
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
* guntbert wonders why the two words "ciao" and "!list" are so often to be found close together in #ubuntu ...21:15
erUSULitalian irc networks are full of sharing channels ? XXDD21:24
marienzit's not just #ubuntu21:27
marienzirc.mozilla.org #firefox has the same thing21:27
marienz(to the point where we usually go "don't say it!" when someone joins and says "ciao", because if they do they're autokicked)21:28
nikociao ?21:28
guntbertmarienz: then we are really lucky  you want to say? (only a few each day) :-)21:29
marienzguntbert: it's not that there's many, it's that pretty much everyone who says "ciao" says "!list" a few seconds later, and the other way around21:31
marienzmakes me wonder if there are filesharing channels that kick you if you go straight for !list without saying hi first21:31

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