
aragood morning all!07:06
elopiogood morning ara.08:56
elopioI'm not able to launch nautilus tests :(08:56
aramorning elopio08:56
elopioI get the error: The frm*-FileBrowser window was not found.08:57
elopiodo you have any idea of what I'm missing?08:57
aralet me see08:57
elopiothe script launches the nautilus screen, of course :). I can see it with the title "elopio - File Browser"08:58
arawhat about looking for frm*FileBrowser? sometimes, dashes are problematic08:58
elopioara, same result.08:59
elopioI even tried *File*08:59
araelopio, let me try something. I'll get back to you08:59
elopioara, thanks.09:00
araelopio, did you receive my email about your gedit test?09:00
elopioara, hum, I don't think so.09:00
elopiolet me look for it.09:00
araI sent it yesterday09:01
araelopio, it is weird, the nautilus test works for me09:03
aracan you try this: go to a python console09:03
araimport ldtp09:03
araand check what it replies09:04
elopioara: >>> ldtp.guiexist("frm*-FileBrowser")09:04
arais the window open right now?09:05
arahave you checked that accercisser can see it?09:05
arado you have assistive technologies enabled?09:05
arawhat do you get if you do in a python console:09:05
elopioara, I have them enabled. I don't know what accercisser is, sorry :$09:05
araaccerciser is a a11y browser, you can install it by apt-get install accerciser09:06
elopioara: http://pastebin.org/28241209:06
* elopio installing accerciser09:07
elopioara, regarding the email, I didn't propose the merge to apply the suggestions. But then I thought it would be better to start a test from scratch.09:08
elopioafter this nautilus test I'll get back to gedit, update test case documentation and propose the merge.09:08
araelopio, ok, perfect09:08
araelopio, nautilus window does not appear in the window list, this is strange. it might mean that nautilus didn't start the a11y information. so, so weird,09:09
araif it does not show in the accerciser, you may want to restart the session and try again09:10
elopioara, nop. It's not shown by accerciser.09:13
elopioI'll shut down the computer, go to sleep, and try again in the morning :)09:14
elopiothanks a lot.09:14
araelopio, then, for some strange reason, it is not accessible09:14
araaccerciser is a good tool to check those things09:14
aragood night :)09:14
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davmor2fader_, cr3 morning dudes14:58
fader_davmor2: Hey dude14:59
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arameeting reminder: join us at #ubuntu-meeting17:57
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czajkowskihttp://elkbuntu.net/ubuntuwomen/ vote  for the world play day competition18:17
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