
MTecknologythumper: you seem to be thumping a few joins00:58
lfaraone+junk branches cannot merge into other branches, can they?04:11
lfaraoneRather, can I request a merge?04:11
wgrantlfaraone: No, you can't.04:13
wgrantIf code is in a state that such a thing is wanted, it's probably actually a project.04:13
lfaraonewgrant: mk. I'm eyeing lp:~ubuntu-dev/+junk/ack-sync , which I wrote some patches for. Would it be a faux pas to create a project for it and reassign it?04:14
lfaraone*reassign the branch04:14
wgrantlfaraone: Doesn't that belong in u-d-t?04:15
lfaraonewgrant: probably, but I'm not sure how we'd propose to merge it. I think it's probably on the same footing a syncpackage, not officially endorsed. Anyway, I'm not the author of the code, so I'm not sure if I'm the right person to request a merge. (although I technically could merge it without discussion)04:16
micahgis there a reason why dget doesn't work on PPA .dscs?06:58
wgrantmicahg: It should work. What goes wrong?07:01
micahgwgrant: I get 404s on the orig.tar.gz07:02
micahgwgrant: dget: curl miro_1.1.2.orig.tar.gz https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ffox35/+files/miro_1.1.2.orig.tar.gz failed07:04
wgrantmicahg: Ah. If you use the archive URL it will work fine.07:05
wgrantBut the LP webapp one won't work for some files at the moment (it's a bug).07:05
wgrantBut it should work for most stuff.07:05
micahgk, the bug's been filed I assume?07:05
* micahg actually has them all locally (I think)07:06
wgrantIt's known, but not easy.07:06
micahgwgrant: k07:14
Splexany way to suppress the warning message when anonymously getting source from a LP repo?08:54
defconwhen will the karma be updated? i answered a lot of question and the karma is dropped :/09:34
BlackZdefcon: some hours later09:35
defconwell, the answers are 15h old...09:35
BlackZdefcon: with 24 h then :)09:36
BlackZa curiosity: why is the karma so important, defcon?09:36
defconit's not important, i'm just wondering why it is dropped09:37
BlackZdefcon: as I said the karma will be updated within 24 h09:37
BlackZso wait 24 h, what's your launchpad ID?09:37
defconfrom this time the answers are written?09:38
BlackZdefcon: if you tell me your launchpad ID I could see09:39
defconthanks for help in the query BlackZ09:45
pmjdebruijnthere is a package missing from my PPA page14:38
pmjdebruijngnome-color-manager should be there as well14:38
tsimpsonpmjdebruijn: it was deleted: https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=lucid14:40
pmjdebruijntsimpson: huh?14:40
pmjdebruijnI might have deleted a failed build14:41
pmjdebruijndoes that delete the proper build as well :(14:41
tsimpson Deleted  on 2010-05-09  by Pascal de Bruijn14:41
tsimpsonBuild-Depends on packages not in Lucid.14:41
pmjdebruijnI ment to delete the failed build14:41
pmjdebruijnnot the good one14:41
tsimpsonyou don't need to delete failed builds, nothing is published14:42
tsimpsonjust upload a new version14:42
pmjdebruijntsimpson: there was never going to be a newer version14:42
pmjdebruijntsimpson: the upstream has dependancies that can't be met14:43
tsimpsonpmjdebruijn: I'm saying, if it failed to build, no new packages would be published and the previous version would still be available14:43
pmjdebruijntsimpson: but then I'm stuck with the build failed messages on my PPA14:43
tsimpsonwhen you choose to delete it, you're asking for the package(s) to be removed from the PPA, not just that version14:44
tsimpson*that package in that series14:44
tsimpsonpmjdebruijn: as you can see, even if you delete it you still have the failed to build message14:45
tsimpsonit's not something which impacts your PPA, so there is really no reason (other than ascetic or pride) to remove it14:45
pmjdebruijntsimpson: I noticed :)14:45
pmjdebruijntsimpson: btw can I view that log myself?14:46
tsimpsonwhich log?14:46
tsimpsonyeah, it's available to everyone, just click on the deleted source and it'll show it14:47
pmjdebruijnstatus = any14:48
pmjdebruijnright, thanks14:48
tsimpsonthe default view is to only show published packages in a PPA, as that's what most people would be interested in14:49
pmjdebruijnand I can't resubmit my package14:51
pmjdebruijnI disabled my old GPG key, so I had to resign14:51
pmjdebruijnI guess I can up the version14:51
pmjdebruijnIt's a bit of a shame that policy sometimes requires senseless versioning14:52
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xapantuhi all !17:02
xapantuI can't import any svn revision with pear.17:03
xapantubut it works with russkaya17:04
detlymy package for intrepid keeps getting rejected with "Cannot build any of the architectures requested: all" - what does this actually mean?17:38
geserdetly: as intrepid is EOL, PPA doesn't support intrepid either anymore17:39
tsimpsonIntrepid is no longer supported, it reached end of life in April17:40
detlybut... the hardy package seems to have built just fine17:40
detlyor is that an lts release?17:40
tsimpsondetly: yes, Hardy is LTS17:43
detlyright, thanks for explaining :) one less distro to worry about, too17:44
stefano_how do i add a new language from an existing template in rosetta? do i need to upload it again, or create a .po file and commit?18:48
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Kangarooohello i cant post crash. i got error something http 50020:58
Kangaroooif ill send crash to another computer and try from that send then it will send with crashed computers logs yes?21:00
bjsniderrejected: Cannot build any of the architectures requested: any22:07
geserbjsnider: intrepid?22:08
bjsniderit just rejects any?22:09
geserintrepid is EOL and PPA doesn't support it anymore22:09
bjsnideri dig it22:09
bjsnideri don't have to send anything in for it anymore then22:09
Kangaroooanybody can answer my question?22:12
Kangaroooill be back in 3 min22:13
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