
abstraktanyone awake :)01:12
abstraktlooking for anyone here who has successfully done a simple video montage by putting clips of video to music01:13
abstraktfor example01:13
abstraktcuz that's what i am trying to do, but kino doesn't seem to have any features for doing this01:13
rlameirotry openshot or pitivi01:14
abstraktok yeah pitivi has the audio+video sequencing01:15
abstraktnow the tricky part :)01:15
abstrakthow can i crop01:15
rlameirowell i dont know01:16
abstrakte.g. have 4 different vid clips playing in e.g. four "boxes"01:16
rlameirobut i should be easy01:16
rlameirowhen i did video plus audio i used xjadeo only for the video and edited the audio on ardour01:17
abstraktright well i already recorded a song in ardour01:17
abstraktso that's done, that was a fairly decent experience, ardour is nice01:17
abstraktwill be nicer when it has midi, but fundamentally i don't want to be making midi music anyway01:18
rlameirowell import the audio to pitivi01:18
abstrakti guess maybe i need openshot now, don't think pitivi will crop01:18
rlameiroand the video01:18
abstraktyeah i already did that01:18
abstraktthat'll be fine, but now i need to crop/collage/montage01:18
rlameiroi think i used openshot01:18
abstrakte.g. multiple clips in the same vid01:18
abstraktk i'll try openshot next01:18
rlameiroyeap, maybe openshot suit best01:18
rlameirosleep time now01:19
rlameirocya and good luck01:19
abstraktcomes with 10.04 but not 9.10 :(01:19
abstraktwell pooh01:19
=== acerimmer_ is now known as acerimmer
abstraktok so now that i've created my video in openshot05:02
abstrakti wanted to export it as h264 and mp305:02
abstraktand, probably, flv05:02
abstraktbut if i choose flv then i only see h263 in the other list05:03
abstraktwhat's up with that?05:03
bawwwdoes ubuntustudio have repositories that are more upto date for multimedia applications ?08:13
bawwwor video editing software?08:13
astraljavabawww: Ubuntu Studio uses the same repositories than Ubuntu vanilla, so no external repos with more up-to-date applications, sorry.08:26
mawstOh word.13:18
mawstAnyone know if theres a PC keyboard controllable virtual midi I can use with energyxt?13:18
psidrumanyone know if theres a gnome applet that connects to google bookmarks14:16
psidrumwhat does the Enable Nice option in Ubuntu Studio Controls mean?15:00
VehementStarThat explains it better than I could attempt to right now :)15:02
psidrumok thnks, whats the recommended nice for running music apps15:07
VehementStardepends on what else you have running on the machine15:07
VehementStarand how much power you really have15:07
VehementStarI wouldn't mess with it unless I needed to15:07
psidrumdual core, just wondering since im running a RT kernel and i set jack to RT and i get more xruns than when im using softmode in generic kernel15:08
VehementStarAre you seeing high utilization and load?15:09
VehementStarI don't think nice will help you, then.15:10
VehementStarHowever, it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.15:11
VehementStaryou may be able to improve overall performance, but I doubt it.15:11
VehementStarthe guys in #jack may be able to help, too15:11
artisanI had a strange experience the last 2 hours :)19:41
artisanI had blacklisted snd_hda_indel to have my ews88mt as primary soundcard with no interference19:41
artisanafter reboot, I booted into -rt kernel for testing, I experiened horrable x-lags19:42
artisanafter trying everything with nvidia drivers / compiz / metacity $whatever, I just un-blacklisted snd_hda_intel and19:42
artisanvoila, all is back to normal.19:42
artisanit seems pulseaudio was hogging the system.19:42
artisanI suppose it had something to do with the intel card being selected in the pulse audio settings.19:43
artisannow wanting to switch those setting to the ews88mt I had to realize, that the hardware tab in sound preferences just lists no card at all19:44
artisan(should be three: onboard intel, ews88mt & bt848 tv card)19:44
artisanhow do i start to debug here?19:45
artisanargl. this pulse audio will kill me one day .. garl20:53
artisanit is unbelievable. once pulse has a problem and doesn't start properly, the whole system lags like not see nbefore20:59
artisanhtop shows nothing, but the whole X is lagging like hell20:59
artisananyone here familiar with this pulseaudio mess?21:11
Reabyhi, where can i find expander ladspa plugin for ardour which has sidechain option21:37
Reabyi found only one expander - at tap dynamics, but it lacks the sidechain21:40
holsteinhey Reaby21:52
holsteinhave you asked in #ardour ?21:52
holsteinalso, #opensourcemusicians21:53
Reabyjust asked at #ardour21:53
holsteinim sure there is one available21:53
holsteindid you talk to las Reaby ?21:53
Reabyholstein: nope, i got some tips from #ardour22:12
artisanok, so far I got pulse using my 8 channel card as default output. is it possible with pulse to have apps on selected outputs? (like on channel 1&2 and not 3-8?22:21
artisan(actually pulse puts the mplayer putput to all 8 channels)22:21
artisanor is that definitive a job for jack?22:21
holsteinJACK artisan22:24
holsteinthat should do it22:25
holsteinroute whatever you want really22:25
artisanholstein: ok, so, how do I integrate jack & pulse? (as there seems to be no real option to just uninstall pulse)22:27
artisanok, just wile testing, i got for the first time ever multiple pulse outputs into jack and multiple system captures into pulse :)22:33
artisanlooks good!22:33
holsteinartisan: in my lucid set upt22:34
holsteinand the way it should work22:34
holsteinpulse gets suspended when you start Qjackctl22:34
holsteinif you want to use pulse through jack22:35
holsteinyou want...22:35
artisanfunny though, that pulse has 8 sinks and sources and my ews88mt now has 12 captures and 10 playbacks (it is only 8 channels each in hw .. so I thought)22:35
holsteinat least you want to read about22:36
artisanyay, another approach :)22:36
holsteinjack-pulse bridge i think?22:36
holsteini havent tried it yet22:36
holsteinBUT i know it works22:36
artisanI have tried it a couple of times, but always pulse was on the wrong card, jack coughed somehow and went onto the same card.22:37
artisansuddenly with all my testing today, the multichannel card got card0 in alsa, and voila22:38
artisannow pulse-jack even works for me.22:38
artisanI never really understood why it didn't work :)22:38
artisannow it does and I won't touch it again, lol22:38
artisankxstudio is a fork of ubuntustudio?22:38
holsteinthats a whole different thing actually22:38
holsteinive never heard about a sucessful 2 card test22:39
artisanooops, you now what:22:39
holsteini got an 8 channel card too22:39
artisanexternal has 8, internal has 2 and tv card has 2 .. makes 1222:39
holsteinbut i just use it with JACK sans pulse22:39
holsteinartisan: nice :)22:39
artisanuh, funny :)22:40
artisannever knew it works22:40
holsteinkxstudio is pretty sweet22:40
artisan(have the falk-t-x ppa there, must be jack2 :)22:40
holsteinckeck it out22:40
holsteinand falktx hangs out in the ubuntu-devel channel and #opensourcmusicians22:40
artisanwhy is kxstudio not the same as ubuntustudio (lost track of dev efforts for ubuntustudio)22:41
artisangood to know!22:41
holsteinkx is just his22:41
artisanic, and he is in ubuntustudio as well?22:41
holsteinfalk's personal project22:41
holsteinits lucid based22:41
holsteinyou can use his repos and cutom packages22:41
holsteinwith lucid22:42
artisanso I do, nice to get the latest development nicely packaged for testing :)22:42
holsteini havent done it yet22:43
holsteinBUT lots of folks say its solid22:43
holsteinand the guy is really on the ball it seems22:43
artisanwell, it looks solid .. 12 in 10 out .. o.O22:44
artisana thing everybody always said would never work.22:44
artisanbut hey, I expect samplerate problems :)22:44
artisanand no, there is no output on the onboard card :)22:45
holsteinthats awesome22:45
holsteinyou should check out the wiki over there at #opensourcemusicians22:45
holsteinif you feel like sharing that setup22:45
artisanhm, nah, actually there is *no* sound on the internal22:46
holsteinthats supppose to be the output card?22:46
artisannope, supposed output card is the 8 channel. which works22:47
holsteini gotcha22:47
holstein8 out22:47
artisanbut I was just curious and connected sound to the left over 12 channels22:47
holsteini got 8 in22:47
artisanyeah, and 8 in as well22:48
artisanbut there is actually 12 in in qjackctl and 10 out, which is funny22:48
holsteinmaybe some spidif out it doesnt know about?22:48
artisanhm, could be22:49
artisanthere are supposed to be some digital ins and outs I seem to have forgotten (and jack never showed them up before as well)22:51
holsteinwhat unit?22:51
artisanews88mt from terratec22:51
holsteingood to know22:52
holsteini bet you can get a used one now pretty reasonalbe22:53
holsteinwhats the latency like?22:53
artisanyeah, now I remember whats the tricky part with that setup ..22:56
artisanyou can't easily restart jack, as pulse freaks out22:56
holsteinwith that custom distro22:56
holsteinjackk is running at login22:57
artisanyeah, here too, but wanna change frames? reboot ..22:57
artisanI was working with 16ms latency, just wanted to test with 2ms22:58
holsteinnot bad22:58
artisanand now, with a freaking pulse, X isnt responding properly. hehe, i was trying all afternoon finding out why my system lags like hell, until i discovered pulse is the source for that22:59
artisanholstein: is there only reboot as a way to restart sound services in that kind of setup?23:00
holsteintheres a restart.d or seomthing23:00
holsteini cant remember though23:01
holsteini used jack_control -something23:01
holsteinthat didnt get pulse though23:01
artisanjack_control is a very good hint! thx23:02
* holstein cant remember....23:02
artisanhmm, dbus: jack server could not be started ..23:03
holsteinno other errors?23:03
holsteincan you kill it23:03
holsteinand start is with qjackctl in the terminal23:04
holsteinOR look that the 'massages' window23:04
holsteinin Qjack?23:04
artisan00:04:49.338 D-BUS: JACK server could not be started. Sorry23:05
artisanthats all23:05
holsteinsudo killall jackd ?23:06
holsteinmaybe something is still hanging on23:06
holsteinyou changes settings right?23:06
holsteini bet thats it23:07
artisanno jackd running, no pulse running.23:07
artisannew started qjackctl, yields the error above ..23:07
holsteinwhat changes did you make?23:08
artisanjust swithc from 256 frames/period to 3223:08
artisanbut, I believe it is a pulse issue23:08
artisansomeone is sitting on alsa23:08
artisanthat must be pulse23:08
artisanE: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-jack-sink" (argument: "channels=8"): initialization failed.23:10
artisanthats what pulse sez23:10
artisanbecause jack isnt running23:10
artisanjack i cant start, because there is something borked.23:10
artisanno sound apps running so far23:10
holsteindoesnt seem to want all your 8 channels now23:11
artisanfunny thouhg, starting jackd from cli works.23:13
artisanand pulse just started itself.23:14
artisanhm, to much automagic for me :)23:14
artisanholstein: ever tried different realtime kernels? https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa/23:35
artisanso, does one want lowlatency or realtime .. hmmmmm23:35
holsteini just use the RT one23:36
holsteinive used other distro's RT kernels23:36
artisanyey, I 'll try alesio's :)23:38
rlameiroartisan: it depends what you want to do with it23:38
rlameiroif you run a RT kernel on you laptop you will dry much faster the battery23:38
artisanusually i want to have a decent low latency for audio.23:38
artisanand on a lappi suspend would be fantastic.23:39
rlameirobut for what? f23:39
artisandj mixing23:39
rlameiroso you need RT maybe23:39
artisanto prevent xruns ..23:39
artisanwhy is rt using more battery?23:40
holsteinyou dont really need low latency though23:40
holsteinfor DJ'ing23:40
rlameirowell to prevent XRUNS low dow you latency23:40
rlameiroup your latency sorry23:40
rlameiroyou dont need 8 ms latency for djing23:40
holsteinif you dont need it, i wouldnt push it23:41
rlameiro20 ms is ok23:41
holstein60+ even23:41
holsteinwho cares23:41
holsteinyour not needing to sync up with anything23:41
rlameiroyeah, you are not worring if a frame drops or not, it doesnt matter for that job23:41
rlameiroand also RT kernel uses more power , because it is contantly assigning task and scheduling for audio usage or other usages23:42
rlameiroRT is for all the system :D23:42
artisanwell, but to use mixxx properly you need jack, jack without rt usually sucks alot23:48
rlameiroartisan: no it doesn23:48
rlameiroit works great with the generic kernel in 10.0423:48
artisannever experienced jack without rt running without xruns ..23:48
artisanjust tested on my t41p23:48
rlameiroi use it with ardour plus firewire sound interface plus Puredta and it works ok :D23:49
artisanmaybe the cpu with 1.7ghz single core pentium m isn't decent enough anymore for that kind of tasks :)23:49
rlameirothe last generic kernel on ubuntu, actually have some rt capabilities, or elese you couldnt use jack :D23:49
rlameiroand you configure jack at install time for that :D23:50
rlameiroartisan, maybe you need to increase the latency23:50
artisanrlameiro: hm, cant remember to have jack configured. otoh it was a dist upgrade ..23:51
rlameiroeither the frame/period or  period buffer23:51
rlameirowell, it should work23:51
artisanCannot lock down memory area (Cannot allocate memory)23:52
artisan00:52:27.670 XRUN callback (1).23:52
artisan**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 34.126 msecs23:52
artisanjust after starting jack with qjackctl23:52
holsteinthats a nasty one too23:53
artisan512 frames, 2 periods/buffer23:53
rlameirowell the settings did changed from 9.10 to 10.423:54
rlameirothe limits.conf is in diferent place for audio23:54
artisanhm, so do you think a pentium M 1.7ghz should be enough for mixxx/jackd without RT ?23:54
artisanoh. /etc/security/limits.conf or another one?23:54
rlameiroit changed in this release23:55
rlameirolet me digg up the help wiki23:55
rlameirothre is a note somewhere about it23:55
rlameiromaybe it didnt changed it on the dist upgrade23:57
rlameiroor you didnt accept the window that usualy appears on install time23:57
artisanack, it just took the settings from the former limits.conf23:57
rlameirowell put the buffer at 1024 :D23:59
rlameiroits my normal usage for playing stuff23:59

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