
SovereignEntity__-osh-__:  never tried that i was under the impression that i was mounting the drive00:00
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: No, just "mount" doesn't mount anything. "mount -a" mounts everything not mounted in the fstab-file.00:01
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: and there are some other things with it as well.00:01
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: So, what does it say?00:01
* dukem hello all00:01
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: no output00:04
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: that's not possible.00:04
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: mount. no quotes, no nothing. just mount00:05
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: can't find _a in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab00:05
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: that's the output? from the command mount00:05
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: ??00:05
SovereignEntity__-osh-__:  no output00:06
__-osh-__make a pastebin of you typing that command please.00:07
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/441113/00:08
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: do a df -h also.00:09
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: that has to produce some output.00:09
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: Not "mount -a"00:09
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: "mount"00:09
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: except for the quotes00:09
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: I do believe that "mount -a" produces no output, because that's the default behaviour for a successfull mount. So you successfully managed to mount everything in the fstab that wasn't mounted. Which was nothing.00:11
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/441115/00:11
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: you're fairly new to linux, right?00:12
sebastiananyone got some experience with dual screen through HDMI?!00:12
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: So you have one disk mounted on /media/Storage00:13
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: 19GB.00:13
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: youre right gparted now says they are mounted00:13
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: 66Meg used.00:14
SovereignEntitysudo mount -a is not auto is it00:14
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: so "ls /media/Storage" without quotes should show you the files.00:14
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: what do you mean by "auto"? it does automatically mount all disks found in /etc/fstab yes.00:15
SovereignEntity__-osh-__:  i do that in fstab right00:15
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: No.00:16
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: Don't put anything like that in fstab. You'll screw your system.00:16
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: /etc/fstab needs to look like it does. The syntax is important.00:16
sebastiananyone got some experience with dual screen through HDMI?!00:17
__-osh-__sebastian: sorry, no.00:17
SovereignEntity__-osh-__:  I have one ubuntu system 10.04 that opens the drive without the password00:17
SovereignEntitythis one has to have a password00:17
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: what password? your "sudo" password?00:17
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: so when do you type that password?00:18
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: in gnome i go to places click on the drive and a box opens asking for a password00:19
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: Yeah, that's when you mount the drive.00:19
SovereignEntitymaybe i dont own the drive if there is such a thing in Linux00:20
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: You could mount it automatically from fstab, but if you don't know what you're doing then you could really break your system.00:20
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: ok thats what i was thinking00:20
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: ok i got that idea from a site00:21
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: I suggest reading a lot about fstab, make a rescue disk so that you can restore the system. Read a bit more about fstab and how to mount drives. Then give it a try.00:21
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: after you've edited the fstab file you either reboot (risky) or type "sudo mount -a"00:22
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: if you broke something it'll complain.00:22
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: I can't help you since it's late here and I'm off to bed.00:23
SovereignEntity__-osh-__:  ok I'll do some more reading first thanks you thank you thank you00:23
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: it's something along the lines of (from memory)00:24
SovereignEntity_ i put your text in my notes00:24
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: "device_of_drive mountpoint type options_for_mount priority_someting and_priority_something_else"00:25
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: example00:25
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: /dev/hda1 /my_drive ntfs ro,user 0 000:26
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: but don't use that syntax. I'm digging deep into memory here.00:27
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: I'm off now. Good luck and do come back here for more help. Most people here are very friendly and helpful.00:28
SovereignEntity__-osh-__: good night00:28
__-osh-__SovereignEntity: you too. whenever that is. =)00:29
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest67381
sebastiananyone got some experience with dual screen through HDMI?!00:34
sebastianor, does anyone know how to change into hdmi sound output in kmix, or is it easier with some other program?00:34
DarthFrogsebastian: Use System Settings/Multimedia to set which sound output device is used.00:40
sebastianDarthFrog i tried that but theres still no sound00:44
DarthFrogsebastian: Did it give sound in the Multimedia settings from the Test button?00:48
sebastianno, tried them all but no sound on my tv, works fine on windows tho00:48
sebastianthats whats weird00:48
DarthFrogAre you running Mythbuntu?00:49
DarthFrogDon't know that one.00:49
DarthFrogWhat video card is it?00:49
sebastianits not the program its kubuntu00:49
sebastiani want the sound to transfer through the hdmi00:49
sebastianati asus EAH 467000:49
DarthFrogAre you using the fglrx drivers?00:49
sebastianya the standard one00:50
DarthFrogWhat do you mean "the standard one"?00:50
sebastianthe official didnt work on xbmc, and i want a player with gpu acceleration for my hd movies00:50
sebastianthe one that came with kubuntu00:50
DarthFrogDo you see an output to a HDMI device in Output Device Preference in Multimedia?00:52
sebastiani tested it but theres no sound coming from it00:53
DarthFrogDo you have the snd_hda_codec_atihdmi module loaded?00:53
sebastianwhat do u mean by loaded?00:54
DarthFroglsmod | grep snd00:54
DarthFrogIs it there?00:54
sebastiansnd_hda_codec_atihdmi     2367  100:54
DarthFrogHmm.  I'm now out of ideas.00:54
sebastianit can be that this driver dont support it00:55
sebastiani may need the offical one00:55
sebastianbut then i wont be able to use xbmc, u know any media center with gpu acceleration for HD movies?00:55
DarthFrogKubuntu is providing you with an official ATI driver.00:55
sebastianya on restricted drivers, but im not using it atm cause of the xbmc problem00:56
sebastiangonna try with activating it then00:57
DarthFrogOK, sounds good.  I've never used HDMI audio, just video.00:57
sebastianu know if Mythbuntu plays mkv well?00:58
sebastianok, thx for the help, i tell u if it works just gonna restart the comp :)00:58
DarthFrogGood luck.00:58
sebastiannow its working :)01:01
DarthFrogGlad to hear it.01:02
DarthFrogAnd so are you. :-)01:02
sebastianthx a lot :)01:02
sebastianhaha ya01:02
sebastiannow its up to the test with mythbuntu :D01:02
Microshaftjust upgraded from intrepid to karmic on kubuntu - using nvidia 185 driver - can't start X - error message: module build for the curently running kernal was skipped because kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed - my kernel is
kylenHow many people :)01:45
Microshafthow do I download kernel source for karmic please?01:45
e_t_Microshaft: to build the nvidia module, you need the package linux-headers-generic01:50
Microshaftlinux-headers-2.6.27-17-generic e_t_ ?01:51
Microshaftor just linux-headers-generic e_t_ ?01:52
e_t_linux-headers-generic is a meta-package that will grab the latest version, whatever it is.01:52
Microshaftok brb01:52
Microshaftmy upgrade to karmic won't give me an X it says fatal failed to load nvidia kernel module no drivers available02:11
MicroshaftI have nvidia-glx-185 installed02:11
e_t_I'd try aptitude purge nvidia and then reinstall nvidia02:15
Microshaftaptitude -purge nvidia-glx-185 e_t_ is that how?02:18
Microshaftok this is my last go around02:19
Microshaftif it doesn't work, im going back to intrepid02:19
Izinucswhat are you doing?02:24
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IzinucsWhere is "krecord" in the repos for 10.04??02:51
bazhang!info krecord02:57
ubottuPackage krecord does not exist in lucid02:57
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=== wanderley is now known as vertigo
vertigoalguém do brasil por aqui ?03:17
ztkzhow can I enable the KNetWorkManager?03:21
=== sean is now known as Guest28097
ravhello. i just installed lucid and amarok is not playing mp3 files. how can i fix this?04:19
ravwhat is the name of the mp3 codec for xine?04:27
dhqhey i need help...... i cant burn cd's and i dont have a pendrive........ how do i install 10.0404:32
dhqi have an external harddrive  with 3 partitions one is 45gb the other is 45 and the last one is 3.45gb04:33
dhqi want to put the iso on the external 3.5gb and install it to my pc04:33
dhqcan someone help me04:34
e_t_dhq: That would be difficult. You would have to install GRUB to the external disk and set it up to boot the third partition. Why can't you burn CDs?04:36
dhqe_t_: my rom is broken04:40
e_t_dhq: That is unfortunate. USB drive and CD are the two primary ways to install Ubuntu.04:45
dhqno external usbdrive04:46
e_t_dhq: Do you wish upgrade, or are you installing for the first time?04:48
dhqe_t_: i want to first time04:53
e_t_dhq: What is your computer running now?04:55
dhqdell XPS m153004:57
e_t_dhq: operating system?04:58
dhqe_t_: windows05:01
e_t_dhq: Do you want to replace Windows, or install Ubuntu along side?05:03
Empty_foogeeez.. the day that somebody calls gimp intuitive is the day that I buy shares.05:24
anirudhi have two nics. eth0 connected to internet(static) and eth1 connected to router(dhcp). im not able to enable eth1. if i type ifconfig it shows but it doesnt acquire ip etc. i tried /sbin/ifup eth1 last night it said ignoring unknown interface eth1. then i added 2 lines about eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces and now its listening but not connecting.05:31
well_laid_lawnanirudh: tried   sudo ifconfig eth1 up   ?05:32
anirudhin ifconfig now it shows 2 eth105:33
anirudheth1 and eth1:avahi05:33
anirudhavahi has inet addr, broadcast, subnet etc. this happened after the last /sbin/ifup eth1 use05:34
well_laid_lawnare you trying to share the internet connection or similar?05:37
anirudhyes eventually.. but first im just trying to connect it to the router.05:40
well_laid_lawnthere is a bot link for that05:40
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php05:40
anirudhok. but eth1 isnt working. only if it works and detects the router can i share internet!05:43
ztkzhi, how i enable the knetwork manager by command?05:43
JohnLI'm having an issue with installing Kubuntu (my first linux distro).  I was installing 9.10 through Wubi over Windows 7 (the default settings). Now it's booting to Linux without a live CD, but before it boots, it gives me the error "No Root File System is Defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."  Can anyone point me in the direction to solve this issue?05:50
JohnLI'm currently looking through some support forums, but nothing seems to really stand out as possible a solution05:55
snarkfishim trying to link my phone via bluetooth for audio but i cant seem to make it connect to my computer.05:58
snarkfishit works under windows but not kubuntu05:59
snarkfishwhat is the difference in alsa and pulseaudio?06:01
e_t_snarkfish: pulseaudio is on top of alsa. Functionally, it makes it easier for multiple programs to share the audio hardware, without fighting each other.06:04
snarkfishso should i install pulseaudio?06:04
snarkfishwhy doesnt kde use pulseaudio06:04
e_t_snarkfish: That's a good question, and one to which I do not have an answer.06:05
e_t_You can configure KDE to use pulseaudio.06:05
snarkfishwell yes, i know i can configure it.06:07
ztkzhow can i enable the KConnectionManager????06:07
e_t_ztkz: Can you describe what you want to do?06:09
ztkze_t_, the kconnectionmanager is disable , and i can't enable06:14
e_t_ztkz: I had this happen a few weeks ago. You need to edit the file (as root) /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state. Change the line that reads "NetworkingEnable=false" to true. Then, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart".06:20
=== jacob_ is now known as birdass
JHon^hey guys i just recently removed ubuntu from my pc and used easy bcd to rewrite my mbr now whenever i try and intall a distro the grub wont show i mean it gets installed without any error but i just dont see the grub it just booting windows is there a way to fix this06:34
nickeeWhat sw will show which processes are doing tcpip io, & quantity?06:51
e_t_nickee: all of those functions are handled by the Linux kernel as far as I know.06:57
nickeee_t_: so, what sw will display that info?06:58
e_t_You can get information about networking with the "ifconfig" command. You can monitor I/O with the program iotop, which you'll need to install from the repos. I'm not sure what you mean by quantity.06:59
luis_hello everyone good night i am trying to install openoffice, the newest release i download the version that correspond, i have Kubuntu 8.04(Hardy), i already uninstall the old openoffce and did install the dependencies that newest version ask, it supposed to got installed but i can't find it on the menu or anywhere else, can somebody help me pls??07:07
e_t_luis_: try putting "soffice" into krunner.07:12
luis_ok i opened the run command wich i think is the Krunner and type that but it says: could not run the specified command07:15
e_t_From where did you install the openoffice packages?07:16
luis_oficial web site07:17
luis_i actually downloaded both: RPM and DEB and both runed fine on the installation but i just can't find the icons on the menu07:18
luis_so i can't use it07:18
e_t_I think 3.2 is actually the most recent version, but since you're still on 8.04, you must be quite concerned about stability. I believe that the packages from the official website install themselves to /opt. I'd check there and see if you see a bin folder in there.07:21
=== anirudh is now known as [cryptic_calls]b
=== [cryptic_calls]b is now known as [cry_calls]booho
maxagaziphone 3gs is said to be natively supported on lucid, it's true with gnome, but not on kde07:25
maxagazhow to use iphone on kubuntu ?07:26
e_t_maxagaz: you can install gnome apps on kubuntu.07:26
maxagaze_t_: which package ?07:27
luis_i was looking into the gui07:29
luis_what do you mean with: to /opt. I'd??07:30
e_t_maxagaz: I think it's Rhythmbox. You could also install libimobiledevice0, which is a library for accessing the iphone/ipod.07:31
=== anirudh is now known as [crypcalls]booho
maxagaze_t_: I'd like to use amarok07:31
luis_oohh now i know i see the opt thing07:31
luis_and i did opened but there are 2 folders one says openoffice.org and the other one says openoffice.org307:32
e_t_maxagaz: I think that is planned, but not here yet.07:32
e_t_luis_: Hmm. I think you probably want the 3 folder.07:34
luis_the folder it has are: basis-link, licences, program, readmes, share and uninstall date in that order07:35
e_t_try program07:35
luis_i found it07:37
luis_but how do i put that into the menu?07:37
luis_is it possible?07:38
e_t_Look in the directory with the deb files you installed from. I think there's a directory inside there that is 'debian menus' or something like that. There should be .DEBs in there to handle the menu entries.07:38
luis_i found one that says desktop integration07:44
e_t_That's it.07:44
luis_i have install that several times but still can't see anything on the menu07:45
e_t_Did you log out and back in?07:45
luis_i did restart the pc07:46
e_t_Well then, I don't know. I have always preferred the repository openoffice to the "official" version.07:47
luis_ok txs a lot :p07:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:29
wedoI need help plz08:46
wedomy system is startup but the main programs does not start automatically like knetworkmanger, printer, bluetooth and cairo dock i have to start them manually08:47
wedocan anyone help plz08:48
Benkinoobyhi, may computer takes sometime to boot. i diasbeld all the fancy gui stuff to see what's going on. i noticed that boot up takes a lot of time, after the computer performed .../sripcts/init-bottom.... or something like this.... couldn't find any hints on internet. some1 has advice? maybe where to get more detailed information?09:19
jmutwhat is latest php package version?09:24
bronlarhi all09:28
bronlarever since i installed kubuntu 10.04 my xp pro installation wont boot. i get an error of a missing hal.dll in windows system32 missing or corrupt it says. can anyone help me? i installed kubuntu last, after installing linux mint 7, and opensuse 11 all on seperate partitions of my hdd and i also have freespire 2.0 installed as well. all give erros and do not boot. i think the grub entries got fubared for all other os'es on my pc except 09:31
well_laid_lawnbronlar: you could run   sudo update-grub   and see if it fixes it09:33
bronlarhi laid lawn09:38
bronlarill try that but i think i need to run fixmbr, or chkdsk /r or rebuild my boot.ini file09:38
bronlaror all of the above09:38
bronlarill come back and let u know if i get it fixed and what i did to fix it09:39
well_laid_lawnk bronlar09:40
=== paul__ is now known as perlmonkey
perlmonkeycan anyone tell me how to disable the funny vertical panel thing which comes up on icons?09:45
Benkinoobyhi, may computer takes sometime to boot. i diasbeld all the fancy gui stuff to see what's going on. i noticed that boot up takes a lot of time, after the computer performed .../sripcts/init-bottom.... or something like this.... couldn't find any hints on internet. some1 has advice? maybe where to get more detailed information?09:48
perlmonkeyBenkinooby I would check the dmesg log file09:50
Benkinoobyi'll paste it09:51
perlmonkeyjust run dmesg in a shell to see everything that happened during the boot process09:51
=== edgeworth is now known as Guest53336
Benkinoobyperlmonkey: http://pastebin.com/H5PxGqhb09:52
perlmonkeyif you want to try and find any errors, just do dmesg | grep fail09:52
Benkinoobyperlmonkey: benedict@box:~$ dmesg | grep fail09:54
Benkinooby[    0.654848] PM: Resume from disk failed.09:54
Benkinoobythats all09:54
perlmonkeytry grep error09:54
Benkinoobynothing comes09:55
perlmonkeydmesg | grep error09:55
Benkinoobyi think it's no error... jsut it get's tuck somewhere....09:55
perlmonkeyyes could be09:55
perlmonkeylooks like some kind of script09:55
Benkinoobyi usd kubuntu an really tried hard to get rid of that bluetooth thing09:56
Benkinoobyi removed packages, disabled it and alll, but still it comes09:56
Benkinoobymaybe this is the cause...09:57
wedohello, my system is startup but the main programs does not start automatically like knetworkmanger, printer, bluetooth and cairo dock i have to start them manually09:57
Benkinoobywedo: hahaha, be happy.... i tried to get rid of bluetooth since weeks... without luck ;)09:58
wedoBenkinooby: it was working ok with me and if i started it manually its work, my problem is that the autostart programs does not start, "not all of them"10:01
wedohello, my system is startup but the main programs does not start automatically like knetworkmanger, printer, bluetooth and cairo dock i have to start them manually10:15
=== anirudh is now known as [Cryptcbe]ani
wedo_hello, when i click the shutdown or reboot it does not do anything10:22
wedo_any help plz10:22
=== flavio is now known as Guest66227
=== hasenj_ is now known as hasen
KottalizerHow do I turn off the feature that restarts all applications which weren't closed upon last logoff/shutdown?10:54
=== edgeworth is now known as Guest31088
jonleewhat's this?11:17
TorchKottalizer: in system settings11:21
TorchKottalizer: advanced -> session manager11:21
=== ljl is now known as LjL
AhoxHi, is there a nice audiocd-ripper in kde?11:23
KottalizerTorch: Thanks once again!11:23
TorchAhox: dolphin does that11:25
TorchAhox: just enter audiocd:/ in the location bar11:25
AhoxI tried that, but it complained no such device. Now it works... thnx11:26
=== hasenj is now known as hasen
dhqjust installed 10.04 and noticed my cpu extremely hot and fan blazing11:33
=== RaNdY is now known as RaNdY_
=== RaNdY_ is now known as RaNdY
nico_Hi. I have akonadi crashes. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepimlibs/+bug/583735 Does anyone know which files or settings can make akonadi crash?11:50
Infinitum-OmegaDon't even know what anaconda is :p11:51
Infinitum-Omegaanakonadi lol11:52
nico_its the thing that can make kmail unusable ;)11:52
Infinitum-Omegakmail? lol11:52
Infinitum-Omegakubuntu mail?11:53
Infinitum-Omegahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9352954#post9352954 If anyone had Unichrome issues..11:54
=== edgeworth is now known as Guest68204
Torchnico_: i don't see any signs of crashes in your launchpad report.11:56
Torchnico_: also, see http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=86053 for the "no resource agents found" message.11:56
Torchnico_: there's also http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting for akonadi troubleshooting11:57
nico_Torch: originally I uploaded my logs in another bugreport. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/554514 Then someone merged the bugs11:57
nico_Torch: I have read the troubleshooting doc, but no answers tehre11:58
nico_Torch:  reading the kde forum now11:58
nico_Torch: The XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable are the same for two accounts. My situation at this moment is described best at the bottom of  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepimlibs/+bug/583735 It seems some setting is causing an akonadi crash12:00
opexany from bulgaria12:01
nico_Torch: logs with crash are on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49187546/logs.tar.gz12:02
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility12:13
Micahhrm....neither will help me until i get the ethernet/wifi working >.>12:16
KottalizerConnect using a wire and then execute "sudo aptitude update && sudo jockey-kde".12:16
KottalizerTry to find a wireless driver and activate it.12:16
KottalizerThen unplug the wire.12:16
Micahyou missed the first part: ethernet12:17
Micahneither network interface works12:17
KottalizerThen hibernate your computer, wake it up and reboot.12:17
KottalizerThat works.12:18
Micahand what will that do?12:18
KottalizerHibernate or suspend to RAM, don't know which one it was.12:18
KottalizerNo idea, but it worked for me.12:18
Micahwell, i'm also running a live cd/persistent usb install so, things are a bit different12:18
Micahcurrently suspecting it's my /etc/network/interfaces being incorrect12:19
KottalizerThen I can't help you, sorry.12:19
KottalizerHave to go now anyways.12:19
Micahwas gonna ask if he could paste what his said :(12:19
mavErikhi, is there a way to reinstall ktorrent without lost the download torrent in list?12:21
Micahi believe it saves the torrents in a subfolder of it's directory. just back up that and the download location, reinstall then run each torrent12:21
mavErikwhen i choose a torrent i don't click on save but only on download12:22
mavEriki need only tehe list of my old torrent..12:22
Micahmost torrent clients save the torrents anyway12:22
Micahit's how they access them again after you shutdown or close the program12:23
mavErikok...do you know where i have to shearch?12:23
Micahcan you open ktorrent at all?12:24
gloopylook in /home/.kde12:24
mavErikno, because when i used it for the last time, i've got a problem and the pc needed a restart...12:24
mavErikand now it doesn't work12:24
TorchmavErik: turn its debug output on in kdebugdialog and run ktorrent from a shell.12:25
TorchmavErik: pastebin the output and post the link here.12:25
TorchmavErik: reinstalling is not going to help anything. KDE (and linux) is not windows.12:25
mavEriki know, but it tell me that my report it's incoplete12:26
Micahwell off to work with me, will probably return looking to get my wifi running :/12:26
mavErikTorch: Application: KTorrent (ktorrent), signal: Bus error12:26
mavErik[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f7b1db28760 (LWP 2105))]12:26
mavErikThread 2 (Thread 0x7f7b10364710 (LWP 2107)):12:26
mavErik#0  0x00007f7b1974dfb3 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:8212:26
mavErik#1  0x00007f7b1d6b368e in dht::RPCServerThread::run (this=0x1905250) at ../../libbtcore/dht/rpcserver.cpp:10712:26
FloodBotK2mavErik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
mavErik#2  0x00007f7b1b0cc775 in QThreadPrivate::start (arg=0x1905250) at thread/qthread_unix.cpp:24812:26
mavErikok, this is the URL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/441315/12:35
mavErik^ Torch12:36
adilalpmani have a problem with my 5.1 soundcard in ubuntu and in kubuntu12:39
adilalpmancan anybody help me?12:39
spawnhi people12:41
spawnwats up in the land of kubuntu12:42
spawntotally feeling 10.0412:42
UDTQJust installed yesterday .D12:42
spawnme too12:42
TorchmavErik: this is a bug in ktorrent. please report it on bugs.kde.org12:42
mavErikok, thanks!12:42
TorchmavErik: once you've done that we can try to find a workaround12:42
UDTQwhat is a bug in Ktorrent? im tryin to dld a file, but it wont work12:42
spawnfav parts so far...12:43
spawnhmm i like the boot times12:43
UDTQand overall speed of the OS12:43
spawnn Qt creator12:43
spawni know its not kubunutu12:43
spawnbut still12:43
spawnalso i love chrome!12:43
UDTQI'm running firefox12:44
spawni have to try my iphone12:44
spawnthis outta be awesome if it works12:45
spawni read it supports iphones?12:45
UDTQmight be, I wouldn't care :P12:45
UDTQcare to read about such a thing I mean.12:45
adilalpmani have install kubuntu 10.04 a few days ago but my souncard (creative SB-5.1-VX) not working as 5.1 in it12:45
adilalpmanwith kde12:45
spawncause i formatted all my music which is on my ipod12:45
adilalpmanand then i uninstall kubuntu and install ubuntu 10.0412:46
spawnyour in the right place to get support12:46
adilalpmanand in the begining everything was perfect in ubuntu with gnome and with pulse12:46
UDTQI want support aswell!But let's take adilalpman first :P12:46
adilalpmani install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 10.0412:46
adilalpmanbut this action broken everything12:47
adilalpmannow i only hear a nose12:47
adilalpmanin kde and in gnome too12:47
spawni would reformat12:47
spawnthen install updates12:47
spawnthen come here12:47
adilalpmanu said it to me?12:47
well_laid_lawnspawn: not a good reply there mate12:47
spawntheres some guys here with C code falling out of them12:48
adilalpmani have only noise12:48
adilalpmanon startup12:48
adilalpmanand on shutdown12:48
adilalpmanand while use amarok12:48
spawnwait maybe i can fix this12:48
adilalpmanin kde and in gnome too12:49
spawnif you click on the volume control in the bottom right corner...12:49
spawnselect mixer12:49
spawnand crank PCM up to the MAX12:49
spawnthat got me before12:50
adilalpman1 min pls12:50
adilalpmani cant see pcm12:52
adilalpmanin any place12:52
adilalpmani am on gnome now12:52
FloodBotK2adilalpman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
spawnwell go to settings... and enable it12:53
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adilalpmanwhere is it :S12:53
mavErikTorch: i've done12:53
spawnsettings>configure chanels12:54
spawnsee it?12:58
adilalpmanpls look thete spawn12:59
adilalpmanthere no settings option12:59
spawnthis isnt kubuntu13:00
spawnor english13:00
adilalpmanit is in ubuntu gnome13:00
adilalpmanpls ask me13:00
adilalpmanwihch u dont understand13:00
adilalpmancause of turkish13:00
spawni never used gnome...13:01
spawnyou should go to #ubuntu and ask13:02
adilalpmani am in there now too :)13:02
spawnok goodluck13:03
UDTQMy turn now? :D13:03
adilalpmanhad a lot of help13:04
adilalpmango and find ur answer there13:04
adilalpmanreally too much help...13:04
UDTQadilalpman--> noktalama olarak ENTER düğmesini kullanarak etmeyiniz. If that makes sense?13:04
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UDTQSo, I am trying to download a video with Ktorrent, but it does not connect.13:06
UDTQand here i am.13:11
ArGGu^^UDTQ tracker down?13:15
laura_Hi, ich bitte um Hilfe: Bei meiner Neuinstallation (Laptop Lenovo. neu) und lucid hab ich ein Prob: cups startet nich automatisch. Manueller Start geht.13:17
well_laid_lawn!de | laura_13:18
ubottulaura_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:18
well_laid_lawnnp :]13:19
TorchmavErik: bug number?13:39
InvaderZimThunderbird Global Inbox (Smart Folders) failing. Help? See issue descibred here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3112164.013:51
InvaderZimWhy after my upgrade to Lucid, when I click on a HD disk Dolphin asks for a password? In 9.04 and 9.10 it didn't, it mounted automagically without tweaking fstab.13:55
InvaderZimI realized policykit was gone, but when I try to install policykit-kde from kpackagekit, it tells me it needs to remove kubuntu-desktop ???13:57
apparleCan I select webkit for konqueror13:57
well_laid_lawn!find webkit13:58
ubottuFound: libqt4-webkit, libqt4-webkit-dbg, libwebkit-1.0-2, libwebkit-1.0-2-dbg, libwebkit-1.0-common (and 19 others)13:58
well_laid_lawnthere's a qt webkit there apparle13:58
apparlewell_laid_lawn:can I ask konq to use webkit14:00
well_laid_lawnapparle: I wouldn't know - never tried it...14:00
apparlewell_laid_lawn: instead of KHTML14:00
well_laid_lawnit seems to be available14:00
apparlewell_laid_lawn: how to configure konq to use it14:01
well_laid_lawnapparle: I wouldn't know - never tried it...14:02
addri92ai alguien que able español?14:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:04
jimfanI would love to learn :-)14:04
RiotingPacifistkonqueror opens folders in new windows, even though it is set not to14:10
lerruphi, I can't find anything anywhere - does anyone know about kde 4.5 in Lucid?14:15
well_laid_lawn!ppa | lerrup14:20
ubottulerrup: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.14:20
addri92sabes canales españoles?14:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:22
well_laid_lawnaddri92: ^^14:22
lerrupubbotu: but are there any kubuntu ppas that are likely to have it - other betas have been?14:22
well_laid_lawnaddri92: keep it in the channel pls :]14:22
well_laid_lawnlerrup: afaik it is not in a ppa yet14:23
lerrupwell_laid_lawn: are there any plans or do we wait for beta 2?14:25
well_laid_lawnlerrup: I have no idea - it will be available in time - how long tho I don't know14:26
well_laid_lawnnp :]14:27
well_laid_lawnit won't be long14:27
balazsbelaHey all.14:29
balazsbelaMy keyboard won't work in kde14:29
balazsbelaonly if I hold buttons pressed14:29
well_laid_lawncan you use the mouse to select the right keyboard?14:30
n8w1ngive got a problem...ive got a backup of my home folder but when i override my new home folder Kpackage marks packages which have not been installed as installed14:30
n8w1ngso i was wonderin whether the home folder stores info about installed packages14:31
well_laid_lawnafaik no - but I'm not familiar with kpackage14:31
Ahoxn8w1ng,  no, the package info is in /var/lib/dpkg, kpackage is just a frontend14:32
Ahoxn8w1ng,  the cache might be stored somewhere in the homefolder, so a simple refresh should fix it14:32
n8w1ngAhox: aha,how should i do the refresh...ive tried several commands but none of them worked14:33
Ahoxsoftware updates/refresh pacakges14:34
n8w1ngAhox: aight...thx for your help14:35
mooperdhi, I've set up my atherios AR5212 wificard as an ap master but it is not allowing devices to connect to it properly. My iphone kinda works but keeps dropping the connection and my mac refuses to connect at all. The machines is running ubuntu 9.10. its using madwifi drivers and hostapd.14:58
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Zhenyahi guys, having lots of trouble getting parralel monitors to work15:09
Zhenyaanyone here that can lend a hand?15:10
Zhenyai'm getting "scrambled"screen15:10
InvaderZimWhy after my upgrade to Lucid, when I click on a HD disk Dolphin asks for a password? In 9.04 and 9.10 it didn't, it mounted automagically without tweaking fstab. I realized policykit was gone, but when I try to install policykit-kde from kpackagekit, it tells me it needs to remove kubuntu-desktop ???15:11
well_laid_lawnZhenya: this might give a clue - http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:11
bazhangInvaderZim, its safe to remove just a metapackage15:12
Zhenyawell_laid_lawn: thank you, checking it out15:12
well_laid_lawnInvaderZim: it might help if you mention how the hdd is being made available to kubuntu15:12
InvaderZimbazhang: it also wants to remove kde-workspace15:12
persepoliscan i have some help please, what programs can i use to scan with15:12
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR15:13
InvaderZimbazhang: and other kde bases15:13
InvaderZimwell_laid_lawn: trough ide? internal hd15:13
well_laid_lawnInvaderZim: is it a ntfs partition or...15:14
InvaderZimwell_laid_lawn: one ntfs, other is fat3215:14
InvaderZimwell_laid_lawn: in another computer both are ntfs15:14
InvaderZimoh I see, yes both are non native15:14
well_laid_lawnInvaderZim: the other comps hdds are through samba?15:15
InvaderZimwell_laid_lawn: no, no samba... I mean, its the same problem,  different pc, dolphin asks for password on it15:15
well_laid_lawnInvaderZim: that gives the channel more info :] - I don't do anything windows related here so maybe someone with experience will respond15:17
Zhenyawell_laid_lawn: I've looked over that page, but i'm pretty much a noob and have NO idea what to do :(15:17
well_laid_lawnZhenya: I don't use dual monitors - that link is the extent of my knowledge sorry15:18
n8wcan i get this update eventhough i dont use 10.4: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.315:18
Zhenyawell_laid_lawn: gotcha...thanks!15:18
well_laid_lawn!ppa | n8w15:19
ubottun8w: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.15:19
n8wwell_laid_lawn:  ye but it says "users of 10.4"15:19
n8wwell_laid_lawn:  thats why im wonderin whether i can use it...otherwise i know how to use ppa15:20
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:22
InvaderZimPlease HELP anyone? Fresh Lucid Install login fails. See here for details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-savage/+bug/58467415:22
well_laid_lawnapart from that...15:22
Zhenyawell_laid_lawn: can't get the monitors to work i'll come bother peoploe a little later, but another quick question. Sometimes my other partition doesnt mount, how can i refresh it?15:26
well_laid_lawnZhenya: if it is in the file /etc/fstab then sudo mount -av might work15:27
Zhenyamount: proc already mounted on /proc15:28
Zhenyanothing was mounted15:28
InvaderZimWhy does a fresh clean Lucid install of (K)/Ubuntu STILL can't mount FAT32 partitions recognizing international latin characters?15:28
Zhenyawell_laid_lawn: i had to mount it through dolphn15:30
Zhenyahad to click on it, enter my sudo password and then i can see it in the other applicationj15:30
well_laid_lawnZhenya: check the fstab file for an entry for it pls15:32
n8wive updated to the latest kde but after the reboot kde loads up with this error: Executable: kdeinit4 PID: 1783 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)15:51
solifugusSo is anyone working on making kubuntu at least install properly in virtualbox?15:56
solifugusI'm using sidux now...15:56
well_laid_lawnsolifugus: there is #vbox for that :]15:56
solifuguswell_laid_lawn: seriously.. it's a kubuntu issue, though15:57
well_laid_lawnsolifugus: in vbox? - don't think so15:57
solifuguswould you say it's an hp issue because I use an hp computer?15:57
solifugusof course it's a kubuntu issue15:57
well_laid_lawnsolifugus: ask in your distos channel first15:58
solifuguslike this one for kubuntu15:58
tsimpsonsolifugus: if it fails in vbox but on in real hardware, it's a vbox issue16:00
tsimpson*but works on real hardware16:01
tsimpsonit's up to vbox to emulate the hardware layer, not Kubuntu16:01
solifugustsimpson: every hardware platform differs... vbox is no different.16:01
solifugusit works on some hardware and not others... but vbox is open source and pretty stable in what it has.. and heavily used.  So..16:02
well_laid_lawnand it could be your distos' implementation of vbox that is the issue solifugus ]16:02
solifuguswell_laid_lawn: I install sun's version.. not ose16:02
well_laid_lawnsolifugus: then ask in #vbox mate :]16:02
tsimpsonas far as the OS is concerned it's being installed on real hardware, if this causes issues it's not the OS's fault16:02
solifugusand.. unlikely, anway.. package maintainers don't normal make the kinds of changes that would make a vm not work.16:02
solifuguswell_laid_lawn: I can ask in there (and maybe somebody has played with it) but really.. if you can make something work on a variety of miscellaneous hardware.. making it work in a heavily used vm environment should  be so much easier.. it's not a vbox issue.16:03
tsimpsonif you have specific information for why it fails you should file bugs16:03
solifugusbut the attitude that it is, doesn't bode well for kubuntu16:04
solifugusnot if its kubuntu maintainers' attitude16:04
solifuguswhich i really hope it isn't16:04
well_laid_lawnsolifugus: you've been told - don't mention me again pls16:04
tsimpsonif it's a bug in Linux, then someone in the kernel team can fix it. but if it's a bug in vbox someone in vbox needs to fix it16:04
solifugusare you two kubuntu maintianers?16:05
well_laid_lawnI am only one person...16:05
tsimpsonit depends exactly what you mean by "kubuntu maintainer"16:06
tsimpsonKubuntu is many parts16:06
solifugusinstaller seems to be the problem..16:06
tsimpsonwhat exactly is the issue?16:06
well_laid_lawndid you do the md5 on the iso?16:06
solifugusmiddle of install, get a black screen and everything seems to stop indefinitely16:07
spawnhi everyone... how do you get an iphone to work with kubuntu 10.04? i mean i plugged it in and nothing? i thought i was ment to work?16:08
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:08
solifugusspawn: it used to work great with my old iphone.. you must have the newer version?16:08
spawniphone 3g only16:09
spawnalready read the how to... says plug it in and it should be in places!16:09
well_laid_lawnheh - the link is not kde freindly then16:10
solifugusspawn: I thought I heard from someone that apple's been locking it down..  I don't know if that's true because I recently got rid of my iphone.. (need something more reliable as a phone--way too many dropped calls and people calling me and going straight to voice mail when I was available)16:10
spawnyeah? i am due to get a new phone... maybe ill just not bother16:10
tsimpsonsolifugus: search for virtualbox on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity16:10
solifugusI don't know for sure about apple locking it down like that.. I just heard someone say that.16:11
tsimpson* https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity16:11
well_laid_lawntsimpson: he uses sidux...16:11
tsimpsonthe Kubuntu the developers have little to do with ubiquity internals, only the GUI for it16:12
solifugustsimpson: thanks... i will take a deeper look at that.16:13
solifuguswell_laid_lawn: I'd like to use kubuntu.. been waiting for it to work well on my laptop..  I can't get wireless with it, even though my network card has kernel support built-in, in recent versions...  Sidux's kde 4 is very well refined.. works much better than last time I saw kubuntu's.16:14
solifugusbut I need unbuntu packages that aren't available on sidux.. particularly panda3d16:14
solifugusit's dependencies are too much to do all by hand on debian16:15
well_laid_lawngood luck :]16:15
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warriorhearthello guys16:16
InvaderZimHelp! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/58726816:19
InvaderZimEverytime a GTK program tries to open the GTK 'select file to open' window, it takes like 30 seconds! How can I stop this?16:36
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BluesKajInvaderZim, are you running gnome or kde < or both ?16:39
InvaderZimI don't have gnome installed16:39
InvaderZimBluesKaj: but obviously I have gtk libraries16:39
well_laid_lawnloading gtk libs does take some time16:39
InvaderZimno but it wasnt like this16:40
InvaderZimit started happening some weeks ago16:40
InvaderZimthe programs stops responding16:40
InvaderZimuntil the window finally opens16:40
InvaderZimand I just can't even know if there is a log to look for this16:40
BluesKajright, InvaderZim,  I haven't seen that issue with synaptic or other gtk apps but I have probs with etc/default grub not opening prperly i kate ...very strange16:42
BluesKajin kate16:42
InvaderZimin a much slower pc with kubuntu lucid, gtk window "select file" opens almost instantly16:43
BluesKajkde ibus-daemon wth grub seems to be my prob16:43
InvaderZimsome app here messed up16:43
BluesKajwhich apps in particular?16:44
InvaderZimI don't know16:45
InvaderZimI mean, some app must have messed up this gtk delay16:45
BluesKajInvaderZim, check your system monitor to see if something eating cpu16:46
InvaderZimwerid is16:46
InvaderZimweird is... after the first delay16:46
InvaderZimsubsequent open dialogs dont have the delay16:46
InvaderZimuntil after some time I assume without opening them... the delay comes back16:49
cuznti have kde4.4.x installed side by side w/ ubuntu. i can get into ubuntu through the rescue mode but the log in screen to choose wont pop up. i get a nvudua error and x will not start16:49
j800rhey guys, i have a problem. just upgraded to 10.04 and no new official repositories were added, only the old 9.10 ones remained. what do i need to add? :\16:59
well_laid_lawncuznt: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html16:59
well_laid_lawnj800r: in konsole try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:01
j800ri already upgraded. just didn't add any new repositories :\17:02
well_laid_lawnj800r: that command will try to pull in any missing stuff17:02
j800rah, ok.17:02
well_laid_lawnj800r: all three steps are important :]17:03
Torchwell_laid_lawn: dist-upgrade include upgrade, so you can leave the latter out17:04
j800ri think that might've worked. i got a launchpad ppa in other software :\17:05
BluesKajj800r, this command will update your sources.list , sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/' /etc/apt/sources.list17:06
BluesKajj800r, any non default repos like ppas won't be updated afaik17:07
j800ryup, that seems fine now. tnx17:07
BluesKajyard work to do ....BBL17:08
j800ri think the ppa was one i added while i was experimenting, lol17:08
InvaderZimIs devicekit installed by default on Lucid?17:30
well_laid_lawn!find devicekit17:31
ubottuFound: devicekit-disks-doc, devicekit-power-doc17:31
well_laid_lawn!info devicekit17:31
ubottuPackage devicekit does not exist in lucid17:31
j800rugh..i wish Gwibber worked in kde. that's the only thing i miss with Kubuntu :|17:37
bulldog98j800r: tryed choqok?17:45
j800rya, it don't support facebook though :|17:46
j800rwell..no directly, anyway17:46
BluesKajhmmm, wonder why /etc/default/grub/ won't open in kate with kdesudo. It opens to a blank  text file , yet if I just open /etc/default/grub without kdesudo , kate opens in full text..all other text files with kdesudo in the run command / krunner open just fine.17:48
DarthFrogBluesKaj: It works for me, using kdesu, not kdesudo.17:53
InvaderZimIs Lucid network manager working with hidden wlans?17:59
BluesKajDarthFrog, no luck with kdesu18:00
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Strange.  What about sudo from the command line?18:01
BluesKajit will open if I put dolphin in the path18:01
BluesKajno i get the daemon bus error in the cli18:01
DarthFrogWell, there's the problem18:02
BluesKajyeah, strange ...failed to add paths: /root/.config/ibus/bus ,then, Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address and finally, IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon18:04
InvaderZimDoes the Kubuntu Lucid installer resizes a NTFS partition non-destructively?18:09
BluesKajInvaderZim, best to defrag the ntfs first before the installer resizes it18:15
BluesKajif you decide to resize18:15
InvaderZimBluesKaj: hmmm... I just saw that I can't resize it from the installer partitioner18:22
BluesKajInvaderZim, what's the message ?18:25
BluesKajthat's strange18:26
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BluesKajInvaderZim, I usually use gparted-live-cd to edit partitions before installing , hence one can just choose the manual partioning option when installing kubuntu18:31
shadeslayerBluesKaj: btw does the kubuntu installer provide for partitioning of GPT partitioned hard drives?18:33
shadeslayerum.. i mean GPT partition table18:33
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InvaderZimBluesKaj: but manal partitioning doesnt allow resizing19:00
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RaGNORAKdoes anyone know a good ipod video converter ?19:10
shadeslayer!ipod | RaGNORAK19:13
ubottuRaGNORAK: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:13
RaGNORAKoh thanks19:14
n8wi cant suddenly mount my win drives,it says only root can mount...19:14
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: np19:14
shadeslayer!ntfs-config | n8w19:14
shadeslayern8w: install ntfs-config19:15
n8wshadeslayer:  but it was workin ok until i created another user19:15
shadeslayern8w: ah!19:15
shadeslayern8w: so have you added that user to admin group?19:15
shadeslayerbecaus only admin group has root access.. and you need root access to mount ntfs drives19:16
n8wshadeslayer:  i think ive done smth wrong,coz ive added myself(my username) to additional groups19:16
shadeslayer( all drives are mounted at /media/ which requires root access )19:16
shadeslayern8w: just check if you are in the admin group....19:16
n8wshadeslayer:  ye i know, but my username is in admin group...shall i check also "roor" group19:17
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shadeslayern8w: yeah19:17
shadeslayern8w: anyways ive gtg,but it does look like a group issue19:17
n8wshadeslayer:  ye it is:)) thx for help19:18
n8wive got a problem with permissions...ive accidentally added myusername to several different groups n since then, i cant mount win drivers(it says: only root can do that)19:31
n8wmy username is in the following groups: root,adm,admin,cdrom,19:32
j800ranyone use choqok an know why i can't get it to connect to twitter? :\19:33
shadeslayerj800r: which choqok version?19:34
shadeslayern8w: you might also want to try #kubuntu19:34
* shadeslayer checks choqok version in his ppa19:35
n8wye im there as well19:35
j800rshadeslayer: 1.0 Beta119:35
j800rcame from the repos19:35
shadeslayerj800r: hmm.. well do you have the https check box ticked?19:35
j800ri've tried with it checked and unchecked19:36
soeeany info when we can expect kde 4.5b1 in kubunru repos ?19:36
j800ri tried using both my username and email address as username too. nothing seems to work :\ tester the twitter site and the server is up :\19:37
shadeslayerj800r: well you just need to put your username,not your email address...19:38
j800ri've tried both meaning username/password and email/password19:38
j800rneither combinations worked19:38
soeewhere in Krusader can i find windows partitions ?19:40
BluesKajsoee, in places on the left panel19:44
BluesKajbut I would use dolphin19:44
soeeBluesKaj: im using both but before i can access windows partition, i have to typein password so in Krusader i have access only to those partition witch i opend first in Dolphin with password19:45
BluesKajsoee, why are you using krusader?19:46
soeeBluesKaj:  im used to Total Commander from Win so i want some similiar app here19:47
BluesKajdolphin provides access to ntfs partitions ...there'sno need to use krusader\19:47
BluesKajit's redundant19:47
e01_i had a problems with my usb card reader, when i plug in , and put the card, there nothing triggers19:48
ch3mtailI've just disabled the ssh server and samba (nmbd & smbd) services - initially by sysv-rc-conf and then (realizing it made no difference) removing the symlinks from the /etc/rcN.d directories.  They're still loading on boot, what the hell am I missing?19:50
ch3mtailThe third time around I even went and removed the respective links from every /etc/rcN.d directory just to be sure I hadn't stumbled on the runlevels, but they're still acting like nothing ever changed.19:52
BluesKajch3mtail, remove them from /etc/rc*d19:55
ch3mtailLike I said, I already did.20:00
ch3mtailActually I said "/etc/rcN.d", but I did mean to say that they now reside in no /etc/rc* folder whatsoever.20:02
BluesKajch3mtail, remove smbclient and samba20:07
ch3mtailI need those.  It would be a too brutal solution for my taste anyhow.20:09
bmwQuestion: Dist-upgrade from Karmic to Lucid on Dell D600 laptop; fails to install libplasmagenericshell4.4.2. Thoughts?20:09
bmwQuestion: Dist-upgrade from Karmic to Lucid on Dell D600 laptop; fails to install libplasmagenericshell4.4.2. Thoughts?20:14
djusticefeep. testing my irc client. someone djustice: me20:15
DarthFrogMy thought is that I'm seeing your question in stereo.20:15
bmwDF, so do you have an answer for me, for me?20:16
DarthFrogNo, twice no. :-)20:16
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BluesKajhi slow-motion20:39
slow-motionhi BluesKaj20:40
BluesKajhmm, was busy here  , but now it's dead again20:46
Nythainkubuntu 10.04, k3b = no optical devices found... wodim --devices doesnt show anything... lshw clearly shows it though, any clues?21:01
apecrosshi people first time here21:04
apecrossa question about wlan21:04
apecrossfrom syslog: "NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0): deactivating device (reason: 2)"21:05
n8wguys do u know where i could find the repo for kde 4.4.1?21:08
onlookerCan someone help me with something? I have mplayer on the system, but it works only if I run it with /usr/bin/mplayer. Just saying mplayer gives me this error: "bash: /usr/local/bin/mplayer: No such file or directory"21:15
danielalgum brasileiro aqui?21:28
Nythaingood luck, trying to get help in here is like trying to read stereo instructions in russian21:32
Nythainbut judging by your problem, it would appear that your $PATH environment variable isnt including /usr/bin... as for setting/changing that, cant help ya21:32
Nythainthats where PATH is set aparently21:35
dhqanyone used to use gkrellm21:35
Nythainonlooker: after adding /usr/bin to the $PATH if its not already there, you will more than likely have to completely log out and back in for the change to take effect, but i could be wrong21:39
onlookerNythain: Thanks, I'll try it now21:41
onlookerNythain: I think I fixed it. /usr/bin wasn't listed at the beginning in /etc/environment so I put it there. Thanks for the help!21:46
Nythainonlooker: no problem, at least someone got some help :P21:50
Nythainyou wouldnt happen to be a guru at dvdrw devices, dbus, hal, and well, getting kubuntu and or wodim to like them would  ya?21:51
do0obanyone here using kde4 on a GMA950 graphics card?21:52
do0obcan yo use any effects?21:52
dhqdo0ob: what system monitor you use21:53
do0obdhq: system monitor? i use nvtemp and sensors21:55
do0oband df -h21:55
do0obthe progress bar dolphin also helps21:55
onlookerNythain: Sorry, man. No such luck21:58
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Nythainwell, once agian, for future reference, if anyone else has a similar k3b/wodim problem... rebooting with a DVD in the drive appears to fix it, for whatever effed up reason22:19
redahello people22:26
redaneed some help if you have time for new user22:27
redai downloaded theme from hde look22:27
redabut i dont know how to install theme22:27
redait say compil or something like that22:29
redaare there some one can show me the way ???22:29
redaok thank you for nothing22:30
Micahi had a bit of a mishap and need to get grub  off my system and go back to the windows 7 boot loader, how do i do this?22:45
Micahit will either have to be via windows or live disk22:45
InvaderZimWith a 2 gb ram system, do we still need a swap partition for a desktop?22:46
Micahalways need a swap partition if i22:49
Micah'm not mistaken22:49
Micahstupid enter key22:49
FloodBotK2Micah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
* Micah bows in apology to FloodBotK222:50
casperiihola no hay nadie?23:00
Micah!es | casperii23:01
ubottucasperii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:01
draikHey all.23:02
draikI'm trying to setup a stream from my server to my desktop, netbook, laptops, etc.23:02
draikThis is all within my own home server23:02
draikMy question is this: How do I auto-mount a DVD ISO of my choosing to stream it to a client?23:03
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InvaderZimPlease HELP anyone? Fresh Lucid Install login fails at KDM. See here for details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-savage/+bug/58467423:34
JontheEchidnaInvaderZim: not much to do except wait for the authors of the graphics driver fix the bug23:37
InvaderZimJontheEchidna: I see... bummer23:37
JontheEchidna:( yeah23:37
n8whow can i downgrade kopete?23:40
n8wive upgraded my kde to 4.4.2 n since then kopete wont even start...it crashes with Executable: kopete PID: 16144 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)23:41
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
fmiHello! I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but whatever. Sorry if it isn't. I'm unable to connect to the 'net in Kubuntu. It was working fine, and now it isn't (duh, if it were, I wouldn't be asking this quesiton now, hehe)... but whatever. I'm using the mac at the moment (same connexion, same modem). It's a cable connexion. I'm running 10.04 lucid.23:59

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