
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
ubottuUbuntu bug 568926 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Missing udisks-tcp-bridge binary for remote management" [Low,Triaged]02:52
DanaG-bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 32: syntax error near unexpected token `;'02:59
DanaG-bash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 32: `                    2> /dev/null ); $( apt-cache --no-generate pkgnames "lib$cur" \'02:59
JontheEchidna^got that too03:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 586586 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "Syntax error into /etc/bash_completion.d/apt file with bash-completion_1.1-3ubuntu3 (dup-of: 546794)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 546794 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "[revert, causes errors] Smarter lib* aware autocompletion?" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:04
Sarvatthas anyone tried the new fglrx in the x-updates ppa? i dont have any hardware to test it on and want to know if the packages have problems04:41
DanaGhmm, link me to it, and I'll give it a try.04:43
DanaGer, wait, I'm on 34 kernel... I need kano's script to patch fglrx to make that work.04:43
Sarvattyea its got the patch in the ppa04:47
Sarvattaint gonna work in lucid for long, xserver 1.8.1 has been waiting to be merged for weeks :)04:47
DanaGalso weird: I tried the new fglrx with edgers, and got "server reported, wanted"04:49
DanaGI also use the backclear patch.04:50
DanaGhmm, I'll be interested to see the UEFI support in Maverick... though my UEFI firmware is a bit broken.04:51
DanaGRecent kernels all fail to find the initramfs.... and then fail to find the root, because of that.04:51
Sarvatt7.1.1.0 you sure it wasn't 7.0 and 6.0?04:55
DanaGyeah.  I don't have the log in hand, but I clearly remember a 7.5 and a 7.1.04:56
DanaGAnd what's weird is that what it wanted, was NEWER than what it reported.04:56
DanaG(10:08:29 AM) [Enrico]: DanaG: iirc that's an hack to let fglrx work with xorg xserver 1.804:57
DanaG(10:08:46 AM) [Enrico]: xorg is patched to report a different version04:57
DanaGin #ati04:57
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knittlany news on the metacity/CSD front?10:49
arandknittl: as in fixing the breakage? Not that I know..10:50
knittlarand: ok10:50
knittli'm thinking about installing the ppa10:50
knittla lot of apps cause metacity to crash10:51
knittlthat sucks :D10:51
knittlarand: do you have a url to the ppa?10:51
arandYea, or just bring in the libmetacity-private0 metacity and metacity-common from it, there's a bunch of unrealted stuff in the ppa I think...hang on10:51
arandBug #58428710:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 584287 in metacity (Ubuntu) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58428710:52
arandNeed wget?10:52
knittlno, i can use epiphany10:52
knittlhow can i only install metacity?10:53
knittlah ok, debs10:54
arandknittl: click on metacity in the list, and download the appropriate debs10:54
knittlcool, thanks :)10:54
arandlibmetacity-private0 metacity metacity-common10:54
arandAre the one's normally installed it seems.10:55
knittljip, i'm already downloading10:55
gnomefreakwin 111:00
knittlok, let's see if it worked11:04
knittlyay! \o/11:04
LeftmostIt seems packages.ubuntu.com is behind, not reflecting some of the most recent lucid updates, but also not showing anything from maverick. Is this intentional?12:11
LeftmostMy real goal being to determine if there are packages for totem 2.31.x.12:14
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gnomefreakanyone else having a problem getting X to load?13:18
arandLeftmost: Look at LP instead.13:41
LeftmostAhh, fair enough. Thank you.13:46
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Ian_Corneubuntu Netbook remix is icky16:26
Ian_Corneif you launch a normal Gnome session, it still lingers16:26
Ian_Corneno title bar16:26
Ian_Corneand stuff16:26
billybigriggerhey all anyone alive17:47
guntbertno :-)17:47
billybigriggerexperiencing some weird gtk bugs i think17:48
billybigriggerwas missing the window decorations for a bit, a quick logout/in fixed that17:48
billybigriggerbut now everytime i open a terminal i get this...17:48
penguin42billybigrigger: Yeh I got that as well17:50
billybigriggerjust lost them again after firing up firefox17:50
penguin42yeh I also got that17:51
billybigriggerpenguin42, is there an active bug report for these issues yet?17:51
* penguin42 wishes someone would put some extra coal on the machine that runs launchpad17:53
penguin42has anyone managed to get any kvm setup where 3d stuff works, albeit slowly - any of the setups I've tried as soon as I run gnome-shell or similar I get corruption all over17:54
dupondjeaiccu bug killed :)18:35
dupondjeupgrade should go without problems now :P18:35
dupondjepenguin42: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/54679418:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 546794 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "[revert, causes errors] Smarter lib* aware autocompletion?" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:50
penguin42dupondje: Ah, thank you18:51
dupondjecan be easyly fixed tho :lp18:52
dupondjedeleting 2 ';' and your ok :D18:52
dupondjeany other bugs btw? seems working quite well :)18:54
penguin42I had a window manager crash, and I also had some mouse pointer corruption18:54
dupondjewhats the bug of the firefox/thunderbird issue btw18:57
dupondjethe metacity bug18:59
penguin42don't know, I hadn't see that one18:59
dupondjefound :)19:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 584287 in metacity (Ubuntu) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:00
DanaGI also don't like the idea of aptitude install clut<tab> giving you MORE characters to backspace.19:01
DanaGclut<tab> gives clutter.... to backspace, that's 7 characters19:01
DanaGlibclutter is 10 characters.19:01
virtualduse ctrl-w19:05
DanaGwow, I never knew about that... that's cool.19:08
virtuald:) the text gets to the "yank" buffer so you can yank it back with ctrl-y. there's also ctrl-u to delete to the beginning of the line and something else (which i don't remember) to delete to the end of the line19:12
DanaG!find libssl.so.719:14
ubottuPackage/file libssl.so.7 does not exist in maverick19:14
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:22
switchgirli need to d/l the iso19:23
switchgirlhow'd i do that?19:23
switchgirlie where can i19:24
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:24
kklimondabut only if they have started spinning them already19:24
uberI need help!19:27
switchgirlhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20100527.1/ is the most direct :) thanks though kklimonda19:37
arandYea, we only have one single daily for the alternative CD.19:38
guntbertduring the install process (in "expert mode") I am prompted to choose a kernel, the possibilities are somewhat weird though : linux-generic (sensible), linux-image-generic (what is the difference?) and lastly linux-image-2.6.34-4-generic (again: what is the difference) -- any ideas what that is supposed to be meaning?20:56
arandguntbert: Report a bug, the two other are metapackages which depends on each other, in that order, if I'm not wholly mistaken...21:00
guntbertarand: so I thought - against what package should that bur be reported ? casper?21:01
arandguntbert: i.e. linux-image depends: linux-image-generic depands: linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic (on karmic), this should always be the latest kernel...21:01
arandguntbert: Hmm, I would venture a guess that the problem is not in debian-installer, but it's at least a start for writing a bug-report (casper is likely not to blame..)21:04
guntbertarand: will do, thx21:04
arandguntbert: Casper handles the premade liveCD filesystem btw, hence, afaik, it's something completely different.21:06
BUGabundoevening slackers & weekenders21:07
guntbertarand: ok, I'm getting my feet wet with understanding the different components in the install process - thx for the hints21:07
arandYea, /me don't understand these components either, but at least well enough to make a rough guess.21:09
arandIf it's actually in the super-advanced section, it might even be that the distiction is intended, so you install the kernel version itself if you want manual control over updates... I've never poked in the alternate cd that much...21:11
guntbertevening BUGabundo -- do you happen to know against what package a bug in the install process (expert mode) should be reported ? debian-installer?21:12
BUGabundoguess so21:13
arandWell, strictly it's in the package selection, which I'm not sure if it's integrated or a separate module of debian-installer (tasksel? or is that only for group-installs??)21:13
BUGabundothere's also ubity or what ever its called21:13
arandubiquity, but that's the one on the liveCD version21:14
arandNot on the alternate CD, there it's debian-installer21:14
guntbertarand: thx, you got it right (from the wiki: If you encounter the bug when installing from the Alternate or Server CDs, the package is debian-installer. )21:16
BUGabundobash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt: line 33: `                    2> /dev/null); )'21:20
BUGabundosomeone already reported the bash bug?21:20
BUGabundoThe following NEW packages will be installed:21:20
BUGabundo  phonon-backend-gstreamer{a}21:20
BUGabundoThe following packages will be REMOVED:21:20
BUGabundo  libxine1{a} phonon-backend-xine{a}21:20
BUGabundohumm changing backends so soon?21:21
BUGabundopenguin42: bug id?21:21
BUGabundobug 54679421:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546794 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "[revert, causes errors] Smarter lib* aware autocompletion?" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54679421:21
arandMissing ";" or what it was?21:22
dupondjeto much ;21:23
dupondjewhen does nouveau gets an update in Maverick ?21:24
guntbertbug 58732721:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 587327 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "kernel selection in expert mode contains 3 choices for the same kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58732721:29
guntbertarand: ^   thx for the help21:30
arandguntbert: np21:30
Sarvattdupondje: it's in x-updates for now, still waiting to be uploaded to the archives..21:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 340265 in glibc (Ubuntu) "pthread manpages missing" [Undecided,Invalid]22:56
DanaGhmm, why are there both a "manpages-posix" and a "manpages-posix-dev" package?22:57
DanaGWhat's the difference?22:57
penguin42I suspect the -dev includes the api calls rather than just command lines22:58
bjsnider-dev packages hsould have development headers only22:58
DanaGAnother example: manpages for most basic stuff are in manpages-dev.22:58
DanaGLooks like a slight misuse of the "-dev' suffix.22:59
bjsniderah, yeah22:59
bjsniderthat should not be split off by itself22:59
bjsnideris it like that in debian too?22:59
penguin42it makes sense to me to put stuff only of use for development in the dev package23:00
DanaGI don't have any Debian machines around.23:00
penguin42(although why yacc.1 isn't in manpages-posix-dev I don't know)23:00
bjsniderDanaG, but there's a debian packages site like the ubuntu counterpart where you can examine all debian packages23:12
bjsniderall files necessary to build against the api should be in a -dev package23:13
bjsnidertypically headers23:13
penguin42bjsnider: But that rule doesn't make sense for a package that just have documentation in, and it makes sense to treat it in the same way - i.e. the documents that you use for working with that api23:17
DanaGWhat other documentation would there be, though?23:22
DanaGah, manpages:23:22
DanaG This package contains GNU/Linux manual pages for these sections:23:22
DanaG 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd).23:22
DanaG 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system     files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs).23:22
DanaG 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc.     (e.g. nroff, ascii).23:22
penguin42makes sense23:23
DanaGI usually like to jump on the +1 once it gets a new kernel.23:28
billybigrigger2.3.34 is current DanaG?\23:32
billybigrigger34-4 i should say23:32
DanaGIs it reachable via do-release-upgrade yet, or just via sources.list change?23:32
billybigriggeri did a sources change today23:33
billybigriggerworked ok i guess23:33
billybigriggerthere's a firefox box that kills all the metacity controls23:33
billybigriggerhaven't found much more than that :)23:34
billybigriggerwhy is apport still disabled by default in a testing distribution? can anyone explain this to me?23:34
penguin42billybigrigger: Probably because it would generate so much bug traffic, for an early testing one it's better for people to think about it23:34
arandbillybigrigger: Seen it?: Bug #58428723:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 584287 in metacity (Ubuntu) "Unexpected X error (BadDrawable) causing metacity to abort in maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58428723:42
billybigriggerthanks arand23:46
DanaGargh, links2 and mplayer depend on old libdirectfb.23:52
billybigriggerarand, do i apply that patch directly against metacity-2.30.1/src/ui/ui.c and recompile?23:59

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