
RiddellI approved libvpx for webm video codec yesterday but I read an article this morning about it not being open source because the patent licence is only for "this implementation of VP8" anyone got an opinion? http://www.webmproject.org/license/software/10:49
ogracjwatson, do you think its evil to wipe the image files from the scratch dir on antimony after building the actual image (i guess there is a reason we keep them around)13:06
ograwith the preinstalled images we'll build for omap the image spit out by livecd-rootfs will be around 1.5G, i dont want to waste the space permanently (we plan to bzip the image once debian-cd is done so the result is only ~500M)13:07
cjwatsonogra: up to you for this one image, but please don't purge scratch stuff in general - it's often useful for debugging13:58
ogranah, not in general, but given the size constraints i dont want to have a 1.5G ext3 image around if i dont really need it13:59
ograsince we'll build two images (one for omap, the other for omap4) that already piles up to 3G14:00
* ogra doesnt want to make elmo cry14:00
cjwatsonremove it if it seems most sensible, it's not worth spending time discussing it :)14:07
ograi just wanted to know if there was a pressing reason to keep them14:09
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ScottKRiddell: My understanding, which may be incorrect, is that we only worry about patents that people are actively enforcing.  On that understanding, I think it's OK.15:20
RiddellScottK: yes that's what I'm thinking too15:21
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