
blue_annaplease help00:00
blue_annaI gave up on my af9015 card, I've started a second time on a tv card that uses the em28xx drivers -- both drivers have built, but neither attach to their card when it is installed00:00
blue_annaand I have the latest hardware -- but there's scant little, virutally no results for em28xx support. these are both dvb drivers00:00
blue_anna** firmware, not hardware00:00
blue_annaI can't find any documentation for em28xx that's recent 00:01
blue_annathe modules load if I modprobe them, and after I did that the administration->hardware drivers found a firmware for me to download for my card, but still I get nothing from my card with that firmware installed00:13
blue_annaonline I found something saying that a different firmware was needed but its not working either00:14
blue_annaand I just tried removing the firmware that the system automatically installed and reloading the em28xx modules, but that didnt pick up either00:15
blue_annalsusb doesn't list any name for the hardware, like this is all it says right now: Bus 001 Device 029: ID 1d2c:1012  -- but there's like a million lines of output in lsusb -v for the device: http://pastebin.ws/6htngd00:19
reecefowellCan anyone tell me if i am correct in my understanding that programs must request a kernel write to the hdd on its behalf and that programs usually dont have access to the hdd to write to it on its own?01:04
cooloneymorning guys02:04
vanhoofogasawara: you may be my new best friend ;)02:18
ogasawaravanhoof: heh, I'm not sure if that's good or bad :)02:18
vanhoofogasawara: def good :)02:19
akgranerogasawara, be afraid if vanhoof is offering to be your bff....:-/  just sayin'02:20
vanhooflol thanks akgraner 02:20
akgraneropps inside voice  - I mean vanhoof is awesome... yeah that's what I meant :-)02:20
=== kamal is now known as kamal-away
greenfishwhere would i locate the debug kernel image for lucid 2.6.32?03:25
jk-greenfish: what debug info are you after?03:31
greenfishvmlinux compiled with debug symbols03:32
jk-not sure if there's a pre-built one; but most of the time you can get by with the symbol table & System.map03:37
pgranergreenfish: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/03:37
jk-oh, cool.03:37
pgranergreenfish: however the 2.6.32 ones broke for a long period03:37
pgranergreenfish: so I don't see them there03:37
pgranergreenfish: you might be outta luck03:37
greenfishyeah. thats tough for a sysadmin who needs to profile things...03:38
greenfishpgraner: i wasn't seeing them either03:38
pgranergreenfish: I know the build system for some reason was broke and I don't think we can go back and recreate, the next SRU kernel should have one tho03:40
jk-greenfish: what kind of profiling? 'perf'?03:40
pgranergreenfish: what are you trying to debug, normally full symbols is overkill as jk was saying03:40
greenfishpgraner: the tcp stack and memory management when certain applications in my stack are under extreme load03:41
pgranergreenfish: perf is prob a better tool or ftrace03:41
greenfishregardless of the tool, i'll need debug symbols to see what the kernel is doing03:43
pgranergreenfish: are you familiar with perf or ftrace? You don't03:43
greenfishperf might give me a call graph, but i'm much more familiar with oprofile03:43
pgranergreenfish: not much we can do, as I said we can't recreate if its not urgent you can wait for the next SRU kernel and it will have ddebs03:44
greenfishahh. where are the backups? ;)03:45
pgranergreenfish: they never got created, the build system was broke 03:45
greenfishyeah. tough to back that up then ;)03:45
pgranergreenfish: unfortunately we don't use ddebs that often and when we realized it was too late03:45
jk-greenfish: so you're looking for hot functions in the kernel?03:47
greenfishi see. there are 2.6.34 kernels in the ddebs pool. is that from maverick?03:47
greenfishjk-: perhaps. i just need a full stack profile of the system under specific loads.03:48
greenfishi'm not opposed to other tools, but i'd have to learn them before they would be useful to me03:48
pgranergreenfish: yes those are maverick kernels03:49
pgranergreenfish: if you install the maverick kernel and are experiencing the same issues you can use those ddebs to debug with the tools your familiar with03:49
pgranergreenfish: I'm running the maverick kernel on the lucid userspace with no issues on both desktop & server so I'd give it a go03:50
greenfishpgraner: terrific. can that be updated using apt with the right source and not interfere with non-kernel dependencies?03:52
jk-greenfish: perf should suit; `sudo perf record -a -f -g` and `perf report --call-graph -i perf.data`03:52
greenfishapologies for the silly question, ubuntu is not my primary distro03:52
greenfishor, alternatively, where can i find the build process for the 2.6.32 generic kernel? while the resulting binary may not be exactly the same, if i do a full build of both vmlinux, and vmlinuz then things should line up with little to no differences from the ubuntu build03:55
pgranergreenfish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/03:58
greenfishthanks again03:58
pgranergreenfish: then find the KnowledgeBase link and follow the link to build instructions03:58
pgranerjk-: you got video conf working yet....03:59
jk-pgraner: can set it up on my machine if you need03:59
jk-but putting it on a .mills host would be cool04:02
pgranerjk-: how much resource do you need, I can give you sudo on frylock if you want04:02
pgranerjk-: I'd like to see how well it works04:02
jk-pgraner: the server doesn't need much CPU04:03
pgranerjk-: ok, lemme add you to the sudoers 04:03
jk-yeah, happy to set it up for testing. it was just a hack for our virtual-coffee-machine calls though.04:04
vanhoofjk-: what'cha working on?04:21
jk-vanhoof: I hacked together a video conf server for our informal calls04:22
jk-just getting it set up on pgraner's machine04:22
pgranervanhoof: this way I can see your ugly mug04:23
vanhoofoh nice04:23
vanhoofpgraner: dont make me drive west :)04:23
vanhoofcan skype do more than 1:104:23
pgranervanhoof: bring it (and some friends)04:23
vanhoofpgraner: if by friends you mean jess, and my dogs sure :)04:24
vanhoofpgraner: http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs575.snc3/31375_389772562186_511662186_4512783_5162068_n.jpg04:24
vanhoof... a nightmare in the graner household lol04:25
pgranervanhoof: nope just something for murphy to play with04:25
vanhoofpgraner: does he get along w/ women? :)04:27
pgranervanhoof: yep04:27
* jk- out for a bit05:33
amitkcooloney: do you know anything about this on mx51? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/439766/08:14
amitkI'm trying to boot a mainline mx51 kernel08:15
amitkit looks related to the mdio code you were hacking on?08:15
cooloneyamitk: i posted 2 patches to upstream08:17
cooloneyamitk: but Andy Fleming who is the phylib maintainer has some concern08:18
amitkcooloney: patches to fix this issue?08:18
cooloneyi don't have hardware to do furthur development08:18
cooloneyamitk: i'm not sure about that. 08:19
cooloneyamitk: could you try my patch and test again08:19
cooloneylet me find the patch for you08:19
* smb yawns08:20
amitkcooloney: l-a-k?08:21
smbcooloney, Hi, just as info: boot is ok. If you can play around a bit, the better, but there is no real regression test plan for arm08:21
smbamitk, Morning08:22
amitkmoin smb 08:22
cooloneysmb: ok, got it. GrueMaster will help to test it on his hardware08:22
smbcooloney, Great, thanks!08:23
* smb goes back to his long checklist08:24
cooloneyamitk: i sent them out to netdev mailist08:25
cooloneyamitk: did you subscribe to that mail list?08:25
lagMorning smb08:27
lagMorning amitk08:28
amitkhi lag 08:28
smblHey lag08:28
amitkcooloney: I think not, but I'll find the archives08:28
* smb punches the backspace key harder08:28
cooloneyamitk: http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-kernel/2010/5/7/456689508:28
lagsmb: Has apw spoken to you regarding the new bug stuff yet?08:28
cooloneyamitk: i need rework on this patch, but don't have working hardware, so ......08:29
smblag, Nope. I assume neither to you then08:29
smblag, Guess we need to get back to him later08:29
lagsmb: Sure08:29
* apw looks blearly over his domain08:37
* smb and lag already wait in the shadows for apw to arrive08:37
amitkapw: you make a poor warlord if your desk is your domain08:38
smbcking, morning08:38
lagsmb: Speak for yourself ;)08:38
apwamitk, heh indeed08:38
* apw notes that 12 hours on linux armel is still building08:39
amitkI noted that, its surprising08:39
lagamitk: It worked for Churchill  08:39
apwamitk, why is it supprising?08:39
amitkapw: I'd thought 5+5 hrs08:39
apwit takes 6-7 hours to do 1 armel flavour, you added a new one yesterday08:39
amitkok, so it should be about done now08:40
apw5.5 for the build itself, plus packaging time, which is huge08:40
apwits in the last 30-40 mins yes08:40
apwthis brings up an issue we need to consider, for when you do get all arm branches in the same image08:41
apwwe can't afford to have a ton of flavours08:41
amitkby then (next 6 months), we will have ARM HW with 2GB RAM08:41
apwoh the build is 'done' we ar in pkg*mangler08:41
apwoh no, maybe not, seems to be back to linux-image now for versatile08:42
amitkwe're talking to vendors to give us faster disk though (sata connections)08:43
apwwe need some 64 way arm servers08:43
amitktalk to Martyn @ Smoothstone08:43
apwsadly adding omap probabally means we need to pull back all our freeze dates by a day08:44
apwas now you can only do 1 arm build a day not two08:44
amitkI wonder how hard it would be to hack our scripts to do cross-compile for testing automatically08:46
apwi do armel builds using crossbuilds primarily, but those don't seem to be able to make the tools side08:46
apwyou need one of those real cross-buildy qemu thingies08:46
amitk*automatic cross-compile for test-builds08:46
apwyou can do automated test builds using sbuild, though being qemu emulated its like 2:30 a flavour for me08:47
amitkapw: just for arm08:48
apwto tooling i am using for just building the linux-image, works using cross compilers for armel builds automatically08:49
apwand i just found sbuild, so am thinking on letting that be a backend08:49
apwits an interesting approach for all platforms, not tried it for performance on x86, though i assume its native speeds08:50
smblag, To reply to "pseaking for yourself". I meant the bug processing thingy. Though I completely trust you to speak for yourself there, too. :)08:50
apwthe nice thing about sbuild is it seems to be a pbuilder style 'auto install deps' kind of thing, and uses aufs to retain the virgin original chroot08:50
lagsmb: I was joking. I meant I wasn't cowering in the shadows awaiting the arrival of our overruling leader. ;)08:51
smblag, Ah you prefer the open attack. :-P08:52
* apw marshalls his forces08:52
lagsmb, apw: Full frontal! ;)08:53
cooloneyapw: how about using qemu running on x8608:53
* apw does not need any full frontal pictures at this time of day08:53
cooloneyand we native compile kernel for armel in qemu08:53
lagapw: Are we going to chat today about the new bug processes? We didn't really get chance yesterday did we?08:53
apwcooloney, that is what sbuilder does in this context.  2.5 hours a flavour still08:53
amitkapw: 2.5 hrs on emerald?08:54
apwthat was on a local box, a 4 way08:54
apwnot tried on emerald as yet08:54
cooloneyand if the x86 is very powerful, we can running several qemu instance and use dist-cc to distribute the building tasks to several qemu builder08:54
amitkcooloney: how many cores can qemu use effectively?08:55
apwcooloney, yes i really was trying to say even there its not 'instant', yes much better than the real h/w08:55
* abogani2 waves08:55
abogani2I'm wondering about ubuntu-debian.git. What it is useful for?08:55
* smb points to apw08:55
apwthough the performance on the real buildd is not guarenteed to be the same, not is the outcome08:55
cooloneyamitk: actually, i have no idea about that08:55
apwabogani2, its a respository for the master copy of the debian build machinary08:55
apwwe are cleaning up the disparate copies in all our trees over the next few weeks08:56
smbabogani2, But in general, it should become the source for what is in our debian directories08:56
apwso that they all behave the same08:56
apwthe main trees will retain their own copied, but they will be regularly updated from the common copy08:56
amitkabogani2: unified build policy across all releases08:56
apwas most changes there affect all releases and should be pushed out to all08:56
apwas they relate to archive behavour which is the same regardless of release age08:57
abogani2amitk, apw: Understand thanks.08:58
lag#ifdef DEBUG09:17
lag#define pr_devel(fmt, ...) \09:17
lagprintk(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)09:17
apwamitk, i see the armel build is in its 14th hour09:29
amitkstill packaging?09:30
apwyep, the dbg deps are bigger than the machine so it thrashes like  pig i am sure09:30
apwthey take many minutes on emerald09:30
apwlet alone a memory starved arm09:30
apwi have been saying arm takes 6-7 hours per falvour, and noone believes me09:31
smbalways whining... :-P09:31
apwamitk, what worries me, is now is the stage where it goes 'package foo not in control file, BANG'09:31
apwand throws away everything its done09:32
amitkyeah, I *hate* that09:32
apwmakes me want to cry09:32
ograhmm, there seems to be something weird in your package build scripts, omap4 didnt build because the code below only seems to detect omap but not omap409:45
ograimagelist=$(cat /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap4-2.6.33/debian/build/kernel-versions | grep ^armel | awk '{print $4}')09:45
ogra(thats right after "# unpack the kernels into a temporary directory")09:45
ograand results in: ls: cannot access ../linux-image-2.6.33-900-omap_2.6.33-900.1_armel.deb: No such file or directory09:45
* lag is ready to talk about 'moths in relays' with apw and smb09:46
* smb can join09:46
* apw gets tea09:47
cooloneyogra: ok, thanks, i think i missed something in the debian script stuff09:48
cooloneyogra: thanks, i forgot to replace omap to omap4 in debian.ti-omap4/d-i/kernel-versions.in10:00
cooloneyogra: will upload and build again, although it will take 6hrs to build10:01
ograah, perfect10:02
ograyeah, the babbage boards arent fast but reliable :)10:02
jjohansengood night *10:16
amitkapw: arm is done building10:25
amitkapw: all flavours of a single arch are built on the same machine, right?10:32
apwamitk, yes all flavours are built sequentially on one machine10:32
amitkapw: could that be split up in debian/ ? Or is that buildd backend magic?10:33
apwamitk, a source package is sequential per architecture, and single thread per architecture10:34
apwbut the point of your work is to make one kernel for all so we won't have an issue right10:34
apwamitk, i suspect if we end up with more than 2 arm flavours in 'master' we will have to do something like make two source packages out of the same master tree10:35
amitkapw: that work is still a year away realistically10:35
apwlinux and linux210:35
apwamitk, yep, but of course until you win that battle the arm variants are likely to remain branches, and their own packages, and threfore buildable in parallel10:36
apwamitk, so likely self limiting in a lot of senses10:36
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
cooloneyguys, my upload to arm PPA build failed, 11:14
cooloneyit is ti-omap4 kernel package, 11:14
cooloneyi build it successfully in my local machine11:14
cooloneybut it failed in our build system11:14
cooloneyso i fixed it in my kernel pakcage and wanna to reupload, but it was rejected because of my initial upload is there11:15
cooloneydo you guys know how to change my package version without bumping my kernel ABI?11:16
cooloneyapw, amitk and smb-afk ^^^11:16
apwadd build2 to the end of the version number11:16
ckingapw, why does that help?11:17
cooloneyapw: which file contains that version number i can change?11:18
apwcking, you have to increment version numbers in every upload11:19
apwcooloney, in the debian.<branch>/changelog11:19
cooloneyapw: oh, sh*t, i know that. 11:20
apwthe complaint is about the literal and total version number which must increment11:20
cooloneyapw: thanks11:20
apwso build2 is a common way, you can use build3 etc when it fails again11:20
apwthough as a general rule, where i am testing sometihng i will upload as -10.20 i use ~pre1 ~pre2 as i go and never use the real number11:20
apwallowing that to only appear in the main archive.  that way someone running my test version is decernable as against the official build11:21
cooloneyapw: ok, understood. so normally, for this change, will you commit it into the kernel git?11:22
cooloneyapw: i think we just change the name for upload11:22
apwcooloney, just for the upload yes11:25
cooloneyapw: thanks, man11:26
lagapw: bug 56988211:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 569882 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Suspend Lenovo Thinkpad X61 with card in SD card reader (affects: 3) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56988211:26
apwsmb-afk, this looks to be a duplicate of your MMC card crashy on suspend bug ... 11:27
apwbug #47710611:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 477106 in linux (Ubuntu) "[regression] lucid alpha-2 and earlier freeze upon suspend with sd card plugged in with some hardware (affects: 76) (dups: 15) (heat: 526)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47710611:27
* pgraner yawns and blinks11:44
apwmorning pgraner 11:47
pgranerapw: sup man?11:47
apwjust chilling ... nothing speical11:47
pgranerapw: Updated my primary desktop Maverick... and well I'm bleeding a bit, not called bleeding edge for nothing!11:49
apwpgraner, you are mad :)11:49
pgranerapw: not bad, other than I loose my mouse about once an hour and I have to reboot. X is working fine, keyboard, just the mouse locks up unplugging shows in demsg but X never picks it up again11:51
pgranerapw: and evolution keeps crashing on startup11:51
amitkpgraner: switched back to evo?11:52
apwmouse> interesting ... in lucid i am pretty sure i lose my mount and sometimes external keyboard but a USB unplug replug works there11:52
apwpgraner, i actually use a VT switch to 1 and back to restore them too sometimes11:53
pgranerapw: not here, I've even tried forcing a suspend/resume to see if that would shake it loose but nothing12:02
=== smb-afk is now known as smb
smbapw, mcc thingy sounds similar, yeap12:31
smbmmc even12:31
apwsmb sounds like lag has made some progess isolating it too12:31
apwso perhaps you can palm it off on him :)12:32
smbOh he is always free to fix it. I can test if he has something. :)12:32
smbIs there something in the scrollback (about what it could be)?12:33
lagsmb, apw: Okay, I'll crack on with it then12:33
apwsmb, he has identified a module that if you rmmod it on suspend and modprobe it on result it doesn't blammo <- about right lag ?12:46
apwwhich probabally tells us which suspend/resume callbacks are broked12:46
smbHm, ok. I am not sure there is a rmmod in the case I looked at. But it might still be related.12:48
lagIt's not an rmmod per-say12:49
lagYou can tell PM to unload/reload modules on suspend/resume via a config file12:50
apwi thought you added it to the pm-suspend list12:50
apwright and that makes it rmmod on suspend and modprobe on resume12:50
lagI did so and fixed the errors on my ThinkPad12:50
apwright ... so its likely the suspend callback on that driver thats blowing chunks12:50
lagI don't know the inner workings, but I would have thought so12:51
apwas when the module is removed it does not blow chunks, which avoids that callback12:51
smbor rmmoding adds another sync-wait point12:51
lagWhich is where my debug code is currently ;)12:51
apwas the module is not there on suspend12:51
apwsmb, or indeed it may just slow down suspend enough12:51
apwbut i do suspect suspend based borkage12:51
apwi suspect it panics12:51
lagI'm in the middle of these theories currently - leave it with me :)12:52
smbChances for that are high. But I guess its in good hand with lag :) Just enlighten us when youre finished12:52
lagIt doesn't look like it's even getting to the module's suspend function12:55
lagIt's dieing in the interrupt handler 12:55
* lag gets ready for a new debugging session :)12:56
* lag smiles12:56
cybrocopHi all. I'm having a permissions-related problem with qemu/kvm and I believe it is a kernel related issue (through process of elimination). I would really value insight from members of this group. 12:57
cybrocopBoth apparmor and selinux are disabled with kernel boot parameters... yet for some reason, kvm cannot get permission to open a simple file for logging the console.12:58
apwcybrocop, which file is it, what filesystem type is it on12:59
cybrocopapw: filesystem is ext412:59
apwis that inside or outside the KVM instance?13:00
cybrocopWhenever I include this as part of libvirt.xml, kvm fails to start: http://slexy.org/raw/s20HiyArHA13:00
cybrocoplibvirt is unable to create the "serial" device and thus kvm fails to start.13:01
apwgah xml, now i remember why i work on the kernel13:01
apwwhat does ls -l on that file say, and on the containing directory?13:01
aquariusapw, ping?13:01
aquariuspgraner said I should ping you :)13:02
aquariusimagine I have a USB stick which, when plugged in, says lots of "device not accepting address 13, error -71" in dmesg, and doesn't mount13:02
apwcybrocop, what generates that fragment13:02
cybrocopapw: the file doesn't exist (wasn't able to be created).  here is "ls -al"    http://slexy.org/view/s2LWfnYhXw13:02
aquarius(or get a device name or anything)13:02
aquariusis there any way to get the data off it?13:02
apwaquarius, well i would try it on a different machine, and on an older kernel to confirm its not s/w related, but generally i've foudn that behaviour to be 'bad'13:03
aquariusapw, it's not s/w related; fails under Windows too (that's where it failed originally, so it was brought to an Ubuntu machine to see if that helped)13:03
apwaquarius, that is assuming that at some point it has worked in the past of course13:03
aquariusyeah, it used to work :)13:04
cybrocopapw:  that fragment is part of the full libvirt.xml...  Eucalyptus generates teh XML file and that is supposed to launch a VM instance. It contains the definitions for the VM instance, to be used by libvirt. Here is the full libvirt.xml     http://slexy.org/raw/s2KPFinewG13:04
aquariusI have given the owner a little lecture about not keeping your *only* copy of files on a usb stick.13:04
apwaquarius, i would be suspicious it is sick at the h/w level then sadly ... as its refusing to take an address at the USB level13:04
aquariusapw, so it's just broken and there's nothing that can be done about it? bah. That's what I thought, but I didn't know if there were Secret Things that could be done13:05
apwi don't know of any way to talk to it if its really not having an address, thats kinda the first step13:05
apwcking, know any magic to get a usb stick which is refusing addresses on both win and ubuntu to play ball?13:05
apwcybrocop, ok the sensible debugging step would be to get an strace off the startup sequence to see what the open it tried did and said13:06
cybrocopapw: Basically libvirt/kvm tries to create that file in order to map it to the serial port for the VM instance. I suspect it cannot create the file and thus KVM errors out... 13:06
apwcybrocop, i have no idea whether you can get to it do do that or not, have you brought this up on #ubuntu-server, they are the ucalyptus experts13:07
apwcybrocop, if not then we should move over there and get their input13:07
cybrocopapw: I have spent many hours on #eucalyptus and they have tried to debug this with me to no avail.  #ubuntu-server didn't provide any insight. 13:08
apwwell i see nothing in the directory settings which is unusual.  if basic permissions didn't work on ext4 i think we would have noticed by now13:08
apwcybrocop, so the next step is to get a trace off of the thing as it tries to start, normally i use strace for that -- strace -o /tmp/TRACE -f -e 'trace=open' <command which makes it happen>13:09
apwsomething like that13:09
cybrocopapw: The consensus (and I agree) is that Eucalyptus is not responsible for this as it tries to fire a KVM instance. Eucalyptus is eliminated as a culprit because I try to launch it manually using virsh and it fails.13:09
cybrocopapw: Thank a lot, I'll try that.13:09
apwcybrocop, use the very simplest command you can to start it for sure13:10
apwand then the output should be all files opened, looking for the open which is to that file13:10
* lag 's new GIT book as arrived :D13:10
apw$DEITY help us all13:10
jk-soon you'll be commiting by editing .git/objects/** directly13:12
jk-working trees are for chumps13:12
* apw imagines doing the sha1's in his head13:13
* lag is still confused, as he hasn't yet read the book and has no idea what they $PLACE_BAD_PEOPLE_GO you're on about!13:14
ckingapw, no idea how to fix a misbehaving USB stick that looks dead13:15
apwcking, yeah i think so too ... ouch13:16
ckingwhat does the kernel say when it's plugged in13:16
cybrocopapw: Here's the output.. http://slexy.org/raw/s2FmLeuYdM  Is it possible that virsh is firing off another process which isn't monitored by strace?13:16
jk-cybrocop: the other process could be started by the libvirtd daemon13:18
* jk- doesn't have much context13:18
cybrocopjk: can I attach strace to a running proc?13:20
jk-sure can, strace -p <pid>13:23
aquariuscking, the kernel says lots of "device not accepting address 13, error -71" when the USB stick is plugged in13:23
ckingaquarius, tried the USB stick in a different machine just in case it's not the USB stick?13:24
jk--EPROTO ?13:24
aquariuscking, yep -- failed under windows in one machine, failed under ubuntu in another13:26
ckingsounds like broken H/W to me13:26
ograyou shouldnt use your usb keys as swap space ;)13:26
aquariuscking, thanks :)13:27
* manjo says N900 got a maemo 5 update, disable extra-devel extra-testing before you do an upgrade, or you might not have enough space on rootfs13:27
ogramanjo, bah, to late, already running 13:27
manjoogra, ota in the us was today13:28
ograhere too13:28
manjo:) you have some lead time on me 13:28
ograyeah, but only got around to click the button 1/2h ago13:29
manjoogra, :) N900 won't get the meego update 13:29
ograi dont want meego13:29
manjothis is probably the last update to maemo13:30
* ogra is happy with maemo 13:30
cybrocopjk / apw: it was indeed libvirtd that is starting it. Here is the command I used:  strace -o /tmp/TRACE -f -e 'trace=open' -p 94513:30
* ogra wishes the new arm project would take over maemo :)13:30
cybrocopjk / apw: Then I ran this from another shell: http://slexy.org/view/s2jndz6OKP13:30
* manjo wants andriod 2.2 on N90013:31
* manjo want to dual boot 13:31
* ogra just wants ubuntu based maemo13:32
cybrocopjk / apw: Then I detailed by Ctrl-C. Here is the output of /tmp/TRACE   http://slexy.org/raw/s2u2zWu5Ur13:32
cybrocopdetailed -> detached13:32
jk-cybrocop: so libvirtd does not have access to console.log ?13:32
apwcybrocop, right who is that daemon running as ?13:33
cybrocopNo, which is very puzzling... 13:33
cybrocoproot       945     1  0 14:48 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/libvirtd -d13:33
jk-does it drop privs at any point13:34
apwneed to know its real ids13:34
cybrocopIt should (according to the advertisement) drop privs to libvirt-qemu:libvirtd13:34
cybrocoproot@srv-uec-qa-node02:~# grep libvirt /etc/passwd /etc/group13:34
jk-strace -e trace=open,setuid,seteuid [...]13:35
cybrocopjk: let me try with those options.13:35
apwcybrocop, you can tell from /proc13:35
jk-apw: provided he can catch the spawned process in time :)13:36
cybrocopapw: can you be more specific? Does it contain a history of setuid/setgid?13:36
cybrocopjk: correct, the spawned process dies quickly.13:36
apwcat /proc/945/status and grep for Uid and Gid13:37
apwjk its possible it has d already13:38
apwjk it is possible that it has dropped them already13:38
apwcybrocop, if the docs are right then the permissions it runs them as doesn't have open right in there does it?13:38
cybrocoproot@srv-uec-qa-node02:~# cat /proc/945/status |grep -i -e "uid" -e "gid"13:38
jk-ok, so console.log (and the parent directories) need to be accessible by that user13:39
apwyeah unless libvirt-qemu is in eucalyptus group then its not going to work is it\?13:39
apwso check if its a member of that, if not then the permissions checks are working as expected13:39
cybrocopjk / apw: I am running the command as root13:39
apwand something is owned by the wrong person13:40
apwcybrocop, but the docs tell you it demotese self to libvirtsomething didn't you just say13:40
cybrocopjk: "that user"  uid=0 ?13:40
jk-cybrocop: it doesn't matter who is running the command13:40
jk-"that user" = the user that libvirtd is setuid-ing to13:40
apwand the docs you just pasted told us who it was13:41
cybrocopjk /awo:   this is from /etc/group   -   libvirtd:x:114:olm,eucalyptus13:42
apwthats not the user you pasted above though13:42
apwlibvirtd-qemu you said13:42
apw<cybrocop> It should (according to the advertisement) drop privs to libvirt-qemu:libvirtd13:43
cybrocopapw: Let me do an strace and get the exact user. Sorry for the confusion. I thought i may be libvirtd-qemu, but I have to admit it is not from docs, just my memory.13:44
apwcybrocop, ok13:44
cybrocopjk: hmm... what am I doing wrong here13:46
cybrocopjk: root@srv-uec-qa-node02:~# strace -o /tmp/TRACE -f -e 'trace=open,setuid,seteuid' -p 94513:46
cybrocopstrace: invalid system call `seteuid'13:46
jk-my bad, remove seteuid13:47
cybrocopjk: ok13:47
cybrocopjk / apw: I don't see any setuid  http://slexy.org/raw/s21B2A4Dlo13:49
cybrocopfurthermore, I remember, that when I set the path of the file to be /tmp/console.log (in libvirt.xml) the owner of the file was root13:50
sokemandoes anyone have a touch screen running in lucid?13:50
apwsokeman, yes13:50
sokemani think i know how you did it but i have a proble,13:51
apwcybrocop, does chacl -l say anything on any of the paths ?13:51
cybrocopacl package was not installed. Should I get it?13:52
sokemanlol its not installed13:52
sokemani had it working (kinda)13:53
cybrocoproot@srv-uec-qa-node02:/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/admin/i-37DA0723# chacl -l .13:53
cybrocopchacl: cannot get access ACL on '.': Operation not supported13:53
sokemanit was clicking where i touched but it also click at the same moment the top left hand corner13:53
cybrocopapw: I downloaded the acl package and above is the output.13:54
ckinglag, If our instruction modifies memory in an unpredictable fashion, add "memory" to the list of clobbered registers. This will cause GCC to not keep memory values cached in registers across the assembler instruction. We also have to add the volatile keyword if the memory affected is not listed in the inputs or outputs of the asm. 13:54
ckinglag, http://www.ibiblio.org/gferg/ldp/GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO.html13:55
sokemanbefore i even installed anything it clicked the topleft hand corner when i touch it and know i have deleted everything it still does it13:55
cybrocopjk / apw: I just changed the path to "/tmp/console.log" to be sure... and it is indeed running as root. 13:55
cybrocoproot@srv-uec-qa-node02:/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/admin/i-37DA0723# ls -l /tmp/console.log 13:55
cybrocop-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36541 2010-05-26 17:55 /tmp/console.log13:55
sokemanapw: how can i find the driver that is seeing the input from the touch screen?13:58
lagapw: #define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory")14:00
=== ayan is now known as ayan-reading-doc
apwsokeman, do you know what type of touch screen it is ?14:14
apwbah where did cybro... go14:15
sokemanno i dont 14:17
sokemanhow can i find out?14:17
sokemanapw: is there a way to find out?14:19
apwcnd, how does one find out which touch driver you are using14:20
apwKeybuk, is there an easy way to tell what was passed to upstart14:22
apwKeybuk, ignore me, of course i can check its cmdline and environ14:23
ogramanjo, eeek, my n900 has a progressbar on boot now !14:23
manjoogra, yep I noticed that too 14:23
ograhow ugly 14:23
manjowhich means its loading more s**t 14:23
JFodid you guys see the slide to unlock bar?14:24
ograbah and i get an ovi ad in the face right after booting14:24
ograhrm, and my theme is blue now14:26
* ogra hates blue14:26
manjoogra, I use humanity theme14:26
JFowhat did you guys update with?14:26
JFomine is still the same14:26
manjoJFo, he probably kept the default theme14:26
apwan _ad_ sounds a bit off ?  14:27
ogramanjo, nope14:27
manjoJFo, were you able to get portrait mode working ? 14:27
JFowhat do you mean?14:27
ograi had something brownish/yellowish 14:27
manjoogra, probably the EU roms are different 14:28
manjoJFo, the browser is supposed to have portrait mode14:28
JFointeresting, I never tried it14:28
* JFo experiments14:28
amitkogra: how did you manage to get all of that? scratch install? I just upgraded...14:29
ogramanjo, i was using the shipped digital nature theme but with a different wallpaper14:29
ograand apparently it switched back to the default blue theme after the upgrade14:30
amitkyou could do a "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" btw14:30
ograbut keeping the wallpaper14:30
smbbjf, Oh, other channel talk reminds me. I sent you a mail about the lbm alsa updates for lucid. Have I just missed it or did you not reply?14:30
ograswitching back to the digital nature theme gets me the right widget color but i forgot how i changed the wallpaper :P14:31
manjoamitk, how do I get portrait mode in the browser 14:31
JFooh hey lag you may have noticed that I set some tix you are assigned to In Progress14:33
amitkmanjo: Ctrl+Shift+R enable it14:34
lagJFO: Yep, got those, thanks14:35
amitkmanjo: in browser, you need to enable it in settings too14:35
lagJFo: I removed "kernel-suspend" and added "suspend resume" and "kernel-power" - I think that is correct14:36
lagJFo: That's the way it's documented in any case14:36
apwKeybuk, hey ... am a bit worried about this passing everything to init patch.  although it makes sense to 'init' passing all that crap to bash will not make it happy14:37
cybrocopapw / jk : Sorry, had a power outage and dropped off. Did you respond to me by any chance?14:41
JFolag, you are correct14:41
cybrocopapw / jk : Last thing I tried was to do an strace and capture getuid, but there was no observed dropping of privs. effective uid is root it seems. 14:41
apwcybrocop, did you get just a full trace ?  without -e, if you could get than and pastebin it so i can look that would help14:43
lagThanks for confirming JFo14:44
cybrocopapw, I'll do that. Right now there is still no power so the servers are down, but should come back within 30 mins.14:44
apwcybrocop, ok14:44
JFolag, my pleasure, but you already knew you were right ;-014:45
* JFo fusses at his right shift key14:45
pgranerjk-: did you get the conf stuff setup?14:45
cndapw: you can check Xorg.0.log and grep for evdev14:46
cndthat will show you all the /dev/input/event* files that are used for input14:47
cndthen you can correlate those with lsinput14:47
cndbut I don't know if you want info on input drivers that don't use evdev14:47
lagJFo: Not true, I was meaning to ask you about it (lag==newbie - JFo==old_hand)14:48
cndlag, back on my first week in february, I went up to JFo and started asking him questions, and after a few "I'm not sure..." answers, he said he had only been here for three weeks up to that point :)14:50
cndold hands means you've been here a few weeks, so you'll be old hand pretty soon :)14:50
JFoyeah, I remember that cnd :-)14:51
lagPeople age quick here eh?!14:52
amitklag: hair is acceptable loss in the line of duty14:53
lagI've noticed ;)14:54
amitklag: I am sure you're not referring to apw here, he joined that way ;)14:54
* lag whistles 14:55
* apw rounds up a firing squad14:56
* lag retires to the shadows with smb14:58
FjodorQuick question: Does anyone know what's up with the source packages at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa?14:59
cndRAOF: so what will happen if I try to upgrade my nouveau machine to a maverick kernel?15:01
* lag treats himself to a lunch break for a change15:02
cndwill it just work (like tgardner's), or do I need to update libdrm as well?15:02
=== lag is now known as lag-afk
tgardnercnd, just try the maverick .deb first15:03
cndtgardner: ok, I'll try it out15:03
apwFjodor, what is your issue with them?15:04
Fjodorapw: Well, mainly that they are in the low kb size area, so I suspect them to be rather empty ;-)15:05
apwJFo, i had a thought when reviewing my 'kernel-needs-review' bugs ... and tagged those i wanted as kernel-candidate15:06
apwJFo, is we all did that you'd be able to find them easy and review of them by us on monday if needed would be easy15:06
apwFjodor, bah15:07
JFoyep, sounds great15:07
Fjodorapw: ?15:07
apwFjodor, bah15:07
apwi hate the mainline builds, there is always something or other wrong with them15:07
JFoI was actually thinking we could use the kernel-needs-review as a method for me to present the ones I think need to be looked at to the reviewers15:07
apwJFo, that is indeed what i means isn't it ?15:08
JFoapw, I saw a comment that they were empty in a bug yesterday15:08
JFoapw, indeed15:08
apwi look at -needs-review and convert them all to  either -reviewed or -reviewed and -candidate15:08
JFoso the system seems to be working :)15:08
JFoI like it15:09
JFowant me to add -candidate to the tagging page|?15:09
apwand then you take the -candidates and add them to the list and we discuss the overflow on mondays15:09
JFosounds good15:09
apwthat way random bugs can't put themselves on the list, cause you are in the middle, but its all simple other than that step15:09
JFoapw, ogasawara got the script done, so I am testing it now15:09
JFoapw, yep15:10
apwJFo, awsome15:10
Fjodorapw: Ah ok, that sort of "bah". It's just that I have run into the otherwise known problem of qemu vms running extremely slow, have seen that increasing the tick frequency might help, and would like to try out a kernel as close to mainline as possible with that as the only change. At any rate, the source packages still should be built correctly, even if you dislike them, shouldn't hey?15:10
apwFjodor, i didn't say anything about the problem, only that i hate the builds en toto because they create a lot of work for me keeping them working15:13
Fjodorapw: Ah, ok, but my question, then, would be "Who is responsible for the builds, whom I can talk to to get the source packages built correctly?" :-)15:16
apwFjodor, the other problem is the source package there is not a source package which can be used to build a deb. it is a raw source tree15:16
apwand so even when i fix them, the next complaint will be that they are not what you wanted15:16
apwFjodor, i look after them15:16
apwFjodor, i assume you actually want to be able to build a kernel deb for yourself15:17
apwFjodor, ?15:19
Fjodorapw: Well, I know how to use make-kpkg and such, as I have done so extensively on earlier occasions - I just wanted to install the sources via a source package from you, since I then gather that the sources would be the same as the ones used to produce the image debs :-)15:19
apwFjodor, unfortuanatly a -source package is only the linus source15:19
apwand the linus source is exactly as it is in linus tree, at the commit mentioned so you can recover that easily15:20
apwit does not give you the build machinary however15:20
apwthe BUILD.LOG contains the exactly commit that was built from15:20
Fjodorapw: Ok, thank you - so there aren't any ubuntu specific patches applied to the sources that it would be easier for me to get in one package via you, as opposed to pulling a vanilla linux tree?15:21
apwFjodor, nope, the point of the mainline builds for testing is that they have no ubuntu delta, the only thing they have is an ubuntu style config15:22
Fjodorapw: Ok, great - still, I noticed that I'm not the only one asking about the source packages on the ml - just saying. Thank you, though, I'll pull a vanilla tree :-)15:23
apwFjodor, yeah i'll put it on my todo list, though i will get moaned at they are useless next15:24
apwi suspect not making them would make more sense, and makeing either a real source uploadable package or a tarball of the clean build tree would be of more value space wise15:25
Fjodorapw: Well, just the tarball would have been enough for me, and as for them being useless, well, that was not my understanding or the case for my specific wants, but thank you for the answers :-)15:26
cndtgardner: when setting the version for an update to the linux-firmware* packages in lucid-updates, I remember there being an issue where the version had to be bumped like 1.24 to 1.25.115:31
cndis that correct?15:31
tgardnercnd, nope, it should be 1.24.115:32
cndI see that's what happened for linux-firmware-nonfree in karmic-updates, but the normal version incrementing took place for linux-firmware in karmic-updates15:32
Keybukapw: but the kernel already passes anything it doesn't know to bash15:36
Keybukso bash has to handle it15:36
apwright but nominally that is nothing right15:36
Keybukif you do init=/bin/bash foo bar baz then you deserve to break it ;)15:36
Keybukright, so when you do init= only the arguments *after* init are passed15:37
Keybukwe want to preserve _that_ behaviour15:37
Keybukit's when you have no init= on the command-line, it passes everything it doesn't know - we want that to just pass everything15:37
Keybukso "default init" if you like15:37
apwwell actually i think all unknown ones are passed, but the majority of options are known15:37
Keybukapw: no, init= does limit it to only those after init=15:37
* ogra wants console= 15:37
apwthe problem is that the semantics change as you drop down15:37
apwKeybuk, you sure, i haven't seen the code which does that anywhere15:38
Keybukapw: almost entirely positive15:38
apwthe real issue is that the behaviour changes as you fall down the list15:38
apwwe may want to pass 'all' to */init, but 'minimal' to /bin/bash and /bin/sh15:39
apwKeybuk, ok found the code which does init=15:40
apwKeybuk, and yes it does zap 'before'15:40
apwbut that doesn't work for the default case15:40
apwKeybuk, one option might be to not pass them on the command line15:40
apwbut make them into environment variables15:40
apwin the 'all' mode15:40
apwso if there is no arg we do like 'quiet=true' in the environment instead15:41
Keybukapw: the default case will never be bash though15:41
apwthat would maintain the command line semantics15:41
KeybukI don't see the problem with the default case passing the "known" command-line options as well as the unknown ones15:42
Keybukright, I don't *want* to maintain the command line semantics15:42
apwKeybuk, right but to allow fallback which will work i need to make and maintain _two_ command lines15:42
KeybukI want to change them15:42
apwright but the semantics are compatible with /bin/bash and /bin/sh right now15:42
Keybukwhy the fallback?15:42
apwso we can literrally do15:42
apwexec '/sbin/inint'15:42
Keybukbut you can't have /bin/bash as init= without passing init= which *changes* the semantics anyway15:43
apwexec '/init'15:43
apwexec '/bin/bash'15:43
Keybukyes, but that's a bash script15:43
apwexec '/bin/sh'15:43
Keybuknot /bin/bash15:43
Keybukso won't pass any of the arguments15:43
apwyes but that is a different path15:43
Keybukif you copied /bin/bash *to* /sbin/init - then yes, it would cause unknown arguments to get passed to bash15:43
Keybukbut nobody ever does that15:43
apwif you say init= then we do bash semantics for everything15:43
apwif you don't then we do run init, and fallback to bash using the same semantics15:44
Keybukif you say init= only the arguments on the command-line *after* init= should be considered15:44
Keybukwe don't fallback to bash!15:44
apwyes we do15:44
Keybukif the kernel doesn't see /sbin/init, it falls back to bash?15:44
apw        run_init_process("/sbin/init");15:44
apw        run_init_process("/etc/init");15:44
apw        run_init_process("/bin/init");15:44
apw        run_init_process("/bin/sh");15:44
Keybukoh, wow, I didn't know that :p15:44
apwthat has always be the way in unix world15:44
* ogra never saw that working15:44
ograit usually panicks before it gets there15:45
apwand its that semantic which we break if we pass everythign on the command line15:45
Keybukapw: hmm, but that would break today anyway right?15:45
Keybukbecause the kernel would still pass "splash" to bash15:45
Keybukso would really run "/bin/sh splash"15:45
=== lag-afk is now known as lag
apwthat is possible yes15:45
Keybukand would break in recovery mode15:46
Keybukbecause it would run "/bin/sh single"15:46
* apw considers, it does appear so15:47
apwunless single is known which i assume it cannot be15:47
apwso the fallbacks are just useless15:47
ograapw, so why do i get a panic if i rm /sbin/init and dont end up at a shell 15:48
ograwith the above i should never see a kernel panic caused by init missin15:48
apwogra, perhaps because you have splash on the command line, as Keybuk points out15:48
ograi dont think it tries to actually spawn the shell 15:49
Keybukapw: it can't be known, since otherwise init wouldn't see it ;-)15:49
apwso its mostly useless15:50
apwKeybuk, so it is possible we need an early_param to turn off this new behaviour just in case15:51
apwno we have init= to fix everything15:51
Keybukright, init= fixes everything, no?15:54
Keybukyou can always stick init=/sbin/sulogin on the end15:54
=== jjohansen is now known as jjohansen-afk
apwKeybuk, yep that override makes me happy, thanks15:55
vanhoofogasawara: ping16:06
ogasawaravanhoof: pong16:12
bjfmoin all16:13
JFomoin bjf 16:15
vanhoofogasawara: lmk when you have a few to talk, i know its early for you16:15
ogasawaravanhoof: I have time now16:15
JFoaw lookit vanhoof trying to get some time with the release queen :)16:15
vanhoofogasawara: cool16:16
ogasawaravanhoof: mumble?16:16
apwi don't see him doing enough bowing16:16
* vanhoof bows16:16
vanhoofapw: hey, ogasawara became my best friend last night ;)16:16
bjfJFo, you going to expire some more today? I've done all I can for now16:19
JFonot sure how many though16:19
JFolooks like I'm still hitting some vague limit on how many I can process16:20
bjfJFo, just remove the limit and let it do all with the given params16:20
apwJFo, where is that chart again ?16:20
bjfJFo, http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/qapkgstatus/linux16:20
JFobjf, i have16:20
apwJFo, any idea why there is going to be a jump in triaged bugs ?16:21
bjfJFo, are you running it on cranberry?16:21
JFobjf, no on my local machine16:21
JFoapw, because I am setting some to triaged16:21
apwJFo, heh ahh then that makes sense16:22
JFobjf, I wish the linux graph looked more like that :)16:22
JFoapw, yeah, I have been trying to use triaged appropriately, but I need to define its role in our plans16:22
bjfJFo, don't understand why the connected yellow line didn't connect16:22
JFoit hasn't run it's daily yet16:23
cybrocop_Hi apw, finally got the trace. Are you around?16:24
apwpastebin it16:24
cybrocop_apw: Here  http://slexy.org/raw/s2I1ZYzm8k16:25
cybrocop_search for console.log16:25
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
bjfJFo, check out bug 466716 (the last comment after I expired the bug)16:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 466716 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "No sound after upgrading to 9.10 desktop from 9.04 desktop. (affects: 16)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46671616:30
cybrocop_apw, let me change the location of the file to /tmp/console and you can compare it with a successful run.16:30
bjfJFo, the username is "special" and the comment means nothing to me16:30
apwcybrocop_, it think this is your issue, this is running as root yes, but it also capsets itself into a non-priviledged state16:32
JFowell, I am out for a bit of lunch goodness away from the house. bbiab16:32
apw9600  capset(0x20080522, 9600, {0, 0, 0}) = 016:33
cybrocop_So it has something to do with cgroups?16:34
apwno it has something to do with capabilities, it appears the server is deliberatly dropping its priviledges16:36
apwwhich means that it run as uid with none of the advantages, so if root is not in the group it cannot write there16:36
apw       CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE16:36
apw              Bypass file read, write, and execute permission checks.  (DAC is16:36
apw              an abbreviation of "discretionary access control".)16:36
apwspecifically it has dropped that capability, so root no longer has its 'all your files are mine' ability16:37
apwcybrocop_, it seems like a bug in the way the services are owned to me16:38
apwcybrocop_, i would tend to blame ecalyptus, where do they hang out16:39
cybrocop_apw, hmm. they are on #eucalyptus16:40
cybrocop_but kvm is not eucalyptus16:40
cybrocop_It would be more of a kvm/qemu issue no?16:40
ogasawaraJFo: did that new buglist script run ok for you?16:41
cybrocop_apw: All they're involved in is the creation of the libvirt.xml file, which tells the kvm instance what to do (what devices to have, etc...) 16:42
cybrocop_apw: here is the libvirt.xml generated by them. http://slexy.org/raw/s2KPFinewG  They don't seem to include any directives that would limit a vm's capabilities16:42
apw9600  capset(0x20080522, 9600, {0, 0, 0}) = 016:43
apw9600  execve("/usr/bin/kvm", ["/usr/bin/kvm", "-S", "-M", "pc-0.12", "-enable-kvm", "-m", "896", "-smp", "1", "-name", "i-46D20834", "-uuid", "fe3c868b-861b-bcad-18c6-e5f667c9"..., "-nographic", "-chardev", "socket,id=monitor,path=/var/lib/"..., ...], [/* 2 vars */]) = 016:43
apwcybrocop_, its not kvm's fault16:43
cybrocop_I mean virsh16:43
cybrocop_I use teh command: virsh start <domain>  ... this communicated with libvirtd... eucalyptus is not involved here.16:44
cybrocop_apw: I thought libvirtd is the same as kvm... but I guess they're different packages.16:44
apwok then its libvirtd thats at fault16:45
cybrocop_I know there is this new cgroup features (or maybe its called lxc).  Do you think it has something to do with that? Maybe there's a libvirtd config option that specifically limits it this way (I couldn't find anything in the libvirtd.conf).16:47
cybrocop_apw: for security purposes maybe?16:47
apwcybrocop_, you are beyond my knowledge of userspace.   all i can see is that the caller of KVM has dropped its creds, so the behaviour is correct, that file is not creatable for a nutered root process16:48
apwi would think libvirt is under #ubuntu-servers perview16:48
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cybrocop_apw: Thanks a lot. You were very heplful. At least I'm a step closer to identifying the problem.16:48
cndcking: is it true that a laptop hanging on the second suspend is a bios bug?16:53
cndor is there potentially something we can do in the kernel?16:53
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ckingcnd, it depends ;-)16:53
ckingcnd, it could be dodgy drivers or something deeper. 16:55
manjocking, can you make your programs exit/return 0 for pass 1 for fail ? 16:58
ckingmanjo, 0 = ok, 1 = fail16:58
manjo0 for pass and errno for fail which ever makes sense 16:58
ckingmanjo, yep16:59
manjowill you have a situation where the result is unresolved ? 16:59
ckingmanjo, don't think so - it's pass or fail17:00
cndcking: can you expand a bit on the suspend issue?17:04
apwogasawara, just updated the trend lines for maverick ... approximatly17:05
ogasawaraapw: we're actually below the line!17:06
apwogasawara, heh you did close about a months worth of work-items with your upload :)17:06
apwi don't expect it to stay that way17:07
ogasawaraapw: true.  I suspect this will the the one and only time we're below :)17:07
apwheh one reason i didn't get the history removed so we can see the work appearing17:07
ogasawaraapw: yah, someone just slammed a kernel config bug to the config blueprint, and it's got over 100 config request changes17:08
* ogasawara just about fell over when I read it17:08
apwogasawara, who the heck, whats the bug number ?17:09
* apw frootles about for his gun17:09
ogasawaraapw: don't know who it was, some random bug subscriber who sent me a heads up they linked it to the blueprint17:10
ogasawaraapw: bug 44648017:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 446480 in linux (Ubuntu) "karmic kernel configuration gotchas... (affects: 2) (heat: 22)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44648017:10
apwogasawara, karmic ?17:11
ogasawaraapw: originally was targeted for karmic, I'm inclined to rip it from the blueprint17:12
ogasawaraapw: was going to give it a quick once over first to see if the requested config changes are valid for Lucid17:13
cndbrb, rebooting to a test kernel17:14
apwi had a look at the 'key critical' ones and they are already as specified17:16
apwogasawara, i'd tend to do no more than see which ones are as he has already asked for17:17
apwand those which are not just ask for justification17:18
apwi would only do it if you can do it as a script, no handy doing it17:18
ogasawaraapw: ack17:18
apwogasawara, and really the two he is bitching about are MCE and PAT i think17:19
apwand they are as he says17:19
apwi recon you could justify saying 'X86_PAT and X86_MCE are both set now as expected.  As we are now two released furter on could you regenerate your list based on the current discrepancies"17:20
apw"and provice justtification for each"17:20
apwnoting that he has done good justifications for the first two17:20
ogasawaraapw: agreed, I'll slam a comment in there17:21
apwyou have enough shit to do17:21
apwogasawara, we maybe below the line overall, we are above it for a-117:24
anotengAnybody here familiar with git-bisecting a ubuntu kernel? I fear I keep building the same packages over and over... Anybody care to take a look at my commands and see if I'm doing anything stupid? http://pastebin.com/Rfif04jx17:24
apwanoteng, looks right to me17:24
apwthe version number won't change with each bisect i suspect17:25
ogasawaraapw: damn, just a few work items over for a-1.  wonder what I've got I can close.17:25
anotengthat's what got me worried.. that, and the fact that I've only found good kernels too this point. Will continue like before then...17:25
anotengapw: thanks…17:26
apwwe only change the version number at "start new release" a17:26
apwand at "bump abi"17:26
apwanoteng, ^17:26
anotengok. thanks..17:27
bjfcking ping17:29
manjosmb, have the lbm updates happened ? 17:31
smbmanjo, Lucid, no due to missing bug references17:31
manjook thanks 17:31
manjosmb, any eta on when we can expect ? I need to update a bug with that info 17:33
smbmanjo, as tgardner had some wireless things to add and with current things going probably mid-next week17:35
manjook thanks 17:36
stentenis anyone here familiar with bug #404064?17:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 404064 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "KMS error message while intializing modesetting (during boot and resume) - render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010 [i915] (affects: 51) (dups: 3) (heat: 294)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40406417:38
cndlag: as root:17:39
manjolag, https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ftrace17:39
cndecho 'function_graph' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer17:39
cndthen, as root or as normal user, cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace17:39
stenteni have another bug (584475) that looks like a duplicate, but the original one i mentioned is already marked as "Fix Released", so I'm not sure how to triage it. Do I re-open the fixed bug?17:39
manjostenten, you could dup it 17:40
apwcnd, fdr binary-perarch17:43
cndapw, thanks!17:44
ckingbjf, sorry, missed your ping, I was plowing through some email backlogs17:44
bjfcking, np, i worked it out myself17:48
stentenmanjo: I've dup'd it and told them to add a comment that they were still affected, and include their kernel version. Thanks.17:48
bjfcking, i'd just confused myself17:49
ckingbjf, happens to me all the time too when it comes to these webby tools17:49
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cking-afkback in 1817:50
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cndJFo: ping19:36
keeshow do I create (and push) various topic branches?19:42
keesmore specifically, if I have a clone of linux-2.6, and I have 3 different sets of patches, how do I build up the 3 branches?19:43
cndkees: for the master kernel tree?19:43
keescnd: yeah.19:43
keescnd: I have this: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=kees/linux-2.6.git;a=summary19:43
keescnd: I want to have three branches with a subset of the 5 commits on top there spread out in them.19:43
keesi.e. "master" would be real upstream master, and I'd have "nx-emu", "symlink", "hardlink" branches.19:44
* kees is such a git newb. ;)19:44
cndkees: why do you want three separate branches? to test each patches individually?19:44
smbkees, from master you would do a git checkout -b name 19:44
ogasawarakees: git checkout -b nx-emu19:44
keesbut won't that branch from the current location (instead of HEAD minus 5)?19:44
ogasawarakees: indeed, will checkout from the tip19:45
cndkees, if you want a branch from a specific location, you can "git checkout <sha id of commit> && git checkout -b <new branch name>"19:45
keeshow do I back up?19:45
ogasawarakees: but once on the branch you could then git reset --hard HEAD~519:45
smbkees, I think you want to create the branches from before and then cerry pick19:45
* abogani2 agrees ^19:45
smbgit checkout -b name sha119:45
cndkees: we're giving you three separate ways to do the same thing :)19:45
cndkees: but I still wonder, why do you need three separate branches?19:46
cndis it for testing each patch set isolated from the rest?19:46
smbwhere sha1 is the sha id of the commit before you added the 519:46
smbbut what ogasawara said works the same. too many choices. :)19:47
keesexcellent, yes.  working on it now19:48
smbkees, for pushing you will just say git push repo branch. eg. git push origin version1 19:48
smbwhatever you named your branch19:49
cndtgardner: have you uploaded the new linux-firmware package to lucid-proposed?19:52
cndI'm going to check for the SRU procedure on the bugs it will fix19:52
tgardnercnd, its in the queue19:52
cndtgardner: thanks19:53
kees\o/ branch topics of my very own.  :)  thanks guys.20:01
tgardnerkees, now you can easily keep your master branch up to date by 'git checkout -f master;git fetch origin master;git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD', then update your branch thusly: 'git checkout -f hardlink;git rebase master'20:05
keestgardner: you anticipated my next question.  ;)20:06
keestgardner: why the "-f"?20:07
tgardnerkees, force, it overwrites any local changes.20:08
tgardnerkees, my clean sequence to ensure a pristine tree is 'git checkout -f;git clean -f -d;git ls-files --others --directory |xargs rm -rf;rm -rf .git/rebase*'20:09
keeshm, I think I'll leave off the -f in case I'm a dork and forget something.  :)20:10
tgardnerkees, you can always check using 'git status'20:10
keesoh! one more question... how do I set my "push" target to be ssh+git://zinc....  ?20:11
tgardnerkees, you can either specify the push repo directly, or you can add a remote in order to make it a bit simpler.20:12
keesi.e. this is wrong:20:12
kees  Fetch URL: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/kees/linux-2.6.git20:12
kees  Push  URL: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/kees/linux-2.6.git20:12
keesthe "fetch" is fine, but the "Push" is wrong20:12
tgardnergit:// is read only.20:12
tgardneradd a remote like this 'git remote add rtg zinc.canonical.com:/srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/rtg/ubuntu-lucid.git'20:13
tgardnerthen you can 'git push rtg branch_name'20:13
tgardneralternately, you could also 'git push zinc.canonical.com:/srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/rtg/ubuntu-lucid.git' branch_name'20:14
keesgit remote set-url ?20:14
keesyeah, I want to avoid the full URL every time I push.20:14
tgardnerkees, I've never used set-url20:14
keesah-ha, yes, that did it:20:16
keesgit remote set-url origin ssh+git://zinc/srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/kees/linux-2.6.git20:16
tgardnerkees, ok, now you can use a simple 'git push origin hardlink'20:16
tgardnerkees, note that after rebasing your branches against master you'll have to 'git push --force origin hardlink', etc20:18
smbtgardner, don't teach him that dangerous stuff ;-)20:20
smbkees, git push origin +branch does the same20:20
tgardnersmb, there is a reason I grant write access to only a few devs20:21
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tgardnerkees, with your ptrace patch, what is an example of a process taht I _should_ be able to strace? I'd have thought my login shell would be a child of sshd or bash20:47
JFocnd, sorry about that I am back now20:51
cndJFo: actually, I think I'm ok20:53
cndthanks for getting back to me though :)20:53
JFosure, sorry it took so long20:53
tgardnerkees, never mind, I figured it out.20:53
ilpuccioI'm on lucid, I'd like to installa kernel 2.6.34 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/linux-image-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_amd64.deb20:59
ilpucciobut installing nvidia drivers It said that kernel was compiled with gcc 4.2? Is it normal? I'm running 2.6.32 and I have installed nvidia's drivers without any problem21:00
cndilpuccio: the mainline kernel should have been built with the same gcc as the 10.04 kernels are built with21:02
tgardnerilpuccio, can you use the neoveau driver?21:02
ilpucciotgardner, not tried.21:03
ilpucciotgardner, is there a way to check the compiler used for the kernel ?21:03
tgardnerilpuccio, the backported kernel is not intended to support the desktop, but I know for a fact that it still works with nouveau21:03
cndtgardner: heh, I just remembered that I'm booted on 2.6.34-4 with nouveau and lucid libdrm :)21:03
cndseems to be working fine21:04
ilpucciotgardner, I'll try but that are the opensource, right ? It sound strange to me the fact that nvidia detect a different compiler for 2.6.3421:05
tgardnerilpuccio, you're running lucid, right?21:06
ilpucciotgardner, yes21:06
tgardnerthe backport was built using the lucid toolchain21:06
manjohave you guys seen the review on Lucid on toms hardware, it looks pretty good... http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx,2634.html21:06
Sarvattcan I see your /var/log/Xorg.0.log cnd? :)21:14
keestgardner: basically you can ptrace anything that is a direct child, so "strace ls" or "gdb ls" will work.21:19
keestgardner: strace -p  and gdb "attach" won't (without sudo)21:20
keesso, isn't "git push hardlink" the same as "git push origin hardlink" ?  due to the branch tracking?21:21
tgardnerkees, it might be, but its a form I'm unfamiliar with.21:22
ilpucciohey guys .... head /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic/kernel/bounds.s is 4.421:35
ilpucciohead linux-headers-2.6.34-020634-generic/kernel/bounds.s is 4.221:36
* bjf is done for now, his head feels like it's going to explode21:45
ilpucciodunno if matters21:45
cndmpoirier: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelBugFixing?highlight=(send\-email)|(git)21:54
ilpucciothanks bye bye 21:57
JFocnd, that looks like one that could be cleaned up and moved over under Kernel/21:58
* JFo whistles innocently :)21:58
cndJFo: heh, it's actually in pretty good shape, but it could use breaking up into sub pages21:59
* JFo updates his n90022:01
cndJFo: weren't we going to divide up the pages and assign people to migrate them to the new wiki setup?22:09
cndI work better when I have tasks assigned to me :)22:09
JFoyeah, I was just picking on you, but we do need to look at that22:09
* JFo assigns tasks to cnd :-P22:09
cndif you want to assign it to me, add a task on a blueprint or send me an email22:10
cndotherwise I'll forget :)22:10
JFonah, just picking on you22:17
JFoI want to have some time to discuss it22:17
JFomaybe tomorrow on mumble22:17
ogasawarampoirier: BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/58492022:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 584920 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "netinstall fails, it has no network driver for moschip (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed]22:36
ogasawarampoirier: and Subject I'd suggest "[Lucid] [PATCH] UBUNTU: Fixing ARM Lucid bug 584920"22:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 584920 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "netinstall fails, it has no network driver for moschip (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58492022:37
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RAOFcnd: The chances are good that upgrading your nouveau machine to the maverick kernel will work; we've got an appropriate libdrm.23:38

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