
ikoniahow are we looking on the spam front tonight ?00:38
Pici-r has been set for nearly 12 hours now.00:51
* h00k gives thumbsup00:57
h00kI'm investigating MeeGo. I like it. Except bash is ignoring my aliases.00:58
IdleOneHow can we help you wiggles?04:38
IdleOnewhat is -b?04:38
IdleOnenot going to happen tonight04:39
wigglesrude as fuck04:39
elkyIdleOne, i agree with you.04:39
IdleOnecome back in 24 hours after you read Please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:39
IdleOnewiggles make it 48 hours04:40
IdleOnehave a good night wiggles.04:40
IdleOnewiggles if there is nothing else please part the channel as we have a no idle rule.04:43
wiggleslol is that you04:43
IdleOneyeah thats me04:43
IdleOnecongrats you know how to google04:43
IdleOneelky: can you please remove wiggles04:44
IdleOnethank you04:44
IdleOnethat is official stalker #2 I believe04:45
* elky adds you on facebook for lulz04:45
elkyi needs foods04:46
IdleOneelky: and if you are lucky I will maybe sign on to FB within the next month and accept :P04:46
* pleia2 adds too04:47
pleia2now you have lots of stalkers04:47
IdleOneyeah but you two count as +1's04:47
IdleOnewiggles in -women get ready05:02
* pleia2 nods05:03
IdleOneand idle105:03
IdleOnethat is not me05:03
pleia2obviously :)05:04
IdleOneequity is probably part of the stalkers club also but not certain05:05
elkypleia2, still around?07:17
* pleia2 watching tv07:22
pleia2elky: what's up?07:23
bazhangtime to forget envyng factoid?07:23
elkypleia2, i missed your warning earlier, elly has just PM'd me to make sure I'd seen it. we should discuss in PM07:23
dholbachgood morning07:37
ikonia!info kchm08:29
ubottuPackage kchm does not exist in lucid08:29
bazhangits kchmviewer08:30
ikonia!info kchmviewer08:31
ubottukchmviewer (source: kchmviewer): CHM viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (lucid), package size 234 kB, installed size 752 kB08:31
ikoniabazhang: you genius08:31
bazhangubottu needs the apt-cache search abilities :)08:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:31
jpdsOr telepathic IRC tab-completion.08:32
ikoniathat would be better08:32
ikoniaughhhh checkinstall is not something I feel should be recommended to people asking "how to build debs"08:36
jussiikonia: +108:37
ikoniacongratulations on your graduation08:38
ikonianot seen you in ages08:38
jussiikonia: yeah, Ive been busy with it...08:41
jussiand the wedding and about a bazillion other things08:41
ikoniaha ha, too much08:43
bazhangwiggles ban dodging IdleOne08:47
ikoniawiggles iback08:48
IdleOnethank you08:48
wigglesyes hello08:48
ikoniawiggles: are you aware you where dodging a ban ?08:49
wigglesseems its lifted08:49
wigglesi have not changed nicks or idents08:49
ikoniaas you did earlier with freenode web chat08:49
ikoniait seems you changed your ip to get around it08:50
wigglesever heard of dhcp08:50
wiggleslol webchat08:50
bazhangyou were asked to come back in 48 hours to discuss08:50
wigglesc u in 48hrs08:50
bazhangto this channel08:50
IdleOnethanks for taking care of that08:50
bazhanghope he saw the last bit about this channel08:51
IdleOnehis host changed to ipv608:51
ikoniaI know08:51
ikoniahis other host (on freenode web chat) wasn't08:51
ikoniaso he knew what he was doing08:51
ikoniaplus he wasn't wearing his cloak to get around it08:51
ikonia(or trying to)08:51
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-women (wiggles)08:53
bazhang^^how not to get unbanned08:54
ikoniano -women ops active08:55
IdleOnekloeri can jump in if needed08:55
IdleOneoh he did08:56
IdleOneor she08:56
bazhanghah <no reason given>08:57
ikoniastandby on -women08:58
ikoniajust tried again in #ubuntu08:58
bazhang<pynchon> lrn2op  * pynchon has quit (K-Lined)08:59
ikoniaanother ip6 client just joined, don't think its' him though09:00
IdleOnepersistent isn't he09:01
ikoniaIdleOne: is your ban going to work ? you didn't wildcard the ip09:01
IdleOneikonia: probably not but you did09:02
ikoniaI'm going to remove yours than if that's ok09:02
IdleOnecs.py defaults to full host I guess09:02
IdleOneyeah that's cool09:02
IdleOnethink I might need to edit it a little09:02
IdleOnethe script that is09:02
IdleOneI got a few days off starting tomorrow. I'll see what i can figure out09:03
IdleOnewow it's 4:30?09:32
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu-women (pynchon)09:37
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (ryan1918 trolling)12:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ryan1918)12:31
ryan1918run www.ryan1918.com12:38
Tm_Tidoru <312:41
Picioh dear. that was a lot of op hilights in my away log.12:53
* jussi hugs Pici12:55
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:16
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:16
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:16
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
LjLi think xray7224 might need being redirected to ##fix_your_connection13:45
LjLor not. seems to have settled now13:47
h00kmorning, all.14:07
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:04
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:27
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (lucy_)17:59
LjLhi. until 18:43 UTC IRCAnswersBot was in #ubuntu-offtopic. i see at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IRC/Bots that it's an approved bot for some channels, but not for that one, which i believe shouldn't be publicly logged.21:09
Tm_TLjL: correct21:21
LjLthanks for checking21:27
nikohe is in #kubuntu too22:59
nikobut i remind fine, ops agrees about that22:59
topylii think the rules for external bots are clear enough. there should be no "thin ice" to try walking on, approved bots can easily be disapproved if they don't behave23:22

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