
fmiI talked w/ the isp, and they said they were seeing the mac but not my linux box... v.v00:00
fmiI also did a few innternet searches, but didn't find any thing useful.00:02
fmiThanks for your help.00:03
=== fire`lalala is now known as fire`idiot
kewlioocan someone help me with connecting to my windows netshares00:07
BluesKajkewlioo, windows on a different partition , or on a LAN?00:15
quark2anyone here might be able to help me with a mount issue?00:19
zeltakhya..anyone knows how to launch a command line program in konsole but with have konsole launch with a specific user defined icon?00:35
fmizeltak: not right off hand, but wine does it so maybe their methods would work...00:36
zeltakwine? do you know how they do it?00:36
fmihmmm. my linux box isn't up right now...00:37
fmiI'll start it...00:38
zeltakkk  no worries thx anyway fmi00:38
zeltakahh k cool :)00:38
fmijust a word of warning though: I,m kind of, like, NOT a linux expert... :-P00:39
zeltakno worries im not an expert either :-)00:39
fmir u in a debian based  distro, or sthg else?00:42
fmiok. this may or may not work... make a new file in yr favourite text editor...00:44
fmithen: http://pastebin.com/CUxQKTW100:47
fmisave it as (whatever).desktop00:47
fmias I said, this might not work. sorry if it doesn't...00:48
zeltakno worries, thx anyway fmi00:51
fmibtw, remember to replace the values in ()s w/ the correct stuff... hehe00:52
zeltakkk cool thx00:52
fmialso btw, please tell me if it works... ;-)00:52
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
zeltakfmi: sure but i need to go now..will post here later thx again01:00
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odhinnHello, all!!01:45
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=== vincent is now known as Guest31543
digital__hi all02:30
digital__any one not sleaping?02:30
scrambledi am trying to connect to my wireless WEP network, I entered the key but i can not connect.  iwconfig  shows the ESSID field scrambled, that is a long of string of garbage characters02:58
scrambledit may be related to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/57596002:58
mackanI just installed Kubuntu Netbook edition on my eeepc 90103:10
mackanduring the installation everything worked just fine03:10
mackanbut when I booted into it the keyboard and the touchpad doesn't work03:11
mackanis this a common problem?03:11
mackanit seems weird to me as both worked out of the box when installing from the usb stick03:11
Barridus_is it possible to remove the "page one" activity, and just have the search and launch in the netbook remix?03:16
sobczykvmware player is not in repositories?04:06
Peregrinus_Howdy folks.  Anyone have time to help a newbie?04:32
DarthFrog!help | Peregrinus_04:34
ubottuPeregrinus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:34
Peregrinus_I'm trying to play a DVD.  I've installed Xine, and according to KPackageKit I have libdvdcss2 installed.  No luck.04:36
zusPeregrinus_,  try "sudo apt-get install w32codecs"  (without the quotes)  to install non-native codecs04:37
zusPeregrinus_,  if you have a 32bit system04:38
zusPeregrinus_,  or if you have a 64 bit system "sudo apt-get install w64codecs"04:38
Peregrinus_I think I might have tried that already.  This is the error I received when I typed that just now (after entering my password, obviously):  Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package (cont)04:39
Peregrinus_"This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source."04:40
Peregrinus_"E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate"04:40
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:49
DarthFrogPeregrinus_: You need medibuntu.04:49
Peregrinus_Is there a specific version of Medibuntu for Kubuntu?04:54
zusPeregrinus_,  kubuntu is ubuntu with the KDE so they share the same repository, but this too may help: http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid04:57
Peregrinus_Aha!  Thank you very much, folks.05:09
DarthFrogYou're welcome.05:09
zusPeregrinus_,  you're welcome.05:09
zusdoes anyone use an anti-virus on thier machines?.. and what is good  for linux based systems i just seen avg has a linux version just now.05:11
zusthanks brb going to check them on the googles05:12
bazhang!info clamav05:12
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.96.1+dfsg-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 313 kB, installed size 576 kB05:12
bronlarahh the trick to get wireless working on install is to boot from the desktop l;ive cd then setup the connection before clicking the install icon05:13
DarthFrogIn Linux, viruses work on the honour system.05:13
bronlari dont use an anti virus05:13
bronlarare there many viruses in linux?05:14
DarthFrogIt's not that Linux is immune to viruses.  But it is inherently very resistant.05:14
bronlarshould i install an anti virus?05:15
bazhangnot really05:15
DarthFrogThe privilige separation of user from root provides powerful immunity.05:15
bronlari have a fresh kubuntu 10.04 installl now and tis the onmly os working on my pc atm until i edit my enu.lst05:15
bronlarmenu.lst* and fix what grub 2 messd up05:15
DarthFrogAn anti-virus program is not needed, if you aren't running as root and aren't "promiscuous".05:16
bronlarwell im a bit promiscuous05:16
zusbronlar,  hey there05:17
bronlaryay an update to grub ill run sudo upate-grub after i reboot05:17
bronlarhi zus05:17
zusi dont have one, but im also not taking for granted why we dont get virus'...05:18
bronlarill prolly needa reboot then ill brb05:18
zushey bron05:18
zusi forget that tab key05:18
bronlarwell talk in a little bit zus. u had some questions for me05:18
zusbronlar,  yea, ill wait then thank you05:18
bronlarjus /msg me05:18
bronlaryw, anytime05:19
=== flavio is now known as Guest24991
ubuntu_Hello, I seem to have a problem, My computer will not boot up properly anymore06:09
ubuntu_I was told by some1 to try a grub restore06:09
ubuntu_My sys has Win 7 and Lucid Lynx installed on it, but neither will currently boot06:10
ubuntu_I am given an error after BIOS:  "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"06:10
ubuntu_Is there ne1 who can laed me in the right direction?06:11
bronlarlater all going afk to work on some source code06:14
bronlarshoot a compile error on my first compile of my project :(06:39
bronlaranyone know what idlc is?06:39
ubuntu_I am looking to restore GRUB on my Kubuntu 10.04/Win 7 system, is there ne1 that can help me do this06:41
ubuntu_I seem to have  a MBR prob06:41
ubuntu_Can anyone here help me restore GRUB for my Kubuntu 10.04/Win 7 install06:56
bronlarmy kubuntu 10.04 also scrrewed my windows boot06:58
ubuntu_bronlar: were you able to fix it?06:58
bronlartry sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, and sudo grub-update06:58
bronlarnot yet06:58
ubuntu_bronlar: Mine didn't happen until I installed CS4 and then updated it06:58
bronlari have winxp pro06:58
ubuntu_restarted pc and now can't load into anything, I'm on a live cd now06:59
bronlaryup som,etimes i seen updates do that06:59
bronlartry reinstalling kubuntu06:59
bronlarthat may work06:59
bronlarbut setup yer network connection from the libve cd first before clicking the install icon06:59
ubuntu_if I reinstall Kub, will my Win 7 stay on my system?06:59
ubuntu_and work?06:59
bronlarthen execute in a shell what io said above06:59
bronlarso long as u have kub on another partition or seperate drive07:00
bronlari have 3 other linux os'es and a winxop pro install and nothig else works now but kubuntu07:00
ubuntu_so reinstall 10.04 then update/upgrade GRUB using those commands and see if it works?07:00
bronlarthey really screwed up with 10.04 how grub auto detects other os'es and what it enters into menu.lst07:01
bronlaritll update yer whole system07:01
bronlarat least yer kubuntu system07:01
ubuntu_I guess I'll give it a shot07:01
bronlarif it works, lemme know07:01
bronlarits worth a shot07:01
ubuntu_and you think Win 7 may be okay, as in I wont have to reinstall it?07:01
bronlari think i kkknow why my win doesnt boot07:01
ubuntu_whys that07:02
bronlarbut thats just how my system config is setup grub set the wrong hdd as root for doze07:02
bronlari wanna install kgrub and see if editing my menu.lst from there fixes it07:02
ubuntu_ok, i might give it a shot07:02
ubuntu_thanks bud07:02
bronlarif what i told ya dont work install kgrub and manually check out yer boot entry for doze and see if you needa change anything07:03
ubuntu_bronlar: Hey07:04
ubuntu_bronlar: If I reinstall and manual select partitions to install the stuff on, how do I know which partitions to choose?07:04
ubuntu_In other words what should I manually set up to maintain the Win 7 stuff07:04
bronlaryes choose manually setup partition07:05
bronlarso u get one seprate from yer doze one07:05
bronlarand if that dioesnt fixit manual;ly edit yer menu.lsty with kgrub07:05
bronlarthats what i gotta do07:06
bronlarhopefully i can get all my other os'es to boot then07:06
ubuntu_do I need to manually select a partition for swap boot or ne thing else?07:07
zusbronlar, hey man...?07:09
tristan3199i have mabey five minutes of experince with ubuntu in kde.. is that the same as kubuntu?07:09
tristan3199i cant seem to connect to my router07:10
tristan3199anybody there?07:10
zushello again, my net went down07:11
tristan3199is ubuntu W/ kde the same as kubuntu07:12
zustristan3199,  yep07:12
tristan3199also where do i look to connect to the net on my laptop07:12
zuskubuntu is Ubuntu but with the K Desktop Enviroment07:12
tristan3199i cant seem to find network manager like gnome in the to right07:13
bronlarunder system settings07:13
zusbottom right07:13
tristan3199to - top*07:13
bronlarin the start menu07:13
zusin the widgets on the taskbar07:13
bronlarlol both actually07:13
tristan3199on a tab?07:14
zusin the menu is under computer07:14
tristan3199in that bar that pops up when you click the bottom left?07:14
tristan3199or bottom right ... sorry07:14
zusby the clock there is a cashew for more settings07:16
tristan3199sorry.. im using gnome currently... ill log out and hopefully find it... will i have all the same apps and settings in kde as gnome?07:16
zusthats a diferent enviroment gnome is07:16
tristan3199so... before i leave... ill go to kde... sign in... goto the widgets deal in the bottom right... and next to a clock i can find network manager07:18
ubuntu_I'm looking to restore GRUB on Lucid Lynx which is set up for a dual boot with Win 7, can ne1 help me07:19
tristan3199i have a grub question also.. as the computer boots.. the W7 grub is first.. Windows is default ubuntu is second.. can i make ubuntu default on the W7 grub?07:20
bronlarinstall kgrub and set it to default thru kgrub grub menu.lst hui editor07:22
bronlarhui = gui07:22
zustristan3199,  if you can log on with gnome i assume ya can too with kde as well07:24
bronlardarn they left07:27
bsandersIs there anything particular gain from Kubuntu Netbook vs. Kubuntu standard?07:34
bronlardesigned specifically for netbooks perhaps? ligther, and with proprietary drivers would be my guess07:35
bronlarif u have a netbook use that version07:35
zusa smaller gui to fit the screen07:35
bronlarproprietary wireless , video, and sound drivers i would also likewise assume07:36
bsanderszus, bronlar, thanks :o)07:39
* zus nods at bsanders 07:39
cameron_I dunno how I feel about this whole Kubuntu thing07:46
cameron_I dunno how I feel about KDE at all... this is the second time i'm giving it a chance though07:46
bronlargnome is much like winblows07:47
bronlarkde has more functional features and is more unique and richer imho07:47
bronlari prefer kde07:47
zusi prefer KDE but im finding out i could have installed into gnome what i use from kde,...07:50
* bronlar nods.07:51
zusi like dolphin over nautilus, i feel it does the samethings and then some...now if i can mount .iso....07:52
cameron_part of me wants to spazz out when I see what obviously was KDE programs running in Gnome07:53
bronlarthe mount command can be used to mount isos07:55
zusi got virtual box now i dont know why i didnt use it before.07:58
bronlari got vmware workstation 707:59
zusi wonder if my pc can handle windows 7 even if it is in virtual box08:11
bronlarbrb gotta reboot08:16
* hubutm20 is away: Estoy ocupado08:17
bronlaryeh ima try that too in vmware08:17
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
tristan3199hi. i cant seem to connect to the net08:38
tristan3199i have no problem in gnome... but kde is so different that i cant find a place to ask my computer to connect08:39
tristan3199it will not connect automatically as gnome will08:39
tristan3199how do i find networkmanager08:40
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
tristan3199anyone there?08:41
tristan3199for being a chat room not much chatting going on08:42
tristan3199people come here and talk to themself often?08:42
shadeslayertristan3199: hi08:42
shadeslayertristan3199: which kubuntu and kde version?08:42
shadeslayertristan3199: the default kde?08:42
tristan3199im a noob... where do i look08:43
tristan3199i am running gnome now08:43
shadeslayertristan3199: well there should be a network manager in the sys tray08:43
tristan3199i have ubuntu 10.04 and tried out kde.... with no internet... cant find network manager anywhere08:44
shadeslayertristan3199: like i said,it should be in the systray08:44
zusor under computer in the menu08:44
sfearsmight not be in the systray if the network adapters are not registered correctally08:45
tristan3199i have a few icons... non of witch are related to the net.. how can i add network manager08:45
shadeslayertristan3199: you can also start it by pressing alt+F2 and then : knetworkmanager08:45
shadeslayersfears: hes online now through gnome :P08:45
shadeslayertristan3199: oh and btw theres a network manager plasmoid too08:46
tristan3199sound like alien gooo08:46
shadeslayerso if you want you can install plasma-widget-networkmanagement08:46
shadeslayertristan3199: hehe.. those are the gadgets you see on your KDE desktop08:47
shadeslayertheyre called kde plasmoids08:47
tristan3199so to install one......08:47
tristan3199i would use terminal?08:47
shadeslayertristan3199: no need,just install via synaptic08:47
shadeslayeryoull get a plasmoid like this : http://origin.arstechnica.com/journals/linux.media/screenshot2-1.png08:47
=== christian is now known as Dux
tristan3199thats all??08:48
tristan3199will it install with no connection08:49
shadeslayertristan3199: no08:49
shadeslayertristan3199: install it from gnome08:49
zuswouldnt  he also have it in the cashew  he's have to drag it out and drop it in the systray then?08:50
shadeslayerzus: yeah let him install it first :P08:50
tristan3199whats cashew?08:50
tristan3199its installing now08:51
shadeslayertristan3199: then all you have to do is add the plasmoid,right click on the systray and go to the settings > plasmoids > networkmanagement plasmoid08:51
shadeslayerthere youll see a tick box,just tick it and you should see the plasmoid08:51
tristan3199systray in the bottom right like windows08:51
tristan3199its installed... should i load kde and try it...????08:53
shadeslayertristan3199: yes08:53
shadeslayertristan3199: precisely the same08:53
zusdid anyone see the names just come on the screen? or is it just me?08:53
tristan3199ohhhh.... crap.... are you familure with gnome too08:53
Duxthe key (fn f5) on netbook acer aspire one doesn't work in kubuntu netbook remix :(08:54
tristan3199my name with a chat dialog was in the top right... then it glitched and i closed it... can i get my option to sign out back????08:54
tristan3199how will i log off?08:55
tristan3199should i go to ubuntu?08:55
shadeslayerzus: what names?08:59
zusi hit a letter and hit tab but every b name  popped up09:00
zusshadeslayer, ^09:00
shadeslayerzus: which client?09:02
zusshadeslayer,  oh x chat ..sorry09:02
shadeslayerzus: well... thats called tab completion09:02
zusshadeslayer,  easy to forget its not a defaul09:02
shadeslayer!tab | zus09:03
ubottuzus: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:03
zusshadeslayer,  thanks )09:07
tristan3199thank you to who helped me install networkmanager widget09:11
bronlarwell i decided to try and get kgrub to work b4 i reboot and test my newly installed network card driver09:17
zusbronlar,   w/b09:19
=== gelle13 is now known as SpieleSusi
=== flavio is now known as flaviof
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
=== thoben is now known as Thoben
itai have problem with wireless with wep security key10:56
flaviofAre you using knetworkmanager or nm-applet?10:57
itaI cant establish the connection10:57
itaflaviof: knetworkmanager10:57
flaviofTry nm-applet, see if it works.10:58
itaflaviof: how?10:58
flaviofIf you are using o 'pure' kubuntu you won't have nm-applet.10:58
flaviofIf you are using the 'pure' kubuntu you won't have nm-applet.10:59
flaviofHold on10:59
flaviofinstall plasma-widget-networkmanagement and try it, it is a plasma widget.11:00
itaflaviof: this shown to me when I want install it : The following packages block the update: network-manager-kde11:03
flaviofAre you using lucid?11:03
flaviofOk, the unistall network-manager-kde first.11:04
itaflaviof: how can I download the packages after that?11:05
flaviofSorry, I assumed you were on cable until had the wireless fixed.11:06
itaflaviof: ok I am11:07
flaviofEven if you uninstall  network-manager-kde your conection will not end.11:08
flaviofDo not reboot, and it will be fine.11:08
itaflaviof: I installed plasma-widget-networkmanagement and I added to my desktop. what next?11:14
flavioftry using it, see if the wireless conects11:14
sheldonany news on kde 4.5 packages?11:14
shadeslayersheldon: maverick packages have ftbfs issues,so unless theyre sorted out no lucid packages11:15
shadeslayersheldon: though packaging 4.5 is almost complete now11:15
sheldonthanks shadeslayer11:15
shadeslayershould be released later today...11:15
shadeslayersheldon: the moment we get 4.4.80 packages here : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/  : there should be no ftbfs issues11:16
itaflaviof: no thing happen11:17
flaviofwhat is your wireless chipset?11:19
flaviofToo generic, do a [lspci] command in a terminal.11:19
shadeslayersheldon: make that https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs11:20
itaflaviof: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection11:20
naftilos76hi i have a problem with Java not working under Firefox 3.5.9. My Kubuntu is 64bit 9.10 & KDE updated to 4.4.2. I have installed sun java update 20 from the repos but i can't see it working if i go to www.java.com. Any suggestions?11:21
ouhhello, i need help, i cant connect to the internet nor to my router, i get a message dbus-launch no protocol specified, what can i do?11:23
flaviofsheldon: It's a problem with the wireles chipset, check this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57549211:23
sheldonflaviof, i don't have problem with wireless chipset ;) i m just hasking to shadeslayer when kde 4.5beta1 packages will be available on Lucid11:24
flaviofMy bad, it's ita11:24
flaviofita: It's a problem with the wireles chipset, check this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57549211:24
itaflaviof: I have no problem with ubuntu just the problem in kubutnu11:25
ouhsomeone able to help me?11:27
flaviofita: Your install includes ubuntu too? If so use the nm-applet and see if it works. Run it from a terminal.11:27
naftilos76OK guys - no worries - stupid me! i had not installed the plugin for Firefox!11:27
itaflaviof: no I install ubuntu in a different partition not in the same system11:28
flaviofita: I had problems with knetworkmanager at first, I had installed the ubuntu-desktop on my kubuntu system, so I used nm-applet, later I used the plasma widget. But I stiill think the nm-applet is more robust.11:30
=== h is now known as Guest27607
Guest27607sry lost connection, stil having the problem on my kubuntu system, cant connect to internet nor router, dbus-launch error np protocol specified, so what could i do?11:32
flaviofita: Have to togo.11:34
LaganHello everybody, wich distro would you recommend me if I wanted to start programming?11:35
Guest27607id say any distribution^^ as long as u dont use windows =)11:35
Guest27607So ppl, plz help me: I cant connect to internet nor router on kubuntu anymore ... its a dbus-problem, i never made any manual settings. how can i reconnect11:37
crashevwhich package contains cnetworkmanager ? My network suddenly went off and now its Network manager is disabled crap11:49
shadeslayer!find cnetworkmanager11:51
ubottuPackage/file cnetworkmanager does not exist in lucid11:51
shadeslayercrashev: ^^11:51
crashevnice,I usually enabled NetworkManager with cnetworkmanager cli tool in gentoo11:53
ryrychhello, I've got a problem with akonadi. First, I can't install mysql database. I'm following this howto: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting11:59
ryrychI have clean mysql server 5.1 installation11:59
ryrychadded a password for root user11:59
ryrychafter issue: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting I get the following error: Ignoring user change to 'root' because the user was set to 'mysql' earlier on the command line12:00
ryrychoh, after issuing: mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ -u root12:00
ryrychbut I have not changed user to mysql!12:01
ryrychgenerally I can't log in to mysql server: it tells me I have no permissions even though I'm loggin in as root user :(12:02
=== RiotingPacifist is now known as xbehave
oxymoronNow I want to know once and for all, why doesnt Kopete save my MSN passwords if I say it should by click that checkbutton? Everytime I need to retype my Kwallet pass + password for every single account login .... And then status message never is saved until next login, why? :S12:19
Mamarokoxymoron: set your Kwallet settings to allow always, then it should only ask you once in a session12:20
Mamarokthe first app that uses Kwallet will ask on session start, then you should have no more password prompts12:21
oxymoronMamarok: Yeah I have allow always.12:21
Mamarokyou can set that in the system Settings -> Advanced tab -> KDE wallet12:22
Mamarokcheck that you have this for all apps12:22
oxymoronMamarok: Yeah I have12:23
michael___how do you use kontact address books to send emails? i don't get it. do you have to copy and paste the address each time?12:23
michael___oh i see, you can just click on the email and it opens up a new address...but how can i set one book as default? i have multiple books, one is an akonadi resource for google contacts12:23
oxymoronMamarok: I have "allow always" on all my Kwallet apps.12:23
michael___it opens up a new email i mean12:24
Mamarokhm, then it might well be a Kopete problem, which KDE do you use?12:24
oxymoronMamarok: The only problematic one is Kopete.12:24
Mamarokmichael___: add all your adressbooks to the resources list of Akonadi, then it should not be a problem12:25
Mamarokstart typing a name and it should autocomplete from the books12:25
Mamarokoxymoron: which KDE version do you use?12:26
michael___i don't want to copy over the entire address book to the personal one because then it won't sync with google12:26
Mamarokmichael___: you don't need to, you can add more than one ressource12:26
michael___autocomplete isn't working because it isn't taking contacts from the akonadi resource12:26
oxymoronMamarok: 4.4.3 I think, latest stable one12:26
Mamarokoxymoron: yes, that from the backports PPA12:27
Mamarokmichael___: it should work12:27
Mamarokjust make sure you have selected all the ressources12:27
oxymoronMamarok: Oh I have 4.4.2 I saw now.12:27
Mamarokoxymoron: try upgrading, the 4.4.3 is in the backports PPA, see alsso http://kubuntu.org12:28
michael___I'm not sure I get it. I have two address books, one is the default Personal Contacts (which is empty) and another is the akonadi_googledata_resource_0 that's suppose to sync with my google contacts. When I create a new mail message and start entering addresses or names in the TO field, none of my contacts from the akonadi resource come up.12:28
Mamarokmichael___: are those selected in the Kadressbook part of Kontact?12:29
michael___Mamarok: Yes12:29
Mamarokhm, let me try...12:29
oxymoronMamarok: "Users of 10.04 LTS can install it from the Kubuntu Updates PPA." ... hmm not me appararently and I use 10.0412:30
Mamarokoxymoron: because you don't have that source in your sources.list12:30
Mamarokfollwo the instructions12:30
michael___What is also weird is that my Personal Contacts address book is empty, yet when I click SELECT beside a TO field for a new email, it shows addresses in there (that are not from any other address book I can see).12:31
oxymoronMamarok: Yeah I have added it already and upgrading while weyre speaking.12:31
oxymoronMamarok: I just thought it should work out of the box without have to add kubuntu-ppa source12:31
Mamarokno, it doesn't, not the policy of *Ubuntu12:31
Mamarokif you only have the default sources, you only get security updates12:32
oxymoronMamarok: But why isnt 4.4.3 replace 4.4.2 one in regular updates?12:32
oxymoronMamarok: Alright :P12:32
oxymoronWell and then I wonder why I cant find Kdevelop in main packages, I have to enable unsupported ones?12:32
Mamarokoxymoron: it might well end in the regular backports repo, but not until 4.4.4 is out12:32
michael___How does one change the Default Addressbook in Kontact?12:32
Mamarokoxymoron: you should enable universe, yes, else your KDE is far from complete12:33
oxymoronMamarok: Alright, oh and do you know if it will be possible to use 4.5 Beta 1 soon?12:33
Mamarokmichael___: go to the adressbook, and select the one you want to use12:33
oxymoronMamarok: Universe is always added.12:33
Mamarokoxymoron: they are working on the packages, but beta is not recommended for average users, it will be in the beta PPA12:34
oxymoronMamarok: And it seems Kopete works as it hsould now with passwords :)12:34
mir_I have a little problem with amarok.12:34
mir_My sound is very low.12:34
oxymoronMamarok: Yes I know. But do you think its worth a shot? Beta for KDe 4.5 seems quite early this time, 4.4 came later last year.12:34
mir_But everything is at 100%.12:34
michael___Mamarok: That doesn't work.12:34
oxymoronmir_: Its not a Amarok problem, start Kmix and start mixing.12:35
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mir_K, will try. Thanks oxymoron.12:35
oxymoronmir_: If youre on a laptop you need to fix some thins MAYBE though, I heard problems with low volume even if max everywhere on computer.12:35
oxymoronmir_: Then you can try Party mode in Equalizer in Amarok, that make volume sounds a lot higher (I have tested all of them)12:36
Mamarokoxymoron: that is normal, there always is a stable update around beta time, but I would not install any beta software if I am not comfortable with errors12:36
Mamaroka beta is for testers only and they are asked to report bugs12:37
oxymoronMamarok: Depends, some crashes isnt any problem if most apps are quite stable most of time, but too many crashes to often is not wort hit.12:37
mir_Im not at a laptop, but I think I already have kmix loaded.12:37
oxymoronMamarok: Usually Beta is always stable on Linux distros and apps.12:37
mir_Isnt that the standard sound program?12:37
Mamarokoxymoron: well, if you are really willing to test without complaining, being aware that some things might be a bit shaky, then itŝ up to you to decide12:37
oxymoronmir_: Do you see a audio speaker in the systray (Right bottom corner)?12:38
Mamarokjust be aware that it is not supported, and onyl for testers12:38
mir_oxymoron: Yeah, the box is aimed at the right and when I click on it I get a window with master on it.12:39
oxymoronMamarok: Well I can always ask in dev ... But I dont think its worth it, 4.5 Beta hasnt any revoloutionary changes anyway, they wil come later on I think. And its a freaking SHAME Akonadi team doesnt fix it until 4.5 stable release, they have been struggling all along. Soon I think KDE should ditch Akonadi once and for all and do something else.12:39
mir_And it also says master.12:39
mir_Oops, mixer I mean.12:39
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oxymoronmir_: Yeah, try drag that thing where it says master, OR press button that says mixer12:40
mir_DId both, all at 100%.12:40
michael___Odd that configuring one's default addressbook can be such a pain.12:40
oxymoronmir_: Hmm, could be errors on audio card, any drivers. But I think there is a alsa mixer, wait a sec.12:41
mir_K, will do.12:41
oxymoronmir_: alt+f2 => Type "konsole" and press enter => Type "alsamixer" in Konsole and press enter (Now you should see something like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alsamixer.png)12:42
mir_Can I start it without konsole?12:42
oxymoronmir_: Uhm not sure about that, I dont think so. Maybe they have a GUI somewhere12:43
mir_O, ok.12:43
oxymoronmir_: Or uhm Kmix is a GUI of alsamixer I think, but not as complex as alsamixer is.12:44
oxymoronmir_: Before I got problem with sound as you, I had max on everything, then I solved with alsamixer.12:44
oxymoronmir_: Which Kubuntu version are you using btw?12:45
mir_My pc is slow without windows :S12:45
mir_Where can I find that info?12:45
Mamarokoxymoron: Akonadi is not developed at the same pace as KDE base is, and they warned about that long before, Kontact has another rythm12:46
Mamarokmir_: Vista is much slower than KDE here12:47
caligai have a problem with skype. recorded sound is totally distorted. works fine in audacity. i suspect timing issues12:48
mir_yeah, I used windows xp.12:48
mir_Any way to speed up kde/ kubuntu?12:49
caligacan i tweak the buffersize for recording or something like that?12:50
mir_alsamixer is all maxed out I think12:52
caligawhat api does skype use to access the soundcard / microphone?12:53
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
mir_Sorry, kubuntu hanged.13:01
mir_Or I am too stupid to know how to kill processes that hang.13:01
sobczykthere might be leak in something connected with xorg (fglrx?) my Xorg takes up 460MB of RAM and I suppose it's not normal13:06
mir_I still dont know how to get the sound working :(13:07
sobczykmir_: try development alsa drivers13:08
lexdoes anyone speak rus?13:08
sobczykworked for me13:08
mir_Well, my sound work. I mean its not loud enough.13:08
mir_And where can I find those?13:08
sobczykmir_: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa13:10
sobczyk"add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa" in terminal13:11
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sobczykthen install the wanted linux-alsa-driver13:11
sobczyk2.6.32 for lucid13:12
mir_I did sudo add-apt-repository *replacethis*13:14
mir_And then I did sudo apt-get update13:14
mir_Is that ok, or did I just broke something?13:15
mir_Btw, My update manager asks me to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 'Lucid Lynx' but I run kubuntu :S... Is that ok?13:19
sobczykmir_: for me I just rebooted and sound was there13:23
mir_Ok, will try.13:23
mir_Brb, and thanks.13:24
sobczykI had a rare Realtek codec (dell laptop)13:24
BluesKaj'Morning all13:26
mir_Doesnt work :(13:28
mir_Now my sound is gone.13:29
ShorTieg00d mornin guys13:29
BluesKajhi ShorTie13:29
BluesKajmir_, check alsamixer ctrls , sometimes the pcm is turned down or muted after an update13:30
mir_HDA VIA VT82xx (ALC880 Analog) seems to be working.13:32
mir_But ¨pulseaudio¨ is ¨broken¨.13:32
mir_Trying in the back of the pc, brb.13:33
mir_O, he is now installing something.13:35
mir_Thanks, man.13:37
mir_It works perfectly, even better than in windows :D13:37
mueslihow can i make phonon use a plug-alsa device?13:50
muesliit only seems to list hardware devices13:50
BluesKajmuesli, pls explain plug-alsa device , what is it ?13:54
kleopatra_Hallo, anscheinend hat der knetworkmanager bei mir den geist aufgegeben, auf jeden fall hab ich kein internet mehr wenn ich starte, ich musste die /etc/network/interfaces bearbeiten und ifup manuell ausführen dmit überhaupt wieder was geht, worna kann das liegen?14:04
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:05
kleopatra_well it seems knetworkmanager will not work properly anymore i had to edit the /etc/network/interfaces and run ifup manually, whats up with the networkmanager?14:07
muesliBluesKaj: if i create my own virtual alsa device (a dmix plug e.g.)14:08
muesliBluesKaj: the big issue is, with spdif / digital sound output there's no hardware audio mixing14:08
muesliso i need to rely on dmix14:08
muesliwhich is great and works fine... except phonon doesn't allow me to pick the device for output14:08
muesliand accesses the hardware device directly (which kills the dmix plug)14:08
muesliso as of now: with kubuntu / kde and optical audio output, i can only use _one_ audio app at a time14:09
mueslikleopatra_: knetworkmanager never worked for me14:11
kleopatra_can i write somewhere that ifup will be executed automatically at the beginning? i dont see why i should do it manually14:23
amichairhow do I edit an RTL text file in kate?14:26
zusis ksmooth dock still supported?14:38
BluesKajmuesli, yes that's a common problem with some soundcards in both kubuntu and windows , trying to tun digital out and analog out simultaneously is usually a function of the soundcard and not the software. However in this case it may be a bug that I've seen before, but I'm not sure what the fix is..you could check on launchpad14:39
muesliBluesKaj: no no, i'm not talking digital & analog concurrently14:41
mueslii'm talking about two alsa apps accessing one digital output14:41
BluesKajmuesli, pulseaudio might work for you14:42
mueslii can setup my dmix plug just fine. i can run several xines, flash, whatever.14:42
mueslibut as soon as phonon opens the hardware device directly, dmix gets killed14:43
muesliBluesKaj: possibly, then again i'm fed up with pulseaudio for different reasons14:43
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BluesKajnormally I don't do any mixing , so it's hard to answer14:44
BluesKajmuesli, what about jack -audio14:44
muesliBluesKaj: well, that's all workarounds for some basic feature (accessing alsa plugs) that phonon is currently lacking14:45
mueslii'd rather fix phonon14:45
mueslioh, now that's funny:14:45
muesliif i open kde's system settings / multimedia14:45
muesliand edit my asoundrc in a text editor, suddenly the plugs show up in the system settings.... and they even work with phonon14:46
zusanyone know exactly how i can get this tuner card to work?  i believe its the bttv848 or thats the driver i need this site says its standard in the kernal,... how ever when i attach my cable/coax to it and  the tv i get nothing14:46
muesliso it's just a silly bug in system settings, quite likely at least14:46
BluesKajmuesli, that 's interesting , care to pastebin your asoundrc file ...I'd like to take a look14:47
muesliBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/DB4fyZkY14:48
muesliBluesKaj: that works fine with all apps that access alsa's default device14:49
mueslijust not when they query hardware devices and access them directly14:49
BluesKajmuesli,  right14:50
BluesKajzus, expalin "i get nothing"..?14:53
zusBluesKaj,  i dont see my screen on my tv nor do i see my tv on my monitor...14:54
BluesKajzus, have you tried installing configuring tvtime as I suggestsed a while ago /14:55
zusBluesKaj,  sorry had to run afk a sec... yea but stll wasnt working  i gave up15:02
zusBluesKaj,  figured i'd try again though15:03
mueslizus: are you trying to _watch_ tv or are you trying to use your tv as a computer monitor?15:03
zusmuesli, i'd like either but i only have a tv out and a fm  connector on the card15:04
zusmuse and the s cable plug and a couple audio hook ups15:05
mueslizus: so, for watching tv, that should work with a btxxx chip15:05
mueslitv-out is a totally different matter and doesn't have anything to do with your tv card15:05
zusmuesli,  my video card might can do it but that wont work in this machine15:06
patrikohi. im newbie. i just installed kubuntu but it is too slow. i quess the problem is vga. can you help me pls15:06
mueslizus: yeah, that'd work via your video card15:07
mueslizus: so can you see the card in kaffeine?15:07
mueslizus: can you scan channels?15:07
zusmuesli,  i didnt install it15:08
zusmuesli,  everytime i got a facebook im  kaffeine opened up15:09
mueslizus: what?15:09
mueslizus: anyway, install it to see if your card works, it's probably the most user-friendly tv app on kde15:10
woodnymphhello this is woodnymph im not sure what this is. i would appreciate if someone could explain where i am and what this is  :-)15:10
zuswhen  i downloaded kaffeine, when ever  some one instant messaged me  on facebook - kaffeiene  opened up. that got annoying real fast...15:10
muesliwoodnymph: why would you come here if you don't know what it is?15:10
muesliwoodnymph: anyways, it's the secret cia / fbi exchange channel15:11
woodnymphi was just pokin around seeing what all i had on my linux and clicked on this15:11
mueslizus: i've never heard of that, but you should probably file a bug report then15:11
patrikocan anyone help me pls15:11
muesliwoodnymph: so, this is a support chat ;-)15:11
woodnymphi have only had this OS for a few months and still getting to know it15:12
woodnymphoh cool wish i had known about this at the beginning  lol15:12
BluesKajpatriko, lspci | grep VGA in the konsole15:12
patrikoATI Technologies Inc RS400 [Radeon Xpress 200M]15:13
patrikoBluesKaj: does it mean my card is working fine ?15:14
soeedoes Kubuntu dev team plan s to put KDE 4.5b1 into beta repositories ?15:14
zusmuesli,  i got kaffeine ill try again some time today,..ill even give tvtime another go as well,..if i no luck then ill try again when i buy a new pc....at this point it would be nice to have, but  not needed.15:16
BluesKajpatriko, opeb kmenu/system settings/display and see if yoiu can change your eresolution there15:19
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* BluesKaj needs anew KB15:20
patrikoBluesKaj: yes i can15:21
BluesKajok look for the res you used in windows , patriko , then click apply15:22
roxy81what is there for software under kubuntu for a media center?15:22
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:23
shadeslayerroxy81: well.. theres a alpha plasmoid,called plasma-media-center15:23
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:23
shadeslayerBluesKaj: eh?15:24
BluesKajwell he asked for media center apps15:24
workspacehow are you all doing today ?15:25
patrikoBluesKaj: but i wanna say this i can change the resolition under LVDS tab, the VGA-0 tab is passive15:27
woodnymphis there any IM app that will allow me to use my built in web cam on my laptop?15:29
BluesKajpatriko, sorry , I don't have either of those designations in my system display15:29
patrikoBluesKaj: ok thank you15:30
patrikoi quess im gonna remove kubuntu. ati sucks15:30
BluesKajpatriko, but I have the same video card on my other desktop and it worked fine with 1680x105015:31
patrikoati x200 is an old card and i know i have to use it with open source driver. But i dont know how to install ati open source driver to kubuntu15:32
BluesKajpatriko, you should be able to use the kernel source driver , look in the kmenu / settings for hardware, there may be a driver that needs installing15:34
patrikoBluesKaj: i already looked but it says no propreitry driver to install15:35
BluesKajit's not proprietary15:35
BluesKajI mean the driver you need15:35
patrikohow can i do şt15:36
ArGGu^^the open source driver should be installed by default15:36
patrikohow can i understand if my driver install. i dont know kubuntu..  isnt there stk like glxinfo15:37
ArGGu^^patriko cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver15:40
ArGGu^^what that returns?15:41
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TecumsehI have a little problem with kickoff after installing kdegames, there are no menuitems added to kickoff. I tried a reboot and after that a complete removal of kdegames and install it again. Still nothing added to kickoff.15:43
TecumsehThe system I'm using has been installed recently with kubuntu-lucid-amd6415:44
BluesKajArGGu^^, he may not have an xorg.conf file , they aren't generated by default anymore15:50
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gigi81cè qualcuno italiano?16:05
JontheEchidna!it | gigi8116:06
ubottugigi81: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:06
gigi81 /join #ubuntu-it16:07
=== flavio is now known as flaviof
ryyHello,  I just installed kubuntu 10.04 on my Acer Aspire 5532. Unfortunately,  The wireless tab in "nework connection" is disabled.  Do I have to do something to turn on wireless?  Please advise.16:36
BluesKaj /etc/fstab/ won't open in kate for editing ...cli error >  QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/kaj/.config/ibus/bus ...any suggestions ?16:37
DarthFrogryy: Is "Enable wireless" checked off?  Do you have a function key that toggles wireless?16:37
BluesKajryy, type network-manager in the run command alt +f216:38
ryyDarthFrog: wher is "Enable wireless" ?16:38
DarthFrogryy: It is below "Connect to other networks" in the knetworkmanager systray utility.16:39
prowerhello everyone :> occasionally i'm getting this message from konsole when i try to start it up: 'cannot start /bin/bash with arguments /bin/bash' (it's something to that effect, i don't have the netbook in front of me at the moment :>) has anyone else had a similar problem?16:41
ryyI am right clicking on my wired connection in the sys tray, clicking on manage connections.  But I don't see this option.  Am I looking in the wrong place?16:42
shadeslayerprower: your passing wrong arguments to the startup script of bash16:43
BluesKajryy, read my post above16:43
shadeslayerprower: right click on konsole and click edit profile16:43
shadeslayerprower: the command should say : /bin/bash16:43
senfmanAfter updating to the new Kubuntu version KMail throws the Error Message "Unable to complete LIST Operation". Do you guys kknow why.16:44
gelbjgdhello everyone16:44
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prowershadeslayer: i'm fairly certain that it did read /bin/bash, i didn't change it from the default16:44
ekeluoAnyone know status of kde SC 4.5 beta 1 for kubuntu?16:45
gelbjgdi have a problem with kubuntu 100416:45
shadeslayer_ekeluo: yes16:45
DarthFrogryy: I'm DCC Sending you a screenshot of what my knetworkmanager utility looks like.16:45
gelbjgdi can not change the screen backlight with fn key16:45
shadeslayer_ekeluo: there are some issues,and were not entirely sure we want to put it in the beta ppa,but that is yet to be decided16:45
gelbjgdbut only under kde 4.4.2 and 4.4.316:45
shadeslayer_prower: how about removing your konsole rc?16:46
shadeslayer_prower: it should be in ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc16:46
ekeluoshadeslayer: I see...16:47
ryyBluesKaj: typing in "nework-manager" did not do anything.  Perhaps you mean knetworkmanager?16:47
DarthFrogryy:  http://imagebin.org/9905116:47
prowershadeslayer_, i didn't try that specifically, but i did at one point log out and blow away my entire .kde directory to let it all be recreated, just in case it was a bug fixed in an upgrade :> still happened though, but only occasionally...very hard to pin down what the issue is16:47
shadeslayer_ekeluo: upstream split packages causing ABI issues16:47
BluesKajryy, try network manager16:47
shadeslayer_prower: :P16:47
shadeslayer_prower: no idea after that then :P16:47
ekeluoAnyone else having a scrolling problem in dolphin? 4.4.2 on karmic here, not enough bandwidth to upgrade to lucid yet.16:47
ekeluoAlso waiting for SC 4.516:48
prowershadeslayer_, that's pretty much the point i was left at too :/ between that and having to turn compositing on and off for certain opengl applications and i just wound up going back to gnome on my desktop instead, at least for a while16:48
shadeslayer_prower: hehe :P16:48
ryyDarthFrog:  I only have two options: Auto eth0 and Manage Connections16:49
gelbjgdi am using kubunt 1004, but i can not change screen backlight with fn key. but under other de is ok. could someone help me ?16:49
jussiHow does one tell how much memory is on the graphics card?16:49
DarthFrogryy: I wonder if the system is detecting/supporting your wireless NIC.16:50
ryyDarthFrog: how can I verify?16:51
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DarthFrogryy: Look at the loaded kernel modules and see if the right driver is loaded.  "lsmod" will list the loaded modules.16:51
ekeluoAnyone Tried crystal desktop search widget? Saw it recently, wondering wats up wit it16:53
ryyBluesKaj: I typed in "network manager" and the input box disappeared. However, KNetworkManager shows up in the drop down as I am typing.  Do you want me to select that?16:53
ryyDarthFrog: I don't see anything that says wireless.  I am not sure of the chipset name.  I will boot into my window partition and get the chipset information.  brb16:56
antanasLabas lop[ai16:57
antanasko nešnekat??16:58
marcosgostaria de saber como usar o amsn no kubuntu  ?17:09
DarthFrog!es | marcos17:10
ubottumarcos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:10
prowerhello again ;> just another quick question...there's a bug involving qt-creator that currently makes it take up to a minute or more to start and constantly use 100% cpu while the window is being drawn...it's known upstream but who knows how long that's going to be before kubuntu ever sees it :> can anyone suggest another good c/c++ ide for developing qt applications?17:12
DarthFrogprower: kdevelop?17:12
prowerDarthFrog: Ah, yes that's true :> I wasn't sure if that was still being developed or not, or if it supported qt417:13
DarthFrogHmm, nothing from the bot.17:13
proweralthough just checking synaptic it doesn't appear that kdevelop is even in the repositories :/17:14
DarthFrogI find kdevelop and a bunch of accessory packages via "apt-cache search kdevelop".17:14
prowerDarthFrog, Hmm, not here, but I'm using 64-bit, 10.04, what version are you using?17:15
DarthFrogBut I have the PPA archive enabled.  It might be from there.17:15
DarthFrogprower: Same.17:15
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:16
prowerDarthFrog: Hmm, I see...maybe the ppa is what I should be trying as well, with the default kubuntu distribution of kde i've had a number of strange little issues17:16
ryyHello,   I have Broadcom 802.11n nework adapter.  But I see no sign of broadcom or wireless after doing lsmod17:17
DarthFrogprower: Here's what I found: KDevelop 4 is now available in lucid-backports for users of the newly ...17:17
=== anfi is now known as anfi_afk
ryyDartFrong:  What should I be looking for in lsmod output?17:17
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:17
DarthFrogryy: What chipset?17:18
ryyDarthFrog:  Windows device manager said Broadcom 802.11n network adapter.  Does that sound correct to you?17:19
DarthFrogryy: Yes.17:19
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:19
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ryyDarthFrog: I don't see any mention of Broadcom in the lsmod output.17:20
DarthFrogryy: It's not called Broadcom.  It's called bcm43xx or something like that.  Check the URL that I had the bot show.17:20
ryyDarthFrog: reading it right now.17:21
DarthFrogprower: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop17:21
prowerDarthFrog, Thanks for the information, I'll have to check that out and see how kdevelop compares :> qt creator is my favourite ide by far for qt4 but until the problems are sorted out it's pretty much unusable :/ i think lts should stand for long term stress sometimes, ha17:23
ryyDarthFrog: typing in "lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4" resulted in "02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4357] (rev 01)"  Does this mean that kubuntu found the device?17:23
DarthFrogprower: There's also qdevelop, devoted to Qt.17:24
DarthFrogryy: It means the system knows that it is attached. :-)  This is a good thing.17:24
prowerDarthFrog, Hmm...the screenshot of that looks pretty nice actually, and I've never heard of it before :> Is there a way you can install packages from backports without enabling backports for -every- package?17:25
DarthFrogprower: I have no idea.  You could just enable backports, install what you want, then disable it.17:26
tsimpsonprower: enable backports, install the package, disable backports ;)17:26
DarthFrogIn stereo, even. :-)17:26
prowertsimpson: Well that might work :> But if there are packages that need to be upgraded as part of the dependencies then they're going to be pulled from backports as well, i assume at least17:28
tsimpsonprower: that's both unavoidable and totally necessary. if a package requires something from backports it should be installed too17:29
tsimpson*installed or upgraded17:29
prowertsimpson: hmm...that's true, unfortunately it means that i might have to go to a more unstable desktop setup just to get a (hopefully) more stable ide :/ i'll have to take a look around at the options i suppose17:30
ryyDarthFrog:  Do you know where I can fid "harware drivers" under system settings?17:30
tsimpsonprower: only with the components that KDevelop needs17:31
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DarthFrogryy: Doesn't exist.17:33
DarthFrogryy: You're misreading the web page. :-)17:33
DarthFrogryy: That page doesn't say System Settings.17:34
DarthFrogryy: You could also get to the same spot by Alt-F2, "jockey"17:36
prowerDarthFrog, On the plus side there's a work around for qt creator :> On the downside it involes deleting qt-doc17:39
DarthFrogprower: Into every life, a little rain must fall. :-)  <grinning, ducking and running>17:40
DarthFrogCouldn't you apt-pin qt-doc?17:40
prowerDarthFrog: Apparently the bug itself relates to qt-creator attempting to rebuild the help indexes every time it starts, it's known upstream...so if qt-doc is there at all, 1-2 minutes startup time :>17:41
prowerI'm hoping the window redraw problem isn't there when I try it but I've had a lot of problems with 4.4.217:42
prowerunfortunately the last upstream report on that bug was in march :< doesn't look like it's being given very high priority17:44
bbeckWill there be a release of KDE 4.5 Beta 1?17:46
DarthFrogbbeck: You'd have to ask Riddell.17:49
Riddellbbeck: due to ABI changes upstream it's looking unlikely for lucid17:50
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DarthFrogRiddell: Would the released version be back-ported to Lucid?17:51
RiddellDarthFrog: you mean 4.5 final?17:52
RiddellDarthFrog: depends if the ABI issues can be sorted17:52
DarthFrogMakes sense.17:53
tdnichotried installing kubuntu 10.04 alongside windows 7 but they don't seem to play nicely together...cannot boot either os after kubuntu tells me to reboot following file copying18:06
tdnichohad to resintall windows 718:06
tdnichoworks with ubuntu 10.04....just not with kubuntu 10.04    any ideas?18:07
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho, did you sudo upgrade-grub18:07
DarthFrogupdate-grub, not upgrade.18:07
tdnichoat what point should i do that, BluesKaj?18:07
BluesKaj-Laptopyeah update...sry18:08
DarthFrogBluesKaj-Laptop: Also, he's talking about during the install itself.18:08
James147tdnicho: after you install it18:08
tdnichoso i wiped the hardrive installing windows 7 first because it seems windows is pickier18:08
tdnichothen i installed kubuntu 10.04....i should update-grub then?18:08
BluesKaj-Laptopok DarthFrog , I'l let yoiu handle this ...too many cooks already18:09
DarthFrogBluesKaj-Laptop: No, i'm not going to.  Busy elsewhere.18:09
BluesKaj-Laptophmm, not too busy as to correct ppl tho :)18:10
tdnichoso BluesKaj, i should update-grub before rebooting after kubuntu copies all files?  this is without another linux partition on the hard drive (just what kubuntu created)18:10
DarthFrogThat takes no time. :-)18:10
tdnichoappreciate any ideas anyone might have...18:12
James147tdnicho: sounds like a problem with grub, thus running update-grub after you install might help... If it dosnt you can reinstall windows mbr by running the windows repair cd if all else fails but you should be able to recover it from a live (ie you shouldnt need to reinstall everything again)18:13
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho,  if kubuntu installed and you didn't see the grub menu after restarting then there could be other problems such as kernel source drivers for your graphics card etc18:13
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho, that's if you installed kubuntu after insalling W718:14
James147BluesKaj-Laptop: would problems in the kernal matter? that is handleed after grub is it not?18:15
tdnichothanks, BluesKaj, I'll try it one more time...I should be ok letting Kubuntu handle the HD partitioning automatically, right?18:16
James147tdnicho: you can, but I tend to do it manually as I know how I want it set up more then kubuntu does :)18:16
James147tdnicho: if it does fail again I would first try to manually install grub218:17
tdnichothink that might be beyond the scope of my knowledge (ok...know it is beyond...)18:17
James147!grub2 | tdnicho18:17
ubottutdnicho: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:17
tdnichomanually install grub2 from within kubuntu...18:17
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho, you should see grub menu if you installed kubuntu last18:18
James147tdnicho: its not to hard, the above link have a nice howto with step by step guids on how to do it :) (direct link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD)18:19
tdnichook, thanks BluesKaj and James...off for another try18:19
James147^^ will need to copy/paste that url rather then clicking on it :(18:20
tdnichobefore I try again...should I remove ubuntu first or can i install kubuntu alongside windows 7 AND ubuntu?18:20
James147tdnicho: you can install them along side each other, although there isnt much point (wastes mroe space) when you can install ubuntu and kubuntu togeather on the same install (by installing the (k)ubuntu-desktop package)18:21
James147tdnicho: if you choise to remove it you can just format the partition with ubuntu on it and use that18:22
tdnichogood tip James...so I should just go to the software center?  is kubuntu desktop in there?18:22
James147tdnicho: it is (or via commandline: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop )18:23
tdnichojust found it James, thanks...you saved me another hour of installing software!18:24
tdnichois it a snap to implement the KDE desktop environment once I've downloaded kubuntu-desktop?18:24
tdnichoi guess that's redudant...18:24
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho, just choose your desktop environment at login , either kubuntu or gnome.18:27
tdnichothanks again BluesKaj18:28
BluesKaj-Laptoptdnicho, so what have you decided ?18:29
tdnichoi will just install kubuntu-desktop18:30
BluesKaj-Laptopok, cool :)18:31
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tdnichoBluesKaj-Laptop:  one more question...once Kubuntu-desktop is installed, will i need to reboot to invoke KDE or just log out and log back in?18:36
James147tdnicho: logout, you might need to restart x18:36
tdnichorgr, thanks18:37
James147tdnicho: (you can do that from the login screen)18:37
BluesKaj-Laptopyeah just logout and choose your desktop in the menu18:37
RiddellDarthFrog: I have 4.5 beta packages for lucid if you want to test18:38
RiddellDarthFrog: they will break kdepim and various other applications18:38
DarthFrogRiddell: Thanks.  I don't use kdepim or kmail.18:44
RiddellDarthFrog: actually looks like we're still waiting on kdebase-workspace so I'll let you know when that's done18:45
sheytanHi there18:52
sheytani've got a nepomuk zombie process which i can't kill18:53
sheytancan someone help?18:53
James147sheytan: send it the KILL signal (kill -9 <process>  will do that)18:58
sheytanJames147 it's not so easy :D there's few nepomukservices processes. And looks like that zombie belongs to each of them18:59
James147sheytan: killall -9 nepomukservices19:00
BluesKaj-Laptopsheytan, is nepomuk absolutely necessary for your setup ...I find it more of a pita than beneficial19:01
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flaviofanybody knows where can I find a ktorrent 4.0 package?19:02
sheytanJames147 nothing19:03
sheytanit doesn't kill the process19:03
sheytaneven with -919:03
raindog_sheytan: check it's parent process.19:03
sheytanraindog_ yes, it switches me to another nepomukservices procees. when i kill it, the zombie is still there. When i check it's parent again, it does the same thing19:04
raindog_sheytan: When possible I've killed the parent process before with sucess.19:05
sheytanraindog_ me not19:05
milo__i need help :(19:11
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James147!help | milo__19:14
ubottumilo__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:14
milo__i can't view youtub videos nor can i get access to the gnome volume control19:17
James147milo__: have you installed flashplugin-installer? and see #ubuntu for gnome related problems19:18
BluesKaj-Laptopmilo__, in the konsole/terminal , sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree19:18
BluesKaj-Laptopmilo__, also , sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:19
milo__ok let me try that. thanks19:20
James147BluesKaj-Laptop: Note: flashplugin-nonfree is a transitional package to flashplugin-installer19:21
BluesKaj-LaptopJames147, duly noted , but ppl still need from what I've seen here19:22
James147BluesKaj-Laptop: installing it just installs the *-installer, may as well just install that... (also i think the restricted extras will install the *-installer as well)19:23
BluesKaj-LaptopJames147, let's hope so , it's time the flash situation was sorted out19:24
milo__BluesKaj-Laptop- James147: should i restart my computer?19:25
BluesKaj-Laptopno need, milo__  ,19:26
James147milo__: just restart you browser19:26
BluesKaj-Laptopyou may need to quit and restart your browser for flash heavy sites to work like youtube19:27
milo__BluesKaj-Laptop- James147: youtube and gnome are still not working ...19:31
BluesKaj-Laptopmilo__, what desktop do you have installed ?19:32
milo__BluesKaj-laptop: it's a laptop19:33
James147milo__: are you running gnome or kde? (the desktop enviroment)19:34
oxymoronUhm, what da heck have happened to Kate, it crashes when I try to open it? :S19:35
James147oxymoron: seems fine over here :S19:35
bmwHelp: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libplasmagenericshell4_4%3a4.4.2-0ubuntu14_i386.deb (--unpack):19:35
bmw trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libplasmagenericshell.so.4.4.0', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa419:35
BluesKaj-Laptopno which version of ubuntu , ubuntu uses gnome-desktop . kubuntu uses kde aka kubuntu-desktop, milo__19:36
oxymoronJames147: I get http://pastebin.com/Q1wvEmSY19:36
oxymoronJames147: Should menu post entry be "kate -b " ? :S19:37
James147oxymoron: :S that dosnt look good, what version are you running?19:37
milo__James147- BluesKaj: I am running gnome under ubuntu 9.0419:37
oxymoronJames147: Uhm KDE 4.4.3 now, should be stable.19:38
oxymoronJames147: if I run kate from terminal it works :S19:38
James147oxymoron: 4.4.2 here... if it works from terminal try t with the options in the menu see if thats whats causing it19:39
oxymoronJames147: Works with "kate -b " from terminal :D lol19:40
* oxymoron wonder why he always get this unique errors every time ...19:40
oxymoronJames147: It seems like some kind of incompability MAYBE with Kdevelop and Kate because both uses Kpart19:41
James147oxymoron: what is the -b doing19:41
oxymoronJames147: I dont know :S19:41
oxymoronJames147: http://pastebin.com/STJJPJc119:42
oxymoron"  -b, --block               If using an already running kate instance, block until it exits, if URLs given to open"19:42
oxymoronah now I managed to get automatic paranthesis anyway in Kdevelop by change setting in kate :D19:44
James147oxymoron: probally changing the kpart options? didnt know they where global :S19:46
oxymoronJames147: Yeah I dont know, some programmer have screwed up in there someway.19:47
alex____здесь русскоязычные естьГ19:49
James147!ru | alex____19:49
ubottualex____: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:49
bmwNo help for my dist-upgrade woes? Does anyone have enough experience?19:54
bmwHelp: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libplasmagenericshell4_4%3a4.4.2-0ubuntu14_i386.deb (--unpack):19:55
bmwtrying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libplasmagenericshell.so.4.4.0', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa419:55
milo__BluesKaj-Laptop: are you still there?19:57
Walzmynin Dolphin I use the "remember folder settings" option. How can I set the default options for an uninitialized folder?20:01
James147Walzmyn: Settings > Views Modes20:03
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WalzmynJames147: yeah, I want to set what is default for a new folder - like if I stick in a SD card20:04
James147Walzmyn: Does it not take the settings from there?20:05
toolbearhi.  anybody know how to disable startup apps on the live cd?  or how you make the root password blank (null) on the live cd?20:09
Mamaroktoolbear: there is no password on the Live CD AFAIK20:10
Mamarokalso no apps are starting up normally20:10
Mamarokit shows you a default desktop with a folder view20:11
toolbearmamarok: but you can't change to root.  i.e. using "su" in the terminal won't work.  also, what i mean by "startup apps" is analogous to what is in ubuntu listed under the "startup applications" option in the "sytem"-->"preferences" menu.  these are processes that are started at boot but are in the background20:15
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Mamaroktoolbear: there is no rootpassword, just type sudo and the application, kdesudo for a GUI application20:18
James147toolbear: (k)ubuntu dosnt have a root password at all (you cant su to root) use sudo -i to get a root shell20:18
Mamaroktoolbear: and how do you want to change those settings on a burnt CD?20:18
James147toolbear: root shells are strongly discouraged its best to use sudo <command> instead20:19
Mamarokyou can make your own CD with your own settings if you want to20:19
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Mamarokbut the live CD runs only the essentials in the background anyway20:20
toolbearmamarok: i am just trying to customize the cd.  and using sudo, as i've found, simply isn't a complete substitute for root.20:20
Mamaroktoolbear: it is a much more secure substitution, think again20:21
Mamarokyou can't customize a burnt C, make your own20:21
toolbearmamarok: maybe, but one that still runs into permission problems20:21
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Mamarokabsolutely not, what makes you think that?20:21
toolbearmamarok: well, i've made bash scripts that work perfectly fine with a root user, but can't be executed if you use sudo20:22
Mamarokand again, a live CD has no root password, you don't talk about an installed Linux system20:22
Mamarokwell, those should, are you sure you made no error?20:22
Mamarokyou can login as admin with sudo -i to make it permanent in a shell20:23
toolbearmamarok: they were pretty simple scripts. and the only difference was using a root shell vs. using sudo in a regular shell20:23
Mamarokbesides that being dangerous, it might give you what you want20:23
James147toolbear: cant you edit the script to run as a user and use sudo when it needs to?20:23
Mamarokbut if your scripts are to startup GUI apps, you need kdesudo, instead20:23
James147toolbear: ^^ that would be the suggested method20:23
toolbearjames147: tried that, doesn't work20:23
toolbearjames147: i mean, i believe that it SHOULD work, but for some reason there are problems20:24
Mamaroktoolbear: btw, using tab completion for nickname s might be a good idea, my nick has a capital M20:24
Mamarokso has James14720:25
toolbearMamarok: sorry, i didn't think that it would bother you if i used lowercase20:25
James147Mamarok: quasel is picking up the lowercase for me anyway :D20:25
Mamarokthat would be an bug, then20:26
James147toolbear: its more for nickname highliting (makes it easier to follow)20:26
toolbearJames147: oh, ok20:26
MamarokJames147: well, it highlights OK, I just can't stand when people change my names or nicks20:27
James147Mamarok: no, feature, there si an option to enable/disable case-sensitive20:27
toolbearwell, thanks for you help!20:27
sheldonwhen kde 4.4.80 packages will be uploaded to beta backports ppa?20:50
sheldonhi shadeslayer i saw that kde 4.4.80 is in maverick repo. When will be upload to lucid beta backports ppa?20:51
tsimpsonsheldon: packages are in the process of being created20:56
sheldontsimpson, before 12 AM (+1 GTM) they will be in PPA ?20:57
tsimpsonsheldon: there is no time table, it'll be announced on http://www.kubuntu.org/news20:58
shadeslayertsimpson: PS theyre in experimental21:02
shadeslayerbut were still testing them21:02
shadeslayerso still... DO NOT USE21:02
tsimpsonshadeslayer: not sure if it's all built yet though21:02
tsimpsonand dependency issues etc, always fun21:02
shadeslayertsimpson: hehe http://pastebin.com/FAPPnYbv21:02
Mamarokno, the most basic packages are not puilt, no use to even try21:03
SJrI just installed Kubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, and now my boot up screen is broken and is in horrible low color mode, I tried returning my laptop to Best Buy, but they wouldn't take it back.21:05
SJrThey said it was your fault21:06
shadeslayerSJr: you have the nvidia drivers?21:06
shadeslayerSJr: you can try this http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml21:07
SJrthank you good sir21:08
shadeslayerSJr: ;)21:09
shadeslayerSJr: note this though,the logo will most of the times be misplaced21:09
shadeslayerSJr: like itll go to the extreme left...21:09
shadeslayerSJr: so uninstall the proprietary driver to get the beautiful splash back... or disable plymouth like i did :P21:10
SJrso many people will use those fixes on there laptops that don't support 1280x102421:11
SJrthat didn't work at all21:14
SJratleast only partially21:14
SJrthe color depth is no longer 4 bits, but the resolution was probably 320x24021:14
shadeslayerSJr: did you follow all the steps there?21:20
SJryeah I believe so21:21
shadeslayerSJr: you probably didnt adjust the grub line.. or update grub21:21
shadeslayerSJr: the problem isnt with K/Ubuntu btw,the problem is with nvidia drivers,they do not support KMS21:22
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SJrNo I did21:23
SJrThe menu to select the kernel, that certainly shows up in the right resolution21:23
shadeslayerSJr: hmm...21:23
SJri.e. 1280x80021:23
SJrbut the actual logo is either in the wrong resolution21:23
SJrand/or in the wrong color21:24
shadeslayerSJr: and did you edit the line passed for booting ubuntu?21:24
SJrhmmmm yeah21:24
SJrbut maybe something else is wrong21:24
SJras I can't switch to console21:24
SJrjust get a black screen21:25
shadeslayerSJr: told ya21:27
shadeslayerSJr: the tty's get destroyed.. they get shifted to the bottom21:28
shadeslayerthats the downside21:28
SJrwhen did you say that before?21:28
shadeslayerSJr: told you that plymouth gets shifted...21:28
shadeslayeralong with the tty's21:28
SJralright so how can I just disable the logo21:29
shadeslayerSJr: remove the splash line from /etc/default/grub21:29
SJrthat's it21:29
SJrI can leave my existing changes?21:29
shadeslayerSJr: not the splash line.. i mean the splash word21:30
shadeslayerSJr: cange GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash video=vesafb:mode_option=1440x900-24"21:30
shadeslayerto GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet"21:30
SJrwhat if I still want a high res terminal?21:31
shadeslayerSJr: in grub?21:31
shadeslayernot possible without the vesafb: part21:31
SJrWhat's a good FOSS dropbox replacement21:32
James147SJr: Ubuntu one offers a similuar service21:33
shadeslayerSJr: hmm.. ubuntu one21:33
shadeslayerJames147: no kde integration for now though21:33
SJryeah but it only works on Ubuntu, and I don't like hosting my files elsewhere21:34
James147SJr: Spideroak is another one but I dont know much about it21:35
tsimpsonSJr: it's not only for Ubuntu21:36
SJryeah but it's not FOSS21:36
SJrNovell had one I forget the name but you needed SUSE to host it21:36
bradpitthi. i just finish installing kubuntu lucid then i install choqok. but it seems choqok wont update twitter timelines. what did i miss? thanks21:37
tsimpsonSJr: what's not FOSS about it?21:38
SJrabout which one21:39
SJr For the moment, the SpiderOak client will remain a closed source, commercial application.21:41
tsimpsonno, ubuntu one21:41
SJrServer Side is closed source21:46
GeekZoiddoes anyone here use amarok21:59
GeekZoidwith kubuntu21:59
GeekZoidMplayer is working fine, however none of the songs play in amarok21:59
GeekZoidso im confused on how the new amarok works 2.321:59
GeekZoidim using kubuntu21:59
James147GeekZoid: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras?22:00
GeekZoidi installed ubuntu-restricted-extras22:00
GeekZoidi'll try kubuntu now22:00
James147GeekZoid: not sure if it makes much difference (dont know why they have different versions)22:01
shadeslayerGeekZoid: yeah the kubuntu ones contain the mp3 codec for xine22:01
shadeslayerJames147: ^^22:01
James147shadeslayer:  :)22:01
GeekZoidthere we go22:01
GeekZoidits working great now22:02
ravhello. are there problems with knetworkmanager in lucid?22:04
James147rav: not having any 'major' issues here22:04
ravjames147: I have trouble connecting, the "connected" icon never shows up, and now the right-click menu won't go away22:06
James147rav: But I can't say you wont have any :)22:06
James147rav: on lucid?22:06
ravJames147: yes22:06
ravJames147: I do get connected, but after many tries22:07
James147rav: hmm, did you upgrade or do a fresh install?22:08
ravJames147: a fresh install22:08
ravJames147: i'll see if the router at work gives me trouble tomorrow. if it does, i'll install wicd22:09
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, eth0 or wlan0 ?22:17
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: wlan022:17
sheytanmy Xorg process takes about 20% of my cpu22:20
sheytanand on my 4gb of ram machine, with 4 cores cpu and gf 8800gts it's kinda slow22:21
James147sheytan: mostlikly is its another application that is causing that22:21
shadeslayersheytan: hey :D22:21
sheytanJames147 like what?22:21
shadeslayersheytan: thanks for the wallpaper ;)22:21
sheytanshadeslayer which one? :D22:22
sheytanand you're welcome ;)22:22
shadeslayersheytan: the blue kubuntu one :P22:22
James147sheytan: not sure alot of applications offlode proccing to xorg22:22
James147offload processing ^^22:22
sheytanshadeslayer oh ;)22:22
sheytanJames147, with all closed windows22:23
sheytanit takes about 1522:23
shadeslayersheytan: orange doesnt go along too well with ' kubuntu ' :P22:23
James147sheytan: only thing I can suggest is closing some other applications :S firefox tends to be a major culprit and as for the slowness, make sure you turn off strigi indexing :)22:23
sheytanJames147 strigi off, using chrome (closed anyway)22:23
sheytanshadeslayer why not? :P22:24
sheytanI think too much blue is bad idea :D22:24
sheytansometimes - ok, but not everywhere22:24
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, does knetworkmanager launch from the run command ?22:24
sheytanJames147 without plasma-desktop i takes about 1%  :D22:26
sheytanso we've got the evil :D22:26
James147sheytan: :S22:26
shadeslayersheytan: clashes everywhere with my desktop :P22:26
sheytananyway i need my desktop back :D22:26
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: it starts from boot, right after I open my kwallet it tries to connect. but it just stays in "Getting network address" and then the icon turns to the unplugged cable22:26
James147sheytan: disabling desktop effects might help22:26
sheytanJames147 no way :D22:26
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: it try to reconnect from the right-click menu, and after several tries, eventually it connects22:26
James147sheytan: ^^ disabling "unneeded" desktop effect might help :)22:27
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, can you open the icon by right click to manage connections?22:27
James147sheytan: (test by disabling all first to see if it actually will help)22:27
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: i can. but today, that menu is stuck there. it won't go away, and there's a taskbar item for it too22:28
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, which chipset is your wifi/22:28
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: Atheros AR500122:29
sheytanJames147 well, i disabled few that i don't need. And btw had enabled two of alt+tab switchers which was unneeded and it looks like it helped ;D22:30
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shadeslayersheytan: just unload some effects and you should be good to go22:30
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, you should have the option to configure the wifi settings , like your encryption wep/wpa etc and password22:30
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: i have that22:31
sheytanshadeslayer did it, and it's way better ;D22:31
shadeslayersheytan: awesome22:31
sheytanyeah :D22:31
James147sheytan: strigi and desktop effects seem to slow things down alot more then tey should atm :S (read too many desktop effects)22:32
BluesKaj-Laptoprav, i used wicd til i installed lucid , my atheros AR928X finally works with knetworkmanager ...previously on karmic and jaunty it didn't.22:33
sheytanJames147 yes, but strigi is not so bad at all. At least for me when it's indexing files, i don't see big difference in system performance. Anyway that with desktop effects helped ;)22:33
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: it works, but it doesn't connect automatically and it seems the widget/plasmoid thingy is not working right22:34
James147sheytan: on my netbook its fine 'most' of the time, but when I start some applications it seems to cause them to crash :S noticed it with quasel and chromium that work fine when its disabled22:34
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: the right-click menu is stuck and the icon is also stuck in "connecting" even though it's connected22:34
BluesKaj-Laptopok rav , understood ... knetworkmanager is still flaky for some setups22:35
sheytanJames147 you mean strigi or the desktop effects?22:35
James147sheytan: also vitrual box and a few others... strigi22:35
James147sheytan: never had a problem with desktop effects22:35
ravBluesKaj-Laptop: my home router is new, i'll see if the work router is also like this tomorrow22:35
James147sheytan: usually casues my system to randomly crall to a stop untill i either kill stigi or one other application22:36
sheytanJames147 looks like i'm the first one, or it was caused by enabled two effects for the same thing22:36
sheytanapachelogger hi tehre :D22:36
James147sheytan: have noticed higher resource usage with more effects enabled, but never really noticed it that much22:36
sheytanJames147 i did ;)22:37
apacheloggersheytan: hoy22:37
shadeslayersheytan: btw did you see the notice about kde looking for new wallpapers?22:37
James147sheytan: have also noticed that letting krunner use nepomuk causes it to randomly lock up for serival seconds22:37
sheytanapachelogger could  you tell me please where to get that fluffy distro, or plasma theme? :D22:38
apacheloggertheme http://gitorious.org/fluffy/unicorn22:38
sheytanshadeslayer yes, but they preffer photographs ;)22:38
apacheloggerdistro is not yet published22:38
sheytanJames147 might be ;)22:38
shadeslayersheytan: aw :)22:38
sheytanapachelogger thank you :D22:38
sheytanshadeslayer if i had a good digital camera :(22:39
apacheloggersheytan: dont forget to like it on facebook ^^22:39
sheytanonly've got the phone with 3,2 mpx, but that's not enough22:39
sheytanapachelogger will remember when i join facebook ;)22:39
GeekZoidhow do you change the display settings so they get saved22:49
GeekZoideverytime i reboot they get resetted22:49
GeekZoidwhen i use the display manager in kde22:49
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BluesKaj-LaptopGeekZoid, make sure click apply after making changes22:52
GeekZoidi do22:52
GeekZoidevery time i reboot...it goes back to being twin vie wmonitor22:52
GeekZoidI have 2 monitors i have to always reset it back to not clone22:52
GeekZoidmaybe i pressed ok ill try apply22:53
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:56
cannonfoddercan somone invite me into the #java channel22:57
eddy_how can i change  etc/modules ?23:03
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
FireCrotchGeekZoid: I have the same problem, on a laptop connected to an external monitor23:15
Mausschubserhello, anyone using wine under 10.04?23:32
Sparkrinyes i´m23:34
Mausschubserah hello23:34
Mausschubserwithout setting it up?23:34
Sparkrini installed wine 1.2 rc223:35
MausschubserSparkrin: through the repository?23:36
Sparkrinadd http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu to the sources list23:37
MausschubserI already did, thanks23:37
Mausschubserso I already had the latest version, now I have 1.0123:37
Mausschubserbut there is no difference, meanwhile I managed to install the programme but I can't start it!23:37
Mausschubsercause I can't find it in the system or KDE menu23:38
Sparkrinyou can install wine 1.2 that wine23:38
Sparkrintry running winecfg23:38
Mausschubserin the command line?23:43
Mausschubserah, first I need 1.2, ok....23:43
Sparkrinno you can use the command without 1.223:45
Sparkrinyes command line or alt+F223:46
Mausschubsersparkrin still there?23:53
casperiino hay nadie????23:59

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