
cjohnstonnewz2000: do you want to send out an email opening up devel for light-base-theme?00:25
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
handheldCarnewz2000: are you awake?05:08
bilalakhtarHi there, people. Please check out bug #58620107:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 586201 in ubuntu-website "404 page links to wrong contact page (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58620107:18
bilalakhtarAnyone here having the same issue?07:19
jdubcouple of Qs14:14
jdub1) how can i help update the theme and planet infrastructure under planet ubuntu?14:15
jdub(note: i set up puc way back in the deep, dark mists of time)14:15
jdub2) there are lots of 404s on the new ubuntu website14:15
jdubnotably lots of the community related stuf14:15
jdubnewz2000: ping? ^^^15:33
newz2000hey jdub, regarding the theme, you're welcome to move on your own but stas and a few others in here are working on creating a community base-theme15:47
newz2000I'm hoping that we can show something in the next day or two15:47
newz2000that will then be the foundation of other themes, wordpress, planet, moin, etc, that can launch in the days and weeks following15:47
newz2000regarding 404's, we'll be redirecting broken pages to new equivs. I've added many yesterday and more today and tomorrow15:48
jdubi can help shift puc to venus and do the theming work once the design is done, if that helps15:48
newz2000that would be great because I don't think we have any planet themers15:49
newz2000the base theme will be plain html/css so you should be able to adapt it easily15:49
stasnewz2000: yes, I'm planing to release something untill end of weekend15:49
newz2000stas: you rock. :-)15:50
jdubwhere should i watch for info?15:50
newz2000jdub: there is a low-traffic mailing list called ubuntu-website15:50
newz2000https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website has details15:50
stasjdub: also here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes15:50
jdubbeaut, thanks15:51
jduboh, i can help with wordpress stuff too i guess15:51
stasjdub: great, for that please check the launchpad.net/wordpress-loco15:52
jdubstas: cool, which gsoc project are you working on in wordpress land?15:57
stasjdub: buddypress, building a moodle above it :)16:00
stasright now on a irc chat with my mentors and jane :)16:00
jdubooh, sweet project16:00
staswe will rock if we succeed :) wp ftw16:01
jdubnewz2000: how can i help shift to venus?16:05
newz2000jdub: is venus a server?16:06
jdubnewz2000: it's essentially planet 3.016:06
jdubnewz2000: as far as i can tell, puc is still running planet 216:06
stasjdub: you can also check out our branch in lp16:07
stasthere one with planet16:07
newz2000jdub: ah. I am probably not the best one to ask about that.16:07
jdubstas: what's that branch?16:07
jdubnewz2000: probably an IS team thing?16:08
jdubperhaps i will do some testing and then send a diff for the config file to ubuntu-website16:08
jdubas a conduit for those dudes16:09
newz2000yeah, sounds like a good plan16:09
jdubis elmo still around these days?16:09
newz2000he has a bunch of henchmen now though16:09
stasjdub: try this one lp:~alexeftimie/ubuntu-ro/planet16:10
stassorry didn't see there's one with our planet config16:10
jpdsjdub: planet> I think people are trying to move things to feedjack.16:10
jdub"people" hey?16:11
jpdsMostly, Daviey.16:11
stasi'm ok with venus, can't see reason to use django for a planet16:13
jdubwell if that's a medium term thing, venus is a easy and worthy short term change16:13
jdubstas: is the ubuntu theme in that branch pretty much the same as the one on puc?16:14
stasjdub: http://planet.ubuntu.ro/16:16
jdubah! i was trying planet.ubuntu-ro.org 8)16:16
jdubah ok, that one's closer to the previous version of the ubuntu website16:17
stasjdub: hmm, whats puc? :)16:17
jdubplanet.ubuntu.com, sorry :)16:22
jdubok, gotta run -- thanks all16:26
cjohnstonhey newz200018:40
cjohnstongot plenty of bugs for ya :-P18:41
cjohnstondon't know if you saw, but i makred a couple critical18:45
newz2000oh, I didn't see18:55
newz2000cjohnston: I'll look at it18:55
cjohnstonbug 58613018:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 586130 in ubuntu-website "UCP page title needs correct capitalization and spelling (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58613018:55
cjohnstonbug 58613318:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 586133 in ubuntu-website "UCP training objectives page title needs correct capitalization and spelling (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58613318:55
cjohnstonand then tons of broken links of course18:56
cjohnstonyoull be chasing those for months18:56
newz2000we're working on broken links18:56
newz2000we've got reports. :-)18:56
popeynewz2000: the wording on the download for 64-bit seems a bit clunky19:07
popey"64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage"19:07
popeytwo people have asked me what that means in the last hour19:07
cjohnstona bunch of people ahve commented on the bug too19:08
popeyis there a bug about it?19:08
* popey looks19:08
cjohnstonbug 585940 popey19:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 585940 in ubuntu-website "Text reads "not recommended" for 64-bit (affects: 10) (heat: 46)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58594019:08
cjohnstonnewz2000: did you see my comment about sending an email to the list about opening up dev for light-base-them19:11
handheldCarnewz2000: so the plain HTML skeleton will include internal/inline CSS?19:33
newz2000handheldCar: no, it should be a separate css file20:04
newz2000cjohnston: I don't think so, will check shortly20:04
newz2000hi all, sorry for the silence, I'm fixing bugs like crazy...21:44
newz2000or should say, dealing with bugs (categorizing, etc. bleh)21:44
newz2000I just wanted to say that we updated http://webapps.ubuntu.com with the new theme21:44
newz2000the css and imagery is far more useful than the drupal site21:44
newz2000(and by we I mean, I pushed the branch live, others in the company did the awesome work on that)21:45

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