[00:02] ahh, pics :) [00:03] apachelogger: why are we kind of grinning on the ones we are on? [00:03] fregl: would you prefer grumpy faces? [00:06] good pics these are [00:06] *nod* [00:18] kubotu: np [00:18] apachelogger is listening to "Daft Punk is Playing at my House (Soulwax Shibuya Re-Remix)" by LCD Soundsystem [Most Of The Remixes...] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more [00:30] hm [00:31] http://pastebin.ca/1873170 [00:31] madness [00:54] apachelogger: who can raise the build score of that? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib/1.1.17-1ubuntu4/+build/1760773 === blueyed_ is now known as blueyed [01:38] hm [01:38] lex79: NCommander for example [01:39] thx [01:39] JontheEchidna: I think it would be much better if knh had a init() slot and you singleshot 0 to this, intead of building everything in the constructor [01:40] IIRC qtimer will only shoot once resources are available [01:40] hence making the loading of the module less blocking [01:41] hrm, semi-lazy initialization, interesting [01:45] Ugh, libqt4-assistant still has rdepends === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [03:56] man, I need to clean up my computer area. shit keeps falling off of shelves and landing perfectly on the power strip, shutting my server off...twice in a week this has happened [03:56] i was at portillos trying to ssh into my machine with no luck...hate when that happens [05:58] nixternal: LOL [06:51] Riddell: so the problem with Qt4 is that lzma compression takes really really long :-/ [06:52] Riddell: changing the compress to something less CPU intensive will likely solve the build timeout issue [07:15] NCommander: Once we have xz support, will that help? [07:32] ScottK: TBH, I'm not sure how much number crunching xz does [07:32] apachelogger: lol you don't look old on that pic [07:32] But crunching the dbg debs down thats a TON of CPU time and RAM [07:32] Its been going for about 4 hours now [07:33] NCommander: We don't have space issues on armel. I think a patch that dropped lzma on just armel would be fine. Could you do such a change? [07:36] ScottK: if we're shipping the dbg debs on the CD, I think we have bigger issues ;-) [07:37] ScottK: let me talk to lamont, he may just want to raise the timeout instead of eating more disk space [07:45] apachelogger: i know someone who would :-) [08:52] lex79: sorry, didn't see you in the backscroll for the rescore request, but the build has already finished [10:23] <\sh> moins [10:24] <\sh> do we already have kde 4.5 for lucid somewhere available? [10:25] not yet [10:42] Quintasan: ping [10:43] what's the status of kdebase? it's making kde-standard uninstallable [10:48] NCommander: No, I was thinking skipping lzma for all of qt4-x11 on armel. [11:06] ScottK: oh. I thought we had actually done that on a previous release [11:06] (or maybe a different package) [11:08] we may have done, I don't recall [11:13] hmmm. Was 10.04 KNE or KNR? [11:13] Also, any news on Ofir's theme? [11:13] KNR [11:14] no, it's been assigned to squinky but not heard anything else yet, am getting grumpy [11:14] feel free to poke him [11:14] squinky@canonical.com ? [11:16] ScottK: Done, http://www.kubuntu.org/reviews [11:17] ryanakca: squinky on freenode [11:18] Riddell: OK, will poke him [11:26] * ScottK imagines ryanakca searching through the jungles of freenode with a spear. [11:26] Thanks ryanakca. [11:53] lex79: what's the status of kdesdk? [11:56] ok quick question,i have loads of missing files,ive adjusted some of them in the .install files in debian/ but i cant adjust this one usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kajongg/index.docbook [11:56] can't adjust? [11:56] with reference to kdegames [11:56] Riddell: like which install file does that go to [11:57] kmahjongg.install [11:57] Riddell: i thought so too,but why is it named kajongg then? :P [11:57] hum, missing an m [11:57] yep.. [11:58] so either its a upstream problem.. or we need a new .install file for it :P [11:58] Riddell: ok and what about usr/lib/liblibkcardgame.so [11:59] should i put it in kdegames-card-data.install ? [11:59] All the .install files are here : http://pastebin.com/rMCFU0Sz [12:02] seems like kajongg is a new game [12:02] ah.. so new .install file :) [12:03] Riddell: then why do i get only documentation files as missing,wheres the rest of the game :P [12:03] so add an entry in debian/control and a new .install file [12:03] use this for description http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kajongg?content=103206 [12:03] ok [12:04] yes kajongg is new game, went thru review this spring [12:06] "liblibkcardgame.so" liblib? that doesn't seem right [12:07] yep.. thats what i thought [12:07] find . -name CMakeLists.txt | xargs grep kcardgam [12:07] that tells me it's from kpat [12:07] so put it into kpat.install [12:07] Tm_T: btw why doesnt dh_install --list-missing show any binaries for kajongg [12:08] Riddell: okies.. no worries about liblib? [12:09] shadeslayer: upstream problem, they should fix the same and decide if it's versioned or not (if not should be in /usr/lib/kde4/) [12:09] shadeslayer: so when it's all packaged please e-mail the kdegames list and tell them of the issue [12:09] s/fix the same/fix the name/ [12:11] IF(PYQT4_FOUND AND PYKDE4_FOUND AND SQLITE_FOUND) SET(INSTALL_KAJONGG TRUE) [12:11] shadeslayer: so kajongg needs python-kde4 and sqlite build-deps, it doesn't give any warning if you don't have those (I'll fix that in svn) [12:12] Riddell: ill add those to the control file [12:12] then rebuild and see what files kajongg adds [12:13] Riddell: any particular version? [12:13] for the 2 deps.. [12:14] !info sqlite maverick [12:14] sqlite (source: sqlite): command line interface for SQLite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.17-6build2 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 88 kB [12:19] shadeslayer: actually just do DEB_CMAKE_CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DINSTALL_KAJONGG [12:19] shadeslayer: actually just do DEB_CMAKE_CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DINSTALL_KAJONGG:BOOL=TRUE [12:20] Riddell: hehe.. ok ill add that to rules [12:20] shadeslayer: then in debian/control on the kajongg package add a manual Depends: python-kde4, python-twisted, libqt4-sql-sqlite [12:22] Riddell: ok [12:22] Riddell: should i also add ${shlibs:Depends} ? [12:23] may as well yes [12:26] Riddell: btw ive put usr/lib/libpala/libpala-config.cmake in palapeli.install [12:26] i hope thats right [12:27] should be fine there [12:28] shadeslayer: kajongg will install a load of .py files which we want and a load of .pyc files which we don't, you can ignore the .pyc files [12:29] shadeslayer: kajongg also needs a Depends on python-qt4-sql [12:30] Riddell: how do i remove the .pyc file? [12:30] *files [12:31] just leave them alone? :P [12:32] yes [12:34] shadeslayer: looks like kajongg also needs a depends on kdegames-mahjongg-data [12:37] runs now but can't start a game, guess it has some work to do [12:37] Riddell: usr/lib/libkolfprivate.so.4 should be in libkdegames5.install or libkdegames5-dev.install ? [12:38] same thing for usr/lib/libkolfprivate.so.4.5.0 [12:38] in kolf.install [12:39] Riddell: i tried that,i got a error saying that it could find usr/lib/libkolfprivate.so.4 [12:45] Riddell: btw did you see this : pkg-kde-tools: Depends: libdpkg-perl (>= 1.15.5~) but it is not installable [12:46] Riddell: got a few warnings http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/ZsqpAWiw [12:48] warnings can be ignored, just a result of upstreams library issue [12:48] ok.. well i think this build will go to completion [12:49] yep [12:49] yay [12:49] in the end i got loads of dpkg-genchanges: warning: duplicate files list entry for file kdegames-card-data_4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1_all.deb (line 26) [12:50] Riddell: oh noes W: kajongg: empty-binary-package [12:50] shadeslayer: did you add all the .py files to kajongg? [12:50] Riddell: which files? i added the doc files [12:51] if you built with -DINSTALL_KAJONGG:BOOL=TRUE it should install the kajongg files too [12:51] (it'll need a full rebuild) [12:53] ah thats why [12:53] i didnt do a full rebuild [12:54] doing a full build.. will take about 20 mins [12:56] shadeslayer: that pkg-kde-tools is in lucid or maverick? [12:57] Riddell: lucid [12:57] that'll be lex79 trying to get kdebindings working [12:57] Riddell: ah.. ok,lots of FTBFS due to that ;) [12:58] fooey [12:59] Riddell: hehe.. had to wait for kdeartwork to build after 15 hours or so and voila,FTBFS :P [13:00] ill be back in a few mins ;) [13:10] groovy, upgrade succeded without overwrite errors [13:13] Riddell: lucid? [13:13] kdegames is 72 pc build btw [13:14] Riddell: Did you catch my comment yesterday, that I merged kdevelop and kdevplatform? [13:15] txwikinger: yes just looking at it now [13:15] Riddell: cool [13:15] txwikinger: those l10n packages are crazy but ho hum, we'll follow debian [13:15] yeah.. they are [13:15] I tried to get it as close as possible to debian [13:15] txwikinger: I'll bump the build-dep to 4.4.80 to it gets the new beta libraries and upload to ninjas PPA [13:16] ok [13:16] Riddell: btw what do i put in the changelog of kdegames,there were a insane amount of edhits === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [13:16] mornin [13:16] *edits [13:16] rgreening: hey :) [13:16] o/ shadeslayer [13:17] hey rgreening [13:17] shadeslayer: just summaries the main changes. the new packages and edits to debian/rules. [13:17] Riddell: ok. [13:17] shadeslayer: oh you can close that MIR bug for openal now that we know gluon isn't needed [13:17] Riddell: it was assigned to someone [13:18] bug 586324 [13:18] Launchpad bug 586324 in openal-soft (Ubuntu) "[MIR]libopenal-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/586324 [13:18] * txwikinger wonders what to do today [13:19] txwikinger: can you package kdegames for lucid? [13:19] im short of time.... [13:19] I can have a look [13:19] what needs to be done? merge? [13:19] txwikinger: well most if the work has been done,ill be uploading maverick package in a few mins [13:20] txwikinger: 4.4.80 release [13:20] ah [13:20] txwikinger: it's a backport from maverick he's after [13:20] just a backport :) [13:20] Ah [13:20] ok.. I have a look [13:20] tell me when and where I get the stuff from maverick [13:20] txwikinger: ninja ppa will provide you the maverick package [13:21] txwikinger: i havent uploaded yet [13:21] ok [13:21] its still building locally here... [13:22] * txwikinger is burning up... It is morning and already as hot as in Texas [13:23] txwikinger: its 45oC here [13:23] well.. not in the morning I hope [13:24] ha. It's like 4 degrees here... brrrr [13:25] txwikinger: its evening :P [13:25] i have this huge cooler right next to the laptop and my face :P [13:25] Do you have a watertight laptop for the pool? [13:26] one of these http://www.asia.ru/images/img/alibaba/photo/50195554/Movable_Air_Cooler.jpg [13:26] hehe... [13:26] Don't get my wife any ideas [13:27] I bet you can't pay the energy costs for it [13:27] txwikinger: well.. its quite efficient [13:27] it consumes 1/4 the total electricity of a Air Conditioner [13:27] A/c's are destroying the fabric of society :p [13:28] Before A/C's people would spend time outside and talk with each other.. now they all bunker in inside and watch TV [13:28] txwikinger: true.. [13:28] same thing goes for the internet [13:29] well.. there are Internet cafes [13:30] and to be fair.. there are also sport bars [13:30] Riddell: btw i dont put the .pyc files in kajongg.install right? [13:31] sabdfl: oh, who would? ^^ [13:31] shadeslayer: correct [13:32] Nightrose: I look like 25 on that picture :P [13:33] my girlfriend! [13:33] Riddell, lex79: issues for lucid backport... pkg-kde-tools: Depends: libdpkg-perl (>= 1.15.5~) but it is not installable [13:33] The package is not installable and breaks lucid builds [13:34] rgreening: lex79's doing, I think just delete it for now [13:35] Riddell: do you remember why we needed to backport pkg-kde-tools to lucid? [13:35] was it kdebindings? [13:35] rgreening: yes [13:35] but it's not working like that so just delete it until lex79 comes back for another look [13:35] ok. Ill delete. [13:36] or we could just not backport kdebindings [13:36] lex79: when you get back, we need to rethink pkg-kde-tools.. breaks everything else in lucid [13:36] I can backport pkg-kde-tools if lex79 hasn't started doing it [13:36] true.. but prefer to have it if we can [13:36] basically some changes from ubuntu2 need to be reverted [13:36] debfx: it was backported... but breaks things. [13:37] debfx: if you can fix.. [13:37] it would be appreciated [13:38] Im going to delete it from the PPA for now. debfx do you need to grab a copy first? [13:38] 5... 4... 3... [13:38] rgreening: were there any changes? [13:38] 2... 1... [13:38] :) [13:38] dunno [13:39] lex79 did it [13:39] compared to the maverick version [13:39] possibly [13:39] grab it quickly then... [13:39] run run [13:39] :) [13:39] where is it? I don't think I have access to it ^^ [13:42] debfx: ninja ppa... you not a NINJA yet? [13:42] we need to fix that :) [13:42] rgreening: nope [13:43] debfx: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa [13:43] I just added you [13:43] debfx: then, just start from the maverixk package and work from there [13:43] oh.. cool [13:43] Riddell: ++ [13:43] Riddell: thanks :) [13:44] ok, debfx, grab the package and let me know when you have it so I can delete it from the PPA [13:44] brb [13:47] wheee... kdegames is done [13:48] rgreening: it's gone now [13:48] apachelogger: you don't [13:48] weird E: kajongg: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/kajongg.py [13:48] Nightrose: right, more like > 25 :( [13:48] no no no [13:48] shadeslayer: you can ignore that as long as you added the python-kde4 depends [13:49] yes i have [13:50] shadeslayer: rocking, job done, upload to ninjas PPA and bzr [13:52] ty debfx [13:55] Riddell: ill upload to ninjas,bzr will have to wait a while,i have to go somewhere right now [14:00] Riddell: are the qt4-x11 and qtwebkit upstream version numbers going to stay synced? [14:02] Riddell: are you backporting kdevplatform to lucid? we have a depwait on it for some package in PPA. [14:07] hmm... my bad, its depwait in maverick.. retrying. [14:07] but we prob want kdevplatform and kdevelop for lucid [14:12] Quintasan: you around [14:13] debfx: unsure, it'll have a lower version number when it's released standalone [14:33] Riddell: libqt4-webkit-dev should depend on libqt4-dev, I guess it could just depend on >= 4:4.7~beta1 [14:34] * txwikinger wonders if he needs access to the ninja ppa [14:34] debfx: mm yes it should [14:34] txwikinger: what's your lp id? [14:34] Riddell: txwikinger [14:35] NCommander: could you pimp this build please? upstream have released and waiting several days for a build is rediculous https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice/1:2.2.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1/+build/1756537 [14:35] txwikinger: added https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa [14:36] Riddell: thanks.. works [14:45] Quintasan, shadeslayer, lex79, Riddell: kdebase, kdegames, kdesdk and kdeutils are respectively tagged as being in progress by you for Maverick. Any status? [14:45] Riddell: kicked [14:45] * rgreening wearing release hat [14:45] * rgreening puls out the indy classic whip [14:46] * NCommander eats rgreening's hat [14:46] and get a first crack with the whip [14:47] o~~ *craaAAckk* [14:50] rgreening: kdeutils just uploaded [14:51] rgreening: I've stolen kdesdk off lex79 and am doing that now [14:51] :) [14:51] koolios [14:51] I'll take kdebase then I guess [14:51] brb [14:54] rgreening: Quintasan seemed to suggest he was done with that [14:54] and only had a query about symbols [14:54] Riddell: hmm... was he coming back to upload? [14:55] I guess he will this European evening [14:56] ok.. then I'll look at some of the lucid backports that are not yet done... [14:57] rgreening: txwikinger is down for kdegames [14:57] and I'll do kdesdk backport [14:57] Riddell: is it up yet? [14:58] I'll look at oxygen icons which isnt backported. [14:58] kdegames wasnt done for maverick yet. shadeslayer was workin on it [14:58] shadeslayer said he was uploading to ninjas but I don't see it :( [14:59] yeah [14:59] mebe forgot to comit [14:59] kdevelop and kdevplatform need backporting also to lucid if txwikinger wishes... [14:59] rgreening: ok no problem [15:00] Riddell: kdevelop keeps failing in maverick [15:00] Riddell: as did your upload of kdeutils [15:01] must be the 4.4 stuff.. I looked at the log it is an invalid cast [15:01] Found Python library: PYTHON_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND [15:01] fixng kdeutils [15:01] kdeutils ^ [15:01] that's fine [15:01] Riddell: do you want me to look at the kdevelop stuff in ninja too? [15:01] it's shared-mime-info which is the error [15:03] txwikinger: kdevplatform can be backported [15:03] it built fine in maverick [15:03] yeah [15:04] kdevelop for maverick failed to build txwikinger, if you want to look at that [15:04] rgreening: I have a look.. I am sure it build fine for me [15:04] unless Riddell wishes [15:04] :) [15:04] lol [15:04] however, I don't have the ninja stuff on my maverick :) [15:05] "../../../../languages/cpp/codegen/unresolvedincludeassistant.cpp:39: error: 'Ui' has not been declared [15:05] hum, random build failure [15:05] maybe kdevelop doesn't like qt 4.7 or kde 4.5 [15:05] Riddell: yep that's what I think [15:05] I will look at it [15:06] I will first do the backports [15:06] or maybe it needs 10_private_libs_soversion.diff which I removed [15:08] Riddell: well.. did you make the changes in the code too? [15:08] no [15:08] that might be a problem :) [15:11] for the backport I add ~lucid1~ppa1? [15:11] yes [15:12] Riddell: for the backport, should I try to get rid of the soversion patch, or should you leave it in? [15:13] txwikinger: if it's needed then keep it, but I don't see why we would need it when Debian doesn't [15:14] Riddell: ok. I will try to remove it.. I think I know what needs to be changed [15:14] Riddell: for the backport you need the debdiff to the current lucid package, right? [15:15] for the backport a .dsc and .debian.tar.gz is fine [15:16] ok [15:18] Riddell: bug 583735 is acked [15:18] Launchpad bug 583735 in kdepimlibs (Ubuntu Maverick) "Akonadi self-test comes up if startup takes too long" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/583735 [15:23] apachelogger: accepted [15:26] NCommander: did we come to any conclusions about qt4 on arm? [15:30] Riddell: kdesdk failed [15:33] Riddell: lzma sucks. [15:33] Riddell: and locks up the processor. We'll likely just change it to bz2 and see if it fixs it [15:34] NCommander: so you'll take care of it or it's something I should do? [15:34] rgreening: fix uploaded [15:34] Riddell: I'm on it, although you may have to sponsor [15:34] Riddell: qtwebkit doesn't have a bzr branch, should I create one? [15:34] Riddell: cool. [15:34] txwikinger: compiling kdevelop on maverick with that patch back [15:34] debfx: yes please do [15:35] Riddell: ok [15:40] Riddell: wrt bug 583735, is that fix in KDE 4.4.80? [15:40] Launchpad bug 583735 in kdepimlibs (Ubuntu Maverick) "Akonadi self-test comes up if startup takes too long" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/583735 [15:43] Riddell, txwikinger: I'll backport kdevplatform now... [15:43] rgreening: fine :) [15:43] txwikinger: I assume you are working kdevelop? [15:44] Well.. I have to write an invoice that someone is waiting for and then I will work on kdevelop :) [15:44] Riddell: should we have a bzr repo for kdevplatform? [15:45] if you have one for kdevelop, you probably should have one for kdevplatform [15:53] whats the correct way to add a new project for me to add kdevplatform to bzr? Riddell? [15:55] Riddell: will you ship Qt 4.7 in Maverick alpha1 ? [15:59] debfx: hey, how did you add the new qtwebkit branch [16:01] rgreening: I am working on the kdevelop backport now [16:01] cool [16:02] rgreening: Are we somehow on some timeline with that? [16:03] no, just trying to get everything uploaded and backported so we can move on to other things :) [16:04] rgreening: :D [16:04] rgreening: what exactly do you want to know? [16:05] I tried to do it from the desktop shell using bzr commands but it failed. Did you need to go to launchpad first and make a branck? [16:05] branch [16:05] * rgreening still has some issues with lp and bzr [16:05] lol [16:05] rgreening: Is kdevplatform already uploaded? [16:06] no, just bzr push lp:~kubuntu-members/qtwebkit/ubuntu [16:06] txwikinger: you mean in bzr or backported? [16:06] backported [16:06] txwikinger: just uploaded === destro is now known as dendrobates [16:06] kdevelop depends on it, and pbuilder does not build if it is missing [16:06] debfx: did you bzr init and add the files first? [16:07] debfx: this is what I am getting: bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~kubuntu-members/kdevplatform/ubuntu": No such project: kdevplatform [16:07] * txwikinger maybe should add it locally [16:07] txwikinger: should build momentarily [16:08] ah.. ok.. then I will wait [16:08] * txwikinger needs to recreate pbuilder base with backports anyway [16:08] agateau: yes 4.7 is already in maverick [16:08] rgreening: maybe the project "kdevplatform" has to exist on lp [16:09] rgreening: fill in the form at launchpad.net/projects [16:09] Riddell: ok, time to rebase my menubar ppa on 4.7 then [16:09] agateau: is your dbus menu patch in 4.7 now? [16:09] shtylman_: no it's still based on 4.6 [16:09] (dbus menubar that is) [16:09] I see [16:10] it used to be based on 4.7 but I backported it and carried on working on 4.6 [16:10] so I need to forwardport it :) [16:10] heh [16:10] rgreening: wrt bug 583735 I think apachelogger was waiting on how 4.5 turned out pim-wise (also kolabsys will be doing pim stuff for us this cycle so it'll have no bugs at all) [16:10] Launchpad bug 583735 in kdepimlibs (Ubuntu Maverick) "Akonadi self-test comes up if startup takes too long" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/583735 [16:11] txwikinger: kdevelop builds fine with that patch, any idea why we need it and Debian doesn't? [16:11] Riddell: I think I do [16:11] I saw some lines in the diff that seem to do something different [16:12] if it has some time, I can try to change it in a way that we don't need the patch [16:12] txwikinger: or we could just keep it [16:12] I don't think it matters a lot [16:13] uploaded to PPA with patch [16:13] however, just to make it easier for the future it might be good to be able to remove it [16:13] txwikinger: kdegames is up in ninja ppa,im trying a local lucid build,if that completes,you wont have to do a single thing [16:13] shadeslayer: cool [16:13] then i can go try out meego :P [16:14] Riddell: pkg-kde-tools is fine for maverick right? [16:14] shadeslayer: yes [16:15] shadeslayer: I got a failed to build for maverick [16:15] hmm [16:15] 2 conflicting statements :P [16:16] txwikinger: did your build die locally as well? [16:16] shadeslayer: No.. I got an e-mail :) [16:16] txwikinger: i meant in a chroot :P [16:16] Riddell: Im lost. I try to do it under ~kubuntu-members, but end up with a +junk in the URL [16:17] txwikinger: Riddell bah kdegames failed in ppa [16:17] the patchsys-quilt.mk or something like this is not found [16:18] * txwikinger wonders how to get the nickname debate of the bugsquad ML [16:18] txwikinger: same thing here [16:18] Riddell: pkg-kde-tools borked in macerick as well :P [16:19] btw.. I got some feedback to the Hug Day.. there were some requests we should choose a different day than ubuntu [16:20] txwikinger: saw that on the ML [16:20] txwikinger: i think their pov is right [16:21] well.. not sure about right.. but I see some merit in it [16:22] how utterly weird... [16:22] rgreening: which backport is kdevplatform supposed to appear? the ppa or ubuntu-backport? [16:22] same package version of pkg-kde-tools in ppa and in my chroot,still the build fails [16:23] txwikinger: sry. just realized I pushed it to my personal PPA. Just re-uploaded to ninjas [16:23] shadeslayer: what's the error message? [16:23] debfx: /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk:7: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk: No such file or directory [16:23] rgreening: ninjas? [16:24] txwikinger: ninja ppa [16:24] txwikinger: do you have access to ~kubuntu-ninjas? [16:24] rgreening: yes [16:24] then, thats where it'll be [16:24] I was just wondering [16:24] :) [16:24] txwikinger: :P [16:24] shadeslayer: so build-dep on quilt [16:24] we haven't moved stuff from ninjas yet [16:25] ah.. ok.. that was probably the point I was missing :) [16:25] Riddell: I give up on creating a branch in lp... [16:25] * txwikinger works on adding the ninja-ppa to his pbuilderrc [16:25] rgreening: for what? [16:25] kdevplatform for hosting the debian dir [16:25] it doesn't yet exist [16:26] rgreening: did you create a project? [16:27] shadeslayer: does the package use source format 3.0? [16:27] debfx: yes [16:27] rgreening: easy form to fill in https://edge.launchpad.net/projects/+new [16:27] debfx: i thought since there were no patches i could remove quilt [16:28] shadeslayer: does debian/patches exist in your local package? [16:28] Riddell: kdevelop failed again [16:28] debfx: yes.. [16:28] debfx: but it has no files [16:29] shadeslayer: you need to remove it [16:29] shadeslayer: debian-qt-kde.mk checks if the dir exists and includes quilt if it does [16:29] txwikinger: same issue :( [16:29] debfx: well ... i just uploaded with quilt :P [16:29] Riddell: yes.. maybe it has rather to do with the new Qt or KDE version [16:30] debfx: should i upload without quilt and debian/patches ? [16:30] or should i leave it [16:31] Do we backport Qt4.7 and KDE4.4 to lucid too? [16:31] txwikinger: "error: ui_custom_include_paths.h: No such file or directory [16:31] shadeslayer: doesn't matter [16:31] as long as it builds :) [16:31] txwikinger: that should be built from kdevelop-4.0.0/languages/cpp/codegen/ui/custom_include_paths.ui [16:31] txwikinger: I'm building in a maverick chroot with the latest qt and kdelibs et al [16:32] txwikinger: yes ninjas is backporting qt4.7 and kde 4.5 [16:32] debfx: :P [16:32] Riddell: using that form how do I make it appear under ~kubuntu-members [16:32] I built it in maverick chroot without anything but the standard packages [16:32] and in pbuilder [16:32] still debian-qt-kde.mk shouldn't automatically include quilt as dpkg-source handles the patching for source format 3.0 packages [16:33] Riddell: do you get the same error in your chroot build? [16:33] rgreening: you create the project then you can push to a bzr branch for that project (such as lp:~kubuntu-members/kdevplatform/ubuntu) [16:33] oh [16:33] ok [16:34] I have a 2hr meeting now.. Ill try it after that [16:34] good luck with your meeting :) [16:35] Riddell: what boost do we use for Lucid. kdevplatform for maverick and the backport is set for this: libboost-serialization1.42-dev and the backport fails. Can I just downgrade? [16:36] rgreening: yes downgrade to 1.40 [16:38] k. uploading then meeting.. [16:44] rgreening: Upload during the meeting. [16:45] txwikinger: cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/lib/libkggzgames.so.4.5.0': No such file or directory [16:45] whee... [16:45] ScottK: already uploaded [16:45] txwikinger: up for packaging kdegames for lucid? [16:45] shadeslayer: ok [16:45] meeting is in another rm no access for me from there... [16:45] ScottK: am I right in assuming there's no release meeting today? [16:45] ok, really gone now... [16:45] txwikinger: have fun :) [16:46] bbi2hr [16:46] shadeslayer: arg! [16:47] kajongg/kajongg.desktop has the same issue as the .desktop files in svn [16:47] it already contains X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain [16:47] why would someone commit to svn with with? [16:47] Riddell: ^^ no idea what youre saying :P [16:48] shadeslayer: kajongg/kajongg.desktop contains a line with X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain. that gets added and removed when we build out packages. but upstream already added it so it's breaking the package build [16:49] it means the debian-changes-4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1 [16:49] ah.... [16:49] it means the debian-changes-4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1 patch gets made but then can't apply [16:49] shadeslayer: so you'll need to remake the .orig.tar.bz2 with that removed [16:50] I've removed it from svn [16:50] Riddell: AFAIK, no. [16:51] Riddell: so repack the orignal tarball after removing the .desktop file [16:51] right? [16:51] shadeslayer: after removing just that line from the .desktop file [16:51] ok [16:52] Riddell: If we're going to repack the tarball anyway, that kind of defeats the purpose of using format v3 and tar.bz2. [16:53] Can't it just be patched? [16:53] ScottK: no, it's the patching system which is breaking (not unreasonably so) [16:53] Nice. [16:54] So it's a bug we can fix by repacking now and get upstream to fix before the final release then? [16:54] I've already fixed it upstream [16:55] kde revision 1131667 [16:55] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1131667&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1131667 | remove unnecessary X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain [16:55] Ah. Great. Nevermind my whining then. [16:56] Riddell: kdegames_4.4.80+repack.orig.tar.bz2 right? [16:57] the repacked tarball [16:58] shadeslayer: I'd just call it kdegames_4.4.80.orig.tar.bz2 [16:58] I've deleted the old one from the PPA, although it might take an hour to clear [16:58] oh ok === michaelk is now known as Guest45573 [17:07] koffice 2.2 is out [17:08] whee... more work ;) [17:10] it's packaged [17:11] just waiting on amd64 backport to announce [17:12] ah [17:13] well lucid kdegames is building again [17:18] anyone have a idea how to boot a meego image from grub2? [17:19] :P [17:20] how can I make pbuilder use the ninja ppa? [17:20] txwikinger: add the ninja ppa to the pbuilderrc [17:21] txwikinger: or,make a default pbuider chroot and add the ppa later through chroot login [17:21] yeah.. but apt can't use https as transport without the special package being loaded [17:22] txwikinger: yeah thats the apt-https-transport package [17:22] yes [17:22] txwikinger: so best way is to make a default pbuilder and then install that package and then add the ppa [17:26] txwikinger: btw i think the lucid kdegames package is done ;) [17:26] ok [17:29] yep.. done [17:31] wow...loads of lintian errors :P [17:31] txwikinger: http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/ha4hfwUU [17:33] fix them :) [17:34] txwikinger: which ones are important? and which ones can i leave [17:34] You need to look at each of them individually [17:35] well. some of them are all the same thing [17:35] i.e. the rpath stuff [17:35] I think there is a fix for it [17:36] txwikinger: care to share? :P [17:37] I think I saw something in kdevplatform pacakge [17:37] look at the current to debian diff I submitted [17:37] rgreening: yeah [17:38] I'm still stuck at symbols [17:39] txwikinger: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+files/kdevplatform_1.0.0-0ubuntu2_1.0.0-1ubuntu3~ppa1.diff.gz << last 3 lines? [17:39] Riddell: I got the microblogging patch [17:39] so i add DEB_CMAKE_CUSTOM_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON to rules [17:40] in fact I've done it yesterday but I wanted to testbuild [17:40] shadeslayer: yes the lines with + [17:40] Not sure if that will fix lintian.. I have not read the bug [17:42] ok [17:42] last try for lucid build [17:43] Quintasan: cor [17:43] Quintasan: how about kdebase? [17:44] Riddell: http://wklej.org/id/341481/ [17:44] Quintasan: can't say I'm too fussed about some symbols [17:45] I'm quite not sure what to do with this [17:45] Quintasan: ignore it [17:47] Riddell: how? it makes ftbfs, should I remove the .symbols file? [17:48] hmm fooey [17:50] yeah remove it if that fixes it [17:51] Quintasan: save that diff to a file, then do a pkgkde-symbols helper patch filename -p libkonq5 [17:51] er [17:51] pkgkde-symbolshelper patch filename -p libkonq5 [17:52] right, that's the answer I ment to give :) [17:52] I should write something to a mailing list about symbols stuff sometime, I think [17:53] "symbols and you; a guide to a happier dh_shlibdeps" [17:54] txwikinger: kdevelop also succeeds in building on a fresh chroot here :( [17:54] fresh chroot == without the new qt and kde packages? [17:54] with them [17:55] txwikinger: same thing : E: kgoldrunner: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/games/kgoldrunner /usr/lib [17:55] Riddell: ^^ got a fix for it ? [17:55] shadeslayer: I wouldn't worry about rpaths, I think they're no bad thing [17:55] ok.. [17:56] Do you want to assign one version to all new symbols (ENTER if no)? [17:56] What version? [ u = 4:4.4.80 / d = 4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1~ / v = 4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1 / enter other ]: [17:56] ? [17:56] Riddell: it looks like the package is ok.. something in the building process fails [17:56] Quintasan: 4:4.4.80, unless a patch of ours is responsible for the new symbols [17:56] could it be that it does not load the right packages? [17:57] when I do an apt-get upgrade in my chroot all those new packages are held back [17:57] txwikinger: it's just not compiling that .ui file in the right order [17:57] they might be held back if you have something needing the old libs, like kdevelop [17:57] Riddell: http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/SmpYi5Di [17:57] right [17:58] Riddell: ive fixed W: kdegames-dbg: possible-new-upstream-release-without-new-version [17:58] shadeslayer: groovy [17:58] awesome :) [17:58] jtechidna: usr/lib/libkbookmarkmodel_private.so.4 goes to libkonq5? [17:59] It should probably go with wherever the bookmark editor lives [17:59] Riddell: well i guess kdegames is done for lucid as well [18:00] will upload in a hour [18:00] though if it's a private library upstream should really be putting it in /usr/lib/kde4/.... [18:00] ./debian/tmp/usr/lib/libkbookmarkmodel_private.so [18:00] Quintasan: kdebase-bin [18:00] beats me why it is there [18:00] well, that's upstream's fault [18:00] not too big of a deal though [18:01] just not entirely kosher [18:01] Riddell: and the duplicate desktop entries should go away with the new source [18:01] Riddell: why would the ppa building process do something different than chroot build or pbuilder build? [18:01] Riddell: do i have to mention in the changelog that a new source is being uploaded? [18:02] shadeslayer: yes, bump the ~ppaX number too [18:02] shadeslayer: it may not get accepted yet, depends if the old .orig has been cleared [18:02] txwikinger: it shouldn't! [18:03] Riddell: yeah ill upload it in another hour [18:03] should be gone till then :P [18:03] * txwikinger thought so too [18:04] * Riddell out too [18:04] this package held back is stupid [18:04] I got all the packages loaded by targeted installs instead [18:07] Riddell: could it be that there is a diskspace problem on the ppa build? [18:13] wow... only 2GB of free space on home [18:13] need to clear all these debs... :P [18:19] jtechidna: what should I do when there are missing symbols? [18:21] debfx: This means that upstream has removed the methods corresponding to those symbols. Hopefully, no public symbols will have been removed, because otherwise it'd be breaking ABI [18:21] They can be cleaned up manually [18:22] debfx: in my debian/patches folder i have debian-changes-4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa1 patch,can i remove that? [18:22] its causing a FTBFS [18:22] jtechidna: the remove and hope for the best strategy? :D [18:22] debfx: thanks for pkg-kde-tools ;) [18:22] debfx: yes :D [18:23] shadeslayer: when you build a source 3.0 package, dpkg puts your changes to the upstream tarball in a debian/patches/ file [18:23] ok,while building the package [18:23] if you don't want the changes, remove the file [18:24] you might have to call quilt pop -a afterwards, but not sure about that [18:24] hmmm.. [18:25] eww.. lp still hasnt removed the original tarball [18:25] otherwise dpkg might re-add the patch [18:26] IIRC, you'll need to edit debian/patches/series too. [18:27] debfx: well i ran debuild -S -sa without debian/patch folder and voila no debian/patch folder after completion [18:27] ScottK: i removed the entire patch folder [18:28] OK. That would cover it. [18:28] should i wait for lp to remove the tarball or should i just re upload a new tarball [18:29] https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdegames/ [18:31] is qtwebkit supposed to expose the webkit api? [18:32] it didn't in 4.6 [18:54] I don't think qtwebkit is meant to be built stand-alone [18:57] Quintasan: kdebase??? [18:57] :) [18:58] rgreening: working on it, will upload soon [18:59] Quintasan: ty :) [19:00] lex79, Riddell: kdesdk package? [19:01] in bzr I think [19:12] lex79: can we get it in ninjas-ppa? [19:12] and working :) [19:12] so I can backport it for my lucid install :) [19:12] hah [19:13] I can do [19:14] Riddell: I compared the build logs for kdevelop... almost looks like a race problem to me [19:14] lex79: any idea where those files should go? -> http://wklej.org/id/341536/ [19:15] Quintasan: I know that the libkdeinit4 ones are false-positives [19:16] Quintasan: the sidebar stuff should go in libkonqsidebarplugin4a [19:17] Quintasan: useragent stuff in kdebase-data [19:19] rgreening: I uploaded kdesdk, also for lucid ;( [19:19] Quintasan: kfind.install for the kfind.desktop (though it may be false positive) [19:19] ehm, I mean this -> ;) [19:19] :D [19:20] lex79: haha [19:20] kool [19:21] kdeutils ~ppa1 is in archive LoL [19:21] checkout jono bacon at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon [19:21] :P [19:21] lex79: kdesdk for maverick? [19:22] or you did both [19:23] rgreening: I uploaded kdesdk for maverick and lucid in ninja [19:25] Riddell: http://wklej.org/id/341541/ <-- microblogging patch [19:34] lex79: only lucid shows up in PPA [19:35] fregl: http://imagebin.ca/view/PM2rdYkE.html <==== look what I just saw!!! must have! [19:35] rgreening: weird [19:35] I'm going to reupload [19:36] Oo [19:36] shadeslayer: scary [19:36] very very scary [19:36] apachelogger: :P [19:37] * apachelogger should do that too [19:37] hahaha. [19:37] rgreening: kdesdk reuploaded [19:38] man that is pointless [19:38] Oo [19:39] apachelogger: is that a bunny on a bike? :) [19:40] omg http://techrights.org/2010/05/28/webkit-trademark/ [19:47] shadeslayer: stream upcoming [19:48] fregl: I suppose so [19:48] apachelogger: EH? [19:48] sorry for the caps :P [19:48] SURE [19:48] :P [19:50] apachelogger: the stream? which video? [19:52] Riddell: tarball hasnt been removed till now :( [19:54] shadeslayer: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/magic-rabbit [19:58] apachelogger: im rohangarg :P [20:03] * txwikinger found the problem with kdevelop [20:04] rgreening: uploading kdebase to ninja ppa [20:04] rgreening: The source kdesdk - 4:4.4.80-0ubuntu1~ppa2 is already accepted in ubuntu/maverick and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload. [20:04] rgreening: maybe Riddell uploaded it and then deleted [20:04] I think we have to wait [20:04] lex79: how long before a package gets deleted? [20:05] including source and all [20:05] lex79: did you debuild -S -sa or debuild -S -sd? sd is correct [20:05] shadeslayer: I don't know exactly [20:05] sd? what does sd do? [20:05] rgreening: ok I try [20:05] kubotu: np [20:05] apachelogger is listening to "Piranha" by The Prodigy [Invaders Must Die, 2009] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more [20:05] -sd assumes the source is already uploaded [20:05] * apachelogger takes Nightrose for a dance [20:05] Riddell: ah ok :) [20:05] -sa means upload the source tar file [20:06] * Nightrose dances through the channel with apachelogger [20:06] rgreening: knew that :P [20:06] lex79: kdesdk ftbfs also for lucid [20:06] Quintasan: ty [20:07] * apachelogger and Nightrose stumble over Riddell who happened to have fallen asleep in some deserted part of the channel [20:07] push'd to bzr [20:07] apachelogger: hahaha [20:07] apachelogger: btw what do you think your OS will be based upon? [20:08] like apt? or yum? or something else? [20:08] rgreening: that's it Riddell fault, I don't know what he did, I just uploaded the package from bzr :) [20:08] lex79: care ot debug [20:08] lex79: care to debug :) [20:09] shadeslayer: new invention that actually make sense [20:09] so [20:09] I came to wonder [20:10] apachelogger: hmm.. i actually like the pardus approach :P [20:10] Nightrose: when do I get a wikipedia page? [20:10] shadeslayer: they have an approach? [20:10] * apachelogger notes that pardus was never really hyped by KDE :( [20:10] the new way to apply patch is annoying sometimes [20:10] apachelogger and sense used together in one sentence - usually makes no sense [20:10] apachelogger: yeah :P [20:10] * apachelogger has a condition! [20:10] apachelogger: only download diff's of new packages,thereby reducing download size [20:10] condition > approach [20:11] shadeslayer: that is stupid [20:11] apachelogger: why? [20:11] because they require computation power [20:11] which was invented by suse anyway [20:11] well [20:11] s/inventend/established [20:12] Riddell: #launchpad says that i cant upload new tarball with same name :P [20:12] still better than downloading over 9000 mb of packages because of a small change [20:12] apachelogger: ^ [20:12] what you need is a mixture of binary diffs + file-only downloads + stream compression [20:12] yep :P [20:12] Quintasan: no it is not [20:12] rgreening: kdesdk accepted, but I think will be ftbs like for lucid [20:12] apachelogger: say that to ppl with crappy connection (like mine) [20:13] Quintasan: say that to ppl with crappy pcs (like Nightrose) [20:13] there is no one solution [20:13] damn you rosetta [20:13] spamming my inbox once again [20:13] you need to either waste bandwith or cpu time [20:13] why not waste both if we are at it? [20:13] :P [20:13] apachelogger: hehe no idea - what would be on your wiki page? [20:14] and what it shall be is entirely depending on the indvidual specs [20:15] Nightrose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jono_Bacon [20:15] something like that [20:15] seems generic enough [20:15] ;-) [20:15] anyhow, on a more important topic [20:16] I need a minion to improve KDE performance [20:16] Sound Board == another crappy layer to put on top of PA? [20:16] apachelogger: don't even look at me [20:16] * Quintasan points at Trouble [20:16] sound board? [20:16] what would that be? [20:16] blagh [20:16] Sound Menu [20:16] :P [20:16] sounds like something to eat [20:17] Quintasan: it is not particularly about pa really [20:17] Riddell: im uploading with +repack [20:17] youd just remove indivdual UI represnentations of sound stuff and merge it into one [20:18] * lex79 out for a bit [20:20] a wikipage about apachelogger? it's not like it's going to get tons of pageviews, is it? ;p [20:20] brrrr [20:20] bug 554514 is made out of ewww [20:20] Launchpad bug 554514 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "cant find resource agents" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/554514 [20:20] completely sticky inside and outside [20:20] not very fluffy [20:20] horrible [20:21] and everyone reads the comments so carefully, incredibly [20:30] Quintasan: are you backporting kdebase to lucid or will I go ahead and do it? [20:31] rgreening: please do so if you can [20:31] kk [20:37] !info hello-debhelper maverick [20:37] hello-debhelper (source: hello-debhelper): The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is extra. Version 2.5-1 (maverick), package size 33 kB, installed size 648 kB [21:13] hi, when will be available kde 4.4.80 packages in ppa for lucid? [21:16] what do i name the new archive of kdegames? [21:20] so any ideas?? [21:20] suggestions? [21:22] i did kdegames_4.4.80+repack.orig.tar.bz2 buts not being picked up [21:24] rgreening: Do you have an idea how to best prevent parallel make for our packages? [21:25] txwikinger: is that the issue with kdevelop? [21:25] yes I believe so [21:25] rgreening: any idea what version should the repacked archive be? [21:25] not sure how to affect that... [21:26] We don't need to have parallel make do we? [21:27] shadeslayer: name the tar and extracted dir with the same extension. for example kdegames_4.4.80a.orig.tar.bz2 kdegames-4.4.80a [21:27] txwikinger: dunno [21:27] shadeslayer: then debuild on that [21:27] ok [21:28] shadeslayer: just ping Riddell to let him know he should rename back to the non 'a' version when he pushes to archive [21:28] rgreening: will lucid use the same source? [21:29] shadeslayer: backported you can debuild -S -sd (yes, same source). Riddell will need to rename as well [21:29] Riddell: im renaming the source to kdegames_4.4.80a.orig.tar.bz2 please rename it back when you push to archive :P [21:30] shadeslayer: try and get him when he's online as well :) [21:30] just in case he misses the chat log [21:30] rgreening: sure [21:30] ok now ill ping out.. uploading new tarball [21:30] lets see how long i last :P [21:32] txwikinger: inserting "DEB_BUILD_PARALLEL=" after "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk" should disable parallel building [21:32] that is what I would have tried debfx :) [21:35] rgreening: Can I just push the change kdevelop to the ppa? [21:35] apachelogger: kubuntu-dev-tools needs updating :) [21:35] txwikinger: sure thing my friend [21:35] tell me about it ^^ [21:36] rgreening: do I need to do something different with dput? [21:36] apachelogger: it gets remove if I upgrade to newer kde 4.4.80 [21:36] txwikinger: dput kubuntu-ninjas *.changes [21:36] ohm [21:36] rgreening: probably because of broken ruby? [21:36] eh [21:36] kruby [21:37] ruby-kde [21:37] apachelogger: I suspect there is a hard dep on kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 [21:37] * apachelogger is wondering if it depends on that at all ^^ [21:37] ah [21:37] that could be [21:37] can you update it [21:37] and push to the PPA [21:38] needs to conflict replace on << 4:4.4.80 and depend on kdebas-runtime >= 4:4.4.80 [21:38] or whatever [21:38] apachelogger: ^ [21:38] ty === schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm [21:40] wow.. im still here... [21:41] the vlc phonon backend doesn't support artist/title metadata for streams :( [21:42] debfx: does it output sound? xine and gstreamer dont even work right now :P [21:43] ಥ_ಥ [21:43] ha, that's neat [21:44] shadeslayer: yeah, but I suspect that another backend won't fix the issue for you [21:44] * ryanakca wonders if the sysadmins are avoiding us [21:44] ryanakca: rather wonder where they are hiding (: [21:45] ryanakca: im sure they are :P [21:45] else we would have a shiny new site by now.... :( [21:51] kdegames is up and should build :P [21:51] if someone doesnt tamper with pkg-kde-tools that is :P [21:52] whee.. new kdebase :D [21:55] Team , would like to know that what will be the best way to contribute to the team, I am an Debian mantainer and I know debian packaging ... [21:56] dolphin: error while loading shared libraries: libkdeinit4_dolphin.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [21:56] Quintasan: maybe not a false positive? :s [21:56] looks like it then :S [21:56] I know that there were some, but I suppose there were some valid new ones [21:56] JontheEchidna: anything left for deepak_ ? :P [21:57] shadeslayer: I am sure there will be something, I read the doc but is there any specific list of packages or bugs ? [21:58] deepak_: well theres the need packaging bugs at launchpad [21:58] deepak_: just go to bugs.launchpad.net and click on the needs packaging tag [21:59] deepak_: talk to txwikinger [21:59] deepak_: kontact was our hugday today [21:59] deepak_: then theres new merges to be done from debian [21:59] deepak_: see the topic for that :P [22:00] shadeslayer: at the moment I'm getting ready to go to KFC to pick up some food [22:00] shadeslayer: thanks much. [22:01] but it seems that you guys are doing fine with suggestions without me :) [22:01] JontheEchidna: :P [22:01] * JontheEchidna will return with chicken [22:01] JontheEchidna: and a crusher [22:02] deepak_: theres also this https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html [22:02] deepak_: also contact #ubuntu-motu [22:03] shadeslayer: Thanks a lot [22:05] * shadeslayer grumbles about lp not accepting his uploads [22:07] debian src format 3.0 is driving me NUTZ! [22:10] Riddell: kdesdk doesn't build because the debuild makes local changes and it stores a copy of this as a patch. that patch subsequently fails. This is the part that causes the issue: [22:10] # clean up edited .desktop etc files [22:10] if [ -f /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/createdesktopcontext.pl ]; then \ [22:10] sh /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/findfiles LIST; \ [22:10] for file in `cat LIST`; do \ [22:10] sed -i '/X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=/d' ${file}; \ [22:10] done; \ [22:10] rm -f LIST; \ [22:10] fi [22:11] rgreening: its just a folder dude :) [22:11] * shadeslayer wonders how a folder can drive people nuts [22:11] if it were only a folder... [22:12] tell ya what, shadeslayer, feel free to fix kdesdk and let me know how you did it after .. it's only a folder right? [22:12] :) [22:12] rgreening: aha! just do rm -rf debian/patches [22:12] ( worked for me ) [22:13] rgreening: ok only if you give my Electro magnetic theory exam :P [22:13] umm... huh? there are patches in that dir required [22:13] this is clearly a pkg-kde-tools.mk issue called from debuild [22:14] hm [22:14] yeah [22:14] apachelogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [22:14] that is not debsrc3 valid [22:14] rgreening are you using dpkg-source quit 3.0 format? [22:14] apachelogger: halp me with it please :) [22:15] possibly needs a clean hook [22:15] rgreening: oh.. how about just removing the debian changes file ? [22:15] from debian/patch [22:16] rgreening: which .desktop file? I can remove the Ubuntu-gettext-domain entry from svn for the next prerelease [22:17] oha [22:17] kubuntu_override_dh_clean_impl: [22:17] ah [22:17] JontheEchidna: this is in svn? [22:17] JontheEchidna: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. [22:17] 1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file kapptemplate/templates/C++/konqplugin/konqplugin.kdevtemplate.rej [22:17] Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. [22:17] 1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file kapptemplate/templates/ruby/rubykonqplugin/rubykonqplugin.kdevtemplate.rej [22:18] apachelogger: pkgbinarymangler is the only thing that would add that entry, so one must suppose it is in svn [22:18] Ruby and Konq.. both evil entities [22:18] Oo [22:18] that is mad [22:18] anyhow [22:18] ou dh7 magic does... [22:18] add the ubuntu domain [22:18] and then remove it in the clean [22:18] orly? [22:18] so no issue with pkg-kde-tools [22:18] hmm, new one on me [22:18] see kubuntu/debhelper/kubuntu.mk [22:19] kubuntu_override_dh_clean_impl: [22:19] cleans [22:19] kubuntu_override_dh_installdocs_impl: [22:19] adds [22:19] JontheEchidna: what debhelpver version should I be dep on [22:19] but then this should only be an issue if you've done a debuild [22:19] rgreening: 7.3.16 or higher [22:19] kdesdk uses cdbs [22:20] I also think our cdbs magic cleans properly :P [22:20] rgreening: can you push your current package somehwhere? [22:20] debfx: kubuntu/kubuntu.mk also cleans properly [22:21] apachelogger: its in bzr. its actually Riddell/debfx's upload I am trying to fix [22:21] ah [22:21] kde svn 1131630 [22:21] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1131630&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1131630 | remove needless X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain [22:21] * JontheEchidna called it [22:21] apachelogger: its the one in ninja PPA which is currently FTBFS [22:21] As usual, Riddell is 5 hours ahead of us [22:21] ^^ [22:21] how did that get upstream to begin with? :P [22:22] this usually happens when an upstream uses an existing .desktop file as a template for a new one [22:22] and when this upstream happens to be using Kubuntu... [22:22] * apachelogger hates kubuntu [22:22] JontheEchidna: fixed and uploaded [22:22] though I think suse does that too? [22:23] JontheEchidna: oh thats from kdegames i think [22:23] shadeslayer: what's from kdegames? [22:23] he must have realised that it exsisted in some other project as well [22:24] JontheEchidna: kajongg.desktop had a X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain entry,thats why i had to remove it and repack source [22:24] apachelogger: so, will you be able to have a peek and fix kdesdk? [22:24] so im guessing he saw the same in the above said project as well [22:24] * shadeslayer prays his upload goes through [22:24] I said I have kdesdk ready, I just couldn't upload it because it needed to wait for the old .orig.tar.bz2 to be deleted from the PPA [22:24] shadeslayer: all of our .desktop files have that post-processing [22:25] Riddell: oh [22:25] so, you repacked the source? [22:25] or if I didn't say it, I ment to :) [22:25] yes I repacked the source [22:25] oh... crap [22:25] so, now you have to go though the wait again.. as it's uploaded [22:25] Riddell: had to upload new source with different name [22:25] and ftbfs [22:25] lol [22:25] original source refused to go away :P [22:25] rgreening: thanks for wasting my time :P [22:26] * rgreening goes away [22:26] ( wrt to kdegames ) [22:26] apachelogger: hehe [22:26] apachelogger: it's not like you are lacking time to waste :P [22:26] wheee [22:26] * rgreening rm -rf kdesdk [22:28] apachelogger: did you get kubuntu-dev-tools figured out for the new deps [22:28] rgreening: nope [22:30] uh... why are we building kdebase for karmic? [22:30] https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/1587145 [22:30] i mean multimedia [22:32] uh oh [22:33] whoops... uploaded wrong stuff for lucid [22:33] shadeslayer broke lp [22:33] rgreening: :P [22:34] * shadeslayer gets a hammer and starts with lp.net/~rgreening [22:39] blurg, 4.4.4 tars are out, let's ignore them until we get 4.5 beta done [22:39] oh noes... [22:40] yeah.. no one will download 4.4 if we get 4.5 out first :P [22:40] Riddell: in ktown? [22:41] bah... [22:43] oh I need to adjust my mail filters again, I get spammed with all the ftbfs mails from your uploads :p [22:43] hehe [22:43] same thing here :P [22:43] * shadeslayer already has a awesome filter [22:45] fortunately launchpad provides a X-Creator-Recipient header [22:45] which contains the mail address of the uploader [22:46] * apachelogger needs a new laptop :( [22:47] debfx: heh.. i just created a filter for all mails which have the words list:() [22:48] s/have/had [22:54] kubotu: karma apachelogger [22:54] karma for apachelogger: 16 [22:58] kubotu: karma shadeslayer [22:58] shadeslayer has neutral karma [22:58] :( [22:58] kubotu: karma Tm_T [22:58] karma for Tm_T: -1 [22:58] only one?! [22:58] Tm_T: -1 [22:58] not one... :P [22:58] thanks [22:58] Tm_T: i dont thing its lp karma :P [22:58] *think [22:59] shadeslayer: I know it isn't [23:00] well kdegames builds on maverick in ppa... only problem is that i didnt realise that there was no kdegames 4.4.80a-0ubuntu1~ppa1 and ppa2,uploaded ppa3 directly :P [23:00] kubotu: help karma [23:00] karma module: Listens to everyone's chat. ++/-- => increase/decrease karma for , karma for ? => show karma for , karmastats => show stats. Karma is a community rating system - only in-channel messages can affect karma and you cannot adjust your own. [23:00] Tm_T== [23:00] that was oodd [23:00] see, my keyboard is doing weird things [23:01] * apachelogger hits it a bit [23:01] Tm_T-- [23:01] there we go [23:01] apachelogger: no, it's just you [23:01] oh [23:01] :( [23:01] :'( [23:01] you are so horrible [23:01] that was dramatic :P [23:01] ...and we didn't hear from him since [23:01] hahah [23:01] apachelogger++ :P [23:02] karma apachelogger [23:02] kubotu: karma apachelogger [23:02] karma for apachelogger: 17 [23:02] apachelogger-- xD [23:02] anyways im off too [23:03] Tm_T: bye :) [23:05] hmm [23:06] do we have final 4.0.0 ktorrent package in maverick? [23:07] !info ktorrent [23:07] ktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.4+dfsg.1-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1254 kB, installed size 4956 kB [23:07] !info ktorrent maverick [23:07] ktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.4+dfsg.1-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1254 kB, installed size 4956 kB [23:07] :/ [23:07] time to fix it [23:12] oh i give up on kdegames lucid... [23:13] Riddell: please get someone to work on the kdegames lucid build,im not going be available for the next week :) [23:13] the install files need to be tweaked probably.. [23:20] FFFFFFFUUUUU- [23:20] how the hell I'm supposed to sync gluon when lp is being sloooooow [23:25] When is it not?