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drakeSo here's my question.  I setup a file server using Ubuntu Server edition following the guild by Xam @ howtoforge.com.  With only a few exceptions to minor tweaks the guide worked perfectly.  The difference is I use a USB terabyte for data storage but that's not an issue.  It works FANTASTIC right now.  I can manage files from any computer in the house (vista xp linuxmint etc).  The USB is mounted as /dev/sdb1 /media/store ntfs 0 000:58
drakein my fstab file.  It's sharing the root directory of the disk and users have access to the entire thing.  Now that it's all working, I want to know if anyone knows a way I can not let the entire disk be shared but only select folders off the root for example  /media/store/Music or /media/store/Videos.00:58
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bonedragonI use Ubuntu on a laptop and i would love to know if there is an easy way to configure my machine to not automatically turn on the wireless card.03:56
phillwbonedragon: within network-manager, you can select the device and turn 'auto' off04:10
phillwor do you mean not to fire up the WiFi card in the 1st instance?04:11
bonedragonwhen i log in, both my wired and my wireless options are automatically enabled..so after i login i uncheck the wireless to save on battery every time04:13
bonedragoni wish i could save the setting, since its a laptop i turn my machine off alot and have to set it.. i was hoping to fine a non command fix so i don't forget what i did04:14
phillwi think you can set WiFi to off in BIOS with some of them.04:15
bonedragoni saw that suggestion on one of my searches, i will have to check next time i boot up04:15
phillwi can on the laptops I have, there is also sometimes a button either on the front of the laptop, or as a Fn + {some key} that can toggle it.04:17
bonedragonthis laptop used to be vista, when i used the button to disable the wifi it would only stay off like that till i turned my machine off.  my software remedy in windows was to disable the hardware (easy 1 setting fix). My feeling is that there is a way to do the same thing, but it would be a command to disable the turning on of the device, however my ability to follow the more powerful linux...04:21
bonedragon...commands is somewhat limited04:21
bonedragoni have some linux experience but its from like 2 years ago and things have been updated to a nice finish on Ubuntu with the new release.04:21
phillwbonedragon: I'm trying to set up my skype atm, but a quick dig through the archives has found some one who wanted the WiFi off, I cannot vouch for it as I haven't tried it, but it may help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-844426.html04:34
bonedragonthanks for the link, i will read throughly before trying anything. thanks for the chat phillw04:36
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phillwbonedragon: if that does not help, then pop over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=336 have a read through the posts, and feel free to post a question on there.04:42
bonedragonsweet, bookmarked04:46
ZachK_welcome Ten-Eight04:56
Ten-Eightthanks ZachK_04:58
ZachK_Ten-Eight: and how are you04:59
Ten-Eightjust fine and yourself?04:59
ZachK_ah ok..04:59
* Ten-Eight is at work for the night04:59
ZachK_planning/working projects04:59
Ten-Eightsounds like fun :)04:59
ZachK_yeah it can be05:00
ZachK_Ten-Eight: need help or just hangin out05:01
Ten-Eightjust checking in to see if anything was going on....and to see if I could be of assistance.05:02
Ten-EightI check in from time to time.05:02
ZachK_why don't you just join us then?05:02
Ten-Eightthanks...I'll hang around for awhile then.05:03
Ten-Eightbeen busy here at work...getting a reprieve for now...but will probably get going again shortlly.05:03
ZachK_i meant join us as in join the team05:04
Ten-EightI don't check in enough to become a regular.05:04
stlsaintsup folks05:04
ZachK_hey stlsaint05:04
ZachK_stlsaint: long time no see05:04
stlsaintZachK_: ?? i been here everyday for the last week or so05:06
ZachK_stlsaint: oh you have? kinda meant i haven't spoken with you i guess05:06
phillwstlsaint: ZachK_has been part time :p   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runs05:07
* ZachK_ captures phillw05:07
Ten-Eightcatch you guys later...I'll check in again soon!05:08
* phillw scampers off to #lubuntu :-)05:08
pedro3005hey phillw05:08
phillwho pedro300505:08
pedro3005phillw, I am NOT a ho05:09
phillw-o +i05:09
phillwsoz, different meaning in brazil :-\05:09
pedro3005No, I was hinting at "hoe"05:09
phillwpedro3005: do tell me, what is the 'war' going on with topic for ##devil?05:11
pedro3005phillw, none, I am just completely insane :)05:11
phillwI'll have to learn how to do change it ;p05:12
pedro3005you can't05:12
ZachK_phillw: topic command is /topic the topic words here05:12
ZachK_phillw: if you have rights05:12
pedro3005phillw, Only the pros, i.e. ops :)05:12
ZachK_pedro3005: who has founder access to ##devil05:13
phillwZachK_: I think i have to up my op mode, or summat like that05:13
pedro3005ZachK_, mohi05:13
ZachK_phillw: to op you would type /msg chanserv op ##devil phillw05:14
ZachK_phillw: if you have op rights/flags that is05:14
phillwi have no idea ZachK_, last time i was a sysop on an irc system they wrote some code to just auto give me what ever thinggies (priveleges) as soon as it sniffed my log in, password and IP address - I have better things to do in life than spen 10 minutes working out to raise priveleges in order to stop a 'bad person'. :-\05:17
pedro3005I am going to bed guys05:18
pedro3005goodnight all05:18
phillwcatch u soon05:18
stevekhi,i have a bios bug which can be resolved by using acpi=off at boot , can i put this option at boot in ubuntu 10.04?07:33
stevekcan anyone please explain wut is 2.6.33-020633rc2-generic and how can i install it ? Do i need to compile it or i can simply install it by update?07:35
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meebodZachK_: Ping09:40
meebodEh whatever09:41
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gt8you know a distribution is amazing when the release updates include:17:30
gt8Notable features:17:30
gt8Grub2 replaces Grub-legacy17:30
gt8Slim replaces bash login17:30
phillwgt8: where have you been since April 2009? ;-)17:38
gt8oh, I dunno ... got quite drunk last night17:41
gt8next thing I know, it's 201017:41
phillwI will keep my views on how they 'launched' Grub2 on to us all quiet ;-)  Yes, it needed doing and is the only way forward. Be careful about getting drunk again as by 2011 we may all be using btrfs :-D17:52
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gt8phillw, oh, I am way ahead of you there...18:10
gt8by at least a year18:10
gt8phillw, infact, COW filesystems are pretty much the future of filesystems full stop.18:12
gt8btrfs wasn't the first for Linux, and it certainly isn't the last - there are other interesting developments on the same idea already in the kernel tree - however each for different application usages.18:13
hanifbalochhay guis this HanifBaloch18:14
gt8hi hanifbaloch18:14
gt8this gt818:14
gt8gt8.awake = true;18:14
hanifbalochi need help on upgrading from 9.04 to 9.1018:15
* mohi2911 sets gt8.awake = false;18:15
mohi2911hanifbaloch: you can upgrade to 10.04 too if you wish =]18:15
gt8mohi2911, baby steps ...18:15
mohi2911or tell your requirement hanifbaloch18:15
phillwhi hanifbaloch, you may want to consider making a sperate home and doing a re-install.18:15
phillwyou certainly can go from 9.04 to 9.10, update grub & ext3 -->ext4 (I did it )18:16
hanifbalochi cant because it says first you must have 9.1018:16
gt8hanifbaloch, have a look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes18:17
phillwhanifbaloch: indeed, you need to go 9.04 --> 9.10 --> 10.04, but there has been a lot of changes. IMHO I'd say hive off your /home to a partition and do a clean install.18:17
gt8hanifbaloch, have you installed any applications outside of the ubuntu repositories ?18:18
mohi2911phillw: cant we do directly from 9.04?? :(18:18
gt8mohi2911, no18:18
gt8you can however 8.04 -> 10.0418:18
phillwmohi2911: only 9.10 and 8.04.4 can go to 10.0418:18
hanifbalochi don't know actually but may be bcz i have made ubuntu good for me18:19
hanifbalochas windows was18:19
phillwhanifbaloch: that will most likely be settings, which be saved in your own area. you can get a list of what you have added and check that they are compatible with 10.0418:20
mohi2911I think I spent lots of time with 8.10 itself. will be upgrading to lucid in days18:20
hanifbalochand now i don't want to lose my data as well as the bundle of softwares18:20
phillwmohi2911: you will not do a direct 8.10 --> 10.04 upgrade18:20
gt8well, there is nothing wrong with Jaunty. ;)18:20
gt8isn't it supported for another year ?18:20
mohi2911phillw: gonna dowload lucid or zenix tonight =]18:21
hanifbalochyou are right gt but every body is upgrading18:21
phillwmohi2911: meerkat is in the daily builds, it goes on to the test area tonight :-)18:21
hanifbalochmohi my Net is very very slow and can't download that huge thang18:22
gt8Supported until October 201018:22
phillwhanifbaloch: before you consider updating your system, you need to consider how you are going to backup your data18:22
mohi2911hanifbaloch: so you have errors with upgrading to 9.10??18:22
lukjad86Which is a better format to rip a DVD to, MKV or RMVB?18:23
hanifbalochyes mohi you are right18:23
mohi2911hanifbaloch: what you get??18:23
mohi2911lukjad86: RMVB will not play at all players. so MKV is somewhat ok than RMVB18:23
hanifbalochphillw i thought of making a CD18:24
lukjad86mohi2911 Which will be smaller?18:24
mohi2911lukjad86: but if you ask me, both are poor :D18:24
lukjad86mohi2911 heh18:24
mohi2911lukjad86: they ll vary only bu some MBs and they ll not affect much. MKV is a good choice among those two18:25
hanifbalochO.K guys i don't have the menu which logs off and shut down ubuntu what to do18:26
mohi2911hanifbaloch: tell me the result of doing "du -h" in terminal18:26
phillwhanifbaloch: when you go to update, you really *must* have a backup in case something horrible happens (a power cut 1/2 way through can really mess things up)18:26
collinpphillw: I've had that happen before.18:26
mohi2911hanifbaloch: tell me the value in the last line and thats enough18:26
hanifbalochpower problem of my country is the biggest problem18:27
collinpLuckily, my mad skillz allowed me to fix it without too much trouble.18:27
mohi2911hanifbaloch: where you belong to??18:27
phillwcollinp: I'm in PM with some one to whom that has happened, it also messed his 1TB external drive up, which we were sort of relying on :-(18:27
collinpDamn. 2x18:27
collinpDamn because you were using it, and damn because it's a 1TB hard drive.18:27
mohi2911hanifbaloch: i am from India =]18:28
phillwcollinp: it's looking up, actually. even though he had it formatted in FAT3218:28
mohi2911hanifbaloch: tell the last line of du -h in terminal18:28
hanifbalochnice meeting you, do you think is should do du -h18:29
mohi2911yep. in terminal18:29
mohi2911and tell me the last value hanifbaloch18:29
hanifbalochRecord BBC Listen Again programs to MP3 in Ubuntu « Sprayfly_files18:29
lukjad86Thanks mohi291118:29
bobo123if I have linux kernel 2.6.32-22 "linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic" can I remove the -19 and -16 packages? (including "linux-headers-2.6.32-19" and "linux-headers-2.6.32-16") ?18:29
mohi2911lukjad86: =]18:29
phillwcollinp: when all else fails, and windows cannot resize a win partition, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16955118:30
mohi2911bobo123: you mean in boot screen??18:30
phillwbobo123: keep the 19 version18:30
collinpWindows partitions suck.18:31
hanifbalochmohi i am a Baloch not a paki and i love being a Baloch18:31
collinpI mean, really. I haven't heard the word "defragment" used in relation to Linux in over a year.18:31
mohi2911hanifbaloch: fine and you did what i said??18:31
hanifbaloch it shows this ./Record BBC Listen Again programs to MP3 in Ubuntu « Sprayfly_files18:32
bobo123yeah I don't want them in grub menu, and wonder what this -headers packages is too that isn't removed when i uncheck the -image in synaptic18:32
mohi2911hanifbaloch: you did simply du -h in terminal right??18:33
collinpHeaders are there for development, I believe.18:33
mohi2911hanifbaloch: the result i got is 77M18:34
mohi2911look if you have some values like that18:34
phillwbobo123: follow http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/need-to-remove-old-versions-of-ubuntu-kernel-466660/  if you are at unsure, then do not carry on, you can end up with no system.18:35
hanifbalochand actually it is 425M .18:35
mohi2911phillw: hanifbaloch's home folder is only 425M. ahat to do with installed packages??18:35
phillwbobo123: remember to do a  sudo update-grub at the end of it all to update your list18:36
phillwhanifbaloch: you mentioned you had slow internet speed?18:36
bobo123phillw: ah, almost forgot. thanks18:37
hanifbalochyes actually the worst18:37
phillwis there anyone from who you can download and burn a cd of 700MB of data?18:38
hanifbalochit shows 32bits18:38
phillw32bits is not your innternet speed18:38
mohi2911hanifbaloch: <phillw> is there anyone from who you can download and burn a cd of 700MB of data?18:38
hanifbalochcononical send me ubuntu 10.04 yesterday18:39
hanifbaloch32 is the download speed and disconnection is an other prob18:40
phillwokay, that's really good.18:40
phillwyou have the installation cd18:40
hanifbalochyes sir i do18:40
phillwhanifbaloch: have you used pastebin before?18:41
hanifbalochno i didn't18:42
phillwhmm, okay. do have a cd writer installed and a blank cd-r disk?18:44
bobo123btw, wouldn't it be more userfriendly if the grub menu only listed the operative systems one have, and if I want to see failsafe modes or alternative kernels I have to press some extra button first?18:44
phillwbobo123: no, it would not, when you install a new kernel version (the real important bit) and it is unhappy, you need to be able to get hold of the older one. for that reason grub *must* offer the option.18:45
mohi2911bobo123: its for your recovery purposes. you can re-arrange the order, but dont delete the recovery mode18:46
bobo123I just want to have recovery mode and check memory stuff hidden behind F8 or something :-)18:48
mohi2911bobo123: what are all the distros you are using in your machune??18:48
mohi2911i ask about OS18:48
phillwbobo123: can i recommend something to you, just in case you get a bit carried away .... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484363  make sure you do run the update grub, if you have gotten a bit carried away, that's how to get it back18:51
mohi2911hanifbaloch: follow  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366 and do you have a CD-RW???18:55
hanifbalochthat's why i was weeping my CD-RW is faulty and stops in the mid18:56
bobo123mohi2911:  just now I have only WindowsXP and Ubuntu10.04 and I think that would be a perfect short menu for most people (even though I want to have win98+dos+aros+kolibri+etc too :-)18:58
mohi2911bobo123: you want win on the second line of your Grub list on boot. right??18:59
hanifbalochbobo are you a nasa scientist19:00
hanifbalochbcz combination of these all can only be on a super computer in nasa19:01
hanifbalochit's just my point of view hummm please don't mind it19:01
gt8bobo123, that sort of "extra menus" feature was possible with grub 0.97 ...19:01
bobo123yup... a perfect grub2 menu would be a small square in the middle of the screen with just the text "Ubuntu 10.04" and "Windows XP" on it and a text in the bottom border press [F8] for recovery modes (that will make the square larger and add the other modes indented under the main ones (perhaps winXP's failsafe mode too)19:02
hanifbalochmohi what if i take my installation CD to a friend and copy its all folders in a USB19:02
hanifbalochis it a possible way for ubuntu installation procees19:03
mohi2911phillw: can hanifbaloch upgrade directly to 10.04 with a live USB??19:04
phillwhanifbaloch: if your cd-rw is not working, then you will need to make a seperate /home area to store your information while you re-install. If you cannot download all the 9.10 system because of you internet connection, then making a seperate /home is essential. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome has the instructions19:04
mohi2911gt8: ^^19:04
phillwmohi2911: you can *not* upgrade from 9.04 --> 10.0419:05
mohi2911ok ok :D19:05
hanifbalochi have downloaded one mirror but its not upgrading my system to 9.1019:06
hanifbalochits about 689.6 MB19:07
phillwhanifbaloch: my best suggestion, and one I will help you with, is to follow http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome after that is done, we can back up your data / themes / bits you've added on and then put them back onto your 10.04 installation. without a working cd-rw drive you only have the choice of doing it that way or lose all your data.19:10
phillwor stay with 9.04, there's nothing 'wrong' with 9.04 - people still run 7.10 as they like it.19:11
holsteinno updates though19:11
phillwholstein: and that is a problem for a fully working system ?19:12
holsteindefine working19:12
holsteindo the lights come on19:12
phillwWin 98 works very well, when was that last updated? :p19:12
holsteinis there a security risk?19:12
holsteinphillw: windows is a security risk though19:13
holsteinout of the box19:13
holsteinthats a given19:13
phillwholstein: but we'd have to find gainful employment for all the virus writers :p19:13
hanifbalochand my problem is that i love moving not staying19:13
holsteinwould i personally be concerned about running ubuntu 7.10 without security updates19:13
phillwI'd prefer 6.04 over Win :-D19:14
phillwhanifbaloch: ^^ read my post to you ^^19:14
hanifbalochphillw i did19:15
phillwhanifbaloch: that is the best we can do. it is now your decision as to what to do.19:16
AmericanHipsterCan anyone help me with this error that oocurs when I try to update my system? "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found"19:17
gt8AmericanHipster, looks like do-core doesn't have a ppa for Lucid19:17
hanifbalocho.k what if i quit saving my data and fresh install 10.04 but? with out a CD drive?19:18
AmericanHipstergt8: Ahh, I see now. Thank you!19:19
mohi2911gt8: you on zenix now??19:26
mohi2911and hiya hobgoblin19:26
mohi2911how are ya hobgoblin!!19:28
hobgoblinpretty good ty just reading the fud in the channel from the logs :)19:29
gt8mohi2911, bodhi wanted me to have a look.19:29
mohi2911gt8: i think after 5 hours i also will be on it =]19:30
mohi2911i am changing my 8.10 distro after an year =]19:30
gt8dunno how am gonna put together the icon theme he wanted...19:31
gt8it looks nice ... but is severely incomplete19:31
gt8I mean ... it is not even organised into any sort of structure19:31
mohi2911hmmm he asked one day  about newly designed icons i think19:31
gt8mohi2911, http://taubrey.deviantart.com/art/Zenicons-Version-0-2-14828188819:32
mohi2911ohyeah. i saw it already19:32
gt8if you know anything that may go well with them, do let us know. ;)19:32
ZachK_welcome Scunizi20:00
gt8shoop pap20:01
gt8I have no clue what that means...20:02
ZachK_gt8: ok20:05
mohi2911squishyy: words!!20:27
squishyyi was hoping bodhi was in here20:27
mohi2911he s not availabel right now20:27
gt8squishyy, why do you need bodhi?20:28
squishyybecause i accidently deleted the kernel packages from ubuntu20:29
squishyyand i'm in the livecd trying to find out what is the best way to fix it20:29
gt8squishyy, ok, which partition has your ubuntu install on ?20:29
squishyy /dev/sda120:30
gt8you'll need to mount it, and then use the command 'chroot' to change root into it.20:30
gt8squishyy, ok, you open a terminal, you can - in sequence:20:30
gt8sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt20:30
squishyyi'm not a noob.20:30
squishyylol (:20:31
gt8sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev20:31
gt8^^ do the same for /proc /sys and /dev/pts20:31
gt8sudo chroot /mnt20:32
gt8sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic # or whatever...20:32
gt8(actually, you can omit the 'sudo' bit in the last one)20:33
gt8squishyy, ^^20:33
squishyyi think it's actually working (:20:34
squishyywhat was all the mount --bind stuff for?20:34
* squishyy has never tried to chroot, (never needed to)20:34
gt8squishyy, --bind mounts an already mounted directory elsewhere (as you might have guessed)20:35
squishyybut why would i need to do that.20:35
gt8/proc /sys /dev /dev/pts are access points to system + hardware ... needed for grub to install the menu entry when you chroot into /mnt20:36
* squishyy *facepalm*20:36
squishyyoh (:20:36
squishyythanks bro.20:36
gt8if you don't, when installing linux-image-blah, grub will search in /dev and find nothing20:36
squishyythat makes sense.20:37
gt8(because /mnt/dev is the new /dev inside the chroot /mnt)20:37
gt8squishyy, oh, and what sort of 'not a noob' deletes his kernel ? :P20:38
squishyyhah, uhmm yeah. i was trying to delete the old kernel packages20:39
squishyyi must of accidently deleted the other.20:39
squishyywell, i did.20:39
squishyyyeah, it finished20:39
squishyyno erros20:39
gt8grub seemed to find / and install OK ?20:39
squishyywell i did what you said...20:40
squishyylet me reboot20:40
gt8if so, you should be all safe to reboot mate. ;)20:40
squishyy_holy crap it worked.20:42
gt8squishyy_, well, I am god.20:43
squishyy_yeah usually i like20:43
squishyy_only listen to people like bodhi in here20:43
squishyy_or, nhandler.20:43
gt8nhandler, ? pfft20:43
squishyy_general ubuntu community questions really.20:44
gt8squishyy_, well I'm part of the council in here ... undercover atm.20:45
squishyy_hmmm. who are you ?20:45
squishyy_i probably know you.20:45
gt8mr ibuclaw20:45
squishyy_OH MY GOD.20:45
gt8I'm mostly on the forums though http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=49087520:46
squishyy_yeah yeeah i know who you are.20:46
squishyy_i didn't know you were even still active in here gt820:47
gt8well ... I am part of the council20:48
gt8keep my ear against the wall, make sure teams are performing well, meetings, etc.20:49
phillwsquishyy_: next time you do it, head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484363  ;-020:55
Phreawas it a bit more busy tonight? :D I sent some people to here :D20:56
phillwi had a lot hep with that one, it is refined version - the rough one did work20:57
gt8squishyy_, I gave phillw most the pointers in that. ;)20:57
phillwso, gt8 is either ... or  .... ;-)20:58
phillwand as he's not .... that only leaves ... - gt8 I never knew you had a secret part20:59
gt8phillw, I have several monikers.21:00
gt8(I like to see how you lot do in here)21:00
phillwi will refrain from disclosing it21:00
gt8only once every 2-3 months though21:00
gt8It is refreshing to see how new faces are treated21:01
* phillw is not part of "you lot" am still just a.n. other user :-)21:01
* ZachK_ is a member though...21:02
ZachK_gt8: how are you21:02
phillwhi ZachK_ didn't notice you lurking there :-)21:02
gt8ZachK_, splendid now21:02
ZachK_hey phillw21:02
gt8hung over has gone (mostly)21:02
* ZachK_ is always lurking21:03
ZachK_especially when i'm doing wiki21:03
gt821st party yesterday ... had a great Indian21:03
* phillw ditto, but mainly in #lubuntu21:03
ZachK_gt8: ah happy b-day then I assume?21:03
gt8yes. good times.21:04
ZachK_gt8: ah well happy birthday!21:04
gt8also the first proper meal have had with friends in ~ 2 years21:04
phillwgt8: happy birthday for yesterday. I trust you do not remember too much of it :p21:04
phillwwb squishyy21:06
ZachK_welcome squishyy21:06
squishyyW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB021:07
squishyylol what is that, a fingerprint?21:07
squishyyi cant kind the key..21:07
gt8squishyy, you can import the key from the ppa page21:09
gt8or:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:name/ppa21:10
gt8will do it for you automagically21:10
squishyyyeah i got it now21:10
squishyywhoever invented that tool was a genus. it was a pain having to edit sources then add the key21:10
ZachK_what up Raidsong21:11
gt8well, a layer of security that is...21:11
Raidsonghey ZachK_21:11
ZachK_Raidsong: ok dude you have any projects going on?21:12
Raidsongnothing just back at my parents for the weekend21:12
RaidsongZachK_, not really21:12
ZachK_Raidsong: want to help me with one?21:12
RaidsongZachK_, what kind?21:13
ZachK_Raidsong: oh nothing much...just a little wiki work is all21:13
ibuclaw* squishyy has quit (K-Lined)21:16
ibuclawso long and thanks for all the fish21:16
ibuclawhi there PD18721:35
PD187hello ibuclaw21:36
ZachK_PD187: !!!21:36
PD187ZachK_, ???21:36
ZachK_PD187: you've been AWAY21:37
ibuclawZachK_, iii21:37
ZachK_PD187: like really away21:37
PD187no just silent.21:37
PD187been busy moving things around on my desktop21:38
PD187hopefully the reboots will help my network speed be normal.21:38
PD187nope.  It's the drive.  Pity.21:40
moonrockI've got a clean 10.04 install, and noticed that the update notifier is not notifying me when there are updates. If I run the update manager, it finds them and updates without issue. The notifier is set to run in my startup apps. Any ideas why it's not working?22:11
phillwmoonrock: you can configure update manager as to how you want to be told about updates22:12
moonrockI've got it configured to check daily and only notify about available updates, but I never get notifications.22:33
phillwmoonrock: i think only security updates are coming out atm, as there is a release of 10.04.1 due22:34
ibuclawpekwm is nice22:35
phillwI pull them in as they turn up, but you must enable "proposed" to do that and it could make the system unstable. with 10.04 being a LTS, they may be keeping them back22:35
phillwhi ibuclaw22:35
moonrockThanks, phillw22:36
phillwibuclaw: would be able to tell you better22:37
phillwhi, if apt-get install *package* puts stuff on, what is the equivalent apt-get to tell it to get the heck off my computer?22:53
paultagphillw, hehe, do you want to get rid of conf files too?22:55
paultagphillw, it's either remove or purge, remove will remove the binary files ( but not conf files ) and purge will remove conf files as well22:55
paultagphillw, you can run a clean and an auto-clean to clean up the downloaded .deb as well :)22:55
paultagphillw, all good?22:59
phillwlooks good, i wish it was a ppa :-\23:00
paultagphillw, what app was it?23:00
phillwpaultag: it's okay, i was advised to put pulseaudio on for skype support & it didn't work, it sill could not 'see' my microphone, i should have been concentrating on alsa23:04
phillwi can now head off and look up why my microphone is not working :-023:06
ibuclawphillw, tell moonrock better about what ?23:06
ibuclawpaultag, son of a gun! :P23:06
paultagibuclaw, oh what the hell?23:07
phillwibuclaw: (22:11:40) moonrock: I've got a clean 10.04 install, and noticed that the update notifier is not notifying me when there are updates. If I run the update manager, it finds them and updates without issue. The notifier is set to run in my startup apps. Any ideas why it's not working?23:07
phillwi suggested it be that certain updates are being held back for 10.04.1 and he would need to enable 'proposed'; but that could make the system unstable.23:08
ibuclawpaultag, you missed he who shall not be named ;)23:19
paultagoh lawdy23:20
ibuclawis he actually banned from FreeNode ?23:21
ibuclawphillw, sorry... I've just looked at your question23:24
PD187if it's who I think it is, it's a K-Line23:24
ibuclawyes, he did ... but am not sure for what23:24
ibuclawhe wasn't too much of a nuance in this channel - for once23:24
ibuclawnhandler, may have done it behind the scenes after I tipped him off23:25
ibuclawif so, /me hugs nhandler :)23:25
ibuclawphillw, they turned off update notifying in Jaunty or Karmic iirc23:26
ibuclawhello wernerx23:26
wernerxi want some help from you23:26
ibuclawfrom me?23:27
wernerxif you can help me with a script23:27
ibuclawwernerx, listening23:27
wernerxi have a script to install many apps23:27
ibuclawphillw, Ubuntu instead has the update-notifier just pop-up infront of you whenever a security update appears23:27
ibuclawphillw, this behaviour can be changed in gconf though23:27
wernerxbut i comment some lines with the sign #23:28
wernerxall the apps before the # sign are installed ,but those after that sign are ignored.Why?23:28
ibuclaw# is a comment. It is ignored by the shell parser23:29
wernerxthis is my script :#!/bin/bash23:30
wernerx# Ubuntu Apps Install 23:30
wernerxecho "[*] Installing Gnome Apps"23:30
wernerxsudo aptitude install build-essential checkinstall devscripts dh-make libxml-parser-perl23:30
wernerx# Archiving Software23:30
wernerxunace rar unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar xdeview uudeview arj cabextract xarchive23:30
wernerxeverything that is before # Archining Software is installing23:31
ibuclawwernerx, newlines == new command in bash23:31
drubinwernerx: you can just end the line of \23:32
wernerxwell how can I keep that # commented line and in the same time to make linux install the apps that are written after #?23:32
drubinthat tells bash the next line is part of the next command.23:32
drubinnot sure it will work with #comments23:32
drubinwernerx: try sudo ap..... -perl \23:33
drubin#archivce stuff23:33
drubinunace .....xarchive23:33
drubinwernerx: Or simply put it in a string var.23:33
wernerxstring var?23:34
drubin#archive stuff23:35
drubinAPPS="$APPS unrar....."23:35
drubinthe sudo aptitude install $APPS23:35
drubinibuclaw: what did I do now? is there a better way to append strings in bahs?23:35
wernerxthank you ,i'll try it rigt now23:36
drubinno first listen to ibuclaw23:36
wernerxibuclaw,please tell me if the advice from drubin is good23:37
wernerxwill work his solution?23:37
drubinwernerx: it wont break any thing... but he said drubin -- so I asssume he has a *better* solution23:38
ibuclawdrubin, I'd rather keep it separate if I intend to make a distinction between the two23:38
wernerxwriting APPS=" in front of every applications lines?23:38
ibuclawwernerx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/441513/23:38
drubinok his way is better ;-p23:39
ibuclawdrubin, and you are the php developer between us...23:40
drubinbut it uses 2 variables so it much much much much much more work :)23:40
drubinok need to get off my phone now.23:40
ibuclawdrubin, kk23:40
drubinlatency is killing me :) but hope you get sorted wernerx23:41
ibuclawwernerx, oh, and why the "echo Installing Gnome Apps" ?23:41
wernerxthat line that start with echo i did copy from another script and i did think that it will display that message23:41
ibuclawespecially when none of the packages listed are gnome apps....23:41
ibuclaw(talk about telling users lies)23:42

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