[01:34] internalkernel, I'll take a look thanks [01:36] internalkernel, ping - did you see where I moved the articles too.. Canonical stuff goes into In Other News [01:38] internalkernel, but those are the types of things to watch for :-) thanks! [01:39] akgraner: got it - yeah wasn't sure how you were organizing the types of material... thanks... [01:39] is it making more sense now? [01:43] So General Community News - is stuff that usually effects the whole community, LoCo news is all about LoCo teams, The planet is stuff from the planet doesn't fit into the other sections neatly, The Blogoshpere is from blogs about ubuntu, that doesn't fit other places, In the Press is about Ubuntu but on Commercial Sites, In other News, is usually the Corporate News about Ubuntu (Canonical, Dell, IMB, Za'Reason, System 76, etc) and we are a [01:43] dding Featured Podcasts as we are now up to 4 or 5 of them and sometimes there are weeks when they all hit at the same time [01:45] internalkernel, I'll add all that to the Howto spreadsheet and link it to the wiki.. but for now I hope that helps... [01:57] it does... I'm taking notes... lol.. thank God for Tomboy... [01:59] :-) [01:59] are you syncing them to your ubuntu one account? [01:59] that has saved me more than once [01:59] :-) [03:08] akgraner: I'm feeling awful all of a sudden. I'll get that taken care of tomorrow, OK? [05:34] Fridge Editors - can someone take a look at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2041 - I can't figure out why it is getting cut off.. maybe one of you all can..:-/ Thanks! I'll be up for about another hour or so... Thanks again! === ZachK_1 is now known as ZachK_ [14:04] did you all see the new themes.. ubuntu.com and Canonical.com are up now.. woo hoo! [14:23] seems great :) [14:38] highvoltage, ping do you have time to review a post to the Fridge? [14:40] akgraner: I don't have any editor rights, or did you mean check for errors? [14:41] akgraner: hmm, sorry aparently I am! [14:48] highvoltage, you were on the list - but really any of the editors who have time can look over it.. :-) - I know we are trying to get the information from Platform teams out to the world to ensure transparency and all [19:18] highvoltage, want to review another one? http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/2042 [19:20] or cody-somerville, mdke, pleia2, svaksha :-) It's about the next Bug Day tomorrow :-) [19:21] Ok. [19:21] * pleia2 has a look [19:22] akgraner: "Thursday, 2yth May 2010" [19:22] haha see that's why I ask :-) [19:22] I get access denied. Do I have to edit it to be able to see it? [19:23] cody-somerville: just need to log in [19:23] I am. [19:23] akgraner: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs should be https [19:23] oh wait, I think I'm getting a cached page. [19:23] ahh ok cut and paste fail there [19:23] there we go [19:24] akgraner: nah, they put http in the announcement, it's just incorrect (it auto-redirects, so no huge deal, but accuracy is nice) [19:24] otherwise looks good to me :) [19:24] yeah I'll fix it on the Fridge one :-) [19:25] ok fixed the "y" and the "https" see anything else - I'll add the forum link once I get then send it on to the planet [19:31] pleia2, cody-somerville Thanks!!! [19:31] sure thing [19:40] akgraner: heh, I see someone beat me to it :) [19:41] :-) [20:39] akgraner: I appologize that I haven't bookmarked things I need to: may I have a link to the google doc again so I can add meetings? [20:40] scott_ev, no worries sure :-) [20:40] scott_ev, sent :-) [20:42] thank you very much. with any luck I will feel decent today as opposed to yesterday... [20:44] I hope you feel better :-) you don't have to rush - just thought it would beat doing it on Sunday :-) [20:47] yes, it will. then I can do something else on Sunday [21:04] scott_ev, :-) I can go over some more stuff with ya tomorrow if ya want? [21:14] ok. are you on verizon? [21:32] nope T-mobile [21:32] scott_ev, do you have skype? chat that way tomorrow if ya want [21:35] I have to step out for a while - but I'll send a note to the list to see who wants to know more about UWN and how they can help.. but most people don't like the weekly commitment :-/ which is why I am keen to move as much of the work to during the week as possible... [21:37] I don't but I may instal it and get a headset. [21:38] I can call ya tomorrow as well - I have a dr's appt in the am so it would be late afternoon my time early afternoon your time... but we'll figure it out.. [21:38] :-) [21:39] well gotta run - my daughter is playing at a local venue tonight and we are streaming it.. catch you all in a little while :-) [21:44] have fun