Menu01:57
mkarnickiI'll try that. brb01:57
mkarnickiduanedesign: lovely!!! now I know how to tell U1 the name of the phone via the URL :D ..TZcZ&description=hapu (hapu is my laptop)01:59
mkarnickiduanedesign: how do you say in english, one shot - two good things happened :D01:59
duanedesignmkarnicki: kill two birds with one stone02:01
mkarnickiduanedesign: we just killed two birds with one stone :D thanks pal! (by the way, that metaphor is nasty xD )02:01
mkarnickiduanedesign: I did all this to see that URL, so that when the Android phone user logs in, he'll see "AndroidU1"/his phone model/or something, in the Computer name field automatically :)02:03
duanedesignmkarnicki: you know I never thought about it, but that is kind of a violent metaphor :P02:05
mkarnickiduanedesign: heheh :D (and by the way, &description=myappname works nice :) )02:07
mkarnickiduanedesign: in Poland, we say something like: 'to cook to roasts over one fire' (but that is naturally word-by-word translation)02:18
mkarnickito cook *two roasts over one fire02:18
mkarnickiit's less violent I think ;D02:18
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Guest75464I saw a few things out there asking if there was webdav for ubuntu one but no real anwsers03:23
Guest75464so...is there? could it be done?03:23
duanedesignGuest75464: i think it is something that is definetly being talked about. I have heard  of no concrete plans to do that at this point though03:24
Guest75464hm well webdav access to such services seems to be in demand right now03:24
Guest75464I think it'd be a smart way to go03:24
Guest75464and if they don't, people will start probing into how it's built, and how to use an api to access03:25
Guest75464that's what's happened with other storage services that didn't offer direct webdav support03:25
Guest75464lmao just hit sync from gnome file browsing, it crashed03:27
Guest75464hm and ubuntu one from my indicator applet does nothing03:29
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firewall03I am having problems getting ubuntu one to work with the netbook remix distro05:31
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otto__Hello! I've bought two albums from U1 music store and everything is fine except for one song that does not transfer from store to cloud. When I click to download the song "Baby [You've Got What It Takes] [with Sharon Jones & Dap-Kings]" (by Michael Bublé on album Crazy Love) in the Rhythmbox U1 music store interface, the page just reloads but no transfer is started. Can anyone help me with this?08:38
otto__In the download list it reads "This song was deleted or moved from your Library. You can <download it again> 2 more times." When I click on the link, the page just refreshes, but not download is started. On other songs the link worked fine.08:40
otto__I just tried it again, so there might be something in your logs visible a few minutes back.08:41
directhexotto__, is it on disk, in .ubuntuone ?08:48
otto__No. The file is only in the music store. Not on the disk and not in the cloud (not visible from the web interface). The problem is that the file does not transfer from the music store to my U1 account.08:48
jameshotto__: aquarius might be able to diagnose the problem when he is up.08:53
aquariusotto__, hiya08:53
aquariusI'll take a look at that for you08:54
otto__aquarius: Thanks! btw, I'm an developer and I can run whatever diagnostic commands you want on my computer..08:55
aquariusotto__, sadly, if the song's not appearing in your personal cloud, then your computer hasn't entered into the equation yet; it's a problem on the Ubuntu One servers. I'm just grabbing the logs now08:56
otto__aquarius: Did you find anything?09:16
aquariusstill waiting for the logs to process (we have a lot of logs from people buying music :))09:17
aquariusotto__, when did you buy this song?09:26
aquarius(I'm having difficulty finding a record of it :( )09:26
otto__aquarius: Your Ubuntu One Music Store receipt, Order Date/Time  : 30/04/2010 20:07:4609:29
aquariusaha, it was a while back, that would explain why it's not in the recent logs ;)09:29
aquarius(see PM for a question)09:30
otto__aquarius: Yes but I've been clicking on the download link several times for the last weeks. I've been hoping that somebody would have fixed it, but no luck yet..09:31
directhexone of the signs of a madman is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results09:31
aquariusotto__, yeah, something strange is going on there, then. I'm trying to track down your purchase record09:32
otto__directhex: ;)09:37
otto__I just installed gtk-recordmydesktop and made a video of the problem: http://otto.kekalainen.net/attachments/u1-music-store-download-link-error.ogv Sometimes a picture or a video tells more that a thousand words..09:38
aquariusotto__, see PM for a question09:39
aquariusotto__, OK, I'd like you to try something. Quit Rhythmbox. open a terminal window, and run "rhythmbox -D U1", which will start Rhythmbox again. Then go back to your My Downloads list in the music store, and try clicking that "download it again" link. (It should continue to not work.) Then copy the output from the terminal into paste.ubuntu.com so I can take a look at it?09:42
aquariussomething is tripping up on that one song, for reasons I don't understand.09:42
aquariuswhen you tell it "download this again", it's not *actually* downloading it again.09:43
aquariusOK, I see the bug.09:51
otto__maybe the url https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/library?force=Michael%20Bubl%C3%A9/Crazy%20Love/Baby%20[You%27ve%20Got%20What%20It%20Takes]%20[with%20Sharon%20Jones%20&%20the%20Dap-Kings].mp3 has forbidden strings ([ and ])?09:52
aquariusit's because the & in "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings" isn't escaped09:53
* aquarius grumbles. It should be, though. That's weird.09:54
otto__Also [ and ] should be %5B and %5D.09:54
aquariusyeah. the escaper isn't escaping everything.09:55
aquariusah, it's escaping it for HTML display, not for URLs.09:55
otto__When I look at the page source, it reads <a href="library?force=Michael Bublé/Crazy Love/Baby [You&#39;ve Got What It Takes] [with Sharon Jones &amp; the Dap-Kings].mp3">download it again</a>09:56
aquariusyep, which is wrong.09:57
aquariusI'm escaping it and I should be URL-encoding it.09:57
aquariusgood catch, otto__09:58
otto__I ran manually https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/library?force=Michael+Bubl%E9%2FCrazy+Love%2FBaby+%5BYou've+Got+What+It+Takes%5D+%5Bwith+Sharon+Jones+%26+the+Dap-Kings%5D.mp3 but that didn't work either..09:59
aquariustry %C3%A9 instead of %E9 for é10:01
otto__I also tried https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/library?force=Michael+Bubl%E9%2FCrazy+Love%2FBaby+%5BYou&#39;ve+Got+What+It+Takes%5D+%5Bwith+Sharon+Jones+&amp;+the+Dap-Kings%5D.mp3 with your html entities, but that didn't work.10:01
otto__not working: https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/library?force=Michael+Bubl%C3%A9Crazy+Love%2FBaby+%5BYou've+Got+What+It+Takes%5D+%5Bwith+Sharon+Jones+%26+the+Dap-Kings%5D.mp310:02
otto__WORKS!!: https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/library?force=Michael+Bubl%C3%A9%2FCrazy+Love%2FBaby+%5BYou've+Got+What+It+Takes%5D+%5Bwith+Sharon+Jones+%26+the+Dap-Kings%5D.mp310:03
otto__Downloading.. :)10:03
aquariuswrong Unicode encoding in your original try, mi compadre :)10:03
aquariussuper :)10:03
otto__I've paid for my albums and I pay for my U1 subscription, so I guess you'll fix this and file the bugs etc and my part of the job is now done?10:04
aquariusI have just written a branch which should fix this bug; it will be a few days before it's deployed so that everyone gets the benefit, but we've now solved your problem, and thank you very much for the help :)10:04
aquariuswell, your part of the job is done except that you should have a nice warm feeling that you helped me fix it for everyone else :)10:05
otto__I've also got the problem that my U1 folders do not seem to sync always when they should, but now I need to get some lunch. Maybe I'll complain about that later in case the corresponding bug reports don't get fixed in a resonable time (e.g. #426930,  #571548)10:08
otto__Thanks for you help and keep up the good work! Everything is not perfect now, but I have confidence that everything around Ubuntu gets better every day. One day we'll also fix the bug #1 ;)10:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 17 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 408) (heat: 2246)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110:10
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daubersHello, is there any update on the music store bug that prevents music being transferred to the storage?10:41
buxHello =)10:42
buxSorry for my english, someone have a problem to sync with ubunto one today ? I can't sync my files, and ubuntu store music bought today10:43
duanedesignmorning all11:43
snielsenso how about ubuntuone sync status? lots of old messages claiming contacts sync is disabled, but no status updates anywhere. My Ubuntuone client claims to have "Finished synchronisation", however, my evol ubuntu one address book is still empty (I just reinstalled a few days ago only to realize AFTER reinstall that uone sync was not working. Never got any notice of that before acrtually realizing it wont sync to my newly setup 12:52
ryesnielsen, hi, currently replication is disabled, let me dig into the mail now to see what's the current status12:56
snielsenuone client REALLY needs some update FAST to provide users with correct status info. As i did not subscribe to some uone mailing list or twitter feed, I never ever got any notice of sync being disabled as i actually use it on 1 pc only right now, though it was stable enough by now to use it as some kind of backup as you advertise quite heavy on this feature. ;)13:00
snielsen...thought it was.. i mean13:00
dobeythat is exactly why i did not want to put the status in ubuntuone-preferences13:59
ryedobey, i believe the fact that couchdb is somehow attached to the service, not being seen as an integral part causes this. Indication is okif it shows all the picture.14:03
dobeyrye: no, the cause is we have no way to get replication status from couchdb, and it doesn't happen with every change. it's on a timeout14:04
dobeyit's purely technical issues14:05
dobeyalbeit somewhat difficult to solve14:05
Panda_OliHey all, anyone available for some couchdb, desktop couch troubleshootin? im ok skilled with terminal14:43
ryePanda_Oli, are you trying to fix local issue or find our the reason why replication does not work?14:55
ryereplication is disabled at the moment so clients cannot connect14:55
Panda_Olirye, thanks for the info, i didnt know that. Actually, i was trying to setup my couchdb to "autostart" when i boot.14:56
ryePanda_Oli, i.e. when you log into the session?14:57
Panda_Olirye, yeah... it's because i've messed with this way too much than i should have... but maybe it's not the right time to mess around with this since replication is disabled14:57
ryePanda_Oli, http://paste.ubuntu.com/439361/14:59
Panda_Olii got disconnected, im back14:59
ryePanda_Oli, http://paste.ubuntu.com/439361/15:00
ryePanda_Oli, i have this script in my startup applications15:00
Panda_Olirye, that's exactly what i needed i think15:01
Panda_Olirye, i wonder how to set it up as a startup script though...15:02
ryePanda_Oli, if you need a full-fledged couchdb server, then it is very different. desktopcouch is aimed to have couchdb per-user15:04
Panda_Olii just need basic for desktopcouch15:04
Panda_Olii just dont want to always do $dbus-send --session --dest=org.desktopcouch.CouchDB --print-reply --type=method_call / org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.getPort15:05
Panda_Olito get it started15:05
ryePanda_Oli, the script what i gave you can be added to startup, it does basically the same15:07
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bibornwhen will ubuntu one sync service fixed?15:14
Panda_OliThanks Rye15:15
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Panda_OliSo replication is down server-side right?15:55
Panda_OliResourceNotFound: ('db_not_found', 'could not open https://couchdb.one.ubuntu.com/xxxxxxx/')15:56
ryePanda_Oli, yes15:58
Panda_Olirye, thx15:58
appu226hi ... i just create a subscribed on ubuntu one16:04
appu226i'm unable to locate the "add your computer" page16:04
appu226any help?16:04
appu226ah.. sorry... ignore :-)16:05
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jr6yujw46can i have help please?23:17
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rotten777Trying to remove folders from the u1 sync daemon, it just hangs up.. anyone awake?23:35
askhawkI need help23:40
askhawkanybody out there?23:42
duanedesignaskhawk: hello23:58

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