
=== DT[AtWork] is now known as DT`
DT`my computer supports booting to USB, can i install Lucid to an 8gb stick and run it from that?  if so, can it be done from within another linux distro?00:06
havane31with unetbootin00:07
DT`got a link handy to the page for that?00:08
havane31you can easily found it with google00:09
DT`ok thanks00:09
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:09
DT`thank you amichair and havane3100:09
amichairDT`: I'm not sure if it's updated, but there's a usb creator in kubuntu's menus too...00:10
DT`well i'm not using kubuntu, i'm on crunchbang, almost everything need to be done command line or i need to know the exact name of the program00:11
DT`(which is great for low power systems like my old AMD k5 with a whopping 100mb of ram :P)00:12
amichairDT`: ok then, I guess u can read up on various methods and pick the one which suits your needs :-)00:12
havane31xubuntu is a good choice00:12
DT`havane i ran xubuntu on it, but the new (9.x+) don't run on it all. with crunchbang i can actually use a live CD and not have to install to disk00:15
ridinsound isn't playing when i watch youtube videos00:16
ridini've installed pulseaudio, doesn't seem to help00:16
havane31you could try with unetbootin DT`00:17
havane31it is faster with an usb stick, faster with a live cd00:18
DT`i may do that after reading the page00:18
havane31faster than with a live cd00:18
DT`USB is not an option on that old fossil tho :/00:18
havane31( my english is not perfect)00:18
DT`(neither is mine and i'm american :P)00:19
havane31( i am french :)00:19
DT`now, if i use unetbootin to make a live USB stick, will it save setting and so forth?00:19
DT`in other words, will it act like a hard disk install?00:20
havane31it will save if it is persistent i think00:20
havane31it is an option00:20
DT`will have to look. that seems to be the easiest option00:20
DT`not quite ready to format my hard drive. got alot of stuff to back up first00:21
havane31i saw on official ubuntu webpages a software used to make bootable usb sticktoo00:21
sidneysomeone has a lins as to where i register a nick00:21
Gerwinsidney: /msg NickServ help register00:21
ridinso, can anyone help??00:22
DT`sorry ridin, i've never had an issue with audio on any computer i've done :(00:23
Gerwinridin: What's your problem?00:24
havane31it is called universal usb installer00:24
ridinGerwin: I can't listen to flash files, or anything else, only amarok and the start up sound00:25
Gerwinridin: Sorry, no experience on that :(00:26
=== sidney is now known as Sovereign
DT`ok, i'll mess with that stuff in a bit, will return if i have an issues, thanks all00:27
ridinnone of my output devices work00:29
=== Sovereign is now known as SovereignEntity
GerwinAt least one of them must be working, since you can hear the startup sound, and can listen to Amarok ;)00:29
ridinnot anymore.00:29
alex_____kubuntu rocks!00:44
amichairalex_____: agreed :-)00:45
=== sidney is now known as SovereignEntity
=== GinoMan is now known as MasterChief
alex_____The plymouuth boot app doesn't works well!00:51
SovereignEntitycan someone here help with a pysdm error message00:51
SovereignEntityAn error occurred while mounting /media/sdc100:51
Typos_KingSovereignEntity:   yes, that error means that 'error occurred while mounting /media/sdc1' :)00:53
SovereignEntityTypos_King:  but i uninstalled the program and the drive is mounter with another program00:54
=== MasterChief is now known as GinoMan
SovereignEntitybut i still get the error00:55
Typos_Kingyou seem to think is 'pysdm' for some reason, maybe the error comes from something else :), from changes pysdm made to fstab00:55
SovereignEntityok can someone point me in the direction to get rid of this error00:56
chilipep4hello.  say, i've never used kubuntu, but was wondering how it compares to ubuntu?  yeah, sure, i understand it uses kde instead of gnome, but that can't be literally the only difference ... (can it???)00:57
alex_____yeap, thats the only difference00:57
SovereignEntitythe error came up after installing and using pysdm00:58
SovereignEntitythats why i unstalled00:58
Typos_Kingchilipep4:   yes :)00:58
Typos_Kingchilipep4:    that's pretty much it00:59
chilipep4alex____, Typos_King: oh, so it still uses openoffice, ubuntuone, jockey, and doesn't really have any more bugs?00:59
Typos_Kingjust different desktop manager and default window manager, I don't use kwin, I use another window manager, but run kde apps :)01:00
alex_____kubuntu just install kde desktop almost without applying any customization01:03
chilipep4ah, well, thanks for the information.  i guess that satisfies my curiosity01:03
=== basile is now known as guillom
dbc254looking at my directories from a shell, there's an "L" instead of a "D" in front of my /home directory.  Does this mean it's a link?01:10
Typos_Kingsounds like it01:14
judgenis there a nighly repo for kde4.5beta for lucid somewhere?01:15
Typos_Kingdbc254:    can you post a screenshot of what you're looking at?  in Details mode, paste it at imgur.com01:15
Typos_KingI dunno if that means is a link or not, sounds like it from what you said, then again, dunno, mine isn't, when I'm on ~01:15
Typos_Kingdbc254:    ksnapshot :)01:21
Typos_Kingdbc254:    so, which is the link?  I don't see it on that image?01:27
dbc254the top left window is my shell01:27
Typos_KingI don't see your HOME folder as being a link, it isn't even listed in any way anyway, you do have a link  there, but that's another matter01:29
snarkfishhow do you get thumbnails for movie files?01:30
Typos_Kingsnarkfish:     take a quick snapshot of the movie :)01:30
Typos_Kingmake a thumbnail off it01:31
Typos_Kingusually a media player will have such tool, I use xine-ui, and has a 'camera' icon I can just click and snapshots it01:31
snarkfishisnt there some sort of plugin that will make previews of movie files?01:31
Typos_Kingmaybe, I never looked for one myself01:32
markus_snarkfish: If you find out let me know. We need that for videocatcher :)01:35
Typos_Kingdbc254:  saw that01:38
snarkfishwell i found out how to use ffmpeg.. want the link?01:38
snarkfishmarkus_: http://blog.prashanthellina.com/2008/03/29/creating-video-thumbnails-using-ffmpeg/01:39
markus_snarkfish: Googled that up too. Already checking if this program uses ffmpeg. (read that mplayer also creates thumbnails)01:40
snarkfishwonder if the second link would work with dolphin cause its a gtk program01:41
Typos_Kingsnarkfish:     I may look into mplayer arguments, it may allows a quickshot at some offset or so01:43
snarkfishhmm ok. thanx01:46
snarkfishwhat about this one? http://blog.radevic.com/2008/06/how-to-create-movie-or-video-frame.html01:47
Typos_Kingcan't say snarkfish01:59
Typos_Kinglooks ok though01:59
ratshi all I hve a proublem with screen resolution When I restart my box it reverts back to the default screen resolution Is there a way to set the resolution and keep it the same after rebooy, Kubuntu 10.04 Nvidia graphics Thanks02:25
jinzougenAnyone around? Kubuntu isn't recognizing my Canon printer, which is a new development...02:29
jinzougenIt shows up on lsusb though02:29
siranhi all02:46
siranwhere can I download a Live CD to boot Kubuntu ?02:46
sirancan all downloads be used live ?02:47
Dragnslcrsiran- I know the desktop CD and DVD can02:51
=== txwikinger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.3 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkOD |
=== txwikinger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.3 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkOD |
=== txwikinger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.3 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Torrent: (x86) http://bit.ly/aCu4C0 (AMD64) http://bit.ly/cCS4kR (Netbook) http://bit.ly/9PFkOD |
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
jaemHello.  I installed the ubuntu-desktop meta-package on Kubuntu, just to try it out later, and it fiddled with my file associations.  Is there an easy way to reverse this?  (e.g. if some package's post-install messed with them, is there a corresponding Kubuntu package I could reinstall to do the opposite?)03:06
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king_join #ubuntu-es03:43
=== talla is now known as fadly
alex_____it would be great to match consitency betwen the kubuntu plymouth theme, kdm and ksplash04:16
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=== matyd` is now known as matthew
=== matthew is now known as matyd1
matyd1running kubuntu 10.04 and I am wondering why when I hook my hdmi cord up to the television it isn't working? I've tried googling but not too sure where to start or how to word it04:57
=== matthew` is now known as matyd
=== matyd is now known as matyd`
matyd`i'm running kubuntu 10.04 and am wondering why, when I plug my hdmi cord into the laptop that's connected to the television doesn't work. I tried googling buthad no luck and really wasn't sure how to even word that lol05:03
=== matyd` is now known as matyd
mase_wkmatyd: hi matyd05:09
mase_wkthere are a number of reasons why it may not work, firstly your card may not be supported05:09
mase_wkif it is supported, it may be using the incorrect driver05:10
mase_wkthose are the most common causes.05:10
mase_wkcan you tell me a bit about the video card your using ?05:10
matydyeah, sorry i'm pretty new to linux05:10
matydpretty newb tbh05:11
mase_wkactually another common cause is that you just haven't told it to out put to the hdmi port, but we'll get to that later05:11
mase_wkthats fine, no experience needed05:11
matydyeah i opened the kde multiple monitors deal and it just says its not configured05:11
mase_wkok, no problem, so to begin with, what is your video card ?05:12
mase_wkwhat make /model05:12
mase_wkthis can usually be found in the hardware manual05:12
mase_wkif you don't know off the top of your head05:12
matydlet me check ;P05:13
matydpretty sure its: Discrete NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GS graphics05:14
mase_wkokay then. gimme a few mins, just have to attend to some thing and i'll be right back05:15
matydsorry i was wrong05:16
matyd00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)05:16
matydfixed it, went to desktop settings and check marked desktop effects05:36
matydworks awesome now thanks05:36
=== scott___ is now known as scottayy
matydokay its working and everything but the sound is not05:49
mase_wkhey sorry got a bit caught up05:50
mase_wkso you got it working , cool05:50
mase_wkexcept for the sound05:50
matydtried playing a movie, the sound played on the laptop but didn't play on my surround sound05:50
mase_wkwell done, i guess from a sound pov you could look at kmix05:53
mase_wkright click on the sound / speaker icon05:53
sokemananyone from townsville???05:53
mase_wkand select show mixer window05:53
mase_wkthen on mine, i have a button that says master05:53
matydkmix isn't bold05:54
matydcan't click on it05:54
mase_wkif you click on the button it should expand05:54
matydahh i got ya05:54
mase_wkyeh you should get all the different options, you might just have one of the options muted05:54
mase_wkor low05:54
sokemanANYONE from townsville???05:55
mase_wksokeman: if someone is from townsville they will say so05:55
matydi did have one muted, let me check now05:55
mase_wkalso not everyone is monitoring the channel all the time05:55
mase_wkmatyd: there is also a sound option in the system settings05:57
mase_wkwich allows you to increase/ decrease the device priority05:57
mase_wkthat may be of some use to you05:57
matydk let me check that also05:57
mase_wkit could possibly list an HDMI output05:57
mase_wkwhich can be increased in priority for video05:57
mase_wki don't have HDMI unfortunately so i have never tried it05:58
matydyeah it did and i was able to test the 'HDA Intel, INTEL HDMI (HDMI Audio Output)' and it worked05:58
mase_wkwell done05:59
matydtrying to figure out how to get it to work for the movie hehe05:59
matydwell its not working for the movie that is currently playing though06:00
matydthe driver is working though heh06:01
matydcould it be the dragon player?06:01
matydshould i look into another media player for the movies maybe06:01
liveCDhi guys, I installed Kubuntu yesterday, everything fine, install and upgrade some stuff06:09
liveCDthen today when I reboot, I stumble upon a grub prompt and nothing more :S06:09
=== fede is now known as Sp3ctr0
=== Sp3ctr0 is now known as fede11001
fede11001Could you please help me?06:15
fede11001I have just installed Kubuntu 10.0406:15
fede11001and have no sound...06:15
liveCDcheck the volume with kmix06:15
liveCDfede11001: how did you check the sound ?06:15
fede11001i just have to input kmix in the console06:18
fede11001i am new at this.. sorry :S06:18
=== liveCD is now known as lyhana8
lyhana8fede11001: Alt+F2 then type kmix06:19
lyhana8or in the statut bar, also check your speaker06:19
fede11001the speaker in the status bar06:20
fede11001is ok06:20
fede11001when i ran kmix it keeps loading06:21
fede11001and after that nothing happens...06:21
fede11001the program on the tray gets closed06:21
fede11001i have an NVidia hda06:22
fede11001it seems to be a quite regular error06:22
fede11001but i found no solution in forums or google06:22
fede11001there are some site that asks if i am running pulse06:23
fede11001or something like that..06:23
fede11001any idea?06:23
lyhana8did ypu try to install the proprietary driver ? Alt+F2 type `driver` and open the  1st one06:23
lyhana8fede11001: If it's a fresh install I don't think so, pulse is for Ubuntu, Kubuntu use ALSA06:24
fede11001just a sec06:31
fede11001it just detected driver for the video Card06:33
lyhana8not sure, but maybe the driver for the HDa is inside06:33
lyhana8you can give it a try06:33
lyhana8otherwise check if ALSA is install06:34
fede11001how do i do that :S06:36
tim_Whats the best app for programming HTML/Javascript06:36
fede11001i am so screwed06:36
lyhana8tim_: you choose: kate, gedit, jedit, quanta+, kompozer, vim XD06:39
lyhana8fede11001: with a console : aptitude search alsa06:40
lyhana8the line beginning with `i` mean the package is install06:40
fede11001ok, i will do so06:41
fede11001i have not installed synaptic yet06:41
lyhana8also look at this line to know your card model : `lspci | grep -i audio`06:41
tim_lyhana8: which one would you say is teh best06:41
lyhana8its a command line, plus you dont need synaptic, there is kpackagekit for KDE06:41
lyhana8I got alsa-base and alsa-utils installed06:42
fede11001when i do alsamixer in the console is there06:44
fede11001yes i have just lloked at it06:44
fede11001i will try to modify06:44
fede11001the model type06:44
fede11001in order to check if there was the error06:44
fede11001really-... i dont have a clue of what i am doing06:45
lyhana8don't understand the 5 last sentences06:45
fede11001it seems that alsa is installed06:45
lyhana8you're discovering a whole new world :D06:45
fede11001i am reading at document that explains that the sound issue is very common with intel cards..06:45
fede11001and that i should change the model in this file06:46
fede11001however, this file was not created06:46
lyhana8try to restart it: sudo service alsa-mixer-save restart06:46
fede11001i hope it works06:46
fede11001ok i wil try06:46
fede11001just a sec06:46
lyhana8fede11001: you can ask help on #ubuntu and #alsa (if this one exists)06:47
lyhana8I've to restart06:47
sokemananyone from townsville06:48
sokemananyone from townsville???06:48
fede11001fede@afrika:~$ sudo service alsa-mixer-save restart06:49
fede11001[sudo] password for fede:06:49
fede11001restart: Unknown instance:06:49
aloneahey, what is a good program for doing video chat? Like with aim or something?06:53
noaXessif i run digiKam i get a error message but just with a title: Nepomuk Data Storage.. any idea?06:53
noaXessand on login i get also a error message.. i can't remember.. full in work.. but also anything with nepomuk, that some package must be installed to use it..06:54
well_laid_lawn!kopete | alonea06:54
ubottualonea: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin06:54
noaXesswell_laid_lawn: use pidgin.. cause it supports also IRC in kde406:55
aloneaPidgin doesn't support video, bu06:55
noaXessalonea: ok.. hm..06:55
aloneaI was just at their website06:55
aloneaand they said they dont06:55
noaXessalonea: video for what protocoll?06:55
noaXessi just use video in skype..06:55
aloneaaim or msn is what I am looking for. Aim preferably06:55
aloneadoes Kopete work with Ubuntu Remix? or do I need KDE for that?06:57
noaXessalonea: hm.. i think some kde packages will also be installed if you install kopete on ubuntu06:58
noaXessso try apt-cache depends kopete, so you see what packages it need06:58
aloneanoaXess: and does Kopete support video with most of the basic protocols?06:58
noaXessalonea: i don't know.. cause i used kopete not long time in kde4..06:59
alonealooking in their documentation, haven't seen anything about video yet06:59
lyhana8fede11001: any progress ?06:59
fede11001y tirde to force de alsa reload07:00
fede11001and the driver is still not working07:00
alonealooks like MSN and yahoo. that will work I think07:00
fede11001i mean should happen to someone else before07:00
fede11001it weird to dont find an answr07:00
fede11001when i did  sudo alsa force-reload07:01
fede11001the speaker in the tray disappeared07:01
lyhana8you can try to install pulse maybe07:01
fede11001do i need to de-install alsa before doing that07:02
fede11001how do i get synaptic07:02
fede11001by console?07:02
aloneahopefully its not a hassle to set up the webcam for it. kinda sucky that something like this doesn't have great support, but can't blame Linux guys too much...not like the companies help07:02
fede11001got synaptic07:05
lyhana8fede11001: use `kpackagekit`07:05
lyhana8sudo aptitude reinstall alsa-base07:06
fede11001ok in kpackagekit07:06
fede11001i search fo rpulse and there are a lot of options07:06
fede11001which one should i select07:06
fede11001pulse library?07:06
lyhana8read the description: pulseaudio07:07
fede11001all of them?07:07
fede11001lyhana8 should i install all pulses packages???07:11
lyhana8fede11001: the one call `pulseaudio` and pulseaudio-utils07:13
aloneaok, so I see myself and stuff under kopete under video in the settings, but how do I actually have a video chat with someone??? I dont see a button anywhere07:24
aloneait says its supports msn, but I dont see a button anywhere to start a video conference.07:26
zusdoes anyone use gtk record my desktop?  is any one having problems loading  videos to youtube  with lucid?07:42
pushaxhi all.  Has anyone installed FGLRX drivers successfully on 10.04?07:43
=== ussher is now known as ussher_
dubishello ......08:39
dubisIs there french people08:39
lyhana8dubis: yep08:41
dubislyhana8: Do you speak french ?08:43
lyhana8oui dubis08:43
dubiscool ...........J'ai des soucis avec akonnadi ????08:44
FireCrotchDoes anyone have any idea when there will be KDE SC 4.5b1 packages available?08:51
=== esdrujulo is now known as Edeuterius
oxymoronIs it possible check computer components watt using on Kubuntu?09:14
well_laid_lawn!fr | dubis !sensors | oxymoron "might" include wattage09:21
ubottudubis !sensors | oxymoron "might" include wattage: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:21
well_laid_lawn!sensors | oxymoron "might" include wattage09:21
ubottuoxymoron "might" include wattage: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.09:21
oxymoronwell_laid_lawn: Thanks :)09:26
well_laid_lawnnp :]09:27
oxymoronwell_laid_lawn: Its already installed, how do I use the till?09:28
well_laid_lawnoxymoron: I've never used lm_sensors sorry09:28
oxymoronI only get voltage09:28
oxymoronP = U * I and I want to know P, but only got U?09:29
oxymoronI got this lm-sensors09:30
well_laid_lawnis I time?09:30
oxymoronSorry: http://pastebin.com/U99N5Tki09:30
oxymoronwell_laid_lawn: No I is ampere09:30
oxymoronIs my values good btw?09:31
oxymoronI want to know if and how many more compontents my power supply will be able to handle ... I only got 4 modular SATA power supplies with Corsair 520 W and I got 6 disks09:32
oxymoronAnd while I am still in good mood, if I should backup huge amounts of data into a external drive, whats the best backup app/script deal? I want to store incremental backups every week and then rewrite over every new week day by day.09:34
oxymoronI want to backup several partitions on one drive.09:35
FireCrotchOk, this is a weird issue... Any time that I get an IM in pidgin when the IM window is not focused, my entire screen flashes09:36
well_laid_lawn!rsync | oxymoron09:36
ubottuoxymoron: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync09:36
oxymoronFireCrotch: Entire screen? :O09:36
oxymoronwell_laid_lawn: How to script rsync, I have been trying to do it but I dont understand how you do.09:37
FireCrotchoxymoron: entire screen. It's related to plasma notifications, since it just happened when you highlighted me, too09:37
oxymoronFireCrotch: Thats odd, have you tried another IM client?09:37
FireCrotchoxymoron:  I doubt its client related, since I use quassel for IRC09:38
oxymoronFireCrotch: COuld be desktop effects, knotify, new QT (If youre using 4.7) or anything.09:38
oxymoronFireCrotch: Btw, I could recommend Konversation, you WILL dump Quassel for that one thats a promise.09:38
FireCrotchKonversation doesn'09:38
FireCrotcht have a server component that lets me connect to it from any computer running the proper client though09:39
oxymoronFireCrotch: Why do you need that anyway? :S09:40
FireCrotchoxymoron: because I use both my laptop and my desktop, and I like to stay connected at all times, and use a GUI client09:41
FireCrotchso no irssi+screen (irssi sucks)09:41
oxymoronFireCrotch: Isnt it possible to connect to it from both computers then?09:43
FireCrotchoxymoron: huh?09:45
oxymoronFireCrotch: Connect to IRC from both laptop and desktop?09:45
FireCrotchoxymoron: using different nicks, sure09:46
FireCrotchBut what about the stuff that I would miss when neither computer is on?09:46
oxymoronFireCrotch: Not much happening on IRC anyway :P09:47
FireCrotchoxymoron: maybe not on this channel :)09:48
oxymoronFireCrotch: Haha no, but not many other channels either, or what ones are you talkling about?09:49
FireCrotchoxymoron: #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, ##club-ubuntu, some channels on a server that I run09:50
oxymoronFireCrotch: I guess I ask for more help on those channels, #kubuntu isnt really active09:52
noaXesshello again10:14
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AlexLuya_Hello,how to make ibus support google chrome?10:17
noaXessi get this error, if i login int my kde session: http://imagebin.ca/view/TQGPHs9N.html10:18
noaXesswhat package do i need to install?10:18
simeonI'm having a problem and can't find a sollution in Google/Ubuntu forums10:24
amichairsimeon: you can try asking here, and if someone will have ideas, they'll reply10:26
simeonI'm using a USB DAC, it's set as default sound device for everything, it works fine in Amarok/Dragon player but no sound in brosers...10:26
simeonand i don't think it's connected to the alsa problem everybody have10:26
simeonit works just fine when i set the internal sound card as default - everything works10:28
simeonand no problem under Ubuntu/Gnome - works fine10:29
amichairsimeon: in system settings -> multimedia, are all relevant options set to your device (e.g. video)?10:30
simeoni found only one thread in ubuntuforums from somebody else about the same problem and no replies10:31
amichairsimeon: I think yesterday someone here had similar symptoms (sound in amarok but not in browser), but I wasn't around to hear if they found a solution - maybe in the irc logs10:32
amichairsorry I don't know enough about the sound systems myself :-)10:33
simeonmhm, thanks, may be lately I'll check them10:33
simeonThe system reads the USB DAC as: "Burr-Brown from TI"10:34
simeonif it can help10:34
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supermagnumhi, i have a CF-29 laptop that stops responding under install from a USB drive11:33
supermagnumit goes to the point that the "kubuntu" screen comes up, but then the scrren goes black and it halts.11:33
supermagnumit does not respon on caps lock or numlock11:34
supermagnumthe light on the usb drive glows, and i have runned a test to check if there is any orrors on the USB drive11:35
supermagnumi am trying to install 9.1011:35
well_laid_lawnit's either a bad cd burn or the graphics are playing nice - did you do the cd check?11:35
supermagnumyes, and that came out ok11:36
supermagnumany ideas ?11:41
supermagnumperhaps it is possible to use a installer that does not use graphics ?11:41
amichairsupermagnum: is the problem when booting up from usb, or from the HDD after the installer ran? Also, did you try 10.04?11:43
supermagnumit did boot windows earlier to day, but i will try to see if it boots windows now11:44
supermagnumi havent tried 10.0411:45
supermagnumit boots windows ok11:45
amichairsupermagnum: what I meant is, does the freeze occure before running the installer or after running the installer (when it asks you to restart)?11:46
supermagnumit freexes during install11:46
supermagnumi get to the language selsection, but thats it11:47
amichairsupermagnum: ok, so basically the problem is that the livecd doesn't start, regardless of installer, if I understand correctly11:47
supermagnumi have the "live cd" on a usb disk11:48
amichairprobably worth trying 10.04, in any case. Maybe some related issue was fixed.11:51
well_laid_lawnor try the alternate cd11:52
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal11:52
supermagnumok, i will try that11:53
supermagnumi can find the hardware specs on it11:55
well_laid_lawnsupermagnum: keep it in the channel pls - i don't know everything :]11:58
supermagnum  Intel 915GMS chipset11:59
supermagnumthe specs are here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190390372296&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT11:59
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supermagnumso, there is no problems with the minimum specs related to the hardware12:09
well_laid_lawnit is way better then the min required supermagnum12:15
supermagnumi know12:15
amichairsupermagnum: maybe u need one of those boot options that disable acpi or modsetting or those things? (sorry, I'm not familiar with the details, but I hear it recommended often in similar no-boot cases)12:16
supermagnumi can take a look at the boot menu12:17
amichairsupermagnum: it's stuff u have to add manually to the boot commands12:17
kleopatrahi guys, i have  a little problem, by pressing Ctrl+F11 some strange workbench-choosing program starts, how can i deactivate this?12:19
amichairsupermagnum: maybe this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:19
supermagnumit does not appear that anyting are wrong there12:20
amichairkleopatra: maybe in system settings -> desktop -> effects configurations12:20
kleopatrai dont know the name of the "feature"  i cant find it =(12:23
kleopatrathere is crtl+f1 /f2  but nothing for ctrl+f11, isnt there some confuguration file?12:25
supermagnumno luck with apci off.12:28
amichairkleopatra: crtl+f11 is the default for the desktop cube effect, you can click the configuration button (wrench) to change the keys or disable them12:30
kleopatraamichair:  sry, for the fact i am german i couldnt follow, ctrl+f11 doesnt rly start a cube but maybe its that effect, where can i find the settings for it? is it in systemsettings?12:32
amichairkleopatra: System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects -> Desktop Cube -> click the configuration icon that looks like a wrench on that line12:33
anirudhi have 2 nic adapters on my computer. of which only eth0 works and eth1 doesnt. i have given no preferences to  either in manage connections. i need my eth1 to start working. eth0 is connected to a modem and eth1 needs to be connected to a router12:34
amichairkleopatra: (or just uncheck the checkbox next to Desktop Cube to disable it entirely)12:34
amichairkleopatra: does that help?12:41
supermagnumshit! same story with 10.0412:43
supermagnumthe installer hangs.. :(12:44
n8wiver reinstalled my system but rewritten folders etc,var with those from my backup...since then i cant start up the xserver12:52
n8wthe problem is a missin nvidia driver bein referenced to in the config12:53
n8wanythin i can do?12:53
n8wcan i somehow reset the xserver back to default?12:53
Torchn8w: remove or move away /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:54
n8wTorch: ok...what about this. sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?12:55
Torchn8w: what abou it?12:57
appleseedone of my hdd's went into DISK SLEEP and now all associated programs are frozen. I've terminated the mount.ntfs for the disk, but whenever I run mount or fdisk then the terminal freezes before showing the asleep disk. Is there a way to uncouple the associated programs so that I could save my work (Kate) on another disk?13:05
Torchappleseed: no. the kernel waits on behalf of the apps for the disk. the apps can't do anything.13:06
appleseedTorch: so I'm basically screwed?13:07
Torchappleseed: from what you've told us, i'd say yes, you are.13:08
Torchappleseed: unless the disk wakes up13:08
appleseedTorch: I'll go make some really strong coffee... thx13:08
kleopatraamichair: sry my girlfriend just arrived, your advice helped thx, now i can use eclipse again =)13:42
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sheldon__cooperhi folk...what is the status of kde 4.4.80 packaging?14:01
bobywhen we can expect kubuntu 10.04.114:20
JontheEchidnain two months, iirc14:20
mmahergo kubuntu14:21
zuswhat is 10.4.1?14:24
sheldon__cooperzus: boh!14:24
jordi_HI EVERYBODY14:25
zussheldon__cooper,  hi there.14:26
JontheEchidnazus: A new CD image with all the post-release updates will be made available as 10.04.114:26
JontheEchidnaIt's mainly a convenience for people, so that they don't have tons of updates after they install 10.0414:27
zusJontheEchidna,  thanks, because this is a fresh update,....14:27
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zusjoin #vbox14:41
n8wwhat folder do printer settings reside?14:47
darrylhi i just installed kubuntu and in the menu it says firefox installer, i click on it and it says packages already installed, but i can't launch firefox14:57
darryldo i have to use apt-get to install firefox?14:58
DarthFrogdarryl: Can you run firefox from the command line?  What happens when you try?14:59
darrylsays its not installed to use apt get to install it14:59
darrylguess that anwsers my question14:59
darrylthought firefox would come pre-installed though14:59
DarthFrogNot in Kubuntu.14:59
DarthFrogDo you need help in using apt-get?15:00
darryli got one more question and this is a problem i had in ubuntu as well15:00
darryli have a onboard wireless card in my laptop but i'm in a concrete building so i use a external one that goes outside my window15:00
darrylbut if i have the wireless switch turned off on my laptop it won't let me use my external one15:00
DarthFrogSo don't turn it off?15:01
darrylcan i disable the onboard wireless card and leave the switch on?15:02
DarthFrogUse knetworkmanager and configure only the one you want to use.15:02
DarthFrogNo need to disable the onboard nic.15:02
zussome how i dont have PgP or is it GpG installed by default, which is the lock icon in my panel15:07
zusits not in my menu either15:08
DarthFrogzus: Are you sure?  What happens when you type "gpg" at the command line?15:09
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Torchzus: that's because the icons come from the oxygen pacakge (most likely, it can be another icon pacakge, of course)15:09
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zusdeathfrog ok the .gnupg was created...15:11
DarthFrogzus: It's installed. :-)15:11
zusoh then the gui part of it....was what i think i was looking for15:12
zusTorch,  i dont think i have the front end installed to have the lock icon,15:13
DarthFrogThere's a kgpg package.15:13
zushow do i exit gpg in the terminal then?15:14
hrwsomeone know how to pair BT headset under kubuntu? kbluetooth is able to pair only input devices15:16
zusi hate when the packetkit ask for authentication but opens the box minimized ...15:16
zusthanks DarthFrog  and Torch . that sorted that right out.15:20
zushad a hdd failure i have to reinstall everything from scratch...15:21
DarthFrogNot fun.15:21
zuswhat i've lost i can download/torrent back (some) problem is its been everything since i began using ubuntu since the tail end of 9.0415:23
DarthFrogzus: good thing you have a backup, right?15:23
zusthats what failed15:24
zuswhats the command line to make a back up of a file in the same folder?15:28
DarthFrogcp -a <filename> <filename.bak>15:29
zusthank you very much15:29
DarthFrogThere's nothing special about the .bak extension, BTW.  It's merely a convention for convenience; it means nothing whatsoever to the system.15:30
zusbut if i make a change to the original file and something does go wrong ?....15:33
zushehe im like a bull in a china shop...15:33
DarthFrogBut that's not the backup that's meant.  It's on the same hard drive.15:34
DarthFrogStill, it's a good idea.15:34
DarthFrogIf you had a full system backup, or at least your home directory backed up, onto a separate hard drive|DVD|tape, you could recover from a disk failure without data loss.15:36
zusi've only internal drives no externals... so i used the biggest one i had as a storage15:36
DarthFrogI have a D-Link DNS-323 little NAS box, has 1.25 TB of disk space.  I run a backup using rsync via a cron job overnight from my and my wife's machines to the DNS-323.15:38
DarthFrogIt also has a USB print server which makes printing available over the LAN, quite convenient.15:39
zusi have to get an external one day i will...now i will have to use the 80gig internal as a storage15:39
DarthFrogNo problem using a  second internal drive for backup.  Unless the box is stolen. :-)15:40
Torch... or the house is on fire ...15:40
zusgood points15:42
DarthFrogTorch: If the house is on fire, it doesn't matter whether the backup is internal or external.  Unless he grabs the external disk on his way out of the burning building.  Somehow, I doubt that would be a priority.  :-)15:43
TorchDarthFrog: at least i always imagine i'm going to do that in that case... that's why i have it external ;-)15:43
DarthFrogMan is not a rational animal, man is a rationalizing animal. :-)15:44
zusyou'd be surprised what man does under pressure, sometimes its not so clever things15:45
oxymoronWow I had to go to "~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences" to change default download folder, thats quite funny :D15:46
zusoh, can i use one broswer with a proxy or will that change my entire network?15:47
oxymoronNvm, lol Google have hidden it well in settings :D15:47
oxymoronzus: Why would you use proxy at all ?15:47
zusi tried to go to British site and i couldn't view some contents because it wasnt for my area15:48
oxymoronzus: Probably a reason for that?15:49
zusithis is odd, firefox is taking a long time to do anything..15:52
macozus: yes, you can set proxy settings in browser15:53
oxymoronThats why you use Chrome ;)15:54
georgetfis anybody here that can help me with kde?15:55
georgetfpls pm me15:55
zushttp://www.e4.com/ thats the site i wanted t watch a tv show on.  not certain its British but i wasnt able to veiw  the videos15:55
zusthe show certainly was, the it crowd.15:56
zusanyways thanks then for the help, ill be back in a few.15:58
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oxymoronHow do I crypt a partition without need to format it? :S16:02
wizkoderIs the bot down. Or why does it not respond?16:09
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde416:10
DarthFrogBotty's fine.16:10
_newbie_hi all16:12
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adilalpmani need help about my soundcard on kubuntu 10.0416:12
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adilalpmani use creative SB-5.1-VX souncard and my lspci output is on http://pastebin.com/7K3W6gSL  and my system has just updated with synaptic but when i start and login to my system and when i logout i just hear a noise... any sound... :( can anybody help me? :S16:15
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faLUCEhi. is it possible to associate different desktops to different monitors on the same pc ?16:20
oxymoronfaLUCE: Wow, cool idea :P I have no idea if it works, but on *buntu/Linux it should if its possible.16:21
adilalpmancany anybody help me :(16:22
faLUCEoxymoron: ?16:23
oxymoronfaLUCE: Oh sorry I meant, if it should work on any PC it owuld be on a PC with Linux16:24
oxymoronfaLUCE: If you havent tried it, try Compiz16:25
brujohHey all, any tips on getting java working in firefox? it is lucid 32 bit os16:28
brujohI have installed the packages I think and tried linking to everything I could find, no luck16:28
claude23Anyone know how to run KUBUNTU with qemu?16:42
amichairbrujoh: try enablingo the partner repositories, and installing sun-java6-plugin16:43
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo16:44
amichairclaude23: I use virtualbox, which is extremely simple and friendly, if you want to give it a try :-)16:45
claude23amichair: it is free right?16:45
Rokixzqemu is old thing, you may use Virtualbox, it's free, simple and whatever :D16:46
amichairclaude23: the OSE version is free in all senses, and there's another version that's free as in beer. I use OSE and never missed anything (they are almost identical). it's in the repos.16:46
claude23amichair: yes but I kind of want to run it off of a CD-ROM16:47
amichairclaude23: from a livecd?16:47
adilalpmanpls somebody help mee... :'(16:47
claude23Live CD.. well I want to run the boot CD within windows16:48
adilalpmani use creative SB-5.1-VX souncard and my lspci output is on http://pastebin.com/7K3W6gSL  and my system has just updated with synaptic but when i start and login to my system and when i logout i just hear a noise... any sound... :( can anybody help me? :S16:48
amichairsay, does anyone know if there are additional desktop effects to be added to system settings from somewhere? e.g. the fire effect for closing windows?16:48
amichairclaude23: u want a vm with the host being windows and the guest being kubuntu?16:49
claude23amichair: yeppers16:50
amichairamichair: oh. so just install virtualbox on windows from their website :-)16:50
amichairwoops, talking to myself16:50
amichairclaude23: ^^16:50
claude23amichair: yes but is there a way to do it with qemu?16:51
amichairclaude23: and load up the kubuntu iso image into the vm, and install it in the vm. then in kubuntu install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils to get full integration16:51
amichairclaude23: dunno, I only tried using it once a couple years ago, then quickly moved on to vbox and never looked back16:52
claude23Okay.. Does anyone here use qemu?16:52
brujohwhen I try to instal sun-java6-jre it gives me an error "The packages have unresolvable dependencies.l16:53
amichairbrujoh: hmmm.... are all the repos enabled (including partner)? and sudo apt-get updated?16:54
amichairclaude23: from what I remember though, it's just some command line argument to mount the cd iso image, and everything works from there16:54
claude23amichair: Yes well I can do it with ubuntu..16:55
brujohamichair: I enabled partners and what do you know.... there are java packages. :)16:58
amichairbrujoh: yeah, I came across that, and several people have asked about it here... dunno why it moved to a separate and disabled by default repo. probably licensing stuff.17:00
amichairhmmm.. !java17:00
amichairwe should teach ubottu about it17:01
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)17:01
amichairanyone know how to change that?17:03
LjLamichair: /msg ubottu !no, java is <reply> new answer17:07
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kwtmHi!  Does Kubuntu Lucid use Phonon from KDE4, or the standard PulseAudio that comes with Ubuntu Lucid (GNOME)?  (At least, I *think* it comes with PulseAudio.)17:51
amichairkwtm: I think kubuntu doesn't come with PA by default (Ubuntu does)17:55
kwtmamichair: That's what I thought.  My family's Ubuntu has sound problems, but I can't use my Kubuntu experience to help them since they are different systems.  They haven't phased out PulseAudio (in Ubuntu) yet, right?  It seems that aRTs > ALSA > OSS > PulseAudio seems the fad-of-the-day system17:56
amichairkwtm: all I know is that linux sound systems have been, and continue to be, a mess :-)17:58
apparlehow to execute or run the project in kdevelop, I have install kdevelop from backports18:01
wirGeht skype auf kubuntu zu installieren?18:01
Pici!de | wir18:01
ubottuwir: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:01
amichairare there additional desktop effects to be added to system settings? e.g. the fire effect for closing windows?18:07
marceloboa tarde gente18:13
Micahdoes anyone here have experience making a live, persistant USB install of kubuntu?18:37
apparleMicah: I am running it18:37
shadeslayer!usb | Micah18:39
ubottuMicah: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:39
Micahapparle: how did you do it?18:39
apparleMicah: run the USB creator in the (k)ubuntu and create the disk18:40
Micahcan i do that from a live disk of lucid?18:41
apparleMicah: ya boot the live disk, and then run the USB creator it is installed by default18:41
Micahok, where do i find the usb creator at?18:43
apparleMicah: it is in the menu18:44
Micahwill have to reboot and try shortly18:45
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regenhello everyone! Could any of you tell me what would cause 'ln existing_file new_link_file' to give "operation not prmitted" -- all directories exist, file exists and I've tried using 'sudo' to ensure it's not permissions...18:57
djusticeregen: new_link_file is in a place that has no write permissions..19:01
djusticeregen: sudo misuse maybe.. 'sudo su' then 'ln -s meh_file meh_link'19:02
fakeeeeFREE WORLD19:06
matydIs hdmi sound not supported in kubuntu 10.04? I can get video to work using vlc or dragon player, but have to play the movie sound using amarok or something similar...19:30
matydi've tried googling this problem but haven't had any luck19:31
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soeeare there any repos with kde 4.5b1 for kubuntu ?19:44
sebastian_ Hey guys, anyone knows a media player that has gpu acceleration?  XBMC and smplayer are still lagging for me, tried most and Enna media center works great but cant get it to fullscreen19:50
ZachK_sebastian_: Try VLC?19:51
sebastian_its not supported yet, should be shipped in next version19:51
ZachK_sebastian_: Ok...hmmm19:52
ZachK_sebastian_: Well you could just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and watch your movies there19:53
sebastian_ive googled forevor but didnt manage to find one that has full support of gpu acceleration, except enna media center and XBMC but XBMC isnt working, and Enna dont seem to support fullscreen mode19:54
sebastian_i still need a player that has full gpu acceleration xD19:54
ZachK_!patience | sebastian_19:56
ubottusebastian_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.19:56
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HazamonzoHello folks. What the name of the scanner software and the GUI for it?20:00
HazamonzoSomething that begins with an x...20:01
grifo74it's possible make a ad-hoc to share my internet to other computors20:07
grifo74i try make a ad-hoc but fail20:08
grifo74it's possible make a ad-hoc to share my internet to other computers, i try make a ad-hoc but fail20:12
i3any body no about v4L20:12
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prowerhello :> i'm noticing that in 10.04 (64-bit) it takes a very long time for qt-creator to start...it sits there at high cpu usage for about a minute and then launches as normal :/ has anyone else seen this?20:22
invisoprower: I'm seeing massive performance issues with all KDE apps after an upgrade to 10.04 yesterday.  Perhaps Qt apps are seeing the same thing20:23
prowerinviso: hmm, that's not good to hear :/ could have been causing my issue with konsole as well, i wonder if it's a known issue20:24
invisoTry launching Konqueror, loading a web page and then using your mouse scroll wheel. Does Xorg peg the CPU?20:25
prowerinviso: at the moment i don't have konqueror installed, i'm on my laptop, the kde system is my work machine :> i figured i'd see if i could get it resolved before i have to use it again tomorrow, ha20:26
proweri'll have to test that out though20:26
invisoah, fair enough.  I haven't found much else on it yet, but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1481017&highlight=KDE+4.4 describes a similiar problem (exactly what I'm seeing)20:27
zusone thing i hate about kde is the stupid 4 desktops with different activities. why is the default box 2 so when i work in box one and i get a notification,...its on box 2 i assume. i hear them but dont see em. pidgin is going nuts here today! meh!20:28
invisozus: I believe if you "close" the main pidgin window, the messages will pop up in the notification section in the taskbar on any desktop you happen to be on20:29
zusthere goes pidgin,... nope heheh20:30
invisozus: Bummer. The other thing you might try is sending the pidgin window to all desktops.  Right click on the program in the taskbar -> To Desktop -> All Desktops.20:32
n8whow do i setup that my ntfs partitions will be mounted automaticly without having to insert a password?20:32
invison8w: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab20:33
delightanybody here got virtualbox on a mac installed ?20:34
n8winviso:  ye i think thats it...:)i just cant remeber what i did on my old 9.10...20:34
zusinviso,  the otehr thing is when i use the activities it misaligns the desktops i have to shut it off an set it back again...the one thing i dislike about kde i think it could be better20:35
delightlol wrong chan ... sorry20:35
invisozus: What do you mean by "use the activities"?20:36
zusinviso,  on the upper right top click that and chose zoom out20:37
invisozus: haha, what the heck is the purpose behind zoom out?20:38
prowerwell, apparently the qt creator issue has been known about upstream since march :/ i'm guessing that one's going to be around for a while20:39
invisoprower: May be entirely unrelated to my problems then. Mind linking what you found?20:39
zusinviso,  each desktop has the potential to be 5 different desktops20:39
invisozus: Yeah, but why not just use 5 different desktops?20:40
prowerinviso: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-315?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Aall-tabpanel20:40
invisoprower: ty20:40
prowernot a problem ^^20:40
zusinviso,  yep and each desktop  is its own little activities...i dont use cuz i dont like it,,,,20:41
proweras an aside, there was another problem i was experiencing, this one related to konsole...every now and then _that_ would take a long time to start too, and when it did i'd get an error message along the lines of: "cannot start /bin/bash with arguments /bin/bash"20:41
zusi cant install addon  in frefox 3.6.320:42
user_prower, just a suggestion - you could try using mrxvt : blazing fast, infinitely customizable and all settings are stored in .mrxvtrc ( you could find a couple on the net)20:44
Micahis it possible to get wine to run a program that was installed under windows?20:45
proweruser_: Well that's always an option as well, true, I might check it out :> I was more wondering if anyone else had seen it pop up, seems like i've had a lot of issues with 10.04 unfortunately :< at least the kubuntu version of it20:45
Micahprower:  don't say that, i just spent the past 3 hours setting up a live usb for it ;_;20:46
prowerMicah: Well, you may have more luck than I do, no one seems to have seen the same problem with konsole yet that I have :>20:48
Micahwhat problem might i ask?20:48
alex____Anyone has successfuly loaded Snow Leopard using grub2?20:49
n8wwhat file does keep printers settings?20:53
n8wor how can i restore printers settings on my new system(ive got backup of etc,var,home)20:55
alex____for printers, check /etc/cups/cupsd.conf21:01
zusok whats the cli to comepletely REMOVE all of firefox 3.6.3. please21:06
n8wive got a problem...ive reinstalled my comp and restored var and home folder...but kpackagekit sees installed packages which no longer exist21:09
n8wcan i anyhow reinstall all packages that r marked as installed?21:10
markus_n8w: Why do these packages no longer exists?21:18
n8wmarkus_:  they r bein marked as installed but i cant run any of them21:19
markus_n8w: maybe go into /var/cache/apt/archives and say "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"21:20
bucketheadAnybody working with an ASUS 1005?21:22
prowerMicah: Sorry about that, the problem I was having was that occasionally on starting up console, i'd get an error message something along the lines of "couldn't start /bin/bash with arguments /bin/bash," seemingly at random...you'd have to re-open another terminal when you saw it, annoying21:24
angelcanal ubuntu spanish please ??21:28
shadeslayer!es | angel21:28
ubottuangel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:28
Buckyhi. got an issue with akonadi and kontact. you can see the log at http://pastebin.ca/187305521:29
markus_Bucky: I have exactely the same error. Guess we have to wait :(21:32
TorchBucky, markus_: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8605321:35
=== dharman_ is now known as dharman
markus_Torch: Thanks. That fixed my problem. Just started kadressbook as standalone and now the error is gone.21:38
FisherPrice70Hi, I'm having issues with my Desktop Effects. I have an NVIDIA card and am having the same sort of difficulties as this dude http://forums.opensuse.org/get-help-here/pre-release-beta/405572-lost-desktop-effects.html21:39
FisherPrice70I've re-installed my NVIDIA drivers but it didn't help21:39
markus_How do I search for files that have been indexed with strigi?21:41
FisherPrice70markus_: using dolphin21:41
FisherPrice70there's a search toolbar21:42
Torch(and if there isn't it can be added)21:42
markus_FisherPrice70: Thanks. This instantly worked!21:42
oxymoron Is it possible todo something like this? "sudo rm -r /home/oxymoron/projects/*/.svn" - I ONLY want to remove .svn directories recursively, nothing else.21:43
Torchoxymoron: yes, with find21:43
oxymoronTorch: How?21:43
Torchoxymoron: find -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;21:44
Torchoxymoron: be careful with that. one typo and your home dir is gone ;-)21:44
oxymoronTorch: Alright, how do I apply it to one specific foldder?21:44
Torchoxymoron: run it from the top folder where you want the .svn subdirs removed21:45
Torchoxymoron: also, read the manpage for find21:45
oxymoronTorch: alright, so cd /home/oxymoron/projects I guess21:45
Torchoxymoron: could be in your case, yes21:45
oxymoronTorch: Sweet, that helped in one sec. Thank you so much so i didnt have to manually remove them, it was a lot :D21:46
Torchoxymoron: stuff like this always works best from the shell. it's just a matter of knowing _how_21:47
oxymoronTorch: Now I just have to try making GIT work in Kdevelop ... Btw, why isnt Kdevelop supported?21:47
Torchoxymoron: supported by what?21:47
oxymoronTorch: Yes, thats why I asked here ;)21:47
oxymoronTorch: Sorry, I meant its not in public repos of Kubuntu, you have to check unsupported updates21:48
Torchoxymoron: my guess is because it was nearly 1.0 final when kubuntu was frozen21:48
oxymoronTorch: Alright :/ Well no problem really, but would be nice having it in the regular section later on.21:49
Torchoxymoron: and shipping a version that would be outdated when lucid would be released seemd probably stupid, so they left it out21:49
Torchoxymoron: what difference does it make where you get it from?21:49
oxymoronTorch: I got this strange message when trying to archive or update files in Kdevelop (A playground plugin for GIT, so I am not expect it to work flawless) http://imagebin.ca/view/TK4EHnJ.html21:49
oxymoronTorch: Well its harder for people to find if its in unsupported21:50
Torchoxymoron: yes, but people who need kdevelop should at least have an idea of what repos are.21:50
Torchoxymoron: can't help you with the error message, i don't use git in kdevelop.21:51
Torch(i don't use svn in kdevelop either, command line works best for that kind of stuff for me)21:51
oxymoronTorch: Yes true :P Well I dont expect you to help, I just wonder if you maybe could know what it COULD be.21:51
Torchoxymoron: a bug in the plugin? talk to its author.21:51
oxymoronTorch: Command line works yesbut its faster directly in the IDE ;)21:51
Torchoxymoron: committing stuff isn't supposed to be fast. quite the contrary.21:52
oxymoronTorch: For me it seems like a permission problem.21:52
oxymoronI just want a clean simple local project for my framework, nothign extremely fancy and slow.21:52
gabrielhojmanHi! I'm a new ubuntu user!21:55
n8wmarkus_:  ok im tyrin it now...smth is goin on:)) i guess thats a good sign;)21:55
markus_oxymoron: Where did you download it from? Would like to try if the php part is good enough to replace eclipse21:56
stanowisko1so....a lot of people and what about they're talkin21:56
gabrielhojmanDoes ubuntu come with objective-c compilers already installed?21:56
oxymoronmarkus_: From ubuntu repository :P21:56
oxymoronmarkus_: one sec21:57
markus_stanowisko1: About kubuntu ;)21:57
oxymoronmarkus_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kdevelop-421:57
stanowisko1and what it is?21:57
oxymoronmarkus_: It kicks ass of every other IDE I have tried and then I have tried most editors available on both Windows and Linux.21:57
oxymoronmarkus_: Version handling is a little bit unstable though, but you maybe dont need it?21:58
stanowisko1what is IDE?21:58
markus_oxymoron: Not for php ;)21:58
n8wdamn i wish ive never upgraded my old 9.1021:58
markus_stanowisko1: An environment for software development21:58
markus_n8w: Why? For me the new version kicks ass ;)21:59
n8wmarkus_:  hmm not for me:)))22:00
inviso10.04 is messing with me as well :(22:00
n8winviso:  ye...22:00
n8wits slow22:00
n8wn weird22:00
oxymoronmarkus_: I think you are going to like it then ;) Oh and it doesnt have support for PHP 5.3 YET, but will come soon.22:00
FloodBotK2n8w: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
stanowisko1i can't get to www.kubuntu....bcus comp shows there is not firefox to open it....can sb. expl. me what for it is?22:02
stanowisko1markus ??22:02
grio___privet, friends! )22:02
markus_stanowisko1_: You can't open the page in firefox?22:05
markus_n8w: Did you upgrade to ppa version? Before that nothing worked for me either. Now its just looking amazing :)22:08
markus_pf: hola. como va?22:08
n8wmarkus_:  ppa?22:08
markus_n8w: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.322:09
n8wmarkus_:  hmm looks interestin...well lets do it:)22:10
invisoOoooo, shiny!22:10
n8wmarkus_:  lol 131 updates22:12
markus_n8w: After than your system is as good as new :)22:12
oxymoronTorch: Hmm weird, the problem is that Kdevelop change permissions to only make it writable by owner, it worked when I changed it :P22:13
n8wmarkus_:  :)) i hope so:)22:13
ToxinPowemarkus_: there are packets for 4.5beta1?22:14
Rokixzme no like eurovision anymore...22:14
markus_ToxinPowe: At least not officially. But ppa is new enough for me22:15
ToxinPoweok, thx22:15
markus_Rokixz: What?22:15
=== mike is now known as pulaski
Rokixzmarkus: no one have ellected Lithuania for final, even it was such a uplifting song... Bad..22:18
markus_Rokixz: Guess Kubuntu will win this contest :)22:19
markus_oxymoron: php 4 is enough for me. I don't use object orientation for php. Makes no sense imho22:20
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Rokixzmarkus: of course :) This release is fantastic - no bugs (except plymouth), run fast :) I like it :) I came back to Kubuntu from Archlinux that I were using it for 3 or more years :)22:22
pulaskiHi. I've recently purchased an external hard drive and connected it to my box running Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. I keep all my data on a drive separate for that on which the OS resides. Does anyone know of an application on Karmic that will enable me to back up different drives on my box to the external drive so I can avoid writing a script to do it?22:22
invisomarkus_: That post implies that 4.4.3 is available, but I'm not seeing any updates to 4.4.3 and I'm on 4.4.2 currently.  Any thoughts?22:22
Rokixzinviso: try to add kubuntu ppa22:23
n8wmarkus_:  kpackage gives me this: The version 4:4.4.3a-0ubuntu1~ppa1 of kdelibs5-data isn't an update to the current 4:4.4.3a-0ubuntu1~ppa122:23
wupomaPlease, help me. Trying to connect by eciadsl have an error: "FATAL: module usbcore not found..." What can i dO?22:23
n8wmarkus_:  did u get the same?22:24
RokixzOh well, good night everybody ;)22:24
markus_n8w: I updated in the commandline. Meybe you try this too?22:25
markus_Rokixz: Good night :)22:25
oxymoronmarkus_: Depends how large your applicaitons are, if theyre not PHP4 is probably enough, but if they are I would recommend OOP22:25
n8wmarkus_:  do u wanna gime a hand?:)22:26
markus_n8w: In the commandline just do "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade"22:26
markus_oxymoron: But objects make no sense. As when the user clicks something everything is lost. And I can move everything into its own files without oo22:27
n8wmarkus_:  http://paste-it.net/public/a191325/22:30
n8wmarkus_:  omg im gettin tires of this release22:30
markus_n8w: Did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras?22:31
pulaskiOn my box running kubuntu karmic koala 9.10, KPackageKit lists a variety of packages using the search term 'backup'.  I want to make backups of different drives on my box to an esternal drive. Can anyone suggest a package for this job that appears on the KPackageKit list?22:31
n8wmarkus_:  eee i dunno:)22:31
markus_n8w: So just do "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras"22:32
n8wmarkus_:  hmm i get the same error22:32
n8wmarkus_:  im gonna reboot,b bak in a bit22:33
pulaskiDoes anyone have any experience using LuckyBackup? http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net/22:35
markus_pulaski: No. I never do backups :)I22:37
pulaskimarkus_:   thanks for responding.22:38
markus_pulaski: The only backup I have I do with kdropbox. How to automate complex backup's I can't be of any help. Sorry.22:39
balighsome one for help please22:46
benkevan!hi | Basstard`22:47
ubottuBasstard`: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:47
benkevanI guess baligh left hahahaha22:47
pulaskimarkus_: I'm looking at the luckybackup apackage.  It uses rsync, has a GUI and CL interfaces. It looks pretty good so I grabbed it.  I'll play around with it and perhaps this will suffice for now.22:48
markus_!ask | baligh22:49
ubottubaligh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:49
pulaskimarkus_: cya22:49
markus_pulaski: cya22:49
=== sidney is now known as SovereignEntity
SovereignEntityIs there a program like partimage that will make a 1 to 1 copy of a ext4 partition23:06
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DarthFrogSovereignEntity: dd will do that for you.23:19
zusdoes anyone have problems with ktorent not wanting to display the pirate bay window fully?23:43
TuxStinno that works23:44
shadeslayerzus: yep,works here,but i have 0.4 beta23:45
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
zusim on 3.3.423:45
zusever since karmic well half way through karmic its been giving me 3/4 of a screen23:46
zusi have to use FF to search tpb23:46
zussay if update ktorrent, will i retain my current downloads23:47

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