
ScottLwow, thanks for the outstanding testimonial persia!03:18
TheMusoScottL, persia, crimsun, we now have jack2 in maverick.08:47
TheMusoI did nothing beyond merging/updating jack in maverick, so if things are broken, plesae tell me. :)08:47
jussiooh sexy08:48
ScottLhehe, that's so cool TheMuso , i really look forward to the alpha now :)11:59
ScottLTheMuso, will this have any affect on qjackctl?11:59
TheMusoScottL: it may.11:59
ScottLthat's probably good at this point because i think there is a bug in qjackctl that prevents connections from being made12:00
ScottLi wanted to test a few other cases and then i was going to file a bug this weekend12:01
ScottLjussi, TheMuso :  i wanted to remind you about membership application  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottLavender12:02
ScottLi will not bother you again about it, i promise :)12:02
TheMusoScottL: heh ok, will tend to that now.12:02
* ScottL is off to work12:04
scott-worki am hopefully going to send an email about the network manager bug today13:46
scott-workit will be sent to the last person who refreshed the 10_disable_interface.patch from the changelog requesting it to be removed13:47
scott-workpersia: however, yesterday you said that if they didn't show any interest, to just do it.13:47
scott-workif you meant to remove the patch i am unsure of how to effect that in the repository, i can download source, remove patch, yadda, yadda, but i don't expect to be able to upload it13:48
scott-workcan someone also point me in the direction of the lists of an iso, i want to be able to prove to chris coulsen that gnome-network-admin is *not* included by default on a vanilla desktop install?13:52
falktxi know i casper/filesystem.manifest13:53
falktxhas the list of all packages in a live cd/dvd13:53
scott-workthanks falktx 14:01
scott-worki think there is also a web page that also lists the manifests of installed packages14:01
falktxi think too14:01
scott-workcaptial!  i believe that is it, thanks again falktx 14:03
falktxglad to help14:03
abogani2persia: Now PPA kernel build works. Bah!14:53
scott-workpersia: re: network-admin bug:   yesterday you said that if they didn't show any interest, to just do it.14:55
scott-worksorry for cut a paste out of context, this is about removing the disable_interface patch14:55
scott-worklmms apparently isn't going to be developed "as-is" anymore    http://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=266215:30
scott-worklooks like they are going for a rewrite15:30
falktxfor 3 months now i think15:41
falktxalthough the mailing list is still active15:41
falktx(a patch was recently accepted)15:41
scott-workemail sent to chris coulson about the gnome-network-admin bug, i felt i was courteous and informative :)18:46
abogani2scott-work: You have been a lot.18:46
scott-worki am passionate about making ubuntu studio better :)18:48
abogani2scott-work: :-)18:48
scott-worki awake with ubuntu studio and go to sleep with ubuntu studio18:49
scott-work(eww, that sounded a little bad)18:49
abogani2scott-work: Exactly ^18:49
abogani2scott-work: Please accept my suggestion: don't exaggerate (<- sorry I don't know if it is the right word) !18:51
scott-workabogani2: don't take it to extremes and burn out?18:52
abogani2scott-work: Exactly :8-)18:52
scott-workabogani2: yes, i worry about it, but i *really* do enjoy getting things organized and it take emmense pleasure from making things happen (even if I don't really *do* anything other than coordinate)18:59
scott-workoh, and debian released ardour-2.7.1 fixing the mute bug (and using new upstream source)19:03
scott-worki'll make a sync request later for maverick19:03
scott-workpersia: which membership board do you sit on?20:19
scott-workthe north american board doesn't seem to move very often (application is still there from dec '09) so i was considering one of the others, i would need to avoid yours or remove your testimonial i suppose20:19
=== hansfbaier_ is now known as hansfbaier

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