
Kangaroooerr.. can maybe somewhere else found thouse commands from that just diasbled https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test ? im almost done with bud reporting i need now thouse last commands ive got system freeze.00:08
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo
stentenKangarooo: What's the problem?00:20
Kangaroooi wanted to make bug report more complete with commands from https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test link to there was from .. see above post with links00:21
stentenWhat bug?00:23
stentenWhich bug report, rather.00:24
SarvattKangarooo: apport-collect bugnumber will have enough info if you've already filed the bug, otherwise just ubuntu-bug xorg after reproducing it and rebooting00:52
Sarvattintel-gpu-tools is only in universe in karmic and older00:52
Sarvattif you can still ssh in you can run sudo intel-gpu-dump > /path/to/file over ssh while it's hung00:52
Sarvattbut its not terribly useful at the moment00:52
KangaroooSarvatt: i filled about xorg but ive found that i should about some kind xorg-intel-video (ive made offline bugreport already on that computer)00:53
Sarvattxorg is the generic target, it'll get moved over automatically00:53
Kangarooow8 ill show bug report. i put there many files. and wanted also make this x-freeze also00:54
stentenKangaroo: I'm triaging your report now.00:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 586960 in xorg (Ubuntu) "X Freeze at random little load since 10.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]00:55
Kangaroooah ok00:55
stentenI'll let you know when I'm done. It's a duplicate of a couple different bugs; currently aggregating their info into one meta-bug.00:55
Kangaroooouh yeah as u can see i added also thouse more crash reports if someone else is correct one.00:56
Sarvattyeah that generation of GPU is in a rough shape in lucid (and all current distros for that matter)00:57
Sarvattswitching to the vesa driver is probably your best bet00:57
Kangaroooeh i needed to rename i915_error_state to .txt so it would open in FF and not ask to DL00:57
Kangarooomaybe latest kernel rc7 will help no?00:59
Kangarooook i results of solution changing to vese will post to that bugreport01:00
Sarvattno, older is what you want01:00
Sarvattsupport for that GPU is only getting worse and worse over time01:00
RAOFSarvatt: You want the .pc files?  They're packaged in my mesa-egl PPA; I just copied some pre-built ones into the appropriate places :)01:01
Sarvatti duped it to the main bug report for that GPU, there are tons of comments in it with different things you can try01:01
* RAOF → breakfast01:02
Sarvattlooks like there's a kernel you can try as well01:02
KangaroooSarvatt: well since upgrade to 10.04 was also kernel upgrade ok so i take kernel witch was latest in 9.10 ?01:03
Kangaroooin 9.10 all was fine 01:04
Sarvatti've only heard good results from that for people on 855, not 845 :(01:04
Sarvatttheres a kernel in the main post of the bug i just duped yours to that should help01:04
RAOFYeah, 845 is a different bug.  I'm not sure that's going anywhere.01:04
Sarvattits a newer kernel but it has some really nasty hacks to help out that cant be in the main kernel because they are so nasty :)01:05
Kangaroooah ok. Workaround D: Use a  kernel other than 2.6.32 so ill try first Vesa workaround and post but only in morning soon ill go to sleep :)01:06
stentenKangarooo: Triaged as Bug #58285201:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 582852 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i845G]X freezes - [drm:i915_gem_idle] *ERROR* hardware wedged (affects: 8) (dups: 3) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58285201:06
Sarvatti'd try that kernel with intel first01:06
stentenSarvatt: Sorry, I didn't see you working on it; we were triaging at the same time.01:07
Sarvattwell darn, it doesnt show what bug i duped it to before..01:08
Kangarooothere in my bug was also apport offline collected ubuntu-bug thrue ssh after freeze happened. maybe some of thouse i should post also?01:10
stentenSarvatt: the i845 GPU Crash apport-crash?01:10
Sarvattyeah already duped all of those others to it01:10
Sarvattits all the same thing01:11
Sarvattbug #54149201:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?) (affects: 52) (dups: 26) (heat: 450)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54149201:11
=== Kangarooo is now known as Kangarooo|BackIn
=== Kangarooo|BackIn is now known as Kangarooo|Sleep
Sarvatthmm bzr: ERROR: no such option: --append-version01:32
Sarvatthttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/49284034/buildlog.txt.gz bzr recipe blew up01:32
Sarvattneed a get-orig-ource line to build mesa git tarballs if i take this further01:35
Sarvattbzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. -- how the heck do you merge packaging branches then, need the full source in there?01:36
pwnguinits been a looong time since i last paid attention to nvidia drivers04:08
pwnguinis nvidia-glx still a package?04:09
stentenapt-cache says no.04:17
pwnguinlooks like nvidia-glx-180 is and so on04:18
pwnguinhowever, dpkg claims to /var/lib/dpkg/available is bunk04:18
bjsnidernvidia-current is what it's called now04:18
Sarvatthmmm http://git.openpandora.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=openembedded.git;a=blob;f=recipes/mesa/mesa-dri-7.8/glamo.patch;h=cc55c8b91edccb24807f8799c079f4589a95f72c;hb=HEAD06:04
Sarvattglamo dri driver for mesa 7.806:05
SarvattI guess canonical is going to pull another -psb with this arm 3D stuff? even openembedded is just pointing people to ti.com to download the libs - http://git.openpandora.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=openembedded.git;a=blob;f=recipes/powervr-drivers/libgles-omap3.inc;h=2562ed62340ad7616328f5bb1158e1de62981961;hb=HEAD06:13
asacSarvatt: not sure what you mean06:34
asacrest assured ... all will be fine ;)06:35
SarvattImagination Technologies Ltd ('IMGTEC') hereby grant you permission to use, copy and distribute documents, related graphics and software delivered from this SDK (PowerVR(r) Software) provided that you do not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble such software.06:36
Sarvattoh thats a good sign :)06:36
asacSarvatt: it might be similar to psb from the observer06:37
asachowever, we are moving in the right direction06:37
asacand we have much better leverage than with the intel desaster06:37
asacpoint is atm there is zero driver, so having crappy drivers helps us start on innovative technologies, while the license and IP issues are resolved in the background06:38
=== Kangarooo|Sleep is now known as Kangarooo
=== kangarooo is now known as Guest94747
Guest94747hello i dont have /etc/X11/xorg.conf i wanted to put from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes workaround B changing to vesa17:04
Guest94747anyone alive? im trying solution from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/541492 i added ppa and did update but i got W: Cant get http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-freeze-test/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found17:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?) (affects: 53) (dups: 27) (heat: 462)" [High,Triaged]17:40
Guest94747ah sorry i see thats wrong one.17:41
Guest94747how to remove that ppa?17:41
Sarvatt<ickle> Sarvatt: you need to have a serious talk with the authors netbook-launcher18:28
Sarvatt<ickle> "Make the window one pixel wider than the actual screen size, to sidestep any graphics drivers which assume that a gl window the size of the screen is fullscreen and therefore give preference to painting it.18:28
Sarvatthuh, that just might explain why a 2048x15whatever monitor can't use compiz on a gpu with a 2048x2048 max texture size18:29
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/441419/ -- gles1 and gles2 info on softpipe18:40
Sarvattes2gears is all kinds of screwed up18:42
KangaroooSarvatt: in that bug to witch duped mine is wirten to try another kernel but that kernel didnt even start pc.bug 54149221:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?) (affects: 53) (dups: 27) (heat: 462)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54149221:57

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