
tyskahi guys, i wanna use iptables but i get an error when i run iptables -L im suspecting my kernel have config_netfilter disabled, how can i enabled it?00:44
tyskasmoser: hi dude! are you there?00:45
Tweedatyska, are the kernel modules loaded?  "lsmod | grep iptable"00:48
tyskaTweeda: no answer, how can i load it?00:49
Tweedatyska, is the package installed? "dpkg -l | grep iptables"00:50
Tweedathat's a lowercase L00:50
tyskaii  iptables                        1.4.4-2ubuntu2           administration tools for packet filtering an00:50
Tweedatyska, might try 'modprobe iptables'00:52
tyskaFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32-22-server/modules.dep: No such file or directory00:52
tyskaTweeda: some guess?00:56
Tweedatyska, you might want to read up on depmod.  That file should be there.  you're problem looks to be w/ your kernel config and your iptables issue is a symptom00:56
tyskawhat is depmod?00:57
Tweedatyska, generates modules.dep file that doesn't exist.00:57
tyskaTweeda: then should i just run depmod?00:59
steven_twhats the purpose of having upgrades for linux installations?01:01
steven_ti can understand the purpose in a desktop os, ie to give new features, introduce new builtin apps, etc. but whats the reason in a server os?01:02
Tweedatyska, I'd give it a shot01:04
Tweedasteven_t, to correct bugs, particularly bugs with exploitable security issues01:04
steven_tso each os upgrade is primarily to enhance security?01:05
steven_tand other bug fixes?01:05
Tweedasteven_t, well, perhaps not if you're speaking of upgrading karmic to lucid.01:06
steven_ti wasnt, but now you got me curious :)01:06
Tweedasteven_t, updates withing a specific release is primarily for bug fixes.  Upgrading to a new release would likely to keep up on latest releases of applications such as apache or php etc in order to take advantage of improvements.01:07
steven_tthanks :)01:08
Jeeves_Mossis there an EASY way to find out how someone is using my postfix server to spam?  I can't find how they got into the system with TLS setup01:19
zuluh...log files?01:20
bcJeeves_Moss: telnet from a remote host that isn't supposed to be allowed to relay and try to relay.01:24
bcJeeves_Moss: helo fred<Enter>mail from: <bill@microsoft.com><Enter>rcpt to: <steve@apple.com><Enter>data<Enter>foo<Enter>.<Enter>01:25
bcJeeves_Moss: if you get 'OK' after rcpt to, then you're in trouble.01:25
Jeeves_Mossbc, I took the box off-line because my ISP yanked our connection untill it's fixed01:28
Jeeves_Mossbc, http://pastebin.com/D8H1iMB101:29
bcJeeves_Moss: in smtpd_recipient_restrictions, the first three lines should be permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination,01:29
bcJeeves_Moss: test the relying first (somehow), and if it's not postfix, make sure apache isn't spewing spam from a hole, and make check for unknown listening proceses.01:31
Jeeves_Mossbc, can you give me a step by step of what to look for so when I go off-line I can look?01:31
bcJeeves_Moss: testing postfix relaying is a logical first step. where is the box?01:31
ScottKJeeves_Moss: The answer will be in postfix's logs.01:33
Jeeves_MossScottK, http://pastebin.com/vFpfnRzt01:33
Jeeves_MossScottK, ask, and ye shall receive01:34
bcJeeves_Moss: pastebin your main.cf01:34
Jeeves_Mossbc, I can't, system is shut down.  I've already received a warning of disconnection if it spams again01:35
bcJeeves_Moss: you're going to have to start it up to fix it.01:36
Jeeves_Mossbc, ok, you want to see main.cf, correct?  any other requests while I'm in the basement?01:36
ScottKJeeves_Moss: You need to go back farther.  You need to find lines that start like "postfix/smtpd[7578]: connect from ..."01:37
ScottKI didn't see any in that snippet.01:37
ScottKJeeves_Moss: output of postconf -n.01:37
Jeeves_MossScottK, that snippit is the start of the 250Mb file!01:37
ScottKJeeves_Moss: grep "connect from" > somefile01:38
ScottKJeeves_Moss: grep "connect from" /var/log/mail.log > somefile01:38
bcJeeves_Moss: just unplug the cat5, start it, stop apache and postfix, plug it back in?01:39
Jeeves_Mossbc, tried that already, and postfix won't die!!  it uses ~76% CPU01:40
Jeeves_Mossbrb, going to the basement with the USB stick01:40
Jeeves_Mossbc, ok, I deracked it.  I draged it upstairs, and now I'm waiting for it to boot01:46
bcJeeves_Moss: if it spins the cpu like that without an internet connection then you have bigger issues01:47
Jeeves_Mossbc, let me verify01:50
Jeeves_Mossbc, in TOP, there are "qmgr -l fifo -v", proxymap, and showq @ the top of the list01:52
bcJeeves_Moss: you have a bunch of crud in mailq, I'm assuming?01:53
Jeeves_Mossbc, so do I, how do I clear it?01:53
bcJeeves_Moss: postsuper -d, but I'm not sure if it can clear out in batch. if not, you'll have to get the ID's and postsuper -d each one01:54
Jeeves_Mossbc, postsuper -d ALL?01:55
ScottKJeeves_Moss: Yes.01:55
bcJeeves_Moss: yeah that'll work, just be sure you dont care about any of the messages. At this point I probably wouldn't.01:55
ScottKJeeves_Moss: You need to investigate the logs to figure out where the stuff was coming from.01:56
Jeeves_MossScottK, I have used your grep command.  I'm just getting ideas from everyone while I have the box next to me before I postbin everything.  Currently, there is a LOT of disk activity running on the purging of the queue01:58
ScottKCertainly.  don't plug it back in until you've resolved the question of how the stuff was getting in.01:58
Jeeves_MossScottK, yep!  and I won't duplicate this mess to the rackmount stuff untill I have it reviewed by my peers.02:00
Jeeves_MossScottK, I've got a LOT of "bounce -z -n defer -t un..." (it cuts off my screen @ that point) doing a LOT of disk access02:03
Jeeves_Mossbc, I've got a LOT of "bounce -z -n defer -t un..." (it cuts off my screen @ that point) doing a LOT of disk access02:03
ScottKYou've probably got a very full queue.02:03
ScottKpostsuper -d ALL will need to grind through it.02:04
Jeeves_MossScottK, ok is there a way to see how much is sitting there from another term while this is working02:04
ScottKpostqueue -p will give you a list, but that's not what you want exactly.02:05
Jeeves_MossScottK, the queue delete is still running, I was just wondering how much is in there.  the HDD light is SOLID!02:05
bcJeeves_Moss: you can use watch(1) or a while loop.02:07
Jeeves_Mossfirst up for your viewing pleasure.....  postconf http://pastebin.com/EMyS0BCb02:08
bcJeeves_Moss: regardless, stuff has to go though02:08
Jeeves_Mossnext up, master.cf  http://pastebin.com/0e4Q63F602:08
bcJeeves_Moss: do you have a lot of users with lame passwords?02:08
Jeeves_Mossmaster.cf  http://pastebin.com/Fq9EKLwF02:09
Jeeves_Mossbc, not that I know of02:09
bcJeeves_Moss: try ScottK's grep output02:09
Jeeves_Mossbc, trying to pastebin it.  I think it's too large02:10
bcJeeves_Moss: grep 15059 /var/log/mail.log02:15
Jeeves_Mossbc, ideas?02:19
ScottKJeeves_Moss: You need to go back farther to see where it starts.  For example, if you look at line 890, it's been in queue over a day.02:20
ScottKJeeves_Moss: grep 050A8836575 /var/log/mail.log* and see how far back it goes.02:20
ScottKIf we trace that one back to it's start, maybe we can figure out what's going on.02:21
bcJeeves_Moss: I'm no genius, I would show #postfix the output of postconf -n. Your smtpd recipient restrictions look ok, assuming a 'spammer' isn't authenticating and assuming someone else on the network isn't infected with something, and assuming it's not coming from Apache.02:22
ScottKFWIW, I think it's unlikely you'll do better on #postfix.02:23
Jeeves_Mossthanks for your help guys.  I @ least have a little better understanding of WTF is going on.  I just want to get it cleaned up and moved on!02:25
Italian_Plumberdoes 64 bit ubuntu use a whole different set of packages from X86??02:26
bcJeeves_Moss: I wouldn't rule out some vulnerable web application, unless you know exactly what Apache is serving. Apache would be allowed to relay.02:27
Jeeves_Mossbc, did you see anything "odd" in the postfix config that would lend it's self to promoting this mess?02:27
bcJeeves_Moss: I believe your current smtpd_recipient_restrictions should prevent unauthorized relaying in a perfect scenario I think.02:29
Jeeves_Mossbc,  thanks02:30
Jeeves_MossI'm still VERY lost02:30
ScottKJeeves_Moss: Let's try and figure it out.02:31
bcJeeves_Moss: do you have tcpdump or tshark? I guess you could shutdown postfix, start Apache, plug it in and see if you see any traffic from the box itself to 2502:32
ScottKTrying to trace 050A8836575 back from where it came from is a good start.02:32
npopeanyone know how to setup iptables as a firewall/router.  i am trying to run through a rule set and then forward it on to its destination02:33
npopesetup is02:33
npopecable modem -> linksys -> linux_iptables -> client02:33
npopeand vice versa02:34
npopelinux_iptables is gateway for clients02:34
npopelinksys is gateway for linux_iptables02:34
bcnpope: I'd start here -> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html02:34
ScottKAlthough I'd use the correct version of that for whatever release you're running.02:36
bcJeeves_Moss: outside of Scott's suggestion, if you have netcat, for the shutdown postfix let apache do it's thing, thing, netcat -l 2502:36
bcJeeves_Moss: sorry, make that nc -l 2502:36
Jeeves_Mossbc, what will that show me?  will it show me what process is the one causing problems and let me narrow it down a bit more?02:38
bcJeeves_Moss: no, that won't work. just grep the logs, re: ScottK02:40
Jeeves_Mossbc, I've tried that, and I'm guessing I have the syntax messed02:40
Jeeves_Mossbc, and I'm not sure how he arrived @ that string causing the problem02:41
npopebc: you good with iptables?  want to take a look at my config?02:41
bcJeeves_Moss: line 890 in your log paste02:42
Jeeves_Mossbc, but that's just a snippit of a 250Mb file though02:42
ScottKJeeves_Moss: We know that the mail is being sent through postfix, so working throught the logs to understand how it got there is the essential step.02:42
bcnpope: I only configure iptables anytime something catastrophic happens. :) but I'll look at it.02:43
bcJeeves_Moss: you have the logs there thought right? grepping that ID should show you the entire SMTP conversation02:44
npopegrrr, i cant figure out how to have *filter and *nat in the same file... or different files for that matter02:46
bcnpope: you probably want COMMIT (just guessing)02:48
bcnpope: e.g. *nat<Enter>some stuff blah blah<Enter>-A POSTROUTING blah blah<Enter>COMMIT02:49
npopebc: i got that part02:49
npopelet me pastebin it02:49
bcnpope: p.s. apt-cache show pastebinit02:49
npopebc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/440156/02:51
bcnpope: this should also have a 1 in it: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward02:55
bcnpope: I would also start really small and work my way up02:56
npopebc: agreed, it works without the routing though :)  just when i try to route the packets drop dead :( which is annoying as all <explicit>02:59
bcnpope: this might be a good starting point, but I don't know how painful it would be. I would probably go this route: http://pastie.org/97924302:59
bcnpope: if you want it to work right away, you can set default policies to ACCEPT03:01
npopebc: what is mangle?03:02
bcnpope: altering packets, you can leave it out03:06
Jeeves_Mossbc, it looks like the postfix server is allowing annon TLS connections03:07
bcJeeves_Moss: eww, good you found the cause.03:08
Jeeves_Mossbc, I threw it back up on the shelf in teh basement, killed apache and postfix, then fired up a tail on the mail.log on one screen, and then popped up postfix.  within seconds, I saw the error03:09
bcJeeves_Moss: how'd it log if postfix wasn't running?03:11
bcJeeves_Moss: nevermind, I missed the 'popped up postfix'. I'm getting senile and blind.03:12
Jeeves_Mossbc, I fired postfix up, then used my smartphone to connect from an external IP to try sending e-mail03:12
Jeeves_Mossbc, http://pastebin.com/Cm3TmicD03:12
bcJeeves_Moss: you might have seen that using netcat without postfix running, I'm not sure, maybe put it in your bag for the future03:13
Jeeves_Mossbc, I did have nc running in another screen, and it was blind as my mother03:13
bcJeeves_Moss: it wouldn't show formatted like the postfix log, but you'd see the client speaking to nc03:13
npopeLOL i didnt have commit under *nat03:14
bcJeeves_Moss: was it listening on 25? if it was, then you wouldn't have been able to start postfix03:14
Jeeves_Mosssudo nc -l 2503:14
bcJeeves_Moss: ohhh sorry, TLS03:15
bcJeeves_Moss: 465 I'm guessing03:16
npopebc works now03:18
npopebc: thanks for the help03:18
Jeeves_Mossarrgghhhh, I swear, this shouldn't have to be this complicated03:18
bcJeeves_Moss: prob listening on a different interface03:19
Jeeves_Mossbc, only one interface i the box03:19
bcJeeves_Moss: at least two, lo and eth003:19
bcnpope: :)03:20
Jeeves_Mossyep, forgot about that03:20
bcJeeves_Moss: you should have been: nc: Address already in use. Look at postconf -n inet_interfaces03:21
bcnpope: I didn't help so much :) glad it works though03:22
bcnpope: that was 99.99% you heh03:23
npopebc: heh it helps having a person to ping ideas off of03:23
webPragmatistI'm trying to install drbd and i keep getting this http://pastie.textmate.org/private/9b79i0lkyoa3sbfwtfs4sw03:24
webPragmatistmore error03:25
pmatulisJeeves_Moss: do you enforce clientside TLS certificates?03:25
webPragmatistwhy does ubuntu ship with two kernels03:27
webPragmatist-21 and -2203:27
webPragmatist SORRY, kernel makefile not found. You need to tell me a correct KDIR!03:28
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
webPragmatistshould i use drbd8-utils (source) or drdb-utils (.7)05:28
jetoleHey guys. I am getting a "no free leases" error on DHCPD. My dhcpd.conf is at http://pastebin.org/284779 and this only started tonight when I added the second subnet section and the last host (mx1). Could anyone tell me if they can see whats wrong?05:33
ScottKjiboumans: Renaming dovecot-postfix to mail-stack-delivery adds ~70 lines of really annoying shell script and changes ~30 more in the maintainer scripts and so there's about two hours of my life I'll never get back.  Please not again.05:35
jiboumansScottK: didnt you propose the rename?05:36
ScottKI think I proposed the specific name, but the idea of renaming, wasn't mine.05:36
ScottKOr if it was, I'm a masochist and too tired to remember.05:36
jetoleI just wanted to add I am getting the no free leases error refering to net but it's occuring everytime the host connects with the MAC for the fixed IP05:37
jiboumansScottK: sommer sent the mail to ubuntu-server@ saying it was an outcome of the UDS session05:37
ScottKYes, it was.05:37
jiboumansScottK: i claim innocence, but i do really like the rename so ScottK++ for making packages more discoverable ;)05:37
jetoleScottK: I know a few cute sadists if you're interested05:37
ScottKjetole: Sorry.  Already married.05:38
jetoleScottK: Oh he won't mind05:38
ScottKYeah, I'd imagine not.05:39
ScottKjiboumans: No worries, not really blaming you.  Just needed to vent.  At least it's 5 hours until I have to be up again.05:39
* ScottK will test it tomorrow.05:39
jiboumansScottK: no worries, let's vent over beer some time :)05:40
jiboumansjetole: if he's a true sadist, he'll enjoy the fact that ScottK will be in trouble with the Mrs.05:40
jiboumansit's win win05:40
ScottKjiboumans: In other news, the Debian dovecot maintainer is interested in the package for Debian.05:40
jiboumansScottK: that's good news05:41
ScottKjiboumans: Right and if I was a true masochist, I would too.05:41
webPragmatistare we satisfied with ext4 yet05:50
webPragmatistconsidering it's the default install type05:50
twbI'm not, but I'm happy for non-LTS users to test it06:01
webPragmatisthow in the world am i supposed to mount a drbd06:03
webPragmatiston the slave06:03
webPragmatistfor some reason i think this is the desired  thingy06:05
deepak_Team, can any mentor guide/point  me to  "How to contribute in ubuntu-server team", I have read the doc(GettingInvolved)... but not sure where to start :)/06:09
twbdeepak_: URL?06:12
twbhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved ?06:13
deepak_twb: URL I have read it? looking advice that where to start I mean , if I see bug reports [needs-packaging] which has huge list? any pointer where ubuntu-server has specific list.06:13
twbI don't know; I don't use launchpad.06:19
twbI imagine there's some sort of server tag.06:20
twbOtherwise, just look at bugs that deal with packages you use on your server.06:20
deepak_twb:  sound good , Thanks06:23
ScottKdeepak_: Starting with packages you use and are familiar with is best.  It means you'll be able to check and confirm if bugs exist and perhaps make suggestions to bug reporters to improve their bugs or try things to solve their problems.06:25
deepak_ScottK: ok....06:27
deepak_ so ubuntu does not have something like in Debian (RFH or RFA)....06:27
jetolejiboumans: good point06:30
jetolelet the sadomasochism roll06:31
webPragmatistwhen is it necessary to use a dlm like ocfs2 or gfs206:31
jetolewebPragmatist: it has to do with file locks for example if you don't want people to edit the same file at the same time but the d is for distributed meaning it works with ocfs of gfs and makes sure if someone is editing a file on server 1 then someone else can't edit it on server 206:32
jetoleat least I believe that is how it works06:32
jetolewebPragmatist: I don't use dlm on my ocfs2 systems06:32
webPragmatistbut drbd already doesn't let you mount your distributed resource06:33
jetolewebPragmatist: who told you that?06:33
webPragmatistif it's asynchronous ?06:33
jetolehold on and I will give you the url06:33
webPragmatisti'm telling myself that06:33
webPragmatistbecause i can't mount it anyway for whatever dumb reason06:33
webPragmatistwithout it bitching about read only06:33
jetoleocfs or gfs is pointless without dual primary06:34
jetoleyou may also want to look into the split brain documentation06:34
webPragmatistthat's what i've concluded too06:34
webPragmatisti understand those concepts06:34
webPragmatistbut my server setup is very simple and I am wondering if it is necessary06:35
webPragmatistit's just two nodes06:35
webPragmatistfor failover06:35
jetoleocfs (let's assume I mean both from now on) is useful without dual primary but it's main purpose is to allow dual writing on clustered filesystems simultaneously06:35
jetolewebPragmatist: in that case, you really really don't need dlm06:35
webPragmatistjetole: so in the event you were trying to loadbalance06:35
webPragmatistdlm would be useful06:35
jetolei use ocfs + drbd + dual primary on both load balanced and mail servers without dlm06:36
jetoleit has to do with file locks but for the most part file locks are usually only required for specific needs or applications that really require them06:36
webPragmatistright well in your case06:36
jetolealso you will need primary/primary for load balancing06:37
webPragmatistthe mail would only get processed06:37
jetolewebPragmatist: I don't mind the web servers reading file synchronously and I doubt to programmers will upload the same file at the same time06:37
jetoleA distributed lock manager (DLM) provides distributed applications with a means to synchronize their accesses to shared resources. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_lock_manager06:38
webPragmatistjetole: do you have other servers to process the load balancing?06:39
webPragmatisti've always seen like at least 3 nodes to do load balancing06:39
jetolehere is a good example, fail over vm hypervisors using shared storage but you don't want them both using the same image at the same time and dlm acts sort of as a predecesor to Shoot The Other Node In The Head (STONITH)06:39
webPragmatistatleast network load balancing06:39
jetolewebPragmatist: won't say on mail. As per web servers, they are actually using multi path iSCSI to dual file servers06:40
jetolealso you can do up to 4 hosts via drbd06:40
jetoleyou can apply the three node setup up to 4 however06:40
webPragmatisti don't really have 3 nodes to work with… you are saying you have load balancing on your web servers?06:41
jetoleIf you plan to exceed 4, look into a distributed file system like lustre, glusterfs or... whats the other one, ceph?06:41
jetolewebPragmatist: yes06:41
webPragmatisthow many nodes?06:41
jetolesorry to say but none of your business06:42
jetoledon't mean to be rude, it comes down to corporate guidelines06:42
jetoleI can't share everything but I can tell you that you can do as many as you like06:42
webPragmatisti'm asking06:42
webPragmatistcan you load balance with 206:42
jetoleoh sure06:43
jetoleyou can tell a load balancer to only use 1 though it defeats the purpose but comes in handy for testing and debugging06:43
webPragmatistwell what I am saying is I always see a third pc to "balance" the junk between the other two06:44
webPragmatistor rather often 406:44
jetolethe third pc is a load balancer06:44
jetoleor reverse proxy06:44
webPragmatistor some sort of high level switch06:44
webPragmatisti assume06:44
jetolelayer 4/5 switch if I am not mistaken06:44
jetolethen again I think it falls under the guise of load balancer at that point06:45
jetolethen again, you can setup a linux system as the load balancer with either haproxy or ipvs06:45
jetoleI would choose ipvs but it's more complex06:45
webPragmatistso i guess coming from drdb8 world… whats the purpose of using ocfs2 other than the locking06:46
jetolepoint being, you need to distinguish between a web server and a load balancer, granted they can be on the same system (though it defeats the purpose) but you only need two web servers to load balance06:46
webPragmatistjetole: at this point i don't have a third node, switch, load balancer, whatever to do that06:47
webPragmatistso a simple failover is the next best thing06:47
jetoleocfs does not handle locking afaik unless dlm is used but if you use ext2/3/4, reiserfs or any other normal file system that is written by two different machines simultaneously then it will be corrupt quicker then you can expect06:47
jetoleHow do you plan to do the fail over?06:48
jetoleanyways, ocfs/gfs are cluster file systems designed to handle writes from several nodes at the same time06:48
jetoleext4 for example is not06:48
jetoleyour inodes will be corrupt in no time06:49
jetolewebPragmatist: that only applies to primary/primary afaik06:49
webPragmatistso back to the dual primary situation06:49
jetoleext2/3/4 should probably work with drbd fail over06:49
webPragmatistokay this makes sense06:49
jetolehow do you plan to fail over the servers?06:50
webPragmatisti've read alot of this just the application was mush06:50
jetoleit's cool. I have been working with it all only a short time myself but by that I mean since about the turn of the year06:50
jetolemaybe a little longer06:50
jetoleAnyways, how do you plan to do the failover with only two nodes?06:51
twbOh YUK.06:51
webPragmatistwell currently i have gone as far as to create a drbd with pacemaker, corosync, csync2, and now i'm at a point of whether i should just go ahead and use GFS2 or OCFS206:51
twbI just noticed that VMware Server runs its VMs at nicenes -1006:51
webPragmatistjetole: but that's all confidential06:52
jetolewebPragmatist: but how will you direct traffic to node2 if node1 goes down without a load balancer / failover machine06:52
twb(Admittedly, I noticed this because after inode-bombing the host ext3 filesystem, and the VM was still running smoothly.)06:52
jetolewebPragmatist: I won't tell my boss06:52
webPragmatistjetole: uhm? multiple ips?06:52
jetoletwb: interesting. I use kvm :D06:52
jetolewebPragmatist: and have DNS point to both IP addresses for the A RR ?06:53
webPragmatistI assume that's how it works lol06:53
twbjetole: I *wish* I was allowed to06:53
webPragmatistshared ip06:53
jetoletwb: although now that you mention it, I kinda like the nice option you just mentioned but kvm is kernel level already06:53
jetolewebPragmatist: you can't really run them both at the same time with the same IP. This will cause TCP hell06:54
twbjetole: only the virtualized parts of06:54
twb...it are06:54
webPragmatistjetole: right… heartbeat or whatnot06:54
twbjetole: the userspace part is still a normal process06:54
webPragmatistswitcharoos the node to the correct ip06:54
jetoletwb: for vmware of kvm?06:54
jetolewell both probably06:54
twbjetole: both06:54
jetoleI know with kvm it is06:54
twbNobody should run vmware-server06:54
webPragmatistjetole: is that not ideal?06:55
jetolebeen... I don't know, 18 months+ since I played with ESX06:55
twbESX is a different beast entirely (I'm told)06:55
jetolewebPragmatist: not sure. Will heartbeat turn on one IP address if another one goes down?06:55
jetoletwb: oh you're using server?06:55
twbYes :-(06:55
jetoleoh well then yes. It's a very very different beast. Server isn't a hypervisor if I recall correctly06:56
twbIt's no06:56
webPragmatistjetole: sureeeeeeeeeee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/LucidTesting#Overview06:56
twbIt's more like qemu+kqemu06:56
twbOnly shit06:56
jetoleright, actually I think ESX uses LKMs06:56
jetolewebPragmatist: then that sounds like it would work06:56
twbESX is a linux product, certainly06:56
jetolewebPragmatist: why not just invest in a cheap little server to act as the load balancer?06:57
webPragmatistjetole: because all this is dedicated hosting06:57
jetoletwb: I know it is but playing on the console in ESX is taboo to begin with06:57
webPragmatistand cheap little server is = not cheap06:57
jetolewebPragmatist: can I ask who with?06:57
jetolebrb. Gotta piss06:57
jetoleyou could have just said no06:59
jetoletwb: are you pretty good with dhcpd?06:59
webPragmatistit's softlayer06:59
twbNo, I use dnsmasq.06:59
jetoleI got an issue with mine that I am trying to solve, only started tonight when I added the second subnet07:00
webPragmatistthey sell loadbalancers07:00
webPragmatistbut whats 250 connections mean lol07:00
webPragmatist250 simultaneous connections?07:00
jetolewebPragmatist: that 250 people can connect to your site at the same time07:00
jetoleor one person with a simple DoS flood07:00
webPragmatistsounds like a bad idea07:01
jetoleoh softlayer is the company07:01
webPragmatistsounds like you are creating more of a bottleneck07:01
webPragmatistthan if you were to just let 1000+ connections spam the server… failover (if it even would)07:01
jetolewebPragmatist: it wouldn't07:02
webPragmatistthat's just my take lol07:02
jetolethe load balancer would just block any more connections07:02
jetoleyou web server wouldn't see it07:02
webPragmatisti'm saying07:02
webPragmatistbuying the load balance = bottleneck07:02
jetolewell if they are limiting connections yes07:02
jetolebut remember a load balancer uses far less resources to load balance then a web server07:02
jetolea single load balancer creates a single point of failure however07:03
webPragmatisti could imagine a single server being able to handle 250 connections07:03
jetolenow setting up two load balancers on a shared IP with something like CARP doesn't sound like a bad idea07:03
webPragmatistfor what i do07:03
jetole250 is small07:04
webPragmatistactually shit07:04
webPragmatistglobal load balancing is ridiculously expensive07:04
jetoleand stupid07:04
jetolenow global disaster recovery is a good option07:04
jetolewhere you have a site in seattle that goes up if your data center in miami gets hit by a commet07:05
webPragmatistyea we already do that07:05
webPragmatistwe have one node in seatle and one in dallas07:05
jetoledo you work for a company?07:05
jetoleI mean for the load balancing, is this for a company or personal?07:05
webPragmatistoh well it's both :)07:05
webPragmatistthe company i work for said implement some redundancy07:06
webPragmatisti said okay07:06
jetolewell for a company, present to them the cost of one server going down vs. the cost of a load balancing system and then tell them to get out their fscking check books07:06
webPragmatistjetole: well… what i have going against me is the only time our primary node has EVER gone down is due to some stupid dns issue that softlayer had07:07
jetolean ounce of medicine vs. the price of the cure or however that old saying goes07:07
webPragmatistthis is like 3 years so far07:07
webPragmatistmy utime is like 900 something07:07
jetole3 years is an important time then07:07
jetolea lot of server companies offer warrenties for 3 years for a reason07:08
webPragmatistjetole: with that said though we are actually switching servers so we will be getting new hardware07:09
webPragmatistso another 3 years :)07:09
jetolepresent the cost of high availability vs. the cost of money lost for reasonable expected downtime and let them decide07:09
jetolewebPragmatist: thats beside the point07:09
jetoleHA doesn't exist exclusively for old hardware07:09
jetoleif it did companies like MS wouldn't need/want/use it07:10
jetolegoogle can afford new servers daily07:10
jetoleI'm actually dying to know how google has HA setup. Someone suggested the pod concept to me07:11
jetolebasically it is07:11
webPragmatisti'm more concerned with me fubbing up drbd than some load balancing07:11
jetolethey have groups of racks. each rack has file servers on HA and a group of web servers07:11
jetolegroup the racks together and use the google FS on the file servers which is their own software to mimic lustre/glusterfs07:12
webPragmatisti wonder if they use vm07:12
jetoleI don't know07:12
jetoleI doubt I ever will unless I work for them and if I am do I am sure I will sign a contract that says if I tell anyone then the google gestapo will "eliminate" everyone I have ever known and myself07:13
webPragmatistjetole: is there a disadvantage to using ocfs2 if i'm not planning on imediately doing load balancing?07:13
jetoleGod I love those 5-hour energy shots07:13
webPragmatistjust processing overhead?07:14
jetolewebPragmatist: it's more complex to setup but that doesn't mean it is complex. In fact it isn't07:14
jetolewebPragmatist: the overhead is negligable07:14
webPragmatistjetole: that article has how to set it up07:14
jetolethe drbd one I posted?07:14
webPragmatistthe lucid07:14
webPragmatistthey go through and piece together a HA server07:15
jetoleyeah I have skimmed it before07:15
jetoleroaxsoax gave it to me before the lucid release07:15
webPragmatistcool i will read this07:15
jetolebtw, pick ocfs2 over gfs07:16
webPragmatistthis just sounds cool07:16
webPragmatistDUDE WHERES MY OCFS07:17
jetoleDude!!! where is your ocfs?07:17
jetoleI dunno dude!!! where is my ocfs?07:17
webPragmatiststuck it up my ext407:18
jetoletoo vivid07:18
webPragmatistext2 rather07:18
webPragmatisti'm no alien07:18
webPragmatistjetole: so going back to pre-dual primary… only one node should be allowed write access to the drdb device?07:21
jetoleif it's primary/secondary then yes07:21
webPragmatisti should be able to mount and see the files from secondary though?07:22
jetoleI don't believe so07:22
webPragmatistso it seems07:22
webPragmatisti wasn't sure if i didn't have it configured correctly07:23
jetoletake a look at /proc/drbd07:23
_chris_heja all07:23
_chris_im pretty new to linux and haveing a virtual test server07:23
webPragmatistjetole: doesn't exist?07:23
jetolewebPragmatist: then you have something configured wrong07:24
_chris_when i log on to my ubuntu-server it tells me there is 1 zombie process, how can i 'Find' it and kill it ?07:24
webPragmatistjetole: or i'm nt rute07:24
webPragmatistjetole: what am i looking at07:24
jetolewebPragmatist: it should exist regardless but sudo to root07:24
webPragmatistoh hrm07:24
webPragmatistwhy's it say on;ly 14% sync07:25
jetolewebPragmatist: and does it show a sync rate?07:25
jetoleI forget what it looks like since mine are all in sync07:25
webPragmatistyea like 470 kbs07:25
jetolethats low07:25
jetoleare these two servers in different locations?07:25
webPragmatistno lol these are two vms07:26
jetoleon the same machine?07:26
jetolelook at the rate option under syncer07:26
jetoleman drbd.conf07:26
webPragmatistwill do07:26
jetolechange it on both07:26
jetolethen run drbdadm adjust on both07:27
jetole_chris_: don't think you can kill a zombie07:27
jetoleto find it, run ps aux07:27
jetolelook for a process with [ and ] around it07:27
jetolei.e. [sshd]07:27
jetoleI think07:27
* jetole looks 07:27
jetoleanyways if it can be killed, send it signal 907:28
jetoleas in kill -9 pid07:28
jetoleno it's not [ and ]07:28
jetoleyeah you can't kill it anyways07:28
jetolebut it's not running or doing anything07:28
jetoleit will die eventually07:28
jetole_chris_: you can kill the parent process if you like07:29
webPragmatistdefault is 250 KB/s07:29
jetole_chris_: a zombie is a dead process that the parent process didn't wait() for07:29
webPragmatistthat would do ti07:29
jetolewebPragmatist: yes it is and yes it would07:29
webPragmatistjetole: is there a more standard way at looking at that status07:30
webPragmatistthan snooping through /proc07:30
jetolewebPragmatist: whats wrong with proc07:30
webPragmatisti dunno07:30
webPragmatistnever used it07:30
jetolethere is some way through drbdadm I think but /proc is preferred07:30
jetolethere is lots of good info in proc07:30
jetolethe drbdadm way just reads proc and re displays parts of it07:31
jetolebut afaik it doesn't clean it up or make it more human readable07:31
smoge8899Hello... does anyone know if Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud can be added to an existing Ubuntu Server installation... 10.04 ?07:32
jetolewebPragmatist: drbdadm role, drbdadm cstate, drbdadm status, drbdadm dstate07:33
jetolesmoge8899: yes it can07:33
jetolesmoge8899: run tasksel07:34
webPragmatistjetole: yea there needs to be like a summary wtf07:34
webPragmatistthanks very much for your help07:34
jetoledrbdadn status is actually xml output07:34
webPragmatisti'll continue this tomorrow07:34
jetolehave fun07:34
smoge8899Reason I ask - my hosting provider will install 10.04 LTS, but the install is automated... so I can't select "Install Cloud".... and need to add it afterwards.07:34
jetolewebPragmatist: also, run the command man man07:35
jetolesmoge8899: I already told you how07:35
jetoleit's funny how linux has the command man man but not man women or women man07:36
jetoleI hear it has women donkey on the mexican version07:36
webPragmatistthey should call it woman07:37
SpamapSttx: we meet again..07:37
webPragmatistcause they always read the instructions07:37
webPragmatistguys are lucky to type --help07:37
SpamapSttx: you there? I was wondering about merging the moin package...07:37
jetolewebPragmatist: maybe, maybe not but I tell you that I am the only one I let cook in my kitchen07:38
jetoleand my girl friend doesn't complain07:38
jetoleI meant she doesn't complain about the food by the way.07:39
ttxSpamapS: yes07:40
ttxSpamapS: stuck in hundreds of spec review emails07:40
ttxSpamapS: take it, it's yours07:41
* ttx intervened in moin by accident07:41
SpamapSttx: hah, ok. :)07:41
smoge8899ok - so for the Cloud Controller Server, I would choose "cluster controller" or "top-level cloud controller"07:43
smoge8899using tasksel07:43
jetolenot sure but I believe "top-level cloud controller" since cluster does not nessicerely mean cloud07:43
ttxsmoge8899: the installer does nice extra installation steps though07:43
jetolettx: He mentioned it's managed hosting doing a default install07:44
ttxsmoge8899: for a first-time install, I'd suggest using the UEC installer to save you some post-setup pain07:44
_chris_jetole, sorry was not at the pc before, ok i saw the zombie just disappeared somwhow07:44
smoge8899Ok - I'll setup a VM and give it a try.07:44
smoge8899"uggest using the UEC installer" - yes - would love too - but it is not available to me07:45
smoge8899as the host does the server install... I need to add afterwards07:45
ttxsmoge8899: with the package-based install, you have to do networking setup and key sync yourself, basically07:45
jetole_chris_: you never really have to worry about zombies unless you have some situation where they are appearing faster then they die and you have hundreds07:45
jetole_chris_: and when that happens it's a programming bug in the application creating them07:46
jetolezombies always die on their own07:46
_chris_ah ok :)07:46
_chris_thanks for the info07:47
jetoleno prob07:47
smoge8899ok - I'll give it a shot..07:48
smoge8899one last question....07:48
smoge8899for now - ha ha07:48
_chris_just noticed after having the server up some weeks that sometimes a zombie appears and didnt know if this was something bad ^^07:48
smoge8899is Enterprise Cluster (private cluster) production ready?07:48
SpamapSyay vmware fusion for mac supports lucid finally07:48
jetole_chris_: it can be caused by a lot of things but the occasional zombie is normal07:49
webPragmatistSpamapS: why couldn't it install it before?07:49
webPragmatisti eman07:49
webPragmatisti use parallels and it's always worked?07:49
trapmaxproblem with mrtg: i use "ssh -t user@host 'sudo command'" in my scriptto get hd-temp in variable. the script itself works from cli, but wheni use it in mrtg as "Target[]: `/path/to/script` it doesn't work.07:50
SpamapSwebPragmatist: something in their easy-install procedure where they took a value from some config file, shoved it into another one, and b0rked the keyboard in gdm07:51
SpamapStrapmax: thats really.. an awful way to do monitoring07:52
SpamapStrapmax: consider munin or collectd.. much more sane. :)07:52
smoge8899Thanks for your help!  Gotta run!07:59
trapmaxSpamapS: any ideas though? the same script without the "ssh -t user@host" -part works well enough08:08
SpamapStrapmax: no with -t I would expect it to work the same as if you had logged in.08:29
* SpamapS decides he needs at least 4 hours of sleep before tackling moin...09:17
ttxSpamapS: about the thrift packaging, it will need adaptations to be fully policy-compliant... but it's not in the bad shape i imagined it would be09:29
maxagazHow to install xlibs in lucid ?10:12
twbDefine "xlibs"10:15
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
fallback hello, having problems getting a Qemu-KVM bridge to work nicely with IPtables; all traffic shows up as "martian", while the firewall used to work quite nicely with Xen... can anybody help? I've got the firewall script in ubuntu pastebin..10:30
jo-erlendare there any big advantages to using apt-proxy instead of a general http proxy like squid?11:01
twbIt's a "smart" cache11:02
twbIn that it will read the index file and purge cached objects that are no longer part of the release11:02
twbThat kind of thing11:02
jo-erlendI know that, but how big are the advantages?11:02
twbHowever, in production I found apt-proxy and apt-cacher to be very very flaky11:02
twbInstead I know run debmirror(1), which is working solidly11:03
jo-erlendsquid should be solid though?11:03
twbIt depend how much you've tweaked it11:03
twbFor example, here we were caching Packages.gz but not the Release file, so what apt saw was a bad checksum.11:04
jo-erlendI see there is something called squid-deb-proxy. Have you tried that one?11:04
twbI have not11:04
twbHow many hosts do you have?11:04
jo-erlendtwb, I've had problems with that here as well. I though I'd made a mistake, but I couldn't figure out what I did.11:04
jo-erlendnot very many. 20-30.11:04
twbRunning what?11:05
jo-erlendubuntu desktops.11:05
twbIn particular, do they track main or also universe/multiverse, and do they use ubuntu+1 or a stable release?11:05
jo-erlendthey use the current lts.11:05
jo-erlendthey use universe, but not multiverse.11:06
twbTo track hardy/main, single arch, no sources, is under 10GB11:06
twbFor me, that was a negligible hit11:06
jo-erlendyes, diskspace is not a problem. I want a good tool. And if I could use it a as a general web cache as well, it would be wonderful.11:07
twbI think at customer sites I'm keeping a mirror of hardy/* and hardy-*/*, single arch, no sources, and that's about 30GB with about 100MB per week of updates11:07
twbMaybe as much as 300MB a week if something like openoffice is binnmud11:08
twbSo I have the hosts pointing at an NFS export of that debmirror for apt, and browsing goes through squid11:08
twbFor me, that works quite well11:08
lifelesstwb: the coherency thing is a apt-client + server config issue exacerbated by the apt archive design11:09
jo-erlendI've used apt-mirror in the past. It worked well. Do you have any experience with that?11:09
lifelesstwb: just saying :)11:09
twblifeless: granted11:09
twblifeless: I'm sure once apt-bittorrent takes off everything will be much, uh, better11:10
trapmaxSpamapS: thanks for the advice. collectd does everything better11:10
twbI also love how the recommended tertiary mirror software isn't in the archive :-/11:10
twbNo, I mean a tertiary mirror, like your ISP and your school run11:11
twbAs opposed to a quaternary partial mirror like you might might run at work11:11
twbI can't remember what it was called, though11:11
twbWhile we're on the subject, can apt be made to use rsync:// URLs?11:12
twbIt's not like foo_1-1 and foo_1-1.1 are gonna differ much11:14
twbAnd my ISP happens to export /pub with rsyncd as well as http/ftp11:15
jpdsThat's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-m-rsync-based-deb-downloads11:15
twbHeh.  Is it just me, or is CJWatson running half of Ubuntu? :-)11:17
twb"The apt-sync package is now included in Ubuntu and will make upgrades faster."11:18
twb...I can't see it in rmadison11:18
cjwatsonI'm just the approver on that, which is because that spec has been carried over from a point when I managed the team responsible for that11:18
cjwatsontwb: that's in the "Release Note" section.  The point of that section is to write, in advance, something which would be suitable for integration in the release notes when it's complete.11:19
twbOh, I see.11:19
cjwatsonso it's written in the present tense because that's how the release notes are, but read it as if it were in the future tense11:19
twbIt's for the RM/PR teams to copy-and-past into ANN posts11:20
StrongOrderhello everyone. I'm running 6.06 on one of my servers, and suddenly my apache went offline. Now it cannot start and give me this error: http://dpaste.com/199862/  I disabled cgi module (I don't use it) but realy curious about what the real problem could be. Any help please?11:20
jo-erlendwhen you enter an HTTP proxy during the server installation, then that's only used during the install and is forgotten afterwards, right?11:32
twbjo-erlend: no11:32
twbjo-erlend: it's normally written to /etc/apt/apt.conf11:33
twbYMMV depending on exactly how you do the installation.11:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #586285 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: Paket ist in einem sehr schlechten inkonsistenten Zustand - Sie sollten  es erneut installieren, bevor Sie es zu entfernen versuchen." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58628511:41
hackeronAnyone has any ideas what could be causing such high memory use? < http://itstar.co.uk/memleak.png12:00
hackerononly thing I can think of is the md0_resync process that's running - but it's not showing any memory use12:02
binBASHhackeron: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches will free it12:04
binBASHit looks like os cache ;)12:04
binBASHto prevent you can add vm.swappiness=0 to your sysctl.conf12:05
hackeronbinBASH: did you look at the screenshot? -- notice only 6mb is cached12:05
twbhackeron: please pastebin the output of "free -m"12:06
hackeronbinBASH: I took the screenshot after running  echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches -- running it again makes no difference to used ram12:06
twbUnder normal circumstances, linux should have 100% utilization of RAM12:06
twbSince it caches disk blocks in unused parts of RAM12:06
hackerontwb: http://pastie.org/97967512:07
twbI don't know if top(1) is counting those12:07
twbHmm, OK.12:07
twbIt was, but you don't have much cached anyway12:07
hackerontwb: aha, so where's the memory going?12:07
twbHere, I have 732MB used, but 512MB of that is disk cache12:08
twbhackeron: I don't know yet.12:08
hackeronright, but I have almost no disk cache, so where is it going? :)12:08
hackerononly process eating cpu is md0_resync (I use software raid) - I suspect it may be the culprip12:08
binBASHdid you sort by mem usage in top already? shift-M12:09
hackeronbinBASH: yes, I did, you can see in the screenshot12:09
binBASHyou don't happen to run a sphinxsearch (searchd) right?12:10
hackeronerm, no12:11
binBASHbecause I run it here and it's ram usage is also not shown in top ;)12:11
twbCPU isn't RAM12:11
twbIncidentally, a text dump of top's output would've been easier to read12:12
hackerontwb: here: http://pastie.org/97968412:14
twbHmm.  I wonder why I have 52 "udev --daemon" processes still running12:16
tschundeeehi all how can I copy files from windows to a ubuntu server instance that I connect to via putty (ssh) on windows?12:21
binBASHtschundeee: sftp12:22
binBASHfor example via filezilla12:23
tschundeeebinBASH: okay that sounds good12:23
tschundeeesoI download filezilla and connect to my server12:23
binBASHwith your ssh user12:24
tschundeeebinBASH: thx a lot... usually I am using osx with cyberduck for that12:25
cybrocoptschundee: I use cygwin on my Windows XP/ Server 2003 instances. It allows me not only to do file copy but SSH and schedule cron jobs on my win machines. Only if you want to get this deep. If you only need file transfer, use Filezilla.12:27
binBASHtschundeee: your welcome12:30
twbcygwin isn't for the faint of heart12:31
twbFWIW, Windows also has its own cron-like scheduling infrastructure12:31
jo-erlendmorning to you too, though it's 14:30 here. :)13:29
xperia_hello to all. i have just started the server and thinked i can login fast on the server but for some reason the programm fsck is running now the whole time and i have a big raid disk13:31
xperia_question: how can i stop this and second whats the best possibility to disable this fsck as it break my works flow especially on a server with no Screen13:32
xperia_till fsck is not finished i am not able to login over ssh to see whats the problem13:32
jo-erlendI think I'd examine the reasons why fsck is running all the time.13:32
xperia_needed now to find extra a Monitor to Plug In and to see whats the Problem13:33
xperia_it looks now it would hangs13:34
xperia_it dont happen anything now13:34
jo-erlendbut you should still attack the cause and not the symptom.13:34
xperia_jo-erlend: does fsck not periodical check the disk everytime you startup ubuntu after a few time or is this now different13:35
jo-erlendit does, yes.13:36
xperia_so why that. i have a big raid disk and no monitor, keyboard and such things attached on the server. why does fsck run automatic and hang the full server13:37
xperia_till fsck not finish i am not even able to login over ssh13:37
jo-erlendbecause a system is useless if the filesystem is broken.13:37
jo-erlendmhm. How often do you reboot your server?13:37
xperia_nearly every day as it is a test server13:38
xperia_twice a day at least13:38
xperia_in the last weeks13:38
jo-erlendoh, ok. You can set the check frequency. I don't remember where the setting is located though, but you shouldn't have any problems finding it.13:38
xperia_and now what should i do it dont happen anything !13:38
xperia_okay thanks for suggesting that13:39
xperia_need now only to boot in the system13:39
xperia_but it hangs13:39
xperia_what should i do13:39
xperia_cold restart13:39
jo-erlendwait until fsck is finished?13:39
xperia_it dont finish have rebooted now. this auto fsck sucks on a server13:40
jo-erlendhehe, yes, it's horrible...13:40
jo-erlendbetter to be lucky than good...-13:41
xperia_okay it boot13:42
xperia_ohh noo i got fsck again13:42
jo-erlendwhy don't you let it complete?13:42
xperia_ohhh man13:42
jo-erlenddo you understand what fsck does?13:42
xperia_i dont have the time13:42
xperia_that is the most stupid moment to do this fsck13:43
xperia_and i dont see also any progress bar or simmilar that indicate how long it would need13:43
jo-erlendyes, it's insane to make sure your system is intact on a important computer.13:43
jo-erlendif you let it finish, then it will probably stop checking your filesystem at every boot.13:44
xperia_and after some boots then the whole fsck again13:44
xperia_at least the possibility to cancel the fsck should exist from my point of view13:45
jo-erlendyes, if you choose not to change the setting.13:45
xperia_exactly this is what get me angry. a presetting decide that the server hangs now for 1 Hour at the most stupid moment13:47
jo-erlendhehe, some people actually use servers for other things than testing.13:47
jo-erlendsometimes they prefer it when their systems are stable too.13:47
xperia_yeah but this fsck can also be done at shutdown or not ? why on boot13:48
jo-erlendbecause if there is a power outage, for instance, then data may be lost. It makes sense to check it immediately, and not wait two months until the next reboot.13:48
xperia_when somebody boot the system he dont want to wait hours till the system is ready this just dont make sense13:48
jo-erlendthis can also happen if the system freezes so you have to do a cold reboot.13:48
xamanuHello, I have sudo access to a ubuntu server where two instances of MySQL are running. Using the mysql (or mysqldump) command drives me to mysql4 but the installed websites are running on a mysql5 instance. UnfortunatelyI can not find the bin to start mysql5. I'd appreciate any help13:49
twbIf you don't want to wait for fsck, run a journalling filesystem13:49
xamanuDBs are there. I can see them within /var/lib/mysql13:49
xperia_as i have installed ubuntu lts on the server it used ext4 as file system13:50
progre55hi guys, I need to add a user into my remote server.. and the user should have no pass, but use a public/private key to log in. How to do it?13:50
xperia_so from your answer then fsck is not needed or i am wrong now13:50
twbxperia_: then take comfort in the knowledge that with ext2 it would have been an order of magnitude slower13:50
xperia_xamanu: do you need to start mysql ?13:50
jo-erlendI'd certainly run an fsck if people were pulling the power cord from my server several times a day.13:51
xamanuxperia_ no it is running already13:51
xamanuxperia_ I want a db dump13:51
twbxperia_: it should be better again when btrfs is ready13:51
xperia_xamanu: a mysqldump you do this way13:51
xperia_for a database13:51
xamanuxperia_ but the mysqldump command is linked to the wrong version/instance of mysql and I don't know where is my mysql513:51
xperia_ahhh okay13:52
xperia_did you looked at /usr/bin13:52
xperia_and such places13:52
jo-erlendxamanu, you can use apt-file to search for files in packages. That will tell you where the file gets installed.13:53
twbYou can't have both mysql4 and 5 on an Ubuntu system without working around the packaging system13:54
twbWhich means that the state of that system is anybody's guess13:54
xperia_twb: strange thing is that with fsck dont happen anything. no numbers are changed. no progress bar nothing13:55
twbxperia_: what was the last output?13:55
xamanuunfortunately I haven't done any configuration on this system. just trying to get a dump out of the live system13:55
twbxamanu: try "which mysql"13:55
twbHmm, that's no good13:56
pmatulisJeeves_Moss: did you get your mail server sorted?13:56
twbtype -a z13:56
xamanutwb: gives me the link to /usr/bin/mysql which is the bin of mysql4 but I need the mysql513:56
twbxamanu: what does "type -a mysql" report?13:56
xperia_twb: /dev/cciss/c0d0p1: clean, 63186/2662400 files, 533281/10639872 blocks13:57
xamanutwb: same thing "mysql is /usr/bin/mysql"13:57
twbxamanu: OK, so mysql 5 is definitely not in your path.13:57
twbxperia_: is that one of those half-assed IBM raid controllers?13:57
xamanutwb: but the websites are using it :-) where could I look for it?13:57
twbxamanu: you could try looking at the process table, finding a mysqld instance, and looking at its /proc/<pid>/exe symlink to find out where it lives.13:58
twbxamanu: since it's not in /usr/local, it's probably in /opt13:58
twbAh, HP, not IBM13:59
twbxperia_: it prints that at the end of the fsck run, so either it's fscking the next partition, or it's hung on the NEXT step in the init process, without printing anything14:00
xperia_twb: it is a "hp proliant ml530 g2" server. till yet everything worked fine. just today i wanted to boot the server and now that14:02
xamanutwb: thanks! it says /usr/sbin/mysqld - as I understand this is the deamon and not the bin to gain shell access14:02
xperia_what is wrong with fsck ?14:02
twbxamanu: and "mysql --version" reports 4.x, not 5.1?14:02
xperia_how can i kill it14:02
twbxperia_: are you running 8.04 or 10.04?14:03
xperia_the LTS Version14:03
xperia_new LTS version14:03
twbThey're both LTS14:03
xamanutwb: no it says 5.114:03
xperia_the new released this year14:03
twbxamanu: so what's the problem?14:03
twbxperia_: well, prior to upstart, you could hit ^C and kill off just about any init script.14:03
xamanutwb: but mysql -u root -p leads me to the mysql414:03
twbxperia_: last time I looked, upstart didn't have that, so you are royally screwed14:04
twbxperia_: you could try a ctrl+alt+del and bounce into busybox and recover from there14:04
twbxamanu: I don't know what you mean by that.14:04
xamanutwb: Server version: 4.1.14-pro14:04
twbxamanu: OK, so you have a mysql 5.1 client, a mysqld 4.1 in the usual place, and a mysqld 5.1 running somewhere else.14:05
xperia_ctrl alt del works but it reboot direct14:05
xperia_and it hangs again14:05
xperia_at fsck14:05
jo-erlendtwb, if fsck doesn't complete, then it'll be run at next boot, right?14:06
xamanutwb: i guess :D what can i do to access the mysql5?14:06
twbxperia_: now stick a "single" or a "break" in your boot script, so that you can get into a recovery shell.14:06
twbxamanu: find out where it lives and point the mysql client at that place14:06
twbxamanu: where "lives" is probably an IP and a port, or perhaps a socket.14:06
twbjo-erlend: right.14:06
twbxperia_: did you recently UPGRADE to 10.04.0?14:06
xperia_twb: no fresh intall14:07
jo-erlendtwb, he never lets fsck complete, which is why it runs all the time.14:07
twbxperia_: since I don't have any other ideas, I suspect that either 1) upstart isn't running the jobs it should; or 2) your RAID controller/driver is screwy.14:07
twbjo-erlend: how do you know fsck isn't completing?14:07
twbjo-erlend: oh ,right, I see.14:07
xperia_till yet everything worked14:08
xperia_no problems14:08
jo-erlendtwb, he's been saying that several times. He pulls the plug because it takes so long, and he's angry because it runs at the next boot.14:08
xperia_only this stupid fsck14:08
xperia_breaks everything now14:08
jo-erlendxperia_, the problem is that you never let it finish.14:08
twbjo-erlend: that's dumb; he should be using ctrl+alt+del14:08
jo-erlendit's not broken.14:08
twbEven if it *does* finish, pulling the plug out will make it start again14:08
twbxperia_: how big is the ext4 filesystem you're fscking?14:09
xperia_jo-erlend: from my side of view fsck dont work it hangs14:09
jo-erlendxperia_, let fsck complete, then configure the bootup check frequency to a higher number.14:09
xperia_twb: 64 GB14:09
twbOK, then it should take maybe ten minutes -- not one minute, and not one hour14:09
twbUnless your controller is retarded, in which case all bets are off14:09
twbI had some of those HP controllers and I had to throw them out for being too stupid to waste my time with14:10
xperia_well i would wait even 2 Hours if at least something change on the screen but it dont happen anything14:10
jo-erlendhow long have you waited?14:11
xperia_it is just one line all the time with the same numbers and in such case fsck should be CTR-C14:11
xperia_well now for sure around 5 to 10 Minutes14:11
twbxperia_: so just to confirm: you let fsck complete -- it printed "/dev/cciss/c0d0p1: clean" -- and you then type ctrl-alt-del and it did a fsck on the VERY NEXT boot?14:11
xperia_you forget however the numbers14:11
jo-erlendxperia_, and you only have one partition?14:11
twbThat shouldn't happen.14:12
twb23:06 <twb> xperia_: now stick a "single" or a "break" in your boot script, so that you can get into a recovery shell.14:12
jo-erlendxperia_, those numbers are printed when fsck completes.14:12
twbI'd also bounce into the RAID BIOS and have it do whatever verification it can14:12
xperia_ahh okay then i should try again ctrl alt del14:12
xperia_what should i look in the bios14:13
twbctrl+alt+del is the right way to do a soft reboot14:13
xamanutwb: I don't think it is an IP. should be on localhost. so a socket maybe. how can I find this out?14:13
xamanutwb: I know; I'm asking anoying questions..... sorry. thank you so much for helping14:13
twbDunno, mysql is for people too lazy or dumb to use sqlite for toys and postgres for production.14:14
twbTry #mysql14:14
xamanutwb: haha, you are right. thanks again!14:15
SirStanAnyone having issues starting SSH on 10.04 LTS Server?14:18
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:18
xperia_twb: rebooted right now in the bios. the raid controller is a "hp smart array 5304-128 Controller"14:18
SirStanubottu: I did ask a question.14:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
SirStantwb even.14:18
twbSirStan: then: no, since I'm still running 8.04.14:19
SirStantwb: Signal to noise.14:19
SirStanSSH in 10.04 wont start, it bitches about '/dev/null' not existing, eminating from line 17 of the init script.14:19
xperia_SirStan: i am having problems to login over ssh to the server14:20
twbSirStan: see, that was the kind of information I expected in your first message.14:20
SirStantwb: signal to noise.14:20
twbxperia_: presumably a different server to the one that won't start at all. ;-)14:21
SirStanSSH Err -> http://i.imgur.com/pYflC.png14:21
xperia_SirStan: my problem is fsck it hangs allways there. will use now a live cd and try to hack the boot scripts but it looks like ubuntu server lts fucked up14:21
SirStantime to downgrade to 8.04 eh?14:21
xperia_twb: it is the same server. i just wrote what i have seen on the Screen14:21
twbxperia_: I'm not familiar with RAID BIOSes, sorry.14:22
xperia_man this drives me crazy.14:22
cybrocopSirStan: can you do this:   "ls -ld /dev/null"  (minus the quotes)14:25
twbxperia_: I don't suppose you have a support contract with HP?14:25
SirStancybrocop: srwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2010-05-26 15:38 /dev/null14:25
xperia_twb: buyed the server from ebay :-)14:26
xperia_and no i dont have such a contract with HP14:26
twbAnyway, you should still be bouncing through single/break and debugging the init process.14:26
cybrocopSirStan: Something is wrong with your install. /dev/null must be a character device and it should be there for every install.14:26
SirStancybrocop: Clean install from 10.04 LTS14:26
cybrocopSirStan: According to your output, /dev/null is a regular file.14:27
cybrocopSirStan: This is what the output should look like: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-05-26 20:08 /dev/null14:27
cybrocopSirStan: A lot of people are running 10.04 LTS and I have done a "clean install" about 10 times this past week. Never seen this problem.14:27
SirStanDunno what to tell you.14:28
SirStanNow you haev.14:28
cybrocopSirStan: Is it repeatable? Can you do a re-install as there seems to be a serious OS process. Did you get any errors during installation?14:28
cybrocopprocess -> problem14:29
twbsame thing :P14:29
_tydeas_which is the lifespan of the ubuntu server?14:29
twbWell, I meant 'process' in general terms, not pid 114:29
rgreening_ScottK: hey. Got a question regarding proceeding on that SRU for tacacs+ now that it's in Maverick14:29
twb_tydeas_: you mean support lifetime; as in, when is it EOLed?14:30
Pici_tydeas_: LTS releases are supported for 5 years, other releases are supported for 18 months.14:30
_tydeas_i am between installing centos or ubuntu server ( my collegues support it ) and i am searching to find out what to choose14:32
twb*some packages* in LTS are supported for five years.14:33
SirStan_tydeas_: are you a debian or redhat shop :)14:34
twbe.g. most of gnome is probably only three years for LTS, even if you install it on a server, because it's considered part of desktop14:34
twb_tydeas_: if everyone you know uses centos, it's best for you to use centos.14:34
twb_tydeas_: even if distro A beats distro B, you won't enjoy A if you don't have any support for it.14:35
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
ScottKrgreening_: SRU or backport?14:36
* ScottK doesn't recall details.14:36
MTecknologyIs it possible to have samba setup so one user accesses the share, but then uses a different user account to write the files through that share?14:37
rgreeningScottK: hmm... tacacs+ doesn't exist in Lucid, but I would like it to be added.14:38
rgreeningdue to it being an LTS14:38
SirStancybrocop: reinstalling14:39
rgreeningScottK: so, I would like to enlist you direction in getting me there correctly :)14:39
twbMTecknology: you mean a single individual having two accounts?14:39
cybrocopSirStan: Please also verify your installation media and make sure that there are no errors on it.14:39
SirStancybrocop: iso, crc matches14:39
rgreeningScottK: the software has no interaction with anything else, and only adds a missing service, the ability to provide AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) services for various NAS devices (like those from Cisco), and it is a service currently missing from our offering.14:42
rgreeningScottK: so, it is low to no risk at all, and is being actively maintained and in Debian and consequently in Maverick now.14:43
MTecknologytwb: two samba accounts -> one system account14:43
rgreeningso we should get bug fixes and security updates fairly regularly if/when they occur.14:43
twbMTecknology: I'm not sure.  Ask #samba.14:44
twbMTecknology: I *think* you can samba accounts that don't associate with any unix account at all.14:44
twbe.g. point samba at LDAP and don't point pam at LDAP14:45
rgreeningScottK: I have just built and uploaded to my PPA with a Lucid build. It builds cleanly under Lucid. And should via the PPA (buildds). After that, I'll setup and test it via a Lucid VM/Server I have. If all runs fine, I'll need some direction and a seal of approval to get in officially in Lucid. I have no issues maintaining this package BTW goin forward14:46
MTecknologytwb: alrighty, thanks14:46
cybrocopSirStan: What kind of HW do you have?14:47
xperia_twb: jo-erlend: fixed the problem. last time i have copyed from ubuntu server that runs very well this line from /etc/fstab in the new installed servers fstabs file "/dev/sda3 /media/usbdiskautouser,rw,exec" and exactly this line caused the hanging of the server14:47
xperia_commentd this line now out and it works like it should now14:48
twbxperia_: that might be because /dev/sda points to the cciss array's first node14:48
twbYou should (almost) never address a USB block device by its device name, anyway.14:49
twbUse UUID or LABEL14:49
cybrocopSirStan: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/63031  <-- May be related. Once you reinstall, make sure to go through syslog. I wonder if there are any other errors before OpenSSH that may give you a clue.14:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 63031 in udev "/dev/null: Permission denied" [Undecided,Fix released]14:49
xperia_twb: thinked ubuntu will work the same way like on the other mashine that is why i have jut copyed. but okay thnaks a lot for your helpfull answers here14:53
xperia_good need now to work on the server. lost about two hours. see you all later. bye14:54
twbxperia_: try "blkid /dev/sda3" to get info about it14:54
c13Hallo i am using a transparent squid. I can do web login sessions on the server, but not so on the clients. Do you have any hint for me?14:54
twbc13: on which server?  You mean when you do "w3m" on the host running the httpd?14:55
c13 I can do web login sessions on the machine that runs squid, but not so on the clients from the network15:00
twbThat would be because the host running squid isn't subjected to transparent proxying15:01
c13 how to make it transparent, when I already have "(Insert Line with transparent)" in the conf15:06
c13insert line: http_port transparent15:06
c13what do you mean by "subjected to transparent squid"15:07
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
smosermathiaz, ping15:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 583542 in openssh "ssh server doesn't start when irrelevant filesystems are not available" [Undecided,New]15:18
smoserso you declined that for lucid because it doesn't have a fix.15:18
twbNormal transparent proxying would be done with a -A PREROUTING ! -s -p tcp --dport http -j DNAT --to rule on a router.15:18
smoserbut if someone came up with a magical fix, they would no longer be able to "nominate for lucid" is that correct ?15:18
twbYou obvious can't DNAT requests from, because then squid's own requests would be transparently proxied back to itself15:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #586398 in tomcat6 (main) "when updating from 9.10 to 10.04, the dependency between tomcat6 and jsvc is lost and tomcat won't start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58639815:31
xoenhi all15:44
xoenI can't start mysql :(15:44
SpamapSxoen: I believe there are some bugfixes coming for that15:44
xoenI'm really lucky :P!15:44
binBASHanyone know a good server monitoring tool?15:45
xoenI don't use mysql-server from some weeks and when I need it doesn't work :P15:45
SpamapSbinBASH: monitoring really has several pieces.. data collection, health checking, alerting .. which are you interested in doing?15:46
binBASHSpamapS: Actually a tool where I can log into web frontend and have a list of servers and see the disk usage, etc.15:47
xoenI've done this : $ sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.1 phpmyadmin so now my system *should* be clean...I try to reinstall it15:48
SpamapSbinBASH: munin is good for that, ganglia too.15:48
xoenOK, it asked me the password for root mysql user but it can't be setted because it tell it's already setted...15:50
xoen$ sudo start mysql15:50
xoenstart: Job failed to start15:50
xoenis there a place where I get more information?15:55
cybrocopSpamaps, to extend on binBash's question, will munin and ganglia allow for writing custom scripts.   We manage several web resources, but for performance resources have local copies of those websites running. (when the user selects a special squid server, they're served with local copies.) Then we sync the content between local and remote daily. I need a way to make sure the content is properly synced all the time.15:57
cybrocopSpamaps, what do you think of Nagios?15:57
zulxoen: check your mysql logs to see if you any corrupt tables15:58
SpamapScybrocop: Nagios is for health checking and alerting, which isn't what binBash wants. Nagios is *amazing* for health checking and alerting.15:58
SpamapScybrocop: munin in particular is good when you have nagios, as it has built in support for feeding data into nagios15:58
xoen@zul I'm removing mysql-server and everything related (/etc/init.d/mysql /etc/mysql/ and /var/lib/mysql/) and installing it again....15:59
SpamapScybrocop: Nagios is really, really awful for data collection and instrumentation though.. and after years running nagios grapher, which tries to shoe-horn it in.. I think its better done by munin15:59
cybrocopsmoser, jdstrand: UT?16:00
smoserthe university of texas ?16:00
cybrocopsmoser: it can mean a lot of things, but I thought "You there" was a popular interpretation. :)16:00
jdstrandI'm here, but haven't had a chance to dive into the bug yet16:01
smoserwell, one way or another "The Eyes of Texas" is now stuck in my head16:01
smoserwhich isn't going to make kirkland happy16:01
cybrocopsmoser: I thought I was done with reporting on the bug but there are some new developments.16:01
SpamapScybrocop: also to answer your other question, munin has a really simple plugin architecture that makes it very easy to write very powerful monitoring/data collection scripts16:01
cybrocopSpamaps: Thanks, I'll investigate it.16:01
cybrocopsmoser:  OK, so remember how I rebuilt node01... After a clean rebuild it worked. Then I purged apparmor and it stopped working. Then I reinstalled apparmor and it started working again.16:02
SpamapScybrocop: as a side note, we're working on some new things to de-couple collection from instrumentation so that each node collects its own data, and things like munin just build the graphs.. :) stay tuned:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-monitoring-framework16:02
cybrocopspamaps: thanks. :)16:03
xoen@zul I've received an error : http://pastebin.com/AMfwY34c16:03
xoen@zul this appens when I've installed mysql-server-5.116:04
binBASHSpamapS: I wonder if Zenoss is any good ;)16:04
zulcheck your mysql tables16:04
SpamapSxoen: many IRC clients won't recognize that.. (such as irssi.. the one I'm using) .. you might want to try <nick>: instead of @<nick>16:05
SpamapSbinBASH: I've heard good things, but have never used it.16:05
xoenSpamapS: thank you :)16:05
cybrocopjdstrand/smoser: Well, today, this is what I did. Node01 was working fine 30 mins ago. All I did was:16:05
cybrocopcp -rp /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/* /UEC/instances16:05
cybrocoprm -rf /var/lib/eucalyptus/instances16:05
cybrocopcd /var/lib/eucalyptus/ ; ln -s /UEC/instances16:05
binBASHSpamapS: You know the last time I used monitoring software was big brother :)16:05
JamesHarrisonapt has held back linux-generic and linux-image-generic packages, safe to update those if I've not done any kernel level tinkering?16:06
xoenzul: how can I check my mysql tables?16:06
cybrocopsmoser/jdstrand: And the problem came back!16:06
cybrocop[Thu May 27 19:54:56 2010][001711][EUCAERROR ] libvirt: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused (code=38)16:06
smoserits app armour16:07
smoseryou can't do that16:07
jdstrandsmoser: he removed apparmor16:07
zulxoen: you'll have to check google16:07
cybrocopjdstrand: I reinstalled it in order to make libvirtd happy again.16:07
smoser(purged, it broke, reinstalled it worked, then cp -rp ... ln16:07
smoserand it broke16:08
smoserapparmour is denying you access because of the symlinks16:08
jdstrandcybrocop: then yes, apparmor necessarily realpaths symlinks16:08
jdstrandcybrocop: you need to update the profile16:08
xoenzul: But I've deleted everything (I believe) and reinstalled mysql-server...16:08
cybrocopsmoser: so how can I make the instances live on a RAID partition16:08
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:08
smosercybrocop, i'd suggest mounting that directory there16:08
smoseralternatively i think you can configure where the path /var/lib/eucalyputs16:09
xoen@zul ahahha it's cool, a bot defended me :P16:09
cybrocopsmoser:  OK. Have to run now. I'll try this.16:09
SirStancybrocop: i reinstalled, and now /dev/null is a character device. . wtf..16:09
jdstrandactually, it would be better to see the dmesg16:09
xoen(ops I used the @user again :()16:10
jdstrandsince the driver should take care of the realpathing and adjust the profile accordingly16:10
wise_cryptxeon: you might also want to joint this #mysql may be they have a clue16:11
jdstrandit is probably virt-aa-helper that is doing the denying16:11
jdstrand(come to think of it)16:11
xoenwise_crypt: OK, I'll try in #mysql... :)16:11
binBASHjdstrand: Btw. I checked the virt-manager machine cloning again.16:12
binBASHlocally I can clone a machine, seems like I just can't clone remote16:13
xoenwise_crypt: of course mysql doesn't work when I need it :P16:14
wise_cryptxeon: eh ? u should register your nick then16:15
wise_crypt!hi > xeon16:15
jdstrandbinBASH: that sounds like a non-apparmor issue.... I advise filing a bug. Please check kern.log on the local host and remote for any apparmor messages and add them to the bug16:16
wise_crypt!hi | xeon16:16
ubottuxeon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:16
mathiazsmoser: hi!16:18
mathiazsmoser: hm - you're right - the bug cannot be nominated for lucid anymore :/16:19
smoserthat sucks16:19
mathiazsmoser:hm - actually no16:19
mathiazsmoser: I can still accept it16:19
smoserbut i can't nominate it16:20
mathiazsmoser: however I think it can't be *nominated* anymore16:20
mathiazsmoser: right - using the nominate for release link?16:20
binBASHjdstrand: For me it more looks like the virt-manager doesn't watch for the disk image on remote server, but on the local host it's running at.16:20
smoserright. lucid will not appear (or karmic)16:20
mathiazsmoser: ok - I'll take this into account then16:21
mathiazsmoser: should I accept that specific bug for lucid now?16:21
mathiazsmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/58354216:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 583542 in openssh "ssh server doesn't start when irrelevant filesystems are not available" [Medium,Triaged]16:21
smoserthis was a theory thing16:21
mathiazsmoser: ok - great16:21
mathiazsmoser: thanks for letting me know16:22
mathiazsmoser: I'll have to take this one into account when updating the SRU process16:22
binBASHbtw. someone knows what this iptables message is? http://www.pastie.org/98008516:25
jorgelinuxhow can I get kernel modules to get installed at /lib/modules ???? is there any package?16:28
jo-erlendwhy does postfix have its own hosts resolve.conf, nsswitch.conf, etc?16:29
simplexiojorgelinux: default they are in /lib/modules/16:30
jo-erlendI mean those that are stored in /var/spool/postfix/etc16:30
jorgelinuxsimplexio, I don't have any files in /lib/modules16:30
lamontjo-erlend: because it chroots into /var/spool/postfix, and those files are kinda needed to do things...16:32
xoenmysql-server package installs something out of /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql and /etc/init.d/mysql?16:32
simplexiojorgelinux: hmm. actually i dont know which package install all modules. there linux-image, linux-backports-modules and linux-restricted-modules packages16:32
jo-erlendlamont, ah.. Thanks. :)16:32
kirklandhggdh: i have an easy fix for you on your loop issue16:34
kirklandhggdh: do you have a cloud where you can test this now?16:34
webPragmatisthey after I modify the rate parameter a for drbd how is it supposed to speed up16:39
webPragmatisti have reloaded the drbd daemon config16:39
webPragmatistoh wait nm it got faster :)16:40
webPragmatistlook at that hawt vm action http://screencast.com/t/M2M3ODM3ZDIt16:40
webPragmatistis there a way to monitor a /proc file continuously16:41
SpamapSwebPragmatist: do you want to do a health check or collect stats?16:45
SpamapSwebPragmatist: there are drbd monitor scripts for nagios on nagiosexchange.org (worst domain name ever btw) ...16:45
webPragmatistSpamapS: got it using watch16:45
SpamapSoh just for a while, yeah watch is perfect. :)16:45
SpamapSxoen: are you getting errors in /var/log/syslog?16:46
* zul lunches16:46
cybrocop_smoser: sorry I had to run... But, if it is apparmor shouldn't it leave logs somewhere?16:49
smoserthats why jdstrand was asking about dmesg16:49
xoenSpamapS: yes http://pastebin.com/za24F8fQ (this is grep -i mysql /var/log/syslog)16:49
smoserbut your cp and then fail surely indicates that16:49
smoser       INSTANCE_PATH="/var/lib/eucalyptus/instances/"16:50
smoseris how you would put that elsewhere.16:50
webPragmatistis there an offsite third party backup like crashplan for ubuntu (that's not a desktop gui, i'd actually use crashplan if not?)16:51
cybrocop_smoser: OK. I can fix the instance path.16:51
webPragmatistor what would you guys suggest16:51
webPragmatistI don't feel like running another server to keep backups16:51
smosercybrocop_, if that indeed fixes your problem , please summarise and  close the bug16:52
cybrocop_smoser: that doesn't close the root cause of teh bug. Yesterday, when I reported the bug, I wasn't using symlinks.16:53
smoserthats what i thought.16:53
cybrocop_smoser: And yesterday, I hadn't reinstalled apparmor.. It was in disabled state so it never should've prevented me from running my instances.16:53
cybrocop_smoser: I'm now trying to run the instance again to see if it leaves any logs or dmesg.16:54
hggdhkirkland: we can use the test rig (right now on topo2. But there is not much space available there16:54
hggdhkirkland: about 55G in total16:55
cybrocop_smoser: I'm assuming that in normal (non-buggy) operation, it should leave something in the syslog that it prevented kvm from following symlinks.. correct?16:55
smoseri dont know.  ask jdstrand for why that would or would not happen. i know that it doesnt afaik.16:56
cybrocop_smoser/jdstrand: My bad. As opposed to yesterday, this time there are logs indicating the operation was denied. Here is the dmesg: http://slexy.org/view/s2HefYKUan17:03
cybrocop_smoser: setting the INSTANCE_PATH variable worked. Thanks.17:11
webPragmatistAny of you tried to backup using davfs or the like? With maybe rdiff-backup or something eqiuvalent? Suggestions?17:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #586442 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir «/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0», que está también en el paquete mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58644217:36
ScottKrgreening: File a bug against lucid-backports, say that the package builds, installs, and runs, and then give me a ping.17:40
rgreeningScottK: ok. I'll be testing it tomorrow, most likely, so prob no ping today. ty for the assist17:42
* zul returns17:44
lunaphyte_i've upgrade from karmic to lucid.  things appear to have generally gone well, but now when i do dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, it's somehow decided i've "chose not to install grub to any devices".  why?17:44
webPragmatistRoAkSoAx: you around17:47
HypnozI am trying to pxe image using a local apt-mirror. Kickseed file loads, gets dhcp IP, but then throws this error when i starts looking for the packages to install http://dpaste.de/NU2t/17:54
HypnozI have tried getting the netboot files from the newest ubuntu-8.04.4-server-amd64.iso as well as the newest ubuntu-8.04.4-alternative-amd64.iso17:55
webPragmatistWhen I do sudo csync2 -k /etc/csync2_ssl_cert.key it just hangs?18:02
HypnozwebPragmatist: what was the point of doing that in #ubuntu?18:12
HypnozwebPragmatist: I can totally see how spamming the channel and getting banned would benefit you18:14
webPragmatistthat's the fun thing about the internet.18:14
ScuniziI'm looking at installing Sobby or Infinoted on my server.. both seem the same.. what's the difference?18:28
c13Hallo i want to use the squid over firestarter. how can i configure the firestarter to accept the squid that all the traffic goes over the transparent squid?18:30
ScottKScunizi: The infinote one is a newer version with a different on the wire protocol.  Gobby 0.5 and Kobby are compatible with it.18:33
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elb0wI want to swap from debian server to ubuntu server give me some supporting reasons :o18:35
ScuniziScottK: ok.. thanks.. so kobby on the kde machines and gobby on the gnome machines and infinote on the server...18:36
Scunizionce I ap-get infinote on the server.. will kobby/gobby find it automatically on the LAN ?18:37
hggdhjiboumans: ping19:02
jiboumanshggdh: on calls, mail is probably best19:02
hggdhjiboumans: k19:02
webPragmatistany of you guys use csync219:03
webPragmatistdoes csync2 -k just return a small key?19:04
webPragmatistmine ends up just getting stuck and has a file like http://screencast.com/t/YTc0OTA0MTEt19:04
ScottKScunizi: No.  When that are started, they have to say where the session they are joining is located.19:05
webPragmatistmaybe my entrophy sucks?19:10
webPragmatistit's taking forever to make this key19:10
webPragmatistahahaha this is a new one19:19
webPragmatisti guess this is what happens wen you cat /dev/urandom http://screencast.com/t/NzE4Yjg5N2Et19:20
xoenhi all, after hours spent fixing a problem with my mysql server now I've installed phpmyadmin but I can't access it19:23
xoenif I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin I get error 40419:23
xoenI'm using Ubuntu 10.0419:23
xoenI'm going crazy :P19:24
Scunizixoen: not sure what the port number is but it's typically written like this.. http://localhost:<port number of service/program"19:24
xoenScunizi: usually after I installed phpmyadmin just worked without port number (so port 80 I guess)19:25
Scunizixoen: so did you try http://localhost   without /phpmyadmin?19:25
Scunizithat would be port 8019:26
xoenScunizi: apache works19:26
xoenScunizi: I've also configured a vhost with a Zend Application inside of it and it works :)19:26
Scuniziyes.. but if phpmyadmin is on port 80 then there is no need for /phpmyadmin at the end of the address unless it's in a subdirectory of /var/www19:26
xoenScunizi: I don't know why but I've never seen phpmyadmin in /var/www but always worked19:27
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Scunizixoen: I don't really use phpmyadmin so I'm not aware of the specifics on how to get to the admin page.. just guessing here..19:28
xoenScunizi: PhpMyAdmin files should be in /usr/share/phpmyadmin19:28
xoenScunizi: Don't worry :)19:28
ScuniziI've got infinoted (gobby server) installed on a local server and have connected to it with a windows box and my kubuntu box.. user highlighting works on the windows box with gobby but is not working on the kubuntu box with kobby.. Any ideas why?19:31
webPragmatistwhat should cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail read19:32
webPragmatistand how can i increase this so my stuff can generate keys19:32
RoyKanyone here using Hardy on a Xen DomU?19:43
elb0wwhy is the only server version I find named amd64bit19:44
elb0wwhat about intel19:44
lifelessall the repositories are the same, so you can take 32 bit and remove the desktop + install server bits19:45
lifelessamd32bit is == EMT64 - its intel or amd 64 bit, but not IA-64 (thats different again)19:45
elb0wwill amd64bit install and run properly on intel64bit?19:46
lifelessdepends what you mean by intel64bit19:49
lifelessits not, on its own, a well defined term. You might be meaning itanium, or you might be meaning EM64T19:50
Hypnozelb0w: yes, it will be fine19:53
Hypnozelb0w: we run all intel processors in my datacenter, amd64 just means its the standard 64 bit image, not that its meant for amd chips19:53
Hypnozelb0w: I also agree its a stupid naming standard19:53
elb0wmeant space19:55
elb0wwasnt sure we have all intel boxes here19:56
elb0wand were wiping debian out19:56
elb0wto put ubuntu19:56
elb0wdidnt want it to be a long night19:56
xoensomeone can help me with phpmyadmin? http://localhost/phpmyadmin doesn't work ("The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server.")19:58
elb0wsounds like an httpd issue19:59
thrain][xoen: do you have access to the httpd log file?19:59
Hypnozxoen: can you ls -l of this dir /etc/apache2/conf.d20:01
Hypnozis there a phpmyadmin sym link in there?20:02
xoennow I check...20:02
elb0wlearn mysql from chell imo20:02
Hypnozdon't get into this bs argument its been done20:02
elb0wI dont argue20:03
elb0wI give advice20:03
HypnozphpMyAdmin is an nice tool for creating databases and tables20:03
elb0wI guess its a long term thing20:03
elb0wthose will hurt you in the long run20:04
xoenapache works20:04
Hypnozwhat about /etc/apache2/conf.d/20:05
Hypnozis there a phpmyadmin.conf symlink inthere20:05
xoenI've also a vhost with a Zend Framework application and it works20:05
elb0wxoen, ls -l /etc/appache2/conf.d/20:05
xoenHypnoz: no there is phpmyadmin.conf symlink20:05
elb0whow did you install phpmyadmin?20:06
xoenelb0w: yes I've installed with apt-get20:06
elb0wwhat command did you give?20:07
xoenelb0w: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin20:08
elb0wdo this20:08
xoenHypnoz: http://pastebin.com/nMkYxxZt20:08
elb0wecho 'Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf20:08
Hypnozxoen: cd /etc/apache2/conf.d/ && sudo ln -s ../../phpmyadmin/apache.conf phpmyadmin.conf && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart20:08
Hypnozya elb0w's way will work too i guess20:09
Hypnozmy way is just how it was auto-setup on my machine20:09
xoenHypnoz: elb0w: so it's better do as it was auto-setup?20:10
elb0wit doesnt matter20:10
elb0wtheyll both accomplish the same20:10
Hypnozxoen: you should also try "grep -i phpmyadmin /etc/apache2/*"20:10
Hypnozto see if anything comes up20:10
elb0walso check that /etc/phpmyadmin exists20:10
xoenHypnoz: no result from grep20:11
elb0wdoes /etc/phpmyadmin exist?20:11
Hypnozthen ya, do either method, and restart apache220:11
xoenelb0w: /etc/phpmyadmin exists20:11
elb0wthen do sudo echo 'Include /etc/phpmyadmin/conf' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf20:12
elb0wor how hypnoz showed you20:12
elb0wthen sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart20:12
elb0woh wait20:12
elb0wdont do what I said20:12
elb0wsudo echo 'Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf20:13
elb0wforgot apache.conf20:13
xoenelb0w: I LOVE YOU20:14
xoenHypnoz: I LOVE YOU20:14
elb0wi guess it worked20:14
xoen(in alphabetical order :P)20:14
xoenyes it worked. Really I love you, I thinked about killing myself ahahah :P20:15
xoen(just kidding)20:15
Hypnozwhen you work with open source software every day how can you not consider that at times20:15
RoyKHypnoz: it's not really a stupid naming standard - the instruction set was defined by AMD, not Intel20:15
Hypnozthen it's just amd being egotistical20:16
wise_cryptxoen :  :)20:16
Hypnozand confusing people by not calling it x86_64 or something20:16
xoenHypnoz: I feeled so stupid having problem with this thing that worked everytime for me :P20:16
Hypnozpast tense of feel is felt20:17
Hypnozi know english is confusing as hell :(20:17
xoenHypnoz: thank you, sorry for my english, I'm talking just because I need phpmyadmin ahahah20:18
Hypnozthere is no reason for half the crap that goes on in english20:18
xoenwise_crypt: I love you too, you know :P?20:19
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webPragmatisti feel so much smarters20:20
webPragmatistSome Companies will pay you to serf the Internet.  It's not a "get-rich" scheme, but you can earn a little extra spending money.20:20
webPragmatistIf you pay by the hour to use the Internet, forget this money making idea.   If you have unlimited Internet access, here's a few sites to get you started.20:20
xoenOK, next problem :P20:21
xoenwhat's this? "$cfg['Servers'][$i]['tracking'] ... non OK"  (In PhpMyAdmin)20:22
elb0wnow you ask in #PHP20:23
xoenAnd how can I choose to use InnoDB?20:23
Hypnozxoen: sudo apt-get update && apt-get install php5 phpmyadmin20:23
Hypnozmaybe there is something out of date?20:23
xoenHypnoz: OK20:24
Hypnozsudo should come before apt-get install too20:24
xoenHypnoz: sudo apt-get install --reinstall?20:24
Hypnozxoen: I don't see how that could hurt anything20:24
xoenHypnoz: So I put --reinstall too :P?20:25
Hypnozmake sure you do sudo apt-get update20:25
HypnozI haven't used that before, but if that works then sure20:25
RoyKinnodb is in the standard mysql packages20:25
RoyKalter table engine innodb20:26
RoyKthen tune mysql to share more memory to innodb than myisam20:27
xoenRoyK: how can I see which engine is used from PhpMyAdmin?20:28
elb0whes using php my admin RoyK20:28
RoyKxoen: my.cnf shows default engine20:28
webPragmatistis there an easier way to generate entropy than typing a bunch of crap20:28
RoyKI think it usually is myisam, which sucks20:28
HypnozwebPragmatist: use /dev/urandom instead?20:29
webPragmatistHypnoz: just symlink /dev/random to it?20:30
webPragmatistor whats the trick20:30
Hypnozor maybe if you did a "cat /dev/urandom" that would generate entropy20:30
RoyKdon't do that20:30
xoenRoyK: I've seen /etc/mysql/my.cnf and there is nothing I think, there is a comment that say InnoDB is the default with 10 MB bla bla bla20:31
guntbertHypnoz: in the contrary: that would use up what has been accumulated20:31
webPragmatistRoyK: yea i've done that lol20:31
webPragmatistjacked up my terminal20:32
Hypnozguntbert: wrong, /dev/urandom doesn't use entropy only /dev/random does20:32
wise_cryptxeon : j #phpmyadmin20:32
xoenOK OK I will try for my own :)20:32
guntbertwebPragmatist: within a computer there is no such thing as "randomness" - thats where *you* come in :)20:32
wise_cryptxeon : :)20:32
webPragmatistguntbert: well20:33
webPragmatistguntbert: i've just been pasting random crap into the terminal20:33
webPragmatistis there a better way to do this lol20:33
RoyKxoen: see /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/examples/my-innodb-heavy-4G.cnf.gz for a hint of the innodb tunables20:33
HypnozwebPragmatist: in another window (ssh session or ctrl-alt-F2) do "cat /dev/urandom" i'm curious if that will work20:34
webPragmatistHypnoz: I did20:34
xoenRoyK: OK, PhpMyAdmin make me choice the engine when I create a table. I guess I need to stop for today :)20:34
webPragmatistHypnoz: do i have to paste it though20:34
webPragmatistback in20:34
webPragmatistafter i cat20:34
guntbertHypnoz: I think you are wrong here (from wikipedia: but the output may contain less entropy than the corresponding read from /dev/random)20:34
HypnozwebPragmatist: nope just let that run on the system20:34
xoenhey guys I go, thank you very much for the help20:34
Hypnozguntbert: hmmm ... maybe it uses some entropy...20:35
RoyKxoen: what I meant was how you tune the mysql server - I don't think you can do much of that from phpmyadmin20:35
guntbertwebPragmatist: the generated entropy usually doesn't come from the characters but from your action on the keyboard20:35
xoenRoyK: I don't plan to tune nothing for the moment :)20:35
MTecknologyhow hard is it to setup carp? do I just give my systems one ip and add some config that makes them request another ip?20:35
elb0wwhat does ctrl+alt+f2 do?20:35
RoyKxoen: iirc mysql is set to use some 16MB RAM for innodb by default, perhaps a little more, and quite lower for innodb - you need to tune it up to make innodb good20:35
elb0wchange run level?20:36
MTecknologyelb0w: TTY220:36
elb0wo cool20:36
elb0wi never use this20:36
RoyKalt+left/right works well20:36
guntbertelb0w: you need the ctrl+alt combination if you are in X20:37
webPragmatistHypnoz: well the entropy goes up and then goes back dow20:37
webPragmatistHypnoz: is the keygenerator like using the entropy up20:37
wise_cryptxeon : http://www.indowebster.com/MySQL_Bible.html20:37
user_anyone here using lvm on ubuntu servers.. especially those running databases (MySQL, Postgresql). Does it have any advantage ?20:37
webPragmatisti'm no expert at this20:37
Hypnozuser_: one advantage would be the ability to grow the volume size as the database grew I suppose20:38
webPragmatistHypnoz: yep that works btw20:39
webPragmatistcating urandom20:39
guntbertwebPragmatist: of course it is using it up - within a computer there is no such thing as "randomness" (repeating myself :-)20:39
user_Hypnoz, I'm worried about the performance impact of using lvm20:39
webPragmatisti catted for too long20:40
xoenRoyK: how can I choose innodb engine directly on create table? (last question for today, I promise :P)20:40
xoenRoyK: the MySQL SQL syntax20:40
RoyKxoen: the default engine is set in my.cnf20:42
RoyKxoen: but I don't know if that applies to phpmyadmin20:42
xoenIt should be btw "CREATE TABLE name (...) ENGINE innodb;"20:43
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RoyKbut then, if you set the default to innodb, you won't need to specify engine20:43
RoyKunless you want myisam, that is20:43
RoyKMTecknology: fish!20:43
MTecknologyRoyK: :P - I'm trying to learn about it but the docs are evasive..20:44
RoyKMTecknology: http://www.fishbase.org/search.php20:45
MTecknologyRoyK: lol..20:45
xoenRoyK: I understand what do you mean but the problem is I need to choose innodb because I need transactions and I have a file in which there is the SQL code to create the schema (for a ZF application). So for this reason I need to be explicit (sorry guys for the explicit language :P)20:46
RoyKxoen: generally you should choose one of the engines and tune mysql for that alone20:48
MTecknologyRoyK: puppet will replace libvirt in 10.10?20:48
RoyKMTecknology: asking me?20:48
xoenRoyK: Yes but I'm paranoic so I prefer make things idiot proof :P20:48
MTecknologyRoyK: ya20:49
RoyKxoen: see the innodb config from the docs, perhaps tune it down if you don't have 4 gigs of memory (or if your db is smaller or using memory for other things). change the tables to innodb20:49
RoyKMTecknology: no idea :)20:49
MTecknologyRoyK: but you're smart - you should write up some info in the serverguide for setting up carp :)20:50
webPragmatistHypnoz: i think it only help you so much20:51
webPragmatistthe cat .dev/uranodm20:51
xoenBye guys and thank you again :)20:51
RoyKMTecknology: sorry  -  no idea about carps unless they swim20:52
guntbertwebPragmatist: believe me or not - the biological factor is not replaceable for getting randomness (you could trace the movements of ants too)20:53
webPragmatistguntbert i don't really care about entropy this is a testing server20:53
webPragmatisti just want a damn key lol20:53
MTecknologyRoyK: I want two redundant servers - carp made the most sense20:53
MTecknologyRoyK: know of anything better?20:53
guntbertwebPragmatist: and where is the problem in typing a little pattern ?20:54
RoyKwe use drbd and pacemaker20:54
webPragmatistguntbert: watcha mean20:54
MTecknology!info pacemaker20:55
ubottupacemaker (source: pacemaker): HA cluster resource manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.8+hg15494-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 786 kB, installed size 2884 kB20:55
webPragmatistguntbert: atm cat /dev/urandom wasn't working20:55
guntbertwebPragmatist: sorry if I misunderstood - the usual way to get randomness for the key is to type away at the keyboard in a non-determined way, its the pattern with time that is used, not the characters themselves20:56
RoyKwebPragmatist: start a find / -type f -exec md5sum {} \;20:57
MTecknologyRoyK: how does pacemaker work? can it give a set of computers a certain ip that they share?20:57
RoyKMTecknology: yes, read the docs :)20:58
RoyKthey are quite extensive20:58
MTecknologyRoyK: thanks for that :D20:58
RoyKit's service-oriented, not host-oriented, but it works well20:58
RoyK!info pacemaker20:58
ubottupacemaker (source: pacemaker): HA cluster resource manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.8+hg15494-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 786 kB, installed size 2884 kB20:58
MTecknologyI was just peaking for a wiki page :P20:59
RoyKgoogle for pacemaker drbd ubuntu20:59
MTecknologyRoyK: thanks - this looks awesome21:01
tyskahi guys21:08
tyskathe speed of the internet connection into my instances in UEC are very low. What can i do to speed up that?21:09
MTecknologyRoyK: so if i understand this right... I setup some servers - setup a key for those clusters - then pacemaker handles the start/stop of services on that cluster and the IP's the cluster has - is that about accurate?21:10
tyskaif i have an EBS attached to an instance and then reboot the instance, the EBS is still in use when i run euca-describe-volumes but it cannot be used from the instance21:19
tyskathe volume is not showed with fdisk -l and cannot be mounted21:19
webPragmatistwhats the diff between inetd and xinetd21:20
tyskabesides the volume cannot be detached21:20
tyskasomebody can help me?21:21
RoyKMTecknology: that's quite correct, yes21:22
webPragmatistokay nm21:24
webPragmatistRoAkSoAx: wake up lol21:25
webPragmatistRoAkSoAx: i'm interested it knowing why we are using xinetd for csync221:26
webPragmatistinstead of the standard inetd21:26
webPragmatistis there something inetd can't do21:26
tomsdaleForceType text/plain in my webdav configuration isn't working. It's always rendering the php which I want to edit in plain text. Anyone using webdav for php development on a local server?21:45
norrechey all, i'm trying to setup a server that can send and receive from a couple of different accounts and be accessible by imap to local users, is there any documentation on this?21:49
tyskasomeone can tell me why the internet connection speed in my instances are so low?21:58
tomsdaleany developers here who work on a local server for development. I set up webdav but it's getting tedious. What is your solution for remote php projects?22:01
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webPragmatistqyestion about csync222:05
webPragmatistwhen generating the keys… do i only make one key using csync2 -k22:06
webPragmatistand share it between all the nodes22:06
webPragmatistand then on each node i need certs22:06
webPragmatistand also do i need to register the certs (how does it know where they are really?)22:06
tyskatomsdale: use LAMP server and then use an IDE with ftp connection to edit the files22:06
webPragmatisttomsdale: we use svn and just svn update22:07
webPragmatistbut thats not easier than webdav to setup22:07
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tomsdaletyska: I guess the classics are still the best. ftp has no file locking though.22:08
webPragmatisti'd suggest webdav22:08
tomsdalewebdav I have the problem that it renders my files. I already included  ForceType text/plain in the VHost but it's not working.22:08
tyskatomsdale: if you wanna modification control, use SVN22:09
tomsdaleotherwise I think it would be perfect for my needs.22:09
tomsdaleyeah - svn. I will have to get up to speed with that.22:10
webPragmatisttomsdale: well even if you get up to speed with svn you would be behind the vcs curve22:11
webPragmatistas people are now using hg or git22:11
FunnyLookinHatWhere can I create domains within my system so that I can map them to specific IPs?  I.e. for a private network22:11
tomsdaleWell, my project hasen't reached yet the size of the linux kernel :-) And svn seems to be included in my ide (netbeans)22:12
tomsdalewebPragmatist: can you view .php files in plain text?22:12
webPragmatisttomsdale: svn you checkout a local copy22:12
webPragmatistand it syncs22:12
webPragmatistwith the repository22:13
webPragmatistwhen you commit the changes22:13
mathiazzul: around?22:13
webPragmatistthen you update your /var/www with the latest version22:13
webPragmatistit's pretty slick… i've even made it auto update in some instances when someone commits22:13
tomsdaleis that fast enough if you do small changes in your php code and want to see the results in the browser.22:13
webPragmatisttomsdale: uhm we have done that but it's not it's intention22:14
webPragmatistthere's also a webdav plugin svn (apache) to auto commit when you make a file change… but it fubs up your repo because you don't get commit messages22:14
webPragmatisttomsdale: the idea though is you should have a local copy of the website22:15
tomsdaleI think that's why I wanted to stick with direct editing for the moment. maybe svn from a devserver - staging server at some point22:15
webPragmatistit's not very professional what you are doing is all i will say :P22:15
webPragmatistyour going to break something22:15
tomsdalehas been working so far - we  are just a 2 man show.22:16
webPragmatistwell i'm a 1 man show… … and I wouldn't dare do it22:16
webPragmatistbut maybe my website's a bit more mission critical22:16
webPragmatistwho knows22:16
tomsdaleok, you are editing a live environment. That's just the development version.22:17
tyskatomsdale: with svn you program locally, and when all its fine, you sync with the server22:17
webPragmatisttomsdale: you can have two remote servers…22:17
webPragmatistone live one dev22:17
elb0whow can I install gnome on ubuntu-server as light weight as possible22:17
webPragmatistbut use webdav22:17
webPragmatistand locking22:17
webPragmatistit's not ideal but if you dont' want a vcs its the way to go22:18
tomsdaleso you use webdav to upload your changes.22:18
webPragmatistnot me22:18
webPragmatistit goes like this...22:18
webPragmatistlocal -> svn repo (hosted on staging server) -> staging server (check on same hardware/setup) -> svn repo (could make changes directly on staging if i wanted to) -> live server22:19
webPragmatistthe svn repo to staging os automatic… and the 4th step is optional22:19
webPragmatistso it's really three steps (or two if you don't check staging)22:20
tomsdaleok I get it. how's about database? do you replicate them?22:20
webPragmatistyea… i have a local copy of the db22:20
webPragmatistwhich just has some of the data22:21
webPragmatiststaging reads the db off the live server22:21
webPragmatistyou could read the live db22:21
webPragmatistdepending on your mission criticalness22:21
tomsdalehm - I feel I got to rethink my setup :-). with the development local it probably also speeds up things22:23
tomsdalebut if I work together with my designer - she probably will work on the stagingserver directly. How do I get the changes she does onto my local machine. rsync?22:25
tyskatomsdale: the webPragmatist solution is great, local > SVN > development server > SVN > production server22:26
tyskatomsdale: svn update22:26
tyskatomsdale: when you modify any file locally, you run svn update and everything will be synchronized22:27
webPragmatisttomsdale: with a dumby what you can do is run davsvn or whatever22:27
webPragmatisttomsdale: which will work like webdav and just "commit" changes automatically for her/him22:27
webPragmatistyou won't have commit messages though which sucks22:27
tyskatomsdale: if someone modify and commit some file to the server, you just run svn update again22:27
webPragmatistso it makes a real mess of your repo22:27
tyskatomsdale: in fact the commands are svn commit and svn update22:28
webPragmatisttomsdale: so your designer could make changes directly on the development server with davsvn22:28
webPragmatistdepending on how likely it is for her to flub up your repo you would also consider making a "branch" of your current website22:29
tomsdaleIf I have not invested anything in svn is it worth investigating git or is svn better supported and "good enough"22:29
webPragmatistwhich is a copy of it basically that only she makes changes to22:29
webPragmatisttomsdale: well… svn has been around longer….. but much of the stuff is going to git….. they are only similar in nature… git is a dvcs… meaning you keep the full copy of the repo locally22:30
webPragmatistwe use svn because this was 3 years ago that we set it up22:31
webPragmatistfor me svn is a bit less complicated….. but that's because i've been using it forever22:32
webPragmatistits most likely considered a dated vcs now22:32
webPragmatistand you will be scoffed at for using it :)22:33
tomsdalewell, I'm just redoing my development server from scratch - now is the time to bring in change :-)22:33
guhcamposanyone having success with mysql on 10.04?22:34
guhcamposit won't start, restart, stop, unninstal, reinstall, install, reconfigure anything22:35
guhcamposI'm trying this fix right now: http://goo.gl/wiEA (last comment)22:35
tomsdalewebPragmatist: Thanks so far - you definatly got me conviced using a vcs :-)22:36
webPragmatistgood luck22:36
elb0wwhat is ubuntu's equiv of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ethX22:48
SpamapSelb0w: good question.. hmm22:57
SpamapSelb0w: you could use   an up stanza22:58
SpamapSelb0w: up route add -net xxxx gw22:58
SpamapSelb0w: probably want a corresponding down too22:58
TheravadanI have the latest and greatest 10.04 and I removed a drive from a software RAID 1 setup, if I put the a brand new swappable disk in will it magically join the mirror?23:02
elb0wwont that go away23:04
elb0wwhen I restart?23:04
guhcamposany news on the MySQL stuff?23:04
SpamapSelb0w: /etc/network/interfaces I mean23:06
SpamapSelb0w: you add it as a sub-option to your interface23:06
elb0wjust add it?23:06
SpamapSso iface eth0 inet dhcp23:07
SpamapS  up route add blah23:07
elb0wshould of payed more attention in networking haha23:07
elb0wim a dev our networking guy left for the day23:07
SpamapSelb0w: 'man interfaces' for an example23:07
elb0wok will do23:07
elb0whave to figure out how to set static ip first23:07
SpamapSelb0w: the 'up flush-mail' .. replace 'flush-mail' with your route command23:07
elb0wSpamapS, you got a moment have a question for you23:15
SpamapSelb0w: ask away, if I don't have an answer somebody else might23:16
elb0wim trying to do that23:17
elb0win ubuntu23:17
SpamapSelb0w: maybe that works? I don't know if you can have multiple up commands23:19
elb0wwhat is the -host vs -net23:19
SpamapSelb0w: if not, you can put your up commands in a shell file and run that23:19
SpamapSjust as it would sound.. -net routes to a network, -host routes to a single host23:20
elb0wcan I break something if I use wrong one?23:20
SpamapSwell it wont work23:20
SpamapSnetworks need netmasks23:20
SpamapShosts dont23:21
elb0wso in my paste23:21
elb0wnetmask0 is
elb0wyou dropped it to
elb0wthats ok?23:21
SpamapSno i missed that23:21
elb0wi can figure that one out23:22
elb0wi think23:22
SpamapScopy the values ;)23:22
SpamapSfrom yours i mean23:22
elb0wnow just put the iface down then up?23:24
elb0wand ill know if it worked?23:24
elb0was soon as I test the route23:24
elb0wof course23:24

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