
revisionznew xubuntu user here. What is a good GUI disk/partition manager?00:32
samtophello, I just installed Xubuntu and I am pretty new to it.  I wanna listen to music on the internet with Exaile, but I get an error message that says "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins."01:38
=== __Anthony is now known as _Anthony
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
datzhi, is there anything which makes xubuntu lighter than ubuntu besides xfce?03:53
datzis it basically ubuntu server with xfce?03:53
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
FFForever*updates bnc*03:58
=== __Anthony is now known as _Anthony
subspiderhello everyone08:19
=== Guest98863 is now known as m00se
MalkavianManiacanyone alive? i need somebody to check something for me12:16
well_laid_lawnMalkavianManiac: if I can ...12:18
MalkavianManiacwell_laid_lawn, http://techie-server.getmyip.com/12:18
MalkavianManiacprompt for a password?12:18
MalkavianManiacis it prompting for a login?12:19
well_laid_lawnit's taking forever to load...12:20
MalkavianManiactry this one12:20
well_laid_lawnyep it wants a password12:20
MalkavianManiacon 8080 or standard?12:20
well_laid_lawnlinksys wag 200g12:21
well_laid_lawnon 80 afaik12:21
MalkavianManiacokay, thanks heaps well_laid_lawn12:21
well_laid_lawnnp :]12:21
MalkavianManiacwas too lazy to tunnel to the UK to test it12:21
MalkavianManiacim gonna head to bed, catch ya around well_laid_lawn12:22
well_laid_lawnnight there MalkavianManiac12:23
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
likemindeadAny of you folks use Skype in Xubuntu Lucid? My video works fine, but audio is a problem. It was perfect in vanilla Ubuntu Lucid, though.17:48
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:49
ochosilikemindead, hard to say since both ubuntu and xubuntu use pulse-audio these days17:54
likemindeadYep. It's strange. It seems to be the mixer that Xubuntu uses. It doesn't have the options the GNOME one does.17:55
likemindeadCan I uninstall the Xfce mixer and install the GNOME one? Will that cause problems?17:56
ochosilikemindead, i can't see the mixer causing the problem17:56
ochosilikemindead, before you start with that, what's the audio problem really?17:56
ochosilikemindead, just saying "audio is a problem" isn't a very helpful description ;)17:57
likemindeadIn Ubuntu, you can select the input. In my case, the Hercules webcam mic.17:57
likemindeadNo such option in the Xfce mixer.17:57
ochosiah right, so you're using an external usb device17:58
ochosiyou can try to install the pulse-audio mixer additionally, that might help with your problem17:58
ochosione sec, i'll dig up the package-name for you17:58
likemindeadSkype isn't picking up audio input from me in Xubuntu, but is fine in Ubuntu on my wife's laptop (and was fine on this one 'til I switched to Xubuntu).17:58
ochosilikemindead, try "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"17:59
Sysihercules doesn't appear on drop-down menu you mean?17:59
likemindeadLooking at it in Synaptic now.17:59
likemindeadRight, Sysi. Not like it does in GNOME.17:59
likemindeadThe Xfce mixer is about the only thing I dislike in Xubuntu. Always have. :-[18:00
likemindeadWell, it shows up, but has no real options other than "Master."18:00
likemindeadWhat does the red dot button mean? Is red on or off?18:01
ochosilikemindead, the xfce-mixer is actually pretty much a recent rewrite based on gstreamer, as long as you add all the channels it's pretty functional18:01
ochosithe red button is a toggle button, so its state is pretty self-explanatory18:01
likemindeadSo... red is on? Or off?18:02
ochosithe color of the button doesn't change18:02
ochosiin the xfce-mixer18:02
likemindeadUh... yeah it does.18:02
ochosioh well, it does... :)18:02
ochosibut still: it's a toggle button18:03
ochosiso if it's pushed it's activated18:03
ochosiand concluding from that means: red == pushed == activated18:03
likemindeadThought so. That's not the problem, then. They were all red.18:03
ochosiwell for choosing your hercules webcam you'd have to use the drop-down and change to that anyways18:04
likemindeadIn Xubuntu, Skype has fewer options. See this thread: http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=936897718:05
likemindeadThey're describing exactly what I'm experiencing.18:05
ochosilikemindead, that's not a very eye-opening description of your problem tbh18:06
likemindeadIT LIVES!18:06
ochosibasically it only tells us that you have an audio problem18:06
likemindeadWell, I just added all 1,000 options in the mixer and turned them all up to 80% and one of them did the trick.18:07
likemindeadBut annoying.18:07
likemindeadIt's so much easier in Ubuntu. :-\18:07
likemindeadIt's a good thing I love Xubuntu so much. ;-)18:07
cristian_chi guys23:02
cristian_cI have a problem with the sounds of startup and login23:04
cristian_cI was told that the service would be restored in Lucid23:05
cristian_cI do not know how to select sounds23:06
cristian_cUntil Jaunty, this could be done23:06
cristian_cJust go to the Login Window and select the Accessibility23:07
cristian_cNow the Login Window dialog no longer exists23:08
cristian_cHow do I resolve this?23:09
charlie-tcahmmm, ask in #ubuntu?23:09
charlie-tcathere is a "play login sound" in Applications -> System -> Login Screen23:10
cristian_cOk, but they told me they do not use xfce23:11
charlie-tcaYou don't actually want sounds in xfce. You want sound in GDM23:11
charlie-tcaThere is also "enable event sounds" in Applications -> Settings -> Appearance, Settings tab23:12
cristian_c<charlie-tca>, ok, thanks, but I can't hear any sounds23:20
cristian_ccharlie-tca, Especially I can not select any custom sound as jaunty23:22
charlie-tcaGDM has changed too much since Jaunty to expect it to work the same23:25
charlie-tcaI think gnome took those options out when it was re-written23:25
cristian_ccharlie-tca, then cannot I do anything to the command line?23:28
cristian_cin the terminal, I mean23:28
charlie-tcaYou said startup and login sounds. What does that have to do with terminal?23:32
cristian_ccharlie-tca, maybe that those options are no longer in the GUI, but that we should do everything through text file and terminal23:35

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