
ccheneythe air conditioner evaporator coil appears to be screwed up in some unknown way, and is completely inaccessible due to being built in a box that is not openable, so looks like the repairman is going to have to rebuild the thing00:38
* ccheney is thinking its unlikely to be fixed in the near future unless he has a lot more in his truck than i expected00:39
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jo-erlendcan someone tell me which package the clock applet is in?09:02
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rafa_hi everybody19:06
rafa_can somebody help me to configure a dvb-usb card?19:07
rafa_i cannot find a way to make it work19:07
ubot2Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:09
stentendamn command :(. rafa_: #ubuntu for support.19:09
ccheneyugh, 29C in my house at the moment and rising :(  the repairman outright lied about what was wrong to the warranty company so they refused to cover it, i demanded they send out a second company for another opinion on the issue and have not heard anything back yet19:33
* ccheney hopes he doesn't end up having to completely replace the unit19:33
nigelbstenten: the correct command is !support - fyi19:33
nigelbccheney: ouch19:34
ccheneythe repairman claimed the unit was oversized for the house due to too few vents and said it had half the vents it actually does and then told the warranty company it needed the amount of vents actually in the house, lol, if they are going to lie at least make it convincing19:35
nigelbccheney: what the...19:36
ccheneyyea when the warranty company explained to me why it was considered oversized i let them no it was an outright lie, no grey area there and no misunderstanding about it19:38
ccheneymy wife has been staying out of the house as much as possible during the day, it cools off a bit at night so hopefully it won't cause her to go into early labor19:39
nigelbccheney: I live in 30+ every day but in your case, its complicated19:52
ccheneynigelb: it gets way over 30 here outside20:00
ccheneyits currently ~ 32C now but will get over 40C later this summer maybe closer to 50C20:09
ccheneymy dad thinks its probably the bypass baffle that is stuck on the unit, it used to be a whole house unit that was changed over to just do downstairs20:15
ccheneyi don't think either repairman that looked at it actually checked that though, so may have to call them back out to check for that issue20:15
ccheneyok, got another appointment setup for tomorrow afternoon, if they can't fix it then my dad is going to help me rebuild the plenum on monday afternoon and see if the evaporator coil is dirty/damaged20:34
* ccheney bbl, going somewhere less hot20:35
ccheneyseems to have stabilized in the house at 30C21:34
ccheneyprobably with near 100% humidity though21:35

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